#(losing his dad losing his position having an uncertain future)
minorfamilysupremacy · 10 months
disabled vegas is the most important vegas to me.
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leclucklerc · 8 months
Check Point MV1 - 01. Product of Glory
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Pairings: Max Verstappen x Actress!Reader
Summary: She should've realized that coming back to Formula One after quitting the sport years ago is a bad idea. Especially considering that most of your childhood friends and rivals from your karting days are now in the paddock.
Word Count: 4.2k
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Weekends had always been her favorite part of the week.
Besides the fact that it's a time when there's no school, weekends had always been more special. When she was younger, weekends means that she’s going to watch her dad race. To feel the thrill of Formula One as she cheered for the man on the red car. Weekend means going to a dinner with her parents, still high from her dad win and spending the night laughing and spending time together.
When her dad decided to retire from motorsport, weekends mean another thing.
Weekend means racing.
Though this time it’s not her dad in a red car who race. This time it’s her who’s racing. It’s her who goes on top of kart and race against people her age. It’s her who got cheered on. It’s her, who will bring a smile on her dad face as he saw her with pride clear on his eyes.
Y/n loves weekends.
“Hi,” greeted the girl, smile wide and eyes crinkling. “Good race, huh?”
The blue-eyed boy furrowed his eyebrows at her while the other one, a dark haired one, let out a small smile at that. She could feel the stare that they directed towards the trophy on her hand. No doubt jealous at the number one engraved on it.
It only made her giggle, as she proudly showed it towards the two boys.
The three of them are now huddled in a corner somewhere in the karting track, adrenaline still high from the race earlier and hair still wet from all the sweat under their helmet. They still could hear the hustle and bustle from the crowd that had attended the race this weekend. The distant sound of chatters and karting engine.
It had been a tough race, a race where the three of them shoved each other on the track. Each trying to gain better position from the others. Each, trying to become the winner of the race.
Though, despite all of that, in this small corner, they felt that there’s only the three of them in this world. There is no strict parents, heavy expectations, or uncertain futures. In this little corner, there are only the three of them. The three champions with too much talent and boundless possibilities for their future.
“You’re only saying that cause you beat us,” said the dark haired one in a heavily accented English. Well, to be fair, all of them are speaking in a heavily accented English, considering y/n too mainly talked in French with her parents. "If you had lost you would've been crying right now."
"Psh, I'm not a crybaby like you guys," she laughed it off.
"I'm not a crybaby!"
Said girl grin only widened before she sat in front of the two boys. The trophy still clutched tightly as she adjusted it on her lap, not wanting to break it.
“Sore loser,” teased the girl. “You look like you want to fight me when I passed you in the last lap,” this part was directly directed towards the blue-eyed boy who had been moodily staring at her since the start.
“I did not” muttered the boy, also answering in a heavily accented English. Though, the accent is different from the previous boy and hers. He began leaning back towards the stack of wheels behind them. “I just don’t like losing.”
“Who likes losing?” asked back the dark haired one as he fiddled with his helmet on his hand. “I don’t.”
“No one,” agreed on the girl with a nod of her head. Inside of her head, she could already imagine all of the headlines and news if she ever performed badly in a race. Accusations of her being untalented to the blatant questioning if she’s her father daughter.
She can’t lose.
There is no way she can allow herself to lose.
“If we want to make it to Formula 1, we have to hate losing,” continue the girl as she sat in front of the two boys. "It's all about the mentality y'know?"
“Y/n is right,” said the dark-haired boy, nodding. “Also, my dad is not that happy if I got second place, so I really should win.”
“What Charles said,” said the girl. “Pretty sure my dad will also be disappointed if I don’t win a race.”
The other boy, Max, nodded his head sulkily. He doesn’t need to say how upset his father would be if he ever loses because both y/n and Charles knew that already.
Jos Verstappen, after all, is a terrifying figure.
While of course both Charles’s dad and y/n’s dad would be disappointed if they had a bad race, they would never throw a literal temper tantrum to them. They would console the both of them because they know, no matter how disappointed they are, the one that is the most disappointed is the children themselves. Instead of anger, they would offer them ice cream and advice. They would offer a shoulder to cry to and ears to ramble to. Max dad on the other hand-
(“Why did you lose?” asked Jos Verstappen, tone grave and eyes glaring daggers at the boy in fronf of him. He looks terrifying. Like a giant ready to stomp on those under him.
Max trembled, not daring to stare at the older man. “I-“ he started. “I-“ he desperately tried to get the words out. To force his throat to talk and explain and yet, no matter how much he tried, he just cant. As if, his body is refusing to even defy the man in front of him.
Y/n watched, heart trembling as she hid behind a building near them. Too scared to help and yet, at the same time she desperately wants to help her best friend.
But her feet just won’t move. Rooted on her spot as she silently watches the conftoration unfolds.
He’s terrifying. From the way he would yell at Max or the glare that he would throw to everyone in the room. From his large stature to the way he never looked that happy to see Max hanging out with y/n or Charles.
The three of them had basically grow up together with racing. Y/n doesn’t even remember when was the first time was the three of them had ended up in the same race, all she knows, one way or another, they had been racing against each other for the longest time.
It has always been the three of them on the podium. The three of them against the world. Sometimes y/n wins, sometimes Max wins, sometimes Charles wins. Her father had once said that the three of them is taking turn for the first place.
Before she knew it, she had become close with her two rivals.
(A lot of time, y/n would feel a bit guilty if she won first place. Because she knew what would happen to Max. She knew that his dad doesn’t like to see him in second place.
Though alas, the drug called winning is an addicting one. Moreso when you’re not mature enough to realize the consequences of your actions. Moreso, when you still watched the world through a rose-tinted glass.)
They’re her closest friends. The very first people that she talked to and confide to. It’s them against the world. It’s their dream against everything in the world.
Even though they live in three different countries – Max in the Netherlands, Charles in Monaco, and y/n in France – she felt as if they’re always with each other. Maybe it’s the frequent phone calls or maybe it’s the holidays that their family often arranged together.
No matter what it is, she can always say confidently that both max and Charles is her best friends. 
“Do you think we’re going to make it to formula one?” asked Max after a while, a thoughtful frown tugging his lips down. The silence between the three of them had been a bit unusual, though it’s not an uncomfortable one.
Both Charles and y/n exchanged a glance. “What? Are you doubting yourself?” said y/n, raising her eyebrows.
Max shook his head. “No, I’m doubting the both of you.”
Y/n and Charles hit his arm playfully. 
“Rude,” huffed out y/n. “As if you’re going to enter Formula One before me.”
“You will never enter Formula One if you still have that kind of sloppy overtake- ouch! Stop hitting me!” complained Max as the girl continue to hit his shoulder playfully.
The girl rolled her eyes. “That’s what you get for doubting my skill.”
"I won't be doubting your skill if you can actually kart properly-"
"You're so mean!"
Immediately after that, a laugh rang out. Both y/n and Max turned their head towards Charles who was laughing at them. Oddly, the both of them too started to laugh soon. The previously tense atmosphere from the earlier conversation gone as they enjoyed the moment together.
Truly, they looked like children their age here. Not someone who has a too heavy expectations and fame that’s threatening to consume her. Not someone with uncertain future and the desperation to show the world his talent. Not someone, with a father who doesn’t know to be a dad.
In this moment, the three of them are just children playing around. Something that they hardly did with all of the burdens that they have to bear despite their young age.
After a while, the laughter ceased, and the atmosphere had lightened up considerably. They looked relaxed, as they shared smiles with each other.
“We’re going to formula one, obviously,” said Charles, grinning. “We’re so good at karting!”
The way he said it was full of conviction without a hint of doubt. It made Max and y/n believed in him. As if, the case of them being a formula one driver is not a matter of if, but a when. That it’s only a matter of time before all three of them would drive for the top teams in Formula One.
It made her believe an almost impossible possibility.
Of her, still racing with her friends. Of her, making her dad proud with it. Of her, still sharing the camera with her mother.
A future with endless possibilities that she looked forward to.
“For sure,” grinned y/n. “We’ll make it to Formula one and we’ll race in Monaco!”
Though, back then, the three of them doesn’t know that yes. That dream will only stay as a simple childish dream.
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Y/n l/n is many things.
She’s one of the most famous celebrities in Hollywood, the highest paid actress for the last few years. She has won Oscars, many times. Emmys, also many times, and other acting awards that could possibly exist in the planet. She's a fashion icon, an ambassador of many fashion houses and jewelries. She's a charming woman, someone that can get everybody's attention by just entering the room.
Y/n l/n is the talk of the town now.
Well, it’s not like that she’s not the talk of the town before. As one of most recognizable celebrity on earth, it’s normal for people to gossips and talked about her. Every now and then, her name would sit at the top of the trending topic. So, being the talk of the town is not something new to her. Now though, the reason why she’s even mentioned so much lately is the now viral video of her in her Jimmy Kimmel interview.
2,5 million views. Posted 1d ago.
She whistled at the number.
“It really is a good promotion,” said Andrew, her manager as he scrolled past his iPad. “We can cut the marketing budget for Product of Glory a bit,” he continued., sounding a bit pleased at that. “The producer is really thankful for that.”
The two of them is sitting on y/n’s living room, monitoring the public response from her appearance in Jimmy Kimmel. Besides Andrew, she could also see her private assistant walking around the house, no doubt doing an errand that she had asked beforehand. Though besides that, the mansion is quiet.
“Pay me more then,” laughed the female as she looked up from her phone. “I revealed my dark past for everyone to enjoy after all.”
“Well, I thank you for revealing your dark past or whatever," muttered the male, not even looking up from his iPad. "It will bring a lot of buzz to the movie considering well-“
“Considering it’s a movie about my parents?” asked y/n, raising her eyebrow.
“Well yeah,” agreed the man. "And it's also about Formula One, so it's related."
In hindsight, y/n really do think that there is no way her newest movie – Product of Glory – will be a failure. After all, it’s a high budgeted movie with star studded cast and an experienced director. The reason why she’s even taking the role was because it has an amazing script, something that will bring some kind of Oscar buzz surely.
Besides that, the movie is about Formula One. Mainly, the love story between a Formula One legend and Hollywood icon back in the 80’s and 90’s. The turbulence romance between a high-profile athlete and a high-profile actress. Both were at the top of their respective fields, making their relationship basically the power couple of the entertainment and the sport industry.
Before David and Victoria Beckham were even a thing, Reynold and Nicole l/n were the couple. The wet dream of every tabloid back in the day. With that kind of history, it has enough noise to make people anticipates the movie.
And then, the main actress of the movie and the daughter of Nicole l/n went into the Jimmy Kimmel show and shocked the world. 
It didn’t take a lot of time for people to verify that information and confirm that yes, y/n l/n is telling the truth and yes, y/n l/n got a really successful karting career back then. So successful that she was part of the Ferrari driver’s academy back in the day. So successful that she actually raced with so many famous names. Names that is now currently racing at the pinnacle of motorsport.
Without her now viral clip, many had put high expectation for the movie. Now, after revealing her almost career choice, people practically salivate at the thought of watching the movie.
“Is this good for my image?” she asked, finger thumbing around the video and yet she didn’t click on it. Should she watch it?
Truthfully, revealing her karting past is not something that she had planned before. The Jimmy Fallon team didn't even told her that it's a topic that they will brought up during the interview. Imagine her shock when said host brought out a photo from her karting days.
Memories of that time had resurfaced almost immediately. Things that she wants to bury and forget.
It had made her nervous, heels clicking on the carpeted floor as she tried to think on what she should do. Her exit from the world of motorsport had been really abrupt after all. There are so many things left unsaid, so many things that she should've brought closure to.
And yet she didn't.
So she had retell the tale of her karting journey. Of how she had decided that acting is more of her thing compared to racing. That in the end, her heart lies on playing a character in front of a camera. Like a mindless puppet.
“An amazing one,” said Andrew. “People really like the contrast of being an actress and a racing driver,” continue the man. “And Formula One is really popular right now, almost rivaling soccer, so it’s a huge boost for your image.”
“My dad will love it,” said y/n, letting out a dry chuckle. “I swear he’s a bit bitter when I chose acting years ago.”
Andrew raised an eyebrow. “The great Reynold l/n being bitter? Hard to imagine,” said the man. “He always seems friendly and easygoing.”
“It’s cause you know him after he retired from his racing career,” answered the female. “Mom likes to say that dad used to be a huge asshole when he was still active. Well, an asshole that she really likes so she just thought it was hot.”
The male let out laugh at that, amused. “Anyway, because of the interview, people are expecting you to be in the Miami GP this year,” he said. “A lot of people had thought that you were attending last year.”
“I was filming in Switzerland,” answered the female in order to defend herself. Truthfully, it’s not a good defense, considering the filming is not something mandatory. Y/n was just searching for a reason to skip Miami GP last year. She knows it and Andrew too knows it.
“Right,” said Andrew, not sounding convinced the slightest. “Mercedes and Red Bull had actually asked you to join them as a guest,” he continue as he showed her an email that he had received from both teams. “They seem pretty enthusiastic about that.”
Mercedes and Red Bull.
Bad idea.
Y/n sighed, “I’m attending with my dad, so it’s obvious that I’m going to go to the Ferrari garage.” Well, it’s not like Ferrari is a better option. But at least she will have a shield there, namely her dad.
Andrew hummed. “Well, I just thought that you maybe want to avoid both Red Bull and Ferrari garage.”
And isn’t that another can of worms that she has to open?
Tapping her feet – a nervous tick of hers – she let her mind wander to all the possibilities that she could encounter during the Grand Prix. She knows that attending a race is a bad idea. A really bad one considering she knows almost everyone on the grid. 
It’s a bad idea and y/n knows it.
She really really knows it.
An image of a blond- and dark-haired boy appeared inside of her head. Of them racing together, of them spending their holidays together. Of them, laughing and enjoying each other company.
“Ugh,” groaned the female. “I don’t fucking know, okay?”
“Well, you better think about it,” said Andrew, closing his iPad as he stared at her. “Because the Miami GP is happening soon, and I really need to confirm your attendance to the teams.”
Y/n gave him a thumbs up, mulling about her decision.
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Maybe y/n had regretted her decision to choose acting over racing, once upon a time. 
But that was during a hard time of her life, during the weird period where she’s oftentimes considered too old for a child role but too young for an adult role. It was during the time where the phrase nepo-baby were stuck into her like a parasite, sucking her life force more and more as she continues to live in the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles with rows and rows of failed auditions behind her. 
Her mother had told her once that you will be happy if you excel at your job. That you will find happiness only when you managed to find success at the thing that you do.
She agrees on that, considering that she had never looked back on racing the moment she won her first Oscar as a lead actress at the tender age of 18.
Now, seven years after that, y/n never even thought about formula one besides when she’s watching the race with her father.
“So close-!” Exclaimed her father as he leaned forward, eyes trained towards the heated race between Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc. “Ah, he really needs to brake here or-!”
Y/n almost winced as she watched how the Red bull and Ferrari almost crashed with each other. 
“Dad,” she called out, reaching towards the older man who will certainly fall from the sofa with how he leaned forward. “Relax dad, you’ll fall at this rate,” said the female as she tugged the man back.
Her dad let out a huff. “Seriously!” he let out. “Ferrari really need to get the world champion this year! Charles is leading the driver championship but they’re only at the second place in the constructor and Mattia really need to get their shittogether at this point!”
“I know, I know,” she said. “You can tell Mattia directly during the Miami GP, no?”
“Obviously I will.”
The female let out an amused snort at that.
Formula One had been going into a new direction as of late, something that her father had been really excited about. Last year, during the 2021 season, Max Verstappen managed to place first in the World’s Driver Championship. Ending Lewis Hamilton seven consecutive title. While Mercedes managed to still win the Constructor Championship, y/n really can’t help but thought that this was the beginning of a new era in the sport. 
When last year Miami GP had come around, her father had practically jumped around in excitement. Y/n gets it though, after moving to LA after his retirement in order to fully support his wife career and help raising y/n, the man had never really had many chances to go back to his racing roots.
That’s why every time a new Formula One season came around; her father would always make sure that he’ll watch almost every race.
The current grid of Formula One is a bit different, in her humble opinion. After all, there is so much young and talented drivers racing right now.
From Red Bull’s newest golden boy to Ferrari’s ‘Il Predestinato’.
Her father had thought that the nickname was fitting for the Monegasque, had praised Ferrari’s decision to put him in the team with Sebastian Vettel back in 2019. He had praised when Max debuted in Toro Rosso back in 2015, just one year after his admittance to Red Bull Junior Program and y/n’s retirement from the world of racing.
He had praised them more considering that both had also been her childhood best friends.
Had been.
“Max and Charles were asking for you,” said the man as they watched Charles’s red Ferrari won the Australian Grand Prix. Y/n really can’t help the proud feeling that’s settling inside of her chest. Something similar to what she had felt almost one year ago as she watched the race in Abu Dhabi. “Back in Bahrain.”
“Well,” started the female. “It’s not like I never talked to them anymore.”
“Max said you replied to his messages once a week,” continue the man. “And you always refused their holiday invitations every off season or summer break.”
“Well,” started the female again, readying to defend herself. “I just think it’s a bit awkward, I don’t even know their friends.”
“How about that time when they visited me here? Why did you leave as soon as they arrived?” proved her father further, referring to last year when both Max and Charles had visited him just before Miami GP.
“Back then I was-“ Though, she came short. “Uh- I really don’t have anything to say about that.”
She remembered all the countless invitations and messages that was left on read. All of the missed calls, or even the dry group chat that they had between the three of them.
It’s a bit painful to look at. To see what their relationship had become. To see, the relationship crumbled and destroyed under her hand.
Because that’s the truth, isn’t it? She really doesn’t have any reason to ignore her childhood friends one-sidedly for years.
Her father stared at her. “You know, it’s not fair to you, and to the both of them,” continue the man as he turned his attention back on the television. “I think the last time you met either of them was back in 2018, when Charles was about to debut in Formula One.”
She really doesn’t have any excuse for that.
After all, the three of them had been inseparable since their karting days. With how often they had raced against each other, it’s only normal for them to eventually bond and make friends with each other. Charles or Max had once said that there’s no way both would even be friends if there’s no y/n to be the middleman amidst their fierce rivalry.
They had spent summers and holidays together, their parents knew each other, they had supported each other racing career.
Regarding their fallout, y/n likes to think that it’s only normal for childhood friends to not become friends with each other over the years. That it’s normal for them to find better friends or better environments compared to their restricted childhood.
Though, y/n is also painfully aware that their fallout was not because of that.
They’re still each other closest confidants. They’re still each other biggest supporters. They’re still each other best friends.
The reason why they became like this, was because, y/n decided to back away.
Maybe it was regret or maybe it was the guilt that’s eating her away. Maybe it’s because what happened back in 2014 in Monaco or maybe it’s because what happened in the 2015 Australian Grand Prix. There are a lot of things that she must unpack regarding her past in Formula One and instead to do all of that, she decided to run away.
A bit embarrassing, but that’s what she did best. Always running away. Always, avoiding her problems one way or another.
Max used to call her out about that. This ugly habit of hers that absolutely refuses conflict and choose the easiest way out. 
“Are you going to attend this year GP?” asked her father after a few minutes of silence. “I know you had mentioned that you’re going to attend it, but are you sure?”
“I want to talk to you about that actually,” said the girl. “Because well, I know you will watch from Ferrari and I actually got invited to both Mercedes and Red Bull, but like you know how I will always try to avoid Ferrari and Red Bull-“
“Breath, darling,” said her dad, stopping her rant. “Breath.”
She took a deep breath. “I know,” said the woman. “I was panicking. A bit.”
Her father hummed at that; amusement clear on his face. “Well, I must say, that I’m glad that the time finally came.”
“What time?”
“For you to talk to Max and Charles again,” replied the older man. “I’m a bit tired to become the messenger bird for the three of you again.”
“Funny,” she lets out. “It’s going to be so awkward when it’s been years since is stared avoiding them.”
“Completely your fault.”
“I know.”
Silence fell between the two of them. On the television, the post-race interview began playing. Charles’s face appeared first as he began narrating today’s race and singing praises to the car this weekend.
“Do you think we can be friends again?” asked y/n finally in a small voice.
