#but i couldnt decide on a ler
queenbeebumblebee · 7 months
"What an incredibly ticklish rival!"
Ler!Alastor Lee!Vox
Summary: Vox was trying to attack Alastor on his radio studio, but the tables turn.. bad.
WARNING: Swearing
Alastor was minding his own business, chilling on his radio tower, the night was loud as always, it's hell after all! While with Vox.. he wasnt AS calm as the radio Demon was, he was in his Office, walking around in circles, ranting of his old rival, he had to get him somehow.. he NEEDED to, he needed his bright Spotlight back.. so, the middle of the night came, Vox was climbing up the radio tower of Alastor, because he would've been damned to Even Enter the Doors of the newly Hazbin hotel, just as Alastor was drinking coffe, he could tell his "old pal" was nearby, so he was more than ready..
As Vox entered the radio tower by breaking into a Window, the loud crashes from the glass could be heard.. and yet.. he was met with Alastor, Standing above him with his usual grin.
"greetings old pal! What brings You here at this hour of the night?"
Alastor said calmly and happily, just his usual self around people, this of course pisses Vox a Lot, the frown on his screen was obvious, yet he somehow stayed.. calm around the radio Demon, as if he was still fond of him after 7 literal years.
"i came here to stop You, You old timey prick! I'm here to regain My popularity ba-"
and before Vox was gonna finish his sentence, a black tentacle grabbed his ankles, lifting him from the ground, upside down, his vulnerability exposed for Alastor to see, which the tv Overlord hated.
"i'm afraid You can't do that friend, not right now, since it's pretty late, but since You are here.. i decided to have some... fun with you."
Alastor said, his voice twisting into a teasing nad evil voice, his grin widening as if he was about to attack Vox.
"W-WOAH! Hey hey hey, don't You DARE-"
Suddenly, Vox could feel tickling right on his sides and tummy, sending him into an uncontrolable fit of giggles and snorts, And Alastor was Even just using his tentacles to Tickle him, it wasnt much, but for Vox.. it was.
"h-hehehehey nohoho! Nohohot fahahahair!!"
Vox said, unable to speak properly, Even though it was small tickling.. poor him was just too ticklish for this.. yet he liked it, but he would rather get killed with holy weaponry rather than to admit it.
"what an incredibly ticklish rival i have in My hands tonight! Are these Bad spots? Or should i go somewhere else?"
Alastor teased, now, his fingers slowly pinching Vox's ribs, sometimes Even wiggling them Across his Armpits, causing the poor Vox to break into cackles, his laughter getting louder by the second.. he couldnt help it since it felt so nice..
Vox yelled as he threw his head back in laughter as Alastor pinched his Upper ribs and lower ribs, those we're oh so sensitive, and he wasnt Even going for the antennas.. that Made some shivers down Vox's spine just by thinking of it. It was getting too much, he was Even letting out sparks of electricity, because he was so overwhelmed by the feeling. Until..
"oh look at that! I found your sweet spot!"
Vox yelled loudly as Alastor wiggled his fingers across his antennas.. if the radio tower wasnt to far from the hotel, the whole crew would woken up by the sounds of cackles and snorts. Yet his arms we're free.. he could just get him back, but did he really wanted to do that? No, no he don't.. he likes it alot, Even more when he gets Tickled by the other Vees.
The minutes had passed, Alastor finally let Vox go, with the radio Demon now gone from the shadows, Vox hasnt had much of a choice to go back to the V tower, he was still feeling the Tickles, he could still hear the teasing.. he wanted it again, but the Vees couldnt do it better than Al, so..
He had to come back another day..
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skzstanforeversposts · 2 months
Chew toy ~
Lee: Bangchan Ler: Minho
explenation: What squeaks? Chan. What also squeaks? Chew toys. And what plays with chew toys that squeaks? Cats. And whos a cat? MINHO.
warning! Teases, Chan is upset and emotional, plus some small nibbles and raspberries <3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chan sighed, using his last strength to finally be done with the song, checking the clock to only reveal the light of the words 'three AM' on it with a groan.
He regretted even going to italy with the other members at this point, wishing he just could have lied that he was sick. BUt now, here he was, stuck with a pile of work that only he could take on.
He hasnt told any of the other members about it tho, becayse he didnt want them to feel bad for leaving him with so much work.
He was alone in the studio, Han and Changbin had stormed out earlier that night because Chan was so stressed and tired, that he regrettably took it out on them.
Chan began feeling so overwhelmed, and slowly but surely, tears started to roll down his pretty face (he is so pretty tho, no joke-). His plump lips formed into some sort of pout, before letting broken sobs break thru them.
He lowered his head, feeling the weight of everything pressing him lower and lower into the deep darkness of sadness, he felt like he was somehow drowning without being able to breath.
But then, a sort of hope appeared from the door to the studio, in form of an angry looking Minho. He was probably there to curse out Chan for hurting Hans feelings, which he pretty much did.
"I cant even belive you right now!-" Minho began, ready to go on a rant. But instead, he stopped. His face turned into a mixture of confusion and concern at what was infront of him. Chan looked at him, his voice weak and his face filled with tears and puffyness
"Im so tired..."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minho was sitting on the couch, the older in his lap, sipping on some iced coffee from a straw. He hasnt spoken since what happened before, which was only just twenty minutes ago to give him a break.
The dancer didnt even know what to do either, just slowly rubbing Chans back while humming to him soothingly. When Chan seemed calm enough, he began speaking
"So, you wanna tell me whats happening now?" His voice was calm, but also stern, showing that he wasnt playing around with this and wanted answers.
"I..i guess i just got so overwhelmed by all the sudden work, i couldnt handle it..." Chan sighed, feeling like he sounded pathetic for not being able to do what he has done for years.
The younger hated it when Chan was like this, too stubborn to ask for help from the others, and then feeling bad for not being able to handle it. Bangchan may be the oldest, but he could be such a little child sometimes.
Minho decided to set a stop for this once and for all, knowing that another meltdown like this could put Chan in a really bad spot with his own mental health. His hands that were rubbing the elders back turned into claws, and he began to scratch up and down instead, making Chan twitch and lean from side to side. Fine, if he was gonna act childish, why not use childish methods to stop it.
Minho leaned his head to Chans neck, speaking into his ears while continuing his little soft scratches. "Whats wrong, big baby? cant handle some little scratchies?" Man, Minho could be a brat sometimes.
Chan began twisting from side to side, trying to soothe one side, only for it to get worse for the other side. He let sound some small giggle like sound, which sounded better than music to Minhos ears. "mhmhm..it tihickles, Minho..."
Minho chuckled, loving how cute his very annoying but weet leader could be. he began turning on the action, digging his nails into the space of Chans sides, tasering the fleshy skin to pull some loud and clear laughter from him. "Ahahahaha!- Plehahahahse, i cahaHAHnt tahake IhiIT theheEHEre!..."
"Too bad, love~ This is a punishment for being a child, for hiding how youve been feeling these past few days, and for taking more than oyu can handle~ Its a tripple win, if i may say so myself~"
Minho teased in a bit of a mom voice, his hands going higher to find the small crevises between his ribs, making sure that all five of his fingers got in there on every side. Chan began twisting and squirming, letting out his iconic squeaks which he alwasy got embarassed about. "Pleahahase stahahahp! Ihihim sohohory, plehahahse thihihis is embahahrasihihng!.."
Minho grinned, loving how Chan was such a muscle giant, but still had one of the most cute laughs in the group. "Aww, youre like my very own chew toy, 'squeak,squeak!' am i right?~" Chans face heated up, and his loud laughs turned into embarassed snickers, the squeaking following him either way like a shadow.
"And do you know what cats do to chew toys?~" Minho asked, knowing what was about to happen. The tickling kind of mushed Chans brains, making him let out a curious "whahahat?" while still giggling. Minho answered in a voice that quickly sent a shiver down Chans spine. "They chew."
Minho quickly bit down on Chans neck, while also shoving his hands onto the spot where the olders thighs met his hips, squeezing that spot with favor while also nibbling and blowing the loudest raspberries he could onto Chans neck.
Chan went insane, feeling like he might die in that moment. Tears ran down his face again, but not from sadness, but from happiness and smirth. He wierdly didnt feel like he was suffocating anymore, he felt free, and able to breath. "NOOOHAHAHAHAHAH! GAHAHAHAD PLEHEHEhAHAHASE NOHOHOHO! NOHOHOT THEHEHAHAHAHAHA!"
Minho winced by the volume of the older, feeling like a siren was placed right on his ear. But he smiled thru it, digging his fingers deeper into the death spot. "Whos a perfect squeaking leader and a lovely person!?"
"MEHEHEHEHEHE!" Chan screamed out, the tears straining hid neck and the collar of his shirt.
" And whats your name!?" "C-CHAHAHAHAN!" "NO your full name!" Minho teased, pushing in even deeper and blowing the loudest adn sloppiest raspberry he could muster up. He wasnt the best at it, but it seemed to work because Chan was howling like a dog.
"And who is Christofer Bangchan!?"
"A-A PEHEHEHERFEHEHEHECT SQUHUHUHUEHEHAHAHKY LEHEHAHAHDER AHAHAHND A- A LOHOHOVELY PEHEHEHRSOHOHOHON!!!! NOHOHOW STAHAHAHP!!!" Chan screamed out, his voice hoarse and his face red from having a hard time breathing.
Minhos hands slowed to a stop, and he used his cheeks to wipe away all the saliva from the raspberries off of his neck. Chan slumped against Minho while panting, his weight making both of them fall down onto the couch.
"Now, remember. You said those words because its true, and not just yo get out of tickling, right?" Minho asked in a fake stern voice, gently scratcching at his side. Chan giggled weakly, pushing his hand away before burrying his body against the youngers. "yehehes..i mehant them all..."
"Good, now, wanna go home and apologize to Han and Changbin?.." Minho asked Chan, pwtting his head affectionetly. Chan wanted to do that so badly, but he wrapped his arms around MInho, closing his eyes.
"Can we just stay like this for a while first?...Just an hour,please?..."
Minho Chuckled at thw cute antics off his leader. He wrapped his arms lazily around Chan, and they both slowly fell asleep like that, all alone and in silence, showing each other how much thye loved one another.
"Whatever you say, best leader..."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------And done! I am so happy about this one, becase this is excacly how i think Minho would tickle Chan if he ever had a day like this! <3
Hope you all like this, i kinda suck at writing teases, so if you wanna help me you can show me some good ones that i can use in most of my fics that im definetly gonna write! (not because im a lee that loves getting flustered, i swear! This is for help only, i pinkie promise!).
Bye everyone, eat well, sleep well, and get those tickles you want!
-Lina <3
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hii! Would you mind writing a tickle fic (platonic) with lee bakugou, and lers top 3 heroes (endeavor, hawks, best jeanist). Thank you so much in advance!! P.S. please no foot tickles
Oooo interesting group! And you're welcome! Fair warning, it's a touch angsty before the fluffy stuff. I had an idea and kinda went with it (it's a long one), hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Lers: Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist
Summary: When given a special chance to train and work with the Top 3 Heros, Bakugou can't seem to get anything right. His temporary teachers notice, and decide to give him a morale boost.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Bakugou, to put it simply, was blowing it. He had been invited to train with the Top 3 Heros for a month, and he really wanted to impress them. He would never admit it, but their approval meant everything to him.
