#but i guess it's a one year anniversary collage now lol
youmearepeaches · 1 year
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Jesslupe go to pride dressed as cowboys during the 70s, a collage
Edit: you can get a print or sticker (and other stuff) here <3
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fff777 · 8 months
watched the wayv 5th anniversary stream
It's pajama themed!!!!!! :3
Ten called Kun gege and Kun was like this is definitely a thing I am not used to wtf
When Winwin introduced himself in English he was like "I'm uh-Winwin" and Xiaojun and Hendery in Mandarin were like "you're a Winwin???"
Ten: 你可以叫我欽欽哥哥 WayV: *o*
Kun voluntold Sicheng to introduce the stream :3
Ten wanted them all to introduce their pajamas first :P
Yangyang introducing his pants and housecoat pattern combo
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Ten had a nature wildlife theme lmao
Sicheng said that Dejun's was a ocean theme and Hendery and Dejun were like "no this is a hospital patient theme" lol. Ten said that his pajamas reminded them of Dream Launch.
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Sicheng said that his pajamas were Dalmation vibes and the guys were like ehhhh that's not quite it
Ten: You are my star Sicheng: ...So romantic
Dejun asked Sicheng for help on taking off his eyemask (probably so as not to disturb his hair).
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Apparently Hendery's not the kind of guy to wear pajamas. Like I think he doesn't wear much when he goes to sleep based on what the guys are saying.
Kun's housecoat is very dadlike lol.
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He's showing off the bear
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Ten saying that Kun looks like an esteemed guest at a hotel and Sicheng saying that he looks like rich president (like of a company)
Discussing what they did in 2023
Sicheng: *Sneezes* Sicheng: Bless me (I think that's what he said lol)
They said it would be game time but they're just reading comments first
Ten said he cut his hair for the rookie mentality lol
Kun reading the comments: 劉揚揚好嫩 Yangyang: Hah
Commenting on Yangyang's haircut and Hendery chopping the mullet
This stream has no subs as of right now so I can't understand the Korean parts unfortunately
They noted that the stream was happening around dinner time/bedtime
Aw cute collage journal
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Sicheng calculating the number of days in 5 years XD
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He said he calculated it with astrology lmao
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Hendery was like uhhh do we have to read our own entries? And Sicheng was like yeah we love seeing other people embarrassed (so you have to)
Hendery's entry was about going to the amusement park together and buying animal hats together
Yangyang explained that it was during Kick Back promos and it was on a day when they had free time
Hendery telling us to guess what this picture is of. Apparently it was the merry-go-round.
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Kun finally found pictures of them on that day.
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Kun pointing to the animal hats
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Yangyang said that on that day, they'd agreed to dress more low key. And Hendery said that it was because all of them had dyed hair. But then they all wore animal hats which kind of defeated the purpose.
Hendery was looking to see who wrote the next entry and it was not signed by anyone but he knew it was Dejun's :3 Probably recognized the handwriting.
Dejun's was about visiting Rain Day filming. He'd taken 1.5hrs to get there and bought drinks. But because it was raining the people on set were going to get changed. So Dejun saw them for one minute. And then he went home, another 1.5hr journey XD
Sicheng's entry was about a time he had stubble and he thought he looked good and wanted to take a bubble for fans but the members said that if he did, he'd lose fans and scare people so he didn't X'D All the members denied this or claimed they forgot that such a thing happened lol.
Sicheng's picture of his facial hair that Ten said looked a lot like Sicheng XD
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Yangyang explained that it was just stubble, it wasn't full-fledged facial hair. And then Hendery asked the fans to weigh in on whether they want to see Sicheng with facial hair.
Ok so it's a promise, Sicheng will have facial hair like Guan Yu/Guan Yunchang for the next comeback XD Guan Yu aka Guan Yunchang is a historical figure often depicted with a very long beard.
Kun wrote a really long entry
Apparently WayVs went to an escape room and Kun asked the fans to weigh in on who was the most courageous/cowardly in escape rooms
According to Kun, Hendery was the bravest, and Ten was the most cowardly XD
Apparently Ten just go through the escape room with his eyes closed XD
Ten also talked about escape rooms. He said that if he was scared in the escape room, then he would make animal sounds to scare away the scary things lol. But apparently the NPCs would just get confused lol.
Kun demonstrating a scared Ten
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Ten would get mad in the escape room when he had to do certain things XD Sicheng's example was that if the NPC said that person #1 had to do something and Ten was person #1, he'd be like "why do I have to do it?!" and argue with the NPC lol
Yangyang talked about Christmas hotpot with the members :3 They also did Secret Santa but they had to buy impractical things. They can't share them with us though ToT
They have to write an entry for memories with the fans. They're all going to do it in different languages and Kun has to write it down.
