#but i dont care. i took a shower. im awake and feel alright. and time is going by quickly
Part Two
Summary. Todoroki is assigned to look after a feral ex villain with a snake quirk. He has one week to turn her life around
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Monday Night.
You were curled up under the Kotatsu with Kaa and Nagini wrapped around your arms, every now and then you would shake in your sleep or growl and bite at the air . Shoto was sitting next to you browsing his phone trying to find any info on you. He tapped an article reading it over.
Reports of a woman running around turning people to stone. Seems to be frightened and looking over her shoulder constantly.
The woman has been captured by Endeavour and taken into custody for questioning. The number one hero said she appeared to be on something called a quirk enhancer that made her mind go crazy.
He looked over at you placing his hand on your head watching the shaking stop. He tilted his head speaking low. “Who forced drugs on you..?” Slowly he pet your messy green hair watching you sleep.
Kaa and Nagini were flicking their tongues on your face till you growled, waking up with drool coming out of your mouth , you were all curled up like a little kid under the Kotatsu. Kaa and Nagini slithered back into your arms and you sat up rubbing your head seeing Shoto in the kitchen making food it smelled like .
For the first time in a long time you slept great, like a baby. Your body was rested and you felt like you could do anything. But what could you do? All you wanted to do right now was eat and steal.
“ you awake ? I made some eggs “ he smiled over at you. You got up giving him a look and Shoto just set the plate down on the table. “I was thinking we would spend the day outside, maybe a few shops.” He asked you sitting down eating his Soba.
The food was in your mouth so fast it took you a minute to realize he said something. Nice food, pets like too. Shops? Sound okay. Take an item.
“Ok!” You said between bites.
Shoto smiled at you and petted your head. “Okay then, after you eat, go wash up and I'll be waiting.
It was a traditional bathroom with red and white towels and a big shower. You stripped down looking at your body and the pets slithered out to look at you. “What wrong?” You asked them.
“Ssssstill sssad?” Asked Kaa
“About the sssshots?” Nagini asked
“Yes. Hurt.”
The snakes lifted out of your arms more to rub on your cheeks. “Itssss okay now.” They told you.
We find man and kill him.” You said rubbing your eyes. “Yesss” they answered.
After the shower you were dressed in the green dress and some sneakers, Shoto smiled at you and you looked away grabbing the dress, squeezing it with a pouty look on your face.
“You look nice y/n”
His cold hand grabbed yours and you looked at him growling.
“Do you want me to do your hair before we go? So it's not in your face?”
“Not in face” you said brushing it back just for it to fall in your face again.
Shoto laughed letting go of your hand. “Okay if you-“ you grabbed his hand again looking away, cheeks red.
Shoto braided your hair for you before he took you out. You had never had something done for you like this before. It was a confusing feeling .
Shoto brought you to a few little stores he liked; The first one was a traditional store that sold blankets and kimonos along with furniture. The kimonos were fascinating to you; the colors, the designs, the little hair accessories that went with them. One stood out to you though, it was blue and had snakes wrapped around it . You looked at Shoto and he put his hand on your head smiling. “Ill reserve it, its not for everyday clothes its for festivals, there's one of Sunday we could go to if you want”
“Uhn..!” Yes, want to go. Be pretty, have..fun. “Want to go.”
“Alright then, ill put the money down then.”
Excited. Pets feel happy. What festival like?
The next store was a Hero merch store that you did not enjoy. You disliked Heroes and what they did to you. But before you could think more about it Shoto showed you his merch jacket. “Like it? I designed it,” It was half red half white and said IcyHot on the back.
“Silly” you told him.
His expression was blank for a minute and you crossed your arms nodding fast. His laugh made you blush.
“Aww, i was gonna buy it for you, its really warm but if -“
“I want!!” You grabbed his arm shaking it.
“But it looks silly though?”
Why want? It dumb jacket. Pets ? What Pets think? …. cuz it his? Be warm? Fine.
“Want.” You told him with flushed cheeks. “Want warm.”
Shoto smiled putting the jacket around you. “Im glad.”
The last store was a little trinket store full of statues and fans along with lanterns. You couldn't figure out why Shoto liked this place but you didn't really care either. Shoto was off looking at some lucky cats and you were off by yourself looking at little snake statues.
Pets? What do you mean no? Not your choice. Shoto get mad? So? Not Pets' decision. You picked up the statue looking it over. So what if Shoto been nice. Helping me? Dont need help, need to get out of debt. In trouble. You pushed the statue in your pocket and could hear hissing in your ears.
After a few more minutes Shoto found you taking you out of the store, you walked with him along the sidewalk, hands stuffed in your pockets staring at the ground. Shoto could tell you were un easy, the quiet vibe and the look on your face. Slowly he grabbed your arm stopping you and you looked at him.
“What did you take y/n”
Your eyes got wide. How?!? “How know..”
“Because i can read you, and you look guilty. Now show me.”
Slowly you showed him the little statue and Shoto took it from you and walked back to the store . He made you give it back and refused to leave till you apologized. The walk home was very tense and you could feel heat coming off Shoto.
Once inside you expected him to ignore you, even give up on this week with you. But instead he put his arms around you bringing your head to his chest. “I know its hard y/n, all of this must be overwhelming. But if you do that again and the owner gets mad ill lose you. You'll be assigned to some other Hero. And we both know you wont like that”
You squeezed his shirt shaking. Dammit.. “sor..rry.”
“I know .” He rubbed your head. “Dont do it again. Okay?” He slipped his arm around tipping your chin up to see your sad face, you leaned into his grip mumbling low.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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What an interesting day. It both feelings like nothing happened and everything happened. I slept alright enough though. But I woke up feeling a little off. 
So I didnt get out of bed when I had planned. I was just laying there enjoying being cozy. When I got a phone call from the manager at the new Y site. Because "Jesse" had emailed her and she thought it was me but it was not. I was still in bed. But this other Jesse apparently didnt get word that there was a 2 hour delay. And had shown up at 7. Opps. 
So then everything was a little throw off I think. But not my issue. I wasnt due in until after noon. 
But I was awake now so I got up and got dressed. My hair looked very dumb today. So I just put it back. But I felt real cute beyond that. My body though didnt feel right. My piercing looks great, its healing really well. But my chest on the inside hurt. My throat hurt a little. And my nose still really hurts. So I tried to be gentle with myself. 
I had breakfast and hung out for a little. Had breakfast. Got sweetp's carrier ready to go. He was such a good boy and got in it right away just to hang out. I was a little antsy to leave but it was mostly because I would have to clean off the car and get out of the snowy spot I was in. So I left here pretty early. 
I said goodbye to James and headed out. I cleared off the car best I could without gloves on. And then we were on the road. 
It was kind of icy raining. But I was driving carefully. I was like 3 minutes from the vet when the nice doctor called me that they were closing because of the ice rain but because I was just right there he would still see him. Excellent guy. 
We got there and the doctor came out get sweetP and I explained what was up. That he needed shots, and his mouth is swollen. And he was like. Okay cool. Is he friendly? And I was like. Yes. Sweet boy. 
I waited in the car. It was all good. He would come out and tell me what sweetP needed. Shots, antibiotics, an allergy shot, some probiotics. So it was an expensive trip. Not like. Wildly more expensive then I was expecting. But still. And he will have to go back next week to have blood work done. So his little swollen face has become an expensive thing. But I guess us getting money back in taxes will help there. 
The vet thought sweetP was amazing though. He's so cute! He's so sweet! He's such a handsome boy!! It was cute hearing this grown man gas my cat up. But its all true. Great cat 11/10.
While I was waiting for sweetP to come out I texted the Y site to see if we were going to be open because the vet had said he was closing. But by the time I left I didnt get a response. 
But as soon as I got home and parked I did. They closed the site for the day! Why does this keep happening and no one tells me!! Well Im glad I reached out! Another day at home. 
Which was very good because I didnt feel great. But I was in a good mood, mostly just pretending the vet costs were fine. I explained to James the probiotic schedule and decided to just get in bed and work on my loom all day. 
And that exactly what I did. I had snacks. I loomed. I listened to a podcast about history. It was a really nice time. 
I did take a break a few hours into my work. I laid down and watched videos. BUt I just wanted to finish this sleeve. I would stop for lunch. I would wash dishes and put some stuff away. But then right back to work. 
I did take a walk around the block around 3. I wanetd to try to walk to the Y but google maps got confused and I ended up going the wrong way and then I was to hot so I went home. And kept looming my sleeve. 
It took until about 45 minutes ago. But I finished the sleeve!! I am so excited. Im going to save attaching them until tomorrow, and then I want to finish the edges around the neck and hem. But I am really excited. This is the first thing like this Ive ever made and Im just really pleased. I hope it feels nice. The body is still a little stiff from how I constructed it but I think it will be alright. And its so cold out lately I hope it will just be cozy and good. 
James got on a call with a friend for the DND campaign were all supposed to do next month. It had been fun hearing about everyones characters. I am excited to see how much deeper we get into them. I think it will be fun. 
I am feeling alright right now. But I had a couple hours as the sun went down where I had bad feeling and didnt feel good. I took my temperature and it was 99 but it seems to have gone back down. I dont feel 100% but Im hoping a shower and sleep will make me feel better. 
I am looking forward to another nice day. I hope you all sleep well tonight. Take care of eachother. Goodnight!
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3 times she walked home alone and the one time she had company
First time -
Betty Cooper always took the late shift. She usually didnt have a problem with it, but with the sun setting so early she often had to walk home in pitch black.
She was careful, always having a switch blade and pepper spray fully ready to defend her. And she didnt usually walk home alone.
But today was a little different, she had had a good day, for the most part, until Archie Andrews walked in as her last customer of the day. And he was not alone, with a raven haired girl by his side. Betty hadn't had a crush on her former best friend for years, but seeing him with a new girl had dampened her mood drastically. She was still mulling it over in her head as she walked home. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that she had been imagining sticking her switch blade into his thigh.
Betty Cooper supposed she should be happy for him, and she was, really. She was just jealous she didnt have any of that happiness for her own.
