#is it clear that jersey may be my favorite
kyistell · 5 months
I have Jersey headcanons and gosh darn it, it's a tad long, so I'm only doing like one page at a time, I'll post the other ones later probably...if I remember. ANYWAY HERE!!
New Jersey
Constantly moving, either tapping his foot or moving his legs, always dancing too, if there’s music he’s moving
He also tends to sing whatever song is on his mind, whether it’s English or not
He knows all of the states comfort foods
Controls the entire StateHouse garden, and is the reason there is a flower garden, if you want a flower in that garden you talk to him to figure out where said flower needs to go and what conditions it needs
He and New Mexico managed to convince Gov to let them have a pool at the StateHouse
When he was learning the south’s comfort foods, he managed to convince Texas to teach him how to make a brisket, yes it’s not really any of the south’s comfort food but it’s a southern thing so of course he needed to learn
When angry he’ll switch into different accents, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and surprisingly to some, southern
South Jersey is pretty southern, one of his comfort foods is grits
When he hosts NE dinner at his home, he makes sure to add in dishes that are shared favorites
Any and all produce that can be grown in NJ climate, is grown in his back garden with all the accommodation they need
Mafia boss, he doesn’t partake anymore and technically the guy he was is dead but still, the power remains
Used to be a show boy, occasionally still is with Nevada
Just mildly obsessed with roller coasters
During the summer, if he’s not at the shore then he’s most likely at Great Adventure
While it’s not his favorite game, he LOVES to play Just Dance
His room is actually in the south hall instead of the north, he’s between Texas and Oklahoma, he switched with New Mexico because he would have had to be between Penn and Mass and he would rather die than be between that warzone
Has lots of animals on his farm but his favorite are his horses, a few of which he was given by Kentucky
Taught Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio how to play poker and blackjack, the only thing is, is that Jersey taught them how to cheat without them knowing
Jersey never actually cheats in card and money games, he just knows how to play
Stopped talking to Nevada in the 80s because of Atlantic City, Nevada understood it was because they were rivals and also the mafia but it doesn’t stop Jersey from feeling bad about it
Despite what everyone tends to think, Jersey likes to keep to himself and is relativity quiet for the most part, it just so happens that he is normally around people that he either likes (NY, NM, NH, Cali, Rhode, Del) or has strong feelings about (Mass, Penn, NY, Connecticut, Virginia), which makes him loud
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
In light of recent news over the passing of voice actress Arleen Sorkin, I wish to reflect on the impact of Harley Quinn on my life.
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When I was a kid I grew with Harley. From getting fired from a tv show for giving questionable advice, as her backstory in the 2004 cartoon The Batman, to falling in mad love with her own patient as is the origin story in the 92 animated and subsequent media, Harley has such a big role in Batman lore I don't remember a single time where she wasn't involved. Sometimes I wonder what batman mythos was like before her inclusion.
The first thing that drew me to Harley was her design. Red and black the colors of danger which she was. But there was an added playfulness, that she genuinely enjoyed being herself. She was also VERY hilarious and at times out of pocket. Child Me was amazed. Did I want to be her? Not necessarily. But she did look like someone I'd hang out with.
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The meta origin of Harley is just as fascinating. The creators of BTAS saw a performance of Arleen in a clown costume. From there inspiration leapt off the pages onto the big screen. Unlike most of the cast Harley didn't originate from the comics. She was created exclusively for the show, an OC if you will. OCs tend to have a mixed reputation. But Harley's concept and execution was so perfect, she almost feels like she could've been a real character in the comics.
And real she became!
Introduced as a psychiatrist, after receiving Joker as a patient, Dr. Harleen Quinzel begins to fall in love with him; and down a path to iconoclastic doom. Her love for Joker is obsessive, hilarious shallow, horrible but also downright entertaining to watch. I enjoyed every moment she was on screen: I still quote "rev up your Harley" to this day! I see her despair, her goofy outlook and morbid ruthlessness. I wanted her to get comeuppance but at the same time I can't help but feel sorry for her.
Joker abuses her, ignores her, and only complements her when she does something good for him. While the makes how awful their relationship clear, there are a good amount of fans who sees the pair as a glamorous whirlwind romance a la Sonny and Brenda or Jane and Mr Rochester. While such fantasies may seem morbid I don't blame them. No matter how horrible Harley is there is a tiny unavoidable spot that aches for her to win. Or at least see Joker for the monster he really is. While Harley is often held accountable for her actions her arc shows that no one deserves to be abused.
Arleen's performance played a major role in brining Harley to life. She nailed her weaknesses and strengths with such a sincere note that elicits pity, humor and shock at the same time. And of course that ear candy of the New Jersey accent that set the standard for future VAs. Whenever I look at a picture of Harley I hear Arleen. Not to say the other VAs aren't bad, but Arleen's performance is that iconic I can't help but think of her!
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Over the years Harley grew apart from Clown Prince of Crime. She got her own spinoff comics, made appearances in other DC media. She even gotten her own tv show which sees the DC universe through her eyes. Harley has marginally healthier romances, primarily Poison Ivy (this isn't to say that pairing doesn't have it's share of toxic moments). The Harlivy ship is a fan favorite but even without shipping and the wars, Harley still shines bright as the Bat Signal.
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In a way Harley's descent and eventual rise back to normalcy reminds me of my own struggles. I wasn't a happy child growing up, I've made a lot of mistakes and bad choices. To see a person like Harley work to take back control of her life, makes me feel a bit better for my own prospects. Of course I wouldn't torture a kid to near insanity or blow up a whole city but I can at least put my energy towards something constructive. Harley shows people like me thay we can be more than just screwups if we try.
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Of course I can't forget Harley's design. The red&black suit is an icon by itself and inspires similar designs in and outside comics. I could talk all day about how cool her design is from a show and historical perspective but that would take me all day. While I prefer her classic palette, her recent blue and pinks aren't bad either and show just how far she's come out of Joker's shadow. It's even to the point where when, I see something black and red and white I have to point it out and say "Harley would love that outfit!"
Nowadays I complain about the oversaturation of Harley quinn (seriously what was DC thinking taking a team started by a disabled character to reclaim her agency) and overshadowing other cool DC villains. But I would be lying of I say she didn't leave an impact. And it's all thanks to Arleen Sorkin for breathing life into a character that proves you don't need to be be from "the comics" to be considered cool.
Thank you Arleen! May her memory be a blessing - Grits.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Green- Eyed Rooster
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Paring: Rooster x Y/N "Cherry" Bradshaw
Warnings: Language, drinking, dick jokes, mentions of adult items. Smut, jealousy kink, semi-public sex, brat kink, brat tamer, authority kink, orgasm denial, porn with plot. Minors DNI, 18+n, seriously SMUT
Author's Note: Yall I have to say this might be the best fic I have ever posted on Tumblr, and if if doesn't blow up and blow your minds I swear I might just stop writing. God I love it so much and I hope everyone else does as well!
"How did I end up in this situation?" You thought. Tonight was supposed to fun, a celebration. You and your friends were supposed to be out celebrating Phoenix who in a few days would become Mrs. Hangman as you all liked to joke. Most people would think a joint Bachelor/ Bachelorette party at your favorite bar was a crazy idea, but to the Dagger fam, it was the only way.
So, why weren't you inside doing shots with the rest of your friends? Why instead of singing karaoke where you gasping for breath with your skirt bunched up around your hips? Why were you being pressed against the outside rear wall of the Hard Deck instead of leaned up against a pool table? Why instead of a beer bottle pressed to your lips, you found yourself with your tongue in your husband's mouth?
The answer? Something you liked to call "Green-Eyed Rooster"
Let's stop and take a moment to recall the events that lead you to this exact position. Events that started ages before even you and Rooster were married, back in the days when your relationship was just beginning, yes, let's start there.
Six years ago, you became an elite Top Gun Graduate, and not just any Graduate, the top of your class. Lt. Y/N "Cherry" Anderson the plaque read as it was handed to you, your face beaming with pride. Just to your right was your wingman, and second in class Lt. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw.
You smiled at him as he caught your eye while people were congratulating you on your top finish. After the ceremony you saw him weave through the crowd and stop to talk to another Navy man, your eyes widen when you saw it was the legendary Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
You had hoped to speak to Rooster after, you see during the 13 week program you may or may not have developed some feelings for the mustached man, and now that it was finally over you wanted to ask him on a date, however, you also didn't want to be rude and disturb his conversation with the man you would later find our was his Godfather.
You turned on your heels only to be met with a wall of man. "Cherry, baby, congratulations." Lt. Kyle "Flash" Malcolm said in his thick New Jersey accent.
"Thanks Flash." You replied quickly trying to get away from him. You didn't like the way he was looking at you. Flash was one of those guys, who despite the very strict no fraternization rule in place at Top Gun, would not stop hitting on you. And every time he did you reminded him of it.
"Listen Cher, now that we have graduated the rule doesn't apply to us anymore, so what'd'ya say youse and me get outta here huh? Let me take you on that date now?" He asked with a wink.
You internally rolled your eyes. You knew you couldn't give him the same excuse that had worked the past three months and he knew that too. Little did both of you know that a certain sandy haired man had been watching, waiting for the right moment to ask his wingman out, and he was not happy that jerk from Jersey was trying to weasel his way in.
Rooster quickly excused himself from Maverick and cleared the distance between the two of you in three strides. You gasped when you felt his arm slide comfortably around your waste. You looked up at him with a questioning glance. He looked back down and shot you a wink.
"Sorry Flash, Cherry and I have plans this evening. Now that we have graduated, wanted to take my wingman out for some drinks and a proper date. Spent three months waiting to ask her, because rules, and I don't plan on waiting any longer." Rooster stated before whisking you away to join him and Maverick.
"Thank you for that Roos, you would think after me telling him no several times he would take the hint. Once he is gone, I will leave you and Captain Mitchell to your plans." You replied
"Cherry, I believe I said I was going to take you on a proper date, and I plan to do just that. I meant it, I've been waiting patiently and I am done. I wasn't just trying to help you get out of an awkward situation, I want everyone in this whole damn class to know you're mine." He whispered in your ear before Maverick found you two.
You silently gulped. Little did you know, this would be the first time you got a taste of Roosters jealous streak, and when that man saw green, especially when it came to his girl, heaven help the person who tried to stand in his way.
The second time you saw the green eyed monster appear on Roosters shoulders was about six months into your relationship. You two had some how both been stationed on the East Coast, your first placement after graduation. You both had the afternoon off and decided to head to a local bar with some of the fellow pilots that had been stationed there.
You were thankful that you had made friends with another woman aviator Natasha "Phoenix" Trace. She had gone through Top Gun the year before you and she was amazed that you had graduated top of your class. She talked about how some asshole who was a Ken Doll come to life named Hangman, who she joked should be called Bagman, was the top of hers.
You, Phoenix, and Rooster were enjoying the night with some other pilots and having a good time. You had decided to grab another round. While waiting at the bar some drunk tried hitting on you. You knew how to handle drunk men, and Rooster also knew you could hold your ground. He was never one to try and fight your battles, but he always watched just incase someone tried something stupid, which is exactly what that man did.
After several attempts to get you to join him, and many a firm "No" on your part, the drunk patron grabbed your bicep and tried to physically pull you away from the bar.
You didn't have to look behind you to know that Rooster was about to hand this man his ass on a silver platter. Instead of fighting him you simply looked at him and said "Oh buddy, you just made a big mistake, a really big mistake, huge!" You laughed.
"What the fuck do you just say to me?" The man slurred before a strong set of hands spun the man around and lifted him by his collar. Startled, he let got of your arm.
"I believe my girl said you made a big mistake by putting your hands on her. So you have two choices here buddy" Rooster sneered at the man. "You either apologize to her, close your tab and leave of your own free will, or I break your nose and toss you out of here. Your choice."
The man looked between you and Rooster. "M...my... my apologies ma'am." He stammered out before throwing some money on the bar and quiet literally running away.
"Roos, you didn't have to do that." You told him as he gave you the once over.
"Whose name is around your neck baby?" He asked gesturing to the rose gold necklace he had given you for your six month anniversary.
"Yours." You sighed. "Exactly Cherry. My name. You are mine, and I always protect what's mine. Let's get out of here." He stated firmly before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the bar.
That night he reminded you seven times that you did infact belong to him, and honestly there's no other way you would have it.
As your relationship progressed, Rooster's jealous side seemed to die down until one of his buddies *cough cough* Hangman decided to rile him up about you during training for a top secret Uranium Plant mission you had both been recalled to fly. During a class Hangman made the comment asking if Rooster "had popped his Cherry" while winking at you or if he needed to show him how it was done. If it hadn't have been for you, Bob, Phoenix, and Maverick holding him back, Hangman would have been a dead man.
But now, thankfully Hangman and Rooster were on much better terms. After the mission you and Roostet tied the knot with the Daggers and a few others present and the cherry popping jokes were much more light hearted. A few months after the two of you got married Jake and Tasha decided that maybe all the hate they had for each other was something more, turns out it was. And now a year later, the two were about to get married themselves, which brings us to present day, about three hours before you found yourself being felt up behind the Hard Deck.
"Another round of shots ladies!" You cheer placing the tray of glasses down on the table. You, Phoenix and her other bridesmaids all grab a glass. "To the bride, who has to be one bad bitch for deciding that she is going to put up with Hangman for the rest of her life!" You toast. "And to Cherry! The best fucking friend and Marton of Honor a girl could ask for!" Tasha adds before you all click glasses and down the round.
"I really can't believe you're getting married next weekend!" You squeeze Phoenix's hand before pouring more champagne for her and the girls. You look across the bar to find Jake and the other Dagger boys drinking and playing pool. Rooster looks up ands shoots you a wink, you wave back before resuming your groups festivities.
"Oh Halo, before I forget, pass me that bag!" You squeal as she passes it to you. The other girls giggle knowing what it is.
"Cherry Bradshaw I swear if this is a dildo I will cut your fuel lines." Phoenix states before opening the bag.
"It's not I promise" you grin as she opens it.
Phoenix reaches in the bag and pulls out a navy blue shirt that reads "Mrs. Hangman" on the front. "Haha very funny guys." Tasha says. "Look at the back Tash." You state taking another sip of bubbly.
She shoots you a warning glance before turning the shirt around. "CHERRY!" She screeches when she reads the back which says "Same PhoeDICK forever"
"You had it coming girl! Remember all those 'cherry popping jokes' you and Bagman made not too long ago, or the sash you made me wear about 'Marrying a Rooster, same COCK til I die'? Hmm ma'am?" You and the other girls laugh. "Shouldn't have dished it out if you couldn't take it." You joke leaning back into the booth.
"Okay fine, I guess I deserved that one." Phoenix replies stuffing the shirt back into the bag.
"Hangman's is worse." You quip just as the cheers erupted from the other side of the bar and Rooster gives you a thumbs up.
"Great." Phoenix rolls her eyes as she notices her fiancée turn a deep red shade.