Yangyang hoping that there'll be lots of opportunities to meet fans and that fans will come and see them.
Kun struggling to keep up with summarizing and writing while the other guys are talking
Ten voluntold to keep the journal lol
Sicheng wearing Dejun's eye mask
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Polaroid decorating time
Aw Yangyang did Ten's photo with a kitty theme
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Ten did Yangyang's photo
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Lol Dejun decorated Hendery's. He also used the kitty sticker.
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LMAO Sicheng has experience with polaroid decorating and he just slapped as many stickers as he could onto it lmfao.
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Hendery calling out Sicheng for speaking with such little enthusiasm as he explained his work X'D and they made him do a take 2 XD
Hendery used stickers and washi tape for Kun's photo, and explained that the face was Weishennies doing a kissy face to Kun :P
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Kun explained that he went with a simple approach to Winwin's photo :P
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Game time!
Ten arguing with Kun about moving the game piece X'D
Lol choose the phrase that Ten has not spoken before X'D
Hendery trying to game the tissue blowing game
Ten's trick did NOT work lol
Ok is it just me or are they NOT moving the game pieces properly???? like 1 space should be the next space over lol
Yangyang told Sicheng to be the person that they have to blow the balloon over because he's the tallest and then he lay down like this X'D
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Balloon: *Lets out air* WayV: OMG Winwin!!!!!! dId YoU fArT?????
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Dejun succeed by flinging the balloon a bit as he let go X'D
Ten was unsuccessful X'D
Question: Which one is not Sicheng's hobby?
Question: Which has Yangyang and mom not said to each other?
Hendery said that Yangyang's mom definitely did not say he was ugly because she always says good things about Yangyang to Hendery
Lol Hendery was wrong lmao
Confusion over whether they should be standing up or not lol
Lol the guys really have no 默契
Interesting how when they're talking about dancing, they revert to Korean. I wonder if it's because their dance trainers speak to them in Korean.
Kun voluntold to light the cake I guess (they were speaking in Korean for much of this)
Wayv: 錕哥今天是什麽日子 Kun: 今天是我五歲的生日啊 *aegyo*
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Bro like no one reacted to his joke X'D
Lol thinking about what their debut song was, but settling on a simple Happy Birthday
Wtf is this candle??? lol
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Ohh it's a spinning cake. Kyungsoo had a spinning cake for his Expectation livestream, I wonder if this is the new cake trend.
Yangyang always coming in with the emotional messages :3 He was saying how it was their fifth anniversary, but they'd known each other for longer than that, and that he hopes they'll continue to grow old together :3
Kun arguing that he will NOT be fifty years old in twenty years X'D
ASMR sleepy times with mood lighting
Lol Yangyang doing his qipaoyin which I looked up is called vocal fry register XD
Dejun preemptively drying Sicheng's tears
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Nuisance strikes again
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Sicheng: 晚安, 我愛你 ;_; <3 <3 <3
They were not prepared for this ASMR because the background noise is so loud....
Hendery saying the end of his message in Cantonese T_T
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Not paying attention during Kun's bit ^^;;
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Extra not paying attention during Ten's bit OTL
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A fan asked if Hendery's teeth still hurt lol. I think this was a reference to when he'd gotten his wisdom teeth out earlier.
Sleepy times :3
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itsstraykids · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: @noonaracha thanks for tagging me!! *waving from the other side of a bridge* (link to their post)
Name(s): june (on here and at coffee shops. i have a Weird Name in normal life)
Pronouns: she/her
Star Sign: capricorn (i’m a christmas eve baby!)
#of Siblings & Fun Facts About Them (if you have any): I have one younger sibling, this isn’t exactly a fun fact but we took a siblings-only trip to japan last year and they aren’t necessarily interested in japanese media or anything but they absolutely loved it because they love cute tiny things and that’s definitely a specialty of japan lmao. they bought like thirty souvenirs to give to their friends back home. it was adorable.
#of Pets: I have a big ‘ol black cat I love dearly. He lives in Wisconsin now due to various factors. I miss that chonky boy but he’s happy there chasing bugs in the backyard (under supervision)
Fandoms: Just kpop bands, skz, txt, and xdh mainly. And recently mamamoo.
Favorite Color: greeeeen
Favorite Song: Recently infatuated with J Christ by lil nas x, he's such a visionary. also Big Lizard by the dead milkmen lol
Favorite Author: Jasper Fforde, I’ve carried all his books through every apartment move because they’re so funny.
Hobbies: too damn many. guitar, writing music, drawing, collage, studying korean, and getting my ass kicked by the ocean (aka surfing)
Favorite Holiday: christmasssssss
Do You Have Any Partner(s)?: yep! we just had our 6 year anniversary in october :D
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: To continue @noonaracha's Mariah Carey theme, I met Mariah Carey’s personal Santa Claus (like the guy she always hires to be santa i guess?) on Christmas in 2021, while stuck in a blizzard in a ski lodge deep in the mountains of Colorado. He was a really great santa lmao. Incredible magical aura.
