#but hopefully they can at least smooth out size supply issues
statementlou · 1 year
I noticed 28OP didn't use the emails they collected from us the other day to announce the drop (yet), but also a thought about that- based on shipping out promises (immediately according to the order confirmations) and Louis modeling these items recently, this drop was already manufactured in advance, and so unaffected by the size info they collected this week- but they can use that to gauge what to make for future drops and hopefully then larger sizes won't sell out so quickly. And we know when to expect them (every 28th) so even without emails people won't miss their chances if things do continue to sell out quickly
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 78
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Home a day early Norma exploded with anxious energy to be near her daughter who was confused to the meaning of the day, her first birthday. A cake was able to distract her mother and herself from that awkward energy for the beginning of their three day weekend together so Victor could take you to a stop at the studio to help with a possible new bout of ideas to refurbish the Cap comics. Still no one seemed to be able to come up with anything substantial except for a cross of the Howling Commandoes who would run into your animated family alongside Peggy’s alter ego. Which you all took off with that idea had came up with at least five different issues worth of them to mingle in the planned plot lines already animated and ready to be sent out when it was due to be printed. Quite gladly the guys had loved your pregnancy as now with these new ideas you had editions well through this year and into the next if anything should distract from the creative process.
Just past the hall with your last projects on display atop podiums you entered the workshop as people still milled around each choice inspecting each. Including yours which was a miniature town. Half a mine complete with a track for little carts and the other half a town encircled by a river. All of it powered by the waterwheel that moved the mechanics in the layer beneath the surface of the entire town. Streets between homes had lights on each corner with antique style lamp posts with two bulbs in them that switched colors at the filling and emptying of water tubes fed by that same wheel. Cars on tracks drove between the wooden homes to finish off the scene and impressed your Professor for how complex the mechanics were to the simplistic upper display.
Your place in the class came with questions but with ease at home in the shop the men around you relaxed at fears of tears or pestering questions to distract them. Now the main distraction came for the awe striking ways you got around the difficulties your size a half to a whole foot shorter than all of them to get things done and how naturally you knew various advanced tools and had no fear in using them. Today however you came with a spare bag of clothes that to the amusement of your classmates out of your heels you stepped and flicked unfolded at your side the trousers you brought. Pulling them on over the skirt of your dress you tucked that and the flannel you added into the top and secured the cloth belt you added next. Thick socks and your work boots came next showing much use to each press of your feet into the opposite knee to tie them and lower to repeat the step.
Unable to help it as you tucked your heels into your bag the Professor gave you a once over after having seen the others had swapped their dress shirts for thicker work shirts and as you wound your ponytail and bangs back into a bun underneath a bandana he greeted you all. “Good to see you’ve all come ready to get some grease on those elbows. We have a new project for you to finish off the summer semester. Out of solid steel each of you will be creating something that has a function. It must be a minimum of six feet tall and two feet wide, please no windmills, there will be a supply near each of your stations and in the supply room. I want you all to think long and hard about what you want to make and how you would create that function in hopefully an ingeniously new way. You will only have the time in class when we meet so no spare after class time or weekends. So manage your tasks properly and keep to a schedule as best as you can.”
His eye shifted to you as you raised your hand and he nodded your way in his usual signal to speak, “Does it have to do a job or just do something?”
Across his lips a smirk tugged and he answered, “It just has to do something, make it light up, make it move, be unique. I repeat no windmills.” He said and motioned his hand to the side for you all to head to your stations. Right away he and his aid chuckled at your usual pop up onto the counter that reached your ribs to reach the gloves and apron in your cubby assigned with your name on tape laid across the edge of it.
Sons of mechanics, car enthusiasts, electricians and builders filled the class on their way to get their Engineering degrees to join the family profession and to their amusement with your own ideas you seemed to be fairly at the same level of skill as the group who was used to building models and things since they were little. Once the spare layers were added and you had taken a few minutes to simply stare at the sheet of steel resting on the mount there to hold it upright to think of what to make. The smirk that tugged across your lips intrigued the Professor and his aid that something interesting was coming as your mind had come up with something. In the same stunning fashion your tiny self eased the sheet of metal a foot taller and two feet longer than your body off the mount and onto the cutting stand you had made the first week in for your shorter self. You knelt on top of that to use just a couple feet off the ground compared to the waist high ones the guys used with ease at possession of longer arms and legs.
With cutting torch in hand over the numerous chalk outlines the sound of metal falling echoed in your ears between sounds of the others at their own stations working with hammers or torches of their own who weren’t still on the design on notepads. Around each station the Professor moved with his aid in opposing paths to get a sense of what you all were doing, notepads in hand to make notes while students as usual stood outside the windowed wall to peer in at what you all were doing. That angle especially helped to add images of yourself and the guys for the yearbook the school had for even the summer semester as well. When the metal was spent and left to just outlines into sections you cut what remained with a smirk hidden by your face shield at the perfect alignment of metal shapes to be part of the body you required. Just one layer but as usual you strove to not waste an inch of the metal or supplies given and set those aside to begin on the mechanics.
Gears, rods, all fashioned down with sanders and buffers for a smooth finish and even on a few securing grooves to be used later to lock things into place all were wound together with or near to wires and conduits for pathways of motion. All the Professor could see but the end of the day was the sheets of metal in the cutout mount along the wall. Noted with tape to not be used for scrap by others and a clump of a motor nearly the size of your body with octopus like mess of limbs that he saw you link small switches and levers to the whirring core that after the charge from the center mechanics you had wound like a clock began to slow left no hint at all what any of it could be meant for. But that was it and for the next day he would have to simply steal glances at the chunks of your projects to try and figure out what they were meant to do until the next class when he could see some more progress on the lifeless piles of metal.
“You look excited,” Victor hummed as James took hold of your bags with a kiss on your temple.
James smirked saying to the scent of metal shards on your hair and skin, “You’ve been welding again.”
“I’m building a moose.” You said making them chuckle as you delved into the new project you had been given.
James said, “Well a moose will certainly be large enough for the size requirements. What are you going to make it do?”
“Walk and move around,” you said widening their grins. “It’ll be risky but I think I can pull it off even if I have to sneak in some magic to do it.”
“I’m certain you can, Pipsqueak.”
Ten days had gone and flew by as again before the crack of dawn tears came and the now the three spotted children showed the final steps of the chicken pox that had upheaved the household. And after a trio of oatmeal baths for 20 minutes the babies now with socks tied into their hands were put back to bed until they woke for the next round of baths and calamine lotion to soothe the itchy patches away until they were gone.
Mr Fenske again had your morning. And through the afternoon while you couldn’t work on your project you brainstormed and practically filled a notebook with diagrams and plans for what exactly to do when you got back to the shop the following day to hopefully get done with plenty of time to spare and polish the giant moose up for its big debut. Sleep wasn’t hard to gain with the rain. Though by morning said rain made it a bit difficult to want to leave your still groggy girls who barely made it through breakfast but you still did simply to get the next attendance points closer to credits to get you your Bachelor’s degrees by next summer and onto the way to your Masters then Doctorates. You made plans and in sticking to them you could only make a great example for your girls to be what they wanted to, even if it didn’t involve as much schooling as you were pushing yourself through.
Back inside the second Art History class notice of a change was evident on everyone’s faces to the lack of a model or item to focus on and the Professor’s place in the front of the floor to say when you had all arrived. “For your final projects there will be no model given to you. You will supply your own muse and in the style of a painting Master you will complete two paintings of at least 12x16 each that will center around a single memory. Something that is not well known about your life, a moment of unadulterated trust. They must be a pair and be supported by a description of the memory that you all will present at the gallery at the end of this semester where each of the pieces you have completed in every class will be displayed for others to view and comment. This is your final exam, take it seriously and do not disappoint me.”
Monet’s style seemed to be something you could adapt into whatever you decided to paint. Back to Monet’s paintings your mind wandered and in the various chosen models for each of those with people in them his main focus on landscapes had you think of something that would not be another copy of one of his works. Your brain however looped back to that brothel and onto the first sheet of your sketch pad to mock up what you would paint James with his coat over his head and cigar in hand made an amusing image with details of a plume of smoke along with the beams of light from the milky curtain coated window could make for something unique. And with it would be James in that bathtub with his boots and uniform on the floor still with hold of that cigar.
There wasn’t much of your private life you wanted to share, namely your courtship with James, but you hoped he wouldn’t mind having the back of his arms, head and shoulder blades in display for however many people would be attending this gallery showing. On major project turned to two and you just wanted to get this over with. Normally you liked your Professors but this class couldn’t come to an end soon enough even if you did get along well with those from your other courses. Basic details on the first scene with him against the door was begun on a fairly decent sized easel above the required size in a means to get what details you wanted included without compromise. Anatomy and Physiology was a welcome distraction and after Communication you were free to get back to your moose.
Once in your work layers to the side of your list of necessary parts you crouched with cutter in hand to add more body pieces to the pile to assemble later. Some you left flat while others made use of the rolling press the Professor and his aid enjoyed the glimpses of hidden strength you displayed in warping the metal to your needs, each rotation of that crank took a certain amount of strength to get the bend required. While others were slid into the other metal press that with a lever bent the sections at whatever straight angle possible with enough force. Every piece only added more mystery for how they blended together until from the mess after a bit of welding around the internal support rods and gears to work the joints properly and still be able to withstand the weight of all needed to in every movement.
With the internal mechanism and the cutting mainly done now it was easier, simply overlaying the outer shell. Carefully each leg was fashioned together and down every joint tested for smooth motion you required from the different swaying sections that while still seemed a whole piece until the motion began and every joint showed its purpose to shift and then come back to its place in smooth circular motion similar to how actual moose move in real life. Rope in hand once the supporting frame you’d worked out that looked more like axels on a car of simple rods fashioned together you stood tying a wrench to one end then looking up at the only higher form of support you had, the metal beams in the rafters. There was a pulley but the chain had snapped and it was too far up and too little used to warrant replacing it yet somehow a decade later. So this was what you were left to. One end of the rope was tied to one of the legs and with a good toss the wrench flew up and over the beam above your station to fall straightening the rope with it.
The motion and fall of the wrench helped to lift the leg a couple inches off the ground at one end and with a hold of the wrench with an easy pull the leg came upright off the ground and lured the gaze of the amused Professor at your self made pulley. Securely on the ground around the support rods, that balanced on top of a stool, the hoof was settled and with an easy loop of some twine from one of the cutouts through the holes drilled into the end of the support rod the hopeful anchor was tied with an easy to remove bow. Grip of the second front leg proved you were making a hooved creation and off your shoulder you moved the leg into perfect alignment and tied it off after a few confirming checks that it was straight.
Three legs soon grew to four and from the ground and from the leg the rope was removed to fashion like a noose around a series of hooked straps linked to the belly plate now welded to the inner mechanism that with a good firm grip what a woman your size shouldn’t be able to lift the three hundred pound motor and plate with ease was gradually lifted from the ground where you had left it to be. Once the rope was tied at the right height to the leg of your workstation it was wiggled into the right alignment to lessen the strain of the rope as each edge came to rest perfectly in the connecting mounts.
Both bolted and welded down into place the security was tested amusingly for those who looked over at your grips on each leg and end of the lower half of the body to give it several firm shakes to test the stability of everything with mental checks of how it felt to ensure it wouldn’t collapse or move in a way that anything would get locked up. Down the legs the mechanics were lowered and using long necked allen wrenches you secured the screws into place before you began to work the body frame up for the sides and back with a start on the neck mount to go around the support rod from the belly mount that the mechanics there were anchored to.
The basic shape of the head came to life and atop that came antlers that rather uniquely was where the controls there was mounted underneath to be closer to the ears that it would control. Kneeling atop the workstation that you merely used to house the next part up or the tools needed the head came to life widening the grins on the faces of the Professor and his aid. Both who were beyond amused at the creature you had chosen. Amongst the other students who chose things from a giant nutcracker to a mechanical hammer wielding figure that did little else than lift and lower said hammer opposite the rotating carousels and even a tree with branches that wiggled and could be used to hold items on the trays welded atop them you had chosen the boldest design. And the most curious. Surely you had to have something up your sleeve, there had to be more to the moose than what they were able to see.
“Well, well, well, it would appear you all are getting along swimmingly in just two days.” The Professor stated as you all began to clean up for the day, including yourself who accepted help from another taller student to cover your moose with a sheet as others had done for their own projects. Turned around when you released the end of the sheet in your hands you looked the Professor over seeing that he was clearly up to something with that spreading smirk of his. “And when we meet again you will find a fresh supply of sheet metal at each of your work stations. Those supplies will be pertinent in creating a second miniature partner of what you have already produced. Four feet tall and one foot wide minimum. It does not have to be an exact copy but it does have to be related to the initial creation.”
Groans from the guys however were muddled by giggles from yourself in a momentary rest of your head against the side of your moose out of the sheer amount of work that would have to go into making a second moose from scratch the next day you would be in this class. The day was over for you at least and when you got home you could focus on your girls again and simply leave the planning to the weekend while they napped for a game plan to get the ball rolling on a baby moose. Need for a good meal and a nap read across your face and had James ask, “Who am I punching?”
In a giggle you shook your head and melted into his offered hug. “I have to make a second moose.”
The pair chuckled and when James took hold of your things Victor gave you his own hug and he hummed, “We stole a glimpse at your moose. Well done. Have to be the same size?”
“Half the size of it. It doesn’t have to be a moose, just has to be related but the only thing my brain can think of moose related is moose.” The pair smirked and you said, “We’ve just got two more classes until semester is over and we have to present things.” You glanced up at James, “I can paint you in the tub, right?” That had an awkward grin split across his face and you said, “We have to paint a memory, I picked at the brothel that one time. But you won’t mind?”
“You can paint me however you like, Darling,” he said leaning in to steal a quick kiss. “I look forward to seeing it.”
“Two its, so I have to paint two paintings and build two moose. Then show them in presentations.”
Victor smiled asking, “Do we get to keep the moose?”
“I don’t know,” you answered in a giggle. “I don’t know what they expect them to be used for or if they will want us to destroy them.”
“We are not destroying your moose,” they both said.
Victor, “We’re gonna find the perfect spot for them in our home. Do we get your art too after the gallery or do they expect people to buy them?”
“I think so. We have to share a story for the paintings but I’m not sure if they sell them off, there hasn’t been any talk of that so far.”
Victor, “Hopefully we get to keep those too. And we have cake at home.” He said making you grin up at him, “Petal’s spots are gone. Herc’s giving her a full workup along with the triplets.”
You glanced at James who said, “Belly time tests, they’re doing well, necks are nice and strong, arms show signs that they are almost ready to roll over.”
“At least I haven’t missed that yet.”
James chuckled letting you into the car to sit between them saying, “Well you missed a hell of a tantrum from Teddy.”
“Aww,” you said and they both chuckled.
“He needed a nap. Just got too overwhelmed after his last bath and took a good seven minutes to climb down from that mountain. He has a set of lungs on him that boy. Dawn held firm but Eddie had to take a walk.”
“He always hated it when kids cry. Mama Brock used to joke he’d hate the terrible two’s, but so far he has been a little angel.”
“He has,” Victor hummed. “He calmed down and apologized for throwing his toy. Then said he just wanted to go to sleep and didn’t want to have his check up until after.”
“Well I’ve been on the edge of tears from a check up myself.”
James chuckled, “We all empathize, he spent most of last night up with those baths and calamine lotion applications. Even Eddie needed a nap. Dawn’s mom came over to watch him and Marigold for a bit so they could breathe. It does seem they are all in the clear.”