His dad turned towards her. “Darling, I don’t think the three of you ever stopped being friends.”
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It’s the 2022 Miami Grand Prix.
It’s the 2022 Miami Grand Prix and y/n l/n is staring at Max Verstappen who also seemed shocked at her presence.
“Uh-“ she started. “Hi?”
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@mynameisangeloflife @dl-yum @hockeyboysarehot @stopeatread @cha-hot @ironmaiden1313 @unlikelythingbasement @sofs16
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hisnowbie2 · 2 months
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¤ Once a month, all male students will have to test out their knowledge, entering early the harsh society as those who are in the top of the chart will be treated differently. A brutal ranking system whereby some used their money to score high, and the fact that the low ranks mysteriously died as a rumor, will Kang Taehyun, the first in the rank, solve the harsh school rule together with a transfer student? ¤
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FOUR : 【 1st every month 】 (2.5k)
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A knock on the door draws Taehyun's attention away from his computer. He looks up to see his family entering his office room. Taehyun hums, his fingers busy typing on the keyboard as he observes his parents settling in and his energetic younger sister skipping over to him. She greets him with a hug from behind, eliciting a giggle from their mother at the sibling interaction. With one hand caressing his sister's back, he uses the other to press the enter key, confirming that a file has been submitted. He then shifts his focus to his family.
"Any news?" his father asks, his expression as stoic as Taehyun's.
"Not much, just a few agreements with a 100% clearance rate, and Na wanted to support us too, according to Jay," Taehyun replies, rising from his office chair and inviting Yeseo to sit while he fetches water for his parents.
"That sounds promising, Hyunnie," his mother's soft voice fills the room, though both Taehyun and his father remain impassive.
"Thank you," Taehyun says, placing the cups on the table before taking a seat beside his mum.
Yeseo skips over to their father, linking arms with him. "Mom, dad, can I hang out with oppa?"
"Ask your brother if he's free first," their mother chuckles, and Taehyun nods in agreement.
"Files are sent, no interruptions. I expect no additional work for me today," Taehyun states firmly, to which his father nods.
"Make sure to look after your sister," their father adds.
Their mother clicks her tongue, rolling her eyes. "As if he didn't inherit your protectiveness."
Yeseo giggles, while their father and Taehyun remain silent. Taehyun stands up and pats Yeseo's head. "I will, Dad," he assures.
And so, Yeseo and Taehyun venture out into the city, walking side by side, each expressing different emotions. Taehyun maintains his stoic demeanor, while Yeseo cherishes the time spent with her brother, a rare occurrence since he assumed the role of future CEO for their father's position. She leads, and he follows without hesitation, fulfilling her every whim. He is a man of action rather than words, a trait inherited from his father. They may seem like copies of their parents, yet they are a happy family.
Supposedly headed to school and business class respectively, both siblings have been excused by their parents. As they walk towards Jay's house, a familiar routine, Yeseo breaks the silence.
"How's Jay oppa doing?" she asks, leaning into her brother's arm.
"Probably struggling at school without me," Taehyun replies, his tone dry.
Yeseo giggles and playfully nudges her brother. "I know Jay oppa is smart; he won't be struggling without you."
Taehyun raises an eyebrow before shrugging, subtly guiding Yeseo away from the road.
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Your hand snaps to attention, eyes fixed on the projector screen displaying textbook pages under the guidance of the teacher. However, your ears fail to focus, and your gaze shifts to the table where your textbook lies open to the correct page.
You're uncertain when or why you began losing focus in class, but it seems you're not alone in this. Glancing around, you notice your classmates are similarly distracted. You start to question the necessity of teachers in this school, especially considering Jaemin's claim that exam questions can be found in textbooks or online searches.
This newfound lack of focus doesn't weigh on you with guilt; instead, it feels oddly normal, as if it's something you've experienced before.
Throughout your academic life, you've always been an exemplary student, excelling in your studies and maintaining a small circle of friends. Despite encountering a few rivals and haters, they've never deterred you. However, everything changed after you received a recommendation, leading to a predetermined successful life studying at SIBH. While it's true that your future seems secure, there's also the risk of failure looming over your academic endeavors.
Even glancing at your phone fails to offer solace. A message received this morning about the upcoming examination fills you with dread. Exams are scheduled every first of the month, and with today being May 6th, there are only 26 days left—less than a month, yet it still sends shivers down your spine.
As the bell rings, signaling the end of class, you rise from your seat and make your way out of the classroom.
Unfortunately, Jaemin wasn't with you during this class, leaving you to endure it alone. However, your main concern isn't being alone in class; it's the presence of a certain individual named Hojin. Though you've never met him, the rumors surrounding him are terrifying. While you typically avoid violence, you understand that survival sometimes requires evading danger. This isn't about bravery; it's about ensuring you make it to examination day without ending up in the hospital.
Lost in your thoughts, you accidentally bump into another student while walking. You quickly apologize, only to realize you've collided with Jay, Jaemin's business partner.
While you'd prefer Jay's company over that of other students, you're not thrilled about encountering someone associated with the unnamed student. You avoid his gaze, apologize again, and attempt to move away, only to find Jay's hand gripping your wrist.
"Yfn," he says softly.
Though the sound of your name on his lips is beautiful, it fills you with terror since you hardly know him. Remembering Jaemin's warnings about not crossing higher ranks, you refrain from arguing and reluctantly turn to face him, offering a hesitant smile and a quiet hum. He stares at you uncomfortably, and you avoid making eye contact, waiting for him to speak.
After a moment of awkward silence, he finally breaks it. "Jay."
You blink, trying to process his words. His expression seems serious, leaving you puzzled. You nod in response.
"I know," you reply.
Is that all? You're about to excuse yourself when he beats you to it, offering to walk with you.
"I'll walk with you."
You're taken aback by his offer, struggling to comprehend it. Is he offering to protect you from Hojin? But isn't Hojin ranked second? Shouldn't only the top-ranked student offer protection? You're unsure of Jay's intentions, but you reluctantly agree, not wanting to refuse his offer outright.
The walk to Jaemin's classroom is filled with awkward silence. You attempt to initiate small talk, but Jay remains mostly silent, seemingly comfortable in his own company. Eventually, you manage to strike a chord with him by asking about his absent friend.
"So, where's your friend?" you inquire, referring to the unnamed student. Jay's eyes widen briefly before he sighs.
"He left for business," he responds. Though you're not entirely satisfied with his answer, you let it go, knowing you'll likely learn more about him in due time. As you approach Jaemin, who's using his phone, you catch his eye, signaling your arrival with Jay by your side. Watching you walk towards him didn't make his eyes widen, but Jay walking beside you? That's a completely different story. However, it didn't take long for Jaemin to understand the situation, humming as both you and Jay stopped in front of him.
"Is Taehyun not here?" Jay let out a sigh, nodding his head.
You ponder the possibility that Taehyun might be Jay's unnamed friend, saying nothing as you observe their interaction.
Jaemin hums while switching his gaze between you and Jay. "You know, I don't really mind if both of you are in a relationship."
Your eyes widen in strong disagreement, cursing under your breath. "Na Jaemin! Jay was just trying to protect me from-" you pause, scanning the area before lowering your voice to a whisper. "Hojin."
Jaemin smirks, his eyes shifting to Jay. The latter remains silent, avoiding Jaemin's gaze.
"Well, I don't see any possible way he could protect you," Jaemin says, his eyes still fixed on Jay, his tone tinged with mischief. "Since," he folds his arms, "only Taehyun can protect you."
Jay groans while Jaemin smiles, and you freeze, immediately turning back to Jay who covers his face, possibly out of embarrassment. Clearing your throat, you recall their conversation.
Jay can't protect you from Hojin; only Taehyun, Jay's friend who didn't come to school today and is ranked number 1 in the school, can protect you. So, all along, you've just been risking yourself. You sigh in defeat and glance at Jaemin. "Can we just go grab some food? I'm starving."
Jaemin hums with the same mischievous tone while looking at Jay. "Does the lover boy want to join us, perhaps?"
Jay immediately chokes out of embarrassment, and you pout slightly, noticing his expression for the first time even though you've only been hanging out for probably less than 30 minutes.
"I was just-"
"Cut the crap, Jay," Jaemin interrupts Jay before forcefully turning both you and Jay around, wrapping his arms around both of your necks, and swiftly standing between you. "Yn is starving to death."
You scoff. "That's an exaggeration."
"Doesn't seem like it." With that, Jaemin initiates the walk and forces both you and Jay to walk along.
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Yeseo was enjoying the view of the park that she and Taehyun had landed in no more than 15 minutes ago, and as her older brother, Taehyun almost smiled at the cheerful sight of his sister. Nothing could replace his younger sister. So, to ensure that, he had to prevent her from entering any close routes to SIBH. It might seem controlling, but it was for the best. He couldn't risk corrupting his sister's mind with the concept of SIBH. She was fine studying in a co-ed school, where danger wasn't an everyday occurrence. He didn't mind if she had boyfriends; she just needed to stay away from his school. Now, was he controlling? Maybe, maybe not, but his sister's health was his first priority. He mentally prayed that no all-girls school she might study in the future would be as horrifying as his.
Reflecting on his own first time attending SIBH, he wondered why his parents hadn't rejected his innocent and proud request to study there. He knew his younger self was smart, but good opportunities came with a price. To secure the best future? Attending SIBH was the path. Wanting to eventually take over his father's position and succeed all the way to the next generation? SIBH was the answer. Wanting to even take over all rival companies that might pose a hurdle in the future? SIBH is every business student's answer. SIBH, SIBH, SIBH—it feels like every successful person revolves around the school's name.
Getting to graduate with the school's name is one thing, but trying to become a student of SIBH is as challenging as surviving within its walls. The number of students rejected due to their final results makes it understandable why so few are accepted to attend the walk-in examination.
Now, speaking of control, SIBH is the epitome of it.
Taehyun absolutely despises the concept of it but keeps his opinions to himself when it comes to his parents. Granted, his family is the epitome of wealth, and he could feasibly request to overhaul the entire concept of SIBH. However, Taehyun doesn't bother. It doesn't concern him much. As long as he maintains the highest rank, any deaths are not his problem. He focuses solely on himself at school, perhaps a little on his best friend too.
Talking about Jay, Taehyun knew from Jay's parents that they were alumni of SIBH. They met in the school building, endured its challenges, and ended up together after graduating with the school's name on their backs. Initially, they didn't want their child to study there, but Jay emphasized that it was the best path if he wanted to take over his parents' companies. Jay mentioned that he didn't want to inherit their companies through their established names but through his own merit and worth. And that's how he ended up at SIBH with Taehyun.
Initially, Taehyun rejects the idea of being friends with Jay. However, due to their fathers being business partners and their mothers being best friends, they decided to match Taehyun with Jay, perhaps with a little force on Taehyun's part since he can be hard-headed.
Their parents insisted that they matched well in terms of personality, but Taehyun argued that he was worse than Jay.
Which is true. Taehyun only cares for himself, showing little concern for whoever may suffer around him, and he expects a give-and-take for every request. Meanwhile, Jay isn't very expressive.
Taehyun is fully aware of their personalities but sees no reason to change his own because it benefits him to appear strong. Despite his self-centered tendencies, Taehyun does soften a bit when it comes to his family, particularly his sister, much like how his father behaves towards his mother. People may label him as having a "sister complex" or "sistercon," but as long as his sister remains fine and well, playful and cute, like she is now when she calls his name, Taehyun doesn't mind the labels.
"Oppa! Look what I've found!"
Taehyun smiles as Yeseo runs towards him, holding onto something with a big smile on her face.
"Look! A butterfly!" Taehyun's eyes light up as he gazes at the monarch butterfly resting between Yeseo's palms, its wings slowly closing. Taehyun takes a moment to examine the butterfly before carefully picking it up by its wing.
"Careful there, Yeseo. You can't catch a butterfly out of nowhere. It has its family to feed. Catching it means it might feel that it have failed its mission," he explains gently.
Yeseo pouts. "I was going to release it."
Her whining doesn't bother Taehyun as he continues to educate her. "Yeseo, remember what the butterfly effect means?"
She nods.
"The butterfly effect is when a small change can lead to hundreds and thousands of different outcomes," she elaborates.
Taehyun smiles, proud of his sister. "Well, if you knew that, do you know why it's called the butterfly effect and not any other animal name effect?"
Seeing her clueless expression as she tilts her head, he chuckles and ruffles her hair before opening up the wings of the butterfly. "That's because of its wings. Its detailed pattern. You see, one line is attached to two, and the two are attached to four, and so on. If you follow one line without turning back, you will encounter two lines, but you will never know what would have happened if you had walked a different path."
Just like how he could never know what would have happened if he hadn't attended SIBH, or if Yeseo wasn't his sister, Taehyun wonders if he would treat everybody else the same.
"Just like how you would never be friends with Jay oppa if it weren't for mum's help!" Yeseo concludes, and well, maybe that's true too, but then she pouts again. "I miss Jay oppa..."
Taehyun grins, willing to do anything to make his sister smile. "Want me to call him?"
"Isn't he at school?" she asks.
He shrugs. "Well, as you said, he's smart even without me, right?" With a nod from Yeseo, Taehyun continues dialing Jay's number. "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear from us," he says with a grin.
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jayalaw · 7 months
Steven Universe 2023 Thoughts
So. Steven Universe has been referring to the forefront. People are talking about how Cartoon Network screwed Rebecca Sugar over and sabotaged the show on realizing that it was going to be openly gay complete with a same-sex wedding. They wonder if the fandom went too far in harassing others and not espousing the values that the show promoted about remembering to be kind and to show empathy, even towards literal monsters and those who have hurt you. 
I admit that I was part of the fandom, but I mainly talked with people who liked the show, some who encouraged me to see it. My friend C was very into it, and we talked cosplays as well as theories about was going to happen. Tumblr was aflutter about what happened to Pink Diamond and I screamed when we got the truth. By some fortune, I avoided the people that contributed to the negativity.     
How did Steven Universe save me?
While Steven Universe season one didn't catch my attention, the second season did. There were tales about how Steven's parents met, about Pearl accidentally messing up in her desire to fuse with Garnet, and Peridot learning to appreciate Earth while being forced to ally with the Crystal Gems to stop an apocalypse.
The episode where Connie's mother finds out that she's been fencing, and insists that her daughter is not doing something like that struck a chord with me. While I was allowed to be artistic, and I am very glad to be, there is always the sense that you have to conform within expectations. Connie's dilemma became completely understandable. We also got an episode where Sadie's desire to sing got swallowed.   
Season three was the one that saved me. It aired when I had graduated from college, and was having trouble with job hunting after an assistant position laid me off after two months. I was seeing Steven using the power of empathy to save the world, to help his dad and Pearl come to an understanding, and allow Lapis to overcome her trauma. His optimism was allowing me to get through hard times as my mother tripped in the front yard and broke her arm, necessitating a hospital visit that lasted until four in the morning. 
And Steven Universe came at tough times, right when I needed it. 2016 election? We got a thirty-minute special that featured a sapient pumpkin dog becoming traumatized after seeing how Jack-O-Lanterns are made. The world was so uncertain and scary during the aftermath? Steven goes on trial in outerspace, and learns the circumstances behind a shattering is not all that it seems. We even get an election episode where Steven most definitely loses when trying to help Mayor Dewey stay in office. That was also reassuring, even in the face of all the dire storytelling. 
I was really upset when the first version of the show ended right before the 2020 elections. My goal was for it, queerness and all, to outlast Donald Trump. It was a middle finger to the conservatives that didn't want people like me to exist. Steven and his family had openly queer individuals that rebelled and resisted a tyrannical oppression. When we found out the full story of his mother, without the unreliable narration in flashback form, it was both terrifying and liberating.
 And yet, despite all that, the finale was there right when I needed it. A friend and I were screaming as we watched it, as Steven faced White Diamond and his other aunts, asking them to listen and understand his mother. I felt that it was a fair ending that promised a better way forward, while also showing that there were plenty of ways to go. While I haven't seen all of the sequel movie or the spinoff Steven Universe Future, the scene where Dr. Maheshwaran talks with Steven about emotional trauma is cathartic and bittersweet. I've been rewatching it in-between therapy sessions as it reminds me that pain from years ago can resurface and hurt you, and no trauma is too small. 
Was the show flawed? Yes. The way the first Bismuth arc happened was not handled well, and I find it sus that they had a white actress playing Connie who is POC, something that later shows like Dead End: Paranormal Park would correct. But as a whole, it never betrayed me the way that other shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil did. Steven's journey made him suffer while reassuring me that it was okay to be down a path where nothing was certain, where you could do everything right and still feel like things needed to change. 
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badkarmaviscomm · 1 year
CVL - 'Snowman', Sculpture Idea - SD
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After looking through old photos as well as being inspired by the work of Urs Fischer and his wax sculptures, I began developing a sculpture revisiting one of the family photos I'd looked at. I don't know who took the photo above but it's likely to have been my mum. The composition of the image feels lonely, having me look away from the camera with my Dad obscured by the frame. The snowman and I look almost friendly as we share a similar position in the foreground. The image reminds me of the story of 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs in which a young boy befriends a snowman who eventually melts, leaving the boy all alone. In many ways, the snowman can be a metaphor for transient friendships and relationships. So much meaning and connection can go into making one, especially with family, that it almost becomes like a friend. However, the fate of the snowman is sealed and will always inevitably melt. As a child who experienced bereavement through the loss of my mum, this image looking back symbolises a lot more than just simply a snowman, but of the loneliness children can feel once they've lost someone they cared about. The idea of death and object permanence can be so troubling to children even when its a snowman, let alone losing the person who brought you into this world.
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Here are my notes from my sketchbook about the sculpture. I felt the best medium to portray the idea of melting would be to use wax as it looks somewhat similar in colour and in movement to melting snow. The wax would be hard to control and create a somewhat spontaneous melting effect. Wax also has a religious connotation surrounding grief as many churches allow people to light a candle in memory of those they have lost. Growing up queer, religious spaces were not a welcome place to be able to express grief for me, so perhaps this 'Snowman' would be able to give (queer) people a space to do so if I added wicks. In my research, there are also methods of using wax in terms of divination, determining an uncertain future. When grieving, the future can seem uncertain and divination may be able to provide people with comfort. For these reasons, I believe wax to be an appropriate medium to use. One development I would consider for the sculpture is putting the sculpture in a queer space in order to allow members of the queer target audience to contribute to it. After the death of Brianna Ghey in February, candlelit vigils were held across the country outside of religious spaces and in public areas. This sculpture could feel like an opportunity for LGBT+ grievers to feel validated in their loss, and provide them with a space to grieve outside of religious spaces.