Second time -
Betty Cooper missed having someone to walk home with. She hadn't realized how much she had grown accustomed to her best friend, Kevin Keller, walking next to her. But he was spending some quality time with his new blended family.
She mused she could make a new friend, but there wasn't many people in town that would associate with her. She was, of course, related to the town crazies, which most people still thought was contagious. She was lucky to be friends with anybody was her final thought.
She was lonely, she realized as she clicked the deadbolt to her apartment. As she hopped in the shower, her hidden loneliness bubbled up and exploded in the form of tears, prompting a full mental breakdown in the shower.
Third time-
Archie and his girlfriend had come into the shop again. Betty tried to be nice, and even told a few jokes. But once they were gone and the hollowness of an after dark ghost town caught up with her, Betty just sighed. Her tears ducts were exhausted and she just felt a bit numb.
When she walked home she almost didnt notice the sound of motorcycles stirring the silence. The people on them left her be, which was fortunate, because Betty had no clue whether she would've started crying or berated them endlessly.
When she got to her apartment and tried to fall asleep, she found sleep was evading her. She was awake for hours, staring at her phone until the words bled into each other.
Fourth time-
Betty Cooper was absolutely beat. After getting no sleep the night before, she had spilled coffee no less than 4 times. She was so ready for bed, but while she was locking up, it began to rain.
Betty cursed and moaned about the unfortunate last straw. The bikes were back. While she was wondering about why they were riding in the rain, she failed to remember the hole in the sidewalk, causing her to face plant into the sidewalk. Luckily had moved her switchblade away from her self. But unluckily she had messed up her ankle. She cursed again about her string of bad luck lately and tried unsuccessfully to get up.
When a strangers hand was offered she didnt even question it and let him guide her up to standing. "You okay there?"
Betty thanked him and tried to hobble off, but one step on that ankle had her hopping on one leg like an idiot.
"You sure about that?"
"I'm just fine."
Another step had her taking back her statement and another had her taking a risk and asking this stranger for a ride.
"Sure thing, ponytail." He said, his eyes twinkling as he helped her up.
Betty debated on whether to withhold her real address from him, but decided against it when she realized how much her ankle actually hurt.
"Can you make it up or do you want me to carry you?" He asked, offering his hand.
One step and she was almost begging for him to carry her. "Maybe I should've taken you to the hospital."
"I dont have insurance. And if you cant tell by my apartment, I'm super broke."
"If its broken-"
"Its not, I know what that feels like."
"Whatever you say." He said, taking the key and unlocking the door. "Where do you want me to put you?"
"Couch is fine. By the way, what's your name?"
"Jughead Jones at your service."
Betty almost choked on this news, but she composed herself, "Betty Cooper."
"Do you need anything, Betty Cooper?"
"Company." She whispered, almost inaudibly.
"What was that?"
"A pillow."
Jughead returned with 2. And a blanket.
"Do you need some ice? Better question do you have any ice?"
"I have a little." She shifted on the couch and almost screamed from the unforeseen amount of pain.
"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital?"
"Dead serious, Jughead."
It took him a bit longer to get the ice than expected, but betty didnt care much, all she was thinking about was how she was going to make it with an almost broken ankle at work.
She was crying when Jug got back. "You alright there?" Betty winced as he pressed the ice to her swollen ankle.
"How am I going to do my job? Im a frickin waitress and i'm broke enough as it is."
"Don't worry about it, betty cooper. It'll be okay."
"Will it, Jughead Jones? I can barely afford this place as it is. And everyone thinks i'm going to go crazy like my parents."
"You can stay at my place. Ive got an extra room. That is if you dont mind a bunch of barrels living with you."
"Are you serious? No one's ever offered anything like that to me before."
A knock at the door broke their wierd tensions. "I'll get it." Jug offered.
"It's not like I could." Betty muttered causing Jughead to chuckle to himself as he opened the door for his sister.
"Betty, JB. JB, Betty. JB's a doctor."
"You know I don't have insurance, jughead. Why'd you bring a doctor?"
"I guess I forgot to mention that JB and I have a bit of a deal. You don't have to pay and she gets to keep her secrets."
30 minutes and an xray from a tiny ball later, JB agreed that Betty's ankle wasn't broken. "Just a sprain. Rest, ice, compression, elevation. There's a prescription with your name on it at my office, if you want it. And if Jughead will come get the crutches with me, I'll be on my way. It was nice meeting you."
"You like her, dont you?" was JB's first comment.
"Why would you think that?"
"You offered her a room, which you haven't done since, ever. And I can feel the sexual tension."
"She needs a place, I have a place. And you like to make up sexual tension to give some drama to your life."
"Sure, Jug. But I'm not making this up." She replied, handing him the crutches.
When Jughead got back up to Betty's apartment, he found her asleep, with the blanket tossed to one side and her phone buzzing with a call from Kevin Keller.
Jughead rolled his eyes and straightened the blanket, smiling at her sleeping form. After a walk around of her tiny apartment and deadbolting of her door, he sat down on the couch, content to house sit for her while she slept.
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axiumin · 6 years
Take Care | Jinyoung x Reader
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Anonymous said: hi! if its alright w you i'd like to request for an angsty jinyoung scenario where you overwork yourself and you're v stubborn and you dont listen to jinyoung's pleas to take better care of yourself so he finally snaps one day after seeing you fall sick bc of it. please end it w fluff!! thank you so much!! im looking forward to reading it! have a great day! 💖💖💖
Thank you for your request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
You supposed everyone had a breaking point. Jinyoung reached his when he found you feverish and half-delirious.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
Words: 3.4k+
Your apartment door closed behind you with a ‘thunk’. With a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan, you eased your heavy work bag off of your shoulder and tried to force the tense muscles of your back to relax.
It had been another long day of rushing to meetings, juggling assignment deadlines, and floundering in what seemed like an ever-increasing workload. These kinds of days were always exhausting, but they stayed manageable as long as they remained few and far in between. But lately, it felt like you’ve only been having days like this, and the exhaustion was beginning to drag you down. The only reason you made it through the day was the knowledge that tomorrow was Saturday, and that meant blessed rest.
You pulled your phone out to send the customary ‘Just got home!’ text to Jinyoung and shuffled to your bedroom, intent on changing into some sweatpants. You had just faceplanted on your bed when your phone began buzzing against the blanket beside you. A moment of shuffling later, you were face to face with Jinyoung, who smiled at you from your phone screen.
“Hey, babe. How did today go?”
You sighed again but found yourself smiling tiredly back at him.
“It was a day. You know how it is, Jinyoung.”
He leaned closer to his phone and squinted a bit, scrutinizing you.
“Y/N, you look so tired,” he said with a frown. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
You knew what you looked like. You saw the dark smudges under your eyes and the tiredness that had settled into your face over the last few days. Apparently, a sheet mask wasn’t the miracle cure you had hoped it would be. You sighed and rubbed a hand over your face.
“Honestly, I’ve been pulling a few late nights to try to get some work done. I was kind of thinking I’d stay in this weekend. Just focus on getting some rest so I can get back to normal?” You said this last part as a question, knowing that you usually spent as much of your weekend with Jinyoung as possible. You didn’t want him to think that you weren’t interested in being with him; you were just too tired to go out and do anything.
But Jinyoung only nodded, satisfied.
“Good. I want you to get more rest. I’ll come over tomorrow, and we can just spend the day as lazy as you want. We can nap or watch movies— whatever you want. I just want to make sure you’re happy and healthy, Y/N.”
Your throat tightened a bit as you were momentarily overwhelmed with affection for Jinyoung. He loved teasing you sometimes, but you knew that underneath all that, he was truly caring and protective of you.  
“I’d like that,” you whispered back, sinking back into your pillows to listen to Jinyoung tell you about his day until you were lulled to sleep by the sound of his voice.
You woke up to bright light filtering through your window. Groaning, you rolled over to check the time and gasped when you saw that it was already late morning and had no idea when Jinyoung was coming over.
Suddenly awake, you sat up in bed and scrolled through the notifications on your phone, sighing in relief when you saw the messages from Jinyoung.
‘It didn’t take you very long to fall asleep this time. I guess you really do need the rest.’ ‘Unless you’ve only just been pretending to find me interesting all this time.’ ‘😒😒😒’ ‘But really, sleep as late as you need tomorrow. Just text me when you wake up, and I’ll come over when you’re ready. Good night, love you x’
So that was one crisis averted. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle shuffling out to your living room, looking and feeling half-dead, only to unexpectedly find Jinyoung waiting on your couch looking chipper and beautiful. You would know; you already experienced that once, and your heart couldn’t handle it happening a second time.
Knowing you had a moment to yourself, you stretched languidly, relishing in the sound of your back popping. Yeah, that was some much-needed sleep. You then took a moment to text Jinyoung back with a simple ‘I’m awake!’ before shuffling to your bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.
You were fully clothed and your hair was half-dried when you finally heard the knock on your door. Good timing.
You opened your door to reveal Jinyoung. He was wearing a hoodie and track pants, and he had left his hair unstyled. As he greeted you with a one-armed hug and a kiss, you couldn’t help but feel excited, knowing you were in for a ‘soft boyfriend’ sort of a day.
“Hey, you,” he murmured as he pulled away. He held up a plastic bag. “I brought food.”
“You’re too good to me.”
Soon, the two of you were seated on your couch, a rather impressive take-out affair spread across your coffee table. The rumbling of your stomach had you piling food on your plate, and you couldn’t help but be glad that you happened to be dating someone who loved food as much as you did. Jinyoung always brought the good stuff, and he always brought a lot.
“Ugh, this is too good. You need to try this,” you gushed after taking a particularly tasty bite of food. You held up another bite of food to Jinyoung’s mouth, and he happily opened up for you.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said, around his mouthful of food. And really, ew. “I tried this place out after practice earlier this week, and I thought I’d try taking you sometime. I hear they have really good appetizers, but I haven’t tried all of them yet.” You hummed, waiting until after you finished swallowing your next mouthful to reply.