Tummy time was the beginning of your days off and as the trio of girls exercised their heads, necks and arms smiles spread at your nodding off on top of the quilt for a nap that afterwards gave you enough energy to delve into those plans of yours. Alone once the triplets had been put to bed a stolen grip of James’ hands had his smile spread then melt away in the ease of his hands behind your back to lean in and accept the kiss you rose up on your toes to claim. Up from his jaws into his hair your fingers worked in a blind tug to bed as you mentally closed the doors to the room his body followed you to the bed.
Three months had blew by and nearing the end of the summer for the first time since before your belly had begun to grow lost to muffled giggles and broken smile laced utterances of adoration fixed firm in your arms he remained. All night he refused to pull back and break the hold you had on him to savor the romantic return to amorous evenings that were mutually focused. Months you had focused on him as he held himself back to keep you safe and when he had ensured he had pulled on his pants and eased his shirt over you into his arms your body nestled to drop off to sleep. Safe in his arms to whirling dreams as he savored the mixture of his scent and that of his wife’s to the burrow of his forehead into the top of your head. That mixture that while you were in school he could catch hints of on those three girls that by the day improved leaps and bounds to one day be independent little people who would shake up his days to keep them all safe and content.
Herc already had shared that Beserkers never had babies back to back and genetically there would be little chance to conceive before the girls were two years old. Yet that doubt still lingered and pretending as if the same methods of the pill and sleeves that had failed to keep you from conceiving the triplets those methods were picked up again as a sort of call for hope that they might be able to find that goal of two years true before another baby or babies could be arriving. It was just one more year and you would be on the way to graduate studies to do with as you pleased. Seven years wouldn’t be that long for an entire estimate of time to earn them, and there were so many years after that could be quite indescribable for how many possibilities there were with freedom of no school to shuffle between. Even traveling the world could be possible any time you wished if that was what you wanted. He didn’t care as long as you were together and could end each day in one another’s arms.
Following final exams with Mr Yarbrough for your History, Geography and Religion courses at home Tuesday again brought on the next to last time you would be on campus. Both your paintings had greater detail and fed into a successful task of carrying out the beginnings of your smaller moose. Thanks to the ample planning the internal mechanism and basic body shape was fashioned on a smaller pallet beside its larger parent. Mother and child as you had intended now was swapped for father and child due to the antlers that were needed to help counter balance the body’s movements.
Followed by a long session with Mr Fenske to take the final exams for your Economics, Government, Political Science and Anthropology on Wednesday the rest of the summer here in Canada would be far simpler as the courses here were in their final week.  
On Thursday more exams however would be waiting for you. Art History came first and was a lengthy exam that let you out a bit early to head for your next Art class and mentally prep the plan for the finishing touches on the paintings. Anatomy and Physiology came next for another complex exam you felt a bit anxious for how you might fare on the few essay questions at the end. Communication came last before your final class that held you from freedom with a hefty exam of its own. And when that let out past freed students rushing to savor the end of their own summers with your classmates you walked to head for your Engineering course.
Once there the same Professor who seemed excited to watch the second sculptures come to life began this final class by his posture alone had the guys around you mutter, “No.”
The word making him chuckle and smooth his palms together. “I have one final requirement one final sculpture that is a foot tall or less to go with the previous two.”
Unable to help it you let out an exasperated giggle and hung your head to smooth a hand over the back of your neck for a pose that had one of the guys tease, “Come on Bunny, you can break out another moose.”
Which had his friend say, “Just a tiny one.”
After another giggle you answered, “I am not making another moose.”
Your eyes shifted to the Professor who said, “All your supplies are at your station and in the store room. Good luck.”
At the tall station you stood tapping your pencil to the notepad you had doodled up a few choices and decided on something a bit wild. Gears were the first to be cut again and the inner mechanics were worked out with the bodies to follow. An absurdly large duck was crafted and behind it on wheels that tiny feet were faked to rotate around each rotation and a mechanical chain three ducklings would follow after their mother that would waddle around to the command of the controller you had fashioned at the end of a long string of wires to connect to the inner mechanism.
You weren’t the only one adding smaller details in hopes to not be asked for more to add for the final grading. Each project that spread his proud grin for this latest batch of students who showed promise if they continued this field. All together when the final touches were completed every student cleaned up the stations and made certain all the projects on their pallets were coated with sheets to keep them protected for the following day when they would all be shown for all who chose to come.
Early home amongst the rest of your siblings and Erik Norma smiled widely in a stroll through the projects that lined a vast courtyard and surrounding halls the Professors took a stroll through to inspect each piece and took note son how they all worked. Out of sight the empty slot with a metal stand bearing a card with your name on it amongst your classmates’ steadily filling slots there was no trace of you, however Stark and Mr Jarvis both stood waiting for one. Both who smiled and greeted your family promising to be at the painting gallery show as well the following day.
“Ooh, there’s Pipsqueak,” Victor said in a turn after catching sight of you in your mint sleeveless sundress down an empty hall with a pair of men behind you who were pulling two pallets on raised jacks. Smiles spread in curiosity at notice of the familiar silhouette of moose antlers under the larger sheet. Right up next to one another the pallets were lowered and with a bit of help the sheets were removed enabling Stark to move closer and inspect the internal parts as best he could to guess what they could do. The task that had him locate the switches on the side he only got a smirk from you in response of his gesture their way while you listened to James and Erik in proud boasting of what you had built.
When the group of judges did arrive they each looked the trio of creations over and your Professor said, “Now, Mrs Howlett, if you wouldn’t mind.” Eyes watched as you moved a sheet of metal that was forged into a long ramp that had gone unnoticed and was hiding a trio of crank keys shaped like drills for ice fishing that had an outer handle to keep it steady and an internal one to rotate the tip, the largest of which you lifted. Over to the shoulder of the largest moose you inserted the tip into the key hole there and like a clock wound the mechanism until it wouldn’t wind anymore then removed the crank to stun those looking on at the sound of clanks and a growing hum as it powered up readying for movement. The smaller four foot baby moose was cranked next followed by the duck that with a simple flick of the switch started the chuckle luring first step on the pallet.
Back around the baby moose you moved having flicked the switch on its side as you did that on the larger one that turned heads when the front and back left legs lifted to start walking. Open mouthed the crowd looked on as you guided the larger two statues off the pallets to enter the cleared path on the courtyard. Simple toggles of switches had the heads move to turn the pair and another to wiggle the ears.
“Oh my,” one of the judges stated looking in awe over the functioning moose duo that around you as the duck led its ducklings around the path you followed to circle the nearby fountain.
“She made functioning robots…” Howard muttered to himself and glanced at Jarvis only to look back at the sound of the gears slowing down causing the outer plates shifting around the moving joints, back and limb until the pair began to come to a stop as the duck continued to wander around a few moments more.
“How…?” another Professor spoke and you answered, “Well there’s no battery, just crank powered. Since it’s made of hundreds of pounds of solid steel it doesn’t run very long, but I was inspired by Grandfather Clocks.” Another crank of the animals was called for so they could get to test the switches and get closer looks at the moving components inside until the group had to move on and simply the animals were up to being photographed some more back on their pallets that when the demonstration was through were loaded onto the trailer the guys had borrowed from a neighbor to bring the animals home. At least there you and Erik could make them work much longer and improve upon the designs at your whims to at least make the ducks run longer for the older children to play with. And when he sat down for lunch while you started to nurse your girls he asked, “And just how long did they give you to build those?”
The following morning wasn’t free of any nerves as the duo were amongst the hundreds who came to this museum sized gallery that had been chosen. Different days the gallery would be filled with each class the Professor instructed and today following the order of how your easels had been lined up you got a few peeks at the other student’s pieces until you found yours in the last section opposite the young woman’s artwork on display. Soon the numbers began to grow and while you tried to answer as many questions on they style as possible you couldn’t ignore the number of cameras being snuck in by those Eddie could tell were from papers throughout Canada. Chatter however in the distance had grown and waned in the path of a particular group.
Salvador Dali, Hemingway, T.S Eliot on a working vacation of sorts had made a stop here today having read about the show in the paper. More than a few pieces inspired by the famed painter got ample comments until saved for last the Professor slid into the room listening to their impressions of each students’ sketches and paintings. Every story shared of the final paintings were noted down and quietly you listened yourself as the other young woman opposite you spoke hers then listened to comments and was freed herself. Finally the crowd who had waited around stood in wait as the group asked you about each sketch that seemed to be more impressive than the last at the varied tries of each style. Including a sketch that was in Dali’s style that made him grin your way, “I just may have to convince you to sell me this one.”
The grin that eased across your face shifted to Hemmingway in his asking about your portraits, “You painted a soldier? Was the roof leaking, that why he’s hiding his head?”
Softly you chuckled and answered, “These are my husband James.” That turned his gaze to you a moment then back to the portrait as you said, “When we were in Europe we made more than a few stops in brothels along the way. This one James got stuck babysitting me and when he found a tub in our hotel next door we could take turns in a few of the guys came upstairs and there wasn’t a lock. So he sat against the door with his coat over his head in my turn, and while I dried and combed my hair he took his own turn.”
Elliot chuckled and said, “It is a striking memory to capture on an easel.”
The Professor asked as Hemmingway moved a bit closer as if to decipher which brothel neighboring a hotel this was, “You stopped in brothels often?”
“No secret men at war crave companionship. Most of the time when we crossed paths with other platoons their men were too distracted by the brothel to notice I was there.”
Hemmingway stated, “Must have been a harrowing trial in your lifetime to be thrown into war so young. We are all amply fortunate you do not exude grimmer angles of those experiences outside of what you publish in your comics.”
A statement which had your Professor state, “Those are fiction.”
A statement that had the author who had been there himself including your arrival at Normandy say, “No, they are not. Saw more than one Battle Bunny and Venom freed city myself. Every issue rings far truer than some might claim to believe.” His eyes locked on you and he said, “I have seen you tear planes from the sky and machine guns from those hill hidden bunkers. To not have chosen to show that is great courage to bear what you have on your heart rather than your wrist.”
Dali said, “And the care you have taken of these shoulder blades, no detail of his strength missed. Bold choice. A show of relaxation and hunched focus and tension, excellent contrast.” Around your back James folded as the Professor gave his own comments and took notes on his way to make another round of everyone’s art to hear what newly arrived people were saying. The artist when he was gone crept closer to your side making you smile as he said, “Do not mind his opinion. You have captured Monet’s style with ease and respect to his technique.”
A lunch after when the works were boxed up and taken to be locked in the trunks of your cars with the famous faces was highly documented. Including the signing of the sketch you passed over to Dali and the ones that Elliot and Hemmingway chose for their own collections to leave you the ones you preferred to your own tastes and the pair you had painted of James.
No shortage of people had claims of having met you and gotten signatures and moments to speak with you on various subjects slipped in between more thoughts on your work. These pieces of art gave way to more as riding on the tails of this showing of your artistic skills like that for Kodak before led into the release of your second photography book that exceeded the sales of the first and had four signings in Canada with two settled for when you would get back to New York just like the last time. Stops that would distract you until you would receive copies of your transcript to take back with you to Barnard on how you scored in your summer courses.
Pt 79
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
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arthurjdrake · 4 years
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Timing: Prior to the pie contest. Parties: @chasseurdeloup & Arthur Place: Arthur's House. Summary: Wanting to size up the competition, Kaden tracks a rather evasive bird.
Arthur stood in his kitchen, humming along to the tune playing out of the nearby speaker while occupied in the task of rolling out the pie dough, his old wooden rolling pin clacking at both ends with each smooth press and turn of the dough. There was no recipe on the counter, just a collection of potential combinations for fillings that he would test as he went. His baking never had really been about having a plan. Plans often went awry, and part of the fun was figuring it out as you went. It was cathartic and rather soothing, the smooth roll of the wood over the flour-dusted counter. Things had started to get back into a rhythm now that he was out of hospital. There were still jobs around the house that needed doing. Clean-up after the mime attack was still a current issue in the back of his mind in the form of the dark black marks on his white-oak floorboards. It was going to cost an arm and a leg to replace, but it needed to be done. He was just about to begin the process of draping the dough across the pie plate when he heard it - a loud crash outside. His heart leapt, suddenly trip-hammering as he glanced out the window while reaching for the nearby wooden knife rack. He stood silent and vigil waiting to hear if anything followed.
There were too many things going to shit in Kaden’s life. He just wanted to feel in control of one thing. One stupid tiny thing to go in his favor. The pie contest, he might lose, sure, but he needed to know the competition as best he could. And he knew exactly who his competition was. Arthur and his “incredible” pies. Maybe it was stupid to go and spy on the guy to see what he was making but he couldn’t get any intel online. And he was in the area. It was fine. He had an assignment around the corner, nothing about this was suspicious. Kaden tried to peek in the window from across the way, just to maybe see what fruit was there on the counter, one hint. But he couldn’t see much. Just that someone who was vaguely Arthur shaped was inside and doing things. Putain. He’d have to get closer. With a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching, he crept closer to the window. The competition was baking. Perfect. If he had any qualms about getting even closer, they were gone now. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice. And if he did, Kaden would just claim there was a raccoon or something. He found a sizable rock and stepped on top, trying to get a better angle. As he stretched out his body, reaching to see a little more, he felt a sting of pain in his side. Fuck, still healing, he forgot. He stumbled and lost his balance, reaching out for anything to catch his fall. There was nothing, but he did crash into the watering can and other gardening supplies there on the lawn. The clash was not subtle. Shit. Maybe he could sneak away unnoticed. He went to stand up and his side screamed in pain. Well, guess running away wasn’t an option.
Arthur wasn’t one for gardening, spending excessive amounts of time outdoors digging around in dirt wasn’t really his idea of a good time. But Mercy had been insistent on coming over and working on the rather sad looking flowerbeds. Whether this was just another excuse to keep an eye on him, he wasn’t sure, but there was no harm in it and if it kept her from fussing then there was no real need to be concerned. The one thing was, she never put the damn tools away after she was done with them; preferring to leave them out by the side of the house for ease of access the next time she came. He couldn’t always be bothered to put them away and today it seemed they were also another layer of announcement that something was outside. Grabbing his phone off the counter and cancelling the music, he kept the small paring knife handy as he headed for the side door. Slipping on the pair of shoes there he unlocked the door and stepped outside peering around curiously. It was probably just some animal, best to check the bins anyway, he was just walking round the side path when he came upon a very human sized shape on the ground and his eyebrows rose towards his hairline as did the knife just a fraction. “What the--?” He stared at the figure until he recognised just who it was on the ground and the knife lowered, “Kaden? What are you doing down there?”
Kaden was in the middle of trying to push himself up when he saw Arthur running out with a knife. Putain. He almost flopped back over in pure defeat. This was at best embarrassing and at worst very fucking bad. “Uh, hi. Sorry about the,” he started as he got onto his knees and looked over at the flower beds and gardening supplies. It was all a mess to say the least. Pretty sure something was a little trampled. He tried to clumsily rearrange things, fumbling to put the tools back in place, but they mostly just fell and clanged around some more. As he stood, he tried to fluff back up one of the plants and it simply sagged. Right. Fuck. That wasn’t working so he stood instead, wincing in pain as he did. “There was-- Hi. Right. I was called out to look for a, um, a lost… bird. A bird. And I thought I saw it over… there.” He whirled around and pointed off in a direction with almost no trees. Great. “I’m sorry. I know this is private property. I’m overstepping. I just got a little carried away. Thought I almost had him.” It ws then Kaden realized he didn’t have a single fucking thing on him tocatch any animal at all. Let alone a bird. No cage. No net. Putain.