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bitcofun · 2 years
Source: AdobeStock/ Photographee.eu The Celsius Network( CEL)'s fall from grace has actually been absolutely nothing except incredible-- and the crypto lending institution has actually been among the highest-profile casualties of among the most harsh crypto winter seasons to date. The company at first suspended withdrawals from its platform in early summer season prior to applying for insolvency. The case is being heard in a court in the Southern District of New York, USA. Behind the headings are the individuals who invested cash-- in some circumstances their "life cost savings"-- in Celsius. Many of these individuals have sent their composed statement to the court and the administering judge, Martin Glenn, ahead of an upcoming hearing. Here's what a few of them needed to state.' Angry with myself' Frustration is the single most striking feeling that underpins the letters sent out to Judge Glenn. Lots of described that their choices to utilize Celsius' services have actually jeopardized life not just on their own, however likewise their households. A variety of them implicated the CEO of Celsius, Alex Mashinsky, of spreading out "lies"-- and numerous castigated themselves for having actually thought his "untruths." The Florida-based Mark Hide composed that he had "over USD 25,000 worth of cryptocurrency transferred in a Custody account" with Celsius, and discussed: " I highly feel that Celsius, in specific Alex Mashinsky, has actually lied to the neighborhood about the security of our properties. I seem like I have actually been lied to and misguided. I am ashamed that I have a lot cash bound in what now appears to be a rip-off." He declared that the occurrence "has actually impacted me personally," including," [I] now have a lot anger with myself for getting my household in this position. All I expect is that I can obtain my cryptocurrency and can keep it in storage myself and prevent any future frauds." A Finnish resident called Petri Tuomela, who declares to have actually had more than USD 50,000 secured in Celsius, described: " I am ashamed, unfortunate, and upset that my life cost savings were invested [in] a 'bank' which was a lie. This will have considerable implications to my retirement and it is beyond terrible." The scenario is 'precarious' With the fate of their coins up in the air, some financiers revealed their annoyance at the method Celsius has actually been dealing with the matter, and appear uncertain how to continue. One person called TK Kimmel composed that while Celsius had "paused its account transfers and withdrawals," it "has actually not paused its loan activity," which puts Celsius clients "in an extremely precarious circumstance." Kimmel composed that as Celsius "needs clients to include more funds to their loan accounts in order to avoid liquidation," clients were now in a predicament. Kimmel discussed: " How can we perhaps be anticipated to include more funds to Celsius up until we are guaranteed the platform is safe which we can recuperate all the funds we presently have kept on the platform?" One incorrect relocation, Kimmel recommended, might cause a "disastrous loss of [...] life cost savings" for clients.' Blood-boiling' rage A client called Danielle composed that it was "not just frustrating however blood-boiling" to find out that Celsius was "continuing to pay their workers and top-level executives while holding the members' properties captive." She called the scenario infuriating and pleaded with the judge "not to permit this business and their executives to dupe their escape of paying their financial obligations back to the Celsius members completely." Danielle prompted that Celsius executives might not "be enabled to go on with life as regular while we lose our life cost savings," and discussed: " I have senior moms and dads whom I take care of and the properties presently kept in Celsius [are meant] to assist them live out their ins 2015 in convenience. I hope I will see my funds returned completely.
" Another consumer who did not appear to offer their name declared that their bro had actually "tried suicide" over the matter and included: " I have a mental illness and I can not sleep now. I have not slept given that the account was frozen." The very same client pled the judge: " Please prison these individuals, they are still getting insane wages from our cash. [...] They have no embarassment for what they did. They are wicked and if you do not stop them, they [are] going to do it once again and once again to other individuals." Jens Deweirt, a Belgian who declares to have actually transferred the "hard-earned life cost savings" on the Celsius platform, knocked the "outright lies" of "Mashinsky and the business," and concluded: " This has a tremendous effect on my life. I hope this can have a favorable result, because a great deal of individuals were victims to the deceptiveness of Mr. Mashinsky and his business." And another, called Sean Russell, grumbled that he had "put time, sweat, and cash into mining digital currencies" and "truly hoped" that it was "not simply all gone now." Russell composed: " I feel betrayed by Celsius, and embarassment that I even presumed regarding advise Celsius to family and friends. [...] If there are powers that you have to make restitution, please utilize them." ____ Read More
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
The First Night
Summary: For Phic Phight 2021, Prompt by @amabsis  A sixteen years old Danny Fenton helps his fourteen year old counterpart through his first night as a ghost.
Word Count: 7,795
Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Prompt: Season 3 Danny Phantom gets transported to the past and only Season 1 Danny Fenton can see him
“That’s not how it happened.” Danny frowned, looking through one of Clockwork’s time windows. 
The window showed the empty lab as a fourteen year old Danny stumbled out of the newly activated portal. The boy was hyperventilating, green eyes widening as he stared in horror at his glowing hands. In Clockwork’s lair, Danny shivered; he couldn’t hear the words but he could guess them. No. No. No. A sting of panicked denials from the boy in the scene. Of course, Danny could guess them; he’d been in the same position, felt the same fear. But….
“Where’s Sam and Tucker?” The sixteen year old quietly asked, his heart aching. He turned to look at the Ancient ghost who was floating beside him. “They’re supposed to be there.”
Clockwork frowned. “That isn’t your timeline.” He motioned towards the window, for Danny to continue watching.
Across the screen, the other Danny was stumbling across the lab before throwing the bathroom door open. He froze in front of the mirror, his green eyes wide with fear. He reached forward, seeming to verify he was in fact looking at a mirror. Then the boy recoiled. His chest heaved, eyes watering. 
“This is a timeline where you were alone during your accident.” His mentor explained.
In front of the pair, there was a flash of light. A ring of light formed around the other Danny’s waist, turning him human. He stumbled, gasping as he touched down. The boy stared at his now bare hands. Relief passed over his face for an instant...before his hand disappeared. The other Danny’s mouth opened in what was likely a scream.
Danny ripped his eyes away, unable to watch any longer as his own memories of his accident hit him. So very similar except...Sam and Tucker were beside him. The goth’s teary eyes as she realized he was a ghost. Their frantic questions and panicked footsteps as he rushed to the bathroom. Their shock and then relief when he turned human. Tucker’s hand on his wrist, checking his pulse. The technogeek’s surprised scream as Danny’s hand turned intangible and fell through his friend’s hand. Renewed panic. Sam’s comforting hands on his back. His friends helping him stumble up the stairs and to his bedroom.
In Clockwork’s lair, Danny shivered, feeling his eyes water. His mentor’s hundreds of clocks ticked around the pair, the Master of Times’ comforting arm around him.
Danny remained frozen like that for a while, the memories replaying. His accident had been terrifying and stressful, the source of many nightmares but….he’d had his friends with him. 
His heart clenched, looking up at the screen. The image showed his other self, huddled on his bed and crying. 
Danny hadn’t been alone but...the boy on the screen, his other self, had been. The sixteen year old frowned. He could hardly imagine that yet it had happened to another version of himself, was happening in front of him and….
“What will happen to him now?” The boy asked, his stomach flopping with worry.
Clockwork remained silent for a moment, his brow furrowed as if in thought. Then he turned red eyes onto Danny. “It is not a favorable timeline.” The old ghost mused sadly. “If things continue, he will never tell his friends. He will push them away and his family as well. It will be a sad, lonely existence. And likely a short one.”
Danny paled, eyes widening. That sounded horrible, painful. He could imagine it, feeling so isolated and afraid. He wouldn’t wish that on this worst enemy and….he shivered… while the circumstances were vastly different, something reminded him far too much of another alternative timeline he’d seen, one Clockwork had diverted him from.
The boy looked at the screen, frowning. “Can you do something, Clockwork?”
The older ghost looked down at him, frowning thoughtfully. He tapped his chin, humming. “I myself cannot...however….”
Danny perked up. “What is it?” Clockwork floated purposefully away, holding up a finger. “Clockwork?”
His mentor flew to a rack along the wall and grabbed a familiar looking device. The older ghost returned, depositing the gear shaped medallion in Danny’s hands.
The boy furrowed in brow in confusion before realization hit him. He looked up, frowning. “Me? What can I do?”
Clockwork motioned to the screen again. “You can ensure he doesn’t spend his first night as a ghost alone.”
Danny looked at the window, remembering. His first night after the accident...watching a movie with Sam and Tucker. Them comforting him while chills wracked his body, his limbs turning invisible and intangible against his will. On the bed, his younger counterpart was still crying.
In the lair, the boy steeled himself and put on the medallion. He turned to the Master of Time. “Alright. What do I need to do?”
Clockwork nodded, looking pleased. “Keep that on. It will prevent anyone other than your alternative self from seeing you. In the morning, I will summon a portal for you to return here.”
Danny tilted his head. “So….if I take this off….?”
His mentor raised a brow. “You will remain in place, though visible to everyone.”
The boy blinked. “That’s not how it worked last time.”
The Master of Time just gave him a mischievous look and motioned to the screen. “Go on. I trust you will not divulge too much of the future.”
Danny rolled his eyes, used to his mentor’s evasiness. But at the same time….his stomach flopped with nerves. Could he do this? Could he actually do this? He’d never been that good at comforting people but....the boy he was going to help wasn’t just anyone. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and floated through the window.
Danny blinked, blue light swirling around him. A moment later, he was floating in a dark bedroom. His eyes roved over the familiar surroundings: his NASA posters and rocket models, scattered books and clothes, half finished homework on the desk. And on the bed….the sound of crying hitched and the other Danny shivered.
Slowly, the boy sat up. His arms wrapped around himself, as if he was cold. And Danny knew, he likely was; his very presence always chilled the room when he was in ghost form, and it had just gotten more intense since his ice powers had activated. On the bed, his younger self’s eyes widened in fear, his mouth falling open.
Instantly, Danny was hit with a sense of dread. He helped his hands out in front of him. “Wait. Hold on. It’s-”
The younger Danny’s eyes flickered from the ghost to his door. “Ghost!” He screamed, chest heaving.
The older boy paled. “No. Stop. I’m-”
Heavy feet pounded down the hall and the bedroom door flung open, the light of the hallway spilling into the dark room. “Where’s the ghost?!” The large ghost hunter demanded, holding an ectogun.
Shakily, the younger Danny pointed across the room, directly at his older counterpart. His dad’s head turned, eyes narrowing. Then his brow furrowed in confusion. “Where is it?”
Danny flinched at being called an it, his heart pounding anxiously. Self consciously, he turned invisible.
His younger self’s eyes darted from his father to the spot the ghost had been occupying. “You didn’t...you didn’t see…?” His voice raised up in question and he rubbed his eyes.
Danny shifted nervously in the air. The man was still staring through him, unseeing. And his younger self was still gaping, his fear turning into confusion. 
“What is it, son?” Dad turned, looking at the younger boy in concern.
The younger Danny blinked rapidly in disbelief. “I guess….I was seeing things.” He frowned. “Must have been a nightmare.”
His dad lowered the gun. “Do you want to talk about it?”
The boy shook his head, frowning. “No. I…” He shivered and then looked at his hand, his eyes widening. “I’m...I’m fine.” He stuffed the appendage under his covers. “It’s fine. I just want to…” He faked a yawn. “Go back to sleep.” He blinked up at Dad, trying to look innocent.
The man furrowed his brow, looking unsure. “If you’re sure…”
The boy stretched, yawning exaggeratedly. “Yeah. It’s fine...I’m...just gonna..go back to sleep.” His gaze flickered from the door to where Danny was floating invisibly, before he gave Dad a sheepish smile.
Dad still looked uncertain but after a moment, he stepped back. “Alright. Sleep well, Danno.”
The boy nodded. “Night, Dad.”
The man closed the door, seemingly leaving his son alone. On the bed, Danny’s younger self put his head in his hands. “I’m losing it. First the stupid…” He shivered, again, hands disappearing. “Stupid body. Stupid portal.” He gritted his teeth. “Now I’m seeing things.”
Danny floated forward, his heart sinking. He needed to do something, to comfort his increasingly distressed younger counterpart. He stopped, hovering at the edge of the bed. With a thought, he returned to visibility. “You’re not seeing things.”
The younger Danny’s head whipped up, his eyes widening. He opened his mouth, likely to shout again.
His own eyes widening, the ghost boy reflexively covered the human’s mouth. “Please don’t scream.”
The other boy shook his head, his eyes pinching closed. He whimpered.
Danny’s lip trembled, sudden regret hitting him. “No. Don’t be scared. I’m here to help you.”
This younger self shook his head again. He was shaking, with fear and stress.
“Danny. Please. You’re safe.” The older boy begged.
His counterpart stiffened at his name, his eyes slowly peeking open and then widening in realization. His brow furrowed in confusion as he searched the other boy’s face.
Slowly, Danny removed his hand.
His younger self’s mouth opened and closed. Finally, he muttered. “Why do you look like me?”
Danny swallowed, preparing himself. “ ‘Cause I am you.” He said, as kindly as he could.
The other Danny blinked, frowning. “But….you’re a ghost?”
His older self looked down at his glowing hands. He raised a brow. “Yeah? So are you.”
The younger Danny tensed, his shoulders raising. “No. I’m not. I’m not a ghost. That’s ridiculous. I’m...I’m me. And you’re….” He pointed. “How do I know you’re not tricking me?”
Danny sighed, running fingers through his hair. “Alright….how about this?” He summoned the light of his transformation. A breath later and he was heavy and warm. 
His younger self’s head whipped back and he let out a squeak.
Danny gave him a disarming smile and held out a hand. “I have a heartbeat, see?”
Tentatively, the other boy reached forward. His brow furrowed in concentration. Then awed surprise covered his face. “I can feel it.”
“Yeah.” Danny smiled. “I’m alive, obviously. But I’m a ghost too. Just like you.”
“Okay.” His younger self took a breath. “Okay. But...how?”
“Well….the accident…” He started.
The other boy shook his head. “No. I…..” He bit his lip. “If you’re me then...then, tell me something only I would know.”
Danny sighed, eyeing a spot on the bed. “Can I sit here?” His counterpart rose a brow before shuffling over. His older self then huffed, flopping onto the bed. “So… I never told Sam and Tucker this but….really, I wanted to get the portal to work so Mom and Dad would be proud of me.” He looked down, rubbing his neck. “They were so upset that the portal didn’t start and….I hated seeing them like that. They’d been spending so much time working on it and...I thought if I got it to work they’d be so happy and they’d be proud of me...but...well…” He bit his lip. “You know what happened.”
There was silence for a while, only the sound of both boy’s breathing. Then the younger Danny finally spoke. “Okay. That’s….damn.... That’s heavy. That’s...that’s a lot. But…. I get it. I...I know I’d probably never tell someone else that but it’s true so….” He sighed. “I believe you.”
Danny nodded. “Good.” He rubbed the back of his neck, meeting his counterpart’s eyes. “It would have been super awkward if you didn’t believe me after that.”
The other boy shook his head, even half smiling. “Yeah. So...you’re me but” His eyes trailed his older self’s body again. “….from the future?”
“Yep. From about two years from now. I’m sixteen.”
The younger Danny nodded, biting his lip. “So...two years and I can still...uhh...because of the accident...I can still….”
“Turn into a ghost?” His older counterpart offered.
The boy flinched. “No. I’m not...whatever that was, I’m not a...a ghost.” Almost as if his core sensed his denial, another shiver wracked his body. He flickered intangible and started sinking through the bed with a distressed cry.
Danny reached forward, turning his own hand intangible to grab the younger boy’s wrist. With a combination of ghostly enhanced strength and transferred weightlessness, he pulled the other out of the bed. After a few seconds, his counterpart returned to solidity and Danny let go, allowing him to drop back down onto the mattress.
The younger Danny gritted his teeth, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Stupid...whatever this is!”
“They’re ghost powers, because you’re-” Danny started to explain.
His younger self glared. “Not a ghost. I’m just….sick..or something. The stupid portal-” He shivered again, this time light sparking around his waist.
The older boy frowned, knowing what it signified. At the same time, a memory hit him. Himself sitting on the bed in the dark, that same light trying to overtake him. Heart pounding with terrified, panicked fear. Sam and Tucker trying to calm him down.
“No. NO. What’s happening?!” The younger boy panted, fearfully. “No. Stop!” He pinched his eyes closed, as if trying to push the feeling away. The ring of light disappeared for a second before flaring again. Then he groaned and curled in on himself. “No. Stop! I don’t...I don’t want..” His brow furrowed as he forced the light away again but it just reappeared. “Not again! Please. Stop. I’m not… I’m not….” His breath heaved, tears starting to well in his eyes.
Danny’s core ached at the sight. “Danny…” He started, quietly saying his other self’s name.
The younger boy looked up, glaring. “Stop just staring! Help me.”
“I’m trying.” Danny muttered, feeling chastised. That earned him an annoyed growl, which he completely deserved. So he took a breath, steeling himself. He could do this. 
The boy put a hand on his younger counterpart’s arm. “Don’t fight it.”
“What?” His alternative self demanded.
“That light...your body’s trying to turn into your ghost form.” Danny explained.
“Ghost form?! But… I don’t wanna be a ghost!” There was another groan as the light flared again.
“I know.” The older half ghost squeezed, comfortingly. “I know. I know...I remember how scary this is. But...you’ll be okay, Danny. It’ll be okay. So don’t fight it. Let it happen.”
“But...I don’t...I don’t want this. Please! Make it stop! It hurts.”
“I know. I know.” Danny soothed. “But it’ll stop hurting if you stop fighting and change.”
“Please. Please don’t make me.” The younger boy begged, a tear falling from his eyes.
“Listen to me.” Danny insisted. “I promise, you’ll be okay. You’ll be able change back after. And your body needs this. It’s trying to get used to your new powers. But you’re safe. I’m right here. You can do this.”
Shakily, the younger Danny looked up, meeting his counterpart’s eyes. “You promise?”
Danny gave him a half smile. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’ve been through this already and I turned out okay. So will you.”
The other boy nodded, his brow unfurrowing slightly. He breathed out and the white light dancing over his skin coalesced into a ring. It spread, up towards his head and down towards his feet. Danny shivered as the light passed over the arm he was holding, the cold reaching out to touch his own core. The flash left him blinking spots out of his vision. Then he was staring at the familiar ghost boy, floating across from him.
The younger Danny frowned, staring down at his hands with a heart broken expression. “So...it’s...it’s true. I am a ghost.”
“Yes.” Danny said simply.
His counterpart wrinkled his nose, his fists balling. “So I’m some kind of...some kinda...undead freak.”
Danny pulled his hand away, the words painfully jabbing at his heart. “You’re not a freak. You’re just different now. And that’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” His alternative self snapped. “I’m freaking dead.”
“Well...that’s complicated but-” 
The younger Danny crossed his arms, cutting him off. “Well, excuse me. Apparently, I can turn back to normal so I’m not actually dead. Except I’m still a freaking ghost and..and…” His chest heaved. “Mom and Dad freaking hunt ghosts.” His eyes widened. “Ghosts are supposed to be monsters. Unfeeling violent monsters. I’m...I’m gonna…” He covered his mouth, horror struck. “Oh god. What if-”
“Danny.” The older Danny’s hands were on both of the younger’s shoulders. “Look at me.” With a thought, he summoned his own rings and transformed. “Actually look at me.” The younger boy’s mouth snapped shut as he did so. “I’ve been like this for two years. Two years. And I’m still me. I’m not some monster who hurts people for no reason. I still feel things. I still have all my memories. I’m still me.”
His counterpart frowned. “But...I saw….you’re….we’re….still alive too.”
Danny shook his head. “I’ve met other ghosts too. And...Mom and Dad are wrong. Ghosts are just like the living. Yeah, they’re different but….they’re still people too.”
The younger Danny bit his lip. “But..that’s...that could be a trick or….”
The older boy squeezed his shoulders. “Actually, it was a ghost who sent me here.” 
His counterpart frowned. “What? A ghost?”
Danny nodded. “He’s my mentor. He...he saved me. He saved everyone.” He looked down at the last part, his heart clenching at the memory. His hand stretched out, reaching towards his tied up friends and family. The roar of the explosion, the pressure wave throwing him back, the smoke. Then suddenly suspended in the air, Clockwork in front of him. The older ghost waving and his loved ones appearing, unconscious but alive and unharmed.
The boy shook his head, forcing the memory away. “He watches over the timelines so that explains how I’m here. And he couldn’t come here himself but…” He smiled at his younger self. “Neither of us wanted you to have to go through this alone.”
The other Danny starred, looking bewildered for a long moment. Then he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Wow...that’s a lot...”
“Yeah, it is.” Danny nodded, agreeing.
Across from him, the younger boy looked overwhelmed, like he was still unsure what to think of all this. His brow furrowed in thought as he picked at his glowing gloves. He then shivered as his hands turned invisible again. He sighed again. “I still hate this. I feel so weird.”
“I know but...you’ll get used to it soon, I promise.” Danny comforted.
His other self just huffed.
Danny bit his lip, stomach flopping. As he said, he did remember the feeling, how strange being in ghost form was at first. It was unnatural and stifling; the randomness of his powers scared him. And there was seemingly nothing to be done, only wait until he got used to his new normal. But right now, he only had one night with this version of himself and words would only do so much. 
The older boy glanced out the window, the stars twinkling through it. His brow furrowed. Maybe if he could show his younger self….. Danny floated up from his cross legged position.
The younger Danny looked up, questioningly. “What’re you doing?”
Danny offered his hand to pull the other boy up. “I want to show you something.”
His counterpart raised a brow but took the hand. Surprisingly smoothly, he floated to his feet. That is, until he noticed he was floating. He wobbled in the air, eyes widening. “Woah!”
Danny grabbed his other arm, steadying him. “There you go. You’ve got it.”
