#but hopefully i can find some new blogs to follow 😊 thanks again!!!
coredrill · 1 year
okay y’all, the time has come where i want to actually try to follow a few more people lmao. so pls feel free to like/rb this if you post about any of the following so i can check your blog out!!!
super robot anime (this is unlikely i know but worth a shot lmao)
studio trigger anime
star trek
marvel comics
avatar / korra
space / astrophysics / particle physics / relativity etc
thank you!! 💜
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oraclekleo · 10 months
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Hello my dear followers and random Tumblr visitors!
Before I proceed with more readings, I have a question to ask.
Do you actually want me to include the pics of the pulled cards in readings? You see my reason for doing it is for you to be able to maybe intuitively find hidden messages in the cards which I couldn't pick up because they were meant for you and you only but if you don't scrutinise those pictures I attach then I don't have to do it. 😊
I mean! Just tell me!
Also! I'm slowly coming back to active mode (hopefully) on Tumblr. I'm going to finish up personal readings, 1111 followers celebration and tarot games requests and probably some of the suggestions (🍓) and we can start something new again here. 😁
Let me know if there's anything you would like to see on my blog, something you don't often see from other tarot readers but would like more of it... I'm open to discussing new ideas.
Would you like me to combine tarot and oracle cards with other practices like pendulum, astrology, herbology, crystals, etc.? Would you like some less common types of readings to be available like tarot readings regarding your pets or superior's impression of you or dreams analysis?
Don't be afraid to give me lists of what you want, anonymously even, and I will consider your ideas. Worst thing scenario is that you don't get what you want from me and your situation remains the same as it is now. Best case scenario, you will get what you want! And that's worth it! 👍😂
Let me know whether you would be interested in paid readings and if yes, what's the price range you find reasonable (in USD or EUR, please so I don't need to research some less often used currencies). Once again, I might decide not to follow your suggestion but I also could. I have a job and tarot is my hobby so I'm willing to consider lower prices and donate any tarot related income to my favourite dog shelters. Only consider the fact that I don't do readings with declared word count. If you want to suggest pricing to me, measure it on questions not word count. 😊
I hope we can further build a nice community here, open and accepting, possibly healing. ✨💖✨
Thank you to all of those who regularly interact here with me!
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And now it's your time!
Send a bunch of suggestions so I can make at least some of them true!
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Your Kleo
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theretirementstory · 1 month
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18/08/24. Bonjour et bienvenue, if you are new to this blog, what took you so long finding it 😉. For those that have followed me for the past years, thank you 😊.
The photos this week are from my “archive”. The above is of the front garden after I spent days removing very long grass and (stupidly) laying weed suppressant before I covered it with bark. I was so pleased with the result. Unfortunately now the potager is a cat toilet and the bark has lost it’s colour and the area looks shoddy. I have some more bark and would like to get the germinated seeds taken out and add more bark. Perhaps I will be able to do this very soon.
We are one week closer to the arrival of 2nd son and his girlfriend and I have had a few baking days preparing food for the freezer so that, if, I don’t feel up to cooking a meal we won’t starve 😊.
It’s been a different week with two visits to the hospital in Troyes, for my transfusions. Back to normal next week with a visit to Paris and also Troyes for the transfusions.
Talking of Paris, I messaged Jony, my Syrian friend, on Friday evening and brought him up to speed with my treatment. When I met him his paperwork in France had his name spelt as above, however, he signed off with Johnny. I am pleased he is now using (perhaps) the correct spelling of his name. I know that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime, Johnny left Bar-sur-Aube in July 2018, although I haven’t seen him since, when we message one another it’s as if I had just seen him last week. I pray to be well enough to go to Paris one day and meet him for coffee as I used to do here in Bar-sur-Aube. Keeping my 🤞 for that one!
Anie and Monique are sharing the shopping duties, with Anie getting the visits to the pharmacy too. It’s so kind of them to do this for me, although I know I couldn’t do it myself.
