#but i framed it like mike suddenly realized that maybe he loved el after all after will used el as a veil for his own feelings...silly me
paintingformike · 1 year
whether or not mike is aware of his feelings for will, he’s fully conscious and certain of his lack of romantic love for el throughout s4 and these lines prove it:
“sometimes i think it’s just scary to open up like that. to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because, what if...what if they don’t like the truth?”
“and if i would’ve said that thing, then maybe she’d want me there with her.”
“she’s already beginning to understand she doesn’t need me. i saw it-- i saw it in her eyes, that last time we talked.” (from the official script)
i think the first line is pretty self explanatory but i’m still going to unpack it anyways. will was talking about his own experience, but we were meant to associate it with mike’s situation and read between the lines: that there was also a truth he was scared of admitting in fear of the other person not liking it. it’s a double meaning to show two people hiding their true feelings: will being scared of losing mike if he found out he loves him, while mike is scared he’ll hurt el and lose her the moment he says how he really feels, that he’s not in love with her.
i’m going to talk about how the other two lines correlate with each other and how it would make the pieces fall together perfectly. when mike said “the last time they talked”, he was talking about the fight they had about mike not saying ily to el. it’s curious then, that this is the specific moment he references as the turning point for el to realize she doesn’t need him. in his perspective, she realized she doesn’t need him right after it was proven to her that he couldn’t give her the kind of love she wanted. also, he says that maybe if he had said that “thing” aka telling el he loves her, she could have still wanted him to be by her side, she would still need him if he just reassured her of his romantic love.
now, if he was still having an internal debate and confusion about the true nature of his feelings for el, why would he be convinced of el not needing him anymore and ending things with him? why did he think their impending breakup was inevitable, if all he needed to do was gain the courage to say “i love you” so that he could keep her by his side? because he knew he was never gonna be able to verbally prove his love, he knew he wasn't in love with her. he was basically admitting defeat in that scene and and trying to accept that their relationship was about to be over because of his own feelings.
yes, mike is also dealing with his insecurities about self worth and thinking el sees him as a nobody, but it’s all the more reason why he believes that him not being able to love her romantically is the final nail in the coffin for their relationship. there seemingly isn’t anything else she needs him for but romantic love, he’s already just some random nerd next to her, and he can’t even reciprocate her feelings, the one thing she actively asked of him? his lack of self worth contributed to his gnawing anxiety of not being able to love her romantically. that’s why the storyline would make more sense if he already knows he doesn’t love her. he’s not still “confused” between will and el, he’s aware he isn’t in love with the person he's presently in a relationship with, whether or not he knows that he has feelings for someone else (though i personally believe he already knows he’s in love with will atp)
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maybe it’s the candlelight
robin buckley x reader
request: hey hon! could you do something where it’s robin and the readers anniversary and they can’t exactly go out and do couple stuff so steve/jancy/the party set up a cute lil date for them? xx
requests are open
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“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Steve called across the store, attempting to grab Robin’s attention.
“Tonight?” Robin stuck her head around the shelves of tapes and narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah,” Steve scoffed and threw his hands in the air. “You know, your anniversary? With Y/N? Oh my god. You forgot.”
Robin rolled her eyes and retreated back to the counter. “I didn’t forget, dingus. We’re just not gonna do anything.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means,” Robin rested her elbows on the cold surface, lowering her voice even though no one else was in the store. “We’re just gonna watch a movie or something at my place. It’s not like we can go out and celebrate it.”
“A movie though? Seriously?” Steve remarked, lowering himself to Robin’s level. She nodded her head and shrugged. “You’re actually telling me that for your one year anniversay, your one year anniversary, you’re going to watch a movie.”
“Yeah? What’s wrong with that?”
“Jesus Christ. I don’t know how you managed to get a girl like Y/N when all you want to do is watch some, probably dumbass, movie for a milestone anniversary.” Steve put his hands on his hips and glared.
“It was her idea, actually.” Robin sang, walking behind the counter and towards the breakroom. Steve followed closely behind.
“And thats what you want to do, too?” Steve asked, leaning against the door frame.
“I’m fine doing anything as long as she’s fine with it,” Robin paused and turned toward Steve. “and I’m completely fine with it.”
Steve could sense a hint of something in her voice, and that something wasn’t exactly happy. Robin huffed and sat down in a chair. “I just wish times were different, you know? Like yeah, movie dates are cool. But it’s not like we can go out because thats a big societal ‘no-no.’ And I can’t exactly afford to do some grand gesture for her. Don’t get me wrong, Y/N is worth every grand gesture I can think of. It’s just out of the question, I guess.”
Steve ran his hand through his hair and sympathetically smiled at Robin. She returned the look. 
Steve was going to do something. He had no idea what, but he was, come hell or high water.
“You’re probably wondering why I gathered you all here today.” Steve spoke, looking across the Wheeler’s basement. 
“I mean it’s my house and I called everyone so techinally I gathered everyone here, shithead.” Mike spat, leaning back into the sofa. 
“Do you really have to act like an ass right now? Clearly Steve has something he needs to get across.” Max retorted, glaring daggers at her counterpart. 
Steve opened and closed his mouth, looking for the right time to jump back into the conversation. He figured he might as well let the kids argue it out for a few moments.
“Yeah!” Lucas shouted, taking Max’s side mainly out of fear. 
“I’m ready, Steve!” Dustin screamed, attempting to grab everyone’s attention. And he did. 
“Uh, actually keep talking. I just realized we’re still waiting on Nancy and Jonathan.” So, doing as they were told, the party continued to fight, chaos increasing. Will and El sat patiently, waiting for Steve’s speech to begin.
“Sorry we’re late,” Nancy spoke quickly as she ushered Jonathan down the stairs. “traffic wouldn’t let up.
“Let’s begin then, shall we?” Steve clapped and the kids stopped talking. “I need your help. Every single one of you.”
“Our help?” Max questioned. Steve nodded frantically.
“Yes and unfortunately we don’t have a lot of time. It’s already four o’clock and I need everything to be done by seven so we have to move quick.”
“You still haven’t told us what’s going on.”
“Oh yeah,” Steve chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. “As you all know, Robin and Y/N have been together for quite some time.”
A chorus of ‘yeah’s filled the room. “Well, today is actually their one year anniversary and they have literally nothing planned?”
“Wait, seriously?” Nancy gasped. 
“Yeah,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath. “They can’t really publicly celebrate so their just gonna go to Robin’s and watch a movie.”
“A movie?” Lucas pondered, tapping his fingers on the floor. “What’s so bad about a movie.”
“Nothing. It’s just they deserve more. They deserve to do more than watch a goddamn movie. They deserve all of the cliche bullshit that we do for each other.” Steve spoke. Everyone nodded their heads wildly.
“And that’s where you all come in,” he smiled and pointed at all of them. “I need all of you to come to my house and help me decorate it. But the main issue is I have zero ideas on what to do.”
“Maybe a movie!”
“Lights.” El smiled and Steve caught her answer. “Lots of lights.”
“Honestly, I’m game for anything as long as it’s done nice and quick.”
“That’s what s⁠—”
“Lucas if you don’t stop where you’re going with that, I will ruin your life.” Max cut him off and glared.
“To my house we go!”
You got to Robin’s at six thirty, duffle bag full of clothes in hand. You just got out of work and you didn’t have time to change out of your uniform. You knocked on the door gently, not wanting to be too loud. You knew Robin was still on edge after the whole Starcourt incident, so you were always cautious in what you did. 
The door opened almost instantly and Robin welcomed you in, closing the door behind you. 
“Hey, babe.” You greeted as she took you in her arms, embracing you instantly. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around her waist, relaxing into her. 
“Happy anniversary,” she mummbled into your shoulder.
“Happy anniversary to you, too,” you smiled and pulled away. “As much as I would love to stay like that, this uniform smells and I can’t be in it any more. I’m gonna run and change really quick.”
“Sure. You know where my room is.” Robin smiled and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed your bag and forced yourself up the stairs. You changed quickly and went back down, finding Robin at the bottom of the stairs. She didn’t look very happy.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, your face dropping.
“Steve,” she groaned and rubbed her face with her hands. “He just called and said that he can’t find his dog anywhere and asked if we would come over and help look.” 