"Uh oh," Phoenix's cousin Melissa states holding up the empty champagne bottle. "All out of bubbly" She giggles. All of you were definitely tipsy. Several rounds of shots had been sent your way by some desperate men hoping to land a single bridesmaid and the seven of you had gone through three bottles of bubbly. Thankfully no one had to worry about a ride home because Bob, who never drank, and Maverick who was like a father figure to you all may have borrow (read stolen) a couple of Navy vans to transport you at the end of the night safely.
"This looks like a Matron of Honor job!" You declared taking the empty bottle from Melissa and heading up to the bar to ask Penny for a new one.
While the two Dagger parties were going on, Penny still had customers to take care of so you waited. While standing there and younger man in service khakis walked up to you.
"Oh great you" thought. Maybe he would just be nice and make small talk you hoped. You shot a glance over to the pool tables, thankfully your husband was locked in a game and not looking your way. You definitely didn't want "Green Eye Rooster" to make an appearance tonight.
"Hey there honey." The Navy man asked you.
"Hi." You responded quickly, not wanting to give him any footing to continue this conversation.
"Noticed you and your friends over there celebrating your girl who is getting married... how about you let me buy yalls next round?" He said stepping closer to you.
"Oh you don't have to do that." You respond waving him off. "Well, how bought I just buy your next one?" He asks getting much closer to you than you are comfortable. Ugh... why did he have to do this. Poor kid was just asking for Rooster to whip his ass.
"No thanks. I am married, happily married." You state showing him your wedding rings, praying he will leave you alone.
"Set of rings never stopped me before. Plus honey I could make it worth your while. See here, I'm a Naval aviator. In the Top Gun program here, makes me the best of the best. I could take you for a ride if you want?" The pilot asked, his voice dripping in sex.
"Wow, Top Gun, you must think you are really special then huh?" You begin sarcasticly. "Well Lieutenant, I will have you know I graduated top of my clas at Top Gun, beat my husband actually, so you being in the program doesn't impress me." You tell him heat rising in your body.
"Well guess we could always try to see who the better pilot is." He winked. Jesus what is with this guy?
"Look, I'm going to tell you this one more time... I am not interested. I know there are plenty of young civilian girls who are just dying for you to waltz them into a stupor with your Navy charm, cocky grin and big ego that is just enough to scratch the daddy issues that they have. But I, on the other hand am HAPPILY MARRIED, and my husband is not afraid to kick your ass." You finish with a huff.
"Well sweetie all I'm saying is I don't see your 'husband' around here." The man challenges.
"Turn around then." Roosters voice comes from low in his chest as the pilot turns around.
"Now you see him." Rooster almost growls as he stares the man down.
"Captain Bradshaw." You hear the pilot whisper as he is face to face with Rooster. All the bravado and ego is now long gone.
"I'm sorry, I, I had no idea she was your wife..." he stutters. You look at your husband and see the fire in his eyes, jealousy blooms through his body.
"You should be sorry." Rooster states as he clenches his fists. "I should break your face, and kick you out of the program." He tells him. "Rooster." You warn him. "He's not worth it. Not tonight." You tell him.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood here with my friends. But I swear to God Lieutenant, if you ever so much at look at my WIFE again, you'll be sorry. Now leave." Rooster says through gritted teeth.
The pilot quickly gathers his things, pays his tab and leaves.
You grab Roosters hands which are still balled up. "Babe, calm down, this is supposed to be a fun night. Take a breath." You tell him.
You can still see the rage just behind his eyes. He had gotten himself worked up and you know exactly how it ends.
"I'm not leaving." You state before the words can even leave his mouth. "I wasn't planning on leaving either babe." He tells you with an ere of calm in his voice.
He's calm, too calm as a wicked glem flashes across his eyes.
"Oh no mister." You state crossing your arms.
"I'm going to get some air out back. I expect you to join me in five." He whispers in your ear before pushing through the crowd.
"Well fuck" you think. Once again the green eyed monster had possessed your husband, and the only way to get him over it, was to fuck it out of him.
You looked down at your phone. You know he said five minutes, but the wetness between your thighs told you that you couldn't wait that long.
You quickly checked to make sure no one was looking and had one of the waitresses working that night take the bottle over to your table. All the ladies were drunk enough, you hoped they wouldn't think much of your absence.
You quietly slipped outside once you had determined no one was paying attention. Outside in the dimly lit alley, you called out for your husband.
"Rooster? Babe where are you." He didn't answer, he didn't have to. You felt his presence behind you moments later. The warmth radiating off his body, the spicy-sweet smell of his colonge flooding your nose, the scrape of his mustache against your ear as he growled "I thought I told you to wait five minutes before coming out here. It's only be three."
"My apologies.... Captain. I didn't want yo keep you waiting." Ugh... there you had gone and used his rank. You knew exactly how much that drove him crazy, how much it pushed his buttons, how much it turned him on.
You weren't necessarily trying to be a brat, but when Bradley was wound tight like this, you couldn't help it. And your bratty attitude is exactly how you found yourself in your current situation.
"Someone's being a brat tonight." He grumbled giving your ass a harsh spank which caused you to yelp.
You turned around to face him. "If anyone is being a brat tonight, it's you Bradley. Got yourself all worked up, can't even wait until we get home to have me." You state as you brush your hand over the growing bulge in his jeans.
Oh, you were so fucked now. Not only had you called him out, you had used his government name. You knew that was going to cause some wires to short circuit in his brain, but you loved it. You loved this little game you two played. Maybe you were a brat... good thing Rooster was an expert tamer.
Before you could blink he curled his fingers under the necklace that bared his name around your throat and pulled you into him. He roughly pressed his mouth against yours, forcing his tongue in, not waiting for permission.
His larger framed pinned you against the outside wall. He pulled away for a moment. In the light you could just make out how pupils were blown with lust and the slight flush across him.
"Oh honey." He spoke almost sweetly. "I think someone forgot who they belong to and needs a reminder. I think maybe this while damn bar might need one." He stated still holding you in place by your jewelry.
You flashed him a wicked smile before saying "Well go on then, remind me."
You saw the corners of your husband's mouth twitch up into a smile before he sealed his lips over yours once again. He hoisted you up by your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist. God you loved it when he man handled you.
He pressed you further into the wall and you felt his rock hard length against your aching core.
"Someone's eager." You whispered in his ear as he pulled his mouth away from yours and assaulted your neck with kisses. You felt his lips attach to the sensitive spot right behind your ear as he sucked a mark into.
"Roos," you let out a breathy complaint. "If I go back in there all marked up, everyone will know what we did while we were gone."
His lips left your skin and ghosted next to your ear "Exactly" he moaned out before kissing you again. One of his large hands left its place on your waist and slipped under your skirt. You felt the breath leave your lungs when he trailed his fingers over soaked material of your panties.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who is eager." He laughed.
"What can I say? Jealous Rooster is hot as fuck. It does things to me." You reply.
"Then why don't you show me exactly how hot you think it is then princess?" He stated setting you down.
You hold eye contact with him not giving in to what he wants. "And what exactly did you have in mind sir?" You challenged cocking your head to the side. You knew exactly what he wanted, but there was no way you were going to make it easy.
"Get on your knees." He commanded. You slowly sank down, thankful that your skirt was long enough to cover your kneecaps from the concrete.
You looked back up at him with big doe eyes ad he waited for you to take him in your mouth.
"Well... I did what you asked. Now what?" You teased. God you were such a brat right now.
Rooster growled and hooked his finger under your chin pulling you back to your feet as he pinned you yet again. You laughed despite it all.
"You think this is funny? You think being a fucking brat is something to laugh at? Maybe I should just fuck that laugh right out of you. Take you so hard you cry and mess up your pretty make up? It that what you want?" He asks darkly.
You look back at him. You can see on his face that the last ounce of resolve he has is quickly slipping away. One more tiny act of defiance and he would release all that jealous, green eyed monster filled rage out on you and turn it into some of the best sex you had ever had. All you had to do was push.
"If you wanted to fuck the brat out of me you would have done it by now."
You could have sworn you heard something snap inside him. Before you could push any further both of your hands were pinned above your head, trapped in his strong grip. His hands and yanked your panties down your legs and somehow he had managed to get them all the way off of you and he stuff them in his back pocket.
He wasted no time plunging two fingers deep into your core. A moan left your lips as you felt him curl the thick digits inside you and stroke that spongy area that would have tou seeing starts in a matter of minutes.
"Oh fuck." You moan out as he plunged them in and out of your wetness. It should be embarrassing how wet and worked up you already were, but Rooster knew exactly how to get your motor going.
He pushed further into you past his knuckles. You could feel the cool metal of metal of his wedding band against your burning skin.
"Oh, yes, yes baby just like that." You moaned as he scissored your walls. You legs quaked around his hips. If he hadn't had you pinned against the wall you surely would have melted to the ground.
You could feel your desire pooling deep in the pit of your stomach. Your cunt clenched around his fingers trying to pull them deeper into you with each of this thrusts. His thumb found your clit and he began to draw harsh circles on it.
"Fuck yes, yes, yes Rooster, thats it daddy, feels so fucking good" you moaned. He hummed back in response. His body was invading your space as he finger fucked you. All you could do, see, think, smell, feel was him.
"Roos, so close, please, please" you begged as the pleasure builded. Just a few more pumps of his hand, a deeper curl of his fingers, some more harsh strokes of your clit and you would be a cumming shaking mess.
But then, just as you were about to reach the precipice of your pleasure, the mother fucker stopped.
"Ahhh" you cried out at the sudden loss of contact. You quickly tried to grind yourself down on his hand but he pulled it away.
"Ah, ah, ah" He tutted. "Brats don't get to cum on my fingers. But if you can be a good girl, maybe I will let you cum on my cock." He tipped your face up to look at him.
God what a sight you were. Your hair had fallen from its high ponytail and strands of it fluttered around you face. Your favorite red lipstick was smeared across your swollen lips. Your cheeks were flushed with desire and your eyes were glassed over and hazy with pleasure. Seeing you like this did wonders for Rooster's ego because he knew that he was the only person who could wind you up like this.
He let go of your hands and quickly undid his belt and unfastened his jeans. He pushed them and his boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free.
He teased the head of it through your extremely sensitive folds.
"B..bb...Bradley please don't tease me... nn...nn..need you so bad." You stammered out.
He slipped just the head into your aching core. "You going to stop being a brat? Gonna be my good girl?" He asked teasing the head in and out of your weeping hole.
"Yes." You breathed out desperate for his touch and the orgasm you were denied.
"Yes what?" He asks pulling back out.
"Yes Sir Captain Bradshaw. Want to be your good girl." You moan out as you feel more of him push in.
"Fuuuuuuck" you groan out once he is fully seated inside you. No matter how many times Rooster has had sex with you, you still can't get over just how far he stretches you. He fills you to the point where it is almost painful, almost.
He begins a slow rhythm, like he has all the time in the world. Like you two are somewhere private and alone when in reality you are just outside the bar which is filled with people.
"Rooster please faster!" You beg. While his lazy strokes are nice, you need him to fuck you hard and fast. Being so close and having him jerk it away from you has you on edge and you just need to cum. He knows this. He knows exactly what he is doing to you.
"Well since you said please." He states as he picks up his pace. His strokes come fast and deep. The thick head of his dick reaching that special spot deep inside you and grazing it over and over again.
It feels so good, he feels so good. You thank God everyday that this man is your husband.
His grip on your hip tightens as he continues to push into you fast and deep, fast and deep. Your toes curl into your sandals as your thighs tighten around him.
"Oh God, fuck, Rooster right there... feels so good." You moan out as he pulls out and pushes all the way back in.
You can hear the sounds of your wetness as his cock travels through your folds. Its pornographic, sinful, amazing.
"You're so close aren't you baby?" He moans into your ear. "Can feel how tight you are gripping me. You pretty little pussy is so fucking needy for me. Wants me to make it cum so bad doesn't it?" He asks in a condensing tone.
"Yes, I, please, need, ugh, Bradley." You can't form a coherent sentence. All you want is him to get you off , to make you scream, to turn you into a puddling mess... no, you don't want it, you need it.
"Look at you, my little brat, so needy you can't even talk." He groans before absolutely pounding into you.
You can't help but scream. It's all too much and not enough at the same time. His left hand drops to your clit and strokes it.
"Yesyesyesyes" you cry out, too far gone to care if anyone hears you or not. "That's it, honey, come on, cum for me. Who is making you feel this good? Who do you belong to?" He pushes just before you reach your crescendo.
"YOU ROOSTER, I FUCKING BELONG TO YOU" you scream out before euphoria washed over you. You screw your eyes shut as a white light erupts behind them. You throw your head back as tears fall from your eyes and you scream his name until you throat is raw.
He continues to push into you drawing out your high until he falls over the edge, you walls gripping him and milking his cock dry.
As you both come down from the high it takes you both a minute to catch your breath. He presses his forehead to yours as you both pant heavily.
"Fuck Cherry." He curses looking at you. You are both wrecked.
You can't help but laugh.
He slowly pulls out of you. You both wince at the loss of contact. You quickly try to clamp your thighs shut.
"Rooster. I need my panties back." You state not wanting your mixed release to start flowing down your legs.
He pulls them from his pocket and dangles them infront of you.
"Maybe I should keep these. Then everyone in there would for sure know who's girl you are." He winks. You snatch them from his hand and slip them back on and attempt to makes yourself presentable again.
But it's no use, the minute you walk back in there, everyone is going to know what the two of you did, and you bet you ass they are going to know without a doubt you are Roosters girl.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @rosiahills22
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hunterrrs · 1 year
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The moment Evgeni Malkin became a dad, with son Nikita arriving between Games 1 and 2 of the 2016 Stanley Cup Final and weighing in at seven pounds, one ounce, his already-huge heart grew even bigger.
"I remember those first hours after Nikita was born, and it's kind of like someone flipped a switch," said George Birman, a longtime Penguins employee who's a good family friend of the Malkins. "He completely changed and he became such a guardian, a caring person. He's a great dad, he's a crazy dad (laughs), protective dad. He loves Nikita so much, it's unbelievable."
It's been wonderful for Birman - and for all of us! - to watch Geno embrace fatherhood with Nikita, who turned 7 on May 31. With Malkin still a big kid himself in so many ways, it's clear he has a blast being Nikita's dad, posting about some of their adventures to his Instagram account, @emalkin71geno. My personal favorite was the two of them posing in blazers on Nikita's last day of school, captioned, "We are smart and fun."
During hockey season, Nikita loves going to his dad's games, wearing a Penguins jersey and screaming "Let's Go Pens!" with the rest of the crowd. Then, during the summers, Evgeni enjoys taking his little boy to other sporting events, including basketball games, tennis tournaments and, most importantly, soccer matches, as 'fútbol is life' for Nikita.
Last year, Geno gifted Nikita with a Lionel Messi jersey - which he'll surely be wearing even more now that the Argentinian superstar signed with Inter Miami of Major League Soccer, as Evgeni and his wife Anna have a residence in Florida.
"Geno fully supports him, but somewhere pretty deep down it's like damn, Nikita loves soccer more," Birman laughed. "Right now, he's so serious, and he's doing so good, so I don't think it's killing Geno that he plays soccer. He's a great skater. He's unbelievable playing hockey. But at some point, because he was doing hockey in the winter and soccer in the summer, he completely switched to soccer."