He would get training from one of them a day. After a training session with each, they gave him pieces of advice.
Hawks said to relax, to let his instincts take over and his anger fade. Fight them, but don't give it your all at first. Figure them out, their moves and styles. He wanted him to see the whole picture before really attacking.
Endeavor said to use his anger, to fuel each attack with his never ending supply of rage. He wants him to use his outrage against his opponents.
Best Jeanist wanted him to focus, to come up with a careful plan before attacking. Like making clothes, each stitch in your plan is important. He wants him to carefully plan out his actions before attacking.
Now, dear reader, try and apply all of those at once. You'll find it quite difficult. You can't really relax and be angry at once, or at least Bakugou couldn't. And how was he supposed to plan out his actions and let his instincts take over? So, when his first battle after their sessions came up, it was a disaster.
The Top 3 had been called to take down a villain trio that was terrorizing civilians. They decided this was Bakugo's chance to prove what he learned, and would observe from afar until he needed their help.
That turned out to be faster than they thought.
The blonde went into the fight already stressed. Letting the Top 3 down wasn't an option, so their advice was playing through his head on loop. When he saw the villains, he tried his best to follow each piece.
He went after the flying one first. He tried to use his anger first, while also going with the flow. He sent a huge blast up at the flying villain, ignoring the others for the moment. That was a bad idea.
When he was fighting the flying guy, the super strong one chucked a car at him. He dodged it, but the bird villain flew up and away from him. So much for going with the flow...
Try to plan it out. He looked around, trying to form a battle plan. Against strong guys, bigger attacks from behind work better. Probably. He really shouldn't have missed that lecture. Though he was on house arrest. Well, dorm arrest.
Stuck in his own head, Bakugou didn't notice the third villain coming up behind him. This guy had a water quirk, and sent a huge wave crashing down on him. Before he could set off a single blast, he was caught up in the wave.
This is when the pro heros joined the fight. Hawks swooped in and grabbed Bakugou from the chaos, dropping him onto a tall building before joining the fight.
Best Jeanist took care of the water guy, while Endeavor fought with the strong villain. Hawks tangled with the flying one, sending a barrage of feathers his way. Soon, they had the trio beat and on their way to prison.
On the building, Bakugou felt awful. He had fucked up his shot to impress them. Instead, he practically blew the mission. All he had to do was follow some advice and fight a few villains. He was supposed to be number one, but he couldnt do something easy for ACTUAL top heros.
They went back to the agency, Bakugou's mind racing the entire way.
The pros had noticed the explosive teen's mood shift almost immediately. For one, he was quiet the entire way back to the agency. His scowl was replaced by furrowed brows and a slight frown.
Hawks had tried to talk to him, but got a half-assed "whatever" before the blonde walked off. He went to Best Jeanist, knowing that Bakugou had interned there.
The denim hero sighed when Hawks asked him. "He feels guilty for not stopping the villains. I'm no professional, but I'd wager that his self-worth is impacted by his performance, especially in front of people he idolizes. And he didn't do very well today."
That... actually made a lot of sense. He had seemed stressed before the fight, and it hadn't gone the way anyone expected it to. That trio was low-level, an easy takedown. Why did Bakugou seem so off his game?
Hawks needed to find out. He had already tried talking to him, and you know how that went. A plan was slowly forming, but he would need the other pros.
"Hey, Jeanist, mind helping me with him?" The pro, of course, agreed to help. Now, to get Endeavor on board. Eugh boy...
The firey hero was doing paperwork, and seemed annoyed at their entrance. "Yes, Hawks? And hello, Jeanist."
Okay, rude! But he was used to it. Hawks walked over to the desk, resting his hand on the form Endeavor was filling out. "Mind helping us cheer the kid up?"
He glared at the winged hero, setting his pen down. Sighing, he rubbed his temples, as if already sick of Hawks. "And why can't you do this yourselves?"
"Because, he feels like he disappointed all of us. If you're not there, he'll think he especially let you down. And you're #1, so it'll make him feel even worse."
With a groan, Endeavor stood and followed his peers to Bakugou's room. He may be a jerk, but he's not going to intentionally make a kid feel bad.
In his room, Bakugou was sitting on the bed, going over the fight. He was picking out every little thing he did wrong, mentally beating himself up. His knee was tapping like crazy, his body's way of trying to get some of the stress out. It helped, but not enough to do anything.
Best Jeanist was the one to knock, asking to be let in. He didn't mention the other two, thinking it might deter Baku from letting them in.
The knocking snapped him out of his daze, and he walked over and opened the door, trying for a scowl. It quickly faded to a shocked frown when he saw all three pro heros at his door.
He blinked before waving them inside with a huff. The blonde moved away from the door, standing awkwardly by the bed. Hawks and Jeanist approached him, Endeavor hanging back near the door.
Hawks was the first to speak. "You seem a bit down, kid. Mind sharing?" It was a bit blunt, sure, but it got to the point. He had a feeling that would work best with the explosive teen.
"I'm fine, KFC. Quit mother henning me." No cursing, but there were some good bird jabs. Endeavor chuckled from behind. That's a decent sign, I guess.
Jeanist was next. "Bakugou, we know you're feeling bad beacuse of the fight. We just want to know why, and what's been on your mind." His tone was just soft enough. Not pitying, but just concerned enough to make a person feel cared for.
This seemed to loosen him up a bit. He crossed his arms, but he was squeezing himself a bit more than necessary, scowling into his lap. When he spoke, it seemed to pour out of him, as if he'd been saying it silently for hours.
"I... I fucked up. I tried to follow all of your advice, but I'm too much of a dumbass to know how. I screwed up my shot in the fight, and needed to be fucking saved and taken away so you could wrap it up. I disappointed all of you in seconds. I tried so hard to do what you said, but I fucked up every piece of advice you gave me."
Bakugou seemed less than okay, now visibly upset. That was more than he normally expressed, and let the three of them know that this was really bothering him. Best Jeanist was the first to comfort him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Bakugou, you did not disappoint us. Everyone has off days, and nobody wants to mess up in front of people they admire. We may not have given the best advice, and it wasn't fair to tell you three different things and expect you to perform them all flawlessly. If anything, were the ones who messed up. We made you feel like this, and didn't work together to make sure you got the best training possible."
Everyone in the room was a bit shocked. He said it so calmly, and sounded genuinely concerned. Bakugou bit his cheek, trying to keep his emotions in check. He did look less upset, though he still had that sad air to him.
"Kid, nobody blames you for messing up. We don't expect you to follow every piece of advice we give you. It's all good. So relax, would ya?" Hawks came over now, poking him in the ribs. He did not, however, expect the jolt and surprised grunt the action received. The hero quickly put two and two together, a smirk forming on his face.
"You know, you really should smile more. You're gonna have a buncha wrinkles before you're thirty with all the scowling you do." He nodded at Jeanist, trying to get him into the mischief about to ensue. He chuckles and nods, silently agreeing to help.
"Hey Endeavor, mind coming over here?" The firey pro huffed before approaching the three, knowing he'll get roped into it either way. He came up behind the blonde, already knowing what they'll ask of him.
Bakugou realizes what's happening a second too late. Endeavor hooked his arms under the teen's, successfuly restraining him. Well, kinda. He was still kicking out, trying to keep them away from him. "No! Fuck off!"
Hawks chuckled at the small giggle. "What? We haven't done anything. Yet." The tease in his voice was almost suffocating as he wiggled his fingers. "Jeanist, mind helping us with his legs?"
The teen glared at him, almost betrayed. The pro gives him a knowing yet apologetic look before using his quirk to restrain him. He wrapped some threads around Bakugou's legs, keeping them from getting kicked to death.
Hawks smirked before running his fingers up and down his ribs, moving slowly. Baku's face scrunched up, holding in any reaction. A small blush formed on the blonde's face as he struggled.
"Playing hardass, huh? That's okay, I can do this for hours." Hawks smirked as he added his other hand, running his fingers up and down both sides of the teen's ribcage. "Wanna get in on this, Jean?"
Jeanist chuckles before joining in, poking at Bakugou's belly. Little titters escape him, his efforts to stay stoic failing.
The fingers on his ribs traveled higher, getting dangerously close to this death spot. "S-stohop! Screw you ahassholes!"
Hawks stopped, giving Bakugou a dangerous look. The teen squirmed, thankful for the break, but weary of the pro. "Assholes, huh? I guess we've gotta live up to that title. Jeanist, where do I go?"
The denim hero chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry Bakugou. Upper ribs, right below his armpit." The teen let out a squawk of betrayal, glaring daggers at his former mentor. He didn't have a chance to yell, as Hawks used both hands to attack the spot on both sides of his ribcage.
"GAH! NOHOHO, YOU TRAHAHAITOHOR!" He thrashed as much as they would allow, Endeavor struggling to keep a good hold on him. The teen's laugher filled the room, loud and boisterous.
The winged hero seemed thrilled at his reaction. "There we go! Was that so hard?" Bakugou narrowed his eyes, trying to look menacing. It didn't work, what with all the laughing and squirming. "YEHEHES! GET OHOHOFF OF MEHE YOU- JEHERKS!"
Not wanting to get in any more trouble than he already was, he filtered the name. They got the point. Doesn't mean they're gonna listen to it.
"No, I don't think we will. You can brood later, but for now, you're gonna laugh." While his hands tormented Bakugou's ribs, he sent out a few feathers to mess with his neck. Best Jeanist was on his belly, poking and prodding the sensitive skin.
Bakugou was reeling. This is so fucking embarrassing! The three best heros, all tickling him! It was bad enough when just Jeanist found out, but all three? His pride was dead.
"STOHOHOP! GEHET OHOFFA MEHEHE!" He arched his back, thrashing as they tickled him. His death spot alone was maddening, but his belly and neck as well? He was done for.
Jeanist poked around, kneading his thighs experimentally. This caused the blonde to snort, surprising all three heros. Determined to kill the teen, Jeanist stayed on his thighs, forcing snort after snort out of him.
"OHOHO MY FUHUCK! *snort* QUIHIHIHIT IHIT!" He thrashed against Endeavor, trying to break the hero's hold on him. The pro held strong, clearly not about to let a teenager best him. "LEHET- *snort* LEHET ME GOHOHO, OHOHOLD MAN!"
Endeavor scowled at this comment. "I'll show you old man, you brat." He gathered up both of the student's arms in one hand, using the other to roughly tickle his side. This seemed to work, Bakugou's laughter reaching new heights.
Tears of mirth pricked the corner of his eyes, the tickling overwhelming. He was nearing his limit, his cheeks bright red from both laughter and embarrassment. He shook his head, trying to shake the feeling out. It didn't work.
