#but i don't wanna make it have multiple endings like the persona games do
sleepy-bunbun-ace · 2 years
in the prsk white day universe x persona au, there are two main powerhouses in the region.
the kingdom of dahlia and the mages of freedom.
of course there are many other kingdoms, but the kingdom of dahlia is the largest and strongest of them all.
it's a large kingdom with twisting roads and tall buildings. not even those who've lived there their whole lives know their way around outside of the areas they grew up in.
it's a very traditional kingdom where tradition overrules all else. especially during holidays. if you are caught breaking the traditions, you will be arrested by the guards and serve up to two years in the dungeon.
music is especially precious in the kingdom. classical music reigns supreme and none of the nobles, especially king harumichi aoyagi, are merciful whenever they find someone who breaks the rules of music.
the lower-class live in fear of ever being found breaking the rules. families have been separated and broken for many years.
king harumichi rules with an iron fist and it seems his son, crown prince ayumu, will follow in his footsteps. prince fumihito leads the training of the new guards while also being the boss of the white knights. he's also in charge of finding the missing aoyagi prince, toya.
the two major noble families in this story are the otori family and the asahina family.
the otori family is the strongest after the royal family, mostly due to the oldest daughter being married to the crown prince. they are in charge of the entertainment in the kingdom and are usually gone for days, weeks, months at a time, leaving the youngest alone. it is said that she wears a mask for the nobles, doing what they want, yet sneaks out to be with the peasants and be her true self. otori emu with her false brown hair never confirms or deny the rumors
the asahina family are a moderately powerful noble family, but asahina chiyo wants more power. as the story progresses, she becomes closer to the royal family and soon she offers the hand of her young daughter to prince fumihito who agrees. she wants her family name to become the most powerful one in the kingdom. she's so obsessed with her goal that she doesn't notice the marionette she made of her daughter is taking control of her own strings.
the mages of freedom are quite mysterious. nobody knows who is a part of this large group that is against the kingdom.
it's made up of multiple people from a wide variety of backgrounds. from peasants, to merchants, to nobles, to even crown princes and princesses. they all make up the mages of freedom.
their main goal is to destroy the kingdom of dahlia, the center of corruption. many of those who joined the mages of freedom joined because the kingdom ruined their lives in one way or another.
the big five have the most will to enact their revenge no matter what.
kaito- his wife was executed for breaking the rules too many times. he became an assassin to get back at the crown prince who ordered the execution.
miku- her family was a powerful noble family who were imprisoned and exiled for treason, so they say. she was the only one spared. she joined kaito after escaping the kingdom.
kamishiro rui- an alchemist who was once a white knight himself. he's seen the horrors of prince fumihito's orders and what those in the white knights do to the innocent. he'll do anything to stop them.
nobody knows the reasons as to why saki and the dragon tamer joined but everyone knows it's personal.
while they preach for freedom, it does not mean they are free from corruption. far from it, in fact.
they have committed some terrible horrors as well. the slaughtering of villages who didn't (couldn't) break free from the kingdom, the near destruction of many kingdoms, even taking away children from their families.
they are just as bad as those who they hate.
it is a well hidden secret within the kingdom of dahlia. a revolution is imminent. your social links will all be found helping out with the cause. be careful, wildcard, for your
world hasn't even started yet
future you composed with regret
is about to begin.
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writingmochi · 10 months
an honest review of the world ep fin: will from musical and conceptual observation (not proofread)
opening remarks: hi hi hello! for real, i didn't follow much of the main teaser promotional era because i was and still am busy with college and trying to get myself to write cause ughh it's so hard. but the fact that this is the end of the strickland era is melancholic for me... i think that the world era shaped ateez's sound so much as edenary + hongjoong mingi is now more taking their edm sound towards country and latin sound that is outside of the realm of pop music as we know it.
concept-wise, it's the same strickland concept but a more military style? like if guerilla is them creating the conception of the rebellion, bouncy is them going undercover, then crazy form is their battle song. and it definitely shows how both treasure fin and the world fin are both full-length albums with their battle song as the title tracks. i also really enjoy how they incorporate comic book influences into the concept, like i still don't know if they are ateez, halateez, or a new persona. based on the unit songs, we might hear various genres from the quick to the slow. if that is right, then track sequencing will be important too
let's do this!
1.we know: why does it sound so spacey? like the level of their battle has reached orbit level. but then the bass comes in and drags you back to earth. oh i love how the low-range timbre members shine here + jongho and his belting of course. it's slow yet has a tame chaotic vibe to it, like a motivational speech vibe. i also like how they're not shy to repeat the chorus multiple times to double down that yeah... they know, they know that you know they will catch you ;)
2.emergency: that bass synth line in the chorus is so SICK! i can hear a more chiptune vibe from this especially the synth line in the chorus, like something i can hear in a 16-bit video game. and the fact that it is gone in the last chorus really hits you hard with the drop. based on the lyrics, this song is literally about them and how they still have to be careful(?) with it. like they seem confident but also insecure at the same time especially with the repeat of "who has got my back". it's like the second part of the motivational speech that we know has started like "who is coming with me?" hyping ppl up in a battle against the world.