“Honestly, any food sounds good right now. I’ve been so busy lately that I’ve been missing meals. I was so tired when I got home last night that I didn’t even have dinner!” You shook your head, though your annoyance with your past self was becoming more distant the more you appeased your hungry stomach.
Next to you, Jinyoung stopped eating in favor of frowning at you.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t let your work get in the way of your health like this.” He reached up and carefully brushed the pad of his thumb under your eye, which was still darkened with fatigue. “First, you lost sleep, and then you missed meals? What can be so important that it takes precedence over your health?”
You sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from your face so you could lace your fingers together. It was frustrating for you, too. It’s not like you enjoyed feeling so dogged by work— honestly, you would love to take more breaks if you didn’t feel anxious about your workload every time you tried to rest. But as you saw the sincere concern on Jinyoung’s face, your frustration faded.
“You’re right, Jinyoung.”
He cracked a wry smile at that. “I never get tired of hearing you say that.” He sobered a bit before adding, “Promise me. Promise me that you’ll try to take better care of yourself.”
You brought your joined hands up to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles.
“I’ll try my best. I promise.”
Jinyoung held your gaze for a moment longer before finally nodding in satisfaction. You watched as his seriousness melted away into playfulness and he started to whine a bit.
“Then it’s time for you to pay attention to me, Y/N. We have an entire afternoon of rest ahead of us, and I need you to show me how much you appreciate your kind, loving boyfriend who brings wonderful food for you and looks out for your health!”
Chuckling, you obligingly opened your arms for him and contented yourself in spending the rest of the day sharing cuddles and bites of food with Jinyoung.
An entire weekend of lounging around the house with Jinyoung left you feeling almost rested going into the new week. Unfortunately, by the time you were halfway through Monday, it was like you had taken a step forward only to take two steps back. You felt just as exhausted and tense as you had on Friday.
To make matters worse, you ended up working through your usual lunch break just to try to catch up with the tide of incoming tasks. Even as your stomach grumbled and you longed for even a short respite, you continued to push through. When you finally got home for the day, it was all you could do to cram some food in your mouth and plop down onto your bed for some much-needed rest.
The next day was much of the same. And the day after that, too.
The shadows under your eyes became more prominent, and between the missing sleep and the inconsistent eating, you were becoming increasingly sluggish. Jinyoung often texted you with reminders to take a break and eat something, but deadlines hung over your head like a stormcloud, bringing a fresh wave of anxiety every time you even thought about taking a break. The only thing that kept you going was the realization that you were slowly but surely making an impact on your workload; there was an end in sight.
This meant that you were all the more devastated when you woke up Friday morning with a pounding headache and a fever. If you felt sluggish before, now it felt as if you were trying to push through molasses with every move you made. Your brain felt slow and heavy, and even your tongue felt too thick in your mouth. Everything required more effort and energy than you had in you.
You sat on the edge of your bed for what felt like forever, just staring at your phone, considering whether or not you should call out of work for the day. You did.
A heavy sigh left your body when you hung up the phone, but it felt more like you got punched in the gut. It was as if all of that hard work you had put into finishing your projects was being thrown away, ironically because you had worked too hard and your body apparently decided to remind you of your humanity.
Your eyes burned with exhaustion and unshed tears, but you blinked them away. If you couldn’t physically go anywhere to work, then at least you could try to get something done from home, right? You sent Jinyoung a quick text explaining that you were unwell and would be staying home today, and you settled in at your desk to do what you could.
Your work went by agonizingly slowly. It was only desperation that kept you working through your headache, though you felt like your work was only being compounded as you kept making mistakes that you had to go back and fix. Frustration simmered in your belly and was on the verge of swelling up, hot and terrible, when you heard a key turn in your door.
Immediately, your head whipped up to see Jinyoung walk through the door, carrying a bag and a paper cup. He froze in place when he saw you sitting at your desk. You saw the exact moment he realized what you were doing.
“Y/N…” he started quietly, eyes beginning to narrow.
Quite suddenly, you felt very overwhelmed. For a moment, it was like you were oddly disconnected from your body, as if you were watching from a distance as you sat at your desk almost listlessly, surrounded by papers and the bright glow of your laptop. But then the moment passed just as soon as it had started and you had to blink back the dizziness as you were suddenly very much back in your body, staring helplessly into Jinyoung’s increasingly stormy face.
“Please tell me that you haven’t been sitting here all morning, working when you’re supposed to have the day off.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but he was just getting started.
“You work yourself ragged every day! You haven’t been eating, you haven’t been sleeping, and when you finally have a perfectly good reason not to go to work, you don’t take it for what it is and get some rest. No, you go and you do more work! You’re going to kill yourself if you keep doing this!” He gestured sharply at this and nearly dropped the cup he was holding. He visibly reined himself in, put down his load, and marched over to your desk to start piling up your papers.
“Jinyoung, I—”
“No!” He whipped around to look at you, eyes blazing. “Don’t you remember promising me that you would try to take better care of yourself? You promised me this, Y/N. But you broke your promise, and now here we are. What could possibly be so important to you that you’d prioritize it over your health?”
You knew that he was angry because he was worried. You knew that he cared about you. But that knowledge didn’t do anything to stave off the tears that welled up in your eyes as he yelled at you. You shrank back in your chair, shying away from his looming form.
If he noticed your reaction, he didn’t comment. Jinyoung just turned away from you to finish gathering your work. He tucked it, along with your laptop, under his arm and disappeared into your bedroom. He reappeared a moment later, empty-handed, and slammed the door behind him.
For a moment, he just stood in your living room, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Your gaze fell as the first tear slipped from your eye. Jinyoung was perfectly right, you knew. But at this point you were just so exhausted and anxious and jittery that you wanted nothing more than to just take a break from everything for just a moment, just long enough for you to put your life back in order.
Neither of you moved for a long moment, save for your near-imperceptible shaking. Neither of you said anything; Jinyoung had said all he had to say, and you had nothing to add.
Eventually, you heard rather than saw Jinyoung move to crouch in front of you, ducking his head to see your face. You saw the corners of his mouth tug down in a frown when he noticed your tears, and he raised his hand to cup your cheek.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he said, his voice nearly a whisper. “It just kills me to see you do this to yourself. Please, Y/N, take better care of yourself. Put your wellbeing first.”
You nodded mutely, unable to speak around the lump in your throat. Jinyoung sighed and pulled you in for a hug. For an indeterminable amount of time, the two of you sat there, just clinging to each other. The fight— if you could really call it that— used up all of the emotion and energy you could offer, and it left you feeling drained and oddly hollow.
When you and Jinyoung finally parted, you felt like a ragdoll, limp and weak. Jinyoung helped you stand, but all you could do when you regained your footing was rest against him.
“Y/N?” he asked, concerned.
“I feel weird,” you mumbled. You leaned your head in the crook of his neck.
“You have a fever, Y/N. Your face is really hot right now.”
Yeah, that sounded about right. But you didn’t really any energy left to do anything about it, so you stayed where you were and just made a small noise at the back of your throat.
You felt Jinyoung carefully scoop you up and carry you into your bedroom. You said nothing as he set you on your unmade bed, but you managed a small “Wait,” when he turned to walk away.
Jinyoung turned back, resting a hand on your feverish forehead and smiling, small and hesitant.
“I’ll be back, I promise. I just need to put some things away first.” You let him go without protest this time, and your eyes slipped shut before he was out the door.
The golden glow of sunset was casting your room in warm amber tones by the time you woke up with a groan. Every muscle in your body protested when you moved. Reluctantly, you forced yourself into a sitting position, turning when you heard the shuffle of blankets from beside you.
Jinyoung’s eyes fluttered open. He made a noise and quickly sat up once he noticed you were awake and watching him.
“Y/N. How are you feeling?”
You took a moment to consider this before answering truthfully.
“Sore. But my headache is gone, and I feel like my fever is down, too.”
Jinyoung pressed a hand to your forehead, letting it linger for perhaps just a bit longer than necessary before pulling away and nodding.
“I think you’re right.”
Silence settled heavily between the two of you for a moment, though neither of you averted your eyes. Jinyoung was the first to relent.
“I’m so sorry I yelled at you, Y/N. You already weren’t feeling well, and I only made it worse by taking out my frustration on you.” But you were already shaking your head before he finished speaking.
“Jinyoung, no, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have pushed myself so hard, and I refused to listen to you when you tried to help me.” You took in a shaky breath. “To be honest, I just felt so overwhelmed and anxious that I couldn’t stop working. I know there will be times in the future when I become overwhelmed by work again, and I want to be better about this. I just don’t know how.”
Jinyoung finally closed the distance between the two of you and leaned in until your foreheads touched.
“I’ll help you out, Y/N. I promise. In any way I can. I know you’re feeling anxious, but just know that you’re not alone in this. I’ll always be here for you.”
You sighed, feeling some of the tension release from your shoulders. You hadn’t known how much you needed to hear that.
You knew it wouldn’t be easy for you to go back to work. The stress and the worry would be back before you knew it, but you didn’t have to dwell on that now. You had the rest of the weekend to allow yourself time to get your thoughts in order, and you truly believed Jinyoung when he told you he’d do anything to help you. You could do this.
Monday arrived, and you once again came face-to-face with your workload. It hadn’t built up quite as badly as you had worried, but it was still daunting all the same, and you felt the familiar creep of anxiety when you thought about all you had to do still. But instead of letting it take over, you resolutely focused on only one task at a time. It made things more manageable, and although it was somewhat exhausting to pick up a new task immediately after finishing another, you felt bolstered by the progress you were making.
Besides, it was a little bit easier to get your work done when you knew what was waiting for you. Your phone buzzed at the beginning of your allotted work break, and a smile tugged at your lips.
You and Jinyoung had talked extensively about ways to help you keep track of your eating, and you had agreed to try taking more lunch dates together. Already, you could tell this was a good idea; as you left your desk to meet Jinyoung outside, it felt as if you were leaving your tension behind.
Jinyoung greeted you with a kiss and immediately laced your fingers together.