Hearing the slight rasp in his laughter, Hawks stopped, motioning the others to follow him. They also quit, Endeavor releasing his arms. Bakugou all but collapsed, falling back on the firey hero. He held the boy up with a chuckle, amused at his reaction.
Bakugou was still softly giggling, sucking in air as he tried to calm down. "Youhuhu... you guhuys suhuhuck!" He weakly pointed to the three of them, too tired to do much else. The fight, plus the tickling, had thoroughly worn him out.
Hawks ruffled his hair, earning a growl in response. "Well, at least you aren't sad anymore. Next time, if we're not making sense, tell us. We'll fix it, okay?" The blonde nodded, groaning.
Endeavor laid him on the bed, getting an appreciative groan from the teen. They left the room, Jeanist giving him a quick pat on the head before closing the door behind him. All three heros had smiles of some sort on their faces.
Bakugou, exhausted and embarrassed, closed his eyes. He knew they cared, but nobody could have expected what they did to cheer him up. He sprawled out on the bed, deciding to sleep it off.
Ugh, how am I gonna train with them after this?
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mysteriouslee · 3 months
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lee!Korra ler!Asami
Asami felt like the luckiest woman in Republic City. In the world even. Korra, the love of her life lay curled up beside her. Korra' chest rising and falling slowly as she sleeps soundly. The sun was rising and the light shun throught the curtains. Asami played with Korra's and would at times lay soft kisses on the waterbender's face.Asami was so entranced until she felt Korra shift. A million thoughts ran through her head. Did she wake her up? Did she hurt her?
It was then that she heard Korra murmur "that tickles". Asami chuckled as Korra hid her head into Asami's embrace to shy away from her hands. Asami just followed her and continued her assault of tickly kisses.Korra whined and wanted to roll away but Asami was too warm and comfortable, she couldnt resist.
"If I didnt know any better, I'd think your enjoying this" teased the engineer.
"Ihit ihis too earheherly fohor hehe youhu to behe teasing mehe" whined the avatar.
"I mean we have to be up in 5 minutes anyways" Asami reminded Korra
"Nooohohoho" Korra complained.
"Come on Korra~"Asami whispered before scribbling her fingers on her girlfriend's stomach. Korra squealed erupted into loud cackling and tried to squirm away but Asami had been working out a lot lately and acquired a pretty strong grip.
"STOHOP"Korra pleaded.
Asami pulled her hands away and rubbed Korra's back gently.
"You're mean and the morning is evil"Korra mumbled before drifting back to sleep. Asami decided to give in and snuggle into Korra's arms.
Perhaps they could sleep a little longer.
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soap143 · 11 months
Lee! Jeongin
Ler! Chan
For the past few days, hell, even weeks Jeongin had a strange feeling inside his stomach and annoying thoughts that wouldnt leave his head.
Tickling was a usual thing between the group. It happened daily more than one time. But somehow, Jeongin just couldnt get used to it. He always thought a bit weirdly of tickling, but after getting closer with the boys, at least for a while, he got used to it. However they were all older now and had much more work to do. It wasnt unsual to witness multiple wreckings in the 24 hours that he would spend with his friends, but he felt like he wasnt getting as much of it. Back when he was much younger, all the members would tickle him quite often, to the point where he thought that he might hate it.
Maybe they do think I hate it?
None the less, that was far from the truth — that was exactly what Jeongin had discovered. He really enjoyed the feeling of sneaky little fingers poking his sides and scratching his neck. The poor boy would always jump and yell for the tickler to stop, never knowing how much he acctually loved it. Whats there not to like? All the attention is on you, youre laughing and making others laugh and in the end — aftercare. Perhaps all the members stopped tickling him because of much he would fight back and plead to stop? It wasnt his fault tho. He was just insanely ticklish.
He watched his band group members poke eachother over and over again, simply dying in the inside. However he knew that he couldnt be too obvious about it. Nobody likes being tickled — thats a fact that he was aware of. Its very weird. So, of course, he would never dare to speak to anyone about this.
It was incredibly hard trying not to angrily stare at Changbin and Hyunjin poking eachother while playing video games. “Youre cheating!” Changbin plaufully yelled as he grabbed a chunk of Hyunjins side and mercilessly squeezed. Hyunjin let out a yelp and grabbed his poor side. “What is wrong with you?! I’m in last place beacause of you!” At this point they werent even playing. Hyunjin was trying to get on top of the dwaeki while the victim was fighting his long fingers off.
All that was happening as the poor maknae watched. He thought of joining in, but decided to sulk for a while until someone noticed.
When he arrived into his room, he had found out that another member was already in it. “Chan hyung, what are you doing here?” No response. “Hyung, why are you here?” Jeongin came a bit closer to the laying boy, only to realize he was sound asleep. “Poor Channie, he must have been tired…” He decided to let the leader rest. He was quite exhausted himself, so he carefully wrigled and cuddled up next to Chan.
As soon as I felt someone slighly squeeze my side, I flinched awake. I had gone into Jeongins room to talk to him, but considering I stayed up until dawn last night, I fell asleep on his bed… It was quite embarassing, but he didnt seem to mind. The maknae had cuddled up next to me and was asleep. Whenever Innie has a nightmare, he tends to squeeze whatever thing was the closest to him, whether it was his pillow, blanket or… His hyung.
He is our only maknae, our little baby, and I seemed to notice him not getting as much attention as he used to. But then I remember what he had said only a couple months ago…
We had just finnished practice, it was 9 pm. All of us were exhausted because of the long day. “Lets go to Mcdonalds!” “No, Burger King!” “Accualy, Ive been craving ramen for quite a while…” Everyone was choosing what to eat, however, I noticed Innie invested in his thoughts, sitting on the floor. “Hey I.N., good practice!” “Sure…” “Whatcha wanna eat? Everyone has agreed on ramen, but what do you think?” “ Ramens fine, but Im not going to eat… I-I did pretty bad today, I think I will stay a bit more to practice that one move.” “ Oh you really dont have to, not all of us quite got that, we will rehearse that again tommorow. We woke up at 6:30 am today, lets get some rest, yeah?” “ No, I really want to master that one move”
At this point mostly everyone had gathered up next to the youngest one in the group. “Innie, lets get food, Im so hungry!” “Who cares about that move, youll get it tommorow” “Even I didnt get it, dont worry, Innie!” Jeongin was fed up. Why did he have to get all this attention when he simply wanted to stay a little more after practice? “I SAID I WANTED TO MASTER JUST THIS ONE MOVE! Please, is it that hard to get?!” Everyone suddenly got quiet. Everybody but Chan left. “That was totally uncalled for, Jeongin! We were just-“ “Looking out for me? Being careful? Wanted the best for me? Jeez! Can I get a break from YOU. You always treat me like a baby! Well guess what, Im an adult now and make my own decisions. I dont want anyone, especially you Chan, constantly babying me and treating me like Im some child who cant make disicions of his own. Now go eat your ramen, Im not even hungry anymore. Im going back to the dorms. See you later.”
After that happened, we gave Jeongin less attention and treated him more like an adult. He had had multiple outbursts like this, but this one made things clear. However, I just think that he was tired and hungry, not necessarily angry. Maybe he just needed to let some emotions out, and needed a decent reason to do so.
Anyway, I think that he liked and still likes the attention, that we obviously dont give him anymore. Which is upsetting and frustrating, seeing our maknae so sad. Even though he said that he hates the attention that we give him, I can see him sulking, especially when we have fun and leave him out. I can tell that the boys aren’t doing it on purpose, theyre just doing what he wanted. But I can tell how much Innie misses being the little baby of the group.
Suddenly, I felt I.N. start moving around and wake up. “Hi Chan Hyung.” “Hello, Innie-ah” “Did I wake you up? I had a nightmare so I suspect I did… Sorry.” “It’s alright, I fell asleep in your bed when I was supposed to talk to you.” “What did you want to talk about, hyung?” I could tell by his voice that he was scared. “ Dont be afraid, its nothing bad.” “Oh. Well, tell me anyway” “Sorry if I offend you, but did you mean it? That you hate our attention and are sick of being babied? Because Ive been observing you and you dont seem any happier than when we treated you like our baby.” “Um… I guess I just feel more like an adult now.” “Do you like that?” I was met with silence. “Answer me Innie, please.” I.N. didnt seem like he was going to answer my question, so I decided to bring out the big guns. I had always known that our baby bread hated being tickled, but a little bit could never hurt. I gave him one last chance before diving in. At first I just pinned him down with both my arms. “Nohohoho, plehehease Channie Hyung!” he giggled in anticipation. “ One last chance, Jeongin~~ Do you acctually like it when we don’t give you attention? Or do you prefer to get babied like a little baby~~. Little baby bread…~~” I knew he couldn’t take any teases considering his red ears, face and neck. “Little I.N. baby bread, foxy baby cutie~” I lowered my face and whispered, pressing my lips against his neck. “Chahahahahnnie hyuAHAHAHA” he laughed harder as I nibbled and blew raspberries on his most vulnerable and ticklish spot. “ Answer my question or move to the next spot?” “Ahahnswer question, answer question! Pleheahase no more…!” “ Alright then, tell me, do you like being treated like the big adult you are?” “…Yes?” “Wrong!.” I yelled into his neck. “NOHOHOHO pleasepleasepleasechanniehyung listen to meee! You don’t have to do this, Im beggingbeggingbegging yoUHUHUUU” I pinned both his arms above his head and swiched to poking and squeezing his armpits. “CHAHAHAN PLEHEAHEHEASE LISTEN TO MEEEE! I HAHAHAHVE SOMETHIHIHING TO TELL TOU!!” “Oh yeah? Perhaps that youre so ticklish that you cant handle it?~” “ SERIUOSLY! SEHEHERIUOSLY PLEAEHEHESE!” I stoped for real this time. “Okay so you caught me. I do acctually like your attention and dont enjoy being treated like an adult as much as I thought I would, there, I said it!” “Please tell me what is true, not some lie you made up because you dont want to be tickled… I wont tickle you anymore, I promise!”