3.crazy form: ateez as always spoiler songs in their mv! and we get it! this definitely shows how meticulous their art direction has been planned. they might even is currently an album that might be released in 2025 because of how intricate their planning is (makes me wanna see the behind the scene process cause i think they're one of the best idol company in korea rn, especially since i consider that ateez is a indie kpop artist.
like bouncy, i like how they incorporate the korean instrumental sound in it. never letting go of their origins even if their music is going worldwide. this song isn't as brash as guerilla and bouncy. like it is made subdued for a reason. even ppl are confused if the chorus should be a drop or an anti-drop because of how subdued it is. also the hwawooyunyeosan chorus line is just *chef's kiss*. the refrain istg i agree with them so much. and what i love with how subdued the verses are is that they're going hard on the outro. i kinda want another chorus after the outro cause it just ends so abruptly, like the exciting counterpart of the default chorus with the bass just booming in my ears.
also, just a comment for the marketing team who is trying to make this just as a famous challenge as bouncy is: not all title track can be a challenge. other than it is a lightning-in-a-bottle situation, the song and choreo doesn't hit as hard a challenge song as bouncy. i'm thinking that they have to focus more on the performance aspect of the song rather than trying to make it viral, go to shows like studio choom to showcase the performance more.
4.arriba: the latin/hispanic influences definitely show with this song, from the lyrics to the rhythm and choices of chords and melody line. like i can definitely hear a clave playing in the background if they push more towards the influence. it definitely is a sound that the usamericans like, as latin is literally taking over the music there.
what i want to comment is WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RHYTHMIC NOTATION IN YOUR RAP MINGI?? THAT'S TOO COOOL. definitely the highlight of the song for me. you're definitely going odd signature with it and i love it so much. (i count a 6/8, but i think it definitely has either a 5/8 or 7/8 in it.)
5.silver light: CYBERPUNK TEEZ!! ooh that reverb synth hits hard. i can definitely hear the synthwave sound with this especially when the chorus hits. the outrun aesthetic definitely shows up in my mind. that descending bass synth sheesh, before it became such a fat sound.
the sound mixing is a bit messed up cause the vocal swims with the instrumental with the part where there are so many layers. like i can't hear yeosang's voice that much because the eq is too similar...
6.crescent part 2: ISTG i miss answer with this so much! (i'm gonna listen to it after this) the piraty sounds uGhgh before it became waltzy. istg if this is the real ateez and we've been following halateez D:
7.dreamy day: right after the interlude, we're introduced to a brighter sound. as if as they have done what they're doing in strickland and retire to the beach aka their second home honestly. gives off aurora vibes but also eternal sunshine. but its like its a shade darker especially coming from what they've done in strickland, like it's not a bright as wave. istg this song definitely shows me how ateez found their sound in both darker and lighter spectrum of sound and i love them for that.
8.matz (98 liners): BRO THAT DROP! okay we're doing cypher style huh? this song encapsulates matz so much tho like "hey, this is who we are and fuck you for thinking otherwise." gosh my ears are blessed to hear rapper seonghwa in this. it reminds me of the bts rap line songs though it doesn't hit as hard for me, imo. (like ugh, cypher pt 3, ddaeng, it's just too good man.) that last chorus gives off old-school 90s rap tbh like. this is just me but like they give off such a kpop twist to madvillain's madvillainy album. like they see themselves as vigilantes and i like that so much!!
9.it's you (yeowoosan): ooh club song? ooh yeah definitely. i can see this song playing in like a dark, steamy type of club where all you can see is objects being highlighted with red. it definitely matches with yeowoosan so much as them sexy boys. oh, reading the lyrics i can understand the innuendos, like using peter pan and neverland as references to the high of sex? fuck you for that.
10.youth (yungi): lo-fi rnb song! LET"S GOO! i thought it's gonna be like vmin's friend but the sound is more like namjoon's indigo (which definitely suits them more), especially since it's talking about their youth and how adulting is hard I CAN FUCKING RELATE gosh yun's voice is so good here, like if my boy make songs akin to crush/zion t, i will definitely support you so much. it definitely combines a bit of their hip-hop side with the drum sample so it's a bit like bedroom pop song. oh gosh, it does sound like bedroom pop :D
11.everything (solo jjong ftw): ooh when the chords hit, i thought it's gonna be like youth, but the bpm slowed down as jongho's voice pushes forward. jongho and k-ballad: match made in heaven honestly. i also think that this such a good song for winter and at a time you just wanna to reminiscent of the year. that modulation ffs and the percussion. GET IT JONGHO ISTG the fact the his vocals pushes the instrumental to follow him. i'll pay to watch this perform live asvdhfdvj
12.fin: will: outro track! it's more like trance but it's very light because of the synth sound which i think it's more like strings. istg my guy maddox with his soft voice before the instrumental just barges you with so many colors as they're harmonizing. definitely an end credits type of song. and a happy ending as they now faces a new world... or is it?
closing remarks: coming from two darker album, this one definitely gives a brighter glow as it implies that they "won" their battle.
how do you finish a sci-fi cyberpunk concept albums? by giving it a melancholic happy ending and hope. it reminds me of the sci-fi stories i know like serial experiments lain, star wars, etc that when it ends it has a melancholic way. like it seems that once they've finished their journey, their tired selves shows as they retreat back to the beach, celebrating just within them as they see the aftermath of what they're done. it definitely shows music-wise.
when it comes to track sequencing, it is definitely done well. i can trace how the heroes journey is going as they enter the third act of their rebellion and how after crescent, it shows the epilogue after what they've gone. it definitely hits me more profoundly when i think more of it. definitely giving of answer vibes so much.