Nikita hasn't just inherited Evgeni's athleticism - he inherited his looks. "He looks just like you. It's uncanny, as if you were the same person," Evgeni's parents Vladimir and Natalia wrote in a letter to their son when he reached 1,000 points. "Anna says, there is nothing of mine here!'"
And personality-wise, Birman says that Nikita is competitive like his dad, which comes out whenever father and son play chess.
"When they are playing chess, it gers to the ridiculous point when they both start fighting," Birman laughed. "I'm like, dude, Geno, let him go, or let him win! But no. None of them wants to lose. When they are playing together, it's the funniest thing to watch them. One is like, you're not gonna beat me, you're my kid. And the other one is like, you're not gonna beat me, you're my dad. I'm like, all right, I'm just gonna watch and enjoy."
Well, maybe today, just this once, Nikita will let Geno win. Happy Father's Day to all of our hockey dads!
this was way too cute
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
Times Tae Debunked Tkkrs and Affirmed Jikook
I know a lot of Jikookers aren’t happy with Tae right now. They hold him responsible for stoking the fire that fuels Tkkrs. And Like I’ve previously stated I’m not one to police peoples feelings or opinions. Your anger is your own, same going for your opinions.However, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation I want to remind everyone of all the times Tae has intentionally and unintentionally debunked Tkk and affirmed Jikook…because he has done so more than any other member.
Tae has a personality that you either choose to hate or you choose to love because he’s an enigma. It’s often times difficult to know if he’s as oblivious as he seems, a genius mastermind that plays the airhead card, a free spirit or all of the above…my vote goes to all of the above! 
There are moments where it’s clear Tae is up to no good and is trying to serve JM and JK their just desert for abandoning him by exposing their location. Other times it seems like he has put zero thought into the implications of his words. However, regardless of his motives (or lack thereof) Tae is pretty good at playing games in the category of “softly exposing Jikook.”
So for funsies lets kick this off with one of Tae’s favorite games called…..
“Whose Room is It Anyway?”
When on tour it appears as though Tae never knows where other members rooms are. He’s either always messaging the group chat to find out where everyone is OR he’s just plain ole confused about whose room he’s in. 
Exhibit A. Osaka V live
I don’t think there’s a jikooker alive that hasn’t heard of this Vlive. However, When most here the words “Osaka” and “V-live” what typically comes to mind is JK clearly muttering the name “Jimin” whilst being butt naked in a dark room listening to sexy time music. 
However, what’s often overlooked is the how and the why we know this sensitive information. You see this gem of a jikook moment came to us for one reason and one reason only and that reason is Kim Taehyung and his childlike innocence (then). 
Tae has never been good at operating solo on his Vlives. He tends to run out of things to say and in this live that’s what happened. He ran out of things to talk about so he called on his fans to give him suggestions. They suggested he go to another members room. But Tae being Tae...didn’t know ANY of their room numbers! Don’t believe me...I have the receipts!
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See he didn’t know any of the members room numbers. He texts the group chat to get members room numbers and I guess it was Jin that replied with the members room numbers. Not JK. Jin. Tae decided to go to JK’s room (my guess is because he can pull the hyung card on him and sort of voluntell him to go along) and he messaged JK to let him know he was coming but JK never responded. We know this because when he arrived JK asked him multiple ties what he was doing there. 
Now I won’t analyze this Jikook moment because it’s been analyzed enough. What I want to point out is how in this moment  Tae unintentionally debunked every Taekook claim because HE. DIDN’T. KNOW.JK’s. ROOM. NUMBER!!! 
I don’t know about you but I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t need a third party to tell me where my boyfriends room was!
Now some may cry...this was just one time...he probably just forgot! And I would respond...haven’t you heard the news????? Tae is the grand champion of the game Who’s Room Is It Anyway!
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at a few more examples
Exhibit B. New Jersey Vlive
This moment is another famous Jikook Vlive most known for Jikooks tension. However, when watching this I also noticed that while Tkkers for some reason also like to claim this live as their own, Tae debunks them. I mean he again broadcast his lack of knowledge of where JK’s room is. Take a look for yourself down below .. .
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Tae didn’t know whose room he was in. My guess is he thought it was either JM’s or JK’s room.
Now to be fare... a “valid” question does arise...and that question is if he didn’t know JK’s room number, how did he get there??
And to answer that question I’d say he could have done many things including but not limited to texting the group chat...but in reality its neither here nor there because this one simple fact remains...TAE WASN’T CERTAIN OF THE ROOM HE WAS IN! If he were dating JK he wouldn’t need to ask him...he’d know!
How’s the old saying go???
First time can be a mistake.
Second time is a choice.
Third time.. third time is the vminkook live
Exhibit C. Vminkook Live
Again another famous vlive with popular Jikook moments...the most popular moment being Jimin’s TMI where he exposed how frequently JK comes to his room. It was a funny moment...a funny moment that yet again Tae used to debunk Taekook by broadcasting how unfamiliar he is with JK’s room situation.
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What boyfriend would so frequently be confused as to where his partner is sleeping? Moreover, why would that same boyfriend confuse his partners room for his best friends?? Hmmm??? Either JK is cheating on Tae with JM and has been for years or JK has never been Tae’s boyfriend!! I’d bet on the latter considering Tae’s jovial expression when admitting to the fact he never knows where JK’s room is!
First time is a mistake
Second time’s a choice
Third time is a habit...a habit that spells out the phrase “GET.OUT.OF.YOUR.IMAGINATION”
Now this next round of Tae Games is pretty spicy. The game is called-->
“Karma’s a B**H ”
When it comes to Jimin, Tae can sometimes act like a jilted bride. He doesn’t like it when Jimin “ditches” him for JK. When this happens Tae sometimes makes a point to call him out …
Exhibit A: The Salty Smirk
I’m not certain if this is Tae punishing JK for keeping his JM from him or punishment for JM for ditching him or BOTH? Either way Tae was not shy about exposing JM’s and JK’s whereabouts (at god awful hours). And he didn’t just expose where they were...he exposed why Jimin wouldn’t join him...
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JM wouldn’t be joining Tae because JK wouldn’t let him. UM? What? Jungkook...the maknae, the member with the least amount of seniority is keeping JM, his hyung from hanging out with him on vlive? I don’t think people understand enough how much Tae exposed them here! And that smirk...he knew what he was doing!
It’s not just oh Jimin can’t come because he’s hanging out with JK...it’s no JM can’t come because JK won’t allow him! Let that sit with you for a second! “JK is stopping Jimin from coming!” Tae is strongly insinuating that Jikook’s power structure is outside the normal hyung dongsaeng dynamic.  Tae straight up destroyed any theory that he’s dating JK by exposing Jikook’s relational dynamics. The boy is chaotic!
Exhibit B & C
Again with exhibit B we have Tae exposing Jimin’s whereabouts and why he’s not with him. It seems like Tae is quite salty about getting left at the alter and JM always running off to be with JK?!/!?! Don’t believe me....look below!
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Still don’t believe me? Here’s one more moment in which Tae is in the mood for chaos. 
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Now, in this moment Tae doesn’t mention why Jimin decides not to join him at the gym but look at his face...look at that smirk!! Doesn’t it remind you of something else??? Maybe it reminds you of Exhibit A. It seems like he is itching to tell us why Jimin didn’t join him but this time chose not to say it aloud but definitely hints at...that smirk can only mean it’s something spicy.
And don’t we later learn that Jikook had many drinks that same night...because they were sending Hobi off??!!?! 
I mean this boy is chaos itself! and We may be like...what the hell happened to this Tae? The Tae that loved debunking his own ship and exposing Jikook!.! 
My response to that is I don’t doubt that Tae still exist seeing that the above photo is recent...he may be  chaotic and irking peoples nerves right now but he really has done a lot to show the world that him and JK are nothing but friends! He has directly debunked tkkers and indirectly debunked them SOOO MANY TIMES! The only way they’d believe him is if photos were leaked of him with someone else....wait! That already happened and they still don’t believe him... I guess now the only thing he can do is come out with it and say he’s dating Jennie...and hell he might! AFTER his album comes out there might be an announcement!? 
I’m actually crossing my fingers that they do make the official announcement after his album drops! But let’s wait and see. In the meantime I am holding my judgement because for years the above Tae is what we got and what we loved! 
There are so many more instances of him debunking his own ship and affirming Jikook but here are just the standouts!
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wandabear · 1 year
Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
This is a fic based on the tv show ’Yellowjackets’. I make it clear that it will not be the same as the show, to make it more interesting. Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
WARNINGS: There may be violence, bullying, smut, mentions about addictions. ㅤㅤ SONGS IN THIS CHAPTER: HOLD ON - WILSON PHILLIPS MOTHER MOTHER - TRACY BONHAM
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER TWO
“Why this rabbit looks just like my old Bunny that was lost when I was sick?  I loved that Bunny! said the surprised boy.”  Wanda read as she tucked the twins into bed.  They loved having a bedtime story, especially since Wanda had the superpower to tell it perfectly.
“What he didn't know was that it was his very own Bunny, come back to see the boy. For he was the reason the Velveteen Rabbit had become real.”
The little ones smiled happily, it was so good to hear that story once more. The 'Velveteen Rabbit' was a favorite.
“I'm so glad the rabbit came back.” Billy said as Wanda leaned down to kiss his forehead, handing the boy his favorite stuffed animal. 
“Yeah. I like rabbits.” Tommy nodded and smiled as Wanda came over to tuck him too.  “Can we have one, mom?”
“Yes! Can we? Please!” Billy begged with his most tender pout, leaving Wanda babbling nervously. This is when she needed Vision to back her up.
“Umh… we can talk about it tomorrow, okay? Now, sleep.” The brunette walked to turn off the light, but not before looking her boys once more.
ㅤㅤ “Good night, mom!” They said at the same time.
“Goodnight, guys. I love you.” Wanda smiled tenderly at them and carefully closed the door. She sighed deeply before going back to the kitchen. She had a lot to do, sleep was not going to be the answer tonight.
Wanda turned on Spotify and tried to relax a bit while she washed the dishes, but the song that was playing stole acutel smile, her huge green eyes filling with tears as Wanda was lost in her memories.
… or are you comfortable with the pain? You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness. You got yourself into your own mess.  Just open your heart and your mind… Is it really fair to feel, this way inside?ㅤㅤ
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye! Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry? Don't you know? Don't you know, things can change… just hold on.
Wanda closed her eyes, getting lost in that song when that blond man came up behind her, hugging her hips.
“Darling… Is it necessary to do that now?” Vision whispered in her ear. “Do you want to…?”
“Umh… Actually I was going to tell you that…” Wanda closed the tap  and turned to face him, somewhat uncomfortable with the closeness. “I wanted to look for some stuff in my old boxes, wash the dishes… I was going to take advantage now that I have insomnia.”
“Oh.” The man backed away, clearly taking offense at the rejection. “Of course yes. YOUR stuff you never talk about.”
Wanda frowned, noticing his attitude. “Yes, my stuff. Things I don't feel comfortable talking about, okay? It's something I need to do.”
Vision chuckled wryly and shook his head. “Whatever… I have to go to the office, there’s an emergency. Good night, Wanda.”
The sokovian didn't say anything, she just dried her hands with the kitchen towel and watched as the man left the house. She didn't seem bothered at all, Wanda had long suspected that Vision was cheating on her, but it didn't seem to bother her either.
Was this the life she had hoped so much for? It's what Wanda always wondered.
Once she was sure that the twins were asleep and she was completely alone, Wanda walked towards the attic. Unlike many other dirty and dusty attics, Wanda kept the place neat and perfectly clean, taking that place as her comfort zone to clear her mind.
Besides to some newly painted paintings, there were some old boxes and furniture. Wanda walked over to a stack of boxes and carefully pushed it aside, revealing a safe.
Wanda typed the code and opened the safe. Inside were quite a few old papers, the deed to the house, some old photographs, and some money. But the most important thing was some old journals that were hidden behind everything.
She picked up the journals carefully, sitting down on the couch to see them better. Just seeing those old pages and that red symbol shook everything inside her. It's been so long since she's seen them, tried but she couldn’t deny the past. The brunette searched among some stuff on the boxes until she found that object. 
Wanda hesitated before taking it, it was a captain's armband. An old piece of cloth with a Yellowjacket wasp symbol and a huge "C" on it.
A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered that moment.
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Three years before the accident…
That pastel pink color predominated in that bedroom, as did some posters of different actors and singers from the 90's and 2000's such as Tom Welling, Chad Michael Murray or Jeremy Sumpter. Next to the window was a nice telescope, as well as an old computer and a small but very comfortable dressing table. The place was perfectly tidy, she didn't like mess very much.
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye!   Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry?
ㅤㅤ Don't you know? Things can change… Things'll go your way if you hold on for one more day .
‘Hold On’ by Wilson Phillips was playing on the boombox radio while she was reading one of her favorite books, ‘The Cheerleader’ by Caroline B. Cooney. It was a fairly simple novel about a girl named Althea, the typical girl who wants to be a cheerleader, desired and everything. She’s nobody, she gets no phone calls, shares no laughter and has no friends. Then one day she meets some vampire. At least this fourteen-year-old girl was trying to hold on to an impossible story. Imagining that maybe one day she will have her own hero.
And at least that made Wanda feel a bit better, after being rejected by the soccer team. Couch Coulson said that she wasn't what they were looking for but that if she liked it, could help them. Being an assistant to Coach meant being part of the team, and it would help so much get into colleges.
Of course Wanda accepted.
The doorbell rang taking her out of the reading, Wanda left the book on the bed and run to open the door but Pietro stepped forward.
“Hello.” Pietro raised a curious eyebrow when he saw that girl there, of all the people in the world she was the one he least expected to see. That girl that everyone adored at school lately. 
“Hey.” The girl smiled a bit shyly. “I umh… I’m Y/N. I came to study with Wanda, she was going to help me with some biology and Math projects.”
“Yeah, I know you.” Pietro teased and stepped aside.  “Come in.”
Wanda went down the stairs meeting that girl's gaze; Y/N could swear that those green eyes took her heart from the first moment she saw Wanda Maximoff. And still didn't know why.
“Y/N, hi.” Wanda settled her glasses. “Come, let's go to my room.”
ㅤㅤ Y/N nodded and said goodbye to Pietro, going up after Wanda.
“Don’t do anything weird over there!” Pietro joked again and then went to the kitchen, ready to make himself the biggest sandwich he's ever seen.
Y/N entered the bedroom and looked around, an exquisite raspberry scent made her sigh. It was a nice bedroom, totally different from hers. She was maybe less... girly. The taller girl left her backpack on the ground and took out everything she would need.
“So, you said you wanted help with maths, right?” Wanda nodded slowly, biting her lower lip.  “Professor Garner is quite... unique and complex.”
“She’s a bitch who hates me.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “But yeah.”
“Just because she's demanding or strict doesn't mean she hates you, Y/N.” Wanda sat across from her.
I know this pain. Why do you lock yourself up in these chains? Don't ever let anyone step all over you. Just open your heart and your mind.
“This is a nice song, I like it.” Y/N smirked.