“Hey, babe. I was thinking I’d take you to this new restaurant I heard about. Originally, Jackson was supposed to go with me, but he took BamBam instead, so I guess that just goes to show that some friendships are based on lies. But enough of that. How are you today?”
You shrugged, your gait feeling light and carefree as you walked down the street hand-in-hand.
“I’m doing great,” you said. It was the truth, and it only got better from there.
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theharlequinwriter · 6 years
Summary :you get hurt on a hunt in sam takes care you fluffy
Word count : 1,462
Triggers : None.
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I ducked as dean threw holy water over my head splashing a demon in the face.
I took off running twords the door, sam grabbed my hand pulling me into the next room covering my mouth with his hand. Dean came in after putting salt around the doors and windows.
“How many dean”
Sam sat down at a table drawing out the layout of the house. Drawing 3 x’s where we were.
“At least 13 sam not counting the three hell hounds”
Peeking outside I saw at least four demons waiting for us by the car. We planned a escape I go out the window taking out 2 of the demons by the car. Sam runs out the back killing the other two while dean distracts the ones inside. Sam grabbed my hand pulling me into him giving me a kiss.
“Love you”
“Love you too”
I broke the Window hopping out I ran forward slicing a demon from hip to hip making her fall to the ground after I killed her off . I turned to sam on his back with a demon on top trying to stab him. I went to help when I felt a sharp pain in my side , looking down a knife was deep into myside causing me to fall to my knees. I cringed pulling the blade out letting blood flow out of my wound.
Placing my hand over it , I stood up turning twords the demon who was now smiling I lunged forward cutting his arm.  He screamed at the nice gash I left on his arm. His eyes flashed black as I felt myself be thrown across the street smashing into a old car windshield smashing it into pieces.  I tried pushing myself up but I had lost to much blood feeling myself get weak I stayed where I fell.
I dont know what happend but I woke up in the back seat of the impala my head on sams lap and dean driving like a maniac. My eyes were to heavy to lift , I could hear dean telling sam to talk to me keep me awake.
“Y/n baby stay with me please”
I could feel his hand checking my pulse “Dean her pulse is weak”
I heard the engine roar before I passed back out. I woke up laying on a hotel bed stitches all down my side and neck. Trying to sit up my arms burned with pain causing me to scream.
The door flew open , sam came running in sitting next to me. He had been crying.
“You’re alright , we did the best we could just waiting for cas”
I laughed feeling my chest become heavy I winced at the pain.
“What happend?”
“A demon blitzed you from the trees”
“How did we get out”
“Surprisingly crowley helped”
Sam laid on the bed next to me carefully pulling me up to his chest. I curled up into a ball burying my face into his neck. I felt his hands tracing lightly over my stitches.
“Im sorry”
“For what?”
“I shouldn’t of let you go with us on a demon hunt”
“Sam its not your fault , you guys didnt know it was a nest”
I leaned up kissing his cheek.
My head began to feel dizzy , I gripped onto sam wrist holding myself still.
“Baby you o-”
Thats all I heard before everything went black again. I felt myself slipping in and out of conciseness I could hear the guys.
“I dont know what to do dean , im getting scared she might not pull through”
“Sammy she will be fine , shes tough , just make sure she doesnt move to much”
I had to wake up , forcing myself to groan I heard sams footsteps run to my bed. I felt his hand on my thigh lightly shaking me.
“Hi moose”
He laughed  , I could see the relief In his eyes as I shifted so I could look up at him.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like a rag doll”
He rubbed the back of his neck , smiling down at me.
“You do know I love you right?”
“Of course I do sam , whats wrong?”
He scooted me over laying next to me.
“I thought I was gonna lose you”
I could tell he hadn’t slept in days , lifting myself up , I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself onto his chest. Listening to him breath one of his hands rest on my hip while the other rubbed down my back.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easy”
He hugged me causing me to hiss in pain.
“Shit im sorry baby”
“Its fine , dont let go”
His hands stayed where they were.
“Dean wants to drive back to the bunker tonight , you think you can walk a little”
We packed up getting ready to head out.  I limped to the car falling face first into the leather of the back seat. As dean drove I laid in the back singing along to the same music that always played. Sams hand held mine incase I passed out or needed him.
We arrived back at the bunker , once inside , sam made me a cup of tea while dean went to take a shower. I sat on the couch looking up the stairs where mine and sams bedroom was. Letting out a small groan , I lifted myself up starting to attempt my climb up the steps. I was having a hard time my stitches pulling every move I made. I was about to sit down when two arms swooped me up carrying me the rest of the way. Sam smiled at me as he laid me on the bed.
“You dont have to baby me sam”
“Im not , just got tired of watching you struggle”
He winked at me as he walked out the door. I sat up on the bed making myself comfy when sam came back with a big bowl of popcorn and a stack of movies.
“Thought since your bed ridden we watch movies”
He put in the first one which was army of darkness. He changed into his pjs crawling next to me pulling me into his arms. As the movie played his hands rubbed my back pulling me into him even more. Once the movie was over he got up to switch it.
“Uhh avengers or iron man 3”                                                       “Avengers”
He put it on laying down next to me once agian pulling me into him.
“You know you dont have to stay by my side 24/7”
He moved his gaze to me.
“Do you remeber the first day we met?”
“Yeah why?”
“I asked you out thinking you were gonna say no”
I laughed remembering when sam and dean came into my class posing as college freshmen. I was studying law apperntly a shape shifter was too Sam had gotten put in the seat next to mine. Allowing me to flirt with him all I wanted. It was maybe two weeks later when sam ran up to me during lunch asking if I wanted to go out with him but made it perfectly clear I could say no. Of course I said yes while on our date of course demons had to crash it destroying the diner and killing everyone but me and sam.
“Do you remember what  I promised you?”
“you promised to never leave my side and protect me”
His finger lifted my chin pressing his lips to mine softly.
“I kept that promise until the other day”
“Sam that wasnt your fault , I should of watched my back”
“You should be in college but you ran away with me instead”
I pecked his lips on more time.
“Y/n im never gonna let anything hurt you , I wont leave your side”
“Sam” He placed a finger on my lips.
“Im not done , if you died I dont know what I do , I mean I lost dean before and went die hard on everything but if I lost you I think id just give up cause why save everyone else when I couldn’t save you”
I could feel tears running down my face , I pulled myself up giving him A deep passionfull kiss. His hands wrapped around my lower back pulling me onto his lap. I leaned back resting my arms on his shoulders.
“But who will protect you sam?”
“I will”
Looking in the door way , dean held 3 beers ,2 burgers and a salad.
“Lets move movie night to the den ay?”
I grabbed the movies while sam grabbed blankets and pillows, once sam helped me downstairs we put in a movie while we ate. I fell alseep on sams chest listening to him and dean argue over the next movie.
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perry-the-deer · 6 years
I watched Sun on the tauros, my bow and arrows ready at hand, i stared at the UB for a second, knowing well that it would avoid me. I glanced back at Sun, gesturing for him to get farther away before aiming an arrow at the pile of wires that Anabel called UB-03 Lightning. 
I saw a bolt shoot out from it towards Sun and saw the Tauros skillfully dodge it at the boys wish. I shot the arrow, seeing it pierce through some of the wire. I heard it turn towards me and watched its head seem to whirl around on its ‘neck’.
I saw a bolt of lightning shoot towards me and froze up, before darting to move out of the way. I was a second too late and my arm got hit. I screamed out in pain and flinched, realizing after a moment that i couldnt move, besides my knees shaking.
It shot another bolt at me and i just stared as i watched it come towards me. I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and trying to move out of the way.
My legs didn’t move, but it didnt hit me. I heard a choking sound infront of me and i opened my eyes quickly, seeing the Courier infront of me, his body shaking from the force of the blast and the electricity coursing through him. “...Miss? you ok?”
I stared for a few more seconds, before my vision misted up and i saw a more blurry version of the Courier fall to the ground. I stared at Lightning for a second and struggled to draw another arrow, before watching a flash of white light hit and engulph the Ultra beast. 
I glanced up to see Lillie riding Lunala- or Nebby as we called it. The legendary darted forward towards the UB, creating one of  its portals and knocking it through, much to the UBs surprise and anger.
Lillie got off Lunala and ran to Suns side, throwing something at me. i didnt catch it but just let myself fall to my knees, looking down at it. Paralysis heal. I grabbed it as fast as i could and used it on myself, before crawling over to join Lillie next to the Courier.
Lillie had rolled him over and used a paralysis heal on him as well. The Courier was softly whining at the moment. I threw my bag and quiver off my back and started searching through my stuff, grabbing my pharmacist equipment and pulling it out. “Hey Miss.. take care of- y-your arm first, im.. im fine” Sun coughed after a few seconds of me searching through my stuff. 
“You got shot with a lightning bolt in the torso, likely around the- the lung area. you are not fine.” I spoke with as monotone a voice i could, not wanting to alert him to the fear i had. I thought i would be ready to lose him when the time came i had been shoving him in the way of danger myself for the past two years i-.
I shoved those thoughts down. I was not going to lose the courier. I started working on the wound, Lillie focusing on trying to keep Sun awake and talking, which was difficult as it was today, him having been in one of his episodes.
“I love you miss” I ignored him, continuing to work on his wound, trying to stop my hands from shaking. “i-im really dizzy miss. t-there like.. f-four of you and Lillie.” “focus on me right now Sun” Lillie tried to grab his attention, and i thanked her silently for it. “Which one of you?” I heard Lillies giggle follow that question, and mist clouded my eyes again.
“Miss, a-are you- okay??” I blinked open my eyes, glancing at Sun. The courier had such a concerned look on his face for being as weak as he was, blood was leaking out of his mouth and seemed to stain his lips. I shook my head a bit and wiped my face with my arm, feeling the wetness of tears on my cheeks. Ah. Well, so much for looking calm.