the highlight of this comeback, for me, is san. it's like he's in his peak right; physical-wise, skill-wise, and more. i love how he plays around with his vocal timbre from the lowest he can go to the highest he can sing. a very versatile performer as his skill grew and continue to grow from the last five years. san's going crazy with it and he deserves it so much. the boys deserve their success so much and i'm happy for them.
for the cons: suffice it to say that i know we're gonna get a brighter sounding album when i see that there's gonna be unit songs. but i think the album suffers from continuity of sound because of how both ep 1 and ep 2 has sounded. i thought we're gonna have more songs like halazia in the b-sides before the interlude because it will definitely hit harder with the cyberpunk sound. and because of that, this album just doesn't hit me as much as treasure fin. it's like they're trying to refurbished treasure fin but with a more electronic sound rather than marching band, especially if we wanna compare wonderland with crazy form. and since we have like 3 eras with the same beat through and through, i actually can feel the fatigue now when you realize it.
but, i'm still very much happy with the world's concept, marketing cycles with their guerilla marketing and so forth. they deserve to be called one of the best kpop acts active right now.
final ranking:
12.fin: will
11.crescent part 2 (i miss the pirate orchestra sound)
10.it's you (i'm in the ace spectrum so i tend to get repulsive towards steamy club song lol)
9.matz (madvillain wannabes honestly. could be executed better)
8.youth (istg pls collab with j-hope if you can i beg :3 i wanna see yungi with hoseok)
7.everything (give jongho more solo ballad songs istg)
6.silver light (yes, i'm also getting exhausted with poppy synthwave)
5.dreamy day
4.emergency (not me thinking of the hwa wip i have because of the chiptune song. it can be more lemon demon if they commit to chiptune/breakcore)
3.we know
2.arriba (now i understand why this is the second-highest streamed song in the album...)
1.9024 kick that drum / my ego in this show / to the moon we go / hey, this is some crazy form!!
small conclusion: now i wanna listen to answer, and am now petitioning ateez to do an instrumental album, one for orchestra and another one for edm/dnb. who's with me??
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spiritualviolation · 2 years
that au??? THOSE SKETCHES??? I need more
so i only did 3 sketches of that so far since every other idea is still out in the open and i got the au idea just yesterday but like if i get more energy for this au i will certainly do more sketches
(idk if you meant that you want more in terms of info but i'll just share some info i have anyways because i'm insane and i only need one push)
i have the idea of making it a SEES thing where there was an organisation that already know about the existence of shadows. at the start of the au, everyone is in it except for joel, jimmy and shelby (maybe), but everyone knows each other at the start of the au (except shelby)
(however i still don't know what setting it should be in so that's why everyone is just in normal clothes atm)
jimmy possesses the power of the wildcard in this au only because it would be funny that everyone in the organisation turns to him like "YOU??? why do you get to possess multiple personas???" "is it not the same for everyone????"
(he's not the leader bc everyone agreed he would royally fuck up and jimmy agrees. fwhip however suggested he should be the tank and everyone agrees except jimmy)
(but also i really wanna do something with his 'canary in the coal mine' hc with that. i don't know how i would do the seablings though)
joel isn't in it cause it would also be funny but also ties in with his ignorance in the canon smp. shelby is the last person to arrive, maybe like a haru situation
the general plotline i haven't figured out yet unfortunately. that's why i want someone to discuss with me (pensive)
it's starts off with either a p3 where they fight a tower of shadows or p5 where they fight evil people's shadows. it's gonna culminate into a terrible falling out where some of them will lose their personas that form into shadows (namely the wither rose trio. maybe some others but still undecided. and also scott obv bc this massive frozen snowball of deeply rooted insecurities is undeniably going to lose his persona sooner or later lmao)
xornoth is the main bad guy, obviously. and also a persona game isn't a persona game if you don't get to fight a god at the end. which means i have a fun way of incorporating aeor and exor into the au :)
sausage, in his corruption arc, would awaken to a persona that represents his fucked up trauma (that also doubles as his shadow), basically like akechi and loki / labrys thing. the battle arena is kinda similar to the grand prix in p4 arena
joey's corruption arc is... well let's just say i'm bringing back the artificial persona concept from p3
so you know how you kill someone's shadow, that someone will suffer a mental shutdown? yeah, that's what scott's trying to do in that third sketch :)
are any of the main characters gonna die? obviously what kind of question is that
anyways that's all i got so far unfortunately
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Man, I always feel awkward doing these, lol. Hello! I found your work recently and really love what I've read so far! As I notice your prompts are open at the moment, if you're up for it, I'd love to see a Shinsou/Deku fic. Platonic or romantic, I don't have a preference. I just love those two together so dang much. Keep up the great work! ^^
A/N : aaa omg ok i absolutely LOVE ur blog and all ur fics, tysm for sending in a prompt!! also, this is a little longer than originally intended and i wrote it in a night so hopefully it isn't too dogshit LMAOO and pls keep in mind that this is my very first time writing for shinsou, so im not 100% sure what im doing lol <33 anyways, i rlly hope you enjoy!!
Patterned Socks (My Hero Academia)
Ship : Lee!Midoriya / Ler!Shinsou 
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Summary : Shinsou is nervous after inviting Izuku over to his room, as he only just realized his crush on the green-haired boy a few weeks prior. But when Izuku shows up in full All Might attire, Shinsou can't help but tease the boy to the point of new discoveries.
Word Count : 3494
. . .
