#but i feel that so much of the crunchiness of post-canon vegas is not just in the overt psychological ramifications
minorfamilysupremacy · 11 months
disabled vegas is the most important vegas to me.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
fave vegaspete post-canon headcanon/scenario, interpreted however you wish.
I feel like I'm writing a fic right now that's basically gone from "coherent narrative" to "loose collection of my favorite vegaspete post-canon headcanons/scenarios" and what I'm learning is that there are really a lot to choose from.
I think I might have to go with the classic "Pete takes Vegas to visit his grandma" though, because there's so much fraught potential there in so many ways. the dramatic irony alone! but then also the Vegas experience of "city boy in his boyfriend's rural hometown" and Pete being really self-conscious about the disparity between his background and Vegas's, and the whole thing just feels ripe for all kinds of crunchy emotional stuff. which is, of course, my entire jam
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trashycullen · 5 years
For the character list, Rosalie and/or Alice
favorite thing about them
her strength!!! after everything she’s been through, all that trauma, she stands tall and doesn’t let people push her around.
least favorite thing about them
that she isn’t canonically a lesbian. also being Like That to jacob
favorite line
“i don’t mean that i have any aversion to you as a sister. it’s just that… this is not the life i would have chosen for myself. i wish there had been someone there to vote no for me.” ;-;
sm completely robbed us by not giving her any canon friends. so her & jasper, and in the event that she wasn’t so Like That to jacob, them! (also… ik this isn’t really bros but… where’s my esme/rosalie familial bonding… w h ere…)
rosalie/bella is cute. and so is rosalie/emmett owo
this is probably rare but rosalie/edward. also again prbly rare but rosalie/jacob
random headcanon
if she could eat, her diet would be 90% crunchy cheetos
unpopular opinion
that she is, in fact, a Bitch with or without trauma. its valid tho (i’m reading this back bc i had it sitting in my drafts for a while unfinished and realizing it’s.. kinda insensitive lmao. what i mean by that is a lot of her harshness is influenced by her rape and the trauma of being changed. i think that if she were placed in a modern society without these factors, she would still carry that same energy and she progressed in life. i hope that makes more sense lolol)
song i associate with them
100 years by florence + machine
favorite picture of them
i’ll put it at the end of the post -w-
favorite thing about them
how shes such a big menace in such a small package. also i always thought her gift was bomb as a kid
least favorite thing about them
while i understand it from her perspective, she’s kinda pushy about stuff with bella. like the parties, the wardrobe..
favorite line
“you’d think i was shoving bamboo splinters under your nails” or “it sounded like you were having bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share” or the entire part where she’s pouting about bella planning to get hitched in vegas. like.. “do you love me bella?” COME ON!
HER AND KUMBOH!!!!!!! that one short film was trash but alice & kumboh’s interactions were the shining light. and then her and edward. (no lie i think about that post about edward being the first vampire to get a bruise because alice kicked him in the shins the entire bus ride home from the field trip every fucking day) 
alice/victoria (let’s all just take a moment to consider an au where victoria feels a protectiveness over alice in the asylum and then teams up with kumboh to kill james and run away together)
ummm i don’t really have one with her? i’m pretty indifferent to most other alice ships
random headcanon
she likes watching shows like bee and puppycat, over the garden wall, moomin, steven universe, etc. (sometimes esme joins her!)
unpopular opinion
i don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion so much as a negative headcanon but i don’t think she places as much weight on her friendship with bella as much as the later does. while i do think alice views her as an extremely close friend and sister, i don’t think she’s as ride or die about the friendship as bella seems to be. like, in canon bella let’s alice get away with a fuck ton of stuff that makes her uncomfy just because it’s alice. if the roles were reversed, i don’t think alice would do the same
song i associate with them
bury it by CHVRCHES (all of their songs remind me of alice though)
favorite picture of them
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and then here’s my favorite of rosalie
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