I kept trying to fix his wound, and after a few minutes i felt Lillie shake me. I glanced up. The girl had tears running down her cheeks “Moon, he-” I shook my head violently and looked down at the wound again, working faster on it “Moon. Moon!” Lillies voice raised a bit and i looked up again, tears falling from my eyes. “i cant- hes okay hes gonna be okay-” “Moon please-” “hes fine hes okay hes gonna wake up he p-probably just fell asleep-”
“Moon.” She grabbed my wrists. I stared at her for another second, before looking at Suns face. His eyes were still open they were still-. They were clouded over.
I gave a tiny sob, that broke into a wail, i grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him a few times, yelling for him to stop playing around like that. Lillie tried to grab me again and i shoved her away, before just hugging Sun tightly, sobbing weakly into his shoulder, whining loudly, and ongoing “nooonono-” mixed with “tellme youre still here please--”
After about an hour i was calmer, though i still had refused to move. Lillie was just quietly rubbing my back as i held Sun. “Moonie. honey its getting dark, we’ve gotta go home and- bring him back to Kukui” her voice was soft, a loving tone in it. I shook my head softly, but stood up, picking the boy up with me “its just... im gonna wake up soon...” i muttered to myself, getting led to Lunala by Lillie.
Once we got back i was quiet, Kukui took Suns body from me and i just stared down at the blood staining my shirt and arms. “Moonie, go take a shower sweetie, ill be here when-” I shoved Lillie back “go home” She frowned a bit, sighing “...alright, but im gonna come back tomorrow, i love you, alright?” I nodded a bit, before heading upstairs.
I had made the decision to wear one of Suns shirts, surprisingly it fit well, but then again most of the shirts i wore were either over or undersized, so either way i wouldnt have cared. I sat quietly in his room, Dollar having decided to sit near me, likely because he learnt what had happened.
I stared down at the floor, quietly humming to myself, lightly rocking back and forth. I told myself id be ready for it, i told myself id be okay. I would shove him into danger dammit why wasnt i ready- I sobbed softly, burying my face in my hands.
I woke up later with my head being pet, I quickly turned around to stare at the person, seeing Lillie sitting next to me. “Hey- hey its just me.” “i wish it wasnt” “i know.” She lightly pulled me up, hugging me close “youre gonna make it through this, alright Moonie?” “he didnt” “youll see him again” “hah.” “you will, really, maybe not in this life” I lightly shoved her off “Lil. i dont believe in that stuff, you know that” She frowned a bit “Moon im trying to make you feel better-” “its not working” “Moon” “can you just leave me alone?”
We stared at eachother for a few seconds, before Lillie sighed and stood up. “ill be in the living room” and she walked out of the room. I looked down again, curling up a bit again. Stupid fucking people, stupid beliefs, stupid everything- i just wanted Sun back, i wasnt ready to let go yet.
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ b.sk | roommate!au
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pairing; seventeen seungkwan x reader
genre; bulletpointed, roommate!seungkwan, humor (loads of this), fluff (loads of this too)
✎a/n; i’m eggcited for this wewew hope ya’ll enjoy thiss !! psps. i’m probably gonna do this on a lot of other members so do leave a msg in my inbox to let me know who you’d like to see a roommate!au on ;))
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ok so so sO!
boo seungkwan
as a roommate
you seriously won’t know whether to thank all the gods up there for sending you such an angelic patootie 
or to curse the devils for sending you one of their kind
bc not gon lie but seungkwan is a real mix
the story of how the two of you ended up in the same dorm room is really simple tbh
according to school protocols ;; male dorms and female dorms should be far apart
like really far apart
bc no one wants ehEM EHEM to happen right?
wrong lol 
the university gives no shit about that man
they just mix whatever they want
but most girls and guys willingly stick to sharing a room with the same gender since it’ll be less awkward
but you transferred to the school around midterms 
and the girls’ dorms were full
or at least that’s what they told you
so they decide to put you in the guys’ dorms
“you don’t mind, right?” 
“of course not. everything’s alright.” 
“great. here’s your key. eleventh floor, room five.” 
ok you minded
a lot.
like you pretty much have to live with this guy now?? and if he’s messy and disgusting and—
oh my god you didn’t even want to think about it
you kinda resigned to your fate and went straight to the dorms, to your room, bc you had a shitload of luggage to park.
when you got in, you were pleasantly surprised
the place was really really really clean??
like there were no random trousers hanging everywhere and the floor felt really dust-less
and you felt that ray of hope that this plan wouldn’t be so bad after all
and like juST before you were about to unpack
the door opens
//grand music plays
seungkwan enters
but at that time you didn’t know him yet so you just awkwardly scramble to your feet
and bow slightly since you were aware that your roommate was a year older
and do your formal introduction of ‘hi i’m y/n please take care of mi’
you look up and notice he’s cute
like cute as in
the baby kind of cute screeeeches
and he looked nice and quiet
ok so he introduces himself as seungkwan 
and the start was really awkward tbh 
the both of you were just literally walking circles around the room and staying on opposite ends bc awKWARD !1!!
you weren’t one to start a convo so yeah this time was no exception
but seungkwan actually initiated one and you were so relieved bc you were literally suffocating from this awkward air
he was like “so, um, you’re a year younger?” 
“do you need help, er, unpacking?”
you turn to your heavy ass luggage and overflowing clothes and laughed
“yeah, i guess?”
seungkwan looked excited bc he internally wanted to do sth so ya’ll can get over this ice cold thing
so ice ice baby ok i’m sorry let’s continue
and he literally bounces on two feet and like goes over to you and hE LOOKED LIKE AN ADORABLE PENGUIN ASDFGHJK
he helps you get your clothes out and like a lot of them got unfolded so he kindly folds them back and stacks them neatly
then he like opens the empty side of the closet which he wasn’t using and helps you load your clothes in there
and he hangs up your coats before coming back to you 
who was struggling with the cables you had put in your bag bc they tangled up real bad
seungkwan decides to unzip a ‘hidden compartment’ of your luggage 
and vOILA
he bursts into laughter and you had no idea what was going on
then you notice the unzipped compartment and you just
“SEUNGKWAN !!!?!??!?!?” 
and he was literally a laughing mess on the floor like his ears were red and he was rolling about trying to catch his breath but it wasn’t working
bc,,,, you kept your bra and undies in there
and seungkwan saw it
seungkwan manages to choke out an ‘iM soRRY’ before he continues dying in his own laughter
and you can’t help but laugh too bc his laughter was contagious asf
and bc of this incident ,,, ya’ll became really really close
it’s like a ‘he already saw my undergarments on our first meeting what worse can happen’
so yall became very open with each other
like after four months or so ya’ll bFF MAN
he even knew where you kept your pads
bc there were those days where it just comes unexpectedly and you don’t know until you strip in the toilet for a bath
so you just scream for seungkwan to pass you one like
that was great to you tbh like it made life so convenient
but the downsides of having seungkwan as a roommate 
so many many
seungkwan’s in the school choir (which surprisingly accepts both boys & girls)
so he claims he needs his personal vocal practice
and the room turns into a freaking opera theatre istg
like you literally hear him go do re mi fa SO LAR TEE DOHHHHH
while you’re there just trying to get your shit tgt
and you sometimes suspect he’s just trying to annoy you on purpose
bc he goes wAAY out of tune just to hit the extra extra high notes
and he even screeches sometimes and oh god your goosebumps just ploop
 “ seungkwan. ”
“ boo “
“ seung “
and you dont even bother to say the last syllable of his name and you just glare at him and he just shuts up and laughs really loud like his eyes squints together and he just drops onto the bed
he’s also really childish at heart so
he likes messing with you when you’re in the shower
he would turn off the heater and/or the lights
and the first time he turned off the lights you freaked out really badly bc you were afraid of the dark and you genuinely thought there was a blackout
and you shouted for him but he didn’t know you were scared so he just silently snickered outside
but when he heard you sob on the other side of the door
he quickly turns the lights back on and like when you come out he was so damn apologetic like
“i’m so sorry i didn’t know omg”
“ i h8 YOU “
but no you didn’t lol you loved this squish
and he made up for it by literally being by your side for the next few days
i mean
ya’ll were roommates
cuddling is the most normal thing to happen
so aft that ‘blackout’ incident ,,, that night ,,,
you couldn’t sleep lol
you guys had a really wide bunk bed if that made sense??
it was almost like a second story on the upper deck
seungkwan had been taking the bottom deck so when you moved in you just took the one at the top
and thAT NIGHT
you just kept tossing and turning and like the bed would shake a little every time you move
so seungkwan can’t sleep either since the bed just keeps wobbling
“you can’t sleep?” he says,, just staring up
and then there’s this short silence.
“you up for cuddles?”
and another silence.
bc ngl you lived for cuddles
but you would get really insecure about everything bc like your cuddle partner would be sososo close ?? ya’know??
but before you can reply,,
seungkwan literally just comes up and pokes his head to your deck and grins and you just laugh
aandddd he just scurries to your side and plonks down 
“ you’re not against this, right? ”
he just doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything uk
“ n-no, i’m not. ”
seungkwan would like laugh at your nervousness,, but he just wraps his arm around you and just stroke your hair and stuff like that 
and it calmed you down a loooot.
he was so warm and comfy you honestly just wanted to stay in his arms forever lolol
so this cuddle thing became a very natural thing since it happened often aft that
and when the two of you actually fall asleep
it’s a totally different thing in the middle of the night 
you would accidentally jab him in the eyeballs since you move q alot when you sleep
and he just jerks awake like whO IS YOU WHO AWOKE ME FROM MAI BEAUTY SLEEP
then he sees you with your arms sprawled everywhere and he’d just laugh quietly before tucking you back under the covers
and the next morning he’d complain all about it
“ Y/N ”
“ ?? whAT ”
ya he exaggerates a lot
and you’d just laugh bc you are aware of the fact that you are kinda violent when you’re in dreamland
but seungkwan honestly doesn’t mind lol bc other than that,, you were a good cuddle buddy
can you imagine when ya’ll have to order food
HAHAHA it’s like tug of war
like you like fried chicken
but he likes seasoned chicken
and you guys can’t buy both bc you guys were supposed to sneak it into the dorms
and two packs of chicken would be like bringing a freaking mountain into the dorm
so you two just start throwing random stuff at each other
“ you broke my pen ytd?? ”
“you dropped my compact powder and it got everywhere.”