Shinsou couldn’t help but feel a little...nervous. It wasn’t like he and Izuku had never hung out before, the freckled boy had invited Shinsou to hang out multiple times with his own group of friends, and it always made the usually kept-to-himself boy feel surprisingly loved and thought about. He’d even had a sleepover with Izuku and his friends before, and he couldn’t say it wasn’t fun for him, as he honestly had a great time, it was just...this was going to be his and Midoriya’s first time hanging out...alone.
Being alone with Izuku shouldn’t make him feel this nervous, this bubbly, this giddy. But it did. The boy with the mop of green mess on his head wasn’t even in Shinsou’s fucking room yet and somehow the teen with eye bags deeper than the ocean itself was more than wide awake with the nerves zooming through his system. He couldn’t help it though. Not after his realization weeks ago that, ‘oh shit, maybe I actually have a crush on this little nerd.’
So here Shinsou was, sitting cross-legged with a straight posture in the middle of his bed like a fucking lunatic, twiddling his thumbs and picking at his fingers like he was minutes away from taking the biggest exam of his life, when the only thing he had to currently expect was that timid, awkward kid from Class-1A to knock on his door and hang out with him for a few hours-
Knock! Knock!
“Hey, it’s Midoriya! I’m here, sorry if I’m late!” the muffled voice from behind the bedroom door was unmistakable, and somehow it made Shinsou’s heart stop for just a moment from nerves.
‘Fucking pull yourself together!’ Shinsou thought to himself as he slid off his bed, wiping his sweaty hands against the soft and linted fabric of his plaid pajama pants. ‘You’re acting like he’s here to murder you! You’re just a couple of friends hanging out, you’re making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be!’
“You’re fine, just one sec,” Shinsou spoke nonchalantly as he made his way towards the full length mirror propped up next to his closet. He hated that he actually cared enough to look at himself, to make sure he looked good, but not too good to have Izuku think he was trying to impress him or anything, even if he WAS trying to impress him, but just not-
“Okie dokie! Take your time!” Izuku giggled, and Shinsou swore all the sweat he had JUST wiped off his gross, clammy hands had just pooled right back to his palms at that adorable little sound. That stupid fucking giggle was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.
With a sigh of frustration at himself, Shinsou finally made his way towards his door, giving himself one last peek at his mirror over his shoulder before whipping his head back around and opening the door as nonchalantly as someone could perform the action.
As the door swung open, Shinsou was greeted by the sweetest smile a person could probably ever muster, the boy in front of him lifting a bag up towards the boy’s face with a giggle.
“I brought gummy worms,” Midoriya chuckled shyly, scratching the back of his neck. Shinsou couldn’t help the small tinge of endearment his eyebrows gave before trying to go back to his stoic, edgy persona, giving the boy a small smirk.
“Of course you did,” he snickered, opening the door wider to let the boy inside. “Sit your stuff wherever, I don’t mind. Just put your shoes by the door,” Shinsou shut the door behind them once he saw that Izuku was fully inside, already sitting his stuff down by the bed.
“Oh sure, no problem,” Midoriya nodded towards Shinsou, making his way back towards the door as he carefully slipped his signature red sneakers off to sit by the doorframe. Shinsou finally sat back down on his own bed, but never stopped watching the boy go about his room. It was Midoriya’s first time visiting the boy’s room, and to Shinsou it just felt so...odd, seeing him actually in here, being able to look at everything he had up on his walls and the little messes scattered around his floor. He felt almost a little insecure.
It was a colder Saturday, and it seemed Midoriya had no other plans besides hanging out with the purple-headed teen, as Shinsou saw that he was sporting a worn-out hoodie with All Might’s face adorning the front that he’s probably had for God knows how long, and some oversized pajama pants that were decorated to look like All Might’s own hero suit. He was such a fucking fanboy, even when he was trying to be comfortable. It was...it was too fucking cute.
Once Izuku had finished the business with his shoes, he made his way over to Shinsou’s bed, joining the boy on the small mattress as he climbed on top. Shinsou was sat on the front of his bed, his back against his pillows, while Midoriya had chosen to sit at the end of the bed, his legs outstretched so his feet were just about a foot away from Shinsou’s own crossed legs. Midoriya looked at Shinsou with a smile.
“So...what’cha wanna do?” Midoriya asked, propping his body up with his arms behind his back, tilting his head to the side at his question. Shinsou sucked on his teeth in thought, letting out a small “Hmm…” before scanning Midoriya up and down subconsciously. His eyes made his way down to the boy's feet propped in front of him, his eyebrows quirking at the sight before a grin stretched across his face. His head was tilted downwards towards the boy’s feet as his eyes wandered back upwards towards Midoriya’s eyes, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Are you for real right now?” Shinsou asked playfully, his eyes glancing back down towards the boy’s socks before looking back up into Midoriya’s eyes, who looked a little confused. “You even wear All Might socks?!”
Midoriya’s eyes widened a bit at Shinsou’s realization, his hand slapping at his own mouth to cover the smile etching across his face from embarrassment. His cheeks were just faintly flushed, but it was enough to make Shinsou chuckle in endearment.
