#but i didn't want to do a unicorn unicorn so i went with DEER
kifu · 1 year
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A little bit of character design. ;) For a comic! That may never leave the brain.
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graaythekwami · 3 months
Hey, do you have kwamis linked to Zodiac signs? What are your concepts and powers?
For the Western Zodiac? Yes, I have some inspired by the Zodiac, I have them in my OC Miracle Box know as the Season Box, which is centered in Europe. Alongside a kwami for each Zodiac sign (in the lower box) there's five more kwamis in this box (upper box) who loosely represent the seasons + one in the center. I also have art and bios for a lot of these guys, which I'll link to because I can. :)
The Zodiac/Constellations (Lower Box):
Aries: Baash the Mouflon, kwami of Strength. With the constellation being that of a ram I went with a mouflon, which is a type of wild sheep, and with Aries being the god of war I chose the concept to be Strength, with the powers providing super strength far beyond what a regular Miraculous could provide.
Taurus: Antiqq the Aurochs, kwami of Reversion. While the Taurus constellation is a bull, I wanted to avoid direct overlap with Stompp, so I went with the aurochs, an extinct species of wild cattle. And because this species is extinct I used this to decide the powers, which is to make time flow in reverse.
Gemini: Harmonee the Ant, kwami of Cooperation. With this constellation being represented by a set of twins this was a bit harder to pick an animal for. In the end I decided to go with my Ant, as most ants in a hill are sisters, and because one of Harmonee's powers create a Hivemind that links all allies' minds together, which plays into some twin stereotypes.
Cancer: Snapp the Crab, kwami of Adaptation. This was an easy animal to choose, with Cancer of course being represented by a crab. And I chose the power of Adaptation because of the memes about everything eventually evolving into a crab. :) Snapp's powers allow one to manifest a temporary superpower that best suits their current situation.
Leo: Valoree the Lion, kwami of Courage. Well Leo is a lion, and lions represent bravery... so this one was fairly straight forward. Valoree's power has the power to grant Courage, or to absorb it into an energy to use to attack.
Virgo: Olivv the Dove, kwami of Peace. This was another tricky one, with the Virgo constellation being a maiden carrying wheat, which doesn't directly translate to an animal. This maiden is seen as a goddess of harvest in some cultures, and Virgo translates to "the virgin". When researching animals associated with this sign many of them were already taken (like the Fox and Rabbit, or the Deer). In the end I chose a Dove as doves and unicorns can be used to symbolize virgins, and I already had a Unicorn kwami. Peace was an oblivious concept for a Dove, giving her the power to create areas where no conflict or harm can take place.
Libra: Elle the Gecko, kwami of Equality. This is yet another constellation without a straight forward animal to represent it, instead being a set of scales. So I decided to have a bit of fun, and pick an animal with literal scales on it... so a lizard. xD I most heavily played into the Libra symbolism with the powers, with them being that of Equality, like the idea of balancing out a set of scales. Elle's powers allow them to always create even ground, making it so powers, strength, and resources are Equally divide up among everyone.
Scorpio: Verriti the Scorpion, kwami of Truth. Scorpio is of course a Scorpion kwami, who has the powers to make people tell the Truth. I don't have a single reason for why I picked Truth for the powers, it just felt fitting for a scorpion. Perhaps its because the truth can sting sometimes?
Sagittarius: Spikke the Hedgehog, kwami of Precision. As cool as a centaur based kwami could be, that was one I didn't think I could design, so this one has a focus on the archer aspect of Sagittarius, with the weapon being a crossbow and the power making sure the user can never miss their target. As for why a hedgehog, well, they be spiky like an arrow.
Capricorn: Gloss the Ibex, kwami of Friction. The Capricorn constellation is a sea goat, so I went with a wild kind of goat, the ibex. As for the powers, it allows the user to manipulate the Friction on a surface, meaning they could climb up anything like a goat, or make things super slippery for their enemies.
