#but his catholic guilt and comphet shoved it down before he could think too hard about it
but what if we get a scene where Eddie and Tommy are hanging out and having some heart to heart, and Tommy talks about being shot in the army and his life flashing before his eyes. and then asks Eddie what it was like when he got shot. and eddie gets kind of quiet, and then goes
“you know, I don’t remember much. I’ve been in other near-death experiences where it felt like life flashing before me, but it was more like a reminder of what i had to fight for to stay alive. when I got shot though … all I can remember is flashes of what was happening around me before losing consciousness. Buck in front of me, my blood on his face. I saw the blood and immediately got worried about him, like he was the one who got hurt. I was in shock, I guess. And then I fell. And Buck was on the ground too, on the other side of the engine, his eyes staring right back at me. And when reality of what was happening came crashing down on me I thought, okay. If this is how I’m supposed to go, okay. As long as it’s not him.”
Then he goes on telling Tommy about Chris and how he knew Buck would take care of him if he died, and you just know Eddie’s talking about it like it’s nothing. But there’s something in his expression that Tommy catches, and he doesn’t say or do anything about it but we see it in his eyes that he KNOWS. what then.
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