“I didn’t even realize!” Midoriya muffled behind the palm of his hand a giggle escaping that made Shinsou’s brain short circuit for just a second before coming back down to reality, shaking his head with a snicker of fondness. “I wear these all the time…”
“You are unbelievable, Midoriya,” Shinsou chuckled, before gently cupping the underside of Izuku’s heel and raising it up closer to his own face. Midoriya let out a small gasp, his leg jerking just slightly from surprise, but not so much for Shinsou to lose his grasp. Where Shinsou had gained the slight confidence to take such an action, the edgy teen had no clue. But Midoriya honestly seemed to be...liking the attention? The smile was evident, even behind the palm of his hand, and even though his eyes were wide and cautious, they looked daringly into Shinsou’s own, almost asking him to make a bolder move without needing to say a word. Though really, the smile was more than enough to agg Shinsou on even further. Who was he to deny this cutie the attention he so obviously wanted?
Shinsou’s grasp on Izuku’s heel tightened a bit, enough to make Midoriya stiffen, now both of his hands going up to cup at his mouth and keep himself quiet, almost like he was trying to keep himself from protesting. Shinsou gazed at Izuku’s cute, flushed face one more time before looking back down at the socked foot in his hand, taking note of the design on the sole. It was decorated in different cartoon All Might designs. One of his face, one of his signature catchphrase “I AM HERE!”, one of his full body hero suit, and one of just his trademark bunny-like hair. Shinsou grinned at this, deciding to make his own little game out of the designs.
“So you wear these socks a lot?” Shinsou asked with a teasing tilt of his head, looking back up to Midoriya without moving the boy’s foot an inch. Izuku raised one eyebrow in slight confusion before nodding his head. Shinsou hummed with a nod, his eyes wandering back down to the sock. “So if I were to poke at...this spot here…” Shinsou brought a finger up from his free hand to the sock, his nail just barely scratching at one of the cartoons on the sole of Izuku’s foot. Izuku jerked at the sensation, a small yip muffled by his hands still being heard by the purple-haired boy teasing him near to death, much to Shinsou’s amusement. “...could you tell me which design it was?”
Shinsou continued his gentle wiggling of one finger, but it was just enough to get Izuku tittering behind his hand, one eye squeezed shut as the other glared at the boy. Izuku gave him no response, however, only pulling at his leg slightly when Shinsou scratched over particularly sensitive areas that made him let out louder snickers than others. Shinsou playfully tisked with a shake of his head.
“Not gonna play my game, huh? I thought you wanted to do something fun, Midoriya,” Shinsou just sighed with a smile, a small evil glint shining in his eyes that gave Izuku goosebumps and made his own eyes widen in...fear? Giddiness? Excitement? “Fine. New game,” Shinsou grinned wickedly before snatching up both of Midoriya’s feet and locking them by their ankles in between one of his elbows. Midoriya let out a loud gasp of shock, before playfully tugging at his feet as if he wanted to escape. They both knew it was all just for show. “Try to stay quiet.”
Midoriya’s eyes widened before immediately slamming shut at the teasingly ticklish sensations that danced across his left socked foot. Shinsou scraped at the sole slowly, using only his first three fingers to do so, but good fucking God was it effective. Midoriya’s hands seemed to be glued to his mouth at this point, almost squeezing at his cheeks to try to keep quiet, though the muffled titters did not go unnoticed by the tickling teen before him.
“Aww, whatsa matter, Midoriya?” Shinsou teased with a small grin, his fingers edging their way upwards towards the bottoms of his toes, curling into the spot he knew to be sensitive on himself which only made Izuku shriek behind his hands. “Don’t tell me you’re ticklish~”
Izuku shook his head, though the way his body was practically vibrating under Shinsou spoke volumes. “Oh, you aren’t, huh? You’re not ticklish? Not even a teensie weensie bit?”
Izuku once again shook his head, the slow and gentle tickles provided by Shinsou giving Izuku just enough leeway to lie his way through this playful torment with only tiny titters and snickers. But the moment he felt his toes being pulled back by the side of Shinsou’s hands, both of his eyes shot open in excited fear.
“Well that just won’t do, now will it? I’m a pretty convincing guy, though, so maybe we can change that up a bit,” Shinsou grinned before scratching the nail of his thumb into Midoriya’s now stretched out toes, and Izuku couldn’t hold back anymore. The boy let out a stream of giggles behind one hand, his other now shooting down to clutch at his belly.
“AHAHA! Wahahait! Nohoho!” Izuku’s eyes squeezed shut, throwing himself back to lay flat on the bed, both of his hands moving up to cover his now terribly blushing face. Shinsou snickered, incredibly amused at the boy’s intense cuteness. “I’m sohohorreheheehe!”
“Aw, you’re sorry? For what?” Shinsou chuckled before raking all four of his fingers down the sole of Izuku’s socked foot, the boy letting out a yelp at the change before dissolving back into his adorable stream of giggles.
“I dohohon’t knohohohow!” Izuku shook his head, his feet just barely pulling at Shinou’s grasp out of pure bodily instinct. Shinsou just smiled fondly, chuckling a little in amusement. The purple-haired teen zeroed in on one particular spot right under the ball of Midoriya’s foot, the poor boy under him letting out a small shriek before arching his back at the sensation, shaking his head wildly.
“Ohoho, this a good spot, Midoriya? Right here?” Shinsou scratched at the sensitive area, Izuku cackling at the sensation before shooting his hands down to clutch at the front of his own hoodie, his knuckles almost turning white. “Aw, it is, isn’t it? You can’t take it here, huh?”