He promised he wouldnt tickle me. But oh, how much I wanted him to keep going… Curse my hyper sensitive body. “No, it is the truth, I have been a little upset lately” “Well, Im glad that you confessed to me. Can I tell the others?” “ Yeah, that would be great. Im too embarassed to tell them myself anyway…” “Alright then. Rest up! I hope I didnt tire you out much… Sorry for tickling you, I know that you hate it…” Now is the perfect time “Acctually, I have something else to tell you…” He fully turned his whole body to me. Goah, I hate him so much. Why has he got to put me in such vulnerable position? “ I… accualy, its nothing…” not today, not when hes got full attention on me like that. “NO! Tell me, pleaseeeee! Dont make me tickle it out of you again~~” That made me extra scared and all my courage was gone. “I-Its accualy about that…” “What? Tickling?” “Yeah…” “Sorry, I promised I wouldnt tickle you anymore. You dont have to tell me aswell, take your time.” Gosh, can he stop saying the word? Hes so sweet its annoying. “No, I-I want to tell you now. And it is about… T-tickling.” He did that thing again, where he turned his whole body and soul to me, it was scary. Seemed like he could hear my heartbeat. “Well, I… acctually dont hate it. I like it a lot. But I cant take it. And s-sometimes youre a bit too rough.” “Oh…” “Sorry, you probably think Im disgusting or something. I promise its nothing dirty or naughty like your probably thi-“ “ No! None of that! Even though I wouldve never guessed that you like it… I dont find it disgusting, at all. Its cute, very cute acctually.” “You think so?” “Of course! Now, prepare yourself because you basically just asked to be tickled.” He definetly knew how much I dreaded that word and was taking advantage of it. “Beg.” “What?” “Beg to be wrecked by your favourite tickle monster.” At this point I was probably as red as a tomato. “P-please t…t-tickle me…” “Good enough” He lowered his head and started nibbling on my lower stomach and I lost it. He was beeing painfully gentle, probably remembering me pointing out his roughness. I grabbed on his hair and desperately pulled. “Ow ow ow ow OW! Innie, youre gonna have to keep your arms further away from me!” He grabbed my arms and pulled them to my sides.” Keep them there. Now, you understand that Im going to have to pusnish you, yeah?” “Buhuhut I cant keep my arms there!” “I dont care, if you dont, Ill be more gentle” I liked it gentle, but not too gentle, and Gosh did Chan know how to get extra gentle. It would be so painful, worse than rough tickles, which says a lot. So, I try to keep my arms in place as he nibbles the sensitive skin on my abdomen.
He was doing pretty good, too good at holding his arms in place, giggling hysterically, but keeping himself pretty still. “CHAHAHAHAHAN HYUHUHUUHNG PLEHEHEHEHAHEHHEAHSE” He begged and grabbed my hair again. Succes. Raspberries always get him. “Oh no! Was I being too rough? I should be more gentle, yeah? Thats ok, Ill be more gentle~” I loved teasing Innie so much, he would always get so red and shy. I knew I was being mean, taking advange of his weaknesa- rought tickles and using againts him, but in a much more flustering way. He hates rough tickle because he cant take much of them, but extremely gentle tickles are much more agonazing — its just constant anticipation and fear. I start off incredibly gently right in the middle of his stomach “Chahahaniehehe pleheheahahse!” I gently drag my finger around his navel, never bothering to acctually dip it in. I know how much he hates(loves) it. I slowly drag my finger along his side and onto his ribs “ChahaAHAnieEHEhe hyUHUHuhung” He giggles more agressively as I gently poke my finger deeper into his flesh every few seconds. I know how much hes waiting for me to just wreck him. Ive been saving up his energy for the grand finale. “Ready I.N?” “YEHEHES please!” I poke him a couple more times before finnaly diving in. “OHOHOHO MAHAHA GOHOHOD CHAHAHAANA AHAHHAHSNSBA” I start by squeezing his sides rapidly. I switch spots quickly purely for his enjoyment. “CHAHAHAHAN!!” “ Yes, Innie baby bread?~” I ask as I count his ribs, while he desperately tries to stop his arms from disturbing me “GEHEHEHET MY LEHEHEGSS HAHAHA” I can tell that he cant take it for much longer, thats why wants me to switch spots quickly. His thighs are incredibly sensitive, so I start of with them, mercilessly squeezing the firm mucle behind his leg and the front of it, switching quickly so that he can expierience as much joy as quickly as he can. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA KNEHEHEHHES PLEAAAHSHEJDJJEJHA” I quickly listen to his command and rapidly attack his kneecaps, squeezing the top and back at the same time. “STOPSTOPSTOP ENOUGHAHAHAHAHAH” I inmeadiately stop and gently, but not gently enought to torture him rub his whole body. His cute dimply smile plastered on his face that I missed so much. “Anytime you want to repeat this, just tell me the keyword “tickle”, if youre capable of that~~” He was still laying there, panting, but I could see his cheeks reddening up at my words. “I will make sure to…” He whispers shyly. I figured that he may need a moment to think about what happened, so I quietly exited the room.
This was the most flustering yet enjoyable expierience ever. However if he dares to tell anyone about this…
Maybe it wouldnt be so bad, considering all the gang tickles I would get.
This is my first tickle fic ever. I know the build up is very long, sorry. 🙂
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cookiegirlsstuff · 6 months
The Hobi cheer up pt. 5
AN: This is part 5 of a series that will consist of 7 parts. I hope you like it!
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Lee: Yoongi
Ler: J-hope
Yoongi was sad. And he didn't even try to hide it. Since he had released his new album, he had already received a lot of hate, such as that he wasn't a real rapper, that he had no talent or that he should leave Bangtan.
Normally, he wouldn't be bothered by the haters, but with the increasing popularity of bts, there were naturally more and more of them.
He was sad and hurt, but it wasn't just him. The other members also struggled because yoongi was constantly annoyed or was in his studio even longer than usual.
After a week of all this, Jhope decided enough was enough and wanted to talk to his hyung about it.
"Yoongi hyung?" he asked nervously as he sat down on the sofa next to the rapper. Everyone knew that Yoongi didn't like to talk about his feelings, which is why Hobi wanted to take it easy.
"We all know you're having a hard time right now and we think it would be better if you would talk to one of us about it," J-hope said quietly.
"It's nothing," yoongi assured him; "Just the usual hate," he mumbled somewhat sheepishly.
"Why didn't you tell us about it?" asked J-hope, slightly upset.
"I didn't want you to worry," Suga confessed.
"But now we're even more worried!" said Jhope and hugged his hyung, who for once didn't protest.
But even after the conversation, yoongi was still sad, even if he didn't know exactly why.
Of course, this didn't go unnoticed and J-hope decided to do something about it.
And what could be better than a good old hobi cheer up?
But Yoongi hated being touched or, even worse, being tickled. It wasn't really bad, but it was embarrassing for him.
That's why he always avoided such situations. And Jhope knew that if he wanted to put his plan into action, he had to be careful.
So he waited a few days until he saw yoongi sleeping peacefully on the couch. That was his chance.
"Attack!" he shouted, before "jumping" on yoongi and ticking his sides mercilessly.
At first Yoongi tried to push the younger one off him, but quickly realised that he was in the worst position to do so and had absolutely no chance to escape.
It didn't take long for Suga to be red in the face, his moving around strong enough for his body to be bouncing on the couch but nothing more than that.
'No, not there!' Yoongi pleaded, trying to wriggle away from Hobi's fingers, which were tickling his ribs.
'Oops, sorry!' Hoseok replied with an impish grin, before continuing his attack
Not gonna lie, J-hope was having the time of his life. He was finally able to tickle his hyung. He tried so many times and it all failed when Yoongk will get away. Now here he was, attacking the poor boy who was going crazy.
“It’s cute how you like being tickled” Jhope teased, knowing yoongi couldnt even protest.
"I hahahahate you!, the black haired boy managed to say between his laugher.
Hoseok giggled, finding his reaction absolutely adorable.
Next he started to spider his fingers up and down yoongi's ribs and squeezed his stomach at the same time.
“Please, w-wai-aIHAIHAIHAIT! Pleaheahease!” he shouted.
“Please what? Tickle you more? Gladly!” he laughed back, moving his hands down to squeeze his thighs and hips.
He tried grabbing Hoseok’s evil hands a couple of times, but he quickly snatches them back and go for his worst spots and just wiggling his fingers harder.
But it was no use. They were relentless, tickling him all over and making him squeal and laugh uncontrollably. And for the first time in weeks, Suga was truly happy again.
So Hoseok decided to stop there "Are you okay hyung?" he asked a little worried "I'm gohohod but please don't do this again" both of them laughed before going out to eat something and spend some more time together.
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⬆ yoongi to the haters (this gif fits so good in this story 💜)
Hope you like it!
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sweet-pineapple · 2 months
James is bored, and decides to annoy Will. Will gets fed up and decides to entertain him.
Lee!James Marriott, Ler!WillNE and a bit of Ler!James Marriott and Lee!WillNE at the end
This is my first ticklefic that is a little intense! so i added a little wholesome bit at the end since I couldnt just leave it with James completely destroyed!
Warnings: Swearing, being pinned
Will was in his office after a recording with James. He was on his phone, scrolling through twitter and looking through #WillandJim.
James walks into the office and decides to bother Will. He had nothing else to do. "Oh Will!!" James sang and laughed lightly when he saw the boys roll his eyes. He walked over to Will and looked at his phone. "What are you doing mate?" he laughed as he saw the clip of Will saying "I like glape". James laughed. "you really can't speak sometime y'know" Will tilted his head so that he was looking at the boy. "I was just overwhelmed with the prime!" he said offended. James laughed, "Oh I just love the mega prime!!" he mocked, making faces. Will huffed, the boy was getting on his nerves, this wasn't the first comment he made all day after the recording. Until the next clip he saw was with James in a sensory sock and Will was poking his sides, with the caption "James seems like the kind to be really ticklish!" Will smirked and turned to see James who was red in the face and became way more quiet. "Wihil hold on now!" james said and panicked. He looked around and decided to run for it.
James ran out of Wills office, screaming in the halls with Will chasing after him with a devilish smile plastered on his face. "Oh james! you know you can run but you can't hide!" he yelled as the boy took a turn and went into the lounging room. James looked around and realized that there was really no way out of this. Until he felt fingers on his sides, the boy squealed and turned around to see Will who had a smirk on his face. The boys started wrestling "Oi get off of me you prick!" Will yelled and James laughed. "No! you're going to tickle me you twat!" he yelled back. Will quickly grabbed james and tossed him over so that Will was on top (calm down)
Will straddled James and grabs both his hands and places them above his head. "Whihil wait please Im sorry!" James panicked as giggles started flowing out of the boys mouth. "Oi calm down! its just a bit of tickling" Will said and with that he began scratching James' sides. James quickly reacted, he shut his eyes and began squirming as giggles flew out of his mouth, Will smiled. Although he seemed like he was pissed at James, he really just wanted to hear the boy laugh.
"Wihihil pleheahse!" James said trying to move his hands, but they were stuck. "sorry james I can't hear you through that giggling mate!" James was stuck, giggling for a few minutes until Will decided to give the boy a minute break. "right, how about you tell me your most ticklish area and I tickle you there for 30 seconds and we're done" he asks. James shook his head. "No you twat thats not fair!" he whined and immediately started squriming as Wills fingers started wiggling infront of him. "Right then, guess Imma have to find out myself!" he said and went back to tickling the boys sides. James could not stop laughing, the tingling sensation was too much for him! "Ohokay wihiihil ihil tehehll youhuh" he whined with giggles still flowing through him. Will slowly released James hands from above his head.
