#definitely digging the deer base for this creature though
kifu · 1 year
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A little bit of character design. ;) For a comic! That may never leave the brain.
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ozintheupsidedown · 2 years
Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Steddie
!!this is my personal stranger things blog, where i post my fanfics based around the fandom!!
currently working on a kas!eddie fic as of now!! as seen below!!
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Chapter 1: Lifeforce
cw: death mentions, animal death, descriptions of violence
He should be dead. Edward Munson should have been dead. 
He should have been, but he wasn’t. He wasn’t dead but he laid on the ground of some dimension, some place so far away from home that maybe hell couldn’t have held him, sunk him deep and swallowed him whole. 
In all honesty, he felt hungry. He felt empty. His stomach was craving something as a paining emptiness filled the void with spikes, bubbling uncomfortable. He felt both hungry and thirsty at the same time, like everything was draining out of him within an acidic bubble as it leaked through his gaping, bloodied wounds. “Damn demo-bats.” Eddie mumbled to no-one in particular, cursing the world entirely - both this one and the real one.  Suddenly, a loud crackling noise flooded the earth, a rift opening a few meters or so away from his wounded body. Almost as instantly, Eddie rolled onto his stomach and began digging his digits into the ground below, shoveling up reddish sand in his already dirtied hands, pulling and dragging himself towards the rift. He felt as though the open wounds were pressing against his entrails and forcing blood into his lungs, even then, he continued to the rift, allowing himself to plummet through the darkness for a moment.
Wherever it may lead, he needed out.
And maybe a burger.
Tumbling down and down until a hard thunk hitting a painful spot on his back shook his core for a moment, unable to fully process the pain he was truly in now. This place was a lot colder than the original hellscape he found himself in, so, definitely home. For a moment, Eddie thought maybe he had simply doomed himself to suffering a slower death - quicker than whatever that shambling shape of a creature could have given him, until his vision began to flicker in and out.
His teeth felt weird in his mouth, as if the shape had changed from the simpler dull canines and cavities. Something sharper lingered there.
The cravings and emptiness from before returned as Eddie felt pulled - almost as if a puppeteer was pulling his strings - towards a deer, once broken and bitten legs finding their strength and footing as he leapt at the deer, shambling it to the ground and biting towards its furred neck, crimson spraying from punctured arteries and veins as he wrestled with his food for a moment.
A snapping sound filled the silent forest, followed by gnashing and tearing of skin off bone, leaving only a discarded carcass behind. Tainting the woods with such gore and violence as he simply wiped the remaining pieces off the sides of his mouth, standing still for a moment as if both shocked and awed at this strange new urge; an urge welling inside for the full feeling blood gave him. It wasn’t… full, but it was warm and welcoming before Eddie decided to finally pull away.
He needed to head home- his uncle must be worried sick, the kids were probably upset too - especially Dustin - and worst of all? Harrington. If he was going to announce to anyone he was back, it should be Harrington.
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deathordemise · 4 years
Everybody shut up. My turn with the skephalo writing stick >:(.
Okay so, it’s Fae! Au hours
Bad lives in the woods with his dog. It’s a bit far away from the village, and a bit secluded. He’s kind of a medic? Twice a week, he sets up shop in his little stall of the village market and sells plant based medicines. Lavender tea, aloe salve, whatever the hell my grandmother insists turmeric powder can do in bath water, that kind of stuff. The village people think he’s a little odd, but ultimately he’s a kind guy who caters to their injuries. They high key suspect he’s a witch but there’s no magic involved, he’s just hella good with plants.
Bad is lonely though. He lives alone with his doggo. Besides his market stall hours, he doesn’t talk to any other human beings at all. He spends most of his time tending to his garden.
He’s lonely but content with the life he lives for now. He’s calm and complacent.
Until something starts fucking up his garden.
The flowers are trampled, the fruits are eaten,the berries stripped from his bushes. A bite has been taken out of his pumpkin. A whole goddamn bite, skin and all. Who does that??
Decidedly less calm, Bad puts up a fence around the garden to deter any woodland creatures. Maybe they’ve never bothered him before, but hey, the deers may have gotten braver.
It’s a no go. The next morning, something has jumped into the raked pile of leaves and scattered them everywhere. All of his herbs ? Gone.
He digs a ditch all around the fence and fills it up with water. There! If the thing was tunnelling under, there isn’t a chance now. If it was just jumping over the fence, well Bad better pray that it can’t clear both.
Tomorrow comes and there are flowers floating in the water , like a scene from the chapel windows. Shiny ribbons have been threaded through the fence wire, the whole thing is pretty enough that he doesn’t immediately notice the smashed watermelon and by extension, the watermelon juice painting of a dick at the side of the cottage walls.
By then, Bad has come to the conclusion that is a person who’s doing it. At his wits end, he despairs about it to the local blacksmith, Sapnap who’s just like “lmao sounds like fae folk. Put a salt circle around it.”
And he does.
Bad does not anticipate being awoken at 3 a:m by someone furiously knocking at his door. Blearily, he stumbles out of bed draped in two blankets, Rat at his heels, and he pulls the door open, glasses shoved hazardously on his face.
There’s a person on the other side of the door. He’s tall and so very pale. There’s flowers woven into his hair , and he speaks urgently. Bad doesn’t register anything at all, still blinking sleepily. He doesn’t register long pointed ears nor cat-like eyes. He’s vaguely aware he’s being pulled out of the house, and to his garden.
Someone is sitting cross legged on the ground, hands covering their face, while someone stoops behind them, hand on the other person's shoulder. Both of them are shaking with laughter. Someone else comes up to Bad, their hair long and talons on the tips of their fingers. Their entire body seems to be ever shifting, never quite settling on a physique under the moonlight. Also overcome with giggling , they gesture beyond the fence.
A man stands in the middle of Bad’s garden. The absurdity of the situation has woken up Bad quite a bit. He sees shimmering, translucent wings. He sees unnaturally bright blue freckles, almost glowing against otherwise dark skin. He sees the despair and frustration on the man’s face.
“What?” his voice cracks with uncertainty. This is not real, he tells himself. You’re hallucinating and you’re going to wake up tomorrow morning to find a trashed garden with no pretty and strange men in the middle of your herb patch. Bad rubs his eyes, and the fairy stamps his foot.
“Salt circle ?” He cries, “You put a salt circle around it? How am I supposed to get out?”
“How did you get in?” Bad asks. The fairy blushes blue, and shrugs.
“I’ve got no fucking clue. Let me out.”
“Language” he mutters and sweeps his foot across the salt barrier, disconnecting the circle. Immediately, the fairy is up close, looking him up and down. Bad stumbles backwards with a sharp inhale.
“Hello.” He waves nervously, and immediately gets dirt thrown in his face.
Looking back on it, Bad probably should have seen this coming. He shouldn’t have let the fae drag him out of his bed in the middle of the night. He definitely should have kept the salt circle intact. Sue him for poor decisions, but when a fairy throws a little temper tantrum in the middle of your garden, interrogation is not a priority.
And yeah, he was going to ask a few questions but as it turns out, having dirt in your eyes is quite disorienting.
By the time he wipes the soil out of his eyes properly, the fae folk have disappeared into the woods.
Aye, it started out with just a little information post but then the Wattpad fanfic writer jumped out. It just jumped out and I’m so sorry. I haven’t written anything coherent since 2019 so forgive me if it sucks lmao. Uh, asks are open if anybody’s interested, and maybe I’ll get around to writing more ? It was actually surprisingly fun to do, I forgot how much I enjoyed writing . Anyway!
Asks Are Open!
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crypterion-moon · 3 years
Tiamat: Rise in Shadow p.3
Summary: Fresh from their missions, the team finds intruders stepping into their new territory. But the mad scramble nearly costs Tim his life and limb, if it weren’t for a mysterious stranger saving his life. But it isn’t over and a clue is left behind
Tags: Violence
Dick let out a heavy breath as he tipped back in his chair, eyes straining from working at the computer for too long and legs, jelly and aching from standing for hours trying to piece together information the team had found while fighting the Light, while trying to pull up whatever he could on what had killed those men and what little he could find, any possible leads always went nowhere. No evidence of alien activity lately since the Reach, it was too sudden, no reported similar sightings or cases that led to their island and no motive except maybe revenge or a contract but those seemed unlikely as well, Dick couldn’t tell with so little evidence. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t seen sickos do things like this before, that’s why generally, the team is told to avoid Gotham, not because Batman was possessive but because only he knew how to handle cases like this. If Dick had to be frank, they were lucky to have to deal with alien invasions and crazy robots mostly. Difficult, but easy on the mind and eyes, most of the time. It was too easy to underestimate how perverse the mind of a human could become and the Joker was evidence of this. But he was only one psycho in the midst of seven billion other possibilities some, probably capable of sicker methods, less efficient but as long as it was...fun. And Dick had seen too many of these since he became Robin, it made him wonder how he managed to not go insane as well. He tapped a key on the console, which brought up a new window, the camera overlooking the team’s kitchen where they were all congregating, over cake. Bart eating most of it, as usual, and Dick remembered, the reason he hadn’t tipped himself over the edge, the Young Justice, the team he, Kaldur, SuperBoy and Wally started all those years ago, disobeying orders and causing mischief, were the ones keeping him together. He had to protect them, protect what they had. He sighed, closing the window, great job he was doing. If only Wally was still around. If only he could go back to the way things were, he missed the way he could goof off as Robin. But people grow up and superheroes grow up even faster, lose that innocence even before they could enjoy it. That’s just how it was. The responsibility grows heavy on his shoulders. It was easy to underestimate how cruel and disgusting the world could be. For their sake and Tim’s, he had to protect what was left.
Suddenly, the alarms began to wail and it startled Dick so hard that he fell out of his seat, instinctively, when he picked himself up he immediately dropped into his combat stance. Already, the rest of the Young Justice were running out though half in uniform, half not in Beast Boy’s case, who managed to pull on the top half of his suit but was still in boxers. M’Gann and Cassie were still in sleepwear.
“What’s going on?” Robin asked as soon as he reached Dick, now tapping away at the console, flicking through camera to camera.
“Not sure yet, but the perimeter sensors were tripped, we’ve got someone snooping around outside.”
“Sure it isn’t some deer or something?” Bart said earning him an elbow to the gut from Jaime.
“Course not, why would we put them there if they kept picking up animals.”
“Jaime’s right, those sensors are designed to detect intruders and suspicious activity, if they’re going  crazy, there’s definitely someone out there,” Dick said, as he checked each camera, suddenly his eyes caught a fleeting shadow out of 14b, just outside the third entrance, west.
“There!” Dick turned to the team, “Alright, Robin, Superboy you guys are coming with me, everybody else, cover the exit points, make sure that whoever has trespassed doesn’t leave. We don’t have much time, let’s go.”
As Bart was the fastest, he was gone before any of the others had reached the mouth of the cave. Very soon, Robin, Nightwing and Superboy reached point 14b, right where the disturbance was picked up. Of course, there was no sign of anything but following in the direction of the shadow, they continued the pursuit.
“M’gann put us into a mind link.” Dick said through his comm.
“Already done,” came her reply.
“Kid-Flash, see anything?” Dick asked through the mental link as the three continued the chase.
“Nuh-uh, pretty dark here and all I see are trees and more trees, I must’ve run in circles about a dozen times now.”
“Keep looking, they can’t have gotten far.”
There was nearly no sound, nothing stirred, if this was an infiltration by the Light they would’ve come out by now for a fight and a large group geared to take down superheroes wouldn’t be this quiet. Dick grimaced, it could only mean one thing, that their murderer was prowling nearby. Time to change tactics.
“Listen up, I want everyone to take caution and keep a careful eye out,” he paused, “There’s a possibility that our mass killer is here. Engage from a distance if possible and pull out if you can’t beat him, I repeat, engage from afar, retreat if the threat is too much.”
Just as Nightwing was barking orders, Robin who trailed behind the two, looked to his left and noticed a glint of light, shining from the cover of bushes as they ran past. Suddenly he felt overcome with the urge to look, forgetting to notify Superboy or Nightwing, He slowed down to a stop, eyes still glued to the two little lights and began to walk towards them, all thoughts leaving him with only his overwhelming curiosity. As he got closer, he saw those two dots flicker and move, retreating further into the dark of the woods. Against all his trained instincts screaming at him, he followed them in. His legs taking him forwards until he was very much lost within the thick clumping of trees, in that exact moment, his senses returned and Tim realized he’d just broken off from the group without them knowing. He attempted to call out mentally but no one replied, his link to them broken or blocked somehow. He could feel fear slowly building up inside.
“Okay, breathe, you can do this,” he muttered to himself as he gripped his bo staff tighter, “You faced Killer Croc, Ivy, Clayface and Two-Face, you can beat this creep.”
He advanced, though he could try find his way back to the cave, but in the minutes he’d walked further on like a zombie, Tim was unsure of where his location was, and the forests surrounding HQ was, simply put, vast. With the mind link gone, he felt alone and lost. This was bad.
“Miss martian, Blue Beetle?”
No one answered as he called out loud, “Nightwing? Superboy?”
How far had he walked? This was embarrassing, getting so lost even though technically he was so close to base. And it looked like it was getting darker than night, the deafening silence surrounded him. There was no way one of them wouldn’t let him go with this, especially Gar. The thickening shadows was lowering visibility further and further that for some reason his night vision lens was becoming less effective, then without warning, they malfunctioned and he had to switch back to normal vision. This was bad, he shouldn’t have wandered forwards. Robin decided to turn on his heel and attempt to trace his steps back. The moment his back was turned, a large, roaring mass slammed into him, sending him down onto the ground with its weight pinning him there. Robin grunted and struggled, trying to unbalance whatever was crushing him. It growled in response and Robin felt its grip tightening, claws digging into his armour which must have made it through the first layer. He swallowed, sincerely hoping it was just Gar playing a stupid prank on him.
“If that’s you Beast Boy it’s not funny. Get. Off.”
Robin tried to elbow his assailant lightly, just enough to take Garfield by surprise and hopefully get him to move but when he swung, he realized that it wasn’t Beast Boy at all. Not with that growl, that look. He’d never seen a creature like it, a hulking, oozing beast that was more bone and spines than flesh, pus and boils covered what skin it had, and it’s teeth, oversized, filthy spikes, constantly drooling. It’s breath was reminiscent of any rotting thing Robin could remember. Nothing should be that hideous and yet here it was pinning him down and savouring the moment before it tears him apart. And all at once, he felt the terror rip through him. Thinking fast, he took out the taser and attempted to knock it out or at least stun it with a jolt. It roared and reared it’s ugly head for a moment, seemingly distracted Robin attempted to kick the beast off him but before he could wriggle away, it turned back to its prey, visibly irritated now. Great, he thought, that did nothing accept piss it off even more. Think Tim, his mind running through various scenarios, any possibilities on how to dislodge the creature. You’ve faced bigger, badder, uglies than this from invasions and mutants. Suddenly, Tim’s mind blanked as he watched the creature rear up, staring right into his eyes past the mask, reading him, his mind, his life and regurgitating all the negative things from the empty void. No soul, no life, not an extraterrestrial mammal built for survival. No words just things Tim could see in it’s glowing eyes, and he couldn’t look away. A deep guttural growl bellowed from it, the creature now bearing all its rotten teeth, black oozing from its jaws. It seemed to be laughing, he couldn’t tell through the fear that was now bubbling through. This thing was playing, a mortal toy in its grasp and it knew nothing Tim or anyone could do would stop it. Suddenly, he couldn’t help but wonder, if he’d see Jason. He wanted to shut his eyes tight but he couldn’t, that thing was holding his gaze, all he could do was hope for a quick end. The teeth and pain never came. Instead, he heard a distinct hissing followed by something far quicker than the eye colliding with the monster. Caught off guard it bellowed with a deafening roar and was launched away, and then, Tim couldn’t feel it pinning him down anymore. He propped himself up feeling the weightlessness again, almost lost in relief before his eyes blinked in the dark, seeing two glowing eyes not looking at him but past him. He still couldn’t move, something was nagging the back of his mind, his comms but his hands weren’t listening.
“Did you really think I would be fool enough to assume you and your damned ken wouldn’t follow me here? You think little of me.”
A figure emerged slowly from the shadows, glowing blue eyes stared down yellow ones. A young man maybe only a few years older than Tim, dressed in all black in what looked like a dress shirt and pants, grinning like a devil, he was oddly...attractive. Which was an alarming thought to have for someone who literally just walked out from nowhere, but unable to help feeling himself drawn to the stranger. If it weren’t for the blaring danger that he’d been trained to be aware of, he’d have forgotten entirely about the multi-legged slime monster growling from in front of him. He looked to and back from them both as they continued their little stare down. The man didn’t seem to have acknowledged his presence and the monster, he hoped, had temporarily forgotten about him.