Aquarius: Nokk the Kelpie, kwami of Water. With this constellation being someone carrying water, I decided to make the concept tie directly to it, with this kwami being able to grant complete control over all forms of water. As for a kelpie, well it's a horse in European folklore that lives in water.
Pisces: Dannte the Seahorse, kwami of Fear. Pisces is described as being two fish tied together, so a fish it is! But fish kwami are a pain to draw, so I decided on a seahorse; which is a fish but its shape is one I feel I can fit into a kwami design more. And seahorses are a fish that are always trying to hide and camouflage, suggesting a pretty fearful animal. Their power allows them to create an irrational Fear in others.
And if you're curious about the other kwamis in this box, you got Keena the Lynx of Intuition (Center), Glaace the Polar Bear of Endurance (Winter), Florra the Elk of Growth (Spring), Prrince the Swan of Loyalty (Summer), and Duux the Moth of Hope (Fall).
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murkystarlight · 4 months
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt. 4
(And my personal comments)
Episode 8
Now. I wanted to end it all here. But I thought I'd separate the final episode from the others and so that we would have 5 parts :) (I just like the numbers like that. Okay?)
The name of the episode has so much meaning- oh god...
The deer- 😭 how did it even end up there?? And Zoey saving it- the tightrope (how did it even end up in the cyber realm??)
"Stop! Stop! Shoo!"
You're supposed to be saving it- but I guess you have to be alive to do so (also, the sounds it makes when it nibbles on the rope- lol)
"It's easy to get scared when you're all alone" (awh-)
[Bird sounds]
"There you are! You know, I could've used your help with this"
Zian is just trying to give you a cool moment on screen. Be nice
"Jeez. Always thinking with your stomach"
That's why Zian is so adorable
Mrs. Castillo is such a nice woman. Wise and kind and... and... smart?
"Izzie, if I tell you a secret, promise not to freak out?"
"[Sqealing] Tell me what it is!"
She is already freaking out-...
"The anticipation is already killing me"
I lover her eyes. When they go all big and sparkly. So pretty. And cute
Zoey taking about her problems to Izzie is so- aughhhh sshe trusts her well enough And- and stuff! She's sharing stuff like this to her because she now is able to open up to them
"What happened? Did he apologize? Did he explain where he's been? Did he reveal a dark secret that he's been leading a double life this whole time and he couldn't tell you in order to keep you safe?"
Izzie our trustworthy ally of an anime watcher. She saw enough shows to know this. And she is... very right about it. I didn't notice this before... wow. She- she guessed his entire life
"I'm curious what lava feels like, but I'm not gonna go stick my hand in it"
Why not Zoey? Why not?
Izzie looks so happy for her-..
And Zoey's frown-
"What class is this for?
"It's not for class. It gives me an edge when I face Astrid in the trials. Without being able to Dream Craft, I don't stand a chance against her"
"But! I got to thinking about how you're dealing with your missing memories, so I figured I'd try something totally different too. Totally unexpected."
"Like-... studying?"
"Exactly! [Doing a small jump] She'll never see it coming!"
Logan studying! So he can look good in front of Astrid(or to beat her. Or-... feel better about himself?)!
"He knows you actually have to read those, right?"
"Logan, nobody wants to beat Royce's protégé more than I do,but I'll be honest, in this next round, you're going to be facing the most diabolical, most menacing, most insidious things you've ever seen"
"An alarm clock" with- a very serious voice
oh... wow. Okay
"Oh~! Squeal! It's so cute!" (Did she really say "sqeal"? Mood) "Look at those big, dreamy eyes!"
The clock is cute? No, you're cute! (...am I flirting with a lego? Y'know what forget it)
And Mateo and Cooper in the background- just staring at her blankly lol (the background is really interesting to look at in this season) and when they get told to stop Logan while he tried to catch the clock, Izzie's pose- it's so cute😍 and again, Mateo and Cooper just like- blank
The alarm clock went to 19 to 12 seconds a bit too fast...? I think
"Wah, wait. Why are you guys backing up? Is it my breath? Oh, nuts!"