James covered his face with his hands as he began giggling. "mhyhy rihihbs" he muttered through his hands, Will aww'd the boy. It was such a sight to see! James was a giggling mess, covering his face however you could still see the red. "right then!" Will said and dug his fingers in between James' ribs. James arched his back and crashed back down onto the floor, as he let out the loudest laugh, the boy squirmed like a little kid trying to fight off Will's hands. "WIHIHIL NAHAHAO PLEHAHAHSE" The boy began to buck his hips in hope that Will would fall off or lose control, Wills eyes widened as he saw the reaction of the younger boy. Will had about 10 seconds left, so he decided to give it his all just because he wanted to hear his best friend laugh. He scribbled James' side with one hand as he pinched between his ribs with the other, leaving James in a howling mess. "WHIHIHIL IHI CAHANAT TAHAAKAE IHIHIT NOHOHO MOHOOHORE MEHERCY" They boy yelled as he squirmed even more and he bucked even more violently. Will immediately stopped and got off of the boy.
James was recovering from that attack and laid on the floor. As Will watched the boy giggle he felt bad, maybe he went too far. James finally caught his breath and looked up at Will to see him look distracted. "Will, youhu alhirihgt?" he asked. "You're asking if im alright? when i full on attacked you." he muttered, James instantly knew that the boy felt bad. "Ay man," he said and patted the floor, signaling Will to sit next to him. Will sighed and sat down, "I'm sorry james. I went too far" was all the boy had to say. He couldn't even look at james and he felt horrible. James laid his head on Will's shoulder. "you're okay mate, plus I deserved it. I could tell you were annoyed earlier" he laughed, Will smiled. "I can't lie, it was surprising seeing you laugh like that" he added and chucked. James smirked. "really? well now it's my turn" before Will could say anything, his cackles cut him off as James dug his fingers into Will's hips.
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blushyeleven · 1 year
Tickletober - DAY 6
(I js realised this is kinda similar to my other fic “trouble follows us around” 🥹)
Characters: Lee!emma, ler!jenna
Warnings: tickles, swearing
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𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓊𝓁𝓉𝓈
Another ordinary day of shooting on the Wednesday set?.. absolutely not. Let’s just say.. Emma had woken up in a slightly mischievous mood. Emma was sat in the break room patiently waiting in her purple striped nevermore uniform to be called up to do a scene.Re reading over her lines while having a pair of earphones in. Not even looking up untill she saw jenna step into the room. Her eyes shifted from her lines and pulled out her earphones. “We’re up!” Jenna exclaimed with a slight upwards curve of her lips. “Okay, I’m coming” Emma said, trying to hide her evil smirk. She then got up from her chair and followed jenna to set were both the co-stars started their scene in the dorm room.
“Okay you ready?” Jenna asked with a smile “oh me? Yeah.. are you ready?” Emma asked with a small giggle and Jenna already was started to become skeptical. “yup!” Jenna tried to play it off cool. It was probably nothing.. right?
“Okay! Action!”
Emma squealed with excitement before stepping closer to jenna “oh my god!! Wednesday Addams is going to the raven!” She squealed again “my whole world is tilted!.. you know what you need now?” Emma spoke with a high pitched voice with the biggest smile across her face. Contrasted to Emma’s character, enids, bubbly personality. Jenna was stood there as Wednesday Addams. Her face was cold and intimidating and her voice had no emotion, it was completely flat and monotone. “A bullet to the head” jenna replied almost immediately. “A dress!” And then Emma unexpectedly poked jenna the side, earning a sharp inhale and squeak from the younger actress who looked at the floor and let out a small giggle. “What was that for?!” Jenna then asked before watching the blonde giggle and shrug, the wide smile imprinted on her face. Jenna just rolled her eyes and looked at the crew who were stifling their own snickers.
Emma and Jenna got themselves back into their place as Emma cleared her throat and stepped towards jenna yet again, who just stood on one side of the room with her body.. practically lifeless “Oh my god!! Wednesday Addams is going to the raven!” She smiled again “My whole world is tilted!.. you know what you need now?” Emma then smirked to herself and reached out her hand to sneakily squeeze jenna in the side, causing the shorter girl to jump and flinch backwards “A bULLet to the head-“ jennas voice went up in pitch after feeling the squeeze as she jumped backwards. “Emma! I swear to god!” Jenna said and couldn’t help but smile at how giggly her co-star was. “Sorry! Im sorry.. i couldnt resist” Emma then looked over at the crew who were smiling and some of them even covering their smiles with their hand. She then noticed Tim, who was grinning at her. “Okay! One more try girls!” Tim shouted out, winking at Emma. Luckily jenna didn’t notice and yet again pulled herself together
They then re started the scene, jenna taking a glance at Emma’s hands every so often. They managed to get through the lines until emma was finishing of her “thing back me up here!” And as soon as jenna was caught of guard and turned to look at viktor (actor who played thing) Emma striked again, shooting her multi-coloured fingernails to jennas side, prodding at it a few times. Jenna just moved back and stared at Emma while the crew finally broke as some of them snickered and Tim was watching this unfold with the biggest grin on his face and put his thumbs up towards Emma.
“oh your in for it” was all that Jenna said before emma quickly decided to use her two legs to make a run for it. The crew chuckled as jenna didn’t hesitate to bolt after her, hot on her tracks. Jenna may look small but she was fast, rapid even. Emma was giggling uncontrollably as she was trying to sprint away as if her life depended on it. Dodging and weaving in between anything that stood in her way. “Emma! Get back here!” Jenna called out while continuing to chase the older girl. Emma then turned back while still sprinting to see jenna not far behind her. It was soon enough that Emma’s legs began to ache.. it was also soon enough before she actually ran out of places to run to (get it?) so she dashed to the break room, a careless mistake really. But where else left did she have to go? She bursted through the door and attempted to push it shut behind her as she stood behind the sofa and shortly enough jenna came through the half-closed door, shoving it out of her way as she saw blonde standing there, a nervous yet giddy smile across her face. Jenna didn’t wait around to get her revenge, she charged at Emma, quickly and efficiently tackling her to the floor.
Emma layed on the carpeted floor with Jenna sat comfortably on her waist, out of breath and her cheeks shone a pastel pink that matched the half pink, half blue ends of her blonde hair. “jenna, I’m soHOHORRY-“ Emma’s speech was cut of by the sound of her own squeaky, girlish giggles as jenna swiftly darted her fingers into Emma’s sides, scribbling her fingers directly into the sensitive spot. “No good saying sorry now! You deserve this!” Jenna obviously wasn’t mad, she was being more playful. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to get her sweet revenge. “BAHAHAHAHA JEHEHENNA! PLEHEHEASE!” Emma pleaded, not even being able to squirm properly form the weight of the shorter girl on her waist. Pinning her to the floor. “Nuh uh! This is what you get!” Jenna smiled smugly while containing to torment to older girl with her fingers. “BAHAHAH I CAHAHANTT!!” Emma was squealing and kicking as much as she could, as she bring her hands up to cover her flushed face.
“JEHEHENNAAA!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!” Her laughter was piercing and deafening as she desperately tried to muffle it with her hands. “Oh my god Emma.. I wasnt expecting you to be this ticklish!” Jenna teased, seeing her co-star gets extremely flustered. “Like.. I’m barely even touching you!” She added to tease the girl further. “SHUHUT UHUPP!” Emma squealed our, not knowing how to handle the snarky comments. Although, jenna wasn’t wrong. That’s what made it so flustering. “Wow! So first your gonna distract me from my lines.. now your gonna be rude? Your not helping yourself out here!”
Jenna then moved her hands over to Emma’s stomach. Scribbling over Emma’s nevermore uniform. Her rapid fingers like shocks of electric all over Emma’s stomach. “BAHAHA NOHOHOHOO!! AHAHAAHA!!” Emma was helpless, there was absolutely nothing she could do to escape, she couldn’t squirm, she couldn’t even bat at jenna hands even if she tried. They were to fast for her as they dodged Emma’s flailing hands. She couldn’t even plead for forgiveness because jennas sympathy flew out the window. This meant that Emma was stuck, trapped in a very ticklish situation. “I don’t even feel bad, you caused this for yourself!” Jenna stated, smiling down at the blonde while resuming her evil tickle assault upon her. Scurrying her fingers around the girls stomach. There was no denying it. Emma definitely could have prevented this outcome. Oh well, I guess she just had to face it now. “AHAHAHAH THIHIS IS EVIL!” Emma practically screaming, her voice blaring and filling the usually quite and relaxed room. “Oh come on, it’s not my fault your like.. ridiculously ticklish!” The younger actress pointed out causing Emma’s cheeks to return to the dusky pink colour. “I mean your not exactly complaining that much.. so who knows.. maybe you wanted this outcome” jenna smirked at her. “WHAHAT! NOHO!!” Emma immediately tried to deny it, shaking her head from side to side in an attempt to justify herself “well, if I knew any better I’d say you might actually be enjoying this” jennas comments only became more flustering.. and more true. Emma never exactly hated being tickled but it was also something she would never openly tell people.
Emma opened her mouth to protest but it was cut short by jenna clawing her hands onto her ribs. Soft vibrations that drove Emma mad. “AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!! NOHOHO!! WAHAHAIT- FUHUCK!!” Emmas mind was scrambling but couldn’t even function properly with the amount of laughter that she was producing. She couldn’t even come up with a reasonable reply to jennas theories. “Fucking hell, how are you this ticklish?” Jenna asked nonchalantly. “IHIM NOHOHT!!” Emma was quick to defend herself. Even if it was painfully obvious that Jenna was in fact correct, Emma still felt the need to deny everything. “Your practically screaming right now!” Jenna observed, letting out a few giggles of her own, seeing her friend like this. Jenna pursued her attack on Emma’s ribs, shaking into them. “AHAAHAHHAHAHA!! BAHAHAHHA PLEHEHEHEASEEE!” “Please What, Emma?” Jenna casually asked again, smiling ‘innocently’ at the older girl. Yet again, Emma had no answer she decided to stay quite. Well, I say quite. But to tell the truth it was far from that. It was kinda hard to be quite when all that could be heard was Emma’s forceful laughter. “IHITS SOHOH BAHAHADD!!” Emma was Doing Everything she could to reduce the ticklish feeling that was flowing through her body. But nothing worked, obviously. Jenna was just simply snickering at her. I mean, it was extremely amusing to watch the older girl laugh so hard and carefree. But it was also adorable. Wait.. why did Jenna have a weird feeling in her stomach?.. Was it butterflies?.. jenna mentally slapped herself and tried to keep her focus on tickling Emma. “YOHOUR GONNA KIHILL MEHE!!” She shrieked, her arms still swinging and her legs still thrashing about. “Oh don’t be dramaticcc!!” Jenna giggled, never stopping her fingers. Keeping them scribbling on her ribs.
Untill, Tim walked in and that’s when Jenna let up. Looking up at Tim who was snickering and grinning at the situation. “O-oh sorry Tim” jenna giggled nervously. “Don’t be, quite the predicament your in, huh Myers?” Emma just simply nodded, unable to voice any words past her heavy breathing. “Was it worth it?” Tim chuckled seeing the state the actress was in and Emma nodded again, this time with another giddy smile.
“Well, at-least our plan worked” Tim said. Jenna then furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Did she hear that right. “Our plan?” She echoed looking up at Tim. “Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Emma came up to me and asked to pull a prank on you, so I informed the crew and we all thought it was a great idea, we wrapped up way before that scene, we only recorded to get your reaction! Plus, it’s great for the blooper real” Jennas mouth formed an “O” shape and she turned to look at emma, squinting her eyes at her. Emma just smiled proudly up at the younger girl and Tim chuckled again.