The younger boy stabilized, his gaze flickering from his feet and back to his other self’s face. “Alright. Okay. Maybe that wasn’t so bad.”
The older boy smiled. “Good.” He motioned toward the window. “Let’s go.”
“Where?” The younger Danny tilted his head.
Danny smiled wider. “We’re going flying.”
His counterpart’s eyes widened in surprise but he didn’t ask any questions, even as Danny pulled him towards the window. The older boy flickered intangible, the power passing over his companion as well and they both phased through the window. The younger gasped but still allowed himself to be pulled along as Danny started ascending. In ten seconds, he rose at least a hundred feet; all the while, the younger Danny watched him curiously.
Danny paused, looking out over the town. “Wow. Look at that view.” He smiled. Stretched out below him was Amity Park. His city. His home. He could see all of it. “There’s the park.” He pointed in front of him. “And Casper High.” He turned, pointing slightly to the left of the school. “The Nasty Burger. And-”
His younger self’s hand, which he was still holding, squeezed, the grip almost painful.
Danny looked down, suddenly worried. “What is it?”
“I don’t...I don’t like this.” His voice trembled. “We’re so...so high.”
“Oh..alright. Sorry…” The older boy frowned, concerned and slightly confused. He didn’t remember being this afraid of heights the first time he flew. But then again, this was a different timeline than his. But still….his ghostly tail flickered under him, nervously.
The younger half ghost’s eyes widened and he jerked away. “What the hell happened to your legs?” Danny glanced down at the same time his counterpart did. The younger stared at his own furiously twitching ghostly tail. “What the hell happened to my legs?” 
 Danny held out his hands. “Hey, it’s okay. That’s normal.”
“Normal!?” The other Danny shouted. “Nothing about this is normal!”
“I know but-” He was cut off by a scream.
Below him, the younger’s mouth fell open in horror as white light flashed around his waist. Before he could breath, the ring passed over him and he turned human. Gravity reengaged and he was falling.
The scene seemed to play out in front of Danny in slow motion. His younger self’s hand stretched out in front of him, eyes wide with terror. Danny reached and dove, his ghostly tail trailing behind him. His heart pounded as he strained, flying faster than gravity could pull him down.
Seconds that felt like minutes later, the older boy grabbed his counterpart. His arm reached around the boy’s chest from the back, looped under the other’s arm pits. Danny resisted against gravity and the pair jerked to a stop.
The younger Danny panted. He shook against the other’s chest until he found his voice. “What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me again?”
“I’m sorry!” Danny flinched. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t...I didn’t think this through.”
“Ya think!” The other yelled, angry struggling to cover his fear. “I’m scared of heights!”
The older Danny frowned. “No you’re not.” He’d never been afraid of heights.
“Well, maybe you’re not. But I’m not you!”
Danny’s brow furrowed at the words. He wanted to comment that that wasn’t exactly correct but…. That felt like the wrong thing to say. Instead, he sighed. “ Alright. How about...let’s just go home.”
The younger didn’t say anything as they slowly descended. The ops center grew closer and closer. Soon, the two were floating just inches above the metal surface. Danny let go of his counterpart and he landed on his feet on the roof.
The ghost remained floated, nervously rubbing his neck as his counterpart turned to face him. The younger frowned. He punched his older version in the arm, a little too hard to be playful. “No offense but that sucked.”
Danny bit his lip. “I am so sorry.” He looked down, cheeks coloring with shame. “I really screwed up. I’m so bad at this.”
The other crossed his arms. “Dude. You should at least know what not to do, based on what happened your first time.”
“My first?” Danny’s brow furrowed in question. Then a realization hit him. “This didn’t happen to me.” He motioned between himself and the younger halfa. “I’m from a different timeline. Dimension?” He shook his head. “Sam and Tucker were in that lab during my accident. And they stayed with me my first night as a half ghost.”
The younger Danny’s expression slowly softened. He uncrossed his arms. “Half ghost?”
“Yeah. That’s what we came up with for this.” He motioned to himself. “The other ghosts call me a halfa though.”
The younger nodded. “Alright. So you're still me. But from another timeline. And older.”
“That’s right.” Danny agreed. He shifted nervously in the air. “Like I said, I wasn’t alone tonight. And...I didn’t want you to be either. And I’m sorry I messed up. I really do want to help so….” He bit his lip. “Whatever you need. If you want to talk about stuff, or get some pointers on your powers, or a distraction? I’ll do whatever you want, okay?”
The other Danny studied him for a moment. “I think...I just want a distraction for now. Maybe we can talk later.”
Danny nodded, touching down on the roof. With a thought, he turned human. He looked up. “That stars are a good distraction... or something else?”
His counterpart smiled. “No. Star gazing’s good. I can always ramble about space.”
The two flopped down on the roof and the younger Danny did just that. He pointed out constellations, talked about far away stars and planets and blackholes. Danny listened. It was nice, being on the other side of this. So this is what he sounded like when he got starstruck. It was also wonderful to see his alternative self relax, to see the corner of his lips turn up into a smile. Then, for just a second, his freckles lit up green. 
The younger half ghost stopped in the middle of his sentence, brow furrowing. His eyes flared green and they widened. “Holy...what that…” He reached upward with one hand, as if he could touch the sky. “What  am I seeing?” He turned to look at his older version.
Danny furrowed his brow for a moment before realizing. He’d long grown used to it; his vision was enhanced at night in either form, even without his eyes glowing. But still... he smiled, turning his eyes back to the night sky, deeper and more vibrate than any human could see. “That’s what the night looks like to a ghost.”
“What?” The younger breathed.
“Ghosts can see better than humans in the dark. Like a hundred times better. So that’s what the sky looks like to you now.” 
“But...it’s…. It looks like...when we go to Aunt Alicia’s and...there’s just so many stars but...there’s more colors? And...it’s deeper?” He pointed. “And that’s the Milky Way!”
Danny chuckled. “Yeah.”
The younger boy sat up, looking down at him. “So...if my eyes are glowing…. ‘Cause apparently, that’s something they do now?....It always looks like this.”
The older nodded. “Actually, it always looks like that to me but….yeah.” Danny sighed, looking wistfully. “That’s my second favorite thing about being half ghost. The first is being able to fly.” He met his counterpart’s eyes. “The stars look even more incredible if you’re above the clouds.” He grinned, teeth gleaming. “But the best view is in space.”
His counterpart’s eyes widened. “Space!? You’ve been to…. You’ve been to space?!”
Danny nodded. “Yeah but...I shouldn’t spoil too much. Just be careful. Don’t try it until you know you’ve got a handle on transforming….actually not until after you met...uh...our mentor so he can bail you out if something happens.”
The younger tapped his chin. “This mysterious mentor again. You gonna tell me who he is?”
“Probably shouldn’t. He won’t be happy if I tell you too much about the future.”
The younger Danny hummed. Then he looked back at the sky. He pointed. “Look! A meteor!”
Danny traced the path with his eyes until it fizzled out. “Did you make a wish?” His counterpart nodded and the older raised a brow. “Are you gonna tell me?”
His alternative self turned. “Hey. You know it won’t come true if you tell someone else.”
“I’m not exactly someone else.”
“But you’re not, not someone else.” The younger chuckled. Then his brow furrowed. “So….you said in your timeline, Sam and Tucker were with you tonight?”
“Yeah. They...We were all really scared but...they helped me figure out what was happening.” He sighed. “I wouldn’t have made it this far without them.”
The younger turned back to look at the sky, frowning.
“What is it?” Danny asked.
“They’re gonna think I’m a freak.” His alternative self whispered. 
Danny frowned. “You don’t really think that.”
The younger raised a brow, as if to say seriously. Then he shivered as a hand turned intangible and sunk into the roof. He groaned. “Not again.” He pulled the limb out and frowned as his hand turned invisible again. “Really? This isn’t going to freak them out?”
The older sighed. “I mean honestly...it might, a little but...they’ll want to understand and help you.”
The other Danny just huffed as his arm reappeared.
“Haven’t they always been there for you?” Danny asked.
His counterpart’s expression softened. “Yeah, they have.”
“So trust them now. They’re your friends.” 
“But…” He worried his lip. “Oh god. How am I even supposed to have that conversation?”
Danny frowned, thinking. He didn’t know how to answer. He hadn’t had to tell them but…. “I guess just go for it. They’ll believe you. And remember they’ll always have your back.”
The other boy said nothing for a long while. Then he glared as his hand disappeared again. “How do I get this to stop?”
The older look at the outline of the invisible limb. “Well….your body’s still adjusting to your powers so it’s going to do that for a while-”
“Wow. That’s a big help.” The younger Danny interrupted.
Danny continued, with an eye roll. “But...for me, it got better after I started practicing my powers.”
The other’s eyes widened and he sat up. “You’re not serious.”
“I am. I had to learn how to turn invisible and intangible on purpose. It was like...my powers wanted to be used. They're a part of me. I couldn't just ignore them and hope they went away. I had to use them."
The younger shook his head. "That sounds wrong. I mean...these are ghost powers." He emphasized the word with worry and just a hint of disgust; the implication was clear.
Danny frowned but his voice was patient and kind. "Yeah, they are. But being a ghost doesn't make you bad, Danny. It's just...a different way of existing."
The fourteen year old studied him for a long moment. Finally, he said. "You really believe that."
The other boy nodded. "Yeah, I do." 
It had taken a while. Practicing his powers with his friends and seeing how comfortable and accepting they were of him. Meeting, talking to, and learning from other ghosts. It was hard to unlearn a lifetime of biases ingrained by his parents and he still felt uncertain at times but it was getting better. (He'd even made headway in changing his parent's beliefs about ghosts but that was another story.)
Across from him, the young Danny sighed. "Alright. That's...I don't know what to think of that but… I guess you can give me some pointers at least and...I'll think about what you said."
"Really?!" Danny's eyes lit up excitedly and he sat up.
The younger joined him in a sitting position. "Yeah." He sighed. "I guess this is the part where you show me the ropes."
"Okay." The older rubbed his hands together. "First… you're gonna need to change into your ghost form." 
His counterpart's eyes widened. "No. Nah uh. No way."
"Your powers are easier to use if you transform. Plus…" Danny raised a brow. "Do you want to randomly change into a ghost during dinner?"
The younger paled before conceding. "Alright. I'll do it. But…. How?"
The older boy hummed, considering. "Okay so…." He placed his hand on his chest. "You know that ball of cold right here?" 
His counterpart gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
Danny frowned, leaning forward. "In the center of your chest, a little to the right of your heart." He gently grabbed the other boy's hand and placed it on his own chest. "Can you feel it? It kinda hums like...well...it reminds me of the refrigerator…. 'Cause it buzzes, sounds kinda electrical, and it’s cold…."
The younger Danny's brow furrowed in thought. After a long moment, slight realization lit his eyes. "Yeah. Okay. I think I'm feeling...something."
Danny nodded. "That's my core. It's where my powers come from." At the other's understanding nod, he continued. "You have the same thing inside of you." 
His counterpart frowned, lowering his hand. “Of course I do.”
The older’s expression softened. “You don’t have to be afraid of this. Your core is a part of you. Just like your heart or your brain. It’s an organ that controls your powers; that’s all it is.”
Honestly, that was a simplification. Even with the very basic knowledge he’d learned at the Far Frozen, Danny knew his core did much more than regulate his powers. It helped him think and remember, to sense and respond to things around him. But right now, his other self just needed to know to not be afraid of a part of himself.
“If you say so.” The younger looked down. He moved his hand up to his own chest, brow furrowing.
Danny glanced at the other’s chest. “Now, can you feel it now?”
“Yeah.” The other Danny confirmed, still frowning. “So...how do I...uhh...transform?”
The older nodded. “Close your eyes.” The younger boy did so and Danny continued. “Really focus on that cold, that energy. Feel it swirling around in your chest. It’s pulsing and buzzing, deep inside you. Now…” The boy took a breath. “Reach out and touch that cold with your mind. Wrapped your hands around it and...pull. Pull it to the surface.”
His counterpart’s brow furrowed in concentration; clearly he was listening to the words and trying to put them into practice. His nose wrinkled, focus increasing. Then the younger Danny gasped. White light danced over his skin, forming a ring around his chest. Surprised, his eyes popped open and then widened as his gaze fell on the ring.
Danny smiled encouragingly. “That’s it. Now just let it pass over you.”
The younger nodded, taking a breath. The ring passed a few heartbeats later, leaving a ghost floating across from Danny.
“You did it.” The older congratulated.
The younger Danny looked down at his hands, flipping them over and examining the glow of his gloves. “I did….” His brow furrowed. “That actually wasn’t that bad.” He lowered his hands. “Still weird though.”
Danny chuckled. “You’ll get used to it.”
His counterpart didn’t reply to that, instead asking. “So what now?”
The older Danny transformed into his ghost form. “I guess, I’ll go over the basic powers and help you practice for a bit.”
The younger Danny nodded, relaxing his shoulders with forced confidence. “Let’s do this.”
The two spend the next hour practicing. Danny explained the three basic powers: invisibility, intangibility, and flight. He demonstrated each. Flickering invisible, phasing through the metal pillars on top of the ops center, flying circles above the roof.
“Now you try.” Danny encouraged after showing off each power.
His younger self did try, despite his anxiety. The displays of his powers were spotty. He flickered in and out of visibility like a dying light bulb. Random parts of his body turned intangible and he furrowed his power, concerting great effort to turn to his whole body intangible. But he was making progress. 
“There you go!” Danny cheered as his alternative self successfully phased through the satellite dish twice in a row. He grinned, offering the other boy a high five.
The younger Danny returned the gesture. “Yeah!”
The practice continued, the new halfa’s confidence growing. It made Danny happy to see his counterpart growing more comfortable, even if his control was still laughable. His body continued flickering invisible and intangible to the younger’s frustration. The older half ghost figured things would be like that for a while, as the younger’s body adjusted to his new core and powers. But the prospect of him spending less time confused and less time afraid of his powers was a bright one. And another bright prospect….
Danny glanced at the air just below his counterpart’s glowing boots. He smiled. “You’ve got a great handle on floating.”
The younger Danny looked down, browning furrowing. Then his eyes widened in realization. He wobbled in the air.
Danny reached out to steady him. “Hey, don’t think about it too hard. Just let your body do what it will. Flying’s natural to us ghosts.”
His counterpart frowned. Clearly, he didn’t like being called a ghost again but he didn’t comment. Instead, he straightened and focused on his older self’s face. “Alright. I’ll do that, just… let my body do it’s thing.”
“Good.” Danny patted him on the shoulder. He offered a half smile. “Let’s fly. I promise I won’t go too high this time.
The older half ghost did as he said, leading his younger self in a circle around the ops center while floating only about five feet above the roof. 
After a few circles, he let go, flying in front of the younger. Giving a mischievous grin, he glanced back over his shoulder. “Let’s go a little faster.”
The younger Danny raised a brow, a smile sneaking onto his face. He increased his speed, inching in front of the other boy. In return, Danny smiled and flew faster himself. He pulled forward, in front of the other boy. The younger’s slight smile grew and he darted forward, faster still.
Just like that, a race started. The two ghosts circled the roof, chasing each other. Slowly, smiles grew into laughter. Danny snickered, dodging around the satellite dish. Seconds later, his younger self phased through. The older flew higher, his legs morphing into a ghostly tail as he twisted back around to fly in the other direction. The other Danny let out a laugh, reaching for him but just missing. Danny dove down, phasing through the roof with his counterpart following seconds later. He passed by the fridge, before darting up through the roof again.
Danny flew about about five feet up and then froze as another shooting star careened across the sky. He marveled for just a second before a cold body slammed into him. The air weezed out of his lungs and he let out a cry as the pair tumbled, head over heels. 
With some effort, Danny slowed the tumble. He looked down, recognizing the arms were wrapped around his chest and the shaking body they were connected to. The older halfa ghost put hand on the younger’s back. “Hey. It’s okay.”
The other Danny looked up. He was laughing. “Oh man...this is ridiculous.” He let go, slowly backing up. “But I really needed that.”
Danny smiled. “No problem. I’m happy you’re having a good time.”
The younger raised a hand to rub the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “Yeah well...thanks.” He glanced down, paling as he realized they were floating three stories above the street. Danny took his hand, leading him back to the roof.
“So do you want to practice some more or….” The older started once both had touched down on the roof. Then the younger yawned. The corner of Danny’s lip turned up. “I guess that answers my question.”
The other boy yawned, stretching. “Yeah. Let’s go to bed.” He glanced down. “Oh uh…. Should I turn back or….”
“We can just phase into your bedroom. That’s less noisy than climbing down the steps.”
“Yeah. Okay.” The younger Danny nodded in agreement. His older self phased through the roof and he followed.
Seconds later, the two halfas were floating inside of Danny Fenton’s bedroom. With a flash of light, the older turned human. 
The younger frowned. “How do I turn back?”
“Oh, right.” Danny bit his lip, considering. “So where your heart is...there should be this little warm spot. I kinda think of it as a candle flame. You want to coax that, make it bigger so you’re warm and heavy and-” He was cut off by a flash.
The younger Danny touched down. “That was a lot easier than the other way around.”
Danny shrugged. “Figures. You’re more used to being a human than a ghost.”
“Yeah.” The younger sat on the bed. “So I’m going to go to sleep then. What about you?” His lips turned down. “Are you leaving or…?”
Danny shook his head. “Not until the morning.” He walked over to the closet. “I’ll use your sleeping bag if you don’t mind.”
“Go for it.” The younger was already lying down. He watched sleepily as Danny retrieved the sleeping bag and settled on the floor. He yawned. “Good night.”
“Good night.” Danny hummed in return.
Soon, the younger Danny was snoring. The older laid still for a few minutes, mind going over all that had happened tonight. But his thought stilled, fatigue overtaking him as well. He sighed happily, falling asleep.
Danny drifted in sleep, his mind floating through dreams. Not nightmares for once but pleasant ones. Having a picnic with his friends and family. Making cookies with Clockwork. Flying through space. He floated up, out of the depths of sleep. Awareness of the waking world slowly enveloped him. Morning light on his face. Warm, thick fabric around him. The hardness of...the floor? His brow furrowed but he just buried his face in his pillow.
Then there was a thump behind him. Danny jerked, rolling over. He squinted, eyes falling on a figure less than two feet in front of him. He frowned. It was….himself?
“Ouch.” The boy groaned. “How the heck did I end up under the bed...” He trailed off, eyes falling on Danny. “Oh...it’s you. That...all that really happened.”
Danny’s mind finally caught up as he remembered. Last night. Clockwork sending him through the time window. Talking his younger self through his second transformation into a ghost. Trying to take him flying. Stargazing with him. Demonstrating his ghost powers and helping his young counterpart practice.
Danny hummed. “Yep. Really here.” The corner of his lip turned up. “And I guess you phased through the bed in your sleep.”
The younger grumbled. “I thought practicing was supposed to help.”
“It will...just not overnight. Like I said, your body’s still trying to adjust. It’ll take time so be patient.”
The other Danny groaned. “Great.”
“I know it sucks but you’ll get through it.” Danny promised.
His counterpart didn’t reply. Instead, he stood up and then laid back down on his bed. His eyes flickered to the window and the light streaming through it. He glanced down at his older self. “So...it’s morning.”
“Yeah. I don’t know when my portal will open but it should be soon.”
The younger Danny nodded soberly.  “And...I guess you can’t tell me much more about the future.”
“No. I can’t.” Danny said, feeling guilty.
If he could, there’s a lot he would say. About the ghosts he’d fight. About Vlad. About Valerie. About his parents. But Clockwork trusted him and….
“Okay.” The younger sighed. “But...I’ll be okay, right?”
Slowly, Danny sat up. He studied his younger self for a bit before smiling. “You’ll be okay.” His brow furrowed, considering. “Yeah, everything’s not always perfect…” He remembered his many ghost fights. Valerie’s grudge against him. His parent’s mistrust. All of the headaches Vlad had caused him. 
“But I’ve done and seen so many incredible things.” Saving the town. Meeting Clockwork, Frostbite, Dora, Pandora. Dating Valerie and his truces with the Red huntress. Slowly changing his parents’ opinions on ghosts. Meeting and saving Danielle. And all the while….“ And Sam and Tucker have been with me, the whole time. We’ve only gotten closer since my accident. We’re team Phantom and we’ve helped so many people and learned so much. Really just...it’s been incredible and…. I know it will be that same for you.” Danny finished with complete conviction.
