#but hilarious term Youre Going To The Skinning Cabin
Do you think Aoki's going to spend 6.8 quintillion years in Buddhist Hell instead of 3.4 because Arakawa was both
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i think he gets 3.4 but only on the technicality he didn't kill anyone directly otherwise Yeah 🥰
#snap chats#do you think thats a thing thats judged in limbo#like youre just waiting anubis's weighing your heart or whatever (ik we're talkin buddhism but bear with me)#and its just like 'ok /i/ didnt inflict harm on the flesh alright. i just told someone else to do it. and then they didnt even do it.'#LIKE YOU THINK LMAO NO IMAGINE THE FUCKIN JUDGE LOOKIN AT THAT SHIT#like 'i mean TECHNICALLY you didnt do anything but you still called for it..... and it still happened... on coincidence...'#second-degree-murder type of charge in the afterlife im fucking cackling 😭☠️☠️☠️#BUT IN REALITY WHAT THE. WHO CARES BETWEEN X QUINTILLION YEARS OR Y QUINTILLION YEARS#'would you rather saw an arm off or a leg off' GIRL BOTH OPTIONS SUCK#the universe aint even quintillion years old yet bro ass gonna be there A WHILE REGARDLESS ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️#but its back to the whole 'labeling crimes specifically just for the fun of it' yeah <3 6.8 quintillion years in the death cabin <3#for killing your mom dad 😭😭😭😭#i have GOT to stop mentioning the death cabin but it was one of the first things i learned about#and its my favorite thing to say like HORRIBLE outcome. no hell scares me more than buddhist hell#but hilarious term Youre Going To The Skinning Cabin#wait dont look im talking bout funger again i just watched more mates play it#but damn hilarious coincidence that skin granny's in a cabin... i know that's nordic mythos but still....#i think every culture deserves a cabin where you get your skin ripped off. as a shared horror yk
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tywrites · 2 years
exhilarating | kaitlyn ka
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request: my friend, i am suffering from massive kaitlyn brainrot it is an issue- so may i request a little piece about maybe secretly dating kaitlyn? like it’s not because of any angsty reason (my poor soul can’t handle angst-) they just thought it would be funny to see when the other counselors would eventually figure it out? some shenanigans mayhaps? thank you <3
a/n: KAITLYN MY LOVE- i need more fics for her desperately :’) also secret dating is one of my favourite tropes hehe - this is quite short but i love her <3 hope u enjoy!!
pairing: kaitlyn ka x gen!reader
word count: 696
warnings: swearing? that’s it lmao
You groaned in pain, holding your head in your hands. Sitting at the table were Dylan, Kaitlyn, and Ryan, the four of you having a quick breakfast before having to begin your counsellors duties. Kaitlyn looked to you in concern.
"Hey, you feeling okay?" She asked, worried.
"Just a headache, my head's throbbing," you reply, leaning your arms onto the table and dropping your head onto them.
"Maybe you should see the nurse?" Ryan spoke up.
"He's right. C'mere, I'll take you." Kaitlyn took hold of your arm, bringing you up with her as she stood. "We'll see you guys later." The two of you left towards the nurse's office, Kaitlyn walking with great speed and determination.
Once you'd gotten there, Kaitlyn immediately sat you down and began to rummage through the drawers. "I know there's some ibuprofen in here somewhere. Y'know, you should really drink more water, probably why the headache's so bad. I mean, when was the last time you-"
She was cut off by you wrapping your arms around her stomach, hugging her from behind. A small gasp left her and her hands flew to yours, rubbing them down your arms. You laughed, nuzzling into her neck.
"You- you're so annoying, oh my god-"
"I had you going though, didn't I?" You grinned, placing a gentle kiss to her neck. She shuddered, your breath hitting her skin. "I just wanted to get you alone..."
"There are so many other ways to do that, dumbass. I was actually worried about you," she rolled her eyes but she couldn't be mad at you, not really.
Keeping your relationship a secret from the others wasn't the long term plan. It just... happened? It started out as a kinda prank, just to see how long it would take them all to notice. Before you knew it, a month and a half went by. Yeah, your fellow counsellors weren't very observant. The only people who'd come close to noticing was actually the campers. What is it about kids and noticing stuff even adults can't see right in front of them?
Either way, it had kinda become fun; sneaking around with her, hooking up in secret. The idea of getting caught was exhilarating, only adding to your amusement. And there had been many incidences of nearly getting caught.
One where you'd both been kissing by the lake when Jacob made a surprise visit (you'd leapt into the lake before you could properly think about it, coming out once he'd left; Kaitlyn found it hilarious). Another where you'd been in the cabins when everyone was at lunch when Abi came around to look for the two of you. The picture of Kaitlyn under the bed still made you laugh to this day.
Kaitlyn spun around in your arms, facing you fully before flicking your forehead. Ouch.
"Now we're even," she smirked before attaching her lips to yours. You walked forwards until her back was leaning against the desk, her arms looping around your neck. She gasped when you bit her lip, giving you an opening to deepen the kiss. The small pants she let out were so cute. One of your hands sneakily edged under her sweatshirt, massaging the soft skin there, a small gasp escaping her.
You were both so entranced that you didn't notice the rhythmic knock at the door. You pulled her closer to you, just in time for the door to open. You both sprung apart but it was way too late.
Dylan stood there in shock, mouth wide open staring at the two of you.
You gulped, fiddling with your fingers a bit, before sheepishly smiling at him.
"Uh, hey dude..."
"What the hell."
Kaitlyn sighed and raised her arms in defence. "Okay, okay fine. You caught us. Honestly, it took you long enough,"
Dylan blinked slowly. "Took me long eno- what? How long has this been going on?" He said incredulously.
"Since like the beginning of summer?"
"Yeah, you guys aren't very observant," you laughed, taking a hold of Kaitlyn's hand. "Look, how about you go tell the others about this amazing discovery. We were kinda in the middle of something..."
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kingstoken · 3 years
Wincestiel (Sam/Cas/Dean) Rec List
I'm reading less Supernatural fic lately, so I might actually be slowing down and finding other fandom interests, but I bookmarked quite a few stories over the past year and would like to share them, so here is a rec list for Sam/Cas/Dean fic. Title: The Three Body Problem Author: kisahawklin Rating: E Word Count: 36843 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Cas asks the Winchesters on a date. Yes, both of them. My notes: Cas wants a romantic relationship with both the Winchesters together.  The first half of this fic is fluff, where the three of them go on cute dates together, the second half is pure smut, intermixed in the whole thing is a good deal of angst, where Sam and Dean try and negotiate a relationship with Cas, while also trying to come to terms with the idea of them being in a sexual relationship together. Title: Found & Lost! Author: tfw_ftw Rating: E Word Count: 5286 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: The wedding photo. The cabin. The irritatingly perfect family postcards that Castiel insisted they order. Sam's been waiting for this longer than he cares to admit and fuck it, he deserves this. My notes: This is such a bittersweet kind of fic. The sex is good, but what really sells it, is the quiet domesticity that the three of them share. A nice imagining of what Sam thought retirement could have looked like for the three of them. Title: Closed Curtains Author: mollrach13 Rating: M Word Count: 7710 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: When Sam, Cas and Dean settle in New Haven Sam thinks he has the best of all worlds. His damaged mind on the mend, the love and support of his brother and angel. But then, inevitably, it all starts to fall apart. My notes: Sam feels insecure in his relationship with Dean and Cas, while also trying to deal with his trauma, this leads him to making some incorrect assumptions.  I'm a sucker for insecure Sam, and this fic feeds that itch very well. Title: The Secret Diary of Castiel aged 4,237¾ Author: MissyJack Rating: E Word Count: 1578 Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (nothing bad in here, just implied smut) Summary: This is an extract from Castiel’s Diaries. He worries on a regular basis about failing to stop the end of the world, the number of sins he is committing during his time on Earth and whether his trench coat makes his butt look big. He has become involved in two romantic relationships. The first is with the charismatic, morally corrupt but attractively short Dean Winchester. The second relationship is with the haughty Sam Winchester, whom he initially dislikes because he used to drink demon blood and is very tall. My notes: A righteous Cas keeping a dairy of him being lead astray by the Winchesters.  This story is hilarious, it takes the otherness of early seasons Cas, and just rolls with it.  Each diary entry just puts a bigger smile on my face. Title: Into the Light of the Dark Black Night Author: BewareTheIdes15 Rating: E Word Count: 23104 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply (there is a scene where Sam is in one of his feral states and tries to forced himself on Cas, but Dean stops it) Summary: Across the space of a thousand lonely miles and approximately four and a half feet of boot-worn, hide-anything-colored carpet, Dean watches his brother twitch. Twitch. Twitch again. Then still, stop. Breathe. Twitch. My notes: Would you like a whole lot of angst sprinkled with some smut?  