“Oh your so dead now” jenna smirked before sliding her hands under Emma’s jumper, resuming her ambush and scribbling her fingers al full speed over Emma’s stomach. Emma had zero time to reply or even react.
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
An...Informative Experience?
Lee! Zagreus, Ler! Megaera
Zagreus has an interesting question that puts him in an eventful position. Lots of tension. Thanatos makes an appearance!!
Zagreus had been on the other end of Meg's death stare many, many, many times, admittedly mostly for good reasons, but this time he was really just quite confused.
"Zag," she ground out between clenched teeth, "What exactly are you trying to play at here?"
Zagreus put his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing! Really! I'm just quite curious, and, well, everyone else seemed to get quite strange and jittery when I asked the question..."
"I honestly can't believe you would ask me such a question like that. Tsch. It's sort of sad, even for you."
"Well if you're quite done marveling at my apparently depressing lack of knowledge, I would very much like to know what this tickle thing is."
Meg gave him a discerning look—the type that used to make him want to squirm when he was a little younger. He raised an eyebrow.
"Alright. Fine. I'll show you."
"Show me? Oh—oh okay—" Zagreus followed along awkwardly as Meg pushed him up against the wall, smiling somewhat sheepishly.
They must've been quite a sight in the lounge, but there are not many things to which the dead are unaccustomed.
An exasperated sigh. "Try your best to stay still."
"Is it painful? I think I'll be quite—hng!"
Long nails slowly traced over the sides of his ribs and sent waves of tingles throughout his torso, making Zagreus resist the urge to squirm.
Meg's eyes sparked in a way that was concerningly familiar to the looks he recieved while fending off her whip.
"What was that, Zag?"
She sped up her fingers and skittered them all around his open torso, leaving Zagreus wishing he had maybe chosen an outfit with more coverage.
"Ihihihi! Ihihihi—Ahahah!"
This new sensation was turning Zagreus's brain to mush—he felt like he was actually melting as he let out these embarrassing giggles. His face was growing too warm for Meg not to notice and he only hoped she wouldn't say anything about it. His body seemed to have a mind of its own as it squirmed uselessly and weakly grabbed at Meg's wrists.
She apparently decided she'd had enough of that as she swept up both of Zagreus's hands and held them over his head. Zagreus's stomach flipped at this new position.
"W-wait, Meg, I—"
"Wait for what, Zag? Where'd all that curiosity go?"
"J-just! Plehease—AHAahah!"
His words were cut short as he collapsed into shoulder shaking, endearing, laughter; throwing his head back in a way that it almost hit the back of the wall.
Meg couldnt stop her smirk when she dug into Zagreus's exposed underarm, finding herself pleased by the way his body short-circuited underneath her fingers.
"Never thought I'd find something that left you speechless."
Zagreus just laughed and tugged at his arms a little, unsure he was capable of much else at this point.
Something in Meg's demenour relaxed as she studied Zags face, taking in his laugh. It wasn't like his usual quiet chuckles. It was loud, and full, and it had a sort of rough undertone to it like it wasn't used in quite a while. If she just leaned in a little closer she could see his scrunched up face, how that flush had so tastefully colored his pale skin���painting his cheekbones, neck, ears...
Looking at him this way it was hard to deny there was something about him that was sort of...
Meg said under her breath; before suddenly snapping back to reality. She pulled her hands away as if they had been burnt, taking several steps backwards. Purposely peeling her eyes from Zagreus as he caught his breath. She needed to stay professional. This was  completely out of line! What had even spurred her to—
"Meheg?" Zagreus wobbled on weak knees, and Meg did not think about how well that may have suited him. "Thahat—" he attempted to clear his voice, "That was quite the sudden...display. Not that I—! Well, uhm."
Meg glared, turned to leave the lounge because yes gods damn it she was embarrassed, only to see a very frazzled looking Thanatos gaping at the two of them.
Zagreus's remaining flush intensified somewhat as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Did you ehm, see all of that, Than?"
Thanatos seems to remember himself and quickly responded, eyes flitting about. "Yes, well, it is not my place to judge. It is...pleasant to see you taking revelry in something other than battle," he glanced at Meg cautiously, "Both of you."
Meg narrowed her eyes, giving the two gods a frigid look. "I have no time for this."
She didn't allow herself to feel bad for her cold behavior, even though she knew neither had done anything to provoke it. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.
Silence burnt through the room for a moment.
Zagreus sighed, shoulders sagging. What even happened back there? Had he done something wrong?
"I...apologize for her behavior, Zagreus."
"No, no, it's really fine Than, I just thought...well, I don't know what I thought, really."
Thanatos tried his best to give a reassuring look. "I don't believe she dislikes you, not really. Give her patience, space. Use that blasted persistence of yours."
Zagreus let out a weary laugh at that. "Well, my 'blasted persistence' hasn't proved very productive thus far."
At that, Thanatos let out a chuckle, grasping Zagreus's hands in his own. "It certainly worked on me."
Leaning his forehead against Thans, Zag felt himself relax a little. "Yes, you're right. You're always right."
A small grin. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object to that."
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mah-t-wordblog · 5 months
thank you for writing the request, it seems Muichiro getting tickle attacked by the hashira is becoming a standard demon slayer headcannon since we're all thinking about it 🤣 its such a lovely fic, you made it soo cute and hilarious at the same time! 🫧 the picture for this fic just made it even better 😂🤌 poor tengen, I can just imagine him taking maximum offense at giyuu being a better ler than him, I couldnt stop laughing at that 🤣 Muichiro was too adorable, I love the cuddles he got with Gyomei afterwards 🥹 hope you have a good day/night!
Hey!!!! Glad you like! For me, the funniest thing was that Gyuu wasn't saying anything, until he decided to arrive and make the boy laugh more than everyone else 🤣, have a good day/night too!! 💛
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chibimochii · 2 years
bc im bored and lee scara in my brain im back again, now with lee scara hcs of mine :D
-Swears at you the moment you even attempt it
-Scara's laugh starts off quiet and giggly, he slaps a hand over his mouth to cover it up. But the moment you start hitting on more sensitive and (horribly tcklish spots) , I can sort of like imagine smth along of
Giggles: "H-h. H-Heheha- WahAHAIT!-"
Laughing/cackling: "kH- KEHEHA- NOno NaHAHAAHAH!"
-THIS COULDNT STOP BOTHERING ME BUT. One of Scara's bad spots is shoulders and possibly his neck BC OF HIS OUTFIT, like you can just move the I think,,, kimono(??) part and then when you start kissing his shoulders up to his neck, he lets out this cute gasp and the shells of his ears burns red
- Other spots probably include,,, knees, sides,, hands , ears [he cant take the blowy whispers and teases, he jumps and curls on himse- (gets dragged out the room part 1)
-Giggly panic everywhere--like like, when you wrap your arms around him or lay your head on his shoulder Scara stiffens up and his giggly panic starts whether you have the intent to tkle him or not
-Likes to use his skill where he floats up in the air to escape his ler, but the moment the duration of the skill is up, all scara can do is run like hell as his legs proceeds to become jelly everytime he turns a corner to run
-HE LOOKS SO ENCHANTING WHEN HE LAUGHS... his blushy lil face, his smile, his cute giggles and snorts and kicking his legs- [gets dragged away by scara part 2]
-you cant help but stare at his face as you pause (but then that gives time for scara to turn the tables on you ajgdjg)
-Becomes pouty after youre done tckling him, hes so cute tho bc of his puffy and red cheeks
HASAH i will make ler scara when my brain decides to think of it but have these ueuehahahee
- 🦋 anon
Omgg omg omGGG-(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
This is now my everything,,
Holds gently
Yes to everything you just said, I 100% agree! Man, Scara being my favorite Lee and getting these headcanons are making me feel all over the place. Ima get him _φ(・_・
If you get more of these thoughts for Scara (or other Genshin characters huehue, please share them with me? •^•✨)
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
uhh hi
i was wondering if you could do ramond and marshal from animal crossing. you can decide the lee and ler.
also i love your drawings!
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i couldnt decide who should be the lee so i just went
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alixlives · 2 years
Blanket Trap!
Day 3 for my lee!Tommy week! link for the prompts: https://fizzthelee.tumblr.com/post/690344255616663552/ah-why-ello-there-what-is-this-a-lee-tommy-week
Lee!Tommy, Ler!Ranboo, Ler!Tubbo, CC’s :D
Warnings: pinning, tickling, swearing
Tubbo was just trying to figure out what to make him, Ranboo and Tommy for dinner. In peace. But it was hard to focus as Tommy and Ranboo’s high pitched giggling from the other room. He went to the room they were in, and that was certainly a sight to see.
Ranboo crouched above Tommy, rolling Tommy up in a blanket, and both boys giggling their heads off. It only increased once Tommy was completely trapped, unable to get out on his own.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Tubbo couldnt help but smile at their antics.
“Tuhuhuboho! Hehelp! I’ve been trahahapped!” Tommy squirmed as much as he could in the blanket trap.
“Yohou’re a blahankehet buhurrihitoho!” Ranboo pointed at Tommy, and Tubbo started giggling along with them.
“Hehelp mehee!” Tommy whined and tried to kick his legs out. Tubbo smirked at him.
“Ah, don’t worry, bossman! I’ll help you!” He exclaimed as he walked towards Tommy.
Tubbo crouched beside him with a smirk, and Tommy quickly realized what Tubbo meant by ‘help,’ and anticipatory giggles flowed from him. Ranboo was now confused.
“Wahahait- Tuhuhubohoho noho! I chahanged my mihind, I dohon’t neheheed your hehehEHELP-“ Tubbo began poking and prodding at Tommy’s stomach, and Ranboo then smiled.
“Oh, no! I insist, Tommy. You need to get out of there, right? Say, Ranboo, mind helping out a bit?” Tubbo was acting like he wasn’t doing anything and Tommy was not very happy about it!!
“Nohoho! RahaHAHANbohoo, heHEHELP MEHehe! Nohot hiHIHIHIM!! RAHAHANBOHOHOO!” Tommy cackled as Ranboo smiled evilly yet playfully, squeezing up and down Tommy’s side.
“I think I’ll help Tubbo, it’s a perfect opportunity to get you back! You can’t do anything!” Ranboo brought his other hand up to Tommy’s neck, and Tommy tried to scrunch up his shoulders to prevent it. Key word; tried.
“Awww~! Poor Tommy, so helpless. I guess you’re stuck until we decide you’ve had enough~!” Tubbo teased, booping Tommy’s nose after finishing that final sentence. Tommy scrunched up his nose and turned away as a pink hue appeared on his face.
“ShuhuHUHUt uhup TUHUHbboHOhoho!”
Ranboo leaned his head down to whisper in Tommy’s ear, “tktktktktktktktk~!” Tommy flinched away and his laughter raised an ovtave.