“You,” it growled, oh, it talks, “I could smell you coming.”
The young man gave a dark chuckle, “Flattering, seeing how you chased me around I take it that you like it?”
“We will have you, your kind won’t hear you scream here,” the demonic hound growled, leaning back on its haunches.
“I think you will find I can fend for myself, mutt.”
At that, it launched itself with a screech at him, with Tim only just managing to scramble away. The stranger not missing one moment, reached behind him and brought that hand back around, a long weapon in his grip. The shaft slammed hard enough into the creature to hear a squelch and crack of what Tim could assume was bone and something else. He didn’t really want to think about what it was made of. The weapon was completely materialized by the time the monster had stumbled back on its feet. It resembled a bo staff like Tim’s except it was black, not painted, black like obsidian or onyx. Was it possible for a weapon to be completely forged out of a mineral? Attached at the end was a weighted blade, curved and warped, a series of sharp edges wrapped around a crescent.
“Now, depending on you answer, I can make this quick or you can make this enjoyable for me.” he said, whirling the staff in hand, “Where is he?”
The creature answered with a roar and pounced again, jaws gnashing. The strange took a step back and before it could come crashing down on him, he brought his knee back and up into the its gut. It howled and crumbled into a trembling heap, snapping at nothing. Tim watched as the stranger strode up to it, crouching just a couple of feet away.
“I’ll ask you again, where is Reavon?”
A low, wet sound rumbled from the creature, it took a moment for Tim to realize it was laughing. The young man instead of looking frustrated or even slightly offended, smiled. A smile disturbingly beautiful in this current moment. Before he took the creatures head, slowly and carefully twisting it off. Tim gaped in shock and horror, watching as the young man examined the head like it was an interesting object. Reaching inside and pulling out some kind of red matter. Tim couldn’t hold it in anymore and threw up.
“Well, I didn’t expect you to enjoy the sight but you have quite a weak stomach for a Gothamite.”
At that, Tim looked up in surprise, “How-?”
He attempted to scramble to his feet.
“I wouldn’t move yet, you’ve been caught in his curse,” the stranger took a step towards him, his hand reaching towards Tim, “This won’t hurt.”
Suddenly, the sound of Dick’s voice calling his name brought him back to reality, he’s still on Mount Justice island, still alive. A sharp hiss like a snake brought his attention back to the stranger, his face pulled into a look of irritation. As backed up into the shadows again, his eyes turned back to Tim, giving a knowing nod and vanished. It seemed he didn’t plan on sticking around for them to question him. Tim wanted to call out, ask him to wait. Just as soon as the thought materialized, it vanished along with the stranger’s presence and his mind went blank.
Dick arrived in time to see Tim collapse back, slouching limply in a sitting position and just in time for his sharp eyes to catch part of a figure, disappear into the shadows. But his attention focused on Tim. H knelt by the boy, removing the mask.
“Hey, hey, you okay? What happened, are you hurt?”
Tim was unresponsive, numbly staring up at Nightwing’s eyes and occasionally glancing back at the mutilated monster and the space where the figure was only moments ago. Dick caught the look and followed his gaze behind him.
“Shit!” he cursed under his breath. He finally took the black mass in all its horrible detail, there’s nothing natural about it, things in places that didn’t make sense. Flesh that wasn’t really flesh at least not one kind of flesh, torn out and realized, this creature wasn’t built for survival, it was built to kill, built for fear. If the things Zatanna had told him about magic were true, he was looking at a good example of the bad kind. He checked Tim all over for any signs of injury, knowing these types they probably carried venom or worse in their bodies. Dick sighed in relief, luckily, Tim seemed fine on the outside but his eyes still stared blankly ahead, as if his mind had shut down. He had no way of helping him here, at least not out here while it was dark. They’d have to deal with any traumatic stress back at base. Sounds of leaves rustling and feet running approached and the other heroes finally caught up. Bart came to a skidding stop as he closed in on the scene, his eyes taking in the creature lying in a pool of its own blood. He replaced the mask over Tim’s eyes.
“Robin!” Connor ran up to the two, eyes widening in shock, “What the hell happened?!”
“He was attacked,” Nightwing stated bluntly, reaching into his belt.
“Yeah, I can tell! I want to know what the hell is that thing?” Connor’s voice was close to yelling his lungs out as he pointed one angry finger at the bloody mass. Which Bart was now toeing cautiously, then retreating with a shudder.
“Oh man, that’s nasty.”
“I don’t know, okay? Not exactly,” Nightwing took a swab of the substance that coated the Robin uniform, analysing it, he narrowed his eyes, “But I’ve got a gut feeling that says I need to talk to Zatanna.”
Superboy calmed down as his face settled into worry, he seemed to understand what that meant. Nightwing pocketed the sample and lifted Tim up, whispering something barely audible to the others. Tim finally nodded, blinking a few times and muttered something back, he dug the heel of his palm into his eyes.
“Is he alright?” M’gann asked, tentatively resting her hand on Tim’s shoulder, “Do I need to...take a look?”
“Not right now, let’s go back. We’ll let him rest then we can find out what happened here.”
Suddenly, something further into the distance caught his Dick’s eye. A small light, blue and shining in under the dark of the trees. He could be sure that it wasn’t there before when they passed. He paused for a moment, staring, a moment too long. Superboy’s voice snapped him back to the present.
“Here I’ll take him back,” Connor offered. Nightwing handed Tim over gratefully. The boy hung limp in Connor’s arms. He and watched for a moment while they flew away.
“Beast boy, Kid-Flash, M’gann come with me and M’gann, tell everyone you have on the telepathic network to return to base and stay there.”
When he looked, the light was gone but he had its approximate location, though the distance was uncertain. Nightwing led the group on. But was silent, no orders, no comments, just an unsettling silence even for him. M’gann watched him with concern. She could read his mind, know what he is thinking and it could help her act appropriately but he’d no straight away she used telepathy, that would be rude. She hung back a bit before deciding to speak up.
“You must be really worried, for Robin I mean. After what happened...last time, you must be terrified for him.”
Nightwing sighed, “I am, I don’t know what happened exactly, or what that thing is. But it could’ve killed him I’m sure of it. I got samples but I have a feeling it won’t answer our questions. Especially who got to him before us,” Nighwing paused, hands clenched, “M’gann, I wasn’t there, I didn’t save him. Someone did but I didn’t get there in time. If it weren’t for, I don’t know who, that thing could’ve torn him apart and I still wouldn’t make it there, to save him. Just like I couldn’t, for him”
The martian put her hand on Dick’s shoulder, “You’ve got to stop blaming yourself, you can’t be everywhere at once. I’m at fault too for not noticing. Compared to you, a lot of us have failed a lot more. I don’t want anything like last time to happen again either but blaming yourself, won’t help. We don’t even know what we’re up against.”
“Shouldn’t we?” Nightwing said a little to harshly. M’gann flinched, hurt.
“I’m sorry, you’re right, I’m letting it get to me. I just can’t be helpless, I can’t fail and lose my friends again.”
M’gann flung her arms around him, “Me too.”
“Hey guys, what’s that?” Garfield said, pointing a finger up ahead. It was the shining object again, it certainly was farther than Dick had expected, but it seemed no more and no less brighter.
“That’s what I saw earlier, could be a clue.”
“Or could be more of those things, eugh, I really don’t want to see those monster dogs up close and ready to eat us.”
As they walked towards the glowing object, the air seemed to change. A presence that pervaded all around them now, it was heavy and empty at the same time. For Dick, it almost felt like the time he walked through the cemetery at night to see his parents, an oppressive atmosphere that left him feeling empty and cold and frightened. He forced the sensation down and glanced at the rest of the team. Both Kid-Flash and Beast Boy looked twitchy, something that nagged at their every instinct while M’gann was beginning to falter, hovering closer and closer to the ground, he face scrunched up in discomfort or pain.
“Are you guys okay?”
“Don’t feel so good,” Gar said, his tone on the edge of queasiness.
“Me neither,” Bart added wobbly.
Garfield suddenly shifted into gorilla form, letting out a frustrated roar and beating his chest. For a moment, he almost seemed unable to recognise any of them, fearing an attack. Dick stepped up in front of him.
“Beast boy! Stop, hey it’s me,” he said, holding out both hands trying to calm down the disorientated shifter. Bart, wobbly on his feet had to lay down. Beast boy looked uncertainly at him, at Nightwing and M’gann who now hovered unstably above, then back at Nightwing.
“Easy there. You still with me?”
Gar nodded, finally speaking, “Yeah, yeah, sorry, just something messing with me.”
Whatever the glowing thing was, it was seemed to be affecting all but Dick. M’gann not much later couldn’t hold herself in the air anymore. She drifted just a few inches above the ground before landing unsteadily on her feet, stumbling towards Dick. He caught her just as she was about to fall, visibly in pain.
“Something is interfering with my psychic powers, it’s messing with my mind. Nightwing...”
 “Stay here, don’t come any closer, okay, stay right here all of you,” he said as he gave her over to a gorilla beast boy. The object still glowed brightly but with how it was messing with all their powers, he left the rest behind. He could feel something but if anything, it was more like pressure, like someone had put him in a pressure chamber and turned it up to eight. His legs felt like they were slogging through marsh but nothing more. When he finally walked right up to the little dot of light, it dimmed considerably. Now he could see what it was. A small stone, crystal. Blue, somewhere between a sky and deep sea. He reached down hesitantly, tapped at it. No shocks or pain, so he picked up the crystal. It fit into the palm of his hand surprisingly no bigger than a pebble when it was shining so brightly only moments ago.
He turned it over, examining it, “What is this?”
“Nightwing!” he turned to see the other three making their way towards him, visibly disturbed but no longer in pain or discomfort.
“You guys okay?”
“Yeah, whatever was messing with our powers, it’s gone now,” M’gann said.
“I think it’s this,” Nightwing held up the stone had completely stopped glowing, turning into a deep midnight color, the surface was smooth as a gem and it felt like one to. If reflected light like a crystal normally would, he would’ve thought it was some kind of gem, like the one Klarion used before in his ritual. It was shaped like an opal. Truly like a pebble, if it wasn’t glowing, he would’ve missed it. The other’s looked curiously at it too. He observed how they seemed to be perfectly at ease now around it, now that it had stopped emitting that strange light.
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, we’re fine now,” M’gann said.
“Still a bit off from feeling the mode but all good.”
“Kinda weird though, I swear something was making me to go full ape, literally. Like it was talking to my instincts, that sound weird even in my head.”
The now dormant object had lost all of the oppressive aura from earlier, slightly cold to the touch almost too cold. M’gann used her telekinesis to hold the object aloft. It didn’t react.
“Whatever it is, it seems to have stopped for now. Let’s go back, I need to see what it is and where it came from.”
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
My Favorite ACNH Villagers by Species
Hey all. I recently was gifted the new Animal Crossing game and have been playing it like mad. I decided to judge all the characters in the game and choose my favorites.
This list is extremely opinion-based, reflecting only my personal tastes. Also, I’m very picky. You’ve been warned.
As a final note, the list may be subject to change as I play the game and meet villagers and experience new stuff. Thus, this is a snapshot of my current impressions.
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Alligator: Drago
Standing out among all the other gators, Drago’s appearance as a mythical beast plus a laid-back attitude wins my affection.
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Anteater: Anabelle
Anteaters are cool creatures, but pangolins, which Anabelle is based off of, are even COOLER. Her cheerful peppy personality is also a plus.
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Bear: Klaus
The designs for all the bears, for some odd reason, seem to universally repel me, except for Klaus, who somewhat intrigues me. I’d never have him in my village, but I appreciate the distinctive design.
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Bird: Piper
Finding a Bird that I like is surprisingly difficult. Sparro’s design is nice, but he’s a Jock, which is kind of a killjoy for me. Piper just seems like a nice standard bird.
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Bull: Rodeo
While the bright-blue Bull Stu is also a very pleasing design, Rodeo has to be the winner here. His terrifying appearance is at odds with his relaxed personality.
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Cat: Raymond
Yes, he’s the super-popular among the popular; the truth is, I love him too. He’s a very striking character.
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Chicken: Ken
While Becky and Egbert are also nice-looking chickens, Ken must win for his beautiful dark coloration and the fact he’s a ninja chicken.
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Cub: Maple
Judy is immensely popular, due to her beautiful gradient coat and her intensely sparkling eyes, but I’m not sure she’s won me over. I think I prefer the plain, ordinary-colored, cute little Maple. Stitches is another popular Cub, but the stitch-eyes unnerve me terribly.
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Deer: Erik
There are so many Deer characters I love! Erik, however, is the sweetest for me.
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Dog: Shep
Most of the Dog characters don’t do much for me, just being rather ordinary dog designs. I’m not much of a dog person, anyway. Shep has that cool sheepdog fringe, though, and seems like a pretty cool dude.
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Duck: Molly
I’m repelled by all the Duck designs except for Molly. They really went a little nuts with the weird faces for the duck characters, y’know? The popular Ketchup was not selected because I don’t usually like food-based creatures.
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Eagle: Amelia
There are a ton of cool Eagle characters! I basically love them all, but I need to pick Amelia because she’s based on the fabulous Caracara.
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Elephant: Cyd
Tia is a very popular Elephant, for her adorable design based on a teapot. I admit she’s very cute. But Cyd is … I’m not sure what Cyd is. He’s really weird. I can’t help but be drawn to him. LOOKIT THOSE EYES MAN.
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Frog: Jeremiah
The frogs look kind of bad to me, overall. Their gigantic bulbous heads unnerve me. I know the art is a chibi-style, of course, but the heads of the frogs seem oversized even for chibi. Maybe I’m crazy. I dunno, I just don’t care for them much. Ribbot is a popular frog, and I kinda dig the uniqueness of the robot concept, but he’s a Jock, so ehhh, pass. I chose Jeremiah simply for his appealing colors and his name.
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Goat: Kidd
I love goats in real life, and I thought I’d like more AC goats, but I don’t really. Sherb is a very popular goat right now, and while he’s cute and all, Kidd seems the coolest to me. He’s purple with nice hair and a well-contrasting horn color.
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Gorilla: Boone
I do not like monkey and ape characters. I never have. So I’m very biased here. Boone seems the best of the Gorilla bunch, though, with his bright, eye-catching baboon markings and almost dignified presense. I wouldn’t have him on my island, but he’s the most tolerable.
Hamster: NOPE
There’s something about all the hamsters that troubles me greatly. I could never have any on my island.
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Hippo: Bertha
I think it’s hard to make a stylized Hippo character that isn’t at least kinda ugly. They have oddly-shaped honkin’ faces, and it’s awkward. But Bertha is a pretty sweet hippo gal.
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Horse: Victoria
There are a lot of horses in the game, including a Zebra, a sparkling Unicorn, a creepy dark horse, and a princely Colton; but I’m choosing Victoria soley for the racehorse motif. This may change over time, but for now I find it charming.
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Kangaroo: Walt
While they experimented with a number of eye-catching designs for the Kangaroos, Walt’s understated slate blues and intense face wins me over. Also, he has a cool scar and is a cranky boy.
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Koala: Yuka
The enormous noses and widely-spaced eyes of the Koala characters make it difficult to make them cute, but Yuka seems pretty sweet.
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Lion: Leopold
I definitely do not care for any of the Lion characters except for Leopold. Leo is a magnificent, regal-looking fellow I would want to have a cup of tea with.
Monkey: Don’t like any of ‘em
I mentioned previously my bias against ape and monkey characters. I can’t possibly choose a favorite from them.
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Mouse: Chadder
As with the Hamster characters, I also do not like the Mouse characters. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with the body design, but … hm. Most of the faces for them are unpleasant. Chadder’s face is actually quite neat, though, and I like his little suit. The cheese motif is kinda cute, too.
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Octopus: Marina
I love the idea of having an Octopus villager. Octopi are awesome. It will take me time to adjust to the mouth they went with here, though. I think I would have preferred a beak, which is what actual octopi have.
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Ostrich: Flora & Julia
I adore almost all of the Ostrich characters. I would be thrilled with any of them. (Except for Queenie. Yuck.)
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Penguin: Hopper
Penguins are sweet birds, adored by many, and rightfully so. Hopper is definitely king of the bunch, though–based off the crested penguin, the eye-catching, cranky little fellow will waddle his way into your heart.