“AHAHAHA! PLEHEHEASE!” Midoriya cackled, pulling at his hoodie even harder, enough where Shinsou could even see the space of skin right under the boy’s pale neck. It was freckled there too, he noted, and...he couldn’t help but wonder if he was freckled anywhere else too.
“Please what? If you want me to stop just say so,” Shinsou tilted his head, observing very closely as he noticed Izuku’s face grow an even darker shade of tickled pink. He chuckled in delight as he heard no sounds of protest from the cackling boy underneath him. “Aw, that’s it, isn’t it? You don’t want me to stop?”
“DOHOHON’T DOHOHO THAHAHAT!” Izuku giggled wildly, pulling his hoodie up to cover his face and hopefully muffle those adorable laughs as much as he could, though of course he succeeded in only looking as cute as ever.
“Don’t do what?” Shinsou smirked, his fingers moving to his other foot to scratch at the same oh-so sensitive spot, now mirrored. Midoriya practically screamed into the fabric of his hoodie at the change in sensation, curling his body upwards instinctively before flopping himself back down onto the bed through his fit of cackles.
“TEHEHEASE MEHEHE!” Izuku cackled, pulling at his feet just enough to seem like he was fighting the playful torture, when really Shinsou saw right through him and all his All Might merch far too easily.
“Oh so you WANT me to tease you? You like being teased, Midoriya?” Shinsou snickered at the panicked giggles escaping through the fabric of Izuku’s hoodie, wiggling his fingers back into that oh so sensitive curve right underneath Izuku’s toes that made the boy scream in ticklish agony. “You’re so sensitive, y’know that? So ticklish even with your little All Might socks on. I wonder, though, will it tickle worse if you don't have All Might to protect you?” Shinsou smirked before slipping his fingers under the edge of Midoriya’s sock, the green-haired boy letting out a loud gasp before whipping his head out from the hiding spot in his hoodie.
“No! Dohohon’t!” Midoriya giggled as Shinsou teasingly edged the sock slowly up the boy’s foot, not having even tickled the bare foot yet but somehow still getting a rise out of him.
“I haven’t even started yet! Are you really so ticklish you’ll laugh when tickles are even threatened?” Shinsou grinned, testing his theory once he threw the sock over to the side by wiggling his fingers just above the boy’s bare foot where Midoriya could see from his angle. Sure enough, Midoriya absolutely dissolved into a puddle of giggles, his arms clutching at his tummy as he barely tugged at his trapped feet. Shinsou couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, I was kidding, I didn’t think it would actually be true!”
“Juhuhust do it alreadhehehe! Plehehehease! I can’t tahahake it!” Midoriya pleaded, his hands moving to cover up his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Shinsou. Shinsou felt his heart swell in adoration.
“You want me to tickle you that bad?~” Shinsou teased, slowly swiping one finger from the top of Izuku’s bare foot down to the heel, the boy gasping at the sensation, curling the foot up as much as it would go.
“Plehehease, I cahahahan’t!-” Izuku was a flustered mess under Shinsou, squirming and blushing into the oversized fabric of his hoodie, giggling like a child all the while. Shinsou finally gave in, scribbling his nails on the sole of his foot, pushing Midoriya to squeal before dissolving into panicked, high-pitched cackles. “GAHAHAHA! SHIHIHINSOHOHOU! AHAHA NAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!”
“It doesn’t even sound like you know what you really want anymore, huh?” Shinsou giggled, slowing his fingers down to small, teasing scratches on the boy’s soles, both socked and bare. Izuku was a puddle of snickers and giggles, barely pulling on his feet as he finally opened up his eyes as much as he could to gaze up at his tormentor. Shinsou looked down at him with a smile, finally stopping his tickling to rest Izuku’s feet in his crossed lap. Midoriya’s breathing was heavy, but the smile on his face seemed plastered on, and didn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Shinsou tilted his head at the boy with a grin. “So...you liked that, didn’t you?”
Izuku whined, shoving his flushed face into his hands. “I mean...I don’t know…”
“It’s okay if you do...it’s uh…” Shinsou chuckled sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck. “It’s kind of...cute, y’know?”
Midoriya peeked out from behind his hands to peer at Shinsou, before bringing his arms down to prop himself up and get a better look at the boy. “You thought it was...cute?”
“Well yeah, I mean...you were all giggly and stuff, and I uh, already kinda thought you were cute beforehand so that just kinda heightened the cuteness I guess,” Shinsou had a hard time making eye contact with Izuku, acting almost as if HE had been the one tickled to near tears just moments ago. He suddenly felt so shy, just like he had felt before Midoriya arrived. Where did all that previous confidence come from? And where did it go when he needed it the most? (now!) “Not to mention the fact you liked it in the first place. That’s just downright criminally adorable.”
“Quit it!” Midoriya whined with a giggle, though he left his feet in Shinsou’s lap, only kicking them out slightly during his fussing. He let out a huff of air, clearly embarrassed and very flustered. “I...I was nervous before I got here...thank you for that…”
Shinsou blinked. “Wait...you were nervous too?”
Midoriya looked up at Shinsou with a furrowed brow. “Yeah...wait, you were nervous?! Why?!”
Shinsou swallowed. He felt like some kind of nervous lump that had been growing and festering in his tummy this entire time was suddenly trying to crawl from his throat, choking him on his own words. His eyes were a bit wide, and suddenly his hands felt all clammy again like they had before Izuku arrived. “You just, uh...you make me nervous sometimes.”
“Do I do anything wrong?”