“Oh,” you spoke quietly, nodding. “Yeah, he probably does need the extra help.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Robin spoke frantically, attempting to apologize. You kissed her cheek and patted her shoulder. “Don’t apologize. We have a dog to find.”
You laughed and barrled out the door to your car, Robin following close behind. So maybe the movie wouldn’t be until later than expecred.
“Why the hell are all of his lights off?” Robin spat as you pulled into Steve’s driveway. “Maybe he’s using a flashlight or something?”
“Or,” Robin laughed angrily, “he’s just being a little bitch. His dog is probably under his bed or some shit.”
“Okay, tone it down.” You grabbed her hand and she looked at you.
“S’okay.” You shrugged and let go of her hand, getting out of the car swiftly. She followed suit and took a deep breath. The both of you walked up to Steve’s front door, and Robin rapped her knuckles against the wood, holding her breath.
“IT”S OPEN!” a shout came from somewhere in the house. You eyed her suspiciously.
“Who the hell was that? Since when does Steve sound like a twelve year old?” You gawked. Robin looked at you with wide eyes.
“Sounded like Dustin.” Robin’s eyebrows furrowed and she carefully turned the doorknob, opening the door slowly. The entrance way was pitch black and a dim light could be seem from down the hallway. The two of you followed the light slowly, suddenly aware of your surroundings. No Steve. No Dustin. No no one.
As you approached what Robin said was the living room, you glanced at the floor, realizing there were rose petals littering the tiles. You and Robin shared a look before you entered the room. 
Steve stood in the middle in front of a small table covered in candles and more flower petals.
“Welcome, ladies.” He beamed and gestured for the two of you to sit down. You both did, staring at him all the way.
“What is all of this?” Robin asked meekly, taking in the room. She noticed Chistmas lights on the wall but they weren’t on. 
“I just wanted you guys to have a good night, as did the kids and Nancy and Jonathan.” Steve spoke, his eyes softening. 
“You really did all of this for us?” You asked, your own eyes filling with tears. 
“Yeah,” he turned and gestured to the coffee table across the room. “There’s random food and stuff over there, a few movies that won’t bore you to death, and there’s lights that you can plug in to set the mood.”
He wiggled his eyebrows and gestured to the doorway behind him. “There’s dinner foods in there that were expertly crafted by, get this, the local pizza place.”
You burst into laughter and he bowed. “Thank you, thank you. We wanted to have a radio playing or something for dinner but it broke and we couldn’t get one in time.”
“Steve.” Robin breathed. She went to stand but he waved her off.
“I don’t need either of you to thank me or them,” he shook his head sternly. “Just please enjoy the night and stay however long you want to. You two deserve it.” He smiled and sauntered out of the room, leaving you two in comfortable silence.
You spoke, breaking the quiet. “So does he actually have a dog?”
Robin snorted. “I don’t even know. God, I’m a shitty friend.”
“And not because you called him a bitch earlier?” You laughed and she blushed, bowing her head. She looked up and cleared her throat awkwardly.
Standing up, she walked to you, hand outstretched. “May I have this dance?”
“You may,” you giggled as she tugged you up, pulling you close. Her arms snaked around your waist and yours around her neck. “But to what music?”
She shrugged and her eyes met yours. You rested your head against her shoulder as you two began to sway. You could hear her softly humming a tune as you two moved. Ocassionally, she would sing a line or two close to your ear, ever so gently.
“You know something?” She spoke, interupting her humming. She pulled back a little bit, just enough that you could see each other.
“Maybe it’s the candlelight or something,” her voice lowered into a whisper and her blue eyes shone. “But I don’t think I could imagine me without you.”
“Oh yeah?” you teased.
“Yeah,” her smile was so warm, so calm, that it sent shivers up your spine. “You and me. Y/N and Robin for the win.”
“You know I love you, right?” You pondered, bringing your hand to her cheek.
“Yeah, I love you, too.”
“I’m sorry I don’t say it enough.” You admitted, your face faltering. She kissed you gently, pulling you close once more.
“You don’t have to. I know.”
“Happy anniversary, Rob.”
“Happy anniversary, Y/N.”
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argylemikewheeler · 5 years
so. i had an idea about will and mike as bucky and steve for halloween (in some strange alternate timeline bc comics), then @zombiebowlcut came up with the best idea of those comics not being so fantasy after all...there have been weirder things living in hawkins. despite the show’s title, this is the strangest thing i’ve ever written. pls excuse the word dump (and being four months late):
“Are you sure we should go up?” Mike asked, gripping his pillowcase around his hand. “I don’t really know who lives there. And we’re a bit older than the other kids... Maybe they’ll be upset with us.”
“They live in two streets down, Mike.” Will said, taking another step forward. “They can’t be evil.”
“Uh, you have lived in this town, right?”
“Yes, and we’re probably the most dangerous things in your neighborhood for miles.” Will laughed and grabbed Mike’s hand. “Come on, Super Soldier! Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“In my basement, on the couch with you under my arm.” Mike tried to argue with very little heat. He readjusted his homemade shield on his back, teasing Will with a throw.
“One more house and then we’ll go back.” Will promised, starting to drag Mike along. The well-decorated sleeve and glove may have been impressive as a false metal arm, but it couldn’t do much to contribute to moving Mike forward. “Michael, come on.”
“No, don’t use that voice on me.” Mike laughed, yanking on Will’s hand in return. 
Will stumbled forward into Mike, trying to catch his fall by pressing his hands against his chest. It was a sure-fire way to get Mike’s arm around his shoulders and lips pressing a kiss onto the top of his head. Will played right into it, and never minded-- but also knew they were out in public. As much as Will said anyone living in Mike’s neighborhood, or anyone adjacent by that means, wasn’t evil, they were definitely not very progressive. At least, that’s what Will had come to understand.
They separated before anyone around them could even spare half a glance. Will grabbed his pillowcase with both hands and led Mike up to the door. They knocked twice, immediately startled by the sound of a dog barking. Mike reached his hand out and braced Will’s back, lifting his eyebrows.
“If you say the people aren’t evil, the dog definitely isn’t.” Mike whispered with a chuckle. His hand splayed across Will’s back, pushing him up but also pulling him a fraction closer. Their shoulders touched and Will couldn’t help but smile. 
His smile faded as the door swung open on them, the sound of the turning knob completely unnoticed in their moment.
A tall man, not much older than their parents-- if at all-- stood in the door. The dog they’d heard was now silent, and barely noticeable, standing behind the man. Will tried not to be rude, and forced his eyes to stay on the man’s eyes and not the knotted long sleeve hanging only two inches from his left shoulder. He smiled and let their “trick or treat” hang in the air.
“Hey, sweetheart? You might want to come see this.” The man leaned back and called into the house. “We finally got kids.”
“What? We weren’t even trying this time.” The voice that emerged down the hall was that of another man. Will tried to keep his face still again. That was another man. And the rugged man standing before him just called him sweetheart with the most sincere and soft voice Will had ever heard-- outside of Mike’s. He knew what that meant, but he still didn’t know what to expect.
“I think they have great costumes, what about you?”
The two men stood in the door frame with bright smiles on their faces. One was blond, holding a bowl of candy in one hand while the other went around the waist of the man holding the door. They looked homey and comfortable. They looked happy-- and they were living in Hawkins.
But they also looked... strangely familiar. Separately, Will was sure they’d mean nothing to him-- hell, he’d probably passed them before in the supermarket-- but standing together, there was something itching at Will’s brain. He blinked, pillowcase still closed and by his side, and turned to Mike. He was standing with his mouth wide open, eyes the biggest Will’s ever seen.
Will was embarrassed, thinking it was the shock of seeing another genuinely open couple out in Hawkins, but another sense of embarrassment overtook him.
He looked down at his costume, then over at Mike’s. Oh. Oh no.
“You know, Buck, I think they do look pretty sharp.”  Will refused to believe who was speaking. But he knew it. He heard the name. He knew the comics were based on real people-- on a real conspiracy. God, why does every secret go to hide in Hawkins? And why does it always find him?
“They do... I just... I can’t place who this one is.” Buc-- no. They weren’t young twenty-year old soldiers. They were war veterans now, Will thought-- Mr. Barnes pointed at Will lightly. It wasn’t accusatory, but Will still felt himself shrink under it.