His younger self considered his words for a long time before he raised a brow. “Team Phantom?”
Danny smirked. “That’s a spoiler.”
The other Danny huffed before his expression softened. “Alright that’s….” He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. “All of this had been so unbelievable but...I still believe you.” He sighed. “And I’m going to tell Sam and Tucker about my accident.
Danny’s eyes widened, his lips turning up. “Really?”
“Yeah. You’ve convinced me. ‘Cause you were right last night. They have alway been there for me so...thanks for reminding me.”
The older boy smiled. “You’re welcome.”
Danny stayed like that for a moment, smiling and watching his younger self with satisfaction. Faintly, he felt the medallion around his neck hum. And he knew it was time. To his side, a blue portal sparked into existence.
The younger Danny’ eyes widened. “Is that it?”
Danny nodded and stood up. “Yep. That’s my way home.” He turned to the portal, preparing to step through. “I guess this is goodbye.”
The younger Danny also stood, frowning. “Am I gonna see you again?”
Danny shook his head. “I don’t think so. Not like this.”
The other boy nodded, seeing to understand what he meant. That conundrum. Two different yet so similar lives. The same person and yet not.
The younger Danny stepped forward. He wrapped his arms around his counterpart. “Thank you for making sure I wasn’t alone last night.”
Danny hugged him back. “I...I couldn’t see you in pain if I could do something about it.” He squeezed. “Take care of yourself, Danny.”
The younger also squeezed. “You too, Danny.”
The pair stayed like that for a long moment before pulling away. With parting waves, Danny stepped through the portal.
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Anon said: I hope I'm not too late to slip in a request! I was actually hoping for a more platonic request with Miche? Just how he would help out a new cadet on his squad or something... Maybe there having a hard time fitting in now that there on a section commander squad or even worried about an upcoming expedition. Miche is one of my biggest comfort Characters and I'm such a shy person lol...I love you blog by the way, it's such a comforting place...🥺
Miche reassuring you that you're enough.
{Miche & reader | tw:none | platonic, comfort | canonverse}
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{ "The Interior of the Palm House on the Pfaueninsel Near Potsdam" 1834 by Carl Blechen 1798 - 1840 }
No one can deny that the survey corps had a...certain reputation between the people, for being ruthless, unhinged and not a place for someone hoping for a future.
Their leader is known for gambling with human lives, their strongest has a criminal history record and their most intelligent, does experiments that would put medical student dropout Frankenstein himself to shame.
In short, you'd be crazy for walking there with your own two feet and expecting a crumb of compassion.
You don't go looking for fish in the desert.
You've heard it all, those sayings people keep reciting like a broken record whenever you'd bring up joining the survey corps.
"You'll just end up titan food"
"Why do you want to throw away your life?"
"God your poor family…"
And despite all of that, you still marched on, despite everyone who told you to quit.
Not only did you join and stayed alive for so long, you've even managed to climb the ranks in record time.
So fast in fact that you were assigned to join a section commander's squad after a very successful titan capture mission that earned you a pat on the back from Erwin.
Being pulled from your friends and moved to a new place where you were surrounded by veterans who've been in their positions for 10 years or more, was quite sudden and shocking.
One thing that should've eased your nerves, was the fact it was squad Miche you're being put into.
Anyone in the survey corps can tell you that in comparison to other squads, this was the most...friendly per say, since they prioritised teamwork and coming back alive over everything else, knowing together they're much stronger and willing to protect each other no matter what.
While yes they did have their quirks, it was almost nothing in comparison to Levi's strict hygiene rules and Hange's workaholic routine or Erwin's unreadable intentions.
And yet, you felt unease at the whole situation.
You were clearly "that new cadet" in this old group of close-knit people, almost standing out even.
You wanted to prove yourself, you've done it before to all those people so why is it any different now.
Maybe...because they are actually experienced soldiers this time, and not strangers living in blissful ignorance inside the walls.
Maybe because you feel the growing burden of expectations set on you for being the newest person in the squad, and being put there by none other than the commander himself which would raise some eyebrows if you couldn't deliver.
Uncertainty and doubt began pooling up inside your mind, making you second guess decisions and overthink actions.
And it's not like the squad members were leaving you out, no in fact they were doing their best to include you.
….maybe even too much actually, it didn't help that all of them were outgoing people, it was overwhelming.
Nanaba was an unofficial stand in caption when Miche wasn't around. Having a confident yet compassionate personality made her protective of her teammates, almost like a big sister, earning her a lot of respect.
So much in fact that it would unintentionally intimidate people out of approaching her
Gelgar was a strong believer in Miche, loyal to a fault almost. Yet he wouldn't say no for a chance to relax and grab a couple drinks, being friends with so many people came naturally to him with his mellow personality and overall friendliness.
Maybe a bit much too friendly? That personal boundaries were often crossed without him realising it. 
Lynne was a good balance between the two, she was considerate of others feelings...even so much in fact that she tended to sugar-coat almost everything.
Thomas and Henning were close with each other, both serious and determined. But maybe because they were so used to each other that dealing with new people became...strange, for conversations with them resembled an awkward dad attempting to check on you but not actually putting much effort to understand.
Meanwhile, you were a reserved and shy person.
It was a miracle that you managed to get a group of friends in cadet training that stayed with you throughout the years, but now after being transferred it was all turned to dust.
You have to start again, meet people again and talk to them while wondering if they actually like you or are pretending to be nice because they don't wanna come off as rude-
On top of that, Erwin seemed to keep an eye on you after your last mission, silently conveying the trust and expectations he's putting your way, to not fail him and show you're worthy of this special treatment.
It was too much, too overwhelming and draining.
Dread and uncertainty loomed in the corners of your mind, only metastating in size as the date for the new expedition was announced.
To add fuel to the fire, apparently everyone seemed almost...excited or nonchalant for going out there again, like this is a mere walk in the park as they began making preparations and training.
Were you the only one that felt nervous? Oh god.
Your legs felt like they were weighted down by stones as you stared at the large board in front of you, a white sheet signed by the commander announcing next week to be the date of the expedition, several names listed below for who'd be required for service.
Your name was at the top, even with a line underneath it. The fact it was in cursive didn't make it any less gut-wrenching.
The chatter of people around you, discussing the plans and joking with each other, began blurring out at the back of your mind.
The weather seemed colder as shivers ran down your neck. A rolling feeling in your stomach making your throat tighten, your own voice inside your head was the only noise you could hear.
All those thoughts and worries creeping from underneath the dark corners that you've been pushing them into all this time, like a swarm drowning you in their "what if" and skepticism, full of doubt and illogical pessimism for worst case scenarios.
Thoughts that aren't even your own joined them, ones you never had and knew weren't true and yet amidst the storm it was hard to tell the real from the ones passing through.
You know you're capable, so why…
Are you capable?
but are you really?
And how are you even sure?
Before it could pull you deeper into that hole of despair, something snapped your attention back to reality, a hand nudging your shoulder. 
"You really didn't hear me huh." The voice came from behind you, a tall figure stepping closer till you were in his shadow.
Miche looked at you with a tilted head, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes bore into you like he's attempting to guess what's going inside your brain.
You've been too lost inside your mind you didn't notice that you were the only one left standing in front of the board.
From the way Miche's shoulders fell after reading your expression, eyes softening after glancing at your name on the sheet, he was quick to catch on.
Before you could say something to save your face after being caught in this state by none other than your new captain, Miche just told you to come with him, making sure to walk beside you، protectively staying close that no one on your way would interrupt.
Passing the corridor leading to his office, you gave him an uncertain glance as he simply gestured for you to continue walking for whatever unknown place you're headed to.
Soon enough the buildings and stone streets faded the further you went on, grass and dirt roads taking its place.
It wasn't a long walk per say, but more of a secluded area that took both of you some turns in seemingly shady alleyways to reach.
You couldn't hear the horses or soldiers walking anymore, only the soft flowing of the nearby river.
The tall grass barely reaching below your knees, some ladybugs crawling on top of the scattered daffodils in-between, the closer to the river cliff you got the taller it became.
The first thing Miche did, wasn't explaining to you why you're here, or what exactly he was after.
No, he barely said a word even, only taking in a deep breath as the wind had the courtesy of pushing his bangs back, eyes finally in clear view now.
Gaze meeting yours, he gave you a nod, a gesture to do the same thing.
You reluctantly took a deep breath.
He smiled.
Both of you sat by the river, he gave you his jacket to sit on.
As the silence grew between you, even while it wasn't the uncomfortable kind, it was clear he was struggling to phrase something, the right words just not coming to mind.
Turning his body towards you, he finally said, "how about i just..listen, let it out.".
It wasn't easy, you can't just pour out your heart to your superior.
Not to mention the military wasn't a place for weakness, could you really openly admit to your worries?
Well, yes you could, because it isn't weak, it takes great strength to face something scary and admit to it.
It's strength that got you this far.
How could you ever mistake vulnerability for weakness?
Keeping true to his words, Miche didn't interrupt you as you slowly opened up about what's been troubling you.
He patiently listened, occasionally humming for you to go on whenever you'd lose track.
And by the end of it, after you poured out all your frustration, sadness and worries, it felt...like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Miche looked at you with understanding in his eyes, as if he himself has been in this exact same position years ago.
...and maybe he was, considering his behaviour wasn't what's socially common, he would've definitely stood out back before he had the respect of being a captain.
He isn't a man of words, for actions spoke much louder.
That's why he became more attentive from that day on, offering to help you train, giving you a smile whenever you passed by and sitting near you whenever his squad were gathered so he'd ask for your opinion on plans or simply share looks whenever they began joking with each other.
He didn't attempt to make you change, instead he made changes to accommodate you.
You're part of the team and he made it clear.
And while he couldn't give reassuring words, he certainly gave his time and energy, paying attention to you, reading your moods and listening whenever life becomes too much.
Maybe he saw his past self in you, and wanted to give you all the comfort, attention and care he wished for back then.
Even if it was mere hugs and shoulder pats that he could offer, he knew small things can make changes overtime.
For him, it's not getting rid of your stress that he was attempting to achieve, no, for life is full of stress.
Instead, he wanted to offer you ways to deal with the stress, to acknowledge it as it is and be heard, to be understood.
Because while stress will pass either way, it didn't mean it had to pass painfully.
You weren't alone, he made sure of that.
Maybe he got too attached, maybe someone might say he's giving you special treatment, maybe Erwin would give him a backhanded comment every now and then.
But since when did Miche pay attention to these things? 
Well...he can't deny he might be giving you more break days than the other Cadets, larger food portions and even most of his time.
But he won't justify himself to anyone either, he doesn't have to.
Because after all, there really isn't any ulterior motives behind his actions, they were as simple as they came.
It was pure genuine care, the type that makes someone want to protect a person and watch them grow healthy.
The type that made him offer you a thumbs up after each training session, a proud smile on his face for how much you're learning.
Maybe some slight teasing about how if you keep this up, you might even replace him as the second strongest one day.
And while he said it with a joking tone, the hopeful pride-filled look on his face told a whole nother story.
you're not sure if it was a joke or a promise.
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kmomof4 · 3 years
CS AU- Coming to Storybrooke (1/5)
It’s FINALLY here!!!!!! I’ve only been talking about this fic for over a YEAR!!! I’m so excited to finally share it with all of you!!!
I have to acknowledge and send all the love and internet hugs to all those who helped me with this fic. I can truly say that I would have given up on it LONG AGO without them.
First to @hollyethecurious​. She was my brainstorming partner and never-ending fount of encouragement. She pulled me back from the brink of deleting this fic entirely so many times. So when I say that this fic wouldn’t be here without her, I’m not exaggerating. 
Second to @profdanglaisstuff​. The best beta in the world!!!! Her suggestions and insights make this writing business so much better! Thank you, babe!
And finally to all the ladies on the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ discord. Y’all’s encouragement and sprinting dates helped keep me motivated and got me over the finish line. 
This fic is a S1 Canon Divergence, sort of, inspired by the 1988 Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America. It is complete with five chapters and I’ll be updating every Saturday.
Fic Summary: Prince Killian of the Enchanted Forest refuses to marry the woman that his brother has chosen for him, so he travels to Storybrooke in the Land Without Magic to find his own bride.
Rating: T for some strong language
Words: Ch1 2224 of 18K Total
Tags: S1 Canon Divergence, Inspired by Coming to America, Neal is an idiot, romantic fluff
AO3 Link
Tag LIst: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @branlovestowrite @thisonesatellite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree @lfh1226-linda @nikkiemms @xsajx @klynn-stormz @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @xhookswenchx @gingerpolyglot @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @sailtoafarawayland @justanother-unluckysoul @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic @deckerstarblanche
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Under the cut unless Tumblr ate it
“Oh, she’s beautiful,” David whispered, awestruck.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked through the door at his other True Love. The little girl sat cross legged on the bed and slowly turned a page of the book in front of her.
David stared, dumbfounded, as a firm resolve filled him.
“We can’t waste another second,” he stated, vehemently. “We can’t wait another second.” He took a step toward the door when Snow’s softly spoken wait stopped him. “What? What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at his wife.
Her eyes were glued to their daughter until they skittered away to their surroundings and the door in front of them. Anywhere but at him.
“We can’t go through there.”
David was stunned, incredulity coloring his features. “Snow, we have to.”
She continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “If we go through that door, Emma will never become the savior.”
He turned back to the open door. To his daughter. He was heartbroken. He knew exactly what Snow was thinking. If they went through that door, they condemned their subjects, their friends, their family, to live under Regina’s curse, separated from their own loved ones, forever. But that couldn’t be true. Rumplestiltskin said to keep the child safe and she would return on her 28th birthday. No mention was made about the circumstances of her return, only that she would.
“She’ll have a new destiny.” He looked at Snow again. “With us. We will teach her. We will tell her everything. And when her 28th birthday arrives, we’ll all come back and she will break the curse.”
Snow’s tear filled eyes finally turned to him. “How do you know?”
“This family finds each other. We’ve found each other,” he said, taking her hands. He tilted his head slightly toward the open door, “We’ve found Emma. We will find the rest of our family when it’s time for her to break the curse.”
He saw the moment doubt was swallowed up by hope in her eyes. With a small nod and a smile, they turned and walked through the door.
18 years later
Emma Swan sat in the back seat of the family SUV with her brother Leo as they sped through the backwoods of rural Maine toward an uncertain and possibly perilous future. It was her 28th birthday and it was the day that her parents had been preparing her for ever since they came through the closet door to claim her so long ago.
The scenery outside her window went hazy around the edges as she got lost in the memory of the first time she met her parents. She hadn’t been frightened when these two strangers entered her bedroom through her closet door. Something about them seemed familiar. She knew in her marrow that she could trust them and when the woman fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, her arms open wide, and calling her name, Emma hadn’t hesitated to run into them. She rose to her feet with Emma held tightly in her arms, sobbing into her hair and placing kisses all over her face. Emma only caught snippets of what the woman was saying, but the words I’m your mom, I love you, we’ll never leave you, we’ll always be together sent Emma’s heart soaring. It was exactly what this little lost girl had always longed to hear. The man wrapped one arm around them both and cupped the back of her head with the other. She had never felt so safe and loved in all her life.
Now all these years later, it was time to fulfill her destiny. It wasn’t long after their reunion that they settled in Portland, Maine and her parents told her a story. A story through the pages of the book that her mother had brought through the door with her. A story that was more than just a fantasy. It was true. All of it. It was their story. It was her story. The story of where she came from… and what she was meant to do. Beginning with the day she was born, her parents told her why they had to get her to safety. How Doc of the Seven Dwarves delivered her only minutes before her father placed her in the magical wardrobe and the queen’s curse swept over the land. From there, they told her the true story of how Snow White and Prince Charming met and fell in love - very different from the Disney version - her mother’s history with the Evil Queen and how her father came to be in the position to even meet his True Love. She’d become intimately familiar with all the true stories in the book as she grew up, first her, then her brother Leo, and now it was time for her to save them all. She had to admit to being rather nervous about it. It was one thing to hear the story from her parents and believe it because of how young she was and because she trusted them. But it was entirely different to be a grown woman and solely responsible for bringing back all the happy endings for real people that her parents knew and loved. She was about to see everything from the storybook come to life.
Suddenly, her mother’s excited voice from the front seat roused her from her musings.
“There it is, David!” she exclaimed. “The town line!”
“I see it, I see it,” he replied.
Moments later, they crossed the town line and a chill passed over Emma’s entire body before something exploded out of her that nearly made her dad lose control of the car.
“What the hell was that?” Emma cried as her mom and brother shouted in alarm. She reached toward Leo’s shoulder while her other hand tried to find purchase on the door handle as her dad brought the car back under control. She looked out the window and saw a white shimmering something traveling across the sky toward the town. She saw her mom, dad, and brother craning their necks to see it too.
“I think…” her mom began, “that you just broke the curse, honey.”
“That’s it?” she asked, incredulous. “Just crossing the town line? That was all it took?”
“Apparently so,” her dad answered. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t still have to be on our guard.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his brow furrowed. “We don’t know what we’re going to find when we get to town. Regina and the Dark One are presumably still here somewhere.”
Silence reigned as they continued to drive toward the center of town in the direction of the white blast. A few minutes later, they turned onto the main street of the small town. Filling the street in front of them, people were laughing and hugging each other in reunions that were 28 years overdue. Her dad slammed on the brakes as her mom cried out, her hands flying to her mouth.
“Ruby! Granny!” She bolted from the car and ran toward a leggy brunette and older matronly woman. Emma could see the surprised joy on their faces as they turned and ran toward her mother. Emma and Leo got out slowly as their dad ran toward his wife as she embraced the two women. They approached the reunited and happy foursome just as seven men got their mom’s attention. Wide grins broke out on Emma and Leo’s faces as realization came over them. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Emma could hear her mom’s sobs as she tried to embrace them all at once. Once she’d finished greeting her dearest and oldest friends, her mom turned toward them.
“Everyone,” she began, “these are our children.” Her mom motioned them closer. “Emma and Leo.” Her brother suddenly looked quite different from the brash and bold teenager she knew. He looked equal parts dumbfounded and like he’d like to melt into the ground. Her father didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed his son’s shoulder and started introducing him individually to the dwarves, placing his arm around him.
“Emma?” asked Granny, drawing her attention again. “The Savior?” The old woman took steps toward Emma and tenderly cupped her face with her hands before kissing her on the cheek and drawing her into a hug. Emma knew the elderly woman from the storybook, but to be held in her arms in love and acceptance was nearly as good as the hug she received from her parents when they came for her.
“Papa,” another man further up the street shouted. He ran toward an older man that was walking toward the group with the aid of a cane.
The man turned, his face infused with disbelieving joy as the cane dropped and he took a hesitant step toward the other man. “Bae?”
Emma could feel the tears forming in her eyes as the men embraced each other. She had done this. She was the savior and she had given all these people the happy endings that the Evil Queen had taken away all because she refused to place the blame for the death of her love where it truly belonged. She turned back toward the crowd again as more reunions were taking place. She saw her parents embracing a red haired man with a dalmatian. Jiminy Cricket, she remembered.
Just at that moment, a joyous cry reached their ears and they all turned toward the sound. A young woman with wild brown hair and wearing nothing more than a dirty white shift ran toward the still embracing men as she launched herself into the older man’s arms and kissed him. A rainbow blast burst from them startling everyone gathered. They separated as the blast flew through the air and yet also concentrated around the man. The young woman’s eyes grew wide as the rainbow light grew brighter and brighter around him before finally fading away to nothing. The man had tears running down his cheeks as he reached for the young woman again. Emma watched her melt into his arms and could just hear him murmur, “Belle. It’s gone. You saved me.” The kiss they shared made Emma’s cheeks flame as she turned toward her dad.
“Huh,” he said. “Rumplestiltskin has a True Love. Who would have thought that?”
The couple separated again and the man she now knew was Rumplestiltskin, the practitioner of the darkest magic in the realm, the man that she had always thought of as the puppet master, since he seemed to have a part in every single story in the book, gathered both the young woman and the younger man to him as the three made their way toward their own group.