“No! No, of course not! It’s just...uh…” Shinsou huffed, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands until he saw fireworks, refusing to meet Midoriya’s gaze. “I kind of...like you…a little bit…”
There was a second of silence, Shinsou’s hands still covering his shy eyes as if to protect him from inevitable rejection. He felt the warmth of Midoriya’s feet slip from his lap, and at the same time felt his heart drop from it’s spot in his ribcage. He almost felt like he could cry...that is, until, he felt fingers start to poke and prod at both sides of his ribs, making him arch his back with wide eyes. Those eyes met Izuku’s own mischievous ones, a smirk growing on the green-headed boy’s still flushed face as accidental giggles started spilling from Shinsou’s lips, his body curling from left to right at each poke and prod.
“H-Hehehey! Whahahat?!-” Shinsou melted into giggles as Izuku started to pinch along his ribs, the boy falling onto his back against the pillows as Izuku straddled his waist fully, still relentless in his tickle attack.
“Stop looking so nervous and mopey, Shin,” Izuku smiled, leaning his head down to touch their foreheads together as he slowed his tickling down to his his hands resting comfortably on Shinsou’s sides. “I like you too.”
Shinsou blinked, never knowing he could blush so much until he realized just how close him and Midoriya’s faces were in that moment. They stared into each other’s eyes for seconds that felt like millenia until…
...until they kissed. And what a kiss it was. Filled with small giggles of pure joy and breathless huffs of air that made them forget they even needed oxygen in the first place. It was perfect and pure and everything Shinsou could’ve ever wanted. That night was filled with more kisses and more tickles than either of them had experienced in a lifetime, but it was worth it for each other. It was more than worth it. It was everything.
A/N : tysm for reading!! if u enjoyed pls consider reblogging, it helps spread my fics to more ppl who might enjoy!! thanks for the support, much love <33
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gamer--grill · 5 years
Catherine: Full Body game review. Spoiler alert!
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Catherine: Full Body is a recreation of the original game Catherine made in 2011 by the game company Atlus, the same creators of the Persona games. It's a very story oriented platform puzzle game and follows the story of a man who's questioning his life and relationships.
So the story follows a man named Vincent Brooks, age 32, as he struggles with his hesitancy to commit to his girlfriend of 5 years Katherine and with the terrifying nightmares that plague him. At the very start of the game we meet Rin, formaly known as Qatherine, as she's running from her stalker in the streets. Vincent saves her and finding that she has amnesia and doesnt know anything about herself, she gets a job at the Stray Sheep playing piano, she is also Vincent's new neighbor.
2nd, we meet Catherine, a young, sexual blonde who comes into the Stray Sheep and has a drink with our protag. Vincent gets drunk out of his mind and in the morning he wakes up with Catherine naked beside him. He freaks the fuck out and here starts the love square as he struggles to hide his infidelity from both Katherine and Catherine while dealing with his growing affections for Rin.
The real meat of this game is in the nightmare segments. Every night you're transported to a world where you have to climb a tower of cubes before they fall out from under you and you become a heaping plate of sheep meat. And what they don't tell you about the puzzles is THEY ARE HARD, OH MY GAWD! If you play on hard or even normal be ready to throw your controller out the goddamn window and question your life choices bc if puzzles aren't for you then you're gonna have a bad time.
The game's puzzle segments have improved greatly with an additional difficulty setting called Safety where it's impossible for you to die, there's no timer so the floor doesn't fall out from under you, and you have an auto play and skip options so if you're feeling lazy you can have the game play its self or just skip the puzzle entirely. There's also a back camera so if you need to climb to the back of the puzzle you can actually see what you're doing instead of scrambling around like a sheep with its head cut off. The trap blocks are also disabled in Safety mode. After you get to the top of each block tower you'll come to a platform where you can save, talk to people and buy items that help you climb (they bring down your score of you use them fyi.) After that you'll get into a confessioanal booth where you'll be asked a question where you'll have to answer either 1 extreme or the other. This is the main thing that will determine the outcome of the game. This game has multiple endings and depending on what you choose that will decide the ending that you get and the paths you take. There's a total of 14 endings in this game including alternate endings that are exclusive to Catherine: Full Body so this game makes up for its relatively short play time by having high replay value. They've also added new questions to the game so it won't be the same questions that you answered if you played the original Catherine.
There's an option called Remix where there's entirety new kinds of blocks in the puzzles to deal with, I didn't play that but it looked intersting.
Other than the nightmare parts of the game, you spend you're time at the Stray Sheep drinking, talking to you're friends, bar patrons and Rin. You freqently get txts on your phone from all 3 of the girls and unlike the original game you get phone calls now and pics from all of the women, not just Catherine 😈😈. The best thing about the bar is that it's entirely optional. There's no extra fluff you need to slog through. You can just skip entirely passed it if you don't feeling like drinking or talking but it's all so atmospheric that you'll want to do it. Plus drinking more helps you move faster during the puzzles so bottoms up, bitches. 🍸🍺🍻🍷🍹🍶
I'm only gonna cover the love intrests bc they're the only ones who matter really.