“Well, we have Captain Marvel over here.” Mr. Rogers said, motioning to Mike with the candy bowl. “And this has to be Million Dollar Man.”
“No. No. That’s Ironman.” Mr. Barnes said quickly, poking Mr. Roger’s stomach playfully. “That has to be Ironman.”
"You know what, you’re right.” Mr. Rogers nodded slowly. He leaned over and kissed Mr. Barnes’ cheek and Will thought he was going to fall over. He reached over and grabbed Mike’s arm instinctively. Mike was already in the process of reaching over and intercepted his hand halfway.
Then they were stood there, holding hands in front of their costumes’ namesakes. Looking like complete idiots; in love, and probably in the safest place to do so definitely, but complete fucking idiots.
“Not to extend a strange gesture but,” Mr. Rogers peered over their heads at the chattering groups of children down by the street. There were eyes everywhere. “would you boys like to step in for a moment?”
“A-Are you sure?” Mike sounded like the words were choking him. Being polite had never been so difficult.
“If it’s too strange to ask, we understand.”
“Trust me.” Will said with a sigh. “It’s not weird. We’ve uh, we’ve dealt with weirder.”
“Like this?” Mike said under his breath. “El is pretty tame compared to this.”
“I just put some water on for tea.” Mr. Rogers said, motioning over his shoulder.
“You drink tea?” Mike said suddenly, as if that was the most important thing. Will pulled on Mike’s hand, nearly knocking him over.
“I’m just... surprised is all!” Mike hissed, face going beat red.
“What? Do regular people not drink tea anymore?” Mr. Rogers laughed. “Are we really that outdated?”
“No, that’s you. You’re the one who’s old. I’m surprisingly still ‘with it’, Steve.” Mr. Barnes shrugged. “I mean, I’ve got the cool kids dressing like me. How come I don’t see you around that often?”
“I-I uh, I don’t like in this development. Mike does.” Will said, still squeezing his hand.
“Mike... Wait! Wheeler, right?” Mr. Rogers was hit with realization, but didn’t look very pleased. “Ted, right? That’s your dad?”
“Yeah.” Will could see the horror on his face; if Ted had no problems shouting at his son just outside of church everything he thought about him-- and his plans to go out with Will on God’s day-- then Will could only imagine what he’d tell strangers.
“I’ll offer again-- do you want tea?” This time, the offer felt heavy. It wasn’t about the tea; it was an impromptu shelter thrown over their heads. A chance to take off their disguises on a night all about costumes. They nodded. “Great! Please, come in, Mike and...”
“Will. This is my boyfriend, Will.” Mike had never spoken the word aloud to anyone but their friends. Never to someone over the age of twenty. Will had never heard Mike come out with such ease. He was fearless-- or at least calculating the damage very quickly.
“Nice to meet you, Will.” Mr. Rogers nodded to Will, smiling. He seemed to be just as relieved to meet them as Mike and Will were.
“Come on in, Will. Oh- and don’t mind Tasha, she’s just my service dog. Since I’m with Steve she knows she’s not working so she will bother you to pet her. You can.” Mr. Barnes stepped back and grabbed the dog’s collar carefully. He kept her at a distance as both Mike and Will stepped into the foyer. “She’s really friendly.”
“You have a service dog.” It wasn’t much of a question. “Does she... help?”
"Yeah.” He nodded and his single word seemed to collect more weight the longer he let it sit in the silence. “When I first came back, she was a really big help. If you, uh, if you ever need a dog to sit with, Tasha’s your girl.”
“We should get you a dog, Will.” Mike said offhandedly, placing a hand on his back. “I’m sure your mom would like another one.”
“You think so?” Will asked. He’d never thought anyone considered his weird nightmares worthy of that much help. Maybe he’d have to try.
“Well, if you ever need help with anything, I’d be happy to talk to your mother. Or whoever.” Mr. Barnes offered, walking forward.
“D-Do you know my mom too?” Will was sure most people in the neighborhood knew his mother. She never let her presence be discovered; she liked to let everyone know as soon as possible who she was and why one should never pushed her around. Will loved his mom-- and his brother-- they always made introductions mildly unnecessary. It even seemed like introducing himself to Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers was redundant.
“Of course we do.” Mr. Rogers stepped quickly around the dining table and waved the boys to the kitchen. “She’s the sweetest. Always helps Buck pack his car when he goes to Melvald’s.”
Mike sat down at the kitchen counter first, holding his am out and waiting for Will to sit beside him. It was something Mike would only do if they were alone together, but for once the audience didn’t seem to feel like other watching eyes. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes didn’t hover on their closeness; they moved around the kitchen grabbing mugs and bags of tea.
“You know, Will, Hopper would probably like another dog too.” Mike said. “You can’t lose.”
“And if I do, you could definitely beat him up again.”
“I did not beat him up-- I was like, thirteen! He’s like triple my age!”
“Michael, just admit it you did!” He leaned in and whispered. “That’s not very Captain of you...”
“Will, I did not!”
“I’m sorry, did you say you just... beat up a grown man?” Mr. Rogers said with a laugh, turning around. Mr. Barnes chuckled quietly and shook his head.
“He beat up the chief of police.” Will corrected. He never saw it himself, but Lucas was a great storyteller, even years later.
“Oh god.” Mr. Barnes laughed again. “Sounds like someone else I know.”
“That’s my boy.” Mr. Rogers said with a proud smile. “You have him on the ropes, huh? Really at your mercy?”
“Definitely.” Mike nodded, rolling his eyes. “I literally fought the law.”
“He really deserves to wear those colors, doesn’t he, Buck?” Mr. Rogers smiled, but it wore differently on his face than one of simple amusement. He looked proud, relieved almost; there was someone else. “Good to know some people in this town have some fight left in them.”
“Left?” Mr. Barnes echoed. “Oh, Steve, I don’t think these kids have even gotten started. They’ve raised some hell but, they’ve only started. You don’t fight a cop as your last offence.”
“That’s true.” Mr. Rogers slid the two mugs toward them. He looked at him, almost studying him-- both of them. “They’re heroes. I can tell.”
“Uh,” Mike reached for the mug impulsively. “I don’t think a whole army of--”
“Oh no.” Mr. Rogers lifted his own mug to his lips. His gaze cut through the tight coil of steam to the both of them. Mike’s arm was still arm Will’s shoulders. “We’re still fighting the same thing. Monsters and bad men are all the same-- it’s just hate changing shape.”
“But,” Will spoke quickly, as if his answer startled him.”I think love changes shape too.”
Mr. Rogers paused, blinking. “I suppose you’re right about that. Think it’s in pretty good shape now, don’t you?”
Will spun his mug around slowly. He leaned into Mike’s side, his mouth crumpling into an embarrassed smile. “Yeah. I like to think so... Can probably take on a whole lot more evil.” Will sighed. He knew it wasn’t a hypothetical.
“Let’s not go looking for trouble, please.” Mike muttered, nudging Will’s side. He refrained from kissing the side of his head. “I don’t want anyone to ruin the best night of the year--”
“Don’t worry. I think we’re fine,” Will said, reaching to tap Mike’s faux-armor. “I think we’re safe.” He paused, looking at Mike like they were back in his basement-- or sitting safe by his bed, but hidden from the door-- all alone. “We’re safe, Mike. I can feel it.”
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willelbyers · 6 years
i wish you would write a fic about...... byeler under the fireworks on the 4th of july👀👀👀
Sooooo I did this, and thank you so much for prompting me Sarah! (also I know you said you wanted fluff so I tried!! I did have another version that’s… sadder but I figured you’d want this one lol)
This takes place after season 2, but before they graduate from high school. I didn’t really have a specific year in mind, so… pick one I guess. background things: they’re celebrating at Mike’s. El’s not there because she’s dealing with her mom. ya. there’s a cut that the story continues under. enjoy, everyone!
Mike laughs giddily, throwing and arm around Will’s shoulders as Max and Lucas tug apart a party popper. It detaches with a loud crack, two paper crowns falling out. Max snatches up both, keeping the green one for herself and tossing the blue one to Will as Lucas lets out a noise of dissent.