The alarm wasn't a loud one. I guess it's just dream magic?
"If you and Mr. Oz are sort of the same, why do you stay here in the Dream World when he wakes up?" I was thinking the same thing! So many questions about Albert! Unsolved!!
We. Need. Answers!
"Isn't there a part of you that's always dreaming?" (But this doesn't satisfy all the questions I have)
So.... they're just training with all these random people being there with them?
Well unicorns! And Mateo's actually doing something! And Cooper- ...I thought you moved on from the vehicles (his face literally reads "yeah. I thought I did too. Why did I do that?")
Astrid has great neck movement(?). You think she can do the arm thing? Like the noodle arms or.. whatever you call it
"One may be able to conquer without being able to do it"
He read the books!! Hallelujah!
Zoey was here the whole time? I was honestly kinda surprised when I was the episode for the first time. What do you mean she was just standing there this whole time?
"This better not be BFF talk" what's bff talk? That thing exists?
Also, what does Izzie mean by "I won't ask about you dad again" again?? You mean- she just constantly kept asking about him? Trying to help Zoey? Ooh so nice
"We get to throw things at Logan"
"Oh man, there goes Cooper! This things gnarly"
The throwing-... and Cooper again. Why is he always the punching bag in the back? Poor guy... (also, if you wake up in a dream as an aware dreamer unexpectedly, or was forced, what's wrong with that? Can't you just... fall asleep again? Or... does some weird magic in the dream world stop you from doing that?)
Izzie, I thought you said you won't ask about her dad-
And do these kids really not know that they divorced or something? Or.. maybe something else happened? Idk
And-- Cooper's back? What- how does this work? Did he never wake up? Was it just a close call? If you can just fall back asleep, what about Mr. Oz??!
And Logan was literally under a couch. A darn couch
Logan being determined- and Astrid turning the alarm back on- she likes them. Shes not exactly a bully. More like a.... "it's TRUE I'm better than you. You have to be better than this" .....okay. that still sounds bad-
Zoey's aunt is- so kind
"Bro-ther.... you know those are poisonous for cats. Right?" And it's already going horribly
The pictures-
Is that red vines?
"Watching Astrid train seemed like a good idea, but man. I'm getting concerned"
"Yeah, I just feel worse now"
We've got these fella's
"Ohhhh~ pretty"
And her.
"Take it down!" *his eyes- look at his eyes in this scene
"What's your problem~ why you gotta ruin our target practice"
"Because that's my daughter!"
Woah- omg~ no wayyyy *shocked*
"I mean, I... I don't see a resemblance" -well of course not, you think he actually looks like a shadow??
"I had no choice. If the Nightmare king knew he would've use it against me!" Still has the same morals.... *sigh*
"Why do you think I kept letting her go?"
"To be honest, I just thought you were a lousy henchman" -I love you Susan, you beautiful nightmare thing
He admits it
"There~ he goes again"
Look at Zoey smiling! She was happy her dad was there in the dream
And the fact that he remembered that she likes licorice as a kid- it's so cute and sweet
Afraid of getting hurt-
Beau probably already has a lot of experience flying. But he was acting(?) like he was so excited and this was his first time-... and Zoey hugging him- awwww father-daughter moment
"Hey, dad. I got some like.. a contest.. or test.. or something come watch it!"
Definitely sounds legit(the only trap. It is legit)
Beau being like- oh... um.... castle what? Uh-... mr Oz? Uh... um....
Eating hotdogs- I swear to god Cooper, food doesn't have to become your whole new personality!
Snot-bug heh cute
Logan being the only one running- like Oh....kay
The flying pizza-
I like how Mateo fell and hit the clock, rolling down the stairs... just like how you wake up. Not me. I don't have an alarm
Izzie and Zian is friends for a reason
Yay! Go Takashi~ also, the way they said his name?
Also, the dreamling costume is like- adorable! But how did he pull that off? You mean no one thought it would be weird that a dreamling is that big?