Wanda widened her eyes in surprise and nodded quickly.  “Me too.”
“That’s good, you’ve good taste in music.”
They both smiled for a moment.
“Hey, could we start with algebraic logic? Because its-” Y/N said when the phone in the bedroom rang, drawing the sokovian's attention.
That never happened, never. Wanda got up to answer the phone, maybe it was her mom calling to say she would be late or something like that.
“Hello?” The lovely Wanda was expectant, but all she heard was girls giggling. Again.
“Wanda! Oh, my gosh. Hi.”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Sharon?”
“Sorry. I'm sure you're, like, so busy.” Clearly she was looking to tease her. All the girls around Sharon laughed.
“We just thought you should know that Quill… he's telling everybody you two did anal in the janitor's closet.”
Wanda swallowed, squeezing that phone hard. She noticed that Y/N was watching her curiously.  “Well, for your information, I've never even been in the janitor's closet.”
“So where'd you guys do it then?”
“I didn't... I didn't do anal with Quill-” She whispered trying to prevent Y/N from hearing, but it was impossible. Y/N raised an eyebrow, she noticed how Wanda seemed upset and embarrassed and that made her blood boil.
“So you've done it with somebody else.” They all laughed like hyenas again. “Wanda… Do you, like, love anal?”
“No. No, I-I've never...” the brunette babbled desperately.
“You know what I think?... I think you wish someone would do anal to you, Wanda.”
Wanda didn't say anything, she just clenched her jaw and tried not to cry.
“Only, you're too ugly to, like, find a victim.”
 “Someone who likes that you hurt him with your braces!”
“You can think what you want.” The sokovian sniffles. “Opinion is the wilderness between knowledge and ignorance. That's Plato.”
ㅤㅤ Wanda smiled victoriously, though of course it didn't feel like victory at all. She just felt like a wild beast scratching to save herself.
“What? Geez… You're such a fucking weirdo.”
Sharon ended the call and Wanda was silent for a moment, trying to drown out all the anger and sadness she felt inside. It had been two years since they arrived from Sokovia and still couldn't feel comfortable in that place. Some ignored her, some teased her.
“Are you okay, Wanda?” Y/N's voice brought her into the world again, making her turn around.
“Yeah, just…” The Sokovian stammered.  “A wrong call.”
The girl sat and looked for her books, but Y/N definitely knew that she felt quite hurt by all those stupid and constant jokes. She saw it every day at school.
“I'm sorry.” Y/N sighed. “Those girs can be really stupid.”
Wanda just stayed silent, just lowered her gaze, playing with her rings.
“Maybe they are jealous of your intelligence.” Y/N smiled at her and softly pushed with her shoulder, making Wanda smile a bit.
“Yeah, sure.” Wanda rolled her eyes. “They just make fun of my stupid braces. It's good that I'll get rid of them soon, they will stop bothering me.”
“Really? Wanna know something?” Y/N wrinkled her nose and moved closer as if to tell her a big secret.  “I think they’re cute.”
“Thanks.”  Wanda smiled tenderly.
Y/N thought for a moment and then took her backpack, taking something out of it.
“You know what? This will make no one else bother you…” Y/N took her captain's armband, it was one of the most precious things she had. All that week Natasha was on the bench because she had two very important fouls, very difficult games and ended with a painful red card.
“No, Y/N… This is yours, I can't take it. You worked so hard all week for it.”  Wanda shook her head although she admitted that it melted her heart for a moment.
“I'm giving it to you.” Y/N insisted, taking Wanda’s hand and making her keep a piece of cloth. “If someone bothers you… just show it.”
Wanda's green eyes were lost in hers, feeling a connection that she never had before.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “No problem, Wands.”
Wanda smiled widely, not caring about those braces anymore.  “So let's talk about Algebraic-”
“Wait, umh… Do you have a bathroom that I can use? Sorry, I just... Need it.” Y/N seemed quite nervous, she giggled and stood up pointing to the door.
“Oh, sure.” The brunette seemed surprised, maybe even a bit sad. “Go down the stairs and turn right.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N left the room and quickly went downstairs. She looked around the room carefully and tried not to make too much noise, finally finding the phone. She made sure that no one was near  and dialed that number that she knew.
“It’s Y/N. Listen to me, Sharon. If you bother Wanda with your stupid mean calls again, I'm going to take this phone and shove it up your ass. Did you hear me? I’m deadly serious. And I will tell everyone that you loved it and you’re the one who loves anal, and everyone is going to believe me because first, I'm a big lesbo and second, I'm captain of the team. Did you understand?”
Maybe she was being too much of a bitch, that was far from a good thing to do, but she needed Sharon to understand how shitty she was right now and scare her away.
Sharon was babbling, clearly scared.  “Y-Yeah, Y/N. Sorry. Won’t do it again.”
Y/N ended the call and sighed before walking back towards the stairs, when she found Pietro eating a sandwich. Of course, he must have heard everything.
“Pietro, I-” 
“You didn't have to do that for my sister.” Said with his arms crossed but after all he nodded.  “But thanks. I tried to tell them to fuck off every time they call, but I can't hit a girl, right?”
Y/N nodded as well.  “It's okay.”  
“You'd make a good captain, you know?” Pietro smirked. “You're doing a good job. The coach knows it.”
She smiled at those words, glad that people were beginning to really see what she was worth it. She was starting to appreciate herself too. “Thank you, Pietro.”
“Now go or my sister will think I am flirting with you and she will hate me.”
Y/N just smiled and went up the stairs once more. This time she was able to pay attention to the adorable photographs hanging on the wall, including some of Wanda alone, smiling in front of beautiful landscapes.
Y/N entered the bedroom, finding a Wanda cuddling a pillow and a the biggest and cutest pout.
“Hey.” Wanda adjusted her glasses and sat on the bed, blushing. She seemed shocked to see her there again.  “I thought you ran away.”
The darkhaired girl raised an eyebrow, curious.  “Why would I do that?”
“Well... I wouldn't be surprised.” Wanda looked down, thinking how pathetic that sounded.  
“Oh, come on. Come on, teach me about this shit so I can go to a nice college and I don't end up making smoothies at Marky's.” Y/N joked so she could steal a cute smile from her and leave all that sadness behind. She hated seeing Wanda like this.
The sokovian just giggled and Y/N sat next to her, starting to teach a bit about Algebraic logic.
Wanda opened her eyes, drying the tears that fell down her cheeks when she remembered that sweet moment with Y/N. She found herself hugging that piece of cloth against her chest, like it was the most precious treasure.
That was the first time she felt accepted and liked, the first time someone reached out to her for sincere friendship.
Why did it all have to be so hard?
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Sighing, the brunette cut that bell pepper so fast and then dropped it into the pan, along with some onion.
‘Mother, mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect never better, distance making the heart growblind…’
Jules walked around the kitchen looking for all the ingredients she needed.  She looked at herself in the window’s reflection, she was no longer a young girl. Her tired brown eyes, those prominent lips with a glossy lipstick.  At almost thirty-four years old she was trying to take care of herself and seemed to be doing quite well although a few small wrinkles in her eyes.
Well, it was the payment for working in a hospital with long shifts of more than twenty four hours.
“You look beautiful, I don't know why you worry so much.” Natasha's voice made the brunette turn around, smiling mischievously.  The Russian approached with an exquisite bottle of wine and kissed her wife's lips, slowly, enjoying her. Definitely enough to leave Jules completely dumbfounded, Nat rested her forehead against hers.
“I missed you.” Natasha whispered.  “That was the longest shift in the world.”
“I know, I missed you too.” Melting into her wife's arms, Jules raised an eyebrow to play with her: “You're ten minutes late, Romanoff.”
“But I'm here, right?” Nat smiled and moved away so she could have two glasses of wine and pour some for Jules.  “For you, Mrs. Romanoff.”
“Uh, I like the way that sounds.” Jules laughed and took the glass, trying that exquisite red wine. “Mmm, this is delicious. Too expensive?”
“Not much. We deserve it.” Natasha winked as she watched as her wife put the glass aside and cut some vegetables, looked too beautiful in that black dress, trying to impress her perhaps.
Licking her lips, Nat walked over and set the glass of wine down in front of Jules, hugging her from behind.
“You look beautiful tonight… krasivaya.”  She inhaled her perfume and placed short kisses on her neck. Natasha missed her so much, sometimes she wondered how she had become so obsessed with this woman. She got that answer every time she saw that smile.
Playing along, Jules closed her eyes and pushed her body against the Russian's, teasing her. Their breaths became rough, especially when Nat began to caress her belly, going up to her breasts, down to her hips.
“I wanted to do this so bad.” Natasha growled against her ear, slowly her hand skimming her panties. “The bed was empty without you.”
“Oh, goddess…” Jules sighed, closing her eyes. Placing her hands against the counter, she definitely felt lost among the slow caresses, feeling how everything around her was disappearing. It was just about her and her wife, nothing could interrupt the moment.
Except for that intrusive thought, which came to her at the worst moment of all. Jules opened her eyes and stood still for a moment, clearing her throat. Suddenly all the desire was gone, fucking everything up.
ㅤㅤ Natasha understood the message and carefully removed her hand, watching her with some concern.
“You okay? You would never turn down a quickie in the kitchen... Who are you and what have you done with my wife? Are you cheating on me?” Natasha teased to make her smile, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Oh, come on.” Jules rolled her eyes when she saw Nat laugh.  “I don't even have the time to do it.”
 “Good to know, my love.” Natasha reached for the knife to cut a few pieces of cheese so they could share it while the pasta finished cooking.
“And I wouldn't either, you're… everything I want and more. You’re my everything.” Jules smiled tenderly, taking her wife's hand and placing a kiss on it.
“Tell me what's going on...”  This time Natasha spoke seriously, tucking a lock of Jules hair behind her ear.  “What's going on in your head? ”
Jules smiled tenderly, but her pretty brown eyes turned teary and that alarmed the redhead.
“I’m just…” Jules tried to say but couldn't, just ended up shrugging. 
"Take your time."
The brunette sighed trying not to cry and decided to keep going, finishing cooking the bolognese sauce.
“They called me to let me know that Y/N got out of rehab tonight.” Jules licked her lips, waiting for her wife's response. She hoped Nat wouldn't be upset.
“And she called you?” Natasha took a piece of cheese and handed one to her beloved. “Did she say if she wanted us to go pick her or something?”
“Nothing...” Jules ate the cheese, sitting on the counter next to Natasha. “Zero.”
“Did you call her?” The Russian sighed deeply, also remaining thoughtful.
“Should I?” She hesitated. “Maybe? I- I don't know, I don't want to pressure her… but I feel so guilty, you know? What if she hates me?” Jules shook her head and covered her face, diving into the crisis.
“Hey… Lyubov?”  Natasha settled in front of Jules and took her hands. “She would never hate you.”
“I know.” Jules whimpered, her lips trembled.  “I just… she’s my sister, and I love her. I didn’t want to leave her alone there but I had to.”
“I know… and she knows. She was there because she needs to heal.” She hugged her.  “For the second and last time, I hope.”
Jules shook her head, clearing her throat, all that anguish in her throat. “I feel like I should help her, be there for her.”
“And has that ever worked?” Maybe that was too sincere, she didn't want to be cruel but that was the truth. Every time Jules tried to understand her, to help her, Y/N ended up screwing her up much worse.  “Jules, you almost lost your job in the hospital because of Y/N.”
“She's lost so much, Nat.”  Jules just exhaled and walked away so she could turn off the stove, dinner was ready. “She lost Wanda, my mother, herself in that place...”
Both began to organize everything so that they could have dinner under the candlelights, a quite romantic atmosphere.
“You too.” The redhead reminded her, Jules almost always forgot to put herself first. Nat adored that, she loved the way she was, that was one of the reasons why she fell in love but also a big reason why Jules suffered later. “You lost a lot too, all of us. We all did.”
“But I have you.” She sighed, taking her wife's hand.  “I’ve lost too much but I have you.”
“I can't believe you gave me a chance.” Smiling tenderly, Natasha took Jules's face in her hands to watch her closely. “I'm really lucky, you know?”
“Oh, come on. Don't be all sweet talk with me, Romanoff, I didn't forget you were almost late.” Jules rolled her eyes teasingly.
“But really… I never thought that I could…you know…having a family could be so… good.” Nat smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Well, I didn't think it was that good either.” The brown-eyed woman narrowed her eyes, sipping some wine.  “I mean, it's not like my family has been complicated.”  
“Your mom was lovely.” Natasha added, playing around a bit.
“Oh, my mother was wonderful. I'm just a cheap copy.”
They both laughed trying to lose themselves in the beautiful memories.
“I wish she was at our wedding. Both of them. Mom and Y/N. ” Jules sighed, adjusting Nat’s shirt collar.
“You looked beautiful.” The russian redhead remembered one of the most beautiful moments of her life. And also one of the craziest, she wasn't going to deny it, she never imagined herself married.  “You still look beautiful…”
“And you are the most beautiful, and the best lover I have ever had.”
“I'm the only one you had.” Natasha rolled her eyes.  
“Yeah… that's not entirely true.” Jules smiled, she pecked her wife's lips and walked away.   Sure she was playing with her, Nat bit her bottom lip knowing that was true. She wasn't the only one in her wife's life.
“Tonight  I'm going to fuck you like never before!” Natasha screamed and chased her into the living room, making Jules squeal.
“Natasha Romanoff!”
“What? It was 36  hours without you!”
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the next day...
Y/N parked the car in front of that beautiful house. She smiled seeing the beautiful flowers in the garden, remembering how much her auntie Claire loved violets but above all peach blossoms.
In the background the song 'Mother Mother' by Tracy Bonham  tortured her on the radio.
‘Mother mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect, never better, distance making the heart grow blind. When you sent me off to see the world, were you scared that I might get hurt?
Y/N clenched her jaw.
Mother, mother can you hear me? Sure I'm sober, sure I'm sane. Life is perfect never better, still your daughter, still the same. If I tell you what you want to hear, will it help you to sleep well at night? Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear? Now just cuddle up and sleep tight.
Just listening to her aunt's last goodbye in that airport lounge, screaming that she loved them and Y/N couldn't even say 'me too'. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stay calm. ㅤㅤ
I'm hungry. I'm dirty. I'm losing my mind, and everything's fine!
Y/N took one of the cigarettes and lit it, taking a deep puff to calm the anxiety. But that tobacco tasted so... disgusting and unpleasant and boring that she ended up throwing it out the window. Couldn't even find shelter in cigarettes anymore.
She remained thoughtful for a few minutes, trying to gather the necessary courage to face one of the most difficult situations of her life.
As the raindrops began to fall against the glass, Y/N was lost in memories again.
Four years ago… (ten years after being rescued)
Walking around like a caged beast, Y/N movements were abrupt, her eyes so red and huge dark circles that made her look like a huge angry panda. It was a lovely room with a view, straight to the beautiful ocean. At least that recovery center was one of the best.
She was no longer the eighteen-year-old shiny girl, full of hope and a bright future. Y/N just turned twenty-eighth in fact, and her life was a chaotic mess out of control.