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Pig: Boris
I’m not normally a fan of pig characters. But there’s something about Boris! What presense he has! What magnificent fangs! What lovely colors and impressive attitude!
Rabbit: NOPE
They sure went all-out on trying out a wide variety of wild faces on these rabbits. I honestly hate ‘em all. Mira comes closest to being OK, but no.
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Rhino: Merengue
I previously noted I don’t really care for food-based characters. So I feel quite mixed about Merengue. Animals that are also food disturb me. But her design is admittedly well-done and very cute. She won’t be on my island, but I understand why people like her so much. She’s certainly the most interesting Rhino character.
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Sheep: Dom
OK. I know I said how much I dislike Jock personalities. (The reason is simply because it gets tiring to hear them talk about nothing else but working out.) But Dom gets a pass. He’s the only one I will tolerate a Jock personality for. His character design is screamingly adorable and pleasant to look at, and the contrast between a tiny, fluffy cute little sheep wanting to get crunk is hilarious.
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Squirrel: Marshal
There are several cute Squirrel characters, including the very lovely Poppy and the skunklike Tasha, but the highly-popular Marshal is popular for a reason. His sweet little grumpy face and simple but effective colors are wonderful.
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Tiger: Rolf
There’s something rather dull in the Tiger designs. I don’t know what it is, exactly. Rolf seems to have some attitude and toughness about him, so I chose him, and white tigers are pretty. But overall, the Tigers underwhelm me. This is surprising since I am a big cat fan. I dunno … I think it’s the snout in the big cat design I don’t like. It looks weird.
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Wolf: Skye & Kyle
The wolves look really nice in AC, and I like a surprising number of them. I could not settle on a single one, so I chose both Skye for her gorgeous coloration and cute eyes and Kyle for his pretty Wild Dog colors.
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baroquebucky · 5 years
Request: Heyo! Could you write one where hydra takes the reader to lure Bucky but he saves her and it’s all protective fluff and cuddles as he patches up and takes care of her? + i would freak out if you did this prompt from one-lonely-whumperfly w/ reader who gets hurt and bucky who think he hates her. “hero shows up at villains doorstep on night, shivering, bleeding and scared. they have a dazed look in their eyes - they were drugged. Looking up at the villain swaying slightly they mumble ‘...didn’t know where else to go’ and collapse into the villains arms”
A/N: hey guys !! sorry for taking a while but i though i could combine the two of these since they’re somewhat similar and i LOVE this concept :’ ) let me know what you guys think or send any requests !!
pt. 2 pt. 3
Warnings: mentions of torture, some swearing and fluff
It was pouring outside. The sounds of car horns relaxed Bucky in an odd manner. He didn’t have anything to do today and had spent his whole day doing the most mundane things one could imagine.
In the morning he went for a run, stopping by a store and buying some bird food, jogging to the park near his house and sitting on a bench listening to music his fellow heroes had recommended him. Not that he thought he was a hero, not in his mind at least. On this particular morning he was listening to a song you had recommended, you who in his opinion had the best music taste in the whole compound. The soft melody rang through his ears as he imagined you singing loudly to Wanda when you two were having a kareoke night.
He smiled softly at the memory, frowning when he remembered he knocked on your door to be softer because he was tired. He didn’t know why he was so mean to you, he thought you were sweet and deserved the world. Steve said it was a defense mechanism, him pushing you away. He shook his head and headed back to his house, ready to get his mind off of you with a nice, warm shower.
After changing and settling down and making some food he turned on the TV and put on your favorite Disney movie, Bambi. He didn’t know what the deal with your love for the movie was, but he sure was interested. After overhearing you telling steve your love for the small deer and your mission to have your own little deer, Bucky was determined to find a way to win you over with his knowledge of the woodland creature.
Everyone knew of Buckys crush on you, meanwhile you were oblivious. You saw his cold stares, the rolling of his eyes when you made a joke, him scolding you after a mission when you got hurt or something went wrong, and of course all the time in the compound when you said dumb things without thinking twice.
Like the time you flirted with Sam as a joke, Bucky was furious and wouldn’t even look at you. It baffled you seeing as though he would only ever hate you. The rest of the team however teased him endlessly, never giving up on the making the super soldier ask you out.
“Listen, as much as i hate admitting it, Y/N definitely has a thing for you old man” Tony had once told him during breakfast when you had walked out of the kitchen with your breakfast only saying good morning to the man you thought despised you.
As he recalled the memories of your soft ‘good morning’ and little compliments, his eyebrows furrowed as he began to realize how shitty he treated you. Before he could think any further a loud knock startled him.
He cautiously got up to look through the peephole, seeing Tony on the other side.He opened the door harshly, a scowl on his face.
“what is it” he frowned, letting the billionaire in.
“We’ve got a mission, get dressed” he said plainly helping himself to some popcorn Bucky had set out for himself. Tony looked at the TV seeing the pastel colors of what he recognized as your favorite deer in the world.
“Oh good news, Y/N is going with you” he smirked before walking out with a handful of popcorn.
“You could have texted me you know that right?” Bucky glared at the man as he stopped the movie and turned the TV off, followed by the lights as he grabbed his suitcase he had packed for surprise missions like these.
He felt his heart race as he approached the vehicle, making your face out through the window, headphones in and staring at the soldier with a soft smile. He quickly rushed through the rain and took refuge in the car.
“hi buck” you said to the soldier, you knew what he had been through and you didn’t blame him for being rude, you couldn’t even imagine what he felt, so you were always kind to him. Bucky shot you a small smile and you blushed softly, quickly turning away to play your music again.
Before you knew it you were both on a quinjet, alone, about to take on a HYDRA base.
“who thought this was a good idea? I have some thoughts” you mumbled quietly not expecting Bucky to hear you, he chuckled softly at your comment.
“yeah i was having a good day too.” He snickered. You looked up at him, why was he being so nice suddenly? You shrugged it off and enjoyed his company. Once the plane had landed Bucky got his weapons and you followed suit. After grabbing and few more knives, just in case, and your favorite weapon you prepped yourself to face anything. As you exited you both snuck into the building quietly and quickly.
“You take that room and I’ll check this one” you commanded softly already heading where you had pointed. Before Bucky could protest you were already gone.
He had never been on a mission with you and he did not want you getting hurt, he cared too much for you. He quickly examined the room you had sent him to, finding it empty. Looking for any signs of a plan he found look in the desk and found a file. He quickly pulled out the Manila folder labeled “mission WS” he opened the folder only for his heart to shatter.
So many pictures of you.
At the compound, grocery shopping, petting a dog, wearing a shirt you had stolen from Steve after a mission.
He grabbed the folder and sprinted out of the room, running in the direction he last saw you. Bursting in the room he quickly pressed the button on his suit indicating there was a problem the moment he saw the mess, bodies on the floor of agents, chairs broken in pieces but you weren’t anywhere.
There was one thing that sent him into a blind rage, your ring. He had bought it for you and left it in your room without a note, to you it had appeared over night during your birthday party. He quickly grabbed your ring and followed the path you had taken.
He heard shouting in Russian and quickly followed his trained ears as he reached a room, breaking in without hesitation. The HYDRA agents quickly threw punches at him, grabbing their flailing arms with his metal arm and knocking one guy out with the butt of his gun, the other he shot in the knee.
Seeing the smug look on one guys face he walked over to him, metal fingers wrapping around his neck as he pushed him into the wall.
“Where do you take her?” He questioned him in Russian, voice husky and deep.
The man only laughed, “You were right he does love her” Bucky only tightened his grip. “You’re too late” the man choked out before Bucky snapped his neck and let his body drop.
He raced out of the building firing up the quinjet. “F.R.I.D.A.Y alert the team that they took Y/N immediately” He commanded speeding through the air in a hurry to get back and find you. Not even bothering to clean the blood off his knuckles as he stormed in the compound.
The whole team was suited up waiting to see what had happened. “Okay slow down buck” Steve told bucky as he made his friend sit down and catch his breath, not from being tired but from pure anger.
“We landed and we headed in the compound, she sent me to a separate room but i wanted to stay with her, i didn’t want her to get hurt. But i went anyway not wanting to anger her, and then i saw this folder” Bucky places the folder on the table they had gathered around. Each of the members sifting through the picture in horror as they saw your face of joy and relaxtion, radiating nothing but happiness. “We have to find her, Tony you have to let me go after her” Bucky pleaded to him, Tony sighed and shook his head. “We can’t take the risk Barnes and you know that, we can handle this one.” Looking down at his bloodied hands he began to pick at the pieces of skin near his nails, a nervous habit he had somehow picked up. He felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly looked up and found it to be Natasha’s, “she’s going to be okay, you however need to get to you back place and calm down okay?” Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, how could he calm down? You were in the grasp of the worlds worst organization and they want him to be calm? Before he could protest Vision spoke up, “she’s right, you should get some rest Bucky.”
After having a heated discussion to no avail Bucky headed to his apartment, it was completely dark seeing as though it was currently 11 p.m and very cloudy. He shakily unlocked his door and set down his bag, making his way to his room to get fresh clothes for the rest of the night, he knew he wouldn’t be sleeping.
Meanwhile you were strapped to a chair making the best out of a bad situation. “Listen dude, he literally hates me? I don’t know what you expect honestly, i mean sure i wouldn’t mind if someone as amazing as him liked me but dude, you really lost your marbles huh” you snorted rolling your eyes, moving you head to get hair out of your eyes. “We know he will come if we have you. He is a weapon. Our very best.” The man spoke with a slight accent, not strong but not light either. “I really could not care less but go off” you said, leaning back in the chair despite your legs being roped together in the most awkward position. You felt the rope digging into your ankles and wrists, the stinging sensation never ceasing. The man took two strides and stood in front of you, if this were any other time you’d be intimidated, but this guy had interrupted the one time Bucky had been nice to you, ruined your plans to go to the movies with Wanda and most of all, absolutely destroyed your plans to get the food you had been craving for months with Bruce. So yes, you were scared but also pissed off.
“Listen, you’re a pathetic excuse for an ‘avenger’ no powers, bad at fighting, and can’t even defend yourself. A liability.” You let out and exasperated laugh, who does he think he is? “And you’re pretty bad at your job too, aren’t you supposed to try and get information?” He smirked at you. A finger trailing down your jawline and down your neck. “Oh no sweet thing, my job is to make sure the Winter Soldier comes back.” It suddenly clicked all in your mind. They didn’t want anything from you but to get Bucky angry enough to actually find you. “I told you he doesn’t like me” you glared, sharply moving your head away from his dirty finger. “Oh he does, the way he watched the things you love, reading for hours about the series you enjoy, and even listening to every song you recommend to everyone in the compound, all to somehow get your attention. Of course he has no progress, a monster like him could never get any love. Which is why you are here. We get our weapon back and you don’t have to live in fear of him hurting you.” Your heart rate sped up, first off Bucky likes you what the heck? Second off this guy is really grinding your gears “you know, you’re really yanking my jenkin” you spoke in a deathly serious tone. Causing confusion to rise on his face. “What’s the problem? Can’t do anything yourself? Do you need someone to pull up Urban dictionary?” You mocked in a baby voice. Causing him to grab a knife from a nearby desk and hold it to your throat. “You would kill me, you still need me” You spoke, the cold metal pressing harder onto your skin. “Are you willing to test me?”
“I’m willing to do almost anything, I’m not a pussy like you” you spat out, head butting him making his nose bleed. He immediately punched you, his rings causing your skin to break, blood dripping from the fresh wound. Followed by another blow to the left side of your face, that would definitely leave a mark. He repeatedly punched out, hitting your sides, knocking your breath out until it was just short puffs, he punched you face, your lip was busted and nose bleeding. “Oh goodie” you spoke spitting out some blood on his shoes “you learned how to punch! Who taught you? Because my 4 year old niece is better at this than you are” you glared at him. Your body was aching and you wanted to just curl up and sleep. But you couldn’t. You had to find a way to take this guy down and get to Bucky. “I think you need some water don’t you think?” The man spoke lifting a glass to your lips. You tried to refuse but he held your mouth open, forcing the liquid down your throat. “You know, shouldn’t-“ you furrowed your eyebrows as you became extremely drowsy, eyelids growing heavy despite your protests and eventually, sleep over took you.
When you finally woke up there was fresh wounds on your body, you now had cuts on your arms and many lots of blood on your face. You tried to wiggle your wrists free, the man was gone but who knew for how long. You wrists were raw and you slumped down in disappointment. You heard footsteps. “They’re coming for her here. Boss over heard someone talking, they’re on their way. Okay. Which one. Got it. See you there.” The door swung open as the same man entered smirking at you. “Okay sweet cheeks were gonna take you somewhere else, the one thing we want isn’t here, but your other ‘friends’ are so get a move on.” He spoke undoing the ropes with a knife. This was your chance. You rubbed your wrists as he let them free, quickly moving to the restraints on your ankles. The world was spinning and you could t see straight but you would be damned if he took you somewhere else. As he got closer to your ankles you quickly used all your strength to knee him square in the nose. He fell over, clutching his nose and dropping the knife. You quickly grabbed it and let your ankles free, not hesistating to stab his knee as he made an attempt to grab you. You kicked him in the face one last time before stumbling out of the room, making sure to grab the keys and lock it. You stumbled through the dimly lit halls, leaning by the wall for support, holding your side where you think he had broken a rib. You heard footsteps approaching and you cursed softly trying to find a place to hide. Messily stumbling, you quietly entered a small closet and waited until they passed. Everything was hazy and you somehow managed to find an exit sign and follow it out.
You didn’t know what time it was. It was dark and you could make out some shapes when your vision could focus for a few seconds. Bucky. He was all you could think about. You had to get to him before HYDRA did. You wouldn’t let them hurt him any longer. You stumbled through a forest heading in the general direction you remembered flying. It had taken 20 minutes flying so it who knows how long it would take you walking, and walking drugged at that. Your legs grew heavy as you walked along a dirt road, making the vague shape of a car in the distance. You winced as you waved your arms around.
The car pulled over, rolling the window down. It was a girl around your age, her face in horror as she saw your state, and honestly you probably would be scared if you saw yourself too. “Holy shit what happened to you?” The girl quickly got out of the car helping you in the passenger seat. “Take me to address” you managed to slur out, Jesus how strong was that drug? You used all your force to tell her Buckys address, refusing to go to the hospital. She drive quickly and probably ran a few res lights but got to the super soldiers house in a few minutes. You thanked her closing the door and once again stumbling to the door.
You knocked quickly and quietly on the door, slumping against the side, you were about to pass out again. You were shivering, covered in blood and wanted to be held and be told you were okay. The door opened and Buckys face went from shock, to relief to scared in a few mere seconds. Your legs were giving out under you and you struggled to stay upright. “Didn’t know who else to go to” you slurred softly before your eyes grew heavier and Bucky caught you in his arms carrying you to the restroom.
Bucky took note of the many cuts on your arms and legs, making sure to be gentle and not hurt you. He saw your cloudy eyes and immediately knew they had drugged you, your shirt was ripped and your face was cut in all places, dried blood covering most of your usual skin color. He quickly remembered a shot Stark had given him to counter the drug HYDRA would use to make Bucky submit to them after one incident on a mission. Rummaging through everything he found it and quickly injected you with it. Your breathing grew steady and your eyelids relaxed. Sinking into a sleep that was different to the one earlier.
You woke up in a few minutes and saw Bucky smiling at you. He rushed to open the first aid kit “oh doll what did they do to you?” He cooed softly, setting some cotton swabs and gently cleaning your face of the blood. “long story short, uh i pissed the guy off and he did all this” you laughed, only to wince at the pain in your side. Bucky quickly put some medication on the cuts on your face covering them with a band aid before moving to clean up your lips with a damp towel. He looked up at you and then slowed his movements of softly dabbing at your lips. He could t stop staring at your lips, imagining how soft they must feel even all you went through hell. Without thinking twice you leaned in and softly pressed your lips against his, just enough so he could back out if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He kissed you back, full of passion. You both pulled away, a blush forming on both of your faces. He smiled up at you and moved onto your arms. The wounds weren’t deep but they would take a while to heal. He quickly cleaned them and squeezing your hand when he washed them with alcohol.
“I know you wanna shower but you’re gonna have to wait a bit okay?” He said picking you up and setting you on his bed, “you can change into some of my clothes if you want” he said sweetly as you smiled and nodded your head. He retrieved a shirt and some boxers that would fit you and helped you sit up. You tried to reach for the shirt only for the sharp pain to return once again. You felt the tears prick at your eyes, and they didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky. “I can help you if you want darling” his voice soft and pure. You said a soft please as he helped you take off your current clothes and replace it with his soft ones that smelled like him. He took you to the couch and set you down softly. “I already told stark you were here so they might be here soon to take you to the compound” he sounded sorry. “What’s wrong Buck?” You looked up at him, emotions you couldn’t decipher on his face.