“Dark One,” her dad greeted the man with a curt nod.
“No more,” he answered, raising his chin just a bit. “Belle’s True Love’s Kiss just destroyed the Darkness. With my son here, I was ready to let go of the Darkness and find my happiness with my family beside me.”
Then a stately woman in a nun’s habit approached them.
“Your highnesses,” she began with a bow, “the curse is indeed broken. As is the Darkness that made the Dark One.”
Her dad reached out and placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Blue,” he said. “Thank you.” He turned back toward the crowd and raised his voice in an exuberant shout. “The curse is broken and the Darkness is no more!” The gathered crowd cheered along with him. Emma wiped away her tears and met the eyes of the man that had embraced the former Dark One. His eyes twinkled as he grinned broadly at her. She felt her heart rate increase and cheeks flush again as she turned her eyes back toward her parents.
It was moments later when she felt a presence at her back. She turned around and found herself captured by a pair of laughing brown eyes.
“Neal,” he said, holding his hand out for her to shake. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if a sudden headache had come over him. “Baelfire. Neal Cassidy was my cursed name. But you can call me whatever you want.” He smiled again.
She took his hand and smiled back. “Emma,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you, Neal.”
She could see her mom and brother over Neal’s shoulder exchange a stern and sheepish look. She knew that Leo, at 17, would love nothing more than to tease her about the man in front of her, but thankfully, their mother caught his eye before he could. She rolled her eyes at them before directing her attention back to him.
“Uh, thanks,” he said, “for uh, breaking the curse.” She couldn’t help but smile wider at his clumsy attempts to make small talk.
“You’re welcome?” she answered, with a shrug. “I mean, I didn’t really do anything, just crossed the town line…” she trailed away.
“But, I m-mean,” he stammered, “it was more than that. You…” he shrugged helplessly, apparently at a loss for what to say next. “Listen,” he said, brightening, “Could I show you around town? Maybe buy you a cup of coffee?”
Emma grinned widely. “I’d like that.” She looped her arm through his and he led her away from the rest of the crowd.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Hyde and Licht take their daughter to a special place before her first dance competition. (LawLicht, Fem Licht)
While her family were prominently musicians, Licht promised that she would be supportive of her daughter no matter what career she chose. Lucy’s dream was to dance. Her feet would seemingly float over the floor whenever she danced around the room in time with Licht’s piano. She remembered the night Lucy discovered her passion for dance. They were watching a movie in the living room.
Lucy imitated the ballerinas she saw on the television and she spun in a circle until she became dizzy. Even as she tumbled to the ground, she had a beaming smile and she declared that she wanted to learn how to dance. Last year, Lucy signed up for lessons. Her dance style was fickle and she would change her style from ballet to tap. Licht would compare that aspect of Lucy’s personality to her father who was indecisive. Licht also thought that, like Hyde, the love in Lucy’s heart was unwavering.
Her teachers were surprised by how quickly Lucy learned but Licht knew that her daughter was an exceptional angel. They had suggested that she enter an upcoming dance competition. Kranz agreed that winning the competition would benefit Lucy if she wanted to become a professional dancer in the future. Licht didn’t agree immediately because she wanted to discuss it with her daughter first.
Licht started her career as a pianist at a young age. She loved the piano and it was far more than a job to her. However, there were things she couldn’t experience while she was travelling on tours. She didn’t have many friends growing up and she was constantly working. The reason she moved back to her hometown was to give Lucy a quaint childhood.
“Ballet is my best style. I am going to make the crowd cry when they see my dance.” Lucy declared. After she saw her determination, Licht agreed to let her join the dance competition. She was confident she could give Lucy a life full of experiences while she pursued her dream. She was an angel and she could do anything as long as she worked towards it.
The night of the competition came much quicker than Licht expected. She had watched her practise her dance and she was certain Lucy would place first. Licht knelt in front of her daughter and tied the laces of her ballet shoes. She had different dance shoes for each style she knew. Since her daughter was still six years old, she outgrew the shoes quickly and they would need to purchase new ones for her. She would think of how much Lucy had grown, in both height and skill, each time they visited a store.
“You’re going to light up the stage just like your mom. Both of you are my angels!” Hyde hugged his daughter. She was seven years old yet he felt as if she was only learning how to crawl a few days ago. He still had his reservations about Lucy becoming a dancer and he would remind himself that Kranz was a good manager. He helped them find an excellent dance teacher who would encourage her in a positive way. “Is there anything you want before we drive to the competition?”
“Can Gil drive me while Mom and Dad stay home? I don’t want you there.” Her request confused them. Lucy bit her lower lip before she went on to explain: “This is my first competition. I don’t want Mom and Dad to see me lose. You’ll be sad. After I win five competition in a row and I know I’ll always win, Mom and Dad can come watch.”
“We can never be disappointed with you, Lucy.” Hyde immediately sat beside Lucy to reassure her. He tenderly stroked her hair but she didn’t take her eyes off the ballet slippers she wore. He looked to Licht and an idea came to him. “There’s somewhere we want to take you before your competition.”
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Licht held onto Lucy’s tiny hand as she helped her up the steps to the stage. They had brought her to a concert hall. It was closed for the night but one of his Subclasses worked in the building and allowed them inside. The familiar setting held important memories for them. Lucy was nervous for her first competition and he hoped they could show her that she didn’t need to feel so.
A piano stood in the center of the stage. Lucy recognized the instrument easily and she knew it meant her mother wanted to play a song for her. She let go of her hand to skip to the piano and she climbed onto the bench. Her parents sat on either side of her and they needed to press close to each other to fit onto the chair. Lucy moved onto Hyde’s lap and smiled up at Licht. “We have a piano at home. Why did you take me all the way here to listen to a song?”
“I want to tell you a story.” She began to play the song she had written while she was pregnant with Lucy. The lullaby held her love and her hope for her daughter. Whenever she played the song, Lucy would smile and feel at ease. Licht’s feelings reached her through the song even though she was too young to fully understand. “It’s how my hair became white.”
“I thought the white in Mom’s hair were angel feathers.” Lucy’s innocent comment made Hyde chuckle and he ruffled her hair.
“When I first saw your mother, I thought the same thing.” He said.
“I’m trying to give our daughter advice so don’t joke around like that.” She leveled a stern glare at Hyde but he could only smile at her. He honestly thought she looked like an angel, no matter if she was playing her piano or fighting a vampire. Licht touched the white strands in her dark hair and she looked down at Lucy. “I was your age and I was about to perform in a competition. I already won a few times but, when then I heard your grandparents would be in the audience, I became so nervous my hair became white.”
“Mom felt scared like me?” Lucy exclaimed in disbelief. She would often watch old videos of her performance and she thought she had an unshakable confidence. It was almost impossible for her to imagine her mother being uncertain of anything. Angels couldn’t lie to each other though. “What happened at the competition. Did you win?”
“I don’t remember much of my performance.” She told her honestly. Licht stopped playing so she could lift Lucy into her arms and she pressed a light kiss onto her blond hair. She pointed to the ceiling above their heads. “When you’re on stage, those lights will be too bright to see the people in the crowd. Don’t think about the judges or what Mom and Dad might be thinking. I know you’ll dance beautifully, Lucy.”
“You’re an angel, after all. Each time you dance, you look like you’re flying. Just reach for those stage lights like they’re stars.” Hyde patted her head. “We don’t care where you place in the competition as long as we can watch you fly. Can we come to the competition?”
“Okay.” Lucy nodded. “But Dad can’t embarrass me by clapping too loud!”
“I can’t make any promises.” He teased her but it caused her to pout at him.
“Then only Mom can come watch me dance.” Lucy hugged Licht’s neck and she stuck her tongue out at Hyde. “Demon needs to behave in the theater.”
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“I’m a dancing angel.” Lucy muttered in her sleep. She sat in the backseat and she swayed in time with the car until she slumped onto Licht’s lap. They took her to a restaurant to celebrate the first time Lucy participated in a dance competition. Between the excitement of the event and the large meal she ate afterwards, she fell fast asleep the moment the car drove out of the parking lot. Licht smiled down at her daughter and she stroked her blond hair.
Gil drove the family home and Lucy insisted that her mom sit next to him. From where Hyde sat in the passenger seat, he watched his angels. Hyde thought that it was endearing how close they were. Other parents warned him that Lucy would become rebellious once she was a teenager yet Hyde couldn’t imagine anything coming between them. Licht was supportive of Lucy’s dream and they were always together.
He glanced through the car window and he saw that the street was mostly empty. Hyde took off his seatbelt and he climbed over the clutch to the backseat. He wore a mischievous smile while Licht rolled her eyes at him. “A police would’ve arrested you for being so reckless, Stupid Hedgehog.”
“I want to sit with my angels. Anyways, we don’t need to worry about the police. I’ve dealt with them enough.” Hyde shrugged off her concerns. He looked down at Lucy sleeping on her lap and he loosely placed his scarf over her tiny body. “She lights up the stage the same way you do.”
“Of course, we made an angel.”
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diariesofaplutonian · 4 years
Pluto: Where is your power lost? Where can it be won back?
Let’s talk about Pluto! Pluto, to me, represents everything it has been mythologically and culturally assigned to—the underworld, the shadow side, the darkest parts of ourselves, the selves we wish to hide or keep contained from others, death, taboo, mystery, power struggles, and so on, but above all else, to me, where the planet falls in a house demonstrates the arena in which we feel the most powerless. The house where Pluto falls in shows us the themes we will grapple with and indicates the obstacles and struggles that may arise. Gratefully, Pluto also represents in the chart the area where we can most empower ourselves and elevate our lives and our dignity if we find a way to turn what disempowers us into our strength and make it part of our story, our story of victory, instead of a lesson of our defeat, our story of failure. Pluto shows us where we can triumph if we find a way to revolutionize or otherwise radically transform/change ourselves internally, despite our external challenges. Most importantly, Pluto is about recovering our power. For example, if Pluto falls in the 4th house/IC, it may indicate that a person feels most powerless or defeated in situations involving family. One may be estranged from one’s family or have a difficult relationship with one’s mother or stepfather, for instance, but due to financial, emotional, or other reasons, such person is unable to liberate himself from his family and be free of a toxic home life. He thus feels resentful not only by the fact that his environment limits him, but by the fact that he cannot escape or change his environment. His transformation may come through the act of juggling multiple endeavors to support himself until he is physically and emotionally able to remove himself from his unfit guardians and cultivate his own family through his individual selection of trusted people he names “adopted family.”
Someone with Pluto in the 8th house may feel powerless over death. Such person may undergo countless tragedy in the form of losing people close to him. He may lose his mother, aunt, younger brother, cousin, close friend, mentor, etc. through the course of his life, and so on. He may feel like he has no control over the lives of people he meets, and be plagued by the thought of forming attachments with other people, due to the fear that they, too, will die if he develops a closeness with them. His fear of death (not even necessarily his own) may evolve into a fear of connection and intimacy, another 8th house theme. He can overcome this fear or feeling of powerlessness through re-examining his basic safety, comfort, and survival needs, so when he reevaluates or reassesses his proximity to death, he sees not the history of all those who have passed before him, but the potential to live as though he is dying, not wasting a single minute, relating to himself and others with a newfound depth and urgency. He can form fierce, meaningful, powerful connections that allow him to interact and engage with people without being held back by the immediacy of crisis or the threat of future death. His knowledge that the future is uncertain can give him resistance to the notion of being extinguished, causing him to live relentlessly and with vulnerability, in search for deeper truth. Death may ignite a fury or appreciation for living within him. He may, as the familiar poem goes, “not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Knowledge of the impermanence of life makes him full of the desire to build something stable, solid, and long-term, seemingly permanent connections. He finds longevity in essence and via the impact he leaves on others and the impact they in turn impress on him. This gives him life and intense pleasure. Life becomes about energy, constancy in spite of inconstancy, and active transformation (self-transformation). He cultivates resilience and strength/temerity of character through this commitment to continuity of self-change.
Someone with Pluto in the 9th house may feel disempowered in light of others’ ideology/belief systems or in the field of higher faith or science or education. These people are some of the most likely to be successful high school or college dropouts. They have their own unique mission in life, and discovering it is their source of power. This person may also feel constantly tested or undermined by religious notions or organizations and possibly even the notion of God or higher power. This person may, alternatively, derive immense inner strength and fortitude by believing in God or higher power or the Spirit. This person may also form his own introspective, unique thoughts about life and produce philosophies or inquiries about the nature of existence. He could derive great fame or fortune or success or influence from disseminating his views, albeit controversial, whether positive or negative. In fact, he is sure to be polarizing. Nonetheless, his ideas will generate significant outreach due to the distinctiveness of his voice or message. His spirituality may be called into question, abandoned, or adopted. This person may struggle at school/in formal education, not necessarily academically or intellectually, but in terms of curriculum. This student may not agree with what he is being taught or feel like he cannot learn via compulsory schooling. The native may thrive in more organic settings where, opposed to sitting in a lecture or taking notes off a PowerPoint, for instance, he may be asked to design a project implementing his ideas or approach to something or invent a novel way to problem-solve an application. This, to him, may be a better use of his time, energy, and creativity. He may also flourish in home-schooling or alternative schooling, trade schools, or special schools. This person may feel restricted in environments where he is subject to other people’s beliefs or so-called knowledge, such as when someone insists fascism is the right way to live, for instance, and he argues socialism is the right way. He has to learn to contend with other people’s viewpoints, however challenging to hear he believes them to be, without feeling the urge to change or compel them, despite whether he believes himself to be right and they wrong. Other people don’t have to believe what he believes and he shouldn’t feel obligated or righteous enough to attempt to sway or influence them. He will find his personal power when he is able to separate the actions and beliefs and opinions of others without feeling the need to compete with, attack, or obliterate them. There isn’t always a “winner.” Not everything needs to be contested or debated, and sometimes, it really is best to say nothing at all.
Pluto in the 3rd house may feel intimidated, pressured, limited, or controlled in situations involving siblings, local spaces or regional transportation, or informal school as opposed to higher education. For instance, one may be significantly older than her sister and may be forced to help her parents raise her due to her family being large and having significant age gaps between children, or, her sister may have been made an orphan after their parents died in a tragic car accident, and the native thus may have been forced to intervene and take custody of her sibling to avoid the younger girl ending up in the foster system. She may resent having to take care of someone else as an adult when she is not even fully able to provide for herself and her own needs, or she may have difficulty relating to her younger sibling because of their large age gap, and may thus find herself in the mother role instead of the big-sister role. She can see this as an unfair constraint upon her own resources, time, and happiness. Or, in a different scenario, the Pluto in the 3rd house person may have parents who divorced when she was a child and one of her parents, say her father, remarried and her stepmother brought in 3 children of her own. This person may feel abandoned by her own father, especially if her mother remained her primary caregiver and her father acted as a birth parent to his stepchildren, treating her as an adopted or stepchild. She may resent her step-siblings for being closer to her father and in her eyes, ‘stealing’ her dad away from her. Tension between her siblings and herself could cause her to feel troubled or indignant and unable to change this deeply unsettling feeling of being replaced that dwells inside her and eats her up from the inside. Rather than letting this jealousy or envy consume her and ravage her insides, she can overcome this tribulation by fostering an intense self-love within herself and finding stimulating mental activities and hobbies (as Mercury traditionally rules the 3rd house) that make her feel powerful.
For example, let’s say she begins to read and write exceptionally well, eventually crafting a memoir about her experiences, and it turns into a bestseller. Or, perhaps, though, this is petty, she joins the chess or debate team at her school along with her siblings and constantly crushes them at debates or chess. She will have thus found a way to transcend those setbacks that made her feel defeated and less important, by becoming the best in a field or championing her story or becoming victorious in publishing or some type of Mercury-related field. She will have attained some sort of dominance or recognition and will no longer see herself as second-best in terms of her parents’ eyes/her father’s treatment of her. And who wouldn’t like to be the most successful sibling? The one who introduced the world to the family name? Sibling rivalry/competition can be healthy.
Pluto often brings the potential for struggle and demise and defeat, but it also rules comebacks and success stories and champions the role of the underdog. There is no ‘failure’ or setback that cannot be overcome with Pluto, so long as one constantly and consistently transforms and generates a second skin, so to speak. Pluto is a test, and you can’t ace every test, but you can’t flunk them all either.
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voidstilesplease · 3 years
in another life
part three
Stiles jerks awake to a pot clanging in the kitchen. He groans and thinks for a second that it must be his father making breakfast. Stiles rubs his eyes, opens his mouth for a loud yawn, and blearily blinks to an empty mattress on the floor. It takes a second for it to come back to him, and when it does, he pushes to a sitting position. Stiles stumbles, getting on his feet with the sheets wrapped around him, and ends up falling on the floor on all fours. He curses at the sting on his knees and hands, but he ignores it to race out of his room.
His bare feet thud as he dashes downstairs. Was the clacking noise from Theo and his dad hitting each other with pots and pans? Stiles won't put it past either one of them, even if he has sent a text message to his dad to warn him of the case.
When he reaches the kitchen, Stiles is ready to put forth his authoritarian voice to stop the two from murdering each other with cookware. But what greets him is an entirely different scene.
His father, who's still wearing his uniform, is by the stove, putting the pan onto it, while Theo is cracking eggs into a bowl. Stiles halts in his rushed steps and blinks. He also gapes like a fish. His dad turns around and gives Stiles a tight smile while Theo grins, albeit hesitantly.
Another beat and he finds his footing. "What's going on?" Stiles can't stop the surprise in his voice.
His dad heats the stove and turns completely, his face still pinched. A series of emotions cross the Sheriff's face as he glances at Theo and tries to form words. In the end, he sighs wearily and presses his lips together. He waves a hand in Theo's direction, "I came home to Theo, looking for the pan. So, I helped him out."
Theo looks out of place and uncertain in the middle of the Stilinski kitchen, but he nods, "I wanted to make breakfast before you woke up."
Stiles lifts a brow, "Oh."
"You're going to Deaton, aren't you? Fix this?" The Sheriff asks, standing closer and putting a hand on his shoulder, squeezing slightly. He squints his eyes at Stiles.
"Yeah," Stiles meets Theo's eyes, and the latter's smile recedes to a clenching jaw before dropping his gaze to the eggs he's whisking, more aggressively now.
His dad nods, satisfied and pats his back. "I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Sending one last glance at Theo and a small encouraging smile to Stiles, Noah leaves the kitchen and pads his way upstairs.
Silence fills the space, and Stiles rubs the side of his jaw, watching Theo pour milk on the yolk. He takes a tentative step forward, "You want-" he delays, waiting for Theo to raise his head. He points to the bowl. "You want me to do that?"
Theo's forehead creases, "I know how to cook scrambled eggs, Stiles,"
Stiles pauses, "Of course," he hastily agrees, hand flailing in the direction of the refrigerator. "I'll just get... juice, then." He stalks away to the said fridge, biting his nails at the awkward air, taking up space between and around them.
He closes his eyes for a moment, letting his face feel the icy chill of the refrigerator as he gathers his thoughts in order. When he opens them again, Stiles huffs determinedly, nodding to himself. 
It's time to fix Theo.
After suffering through the quietest, most tension-filled breakfast of his life, Stiles, and Theo finally climb into the Jeep to the animal clinic. They had to open Theo's truck for his change of clothes, and Stiles shudders at the mess inside. He gives Theo his pair of black jeans that at least appear clean and Theo's pink sweater that the man scrutinizes for a whole minute before pulling into them. There's also a scarf that Theo reluctantly places around his neck for the cold.
Theo hasn't spoken sentences the entire time, just moving around sluggishly and responding with half-hearted little noises. He looks worse for wear, and the dark circles under his eyes are much more evident than the previous day. He probably didn't sleep well last night. 
Stiles only finds his attention straying to Theo's nape and the tattoo there a handful of times. But he is definitely going to ask Deaton about it. Tattoos don't just glow, and with their current predicament, Stiles is one hundred percent sure that it has a part of it, if not the cause itself.
As they go, Theo stays speechless, contentedly scowling as he looks ahead. He behaves so jarringly uncharacteristic like a different Theo has replaced the old one that Stiles knows. The Theo that Stiles remembers, even under stress, was always annoyingly present, running his smart, smug mouth in which they are similar. This one, though, is just passive and detached. It's like he exists in another world inside his head, which now Stiles thinks about it, is the case. False memories, and personal details about Stiles, are planted in his head, and the big questions are who did it and why?