“ya but u made me clean the entire room bc of that.”
“but we got seasoned chicken in the cafeteria”
“horrible ones.”
“no, okay, but —”
seungkwan just gives up and 
//internal evil laughter
“love you seungkwannn”
//finger guns
seungkwan just shakes his head and places the order and turns away from you to let out his smile
ok ya so all in all
seungkwan would just be a really soft and annoying roommate 
and the two of you would be like the bickering best friends
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Ali & Carly
Ali: ⚰ knock knock Ali: do i need to get the ouija out Carly: yea Carly: tho bit late to ghost the lad in my bed Carly: idk who he is Ali: 🤠 put on a disguise Ali: like whomst Ali: beats having to leave your own gaff Ali: tho it is a crime scene Carly: got love bites from my arse to my elbow Carly: is he a vamp or what like Carly: i taste good i kno Carly: [sends photographic evidence] Ali: bitch Ali: are you anaemic?! Ali: leech sounds more like it but is he sparkly with good hair Carly: bitch its too early for words i cant spell wtf Carly: he is sparkling but thats my shine ha Carly: the hair is a no Ali: low on iron, probs, i'll get you some iron tablets Ali: taste like blood, don't tell your bedmate, he won't wanna leave Ali: party's over n sharing ain't caring Ali: someone's feeling herself this morning Ali: here for it Ali: I've already been left so that's a no to me Carly: party only ended when i passed out a few hours ago Carly: so yea Carly: was fun Carly: baby no come over Ali: was whilst it lasted for me too but you know Ali: duty calls Ali: you sure Ali: don't wanna break it up if you're good to go again Carly: yea Carly: not scared to go hard on site cuz garda are to come around Carly: i am but hes snoring Carly: & boring Carly: come Ali: perks Ali: check he's not bumped his head Ali: they'd have to come if a normie went missing Carly: nah he has to go before he goes for a slash in my bed Carly: lads are ming Ali: want me to forward that to lene Ali: make her day Ali: steal my girl Carly: do Carly: never seen her party before Carly: weird Ali: Yeah Ali: she can hang but Ali: you know, other shit on her mind Ali: work being one of 'em Ali: thank god I ain't working today Carly: & i cant get a job Carly: ha Carly: can get rid of this boy easy tho Carly: hold on Ali: another skill for the CV Carly: yea Carly: better not have knocked me up Carly: not cute Ali: Umm Ali: you need to go to the pharmacy Carly: theres so much shit on the floor i cant tell whats us & whats party Carly: idc Carly: idk Carly: ill ask him Ali: Lemme know Ali: if I could pick it up for you I would Ali: guess I can, put on a oscar winning show for the nosy bitch in there Ali: Ma will die Carly: ha Carly: its k he wouldnt have gone near me w out Carly: quoted Ali: what a prick Ali: better not be there when i show up cunt Carly: hes leaving Carly: screaming him awake will do that like Carly: ha Ali: what he get for passing out 🤷 Ali: coulda shaved his eyebrows off like Carly: next time maybe Ali: get out the sharpie and all Ali: now it's a party Carly: need your artsy talents tho Carly: me just hold up i need my baby Ali: you got it covered babe Ali: i believe in you Carly: aw Carly: i gotta clean me & this place need belief Ali: how long are your rents away and are there enough stragglers we can rope in Ali: twatface not included, bye Carly: idk but yea theres lads everywhere Carly: mattress is covered Ali: 👏 Ali: put 'em to work Carly: while i lie here k Ali: hmm Ali: no bitch Ali: i know you're princess 'round these parts but still Ali: carriage is back to being a pumpkin sweetie Carly: but im 🤒 Ali: you're hanging Ali: can't claim morning sickness now bitch Ali: chop chop Carly: ha Carly: k bitch Carly: honeymoon over yea Ali: will be if your 'rents come back to this and murder you Carly: idc Carly: be sweet to me Ali: awh baby Ali: only playing tough love Ali: thinking i'm spending too much time with my gf? Carly: yea Carly: i missed you when she stole you away Ali: how dare she 😜 Ali: missed you too tho Carly: youre mine Carly: married you first Carly: & you didnt say bye to me 😢 Ali: are you sure Ali: 'cos I ain't Ali: but how unforgivably rude 😰 Carly: id remember Carly: never forget my boo Ali: baby Carly: you can make it up to me tho Ali: oh yeah? Ali: lemme guess, feed u grapes whilst you recline Carly: nah just be here Ali: easy Ali: got to yoga first but then i'll be there Ali: went too hard with the dancing last night obvs Carly: k ill shower that lad off me Carly: i think you went just right baby Ali: too descriptive babe 😬😂 Ali: calm down with your creative ways Carly: ha Carly: you should hear me sext Carly: so good Ali: sure Ali: maybe works on the straight boys 😉 Carly: not trying to work on anyone else Carly: tell your gf if shes gonna come for me Ali: you're alright, not her type Ali: I barely am Ali: 50% like Carly: shit odds Carly: that why shes so angry Ali: as shit as yours Ali: just in reverse Ali: not saying you're both wrong but Carly: k Carly: cant all be perfect babe Carly: thats just you Ali: 💁 Carly: you kno Ali: ugh my brother's being so annoying Ali: bitch i'm coming down i will fight you Carly: which 1 Ali: dancing one Carly: hes fun Ali: glad you think so Ali: send him over instead yeah Carly: you come here & stay at yours Carly: i'll Ali: alright Ali: you're getting a rough deal soz Carly: why Ali: 'cos he's usually the alright one, so if he's testing me, wait 'til the rest rock up Carly: idc i can sleep through anything Ali: be my guest Carly: but i want you to be mine Carly: had to share last nite Ali: you done w sharing? Carly: yea Carly: im mad Ali: aww Ali: pouty princess Carly: [sends a pouty selfie] Carly: cuz its better when you stay Ali: you're so cute Ali: it's rude and i object Carly: just for you my baby Ali: 😏 such a tease Carly: nah Carly: you can have anything you want Ali: yeah yeah Ali: anything you want from the shops Carly: theres nothing here Carly: i cant do that to you Ali: okay, i'll get breakfast and cleaning shit Carly: theres no money tho Ali: i don't mind Ali: s'only breakfast Ali: IOU if you want but honestly Carly: you're too good to me & for me boo Ali: nah i'm not Ali: no one deserves to be treated like shit the morning after Carly: got me crying Ali: baby Ali: don't be sad Carly: come down is a bitch but youre an angel Ali: 💚 i know Ali: you've survived it many a time before though, you'll be okay Ali: especially when you get some food and hugs Carly: yea Carly: shouldve invited your brother to my party Carly: what a bitch i am Ali: no no, he ain't here, just blowing up my phone being dumb Ali: you're alright, sure you'll meet him when summers out and he's out on town being fabulous Carly: k didnt fuck up the 1st impression Carly: love the gays Carly: your gf excluded like Ali: he's stalked your socials and liked what he's seen Ali: not in a creepy way 'cos gay, of course Ali: awh 😂 why can't we all get along Carly: he can add me i wont send him nudes Carly: cuz she looks at me like she was willing me to hang this hard Ali: oh good to know 😜 Ali: not letting him though, he chats shite and if he's gonna I need to vet it Ali: deal with it boy, crazy posessive wife like Ali: she's just angry with me Carly: idk who lads are if i cant id them in my usual and not seen his dick Carly: my bad if nudes go where they shouldnt Carly: whats he saying about me Carly: who could be angry at you too beautiful Ali: me either for a while, like Ali: feel it's unfair to describe it from memory of having to bath together Ali: awks Ali: just that you're cute Ali: n fun, of course Ali: and a hoe with it 😜 so her, easily lol Carly: aw Carly: but you didnt snog ronan last nite he werent there Ali: nah but she thinks i'm making a twat out of myself with you Ali: tragic straight girl crush, like Carly: cant have a crush on your missus Carly: weve gone beyond it Carly: real love Ali: yeah Ali: but you know Carly: she thinks were gonna fuck Carly: 3way would sort that Ali: exactly Ali: can't on principle Ali: and even if we whack out the strapon, no real dick for you so Carly: list where ive been Carly: puts loads of people off Carly: she'll know youre not trying to get w me Ali: i'm not gonna do you like that Ali: fuck that Carly: idc Carly: do what youve gonna do boo Ali: i know you don't Ali: but i do Ali: fuck those people who are just mad they weren't higher up in the list Ali: s'why you weren't so jog on Carly: stop being so nice to me Carly: if youre mean she'll forget her jealousy Ali: i don't want to Ali: i can handle it Ali: if she can't then Ali: that's that, isn't it Carly: yea Carly: but i dont wanna start shit for you Ali: trust, you didn't start this Ali: it's easier for her to pretend that's all it is Ali: that's all Carly: k Carly: if i was a lad id be fucked wouldnt i Ali: probably Ali: don't agree with that, it'd be the same but it'd be different in how she'd be able to deal, yeah Carly: thank god i grew some tits Ali: 😂 Ali: good job babe Carly: my ma was made up as well Carly: took a while like Carly: cant let her get the album out cuz i look like a lad Carly: pretty one tho Ali: you were always cute Ali: i remember Ali: grew into your ears and all 😉 Carly: aw Carly: do you tho? Ali: yeah, 'course Carly: you were always scrapping Carly: shouldve got w your gf then she'd like you more Ali: 😬 let us not think of how troubling the age gap woulda seemed then Ali: must've thought i was a right scouse stereotype Ali: bitches deserved it tho Carly: i thought you were cute Carly: & brave Carly: i was always behind my ma's legs Ali: like my sister Ali: I was always down for the more the merrier but her and Laoise said coven's had to be three so Ali: 🔮 number and all Ali: and tbh Laoise weren't that thrilled Ro was there, like Carly: black magic vibes from her forever Ali: legit Ali: shoulda been scrapping with her, like Carly: yea or fucking her first bf but i got there before you Carly: idk how she knew tho cuz he didnt tell anyone Ali: never lose that sixth sense, babe Ali: esp. when concerning keeping a man 🙄 Carly: did her a favor he was shit Carly: didnt have a clue what he was doing Carly: thought every virgin binge watched porn like Ali: 😂 Ali: have you ever binge watched? you're learning nothing of value from that shite Carly: yea but when youre bored youre bored Ali: I hear ya Ali: always bored Carly: me too Carly: & this sex drive isnt set for a cry wank or eye fuck Carly: no offence ma and da Ali: can't take it personally, lads Ali: ain't there's to try and control Carly: they gotta txt me back so i kno when they are coming home Carly: wtf got you two so busy Ali: all that sex they ain't having Carly: porn binge watch Carly: tho my dad likes reading his Ali: Can't beat a sticky page Ali: lost arm form Ali: art, lmao Ali: sure his form is grand Carly: doctor like howd you lose that arm Carly: epic cry wank Ali: 💪 on the right Ali: limp noodle on the other Carly: hot Ali: that's your father you're talking about Ali: no need to be that stereotypical Carly: shit my bad Ali: 😂 Ali: i love you bitch Carly: I love you too Carly: loads Carly: im mad at you again tho Ali: why what have i done>!