Will catches it with an easy grin, unfolding it and placing it on his head as Max cackles and Lucas complains. Mike reaches up with his free hand and adjusts it so it sits straight, laughing as Will bats his hand away. “How do I look?” he asks, glancing up at Mike, and Mike opens his mouth to respond. Then he realizes that he can’t, because the words have died in his throat as his eyes search Will’s.

“I. Uh—you—”
Will’s smile doesn’t fade, just grows slightly perplexed, and Mike is about to die of embarrassment when Max save him.
“Not as good as me, Byers,” she jokes, tipping her head in mock greeting. “But not as bad as Ted over there.”
“Oh, thanks.”
Mike cringes at the sound of his father’s name, glancing over to the next room where the parents are gathered. His father is sitting in the corner reading the paper, slightly crumpled yellow crown on his own head, ignoring everyone else—including Holly, who’s been trying to get his attention for a few minutes.
“Hey,” Will says suddenly, nudging him. Mike looks down at him and notices his raised eyebrows and pointed glance. “You want me to go get her out of there?”
Mike nods choppily, and Will slips out from under his arm (Mike immediately misses his warmth) and walks over to Holly. Wordlessly, he scoops her up, carrying her over to where Nancy is talking to Mrs. Sinclair. He puts her down and mutters something in her ear, and when she giggles, Will looks satisfied. Holly reaches up and undoes Mike’s work, tilting Will’s crown on his head, as Nancy reaches down to take her free hand. Then Will smiles up at Nancy and Mrs. Sinclair before walking back over.
Damn. Maybe Holly was right to make the crown crooked. Will really looks good like that. I mean what?
“Everything’s okay,” he says before Mike can ask. “Your sister is adorable.”
“Yeah, tell that to my dad.” The words fall flat, sounding pathetic to his own ears, but he shakes his head to clear the thought. He smiles at Will. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” Will shrugs it off before jumping into a heated argument with Erica, who’s wandered in, and Dustin. He doesn’t leave Mike’s side.
Mike wonders when his arm got around Will’s shoulder again.
“Hey,” Mike says, a little louder than necessary, grabbing Will’s wrist before he can follow Dustin, Max, and Lucas to the basement where they’re going to watch a movie. “Come with me?”
Will nods, eyebrows drawn together, but he’s still smiling, popping a candy into his mouth. “Sure. Where are we going?”
Mike doesn’t answer, choosing to grab his hand and tug him upstairs. There’s a window near his bedroom that has a ledge on it, so he throws it open and steps outside, pulling himself up onto the top of the window frame. “Come on!” he shouts down to Will, feeling a little daring, a little drunk on excitement, and definitely more than a little hopped up on sugar.
Will laughs, stepping onto the ledge, and Mike thrills at the fact that Will really trusts him. “What now, you idiot?” Will yells up at him.
“I’m gonna pull you up,” Mike grins. “Give me your hands!”
“I’m going to die tonight,” Will deadpans, reaching up and grabbing Mike’s wrists anyway. Mike, by some miracle, manages to haul him up and not embarrass himself by letting his best friend fall two stories.
They roll onto their backs on the roof, laughing, and Mike is struck by how nice he feels. Will’s crown is practically falling off at this point, and Mike reaches up to fix it. “Hey,” he asks after a minute, forcing himself not to let his hands linger in Will’s hair. “How are you doing?”
Will doesn’t do well in warm weather—never really has, but it’s been worse since the Mind Flayer. And he usually doesn’t do well with noise, either. But he seems alright tonight.
Will’s response only cements this fact. “I’m okay.” He shrugs. “No day is perfect. There are gonna be problems. But I’m… pretty good today, actually.” He pulls his knees to his chest and rests his chin on them. “How about you?”
“How are you doing?” Will repeats. “You know. It’s been a rough year. I know… I know you’re sad El can’t be here…”
“Oh.” Honestly, Mike hadn’t even thought about it. Or, at least… hadn’t thought about being sad about it. “No. I’m good. I miss her, but I know she’s safe with the Chief, and her court date is more important. Her mom is important to her, getting all that stuff resolved, and she has to be there tomorrow. I get it.” He pauses. “Is it weird to say that I miss you, too?”
Will laughs slightly, eyebrows furrowing. “I’m right here, Mike.”
“No, I know. I just…” he flails for the words, awkwardly shifting under Will’s gaze. “I don’t know. I feel like we don’t do this enough.”
“Sit on your roof?”
Mike almost rolls his eyes, and then he realizes that Will is being purposefully obtuse. He grins sheepishly instead. “Sit. Talk. I mean, our families are friends, and the Party hangs out but… sometimes I miss just you and me.”
Because really. Mike loves the Party, loves his sister (even if he won’t admit that last one). But he knew Will first, and no matter what happens in life, Will always is going to hold that title; that place in his heart.
“Me, too,” Will smiles, scooting over on the roof and shifting close to Mike until they’re touching from shoulder to ankle. He tips his head onto Mike’s shoulder, and Mike feels his heart implode. “Why are we up here? Just to sit and talk?”
“Well, yeah, but also for something else.” Mike checks his watch, and it’s almost right on time—one minute until the fireworks start in the park. He wraps an arm around Will, pulling him even closer. He doesn’t know if he’s afraid of Will hearing his fast heartbeat or if he wants him to. “You’ll see.”
“You know,” Will says after a moment, and he sounds nervous. “You’re my family, too.”
And then. Because Mike’s feeling brave tonight. Because Will. “I love you.” He braces himself—for what, he doesn’t know. He’s not even totally sure he should be saying this to Will.
But Will doesn’t move, other than tensing slightly. He doesn’t lean away from Mike’s arms. He barely breathes. “Mike.”
“Will,” Mike responds, half-teasing, half-terrified.
Will pulls back, just slightly, too look him in the eyes. There’s something in there that makes Mike’s throat close up, to make his stomach flop and his heart to stutter. Will looks trusting, open. Vulnerable. It’s kind of scary.
Mike loves it. Loves him. More than he thought was possible.
“You brought me up here for the fireworks,” Will says lowly, his breath hitting Mike’s cheek. “They’re starting.” His eyes dart down, to his lips, and Mike’s pretty sure he’s dying of a heart attack. (He’s pretty sure he did the same gesture, though.)
“Yeah,” he agrees, not taking his eyes off of Will. There will be plenty of other fireworks, but there’s only one moment like this. Just one.
Then Will lurches forward, and Mike only has time to think this is nothing like—before all coherent thought goes out the window.
Mike’s not sure how long they stay like that, but when they pull apart, the light of the fireworks are still reflecting in Will’s eyes. His eyes themselves are bright, too, shining with a happiness Mike hasn’t seen in a long time. As he starts to smile, Mike finds himself beaming, too. This, he finds himself thinking. This should have been my first kiss.
But really, it doesn’t matter, because Mike is sitting here next to the boy who means everything to him, to the person he’s loved since day one—since before he can remember. And it’s brilliant.
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strangerererthings · 6 years
peaches ix
Summary: What if Bob had an adopted daughter?  What happens now?
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show or the characters, surprise, surprise!
Author’s Note: So much angst.  Also, I believe there’s going to be one more chapter after this and then an epilogue.
Warnings: Abuse, Blood.  It’s all under the cut.
Word Count: 1,871
part one/part two/part three/part four/part five/part six/part seven/part eight/part ten/part eleven/epilogue
It happened on Thanksgiving.
The few days before the holiday had been spent in a blur of the Party, helping Joyce and Hopper cook, and Billy.  Always Billy.  He’d randomly appear while you were in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist and trying to distract you from the turkey you were marinating.  He’d whisper sweet things in your ear before suddenly tickling you, leading you to squirt marinade all over him.  He had just laughed and pulled you to him, getting it all over you as well.
But then came Thanksgiving.  It was nearing 8:30 PM, which is the time that everyone was supposed to be there by.  Joyce and Jonathan were already there, with Nancy in tow.  Dustin, Will, Mike, Lucas, and Max were all there.  They had even convinced Steve to come along.
But there was no Billy.
You watched the door anxiously, biting your lip.  He had told you he would most likely be there early as long as he could get away with it.  With the way his grades had been raising, he’d been in the clear a little bit more often than not.  He had been there a lot during your lessons with El, and somehow it ended up with you helping him as well.