But Beau trying to be there and support Zoey is nice. Like he does care
But Mr. Oz, really? You don't have to eat off of the floor! (And I just realized. In the 18 years ago episode, Albert said something like "keeping the kids dreaming" or.. whatnot. So... Beau and Hannaha are pretty young back then. At least younger than mr. Oz. So.... does that mean beau talking to mr. Oz this whole time was... on purpose? "I'm going to be rude to him now! Hehe" and... how did mr Oz know that the night hunter was one of his past teammates? And how did he not connect the dots of Beau being the night hunter? And-)
I love how Zoey gets her confidence after seeing her dad. Because she still thinks that he couldn't come. Which in her case would make her feel even better that he did come. That he's really trying to make a difference. Because Zoey still thinks that her dad has to do other stuff that night. But despite that he came to see her! That's what Zoey has on her mind. That's how Zoey is seeing this. Which makes it even more of a... important thing to her
Which is... pretty cute
So they know it's just a costume?
Astrid and Logan bonding- ahhhhh
You can only use dream crafting (but- but-)
"Why, you stuck up little- so and so!" I'm telling you. The only reason mr. Oz doesn't swear, is because he's around kids all the time
"I don't need the win. I already got everything I wanted today"
So- ah! My hearttt the blurry picture-
Beau nearly cleaning up the cardboard cut out
And the never witch! She was gone for a while! Good to see you again you very cool designed evil witch villain that will probably cause a lot of pain to the characters. Welcome!
Also- does the night hunter voice and the Beau voice just.... switch on and off? Is Beau just capable of doing that?
The never witches staff is beautiful
Beau really want the secret identity thing a secret
"What I want. Is the one thing called... Mateo"
Ewww pedo what's wrong with you?? (I'm sorry that was the only reaction I could think of- but it is similar to my first reaction... I think)
Don't worry people who haven't watched this thing yet! She is not pedo!(or... hopefully she isn't) she's just a normal witch that want the boy for dinner! She's going to be making soup or potion out of him
Episode 9
Susan and Snivel fighting again
They're literally siblings
"I've missed this" yeah. Me too
And Nova! You're back! (Maybe she was in the hospital for lack of sleep again)
And Sneak too! Your family misses you Sneak. Please go back to them! Or... bring your two families together?
"What's taking so long!" 😡 he angy. He pissed
So I guess he's only out in the waking world now since he... *cough* isn't much help in the dream world at the moment-
"A few corrupted gummy bears are no match for my daughter" he says it with so much pride.... is this... okay? He caused them. And he... uh... okay??
Sudan and Snivel getting the front row seats to watch the show- with popcorn (really, how is this the candy realm? Just call it 'random food people like realm' ...no. that's a horrible name. Don't use that)
They could get sawed?? By the lollipop trees? Limbs go *poof*??
Oh- nope. Never mind. Sorry guys. The witch is pedo. (Mateo is going on a date👍"you got a date with the never witch")
The nightmare horse/alicorn thing!!
Mateo grunting- 😂
Mateo worrying about z-blob more than himself who is tied up and alone with a witch. Also what spell is the never witch even using?
*dramatic entrance*
"Late to the party my dudes"
Awww.... too bad. I mean.. I guess it's good?
"You handled things just fine without us!"
"Don't sound so surprised"
Why does everyone keep saying stuff like "you said teamwork. But this doesn't look like teamwork to me" as if we're going to have a similar situation from the last season, in this seasons finale too(and the way everyone automatically thinks Mateo left to see Z-blob. Just imagine how many times he did that for them to think this way)
"Mateo left again? Ugh, for the love of-!"
"Maybe- seeing Z-blob will help him feel ready for the next trial"
He's a good friend. A good friend
"Wouldn't it be dope if all of you made the final three?"
He's gotten jolly. Look at him, so friggin adorable-
"I have an... um... errand to run"
"Wha- where is she-?! Does everyone just do what they want around here?"