Than this might be the fic for you.  This fic shows Sam's trauma from Hell differently from canon, Sam has moments where he is inconsolable and must be held, to other times where he is almost feral, intermixed with days where he is just regular Sam again.  Cas is human again after the whole Leviathan arc, Dean is just confused and heartbroken about the whole thing, and how they all deal with situation is probably not the most healthy. I think the compelling part of this story is the three of them trying to overcome their trauma, while ultimately coming together. Title: dust off your highest hopes Author: crystallized Rating: G Word Count: 1690 Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (nothing bad in here, just implied smut) Summary: Bobby shows up the next morning, pounding on their door with answers to the case, and when Dean answers in just a pair of jeans and Bobby looks around him to see Sam and Cas still laying in the bed, Bobby's reaction is pretty much exactly the same as it was with just the brothers all those weeks ago. My notes: This little fic is sweet, just a happy little look at how their live in the bunker could have been Title: Ripening Author: Vera (Vera_DragonMuse) Rating: E Word Count: 4216 Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (nothing really bad in here, just smut) Summary: Castiel travels far and wide, but he always comes home to a low slung cabin by the lake. My notes: Old established Wincestiel, with a generous dose of smut, but there is also something so domestic and lovely about the whole thing Title: I Think I Might’ve Inhaled You Author: WhoopsOK Rating: E Word Count: 9954 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: "Sam knows what he has to do, ignores Dean calling his name as he storms out of the room, fear and revulsion rolling in his gut. Sometimes you just have to sweat the fever out alone before you contaminate anyone else." (Sam gets hit with a love potion that makes it hard to keep himself in check.) My notes: Sam gets hit with a love potion, sort of, it make him touch starved and desperate for attention from Cas and Dean.  Sam has a lot of internal angst, because he feels something is wrong with him, and he doesn't want to push Dean and Cas into anything.  Once again this one fulfills my insecure Sam wants, and it ends with some delicious smut. Title: Something To Do With Love Author: AxeMeAboutAxinomancy Rating: E Word Count: 3442 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Something fell on Dean. My notes: Dean gets hit with a curse, sort of, and feels freezing cold and can only be warmed up by skin to skin touch, so I think you can see where this is going.  I found the concept of this fic very humorous, but it is also kind of sweet, and of course smutty.
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 7
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au Warnings: Language, Mentions of violence WC: 3.6k AU Lore:   Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info Tag List: @moon-asia​
A/N: Thank you guys so much for being patient with this chapter being release. I want to say I do no condone what happened and I wish PLEDIS would make some kind of statement despite how much time has passed. Despite this, I do want to be able to finish this story so I can properly move on in the timeline. I do really enjoy this chapter and it does have one of my favorite moments between Wonwoo and the reader that i’ve written so far. 
Chapter List: Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
“So...the body was a woman’s? Then it was probably who Minah saw.” 
You didn’t know why you had agreed to meet back up in the woods, but apparently making stupid decisions was just a part of your life now. Wonwoo nodded in agreement, watching as you paced.
“Then it has to be a stray. I talked to Minghao about it and he said it definitely wasn’t any of us. Everyone has been accounted for recently...well except for me? But he knows where I am so he knows it isn’t me.”
You were probably rambling, but you were concerned. If there was a stray out there then that meant a lot of people were in danger, not just humans. Sure humans fed you better, but there was nothing stopping you from feeding on wolves or even Fae, it just didn’t taste as good. 
“Well, we can always try and lure them out?” Wonwoo suggested, placing a hand on your shoulder to halt your pacing. The contact was immediately comforting, which you didn’t want to admit. You were still confused and conflicted about being on friendly terms with a wolf, so it was still something you were working on. 
“Are you saying to use Minah as bait?” 
“I mean, if we had both your Coven and my pack on our side then she’d be-”
A little harsher than you had intended, you shoved his hand away. “But that’s the thing. We don’t have either of them on our side, hell I’m still surprised that the both of us aren’t in big shit with the people who do know!” You retorted, placing a hand on your hip as you stared him down.
“It’s not like I can just walk up to my Venture and be all. ‘Oh hey Soonie, yeah I’ve been fraternizing with a werewolf for the past three days! But please forgive my treason because we just misunderstood them’!”
“Four days if you count the day you attacked me.” Wonwoo interrupted pointing at the scar that was still on his nose. You cast a small almost offended look towards him, hand drifting to gently rub your right arm. It was still a bit hurt but because of how Vampires healed, you didn’t need to keep it bandaged 
“To be fair, I’m the one that got hurt worse out of the two of us. You know how hard it is to leave a scar on a Vampire? And you somehow did it without even trying.” It was meant to be a small joke, considering that the two of you had basically buried the hatchet at this point in favor of stopping the feud between your groups. 
Despite the joking tone of your voice, you noticed the guilt that filled his eyes. Just like the night of the fight. You felt your chest tighten a bit. You didn’t know why but, you didn’t like that he was upset. Sure the two of you weren’t trying to kill each other anymore but you weren’t close either. This was a business friendship and nothing more. Once again rolling your eyes, you pulled your arm out of the sleeve of your jacket. 
“Don’t make that face, it’s fine see? We’re past it, and I’m not planning on attacking you again anytime soon...because I would definitely kick your ass if I did.” He didn’t laugh, which was pretty annoying to you. You were getting ready to comment on the fact that you were hilarious and he was being a stick in the mud, when he took a few steps towards you. His eyes were glued to the newly scars on your arm. A hand reaching out to gently graze the marred skin. Wonwoo was amazed at how fast such a deep wound had healed, must have been one of the perks of being a Vampire.
His hand was warm, almost too warm, especially compared to your usually cold skin. You noticed that you didn’t seem to hate the feeling, letting him trace the outline of the claw marks with his thumb. It was an oddly sensitive moment, and just a few days ago if a wolf had touched you like this you would have flipped out. Yet here you are now, letting him do as he pleased and you still weren’t sure why. He just had this kind of...aura that was pulling you in, and it was getting harder to stay angry or standoffish  when you were around him.
“Sorry about that. I really was just trying to push you away without hurting you.” He confessed, even back then he had been trying to protect you for whatever reason. Just like when he lied to his pack. Your mouth opened, ready to question his actions. Only for the moment to be ruined by the sound of crunching snow.
“Wonwoo! [Y/N]!” At the sound of the younger wolf’s voice, you quickly stepped away from Wonwoo (missing the feeling of his hand on your skin) and pulled your jacket back on. Vernon barreled into the moonlit clearing and stopped right next to the two of you, panting heavily as this was pretty far away from their cabin. 
“What?” Wonwoo immediately turned his attention towards Vernon, seeming almost irritated at the interruption. Vernon straightened himself, looking quite upset. 
“It’s Sana. She was attacked on the way home from work tonight!” Time seemed to stop. You knew that the stray could possibly attack the wolf pack directly but you hadn’t been expecting it. It seems you underestimated this stray. “And Seungcheol, he obviously thinks it’s your Coven. He’s pissed.” 
Irritated you let out a rather long string of quiet curses, pacing around the small clearing angrily. All soft feelings from before were gone. The two males looked on in confusion, shocked that you had let out such an outburst. Especially when previously you hadn’t cared at all if a wolf had gotten hurt.
“Fine. We’ll ask Minah to be our bait and we are catching this bastard to clear my Coven’s name. I’m going to talk to her and Minghao tonight and if she agrees we’re doing this shit tomorrow. If she doesn’t agree then we will figure something out, I don’t care if Soonyoung finds out. We are getting rid of this stray.” 
Wonwoo sighed, grabbing your shoulders to stop you from continuing your irritated march. His hand gently slid down your shoulders to rest on your biceps. He gave them a soft squeeze, attempting to comfort you. He regretted that a bit when he notice you wince slightly as he squeezed your previously injured arm.
“Hey, we need you calm okay? You go back and talk to Minghao and Minah, figure something out.” He began. Just from his touch you felt your temper turn from boiling rage to a smaller simmer. It was strange what he could do to you. “I’m...going to come out to my Pack tonight. I’ll explain our plan to our Alpha and hopefully it will calm him down. We’ll message each other so we know what’s going on.”