Arthur lowered the knife gripped tightly in his hand when he saw the sprawled form of the other man on the floor outside. He remained in the doorway, looking rather perplexed as Kaden began to try and get up out of the righteous mess of gardening supplies outside. “Ah lort,” he muttered under his breath at the sight of the trampled flower beds. He’d have to explain that one to Mercy. She wouldn’t be impressed even as Kaden tried to pet the leaves back upright where they drooped sadly in place. “A bird?” he repeated giving Kaden a curious look, following the point of his finger towards the distance. “Then if you saw it over there…” he nodded in the referenced direction, before his gaze returned to Kaden by the trampled flower beds “why are you over here?” It seemed rather suspicious. And the slow way he seemed to contemplate the issue seemed to give away his mind was on a similar track to where Kaden had concluded “it’s fine..., But would you not like… need something to catch a bird? A net or a cage or something? They can’t be easy to catch by hand…”
Putain de merde . This was a disaster. Kaden should turn and run. Just run. It’d be easier. But no, he couldn’t without immense pain. Were his wounds bleeding? Shit, they were definitely bleeding a little. Putain. “It, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out how to explain it. “It was over here. First. Almost had it. Flew away. As birds… do.” He was going to get stabbed or get the police called on him. Sure, alright, he was the police. Kind of. Not sure it counted right now. “You’re right. I do need that. Wow, I cannot believe I forgot that. I am going to go. Now. And go get that. From my car. Which is not here. It’s somewhere else.” He thought he might be able to inch away but, uh, well he was here. “You’re alright, though? Bird was’t, uh bothering you? Are you working on that pie now? Think i may have seen you in the kitchen. Not that I was looking.” Smooth. Very smooth. He should still try to run.
Arthur remained on the top step that led down to the path beside the garden. There was no denying the fact Kaden seemed to be in pain and as he reached a hand back to scratch his neck Arthur noticed some specks of red beginning to faintly stain the material. He noted it mentally but didn’t remark. “Did you get hurt in the fall?” there was a minor note of concern even with the suspicion as to why Kaden was here. Even with the strange way the man was acting, Arthur could rather easily set aside smaller issues for more pressing matters which in his mind injury constituted. What a strange man. “Hm? Oh, yeah I’m fine… No, no didn’t hear anything ‘til your tumble… Strange… I wonder what it was doing over here...” his head cocked a little glancing over his shoulder for a moment before his eyes flickered to the window, the rock and back to Kaden. A quick assessment of how Kaden had fallen considering which plants had been squashed and Kaden’s own very badly concealed self-confirmation gave him all the answers he needed. So he wanted to play it off as a bird incident? Well, two could play at that game. “I was. Decided to keep things simple… Did you want a drink or something? Coffee or tea? That sounded like a fair fall you took… Must’ve hurt.”
“Hmm? Oh, this?” Kaden said as he looked down at his wounds. Fuck, that looked worse then he’d hoped. “Nah, got it on the job a few days ago. Big angry animal. Teeth. Claws. This just reopened it is all.” He tried to step to the side a little. Just one step to angle himself farther away from the house. Maybe it’d give him an out to leave. He could lie. Say he saw the bird. Even though he was fairly positive Arthur would never buy it. Not that he would either if he were in his shoes. Then he saw the realization wash over the other man’s face and he tried not to wince too badly. Damn smart bastard. He was really ready to book it when Arthur invited him in. Kaden’s brow creased and his head tilted slightly. Not what he saw coming. “Oh, uh, I don’t mean to intru--” Too late for that. But then a thought hit him. He could spy a lot easier from inside the house. “Actually, uh, yeah. I would. If you’re sure. It’d be nice to wipe this down at least,” he said, gesturing to his shirt, indicating the wounds underneath. “Sorry to waste your time like this.” The guy was nicer than he expected. Which only dug under his skin a little.
“Ouch,” Arthur winced as Kaden explained about this big bad animal he’d had to deal with, there was genuine sympathy in the look. In all honesty, even if Kaden was here for the reason Arthur suspected it didn’t mean he couldn’t equally be concerned about the blood that seemed to be staining the fabric. “I think we’re a bit past that point,” Arthur waved off the beginnings of his protest, if Kaden didn’t mean to intrude he wouldn’t be a hundred meters from the main road around the back of Arthur’s house without having first knocked on the door to announce his presence. But that was neither here nor there really. “Don’t worry about it,” he backed up, leaving the door open for Kaden to follow. The double french-doors opened immediately into an open-plan living-kitchen diner area, warm and homely with plenty of windows to let light shine in and illuminate the space naturally while offering views of the ocean beyond. “There’s a bathroom just past the pantry, first aid kit’s in the cupboard beneath the sink. Should have some stuff in there you can use.” He made his way back through to the kitchen, taking the time to drape a tea-towel over some of the plates ‘to keep the flies off’ the ingredients set out. “You look more of a coffee than a tea guy,” he remarked moving to grab a moka pot out of the cupboard along with a couple of mugs.
Kaden followed inside and tried not to be too wonderstruck by the sheer size of the house as he stepped inside. Sure, he’d seen it from the outside, but the interior was just as nice. Spacious and inviting. Not empty but not crowded either. His eyes peeled away from the tall ceilings just long enough to follow Arthur’s line of sight and instructions to the bathroom. “Thanks,” he said as he started walking in that direction. “Coffee, you’re right.” The bathroom wasn’t too far off from the kitchen. He rummaged under the sink and started to clean and redress his wounds with the gauze there. With the door open, he could still hear Arthur loud and clear. “Though I have to say, it’s been a while now since I’ve had a truly good cup of espresso. The cafes here are fine and all but the best here barley seem to compare to the mediocre back home.” Possibly harsher than reality, but his love of good coffee bought out strong opinions. “I’m sure you have similar opinions on the tea here. I heard many a complaint about the use of tea bags in certain establishments.” The bandages looked alright enough. They definitely weren’t getting any better by his hands, that was for sure. He could already see Regan having a field day with his handiwork. Once he was done, he put the kit away and headed back into the kitchen. To his dismay, the ingredients on the counter were covered. Putain. He knew he should have paid more attention on the way in, but he thought he’d have more time to scout. He tried to discern what sorts of shapes were under the towels and what could be hidden underneath, but they were too obscured. He’d never know. He considered scooting over to the counter and just subtly taking a peek under the towels.
There were still odd jobs that needed doing around the house, but for the most part Arthur was starting to finally settle in at his new address. “Yeah, White Crest leaves a lot to be desired in its beverage options… I asked for tea and got given iced tea which is a minor tragedy I still haven’t entirely recovered from…” the memory made him shiver a little “the amount of sugar in that shit is crazy… Makes you wonder how any of them still have teeth.” He had to laugh a little, despite his strangeness it was ironic how similar they viewed certain mundane things of existence. It made Arthur wonder just what Kaden’s gripe really was that they couldn’t somehow get along. While Kaden was busy, Arthur set about getting the moka pot heating through on the stove; a unique little contraption that he’d picked up during his time in italy. If there was one thing that could be said about them they could make a pretty kicker coffee. While that was running he went to open another cupboard and took out a small glass vial filled with a crystal clear liquid that he carefully poured into one of the mugs. The freshly brewed coffee was transferred to this cup, stirred a few times and set out on the center island of the kitchen. Next, he brewed up his own cup of coffee leaving it to steep a while, weak tea truly was the bane of his existence. “Any milk?” He noticed a couple of times in moving around the kitchen how Kaden eyed some of the things out on the counter, hardly surreptitious in what he was looking at. But Arthur knew how to bring a conversation away from a certain focal point, “so what kind of bird was it?”
As Arthur prepared the coffee, Kaden took it upon himself to slowly “admire” the kitchen. Casually looking around at the cupboards, the counter tops, the plates hiding the pie in question under towels on top of said countertops. Just one corner, he could make it subtle. His fingertips reached out to touch the edge of the towel when Arthur spoke again. His head shot up and his hand dropped flat to his side. “Sugar? Tea?” He shook his head and played back everything the man just said. “Right. Yeah, you have to wonder. So many things here are just too sweet I don’t see the appeal. I mean, of course in a good pastry or pie, you want a bit of sweetness. It’s the point. But there’s sweet and then there’s just a mouthful of sugar.” He cringed thinking of one of the danishes he’d tried at one of the cafes. It had been a mistake. He had the feeling Arthur understood. And if he got some insight into that goddamn pie, all the better. “No milk, thanks. I saw how you prepared it. I doubt it needs any help.” He considered faking a stumble and tripping into one of the plates just to find out what was there, but that would sabotage. Not his angle. He wasn’t there to ruin anyone else’s efforts, just size up the competition, see what he had to raise to. If he had to outright cheat to win that wouldn’t feel like a win at all. He sat, eyes still drifting to the ingredients sitting there right out of sight, taunting him, and once again had to snap back to Arthur. “Bird?” His brow creased. Putain . That was right. “Bird. Right. It was, a, uh, a…” He couldn’t even remember if he’d said pet or wild bird before. He took a sip of his coffee to buy some time. It was obnoxiously wonderful. “That’s good. Really. Thanks.” Fairly certain he said lost. “Cockatoo. Lost pet, you know. Really thought I had it.” Another sip of his coffee. Strange. He must have needed to change the dressings on his wounds more than he’d thought. His side wasn’t quite burning with pain anymore. It felt settled somehow. Maybe this was just some damn good coffee.
It was entertaining, to dangle the carrot and watch Kaden jump like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar whenever he tried his hand at the antics he was even here for. “Well, of course but like you say those need to be somewhat sweet, not overly so though of course,” at Kaden’s denial of milk, Arthur nodded and poured a dash into his own before returning it to the fridge. He turned back to lean casually against the counter where the ingredients sat covered, the mug held loosely between his palms kept warm by the constant heat of his natural body-heat. “Best purchase I ever made, I know people take the piss but Italians sure do know the best way to navigate a cup of coffee… I once went to Padua and I tried this Pedrocchi coffee - it’s a regional speciality, mint and espresso - who would’ve thought? But damn, it works so well.” He lifted the mug and took a sip of his tea watching Kaden fumble over the story he’d dropped himself in. “Oh yeah? Who was the owner? I’ll be sure to check in and let them know I’ll keep an eye out as well.”
“Oh yeah. All about balance. All that. Of course.” Maybe if he angled himself just right, Kaden could catch a whiff of the ingredients. Of course when he breathed deep to try, all the could smell were the pungent aromas of good coffee. It really was the best cup he’d had in months. Hated admitting that. “They do. Not that I’d ever tell a single Italian that to their face. I can’t let them feel that superior. They don’t need my help.” Kaden wanted to roll his eyes at the mention of Padua and what not. Did he sound like this when he talked about French wine? Putain, probably. He resisted the urge but just barely. “That does sound good, though. Maybe I’ll try it someday if I ever make it back across the Atlantic.” That necessitated not dying in fucking White Crest, Maine first. A hard thing to avoid. Kaden took an extra long sip of his coffee at the further questioning, trying to make sure his eyes didn’t go too wide and panicked outwardly. Putain. What was a common American name? “John, uh…” Doe was not the name he wanted. “You know, I don’t remember his last name. Just John. All I got. Real shame he lost it. The bird.”
“No? Huh, I feel it’s worth telling anyone if something’s truly good and enjoyable… Gives that person the best kind of incentive to carry on doing that level of great work.” After all, in Arthur’s mind if you didn’t tell people things were good what was the reason for them to think it was worth it? He did his best to pass gratitude on, knowing the times in the past the thought of things he’d done for people had helped him push through the bad. “I’m not sure they feel superior… I know a fair few Italians who are very grounded.” It seemed a little stereotypical to hear Kaden say that in all honesty, but maybe he hadn’t met many? “I could probably find the recipe if you want it?” Maybe next time there was a community event he’d do that. But talk returned to the bird and Arthur’s features grew thoughtful “huh, I don’t know any John's round here… Did he give you the bird’s name? Any pictures? I’d be happy to keep an eye out if you’d like?”
Kaden wanted to roll his eyes again. What a goody goody teacher thing to say. “Sometimes certain people don’t need their egos boosted. Their heads are big enough already.” Sometimes people needed to be taken down a peg. And if he could just. See. Those. Ingredients. No luck. “Come on, it’s just a friendly rivalry, you know. It’s not about individuals. Just ribbing, that’s all.” He had to wonder if Arthur was the type to joke around much or tease. It struck him that wasn’t really how he operated. Too nice to everyone. Why that dug under Kaden’s skin a little, he couldn’t say. “A name? Um-- Tweety. It was cliche, I know.” He gave a nervous laugh. “At least it wasn't a canary, right?” This was getting to be too much. And oh look, the coffee was gone. Kaden raised his arm and looked at his watch very pointedly. “Oh wow, is that the time? I-- oh wow, this just, it was so great, I didn’t think I’d been here that long. I really have to go. Other assignments. Dogs to find. Cats in trees. All of that.” When he stood and started to walk away, he realized just how little his side hurt. He didn’t even feel like he had to hobble a little or wince too much with each footfall. Guess they were really good bandages. “Thanks for the coffee and not--” Reporting him. “You know. Thanks. Good luck with the pie.” As Kaden left, he felt pretty stupid for the whole thing. Maybe he should just accept that some people were nicer than him and just meant well and had talents. Or he could go home and make the best fucking pie he could posssible manage and win that stupid contest instead.
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whiskeyworen · 5 years
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(This was originally gonna be for Dragonbash but got seriously delayed, so now it’s just a story bit referenced in Aspect V. I just really wanted to flesh this out. Plus it let me use The Sound in a story.) DragonBash Revelry How many years has it been? Cyrus wondered as he wandered the thoroughfares of Hoelbrak. The party was in full swing; Dragon Bash was back for the first time in years, hosted by Hoelbrak's Master of the Lodge, the illustrious and legendary Knut Whitebear. He'd even personally seen to the occasional tour of Hoelbrak and all its attractions, both local custom and festival, for visitors. It was just a shame that Cyrus had been on one of those tours and heard the egotism and self-aggrandizement in the elder Norn's voice. While he was more than willing to point out the accomplishments of others at the festival, they would inevitably, always be just less than Knut's own achievements. Or he'd casually joke that he'd had to hold back because he was 'just too good' and it would 'ruin the fun' for others if he ever competed in any of the various challenges and tournaments. Cyrus could only take three of those kind of jokes before he quietly broke away from the tour group and made his way to the Upper Commons for a drink. With any luck, they'd have some good, strong, smooth whiskey waiting somewhere. He hated braggards, and he hated braggards that had nothing but claimed everything even more. It soured his mood. So off he went.
It feels like forever but has it really been...  is it only four years? Or is it five now? I don't remember anymore. He mused, watching the holographic dragon soar across Hoelbrak's immense central courtyard. A courtyard that would have been the size of a small town back home. The projector mounted on top of the Spirits-themed refraction lenses was Asuran made, judging from the cube design and the angularity of all its features. But it was damned powerful; the holographic Kralkatorrik was easily almost to scale. Thankfully, it wasn't to-weight, or it would have easily crushed the Snow Leopard Lodge when its programmed flight caused it to alight on the grand, golden hood of the building. The true Kralkatorrik might have even been bigger, but at this scale it was extremely hard to tell. As he watched, he remembered the last Dragon Bash. It had been held in Lion's Arch...what was now called 'Old Lion's Arch', even though there'd been an even older one before the floods of Orr. He remembered the city Council had gotten together to celebrate the Pact victory over Zhaitan. The pagentry and fire works. The fact that that was the year Scarlet made her first move. There had been no way Cyrus could have known what she was going to do, other than she had told him there was a plan in place. She wanted someone on the Council who was sympathetic to her ... requirements. For the Plan. There was a trap laid that killed dozens, wounding councillors and taking the life of Theo Ashford. If it weren't for the efforts of Inspector Kiel and others (including at least some of the Pact Commanders who just happened to be at the celebration), Scarlet's plan to put Mai Trin on the council would have worked. It was a dirty, low thing to do, Ceara. Cyrus frowned, aiming his thoughts at the years-dead Sylvari. I know you were having issues finding allies, but damnit, THAT didn't need to happen. He sighed, ordering a drink from one of the vendors and wandering through the drunken revellers, hopefully for somewhere quiet. We could have worked on negotiations with Lion's Arch with a softer hand, gotten them on our side and explained what we needed to do. But you were in such a hurry...