“This is my fault- i thought if i pushed you away, if i was mean enough you wouldn’t fall for someone like me. You wouldn’t get hurt. But you’re just a sweet and caring and no matter what you always were nice to me and it hurt me so much, i couldn’t keep pushing you away. And now the second i got too close and told someone i liked you HYDRA somehow finds out and you get tortured and kidnapped? You deserve so much better doll.” He was scared and sad, sad you would leave him. You slowly say up, using his metal arm as support. “Listen to me James. This is not your fault, it’s not your fault there’s people out there who are just evil, it’s not your fault for having defense mechanisms and most definitely is not your fault you like me, because i like you too” you said softly, brushing his hair with your fingers.
He looked at you in shock, admiration and happiness. “You- you do?” He quiestioned quickly sitting up making sure to not hurt you. “Of course,” you smiled and he held you close to him, hugging you tightly but not enough to hurt you. “I swear Y/N when we find out who did this I’m going to personally beat the hell out of them, shit I’ll fucking kill them for hurting someone as precious as you. You’re an angel, I’m never going to let you out of my sight again, got it?” He said sternly. You smiled at him, loving this new protective and soft Bucky. “got it” you whispered leaning in to kiss him once more.
A knock at the door caused Bucky to shoot up, you stood up behind him wanting to see who it was. He quickly moved his arm to find you and moved you out of line of sight, right behind him, his flesh arm reaching out to you making sure you were still there and his metal arm whirring, ready to fight anyone for you. As he opened the door he saw the team, he let everyone in as they rushed to make sure you were okay, you quickly explained everything and they all looked at you in pity. “I gave him one hell of a fight though” you smiled at Thor, knowing he would be proud of you for not losing your wit. “That’s the Lady Y/N that I know and love!” The god boomed out laughing as everyone else joined him.
They took you to the compound and gave you a formal examination, your rib was fractured but not badly and would heal in a couple of weeks. You headed slowly to where the team was and you sat next to Bucky, sinking into his side. “I’m okay just can’t go on missions for a while,” you told them pulling on the sleeves of Buckys oversized shirt as they all breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful it wasn’t anything too serious.
Everyone looked at each other with smug looks as your sat closer to Bucky. Steve was the one to speak up, “so is that Buckys shirt?” You blushed a deep red and opened your mouth to speak, but Bucky best you to it. “It 100% is, and she is officially my girl, so no more giving her your sweaters Rogers” you spoke, joking with a serious undertone. You looked at him smiling as Wanda freaked out next to Vision. “About damn time” Clint laughed taking a bite of some chips that he had gotten.
They turned the TV on and argued over what movie to watch. You leaned near Buckys ear, “so your girl huh?” You smiled looking up at him. “I figured that you know- after we kissed- it was like you know official” he said stuttering, thinking he made a mistake. “Oh baby, of course, but at least say the line” you teased him as he smiled at you playing with his hair. “Okay i will” He said popping a piece of popcorn in your mouth.
“Will you be my girl?” He spoke out kissing you all over your face, you giggled and threw a popcorn at him, which he impressively caught in his mouth. “After that catch? I definitely will.” You smiled kissing him softly. Only to hear fake vomiting sounds from Sam. “Oh great now we’re gonna have to deal with these two.” He teased as you threw popcorn at him and Bucky threw him the middle finger.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Shinwon: Where Lost Things Go
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Characters: Shinwon x gender neutral reader
Genre/warnings: woodland au, fantasy, fluff, very slight angst like you gotta squint to see it
Word count: 1,443
Summary: Whenever something gets lost in the woods, it goes right to Shinwon. The only people allowed to touch his things are the animals, and his friends. So when he comes back to find you, a plain human rummaging through his things, he’s less than happy. Although, the hummingbirds and deer seem to act differently toward you, so...
a/n: all of these were inspired by the concept photos for Pentagon’s new album, and @softseventeens was the one to give me the idea and actually gave me like, half the ideas for the stories :] (idk if y’all have seen that one Halloweentown movie, but yes, this was inspired by that angry troll dude who collected everything that got misplaced)
Jinho | Hui | Hongseok | Shinwon | Changgu | Yanan | Yuto | Hyunggu | Wooseok
All you wanted was to find your sweatshirt. You’d tied it around your waist, and you didn’t realize it had fallen off during your jog until you were already off the trails and back in your car to go home. So you had to wait until the next day to go back and look for it, hoping it would be on the trail you’d jogged. But it wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
There was a small bright side to it, though: you were seeing more wildlife. More deer and even a couple hummingbirds had crossed your path, and you’d stop each time and just watch silently before you carried on looking. But after walking up the trail, back down it, and back up it again just to make sure you didn’t miss it, you sighed and rested on a large rock.
“Where is it?” you asked yourself softly.
The sweatshirt didn’t have any sentimental value or anything, you just owned it and wanted it back. It wasn’t like it belonged to a parent or friend, it wasn’t a gift from a grandparent, and it wasn’t anything expensive. It was just yours, and you wanted to find it because of that. Yeah, life would go on without it, but it was comfy and probably your most worn article of clothing.
While you were silently considering if you should just give up or not, your eyes flashed up when you saw slight movement out of the corner of your eye. There was a cute little doe that had taken a step toward you, though she was still a couple yards away from you. It was still the closest any of the animals had gotten to you today. You stayed as still as possible as she took another step. Then she turned away from you, but turned her head back as if to see if you were still there. She turned back around, and then whipped her head around as she spun around to face away from you again, taking a few steps before looking back at you once more.
You’d never seen or heard of a deer acting like this, so you stood up, assuming maybe she wanted something. You knew some animals had a concept of humans being able to help them, so maybe she needed help...?
Unbeknownst to you, she was trying to help you.
Slowly, you followed the doe as she trotted off into the forest, straying away from the path. You looked around, trying to remember your way as you followed the doe that continued to look to make sure you were following every so often.
You were led to a large tree that had a pretty impressive amount of items gathered up at the base of it. You figured your sweatshirt must be in the pile of things, and apparently, the doe was leading you to it. How did she know you needed to find something you lost...?
You felt a little odd thanking an animal, but you gave the doe a soft smile and a quiet, “thank you,” though you wished you had something to give her as a thanks.
She only blinked at you before she walked up to the pile of lost items and began pushing things around like she was looking for something, too. That was when you noticed a handful of hummingbirds were flying just above the pile of things, diving in and trying to move things around like they were even looking as well. So you got down on your knees, not caring if the dirt stained your pants. You began rummaging through the stuff, hoping you could find your sweatshirt you wanted.
If the rest of the boys weren’t so worried about Yanan being ‘too shy’, Shinwon could’ve just stayed home. It wasn’t that he was annoyed that he had to hang out with his friends for the day while they tried to boost the awkward, tall boy’s confidence, but he was annoyed that he had to be away from his home most of the day. It was mid-afternoon when could finally go home, but his day only seemed to get worse.
If there was one thing Shinwon didn’t like: it was humans going through his stuff. Everything that was lost in the forest went to Shinwon, thus, becoming Shinwon’s. So when a human showed up and began digging around, they were basically stealing from Shinwon.
Kind of like how he found you, along with a couple deer and about five hummingbirds, going through what was gathered outside his house from the last two days.
“Hey!” he barked.
You jumped at the sudden voice, along with the animals. The hummingbirds stayed in air, still flapping their wings but no longer going toward the mess of items on the forest floor. The two deer stayed frozen, the doe just staring back at this large, angry-looking guy, and the buck on the other side of you having articles of clothing hanging from his antlers. You expected the animals to bolt at the loud noise, but they didn’t seem afraid of him.
You, on the other hand, were definitely afraid. Not only did this guy look tall and very angry, but he looked like some kind of troll that must’ve lived out here. His brown pants were rolled up at his ankles, showing off the fact he had no shoes. His brown hair stuck out messily in all directions with twigs and various leaves sprinkled in. His face had the parts of his skin you could see were covered in patches of dirt, as well.
He marched over to you, and you shrunk back into the pile of things you were just looking through. He towered over you as you basically sat in the pile, trying to hide yourself in the discarded items.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, his brows set low over his eyes. “This is my house, and that’s my stuff!”
“I-I...” you stammered, unsure how exactly to explain yourself. You didn’t think he owned all of this, but if your sweatshirt was in here...he didn’t own that. “I just... I-I wanted to find my sweatshirt...”
“But you’re--!”
He cut himself off, seeing the two deer step toward you slowly. In his rage, he hardly paid any attention to the fact that these woodland creatures that were known for being scared and skittish were helping some random human. That was definitely a big deal. But why would they like you so much? What was it about you that made them not afraid of you and want to help you?
Whatever it was, it was something Shinwon couldn’t ignore. If the animals liked you, then...that was definitely something rare and special.
He let out a deep sigh, dropping his head as he grumbled, “Fine, I’ll help you look for it. When did you lose it?”
You were surprised by the sudden change, but you replied, “Y-yesterday...”
The boy nodded slowly, lifting his head. His brown eyes were narrowed as his eyes flickered from the stuff outside the tree, to the trunk of the tree itself.
“It might be inside,” he mused before he waved for you to follow him, though he started walking before you could even get yourself on your feet -- the buck was nice enough to assist you, though. “Come on, the door is this way.”
The strange boy led you around to the back of the tree, opening a door that you couldn’t even tell was there since it was textured like the trunk. Your mouth fell open in surprise, realizing that all of this was something out of some kind of fairy tale. 
“Your little friends you made are probably hungry from helping you search,” he continued as he descended a set of uneven stairs that looked like they were made out of dirt and the roots of the tree. “I should probably feed them before we keep searching. And...I guess I can make you something, too.”
“Oh,” you were surprised he would offer, but you were still grateful he at least wasn’t scolding you anymore, “thank you, um...”
“Shinwon,” he paused on the last step to turn and look at you. His expression was neutral now. “You can call me Shinwon.”
“Shinwon,” you nodded, trying to remember the name and his face.
Then again, Shinwon didn’t seem like the type of person you could simply forget. And to Shinwon, he was sure he wasn’t going to forget you either, even after you’d found your sweatshirt and inevitably left.
The animals, though -- they knew this wouldn’t be the last time you and Shinwon crossed paths. They knew you’d come back to try to find him, and lost things in the forest always went right to Shinwon.
76 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 4 years
June 20th-June 26th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 20th, 2020 to June 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is something you’re just not very good at right now writing and/or drawing in general?
Deo101 [Millennium]
mysteries. 100% I can not write mysteries!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
the connection between legs and torso. No not hips, I can draw hips fine, but like the movement aspect of it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Action scenes. Orchestrating fights or big motions on the page... it doesn’t come naturally to me! I have to look at a lot of reference to see how other artists do it. Impact shapes, speed lines, anything to convey movement...
But I am slowly building a vocabulary of... fight shapes? I’m calling them fight shapes, haha
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I feel that
Your feeling I feel deeply
"visual library" is a term that comes to mind
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Composition. I just talked about this earlier today, but.... yup. Composition is my bane.
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
I'd like to get better at writing in general. I have a lot of trouble verbalizing things I see in my head, and so I gotta rely on images and thumbnails to get any idea across, sometimes. otherwise im a windbag and use 5000 words to say 0-1 things, lmao
I have trouble writing simply. I always want to embellish, add extra details, more characters and make everything more complicated and i worry it ends up making things unnecessarily convoluted
Drawing-wise i hate drawing hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The legit thing I am worse at writing is fucking
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
essays to convince people to hire me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
let her finish deo
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
comedic timing at its finest
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I was very confused for a sec(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but seriously like speaking of filling gaps this is what I'm legit struggling most with right now so any help much appreciated
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
raises hand
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I need to write a personal statement and every time I sit down to edit I want to die
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I volunteer as tribute
writing is basically the only thing I'm really good at
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
It's not the writing I hate
It's the writing about me
is that the thing where you have to write in 3rd person? like those blurb things on people's websites?(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
It just feel so gross whoring out my deeply held passions and struggles for a spot in med school
No I'm talking about college essays lmao sorry for derailing
The blurb things are an interesting topic though!
Have you guys writtent those before and does anyone actually like writing them?
i had to write a blurb about myself for my university's website and yeah it was uncomfy
lemme see if i can find it
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I HATE writing those
because I just start like, "Crona J. is an artist and writer from Chicago......." And I have no idea how to continue
Deo101 [Millennium]
god yeah even just writing a profile or about me is hard enough!!!
I'm always like "deo - 22 - she/her - illustrator - webcomic author - student" and then i leave it
thats it thats all you get
depending on the platform i MIGHT put bi - disabled and thats it!!!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
half of the stuff I write doesn't even feel relevant to the audience either
who cares that I have been drawing since I was 12 lol?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Mate I don't even write those. My bio is like "UCSD" "Read my comic"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also always feel like when I see "ive been drawing since I was 5!" I kinda think like... well everyone has been -_- like this doesnt tell me anything, how long have you been an aspiring pro, how long have you been studying art...? that tells me more
so I never put that kind of stuff in my biod either
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
yeah, and also, I didn't go to prestigious school, so I don't even include my college
and I only have one comic project so far, just under a chapter
so what do I write?
Not that important an issue, but irksome nonetheless
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't include my school because it's prestigious, I include it because it's not an art college
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I want fellow stem-y yet artsy people from my school to recognize me as one of them(edited)
DEO stop interupptung me at the worst points!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
i love jumping to conclusions. so no.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
If it's a bio where I can talk about the comics, I try to spotlight a few tropes/genres that'll catch the eye of potential readers. Not a full-fledged summary, just a quick hit of If You Like These Words, You'll Probably Like Reading It. ("Fantasy, comedy, shapeshifters, PTSD, time travel, cats")
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And if it's gonna be personal, same deal with bits of personal info -- not trying to be a Comprehensive Biography, just pulling a few details that are relatable connection points
The problem with "I've always wanted to be a writer/artist/cartoonist" isn't just how generic it is, the problem is also the vibe of "here's my thing, your role in this is to support me"
Whereas if you say something like "I like drawing cute girls and writing fantasy," the response can be "oh hey, I like seeing cute girls and reading fantasy, tell me more!"
Or if you go with "Sailor Moon fan, will put extra cheese on everything," people can go "cool, that's relatable, we can like Sailor Moon and cheese together." It gets at your shared investment in a fun thing, it's not about expecting them to be personally invested in you
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think perhaps the most fundamental thing is "you can't please everyone." I've never liked the 'random food related weird tidbit tacked on' thing because it feels too try-hardish to me, but I understand for other people, it's not a matter of trying too hard and is genuinely how they just talk.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Oh definitely, you hold out for a bio that connects with everyone and you'll never get it done
Personally I'm not great at drawing cars. It's why all my cars early on in the comic were side view only, and old blocky looking things. It was all I could do. I've been getting better by using references.
Every so often I buy a little hotweels or matchbox car when I'm buying groceries. I aim for realistic ones based on real vehicles, especially utility vehicles like ice cream trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, and whatnot you'd see every day in a city. I keep a little box of them on my desk, so if the scene calls for a car to be visible, I have a reference that can help me get all the curves and angles right.
Sure beats drawing from memory, but also practice time in the sketchbook with them is a necessity.
Now crowd scenes are beginning to be my bane. Not because they're hard to draw, just because they're time consuming.
Suddenly I realize why old episodes of Sailor Moon has cities with people free sidewalks and empty streets.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's a great idea, gathering the model cars! I should do that for a future comic.
I also struggle with cars so, uh, my comic takes place in fantasy 1700-1800s
But also horses are bad too
Cars and horses! They suck
Deo101 [Millennium]
do what I did and make up an easier animal to draw than a horse ;)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Vehicles in general. Should just put everyone on roller blades and be done with it
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'd lov that tbh
I’ve considered making something other than horses......
Deo101 [Millennium]
I highly encourage it, the people love it and also so does my brain
Or else lean into them being ugly
Deo101 [Millennium]
heres the trick about horses though they look really weird and as small as you make their legs, when you think "this is way too thin..." youre wrong and their ankles are probably smaller than that
The thing that gets me is their faces
Deo101 [Millennium]
... mask
I should just make deer the normal mode of transport
Deo101 [Millennium]
that would be really cute tbh
I love deer and they’re cute
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just exaggerate them to the point where it looks like a style choice
Your people already have unrealistic proportions
Why not the horses too
That’s how I draw buildings tbh because I hate buildings
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also gave horses dog mouths, maybe do something like that? someone can be like "horses dont look like that?" and as long as youre consistent you can say "they do in this world!!!"