An enormous pressure on her chest screamed louod that she was going to die, she wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to hit something. The ups and downs of moods were beginning to make her a prisoner.
“You must get me out of here. No, no, you HAVE to get me out ot here!” Y/N screamed in despair; her hands trembled. She was wearing a stupid floral dress so…fucking soft.  Her clothes had apparently been taken until she got out of rehab. “Where are my clothes? Where’s MY jacket? I NEED MY JACKET. That’s my lucky jacket!”
Y/N hadn't been the same since they'd been rescued. Everything in her life had been completely destroyed. Her life, her heart, her soul.
The only ones in that room were Natasha and Jules, trying to calm her down since she woke up.
“Y/N, you must listen to me.” Jules tried to explain but the dark haired woman just moved closer to her.  
“Listen to you? I already heard you!” Y/N swallowed, her throat still dry. “This is not fair, I woke up here. I wanna GO!”
“Y/N, you overdosed on cocaine and alcohol! Your heart hardly resists it.” Jules sighed, covering her face to seek the little patience that was left inside her. “The worst you've ever had, the girl who was with you in the hotel room called an ambulance and you almost died. They did CPR on you! YOU DIED!”
“Jules, please.” She licked her lips and took Jules hand, trying to be as sweet and manipulative as she had ever been. “I'll be good, just get me out of here. I'm not going to recover in a place like this… this is hell.”
“They gave you CPR, Y/N! Your heart stopped for a fucking minute, DON'T ASK ME TO UNDERSTAND YOU!” Jules finally exploded, her eyes completely brimming with tears. She removed Y/N's hand and walked away from her.
Natasha was sitting on one of the chairs in the room with nothing to say. She already tried many times to save her friend, over and over again. She talked to Y/N, took her out of the police station three times and the last time Nat saved her ass because Y/N stole drugs from the hospital where Jules worked. Y/N was a complete mess and even though Natasha loved her best friend, she was beginning to think that maybe Jules was being too kind to her cousin.
And Natasha would never abandon a friend, even in her worst moments, but Y/N refused time and time again to receive help, leaving her with no way out.
“Nat, come on. Talk to her.” Y/N sought support from her best friend, approaching to kneel in front of the redhead. “Please, help me here.”
“I think Jules is right.” Nat said with that deep voice, looking out the window. She couldn't even recognize her. “You need help. We tried it...”
“You can't leave me here.” whispered Y/N, completely devastated.
“Y/N, listen to me.” Jules moved closer to her and cupped her face in her hands. Tenderly, she traced the scar on her friend's face.  “You’re the person I have loved the most. You’re… you’re my sister, my everything. But you have to stop doing this to yourself, you're hurting yourself. And I'm tired of losing the people I love, I'm not going to lose you too.”
"Talk to these people, come on, they'll understand.” Y/N tried to convince Jules one more time, taking her hand. Jules was a pushover, with a cute pout and a promise she'd take Y/N home for a few days, and that's it. “You’re my only direct relative.”
“No.” Jules finally said, sticking to her decision for the first time.
“What?” The taller girl frowned.
“No, I won't.” The brunette shook her head.  “I think you should stay here.”
“Jules, it's not time for jokes… I need you to help me with this.”
Natasha just watched them, sighing relaxed when she noticed that her girlfriend finally took the necessary courage to do the best.
“I have done my best to help you.” Jules tried to be strong and for the first time, face the person she loved the most in the world even if it meant earning her hatred.  “I’ve given you everything.”
“Do you think it has been easy?!” Y/N exploded again, screaming in despair. “I'VE LOST EVERYTHING!”
“So did I.” The brown-eyed girl swallowed, keeping her gaze on Y/N's.
“Oh, poor baby Jules, with a comfy house and a wonderful mother. Sure she’s having a bad time!” Y/N yelled at her, changing into a much more volatile temper.  “The only woman who ever cared and loved me DIED!”
Jules clenched her jaw and couldn't stop the tears from finally falling.
“My mother, may she rest in peace… my mother died of sadness while we were lost in the forest. Her heart said enough and I couldn't attend her wake because I was with you in the fucking taiga, hunting blackbirds to eat!” Jules cried, her voice shaking with the anger she was finally able to let out.  “And the only thing I have left is my sister, who only thinks about sinking into cocaine and alcohol! Being so fucking selfish!”
“Oh! Because you’re the good one, right? You’re just a fucking goody two shoes, Jules.” Y/N hissed, completely manipulated by withdrawal. “You've never dirty your hands, have you? Don't look at me as if I'm the disaster in this family…”
Y/N leaned in to whisper under her breath, coming close to her friend's face. “Don't forget that I was in the forest too. I know what you did. You're no better than me.”
Jules swallowed, that had been the worst low blow. "And I'll take that pain with me until I die."
“Okay, enough. Let's go.” Natasha stepped in between them, taking Jules's arm so they could leave.
“Oh, Natasha Romanoff,  knight in shining armor.” Y/N mocked, laughing sarcastically. “You're suddenly so brave, standing up for her after you used her like your whore.”
Sighing deeply, Natasha opened the door for Jules to go out first and then closed it, leaving only them inside.
“I know what drugs withdrawal and anxiety are talking right now, so everything you say to me is not going to affect me. But if it will affect Jules and later you're going to feel like shit because of it.”
Y/N grinned mockingly. “Do you remember when I used to find her crying in the bathroom after practice because you loved fucking girls in her fucking face?”
Natasha shook her head. “Y/N, I love you. You’re my best friend, you have been with me my whole life… We have spent the best and worst moments together… but fuck off.”
The redhead approached Y/N, facing her for the first time without fear.
“A long time ago you told me that…” The russian whispered, getting lost in one of those memories. “You told me to stay away from her because I was going to hurt her, that she was a good girl and I didn't deserve her, and you didn't kick my ass because I was your best friend. We were at the party before the trip...”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, fearless but her hands were still shaking. Suddenly the heat and cold began to hit her body but she didn't say anything, she just kept still.
“Now I say the same to you. Stay away from her… Stay here, get some help. Unlike us, she has a good heart, even after the chaos we experienced there... So stop messing with Jules... or I'll forget you were ever my best friend.” Natasha whispered. For the first time they faced each other, and for the first time Y/N had enough courage to face Natasha.
Y/N narrowed her eyes.  “Oh, you threaten me.”
“Not a threat, Y/N.” The redhead just walked towards the door and left, but not before saying: “Stay and take care of yourself.”
Y/N just lay there, screaming for two whole hours, crying, trying to get away, throwing everything in sight. She ended up curled up between the sheets, sweating cold and praying that all that pain would end soon.
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Y/N swallowed hard as she knocked on the door. Holding that box in her hands, she remained still.
What if they kicked her out? What if Jules hated her and yelled at her? What if Natasha kicked her ass? Well, she could deal with that but not with the emotional consequences that came after it.
Everything was left behind when the door opened, revealing that completely surprised brown-eyed brunette.
“Hi…” Y/N mumbled.
Without waiting even another second, Jules jumped forward to hug Y/N so tight. Closing their eyes, they both let themselves be carried away by that warm feeling of the reunion.
“I’m so sorry.” Jules whispered feeling the tears fall down her face again.
“I'm the one who should apologize to you.” Y/N said once they parted, wiping away her friend's tears. She smiled drying her own tears as well. “Really sorry. You didn't deserve all that. Everything I put you through…it wasn't fair.”
Natasha just watched everything from the hallway, with her arms crossed.
Jules nodded, inviting her inside. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“I brought you this. I remember… they were… your favourites.” Y/N gave her a box of her favorite pastries.
Jules took the patries box and kissed her friend's cheek before walking away to lead her into the kitchen. Not before whispering to her wife: ‘be nice’
“Hey.” Y/N said quite nervously, feeling the stern look of her ex-best friend.
“Hey.” Nat sighed.
Y/N nodded, perhaps with the russian it would be a bit more difficult. And she didn't complain, she was a bitch to both of them and Y/N deserved it. If she wanted to make up things with them, she had to take the slow road.
‘Redemption is a rocky path’.
“I see that... married life is going very well.” Y/N pointed to some pictures in the hallway. Many of them were of Nat and Jules in some very nice places, the beach, honeymoon, some concert, their wedding.
“Yeah... We have been married for three years.”
“You’re really in love with her.” Y/N smiled tenderly.
“Madly.” Nat walked with her into the kitchen, but before entering she stopped Y/N, whispering: “Are you sure you can do this? I don't want her to suffer. She can't afford the stress right now.”
“Why? I mean... Is she… is she pregnant or something?” Y/N was shocked, maybe she was misinterpreting it?
“What? No, I- I don’t think so. We’ve tried but didn’t work… Anyway,  she’s… having too much stress lately.” Natasha said a bit nervously, shaking her head.  “Can you do it this time, yes or no?”
“Yes, this is… this is real.” Y/N nodded quickly.
Natasha felt her soul coming to her body and inhaled deeply, entering the kitchen. The exquisite smell of the coffee awakened all her senses.
“Coffee?” Asked Jules.
“Yes, please.” Y/N smiled kindly, sitting down at the breakfast table. Natasha just stood there, sitting at the kitchen counter.
“I'm really glad to see you, I'm really glad to see  you both happy and well.” Y/N began to say, Jules approached bringing her a coffee cup and some pastries for both, sitting down, ready to listen to what y/n had to say. “I can see that you two love each other very much and that… fills my heart.”
Y/N licked her lips and took courage to continue. Jules just reached out to take her hand, but Natasha kept looking at her like a bird of prey.
“I wanted to start by apologizing to you two.” Y/N lowered her gaze, feeling so guilty.  “I have been a very selfish person all these years, I know we have all suffered a lot but I locked myself in my pain and loss, pushing you away.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling how her voice cracked due to anguish. “Jules, you’re my sister, you always have been. We are cousins but we were raised by the same woman...an amazing woman who broke my heart when she died. I'm sorry for leaving you alone.”
y/n felt the tears fall but she quickly wiped them away with her hand.
“Natasha, you are my best friend, my other part, my sis and my everything.” She tried to be strong and not burst into tears but it was impossible.  “And I have failed you. We have grown together, we have always been the two against the world. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. Especially in the worst and the best moments of your lives... I'm truly sorry.”
Needless to say, both women were struggling not to cry too. Natasha cleared her throat, holding back tears.
“I failed you both, put you through hell and…and I'm so sorry.” Y/N cleared her throat, inhaling deeply to continue speaking.  “I don't expect you to forgive me easily or let me be a part of your lives just like that, just being able to do this is already huge... A big step for me.”
Y/N was silent, noticing that none of them knew what to say. Words were unnecessary, the only thing they could express everything they felt were actions.
Natasha and Jules came up to her and hugged Y/N tightly, embracing her in a warmth that Y/N hadn't felt for a long time. The three of them continued crying hugging each other for a long time, saying everything they felt that way.
The three of them whispered words of support and love, taking their time to find each other. They spent a long time chatting about their lives, Natasha told her that the marriage was going amazingly. Also that they thought about having a child, but gave up when the last attempt a short time ago had been in vain, Jules had a miscarriage after weeks of gestation.
They decided not to try again since with their jobs it was quite difficult. Natasha was promoted to Lieutenant and everything was more difficult, Jules was now one of the best surgeons at the Presbyterian.
Y/N explained everything they experienced in that rehab center. She had met people who helped her a lot, it was good, even though sometimes she felt it was all too overwhelming. Y/N was fighting because this time she wanted to do the right thing and because this time, she had a purpose. But now it's time to tell some truths, although they could broke the bubble in which they were all now.
“B-But I didn't come just because I went out and wanted to apologize… I mean I needed to do it but also… this.” She sighed and took something from her leather jacket, handing it to Natasha. “This was mailed to me two weeks ago.”
Natasha took that postcard in her hands and looked at it curiously. The same postcard with the Canadian Rockies and a huge 'Wish you were here'. Behind the card that red symbol.
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“The fuck is that?” Jules whispered terrified.
Even though she didn't seem too happy to have to, Nat looked up to tell Y/N the truth.  “We got one too.”
“We did? What?” That surprised Jules, who opened her eyes wide in disbelief.
Natasha just nodded and walked towards her briefcase, looking for something. She came back giving their postcard to Y/N.
“You hid that from me?” Jules exclaimed so annoyed, getting up to look at the card.
“Trouble in paradise.” Y/N smiled in amusement.
“Shut up, Y/N.” they both said at once.
“Just kidding.” Y/N just raised their hands in peace.
“I did it because I didn't want to upset you.” Natasha approached her wife, who was quite annoyed with her arms crossed. “It was when we were going through that very…difficult time. Wanda is already upset enough with a journalist who’s asking questions.”
“Wanda got one too?” The mention of Wanda caught Y/N's attention, feeling her heart pound when she heard her name. Just one mention of her and her world fell apart. Jules decided to ignore Nat, just looked at Y/N and drank some coffee.
“I don't know... She didn't say anything about the postcard.” Natasha sighed.  “So... What do you think?”
Y/N shrugged.  “I've been asking myself these weeks… What does the person who sent these postcards want?”
“To scare us, to mess with our heads, make us think about... what happened out there.” Nat swallowed, they seemed quite distressed at the memory. The things that happened in that place were terrible.
Y/N clears her throat. “It's obviously a threat.”
“Who's Christine Everhart?” Jules asked taking one of the cards Nat pulled out of her wallet.
“That’s the one… She claims to be a reporter, but I think that's a lie.”  The redhead drank some coffee, showing both of them what she got from investigating that woman.  
“Yes, I heard that a journalist wanted to interview me at the reha center but was denied. She's been nosing around.”
“She claims she has a book deal, but... Well, how could she know about...?” Natasha took the postcard and pointed to the symbol. “You know.”
“Maybe somebody talked.”  Y/N murmured something thoughtful. But who? who among those who had managed to survive could have spoken? Not many would be happy to tell what they did in that place. 
“I don’t know. But no one can know what we did.” Jules said and the three looked at each other. 
Y/N sighed and took both postcards.  “We should investigate this further, but I think someone is out to screw us over.”
Staring at that landscape, the mountains, the lake and the huge conifers. Y/N felt a chill remembering one of the best and worst moments of her life.
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Sighing deeply, Y/N shifted in her seat but the terrifying screams woke her from sleep. Y/N opened her eyes to find a heartbreaking image that would haunt her for life.
ㅤㅤ Her eyes widened as her body jerked from the extreme turbulence the plane was having. The backpacks and their belongings began to fall, terrifying all the girls even more.
“The Lord is my shepherd, and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” One of the girls prayed constantly, as if that would save her.
Beside her, Natasha was deeply asleep. Perhaps because she took one of the sleeping pills that she also gave Y/N hours ago.
“Nat, Nat…”  She shook Natasha to wake her up, also putting on her the emergency oxygen mask. “NATASHA WAKE UP!”
A shuddering beep indicated that the plane was falling, Natasha finally woke up and clung to the seat. Y/N watched as Jules and Daisy cried and clutched at each other, leaning in and preparing for the crash landing. Wanda and Pietro, with their masks too, expecting the worst.
ㅤㅤ Y/N tried to be brave or maybe because she was in shock, her heart was pounding, eyes wide open, her pupils dilated.