You knew this plan was risky, everything right now was. So you didn’t try to fight him on his decision, he was a big boy and knew what he was doing. Hopefully. Nodding in agreement, you grabbed his wrists and moved his hands away from you while putting a bit more distance between the two of you. Despite this, you didn’t let go of his hands.
“Just...be careful. Okay? If I don’t hear from you in like an hour I’m breaking into the cabin to make sure you didn’t die or something.” You declared, not really realizing that you had gently begun to rub circles on the insides of his wrists as you held them. This time, the male laughed. Which brought a smile to your face as you listened to the soothing bass tones of his voice. It was as oddly comforting as his hands had been. 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I know you can’t enter private homes without permission.” He retorted. Earning a small smack from you after you let go of his hands. 
“I take it back, I might be fighting you again soon. Keep your eyes peeled wolf boy.” With that final verbal jab, you turned from him and said a quick goodbye to Vernon before once again running off into the night.
“Wow...you’re both super whipped. That was kinda gross to watch.” Vernon declared once you were out of earshot. If Wonwoo was being completely honest, he had almost completely forgotten that Vernon was there. 
He was probably never going to live this down. So he decided to ignore Vernon’s comment, turning to make his way back to the Cabin. Light tingles of anxiety filling his gut with every step he took.
“Come on, we need to get back to the house.” He wanted to at least offer Vernon an out. This wasn’t going to be an easy conversation, especially with Sana being attacked tonight. 
You rushed through the back door of the bar, ignoring the blaring music beyond the inner doors as you swung yourself onto the stairs, taking them two at a time. Turning onto the stairs quietly, as to not draw suspicion and went to the last room on the left of the hallway. It was a bit smaller than the other rooms but had a small bed in it, and quite a few still packed boxes. Which was kind of sad considering the Coven moved here about 4 years ago. 
Inside, Minghao sat on the small twin sized bed completely alone. Minah nowhere in sight. As you entered, he glanced over at you and raised an eyebrow. 
“Done with your wolf boy for the night?” 
“Where is Minah?” You questioned, taking a few steps towards him. Worry crept into your veins. If something had happened to Minah already, then your whole plan would fall apart. Minghao, swung his legs off the bed and walked over towards you. 
“She’s downstairs with Jun in the bar. We figured she would feel more comfortable if she were around people. It’d be pretty awkward if she had just been locked in this room with me.” He had a fair point, but he didn’t have to say it as if you were a moron. Though, to be fair, with all of the decisions you’ve made in the past few days...you being a moron wasn’t too far from the truth.
“What did your wolf say?”
“The body they found was a woman’s, and one of their pack got attacked tonight. Have you heard of anyone getting into it with a wolf tonight?” Minghao shook his head, obviously having heard nothing. And with the fight you had gotten into, there is no way anyone was going to keep that hidden. They had seen what kind of trouble you had gotten into, or at least you hoped no one was that stupid. 
“We, well I think it’s a stray. You know the one we’ve been seeing around town?” Minghao nodded, he hadn’t caused any trouble with the coven directly so you had been kind of leaving him alone. In hindsight, that had probably been a bad idea. Hence why you hadn’t mentioned that to Wonwoo. Shaking off the mild guilt at keeping that information hidden, you continue. 
“Wonwoo and I have a plan but it isn’t great. We were going to use Minah as bait. Lure him out and kill him if we can. We just need to get the okay from Minah.” That wasn’t something that the two of you had really agreed upon, but if he could get his Pack on your side, then you figured that none of them would have any issues with killing a Vampire.
The air was thick with tension. Minghao must have been irritated by what you had learned, but he kept an extraordinary good poker face. He let out a small sigh before pulling out his phone, who he was messaging you had no clue. When his attention returned to you, his poker face had fallen which left him with a rather irritated expression.
“I told Jun to send her back up here. I’ll help you as long as Jun and Soonyoung agree with this plan.” You weren’t too surprised by his actions. Minghao had admitted that he wanted the war to end, and he had been irritated that he wasn’t allowed to take out that Stray. He thought letting him stay in your territory had been a stupid decision, but because the Primus and Venture had agreed then there was nothing he could do to go against it. 
Sighing, you took a seat on the bed that Minghao had previously been on. Exhaustion was finally kicking in, you were running on maybe three hours of sleep? Frankly at this point you just wanted a nap. Minghao didn’t say anything if he noticed your mood. In fact he stayed silent until Minah entered the room, followed by...Jun.
Your chest felt like it was about to cave in when you saw Jun. You had managed to avoid him when you had dropped Minah off. He stood near the door, giving you and Minghao a rather expectant look. This only caused Minghao to sigh in irritation. 
“Jun, they’re going to need you at the bar. So you better head back down, this is going to take a while.” In his defense, Minghao did try to get Jun to leave. It was just such a poor attempt that it might as well have not mattered. 
“They’ll be fine. Honestly I trust Snow Angel more than I trust any of you alone at the bar.” You raised a brow at his words, looking up at him from your seat on the bed. He must be talking about the Winter Court girl, though she looks like she’d kick his ass before letting him call her Snow Angel. She definitely had more of an Ice Queen vibe.
“Besides, you two and Hyunjin have been hiding something. Minghao I know you’re part of the Inner Circle but that doesn’t mean you can keep information from the coven, especially if it’s dangerous enough that we have to house a human who needs protection.” To be fair, Jun was right. Minghao may have been in the Inner Circle but Junhui and Soonyoung were the Primus and Venture. Which made them higher ranked than Minghao and Chan, the other Inner Circle members. At this point it definitely hit you how much Minghao had stuck his neck out for you. Gave you a new found sense of gratitude for the male. You’d have to apologize to him later, since you had given him such a hard time before.
Minghao huffed lightly, running a hand through his black hair out of frustration. He flashed you a look and gave a nod, basically giving you permission to talk freely in front of Jun. You would have anyway but it was nice that he was letting it happen and wouldn’t get mad about it. You would still keep some details to yourself though. Standing, to give yourself more of a presence you began.
“So Junhui, long story short. You know that Stray we’ve been seeing? Well he’s been dumping human corpses into the forest. Last night, Minah saw a Stray while he was feeding last night, so she’s in danger because he saw her and might come after her next. Sooo the plan is we are going to lure the Stray out by using Minah as bait and then we kill him. Problem solved.” Omitting everything about the wolves, sure there were some plot holes in it but with luck he wouldn’t question it.
“How do you know about the bodies in the forest?” Apparently, Lady Luck decided to give a special ‘fuck you’ to you today. Of course he would ask about that, couldn’t just ignore it and ask later. Oh well, you weren’t some flower that was scared of what would happen. Okay that was a lie, you were scared shitless about what Junhui would say, Despite this, you were going to own it...this time. 
“I’ve been meeting with one of the wolves from the pack in the forest. He told me about it, said they thought it was us and would have continued to think that if I hadn’t told him it wasn’t.” Minah let out a small gasp, realizing that the two men you had been with must have been the wolves you were talking about.  You kept your eyes locked on Junhui’s and standing your ground. This was grounds for expulsion from the Coven, and your enforcer had allowed it to happen, so you weren’t expecting a happy reaction. 
Surprisingly, instead of flying off the handle like you had expected. He just sighed and rubbed his temples. Raising a brow, you glanced over at Minghao who also seemed a bit surprised at the lack of a total freak out.
“How can you be sure he wasn’t lying? Why and how did you even start talking to one of those Mutts anyway?” 
“He’s not a mutt.” The words escaped your lips before you even realized it. Hearing Jun talk about Wonwoo like that, well it pissed you off. It hadn’t been long since you, yourself had referred to Wonwoo as a Mutt. But that was wrong, and now you knew that. It wasn’t some magical change of heart or anything like that. Meeting Wonwoo, and later Vernon, it just kind of hit you that they were just people. They weren’t like the wolves who had killed you, in the same way that your Coven wasn’t like that Stray. They had morals too, and seemed to stand by them just as fiercely as your Coven did.
Jun seemed taken back by your words, confused at the sudden difference of opinion. He advanced towards you, a solemn frown on his face.
“[Y/N], I know you’re not a complete idiot. We’ve known each other for almost a century now. You can’t be stupid enough to care about a wolf of all things? Especially after..” He didn’t seem angry with you, he seemed concerned. As if he were the much smarter parent who was just concerned about his rebellious daughter. Unfortunately, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The insults coupled with your lack of sleep had your fist clenched by your sides as you advanced towards Junhui and cutting him off before he could continue.