> Carly: some1 came round the doorway & i thought it was you so i opened up but nah Carly: enjoy the eyeful lads Ali: oh babe Ali: 😏 bless you Carly: not gonna put clothes on for my girl Carly: waste of time Ali: obvs, charm you out so quick Ali: least it weren't the postie, or was it Ali: Ma reckons we were gonna get complaints, as if mother Carly: lad did deliver for me Carly: not letters tho Carly: least id showered Ali: gotta replenish Ali: you chasing off your comedown rn tho Carly: cant outrun that bitch Carly: some of the mas on site are mad tho you can tell yours Carly: state of their sons my bad Carly: should've kept em in if you were bothered Ali: oh great Ali: no you can't speak to the manager, piss off helen Carly: ha Carly: my da is gonna be in such a mood when he hears Carly: sorry you missed out Ali: parents Ali: not like anyone died Ali: calm it everyone Carly: dont want me to fuck on site dont want me to go off it Carly: talk sense Carly: other day you were trying to marry me off da Ali: just 'cos it brings people to his door Ali: soz to take you away from all the cranking but Carly: yea Carly: sorry im not hiding in the back like w i was little Ali: yeah Ali: too big for the caravan now baby Ali: need your own, how much is it to rent Carly: theyre on about it but the state on this one might change their minds Carly: im cleaning as fast as i can k Ali: we're gonna sort it, i am omw swear Ali: and i'm a parent pleaser so Ali: do the rounds, sweettalk to mothers Carly: he'll just take me back to the doctors like take her off the tablets shes too outgoing now thx Carly: another of your talents boo Ali: when the meds work TOO well Ali: but of course Carly: if he was around hed kno how shit they are Carly: ha Ali: 😔 Ali: baby Carly: its k just gotta double down Carly: pro now Ali: 💚 Carly: style the freakout out cuz ima bad bitch Carly: facts and talents Ali: no lies Ali: the baddest Carly: what we doing today that isnt boring Ali: you mean you ain't buzzing to make like kim and aggy Ali: rude, i'm living Carly: do anything w you but Carly: can only check you out every time you bend Ali: cheeky Ali: appaz imma check all of you out, like Carly: what you dont wanna Carly: your gf will be sad shes so wrong Ali: didn't say that but yeah Ali: hate to make her admit that as well, like Carly: ill tell her Ali: you gonna snitch on me Ali: 🍯 Carly: nah jk Carly: i like annoying her tho Ali: i know Ali: it is funny Ali: not taking sides but lol Carly: taking mine i kno Ali: shh Ali: there's no right or wrong here, babe Carly: k but you love me more Ali: its different Carly: maybe Ali: maybe huh Carly: idk she dont think it is Ali: yeah Ali: but we know the truth Carly: fact is we're ruling this place together Carly: no surprise shes jealous Ali: if the 👑 fits like Ali: soz babe Carly: & we fit Carly: cant fight it Ali: nope Ali: if it works it works Carly: yea & you work it better than anyone babe Ali: oh you Ali: save it for all the Ma's you gotta say soz to Ali: 💋 Carly: ha Carly: mine will kick my arse out if she gets on one better leave the mattress where it is Ali: not gonna come to that but always room for a lil one at ours Ali: i got you Carly: aw Carly: never had a sleepover when i was a kid Ali: 😧 then you gotta Ali: tbh they weren't all that always but you know mine were the best Carly: yea no doubt Carly: all the magic Ali: exactly, midnight snacks and scaring the shit out of each other Ali: can tell you who you gonna marry if you've got a tea light, like Carly: thats easy tho Carly: no1 Ali: alright then, excluding the fact we already is so rude, tbh Ali: i'll tell you who you next gonna bang Ali: same diff Carly: youre just gonna say you Carly: smooth Ali: please Ali: gimme some credit 😂 Carly: now i gotta kno Ali: we'll do it when i get there Ali: which will be soon Ali: got stuck chatting to an old lady in the shop Ali: assume she can't see or she'd have avoided me like hell 😂 bless her Carly: if its ronan again or his cousin dont tell me Carly: aw so cute Carly: youre the sweetest & prettiest ever Ali: i'll casually throw the wax in the bin like nothing to see here Ali: not this morning baby but 1/2 ain't bad #stillgotit Carly: tell me you see my death & run like k bye Carly: every morning Ali: you'd rather your literal death? they ain't THAT bad, predictable but like, damn Ali: that's some shade, feel the burn, lads Ali: so are you cutie Carly: idk but over ronan hard Carly: hes being such an arsehole to me Carly: cba Ali: don't Ali: ignore his Carly: yea but like im gonna see him even if i do Carly: fucking site life Ali: i kno but blank him Ali: nothing talks louder Ali: or if you gotta, be proper polite like he's a stranger Carly: ha yea Carly: amazing Ali: childish but so is he so Ali: two can play at that game Carly: youre right i kno Carly: ive deleted his txts so i cant show you but its k cuz youd be sad Carly: or mad Ali: i'm sure i could guess the gist Ali: you can tell me if you wanna talk about it though, i promise i won't go ripshit Carly: idc Carly: ive known him long so i didnt think hed go that hard but thats what lads are like Carly: he fucks around more than me too Ali: he's a hypocrite Ali: just 'cos he knows other lads can do it better Ali: he's just insecure, babe, ignore him Carly: i need a holiday from here Carly: but ma & da never take me w Ali: shit considering how many times they manage Ali: cut a hol off and you'd have enough funds lads Ali: maybe we can Carly: i did kick off last time cuz they didnt refill my prescription Carly: went crazy like Carly: wouldnt want that girl there either Ali: not your fault, that, though Ali: you were literally off your meds Carly: that they reckon i dont need tho Ali: if you didn't then you wouldn't act like that without Ali: simple as Carly: never thought of that Ali: we'll go, i promise Ali: even if it ain't far Carly: lets camp Carly: marshmallows are the shit Ali: hell yeah! Ali: let's find a cave forreal Carly: YEA Carly: dont fall over tho Ali: do my best 😂 Carly: you gotta Carly: only scaring me w ghost stories or whatever Ali: promise Carly: k we'll go Carly: 💙 Ali: 💚 done and done Ali: do you wanna bring anyone else or Carly: got my fave coming Carly: do you Ali: nah Ali: just wanna take you exploring Carly: k Carly: then you can Ali: 👌 Carly: id go now so whenever you want boo Ali: soon Ali: i'll work it out Carly: i kno Carly: got the belief Ali: 🔮 Carly: should get dressed or nothing'll get done Ali: awh Ali: you knew i just got here Carly: they arent on yet Carly: not that fast Ali: jk Ali: find me on the mattress when you're decent bitch Carly: baby no Carly: youll catch something off that Ali: sitting on the carrier bag Ali: always thinking Carly: so smart
0 notes
minttexs · 8 years
Dark (req)
Genre: Angst-Fluff
Word count: 2,536
Summary: You didn’t think arguing in the car could turn out so bad. Bad for you now everything turns dark.
req: eguevara44: Im not sure if your still taking requests, but if its possible, can you make a jimin angst/ fluff scenario, where they are in the car while having an argument and they get into a pretty bad accident where the car flips and the S/O is trapped, while in the hospital the S/O is blind but they dont know its temporary, jimin never leaves the S/O side and they get closer than ever in the relationship because of that and she finally gets her sight back in the end... please!! Thank you!!
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Everything went so fast. The last thing you remember that you were in the car with Jimin. Driving to visit a friend of yours.
You and Jimin loved each other. It was not the problem. It was always you. You were the type who is not talking about their emotions, or feelings. He knew you loved him. You actually did. But you never expressed it well. You were used to being the one always quiet and not allowed to talk, and you just got so used to it. You knew it bothered him a lot. But this was just how you were. But lately you two seemed distancing from the other. His life was busy as always, and you just didn’t want to bother him. He was mad at you for this. And it was too much for him.
You can’t even remember why you started arguing. You can only recall the shouting… His angry expression.... Then just spinning around, screaming in fear, and a black out.
And when you woke up everything was so dark.
You heard machines beeping, and a chatting bluntly from distance. But when you opened your eyes everything was still dark. You could only guess where you have been. You felt soreness in every part of your body and pain in your head. You slowly placed your fingers over your eyes, and realised it was covered with a piece of band-aid. And you didn’t know why.
You tried to move but your body was numb.
Since you couldn’t remove the band-aid from eyes, you traced over your hand where you felt the small tube running out of you. You sighed. You were in the hospital… Now you remember. You had an accident. As soon as you remembered you became extremely worried. Where is Jimin? Is he okay?
You heard the door open. And you heard steps coming towards you.
’Oh you’re awake Y/N!’ a female voice said. ‘Is everything okay? Do you feel any pain?’
You just nodded. ‘It will be temporary don’t worry! The pain killers should kick in soon.’