His thoughts were interrupted when he was jostled from behind by a big, meaty elbow. A splash of icy ale poured down his shoulder and arm, a little bit of it hitting the back of his neck and soaking the silver fur trim. "Agh! What the hell?!"
Cyrus turned, irritated, only to find himself glaring at the belly-guard of a very big Norn. That Norn just frowned down at him with drink-foggy eyes. "Hey. You spilled my beer."
Part of him wanted to accuse the Norn of deliberately bumping him as he went by, to spill his drink. The expression on the larger man's craggy face, the way he was already shifting from foot to foot, and how his free hand was starting to clench in anticipation... He's looking for a fight. Cyrus concluded immediately. It wouldn't matter what he said; this Norn had decided he wanted to fight someone, and Cyrus had just been passing by close enough to let him indulge his sadistic urge. Cyrus straightened up, and slapped a pleasant smile on his face. "Apologies my friend. I've had a couple, and it's so close around here, I didn't mean to bump you!" It was not THAT close around them. In fact, people had stepped back away from the Norn and his friends, already seeing the storm coming. Cyrus had made his mistake by being lost in his own thoughts while walking past them. The Norn raised his stein slowly, glaring. "You SPILLED my beer, little man." That stein only had dregs in it, but based on how much had spilled on him, Cyrus figured there wasn't much left to begin with. This ugly bastard just wanted a free drink... or a free punch-out. "Indeed I did, for which I am very sorry." He called out to the barmaster nearby. "Could I get another one of whatever this gentleman was drinking?" He even smiled innocently, as if he had no clue how close he was to danger. A moment later, a new stein in his hand, Cyrus turned back to the Norn. "Here you go my friend. Ah, let me get that empty one for you." He quickly traded the mugs with the large man and placed the empty one on the counter with a few coins he plucked from one of his waist pockets. "Once again, let me apologize." He continued in that same, oblivious, innocent, and very sorry tone, and held out his hand for a handshake. "It was fully my error, and I hope this makes up for it." The Norn grumbled a bit, clearly not expecting such a placating reaction. His clenched fist opened slowly, before he thrust it at Cyrus, completing the handshake. Cyrus gripped that huge hand with one hand, while giving the Norn's arm a friendly pat like they were old friends. "Enjoy Dragon Bash! Drink responsibly, my friend. Sometimes it can sneak up on you." With that, and one more pleasant smile, Cyrus turned back to the table he put his drink on, retrieved it, and began to walk away. Behind him, the Norn just stared blankly at him, before shrugging in disappointment and taking a sip of his beer. The Norn's legs began to weaken when Cyrus was ten steps away. First it was a little wobble. Then it was a looseness that seemed to travel over his entire body. Muttering something about 'don't feel right', he proceeded to start collapsing, his friends swarming to catch him before he fell and hurt himself. "Is he alright?" One of the friends asked, as Cyrus slowed for a moment. He covered his pause by taking a sip of his drink. "Oh probably. He's had a lot to drink. I wouldn't doubt that last one might have been too much for him." Cyrus said nothing as he resumed walking, but the pleasant smile had faded from his face with each step. Oh, the Norn would be all right in the morning... But he was going to have a hell of a hangover. After all, the dilute Iboga venom in his blood would have worn off by then. What no one had noticed and that he hadn't drawn attention to was that when he'd ordered the drink and paid for it, when Cyrus had reached into his pocket, he'd actually reached into TWO pockets. One held his money... the other held a supply of fast-action adhesive pads. Pads treated with various chemicals for all sorts of occasions. From the shape of the pad he'd felt as he pulled it out, he knew he got the Iboga venom. Great for causing weakness and hallucination, and unconciousness. Normally he'd have used that pad if someone was critically wounded and panicking, to put them under nice and quick. But they made a pretty good Lights-Out button in a pinch. When he'd patted the Norn's arm while shaking his hand, he had applied the pad directly to bare skin. They wouldn't find the pad either, because the adhesive on it wasn't a strong one; too much exposure could be dangerous, so he, Tenna, and Moryggan had come up with a plant-based organic glue that wore off in minutes. Even faster in the cold, like in Hoelbrak. It was probably stuck to someone's boot by now, and completely out of venom. Just a pad of fabric that fell off someone's clothes.
Maybe I'll head over to the Lake. Cyrus mused. It'll be pretty with the fireworks reflecting off it. And there'll be less morons around.
Dragonbash wasn't going as planned for Sonnya. Not as planned at all.
Oh, she'd made it to the celebration alright. She'd even participated in a few of the games, like the holographic 'boss fights' as the announcers were calling them. It was good fun even when she got swatted across the arena by a giant holographic Vinetooth! Her armor easily took the brunt of the hit, and there's no way the game masters would permit someone to actually be hurt....badly.
But afterward, she'd felt pretty thirsty and wandered up to the beer-sampling hall on the rise overlooking the lake. The smell of the scented, flavored lagers was quite enticing, as were the haunches of meat cooking on grills. So she'd had a couple of each. She'd worked up quite the appetite!
The first drink, she didn't notice anything wrong. Just the usual tipsy that came with drinking from a stein the size of your head. Nothing she couldn't handle.
The second drink though... She felt weird. Making slurred apologies to her drinking companions (who barely noticed her lurching off her stool), she stumbled out into the night, away from the sounds of partying.
Shouldn't m'implants b'purifin' d'booze? She thought lazily as she stumbled in the snow. Sonnya blinked her eyes blearily, her vision going in and out of focus, everything way too bright, way too distorted. There were only a few torches along the path to guide her, and a few at the nearby Norn shrine, but right now they were as bright as the sun in midday and wavering like a desert mirage. Actually, the whole world was wavering like a mirage. Sonnya realized that when she went to take a step up what seemed to be a hill, and felt her stumbling down. Apparently it wasn't a hill at all! The realization came way too late, and she lost her balance, spinning and falling down the mild incline to lay on her back, staring at the night sky.
"Hehe... that Dragon looksss.... lika Dragon!" She mumbled to herself as the hologram Kralk soared overhead. It looked so funny to her, with a big, wobbly head and stubby little wings. She reached up for it curiously, before noticing that her hand simultaneously looked enormous but also really really tiny. "Ooh..that'z werd...."
"Uh... Excuse me?... Are you... are you okay?" She heard someone ask, and a human face slid into view, looking at her with something between bemusement and concern. Whoever it was pushed their glasses up on their face, clearly confused. "Do you need any help?"
"Ahm ookay..." Sonnya started to say, before her armor beeped and flashed a message to her. She paused, her silly grin fading and her face scrunching up as she tried to read. "Wait.... Nah, Ahm... I not okaayy..."
She tried to sit up, but it took three full tries and the stranger's help to get her sitting up. "M'plants ss'ppost ta take th-beer. Make it...nah-beer."
The stranger blinked. "Plants? Wait... do you mean actual plants, or like, some kind of implant or something?"
"Bing bing!" She grinned, and reached out with one armored digit to lightly tap his nose. "Numbah two! Got it r--" She paused, collecting herself for a second. "Got it RIGHT on tha first try! Yur a pers.... pres.... a smart bookah hooman."
That made her pause again, and she rolled her head back to look at him upside down, her eyes wide with curiousity. "How'dya know whut 'plants'r anyway?"
The stranger chuckled, shaking his head, which looked really weird from her perspective. "Let's just say that I'm very familiar with implant technology, okay? And don't worry, I don't take 'bookah' as an insult."
Holy cow, she's soused to the eyeballs! Cyrus couldn't help but stare as this little armored Asura with the big blue eyes and the orange hair blinked at him slowly in drunken confusion. Does she really have implants like she says? I've never seen gear like hers before!
It looked like his dismissive comment about the bookah-thing finally sank in, because she got this horrified look on her face and half-spun, half-rolled over from where he'd been sitting her up to grab onto his coat. Her eyes were almost terror-filled as she clung to him. "I'm s-so SAWRY! I didn' mean to call you a bookah! I-it juzz...slipped out! I never call any'ne that!"
He blinked, and shook his head, smiling as placatingly as he could. Her mood swing from happy to scared-sad almost gave him whiplash, but he'd seen that kinda behaviour before. Oh boy howdy, had he seen it. Cyrus knew he had to disarm this bomb before it went off. "It's okay, miss. Don't worry. I'm not hurt by it. Are. You. Okay?"
She had mentioned something about having implants, and now a thought was germinating in his head; if her implants were actually real, internal implants, and did any kind of chemical or organ-based adjustments or modifications.... There was a good chance he knew exactly what had happened.
"Nuh. Not 'kay." She said, heavily shaking her head, her gloves holding the leather of his coat tighter. "'Plants nuh-working right. Wurking backwards" She got a look on her face, and made a sound that was like a gulp, a sigh, and a swallow simultaneously. "...I'mafeel sick..."
"Oh shit." Cyrus immediately spun her around, getting her quickly to her feet and aiming her away from him, as he scooted her closer towards the edge of the lake, and off the main path. He knew that sound. In fact, it wasn't just a sound.... it was The Sound. The Sound of someone's stomach deciding they'd had enough. The Sound of 'I have five seconds before everything comes up.'
He hated that Sound, but was so very, very glad he recognized it. It saved his coat, his gloves, and his boots, because he'd just gotten her to the lake edge when it all came up.
The less said, the better.
When she was done, Cyrus was about to ask her if she was okay again, but realized she'd gone limp. Whatever her implants and the booze were doing inside her, it'd finally knocked her out. "Ah crapdammit. Now what am I going to do with you?"
Sonnya awoke with a groan, and painfully struggled to open her eyes. Her mouth felt like both sandpaper and bitter root at the same time, and her throat wasn't much better. Her head pounded, and the light coming through the slatted windows -- though diminished -- still hurt a lot.
Slatted windows? She couldn't bolt upright in surprise (everything hurt too much), but she did pry her eyes open wide enough to look around tiredly. It looked like she was in some inn room in one of the lodges. Maybe the head lodge. It was so hard to tell, and frankly she was beyond caring. "....the slag happened to me?"
"You're finally awake." A voice came from nearby. Rolling her head to look, she realized it was some human with glasses. He was getting up out of his chair near the window, putting a datapad down and pouring a glass of water. He offered her the water as she sat up. "You were out for a good six hours. It’s already morning. How's the head?"
"Feel like a dolyak sat on it." She grumbled, sitting up and sipping the water tenatively. It felt good in her mouth and throat; crisp and clean glacier water. "Or maybe a Dragon or something. What happened?"
"Near as I can tell, you got rip-roaring drunk." He told her, sitting down on a stool by the bedside. "I found you and you really couldn't care for yourself, so I just made sure you didn't do something silly like go out onto the ice and freeze, or try to scale a lodge and ride the Kralk holo or something."
That got a single ruefully chuckle from her. "Well, thanks, but I wouldn't have frozen. Armor has built in heaters. The fall from the lodge might have done it though."
"Are you sober enough to tell me what happened?" He asked, sitting back and crossing his arms, his eyebrow raised speculatively. "You slurred a bunch of stuff to me, but I wasn't sure I heard things right."
Sonnya hid her surprise by drinking a bit of water, organizing her thoughts. How much had she blathered, if she blathered? What did she say? "Oh? What kind of stuff was I saying?"
"That your -- and I quote -- ' 'plants were working backward'." He repeated dryly. He saw her try to hide her surprise; she was good at dissembling, but she was also tired and worn out, and there was a fraction of a moment when her expression shifted.
"That's interesting." She replied.
"Yep. I wasn't aware that implants were a thing." He pushed a bit, a smirk sliding onto his face. "Yet. Anyway."
Her ear twitched, but she said nothing sipping the water again.
"Mind if I tell you what I think happened?" He asked innocently.
She shrugged, not looking him in the face.
"Fine then. You've got some kind of new tech. Physical implants in you. You can't really deny it because you tried really hard last night to tell me what was wrong." He pointed out. "My thinking is, those implants of yours do something with your chemical balances, and you thought you had it all figured out."
He chuckled. "But you didn't quite realize what would happen if you drank. And the implants did something they weren't supposed to."
There was a long, heavy pause. Sonnya didn't answer, but she didn't deny either. Part of her was amazed that this human had figured out so much, or even understood rudimentarily what her implants did. The rest of her was angry at herself for blabbing so much, and for screwing up her creation so badly.
"....They're prototype." She finally said. A finger traced around the rim of the glass, before dipping in the water. "They were supposed to keep my blood and body clean of toxins. Thinks like being drunk wasn't supposed to happen at all."
"Obviously. But that can't be the reason for your implants. I mean, just to eliminate drunkeness? There's cold showers for that." He pointed at her chestplate, with its glowing coils built in. "I know quality armor, and that you got on is better than top of the line. I've never seen the like. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was actually connected to you."
Sonnya pulled the bed furs up around her shoulders and over her armor, hiding it. "....Just what did you do while I was unconscious? You didn't touch me, did you? Try to get into my armor?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Or try to remove it?"
The strange human shook his head, waving away her threat. "I only moved you from where you collapsed, to this bed. Didn't lay a hand on you otherwise. But like I said, I know armor."
She glared at him, pulling the furs tighter. "....it's classified."
There was another silence, this one tense and tight, as she glared at him, and he just looked at her with this flat, almost bored expression.
Finally he shrugged, and got up from the stool, heading for the door. "Well, since you're awake and at least semi-sober, I think my job is done. I'll be heading out then."
"Wait a moment!" Sonnya called, as he opened the door to leave. He turned back slightly to look at her.
She fidgeted for a moment, before sighing. "....Thanks for making sure I didn't hurt myself. Or anyone else. I could have done some real damage out there if I'd been able to move at all."
He considered her and shrugged. "It's okay. I don't mind helping people when they need help. Just take care of yourself, okay miss? The room is paid for the rest of the day, so just get your legs back under yourself."
Sonnya nodded, and he started to leave. Before he shut the door, he added. "Oh, you might want to recheck the lines of code for whatever your plants do for sugars, alcohol, and your liver. That might be where the glitch is. Anyway, see ya."
With that, the stranger was gone, leaving Sonnya with questions. But she was grateful, and surprised, that someone had stopped to help her.
