#i wont deny that
kyistell · 5 months
I have Jersey headcanons and gosh darn it, it's a tad long, so I'm only doing like one page at a time, I'll post the other ones later probably...if I remember. ANYWAY HERE!!
New Jersey
Constantly moving, either tapping his foot or moving his legs, always dancing too, if there’s music he’s moving
He also tends to sing whatever song is on his mind, whether it’s English or not
He knows all of the states comfort foods
Controls the entire StateHouse garden, and is the reason there is a flower garden, if you want a flower in that garden you talk to him to figure out where said flower needs to go and what conditions it needs
He and New Mexico managed to convince Gov to let them have a pool at the StateHouse
When he was learning the south’s comfort foods, he managed to convince Texas to teach him how to make a brisket, yes it’s not really any of the south’s comfort food but it’s a southern thing so of course he needed to learn
When angry he’ll switch into different accents, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and surprisingly to some, southern
South Jersey is pretty southern, one of his comfort foods is grits
When he hosts NE dinner at his home, he makes sure to add in dishes that are shared favorites
Any and all produce that can be grown in NJ climate, is grown in his back garden with all the accommodation they need
Mafia boss, he doesn’t partake anymore and technically the guy he was is dead but still, the power remains
Used to be a show boy, occasionally still is with Nevada
Just mildly obsessed with roller coasters
During the summer, if he’s not at the shore then he’s most likely at Great Adventure
While it’s not his favorite game, he LOVES to play Just Dance
His room is actually in the south hall instead of the north, he’s between Texas and Oklahoma, he switched with New Mexico because he would have had to be between Penn and Mass and he would rather die than be between that warzone
Has lots of animals on his farm but his favorite are his horses, a few of which he was given by Kentucky
Taught Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio how to play poker and blackjack, the only thing is, is that Jersey taught them how to cheat without them knowing
Jersey never actually cheats in card and money games, he just knows how to play
Stopped talking to Nevada in the 80s because of Atlantic City, Nevada understood it was because they were rivals and also the mafia but it doesn’t stop Jersey from feeling bad about it
Despite what everyone tends to think, Jersey likes to keep to himself and is relativity quiet for the most part, it just so happens that he is normally around people that he either likes (NY, NM, NH, Cali, Rhode, Del) or has strong feelings about (Mass, Penn, NY, Connecticut, Virginia), which makes him loud
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fairy-ganj-mother · 4 days
buying a house and getting engaged this weekend :')
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sadistic-softie · 26 days
Getting my blood everywhere makes me so happy. It's the only cure for my period agony.
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knifeslidez · 6 months
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was watching lotms and drew a snapshot of tour life
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haunted-xander · 19 days
One thing I really love about Marcille is that despite her deep fear of outliving her loved ones, she never, never let's it get in the way of her making bonds and getting close to people. She loves deeply and strongly and she doesn't try to supress that! She embraces it wholeheartedly! Her friends are so important to her and she's not ashamed or scared of it!
Actually, out of all the characters, I'd say Marcille is one of the ones who care the most about bonds of friendship. She's angry at Namari for leaving after Falin got eaten and holds that grudge up until Namari helps defeat the Undine (and therefore having 'proven' herself). She's shocked and upset when Chilchuck explains his policy of payment and that he's not really here bc of friendship. She puts a lot of focus on the party being a Group Of Friends rather than a team of hired hands dedicated to the specific role(s) they are paid for. Which of course makes sense since she joined the party to begin with because of her friend! To her, the party has always been 'Falin and her brothers' friend group' rather than a hired party. (A little reminder: Marcille was the most recent member when the story starts. She never met the previous members who left so the team of Laios, Falin, Chilchuck, Namari and 'Shuro' is what she's always known it as.)
When she becomes dungeon lord, the thing that manages to snap her out of the Winged Lions grasp is the earnest care and love her party is showing her. Literally 'power of friendship'ed their way through the Lions hold and gave her her clarity of mind back.
And!!!! At the end of the feast right before they're about to attempt to revive Falin again, she says!!! this!!!!
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She's ready to accept that Falin might not come back, even after everything. The entire story she's been running away from death, from having to outlive her loved ones (in this case: Falin). But here she is, ready to let her stay dead if this last attempt doesn't work.
And it's not giving up. It's realizing that she did all she could, and that it's okay. Because she still got to meet and be friends with Falin. That time with her might be just a speck in the length of life Marcille will have to live still, but it still happened and that's what matters.
It's not about escaping death; it's about cherising the moments before it.
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mblue-art · 8 months
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sans au sexyman polls doooodle
congrats to the kings<3 🫶🫶🫶
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tomeebear04 · 2 months
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(hes just flustered dw he appreciates it)
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thetransguard · 11 days
hi can i say something. as someone who ships both labru and kabumisu its so 🙄 to see some ppl water down kabumisu cos kabru does some caretaking for mithrun. saying its degrading or racist for a character to?? care for another.. u sound like those tiktok-therapist ppl who say that letting ur friends vent to u is emotional labour and manipulation blah blah blah. GOD forbid u love someone enough to see to it that theyre happy and healthy. god forbid someone trust u enough to put their wellbeing in ur hands
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g1deonthefirst · 8 months
not gonna lie i think it's a little insane the way this fandom has run with "pash is an incompetent nepo baby coasting on her aunt's fame" all because princess coronabeth tridentarius accused her of benefiting from nepotism
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gibbycat · 16 days
there are not enough words to describe how much mithrun means to me. there is something wonderful about a character who has to rediscover themselves after having their sense of identity stripped away from them except for one thing that they have for their reason to keep going.
as someone who was in a similar position, mithrun's journey means a lot to me. someone who acted on a desire that, at least in the short term, provided some semblance of direction but would inevitably burn out in the long run. desiring revenge wasn't sustainable, yet it was the only thing that kept mithrun going. because that was all he had left of his identity.
but in the end, when mithrun realized that he wanted to do something else? that he wanted to live? i cried so hard.