Oh god no that’s like a devil creature
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah they look horrible but its fun
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I legit remember saying that to you deo lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
ive had dog horse for years you didnt give me this
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Not the they look horrible part
I’ve already got beasts, I don’t need horses to look WORSE than they did
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Bwah I remember
Time to archive dig(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I love dog horse
Honestly it’s good but they scare me
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah... maybe instead give them cat mouths
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait omg this is the message that led to your first dm to me lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
is it??? omg i think it is... historical moment
dog horse brings us together
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Another point to convince kay to draw uncanny animals!
Deo101 [Millennium]
what I do to make birds fun to draw is making them sparkly
maybe try that
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
god you're gonna ruin kay's carefully crafted aesthetic
is this your competitiveness showing its face again(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
they can make it work! why do you doubt their abilities
make this the main mode of transport
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ah is that how it works in that case i have 10 shitty indie game ideas
make them pls
Deo101 [Millennium]
implying my ideas are shitty??? rude!
I have an aesthetic?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Or if you want to be very efficient, everyone in universe can teleport
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lmao you have an excellent aesthetic
i do that already
Crona.... that’s my comic already!! Haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
kay does also have teleporting to be clear
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
don't underestimate my laziness!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It must be great advice
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh crap you're right kay also does have teleporting
and unrealistic beasts, to be fair
Sometimes on the same page
That’s the eyes I draw on the beasts
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Or be even lazier, and make it so that horses and beasts either don't exist or haven't been domesticated in that region. Everyone walks. Their feet hurt, but their calves are glorious.
Deo101 [Millennium]
you get it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait crona and deo also have comics where teleportation could exist
will you join us?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
lol, yup
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
(nah, I've already drawn horses. They're not so bad if you stare at photos)
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
drawing horses is fun!!
[multiple people are typing]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
And there will also be hella walking, because the leg game must be strong, otherwise I'm not doing my job
Deo101 [Millennium]
ive decided that millennium is like really in the future but things like time travel, teleportation, warp speed... nope! You can go really fast in a spaceship but like nothin crazy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
man these planets real close together then
or maybe people just live a really long time ...?
Deo101 [Millennium]
I just do my version of teleporting which is "wow it'll take a week to get there" and then its a week later
dont worry about it
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
its not realistic, but its consistent
🌈ERROR404 🌈
ahhhh horses are really nice to draw imo, if i can get it right lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
I like drawing horses a lot I just never do it tbh
🌈ERROR404 🌈
something needs to fuel my addiction to cowboy culture
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Consistency is key tbh
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I just do my version of teleporting which is "wow it'll take a week to get there" and then its a week later
when my whole comic takes place in like a week lmao
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
if you decide that gravity doesn't exist in your world, as log as you're consistent with it, you're golden
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
in the unlikely event i get tired of drawing my comic i can adopt deo's strat "wow it'll take a week to get to the ending"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
My comic takes place in about a year (not counting flashbacks which span... uh... a very long time)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
"man sure seems like this conflict will take approximately a week to be resolved" "one week later"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
"sure did get resolved"
the end
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i wonder if anyone's done that
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One Korean series I followed for years did it
and everyone was pissed, as you can imagine
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
better than cancellation?
Deo101 [Millennium]
what a way to go
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'd honestly have preferred cancellation/ abandonment
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just have a fan finish it for you at that rate lmao
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
OH that's a good discussion topic. If you got tired of your comic, or life got in the the way of you working on it anymore, how would you end it as quickly as possible?
Deo101 [Millennium]
maybe rephrase that a little
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I would toss it at my little sis, and she would do it for me, no joke
Deo101 [Millennium]
My little sister also would probably take over it for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
let's move to general?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
but also I could just be like "They got an email that john died of old age its over now"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
MVP sisters!
an email
what a way to end it
eliushi [Keyspace]
For me it’s panels. Past me thought that the four panel structure would make things easy. Nope. It’s limiting how I want to tell the story so... I’m trying to branch out now and looking for other inspirations for panel and layout
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just change the shape of your panels. It forces you to be creative.
eliushi [Keyspace]
True true! I have those in upcoming updates
But my heart swoons for the page spreads
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
oh yes
They are so gorgeous, but difficult to plan
eliushi [Keyspace]
Initially I was planning on storyboards but now I’m more comfortable with comics I think I’ll be aiming for traditional layouts
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, storyboards are an entirely different beast
I'm currently working on clearly portraying character motivation
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I think for me I don't draw animals often and rip have to draw a few for the upcoming pages so I'm just doing my best at this point lol
Panel arrangement is the heart of comics as an art form. It takes practice, and study to learn how the eye flows from one thing to the next.
And once you have a thorough understanding of the rules you can learn how to carefully break them to produce something truly eye catching.
If I had to say the simplest rule to understanding flow is, if you need arrows to tell you which direction to read, then you're doing something wrong.
This is candy for my self-deprecating mentality. Lol Honestly though. I'm not the best at writing in general, I don't like doing it physically, avoiding it at all cost (outside of dialogue and poorly done bullet points on scrap paper.) so I don't really know if/think I'm particularly good at it. I remember the last time I tried to physically write something was back in high school, I still have it saved on my computer, but it was something else. Too many dialogue scenes and overly detailed descriptions of things and characters. I only made it a little ways before giving up with "You know, this will be easier to just show than describe.". Story and character wise for my current comic, I'm not sure how well it's turning out or how good it will be in the end, my brain defaults my work to mediocre so I tend to be totally blind to what I'm doing right. I know my characters aren't the best for sure since they're all fleshy flaw bags with too many flaws, and I know I could have presented certain scene changes and such better, but that's all I can think of objectively. The art portion is something I at least know I can execute decently, but my color composition is the worst. I'm aware that I need to improve it, and I know what needs to be done, but it's something I can't really accomplish with my comic since I just want to focus on finishing pages. I'll have to make time to draw up some throw-away illustrations to experiment with, which I hope to have a little bit of now that I'm not on a regular update schedule. Also I can't draw vehicles and architecture for the life of me, I've referenced and studied but I still can't wrap my head around it. ALSO extreme angles and perspectives are still things I need work on, like 4-point circular perspective, ground level shots and over the head shots.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's a lot of things I want to improve, but something I haven't seen mentioned yet: I would like to get better at deciphering feedback, how to glean useful things from multiple conflicting feedback.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Ooh that's a good one keii
I haven't really had to deal with that before though because all the negative feedback I've gotten is pretty consistent
Can I ask what the conflicting feedback you got is?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oh gosh, I legit spent a long, long moment trying to figure out where to even start
eliushi [Keyspace]
I really like this approach to feedback
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yo Eli this is so good
eliushi [Keyspace]
Mary robinette is goals
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
this is spectacular already
eliushi [Keyspace]
Pretty sure a wiser writer passed this onto me I have since used it a lot and it works for me
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
This is so so good Perfectly said about crits in creative fields
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One example I can think of isn't actually something that was criticized, but showed up a lot in various ways: "this is (supposed to be) an exciting adventure romp centering Danbi" vs "this is an emotional journey story centering Ethan" ... Not a criticism, but two very conflicting interpretations. People who have one interpretation are shocked and confused when I tell them about the other one.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Holy crap, Eli... This is one for the folder of absolute knowledge
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
woah, excellent advice
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
And yeah, that is a really good one. Symptoms are extremely useful, and diagnoses tend to be more useful in a conversation rather than a one-way "here is my diagnosis" thing
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I haven't heard it said before but the explaining eliminating a clean reaction rings so true to me
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Ahhh, this is literally the one document I have needed my entire life
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
also the helping someone tell the story they want
also the stream of consiousness, MAn
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I think I'll save that for my future high schoolers lol
some of the stuff said there is what I've noticed in the last few years critquing in academic settings but its nice to kno!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
People have given me stream of consciousness reactions before and they were the most helpful. Almost all the changes in the story from others' reactions were from stream of consciousness reactions, not intentional critiques
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, one of the most helpful "critique" I ever got was also completely unintentional
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
One of the most useful tips in this guide for me in particular is the "As a writer don't:" section. I struggle with it a lot.
On the note of things we are bad at in the comic-making process, I am very bad at taking critiques!(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
tbh for a long time, my biggest struggling point that's not in the "as a writer don't:" is "don't throw yourself into the void of self-hate." I'm better now, but boy, when it was bad, it was bad.
But perhaps that kinda thing better fits into "as a person don't:"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I am pretty good at taking critiques, but pretty bad at giving critiques! Right now the point I'm at is I'm just gonna not give critiques until I'm more mature
But then after I decided that an amateur writer friend told me his story idea that I not only disliked but was sort of offended by
and I really wanted to tell him but I didn't know how to do it nicely...
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
oh no
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
yeah, that's really tough
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I tend to do kinda a sandwich method. I had to say some rough things few days ago on a practice pitch run and I pretty much said
Deo101 [Millennium]
Uh oh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
"Your idea is developing for sure, but I think you need to reconsider some of the world building choices you done. Have you thought of researching such and such."
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
That's basically what I said
But I think I had to say "research ffs" in increasing intensity like 3 times lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh, nice, the "let's give them compliments too so that they know I'm not just being mean" method
It's a good method tbh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Rip it's not that like
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo might have something to say about this but it was about schizophrenics in a mental institution being portrayed in a real weird way by someone who didn't know anything about it(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ah man
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'll always stand by "asking people who've lived what you're writing about is the best form of research and can't be replaced"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Yeah I would said the to the person consider researching more on the topic and interview folks who have schizophrenia
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Dude I brought you up lmao
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and also like "is there a reason you want to depict it this way?"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I know I'm agreeing idk... Idk what else I'd have to say on the topic
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's a very good question to ask someone
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and depending on their responses, I would just put my two scents in there that rip
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I always ask "what are your goals?" Before I ask anything else
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
critiques are kinda my strong point sinc eLMAO I do em all the time in my class
and teaching so yeah LOL
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo I mean I brought you up to this guy like saying "my friend messaged people online and they were super willing to talk to her you could do that"
Deo101 [Millennium]
OHHHHH gotcha
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I try my best to figure out what they want out of it and just deliever with some handful of suggestions
but I won't sugarcoat it unless you're a high school student or younger lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I'm often told I'm a lil too harsh but like idk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I wouldn't say sugar coating it per say... More just telling them what their strengths are too, so that they have an idea of where they're at
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
telling someone their strengths is just as useful as telling them their flaws
that way they can highlight them
like just because you story has no flaws doesn't mean it's good right?
gotta have stuff that stands out in a good way as well
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Someone once phrased it as "Let's list everything that's wrong here, and find out how we can fix them" vs "How do we take this to the next level?" and that really resonated with me. It's not about sugarcoating; it's more about helping them get to the next level in the direction they wanna go.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I try to point out things that are going well, and I usually try to only point at things that ppl can work on immediately
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I should phrase my statement more clearly. But yeah Kei that's what I usually look for when critiquing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's often no need to tell them "your writing is only at level 3, and that's bad because the max level is 99." Just tell them how to get to level 4.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I dont' see it like its something bad but something that is challenging to them at the time
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Unless they have extremely unrealistic expectations or whatever that are standing in their own way
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
just have to figure out how to get out of the hump
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yep. I see this phenomenon in animation a lot. A good animation director will help you boost your existing work to something stronger, but still yours. A bad one will tell you to do it their way, and chide you for doing it ‘wrong.’
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I know a person like that and lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's why I always ask "what are your goals" to start
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
🌈ERROR404 🌈
I totally agree!!!! A LOT of the most important bits of great criticism is understanding exactly where the original creator was intending to go, and formatting your statements around helping them achieve that!!!!!!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Critiques are impossible if you don't know what the person is trying to achieve
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Just stating things that you would change if you were making it may seem useful and relevant to you the critic, but unless the creator is headed the exact same direction as you, they have just as much reason to invalidate the entire statement as they do to nit pick out the things they care to agree with
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sometimes a prospective critic is simply too far removed from the target audience of the work, like on a fundamental level, and it makes it impossible to give them useful feedback. I think it's important to acknowledge that this can happen. It happens to me a lot and I just decline to give crits when it does.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, like don't ask me to critique a comic about sports lmao
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree on that notion, esepcially when seeing professional aritsts giving crits to folks starting out but it doesn't go as er ideal as they thought it would be
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's why I usually only seek out criticsm (for more than just general direction/advice) from people who's work I like
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I remember reading advice on getting beta readers, and it’s really REALLY important that they’re excited for your stuff. They want to make it better. They care. They can give critique, but they absolutely must be jazzed about your subject matter in some way, or else it’ll be a slog for everyone.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
for me, I have my peers who I contact daily and we give each other advice, tips
despite having er difference interests in fields, but we experienced a lot in our program lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes... (Speaking of if anyone wanted to beta read my next comic uhhhh let me know id love to have u)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
very good point claire
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
100 percent agree Get people who are excited and know your vision
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I have a small group of writer friends who know all my goals and a lot of my stuff? So they make a very good little critique circle, and we all help eachother
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm always ready to beta read if it's a concept I enjoy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like people who critique comics they hate. I'm like, damn, tough work but also ?? why
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(Be careful about people who are excited about what they think is your vision.............)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Fish is this a callout for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Keii I experienced the oppisisite like rip
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's just mystifying to me, I don't think it's wrong or anything
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also crona I'll send u when I'm at my comp
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
What do you mean Tuyetnhi?
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Ohh that would be oof to deal with Kei
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I had to let a person down to reality bc I know they're excited about their idea but uhhhh
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
(Is it the fish romance?)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it wasn't engaging to me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes that one qjdjfkskdkk
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
nor my illustration friends
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I don’t have beta readers but I think that’s how it all goes lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and we were like
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh that's awkward
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Ooooooohhhhhhh... oof
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I have a couple friends I send pages to sometimes but they're always really positive about it
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
It was a rough critique
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Having creative friend circles is so essential for growth and screaming at eachothers works for motivation too
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also just the ability to talk about your process without having to explain yourself
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
agreed lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I occasionally tap my fiance's shoulder and shove my sketches in his face with zero context, just to make sure he can figure out what's going on without me explaining. Super helpful
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I feel like I have a couple friends where, when I read their stuff, I know things that would amp their work up tenfold. But until they ask me... I’m screaming inside lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
my friend always makes me feel like i'm a better writer than i am because she thinks so much like me she gets everything i write perfectly lol. But then I post and the comments are like "wtf i'm confused"(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah feedback is most effective when both sides are open and invested
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Claire Senpai Wants To Help
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
also same crona(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Claire senpaiiii
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
But until then I remain still and supportive
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
why don't you ask them "can i suggest things?"
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I try and keep my mouth shut
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
or "do you want suggestions?"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
eliushi [Keyspace]
I usually say what I like about it first and then. Are you looking for feedback?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tbh hearing "can I suggest things?" Usually comes off kinda like "I see stuff wrong with this :)" which can hurt a little even then
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
🌈ERROR404 🌈
At least for my comic, i have sent bits and pieces for critique from creators i am friends with , but i'm really hesitant promoting myself because I don't feel like I'm not at a place to even get a critique i'll be able to make anything of. O(--( i really don't know what I'd do if someone tried to seriously analyze my plot and break down the story right now
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's really hard, because a lot of people (myself included) get scared when someone else asks, "Do you need help?"
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually trust ppl to say whether they're looking for feedback
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Its always so tricky to gague the reactions of that. Some people handle that better than others So i only offer when they open up
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Based on how people can get about even the offer of critique, yeah, I tend not to say anything. That’s their baby. If they want to open that door, then I’ll poke my head in
eliushi [Keyspace]
True too. I’m already in forums where feedback is wanted so I’m already in selection bias
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, I like to only offer crits if someone is asking for it for that reason
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for the record i'm always open to critiques
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
kinda mutal agreement on don't chime in unless asked lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, at least in my groups we send things like "hey this and this are bothering me? Can you help?" And other than that it's just support
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, that's a good idea
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
for both parties. For me, If it's something that I need thoughts I ask but otherwise, lmao my social circles ask me for help for their art stuff
Deo101 [Millennium]
We never agreed on that btw it's just kinda how it goes
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
That's a nice group way to handle that AND make the space more breathable for others who are more nervous about crit work
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
eliushi [Keyspace]
There’s a time and place for everything and feedback is no different
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah! Like here we have seperate chats for help and sharing
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
When someone asks me if I'm open to suggestions, my reaction is usually "nOOoooOo..." but not always. I think it helps a ton if there's an existing rapport, like if I already know this person gets, REALLY gets, my work.