“You know what, I’m getting pretty sick of you guys saying I’m stupid. Yeah I don’t always follow orders and it gets me into shit sometimes, and I’m reckless but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid Wen Junhui.” You didn’t yell, not now, but your voice carried a sharper tone to it than it usually would when speaking to Junhui. “I would assume that knowing me for almost a century, as you put it, you would have started to trust my decisions more. If you really think I’m that stupid then just kick me out of the Coven, why don’t you? I mean why not, if i’m stupid enough to get tricked by some damn wolf then i’m obviously not worth the Coven’s time.” 
He didn’t seem to have a response to that, as he stayed silent. You turned your attention to Minah, who seemed fairly overwhelmed with the conversation she had just witnessed. At that moment though, you didn’t really care. 
“Minah you don’t have to do this, but if you do I swear nothing will happen to you. This is the only way we can think of to lure him out.” You tried your best to calm your temper, you didn’t need to scare off the human. She was obviously already scared enough, being trapped here with Vampires while hiding from a Vampire. It was a rough situation for someone who had just found out that supernatural creatures were real. She hesitated, stumbling over her words.
Taking a deep breath, you reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Even attempting to push a smile onto your face. “We are trying for tomorrow night. So get some rest for now. You already have my phone number so just message me with your decision okay?”
She seemed pretty relieved about this and nodded. Removing your hand, you turned to face Junhui, who wasn’t looking at you at all. You had been planning on saying one final thing, full of spite and frustration, but doing so felt wrong. Despite being irritated Junhui was still your family, for now at least. It was up to Junhui and Soonyoung to decide if that wasn’t the case anymore. In fact Junhui would probably report back to Soonyoung tonight. You couldn’t stop guilt from creeping into your system, thinking about how Minghao was most likely also going to get in trouble for your actions. So instead of speaking you just left, walking out of the room and back down the stairs.
As you exited through the back door, you thought back on what Junhui had said. You felt the phantom beatings of a heart in your chest, the pounding as you really contemplated things. It was strange to stay but you did in fact care about Wonwoo. Despite whatever he thought of you, like if this was just a friendship until everything had been solved, you did truly care about what happened to him. Not that you were going to admit that to him, ever. You’d be stupid if you did.
With a groan, you made your way out towards the forest again. Messaging Wonwoo and asking him to meet back up with you once he was done with his pack. This was going to be a long night.
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lanx-reads · 5 years
Heaven Review
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Final Rating: */***** or 1/10
The angel Bethany and her mortal love, Xavier, have already pushed the boundaries of Heaven with their relationship. In this conclusion to the Halo trilogy, the two take their love to the next, forbidden, step: They marry.
At a time when they believe nothing will come between them again, they are faced with their most daunting challenge yet: the Sevens, a military order of angels designed to maintain balance in the universe. These soldiers won't stop until their job is done - capture the wayward angel and send her home.
Secrets, exile, and unexpected allies flavor the rest of this intense love story and adventure.
Beth discovers there is only one way back to earth, but the cost is higher than she - and readers - ever imagined. If she can survive, she can prove to Heaven and Earth that there is nothing stronger than the power of love.
Heaven by Alexandra Adornetto is the Spider-Man 3 of all books and that is probably the highest praise I can give it considering I did enjoy Spider-Man 3. 
I can’t believe I finally finished this fucking trilogy and HOLY SHIT this book was. A ride. A wild wild ride. I cannot put into words how utterly stupid, bad, and unintentionally hilarious and entertaining this book is. Drama after drama unfolds, none of it really sticks or is really connected to... anything. There’s actually quite a bit of action, but since the main characters are so hateable and nothing connects to anything it feels almost like some sort of terrible action movie. But I understand... books are hard to write and how do you write a good conclusion for a terrible series? 
Well, you don’t.  
Now, is this book more hilarious and entertaining than Hades? In some ways... yes. Yes it is. However, unlike Hades, which was just hilarious throughout for the most part, this book does have some incredibly boring and just painfully stupid parts that remind me of the entirety of the first book. 
Heaven goes out of its way to cram even more religion down your throat. It tries to be even more offensive than the previous books combined. The author tries so so so hard to make these bland characters get on soapboxes as much as she can so they can spew utter nonsense about everything in general. This book is homophobic:
“Marriage is an indissoluble covenant between man and woman” -Gabriel 
(Yes the above is a direct quote)
It’s also transphobic: 
“Billie?” “No way, she’ll be gender confused.” 
(They’re discussing baby names. So I guess if you’re a (cis) girl and named... Billie or Riley you’re gender confused according to this author. As if that’s how it works at all) 
Aaaaand like the last book, the only PoC character is a black angel who’s the main villain. He’s also the only actual attractive character in this mess as well. I guess it’s good she... finally gave her meager PoC character an actual ethnicity? Hemiel is described as being black while Asia, from the last book, is just dark-skinned and ambiguously PoC. Of course, this is a double-whammy here... only Hemiel’s race is described throughout the entire book. And he’s the leader of the group of antagonists. Of course.  Instead of just writing in PoC as people or just not touching the matter and allowing people to imagine the characters however they wished, all the PoC characters in this series (which amounts to two...) are honed in on and specified having a darker skin tone.
I also feel as if this book is offensive to like... every normal Christian out there? Like the Christianity in this book is Evangelical and just. Makes it sound like the whole religion is full of lunatics.
Like I can’t find any way this book isn’t offensive. It’s offensive to Christians and people of other faith. It’s offensive to LGBT+ people. It’s offensive toward PoC. It’s offensive toward domestic abuse survivors. It’s offensive to neurodivergent people. It’s offensive toward Southerners who think people down here are... like that. It’s offensive to both women and men as well. Like, this book holds no punches in it’s freezing cold takes and wrongness. 
However, despite all of the above, I could not be bothered to be offended at all during this book. Now, I am an utter goblin and fall under many of the categories above, and I can understand why someone may get offended by this book. But I myself did not get offended. For one, it’s obvious the author is trying to be as “edgy” as she can be with the above. Why else would she go out of her way to preach every few pages, after all? 
And it really does feel like she, the author, is preaching her beliefs to us during these moments. The shallow “story” grinds to a halt almost every time the characters get on their soapbox for anywhere between a few paragraphs to a few pages. 
Rather than give an actual review about the entire book... I’m just gonna. Explain the plot. Because honestly everything I said about the last two books carried over. Actually, arguably, even though this book had more action than Hades, it is a technically worse book. I found several spelling and grammar mistakes, the pacing was atrocious... although better than the first book, none of the events were connected in any way and had no significance on one another. They didn’t really build up to any conclusion, relevant character development, or form any sort of detailed plot. 
However, that being said, this book does have a plot. A thin one that makes little sense and goes everywhere and one where the subplots aren’t even tied up at the end, but one nonetheless. 
Spoilers abound if anyone actually cares!!
In Heaven, Beth and Xavier decide to get marry. Even tho Beth recognizes signs around town that means hey this might not be a good idea she ignores these signs since she’s an incredibly selfish dunce. The priest who marries them is murdered for committing the sin of marrying an angel and a human together (?) and now Beth and Xavier are on the run from a group of angels known as “The Seven” who act as police. Due to God being Too Busy with Godly Things, The Seven go completely out of wack and become utterly obsessed with returning order... which means breaking their marriage I guess. 
Of course, the above sounds stupid and makes little sense. There is no real reason on WHY angels and humans can’t marry. Like the previous books, there wasn’t any real reason why they couldn’t date either. It’s unexplained. Furthermore, that murdered priest? Yeah, Beth says it’s not her or Xavier’s fault since “they didn’t know they would be punished” yet... time and time again they were told that even dating was forbidden and barely tolerated AND on top of that she was warned with numerous signs that marrying may be a bad idea... so no she’s an idiot and it IS her fault. And honestly? Reading about an angel coming to terms with being the cause of death for someone innocent would have been interesting... but that would require Beth taking responsibility for her actions and stop being a selfish and whiny bitch... which is impossible. 
After that her and Xavier go on “the run” which isn’t even on the run. They hang out in a cabin for a couple of chapters and whine about how they can’t fuck and how bored they are even tho, you know, it’s their own faults for getting into this mess at all. So much weight is put on marriage and I just... don’t get it. I am someone who doesn’t really want to marry anyone and if I did, it would only be for the benefits. I really don’t care about marriage at all, personally, so I just don’t get why it’s such a big deal here. I get it’s part of the religion... but still. Now, if the concept of marriage was explored in any significant way, that would’ve been interesting to read. But it’s not, so let’s move on. 