“NahAHAHA! RAHAhanbohOHOO! QUHIHIT IHIHIT!” Ranboo vibrated his fingers into Tommy’s ribs, and he giggled along with Tommy. His laughter was too contagious!
Then Tubbo ended up finding Tommy’s tum button. “Uh ohh~! I think I’ve found the giggle button~!” Tubbo cooed and Tommy suddenly panicked.
“Nohoho- Tuhuhubohoho! Nohoho! Nahahat thehe behehelly buhuhUHUHUTTOHOHON! TOHOHOHOBYHEHE!” Tubbo wiggled his pointer finger into Tommy’s belly button, and the blanket being in the way just made it so much worse.
“I’m gonna getcha Tommy~! Tickletickletickle!” Tubbo teased.
“FUHUHUHUCK! TUHUHUBBOHOHO! MAHAHAHAKE IHIT STOHOHAHAHAP!” Tommy shrieked in laughter, and Ranboo ended up stopping his tickling from laughing at Tommy’s reactions.
“OHOH FUHUHUCK OHOHOFF RAHAHANBOOB!” Tommy tried to hit Ranboo with his head, and Ranboo gasped.
“Tommy! Did you just hit me!?” Tubbo paused as well to look at Tommy with a smirk.
“Yeheheah! Ihihi dihihid!” Tommy hit Ranboo with his head, successfully this time.
“Oh that’s it, Tubbo, move over for me, will you?” Ranboo said to Tubbo, and Tubbo complied.
Ranboo unwrapped Tommy from the blanket, but he sat on his upper thighs before he could get up and run.
“Hold his arms up, Tubbo,” Ranboo gestured at Tommy’s arms, which were only free for a matter of 10 seconds before being pinned above his head. Tommy could only lie down and watch as this happened, nervous giggles flowing freely.
“Plehehease guhuys- wehehe cahahan tahahalk abohohout thihis?”
“Mm.. nope! Now, here comes the tickle monsters!~” Tubbo exclaimed, and then Ranboo immediately blew a long, fat raspberry right on Tommy’s belly button right after the tease.
“AAAHAHAHA! RAHAHAHAN! NOHOHAHAHA!” Ranboo couldn’t help but giggle a bit into Tommy’s stomach, before blowing a second raspberry. Then a third. And a fourth. And a fifth.
“This is what you get for hitting me, and constantly wrecking me!” Ranboo exclaimed before blowing a 6th raspberry.
“RAHAHAHANBOHOHOO! CUHUHUT IHIT OHOHOUT!” Tommy cackled loudly as he squirmed on the floor, bucking his hips wildly. He didn’t really want this to stop, yet.
“Ranboo? Who’s Ranboo? I’m the tickle monster~!” Ranboo smirked as Tommy’s laughter raised in pitch at the tease.
Tuhbo then pinned Tommy’s hand’s under his knees. “Oh, Tommy~! There’s another tickle monster who’d like to play~”
Tubbo then vibrated his fingers into the hollows of Tommy’s armpits, and the beeduo swore they’ve never heard the blonde scream so loud, ever.
“Tickle tickle, Tommy~!” Tubbo and Ranboo sang in unsion.
Ranboo blew another raspberry like the first one, and Tommy finally had enough.
“OHOHOHKAHAHAY! OKHAHAAHY! EHEHENOHOHOUGH! PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAP!” Tommy screamed, and the second the word ‘enough’ left his mouth, Ranboo and Tubbo stopped and got off of him.
“Ihihi.. eheheheh..” Tommy melted into the floor, still giggling his lil head off.
“You alright, bossman?” Tubbo asked, sitting to the left of him.
“Ihit stihill tihickles..” Tommy muttered through his giggles.
“Tommy’s feelin’ ghost tickles,” Ranboo cooed at the teen, and Tubbo giggled a bit.
“Shuhut ihit,” Tommy said to the older men lightheartedly.
“Would you like to lay on the couch instead of the floor? I’d say the couch is a lot comfier,” Tubbo suggested, and Tommy immediately lifted up his arms. “Carry me.”
“I’ve got ya, Toms,” Ranboo said before picking up Tommy bridal style, and Tommy giggled at the way he was held.
“Careful, Tom! I’ll drop ya!” Ranboo teased, pretending to drop Tommy, causing Tommy to flail.
“Rahanboo, what the hehell!” Tommy exclaimed, Ranboo giggling a bit with him.
Ranboo did the same fake-out a few times, making little “ohh!” sounds everytime, before setting Tommy onto the couch.
Tommy was squished in between Ranboo and Tubbo, and he really wasn’t complaining. They let Tommy choose the movie for that night, and he chose ‘Up.’
“I hope you two know I will be getting you back,” Tommy suddenly said about 7 miniutes into the movie.
The beeduo flinched and blushed slightly, but then Ranboo only retorted back. “Then we’ll just get you back for that, Toms~.”
“Then it’s just a cycle of revenge,” Tubbo pointed out.
“Oh well,” Ranboo and Tommy stated.
None of them would really mind, tickling helped the three bond, and they enjoyed making eachother laugh.
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gh0--st · 2 years
Summary: Sasha Finds a way to calm Marcy down during a storm
Ships: Sasharcy
Characters: Sasha (Ler) Marcy (Lee)
This is a tickle fic. Dont read this if your not into this stuff.
Rain was pouring down outside. Lightning lit up the sky, followed by the loud noise of Thunder.
Sasha read a book on the couch, ignoring the loud noise. Marcy, however, was curled up under a blanket, jumping at every noise.
Sasha glanced at her, closing the book and putting it down. "You alright, Mar-Mar?" She asked, feeling concerned for her girlfriend.
Marcy didn't look up, "Y-Yeah- im fine!" She stammered, letting out shaky breaths. Sasha scooted closer to her, and hugged her tightly.
Marcy nuzzled closer to Sasha, squeezing her eyes shut. Sasha thought about what to do.
Then, she got an idea.
She gave Marcy a little poke in the side. Marcy opened her eyes with a squeak, pushing away from Sasha, tensing.
Sasha smirked, "Ticklish, Marbles?" She teased. Marcys face went red, causing Sasha to giggle.
Before she could react, Sasha pounced onto Marcy, scribbling her fingers up and down Marcys sides.
Marcy yelped, before bursting into giggles. She licked her legs, but it was no use.
Sasha increased her tickling pace, causing Marcy to squeal. Marcy shot her hands up, pushing at Sashas face.
"Hey!" Sasha said, before grinning, this was her chance. "Youre so.. Mean!" Sasha said, shooting her hands into Marcys underarms.
Marcy squealed, shooting her arms down, letting out giggles and snorts. Sasha couldnt help but laugh eith her Girlfriend.
"SAHAHAHAHSA! NOHOHOHO!" Marcy squirmed. "Youve trapped my hands Marcy! Cant stop now!" Sasha said.
The laughter from both girls was blocking out the thunder at this point.
Finally, Sasha decided to stop her attack. Marcy caught her breath, her face still bright red, letting out small giggles still.
Marcy rested her head on Sashas shoulder. "Youre a jerk." She muttered. "Well, do you feel better?" Sasha asked.
Marcy sighed, "Yeah." Sasha smiled, "Then i can live with it." She said. They sat on the couch, until they soon drifted to sleep.
Marcy could now feel she would enjoy Thunderstorms from now on.
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chucklechampion · 6 years
4, 12, 13 for Lee :3 I'm curious :3
O O F i actually have pretty good stories for each of these (im a writer so cut me some slack if i write a small novel here haha)
4 - someone of the same gender identity tickled you
this is also the story of the first and only time ive cried mercy because of tickles (not because i couldnt breathe, which has also happened haha). i had a girlfriend who LOVED to tickle me, and one day i was being a dork and sitting on her lap (i was significantly bigger than her, in height and weight lol) and after asking me to get off and i said no, she started tickling me. she was a brutal ler and always went immediately for the most ticklish places, so i was off her lap and on the floor in about 15 seconds. she actually followed me down and managed to find a secret murderous place on my back that made me howl. she laughed at me and said “youre just too ticklish for your own good, huh~?” and That Was It, i had to tap out lol
12- most embarrassing tickling story
hands down the most embarrassing tickling story was when i sat between two of my friends in an algebra class. those bastards would INTENTIONALLY SIT so that i would be in the middle of the two of them and tickle me senseless throughout the entirety of the period. one day, we were taking a test i think, everyone was quiet, when my two friends looked at each other with smirks on their faces. the one on the left wiggled one finger into my armpit, the one on the right wiggled one finger behind my knee. i was NOT expecting it, so i SLAMMED my knee into the underside of my desk and accidentally knocked my arm against my desk trying to protect myself from their tickling. then the teacher of the class called me out and shushed me! im still salty about that, that was totally not my fault mrs. whatever-your-name-was!
13- a time you were tickled in front of other people
this one is r u d e. i was just sharing a hammock with a friend, surrounded on all sides by hammocks filled with the squad, minding my own business, when she decides to reach over and start tickling me! theres not many places to hide in a hammock, so i just squirmed and laughed. my legs were hanging over the side of the hammock, towards another one of my friends, so the friend who was tickling me said to my other friend “help me out, shes ticklish on her knees!”. so this fake ass friend reaches out of her hammock and starts spidering her fingers over my kneecaps!! im totally stuck, just having to grin and bear it, as all my friends laugh and tell me im cute (the damn liars)
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
Lee! Wukong Lers! Macaque, MK, and Mei
This is based on the giggle glow AU for Wukong which I originally saw in Sparkling Laughter by KinbariTeaHeathen (it's super cute and you should read it) but may have originated somewhere else I am not entirely sure
Basically, Wukong glows when he laughs.
Also I have decided that Sun Wukong cant handle baby talk because he has literally been an OP scary monkey that terrified heaven with his laser eyes since birth so who the hell would baby talk him? Obviously only his emo ex husband.
During dinner, the group always chatted around the fire.
The kids would bring up random conversation starters or whatever and everyone would tell stories, and laugh, and it was nice.
And Wukong being you know, immortal, and a lover of attention always had many tales to tell.
But this was a subject of conversation he refused to participate in.
"Well, Monkey King? You've been awfully quiet." Mei said, looking very mischievous.
Yeah, no thanks.
"Luckily for you dorky mortals," he said, jabbing his chopsticks in their general direction, "I have no weaknesses." He made sure to add an air of finality to his tone. No questions necessary.
Macaque apparently had to pipe in at that. "Oh my gohod, Wukong!" He said in between laughs,
"That's what you're going for? Hahahah!"
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Monkey King puffed his chest out and crossed his arms.
"It means," Macaque said, giving Wukong a look that said you are very very dumb, "That's like, in the top ten dumbest things I've heard you said in the past five hundred years," he snorted, "So congrats on being a record breaker, I guehehess!"
What would've have been an extremely witty and amazing retort from Wukong was very rudely interrupted by his successor.
"Ooh! Ooh! Do you know any of Monkey Kings weaknesses, Macaque?!" MK looked over with sparkles in his eyes and why were the kids getting so excited about this?