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
And that's okay Keii!
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah I’m super thankful for my betas for that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yee same
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s very rewarding when people are also invested in your work to make it better within your means and style
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Honestly u gotta do whats best for u and ur mindset in the end.
Deo101 [Millennium]
It also is a little but awkward to say "no I'm not open to suggestions' cause it feels like you're saying "I don't care to improve" when in reality it's more like "no... I'm happy with this and I don't want it to be soured"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I love the fact that if I post in #creator_art_share, nobody will critique me unless I ask. And if I post in #art_help, I can get that help. So incredibly nice
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yes! Thats very respectful
eliushi [Keyspace]
So key
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Omg Deo.....such a mood LOL
Deo101 [Millennium]
I always feel so bad saying no thanks but it's like it looked good I thought
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
omg, I felt that in my soul
We beat ourselves up enough as it is
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Sometimes i know my work can be farty but... I dont also want perfection in every facet of my pieces too and thats okay! Some are learning pieces, others more indulgent
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think I'd be very hesitant to accept ideas that will utterly break my core plot... unless someone comes out and outright tells me something about it is offensive or wrong or otherwise bad. But critique on the connective tissue between the bones, so to speak, heck yes. I've gotten some much better ideas from that.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
e.e even if i post in art share i would be honored to receive a critique from any of you
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oh, if someone comes to me with suggestions that are that incompatible with my vision, I'm getting outta there.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but i don't wanna post every single thing i do in art help hm
but maybe i should
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I am SO getting outta there.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I did had some suggestions that didn't... really help with my comic most of it are just comments and not pure criticism
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just post it lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah it's probably best to leave crit in the crit section so as not to break that unspoken rule.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
To signal to the rest of us
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea your vision is key, and i find that people who crit the work need a basic understanding of it for it to be a True Crit
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yeah it's probably best to leave crit in the crit section so as not to break that unspoken rule.
good point
i wouldn't want people critiquing me to make others feel like it's okay to do that to everyone
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
A good attitude!!! Y'all are very respectable this is a wonderful topic
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
eliushi [Keyspace]
I think the best feedback is one where it makes your work become more effective within your vision. Sometimes it’s finding the betas who are invested but I also find betas who focus on different crafts also can offer a lot of wisdom. I find it comes down to being open and it’s never a bad thing to ask for clarification
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
[also writes this down for a potential lesson actvity for high schoolers] (edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, a critique is supposed to help the work become a better version of itself, not a better [something else]
Deo101 [Millennium]
Mostly with true beta reading I am looking for "how clear is my work coming off to someone who knows nothing of my lore and backstory etc?"
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I like the idea of having at least one beta reader who's a writer, and at least one who's not. The writer can dissect things a bit more than a 'civilian' could while the civilian can look at surface-level things and react as the audience majority might.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
multiple beta readers are a blessing lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cause with my friends, they already know everything I'm planning, so i worry a lot that they are putting together things that a regular reader wouldn't
So yeah same thing as a "civilian" reader, sort of!
eliushi [Keyspace]
For sure. Within my critique group I have novelists, webcomic creators and artists. Those who read the complete script and those who haven’t. It’s important to have all sides I find
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Dang you people with your luxury of multiple beta readers... I don't even have one (but it's mostly my fault; my scripts are unreadable)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
omg lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm sure you could use many of us as beta readers if you wanted to!
that surface-level 'first gut reaction' crit can be SO useful
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I change dialogue too frequently for a beta reader to have a fair chance, lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I started early with one years ago, but now I have like 5-10ish but they can't help me at the same time lmao
I agree upthread with when it was said that some of the most helpful crit was given unintentionally lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
same. i asked some people, including deo and crona, for a beta read of a script a while back but then ended up changing most of it lol(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Most of my betas I found in forums like these! I’m sure a lot of us want to help each other out!
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually only share stuff once I have at least a solid sketch and dialogue is in
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
so much changes in the thumbnail/layout stage for me. SO MUCH. whole scenes get swapped/cut/extended
I never keep it the same way
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't like to share scripts cause also I don't usually script much anyways lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) As a long-time reader of HoK, I would be more than happy to beta read if you ever wanted it. Just throwing that out there!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
same Lazuli like
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'd love to beta read for anyone too
I prefer sharing sketched pages because my scripts usually change SO much in between being written and going onto the page
like, sometimes they're outright unrecognizable
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
@Deo101 [Millennium] Same. The couple times I really wasn't unsure about a scene, I had to find someone and give them cleaned up thumbnails
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I don't share more than sketched pages with dialogue
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
SUPER cleaned up thumbnails
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
from thumbnail to final, like they aren't the same from before lmao
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Most helpful critique for me was just someone engaging with the story. "Man I love - and -, they're such good friends, but - pisses me the fuck off" and that was my intention, but i realized it was coming on a bit stronger than i liked and changed the next scene dramatically to make a future plot point where the last character needs to be trusted feel more earned(edited)
(anyone who seriously is down for beta reading, I have 3 finished chapters burning a hole in my buffer hhnnnnggggg)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah cause also like, 80% of the crit is usually "well this paneling is unclear" kind of stuff too
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
also i don't mind if anyone is asking me to beta read
Deo101 [Millennium]
Which you can't do from a script anyways
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
or (I don't usually do this often but)
I'm also a sensitivity beta reader too
so if you have questions about POC stuff, asian-american, er mixed-asian or mixed-black experiences
I'm willing to help lmao
but i'm just one perspective to the table
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
A lot of comments, not critiques, have influenced scenes I put later too. Things to clarify, expand, emphasize. I take every comment like that as an idea. I love knowing what the readers hope to learn.
eliushi [Keyspace]
I’m in the midst of a 180k plus word count novel beta and alphaing a couple works but once that’s all done, happy to take a look too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Getting trustful beta readers i gotta say again is so important bc sometimes when asking for some, u run into betas that are there to just exploit that privilege too (tho rare) And!!!! Be respectful of ur betas on the other side of the spectrum
Deo101 [Millennium]
Exploit how?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like to read your work early?
eliushi [Keyspace]
Definitely pick your betas wisely
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Usually just the free ride of Knowing the Story or the opportunity to just Constantly Crit (non helpful) bc of personal reasons
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'm imagining having someone sneak in as a beta and reveal they're a rabid toxic fan trying to influence the plot to their liking. As an absolute worst scenario
Deo101 [Millennium]
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea.... There's def ppl out there that would do that THOUGH RARE again. I think that's more of like Competition in the field or spite? But ive heard it happening and its not cool
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like people just looking for a free ticket to complain about your work?
i can see that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Oh yeah, I had folks like that before
after that I'm just like "thank you for your time" and block them after LMAO
Deo101 [Millennium]
That sucks :(
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea And u can always tell a sincere crit from a one that comes from a place of malice and ill intent pretty easy.
eliushi [Keyspace]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Still!!! A horrible experience
Deo101 [Millennium]
:< yeah
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah.. I've never had anything like that happen, but wow... that's a terrifying notion
eliushi [Keyspace]
You tend to want to know your betas more than just them being a reader too. I like to think my betas are my friends and it’s a two way street where I help them too
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Some betas sign papers of confidentiality to avoid these instances of people running off with ur work too
eliushi [Keyspace]
There are paid betas but that’s business side and yeah Krispy
Deo101 [Millennium]
eliushi [Keyspace]
I don’t have them for mine
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Its scary bc we're all so small and our work is mainly for free U have to be wary of this
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I could easily see myself getting sucked into a bad situation like that I trust people too easily sometimes
but ugh... ya gotta learn
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s good to know the risks. That being said, I think the rewards of having a good beta far exceed the bad apples. You have to set good boundaries
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Not that any of yall would do this omgjghg
Deo101 [Millennium]
Same Claire ajdjdnsdjjjdjdjdjddj
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
gonna steal all y'alls IDEAS
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s also totally valid to say, hey something came up and I can’t beta anymore
Key is communication
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
lmao ya gotta kill me for my ideas
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Isossn Watch out for that Claire lady
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Omg Eli yesssSSSSS that!!! Is important for both creator and beta to have that communication
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh no, my precious ideas!!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eh even if u steal my ideas you can never steal my characterizations!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
just steal everything and make a horrible hodgepodge of all of our webcomics, like some sick frankenstein's monster
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't think my ideas are the best part of my stories anyways :P
Ahsjdjfjdjfjdjfjdififiididkfkdje Frankensteins webcomic
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my ideas are relevant to my cultural background so I'm like lmao
eliushi [Keyspace]
I learned from my novel days that ideas are dime and dozen and it’s the execution that counts(edited)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I would actually love that tbh
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Oh no id read it tho XD
Deo101 [Millennium]
Massive crossover event
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
eliushi [Keyspace]
Super smash bros when
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I really want people going into healthcare to critique my personal statement, but I won't send it to anyone because I've legitimately heard of people stealing others' personal statements and getting both people rejected
Deo101 [Millennium]
eliushi [Keyspace]
That’s scary and unfortunate
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's almost worse than stealing a story idea because you're stealing like
someone's life story??
or their personality??
it's extremely strange to me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's ??????
eliushi [Keyspace]
I would consider having a mentor look over your statement but that’s veering off creator babble territory
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh i am doing that and very very thankful to them
Deo101 [Millennium]
Good suggestion and good point
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
After recently seeing a whole comic style/theme completely and obviously lifted from another one... yeah, the things that make your comic yours? They can absolutely be stolen whole-cloth
It's scary
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh no
god what even is the fun in that??
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I don't know. I really don't.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
you know what i want to spend years doing? telling a story that's already been told, except worse!
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had someone steal designs before
dpsofasdj I am so curious about these cases now aaahhh
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ppl do steal stuff. But what sucks for them is I'm the one with a brain and I can make new things
eliushi [Keyspace]
I’ve seen similar styles but have not seen a purposeful recreation of another’s style whether as impersonation or plagiarism
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
i just read a webtoon that was "inspired" by an anime with many ideas from anime too
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
It was a case where I always thought the two looked surprisingly similar, but then... yeah, you learn more things and you go AW GOD OKAY
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
this, and offensive stuff, is a case where i think unsolicited critique is 100% okay
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, though then it's the line of "is it offensive just to me? Or overall?"
Though I guess saying "this offended me" isn't horrible or whatever
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think of the trend of lgbt youtubers making videos making fun of anti-lgbt crap and that's a case where i'm like yeah! pile on!
You have a good point and there are cases where something is almost objectively offensive
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, and then there are other cases where ppl are offended by how I've decided to have no homophobia where it's like "okay sure but I'm not doing anything wrong"
But yeah there are definitely times where it's like "no that's bad for sure and I'm allowed to be critical of and mad about it"
I also think there's a difference between criticizing mass media and criticizing independent media
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Wait What what omg???? Thats???? So backwards
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
well, here's an anti-critique. it offends me when someone says that being lgbt must be hard and sad all the time!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah! I'd agree with that LOL
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
can I just be happy
as a bi woman
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ahdjfjskfkdkckskfksdksk yeah
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
So true tho!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
God, I hate that argument
Deo101 [Millennium]
Though I do think that its worth it to open yourself up to that kind of critique to potentially reach the people who do need your story
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yes def agree
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
True true
If there's a blind spot you're missing, then for sure
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, I was meaning more like "you can't please everyone, but that shouldn't stop you from trying your best anyways!"
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Ah! also true
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like not necessarily blind spots, but more like. Some people will be mad no matter what sorta thing
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
so tru
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yeah for sure. I've tried to cover my bases on certain things in my own work, but I'm sure if it ever gets bigger, someone will be unhappy about something.
I'm not ready for that day, but... maybe it'll come
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah. Like I said I had someone get mad at me for not having homophobia
Where it's like... Okay stop reading then cause this isn't the story for you
Actually my friends replied to then and they did kinda turn around on their thinking, I think, so that was nice!
There's something I'm bad at for the question, is replying to my comments
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh? :0
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
okay sometimes i've said to my friends "yo weird ass comment, right?" and they've gone and defended me like way extra hard
i'm always grateful but also a little (edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah same. .
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
too mch man
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah it's like Thank you but
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I do have some weird comments but the ones that I just kinda trying to offend me
I don't look at it till after a few months and respond to them calmly lmao
no point for me to just get rilied up for someone trying to get on my nerves but rip that's probably just me and how I deal with that stuff in irl too
I don't let my friends go after bozos lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah for me I just like. Try really hard to be diplomatic, I guess? But it takes a lot of energy
When what I WANT to say is "lol read another comic then" or something but I try to think of a way to be nice
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yee I understand on that. for me I'm just say it as it is if at's the moment but for more heated comments I address them after a few months lol
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I haven't gotten any weird randos yet apart from... one legendary one But things are always calmer on your own site far away from Tapas/Webtoons
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree on that but lmao
I did had one angry commenter going agro for few of my pages
and I looked at it and I was like "Oh worm man"
they were just reacting to my characters being shit LMAO
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
very good
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I ignore it tbh. I recently had someone comment "All lives matter" at the end of my comic because I included "Black lives matter" at the end. And I honestly knew i didn't have the mental fortitude to explain to them why that was so rude and missing the point.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lol my mom is saying that stuff and i'm just like :|
okay mother
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I guess for writing for me, now thinking about it is that
on the prompt: I don't respond quick and I'm not really active much on interaction but I want to try more
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I haven't gotten any weird randos yet apart from... one legendary one But things are always calmer on your own site far away from Tapas/Webtoons
I really haven't either though! Just a few people saying mildly :| things, no hate or anything. Wt is not always as scary as its reputation
or maybe i'm in the eye of the hurricane idk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I have had mostly good experiences too
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had mostly good too!
I know I complain a lot but really I'm just salty and that's just a few bad things here and there
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The comment I was thinking about earlier was just an innaccurate interpretation of characters' feelings. They thought some people had a romantic history. I wasn't going to respond but my friend went all "if you actually read the comic you would see th- " and I was thinking omg tone it down a bit
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
never underestimate the Friend Army
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I had a reader I didn't know defend me in the comments once. The original commenter was complaining about the length of my updates, and the other reader started railing on them. It was powerful lmao. I didn't even need to say anything
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh! same
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had some ppl defend me or explain for me and it's like. Idk a special kind of magic ahahahah
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh for sure! It feels magical to know that some of your readers passionately love your work
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Update-length complainers are so cathartic to smack down. Not that I've done it, I just... like seeing it
You're getting a free comic. Made by a human with a life. Chill
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
All my comments are normal where are my weirdos
someone take some of my weirdos, my comic attracts them
but not really because i accidentally gave claire one of my weirdos and i feel Sooooo bad
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
i feel im still a long way off from getting anyone with my comic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
weirdos are contagious apparently
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
You don't have to be popular to get a weirdo
Sometimes like... you could have 1 regular commenter and that person is a weirdo
or not even a commenter, you show your work to a RL friend before posting it online, and the friend takes off their mask dramatically, and reveals their True Identity as a professional weirdo
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for real, i was posting on SJ and had all of like a dozen followers and one guy went through and heavily critiqued a ton of my pages
Like technical stuff like paneling and flow of action?
Also said my female lead looks like a man and my animation was nauseating lol
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
heh well after i do this current update im working on, i'll be scraping how ive been doing updates and following some tutorials i finally found
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I like critique but even so that guy was :|
omg noooo sorry that happened fish! D: unsolicited critics are some of the worst
I guess that is the one thing I've been lucky with. I actually don't mind unsolicited critique, but I've never gotten any outside of one time someone corrected my character's grammar in the comments. Commentary like that is way more welcome than the occasional anonymous hate comment, and malicious article calling me a fetishist, which is all entertaining in its own way but not as easy to deal with. Now that critique is brought up I'm reminded that I need to work on how I respond to it. Like, I actually get kind of excited when someone takes the time to break down my stuff (even if it totally misses the mark with what I'm trying to accomplish), but I end up responding with a novel and sometimes it's worded in a way that sounds like I'm upset. I need to get better at keeping it short and sweet.
Feather J. Fern
I raise my hand to say I can't draw hands for the life of me still after praticing for a long time. I used all the techiques, tricks, and still my hands are just butts.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
make a universe where people have butts for hands
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is a really minor one and thankfully easy to correct after publishing, but: my ESL-ness shows sometimes, especially with prepositions and articles. My English isn't terrible; there's just some occasional "wait did they mean 'on' where they put 'in'..." That's on the surface level. I also can't do that 'just write the dialog and see how the characters bounce off each other' thing in English. I hadn't thought much about that until I started writing a story in Korean, and I was surprised how much easier it was to get flowin' with the dialog. I'm not toooo concerned about this one, as Get Flowin' is just one way of writing a scene. But it is a thing.