On Friday, Anie was telling me about the liberation which took place on the coast of Provence on the 15 August 1944. After American, British and Canadian forces landed they were followed by some 250,000 soldiers recruited largely from French colonies in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. As 15 August is Assumption Day this landing goes largely unremembered. She then mentioned the Résistance and I asked if she had been to the Résistance Museum in a village not too far away. She said she hadn’t and maybe we could go together. Hopefully we will get there before it is only opened to groups from November.
The cleaner came and she is a good worker, however I will have to itemise each task I want doing. I did clean the kitchen myself (apart from the floor) which she did. I want to get her to wash the window and door frames inside and out 😳 plus the glass panes.
I have a “to-do” list as long as your arm! The car is in need of a service but as I am not allowed to drive, I haven’t phoned the garage. I messaged the gardener to come and cut the grass. He didn’t respond but I feel sure he will turn up and transform the garden. Maybe I won’t contact him again just yet. I messaged the plumber to come out but again no response. He maybe on holiday and could contact me this week, if not I will call him. I have to ring the man to come and wash the outside walls of the house. Currently, the sand blown from the Sahara has caused red streaks to appear and I would like them cleaned. Finally I need to contact the roofer, I signed the estimate in October last year and he said he would come on a dry day to do the work. We have had a lot of those days but he is more elusive than “The Scarlet Pimpernel”.
“The Trainee Solicitor” now just shares his office with one other person. I hope that means that he can get on with his work without too many distractions. I know from being in a car with a driver for three hours or more, picking the skin on their fingers or picking their nose, plus a little cough which has become a habit all of these get on your nerves.
“The Recovery Coordinator” has had another “garbage” week! They have lost 5 members of staff in 6 weeks so the workload for the remaining staff has increased and it’s stressful. She is glad she has her holidays to look forward to.
“The Photographer” has had an okay week which ended with a high on Friday evening, winning a game of bingo. Yesterday he was at Scarborough AFC’s home game taking photographs. It’s something he enjoys doing and is such a change from his full-time work.
“The Jetsetter” still has clipped wings and is spending her summer going swimming, playing bingo 😂 and working. Some of that working involved a professional exam this week. I would imagine, while waiting for results of the exam, that she will be deciding on places to visit during her next round of holidays 😁.
Talking about holidays, Pauline has been making the most of the Iberian peninsula. She has been to Lisbon and Porto. Then went back into Spain visiting Malaga, Seville, Granada and Madrid. Not quite sure where she is at the moment but she is not due back in Paris until 21 August.
Goodness me, I nearly forgot the music section 😳. The first track is “Loves Me Like A Rock” by Paul Simon this was released in 1973 that makes it over 50 years old but I love it as much today as I did then. The second track is from a lady who, sadly is no longer with us, it’s “This Time I Know It’s For Real” by Donna Summer which was released in 1989. I hope you enjoy listening to these two songs.
The photo below was taken at Chateau de Cirey-sur-Blaise. A place where the writer, Voltaire, lived with Mme Du Châtelet from 1734 to 1749.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
hi graaaaaaaace 💛💙💚
I am stopping by to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new yeaaaaaaaaaaar!!! (sorry that it is early, I get pretty busy around the holidays and DEFINITELY did not want the actual dates to pass me by) 🎄⛄🎁🎅🎆🎉🎇🎊
I am so so so happy to have found your blog 🥰 All your fics are so on point, I read them over and over again - and when I'm not reading them, thinking about them! Your blog is such a beautiful compilation of all the things I love, I find myself checking it throughout the week! Above all that, though, I appreciate YOU! Not only are you talented, but you are kind, intelligent, compassionate, caring, a beautiful person all around.
I hope that I can see more of your blog and interact more with you in 2022!! And I hope that your 2022 will be happy, healthy, and the best year yet 🤗 Tons of love to you, honey! 💕😊💌
Awww thank you so much anon! I’m so grateful to have such amazing followers and your support means so much to me! I know that I’ve been pretty inactive recently, school and my job has taken first priority. But I really miss writing and I’m working on some pieces in my spare time!
My break starts after this week so hopefully I can continue posting! Thanks again for this super sweet message it means so very much to me! I hope that you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy new year! 🎉🎊🥳🍾
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