‘What happened to me?’ you referred to your eyes. She was in silence. It sounded suspicious.
‘The doctor will be here in a minute to explain everything!’ she said quietly.
‘Where’s my boyfriend?’ you asked her.
‘He’s alright, he’s waiting outside.’ her voice was calmer this time. A big sigh left your mouth. He’s alright.
As the nurse left the room, within seconds someone rushed into the room. ‘Y/N!’ you recognized his voice. ‘I thought I’m gonna lose you!’ he said rushing next to you. His warm hands took yours. You felt his weight next to you so you tried to move, but he immediately stopped you. ‘No Jagi don’t move you’ll hurt yourself!’ he said. You could hear his shaky voice. ‘I’m so sorry Jagiya...’
He was sitting there next to you, barely saying a word until the doctor came and explained everything. Which was nothing good. He told you when you had the accident; you were in worse condition then Jimin. The car flipped and it crushed mostly on your side and you were trapped there for nearly an hour until they could get you out. This was already too long. 
‘During the crash you hit the back of your head which caused damage to your sight nerves. And the small pieces of glass piercing around your eyes, could have caused some other damages too. We successfully removed them with a great plastic surgeon, so you don’t have to worry about scars. We examined your head several times, but we are still unsure if it’s permanent or not.’ the way he said it. It sounded like he doesn’t care at all, like this would be an everyday thing. ‘You may feel dizziness and headaches in the future because of the hit. But we will provide you some painkillers against them.’
Who cares about the painkillers? I’m blind… I can’t see… you thought.
It was too much for you. You were suffocating. The doctor realised himself and left the two of you alone. You were trembling. You wanted to cry. Jimin was holding your hand tightly. ‘Jagi...’ he said softly trying to calm you down. But he couldn’t. You started crying, not caring wetting the band-aid on your eyes. At least your tear ducts are still working.
It was a long time ago you cried in front of him...
You didn’t know how long have you been crying. He was sitting on your bed silently, and not letting go of you.
Apparently it was night time, so he advised you to go to sleep and plan what’s gonna happen next tomorrow.
You’ve been sleeping for a long time but you still felt really tired, when he mentioned sleep. But you woke up probably in the middle of the night.
You wanted to take off the band-aid. But you were struggling so much it frustrated you to the point you started crying again. This woke Jimin up, who was there next to you within seconds.
‘Shh Jagi...’ he said in his soft calming voice. ‘It will be okay...’ he pulled you closer to him, and started playing with your hair to calm you down. ‘I’m here...’ he murmured and planted a kiss on your head.
‘Take it off!’ you asked him.
‘What?’ he was confused.
‘Take it off!’ you pointed to the band-aid.
‘Jagi the doctors said the wounds aren’t healed yet.’ he protested.
‘Please…’ he sighed at your request, and slowly took it off your head. You opened your eyes and were surprised to see blindness isn’t completely dark. Colour blotches danced in front of you. But you saw a strong but really blurry pinkish face in front of you. Your sense couldn’t decide if he was close or far. You moved around until you could reach your hand towards his face. Your fingers slowly traced his face. You could feel the puffiness under his eyes. Your heart clenched at the image of him crying.
He rested his hand on yours.
‘Y/N…. You need to rest…’ he whispered.
Days passed by, and nothing was as normal as they said it would be. It was rough. When they let you home, you just wanted to crawl up in a corner and not do anything. Jimin took out a week from work, and stayed with you all the time. He tried his best to stand by you, both physically and emotionally. But you wanted to keep your distance from him. More than in the past.
You barely said a word. But Jimin should have been rewarded as the most amazing person ever. He did everything for you. Whenever you would get up, from your bed he would be there in a second to help you. Telling you where everything was.
Not caring about his pain as well. Because you knew he was in pain too.
The day came when you had to go back for a check-up. That was the last thing you wanted. You woke up before him, and finally tried to get the clothes out for yourself. You managed to get dressed, but when you wanted to move out from your closet, you fell. Your painful groan woke him up.
‘Y/N what are you doing?’ you heard the covers shuffling. Then how he rushed to you. ‘Are you okay? Why didn’t you wake me up?’ he asked as he helped you up. You shrugged. ‘Jagiya… Say something please. You haven’t spoken to me since then.’ he said it softly.
‘I wanted to do it by myself.’ you said quietly.
‘I’m not a kid.’ you said, as you wanted to pass him, but he caught your waist. You were surprised. You saw his blurry figurine. His black hair was covering his whole forehead. He leaned his forehead to yours.
‘I know.’ he whispered. He took the hem of your shirt, and started pulling it upwards. Your breath hitched. He took it off, and pulled away a bit. ‘But you put it on inside out.’ he put it back you in the right way now, and gave you a small peck on your lips. You could feel him smiling.
‘I’m going to take a shower, okay? Try not to break yourself until then. I’ll be quick.’
Even though his warning, you stumbled around the house finding your stuff, while he was showering and getting dressed. You were sure you will have bruises on your knees after how many times you accidentally bumped into something.
You could see the patches of your furniture. But you were unable to tell where are them, only to use your memory.
‘Jagi?’ you heard Jimin’s voice. You kept the appearance of you just casually sitting on the sofa. ‘How many times have you kicked something?’ he asked. You shrugged as if you wouldn’t know anything.
He helped you with your jacket, and getting out of the apartment. This was your first time going out from the apartment.
‘Okay now lift your leg, because here’s the doorstep.’ you did how he commanded. Jimin was so thankful your building has an elevator, because it would have been a nightmare to go down the stairs. He didn’t let go of your side since day one.
When you left the room you were even more disappointed. There weren’t any good news. They just told your wounds are healing nicely. Nothing more.
 Jimin stood next to you as soon as you came out. ‘So?’ he asked excitedly.
‘I… wanna go home!’ you said quietly.
Days have passed and Jimin had to go back to his hectic idol life, even though everyone wanted him to rest. He basically wrapped everything into bubble wrap so you wouldn’t injure yourself. He made you food for the week, and recorded the contact names on your phone if someone would call you.
It was weird being all alone. You could feel how much you needed him, when you stumbled in your own apartment which you thought know by heart. He was next to you whole week, and you didn’t even thank him for that. He was so worried about you 24/7 and you just ignored everything he did for you.
You wanted to let him know you’re fine. You have to be… You made up your mind.
 You tried your best to function without him. You wanted to let him know he doesn’t have to worry. It was quite hard at first, but you could move freely in your apartment without tripping 5 times after a week.
Jimin took you to your check-ups but they always disappointed you even though they were good results.
It has been almost a month since the accident. You wanted to surprise Jimin, how good you became. You practised all day how you will greet him, and just gracefully walk to the kitchen. You were trying to make the apartment neater a bit, so you packed stuff around, and happened to put a bunch of books on the ground.
‘I’m home!’ he shouted from the front door. You jumped off the bed, and rushed over the door. You remembered how much you have to step, and where to lift your leg, and turn around. But you forget about the books. And tripped over them on the floor. ‘Jagi are you okay?’ he rushed to you.
You failed. You practised so hard in the last month just to make him worry less. And now you just gave him another reason to worry more. Why is he still even with you? You’re just another problem for him. You’re so troublesome. Why are you even trying? You can’t even thank him for his help. You can’t even say I love you freely to him.
He reached down to you to help you up, but you pushed his hand away. You somehow got up, and went to your room slamming the door behind. It wasn’t his fault. It was yours. You crawled up in your bed, letting out your tears.
You heard a knock on your door. Jimin slowly opened the door and stepped in. ‘Y/N, can I come in?’
You turned away, so he wouldn’t see your face. ‘Y/N what is it?’ no reply. ‘Seriously Y/N what is it? You barely talk to me.’ he sat behind you on your bed. ‘Jagi...’ he leaned to your neck leaving a soft kiss there.
You moved away. ‘Why are you still here…?’ you caught him surprised.
‘Why are you still here… with me?’
‘What do you mean? I love you more than anything, of course I’m gonna be here with you.’
‘How can you love someone like me…? I can’t even show my love for you.’ he turned your head, and pressed his lips against yours. You started crying even more. You were the one keeping distance but you missed his kiss so much. He pulled you on his lap, not breaking the kiss. Your fingers found their way to his hair. He pulled away letting you two breathe.
‘You love me and that’s enough. If you experience any changes then you can let me know.’ you could feel he was smirking at you. ‘We’ll get through this I promise. Together, okay?’ you nodded. You gave up. And you let it. All your emotions, you should have told him earlier. And he was just hugging you and comforting you it will be okay. He was actually really happy you finally shared how you feel. 
You were sitting silently were a while now. ‘I was so scared.’ you said.
‘When the cars collided. I was scared that is the end of us… It seems it was only for me.’
‘Don’t think that! We’re here safe and sound. And about your sight… It’s not the end of your life. You can still do everything you wanted.’
‘How did I deserve you?’ you looked up to him. It made you said you can’t see him. Well you did, just not how you wanted to.
‘I ask the same thing about you every day.’ he kissed your nose.
‘Jimin’ you said looking into his eyes. Well guessing where his eyes could be. ‘I love you!’
‘I love you too Y/N!’ he replied, and your heart melted every time he said that. The only sentence you wanted to hear all your life. You still stared at him, but started blinking when your eyes started to twinge. ‘What?’ Jimin asked.
‘My eyes hurt!’ you said closing them tightly to reduce the pain. When you opened them the familiar blurriness welcomed you but the image slowly started to sharpen. You could clearly see the face of your boyfriend.
‘Pinch me!’ you exclaimed.
‘What?’ he looked at you confused.
‘Just pinch me!’ and he did how you said. ‘Ouch!’ you rubbed your waist.
‘What was that good for?’ he asked.
‘I’m not dreaming!’ you smiled widely, and basically jumped on him just to kiss him.
‘Is this a different level of your sanity?’ he raised a brow when you parted.
‘I can see you!’ you said. His eyes went wide. He looked really funny and you started to chuckle. ‘Your face is funny.’
As a response he just kissed you again.
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