#but i can see clear reasons behind pretty much every single action azmuth takes
ben10appreciation · 2 years
Anyone else wish there was an episode where Ben just snapped at Azmuth for some of his BS? Or is it just me?
dude. the amount of times i WISH ben snapped. like... even setting aside azmuth’s and ben’s relationship, i wish azmuth was snapped at by someone.
he’s the smartest being in the universe, blah blah blah, and yeah he’s got his own issues (namely the horrible, crushing weight of being smart enough to understand how truly meaningless both life and existence is. like damn, albedo instantly lost ALL will to fight as soon as he had azmuth’s intellect), but that’s no excuse for how he treats others. just like all toxic actions, there’s plenty of reasons for it, but no matter how heartbreaking they are, that’s all they are—reasons. they can never stand in as an apology and NEVER an excuse.
though i admit that that’s half the reason i enjoy azmuth as a character. of course i don’t condone his actions and he’s high key a piece of shit, but he’s fascinating as a character. as the smartest being in the universe, it’s easy to take advantage of others and throw around your “weight.” it’s probably even easier to be toxic, because knowing that everyone around you is dumber than you? knowing that you’re better than them on a chemical level?
that’s not healthy.
i got a bit off-track from the ask, but someone needs to snap at azmuth to get his shit together, and azmuth needs to get that log out of his ass and get some therapy. he owes a lot of people a lot of apologies.
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