“Y/N?” Hopper called, and you glanced back at him.  He smiled, clearly trying to calm you down.  “I’m sure he’s fine.  He’s probably just running late with family things.”
You nodded, but turned back to the window, unconvinced.  Steve watched you quietly.  He had already given Billy the shovel talk, and while they didn’t get along perfectly, they managed to be civil and even have a friendly conversation every once in a while.  It was unavoidable if you were going to be in both of their lives.
You scowled even more as you looked at the clock.  8:43 PM.  Billy had never been late in the entirety of the time you two had been together.  If he even thought he might be, he would call you on the home phone or the record store phone and more often than not, he was no more than thirty seconds late.
The only time he had ever missed anything was that night at the record shop when his dad...
You turned and practically ran into the kitchen, holding out your hand.  “Hopper, I need the keys.”  He looked at you in shock, and opened his mouth to say something before you cut him off.  “Hopper, something’s wrong.  I can feel it.”  You swallowed as you tried to hold back your tears, and Hopper slowly placed the keys in your hand.
You were already practically out the door as soon as the keys were in your hand, almost missing Hopper calling out after you.  “Don’t do anything stupid.”
You threw open the door to Hopper’s car, jamming the keys into the ignition and peeling out of there.  Your hands were trembling the entire drive over to the Hargrove’s.  You made a left onto Cherry, where they lived off of.  They were almost at the very end of the street.  You parked by the mailbox, quickly getting out before you stopped to look at the house in front of you.  All the lights were on except Max’s.  When there would usually be the sound of rock playing from Billy’s radio, there was silence.
There was almost an ominous feeling about it as you ran up to the front door.  You could hear shouting inside that silenced as soon as you knocked.  There were heavy footsteps before the door flung itself open.  An older man that you recognized as Neil Hargrove was standing in front of you.  “What do you want?” He almost growled, a sneer on his lips.
“Is Billy here?”  Your voice cracked slightly, and you cursed yourself.
Your eyes wandered down to Neil’s hands which were covered with blood.  “No, he’s not home.  Probably off fucking some whore.”
You looked back up at him slowly, before pushing past him and running into the house.  “Billy?!  Billy, where are you?!”  You began to throw open doors, your heart pounding.
Suddenly, you felt the back of your sweater being grabbed and you yelped as you were thrown backwards to the ground.  Your head hit the side table and you groaned, looking up with terrified eyes as you realized Neil Hargrove was coming towards you.  You could see the murder in his eyes as he gripped your hair in his hands.  You let out a blood curdling scream as he kicked you in the side, wrenching your head sideways as he did so.  He was shouting things like little slut, whore, bitch, and even cunt.  Everything sounded fuzzy.  Like you were underwater.
You managed to turn your head a bit to see Billy in the doorway.  Before you could see his physical wellbeing, he was on Neil, tackling him to the ground.  Fists were flying and you laid there, tears streaming down your cheeks.  God.  Everything fucking hurt.  “B-Billy...,” you choked out.
The front door suddenly burst open.  Hopper was standing there in the doorway with three other policeman.  You felt a wave of relief crash over you as he went to Billy, catching his shoulder.  The boy was holding his father down to the floor by his neck, tears streaming from his eyes.  “Billy, let go, alright?”  Hopper’s voice was gentle, but firm.  Two of the policemen began to search the rest of the house while the one left kept his gun trained on Neil.  “I suggest you don’t move, sir,” Hopper snapped as he got Billy to slowly get up.
As soon as he was away from Neil, Billy turned and ran to you.  He pulled you onto his lap, cradling you like a baby.  “I’m so sorry.  So sorry, baby.”  He was sobbing over you as you clutched onto him, crying as well.  “You shouldn’t have come here.  It’s my fault you were hurt...”  He pulled back, running his hands over your face.  “Where does it hurt?  What all happened?”
You shook your head, checking on him instead.  He had several cuts on his face and bruises were forming around both of his eyes.  Blood was trickling from his busted lip.  “Baby...”  You kissed him gently, the taste of blood lingering on your lips as you pulled away.  “I had to come.  I could feel it.  Something was wrong.”
He shook his head, laughing as he pulled you to him tightly.  “My little idiot.”  He continued to hold you flush against him as Neil was put in handcuffs and put into the back of a police car.  “What would I do without you?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat broke the two of you from your reverie.  Hopper was standing there a bit awkwardly.  “So, I know we have a bunch of paperwork to fill out, but it’s Thanksgiving.”  He held out his hands for the two of you to take.  “Let’s get you two home.”
Billy looked at you, kissing your forehead before the two of you stood.  You and Billy climbed into his Camaro while Hopper took back his police car.  There was a comfortable, relieved, but exhausted silence in the car as you took the winding roads back to Hopper’s.  Billy’s hand clutched onto yours, kissing your fingertips every few minutes.
You walked into the cabin together, everyone jumping up and running to you in a panic.  They were all shouting and reaching and you instinctively hid behind Billy a bit.
“Give ‘em some space,” Joyce shouted, and all of them immediately backed off.  What Joyce wanted, Joyce got.  Partially because they were all scared of her.
Once they were all off of you guys, you took Billy’s hand and led him to the bathroom, shutting the door.  Everyone stayed silent as they watched the two of you go.  You sat him on the toilet, noticing how he winced anytime he moved.  You wet a wash rag, wringing it out a little before gently touching it to his forehead.  He did his best not to react anytime you touched one of his many, many injuries.  “I could feel that something was wrong,” you murmured, concentrating on cleaning his busted lip.  “My skin felt like it was crawling.”  You laughed a bit as you continued, your other hand cupping his cheek gently.  “I knew it was stupid to run in there shouting for you, but I couldn’t stop myself.”
“I love you.”
You froze as you looked at him, not sure if you heard him right.
He looked you dead in the eyes though, his hand moving to cup your cheek as he repeated with complete sincerity.  “I love you, Y/N.”
Your mouth dropped open a bit, your heart racing in your chest.  “I love you, too.”  He pulled you down into a kiss, sitting you on his lap.  He then pulled away, giggling a bit.  “Do you still have a drawer of my clothes?”
“Like I’ve gotten rid of it since yesterday,” you teased as you stood up.  You fixed your hair a bit, wincing as you felt the tenderness from where you had hit the table.
The both of you left the bathroom, Billy going to your room to change and you going to the kitchen.  “There’s our little fighter,” Steve joked as you rolled your eyes, your cheeks going pink.
“I’m hardly a fighter.”  You took a seat next to El, ruffling her curls as you did.
She looked at you with narrowed eyes.  “You got hurt.”  You sighed, biting your lip as she shook her head.  “We’re not stupid, Y/N.”
Hopper burst into laughter, nodding as he stabbed a piece of turkey with his fork.  “She’s right.  We’re not stupid, Y/N.  Maybe you should learn.”
“Sometimes stupid is smart.”  You pointed the serving spoon for the mashed potatoes at Hopper.  “You should know about that.”
“Did you at least kick him in the balls?!” Dustin suddenly blurted.  Him and other boys’ eyes were lit up in excitement.
“No, she didn’t.  But that doesn’t make her any less of a fighter.”  You turned to see Billy in the doorway, leaning against the frame.  He had changed out of his bloodstained shirt into a fresh blue one, the top buttons almost completely done up for once.  He walked over, sitting between you and Max, pressing a kiss to your forehead.  You couldn’t help but notice that he limped anytime he walked.  You scowled, making a note to ask him about it as Max hugged him around the side.
“I’m glad you’re not dead.”  Her voice was muffled, but his laugh was booming and warm.
“Me, too, kiddo.”  He ruffled her hair before everyone began to dig into their food once more.  As you spooned mashed potatoes onto his plate for him, he caught your eye, mouthing “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you mouthed back.
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tyrror · 7 years
Figure it Out - Chapter 1
Title: Figure it Out
Chapter: Chapter 1 - Breakdown
Author: Tyrror
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Mike/Eleven, Mike/Will, Eleven/Mike/Will (Polyamory)
AO3 Link: Link
Next Chapter: Link
Chapter Summary:  Already an outcast, the last thing Mike Wheeler needed was a realization of one more thing that was wrong with him. Over time he had almost convinced himself that he could ignore what he was feeling...until everything came to light.