The door flung open and one of the girls in the aisle flew out of the plane, making many to scream in terror.
Another tried to get up but fell rolling down the aisle hitting the beverage cart, passing out. She couldn't get up and those who tried to help her couldn't either.
The beeps, the lights, the screams.
Y/N took Natasha’s hand and squeezed it, closing her eyes and expecting the worst.
Wanda finally opened the window to see, feeling her stomach drop at the sight of the tops of the huge trees. The taiga that surrounded that place gave her chills. She felt like she was short of breath, panic was choking her. The heart was beating so hard that Wanda thought it would finally stop and allow her to rest, to die of fear.
The sokovian screamed in fear, noticing how the plane was getting closer to the ground. Counting down the seconds before it finally crashed. She looked at Pietro who just squeezed her hand and closed his eyes, whispering words in Sokovian.  He was as terrified as she was.
And the plane finally crash-landed hitting some trees, a horrible screeching sound, everything went black.
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Okay, let's go little by little. Soon we will see more of the woods. Well, slowly verything is settling down.
There's more stuff coming, and more about the young Yellowjackets. Remember that this will not be 100% the same as the tv show, I want to make it interesting and not boring.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17
Thank you for reading me, guys. 🐻
211 notes · View notes
no1heyyyyyyyy · 8 months
Ambessa's tastes
This is really just her likes and dislikes in regards to clothes, smells/scents, music, television/movies, food etc.
Due to her privilege, money, and power- Ambessa can easily enjoy the finer things in life and so in terms of music I see her really enjoying opera She really likes the opulence of it all, the outfits, storylines, makeup, the sheer technicality of opera singing I think she’d also like classical- specifically string instruments like the cello or bass. I think she’d like the deep, low sounds of those instruments more than the sometimes shrillness of a violin She probably also thinks that piano is quite pretty, because of the sheer range it has I think she’d find knowing how to play an instrument (especially an orchestral one) to be very beautiful, and is something that may get her to be more interested in someone in a romantic or sexual sense
In regards to Ambessa’s taste in food, I think it’s quite clear from the show that she likes seafood I also see her as someone who really appreciates a nice steak, she’d like it more rare as well She’d be alright with chicken, but it’s not her favorite. She doesn’t quite like the texture For vegetables I think she would want something that isn’t too overpowering because I personally think that she would love spicy food and seasoning in general She loves a home cooked meal as well (she finds cooking to be a very sensual experience to watch). Especially after a baths
I think she’s one of those people that is so used to spicy food that it barely even registers to her anymore She’s more of a taste person. If it tastes bad she won’t go near it, but if the taste is alright but the texture is off, then she can live with whatever is put in front of her I think that she quite likes savory things as well and has a love-hate relationship with sweets However I do believe that she loves fruit. So much, especially island fruits, she just gives me the vibes that she would love to have a partner hand-feed her fruits dipped in a rich dark chocolate
For clothing she quite likes soft, natural fabrics. Nothing too restricting, and with darker colors. For those reasons she does not ever wear dresses (also because she does not like them) She strives for comfort always, but she still makes sure she looks presentable and feels good in her clothes I think at home she wears glasses. Ambessa is my love, but she is also an old lady who’s vision probably isn’t what it used to be. She’d wear thick black square frames At a ball, or gala- essentially any fancy event where she can’t wear her regular get-up, she’d be wearing an immaculately tailored suit (most likely three piece with no tie) It would be either charcoal gray or black, but the button down would be a burgundy or dark red of some sort
She’d wear an expensive gold watch and a chain slightly tucked into her collar Her shoes would be expensive leather boots (think those boots all the Peaky Blinder boys wear) in either a dark brown or black No makeup except for her dark red lipstic For casual wear she’d like something soft like cotton or linen wide leg pants, something that doesn’t make her feel trapped, that she can move around in She would wear house slippers, and insist her guests do as well (if it’s a personal meeting) Ambessa is a classy lady who doesn’t like people ruining her nice rugs She’d put her hair up, with silk ponytail holders (if you know, you know), because she may be old but she would strike down God himself if she began to lose her hair I think she would enjoy soft sweaters in the house, especially when she’s snuggling with her dogs (she has big doggies, dobermans, rottweilers, german shepherds etc.)
For television and movies I think that she’d love trashy television series I know that she would be obsessed with The Real Housewives or something really trashy like Jersey Shore She would eat that shit up, constantly shaking her head at their stupidity, yelling at the tv with her dogs laying on her chest as her mouth is wide open at the shenanigans of dumbass rich people For films she would love a good film noir, or a murder mystery/whodunnit type situation, because she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from screaming out who the killer is She would have a notebook out acting like she’s playing CLUE instead of watching a movie in the dark with her dogs
I think she would also really like witty chick flicks (Heathers, Jawbreaker, Mean Girls, etc.), she’d like the dark humor and fun plot She would absolutely go see Barbie. She would love it, not for the humor but just the message- she wouldn't show it on her face but she would be deeply impressed with the film for both empowering and putting words to the feeling so many women (and women aligned/GNC/trans/nb/AFABs and more) have She would hate Oppenheimer. She would’ve left by the middle, she would’ve been so bored
She also would like Psychological Horror, but not the conventional slasher flicks, she wants nuance and meaning to her movies (she’s bougie as shit) She would really like Silence of the Lambs, Joker, American Psycho, Misery, Candyman (I know it’s technically a slasher, but I think she’d love it anyway), Hereditary, Midsommar, Gerald’s Game, mother! (she would have gotten so angry she would have had to watch the movie in thirty minute parts on different days) For scents, I think she likes things that are earthy and grounding, balsam, musk, peppercorn, cinnamon (only a little bit though), patchouli, cardamom, sandalwood, a bit of rosemary She isn’t a huge fan of candles, she likes diffusers more I think her natural scent is very neutral and can go well with a lot of things, but I think smells or sprays that would go best with her were would be woody with smells from pine, leather, tiny bit of lavender, bergamot, lemon grass, amber, cedarwood, musk, etc. Her sweat smells more neutral too, it’s a little sharp and musty, but it’s mostly undetectable to most
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tamapalace · 8 days
Inside the Bandai Namco Store American Dream Mall Grand Opening
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On Friday, May 31st, 2024 we attended the grand opening of the very first Bandai Namco store in the United States! This store is located at the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey. A select few, including ourselves, were invited before the store opened to be the very first ones to experience the store, take pictures, record video, and even speak with Bandai staff!
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After checking-in we were immediately given press badges along with Bandai Namco swag bags! The swag bags include various products including Nano Blocks, Tamagotchi, keychains and more.
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After entering the store we immediately gravitated to the Tamagotchi section which is on the back wall, an ideal location to see as you’re walking by the store. On display is an impressive amount of Tamagotchi’s in their packaging ready for purchase, but also in store displays where you can take a deeper look at the product behind clear plexiglass boxes.
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There is an impressive amount of Tamagotchi Original shells on display, and even older shells we have seen on retail shelves in a long time! We noticed that they even had the purple and pink shell which is one of our favorites. You’ll also see the convention exclusive Tamagotchi Originals here, which is incredible since you’re only able to purchase them at select events including Comic-Con.
Then there is a nice display of Tamagotchi Uni, which is where you’ll see the current lineup, and pretty soon even more! It is important to note that they did have the midnight bands in stock too. Lastly there is a comprehensive section of collaboration Tamagotchi Nanos. You name it, they have Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, TinyTAN, Star Wars, Grogu, and many more. Oh yea, they even have the Hug My Tamagotchi sets! How awesome? We we’re in LOVE!
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We even got to speak with Asaki Murakami, who works on the Tamagotchi Product Development team at Bandai Namco US. She answered all of our Tamagotchi questions, and we learned so much from her! Asaki is extremely knowledgeable, and she was incredibly friendly. In fact at the event before checking-in, Asaki saw us and immediately asked if we were Tama-Palace before introducing herself. Now that is VIP service!
We also attended the ribbon cutting ceremony where representatives from Bandai Namco cut the ribbon to open the store with the American Dream mall representatives. The American Dream mall team is super excited about this new store! PAC-MAN was also in front of the store dancing around and selecting their 50th anniversary. We must say the line was rather large, and it was consistent all afternoon! Bandai Namco store staff members were giving our free merchandise to those who were waiting in line for general entry.
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Lastly, we were able to formerly meet both David Edmundson, Marketing Director at Bandai Namco US, and Justin Lavender, Senior Marketing Manager at Bandai Namco US. You may know them from various events and the Bandai Hangout streams on YouTube. They were really excited to see the Tamagotchi presence at the event and have some awesome ideas for future collaboration, more to come!
Overall the new Bandai Namco store at the American Dream Mall is a huge milestone for Bandai Namco US, and the store is gorgeous! It’s incredible to see such a Tamagotchi selection readily available for purchase on shells here in the United States. We highly suggest checking the store out!
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richincolor · 7 months
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Jessica's 2023 Favorites
It's always so hard to pick my favorite books of the year -- there were so many! I read poignant graphic novels that made me sob, lighthearted adventures that made me think, and heartfelt romances that I couldn't stop telling people about. I've narrowed my favorite reads this year down to three -- and I imagine they might be on your list too! We'd love to hear what you loved reading this year and what you look forward to reading next year. Anyway, without further ado...
In Limbo by Deb JJ Lee A debut YA graphic memoir about a Korean-American girl's coming-of-age story—and a coming home story—set between a New Jersey suburb and Seoul, South Korea.
Deborah (Jung-Jin) Lee knows she's different. Ever since her family emigrated from South Korea to the United States, she's felt her Otherness. For a while, her English isn't perfect. None of her teachers can pronounce her Korean name. Her face and her eyes—especially her eyes—stand out. As the pressures of high school ramp up, friendships change and end, and everything gets harder. Even home isn't a safe place, as fights with her mom escalate. Deb is caught in a limbo, with nowhere to go, and her mental health plummets.
But Deb is resilient. She discovers art and self-care, and gradually begins to start recovering. And during a return trip to South Korea, she realizes something that changes her perspective on her family, her heritage, and herself.
This stunning debut graphic memoir features page after page of gorgeous, evocative art, perfect for Tillie Walden fans. It's a cross section of the Korean-American diaspora and mental health, a moving and powerful read in the vein of Hey, Kiddo and The Best We Could Do.
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa El Diablo is in the details in this Latinx pirate fantasy starring a transmasculine nonbinary teen with a mission of revenge, redemption, and revolution.
On Mar León-de la Rosa's 16th birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn't enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar's father and the entire crew of their ship.
When Mar is miraculously rescued by the sole remaining pirate crew in the Caribbean, el Diablo returns to give them a choice: give up your soul to save your father by the Harvest Moon or never see him again. The task is impossible--Mar refuses to make a bargain and there's no way their magic is any match for el Diablo. Then, Mar finds the most unlikely allies: Bas, an infuriatingly arrogant and handsome pirate -- and the captain's son; and Dami, a genderfluid demonio whose motives are never quite clear. For the first time in their life, Mar may have the courage to use their magic. It could be their only redemption -- or it could mean certain death.
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert Bradley Graeme is pretty much perfect. He's a star football player, manages his OCD well (enough), and comes out on top in all his classes . . . except the ones he shares with his ex-best friend, Celine.
Celine Bangura is conspiracy-theory-obsessed. Social media followers eat up her takes on everything from UFOs to holiday overconsumption--yet, she's still not cool enough for the popular kids' table. Which is why Brad abandoned her for the in-crowd years ago. (At least, that's how Celine sees it.)
These days, there's nothing between them other than petty insults and academic rivalry. So when Celine signs up for a survival course in the woods, she's surprised to find Brad right beside her.
Forced to work as a team for the chance to win a grand prize, these two teens must trudge through not just mud and dirt but their messy past. And as this adventure brings them closer together, they begin to remember the good bits of their history. But has too much time passed . . . or just enough to spark a whole new kind of relationship?
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After a chance encounter at your town's Summer's End Carnival, you hook up with a hottie.
Only to find out he's your English teacher.
This fic displays a teacher/student relationship, where the reader is 17. This sort of relationship is NEVER okay, especially given the power difference between a teacher and student. This is a clear abuse of power. If this is a topic/trope that greatly bothers you, I would suggest seeking other fics out.
Read first chapter here
Read previous chapter here
It felt as if the school year had just started but Homecoming was already around the corner, with the Student Council putting up posters with this year’s theme, “Home Before Midnight.” The theme was an homage to Cinderella, with images of glass slippers and clocks with their hands on midnight greeting you at every corner. Your girlfriends were already trying to plan their outfits, trying to coordinate what shade of blue you all should wear.
It was also tradition that the cheerleaders wore the jersey of one of the football players during the Homecoming game. Senior football players would take it a step further and also ask out a senior cheerleader to Homecoming, making an elaborate public gesture. Camie was excited to be asked out but hadn’t disclosed which player she wanted to ask her out.
You had brought up the topic of Homecoming to Kai, and he had chuckled before ruffling your hair.
“As much as I would love to accompany you, angel, I will be there as a chaperone. You know, keep you kids six feet apart.”
Pouting, you had rested your head on his shoulder.
“What a bummer. I would have loved to slow dance with you.”
“We can have our own Homecoming after, love. We’ll sneak off to my place after. You can stay the night if you want, too.”
The thought had your heart pounding and you had agreed, already thinking of the lie that you would fabricate for your parents. For now, the two of you had continued to meet discreetly on the weekends, driving outside of your small town to go on dates and spending evenings in his apartment making love.
It was two weeks before Homecoming. By the middle of the week, you were usually beginning to get tired and you were more exhausted due to staying up late filling out college applications. Stifling a yawn, you dragged your feet as you made your way to your locker, clutching onto the strap of your bag as you came to a stop and began lazily spinning the dial. You began to hum to yourself as you dropped off the textbooks you didn’t need before a gentle tap on your shoulder had you turning around.
Kirishima was standing there, cheeks flushed as he held a giant bouquet of your favorite flowers. There was a sparkly card hanging from a clip at the top, with your name written in his familiar chicken scratch. Confused, you scanned around the hallway before casually leaning against your locker and peering up at him.
“Um, K, what is this? It’s not my birthday yet.”
His cheeks seemed to flush even more as he shook his head.
“I know, I just . . .”
Straightening himself up, he glanced around him before bellowing, “Yo, can I get everyone’s attention?”
The hallway went silent, every single pair of eyes trained on the both of you. Shrinking under their gazes, you turned to peer at your best friend anxiously.
“As you all know, it’s tradition that the senior football players ask out the senior cheerleaders to Homecoming. It’s expected that we do some big, elaborate gesture that has everyone talking.”
His eyes flickered back to you, the color from his cheeks slowly fading away.
“Some of you may know this special girl. We’ve been neighbors since we were born. I honestly couldn’t picture myself without her.”
With that, Kirishima took a step closer to you, pulling the bouquet away from his face to look directly at you. He said your full name in a gentle tone that had your eyes going wide before he spoke again.
“Will you go to Homecoming with me and wear my jersey during the game?”
“Oh my god, K,” you gasped out.