"Yep, it's part of our charm"
She's so chill
Zian knows-
"Arrogance, selfishness, anger. I will harness your worst tendencies to fuel my spell"
And folks. Here we have it.
Arrogance, selfishness and anger
Mateo's little flaws
I really like the coloring in this show
Did he really break that wood thing prison that he couldn't break with slime? I guess it's pretty hard-
Oh, and falling again
Look! Zian's kind!
"What is this place?"
Creepy vine thing. But actually nothing big-
Here it is! The one... no. Not exactly one. The second! And... first clone? Madeo! He... really... ugh.. I don't know
Do the clones look like that only to us watching through the screen or do they actually look like that but the others don't care/think he changed his look by dream crafting?
"I'm the new top dog around here" he sounds like... Mateo. But with a lot of autotune(I don't know with the colors)
But did he really snarl? Like- dude... why??
"Greetings witch! Loved that soup. Spicy!" He ate the- his own- um... flesh and memory stew?
This part is great. I love it. It's so funny
Ticklish Mateo laughing. I wonder if he's ticklish or if the vine just has good skills
"Wait, how did you know I was here? And who's the weird dude?"
The night hunter making dad jokes
"I got nabbed by the night hunter-"
"What?! I will end him"
The night hunter: 😔
Also the night hunter:
"Whatever I can do to help, I will"
Then secretly when no one's watching 😒
Oh- so this is where the giant raven set comes from! That set looks amazing btw
Takahashi making flowers- why is he so cute? Why does he keep popping up? Why is he still here? Is he playing a part?
*super cool landing. Sling the giant pencil on shoulder. Grin. And make it evil*
"Um, are they like friends now?"
Yes. Yes they are. And they seem to be bonding very well. Good for them!
And my favorite(? I think so. Its definitely the funniest) part
"Dude, was your brother always so dreamy?" (Its always this line. Always. Ugh...... I like it though)
Cooper's just surprised. Like. Dude. What?!
And Logan's more like... 'she called him dreamy?' It seems like he's in love. But I'm no expert. It seems like a potential love line the creators are trying to make.... (and if it is... how does it work? Astrid is from Berlin. Right?)
[Intense music playing] lol
[All swooning] okay. What?
The hairflip- ahhhggahg
He's good at football now. Wow.... that is real improvement the never witch made on him 😌
The flowers again-
"Smooth!" No! Cooper! Not the time to be a supportive friend! Is he jealous? Or supportive? Or what?
"Ew, that's my brother. Gross!"
See? What did I say about those sibling bonds? It's great. (And what do you mean gross? Just grossing out that "Mateo" acting is like that. Or the fact that Cooper said "smooth")
"Dude, who are you?"
Izzie really-
"Your brother, sister"
Yeah- no. I'm pretty sure no one calls they're siblings "brother" and "sister" without a reason
"No, and I'm loving this new you!"
Wait- what? Iz? I thought you- wait. So... she was calling out Cooper for saying Mateo was being "smooth" with the flirting? And stuff??
"How'd you get over your Z-blob flunk?"
Yup. And we got Cooper. Either being the logical one as always, or just... continuing to be a supportive friend
"Oh~ this and that. No biggie"
Yeah- okay. Gotta agree tho. These clones are fun. Look at that personality! Whoo!
"Well whatever you did, it's good to have you back buddy"
Alright. Supportive friend it is. And- no. No he is... the opposite of back. He's not even the same guy-
(Also, can we wave a little flag for the dude? I feel like he having the identity crisis right now��️‍🌈)
Malicious smile.... ehhehe
Meanwhile. The real Mateo:
"So... Beau. Mind if I call you Beau?" (Another cliche one)
Beau: 😑🤨 (long speech)
"He would never hurt me"
He... already has....;;
Izzie was sad when her balloons were taken then her face brightens up once she sees that he gave it to Astrid. I think Izzie just doesn't mind what the hell happens to Mateo's relationship as long as he has one-
Also, new word learned!