The sound of giggling in the dark after he had blow out his candles should have been the first clue to Mike that something was terribly, dangerously wrong. How unfortunate it was, then, that he continued to sit in the same spot in front of his 15th birthday cake and, with a startled yelp, found his face being launched toward the cake just as the lights came back on.
Behind him Dustin was having trouble breathing through his laughter as Mike pulled his face out of the now rather flattened vanilla cake, attempting to blink his way through what had been a cartoonish rendition of Yoda. The rest of the room looked on in confusion, holding their collective breath until it registered all at once what had happened and chaos erupted.
Somewhere off to his left, or maybe not, he couldn’t be certain with an ear full of cake, he heard Max and Lucas tell Dustin that he was an ass. Across the room his mother was doing her best to stifle her giggling, but Mike’s concentration had fractured and all he seemed to be able to focus on what what was right in front of him.
He watched with a strange fascination as his girlfriend of the last several years clung to his best friend in an attempt to keep both of them from falling out of their chairs with laughter. El had let her hair grow out in the time they had been together and now it whipped around her face, framed her beaming smile and glittering eyes in a way that made his thoughts jumble and his heart race. Next to her, wiping tears from big brown eyes that made his heart melt was the boy he had risked everything to save and who he longed to see every day despite the way that his chest always felt too tight at the thought.
They had almost managed to get their laughter under control when El glanced his way, saw the dumbstruck look only partially masked by the cake facial, and she all but collapsed on top of Will, burying her face in his shoulder.
Something cracked in Mike at that moment, everything he’d been hiding, secretly confronting on his own suddenly rushed to the forefront of his mind and he could feel his throat start to tighten, his eyes start to burn. Pushing himself away from the table, he felt like he was gasping for air as he started to bolt from the room.
Somewhere behind him he vaguely heard his mother call his name, the words “Mike, sweetie” echoing in his head as he rounded the corner through the kitchen and into the basement but all he knew was that he needed to get away before he ruined everything.
It didn’t take long for him to clean himself off in the basement bathroom, bits of frosting and cake clinging like stars in his midnight hair, but it was certainly better than how he started and he wasn’t going to be able to do any better without a full shower anyway. Heart beginning to slow though his mind was still racing he made to leave the little washroom, planning to settle himself before heading upstairs but it looked like plans were to be damned today.
As he started to walk across the basement, Will stood from where he had been waiting on the couch. His eyes were wide, concerned, and his hands twisted together in front of him like he couldn’t figure out what to do with them.
“Mike,” Will said softly, the word full of empathy and caring. And Mike felt himself break again.
“I can’t do this,” Mike said, his voice cracking part way through in a way that made him want to hide his face.
“It was a stupid prank,” Will started, “Dustin shouldn’t have done it and we shouldn’t have laughed…”
“I don’t care about the fucking cake,” Mike said, voice thick as he raised his hands to gesture as nothing in particular. “I can’t do This!” He emphasized the last word, turning to take several steps toward the center of the room before spinning on his heel to face Will again, his eyes pleading for something that the other boy didn’t understand.
“I’ve been trying so hard to just ignore things, just be normal but…” Mike trailed off, bowing his head and fisting his hands into his hair and hiccuping slightly.
“Mike,” Will tried again but the look Mike gave him when he pulled his head back up startled him into silence.
“I love her, you know.” Mike said suddenly. His lower lip trembled and his hands were still tangled in his own hair.
“El?” Will asked in genuine confusion. “Yeah, we...uh. We all know that you love her.”
“I just...I mean...I love her,” Mike stumbled over his words, pulling his own head back and forth using his own hair, “But it’s like there’s more.”
He stared at Will with scared eyes as if he were trying to say something with that look before looking away again.
“I love her. I want to be with her all the time. I want to grow old and buy a house and have kids and do all those stupid things you want to do when you’re in love but...even with all that…”
He looked frantic by this point, body tense and breath a little too fast.
“Even with all that it’s like I need something else, like it’s not enough. Like...like...I love you.”
For a few seconds the two boys stared at each other, the only sound Mike’s ragged, too fast breathing that seemed to be getting worse.
“Damn it, I love you and I don’t know how to make it stop.”
It was taking everything Mike had at this point not to cry. Not to bolt and hide from the world because he’d finally said it out loud and now was when everything fell apart. So when Will stepped closer and put his hand out he wasn’t surprised that he flinched. He was waiting for some sort of blow to fall but instead a soft palm cupped his shaking jaw and he opened eyes he didn’t remember closing to see a gentle smile and unshed tears on the other boy’s face.
“It’s ok,” Will whispered, “We’ll figure it out.”
He watched as the words tried to fight their way into Mike’s mind but the fear seemed to have them at bay. The fear stayed there, a look that Will was all too familiar with and he did the only thing he could think of; he leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against Mike’s. Just for a second, just long enough to let Mike know how he felt before settling back on his heels.
“We’ll figure it out.” He repeated.
There was a moment where nothing happened, nothing moved. Then everything happened at once.
Mike pushed forward, pulling his hands out of his cake-streaked hair to wrap one around Will’s slender waist and let the other cradle his head. There was nothing soft or gentle about the way he pressed his lips back to Will’s. This kiss was harsh, bruising, almost painful. Filled with desperation and begging, a thousand things that needed to be said all at once.
After what seemed like an eternity Mike finally pulled back, breathless. Will’s face was flushed, his lips swollen, his hands tangled in Mike’s hair where he had grabbed for support.
“Fuck,” Mike muttered, letting his forehead fall against Will’s, “What would El think of this?’
From across the room the second to last stair creaked like it normally did and the two boys jumped apart like they might still be able to deny what just happened. Eleven finished coming down the stairs and looked at them both for a second with a blank face before starting across the room. Mike started to back away subconsciously, afraid of what was coming, but found himself stopping when she started talking.
“Like Will said,” she started, finally getting close enough to put a palm to the side of Mike’s face, her flat face turning into a small smile. “We figure it out.”
Sliding her arms around his shoulders she let the tall, gangly boy collapse into her, his breath hot on her neck and tears moist on her skin. Looking up, she caught Will’s eyes and he thought about running but instead she held out one hand and beckoned him toward them. One slow step after the other, he made his way closer until she could take his hand and pull him into the hug from the other side.
“We figure it out,” she repeated, looking into Will’s eyes while the boy between them cried.
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upside-nwod · 7 years
Still Pretty
While I continue to work on a few fics I have sitting in my drafts, please enjoy this adorable one-shot between Nancy and Eleven my very dear friend @mads-disaster wrote and gave me permission to post on her behalf. I freaking loved it and I hope you do too.
El was doing something she rarely ever did; looking into a mirror. It had been months since her last required head shave, yet her hair simply wouldn’t grow. She wondered if she would have short hair forever, as some inane side effect of the tests that had been run on her since she was just a baby. But then she wondered why she even cared. Vanity, beauty… these were concepts unknown to her for her entire life. She didn’t fully comprehend them, but she knew it when she saw it. The people who were kind to her… they were beautiful. Joyce never wore makeup but when she offered her home to El, she was a supermodel. And Mike’s face was the constant subject of bullying, but El thought he was the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen.
Suddenly, the Wheeler’s bathroom door swung open, only to reveal a confused Nancy on the other side. “Oh, El! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here… You have to lock the door, remember?” She stretched her well-manicured hand down to the door handle to demonstrate for El, but El stared only at Nancy’s lovely face. El remembered the first time she saw Nancy, and how she understood immediately that Nancy was beautiful. Maybe it was because Nancy already knew it without being told, and she exuded that confidence everywhere she went.
El’s gaze wandered from Nancy’s eyes to her hair, starting at the top and traveling down, down, down… almost to her waist. It shone in the harsh bathroom lighting, its natural waves framing Nancy’s face. She nonchalantly brushed it out of her eyes and raised an eyebrow at El. “Are you okay, El?”
Nancy had come to the conclusion that El wasn’t exactly a chatterbox, which she didn’t mind. But something had shifted in El’s all-knowing eyes, something like… sadness.
“Your hair… is beautiful,” El muttered, looking at her feet as she spoke.