After being caught by the Seven after doing Stupid Shit, they go to college because...? Sevens rely on their smell and with so many humans around it will mask it? Yeah, lame and contrived excuse to force the characters to go to college. 
The college section of this book is one of the most boring and pointless. It consists of Beth hating on other girls, girls only talking about sororities and boys, and feels like a scene taken from a cheesy movie. It’s completely and utterly unrealistic and cringy; completely painful to read. Here, Beth and Xavier pretend to be siblings... which is disgusting considering this is where they decide to fuck in the woods (which is written SO BADLY I can’t even. Like... for real bitch starts waxing poetic about how she feels she’s in an underwater magical world while getting dirt and grass up her ass I don’t get it) anyways they pretend to be siblings while alone they are husband and wife and it’s so... gross... like you KNOW it’s not incest since they aren’t ACTUALLY related but STILL it makes me feel dirty to read. (And also makes me question if the author has an incest kink bc I mean really....)
Anyways, ofc they’re eventually caught by Beth’s roommate? Who fell in love w Xavier bc the need for drama demanded it and ofc she is disgusted. To hide themselves, Beth grows s k i n over her mouth and then f o r c e f u l l y wipes her memories... and again, claims she is still moral and good doing so since her “hand was forced” 
Now, is this an interesting moral dilemma that could be explored? Of course it is! And because it is, it’s not explored at all, the book assumes Beth is in the right and the reader agrees, and moves on like nothing bad happened. No lasting consequences happen due to this. 
Speaking of... Beth’s character is so radically changed she feels OOC. It’s like the author wanted to have character development but not do any of the actual work at all. She acts like the baddest bitch around and complains that she’s world weary from “all the trauma she’s been through” but it comes out of nowhere? Like she’s still whiny and selfish and annoying. She still acts like a little girl and that the whole world owes her. She ain’t a badass and I dunno why the book is trying to convince us she is. 
Anyways, after THAT fiasco MORE drama hits the fan as the Sevens find them due to them Being Stupid and also Fucking In The Woods and stage what is basically a poor and tasteless terrorist attack in the lecture hall. Now, I do wanna note Heaven is a book that is several years old now... and the author is Australian, but that’s no excuse for the piss-poor mismanagement of a terrorist attack shown in a college campus. 
Now, that being said, this terrorist attack is by the Sevens, who manipulated memories to make it seem like this is what it was... I think... it is very unclear. Someone even dies during this... actually two people... heh
Either way, Hemiel is introduced, he’s shown to be a Horrible Angel with No Empathy and the students ofc freak out and hide under their desks while the room is trashed as they try and root out Xavier and Beth. Hemiel is trying to separate them by either dragging Beth back to Heaven or killing Xavier... and they do manage to succeed this time around!
Well, kinda. I was SO SHOOK when this happened I got EXCITED like could you imagine if Xavier died and the rest of the book is Beth hunting his soul down in Heaven while also looking at her own relationships and exploring the concept of death for a universe that has shown us death is not the end? Yeah, that doesn’t happen ofc but it would’ve been cool. 
Anyways, Xavier sadly doesn’t stay dead. Beth’s sister, Ivy, brings him back even THO SHE SAYS SHE CAN’T she does so anyways because ??? plot armor. But it was fun reading about him being dead. That being said, more problematic stuff pops out here, ofc. Beth threatens to kill herself if she can’t be with Xavier which is just.. not even gonna touch that with a 10-foot pole, honestly. Because yikes. 
Anyways, after pages of the author deciding to take the pussy way out, Xavier comes back except he’s not alone in his body.... because you see...
dun dun DUN Lucifer is back! And he has possessed Xavier! To get... revenge on them killing Jake Thorn, his son! 
I think this is the part of the book where the author realized SOMETHING from the last book needed to carry over to make this an actual trilogy? So on top of having Sevens and Not-In-The-Know College campus girls as the antagonists, we also need to throw Lucifer onto the mix. And he isn’t even the LAST antagonist to be introduced to this book!
This is why I call it the Spider-Man 3 of books, people. There are at least 4-5 different villains in this book and it is ridiculous. This is also why none of the events feel connected. There’s too many antagonists and honestly? You could cut out this entire portion with Lucifer out and nothing would change. It’s just a page-waster. 
That being said, this entire section was the most hilarious and fun to me. I enjoyed Lucifer a LOT in the last book and here he doesn’t disappoint! He calls Beth a whiny bitch to her face which is honestly... a wholeass mood so yeah. 
Beth, Gabriel, and Ivy tie down Lucifer to a bed in a basement of a house they so happen to own which is kinky I guess and a standoff kinda happens? Lucifer is too strong of a demon for the angels to exorcise since they’ve been weakened fighting Sevens or something and Lucifer wants to stay in Xavier’s body to take revenge on him and the angels. 
Which... okay. See, this starts turning stupid as then Gabriel and Lucifer start waxing poetic and debating about... the morality of Lucifer’s fall from Grace? I just... more bible shit... whyyy and it could have been interesting if we cared about Gabriel or if Lucifer was a real character rather than just “big bad” but blehh. Jake Thorn makes a return as a wraith briefly to develop a deal between Beth and Lucifer to get Lucifer out of Xavier’s body or something and it’s honestly so pointless. This entire scene is pointless. There’s so many plotholes it’s painful. 
And thing is, if the author kept the big bad of the series to just Lucifer, this right here is a great starter to a different book. But for some reason, she changes villains every book. Fuck, she changes the villains in this book every few goddamn chapters! This is why nothing feels concrete in this book and why nothing sticks, nothing feels important, and events have no weight. This book feels serialized. Like a monster-of-the-week sort of story that encapsulates multiple episodes of some tepid and poor Supernatural ripoff. And I never even watched Supernatural. 
After this event, everything goes downhill fast. Mainly ‘cause this is the last time we see Lucifer. He just kinda leaves after this section, doesn’t come back, and is barely thought of. The only reason why this entire section of this book is here is because Lucifer agrees to leave Xavier’s body if Gabriel’s wings are cut off? Thing is, his wings aren’t even cut off, they’re just badly damaged. But if you needed Gabriel’s wings to be destroyed for Plot Reasons... just have the Seven’s damage them? Like why drag an entire random ass character and this entire random ass scene into it?
See? Nothing makes any gd sense! The author just wanted to write this scene ‘cause she wanted to... not because it would make sense to put in. And Xavier barely has any trauma from the fact he was possessed by the greatest evil of the world. He watches a game of football, has sex with his wife, and is pretty much completely fine after that. Yikes. That’s not how... people work? At all?
Anyways, Gabriel getting his wings damaged means he’s now Emotional TM since idk pee is stored in the wings? Actually, an angel’s version of a soul and he then confesses his love for Molly, Beth’s friend from hs who is now in an abusive relationship w the head of a growing cult. I WISH I WAS JOKING
Like. What was the author SMOKING when she came UP with this stuff. Anywyas, all that happens is more waxing poetic about love and Gabriel acting OOC and then soapboxing about Christianity and cults or something. Then Later they all rescue Molly from her initiation into the cult by her fiance and since she’s separated from him, she can have no trauma now because she was rescued!! Ain’t that just GREAT!! And now she can be with Gabriel!! Silly Molly, for even FALLING for a cultist anyways!! Yeah, this point of the book just.... whyyyy what is the pooooint whyyy does the author need to put in her two cents about DOMESTIC ABUSE!! NO ONE ASKED!! NO ONE. Maybe because people complained Beth and Xavier’s relationship was shitty and had abusive traits so she had to put in a more dramatic abusive relationship to show that there’s isn’t? But Molly being in an abusive relationship with a cultist doesn’t... magically mean Beth and Xavier’s unnatural obsession w one another is healthy. You don’t-can’t- compare abuse. Or at least you shouldn’t. It’s not a fucking pissing game. 
Anyways, after that fiasco, which again has no real trauma or emotional impact on... anyone? They go back to Venus Cove after being caught AGAIN by Sevens at the college campus. Xavier is revealed that he’s... part Angel? Because Ivy blessed his mother to give birth to him and he was destined to cross paths with Beth or some shit? It’s all convoluted and stupid, honestly. There is no point to this besides giving Xavier a magical way to combat the Sevens in a scene because silly Beth is a womyan and she can’t defend herself and her HUSBAND against ANGELS of course not!! She needs a man to help her!! Also... I guess for more drama? I don’t know I’m just perplexed at this point. 