Stiles worries his lips; Deaton has to have answers because Stiles can't spend his Holiday break babysitting a Theo who calls him babe and knows one too many secret information about his life.
Stiles wets his lips and decides to break their wordless companionship. "So, before we get to Deaton," Stiles begins, looking at him sideways as he drives. "I need to tell you a few things so that things don't pile up on you all at once at the clinic."
Theo turns to him, face carefully blank. "At the clinic where you'll fix me?"
Stiles looks at him, surprised at his bitter tone.
"I don't understand how I'm broken." Theo's impassive expression bleeds to rising anger. "I lose consciousness, and suddenly I need fixing?" He shakes his head, slumping back in his seat. His voice is softer when he adds, but Stiles hears the fright in it. "And the worse thing is I believe it. I don't belong here."
Stiles sets his jaw and swallows. "We're going to find out what happened," he intones, summoning the confidence to his words. "For now, I need to explain everything to you, but you can't interrupt me," he meets Theo's blue eyes. "No matter how outlandish and absurd I'm going to sound, you have to listen."
Theo's eyes soften after a moment of consideration, though his features remain taut. "I fell unconscious in New York while snow fighting with you and woke up in different clothes, in a different city, on the other side of the coast where you and your dad are here but treat me almost as a stranger. I don't think there's anything crazier than that."
Stiles scoffs, "You'd be surprised."
They are parked outside the animal clinic for a good ten minutes now. Stiles is drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, and Theo is staring down at his protruded claws, horrified but at least not in hysterics. Stiles's reaction to finding out his blunt nails grow to razor-sharp claws after hearing about the supernatural only less than an hour ago would be downright manic.
"I have claws," he says breathlessly, finally registering the fact. He turns to Stiles wide-eyed.
"You have fangs, too," Stiles adds. Theo's eyes widen another fraction. "And your eyes glow."
Theo shakes his head, mouth hanging slightly open.
He's taking this much better than Stiles had expected. He narrated the story beginning the night of the Senior's Scribe, up to that point when Theo left Beacon Hills without any word. Of course, he leaves out the gory details -let Theo remember those when he retrieves his memories- about his sister, the other chimeras he killed for power, killing Scott, leaving Lydia catatonic, and a few other horrid things.
Stiles tells Theo, though, a SparkNotes version, about how he's a science experiment of the Dread Doctors and that he almost destroyed Stiles's pack. He also tells Theo that he temporarily went underground for his attempts but freed later to help them with the Ghost Riders, then Gerard's hunters.
Theo's face distorts, gazing at Stiles like he has discovered a horrendous fact. "So that was really my truck in your driveway?"
Stiles heaves a weighty sigh. He doesn't know if it's in relief or exhaustion. At least, whatever they'll discover with Deaton, won't probably faze them both too much.
"A witch?" Stiles repeats flatly, eyes locked on Deaton. "A witch did this to Theo?"
Theo looks thoughtful, standing opposite Stiles at Deaton's exam table. The veterinarian -part-time druid and supernatural guru- is close behind Theo, tipping the man's head back to examine the tattoo on his nape.
He steps back from the chimera and nods, "Yes and no."
Stiles's nose flares as he exhales. He hates it when Deaton does this. His arms go up in the air, pointedly staring hard at the vet, to prompt him to spit out the rest of his riddle.
Deaton probably senses Stiles's impatience because his lips curl a little, maybe in disapproval, but whatever. "It is indeed a witch's mark, but it means no harm to the bearer. It could be a protective symbol even. It's called a Triquetra."
Theo rubs the back of his neck, putting back the scarf around it. "What's that?"
"It's similar to triskeles," Deaton says to Stiles, referencing Derek's triskelion tattoo, which they're both familiar with, "It's Celtic and also known as a trinity knot. It could represent a lot of triplicities: life-death-rebirth, past-present-future, body-mind-soul, or simply a symbol of protection."
Theo licks his lips, drawing his eyebrows together. "So it's not doing anything to me?"
"Nothing ill-disposed," Deaton answers him. His eyes fall to Theo's collar. "But maybe we should look into that necklace of yours." He points at the said item peeking lightly under the scarf. 
Theo unquestioningly takes off the necklace and hands it to Deaton's waiting hand, watching expectantly as the veterinarian studies the object.
Deaton hums and returns the necklace after a short while. "It's a hypnosis necklace, laced with magic. And carved within is the pagan symbol for sleep."
Theo frowns, at a loss.
So Deaton simplifies, "It makes you fall asleep,"
Theo snorts, "That's a joke. I never slept a wink last night."
Deaton's lips press to a line, "Whatever the exact magic the witch placed in the item, I can't tell. You will have to get the answers from them."
Stiles crosses his arms, his head starting to swim again, unable to stop the remarks from coming out of his mouth. "How can we find this witch? Do you think they hand out receipts when they put their symbols on people and give them jewelry for hypnosis?"
"You don't need to find them," Deaton drawls, obviously done with the conversation, letting the statement hang for a period. They trade puzzled glances with each other, and then Deaton finishes. "They'll come to you."
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sinkingsidewalks · 3 years
why do memories glow (the way real moments don't)
Chapter 5: if your part of me is gone now (do I wanna survive)
January 2008
Jemma stood outside the building, staring out across the campus. People rushed to and fro, past and around her and all over the lawn in front of her, which had a sprinkling of snow on it. It was cold, just below freezing, and she wasn’t wearing the right coat for it, she’d gone for looking fashionable and presentable over being warm, but she stood shivering, not moving.
She was done. Her four years at MIT were over. All her classes were complete, her research finished, and her dissertation defended. There was nothing to do now.
She had job offers, research offers, but it didn’t feel the same. She was twenty years old, an actual adult now instead of the teenage one she’d been pretending to be for years. If she’d stuck to the timeline she was supposed to take, if she hadn’t skipped years of school and combined university programs, she would be halfway through an undergrad, instead she had two PhDs. Her peers would be partying, working menial jobs, and skipping classes. They would be changing their major every three months, utterly uncertain of the future; Jemma didn’t feel much more solid in hers.
Getting a job was necessary, the last eighteen months had blown through every penny of her savings and she’d no longer have a visa to stay if she didn’t, but she had no idea how to choose. She’d never done it before, had never really been employed except by the university, and as much as she’d love to teach, she was far too young to command any authority in a classroom, not when her students would be her own age. She’d tried to make a pro and con list for the various positions she’d been offered and the page had stayed entirely blank, she’d come up empty.
There had been a certain ease in choosing universities, the first one close to home, then where she’d found an advisor she got along with, but she had no idea about labs or offices. She’d met with department managers, had good conversations about science and research, but she had no clue how to vet how someone would be as a manager.
Part of her was thinking about tossing a coin, or taking the highest paycheque, but even the thought of that made her uneasy. Research could be a delicate thing, and she didn’t want to end up a lab monkey for some soulless corporation. But she was also afraid of taking too long, of being too picky and having offers dry up, leaving her stranded, on a plane back to England.
She couldn’t go home. She couldn’t move back in to her parents’ house, live with the coolness between her and her mother even though she knew her Dad would welcome her with open arms, and find a job at a UK lab instead. The mere thought made her sick to her stomach. In the intervening years she’d been for Christmas, for a week of holiday in the summer, but it put a pit of something in her stomach that she couldn’t name, it made her feel unsteady, unmoored, like she was far away from herself. Or maybe like she was far away from Fitz, far away from the baby. He’d be almost two and a half and only when it was very late at night did she allow herself to wonder what he looked like.
It felt like there was a tether between them all, like they were three points, stretching a triangle into different angles as they moved through the world. The rope didn’t reach across the ocean.
She stood outside the building, watching groups of students walk, watching people laughing with their friends and others rushing into the cover of buildings, feeling cold, feeling alone.
August 2006
She was awake as midnight ticked over, watched it on her clock as the time changed, and so did the date. It had been a year. The baby would be turning one. She wondered what his parents had planned, if they were the big party type or just a small family gathering.
She’d held her son for exactly ten minutes, after he’d been cleaned off and whisked away for testing because of low oxygen levels. She’d called Fitz while she waited, it was late enough by then for him to be home, kicked out of the lab, to tell him that if he wanted to meet the baby he should come in the next few hours. Then she’d held him gently around the cannula in his nose and said goodbye.
Their adoption advisor had showed up then, she’d walked Jemma through the paperwork she had to fill out, including his birth certificate. Even though she knew his real family would change it she had to name him, which felt odd, and she was in such an exhaustive haze she’d written the only thing that had come to mind; Leopold James Fitz. She’d had the presence of mind to tack ‘Simmons’ on the end and had fallen asleep in her hospital bed for a few hours.
When she woke May was there again, guiding her into her clothes then out to the car. It was late, the streets were dark and empty and she’d felt hollow, ripped apart. Kendra was asleep when she got into the apartment and so was Fitz, passed out in her bed. She’d crawled in with him and hadn’t gotten up for a week.
Fitz and Kendra had taken turns cooking for her, leaving plates on her bedside table and taking away the dirty ones, the half-finished or picked over ones between their work and research and classes. There were times when they both lingered at the doorway, books in hand, but she could only shake her head when asked if she wanted company, even though she didn’t want to be alone either. She felt alone, even when they were there. Her own work went untouched, but May didn’t bother her for progress, had only showed up once to drop off a peri bottle and cabbage leaves without a word. Jemma still didn’t know who took over her teaching assistants duties.
Eight days later she’d hauled herself into the shower and stood there for over an hour as the dried blood and leaked breast milk and hospital smell ran down the drain. She washed her hair twice, ran the hot water for the whole building dry, and only then, once the water dwindled to lukewarm did she emerge.
She was passed it now, or as passed it as she could be. Somewhere in Connecticut it was a little boy’s first birthday, but that boy wasn’t her son, he never had been.
She wondered what Fitz was doing, if he was aware enough to know what the date was or if he was so buried in his research he’d lost all concept of time, of reality. She knew he’d remember the significance if he remembered the date, but that was always a toss-up with him. It had been weeks since she’d talked to him, maybe even months, she could hardly remember.
There had been one late night phone call, where he’d been exhausted and delirious, talking about an issue that had come up with his thesis, but she’d been just as tired and overworked it was impossible to remember what day that had been, what week, when every hour bled into the next. She was fairly certain he’d called her by accident, by reflex, because she was the person he was used to talking to when he had an issue and vice versa, because she wasn’t sure if they were friends anymore.
It had seemed possible, at the end of her pregnancy, that they could get through it, but the more time went on the harder it was to pretend that everything was normal. The summer ended, a new school year started, Fitz was locked up in the lab and Jemma started a new TA job. They didn’t speak for days, then weeks, then a month, then two.
She had no doubt that if she needed him, that if she called him, for anything, he would come running, without a second of doubt or hesitation, but she had no reason to call him. They crossed paths on campus, they hung out with mutual friends, but she didn’t feel like she could read his mind anymore, didn’t know his every thought and feeling by the quirk of his eyebrow. She knew he would never disappear entirely, that she’d never lose track of him, that he’d never leave her life entirely, but they would continue to orbit around each other, binary stars pulled towards the barycenter of a child they didn’t know.
She rolled over in her bed, made her body relax piece by piece and counted her breathing, trying to get to sleep, even though she knew she couldn’t.
Read the rest on AO3
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
((Previously on “Quest for the Quidditch Cup”...))
[It seemed Carewyn wasn’t the only one surprised to find out that Rath was going to be on the Wigtown Wanderers’ roster next year. Even Orion and Murphy, arguably two of Skye’s closest friends and associates, had yet to hear the news. Only Face Paint Kid seemed to have caught wind of it, and he’d only found out very recently himself. Carewyn thought it explained quite a bit about why Skye and Rath were that bit more at each other’s throats than usual -- the Wigtown Wanderers were founded by Skye’s family and there had always been a Parkin on it since its creation. Carewyn was honestly a bit surprised that Rath had tried out for that team in particular while knowing that, but, she supposed, that really didn’t matter.
Carewyn caught up with Skye the following morning, inside the Quidditch tent. Skye looked rather less assured of herself than usual -- although her shoulders were straight and proud, there was a notable discomfort in how she looked at Carewyn. Even though she was taller than her, Skye still seemed to be looking at Carewyn from below, somehow.]
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“Yes. I found out about Rath joining the Wanderers next year.”
[Skye’s lips came together in a tight line. Her eyes drifted down to the ground uncomfortably.]
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
Skye: “I hadn’t really planned not to. It just...ended up that way.”
[She swallowed.]
Skye: “I found out last week. Dad had stopped by the Three Broomsticks during our Hogsmeade weekend, to tell me about the line-up for next season. I was so excited to see my name on the list -- but then, right below it...I saw Rath’s name.”
[Her eyes narrowed on the floor, not just angrily but rather miserably.]
Skye: “I got mad. Told Dad it’d be mental to choose Rath, that it’d be a disaster. I asked how he could do that to me -- choose my rival, for our team...and...”
[Her eyes welled up with hurt.]
Skye: “...He just... he yelled right back at me. He said that I’d been lucky to be chosen, that he’d had to fight hard to get me on the roster -- that any Quidditch captain would be more likely to pick someone like Rath with a winning record and emotional restraint than someone who’s a sore loser even more than she’s a sore winner.”
[Carewyn’s eyes grew a little smaller in understanding, but she didn’t speak. Skye took hold of her right arm and squeezed it.]
Skye: “At first I was mad, but...well...my dad was right. I’ve been awful. (lowly) ...I’m still awful.”
[She raised her gaze to look up at Carewyn again at last.]
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Skye: “I don’t know why I get so mad sometimes, I just...lose it. I’ve hated Rath so long, and I can’t help but feel like I always will. And hearing people side with her...it hurts.” 
[Carewyn crossed her arms.]
“(reproachfully) Accepting the truth is not taking sides...unless you’re determined to stand by something you know isn’t true.”
Skye: “(lowly) I know. I knew that then too, I think, I just...in that moment, I just...it felt like an attack...even though I know it wasn’t. Even though I know Orion didn’t mean it that way. Just like...I knew back then, in fourth year...you weren’t attacking me either, when you said I was wrong.”
[Carewyn quirked an eyebrow. Skye exhaled heavily.]
Skye: “The truth is...I’ve resented myself for ages after you left us, Carewyn. You were a smashing Chaser, and more than that...you could’ve been a smashing Quidditch Captain, after Orion and I graduated. And the only reason you’re not on our team is because you took the high road and put our team over our stupid fight. Not like me. All I ever seem to be able to do is think of myself...just like you said.”
[She hung her head in visible shame.]
Skye: “And now...not only did I stupidly get myself hurt right before the biggest match of our lives...but I ended up blabbing my big mouth to Rita Skeeter, who’ll no doubt crow to the whole world now about how I’m this huge liar trying to besmirch my future teammate’s reputation...she’ll probably use it to tear down the entire Slytherin team too. I thought Rath being punished for having hurt me on purpose would keep her from playing too, so you all wouldn’t have to face her and maybe Dad would reconsider having her on our team, but...it all just blew up in my face. Just like it always does...”
[Carewyn could’ve sworn she saw some tears forming in Skye’s eyes.]
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Skye: “Every step of the way, even when I try to make things right...all I ever seem to do is fail them.”
[Carewyn considered Skye for a long moment, her blue eyes resting on the top of her head. Then, in a gesture of pity, she extended a hand and took hold of Skye’s shoulder.]
“...I suppose you went to make up with Rath because you knew you’d be on the same team soon?”
[Skye nodded gloomily.]
Skye: “Fat load of good it did.”
“It was a good impulse.”
[Carewyn took a deep breath and then exhaled heavily.]
“Look, Skye...I’m not going to act like you haven’t made a lot of mistakes. I said the same thing as much to Rath, when I told her we knew she hadn’t hurt you on purpose. But at the same time, she wanted your apology. She was irritated that I’d come on your behalf -- that I’d tried to mend fences, in your stead. That can only mean she wanted you to be the one to reach out.”
[Skye was startled by this.]
Skye: “...You think she’d listen to me?”
“Maybe not at first. Again, there’s a lot of damage that’s been done. You’re probably not going to be able to earn her forgiveness easily -- it’s something you’d have to work toward. And you’d probably have to take a lot of time to look at things from each other’s point of view, in order to come together.”
[Skye looked a little uncertain. Carewyn couldn’t entirely blame her -- empathy had never been one of Skye’s strong suits.]
Skye: “What do you mean?”
“Well, for one, Rath sees the application process very differently than you do. You said that your dad had to fight to get you on the team. Rath thinks you had your place on the team gifted to you on a silver platter.”
[Skye looked furious.]
Skye: “What?! So she thinks I’m some spoiled little -- !?”
“(very sharply) Calm down and listen before you blow up like a volcano again.”
[Skye fumed silently. Carewyn settled her voice back down into a more level, patient tone.]
“Like Orion said, it’s not the truth, but it is her truth. And if you try to look at things from her perspective, I can see why. She’s worked really hard to get as good as she is, all without coming from a legendary Quidditch family. Hell...even without having a really good coach.”
[She offered Skye a very small wry smile. Skye’s expression cleared slightly.]
“From Rath’s perspective, she and the Ravenclaws have worked hard to earn the Quidditch Cup they’ve won the last five years.”
Skye: “(defensively) And we haven’t?”
“Of course we have. Both things can be true. The important thing is that you have more in common than you think. You both have worked really hard to try to prove yourselves on the Quidditch pitch. You both have tried hard to be worthy of the Wigtown Wanderers name. You feel you have a lot to prove, because your family comes from Quidditch -- Rath feels she has a lot to prove, because her family doesn’t.”
[Skye looked at Carewyn with a bizarre expression -- half bewildered, half admiring.]
Skye: “...Rath told you all that?”
[Carewyn smirked broadly.]
“(amusedly) No, I surmised a lot of it.”
[She put her hands on her wide hips in a more business-like manner.]
“Now then...do you still want to help? We could use you.”
[Skye blinked in surprise.]
Skye: “Of course I do! You...you still want my help?”
“(dryly) You’re the seventh member of the Slytherin team, remember? I’m just your placeholder. (more seriously) We’ve gotten a lead about Rath’s possible weakness.”
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“I reckon with how long you’ve played Quidditch and how well you know all the positions, you’d be the best person to help us suss out a way to use this information against her.”
[Skye looked a little uncertain.]
Skye: “You sure about that?”
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[Murphy and Orion had entered the tent. They were both smiling -- Carewyn guessed they’d probably overheard a lot more of her and Skye’s conversation than they might admit.]
Murphy: “If we don’t come up with a new strategy, Ravenclaw has a 92.4% chance of winning the Quidditch Cup.”
Orion: “It will take all four of us to devise a way to use our opponent’s vulnerability to our advantage. We cannot do it without you, Skye -- nor would we wish to.”
[Even though Orion’s voice was as dreamy and detached as ever, the sentiment came through all the same. Skye looked quite touched.
Murphy frowned in thought.]
Murphy: “Of course we don’t know exactly where Rath’s blind spot is...it’ll be hard to strategize without that kind of critical information.”
Skye: “(more confidently than ever) We should be able to figure it out by analyzing her past matches. After all, every player has their weakness, but they’re usually aware of it, so they’ll often try to compensate for that weakness or find a way to hide it from the opposing team. Like, take Andre Egwu. Great flier, not so great on blocking out distractions -- hence why he’s a Keeper and not a Seeker, even if he’s got the build and speed for it.”
[Carewyn nodded.]
“Or my lack of strength -- hence why I’m a Chaser, not a Beater.”
Orion: “Or Charlie Weasley’s hyper-focus. Rath has been able to take advantage of that, by attacking him while he’s focused on pursuing the Snitch.”
Skye: “Exactly!”
[Skye considered this carefully. Then her eyes lit up.]
Skye: “...Focus...”
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Skye: “In the final match against Gryffindor last season? She nearly knocked him out of the sky. Could’ve cost Ravenclaw the Quidditch Cup, her smacking down their Seeker like that...”