Nancy smiled as an automatic “Thank you,” came tumbling out of her mouth before she realized who she was talking to. Nancy’s relationship with beauty was drastically different from El’s. From the moment Nancy was brought into the world, beauty standards were shoved down her throat, demanding to be abided by. Her worth and everything that she was had always been tightly tied to her outward appearance. She had spent countless dollars on products and clothes, countless hours in front of a mirror, countless tears on her pillow when she still wasn’t enough, according to the popular girls at school.
But then Will’s disappearance -and all the events following- changed everything. Before all that, Nancy had only known one thing about herself: that she was pretty. Then El walked into her life and suddenly she was learning new things every day. She knew how to kill a Demogorgon, she knew she liked the silly way Jonathan said her name, she knew she missed Barb in a way that she couldn’t put into words. And with each day, the priority she put on ‘pretty’ diminished more and more until she wondered why she had ever cared that much about it in the first place. There were certainly more important things. Family, for instance. Friends. More-than-friends…
Her thoughts returned to reality as she looked at frail little El, a tiny girl with unspeakable power inside her. Nancy was afraid of very few things after her experience in Hell, but a part of her still feared El and her capabilities. Or maybe it was something closer to respect. Either way, El had never looked smaller than she did in that moment, and Nancy saw she was just a lost little girl. She looked the same way Nancy had felt the first time someone called her ugly. She couldn’t believe someone as powerful as El could ever feel that way. But she did, and Nancy needed to put a stop to it.
“Hair isn’t everything, El,” she finally said, then realized how stupid that sounded coming from a person with hair to a person without it. She had to prove she meant what she said.
She reached past El and opened the medicine cabinet. The best thing she could find were her dad’s mustache scissors. They were small, but they would do the trick. She took a large lock of her hair in her hand and the scissors in the other, looked at El right in the eyes and said, “See?” as she cut, cut, cut at the lock until it was laying on the floor in a heap. The left side of Nancy’s hair now only fell above her shoulders, while the right side still cascaded to her waist. El’s mouth had dropped open and her eyes widened as she stared at the lost hair, her hand subconsciously flying to her own head as if she expected to find anything there. Nancy knelt down to El’s eye level and rested her hands on El’s small shoulders. “It’s just hair, El. It doesn’t mean anything. You can be pretty with it or pretty without it. Here, I’ll let you cut the other side.” She handed the scissors to El but the girl only held them firmly in her hands, refusing to damage Nancy’s beauty any further.
“You can do it. It’s okay, I promise.” Nancy guided El’s hand to the untouched portion of her hair, helping her cut it, El flinching with every snip. And eventually it came tumbling down, joining its fallen sister on the bathroom floor. El looked Nancy over in all her unevenly chopped glory, and managed a small smile.
“Still pretty,” she decided, touching the ends of Nancy’s shortened locks.
Nancy smiled back and rubbed El’s shaved head. “Yeah, El. Still pretty.”
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theragingthespian · 7 years
only the finest
Lena just wanted a nice night out with Kara.
“Would you like to go on a date?”
It slips out. Quiet and rushed, the words forming and letting loose before she can think anything other than please say yes. Kara freezes, noodles halfway to her mouth as she looks between them, and Lena almost takes them back.
(They’ve been doing this- meetings under the guise of interviews, the latest on L-Corp- for weeks.
Somewhere, between hands brushing just so as they pass food back and forth, it’s become featherlight kisses on the corner of her mouth when Kara leaves, promises to call when the other is free and texting whenever they can.
Somewhere, Kara has went from her only friend in National City to something. Something that makes her heart race with possibility and ache with the thought of its loss if she pushes.)
But then Kara smiles and nods, something settling firmly in place in Lena’s chest. Warm and solid, she immediately agrees when Kara says she knows the perfect place.
The perfect place is, apparently, a bar.
An alien bar to be specific.
(She’s sure the secret’s out. That Kara is Supergirl, if it could ever be considered a secret to begin with.
Neither of them say anything as Supergirl drops food off on her balcony on late nights, and later, Kara will ask if she got it.
Neither of them say anything as Supergirl begins hugging her just as much as Kara. As she whispers Kara’s name, the arms around her tightening as the only response.)
Lena’s not sure if this is Kara’s version of a joke or if Kara honestly thought this was a good idea.
(She’s not sure which thought worries her more.)
She spots Kara immediately, hunched over at the counter, elbows propping her up. She’s laughing, loud and full as always, but it’s off. A little looser at the edges, her shoulders still shaking with it as she presses her face against the bar.
Kara doesn’t even notice her when she steps up beside her.
(Looking back, she should have realized it then, because Kara always, always focuses on her as soon as she enters a room.
Even when she’s as quiet as she can be, feet barely skimming across the floor, she can always be sure that blue eyes will be centered on her.
It’s more than a little thrilling every time she looks around to see that, to see Kara so attuned to her.)
“Maybe you guys should slow down.” It’s said flatly, just commanding enough to have the three- oh, they’re giggling so hard she’s sure one of them will fall off the stool- jerking back with protest.
“M’gann, come on. She,” Winn throws an arm around Kara who presses against his side, laughing into his shoulder. His tie is thrown across his back, one collar popped up against his neck, and it’s the happy flush across his cheeks that slowly starts cluing her in. “She’s got a hot date tonight.”
Lena coughs a little into her hand at that, because really, are those Kara’s words or his? M’gann raises an eyebrow slowly at them, reaching over to snatch the bottle away as Kara passes it to Mike or Mon-El or whoever he’s decided to be for the night.
“Yes. She’s nervous-”
“No, no, I’m not.”
“-So being the good birdmen we are, we decided to offer our aid.”
“She’s drunk.” M’gann huffs, adds, “and it’s wingmen.”
Lena clears her throat, reaching over to settle her hand over Kara’s glass as she goes for another. “Kara?”
Kara spins around, and then oh, arms are wrapping tightly around her. Kara mumbles her name once, twice before squeezing her. “Lena! You’re here! Not that I was worried you weren’t going to come. I wasn’t. Worried that is. I’m fine, cool.” Kara laughs. “Cool as a- a um.”
“Cucumber,” Winn whispers.
“Cucumber.” Kara frowns. “I don’t think that was it.”
“Very convincing.” Lena shifts, trying to look at Kara but she’s pressed tight into her side, nose brushing against her neck every time Kara moves. “You’re drunk.”
“No? No.” Kara shakes her head. Lips press against her neck before pulling away too soon. “A little.”
“Any reason why?”
Mon-El leans forward. “She was nervous.”
“So I gathered.”
“For her date.” Winn squints at her. “With- with.” His jaw drops and he shoves a hand at Kara, only to draw his arm back. “Ow, ow. Hey! You didn’t tell me it was Lena.”
“You know Lena.”
“Yeah but a date is different. It’s, it’s a date with Lena Luthor!” Winn pinches his jaw between his fingers. “I think I owe Alex and Maggie money now.”
Lena swallows. His shout draws the attention of everyone in the bar, and she takes a fraction of a step back when a chair is shoved back.
“What’s a Luthor doing here?”
Kara has awful ideas. Getting drunk on their first date? Not ideal, but it’s fine. It’s cute, she amends when Kara presses a little tighter, sighs against her neck. Lovely, she adds after a moment, but that’s before her attention is drawn to the alien hulking over towards them. Before she remembers that Kara invited her to an alien bar when she is the notorious alien hater’s sister.
Lena’s two seconds away from wondering what kind of makeup she’ll need to cover up a black eye or worse when Kara’s suddenly not in her arms, planting herself firmly in front of Lena, firmly in the alien’s way.
“Move it.” It’s accompanied with a shove, but Kara doesn’t budge.
Kara shoves back.
Tables flip and chairs crash as the alien tumbles back. “Oh, oh whoops. I didn’t- I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t shove people.” Kara blinks. “Sorry for shoving you, but it’s only because you pushed me first.”
M’gann, oh, she phases through the bar, stopping in front of the other alien long enough to say leave before hauling Kara over her shoulder. Kara giggles, arms dangling over her back. “Do you have a car?”
“Yes, of course.” Lena walks them out, having to wait for M’gann to pry Kara’s hands from the doorframe when she realizes what’s happening.
“Wait, wait. Lena and I have a date here. Lena Luthor. She’s, oh gosh, she’s so pretty and smart and she’s meeting me here. I don’t know why though.” Kara stares down at the ground, forehead crinkling as she thinks. “I mean we have a date, but I don’t know why. Because she’s- she’s so smart.”