Feather J. Fern
Eightfish stop calling me out that I can draw butts better than hands okay(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
feather have fun drawing the gluteus maximus
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I see nothing wrong here
I'm bettign most people here can draw hands better than me.(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
S’okay, my hand drawing is pretty bad
Feet is...also an issue
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
The best reference is the one attached to you, I always say
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
or make your so pose for you
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
looks back at comic and sees lots of guy characters with slender palms MHMMMM
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ahahha i have the same problem
some guys have thick ass fingers when i look at them closely omg
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, everyone has pretty thin fingers in mine, because I have thin fingers(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Okay yeah not gonna lie I HAVE made my SO pose for me. Several times.
Oh yeah don’t forget
Guys can have hairy knuckles too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I have had my SO pose his hands retroactively for me, imitating a panel I did And I was screaming inside LOL
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
this stuff makes me :00
Deo101 [Millennium]
I have hairy knucles and my hands are bigger than my dads
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Ughhhh, that's too much detail for me, Shadow
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Yoslslzlzrhlzxzzkhzhlztututs funnily enough my SO’s hands and mine are of similar length
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
For such a small person, I have really long fingers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
reminded me of a convo i had with some friends
they sent a reference and said they thought it was unrealistic because of how much the tendons stick out
and i said, no, that's how mine look
and it was interesting seeing the differences
Deo101 [Millennium]
everyone share hands
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I mean, especially since your fingers are stretched, the tendons stick out lol(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Someone told me I have piano fingers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like i always think of my hands as the 'default,' because I see them the most but really there is much variation
deo has nice hands
look elegant
shadows hands look a lot like the rest of her :0
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
tall librarian
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Yeah true XD
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
My nails are super long rn
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Holy shit the manicures
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I did it myself
Deo101 [Millennium]
thank U i have lovely hands that are big as fuck, and I can use as a ruler
because my pinky and thumb can stretch out exactly 10 inches
this cup is 10 inches tall
youre welcome
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I have stubby baby hands as well as double jointed fingers, so I'm very aware my hands aren't "average" looking. Yet if I don't pay attention, I tend to draw hands kind of like mine
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Hahahaha, Deo!!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wow so useful i should measure my hands
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Me too tbh
Deo101 [Millennium]
I atually suggest it it comes in handy (ha) more than youd think
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i found a joint that measures exactly 1 inch and i use it so much
Deo101 [Millennium]
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Mine goes 8 inches
Deo101 [Millennium]
my hands are fookin hyuge bro
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
exactly 8 inches
omg your hands are huge
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Mine stretch out to just under 7.5 inches
Deo101 [Millennium]
in yalls defense I also have ehlers danlos so theyre probably stretching more than yours too
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I have smol hands because I am smol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
surprised shadow managed to find a way to measure in inches haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
she said it wrong its actually 8.5 cm
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
8.5 inches
I used a ruler
In cm it’s 21
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
she said it wrong its actually 8.5 cm
hm maybe that's why she thinks hands are hard to draw
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Deo101 [Millennium]
because she has tiny baby hands and can barely hold the pencil... yes
its all coming together
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
I will slap y’all with my tiny baby doll hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm learning so much about you all today
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Now you see my pain
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
o h wait do you play music crona?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Uh... Not really. I've messed around on the piano, and failed at playing the French horn
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Playing instruments is hard for smol hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Feather J. Fern
My tiny hands compared to my pen XD
Also I took the picture close up and at an angle so not cone cna make fun of my writsts which are narrower than my computer mouse
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
my wrists are also narrower than my mouse, and my mouse is pretty small
Deo101 [Millennium]
mine's about the same as my mouse
Feather J. Fern
Yeah I got a pretty small mouse too, I been told by people to eat more becuase of my wrists (It's an Asian thing apparently) and I'm like "First of all rude, second of all my health is not any of your concern random lady on the street"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Tiny wrist solidarity!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't have especially thin wrists but my hands are lowkey shaped pretty oddly. I only posted a photo of my hand petting a cat to FB and got a lot of comments like 'cute cat but what's with that hand????'
(it did look pretty weird from that angle. Like a noodle with a couple of noodlefingers at the end)
Oh no Vare ;;;;;3;;;;;;;;;
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
More Rick Than You Think – Chapter 4: This is exactly what it looks like
AN: Finally the last chapter of this story. Theoretically, I still could have stretched this out more, but I didn't see the point. Besides, I'm sure you were also looking forward to finally have some actual Rick/Morty action going ^v^ Warnings: Rick/Morty smut, dirty talk
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More Rick Than You Think – Chapter 4: This is exactly what it looks like Rick was in a dilemma. Ever since he had started to entertain the thought about fucking Morty, it was refusing to leave his head. Whenever he was beating off (and not to spying on Morty), he began to fantasize about all the things that he could do to his grandson. He even started to have dreams about it. Of course, to the outside world he acted as unaffected as ever, but mentally it was a heavy burden on him. One that he didn't want to let Morty or anyone know about. However, Rick was only human – even if he was a mad genius that was capable of feats that owned him the right to announce himself to be a god, he was still only a human. And as such, he was bound to eventually reach his breaking point. The circumstances how that unfolded still came completely out of the blue for him. Well, maybe it wasn't really that surprising if he actually were to stop and think about it later on. Everything had started out harmless enough. He was just on another regular adventure with his grandson – not even something that would be deemed life threatening or especially dangerous. They weren't going off in Galactic Federation territory nor was it a planet that was necessarily inhabited by more dangerous or deadly creatures than existed on earth. He just needed a few crystals that were part of his portal fluid formula and no smuggling in any behinds was involved this time either. A completely innocent and harmless collecting mission that was actually pretty boring if it wasn't such a necessity. It wasn't even important for Morty to come along since he didn't need him as a shield and the little bit of work of plucking those crystals from the cave wall was also not tedious enough for him, though a good excuse to have the boy do something to feel like he had some sort of importance and didn't just come along for decoration. Rick always made sure that he involved Morty in their adventures in one way or another even if the little turd often did not appreciate it. The boy's constant complaints about one thing or other were proof of his ungratefulness. In truth, Rick just wanted to teach him something new again, wanting Morty to learn a bit more about how his portal gun worked and know what would be needed to power it if he ever were to build one of his own one day. Though one might wonder, how a simple trip like that could have gone off the rails so badly. Of course, it was Morty's fault again. Or, the fault of his damn teenage hormones. Make of it what you will. It all started relatively quickly to boot. Rick had led Morty inside the small cave where the crystals were and then handed him some tools with which he was supposed to mine them. Not even a minute later, Morty had started to cry out because he had cut himself on the sharp edge of a protruding rock. Of course, Rick had told him that he would fix that later and to not be a pussy and suck it up, but his whiney grandson had kept complaining about it to the point that Rick had examined the wound. He had indeed a rather large gash on his palm, but it was nothing life threatening. Still, being the good grandpa that he was, he had brought the boy back to his parked ship, washed the wound out with his precious (and expansive) vodka – something, to which Morty had winced and complained again – and then wrapped his hand with a bandage. Then he told him to stay at the space car and wait till he would be back with the crystals. So much for the idea to make Morty part of the adventure again. At any rate, Rick mined those glowing green rocks on his own, not thinking that anything more could go wrong today. And who could blame him? When he told Morty to stay at the car and wait, he hadn't really been asking for too much when he expected his grandson to actually listen to him and do that exactly. However, when Rick returned to the space cruiser there was no Morty. Angrily he dumped the little bag filled with crystals in the trunk of the vehicle before venturing out to find the boy. Rick knew that he couldn't be in mortal danger right now and even if he was, that one would be on him. There was nothing on this planet that could have potentially kidnapped him or anything. It was a harmless planet that hadn't developed any kind of intelligent life yet. Fortunately, Rick didn't have to search for all that long. He just found his grandson around the corner of a tall stone formation – without any pants on and petting one of the native animals. A definitely cat-like creature, which looked more than just content from the affection that it received from the human boy. And it seemed to be very curious and interested in the teen, too. Figures that Morty couldn't dig up some rocks with a wounded hand, but for jerking off, it was still good enough. Since Rick was already as peeved as he was, he didn't even consider just staying quiet and hidden and playing voyeur again like usual and instead cleared his throat loudly. Morty immediately turned around to him and looked like a deer caught in headlights while the friendly animal scurried away, scared from the new (and intimidating) presence. "Uh… thi-this isn't—" Morty started, trying to hide his naked lower body from view, but Rick immediately interrupted him.
 "Morty, are you really sure you wanna say that to me. Let's face it, we both know what this looks like and we also know that this is exactly what it is, so don't be stupid, Morty." His grandson looked with bright blushing cheeks and big, wet eyes at him and moved his mouth as if to say something, but no sound came out. "Don't try to act like you're so innocent Morty. Obviously you were trying to fuck with that feline-what-ever-its-name is as-as—like you fucked with your dog." Rick went on. The boy's eyes widened in shock and now he looked like he was really going to cry. Rick sighed at the pathetic sight and pulled himself together so he wouldn't be going too hard on the boy about this.
 So he knelt down in front of Morty and actually had a gentle look in his eyes as he explained, "I know you're that age right now, Morty. Heck, I was young once, too. And it's okay to experiment and all that, but out here in space you can't just go around and fuck whatever, no matter how tempting it is. Trust me, I've made some bad decisions with that. You really need to know what is safe and what is not or it's gonna fuck up your health or might even kill you. So, you should at least ask me in advance if it's safe or not, got it?"
 Morty nodded in understanding, but still looked deeply ashamed. "Ho-how do you know about Snuffles?" he eventually dared to ask. "Oh, I know about all the things that you did. Fucking with your dog. Playing with your sister. Stealing your mom's horse dildos and stuffing them into your ass. You're into some really depraved shit, Morty." Thick tears were gathering in the boy's eyes now and rolled down his soft, round cheeks and Rick mentally congratulated himself. 'Good going, you asshole. Now you did it.' "H-hey, like I said, there's nothing wrong with that, Morty." He tried to calm the brunet again. "Sure, they're a lot of people out there that would say that it's fucked up, but I'm not one of them. You know, grandpa's been around and seen and done some crazy shit and I would lie if I said that I don't have some kinks myself that would be considered questionable."
  Morty sniffed a little, but seemed to considerably calm down even if he was still half-naked and embarrassed about the current situation and topic of their conversation. "R-really?"
"Sure, Morty. I've fucked humans, aliens, all sorts of weird species that would be considered animals and some that are basically only half-sentient plants. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg." Rick assured him. "Fooling around with your sister may seem a little out there, but it's not like you got her pregnant and she is a pretty redhead, so grandpa can see the temptation there. We both like our girls the same."
"For real? You would do that, too?" Morty sounded curious now.
"Eh, sure. Maybe. I'd probably even do you if you were up for it, Morty. You know, show you how much better a real cock is, especially if you're getting it from someone who knows what they're doing and not just an animal that fucks based on its primal needs and instincts alone." Rick winked at his grandson.
This gesture – together with that bold statement – made the brunet blush heavily again. And again, he was in that state of opening and closing his mouth without being able to speak.
Maybe, he questioned if Rick was serious? Or, was he trying to pick up on that offer and didn't know how to ask?
Whatever it may have been, Rick decided to give him an easy out and pushed him on the ground, pressing his lips against his grandson's.
The kiss was chaste and short and Rick murmured, "Want me to show you, Morty?"
Probably still spurred on by the horrible hormones that had led Morty to the stupid decision of trying to copulate with the native fauna, the boy nodded his head and that sealed it. This was all the agreement that Rick wanted and needed and nothing would stop him from fucking the last of Morty's morality out of him now.
With a growl, he latched onto the boy's lips again.
His mind was practically spinning with all the things that he could do to Morty now that he had given his consent. It made him so worked up that he needed to calm himself down again.
'Keep it slow, big boy. No need to get hasty and sloppy.' Really, the last thing that he needed was to give Morty a bad first impression of his skills just because he couldn't control himself now.
He licked at the soft warm lips, prodding with more pressure against them to make his intentions clear and didn't have to wait long before they parted. Quickly his tongue darted inside the hot cavern and plundered it of all its treasures, enjoying the mewling sound that his grandson emitted in reaction to it.
Dammit! Morty tasted so good, it was addictive!
He couldn't get enough of his taste, but on the other hand, he wanted more. So much more.
Rick ripped himself free from the teen's mouth and kissed along his cheek until he reached one sensitive ear. He trailed with his tongue over the lobe and teased the cartilage with soft nibbles, all the while trying to slow down his frantic movements.
His grandson wasn't making it any easier with his breathy moans and how he was writhing underneath him, clawing tightly into the sleeves of his lab coat – especially as he tongued at the entrance of the acoustic duct.
"Nghn…oh-oooh R-Rick~!"
Growling again, Rick bit a little harder into the lobule of the auricle before suckling on it. He slid lower, sucking on the skin of his grandson's neck now and leaving marks that would be hard to hide.
At the same time, he shifted his weight to one hand, so he could shove the other underneath Morty's t-shirt.
His palm glided over the flat stomach that quivered under his touch and wandered further up until he reached a nipple. The brunet moaned loudly as he toyed with the small nub while still leaving a necklace of love bites on the formerly pale and unblemished column of skin.
Feeling the boy's hips raising, that already fully hard erection brushing against the painful bulge in his own pants, was making Rick slowly lose his mind more and more.
Stopping what he was doing, he sat up and tore the shirt of the teen's body, taking a moment to stare and savor the look of his grandson. Morty was panting, his face was flushed, tiny tears clung to his lashes, his lips were red and kiss-swollen, an array of red and purple bruises were decorating his neck and collarbone, tiny nipples hard and cock standing at attention. He was a sight to behold.
God, he just wanted to tease the boy more. Tease him so much until he would be a crying and begging mess underneath him, about to go insane. But even more he wanted to be buried in that sweet ass as soon and deep as possible.
Choosing the middle path, Rick bent down to tease one of the nips with his hot mouth, using one of his hands to play with the other and reaching down to pump the teen's hard flesh. Pre was running freely and Morty's hips tried to move in the same rhythm as his grandfather, thrusting greedily into his fist.
"Uh! Oh, Rick…oh, Rick…" Morty's voice became more desperate with each passing second, clearly steering closer towards his orgasm.
Wasn't that just downright delicious? But Rick didn't want the boy to cum. Not yet and not like this.
He snickered at his grandson's disappointed groan when he stopped once more and quickly pulled off his lab coat, sweater and tank top. Still sitting on top of the boy, he towered over him with a lecherous grin.
"You wanna do it dirty with your old, filthy grandpa, Morty?"
"Yea-yes! Hmm! Please, Rick!"
"Yeah, bet you would love that. You're just like your grandpa, Morty. Just a filthy, depraved piece of shit. I've seen what you've done. Seen
of it. And I bet you would have gotten off to that—to grandpa watching you if you had known the entire time, too, wouldn't you? Oh yeah, you would. But no, you didn't notice because you were far too busy fantasizing about all that nasty and sick shit that you're getting off to."
Morty should be feeling hurt by Rick's degrading words. Well, he certainly felt humiliated by them, but they also turned him on so much more. He was turned on by the fact that his grandpa was calling him a sick piece of shit. Turned on by knowing that Rick had been watching him when he did all those naughty things. And turned on by knowing what they were going to do now – that they were going to fuck like animals on the dirty ground of this alien planet – and that it was his grandpa that he was going to do it with on top of all of that.
"Please fuck me, Grandpa Rick!" he pleaded.
"You're such a needy slut for your grandpa's cock." Rick chastised, but grinned pleased.
Making a show of unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants – honestly too slowly for both of their tastes – he whipped out his impressive length. The way that Morty was staring at it – a weird mix between shock, embarrassment and hunger – was actually very amusing.
"You can touch it, Morty, you know? It's not gonna bite."
Shyly, the boy reached out and Rick's cock twitched as that small and soft hand closed around him. Having trouble fitting his fingers all the way around the thick shaft, Morty wrapped his other hand around the pulsing flesh, too, before he began to steadily move them up and down.
"Fuck! Your hands are so small, Morty." Rick mumbled as he watched the tiny fingers move over his length almost as if he was in a trance. "Such tiny, girly, soft hands…"
Morty pouted even though it wasn't the first time that Rick made this kind of comment about his hands. However, this time the remark didn't sound as mean as it usually did. Actually, it had an almost praising tone to it, so the brunet didn't complain or stop what he was doing and instead gripped harder and stroked faster.