No idea what that is
"Dude, Mateo's pencil spear's back to normal!"
Cooper. Again. Not the time to be a supportive friend! Logan is clearly pissed rn
"Wouldn't it be great if he wins the last trial?"
Coop- oh god. He is so stupidly in love- .....I think? It's a possibility
"Wasteful, but impressive"
Well. At least she saying the truth
He can play the electric guitar?? The rock music? Omggggg that's... just a complete new feature. How did no one know he's not real? Even if he looks the same to them. By now they should've noticed?
The dream crafted speaker has a cute sticker attached to it too.
"Loud! But I love it"
Oh no.... Astrid is into bad boys- no wonder she gets along with Logan-
Izzie~ love your confidence
Only three? Really? And fight for the leader? Why??!
"I still don't get why, we can't just take on the Never Witch together"
Me too Cooper. Me too.... at least you guys are smart enough to notice
"Royce is obsessed with this "return to the good ol' days" nonsense"
And Cooper nodding- ahh so friggin cute
"Always has been-"
An attack is a good thing? Apperantly.... wow....
"Oh. That's not a hill..."
Wait- Beau just used a dart?! Ooohhhh why has no one drawn this yet??
Again with the background characters that look the same (the blonde one will be.... Alicia)
"Get out of my way! Runt!"
"Wow. Mateo had become a real-"
I'm telling you. These are not coincidences. They have sweated but it's a kids show so they sensored it
"Hi, Astrid..."
So stupidly in love no.2
Izzie has the hammer thing! And it looks amazing-
Seriously, the way they say Takashi...
Oooh~ the nightmare king again~ and he really is a little-....icon now
"You were right to be suspicious of me"
"Ooh~ this is good"
It is Voldemort's little brother. Or sister. It really is getting good
I love that pose when Beau changes into his costume again- that pose- it... its hilarious-
"So you'll lock us up instead?"
"At least you'll be safe" him and his morals again-
And then Zoey throws the clock. At this moment I knew. This was going to come back as a bad thing. She's going to need that clock. That's what the season kept hinting at us too-
And look at how Mateo is comfort(?)ing her-
"Re~presenting Brooklyn, baby!" "Ha ha ha!"
It's not just me- he did get more hyped up (and did he just pick him up on his shoulders? He can do that?? Does logic work differently here or can he actually do that? I mean- he did it with such confidence and comfort like he's done that hundreds of times)
"Logan, my brother is acting super weird!"
"Yeah, he's just found his groove"
"No Logan! You don't get it. He sabotaged me to make the task force!"
😨omg no way-(but seriously. No way)
"Finally! I'm aching for some malice!"
Also, just noticed. While watching this now
His hair streak (Madeo) is yellow and red. And here, the red is definitely red. Like.. a more brighter and more standing out red
Philllllll nooooo!!!
What. A way. To end this. 👏👏👏
Previous part
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darkmagicmirror · 1 year
Today's a good day to remind the fandom about this passage in The Dragon Prince novelization of Book 2: Sky:
All the animals had cleared out of the grove except for one young fawn. Claudia sat cross-legged on the ground, and the fawn approached her curiously. She offered it a milk-fruit.
As it enjoyed the fruit, Claudia stroked the baby deer's head gently. It was sweet and innocent. A beautiful tawny fawn with lovely white spots. It lifted its chin so Claudia could scratch underneath. A single tear trickled down Claudia's face.
"I'm sorry, little one. But you are agile, young, and alive," she said. Claudia touched the deer on its soft nose. "And I need you."
The deer gazed up at her with its milky-brown eyes. Her heart began to melt, but she closed her eyes and thought of Soren. She loved her brother so much.
But Claudia had never killed an animal this size before, and she wasn't strong enough to make a clean kill.
Anyway the points being:
Claudia doesn't, and has never, killed things for fun. She doesn't even want to, but she does it because it's the only way to heal her brother.
She has never killed anything bigger than a fawn, or even the same size, before.