“You said that already, but you know how I feel about fighting Kara.” M’gann yanks her away, eyeing the wood that comes apart in Kara’s hands. “Besides, you broke four tables tonight. I’m not sure I can afford much more.”
“Oh.” Kara goes slack against M’gann, biting her lip and shaking her head. Lena bites her knuckle, because oh, Kara’s sad and she feels awful, but it’s possibly one of the cutest things she’s ever seen. “I’m sorry. I can clean it up for you?”
“No,” M’gann says quickly. “No. It’s okay. That’s not necessary.” Kara goes silent, and they share a look of relief. “I would’ve cut her off if I had known you two had something planned. She was just so jittery. Those drinks hit fast.”
Lena almost trips over her feet when she realizes M’gann’s speaking to her. “Oh no, it’s fine.”
“She really was nervous.” M’gann smiles when she opens up the door for them. “The good kind though.”
M’gann softens, nods. “You must be special to get Supergirl worked up.”
She doesn’t know what to say to that, so she just smiles, quick and small. Kara’s hands grab hold of the car’s frame as M’gann tries to push her into the backseat. Lena settles a hand on her back, twists her fingers in Kara’s shirt. “Kara, Kara, I’m just going to take you home.”
“Can’t we walk?”
It’s their first date and Lena regrets not being able to say no.
Her feet are killing her and god, Kara’s heavy, head on her shoulder and arms draped around her waist. Lena has to force each step, Kara dragging behind her.
“Why are we walking?”
Lena dips her head forward. “Because you wanted to.”
“I did?”
Lena grits her teeth. “Yes.”
“Oh.” Kara hums. “Let’s fly.”
“Let’s-” Kara slips right through her grip, hovering up. Lena jumps up and wraps her arms around Kara, pressing down with all her weight. “No, no, stop.” Her legs wrap around Kara’s, and she silently begs for no one to get a picture of them.
(Kara flying for one thing would be bad. The CEO of L-Corp wrapped around someone? Probably just as bad. She’d never hear the end of it.)
“Kara get down,” she hisses, inches upwards to try and press down on Kara’s shoulders, trying to ignore the panic rising in her chest and the ground gets further, further away.
“Your heart is beating really fast. Are you okay?” Kara drifts slowly back down, eyes darting around and-
Lena finds herself pressed against the wall.
Not exactly what she had in mind for the night, but she’s not one to complain. Kara’s breath is harsh and choppy against her temple, fingers sliding against her hips.
“Is there danger?”
Definitely not what she had in mind. Lena drops her head back against the wall, forces a breath through her nose. “No, Kara. Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
Kara’s got duck pajamas.
They’re ridiculous little things, bright yellow plastered across the fabric, but Kara’s face lights up when Lena holds them up.
Getting her into them is another story.
“Stay still.”
Kara twists and turns, the one arm Lena managed to wrangle into a sleeve slipping free. “I am.”
“No, you’re not.” Kara grumbles as she tugs it over her shoulders. “I’ll let you choose lunch next time if you stop moving.”
“You always let me.”
Lena freezes, Kara falling from her grip and onto the floor. She glances down, toeing Kara to get her attention when just laughs. “No I don’t.”
“Yes you do. You always turn your head to the side and smile and boom, we get potstickers. There’s always this light filtering in behind you and it looks so pretty. You look so pretty. Did you know you’re so pretty?”
Lena bites her lip. “Thank you.” She grunts when she lifts Kara, barely getting her off the floor. “Why are you so heavy?”
“Alex says I’m dense.”
“I don’t think that’s exactly how she meant it.”
Lena can’t help her fond smile as Kara climbs up from the floor and flops into the bed, snuggling into the covers with a happy sigh. Light breaths quickly turn into snores. Lena waits at the edge of the bed for a few moments, makes sure that Kara’s actually went to sleep this time before walking towards the couch.
She pulls the blanket laying across it down over her, scrunching up her legs to fit beneath it. Lena’s almost asleep when there’s the soft patter of feet, a weight settling over her as Kara crawls over her.
It’s warm, Kara’s breaths steady against her cheek and she falls asleep quickly.
The sun’s rays are barely creeping in when arms slip under her knees and back. She wriggles in the hold for a moment until there’s a soft laugh, and she’s pulled close to Kara’s chest.
“Sorry, I’m just moving you. Alex says the couch isn’t comfortable.”
Lena squints through the darkness. “No hangover?” Kara shakes her head, nods to the rising sun. Lena clicks her tongue. “Lucky.”
She’s almost asleep again, Kara’s hold as she steps through the apartment familiar and comforting as she swings slightly in her grip. “I was nervous.” Lena looks up, traces her finger lightly against Kara’s jaw.
Kara shugs, depositing her easily against the bed and sitting down, back facing her. “You just- you have so much going on, and I wanted it to be- it had to be perfect.” Lena laughs, and Kara smiles over her shoulder. “Getting drunk obviously wasn’t in those plans. I thought one drink would loosen me up, but then one turned into two and that turned into four and-”
“It was cute.” Kara’s lips quirk up even as she looks away, and Lena props her chin up with her hand. “Besides, I ended up in your bed, so it wasn’t all that bad.”
Lena makes sure to soften her voice, adds a hand on Kara’s shoulder. “It doesn’t have to be perfect Kara.”
“I just- I didn’t want you to regret.”
Lena sits up, fingers brushing away Kara’s hair from her neck. “Regret what?”
“No. It’s fine. I just.” Kara holds up her hands, shakes them. “You’re Lena-”
“Luthor, I know.” She turns onto her back, fingers pressing into the sheets. (People expect a certain flare from them, from Luthors. The money or the infamy, there’s always something they want.
Just never her.)
“What? No, that’s not.” Kara shifts until she’s hovering over her, one hand holding her up as the other trails down her arm. “I mean, yeah, you’re a Luthor, you’ve got this company that you’re turning into something amazing.” Lena scoffs, because of course that’s all Kara associates with her name. “You’re Lena. You’re dedicated and brave and I just wanted it to be perfect.”
“Perfect’s overrated.”
(She wants to say it’s already perfect.
That the smile Kara has just from seeing her makes her feel more wanted than she even knew she could be.
That Kara at her side is more comforting that going home, than going to an empty, cold apartment, because going to Kara’s that’s full of light and friends feels more like a home than she’s ever had.
She wants to tell Kara that she’s already perfect.)
Kara huffs. “No, Kara listen please. I don’t need that. I don’t want perfect.” Kara looks curiously at her. Lena smooths a thumb down the slope of her those, settles it at the corner of her lips. “Just you.”
Kara leans down to kiss her, and oh, it’s gentle and constant, Kara pulling back before leaning down again. “We don’t have to count it as a total loss,” Kara mumbles against her lips. “Breakfast?”
Lena glances to the side, eyes briefly fluttering shut when Kara kisses down her jaw, lingers just behind her ear. “In two hours.”
Kara laughs, nodding against her head before settling down and tucking into her side. “Good call.”
“Don’t be late.”
Kara’s fingers dance across her hip, “I wouldn’t dare.”
Later she wakes to Kara barely balancing trays of food, smile wide behind the stack of styrofoam.
“So um, I burned everything.” Lena rolls back her head and laughs. Kara’s fingers wiggle into her side. “Stop that. I tried.”
Lena stares at Kara, at the lopsided smile, a light blush covering her face as she fidgets with the tab of the takeout container. “You always do.”
Kara shrugs, distributing the food all across the bed before slipping in beside her.
Kara talks beside her as they eat, arms waving and voice lifting and dropping as she tells Snapper’s latest compliment veiled as an insult, and when she talks about L-Corp, Kara listens, eyes intent on her and for once, food forgotten.
Lena forgets what she’s saying in favor of sliding her hand along Kara’s jaw, fingers curling at the nape of her neck to pull her close.
It’s sweet, Kara dousing anything and everything on her plate with syrup, and she tugs her closer, fingers closing around her pajama collar littered with ducks.
Kara’s eyes are still closed when she pulls away, lips parting to breathe a surprised, “oh.”
“I think I should let you plan the rest of the dates as well Ms.Danvers.”
Kara’s nose brushes her cheek, lips pulling back into a bright smile. “That can be arranged.”
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