"Any? I would say almost all." He said, looking Wukong directly in the eyes now with a devious, stupid, little smirk.
The kids pleaded in unison, giving their best puppy eyes, "Please, please, please, tell us!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Why do you guys even wanna know so bad?!" Monkey King gasped dramatically, "Are you planning my murder?!" He was definitely not trying to desperately divert the topic of conversation.
"I wouldn't turn down a chance to embarrass Wukong."
Goddamnit. He was totally ignored.
Monkey King must've looked about as mortified as he felt because Macaque apparently felt the need to reassure him.
"Its not like I'm gonna tell them anything bad. You dont have to look like I'm about to kill a puppy or something,"
"I'm just gonna bully you a little." He added with a toothy grin.
"I am going to throw you out of a tree and straight into the afterlife if you say anything."
Macaque snorted. "Ohokay."
"Anyway!" He clapped, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Tonight, I will tell you three of your oh so powerful  Monkey Kings weaknesses. How 'bout that?"
Everyone in the group nodded enthusiastically except Wukong, and christ was Tang pulling out that book of his?
"Number One." 
Monkey King couldnt help but bristle at how much Macaque was preening under the attention. Sometimes he couldnt tell if that guy was more of a monkey or some kinda cocky bird.
"Since Wukong is made of stone, he's not exactly buoyant. He sinks, really fast, and it is absolutely hilarious." He snickered, "And he gets really pouty about it."
"I do not pout! And I don't sink either."
"So what do you do then?"
"Hmmm. I would say...gracefully aqueous. I am a king after all."
The group almost died laughing at that.
Normally Wukong would feel annoyed at being mocked like that, but it was just so lighthearted that he couldnt help but feel a smile of his own pulling at the corners of his mouth. They weren't laughing at him anyways. They were laughing with him.
And that was nice.
"Alright your majesty. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Macaque snarked.
"Ooh. Here's a fun one. When we were kids, whenever he laughed Wukong would just, naturally start glowing. Like a little flashlight. And the harder he laughed, the brighter it was. He was nearly blinding everyone every five seconds."
Wukong was now elaborately planning Macaques murder in his head. Why that?! That wasnt even a weakness! Either way he couldnt help but cover up his face, knowing he was probably blushing, which definitely made it worse.
That got some reactions from the group.
"That. Is. Adorable!" Mei exclaimed, "but I think you might have killed him."
"Dont worry Mr. Monkey King! Thats nothing to be embarrassed about!" Sandy said, giving the monkey a clap on the back.
"But why doesn't he glow anymore?" MK looked over at Macaque, puzzled.
"I grew out of it!" Wukong said too quickly, peeking over his fingers. "I cant even do that anymore!", he chuckled nervously.
"Yeah your everything is telling me the opposite right now," Macaque rested his hand against his cheek in thought, "My best bet is that he was embarrassed by it and learned how to hide it. But I bet if you really got him going, and he knew that you knew, he would go straight from Monkey King to lightning bug."
"Lightning bug?" The monkey king sputtered, cheeks flaring, "Y-you! I'm!...Ugh." he gave up, settling on hiding behind his hands again.
"Uhhhhhh, Macaque? I think you broke my mentor." MK said, poking Wukongs head repeatedly to no response.
"Ehhhhh. He's just bein' a dork he'll be fine."
Suddenly, a straight up devious and borderline evil smile spread across Macaques face.
"I have the perfect number three."
Everyone's attention snapped back to Macaque.
"Monkey King," he paused dramatically, "is ridiculously ticklish. Almost everywhere. And he gets very, very, flustered about it as he is probably making a lovely demonstration of right now."
He gestured to Wukong, whose hands had lowered enough to see his raging blush. His eyes were snapped wide open in shock and his tail was flicking nervously behind him. You could basically hear computer crashing noises just looking at him.
So, if you wanna see him glow tickling is probably your best bet."
Everyone's eyes shot over to Wukong with varying levels of mischief. As Wukong tried and failed to not fidget under the attention of everyone he began to ramble frantically.
"Hey, wait! I dont know if that's such a good idea, I mean first of all I'm not even t-ticklish so it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I would TOTALLY accidentally hit one of you in the face if I was which I'm NOT but-"
MK and Mei suddenly pounced on top of him, rolling around in an attempt to pin the monkey down although they weren't as physically strong.
"Sandy!" MK yelled, "Come help!"
"Ehhhm. I dont know if that's such a good idea, friends." Sandy said, looking hesitant.
"What? I didnt know you were one to turn down a great team bonding activity, blue guy!" Macaque suddenly appeared in front of him.
"I dont wanna cross any boundaries..."
Macaque lowered his voice so just Sandy could hear, "I'm gonna be honest big guy, he totally likes being tickled. He has since we were kids. And to be honest, I think he kinda needs something like this now."
Sandy opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by another call from his friends.
"Sandy!" Mei said through gritted teeth, "Put the monkey in arm jail!"
So he just turned to give Macaque a nod and a smile before running off towards his friends.
"Arm Jail?" Monkey King looked bewildered.
He was even more bewildered when he was scooped up into the arms of Sandy, who pinned him in a sort of upright sitting position against the gentle giants chest, restraining the monkeys arms.
"Hey! Cant we talk about this big guy?!" Wukong complained while noticeably not struggling.
"Talkings over, Monkey King!" MK smirked, "Now, prepare to be defeated!" The kid even added a cartoonish 'Mwahahah!' At the end for good measure.
And so finally, wiggling fingers descended on Sun Wukong, MK attacking one side of his torso and Mei going for the other.
He desperately tried to hold in his laughter, as he squirmed in Sandy's hold.
Being immortal, he didnt need to breathe, so all he had to do was focus and eventually the kids would lose interest and leave him alone.
He very deliberately ignored the part of himself that didnt want them to leave him alone, who wanted to have fun and be vulnerable.
He had to be strong, he had to stop craving touch like this, he had to stop being weak and path-
Monkey King was so lost in his own thoughts he didnt even notice Macaque appearing in front of him.
Until the darker furred monkey leant in close to his ears as he started to tickle them.
He whispered into Wukongs ear,"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Peaches."
He pulled his head back and looked at Wukong, who was biting his lip and scrunching up his nose in effort to not make a sound, shoulders hiked up in an attempt to block out the tickles.
"Now, are you going to give in and play with your kids? Or do I need to take drastic measures?" He said, smirking.
Monkey king merely shook his head.
Macaque shrugged. "Your funeral."
And his smirk was replaced with a sickeningly sweet smile.
Oh gods.
"Awwww. Is the wittle monkey too ticklish for his own good?"
This had to be some kind of psychological warfare, it was downright immoral. Monkey King could feel his blush growing in intensity, why did baby talk affect him so much?
"Poor little guy. Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
Wukongs concentration was slipping as he grew more and more flustered, stomach doing somersaults at the teasing.
He couldnt stop himself whining which was something he'd have to process later, but then he completely screwed himself by letting a little giggle out. He flickered, just for a moment and so softly you wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for it.
"Was that a little giggle I just heard? And you flickered! How adorable. Coochy coochy coo!"
His focused slipped even more. Coochy coochy coo echoed in his head as he felt the butterflies on his stomach increase tenfold.
Wukongs chest started shaking with restrained laughter as he hid his face in his shoulder.
"Awww, don't hide that blush from me! Show them your glow, giggles!"
And the dam broke. As Monkey King burst into childish laughter with a snort, he started glowing like a goddamn beacon, casting everything in a warm light.
You could hear a couple wows of disbelief from everyone at camp. It was like everything was enveloped in this golden sunset glow.
"Yeah, sure peaches." Macaque snorted,  "Anyways I got him out of his weird funk so have fun kids!" He said, sauntering away.
Mei burst out in disbelief, "You're embarrassed by that?!"
"Ihihihhiits lahahahame!" Wukong bemoaned through giggles, flopping his head back dramatically.
"Its not!" Mei and MK said in unison.
While Mei stuck to the torso, MK went down to his mentors knees and skittered behind them.
Monkey king squealed and burst into squeakier laughter, his light growing a little bit brighter.
He kicked out his legs and folded over a little.
"NohHohoh! Behehetrahahayahal! AHAHAH WHYHAHAHAHA!" And now Mei was scritching at his armpits and Monkey King was thrown into belly laughter.
His light became significantly brighter, so much that the kids had to squint a little. It even started to flicker a little.
"Woooowww. Macaque was right! You are like a lightning bug!" MK said, looking very excited.
"DOHOHNT SAYHAYAHHA THAHAHAT! FAHAHAH!" He managed through laughter, shaking his head in mirth as his blush spread a little more.
"Are you embarrassed by your giggle glow, Monkey King?" Mei asked teasingly, lightening up the scribbling on his armpits to a fluttering which somehow wasnt any less torturous.
"Ahahaahah! Nooooo! Dohohont cahahall ihit thahaht!" He said, once again trying to hide his face in his shoulder. Not super productive considering his blush had spread up to his ears and neck by now.
"Ooh! Mei! I have an idea!" MK said, yanking her over. He whispered in her ear, "I wanna see if his tail is ticklish too. Can you hold it down?"
Mei only grinned devilishly and gave a nod.
"Hey, wait, kihids whahat are you dohohoing?! Mei why are youhou grahahabbing ahat my tail?! MK? MK! waitwaitwaitwait-"
And Monkey King went into hysterics. He squealed before falling into loud, full, belly laughter. Even snorting which was frankly, adorable.
Wukong didnt even know what he was trying to say.
He squirmed and kicked violently before just going limp with laughter, tears of mirth springing in his eyes.
He literally couldnt think. He was in ticklish heaven hell.
"MK I think he's actually dying."
"I knew it would be a good spot! I'm a big brain boy!" MK said proudly before continuing, "But yeah I'm getting a little concerned.
Also his light was borderline blinding at this point, it was starting to hurt everybody's eyes a little.
MK slowed the tickling down to a stop.
After letting him catch a breather, Mei scootched over to Wukong and said, "Hey Monkey King."
"Admit that your giggle glow is cool. Or else." She teased, raising wiggling fingers at him.
"But-but its-"
"Its what?" Gods she was evil. Smirking at him with her fingers posed to start drilling into his hips at any second.
"Waitwaitwait! Ihits...ihits cool!" He managed, pointedly avoiding eye contact.
"What's cool?" Ohhhh he was so going to get her back for this.
"You know what!"
"Do I?" She said, adjusting her hands slightly.
Wukong wished he could sink into the floor right about now. "Ah! Dont! Mhyhy... g-giggle-" he struggled mumbling with a little bit of a pout, "giggle glow. Its cool."
"Yaaaaay! He did it!" MK cheered, as Monkey King was released and everyone headed back towards the ship.
"You okay, friend?" Sandy asked, seeing Monkey king laying on the ground instead of getting up with everybody else.
"Yep. Just taking a breather big guy."
Macaque would go out later to find Wukong fast asleep on the ground with a big dumb smile and blush on his face, tail wagging in his sleep.
"Whahat a dork. Could you get anymore obvious?" Macaque would say to himself as he picked up the monkey and brought him back to the ship.
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