And the first point I make because I still will never understand the "Claudia can't be trusted around cute animals" attitude some people in this fandom have because they think she just randomly kills things? Give me a break lol.
Second point is just that if Claudia is barely strong enough to kill a baby deer, I'm 99.9% sure she didn't kill a unicorn. (The unicorn would also have to be smaller than a fawn, to say she might have killed it.) They haven't shown how Claudia got the horn, but I'm sticking with my theory that the unicorn gave it voluntarily until canon proves otherwise. (I don't see how she'd be strong enough to steal a horn, either.) (Yes, I think the unicorn probably knew what the horn would be used for and also thought it was a necessary catalyst for change /shrug.)
Also Puzzle House spoilers under the cut:
There's most likely some sort of symbolism/foreshadowing with Claudia taking the unicorn figure's horn to uncover the button, and then putting it back and apologizing.
And ALSO...
Unless Claudia has a really fucking good memory, or drew a copy of the map, how did she remember where the unicorn was? It was implied that she found the unicorn not long before Viren and co. went to kill Avizandum.
It's either one of those two things, or a third option, which is that she could still read the scroll at that time, too. After getting deeper into dark magic. (As it is, the Earth giant saw Claudia do dark magic right in front of him, and it didn't take away from him believing that she had a pure heart.)
But yeah, just saying, thanks for coming to my TED talk 🖤 /lh
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
Are you a fan of animal crossing?
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OG animal crossing player from GameCube, yes. xD I remember getting it for Christmas, and I was SO excited. I rented it first, and couldn't put it down. That game literally became my life in no time at all.
Eventually, I moved away from it and then went to City Folk. I didn't play City Folk for too long, and I'm not sure as to why. Mighta been because I got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade and fell more in love with that over AC at the time. (I married the Wizard, Gale. lol)
New Leaf I would. not. stop. playing. The main reason though was because of my villagers such as Lionel and Ankha. I didn't want them to ever leave. Lionel had been my literal neighbor in New Leaf the day I got the game (so a villager I had for 8 yrs.. lol). He would even come outside and plant and water flowers about my home. He was adorable. lol
I got Ankha WITH MUCH LUCK... I saw her when dream traveling. I had no idea she existed, and I screamed when I saw her as I love anything Ancient Egyptian or a reference to it. There was a penguin trying to move out about the time she just so HAPPENED to be camping in my town. So I got the penguin I couldn't stand to leave and convinced Ankha to stay.
Sadly with New Leaf... there is a glitch little people knew about that would trigger in the game's coding that eventually had to be removed. Normally, villagers tell you ahead of time when they're going to leave if you log on quick enough. Sadly, if a villager is sick, after you've taken care of them, a bug trigger in the system that would insist one of the villagers would leave without saying a word to you.
I lost Julien the only unicorn in the game and Erik, the deer, to this glitch in the code.
I love Julien A LOT... There was a day I was admiring a doll in the shop where he was one day, but I forgot to go back and buy it for myself. I said 'ah whatever... sucks I didn't get it, but I'll move on'. The next day? I get a package from Julien. The letter said "I saw you admiring this in the store, so I thought I'd get it for you", and low and behold it was the very doll I forgot to buy. He even found my kimono sandals for my kimono outfit. He felt like the realist villager I ever had. :(
They eventually removed villager illnesses from NL because of this in time, I saw.
Now I have Animal Crossing New Horizons, but I got bored of it too fast for my own good... till this new update. Now I have to go in and rearrange my island. XDD;
I do have Ankha and Lionel again. ♥ Ankha I got by mere luck again and Lionel mega thanks to @bunngygoblin for getting his card and sending him to me. She even got me Lucky, the mummy dog I never got to have!! ;w; I made Ankha and Lionel both my neighbors and Lucky I put near Coco and the graveyard I created. ♥♥ I don't have Julien, but if Ed ever wishes to leave, I might try and hunt down Julien once more after reluctantly letting Ed go.
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