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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The Realm of Gouache
I did it! I finally got that gouache set I'd been eyeing down the way my cats watch their food containers!   The gouache I'm referring to is this Miya/Himi Gouache set of 18 for anyone who's curious. It seems to have sort of taken the art community corner of Youtube by storm lately, and that combined with the way the set is designed, I've been really wanting to try gouache lately anyway, and it's pretty reasonably priced at around $20, depending on where you get it, it seemed like a good place to start with the medium. Gouache, to those that might not know, is a cousin to watercolor. (Well, traditional gouache is, anyway. There's also acrylic gouache, which is a closer cousin to acrylic paint, but that's a discussion for another day; I'm focusing on the typical kind of gouache here) It's made with the same binding agent--water-soluble gum arabic--but usually it's processed differently. Most companies use more pigment (the substance that gives any paint its color) and larger particles of it in their gouache compared to what you would find in watercolor, and there's usually some additional chalk-like additive to make the paint more opaque than watercolor. You'll sometimes even see gouache referred to as "opaque watercolor." For the same reasons, gouache is usually more expensive than watercolor or acrylics and while with a little patience you can make it into cakes/pans, it normally works much better fresh from the tube, and so it's much more often sold in tubes. What does all that mean, though? Well, gouache paint is more opaque and less transparent than watercolors without much water, giving it the color and covering power one might expect more from acrylic paints. But you can reactivate gouache with water, so you can also water it down and use it more like watercolors if you want to, and when you start layering it you can reactivate the layers underneath to aid with blending, which in my opinion is a trait that reminds me a little of how oil paints are praised for their slow-drying, "superior" blending capabilities. Based on that, personally, I continue to be surprised how little-known and how much of a niche painting option gouache seems to be. The only real "culprit" to me for why that is is the usually higher price tag, but even then...I don't know, it still doesn't make sense to me. The qualities it has that put it somewhere between acrylics and watercolors just make it seem like a really good beginner's choice to me, since you can learn some techniques for both and then if you branch out to one of the other two, it might make the transition easier. But I digress; we can debate on the finer points of gouache's place in the art world some other time. This was my first time using gouache at all, so I can't really give a proper review on this specific set of gouache (as I have nothing else to compare it to and I have no experience with the medium; it just wouldn't be fair), but I can give my thoughts on working with gouache in general and give a first-timer's perspective on it. Although I do have to say I found it interesting that there is pigment information available for the set online, even though the actual set doesn't have the pigment information or color names printed anywhere. (At least not in English.) Most lower/student-grade art supplies don't list that information anywhere. This specific set of gouache also stands out because the gouache isn't in tubes, but rather in little 30ml. cups that look like tiny jello or pudding containers. These cups all have their own slot in a very sturdy plastic case with a lid that snaps shut on both sides and a mixing plate that fits inside the lid. And I cannot stress enough that when this thing is listed as being about 2.5 lbs, they're not kidding! I was surprised by how heavy it actually was when it came in the mail, and after taking all the gouache cups out so I could peel off the little foil seals (most of which did try to take some paint with them, but I saved them short-term to try and make use of as much of it as possible before chucking them in the trash), I can confirm that most of the weight is coming from the paint itself. And it's really nice actually since most paint sets that come with a lot of individual containers of colors (usually tubes), the standard size is anywhere between 5 and 22 ml. By comparison, 30ml. seems pretty generous. The color choices in the set are pretty interesting, but also pretty well-rounded for a smaller, possibly more beginner-oriented set. You get both a warm and cool of the primaries (red, yellow, blue), a black, two whites (which we're going to talk about more in a moment), some earth tones in the form of a darker brown, a rust color, and an ochre color, and some "convenience" colors including a purple, magenta/hot pink/rose color, a teal, and some greens. Now about those whites... I'll try and spare you the nitty-gritty details of pigments and their uses, but in general most well-versed paint companies have more than one type of white paint on offer, and not all white paints and/or pigments are equal. Usually, you'll find a "Titanium White" and some other variation of White, possibly a "Zinc" or "Chinese" white. Normally, Titanium White is a specific pigment that's different from the other whites, but that same pigment can be processed differently in order to look and function more like the other white pigments (and other white pigments don't always have to be listed if they've been added to it). This matters because "Titanium White" is the most common type of white, and it's meant to be used primarily as white by itself because of its specific traits. The other whites are usually more transparent and work better for mixing with other colors. This is most likely why this set and others you'll find come with two whites; in this case, one specifically labeled as "Titanium White" and the other as just "White." One so you have a white color, and one for mixing. (Don't you just love how amazingly confusing pigment information can make things! ) This is fine and actually preferable to me, as it keeps you from using twice as much of just one white, so hopefully, you won't go through it quite so fast. The only problem I have with this is that I feel like my two whites might've gotten switched at some point since so far my "Titanium White" seems to act more like a white for mixing, and my "White" seems to act more like a traditional Titanium White. I did take all of the paint cups out at one point so I could open them and put them back in the palette/container, but I tried to make specifically sure I didn't get any of the colors mixed up. Still, accidents happen, and it could be they were switched before my set even arrived to me, if they are indeed switched. I intend to do some more testing to try and make sure if that's what happened or if it's some kind of user-error in using them. Anyway. After I did my swatching and a tiny bit of extra swatching/playing to get a taste of how the gouache worked beyond what my research beforehand had told me, it was time to play with it in a more proper art setting. I had a piece of Canson XL watercolor paper leftover from another project that I sliced in half to make it a more manageable size, and I used a circular cardstock insert that I saved from a roll of tape to give me a nice large circle to work with. I figured a planet out in space would provide a good opportunity to play with gouache's more watercolor-like properties and it's more opaque unique properties. And plus a cursory Pinterest search told me that when you're making fictional planets there's not much in the way of right or wrong, which was comforting since I barely knew what I was doing. So I masked off the circle and started out with a couple of coats of the beautiful Prussian Blue from the set (seriously, I don't know why but I was really enamored with this color) and varying amounts of water to do the sky. I had already found out that while you technically can use gouache without water, it feels a lot better to me if you add just a little to make it flow and spread more readily, and this was no different. I'm just not an expert yet at getting just enough to smooth it out without also thinning out the color.  Still, I actually really like this stroked look for this piece, which is why I didn't try harder to layer it up to make it more solid. And I wish I could describe my process for the planet itself just as concisely, but I really just started going in with the colors I liked the most from the set--Ultramarine, Violet, Rose, Jade Green--and layering up thinner washes of color a little at a time in lines and curves to try and get a visual texture that makes sense for a planet. The most issues I had here were really my fault and not the paints', as I was trying to any color mixing pretty straight-on the paper and I had a tendency to put some color down and try a little too hard to blend it out, to the point it was just kinda mixed into what was already there. And I will note here that it seemed like the less watered-down the gouache was, the more quickly it dried. and the more water was added to it, it dried very noticeably more slowly. Now to be fair, that's usually how paint works anyway, but it just felt a lot more noticeable here for some reason. It could've been the paper, or the paint, or just me, or a combination of all of those things. I'm not sure. At that point it was getting late, I was getting tired, and I felt like the painting could probably benefit from being left to dry overnight before I played with it anymore. The next day I came back to it, starting with some spots of white since one of my whites did have a tiny circle in it where some of the binder had separated from the paint and it was bothering my brain to leave it unmixed, which naturally ended up in me having some white paint loaded on to my brush to use. I don't count that against the paint though since even some professional quality paints can settle out from the binder, especially if it's been sitting unused for a while. Usually, you just have to mix it back in and it's fine. The white was a wee bit too intense just sitting on top, so then I went back it with a little here and a little there of the colors I'd been using before and tried to fade out a bit of a curve shadow with the Prussian Blue. I even went as far as to try using a different, flat, brush and blending it a little bit differently, which created this effect that kind of reminds me of a waterfall in some areas. Then was that was dry, I decided that the planet itself was pretty much done. Which meant there was one more thing I needed to try... I masked off the circle again and went back to the "titanium white" and a little water, and starting tapping my brush against another brush to make splatter-stars. I was actually kind of surprised by how well this worked since I usually use my white ink, which seems to spend all of its usable splatters a lot faster than the gouache did. (For instance, I could usually get about 3 taps out of the ink before I'd have to dip back into it; the gouache I was able to get about 5+ good taps per dip.) And fortunately getting the water-to-gouache balance wasn't as hard as I thought it would be for effective splattering, and I managed to not get too much any one time so I didn't have any notable spots or problems from that. I did, of course, go back and add a few extra star details with my white gel pens, but that's standard practice even when I use the white ink. It may not be the most complex or thorough usage of the gouache, but for a first attempt, I felt pretty content with how it came out and to what ends I'd explored the properties of the gouache. That said, anyone who knows me knows I already have plans bubbling for some more involved tests/projects involving the gouache.  Some of which I even decided on before the gouache got here in the mail. But either way, so far I really like the gouache and I'm looking forward to playing with it more and really seeing what it can do. Thanks to watercolors and alcohol markers, I've gotten pretty used to working from light to dark, but it is really nice to be able to add light back in a lot more easily if you need to. And I really love that the gouache reactivates the way that it does; Usually, I can get my watercolors to reactivate but I have to be exceedingly careful to keep from getting back runs or waterlines. I didn't seem to have that problem here at all, so I'm hoping this means I'll have an easier time trying to blend certain things when using gouache as opposed to watercolor going forward. Time will tell, I suppose. Now if you'll excuse me, Inktober is upon us and I have work to do! ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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movingagainau · 6 years
Interstate Removalists from Perth to Sydney
Furniture removalists from Perth to Sydney
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Moving Again is a premium backload company for transporting items from Perth to Sydney. We have removalist vans departing Perth every single day. Our clients have their items handled with the utmost care and always make sure that every possible precautions are used to make sure that our clients items receive no damage whilst in transit to Sydney.
Move using removalists with the best equipment
We have readily available various equipment to handle all your needs. All ready to use at an amazingly reasonable rate so you know you're getting a fair price. We make sure that everything we do is at an fair price to our clients so the cost of relocating is not something that they need to worry about, we are all well aware that relocating can be a bit of a stressful experience even when using a qualified removal company, so we do all we can to make sure that each area of the removal goes as smooth as possible where we are involved. Let us plan how your furniture will arrive at your new place, you just think about the other parts of your move from Perth to Sydney.
Moving is stressful, leave it to the experts.
Shifting your family and furniture to a new place is a massive task. There are so many parts to arrange and too many areas you need to keep your focus on. The actual moving of your items is a big part to deal with, but one that you should be offloading to a qualified and specialist removal company, such as us. Furniture is heavy, difficult to relocate and without proper care you could easily damage your old or new home, or possibly yourself when trying to shift heavy items without the proper tools or training that only comes with being a removalist for so long.
Moving Again is a genuine company who take care of their customers.
Here at Moving Again we pride ourselves on being honest and genuine with our clients. W always ensure that in every area that we can have an impact on your removal, that we make it a positive one. We strive to give our clients a service they would be happy to recommend to their family. . We’ve always got a reason to be in in Perth. We have actually got a collection booked in Perth in a few days. Our drivers are always moving in and out of Perth, so our drivers will know all the streets and how to get around to any house around your area. It doesn’t matter if you’re not ready yet, we’re able to arrange another van to come and pickup your belongings sometime next week, or in a couple weeks. Let us know when you need us to collect. Here is where we will be making our next collection, maybe you’ll see us on the road sometime soon.
Moving with Moving again won’t break the bank!
We strive to give our customers with an affordable and reasonable price, without compromising on the quality of the service we give. Way too often our competitors charge utterly ridiculous prices and do not have anywhere near a high enough standard of service to back it up. .
We’re here to answer you questions, fire away.
Almost every customer has a dozen questions to ask, it comes with moving and we are waiting for it. We are waiting for you to give us a call, or shoot us an email with all the questions you have, because we know they will be coming. The thing is that almost every one of our cliens asks at least a few of the exact same questions, so we have created an FAQ to list all our highly asked questions, so we hope then some of our customers can easily find the answers without taking the time to write it all out in an email to us. Q and A page
Need storage for a few weeks? Check out some local storage units.
Sometimes when moving, a client of ours may require their belongings to be stored for some time. This is sometimes the situation if their new house needs some renovations, or the property has not settled. If you might be needing storage as well as your removal from Perth to Sydney why not check out one of the many self storage units near your destination. https://osborneparkstorage.com.au/
Get the best quote from the start. Don’t waste your valuable time.
With how everyone works today, most people get a bunch of quotes done before booking in a service, we get the reasoning behind it, we even consider its a positive thing. However we also know that filling out a dozen quotations online is a massive pain. So we have tried to speak to as many of our clients as we can over our time as furniture removalists to figure out what makes a quote form simple and easy to use. We believe we have developed a quotation form that is as simple as it can be for our customers to submit, all while supplying us all the information required for us to accurately price your move. If you haven't got your removal price yet, perhaps you should check it out. click here for a removal quote.
Started packing? Or need to arrange prepacking?
Have you started packing your boxes up for your move from Perth to Sydney ? If you have not yet begun and you're wanting to be relocating in the near future, then you need to get started with your packing. Packing your personal belongings is a part of the move that everybody seems to think will be a easy and fast job. This is almost never the case. Packing your items is one part of your relocation that just sucks too much time away from more important issues. This is why we offer our pre packing services available to all our clients. Leave it up to us to sort out packing the cartons for you, we are much faster, and know the best way to pack everything to greatly help reduce damage to your personal belongings. We only use top quality moving cartons and the best wrapping materials for our pre-packing service, so you don't need to worry about how well they will be packed for transit.
Got a move that is a little odd? No problem!
When it comes to moving, there are many services that our customers need, and normally we have the ability to help with any moving occasion, such as the examples below: Transparent Interstate Quotes – Makes It Easy to Book! Cardboard Boxes of all shapes and sizes for the perfect fit Container Removals Friendly Staff Packing supplies
Don’t book with a removalist who will make you wait. We’re always available.
One of the major advantages of booking your move from Perth to Sydney with us, is that we're constantly able and ready to pick up your furniture. Our fleet of vans is so well managed that we have a truck available for collection anywhere in Australia, so long as you give us a couple days notice. This makes situations where another removalist have cancelled their pickup or last minute moves a breeze for us to accommodate. We can collect your items from Perth within a couple days, and then they would be moving on their way to Sydney. Some removal companies make you wait days or maybe weeks to be able to get your personal items collected, with us however we can collect your items straight away. We are currently booked to be making a delivery to Sydney in the next few days. Once the customers new home settles we will be able to proceed, then we can deliver. We are always moving people in and out of Sydney at least once a week, often more. It all comes down to customer demand. If you need us to go to Sydney then we will go there, no problem at all. If you are at all interested, here is where we are going to be doing our next delivery in Sydney maybe you will see us on the road!
Thought about your moving insurance? You should!
Another aspect of relocating that you need to take into account is your removal insurance. Moving, even when done by highly skilful and well trained removal team can still run into various problems. This is why we strongly suggest all of out customers to take out independent moving insurance. We always do anything we can with every client to make sure that the removal insurance does not need to be used, however if for no other purpose, it gives our clients peace of mind. it is very often a useful tool to assist in destressing you about your relocation. Clearly we will do all we can to make sure we avoid ever needing the removal insurance policy, however it is our opinion that it is always better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. removalists Insurance
Moving Again is the way to go!