Your eyes nervously flickered around the hallway. You spotted your friends a few feet down, phones out as they recorded the whole thing. A few of the teachers had stepped out of their rooms, whispering amongst each other and smiling like proud parents. Just as your eyes flickered back to Kirishima, you spotted Kai standing in the hallway, face expressionless as he took in the scene before you.
“Of course I will,” you replied, trying to hide the panic you felt rising up in you after seeing Kai. Grinning, Kirishima juggled the flowers into one hand before pulling you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground excitedly. The hallway erupted into cheers and applause and you buried your face into his chest, embarrassed.
“You grew some balls, Kirishima!”
“Way to go!”
Your friends had finally made their way over to you, clapping him on the back as they appraised the both of you. Ochacho and Momo nudged you knowingly, winking at you before leaning in and whispering that you two made a cute couple. You stayed quiet, watching Kai depart to his classroom from the corner of your eye.
Due to the sheer size of the bouquet, you were forced to carry it with you to all of your classes. Word had spread fast about Kirishima’s Homecoming “proposal,” and every single teacher had congratulated you, much to your chagrin. You were dreading facing Kai in your last class, not sure what to even say to him if you had the chance but instead choosing to wait for him to make a move.
When you entered his class, he was seated behind his desk, seemingly grading some papers. There were some empty desks at the back so you left the bouquet there before scuttling back to your seat. When the bell rang, he started his class as usual but you noticed there was a coldness to his tone and gaze. Normally, the two of you would exchange glances as he walked around the room, sometimes smiling at each other when the other students were occupied with writing notes down. Today, however, he didn’t bother to look your way, blatantly ignoring your hand every single time you raised it.
“Please finish the next chapter of The Scarlet Letter! We will be having a discussion about it this Friday!”
You were exasperated at this point by Kai and decided to just pack up your things and go. Grabbing your bouquet, you decided to exit through the back door, slipping out into the hallway and making your way towards your locker. You were hoping that cheer practice would take your mind off of Kai and decided to throw yourself into your stretches and tumbles.
After taking a long shower, you decided to finish some homework in bed. Your phone sat next to you, soft lofi beats playing from its speaker. Mr. Ecto had assigned a take home quiz for homework and you were struggling. Frowning, you tapped your pencil against your forehead. You had just finished scribbling some work down when the music stopped and your phone began vibrating.
Prince, mobile.
Freezing, you realized Kai was calling you. After the cold draft he had directed towards you today, he was honestly the last person you wanted to hear from. Sighing, you grabbed the phone and clicked on the answer button.
Kai’s voice was unnaturally quiet. Normally, he greeted you with some cute nickname or teasingly asking if you were working on his homework. Instead, his voice was monotone, no evidence of affection present.
“Um, I’m working on a take-home test. What’s up?”
“You’ve never minded me calling while you’re doing homework.”
“I-I know, but . . .”
The words you wanted to say were on the tip of your tongue but you were so afraid of what Kai’s reaction would be.
“We need to talk.”
Your heart dropped in your chest. Voice failing, you nodded but then realized he couldn’t see you so let out a quiet hum.
“I don’t want to take anything away from your high school experience. It’s your senior year, and you deserve to be out with your friends, enjoying senior activities and not having to sneak around with me.”
“Kai -” you began, but he cut you off.
“You know that I care deeply about you, but seeing you with Kirishima . . . perhaps it’s better you commit your time to him.”
Your heart shattered at that instant.
“I’m sorry. I promised you I wouldn’t treat you any differently and I still won’t.”
Your mind had barely processed everything when he suddenly hung up. The lofi beats from before began to play again, the calming beats doing nothing to stop the tears in your eyes from falling.
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Over the last couple of years, I've listened to a lot of new music. I think I'm gonna try to write a short rant about a different band each day to get the ranting out of my system. This will be the first one I guess?
Also sorry to any poor souls who follow me for the shitty content.
Band Rant #1 - Origami Angel
Oragami Angel was by no means the first band I started listening to. I picked them up in early 2022, through the recommendation of someone who I don't really know anymore. They are interesting, at least in my opinion, for their ability to write good lyrics and some absolutely infectious guitar riffs. Even in their worst tracks, the guitar and drums just kill it. The first songs I listened to were off of GAMI GANG, which is a decent album, but by no means their best work.
What really kept me around was their first album, Somewhere City. If you haven't heard it before, I'd recommend you take a listen. If you've noticed, I haven't really talked genre yet. Part of that is because while they are certainly indie rock, and definitely emo, they stand out. Somewhere City may be Midwest emo, but it doesn't feel like it. The vocals are crisp, the compositions are just beautiful, and the hooks from start to finish keep you invested. I listen to a lot of music, and a lot of Midwest Emo. The vocals on Somewhere City are just incredible compared to anyone else in the genre. If you have a while, I'd give Somewhere City a listen in it's entirety. If you are low on time, at least listen to The Title Track
It has one of the best guitar hooks I've ever heard. Period.
Of course, with all this praise for the first album, and not much to say about the second, I was tentatively excited when I heard they were dropping a new album this year. When the first singles came out, feelings were still mixed. Don't get me wrong, Thank You, New Jersey goes hard as fuck,
But the other single is just... OK?
PG County Summer is probably good for some people, but I just wasn't the biggest fan.
They also had some single releases in 2022 in different styles. Honestly, some went pretty hard, sounding like Oso Oso tracks in all the good ways.
When The Brightest Days dropped, it turned out that PG County Summer was by far the worst song on the album. Which I want to be clear, is fucking incredible. It's not even a bad song.
I'd give it a listen in full. It's not really a concept album, but it ties itself together thematically in a satisfying bow. It has a good combination of fast paced rock, and some slower guitar to make the songs not feel overwhelming.
So, that's Origami Angel. They have a 2017 release from before Somewhere City that I haven't heard enough of to judge in any way, good or bad, as well as some wacky singles I didn't really discuss.
For the albums discussed, I think I'd say that
Somewhere City (2019) - 10/10
GAMI GANG (2021) - 6.3/10
The Brightest Days - 8.7/10
I'll be back tommorow with more bad takes
If you are still reading, what's your favorite band? I could always use someone new to listen to!
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|Come Closer| Kuroo Tetsurou x Blackfem!reader
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The following fanfic is an inspired spin-off of Deciphered by @hoeneymilktea, The Sunrise, and Your Sins by @leia505 , and fanart by @aikk00 . Pls, check them out as well as other spin-off authors. Comments, Reblogs, and Shares are heavily appreciated. I hope you enjoy~ ♡
Words- 2,001
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Chapter [005] Wish it More
Subway doors clang shut at the Toranomon Hills Station via the Hibiya Line. Kuroo texts you and says he's waiting at the next station's platform. You have your headset on one ear, the other somewhat hanging off to hear any upcoming announcements. Your mouth quirks at its corners as you notice a toddler sitting across from where you are, babbling and reaching for you.
Sunlit clouds drift through the clear skies, casting radiant lambency out the windows of the train. Its beams turn your irises into sunny versions of themselves. When Kuroo said he'd see you today, you didn't think you'd wake up to brunch delivered at your doorstep from your favorite café you thought closed many summers back. He first took you there after his morning practice as a thank-you for accompanying him during volleyball training camp.
You’re pulled out of your reverie as your stop, Kasumigaseki Station, is announced as the next stop. You wish the toddler goodbye with a wink and a wave, seeing their teeny tiny hand wave bye back to you. Waiting by the candy cane-striped line for safety at the edge of the track, train schedules and map routes are posted on the wall along with digital signs announcing the estimated arrival time for the next train.
"Y/n!" Kuroo stumbled to a halt. "I'm so glad you had some time to do this with me."
"Lucky for you I've got all the time in the world, Tetsurou."
He's decked out in a white Chicago Bulls jersey and khaki cargo pants, an acid wash jean jacket wrapped around his waist. Red, white, and black retro Jordan 6's on his feet as he ushered you inside the train. You both tromp along, taking baby steps into the sardine can-like compartment alongside dozens of strangers. Attempting to snag an empty seat, the train lurched unanticipatedly at its next stop.
Had the last person boarding not rushed inside the train, Kuroo -adding to his now brought-on discomforting sense of dread- blunders about nearly crushing you between him and the train doors at your rear. He catches himself even though there wasn't a handle to grab ahold of. Till he realized his large hand was on your hip holding you upright.
You raise your chin, pursing your lips. "You good? You almost busted your ass there for a sec."
"Uh- yeah sorry about that, Shortcake. Can I uh...?" He trips over his tongue, the forced proximity making his heart play double dutch. "I'm gonna put my arm above you, okay? To steady me."
"Right, uh, go ahead." You said, folding your hands at your sides and holding your ruched red Prada mini bag. His gold cuban link chain dangling within the modest gap between you both. He's not far off from an overprotective boyfriend with his right forearm stiffly propped onto the train doors. Kuroo turned his head sideways, throwing his focus elsewhere.
You both bring your attention as the speaker crackles to life, announcing the next platform. Seven stops left.
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You press your foot down on the gas controller, only for your avatar to place fourth once again across the finish line. Kuroo takes pleasure in his victory, even going as far as to one-up you by driving one-handed just like in real life. Yet he had another thing coming as you got to your feet on the old thin patterned carpet, blowing out your cheeks.
"Best two outta three?" He insisted, stretching his arms above his head.
"Tell yah what, you may out-drive me but I mos def can out-gun you." You taunt, leading him away from the seated racing games to the loud bomb blasts and gunfire emanating from the nearby shoot-em-up games.
Rows of machines with colorful pictures on the sides filled Gigo Shinjuku Kabukicho. Players jab at buttons, some frustratedly slamming their hands against the side of them. Recorded crowds cheering and bellowing out the basketball/hoop games. Inserting your tokens, you hold the shotgun controller, squeezing the trigger.
Kuroo practically bent over backward narrowly keeping up with your kill streak. Marveled, he watches as you gun down hordes of zombies . The Annihilation–each zombie barely made it a step through the graveyard before you blew them to high hell with seconds left in the round.
You size him up, grabbing a quick slurp of your blue raspberry slush before the next level kicks in. "Quittin' already?"
"I'm all outta tokens, smart ass. Imma be right back." He simpered, gingerly bumping your side.
You give him a half-shrug, mowing down more zombies as Kuroo jogged out of view to the token exchange. At the final boss level, you chuck a grenade, adding another S-rank win to your belt. Level three loaded as you pumped your fist in the air, jamming your hand in your front pocket for what's left of your tokens.
"Here, you can have mine." Your head jerked in the direction of the voice, his stack of tokens resting on the game cabinets' console. He held out his arms, wrapping them around your shoulders, yours around his torso squeezing a bit.
"Where have you been at, Tangie? Last we spoke, you were leaving for Brazil." You pull away, the ginger barely concealing his delight. "You were shorter, too."
"Says the one who hasn't grown much since then. Last I saw you, you were catching your flight back to the states."
Hinata's tan is evident of his time away. His short-sleeved shirt revealed elaborate tattoos down to his wrists. "I'm taking some time off. I got homesick. I've missed you, Mi Querida."
"Oh, so we're bilingual now?" Your hip juts out amused. "I missed you too. Sorry I wasn't calling you as much. I had my number changed recently. "
Inserting his stack of coins, you wait on the countdown to the next stage of zombies. You hand your blue flip phone to him, a Calpico charm with a small four-leaf clover inside hangs from it.
"I can't say much right now, but add your number to my contact list. And don't tell Blondie Miya. I want it to be a surprise."
Hinata taps away at the number keys. "That's if his brother didn't tell him first. Word travels fast 'round here. Wait, you're here alone?"
"Who says I'm alone?" You ready your stance, cocking the plastic shotgun and adjusting your aim. "I'll give you the deets later."
Hinata snaps your phone shut, sliding it into your mini bag. He side-hugs you once more, starting to quicken his pace en route to the prize counter.
"You might wanna head out pronto." His flip phone chirps reading off a message. "Blondie and Grey will be here in a few minutes. I'll message you a meeting place by Friday."
You wave him away, putting the plastic gun down in the console's holster. Searching for any signs of the twins, you bump into a medium-sized toast and skeleton cat plushie won from the claw games held in Kuroo's arms.
Somewhat peeking around his shoulder, you notice the twins now battling in air hockey while Enigma was by the dance pads.
"Careful y/n. What's the rush?"
You take his hand, hastily leading him to the exit doors. "I'm craving something sweet. Let's get ice cream. My treat."
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Colorfully painted walls and an ornamented chalkboard menu board lists various ice cream flavors and their correlative prices. Jolly décor and customers peer into glass-covered cases holding buckets of creamy confectionery nestled in ice as they ask for samples. Tubs filled with candy toppings and pump containers of chocolate, caramel, butterscotch, and strawberry syrups lined the display cases.
Seated in a booth, you take spoonfuls of your parfait as Kuroo tries desperately to keep his waffle cone from melting in his hands. Both of your plushies are seated beside you.
"We're gonna spoil our dinner because of your sweet tooth."
"What do you care? Do you have reservations planned for us somewhere? " You rocked back and forth, brushing your palms together.
"Does Thai Take-out count?" Kuroo bites into his cone, licking what he could of his three scoops. "In all seriousness though, why were you so quick to leave the arcade? Did something happen? "
You shook your head. "No. Nothing like that. I just saw some familiar faces and I didn't want them to know I was out and about."
He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Why? Scared I'll ruin your rep?"
"For starters, you still haven't told me what your rep is nowadays. Apparently, you race and you have money as far as the eye can see. Am I wrong to assume the worst? "
Kuroo laughs bitterly, crunching more of his waffle cone between his teeth. "Assume the worst huh? I'd say I'm living the dream. Fast cars and fast money all the while I'm my own boss."
"And your Chem degree is still in the picture?"
"Working on it as we speak. Part-time, obviously."
Wrapping a curl around your finger, you lean back into the cushioned seat, wiggling your foot.
"If life's so carefree, then, please do tell me whose nine millimeter that is in your glove box."
There's a beat of silence as his shoulders slump and he massages the back of his neck. "How did you-? Look, I never said I didn't have enemies, y/n. It comes with the territory."
Across the way, a girl your age waited afar. You realize you know her, red and white ink formed a chrysanthemum norigae on her right bicep.
Exhaling, you rise from your seat. "I'll be in the bathroom."
Shim Ya Naoki. Da Vinci was once her name. Nothing more than a talented tattoo artist who visited your old place of work for flowers and coffee. You hated where things left off between you both. She's the one who disappeared. She had no right to blame you.
Her black platform lace-up boots entered, heavily pacing to the stall you stood within. She leaned back against the wall, hanging her head and crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'd apologize but I know you don't want to hear a word I have to say."
"Yeah, well, you shut everybody out. I won't take it personally. Never did." You quipped, glancing up at the ceiling.
"Spades, you can't- " She retorted, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "You cannot avoid me forever."
"How much do you wanna bet ?" You opened the door of the stall. Naoki steps back, granting you enough space to stand straight.
"I don't want an apology, 'Vinci. I didn't ask you to nose around in my business with the Miya's. If you wanted Kuroo so bad back then, you should've opened yah fuckin' mouth and told him."