They go back to Venus Cove because ?? Beth and Xavier are finally cornered and Beth is forced to go back to Heaven. She’s put with a therapist called Eve. More grossness about therapy and misinformation about mental institutions is inbound. Eve is the last of the villains introduced and it doesn’t even matter. Beth can’t stand Heaven without Xavier and goes to get help from Emily, Xavier’s dead gf who he lost his virginity to which is info We Didn’t Need or Care About. Her and Beth argue some, Beth is a bitch, but she’s like that to everyone in the book so whatever. She meets with a friend who was once a Seven who introduces her to some RANDOM ANGEL who HAPPENS to run an UNDERGROUND REBELLION against the Sevens that cuts wings off of angels who want to be human?
And this doesn’t go against God because ??? I have NO Idea because the author doesn’t want it to and God already knows about them and is ok w it and the political unrest in Heaven I guess? God the contradictions are piling up. THIS MAKES NO SENSE AND COULD BE A BOOK ON ITS OWN
Also why were we wasting time with Beth in the first book when there was ALL THIS happening on in the BACKGROUND apparently?? I don’t know nothing makes any sense. 
Anyways, her wings are cut off, she says goodbye to Heaven and falls, lands on the beach of Venus Cove. Her old friends walk by talking about exposition in the 2 years she’s been gone but doesn’t see her somehow? I guess this exposition is supposed to tie in subplots but it doesn’t and also doesn’t matter. 
Beth goes back to Xavier, they have a reunion, and are alone now in the house since Ivy and Gabriel aren’t even there they went off somewhere to do Things I guess and it doesn’t matter. She’s human now and has a belly button and everything so now they can grow old and die together the end.
If it isn’t clear by now.... this book has a problem with basically everything. From a technical standpoint it’s an utter nightmare. In some ways, even worse than Halo since this book also has a tone and mood problem. The story jumps ALL OVER THE PLACE and does a poor job at mixing the supernatural parts and the human parts together. Revelations are made that have no bearing on anyone or anything. Drama happens and so do traumatic events but no one is really impacted by... anything? Beth is always in the right even if she does terrible things, poor her and Xavier, their life as rich white people is so hard since their love isn’t accepted or recognized by Heaven :( let me play the world’s smallest violin for them. 
Seriously. No self awareness or critique. At all. 
I don’t know what else to say about this book. I think it should be evident in everything ELSE I’ve said. Writing? Bad. Plot? What plot? Bad anyways. Characters? Godawful. Too many. No direction, no pace, nothing. This book feels like a churned out mess probably because it is. I don’t even wanna ASK how this got published because the answer is simple; money. 
Either way, I am BLESSED to be done with this series. As hilarious as Hades and Heaven are, I wanna go back to reading REAL books, thank you very much. 
Also, I am so sorry Spider-Man 3. I am so so sorry for comparing you to Heaven. That is a straight up insult and I take it back right now. Because I don’t think anything is comparable to Heaven. 
*/***** or 1/10
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savedbythenotepad · 6 years
whispers of sea: prologue
so i had an idea and it spiralled into something much bigger than i thought it would. it involves mermaids and pirates and a badass yuuri who is out for revenge and wants answers!! i brainstormed the idea with @crossroadswrite who really helped me and even beta’d this which is amazing and she’s amazing. 
here is the start of it and i hope you all enjoy. :)
They shone their lamps against the water in hopes that the light would reach through the fog which was dense and made it too hard to see anything in any and every direction. The captain of the ship had ordered the speed to be reduced so the sails were adjusted to fit that order and soon the belly of the ship glided slowly across the barely moving waves. It was deathly silent which was highly unusual for their usually rowdy crew. The deck normally  should have been filled with joyful tunes of an accordion along with loud singing of pirates who stomped their feet and drank ale from huge wooden steins as they celebrated yet another victory. Treasure had been found and snatched from another ship as well the lives of everyone on the ship after they torched it and left it to sink.
The glorious life of a pirate meant that little to no mercy ever existed within such hardened hearts. There was no room for petty emotions and all those who chose the pirate life knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.
But celebration did not even have a chance to begin as mist  appeared and grew denser and denser until it formed a heavy fog. It was sudden and suspicious due to their surroundings being crystal clear only a mere few minutes ago. They had been able to see the vast ocean before them and now there was nothing. The captain had been alerted by the lack of noise coming from the upper deck and he exited his cabins but not without grabbing his pistol that he settled into the holster that rested on his hip. He arrived to the sight of his crew standing still with their bodies turned towards the head of the ship. Not a word was uttered between them as they kept their eyes straight ahead. There was a slight sway to their bodies, like they weighted absolutely nothing and a simple breeze could knock them down. It brought about an eeriness that wormed its way up the captain’s spine and settled at the base of his neck with the heaviest of pressure.
He tentatively took a step forward, before gathering his courage and took a few more steps into the main deck. His feet led him to one of the men who stood on the far right and made to face him so he could take a proper look at his face.
He was faced with a blank expression and dazed eyes that looked dim and lifeless. The added paleness to his skin was frightening as it was like he was transparent. It looked as though there was no more life running through him and the captain hesitantly reached out. All he wanted to do was tap him on the shoulder and when he did, his crewmate collapsed with a loud thud. That thud was followed by several others as the rest of the crew fell onto the floor in lifeless heaps.
“What on earth…?” The captain struggled to find words as he scrambled to take a few steps back before hearing a voice coming from the shadows.
“Humans are so easy,” it said with a tone that could be compared to silk as it brushed over the captain’s senses. “So easily disposed off in a matter of moments.” The captain’s limbs became locked tight which added even further confusion as he struggled. He couldn’t move and everything seemed to get hazier and hazier as the voice spoke, “And soft too. But they think that they can take things and people that aren’t theirs. Which is hilarious but so ridiculous and yes, very insulting.”
The longer the voice was heard, the more the captain began feeling drained as his knees weakened and threatened to buckle. It invoked the sharpness of terror within his chest as his heart thundered loudly against his ribcage. But then came the immense overwhelming sense of pleasure that zipped through him like lightning during the craziest of storms. The mix of emotions was almost too complex to understand and the captain couldn’t even fathom it due to the fog that was currently clouding his mind. He couldn’t move but it wasn’t something that he minded or even tried to fight anymore. This voice was undeniably soothing, like a precious lullaby that a mother would sing to her child.
“Ah.” A chuckle followed after that and soon light footsteps could be heard striking the wood of the deck. “He stops struggling at last, which is good on your part.” Whatever affects the voice had on him remained but didn’t delve any deeper into his system. “It’s best just to stay where you are and answer the questions that I have.” The footsteps stopped and through the haze covering his eyes, the captain could see the outline of a slender body that stayed hidden within the fog.
“What-?” The captain tried to speak but his tongue felt so heavy in his mouth. “What...do...you want?” It had also gotten a bit harder to breathe as the invisible grip on his body tightened ever so slightly.
“I want answers.” The voice returned.
“What answers?” The captain struggled to say, his words failing to connect to shape his lips. “I know nothing.”
“But see, you do.” That deceptively soothing voice began to circle around him with slow and calculating steps. “I talked to a friend of yours. Maybe a friend is too meaningful a term because he talked a lot of bad things about you. But he said that you knew where a friend of mine is being taken and I intend on getting him back.”
“A..a...friend of... yours?”
“A mermaid.”
That very word froze the insides of the captain and his heartbeat increased, thudding painfully against his chest . So that explained the calming voice that could be so seductive with its ability to tempt and command those who heard it. An incredible amount of power held within darling tones and beautiful faces that could easily kill a man with a simple snap of their fingers. Mermaids were riddled with dangerous power and enough force to create storms along with high rising waves. They were highly valuable due to what they possessed as well as their beauty which was admired and craved by many.
A captured mermaid was an incredible feat as it took immense bravery. But an uncaptured mermaid who was wild and free and seething with anger was not one you would want to be around. The captain felt the panic rise throughout his body as he shook with such fear.
“Answer me,” the mermaid commanded; its voice darkening as frustration began to seep through.
“I don’t know anything.” He sounded so pathetic as his voice took on a tone of pleading because he knew there was only one end for him. He wanted to beg for his life for however long he could but something within him knew that it wouldn't work. Yet, he still tried. “I don’t know anything, I swear.”
“I don’t believe you,” came the voice again.