When you look at everything we do for our clients, all the ways push ourselves to make moving from Perth to Sydney so much easier for you, what possible reason could you have to book with another moving company. Moving Again is the company you need to book your move from Perth to Sydney in with. We're experts in transporting your furniture around Australia, we've been moving people for much longer than we would like to let on, but the point is we are honestly one of the best removal companies available for your move without breaking the bank to get it done. Hopefully you're now locked on organising your move with us, you will need to begin the process by getting a quotation, which can be done here. click here for a removal quote. Otherwise we're looking forward to speaking to you and planning your moving needs from Perth to Sydney. Read the full article
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Style AI Machine Can Read Your Thoughts And Recreate Pictures From Your Thoughts
Welcome. GC: He did. He had a lot of joy and a lot of success in it. My son, he had high need to accomplish. He graduated prime student in his plan from college. When he played soccer, he was a prime goal scorer. You know, when he did anything, he went, you know, challenging. And when he did his social activism, not for himself because he figured out that, whatever takes place be too late for me, Dad. He did it for other people. A lot of individuals who are just coming into life on this planet, who do not know that in 5, ten, fifteen years, they are going to be beset sadly by a comparable kind of afflictions that Adam and many other people are beset with. Hopefully by the time that takes place, this country, it is health-related technique, will be much far more receptive to their dire conditions, better in a position to aid them. That's what he would want. Yet another situation to think about when translating your web site is whether it supports any special fonts or characters necessary to properly show your preferred languages. In most circumstances, provided UTF8" font support is enabled, your CMS must help the show of most languages, offered right language indicators are utilized to let the browser application know what language it ought to be displaying. Some languages function much better with a specialist font in encoding distinct to that language (such as Shift JIS for Japanese), so verify with your language provider and they ought to be in a position to advise on this. The other issue to take into account is regardless of whether your website style setup (such as CSS or display templates) enables you to change the font utilised on your translated versions of the web site, as this can be necessary to support some special accented characters not accessible in some well-known English font households. I am sorry, if this sounds imply? But I'm a die difficult, critic. The acting's pretty negative. At least in the preview. And not all Canadians speak French. So it is kinda narrowing the audience. Some people only know the basics. When it comes to French. It looks like you have captions. For the men and women who don't speak French. But believe of it, this way. You happen to be watching a foreign film, or show. In another language. That you either never know. Or only know the fundamentals. Do you actually wanna have to study, what they're saying? And are you truly gonna hold watching it? Then there's the slow, readers. Who might only read a couple of words. Just before the other person begins speaking. Welcome to this week's weblog, and our roundup of your comments and pictures from final week. We'd adore to hear what you are arranging to study more than the holidays. We'll be back following Christmas (and comments will keep open until then.) Hope you have an outstanding time - and also take pleasure in some peaceful reading. A number of talented translators and interpreters have shared their expertise to help colleagues, and the list of books is expanding fast, so quickly, in reality, that I have been forced to commence a separate page for them ( Books on Translation and Interpreting ) as the list was getting more than long to include on this web page. Both new and not-so-new translators ought to discover them helpful. The basic rule for writing supplies that will be translated into foreign languages is this: Make your language as clear, straightforward, and unambiguous as achievable. Whether the translation will be completed by professional translators , machine translation , or a combination of each, the high quality of the source text is the important to making certain a smooth and correct translation procedure. Occasionally it is basically a case of swapping words round: for instance a service-station is une station-service" and a football table is un baby-foot" (pronounced babby-foot), because it really is a baby-sized version of le foot" - the French for football, of course If you have any thoughts pertaining to exactly where and how to use cool training, you can make contact with us at our own site. .
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 3
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“Gloin, I need a favor.” The grit of his rumbled tone made his cousin shift in his seat wondering what the issue could be from his cousin who rarely had need to come to him unless things were exceptionally dire.
Anxiously he asked in return, “Cousin, what’s wrong?”
“You still have that list of apartments that need to be filled?”
Haltingly he answered, “Yes, however,” he wet his lips, “What does this have to do with things concerning you? Is your apartment with Frerin not up to par anymore?”
Thorin smoothed his hand over his forehead knowing there was a chance you could take this very badly at his not having spoken to you about it first, “I’m going to send a friend your way I need you to help settle into a decent place. Apparently their family has blacklisted them and they’re not able to rent or get hired in decent jobs due to being flagged in background checks.”
Gloin felt himself smirking, “This have anything to do with that Mafioso of yours?”
“Not mine, and yes, Miss Pear.”
Gloin replies, “Just because you’re sweet on her-,”
“She’s smaller than Ori and she lives in Beryl.”
That made Gloin’s face drop and his body go rigid, “Beryl?! No one lives in Beryl!”
Thorin growled back, “That’s what I told her! But apparently no one will rent to her and she got her two jobs under the table and by temping from a Hobbit agency that didn’t dig hard enough to find her clan through her name change paperwork. She says she can afford to eat twice a day and one cup of coffee or tea! I can’t just-!”
Gloin, “Thorin, you just send her my way. When do you see her again?”
“Tomorrow at noon before her 12 plus hour shift.”
Gloin sighed, “Well, hopefully with a twelve hour shift for one job she makes a fair amount to afford a nice place. Beryl is quite expensive. Hopefully with the difference we could maybe get her into a two bed, I won’t let her down. We’ll get he Lass out of that place.”
“Thank you.”
“Should have told me sooner. Could have gotten her settled by now.”
“I only found out today.”
Back to his couch he went after his pacing path around his living room eyeing the spacious four bedroom condo him and Frerin split with the boys that even in its ample size could be bigger to give them more space to share. But it was perfect for now, and all the more painful to be in alone while he wondered what hole in the wall you had rode the train back an hour to crawl into. It was not even a week and he could tell you worked yourself to the bone to keep yourself above water and he just couldn’t turn away for whatever reason, be it some bubbling interest to possibly date you in the future or to just have his mini social influencer to help put his shop. He just couldn’t look the either way.
All night he was in and out of sleep. And even replaying the same show from the day prior to re-fall in love with it all over again his mind kept wandering to you until you had come bouncing in your usual pleasantly semi rested way through the doors just leaving him the unpleasant task of sharing the news with you.
“Is there something on my face?” You asked when you reached the counter at his awkward stare through your approach.
Clearing his throat he replied, “No. I’ll make your drink, then, I have to talk to you.”
With a narrowing of your eyes you replied, “Are you going to send me to my room again Mug Dealer?”
Again he cleared his throat, “No.” accepting the cash from you he watched you take your seat at the tall table again and pulled together a pomegranate based tea. Carrying it over he set it down and eased the seat across from you back he eased onto settling his arms on the table, “Do you work today?”
Haltingly you replied, “Yes..” snapping a picture of the drink you raised for a sip asking, “Why?”
Adjusting his weight on the seat he answered, “Well, I made a call, when is your next day off?” His eyes scanned over your face, “Please tell me you have a day off.”
“I have tomorrow afternoon off after my shift tonight and all Saturday off. Why?”
Out from under his palm he flashed you another business card he set down in front of you, “My cousin is a realtor and agreed to help you get into one of the apartments he has. No deep background check.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I want to, you work hard and deserve more than to be wasting a chunk of your weeks on trains back and forth to Beryl.”
“So it’s where I live then..”
“This same cousin says they’re planning to start evicting and demolishing the city to start from scratch. Within the month!” Your lips parted and your eyes sank, “What?”
“That’s why they put the notice the leases were month to month now I guess.”
“See, we have to get you a safe place to live. Give Gloin a call, meet with him tomorrow we could help you move by the end of the week.”
You shook your head, “I can’t afford-,”
He shook his head and a hand tilted upwards, “No need to pay us or for the truck. We’ve had dozens of people coming in asking for those drinks you’ve tried. It’s an even trade, we’ll get the truck and supply the guys, another cousin rents trucks all the time we can borrow as we like.”
After a sigh you said, “Fine. But don’t expect me to be able to afford anything spectacular on my budget.”
“Gloin will work that all out. Trust me, you’ll be safe and your family won’t be an issue. Not everyone comes from spotless clans, some just need a hand planting their feet from time to time.” You took another sip and his head turned seeing Dwalin raising the phone from his ear calling him away, “Back in a bit.” Patting the table between you and sliding off the seat to answer the call lasting way longer than he had planned making him miss your exit to get to work on time. Lowly he groaned and messaged Gloin that he had told you and you were off tomorrow afternoon. The reply he got made him smirk reading that Gloin had pulled some nice options in various price ranges that would be suitable for a friend of the family, with a few more if there were pets or special needs that a friend discount could be applied to if need be.
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Aimlessly through your third room you bundled the soiled sheets and dropped them in the basket on your cart grabbing the new set to replace them with you flawlessly added without even seeming to take notice of where your hands were. It was all second nature and muscle memory now and after a voicemail left for Gloin with your name and number so you wouldn’t be complete strangers. All the way to clock out the other maids around you while you retied your shoes after changing from your uniform back to your jeans and sweater made you flinch in asking, “Pear?” When your eyes met the Dam’s she said, “Sorry, but, are you ok?”
“Um, not really, they’re gonna tear down my apartment building.”
Jaws dropped around the room and the one behind her she asked, “Do you have anywhere to go?”
“I got the number of a realtor I’m meeting later today after my next shift. A friend of a friend, supposed to help move me easier.”
“Well that’s good. No wonder you’ve been out of it.”
Another asked, “Have you known long?”
You shook your head, “Found out yesterday before work.”
“Oh that sucks.” The clock was glanced at and they all dispersed while you took the chance to wish them a good day and head out to catch your train.
From the women you worked with to the strangers you usually rode with in the small herd of those also commuting also in silent contemplation as for what you would all do at least with them you found comfort in not being alone in the shock of it all. You felt like a downright idiot for not realizing it sooner, people leaving in droves and all those notices and the haste of all that paperwork you had taken as the first signs your landlord had found out about your family and was trying to boot you and you alone. All the same you wondered how you would break it to the guys and hoped your big grump would be able to work some magic for you.
An hour and seventeen flights of stairs later you were up at the top floor of apartments dropping your bag by your now locked door looking around your tiny place. With a sigh you walked to the spiral staircase to find the conversing birds waiting for your return in the greenhouse turned stargazing attic housing all of your plants. Between the nesting flock of shimmering galaxy hummingbirds and your giant owl chick, now three feet tall, four feet shorter than his full height he would reach sat balakavallatagh, or Belly, as you called the zebra striped raven. Now standing at a foot and a half, bragging on how he found a full three silver coins to go towards his rent this month to sate his own agreement when you had rescued him from a black market salesman still in his egg bent on eating him. One of the rarest breeds of ravens in existence. The lot of them turned and you said, “Hey guys,”
Proudly Belly puffed up sliding the coins closer to you with his beak, “My rent!”
Giggling softly you thanked him accepting the coins you added to the coin filled jar beside his home you had built for him the year prior listening to his tale of where he had found the coins. “That’s wonderful.”
Your owl however asked, “Did we miss signs of a storm? You seem ready for storm blue.”
You shook your head, “No storm. But I do have to tell you something.” They shifted to settle on the back of the bench you sat on the other end of the table they were standing on, “You know those notices about the apartment, the ones I said I thought meant my father’s friends had found me again?” They nodded, “Well apparently someone is buying up land in the city and the whole city is to be passed over to another country’s control, meaning everyone is losing their homes.” That made their feathers puff up and you said, “Now, I told you about my new friend in the tea shop, well he has a relative who is going to help me find us a new place to live. But I just wanted to let you know we’ll be moving soon.”
Belly moves closer tapping your cheek with his beak in a pat of his foot on the back of your hand, “No matter where we go we will nest together. Our things are portable and may take time to move but we will help you.”
With a weak giggle you said, “My friend said he has a group that would be able to help. But later today I’m going to meet the realtor and hopefully I can find us a decent sized place with at least a garden or a roof open for our planters. I don’t know what will be in my price range but I’ll make it work for all of us.” They nodded and you said, “But for now, I’m going to go eat and lay down.”
Some left over lasagna and you were on your bed in and out of sleep while the hummingbirds above tried to condense their things as much as they imagined possible, which really wasn’t much to someone your size but completely exhausting and a remarkable feat to someone of theirs. Still an alarm sounded and from bed you climbed avoiding the bottom of the spiral staircase and walked to pull on your shoes and grab your phone and bag to head out once again for the radio station. After which you would walk to the tea shop where Gloin agreed to give you a lift to his office just a few minutes away.
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“I’ll handle it,” Gloin murmured then followed the gaze of the trio of Durins watching your boldly colored self strolling through the door easing your fingers through the ends of your long messy braid zigzagging it’s way down your chest. “You were not kidding, a waif even for Hobbit standards.”
Dwalin rumbled, “Exactly.”
Across your lips a grin eased and you accepted the hand of the unfamiliar Dwarf offered to you, “Miss Pear, lovely to meet you in person. You may call me Gloin.”
Weakly chuckling you said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I do hope they haven’t stirred up too much of a fuss for you in all this.”
Gloin shook his head and Thorin said in motioning his hand to the side saying, “Have your drink ready for you already.”
Your eyes shifted to Gloin who said, “Brought my laptop so we can get started on the information to start and find what we can look for you so you can enjoy your usual break.”
You nodded and in the emptying shop as people filed out still talking about the latest show with ample more scandalous details than the one before it you took a seat at the booth in the corner. “So first, I thought we could work on what sort of place you have now and build on that.”
A subtly snapped picture of the drink later and you silenced your phone curled in your palm saying, “Well, it’s a loft. Hard to explain, it’s all one room, not counting the water closet. And it has a sort of attic,” Gloin nodded with his eyes slightly narrowed trying to picture it, “But it’s wrapped in stargazing glass so I have it as a sort of greenhouse.”
“Ah, I believe I know just what you mean. About how many square feet?” He asked opening the right program on his laptop he opened and signed into moments prior.
“Roughly twenty by twenty, one of the walls is cut off and the corner opposite that is jut in for the vent in the stairwell.” Making his brow twitch in a glance at you hearing how small your place is.
“How long have you lived there?”
“Roughly, 285 years, give or take a few months. Moved in right after New Years.”
He nodded and asked, “I assume you’re on a grandfathered rent rate then,” as you took a sip of the oddly bitter but creamy tea with a sudden tartness after a moment post swallow. “What do you pay monthly?”
A dropped tray from behind the counter came from Dwalin listening in who had to go to the back from screaming at how you were being gouged. “With utilities?” Gloin asked with a squeak at the end to keep his tone calm.
“No, I pay for water, gas and lights on top of the recycling and cleaning charges. That’s another grand usually seasonally until they do the street sweeping fundraisers we all are contracted to donate 100 to twice a year.”
Gloin inhaled sharply as you took a deep swig of your drink, “And, so, what are your needs for this new place, one bed, two bed? Laundry private for you is a common feature already in Dwarf real estate. Paid utilities or even a pool.” His beard kept puffing up and had drawn your eye in his building irritation until he huffed and smoothed his hand over it and shifted to face you a bit more. “It would be remiss of me not to inform you, but for that amount of money I do have a great selection of homes for rent to own if you would consider that, unless you would prefer apartments instead.”
“I could afford a house?”
Wryly he chuckled under his exhale and replied, “You could afford a lovely home in that range, I will try to keep it within that budget if you are still able to afford that amount. Even saving on commute could help to make up the difference if it was the same price.”
“That, would, be amazing. Thank you. I never thought I could get a house.”
His lips parted a moment then he nodded typing in the price range around what you had now, “I forgot to ask, do you have any pets?”
“Well, I wouldn’t call them pets,” his eyes shifted to land on you again, “I have a group of Shimmering Galaxy Hummingbirds, they’re closer to pets. Then I have an owl, technically he’s more of a roommate of the owl persuasion, Kuu, and then there’s Balakavallatagh,” the name parting his lips again and turning the heads of Thorin and Dwalin at the Raven term you pronounced perfectly.
“You have a Raven?”
You nodded, “Got him off the black market away from a man who wanted to eat him in his egg. Insists on paying rent, usually a silver coin or two, found three yesterday.” Making him chuckle, “Kuu doesn’t pay rent, per se, but he does tend to help keep the cats away from my hummingbirds from the loose panes of glass in the attic between songs he composes. True artists are above rent it seems.” Making the Dwarf chuckle as you took another sip.
Gloin, “Well I have some lovely choices, if you’re ready to head over to my office now?”