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kabutoden · 3 months
the truth is i love bugs like just as much as i love other animals because all animals are so epic. but most people dont love bugs as much as everyone else so i think people think i love bugs exceptionally much. its not true. but maybe im wrong. maybe i do love bugs a little extra to make up for other people not appreciating them. bugs
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ineffablejaymee · 3 months
im sorry i will never watch legend of korra
bcs as long as i ignore its existence, then the gaang will forever exist in their happy ending state
toph became a cop??? yeah right good one. wdym she met the next avatar and called her twinkletoes bcs she recognised her dead friend and everyone cried?
there is no next avatar, aang is alive and well, he and katara are kissing on a balcony in ba sing se right now???
katara outlived both aang and sokka? and shes old and met the next avatar? i already told you aangs not dead what are you talking about
and while we re at it how could she outlive sokka if hes alive and well hm? sokka died young? ok but no he didnt ❤️
uncle iroh is dead and zuko is an old man? have you been hitting the cactus juice again???? zuko has just become the fire lord and iroh has a his own teashop i saw him last week
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banjomelodies · 9 months
I see a lot of people on Tiktok get mad at Lyney and Lynette for supposedly not having a super close relationship to Freminet, but like..
I feel like they do have a close relationship to him. I've never seen them actively try to ignore or shut out Freminet like some Tiktok Freminet fans would make you believe.
People forget that Lyney and Lynette are TWINS. Blood-related twins. And they're also bonded by trauma on top of that. Them being closer to each other than with Freminet would be a given. They've experienced the horrors and joys of the world together, and met Freminet during that journey. Their relationship with eachother would always be different than what their relationship with Freminet would be like. But that doesn't mean they don't care about Freminet, either:
Just by looking at their voiceovers, implications in character stories, and how they interact in official videos.. they do care A LOT about Freminet. Is it the same level of constant and consistent checking-in that two traumatized twins do? No! But that doesn't mean Freminet is unloved! And a good way to see that is just by looking at Freminets opinions on them.
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These are his opinions about Lyney.
Lyney shows Freminet every single new card trick he comes up with, the second Freminet cracks the smallest smile, Lyney knows his tricks are going to be great. Lyney is happy that he could make Freminet actually feel joy! Lyney also goes out of his way to go to Freminet, and show him new material he's working on. If he didn't care about Freminet, why would he even bother trying to get his opinions, or trying to make him smile?
And the second one, about Lyneys mask. Freminet is a character that hardly speaks his own mind because he doesn't like the awkwardness that comes from it (teapot conversations prove that), but he's clearly comfortable enough around Lyney that he was able to walk up and try having this conversation with him, despite knowing it likely wouldn't end well. If him and Lyney had a dirt poor relationship, Freminet likely would've never tried to initiate the conversation in the first place.
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This is his opinion about Lynette.
He does say something about how Lyney and Lynette always work better and smoother with eachother, and that he can't do the same. But Lynette tries to cheer him up when he's down on himself. She tries to tell him that everyone has their own strengths, and that this doesn't mean anything regarding his usefulness, especially with his skills in machinery that nobody else in the orphanage has. Lynette does care about him!
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(the part that cut off would be this: "Here, have mine too." Said Lynette as she filled his cup with tea, "We're family.")
And this is from Freminets character stories.
Freminet expresses obvious doubt of his place there. Lyney and Lynette are two siblings who practically can read each other's minds, they always know how to speak and interact with eachother, and it'd obviously bother Freminet, who's self-worth is already incredibly low, on how he thinks he'd just be an extra part left to waste in comparison to the two.
But Lyney and Lynette both go right in with including him. Lyney gives him and Pers a crucial role in their plans, and Lynette offers him her food and more tea, while straight up telling him that they're family now. If they didn't have any interest in trying to treat Freminet like family, they both could've easily let him fall into the role of just an extra piece in the corner to call upon when needed, but they didn't.
And. To add on!
Lyneys video:
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Lynettes video:
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Freminets Video:
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The three of them all cameo in eachothers videos, Lyney and Lynette both do rehearsals in front of Freminet and regularly ask him for opinions, and Freminet wants Pers to be part of their show!!
Stop saying Lyney and Lynette don't like Freminet, Tiktok!!
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bonesblubs · 2 years
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Feng Xin found his defense breaking spot 
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cosmicseafoam · 4 months
Dew who undergoes his transition and simply refuses to go near the water at all. The one thing he's always loved, and now he can't even bear to look at it. It feels too devastating to even think about.
He knows if he steps foot into a body of water he's never coming out again.
Even though he's a fire ghoul now, he can still feel that pull. Looks at the water longingly from the tour bus windows. Dreads the beach days that are so few and far between.
But he wants and he wants and he wants. So desperately. To feel the waves on his skin. Can feel the pull from Aphrodite even still.
It's been years. He's doing okay now. He accepts his transition for what it is, welcomes it above all else. Knows he's so far from where he was then. He's okay.
And so, hand in hand with Rain, he steps into the ocean again.
Lets his laughter bubble up like seafoam. Lets the water rush up and take over him. It's like a mothers love. It's like coming home again.
And if anyone sees the salt of his tears mix with the salt of the ocean, know that it's only from the joy of returning to what he loves.
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grogumaximus · 2 months
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