"It was pointless. He used me as a rebound the same way you used him."
"Kuroo and I were strictly just friends. Him and I dating was out of the question."
"Guess he didn't quite get the memo. He moaned your name while he fucked me." Naoki tenses, her expression pinched and eyes narrow.
"You're lyin'." Your head drew back quickly. Disbelief audible as you shakily replied. "It doesn't matter, you two weren't officially together. Having a 'fuck buddy' dosen't equal having a boyfriend."
"Neither were you and the Miyas either."
Naoki shoved her hands in her pockets bumping your shoulder to get by. She cracks the bathroom door, looking back at you, her acrylic nails like talons.
"He's not who he's cracked up to be. From one girl to another, stand down. He's more trouble than he's worth, Spades."
With that, she exits, leaving you frustratedly speechless. Touching the base of your neck, your other hand grips the sink in front of you as you grimace.
You never called to mind Kuroo looking at you in a lovey-dovey way. He was a player, a delinquent who could have any girl he wanted back then and even now. Everything you both did together was totally platonic. No strings attached. Naoki's warning repeats itself back as a question from your lips.
"More trouble than he's worth?"
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Would it be okay to ask about my future spouse? I never do this, but I am curious if you’ll be able to pick up on anything 😊 Thank you so much in advance and I appreciate all the work you’re doing ❤️
Thanks so much! That’s very sweet. I can see what comes up.
Immediately I’m hearing bells, I’m seeing a wedding, outdoors, fluffy white dress, traditional suit, conversation like a busy restaurant, laughing, clinking of glasses, “the best is yet to come” Frank Sinatra playing, under tents, it’s the reception, it’s well attended and there’s a dance floor, it’s dusk, warm lighting, twinkle lights, so much joy, cheese plates and fruits, hor deurves, purple flowers, very pretty,
Future Spouse
I vow to love you, not for better or worse, because any day with you makes things better
I vow to respect you and your family because they are mine too
I vow to always remember your favorite wine and snacks and have them ready on your toughest days
I vow to remember that one song that makes you cry, that one movie, and to act like the partner in that movie
I vow to plant your favorite flowers just so that you can feel the beauty and love I feel being with you
I vow to take you on vacations where you can relax and rejuvenate because I know how hard you work
All that to say, I vow to love you in the most and least romanticized ways because some days love is a moonlit stroll and sometimes it’s holding your hair after a drunk night out but my love for you will never change, only grow bigger the more life we experience together. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you. You’re the teammate I’ve been looking forward to (ohhh cute I see them giving you like a jersey with like a couple name or last name, it’s very cute, I wonder if sports matter, it looks like a baseball jersey, there’s a cap too, orange, and white, there are tears from you both and people watching, very cute, oh and if children are a thing I see them continuing the trend by having like little baby teammate shirts made, I think it’s this thing like they may get them a new one every year as they grow so they’re always part of the team).
Card Pull— Oracle of the Fairies
Hidden Depths— something hidden is about to come to light, perhaps a secret or memory at the back of your mind. When we expose what’s hidden, we become free
Immediately I feel that there is some deep held belief or memory that you hold inside that is keeping you from finding this future spouse, something you need to heal, this card indicates to me that a major shift and some enlightenment is coming your way, like an emotional or mental breakthrough.
When we expose what’s hidden, we become free… I wonder if there is someone you need to confront and be honest with. If someone wronged you and you need to speak it out or share it. For some reason I think this is you exposing your hidden truth to someone and this clears a blockage for you. It sets you free. Interesting.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 months
L2C, 3 + 5
3. What's your favorite line of narration?
This is probably one of the first stretches of narration I wrote and god it's long but god it's good (I think at least, maybe im just overly attached to it)
[...] It really did seem like there was no upside to going on. Like they'd be left alone in a medical trailer until the military - or the Infected - wiped them out. ... You know what? No. Fuck that. He got a lucky roll of the genetic dice to not succumb to the fate of the Infected. He watched helicopters fly away without him. He ran through the flaming dormitories that he always secretly wished would burn down. He watched someone get torn to shreds by their best friend. He watched his girlfriend of about two minutes turn at his own hands. He watched his best friend get dragged into an inescapable pit of Infection. He ransacked an abandoned mall that was supposed to be an evacuation center. He sloshed through the sewer so that Rich could ride in his idol's car until the highway was blocked by twenty miles of parked vehicles. He ran away from zombie clowns along the track of a rickety roller coaster that almost killed one of his teammates. He trudged through miles of swamp water and mud that guaranteed that his shoes would never smell normal again. He walked through a Witch-infested sugar mill and back during the early stages of a hurricane and still had to hold down the fort in the pouring rain for an hour before rescue came. He cleared land, air, and sea from New Jersey to Louisiana only for the military to start dropping bombs on what may very well be the only city in the United States still standing? No. Fuck that. Fuck CEDA. Fuck the military. Fuck this Green Flu bullshit. He did not travel over a thousand miles just for the world to tell him that he wasted his time and energy to go somewhere that promised safety and security and showed up with piles of dead people and bombs instead. Fuck. That. White. Noise. He was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
—Chapter 25 (The Parish Part 2)
5. What part was hardest to write?
It's funny bc when I was in the middle of posting I'd be like "gods I'm beating my head against this chapter" for like.. Many of the chapters lol. But as kind of a blanket rule, uneventful transitions (ie traveling wherein I didn't have a conversation planned) and horde scenes were pretty hard for me. I think I coasted through the Hard Rain finale horde as vaguely as I could. Like I needed an interruption as a cop-out so I could get on with it
It took a lot to take the Tank down. Fire really was half of what killed them. They couldn’t tell you if it was a few more minutes or half an hour before the beast finally came to the ground. Everything about waiting for rescue seemed to be dragging on. This sentiment was confirmed to be shared throughout the team when everyone that had been on the roof came down to regroup. “Crap, where are they?” Alana worried. “I’m sure the storm is slowing them down, but I hope-” The foghorn was the only cue she needed to pick up the gas can Jeremy had set down and make her way to the back door. Sure enough, the Lagniappe was slowly pulling up to the dock. Thank the fucking gods.
—Chapter 23 (Hard Rain Part 5)
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risu75fifthblog · 6 months
:: SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2001 ::
The Possum
I just found out that I have an opossum (North American: "possum") living in my back yard. He (or she) snuck in to eat the cat food in the bowl by the back door the other night as I was reading in my comfy chair in the kitchen. 
I heard a crunching sound, and assumed that it was one of my cats snarfing down food. To my surprise, it was a cat-sized critter, with snaggly grey and black fur, a pink face, a long naked pink tail, and so on. Definitely not one of my cats. 
I think I was more startled than scared, when I looked down and saw the possum, not two feet from MY feet, snarfing cat food. I reacted with an audible intake of breath (what's the opposite of a sigh?) and scared the possum (one of the most scaredy-cat/possum animals), who ran out the door. 
Surprisingly, twenty minutes later, it came back inside, checking if the coast was clear. Upon seeing me, still in my chair, I guess it figured that the coast was definitely NOT clear, and ran away again. 
Later, I researched opossums on the net, and found out that they don't carry rabies, but they do carry fleas and ticks. Also, they consume almost anything, including "roof rats" (whatever they are), cockroaches, ants, decaying fruit (they especially like persimmons), and so on. So now I have a fourth "cat" named "Possie". 
Oh, well. 
:: FRIDAY, JUNE 01, 2001 ::
The opossum has adopted me. Well, at least he/she has adopted my house. 
I live in a brownstone in Jersey City and have a back yard garden. I often leave the door to the garden open so my three cats can enjoy the outdoors in the fenced-in garden. The cats are smart enough not to stray from the back yard, because they know where their food is, and they are would HATE to find the door shut. 
The possum continues to inhabit my, and several other, back yards, but has turned out to be a delight rather than a pest. 
After doing some research, I found out that possums (1) do not carry rabies, in fact their metabolism is set up to REJECT rabies — one has a higher risk from a dog, cat, racoon, or HUMAN bite than from a possum.
(2) Possums eat all the icky vermin: mice, roaches, ants, slugs, etc. So, they're like little bio-vacuum cleaners. 
(3) My cats get along with the possum and don't attack it, even when it comes in the back door to eat their food. They, evidently, think it's another cat and part of the "family." The cats don't like squirrels, though. Felix and Rodentia families just don't mix. 
:: FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2004 ::
Back to Broaddyke
Here I am, back in my OLD neighborhood, BroaDyke (and I didn't make that up). That's the intersection of Broadway and Dyckman Street (200th) in Manhattan.  It's almost as far uptown as one can travel in Manhattan without falling off the Island. 
I used to live near here when I first moved to Manhattan 20 years ago. Mark (my then-partner) and I bought a co-op apartment in Park Terrace Gardens (on 215th St. at the top of The Hill), after having moved here from Cleveland, Ohio. (The story about the Park Terrace Gardens apartment and my relationship with Mark will be in my book, Climbing Home, someday to be available on Amazon.)
Re-visiting the old neighborhood has been both strange and weird.
Strange: Many of my favorite stores and restaurants are no longer here. Some are still here, but have changed their names, proprietors and staff. There are lots of permanently-shuttered storefronts where once-thriving businesses used to be. Evidently, landlords decided before the crash that commercial rents could be raised to the roof —  which drove many formerly-successful businesses out of the neighborhood. 
For example: I learned that the old "Golden Rule" diner/restaurant on Broadway near 207th St. closed down after their monthly rent was raised to $6,000.  The "Golden Rule" was a place that old Irish ladies went for breakfast and had tea and toast.
I remember buying their "Thanksgiving Special" (a complete turkey dinner) for $11.95 and smuggling it into St. Vincent's Hospital for Jorge (another book), where he was confined in the first stages of his eventual demise from AIDS.
The restaurant is still open, under a new name (they didn't bother to put up a new awning, just pasted the new name over "Golden Rule") but I don't think I'll be going there anytime soon. 
Weird: Eerily, some store owners have somehow remembered me from many years ago and know exactly what I want before I ask for it. At 211 St. and Broadway, there is a bodega where I used to buy cigarettes and newspapers before heading to the subway for my daily commute. The same South Yemenese guys are still working there and they recognized me from 6 years ago.
The neighborhood is an interesting mix. It's Manhattan, but it smells and looks like The Bronx. I'll expand the following essay later, but here's the breakdown:
West of Broadway/North of Dyckman: Relatively inexpensive rents (compared to the rest of the Island) attract lots of Columbia University students, recently graduated and newly-employed professionals, young married couples (straight and gay), musicians, actors, singers, dancers, etc. who find that they can afford the fabulous pre-war (II) apartments and still have relatively quick and cheap transportation (30 minutes by subway A-train) to all that the city has to offer. And lots of old Irish retirees.
People actually own cars (rare in Manhattan) and can easily find parking on the street. It's also easy to get here from New Jersey, Upstate, New England, and Long Island via car, so some people live here and commute to those places.
East of Broadway: Lots of old, run-down tenement apartments formerly occupied by subway workers at the MTA Yard at 10th Avenue. Primarily occupied by Dominicans and Puerto Ricans (mostly Dominicans) who hate each other. Drug sales on the street. Tacky stores. Poor people who literally live in refrigerator boxes.
Also, there is a mixture of the "West of Broadway" that keeps seeping in as the various micro-neighborhoods become more gentrified. 
West of Broadway/South of Dyckman: is the fabulous Fort Tryon Park, including The Cloisters and Fort Washington the highest point in Manhattan, from where our Revolutionary War troops lobbed cannon balls to attack the British ships in the Hudson River.
Anyhow, I'm repeating my NYC Inwood/Broadyke experience at a higher level of the spiral and it feels like home...again.
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rockatanskette · 9 months
Living in the USAmerican South is sad, but not (only) for the reasons you think. I had a meeting last week with a faculty member at a university with one of the only fully-funded creative writing MFAs in the country. A fully funded Master in Fine Arts program is funded entirely by the university: tuition, living expenses, with a stipend. They pay you to go to school there, in a country that charges upward of $120 grand for a three-year MFA. 600 people a year apply for the fewer than a dozen spots in this program.
When I asked what I could do to make myself stand out, he said, "The fact that you already live here may help." Because when people get accepted to this golden-ticket program, the politics of the South forces them elsewhere. And that breaks my fucking heart.
To be clear, I use the word "forces" incredibly intentionally. I fully understand how hostile Southern legislation and politics is to basically anyone who isn't a wealthy Christian cishet White man. I've lived here almost all my life as a queer Jewish person who can get pregnant—I've experienced a measure of that hostility firsthand.
But I've also experienced love and respect and compassion and community that goes undocumented because it's so damn ordinary. It's everywhere.
I think the community is the part that kills me, because minority groups in the South only get talked about on a national scale when we're the victims of crimes, which does a great disservice to the magnitude and depth of community in the South; the queer communities, the Black communities, the Jewish communities, the Muslim communities, the Latine and Indigenous and Desi and the list keeps on going. These demographics aren't outliers just because White supremacists say they are—they're the fucking fabric of the South. 56 percent of the Black population of the United States lives in the South; almost half the population of the state of Texas is Latine or Hispanic; Southern cities make up half the ten largest US populations of Indian-Americans, Pakistani-Americans, Irani-Americans, and honestly I could keep going. Do I even have to talk about Jews in Florida? I swear half of them go to my babushka's synagogue. Queer populations are historically harder to get a clear census of, but you bet your ass we're here too.
And, many of us are here on purpose, which is the part where I start turning my heartbreak into anger. Because do you know how fucking painful it is when you're venting about the evilest people on the planet making it basically illegal to live in the place you call home and your cousin from Jersey tells you to just move, already? I don't want to move. All my shit is here: my mountains and my swamps and my barbecue and my temple and the first girl I ever kissed and my favorite lesbian bar and my trans best friend and rodeos and biscuits and bourbon and blues and the random Yee Yee boy who followed me out of a bar in the rain at midnight the other night to tell a visibly queer me that I was driving with my trunk open and offered to close it so I didn't have to get out of my car. Which was terrifying until it became incredibly sweet.
Some of the best people I know live in the South. We are so much more and so much stronger than tokens and victims and if you think the South is populated entirely—or even mostly—by conservative White hicks, you're buying into a fascist racist queerphobic lie fueled by gerrymandering and the for-profit prison system. There are plenty of queer and liberal and leftist hicks of color down here, too, and we don't need the rest of the country siding with the Nazis in charge. Tell them to get out.
The faculty member I spoke to is an award-winning writer who has been compared to Langston Hughes, Etheridge Knight, and Gwendolyn Brooks. He grew up in a predominantly Black neighborhood in the North, then attended school in New England and the Pacific Northwest. He wasn't born in the South, but he lives here now.
I laughed when he said that living in the South might give me an advantage; partly at the irony, but partly because, "I'm not leaving the South until they make me. I learned that when I tried living in England for a year and spent the whole time wishing the US had free healthcare and trains. I love this place. I want to make it better."
He smiled a smile I've seen echoed in the faces of so many people who live their lives seeing raw beauty in a place dismissed as ugly and unsalvageable. It's tinged with sadness but born of joy.
"Yeah. I know exactly what you mean."
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