[Carewyn remembered -- she’d gone to that match, to support Charlie. She was glad she had too, given that yet again Rath had knocked him off his broom and denied Gryffindor the Quidditch Cup for the fifth year straight.]
“Her teammate was over her left shoulder -- just like you were, when Face Paint Kid saw you approach Rath!”
[Skye’s eyes widened.]
Skye: “Then...she really didn’t see me at all! I was in her blind spot!”
[Her face broke out into a huge triumphant grin.]
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[Murphy suddenly looks very excited.]
Murphy: “Ravenclaw’s winning strategy in the last five final matches has been to have Rath hit a Bludger at the opposing Seeker so that the Ravenclaw Seeker can swoop in and grab the Snitch while they’re down! But if someone’s already right there in the area to protect the Seeker -- someone who Rath can’t see -- then there’s a 97.2% chance that Slytherin can prevent that from happening all together!”
Skye: “Right! All we need is for Night or Quinn to be over Rath’s left shoulder around the time Kaylisa goes for the Snitch!”
[Carewyn’s smiling broadly too.]
“That’s brilliant!”
[Orion’s dark eyes sparkled with a similar kind of triumphant satisfaction as Skye’s.]
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Orion: “It will take a lot of teamwork to make sure we can work together as one, as part of this strategy.”
((OOC: Well, well, looks like Skye isn’t completely hopeless. ;) I might not love how her character’s written in game or think she and Carewyn would really be friends, but I do like writing her with more complexity, just like I do for Orion and the others. <33
The Slytherin Beaters referenced are Night Rhea @nightrhea-hphm​ and Sabrina “Quinn” Mercurenius @danceworshipper​ -- I’ve given the Seeker an original name, Kaylisa Fortescue, because we see close-up screenshots of the Slytherin Seeker in game.))
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
More Sam Phantom AU Headcanons
Still thinking alot about this so....
1) Sam is still responsible for the sudden change to the school’s lunch menu. Ultra-recyclo vegetarians for the win at last! Danny and Tucker are still very angry about the change because neither of them want to be eating a slice of bread with grass on it. Or be forced to survive off of salads for the next four years. And Tucker is still the one to rat Sam out to the Lunch Lady ghost. 
But, instead of Danny having to constantly rescue Sam from the Lunch Lady while his best friends fight over the school menu, Sam is battling the Lunch Lady while also trying to defend the changes she coerced the school board into making. Tucker, being a meat eater, is just angry that he’s being told that he can’t eat the food that he loves so much. He’s just angry about the radical change. Danny joins in because, since they’re best friends with Sam, the bullying has gotten a million times worse from Dash and the other jocks. 
Unsurprisingly there’s a lot of tension, where Sam feels hurt that they don’t support her and her desire to make positive changes. But the boys feel that she’s going to far, thinking about what she wants and not what others also want, and that she isn’t considering how this is now impacting them. However, they do eventually make up in the end and, with more pushing to the irate school board, the new school menu is changed to include one main vegetarian meal and one of the tradition school meals. It doesn’t satisfy Lunch Lady but it satisfies Danny and Tucker.
2) Sam is the one being hunted down by Skulker in “One of a Kind”. Because of all the late night ghost hunting, and the fact that Tucker released all the ghosts they captured by accident, she barely manages a C plus on her biology test. Despite getting every question Danny had quizzed her on during the night correct, she’s too exhausted to focus and barely manages to stay awake during it. A C plus isn’t bad, it’s still passing. But knowing that her parents will freak out if they see it, and she doesn’t want it to tank her grades or draw any unwanted parental attention to her, Sam takes on an extra credit assignment about Samson the purple back gorilla. An easy assignment because Sam is already so invested with the idea of releasing Samson back into the wild.
Danny and Tucker still fall asleep on the floor, because they’re bored from watching a gorilla scratch their butt for hours on end. Sam leaves them (after getting her blackmail material for future use) and goes to Samson’s habitat. She does release Samson, because they’re freaking out about Skulker, and she battles the ghost bounty hunter down there. She also continues to be attacked in all of the same places as Danny was, including Fenton Works. This is mainly due to the fact that it’s the closest location to the ghost portal and, from all his time watching Sam and preparing for the hunt has learned that she spends more time at Danny’s house than at her own.
Her fight with Skulker in Danny’s room draws the attention of the Fenton’s and their guest. Jazz is livid. And Danny is trying his best with the equipment he had “borrowed” from the lab and hid in his room to help Sam while Tucker distracts the Fenton’s. Danny is left behind in his room when the two ghosts phase through the floor and Danny slams the door shut behind him as he rushes to go help Sam. Everyone gets a glimpse of his destroyed room, Jazz is angry at the attention he’s getting, she’s also a bit suspicious about the weird noises they all heard. 
3) Sam ends up with Locker 724 when a fight with the Box Ghost wrecked hers. Sam ends up switching places with Sidney Poindexter, a nerdy girl from the 1950s who was the favorite target of her own bullies (it would be weird if Sam and Sidney switched places if Sidney was not also a girl). Sidney sees Sam using her ghost powers against Paulina, for all the teasing that she’s getting from her failed assembly for saving the frogs (showing up dressed up in a dress from My Fair Lady completely undermined everything she had planned). And on Dash for all the grief he’s been giving them as well.  
Tucker and Danny catch on really quick that it isn’t actually Sam, because the moment Sidney took over, she was hanging with Paulina and the cheerleaders and completely abandoned her efforts to free the frogs. Giant red flags that neither Danny or Tucker could ignore. 
4) Knowing that there are ghosts after his dad, Danny manages to convince his parents to let him invite Sam along for the road trip. Danny doesn’t trust that the vultures just turn tail and left, that they might try to follow the family when they leave town. And he also knows how his parents are, it’ll be really hard protecting them and capturing the ghosts when he’s being sheltered like a little kid. Jack has, of course, no problem having another pair of ears to talk off. Maddie is uncertain at first (as she doesn’t want to make it awkward for Sam or for Vlad), but Danny reminds her that Sam’s parents are away on another business trip/social obligation and, although she loves her grand daughter, Grandma Izzy had plans with her elderly friends. Which would leave Sam alone at her house while Danny was in Wisconsin and Tucker was visiting family.
Sam is awoken in the middle of the night by the vultures, and has her fight with Vlad where she gets her halfa butt handed to her. Vlad is, admittably, surprised that Sam is the halfa and incredibly curious how she got her ghost powers. How did Jack Fenton screw up so badly a second time to give someone ghost powers but not get in any kind of trouble nearly killing a teen, especially one from such a wealthy family (being a billionaire, of course Vlad knows of the Mansons). Danny is admittably, incredibly confused when Sam tells him about the ghost she fought. But neither of them suspect Vlad at all until he reveals himself. 
When Sam threatens to expose them both to the Fenton’s and everyone else at the reunion, she says “Danny will always have my back and protect me. But once everyone realizes what you were trying to do, well, who’s going to protect you?” because they both know that by exposing Vlad’s plots in trying to dispose of Jack, he’ll lose both Jack and Maddie’s support and friendship.
5) Although Tucker and Danny don’t find out about Sam’s family being rich until the “Attack of the Killer Garage Sale”, when Danny gets invited to Dash’s party because he’s hitting on Jazz, Maddie has always sort of known. Jack does too, sort of, but he constantly forgets or the reality of how rich hasn’t quite hit him like it hit Tucker. Maddie knows, mainly because she wants to know what type of people Danny might be surrounding himself with, as children usually take after their parents. Maddie recognizes that Sam is nothing at all like her parents, and has never said anything because it isn’t really her secret or fact to share. Furthermore, neither Jack nor Maddie are super fond of the Manson’s, for their disapproval towards Danny (and their professions as ghost hunters). And Maddie hates it that they’re so blind to how great a child/teenager Sam is, wanting to pressure her to fit into their mold of a bubbly, carefree socialite heiress. 
6) Grandma Izzy discovered Sam’s powers very early on. Although neither of Sam’s parents see it, Grandma Izzy always notices when Sam’s powers act up. When her arms phase through the table or her feet hover above the ground by the slightest inch. When she checks up on Sam late at night when its just the two of them home, she’ll see her grand daughter either floating slightly above the bed of having gone invisible with the blankets obviously still on top of her. And also, unlike almost everyone else in Amity Park who knows Sam, Grandma Izzy recognizes her in her ghost form in a heart beat. 
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justatiredghost · 4 years
Fixes to the Timeline Ch5
Klaus and Dave generally have a nice time for a change, and Dave gets to meet and actually get to know Ben
(Start at Ch1)
Of course Dave had seen televisions before. His family had had one, even if they hadn’t been able to afford the fancy new ones with color. But the one Klaus showed him was absolutely nothing like he was expecting. It was like they had a movie theater in their living room, but instead of a grainy projector it was just a huge screen, so thin he thought it had to be built into the wall instead of simply hanging on it. 
He was so amazed by it all that it thankfully distracted him from how nervous he suddenly found himself. He’d invited Ben along on a whim, not really thinking beyond knowing Klaus would probably appreciate it. Besides, Dave was a friendly guy, he liked meeting new people and hanging out, and he’d heard so much about Ben he was excited to actually get to know him. But this wasn’t just anyone. This was Klaus’ best friend and closest sibling and Dave really didn’t want to mess this up. He just desperately wanted to make a good impression.
Thankfully Ben was incredibly easy to get along with. The three of them had a very similar sense of humor and they talked and laughed constantly. And the movie they picked was absolutely fantastic. Their sister was an amazing actress and getting to hear stories of what she’d been like growing up and the various antics they used to get up to really just made it even better.
When Klaus left to grab snacks after the first film, though, all of the anxiety came flooding back. Having Klaus there had made it so easy, but now without him to play off of Dave panicked and suddenly had no idea what to say.  His brain tended to shut off entirely in moments like these and he would just say whatever nonsense came to mind. Not ideal when trying not to put off the brother of the man he’d really like to spend the rest of his life with.
“So,” he said with no real idea what was about to come out of his mouth and just hoping he wouldn't sound like a complete idiot. The quiet always did make him uncomfortable. “How have classes been?” 
Nice, that wasn’t too bad. Maybe he could get through this after all.
“Not bad,” Ben said. “It’s been difficult getting used to studying and having responsibilities again but honestly the structure it provides has been kinda nice.”
“That’s good,” Dave said. “I never did graduate highschool.” And there it was. He really hadn’t lasted long, had he? 
It wasn’t that he was ashamed, exactly. It was common enough for kids to drop out of school to help supplement the family’s income, especially where he grew up. And while education had always been important to his family, he’d never had the sort of ambition his brilliant sisters had so ensuring they could go to college was one of the few decisions in his life he’d never regret. It was just that there was so much about himself that was unremarkable and he couldn’t help but feel inadequate next to this family of literal superheroes. 
Sure he’d only really spent much time around Klaus, Five, and now Ben, but this entire family just seemed so smart and amazing and he was worried he’d never be able to impress any of them. Klaus already knew all his secrets of course and for some reason didn’t seem to mind, but Dave didn’t exactly want to go around announcing anything that could be perceived as a shortcoming to these people. His usual strategy was to get people to realize he was amusing enough to have around before they found out how otherwise boring he really was. 
“I think, technically, none of us did either,” Ben said and that was a relief. Maybe no one in this family would be the type to look down on him for it then. “I’m not sure Dad’s curriculum was exactly approved. I wasn’t really sure what to do with my second shot at life, though, and figured this was somewhere to start. What about you? Any ideas what you want to do now?”
“I honestly have no idea,” Dave laughed. He wondered if he should have some sort of stock answer for this he could throw out, but he didn’t want to be insincere with Klaus’ family, even if he was worried about giving the wrong answer. “I didn’t even know what I was going to do after the war and now suddenly I’m in the future? Still can’t wrap my mind around that. I worked a bunch of odd jobs but I don’t know if any of that knowledge will get me anywhere here. I mean, it’s not like I have any references.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna have to get you a new ID or something,” Ben said. “I don’t think anyone’s gonna believe that you’re, what, 75? 80?”
“Yeah, at least I look good for my age.” 
Thank goodness Klaus chose that moment to come back and put an end to Dave’s floundering.
It was a lazy day, all in all, filled with more talking and joking than anything else. It started raining at some point and Klaus ended the evening in the best way possible, curled up against Dave by the window, watching another movie, Dave continuing to rave about his sister’s acting abilities. By the time they finally retired for the night, Klaus had just about banished the shadow that had been hanging over him since that morning’s nightmare. It was hard, dragging himself away from his comfortable position, but they’d already stayed up much later than he’d meant to and he didn’t want to push Dave too much while he was still healing. 
“So,” Dave said as he collapsed into bed with a heavy sigh. “How do you think it went? Is he okay with me?”
“I’d say more than okay,” Klaus said, kissing his cheek as he crawled into bed next to him. “You were amazing.”
“Yeah, right,” Dave scoffed, staring at the ceiling like he was avoiding eye contact. 
“What’s up?” Klaus said as he sat up, finding his hand and lacing their fingers together..
“We haven’t really talked about it,” Dave said, still not looking at him and sounding incredibly hesitant. “But what happens if they don’t like me? I know how important your family is to you, I don’t want to ruin--”
“I’m just gonna stop you right there,” Klaus said. “First of all, that’s impossible. Everyone loves you. Which means they’ll love you too, and I’m always right--”
“You’re rarely right,” Dave cut in with a grin, finally looking at him.
“I’m always right,” Klaus reemphasized. “And second, it really doesn't matter what they think. It’s the same as when we were talking about going back and maybe meeting your family. We’re in this together, right?”
“Hmm,” Dave said, still sounding uncertain as he studied the ceiling again, but then he turned towards him, bringing their clasped hands to his lips briefly. “I still don’t want you to lose what you’ve built here. Guess I better just pull out all the stops and charm the heck out of all of them.”
“Why don’t you ever pull out all the stops for me?” Klaus asked with a grin, cuddling closer, tangling their legs together.
“I do, all the time,” Dave said, looking surprised. “Wait, shit, have you never noticed? Maybe I’m not as charming as I thought.”
“I guess you do all right,” Klaus allowed with a half shrug.
“Oh, just all right?” Dave asked, kissing his nose.
“Everyone knows I'm the one with all the charisma.” 
“It’s true. I love you,” Dave said, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in his chest.
“I love you too,” Klaus said, holding him close.
They were quiet then, Klaus wishing there was more he could do to reassure him. He loved his family, of course he did. As messed up as they all were, he still liked being around them. Most of the time, anyway. But this was Dave and there was no way he would lose him again. If his family really couldn’t be happy for them, then fine. He’d already done this without them and he could do it again. But he didn’t want to do this without Dave.
Not that it was likely to come to that. He really did mean it, Dave was always able to win people over, even in a war zone where tensions were high and yet he never seemed to realize how impressive that was. That was probably why he doubted himself now. Klaus didn’t want to leave the conversation here, he wanted to at least distract Dave from his worries so after a long pause he finally spoke up again.
“So,” he said. “What did you think of our TV?”
“It’s so huge!” Dave all but shouted in his excitement, pulling away so he could gesture broadly. 
“I know, pretty great, right? Ben, Diego, and Luther picked it out. Dad would be so pissed. Frivolous entertainment, and all that. I think that’s why they got it, really. Now that he can’t stop us, we gotta fill the place with everything he’d hate. Also, it’s something Diego and Luther can do that doesn’t involve arguing which is a bit of a relief for the rest of us.”
“Well, good, I’m glad they have something to bond over,” Dave said. “I just can’t get over how thin it is. Is all technology like that?”
“I guess,” Klaus said, raising one shoulder in a half-shrug. “I never really was up on the latest tech news, but they do seem to be making the hardware smaller all the time. Bigger screens are more normal now, but ours is definitely overkill.”
“The future is wild,” Dave said, settling back down again. “I really don’t know what to expect from the future. It’s a bit intimidating, honestly”
“I don’t know, I feel like it hasn’t changed all that much, apart from the technology of course. And medicine. But don’t worry, I’ll show you around.”
“My hero,” Dave chuckled. “Can’t wait.”
Klaus wasn’t used to waking peacefully, so when he found himself slowly coming to in a warm bed, the ghosts unusually quieted to a whisper, his first thought was to wonder what had gone wrong. But he was still sober and when he pried his eyes open it was to find himself in his bedroom lying beside a quietly snoring Dave. It was hard to hold onto any worry when confronted with the sight of Dave sprawled against him in a way that did not look comfortable at all, his face pressed into the pillow, mouth slightly open as he drooled a little, his hair messy and sticking up at odd angles. He was absolutely beautiful.
Klaus found himself reflexively hiding his smile against his arm as he just looked at him, feeling warm to his core in a way that had nothing to do with the temperature, although he was cozy enough wrapped up in blankets, pressed up against another warm body. It was a feeling he’d never really experienced before, not until he met Dave of course. It was affection, yes, but also admiration and so much more. It was knowing that he was the first and last thing he wanted to see every day, it was wanting to go on adventures and to always find out new things about him. And knowing that Dave felt the same as well.
Even back in the war, with the constant chaos, every sense overwhelmed with too much noise, too much action, too much pain, he would still sometimes catch sight of Dave, see him be just so incredibly himself, probably doing something inconsequential or stupid, and Klaus would be hit with this feeling all over again. 
It was hope, too. Dave always had been too optimistic and at some point it had rubbed off and he’d made Klaus hope as well. Apparently Dave had been right in the end, because here they were, safe and alive. The world wasn’t ending and there was no war raging right outside that they had to get back to. Sure, the future was still terrifying and he had no idea what he was supposed to do with his life, but he didn’t have to think about that right now. It really could just be the two of them here, together.
Dave stirred beside him, pulling him out of his thoughts. He stretched with a huge yawn before his eyes finally opened and he spotted Klaus watching him.
“What?” he mumbled, voice adorably rough from sleep. “There something on my face?”
Klaus launched himself at him, pulling a breathless laugh from him as he wrapped Dave in a crushing full body hug, practically lying on top of him.
“You’re cute,” Klaus said where his face was pressed into his shoulder.
“Pretty sure you’re the cute one,” Dave said, rubbing a hand across his back, still chuckling. 
“Well, obviously, but you can be too.”
“Good, we can be cute together,” Dave said, stifling another yawn. “You sleep okay then?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Yeah, I think I’m finally getting used to this bed.”
Klaus was tempted to stay like this forever, but he suddenly had so much energy, he wanted to move, to do things, and to spend every moment with Dave.
“Breakfast?��� he asked, lifting his head to look at him.
“Breakfast,” Dave agreed, giving him a quick kiss before they reluctantly drew apart, getting up to get dressed. There was a spring in Klaus’ step and it seemed to be contagious because Dave was smiling as well. 
Klaus’ outfit ended up being a bit more ostentatious than it had been lately, he was feeling too good to wear anything boring so he gravitated to some of his favorites. He was just checking himself in the mirror to make sure everything was just right when he caught sight of Dave in the reflection.
He wasn’t sure he’d ever really get used to the way Dave looked at him sometimes. Sure, Klaus had been admired before, often actually, but this wasn’t quite that, or at least it was more than just appreciation. Dave looked at him like he was someone to be proud of, like he admired not just the way he looked but who he was as a person as well. There was just so much fondness in his eyes that it left Klaus feeling off balanced and brought back that warmth deep in his chest. 
“You look great,” Dave said as he moved to stand behind him, arms around his waist and chin resting on his shoulder.
“Thanks,” Klaus said, winking at Dave’s reflection. “Not so bad yourself.”
“Come on, Ben leaves for college tomorrow, right? We should take advantage of today while we can.”
“I’ll happily ditch him if you wanted to have a quieter day today,” Klaus said, turning around to face him properly, arms around his neck. “He’d understand.”
“I honestly don’t mind, I had fun yesterday,” Dave said, giving him a quick kiss. “He’s important to you so he’s important to me too.”
“Someone can be important and you can still want some time alone,” Klaus said.
“You trying to tell me something?” Dave joked.
“Hilarious,” Klaus said, rolling his eyes. “You know I want to take up all your time.”
“Glad to hear, me too,” Dave chuckled, before continuing more sincerely. “Really, though, I’d like to get to know your family.”
“You’re gonna regret those words,” Klaus said with a grin, only half joking. But he laughed as he took Dave’s hand and they headed off to find some food.
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