“I don’t know anything!” The captain was suddenly frantic as he tried to move but it was utterly useless. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes before they trickled down and curved along his jaw until they dropped off at his chin. He didn’t want to die, he was too young and he had only been captain for four years. There was nothing worthwhile that he had accomplished and no legendary treasure he had discovered that would earn him songs of praise. He couldn’t go out like this, not when there was still so much for him to do.
There was a moment of silence that seemed to stretch for eternity and only the laboured breath of the captain could be heard. The mermaid was quiet on its feet, and then it was suddenly in front of him with its head close to his own. With a wave of a hand, the mermaid brushed the haze away from his eyes and he quickly blinked to adjust his sight. Then he saw what stood in front of him and his knees really buckled this time which sent him to the floor.
The mermaid did nothing as it stood before him in all its beautiful glory, bright and defiant. Its pale skin glowed ethereally despite the fog that covered them, with a frame slender and layered with lean muscles. Its features were brilliant with tempting pink lips and a smooth jaw accompanied by soft cheeks. Eyes big and brown which brought to mind the colour of polished mahogany and long, thick eyelashes that were the color of charcoal. Its hair was dark like the ocean at midnight with the tips of it brushing against prominent collarbones.
It was terrifyingly beautiful and the captain couldn’t stop himself from gazing up with wide eyes of frightened wonder.
The mermaid stared down at him with those dark eyes that glinted with something so mysterious, something humankind could never hope to grasp. It then disappeared and was replaced with feigned disappointment as it sighed. The captain watched, horror-filled, as the mermaid lifted up a delicate hand with a graceful curling of fingers.
“No,” the captain babbled through harsh breaths and tears speedily running down his face. “Please, have mercy!”
With a gorgeous smile revealing slightly sharp teeth, the mermaid shook its head and said, “No mercy is given to those who don’t deserve it.”
The hand curled into a tight fist and the captain’s movement ceased with his eyes wide open as they stared into the fog filled sky.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 22 Review: Here’s Negan
This The Walking Dead review contains spoilers.
The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 22
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, for the most part, has been used poorly during his time on The Walking Dead. The actor has done his best with the material he’s been given, but for entirely too long Negan was a caricature of a person, a goofy swaggering cartoon trying to sound tough but forced to dumb down his language to avoid offending network sensibilities. It was silly, and while Negan might have been a fan-favorite villain, he didn’t exactly translate well to television in spite of my affection for both the character and the actor. He’s been fine, but he’s capable of so much more than he’s had the chance to show as one of the lead characters on the most popular show on cable television.
Now that is no longer the case. With “Here’s Negan,” Jeffrey Dean Morgan was given a major opportunity to show off his acting chops, and he absolutely shines. Morgan is so good here that he might have been able to change a lot of minds about a character that was a self-parody for most of his camera time.
A few weaker entries aside, The Walking Dead season 10 has been one of the strongest the show has ever had, and to say that about a show that has lost pretty much every major cast member and replaced the supporting cast a few pieces at a time is remarkable. It’s a testament to Angela Kang’s skill as a producer and showrunner that a show that kicked off and outlasted a zombie craze has recaptured this much of its glory this late in its run, without Rick, Michonne, or Carl. Even these bonus episodes have been mostly successful, with the less interesting ones still serving as interesting enough character pieces to fill in gaps or give hints at what might be happening in season 11.
No character has needed that revitalizing attention more than Negan. Hints of his origin dropped throughout the series in comments and asides. His wife died of cancer. His bat is named after his her. He used to be a gym teacher. Separately, they provide pieces enough to inform opinions about the character, but when all those details get weaved into his intense back-story, it goes from just character details to creating a fully-fledged human. Emerging out of caricature, stripping back the details to get to the heart of the whys behind his biker jacket, his slicked-back hair, his talkative swagger, his destructive rages, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Hilarie Burton-Morgan take David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick’s incredible script and breathe life and honesty into a heart-wrenchingly sad tale.
Twelve years previously, Negan (Morgan) finds himself on a life-or-death mission. Waylaid by bikers, Negan has to get away from them and get the vital chemotherapy drugs Lucille (Hilarie Burton-Morgan) needs to continue fighting off her cancer. He’s been gone too long, scavenging for food, seeking out the traveling medical team that he heard about—a team that might not even exist—after one last good night together with his wife distracts him for long enough that the drugs warm up in the ice-filled freezer and lose their effectiveness. He’s desperate; she’s survived well into the apocalypse and he knows how to give her the infusions and tend to her through her nausea and pain, he just needs the drugs and now that he’s gotten them, he can’t let a bunch of bikers stand in his way, even if that means betraying good people to bad guys just to save his own skin.
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The Walking Dead Season 10 “Here’s Negan” Finale Gives the Villain a Chance to Save Lucille
By John Saavedra
Was The Walking Dead Planning to Go Past the Comic Stories?
By Joseph Baxter
The episode moves easily back and forth through time, with little touches of Negan-esque humor; the chyron denoting Negan finding the doctor as ‘two or three days ago’ is a nice touch. Twelve years earlier, two or three days earlier than that, six weeks back from that, and finally seven months back from that, the episode moves easily and logically through scenes as Negan tells his story to the doctors, to the bikers, to himself, and to us. The relationship between Negan and Lucille plays out between them.
Negan, no job or prospects to speak of, having an affair with his wife’s best friend when he’s not buying $600 jackets and playing video games all day. Negan, reading a book to his wife while she receives her chemo infusion. Negan, trying to rob an armed caravan with an unloaded gun, only to get a kiss from Lucille (the bat) for his troubles. Negan, tied to a chair, begging for the chance to save his wife’s life. Negan, in tears, promising Lucille that he’ll never give up while she tries her best to tell him that he’s done enough, that he’s become the person she always knew he could be, even when he wasn’t, sharing a dried-out joint and a meal of dog food. Negan, rushing home to find out that he’s too late.
Anchored by a brief framing device where Negan leaves Alexandria to avoid Maggie’s wrath, then returns to Alexandria in spite of Maggie’s wrath, “Here’s Negan” is a beautifully touching, beautifully tragic story that is familiar to anyone who has ever watched helplessly while a loved one died before your eyes. Negan won’t quit, because Negan can’t quit. Any little hope, no matter how small, is enough to keep fighting, to dig heels in and try even when there’s no reason to keep trying any more. Even when the person who is dying is giving you permission to move on with your life without them.
The episode is basically a two-hander with Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Hilarie Burton-Morgan playing off each other, and the sequences that the two share carry a palpable weight and chemistry to them. When Negan has tears in his eyes because of the pain he put Lucille through, it feels real because we’ve seen her crawl into his arms and give him a hug and tell him it’s okay to let her go. Both performers play off each other beautifully, and it’s pretty clear that the emotional connection shared by their real-life relationship and their shared bond over health difficulties bleeds over into the fictional words of Johnson-McGoldrick without distracting from them or overwhelming them.
Laura Belsey does a good job of keeping things restrained as appropriate for the characters, and the few Negan-ish touches (the way he grins at the bat for example, the first time he puts on the leather jacket, when he’s standing over a biker he’s tied to a chair) are very deftly handled. It’s the early stages of Negan finding that character he’d become later, and there’s still a human Negan in there somewhere grieving for his lost wife and blaming her death on the people in front of him. The death of Lucille at her own hands, taking the choice of out Negan’s, fits with that character. She’s forgiven him, and she won’t let him kill himself trying to stave off the inevitable.
Negan’s use of the fireplace in his chill-out cabin as a way to say his goodbye to his other Lucille is fitting, a good way of physically showing the psychological action of Negan coming to terms with the character he was and the person he really is. Maybe the people of Alexandria will still see him as Negan the bat-wielding Savior who put them through hell; Maggie certainly does. There’s nothing Negan can do to change that, just like there was nothing he could to do keep Lucille alive through both cancer treatment and a zombie apocalypse. He tried his best, on both counts, and while he might not win the fight, he made a promise to keep fighting.
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You don’t keep fighting by hiding from people who don’t like you. You can’t redeem a character by hiding him in the background. Negan will face his demons head on, and while he might lose, he’ll go down swinging.
The post The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 22 Review: Here’s Negan appeared first on Den of Geek.