You nodded and finished off your drink Thorin came to claim rumbling with a hopeful grin, “Happy hunting.”
“Try not to go saving the whole city and forget your brews there Mug Dealer.” Making him smirk then sniff turning at the scent of something boiling over causing him to hurry back to the pot he had left simmering he removed from it. And stole another glance your way only to see that you were gone already deflating his grinning stance to one of worrying again at not being able to be there with you in hunting.
Into the silver car parked out front you climbed and settled into the passenger seat with your bag on your lap watching Gloin hurry around the car to climb in his own side after putting his bag in the seat behind him. Grinning at you he said, “Just a short few blocks over and we can get to the preview tours.”
“How obvious was it that the whole town was being turned out?”
Gloin flashed you a weak smirk, “To one in the industry the signs are clear when you notice them, normally in cases like this they lead up with month to month leases then out of nowhere you get a slip on the door. Usually aren’t any fees for moving out and not renewing your lease.” In a stolen glance your way he asked, “It does have a lift?”
“It only goes to the 15th, I’m on the 17th floor.”
“That’s absurd.”
“Well it didn’t have a lift at all when I moved in, then by the time they tried for it someone bought up two of the flats and refused to shift around for the shaft to keep going two more floors.”
“No less absurd. If you don’t mind my asking, your shift you just got off of, what do you do?”
“Oh, you know the Findis Hotel not far from here?”
“You work for the Findis clan? How long?”
“Just shy of 12 years. You stay there before?”
Gloin chuckled, “My cousin married into their clan couple centuries back. Whole family gets rooms when we need them. No doubt even with the worst sort of clan to come from if you’ve held your own there that reputation and trust is well earned.”
“Just because they’re family?”
He chuckled again, “Because I’ve met badgers easier to earn the respect of. No doubt you’ve seen how hard their training courses are.”
It was your turn to giggle to yourself, “Barely thought I’d make it through. Kept getting second and third glances.”
Gloin, “Your other job?”
“Just fetching and cleaning up at the Misty Mountain Station. Hours have been cut down lately but it won’t affect my income, I’ll make sure to keep it up.”
Gloin chuckled and shook his head, “I am sure of that.” Parking in the lot for his office he joined you in getting out and shouldering your bags to make the walk inside where he smirked seeing you look around at the open offices with folding glass doors if needed with comfy couches and chairs in each office with slightly bulky desks near odd circular dips in the ground. Four offices you passed had people speaking to the curious Dwarves in each who stole glances your way behind Gloin, each seeming to recognize at least something about who you must be by following the fiery haired Dwarf leading you to the last office on the left. “If you don’t mind my aid can help to start get your information down by copying your id for the file?”
You shook your head and passed the young redhead nearly identical to Gloin your id you pulled from your pouch wallet then you glanced at Gloin saying, “I have three pay stubs from the hotel, but personnel was out at the station so I just have the one from a month back, if that’s alright.”
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He grinned at you saying, “That will do nicely, my wee lad Gimli,”
Gimli blushed saying, “Adad!”
Gloin nodded with his lips pursed a moment, “My aid, Gimli,” you bit back your smirk at the teen’s try to be professional in working with his dad, “Will copy them for your file.”
You nodded and passed him the folded slips and asked, “I hate to pause, but, is there a bathroom?”
Gloin nodded, “Of course, the blue door we passed two doors down.”
“Thank you.” You softly said and turned to head back and pop into the bathroom to exhale slowly behind the closed door of the private toilet to calm yourself down hoping that this would work out for you.
A couple steps later and Gloin peered over Gimli’s shoulder in his scanning the files into the system at the bulky desk mentally rehearsing your name and called up Vili on his cell phone. “Vili, Gloin here-.”
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“I thought you were meant to be helping Thorin’s Mafioso.” He chuckled through the line leaning back in his chair in his office.
“I am, she excused herself, I only have a moment possibly, wanted to ask if you could pull up her employment record.”
Vili’s brows inched up, “She works here?”
“12 years thereabouts she said. Jaqiearae Pearisiyiae,” he spelled it out for his cousin in law and shifted on his feet hearing the impressed exhale, “You found it?”
Vili, “You remember that actor Dominic’s fumble one of our maids helped to patch up?”
“That’s her?!”
Vili chuckled out, “One in the same, saved him millions and his career most likely and made us loads in all the press he did for us out of gratitude. Been on our top floors for over a decade now. Up for review again, top marks as always, late a handful of times always with train slips and races to catch up and get ahead for the next shift for us. Never sick or complains and always certain to alert to any faults discovered. You give her a great deal and if she needs a vouching she’s got several in her file I can send over.”
Gimli smirked, “Thanks cousin. Got to get back now, I’ll let you go.” Hanging up in Vili’s cheerful send off before crossing the hall to tell his sisters about just who Thorin’s Mafioso was greatly easing their worries on the character and work ethic of the woman who had caught his eye.
A few minutes later you exited the bath and made your way back to the office with a grin and Gimli said, “Now I’ve got thirty homes in your price range, Miss Pear, is there a certain style of home you had an interest in?”
“I always did have an interest in the Hobbit Hole style homes, if-,”
Gloin grinned and said, “I have five of those, none fully under a hill, however in lovely mini caves with stargazing glass in some of the rooms all with ample lighting and fireplaces and private greenhouses and small patches of land to them. Cozy Dwobbit dwellings in a great neighborhood, three with virtual tours available.” His hand motioned to the circular dip in the floor he stepped back and down into it, “If you’ll just step down here.”
Outstretching a hand you laid yours into and entered the dip to walk with him to the center and turn wide eyed a moment seeing projectors setting off against the unfolded glass doors Gimli had closed a view of the front circular door. “This one is one of the smallest,” the door opened and you passed through the front hall seeing the more simplistic shell of a Hobbit Hole with borderless shelves and tons of glass features dangling around.
“Um, they, certainly liked white..”
Gimli chuckled as did Gloin, the latter who said, “This would be the least on the scale of Hobbitish homes, though I thought we could start here to show you the basic lighting aspects.” Through each room he pointed out the sunroof and high windows with the atrium having most of the ceiling open for star viewing complete with a night time picture leading to his guiding you to the greenhouse. “Just past the mudroom is the greenhouse, most with bare planter designs simple to adjust. No doubt ample space for your birds and plants. Most are at least the same size of your current loft.”
You nodded, “They would love it. I could hang some perches and tunnel feeders along the beams.” Widening his smirk.
“I think we should start on the four bedroom on the other side of the row.” You nodded and curiously through the house only to find tiny things that would make the house a danger if you were tired you could slam into and injure yourself, or worse your birds would. The next one had an odd looking set of pillars in each doorway carved as half naked people swooning making Gloin snort trying to muffle his laugh, “Sorry, forgot about those. Owner’s having it remodeled to help with sales out of his own taste. Must have forgotten to flag it for off the sales list sorry.” The projectors cut off and you looked at him making him grin again, “If you have time we could pop by to check on a few that don’t have virtual tours yet, or even look at the final one in person if you’d prefer?”
With a nod you replied, “I think it’d be best to see it.”
“Not a problem,” Gimli grabbed the key ring and binder on the desk following his dad guiding you back out to the car, “Barely a half hour drive, so a much shorter commute for you in the train. This last one, I don’t really like showing it on screen, it doesn’t have the same effect as in person.”
“Just as long as it doesn’t have any of those floating shelves. Belly really underestimates his weight sometimes.” Making him chuckle again.
“You rescue birds often? It is rare to find owls for purchase in Dwarf territories due to their sacred nature.”
“An old neighbor wanted to pluck and eat him when he got big enough but I told him the chick was venomous,” Gloin chortled at the thought, “He wasn’t very smart, part troll, made lovely ukuleles just wasn’t that bright on what animals to not eat. So what’s so different about this one?” You asked once in the car again with Gimli sitting down behind you.
“It’s a bit taller than normal, a tall Dwarf used to live there with his family, who’ve all grown up now settling on their own so him and his spouse are off to a smaller place near their little ‘uns in the Blue Mountains by the Shire.”
Gimli, “This one has a guest garden out front on top of the greenhouse and patch of fenced in land.”
Pt 4
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
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sammuroth-blog · 8 years
World of Warcraft Fanfiction
((Hey all, work and school have kicked my butt this week so I am going to present you with a World of Warcraft fanfiction I wrote as a challenge from some WoW friends, was my first ever fanfiction and as it is with most fanfiction this is definitely nsfw. The characters used are two of my own, enjoy))
The humid forests of Feralas were doing a number on Lori’s hair and she had abandoned any attempts to tame it. She had instead opted to put it up into a ponytail to at least make it have some semblance of style instead of a frizzy mess. She sighed as she walked, she had been looking all around Azeroth for old kal’dorei ruins, hoping to discover a little bit of their lost history. She had thankfully gotten her father’s approval for this little venture and she had been doing her best. She wanted to surprise her father with plenty of artifacts when he returned from Draenor.
Still, she was rather miserable in this sweltering heat, she felt disgusting and wished she could take a bath. Though she wondered if she would be able to bathe out in the open even if she could find some place to wash herself. She growled, “I should have washed before I left Feathermoon.” Why did she always think of these things after the fact, she shrugged as she went back to taking down notes on the ruins she was studying. Feralas was full of old kal’dorei ruins and she was thoroughly enjoying her adventure.
She had been steadily mailing artifacts back to Darnassus to be studied and archived, she had received multiple letters thanking her for her contributions in regaining her races lost history. She had made good use of the tools she had been sent to help with her studying, unearthing a relic was one of the most exciting things for her lately. She loved the feeling of the dirt being brushed away to reveal an old tome, or tablet. She smiled as she continued taking her notes, she was about done for the day, she needed to get back to Feathermoon before nightfall.
Malik grinned as he sidestepped the swinging club of the ogre, “Come on big guy, you can do better than that can’t you?” The ogre roared in rage as it came at him in a flurry, Malik laughed as he easily dodged the brutes clumsy swings. He hadn’t even needed to draw his blades, as he quickly surveyed the myriad of ogre bodies littering the ground, they had taken offense to him trying to take their food, which they had pillaged from a passing group of travellers. To him he was just taking back what they stole, of course the ones they stole from weren’t going to need the supplies anymore.
Truthfully he had come out here after finding one of the ambushed travellers clinging to life. He had been asked to take vengeance and he was always up for a good fight, especially if it meant granting a dying man’s last wish. He had been barely paying attention and the ogre attacked the apparent opening, swinging for his head. The monk casually lifted his arm, blocking the club and shattering it. He turned blazing fel green eyes onto the beast, “How does it feel to be helpless?” The ogre backed away, his hands up, pleading for his life.
Malik shook his head, “Did you show mercy to those poor people you slaughtered? Why should I show you mercy, when you are not capable of the same. It’s time for you to join your friends in hell!” With a shout he brought his free hand forward, palm out and striking the ogre in the chest and at the same time sending a wave of chi straight through him. It took a second before the ogre’s chest exploded showering the ground behind him in gore.
The monk sighed, “The world is better off without creatures like you to prey on the innocent, now hopefully those poor people can rest in peace.” He sighed as he caught a whiff of his own odor, “Whew! I need to take a bath and quick!” He laughed as he gathered up his newly won supplies before setting off to find a nice, quiet place to relax and bathe.
As Lori was making her way back to Feathermoon she passed by some hot springs and paused, staring longingly at the steaming pools of water. She desperately wanted to take a bath and the springs looked so inviting. She looked around to see if anyone was around and satisfied she was alone happily skipped to the nearest spring. She carefully removed her robes, revealing her healthy young body, her smooth skin glistening with the perspiration of the day. Her breasts were a little on the larger side, but not too big, to her they were perfect for her frame.
She sighed contentedly as she put her foot gracefully into the steaming water before submerging the rest of her body. She melted into the water as she let all of her worries and stress from the day melt out of her body, “This is soooo nice!” She closed her eyes with a sigh until she heard a splash from in front of her. Thinking it was some sort of threat she immediately prepared a spell, her eyes met those of a roguish sin’dorei monk. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as the two stared at each other, the trance broken only after Lori issued a piercing scream.
Malik nearly jumped out of his skin as the young woman screamed and he quickly slapped his hand over her mouth, “Shhh, do you want to bring the entire forest down on us? There are yeti not too far from here and they looked awfully hungry when I passed th-” He grunted as he went flying back, Lori having released the spell she had been preparing. He grunted as he hit the opposite side of the pool, fortunately for him she had cast it in a panic and it didn’t have the same force as if she had been focused.
Lori glared at him, “Pervert!”
Malik rubbed his chest where her spell had hit him, “Hey I was here first! I was under the water and when I come up you are here and screaming your fool head off!” Malik glared right back at her, he didn’t appreciate getting hit, when he was just trying to keep her quiet. It then hit him that she was likely naked under the water and he sighed, “Look I am sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but I had no other intention other than keeping you quiet. There really are yeti around here and your scream would have attracted them.”
Lori was taken aback by his sudden apology and she blushed as she wrapped her arms in front of her, “I-I am sorry for lashing out like that, I was scared and just reacted.” She blushed hotly as she moved over to him and placed her hands on his chest, “Here, let me fix you up.” A soft green glow enveloped her hands and was transferred into Malik, the forming bruise beginning to disappear and the pain in his ribs lessening.
He couldn’t help but have a clear view of her ample cleavage, but he did his best not to stare so he looked into her eyes. They were a beautiful silver color, he smiled as she pulled back, “Thank you, I feel a lot better now. So if I may ask what is such a lovely young lady doing out here all alone?”
Lori blushed as she jerked back away from him, “U-Umm, I was on my way back to Feathermoon after spending the day studying some old ruins. I saw the hot springs and they just looked so inviting and I really needed to bathe after exploring…” She couldn’t go on, not that she needed to Malik had been present for what happened after that.
The monk chuckled, “I am sorry I scared you miss, it was not my intention. I too was in need of a bath and happened upon these hot springs, it was pure coincidence that you happened to step into the same pool as I was in.” He smiled at her, “Not that I am complaining, I don’t get to be in the company of such beautiful women out here in the wilderness too often.
Lori’s blush deepened as she covered her chest again, “I-I am not that beautiful, there are many women much more beautiful than I am.”
The monk smiled, she was so adorable and shy, “I highly doubt that. Putting that aside I am afraid I can’t, in good conscience let you continue back to Feathermoon.” He put his hands up as Lori went into a defensive posture, “Hold on now, it is getting late. See the sun is setting and the forest is rather dangerous at night, we will camp together tonight and I will escort you to Feathermoon in the morning.”
Lori looked at him curiously for a moment as she relaxed her posture again, “Why would you help me? I am Alliance and you are Horde.” The monk laughed as he climbed out of the pool, the sight of his muscular body causing Lori to blush. Her blush only deepening as he turned around, his member coming into view, did this man have no shame? Though she had to admit he seemed to be of rather impressive size, she shook her head, what was she thinking? Was she really getting to that age where her body was trying to tell it was time to be a mother?
Malik smiled at her, “M’lady, I am a member of the Horde because I am sin’dorei. I do not consider myself a member of the Horde, I like to think I am a neutral party in this silly war.”
Lori looked at him in shock, he was like her? They were simply two neutral parties lumped in with their respective factions because of their race, not by their choice. She smiled as he began to dry off, “A-Alright, I suppose if you think it’s unsafe I will camp with you tonight.”
Malik smiled as he pulled up his pants and put on his shirt, “Wonderful, I will let you finish bathing in private, I will go and see if I can’t catch us something for dinner and get our camp set up.”
