#but honey. it's not because you're a woman. I can tell you that much 🤣🤣
risingsouls · 1 year
She drove her knee into his groin before walking out of the gravity chamber. "This is the reason whs I learned martial arts: to protect myself from idiots like you who think they have power over the female species!"
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Sensing the woman's unwanted intrusion and impending attack, he dodged the knee handily. " What are you talking about? I don't care what you did or why you did it. Do you want a fucking cookie or something? Go bother someone who cares. "
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justwritedreams · 2 years
I want to read dad baekhyun and his 3 little daughters. 😭 What will be the fourth one 👀
Ok so why not take advantage of exo as dads series to talk about baekhyun, right? RIGHT!
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Jongin Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
First of all, good luck to the future s/o because you will be a rabbit!
I can clearly see Baekhyun as a girl's father but trying at all costs to have a boy
And that's how he got to the 4th daughter 🤣
And of course he already knew because after all, they had been trying for another baby for a long time.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd be like "Are you sure that you're not pregnant yet?"
"Honey, I already took two pregnancy tests."
"One more reason to make a third."
And then all of a sudden one night his s/o would be throwing up and he would already know it's the baby!
I don't think the daughters would have a big age difference because
I really think he likes having a baby at home
There's something about seeing that tiny baby sleeping soundly in his arms that is 😍
And I think he's the kind of playful father who takes things seriously when he has to much like my father is
But he's the best friend of his little girls!
Seriously, there is nothing they wouldn't say or ask him for
Helping with a school homework he has no idea what it's like? He will learn just to teach them properly.
Daughters want a different hairstyle to go out? He will do it.
Watch Barbie movies and sing along? It's his favorite part of the day!
Talking about where babies come from? … Oh, well, that he probably won't be able to say without laughing from sheer nervousness 🤣
But you got my point, right? Ok
So when he and his wife found out that another baby is on the way, he was ready to tell his little daughters.
And I think it would be the best and cutest conversation ever 🥺
He would do it in a natural way that wouldn't make the girls jealous of the attention the baby will receive but rather excited that another baby is coming soon.
And he'll probably have to hear every day when the baby is coming
Because his enthusiasm rubbed off on his daughters 🤣
But I imagine him together with his daughters making drawings for the new baby 😫
They wanting to help the father set up the baby's room
And probably making him give up in the next 15 minutes because they are making him more tired than the crib he has to put together.
And if you thought of them helping to paint the room, then you thought right because so did I!
In the end, everyone knows it would be a paint war and his wife would probably have to arrive to end the game and tell everyone to take a shower because there's even paint in their hair
Family shopping!!!
Him choosing clothes for the baby together with the girls oh my god I'm going to die of cuteness
"Dad, I think this one is prettier."
"But I liked that one, dad"
"Only this one will suit better!"
"You know what, let's take them all!" and that's how he came home with more bags of clothes than he had planned 🤣
But most importantly, he would make sure he was paying attention to all the women in his life.
He would take all the daughters to their beds in one night, when everyone else was already asleep in the living room.
And his s/o too!!
Because there is no more important woman in the world than her 🥺
"Love, I don't think you're going to be able to carry me to the bedroom."
"What kind of husband would I be if I let my tired pregnant wife walk around with those swollen legs?" he would say, while trying to arrange the best position to hold her in his lap… But her belly wouldn't let him. "Yeah, I think that it's better if we just sleep here!"
Would wake up early to prepare breakfast for everyone!
He'd take the girls to school, and he'd probably cry in the car when he realized how big the little girls actually are.
The priority would be his family!
Even though he was working, recording new songs, during breaks he would call his wife or turn on the home camera on his phone to see if everything was alright
Even tired, I'm sure he would make his daughters help put away the toys they spread around the living room or bedroom.
He would teach his daughters to sing to the baby in their mother's belly why am i doing this to myself? 😫
But make no mistake, even though experienced with sudden baby arrivals and births
He would be a nervous wreck for the birth of his fourth daughter!
I would be so nervous that I wouldn't know who to call first, the parents, the in-laws or the members 🤣
He would definitely pass on the view that he is a first-time father
But not fainting during childbirth, as happened with the first daughter
I think he would cry holding his newborn daughter in his arms!
And the wife seeing this would be like "are you crying for real?"
"She's just so beautiful! She has my nose."
But I think the most exciting moment for him would be when his daughters go to the hospital to meet their new sister.
He would probably be able to hold back the tears and look with a twinkle in his eyes with so much pride for the family he has 🥺
Will fight and die for his family!
He will be the attentive, helpful father who will talk to his daughters about how they need to keep their voices down when the baby is sleeping
He will let the daughters help change the diaper, bathe and rock the baby because he also wants to capture these moments with good photos!
I really think he would be an extraordinary father, devoted to his daughters and only thinking about what's best for them.
For example, I'm sure he wouldn't expose any of them to the media or anything like that.
Because he wants to preserve all of them as much as possible and if one day they want to be artists like him, there will be no one who will support more than him!
But deep down he hopes they follow other careers 🤣
One day, when all the daughters are napping together in the afternoon, he would hug his wife and look at her as if she were the most special jewel in the world.
"We are very lucky parents, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are!"but the wife would know that he was going to say something, because that little smile of someone who is going to do something is there "We are not having another baby!"
"How about a dog then?"
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