#but hes my favorite bipolar boy and gosh darn it if i wont make that clear
kyistell · 5 months
I have Jersey headcanons and gosh darn it, it's a tad long, so I'm only doing like one page at a time, I'll post the other ones later probably...if I remember. ANYWAY HERE!!
New Jersey
Constantly moving, either tapping his foot or moving his legs, always dancing too, if there’s music he’s moving
He also tends to sing whatever song is on his mind, whether it’s English or not
He knows all of the states comfort foods
Controls the entire StateHouse garden, and is the reason there is a flower garden, if you want a flower in that garden you talk to him to figure out where said flower needs to go and what conditions it needs
He and New Mexico managed to convince Gov to let them have a pool at the StateHouse
When he was learning the south’s comfort foods, he managed to convince Texas to teach him how to make a brisket, yes it’s not really any of the south’s comfort food but it’s a southern thing so of course he needed to learn
When angry he’ll switch into different accents, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and surprisingly to some, southern
South Jersey is pretty southern, one of his comfort foods is grits
When he hosts NE dinner at his home, he makes sure to add in dishes that are shared favorites
Any and all produce that can be grown in NJ climate, is grown in his back garden with all the accommodation they need
Mafia boss, he doesn’t partake anymore and technically the guy he was is dead but still, the power remains
Used to be a show boy, occasionally still is with Nevada
Just mildly obsessed with roller coasters
During the summer, if he’s not at the shore then he’s most likely at Great Adventure
While it’s not his favorite game, he LOVES to play Just Dance
His room is actually in the south hall instead of the north, he’s between Texas and Oklahoma, he switched with New Mexico because he would have had to be between Penn and Mass and he would rather die than be between that warzone
Has lots of animals on his farm but his favorite are his horses, a few of which he was given by Kentucky
Taught Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio how to play poker and blackjack, the only thing is, is that Jersey taught them how to cheat without them knowing
Jersey never actually cheats in card and money games, he just knows how to play
Stopped talking to Nevada in the 80s because of Atlantic City, Nevada understood it was because they were rivals and also the mafia but it doesn’t stop Jersey from feeling bad about it
Despite what everyone tends to think, Jersey likes to keep to himself and is relativity quiet for the most part, it just so happens that he is normally around people that he either likes (NY, NM, NH, Cali, Rhode, Del) or has strong feelings about (Mass, Penn, NY, Connecticut, Virginia), which makes him loud
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