With those words the monk disappeared into the forest, but somehow Lori knew he was still close enough to come to her aid should trouble befall her. She smiled as a blush crept up her cheeks, despite his apparent playboy nature, he was quite the gentleman. He is rather handsome too, I bet his hands would be gentle and loving over my body… She shook her head, what was wrong with her? She must be tired to be having such a naughty daydream, she was getting to that age where she was noticing men more and more, but still. She sighed as she continued bathing, that’s all it was a simple daydream.
Night had fallen over Feralas, Lori and Malik sat around a large bonfire, eating their rather impressive dinner of roast stag. Lori looked at Malik, who had insisted on cooking, “You are quite the cook, I am impressed that you were able to get so much flavor out of the meat with herbs you found in the wild. I have to bring my own spices when I travel.”
Malik laughed, “Well, I am an herbalist so I had better know what plants are good for what, but thank you I am glad you liked it.” Malik smiled at her, she was a very attractive young woman, but he was not the type of man to force himself on someone, nor did he even have any sexual intentions towards her. He was simply keeping her safe until he could get her back to Feathermoon. He reached down and picked up his drink, he preferred to drink wine or ale at dinner and had filled his water skin with a rather potent alcohol. He looked at Lori with a smile as he put the skin back down between the two logs they were sitting on. He had no way to notice that he knocked her own water skin over, causing it to tumble into a shrub.
Lori smiled as she reached down for her own skin, feeling around for a moment until her fingers wrapped around it. She brought the skin to her lips and took a long drink, the special thing about this brew was that it had the same consistency and taste of simple water. The poor girl had no way to know she had just imbibed a great deal of very potent alcohol. Lori was very much a lightweight, so when she brought the skin down she was already swaying in her seat. Lori was known for being shy and rather introverted, sometimes those people were the exact opposite when drunk and their inhibitions down.
Lori looked at Malik and admired his muscular form, she wanted to feel those wonderful muscles against her. She smiled at Malik, “Would… you mind if I sat next to you? I am a little chilly and I could use the extra heat.”
Malik was experienced enough to recognize when someone was drunk and he looked at her with concern. Trying to not let on that he suspected anything he nodded, “Alright, but bring your water skin with you.”
Lori nearly squealed as she stood up and sauntered over to him, her hips swaying in what she hoped was a seductive manner. She sat very close to him as she handed him the skin, “Thank you, you know it occurs to me that we don’t even know each others names. I am Lorianda Nighttalon.”
Malik smiles as he takes a quick swig from the skin, damn she picked up my skin by mistake. Malik looked at the girl in concern, but quickly replaced it with a smile, “I am Malik Swiftwind, a pleasure to meet you Lorianda.”
Lori giggled, “You can call me Lori.” She scooted closer to him, her hand resting on his thigh as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Her hand felt the muscles of his leg, causing her to shudder delightfully, “I-I hope I am not making you uncomfortable, but could you wrap your arm around me? I am very chilly.”
Malik frowned, he knew under normal circumstances she wouldn’t be acting like this, but he also didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He smiled as he wrapped his muscular arm around her shoulders, feeling her shudder.
Lori basked in his masculinity, is smell exciting her alcohol addled brain further. Her hand began to stroke his thigh, “Malik you have been so kind to me, I feel the need to thank you.”
Malik looked at her in surprise, his body reacting to her touches against his will, “Th-That’s not necessary Lori I am happy to do it.”
Lori shook her head as she stood, “Oh, but I insist…” She stood in front of him and began to sway her hips to imaginary music. Her body swaying seductively in front of the fire, “Do you find me attractive Malik? Do you find me… sexy?” She released one of the buttons of her robe revealing her cleavage to his eyes as she continued to dance.
Malik gulped he did find her very attractive and very sexy, but he knew this wasn’t her, “I-I do Lori, but this isn’t you. You accidentally drank from my skin, it was full of a very potent alcohol. This is all the alcohol’s doing, so please stop.” He could feel his cock beginning to engorge from arousal, if she didn’t stop soon he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
Lori smiled, “So? Maybe I am glad I am drunk, I would never have the courage to try and seduce such a handsome man if I were sober.” She unbuttoned another button, letting the top part of her robe slip down to reveal her smooth shoulders. Her eyes were fixed on his growing erection as she continued her dance.
Malik moaned softly as he felt his member twitch as he continued to watch her as she unbuttoned the last button of her robe and let it slip down her body. She had not bothered to put on any underwear and so her large breasts and dripping folds were completely revealed to Malik.
Lori smiled as she walked over to the monk, her hips swaying seductively. She kneeled in front of him and undid his pants. She pulled out his engorged cock and began to lightly stroke it, enjoying the moan it brought out of Malik. “I have never done this before Malik, I hope I do alright.” She smiled as her tongue licked over his dome, causing the monk to gasp in pleasure. She bathed his member in her saliva before taking it into her mouth.
Malik moaned loudly as she took his cock into her mouth, feeling as though he would melt in her hot mouth. Her tongue lashed against the underside of his member as she began to bob her head up and down his length. His own passions had taken over at this point and he simply tangled his hands her lovely hair as he basked in the pleasure she was giving him.
Lori was no stranger to self pleasure and so she felt the familiar sensation of her fingers as they probed her dripping slit. She moaned against his cock, sending pleasant vibrations into it causing him to mona louder. She continued to moan as her fingers slipped inside and she began to finger herself, feeling her juices coating her hand as she continued to bob her head up and down on his stiff cock.
The suddenness of the situation was too much for Malik as he groaned loudly with orgasm his hot seed erupting into Lori’s mouth.
Lori gasped at the sudden eruption, but was soon moaning again as she swallowed his seed. She looked up at him with a smile as she licked her lips, “Well I guess you liked that.” She smiled as she pulled his pants off and climbed into his lap, “Do you want me Malik?” She smiled as the monk moaned and nodded, “Then take me.”
Malik growled as he buried his cock into her dripping folds, the alcohol numbing the pain of her deflowering and causing only pleasure. Lori moaned loudly as she wrapped her arms around Malik’s neck as he began to pump into her, “Yes… oh Malik, give me more.” She began to bounce in his lap, her breasts jiggling with each thrust until Malik took a nipple into his mouth and began to lick and nibble on it, causing Lori to squeal in delight.
Malik sucked and licked on her nipple as he thrust into her forcefully, his hands gripping and squeezing her ass as he began to lift her up and down his length. He had not wanted this, but he definitely wasn’t complaining as he buried himself inside her over and over again. Lori’s squeals and moans of pleasure told him that she was enjoying it as well.
Lori groaned loudly as her orgasm crashed over her, her muscle walls clamping down on Malik’s cock, beginning to milk at it. That was too much for the monk as he erupted once again into her, his cock still pumping in and out of her. After their orgasms had been spent, Lori grinned as she got off of him and walked over to a nearby tree, Malik’s cum dripping from her folds. She put her hands on the tree and stuck he rass out, “I am not quite satisfied lover, I hope you have one more round in you?”
Malik grinned as he walked over to her, removing his shirt as he went, he lightly smacked her ass, causing Lori to squeal before grabbing her hips and positioning himself at her rear entrance. Lori looked back at him with a seductive smile, “Take me!”
Malik drove into her anal cavity, causing Lori to moan as his cock stretched her blissfully. She once again felt Malik pumping in and out of her as she thrust back against him. She gasped as his hands came forward to maul at her breasts and pinch her nipples. She was in bliss as she lived out her fantasy from earlier, “Yes, Malik… oh, yes take me baby!”
The monk was doing just that as he pounded into her tight anal cavity, she was so pleasantly tight as he mauled her breasts. He pulled her against him and turned her head to kiss her passionately their tongues entwining and dancing erotically. They both moaned into their kiss as their love making continued. Finally both moaned out in bliss as their orgasms struck simultaneously, Malik once again erupting into Lori.
After their orgasms subsided Lori collapsed against the tree as she continued kissing Malik. The monk wasn’t finished and quickly carried her to his tent. Soon the sounds of pleasures once again echoed throughout Feralas.
The next morning was awkward to say the least as Lori awoke in Malik’s arms, she remembered what had happened last night and blushed furiously. Looking up at Malik who was already awake and smiling at her, “I-I am so sorry Malik… I didn’t mean…”
The monk shushed her, “I know Lori, it was the alcohol, fortunately for you this particular brew doesn’t cause hangovers. I should be the one apologizing for taking advantage of you like I did.”
Lori smiled and shook her head as she snuggled against him, “I had fantasized about that happening ever since you got out of the pool. I am glad I got to live out my fantasy if only for one night.”
Malik looked at her in surprise, he had, had no idea. He smiled as he kissed her head, “Who says it only has to be for one night?”
Lori looks up at him, “But we are of different factions, maybe not by choice, but…”
Malik silenced her with his lips causing Lori to melt against him, “There are places we can go where it won’t be strange for both factions to mix. I can come with you as you explore night elven history, I will protect you and give you love whenever you want.”
Lori grinned as she climbed on top of him, “Whenever I want huh?”
Malik grinned and soon they were once again locked in passionate love making, their sounds of pleasure echoing across Feralas.
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movingagainau · 6 years
Interstate Removalists from Perth to Sydney
Furniture removalists from Perth to Sydney
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Moving Again is a premium backload company for transporting items from Perth to Sydney. We have removalist vans departing Perth every single day. Our clients have their items handled with the utmost care and always make sure that every possible precautions are used to make sure that our clients items receive no damage whilst in transit to Sydney.
Move using removalists with the best equipment
We have readily available various equipment to handle all your needs. All ready to use at an amazingly reasonable rate so you know you're getting a fair price. We make sure that everything we do is at an fair price to our clients so the cost of relocating is not something that they need to worry about, we are all well aware that relocating can be a bit of a stressful experience even when using a qualified removal company, so we do all we can to make sure that each area of the removal goes as smooth as possible where we are involved. Let us plan how your furniture will arrive at your new place, you just think about the other parts of your move from Perth to Sydney.
Moving is stressful, leave it to the experts.
Shifting your family and furniture to a new place is a massive task. There are so many parts to arrange and too many areas you need to keep your focus on. The actual moving of your items is a big part to deal with, but one that you should be offloading to a qualified and specialist removal company, such as us. Furniture is heavy, difficult to relocate and without proper care you could easily damage your old or new home, or possibly yourself when trying to shift heavy items without the proper tools or training that only comes with being a removalist for so long.
Moving Again is a genuine company who take care of their customers.
Here at Moving Again we pride ourselves on being honest and genuine with our clients. W always ensure that in every area that we can have an impact on your removal, that we make it a positive one. We strive to give our clients a service they would be happy to recommend to their family. . We’ve always got a reason to be in in Perth. We have actually got a collection booked in Perth in a few days. Our drivers are always moving in and out of Perth, so our drivers will know all the streets and how to get around to any house around your area. It doesn’t matter if you’re not ready yet, we’re able to arrange another van to come and pickup your belongings sometime next week, or in a couple weeks. Let us know when you need us to collect. Here is where we will be making our next collection, maybe you’ll see us on the road sometime soon.
Moving with Moving again won’t break the bank!
We strive to give our customers with an affordable and reasonable price, without compromising on the quality of the service we give. Way too often our competitors charge utterly ridiculous prices and do not have anywhere near a high enough standard of service to back it up. .
We’re here to answer you questions, fire away.
Almost every customer has a dozen questions to ask, it comes with moving and we are waiting for it. We are waiting for you to give us a call, or shoot us an email with all the questions you have, because we know they will be coming. The thing is that almost every one of our cliens asks at least a few of the exact same questions, so we have created an FAQ to list all our highly asked questions, so we hope then some of our customers can easily find the answers without taking the time to write it all out in an email to us. Q and A page
Need storage for a few weeks? Check out some local storage units.
Sometimes when moving, a client of ours may require their belongings to be stored for some time. This is sometimes the situation if their new house needs some renovations, or the property has not settled. If you might be needing storage as well as your removal from Perth to Sydney why not check out one of the many self storage units near your destination. https://osborneparkstorage.com.au/
Get the best quote from the start. Don’t waste your valuable time.
With how everyone works today, most people get a bunch of quotes done before booking in a service, we get the reasoning behind it, we even consider its a positive thing. However we also know that filling out a dozen quotations online is a massive pain. So we have tried to speak to as many of our clients as we can over our time as furniture removalists to figure out what makes a quote form simple and easy to use. We believe we have developed a quotation form that is as simple as it can be for our customers to submit, all while supplying us all the information required for us to accurately price your move. If you haven't got your removal price yet, perhaps you should check it out. click here for a removal quote.
Started packing? Or need to arrange prepacking?
Have you started packing your boxes up for your move from Perth to Sydney ? If you have not yet begun and you're wanting to be relocating in the near future, then you need to get started with your packing. Packing your personal belongings is a part of the move that everybody seems to think will be a easy and fast job. This is almost never the case. Packing your items is one part of your relocation that just sucks too much time away from more important issues. This is why we offer our pre packing services available to all our clients. Leave it up to us to sort out packing the cartons for you, we are much faster, and know the best way to pack everything to greatly help reduce damage to your personal belongings. We only use top quality moving cartons and the best wrapping materials for our pre-packing service, so you don't need to worry about how well they will be packed for transit.
Got a move that is a little odd? No problem!
When it comes to moving, there are many services that our customers need, and normally we have the ability to help with any moving occasion, such as the examples below: Transparent Interstate Quotes – Makes It Easy to Book! Cardboard Boxes of all shapes and sizes for the perfect fit Container Removals Friendly Staff Packing supplies
Don’t book with a removalist who will make you wait. We’re always available.
One of the major advantages of booking your move from Perth to Sydney with us, is that we're constantly able and ready to pick up your furniture. Our fleet of vans is so well managed that we have a truck available for collection anywhere in Australia, so long as you give us a couple days notice. This makes situations where another removalist have cancelled their pickup or last minute moves a breeze for us to accommodate. We can collect your items from Perth within a couple days, and then they would be moving on their way to Sydney. Some removal companies make you wait days or maybe weeks to be able to get your personal items collected, with us however we can collect your items straight away. We are currently booked to be making a delivery to Sydney in the next few days. Once the customers new home settles we will be able to proceed, then we can deliver. We are always moving people in and out of Sydney at least once a week, often more. It all comes down to customer demand. If you need us to go to Sydney then we will go there, no problem at all. If you are at all interested, here is where we are going to be doing our next delivery in Sydney maybe you will see us on the road!
Thought about your moving insurance? You should!
Another aspect of relocating that you need to take into account is your removal insurance. Moving, even when done by highly skilful and well trained removal team can still run into various problems. This is why we strongly suggest all of out customers to take out independent moving insurance. We always do anything we can with every client to make sure that the removal insurance does not need to be used, however if for no other purpose, it gives our clients peace of mind. it is very often a useful tool to assist in destressing you about your relocation. Clearly we will do all we can to make sure we avoid ever needing the removal insurance policy, however it is our opinion that it is always better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. removalists Insurance
Moving Again is the way to go!
When you look at everything we do for our clients, all the ways push ourselves to make moving from Perth to Sydney so much easier for you, what possible reason could you have to book with another moving company. Moving Again is the company you need to book your move from Perth to Sydney in with. We're experts in transporting your furniture around Australia, we've been moving people for much longer than we would like to let on, but the point is we are honestly one of the best removal companies available for your move without breaking the bank to get it done. Hopefully you're now locked on organising your move with us, you will need to begin the process by getting a quotation, which can be done here. click here for a removal quote. Otherwise we're looking forward to speaking to you and planning your moving needs from Perth to Sydney. Read the full article
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