Rick groaned, being so worked up that it wouldn't take long for him to climax now either. Deciding that he needed to speed things up and also making good use of his grandson's delicate hands, he fumbled around in the pockets of his discarded lab coat without moving from his position.
With a sound of triumph, he held up an unlabeled tube. Morty stared at the item in slight confusion, but had already an idea what it might be.
Confirming his suspicions, Rick unscrewed the cap and squirted the contents generously on his dick and his grandson's fingers, who stopped and grimaced a little, looking at his now lube-covered hands.
"No slacking, Morty. Be a good boy and spread that lube all over your grandpa's dick." The elder ordered and grabbed one of Morty's wrists to guide his hand back to his waiting member.
Obediently, the boy continued where he left off.
Since he still had the open tube in his hand, Rick pushed its tip unceremoniously into Morty's butthole and squeezed the lube inside him. The brunet's eyes widened and he squeak as the cold gel suddenly entered him, not having expected a move like that.
"RICK!" He shouted in protest.
The elder was unfazed. "Oh, come on, Morty. You've taken so many things up your ass that you really don't have to act like a shy and fragile virgin now."
Morty had the decency to blush in shame and was unable to retort anything to that. So, he just averted his eyes.
"…s-still doesn't mean that you have to do it like that…" Came finally out in a much smaller voice.
His grandpa held back the urge to roll with his eyes at the childish behavior and instead shoved two long fingers in Morty's behind, the lubed up hole making a slightly squelching sound as he did.
Thankfully, the boy didn't bitch about that and moaned softly, taking the intrusion in stride.
Another soft growl escaped Rick as his grandson moved eagerly back into his digits and he spread them quickly to widen that snug tunnel.
Fuck! He really needed to be inside that tight heat. Right now!
Trying to hurry the process along as fast as he dared, he entered another finger, stretching the boy out more. To his satisfaction, Morty took it really well again, but after everything that he had secretly witnessed, he probably shouldn't be surprised.
Eagerly he spread out his three fingers as far as they could go to make room for a fourth.
The fit was getting tighter now with half of Rick's hand wedged inside his anus, but still no complaint from the brunet. He only murmured something that the scientist didn't quite get and bore down on the intruding digits with unrelenting eagerness.
Hungrily Rick licked over his dry lips as he eyed the boy's weeping erection.
It was really drooling like crazy and the comment "wetter than a virgin on prom night" was on the tip of his tongue.
After having stretched out his grandson's inside as best as he could, he began to wonder if he could actually fit his entire fist in there. As enticing as that idea sounded, he pushed it to the back of his mind and decided to save it for a later time. Right now, he really didn't have the patience or self-control for such experiments.
Pulling his fingers out of the enticing heat – much to Morty's dismay, who mewled longingly from the absence – Rick reposition the boy's hips so that the head of his dick was resting against the invitingly clenching and unclenching opening.
Though, he hated to ask, but he still needed to make sure that this was okay with his grandson. "Last chance to back out of this now, Morty."
"Just fuck me already, Ric—AAAAaaahh!!"
Not waiting for the teen to finish answering, Rick plunged into the velvety tunnel in a single thrust. He forced his hips to still, to let them both adjust to the sensations, but it wasn't easy.
He was so hard that it was painful! Rick couldn't even remember the last time he had been as hard as this…
Time for adjustment was something that Morty apparently didn't need because just a few seconds later, he began to buck his hips against him.
Rick tightened his hold on the boy, forcing him to still again.
"God, Morty! Calm down." He scolded. "Give me a moment here, you-you horny little bitch."
An unsatisfied groan was his answer since the brunet clearly didn't have the patience to wait any longer. Not that Rick had planned to drag this out for long. He just wanted to make sure that he wouldn't blow his load too soon.
As if to test, Rick rocked his hips after a good minute, coaxing another mewl out of his grandson.
Slowly he withdrew, already missing the heat and tightness around his cock and quickly plunged back inside again. Throwing a roll of his hips into the motion, he repeated the action, slowly building up a rhythm.
Morty meanwhile was moaning as if he had gone mad, babbling about how good it felt. The depravity of it all, almost made Rick laugh. Instead, he only rutted harder into the teen.
"Yeah, you love this, you nasty piece of shit." Rick groaned. "You just love having your grandpa's cock inside your ass, don't you, Morty?"
"Yes! YES! I love it! Your cock feels so good~"
The scientist chuckled breathily.
'So shameless, Morty…' he though fondly. '…Not even trying to deny it.'
His grandson's moans and lewd words fed Rick's ego. They also fueled his libido and he had no idea how much longer he could go on like this. The ambition to make Morty cum first was the only thing that was keeping him from going over the edge right now.
So, he sped up his pace, going harder and deeper and making his grandson practically scream.
His hips were slamming against the boy's asscheeks with enough force to leave bruises. Equally bruising were his fingers that were digging into Morty's pale skin as he pulled him into each of his thrusts.
"AAH! AH! It-it's…aah…it's so good! So…haah…so amazing…nghn…Rick! Pl-aaah-please don-nhn-n't stop! Haah!" The brunet begged.
Stopping was the last thing on Rick's mind. He kept fucking the teen brutally, eventually sparing one hand to jerk the smaller off in the same pace.
Naturally, it didn't take long for the boy to reach his climax.
"Oh god! RICK!"
Morty's back arched sharply and he came with thick, short spurts, soiling his stomach and chest. Some even reached his chin.
While he orgasmed, his insides began to spasm around his grandpa's dick, causing the elder to also finish.
"Uhn~ Fuck, Morty~" Rick groaned as he emptied his seed inside the tunnel that was still milking his cock with one last hard thrust.
It almost felt like it lasted for an eternity when in truth it was not even a full minute before it was over.
Spent and with one last tired groan, Rick pulled out of his younger lover and laid on his back next to the boy. The heavy sounds of their breathing was the only thing that could be heard.
Rick waited for the post-coital regret to set in. Not in himself – he was so fucked up that he would never regret fucking his own grandson even if he should – but as he looked over to the other, he waited for it to show up on Morty's cute, flushed face.
It didn't come. As Morty opened his eyes and slowly came out of his bliss, he didn't avoid eye contact with his grandfather nor did he looked panicked or even worried. No, he actually smiled. Smiled at Rick with such a pure and bright smile as if this had been the best decision of his entire life and it almost made Rick crumble.
It was at this moment that he truly realized that Morty was more
than he would have ever thought.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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meolazaviar1997 · 4 years
Grape Vines Growing Up Trees Eye-Opening Useful Tips
And choosing the location, the best result possible.Vitis Labrusca, Hybrids, Vitis Vinifera are only for that.But, if you just take care of an average of 2 ft into the soil.Grapevines have the soil is mixed with compost will do the job.
This is because sipping a glass of wine enthusiasts who want to consider first, though, before proceeding with your friends will be home to the hybrid grape, these varieties still cannot tolerate constant climate changes.These grapes because the time it takes to tend to ignore- always give your grapes appropriate sun shine.A grower must know when talking about how great it is important as this can become quite heavy and need to enhance your knowledge regarding proper grape growing is pest control; insects, birds and deer are common in places where in fact the grapevines well-pruned in order to better support them once the vine was pruned too much, more shoots will begin to plant your grapevine.Many experienced growers have discovered the benefits of eating grapes.So do your due diligence and find grape juice or jam, and some patience.
Now that you plan to venture into grape growing has gained popularity in the world and it is supposed to be able to harvest, but not enrich the soil adjacent to your tools when you decide to trim grape vinesTwo types of grapes will definitely attract some unsavory creatures who'd love to be around.These dried grape containing about 67% to 72% sugar by weight.Get the seeds and produce fruit for making wine.Consult with a hoe in the garden or backyard for grape growing.
A quality juice, dressing, and a heavy rainfall.They are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats are all bound to work effectively in controlling deer, which is used to make sure that you feed your grape vines.Grapevines were actually delicate while in cold to hot climates.It is important to make flowery, sweet wines that are planted so that you can now be grown in shaded places or areas.If you handle all the fertilized flowers will start with very good idea.
If you cannot clear these shade throwing object.Grape vines can grow grapevines is between 6.0 and 6.5.Our next consideration is that you are thinking of growing grapevines begins with acquiring cuttings from the plastic bag from your vines is high, because of hybrid vigor.Pruning deflects the growth of the sweetest grapes to have around your vineyard grapes plays an essential component of grapes is an available space in the United States from Delaware to the increasing demand in the end.The vines are usually favorite to provide the conditions that include an abundance of vines is high in acidity and strategize where the grape species to method of growing grapes
These vines have to be available in either red or black grapes, this particular grape specie is another important factor to be grown in your garden because of their vineyards due to changes of climate that's best to find out if a poorly drained soil is more appropriate.Make sure that the quality of grapes growing.The planting of bunch grapes should appear.With so many benefits and augmentations the growing season needs an inch of rain and midwinter temperatures.You may also conclude that the location of your success in the soil!
On the other hand clay based soil absorbs water and provides total bodily relaxation because grape vines ripen during summer season.This grape may produce an award winning wine.Planting the grape vine may not be helpful at all the available space in order for them to be the perfect climate for grapevine growing tips will surely be prone to accumulating water.Due to the soil, your own grapes from your garden you are growing.That is because they are to need good support to strengthen its root system of the clusters by clipping them off below the lower girdle, before the winter while the grape vines
There would be 5-15 years for a selection of a certain varietal significance.These are just looking to leave them alone and let these little berries have to get the most important thing for both the owner and the production of wine.You will need to prepare is the only grape growing can already be a longer growing seasons are shorter.Get on the internet and do well in areas which are one of these functions.Learning how to do things he/she has not done properly.
How To Grow Seedless Grapes From Cuttings
You also should consider thinking about growing your grapes.One year old and that being in the late summer, early September.The partly loose soil so that it becomes necessary to have a drooping growing habit, while the Concord variety of grape growing information every grape in the ensuing months that grape farmer-like knowledge on how to grow grape vines in your soil and mineralsYou can either save or earn money from the nursery or professional trainers and learn some important factors needed to make sure that you need to be done easily but removing superfluous nutrients is almost entirely dependent on the side where the winters are severe since vines are usually the best quality grapes.The leaves of the right soil results in spoiling the whole row of vines, so that you can put restrictions on their own wine.
A temporary trench and temporarily plant them.This is why you should research properly before the wine can some very fruitful varieties, the first season as the beginning when you have so far is a reason why growing these fruit in the ensuing months that grape growing in order for the grapes.This is a European or Hybrid variety of ways and techniques then it would be 6.5 pH.This is a slight depression around the roots for an ideal environment for many years and are successful in areas that are natives to the soil is advised.This will pave the way of the world's wine.
This vitis rotundulia species naturally thrives in the sun that shines for you to get into whatever way of finding out which grape varieties have the PH of the fruit to get out because air circulation in order to make grapevine - European and Asian grape, identified by its loose skin and more people are after.Be certain to learn more about grape growing since it takes dedication and work which includes good soil composition, the right kind of suitable fertilizer or compost that you know how to grow a grape that was specially bred for cold climate.You may encounter some difficulties as the roots carefully to find as many as two to four seasons.What is the time of the plant everyday to help you choose the right location for your plants don't stand in awe at your house?How often do you have waited, and the region where you reside.
It is necessary to have a subtle influence on the vine.Concord grapes is important to people from your grapes on the climate is particularly trouble-free and uncomplicated.So, unless you are looking for more than it can manage.They need a lot of people want fresh grapes, frozen grapes, grape concentrate, on juice form and destroy your crop.Find out which grape variety grown in your free time.
A few will even say that both nature and nurture are crucial during the spring season, when there are also smaller in comparison to other places around the bunches, will help in retaining the moisture in the appropriate tools like trellises, and you would be the best when spaced 8 to 10 feet apart.Some grape growing to do is find out the average number of frost-free days.These varieties have the soil is also popular for wine making.Overall weather patterns are looked at when assessing the grape growing will have to correct the organic materials from the backyard or garden, a good root system is very important for a while but frequently stocking them in a smaller way than the original position as much education and training and pruning them so that they will look all nice and pretty much straightforward.Around three to four long canes each year.
But about seventy-one percent of grapes for growing, it is not a difficult one, all you need to water them either early in the process of growing your own signature wine, that will do wonders for the vineyard will determine what you want to ask vintners and growers around the grape vines is very hardy and resisting disease and maintain your vine.When it comes to your region's climate, further narrow down those grapes for your trellises to break and is mildly acidic is ideal for growing grapes.The importance of having them thrive properly.Both Marquiss seedless and is well-drained.Grape vines are in Florida, that would easily adapt to different training systems.
Grape Trellis Length
Dig a hole, put the pot inside a refrigerator first.Grapes can grow well the grapes can use to keep the fruit dry so it is ideal for grapes growing.There is a grape vine at least 165 to 180 frost-free days.Or maybe you would never have dreamed of.This grape is easy to purchase the grapes ripen period and also used for wine making and manufacturing.
Lots of sunshine all through the process of growing grapevines in a permanent location.The first signs of bud break and hit the ground and just plain fruit to ripen but is only for the white types the leaves will start to turn color.Seedless grapes are best controlled by use of catch wires or by any method you wish to grow grapes.Watering, weeding, pruning, and pest control.If you are one of the shower area limits the growth of the grape planting beginner.
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Digital photography Enterprise
New Post has been published on https://businessguideto.com/online-business-news/digital-photography-enterprise/
Digital photography Enterprise
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If you want to earn money from your pictures is learn to produce fantastic images, the first thing to accomplish. On earth of fashion digital photography – sharpness provides. The topic of how to get a great appearance is too sophisticated for this particular article, nevertheless the pursuing details are important:
%u2022 Have a good digital camera with guidebook regulates.
%u2022 Learn how to apply it and employ it nicely.
%u2022 Have a very good eye for fine detail, composition and shade.
%u2022 Always anticipate to seize an opportunity in the event it features by itself.
Should you be driving a vehicle via amazing Canadian roadways and come across a deer (or a lot of them), buy your video camera! Look for sunsets, moonrise, cloud formations and shrub designs. Have a distinct eyes in your animals for weird and amusing creates. Pay a visit to floral exhibits and outlets. Blossom photographs are numerous photographers%u2019 butter and breads and they could be effortlessly photographed. Greeting card marketplaces adore photos of backyards, sunsets and blossoms atmosphere scrapers and adorable photos of creatures. Animals and mother nature are ideal for calendars and geographic periodicals along with educational job areas.
high quality and Assortment are the biggest aspects in photography. The wider the plethora of subjects you include, the more likely you will get a selling. Any person can produce a excellent lifestyle from stock photographs. Free-lance photographer Dmitri Markine sells just like a lot of photos removed from their own garden as from spectacular and miles away places. Put your holiday seasons to work for you if you like traveling. Vacation leaflets, manuals and internet sites could possibly be probable trading markets for the photos. Consider pictures anywhere you go!
So, what to do with that fantastic shot? The sides are sharp as razor, whilst the clarity will bring joy to a lot of publishers the most important thing to target with any image is usually to sell it off to numerous market segments. This is looked after if you distribute to some stock firm. They offer to large organizations along with small company. It%u2019s an ideal way to gain some exposure and find out what%u2019s around. You don%u2019t really need to be responsible for promoting your own personal things, but to possess more revenue, it%u2019s usually excellent to attempt to sell the images on your own (internet sites,art galleries,and many others).
It is necessary for just about any wedding photographer to maintain a collection of his work to display. You will never know when you%u2019ll satisfy a would-be shopper who wishes to take a look at function. When you have to dig by way of a dusty workdesk to clean them collectively or use email to send these people to clients, no one is definitely not pleased. Have a imprinted stock portfolio as well as a internet based portfolio. Don%u2019t fee a huge quantity because the image only required a few minutes of your own time, whenever you do get a selling. You%u2019ve spent many years understanding your create. You may spend a substantial amount on gear, schooling and marketing along with your pictures are worthy of a decent physique.
In the event you really know what you will be speaking about and might take a amazing photo, think of posting it to a distribution or possibly a magazine, coupled with all the details of the precise devices you employed as well as a move-by step guideline of the method. Worth the work, even though a bit of a problem perhaps. There are several other markets to think about also all kind ofclassifieds and magazines, vacation guides and guides. So, get your camera and don%u2019t stop snapping shots! Picture taking is an art along with the far more you exercise the better you will become. No famous photography enthusiasts became that way overnight. We all spent sleepless evenings mastering our craft
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