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userlando · 7 years
Sweater Weather (Ethan x Reader)
Summary: Requested by side-angel: “Can I request one of Ethan? Maybe a cute one where he teaches you how to snowboard on vacation?” Word Count: 1,860 Warnings: None. A/N: So I was already planning on doing something like this since I did Hawaii Loving. Title is from TNBH’s song. I’ve never gone snowboarding before, don’t judge me if I got something wrong 😂  Hope you like it xx
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Your hands were freezing even though the gloves you had pulled on were thick, and you had fallen on your butt more times than you could count on two hands. Ethan found it hilarious though, he’d take pictures of you pouting, claiming it was only for his eyes and not for the social medias. You believed him, of course, but that still didn’t stop you from feeling bad that you couldn’t stay on the board for more than a few seconds before sliding off course or falling face first into the snow.
“Can we test out the hot tub in our cabin, please?” You asked, sighing as you bunched up snow in your hands, squeezing it into a ball between your palms.
Ethan laughed and walked over to you, slipping his hands underneath your armpits to pull you up into a standing position. He brought up a hand to brush his gloved thumb underneath your eye, wiping away melted snow.
“Let’s try one more time, and if you still can’t get a grip on it then we’ll do something else and save the snowboarding for tomorrow.” He said and raised his eyebrows in question. You frowned and nodded with a sigh.
“Fine,” you agreed reluctantly and reached down to unclasp the straps from your feet, slipping the board underneath your arm. Ethan made a pleased noise in the back of his throat, lips pulling into a smile as he followed you to the ski lift. “Just know, though, that I was planning on bathing topless. I guess that’s not happening now.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Ethan reached out an arm, placing it in front of your chest so you halted your steps. His lips were shaped like an ‘o’ and it made you giggle. “That’s not fair, you know.”
You tried to look innocent as you leaned up on your toes, getting close to his face.
“I know baby, but life isn’t fair.” You whispered, pecking his lips before presuming your path to the lift, careful not to step in the way of someone snowboarding or skiing.
You could hear Ethan let out a small ‘hmpf’, the snow scrunching underneath his feet as he quickened his pace to catch up with you.
You settled down on the lift, smiling at Ethan who was settling down beside you. He placed his arm around you, pulling you in to press his lips to your temple. You closed your eyes, wishing that you could stay like that forever. You had never felt more happier than you did when you were with Ethan. He made you feel courageous, stronger, like you could handle anything that was thrown your way. And he supported you in everything you decided to do, what more could you ask from him, really?
You jumped off your seats as the lift reached your spot on the small hill and you mentally prepared yourself to fall flat on your face again. Ethan took one look at your face, laughing out loud.
“It’s gonna be fine, babe. I wouldn’t let you die.” He teased and you glared at him, sitting down on the snow to fasten the board, reaching your arms out so Ethan could pull you up to your feet.
He instructed you once again, repeating terms that you frankly didn’t understand but went along with anyway, hoping that you wouldn’t mess up again. He guided you into the right position, pressing a quick kiss to your cold, flushed cheek in a good luck before telling you to go.
You tried to hold in your small yelps of panic as you slid down the hill, feeling yourself waning to the left so you pulled yourself into a position that wouldn’t have you falling face first. You slowed down to a stop eventually and your mouth fell open in shock, realizing that you had done it. Ethan was shouting a few feet away, at the top of the hill and you turned around with your arms stretched above your head.
“I did it!” You screamed out loud and he whooped, making several heads turn towards him. It made you laugh out loud.
“That’s my baby! She did it!” He yelled, pointing at you and you blushed.
He calmed down eventually, boarding down the hill without any difficulty and much faster than you did, even putting his own twist at the end.
“Show off,” you rolled your eyes with a smile and he laughed.
“After that awesome stunt you pulled, I had to do something equally as cool.” He said, pushing his goggles to his forehead and you pushed at his chest, laughing out loud.
“All I did was literally slide down the hill. I looked like Bambi on ice!”
Ethan grinned, pulling you in for a hug. “A very beautiful Bambi.”
“You’re too good to me,” you smiled, nuzzling your face against his chest. “Can we go get some food now, all that face planting made me hungry.”
Ethan’s chest rumbled as he let out a booming laugh, and you couldn’t help but smile at the gorgeous sound filling your ears.
After you had gotten food in a cozy restaurant located in the main cabin of the resort, you hunted down a café. It didn’t take long to find one, so you ordered hot chocolate and settled in your chairs in front of each other.
“I really wanna do some ice-skating tomorrow, that rink looked gorgeous.” You said, fishing out a marshmallow with your small spoon out of your mug.
Ethan hummed in agreement, “Definitely. Are you gonna be okay out on the rink or do I need to hold your hand?”
You gaped at him and he hid his laughter behind his hand, body shaking as he giggled.
“I’m going to actually kick your butt.” You said, feigning offense.
He gasped in mock shock, placing his hand on his heart. “You would never! You love it too much.”
You stuck out your tongue at him, kicking him softly under the table.
“I wonder what my fans would think about you abusing me, like this.” He joked and laughed out in panic as you went to kick him a bit harder in the shin. “Ow!”
“I’d kill and bury you, then tell everyone that you were abducted.” You said, placing your elbow on the table, resting your head on the palm of your hand.
“Ooh, baby, talk dirty to me.” He huskily whispered out, leaning in so you were a few inches apart.
You snorted out a small laugh, shaking your head.
“You’re insufferable,” you murmured, but the fondness in your voice said otherwise. “I love you.”
Ethan caught his lower lip between his teeth as if to stop his smile from growing three sizes bigger than his face.
“And I love you.”
The outside jacuzzi was just what you needed to finish off your adventurous day. It was located on your cabin’s balcony, already on and bubbling softly with steam whirling. Ethan was already inside, clad in his red swim shorts and hair wet, plastered to his face. You had put on your normal black bikini and was just standing inside, admiring him as he tapped away on his phone, facing you.
As you stepped outside, a cold wind blew past and you shivered, goosebumps rising on your skin. Ethan looked up as the hardwood floor creaked under your foot, and his eyes roamed up and down your body.
“I don’t believe that you’re my girlfriend,” he said, eyes shining in amusement, watching you dip your feet into the tub.
“Oh? Who am I then?” You asked, playing along.
He stood up, “I have no idea, but I’d like to get my hands on you.”
He watched as you dipped in your whole body into the scorching water, gasping at the temperature change. You reached for him, hands itching to touch his delicious looking body.
“I won’t say no to that.” You giggled, placing your petite hands on each side of his neck, bringing him down for a kiss.
It started out slow, lips moving together. Ethan inhaled sharply through his nose, winding his muscular arms around your waist to pull you in so your bodies touched. You let out a small moan at the contact, letting your hands find their way up his hair, grasping at the strands. You watched as he pulled away an inch or two, mouth falling open in a small moan as you pulled at his hair, immediately diving in to suck kisses on your jaw. You tightened your grip on his hair as he moved down to your throat, sucking a mark into your skin that you knew would bruise. He swept his tongue over the swollen skin, and before you had time to react he had caressed your back with his hands slowly, pulling at the knot of your bikini so it would loosen up. You gasped as he spun you around, lifting you up so you were sitting on the edge of the hot tub. He pressed a searing kiss to your lips, muffling your gasps of air, before trailing down your neck, to your collarbone, pressing kisses as he reached to in between your breasts.
You watched him in awe, feeling love filling you up from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
“I can’t get enough of you,” Ethan breathed out, placing kisses on your stomach and you pulled back slightly, making him stop and look up.
His pupils were blown, lust written all over his face, lips bruised and pink, shining with water and saliva. His face was flushed and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He was yours.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, concern lacing his voice. His hands came back to hold your sides protectively, scanning your face for any signs of discomfort.
You bit back a smile, “No, absolutely not. You’re perfect.”
Ethan’s lips widened in a smile and you smiled back. With the help of your hand, you guided him back to your lips, kiss much more tender and chaste this time.
“I love you, my gorgeous girl.” He murmured, pressing small pecks to your lips.
“And I love you. So, so much.” You whispered. “I love your eyebrows..”
You paused, pecking his right eyebrow, making him close his eyes.
“Your eyes,” kiss. “That adorable nose of yours,” kiss.
You went on to his cheek, “Your cheeks,” kiss. “And that incredible jaw of yours.”
You brought your hand up to place it on his chest that was heaving with every slow breath he took, right above his beating heart.
“And I love this.”
He opened his eyes, looking at you.
“I’ll never stop loving you. Even when my heart stops beating, I’ll still love you like the first day I saw you.” He murmured, stroking my cheek with his trembling hand.
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. Seconds later, you felt his lips against yours, barely a kiss; it was more of a brush. But it was enough for you to know that you’d do anything for him. You’d love him until the day you stopped breathing.
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