Qatherine (Rin)
Oh. My. God. I can't even begin to tell you how good her story is. Her genuine innocence, kindness and sincerity help Vincent greatly as he deals with the traumatic nightmares and his relationship problems. Early on we can really feel the affection that he has for her and it seems completely natural that they would fall in love. In fact later in the game he kind of admits that he did fall in love with her. This is how good it was, when I messed up and didn't give the right answers for her path to be unlocked I was so pissed off when the cutscene finally came that I would have shouted at my screen if my dad hadn't been sleeping next door to me. Rin also has a unique place in the game. Unlike the other 2, she actually appears in the nightmares and helps you by playing her piano. That added comfort she gives Vincent really adds to her relevance and pefectly supports the way to a loving relationship should you choose to persue one. She's the most fulfilling love option. She's also not human. Or a girl.
Katherine is already your long time steady gf when the game begins. Mature and sensible, she almost resembles a mothering role with the protag. She's always worried about him and his drinking habbits and how clean his apartment is. But she's not without her soft side either. She brings him cake and wants to persue a deeper commitment with him. She's very smart and ambitious but also quite understanding when it comes to Vincent's bumbling clumsiness. She truely wants the best for him and their relationship. This is expanded by the memories that are shown to you about their early relationship when they first fell in love. Which didn't happen in the original game. She represents the security and familiarity that comes with having a long time relationship.
Catherine isn't actually a human at all. She's a succubus who was brought to specifically temp the protag into a steamy affair. She's described as "his dream girl" and represents the fantasy and freedom that people secretly crave. She's appears unassuming and innocent on the outside but is actually very shrewd and aggressive as shown when she beats the shit out of Vincent in the bathroom of the bar if you choose to break up with her. She also threatens to kill you early on if you cheat on her. She's very emotionally vulnerable and actually falls in love with the protag as the game progresses. If you break up with her she'll beg to stay with you, stateing that "I just wanna be your girl." And that she's ok with you marrying some one else. Then she cries. Then beats you up. It's all very hilarious and strange. Also no one else can see her except Vincent which leads to chaos near the end of the game. Her endings are actually pretty nice so give her some consideration.
As this is a ps4 game, it goes without saying that the graphics are better than the original. The cematics really have the polished Persona 5 look to them. The colors are super bright and vibrant it's like a feast for your eyeballs, I just love it. When you do get a loading screen, which isn't often, you get blasted with that signature vibrant pink and the title screen has a whole new look to it. The style is there and I am here for it.
Interesting stuff
These are just things I personally found awesome.
In the begining, the hostess Trisha (she explains the whole story and presents it to you as a soap opera) aknowleges that this game is the new better version of the first.
The cubes with faces on them open their eyes when you stand in front of them.
When you reply to txts in the bar, you don't have to cycle through options anymore, just scroll and select.
There's Persona music on the bars jukebox including the opening song to Persona 5
There's Persona 5 Easter eggs. Just look around. 😉
There's a rich Muslim dude who you get to talk to on the platform after you climb the puzzles so if you're concerned about "representation" it's there.
Overview 8.5/10
Catherine: Full Body is an intersting, unique and stylish game that brings a fresh new concept to gaming and I really recommend it. It's strange and it does what it does and it does it well bc it's not trying to please or pander to anyone. The story is good and the style is showy and I love it.
I hope that you enjoyed this review and that your gamming experience is a little better.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandom Search
generally speaking, i'm almost always willing to double.** bolded characters are ones i prefer to play. i make no guarantee i'm willing to play the other, even in a doubling scenario. ** i don't have to double if you're willing to play one of the pairs indicated below, but it's an option if you'd like to do so. assassin's creed odyssey i've beaten the main storyline plus all episodes of both dlc. knowledge of main storyline required, of the dlc preferred but not necessary.
f!oc/alexios (or deimos!alexios)
also willing to play either sibling opposite alkibiades, lykaon, thaletas, mikkos, adonis, and potentially others? i will give a big disclaimer that i wasn't a big fan of the lady love interests in-game, so i have no real interest in writing kass with danae or kyra, for instance. sue me! mystic messenger i've played through all available routes including v's after end (forgive, specifically). have not played rika's back-story, though, and would prefer no spoilers.
will play anyone else -- saeyoung, jaehee, zen, yoosung, even vanderwood if you like -- against an oc of any gender. i may be coerced into writing v or saeran, but i absolutely will not write jumin. do not ask. i have zero interest in writing canon/canon pairs. persona 5 all the new info about royal has got me super hyped!
i have multiple ocs for this fandom of different genders, hence the lack of identifiers. am willing to double up and write any of the phantom thieves for you with the exception of futaba, morgana, and yusuke. while i'm happy to write akechi opposite akira or vice versa, i won't write him for an oc. am willing to write any of the confidants, though would prefer to stay away from adult/teenager relationships. sorry not sorry.  some basic stuff
i only play over email. discord's cool for ooc, but i won't write over it. ask for my handle if that interests you.
i only ask for a couple replies a week. i can't keep up with daily or rapid-fire replies, and i won't even try.
i do ask for replies that are substantial -- 3-5+ paragraphs per character. anything less and i lose interest.
pairings of all sexual orientations and genders are fine by me.
for the love of god, do not send me a message asking me to play something i have not specifically mentioned here. or a message that has zero information. if you ask 'do you wanna rp' with nothing else, i'ma send you a big, fat 'nopeeee' in response if you get one at all!
i'm open to smut. hell, i enjoy my smut. if all you're looking for is smut that's fine, but be up-front about it. if you're uncomfortable with smut or fade to black, i am not the partner for you!
only rpers 18 and above need apply, since I'm closer to 30 than 20. 
contact me at: grimmsandhooks at gmail dot com
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