Tagging: @abiaswreck @agibbangs @snug-gyu @skz-maybe-incorrects sorry if u were tagged already!! hehe i enjoyed this
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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never-not-ever · 7 years
2017/1 year anniversary with my girlfriend
How We Met
So I actually met my girlfriend on OkCupid when I was down here at my Aunts house last January. I love visiting my Aunt and we do hang out and go places but there’s also a lot of down time. So last year when I was down here I was bored and made an online dating account. At first it was just guys but I got pretty bored of that and started thinking how a lot of the guys weren’t my type and then I was questioning what my type even was and what gender too! So I decided to switch my “looking for” to women and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I started talking to Andrea and I remember it all so clear and it’s so crazy to be back in this bedroom where it all began. Laying on this very bed where I stayed up late talking to this amazing woman. It sounds cliche and I don’t know how but I stumbled across Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko and that was literally my anthem for that month. I mean come on the song was perfect for me. It was like my own little cheerleader in the background telling me that what I was doing was okay except I didn’t need anyone to tell me it was okay because I knew in my heart that it was perfectly okay and perfectly normal. We started talking on January 13th. I left WV and took the Amtrak train home to Boston on January 16th and that day I heard her voice for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday! I was on the train and getting closer and closer to Boston. We were so giddy and nervous to talk on the phone but looking back it was the cutest thing. That night we talked on the phone for 2 hours. I met her the next day on January 17th and almost a week later we made it official. January 23rd, 2017.
So the rest of the month is a blur. Lots of dates and hanging out. Meeting her family etc. Her meeting my gm. This month should have been filled with pure joy but there was also heartache. This also happened to be the month I had a fall out with my two ex-best friends. Not going to go into specifics, just that it was very painful and very toxic. 
Our first Valentine’s Day! I bought her flowers and she stuck post it notes around her room with little reasons why she loved me or little fun facts about us. I think it was after Valentine’s Day where I started working more and more in the Florist. I’ve been at my job for almost 8 years now and I’d always help out in the florist around the holidays but this year I moved to that department permanently. February is also the month her parents go away so I basically stayed at her house all the time! They have a 16 year old dog and Andrea works a lot and couldn't take her out all the time so her sister moved home for the month and since I was always there I grew closer to her sister during this month. 
Nothing too grand and exciting.
We went on our first vacation to Virginia Beach and it was so much fun. Our hotel room was amazing and right on the beach! The weather was perfect and we did so much. I’d love to go back again because it was just a great time filled with lots of memories! I started talking to one of my ex-friends around this time too.
Birthday month! My first birthday in years were I didn’t wish to be dead when I blew out the candles. Sounds dramatic but I’m not joking. We spent the day together and I saved a baby squirrel from a rest stop parking lot. Ruined my “Normal People Scare Me” hoodie by wrapping the little guy up in it who was covered in fleas and bugs. I also started talking to the other ex-friend again but it just wasn’t the same. I think by this month I was officially a florist clerk! Besides meeting Andrea, switching departments at my job made my year. I became so much more happier and cheerful at work. I also went to my first wedding (since I was a kid which I don’t even remember!). It was a waterfront wedding and amazing. I’ll always remember that night! I wore a dress for the first time since prom!
I went to London!! It wasn’t as long as I would have liked but it was amazing!! I could honestly see myself living there. I went with my cousin and my uncle who was on a business trip. It was the highlight of my Summer. Went to another wedding. It wasn’t as nice as the first one but it was still a great time! It was out in western Mass and we slept overnight at a nearby hotel. The next morning me and Andrea decided to take a drive down to NYC. It was spontaneous and I loved it even though we got there around suppertime and didn’t get to do much. It was still a good time!
Andrea’s family has a huge 4th of July BBQ and that was a pretty great day! I wore another dress lol! My old friends came and we all hung out and played games and then watched the fireworks on a dock in the water. It was so nice to have everyone together but that was the first and last time it ever happened. A strange and mysterious thing happened this month. A baby kitten was found in my front entrance. You see, to get in my house you have to go up a flight of stairs and open not only a storm door but a regular door as well. That brings you to a little square hallway where we keep the mail and theres two more doors-one leads to the second floor where I live with my gm and the other is for the first floor where my uncle lives. We keep the mail on a little set of shelves in that hallways and one morning my gm was taking my dog out and there was a kitten sitting on the bottom shelf! We named her Delilah and kept her and she’s been a part of the family ever since.
This month was a blur. Nothing big and exciting happened. Met my new psychiatrist and started preparing to say goodbye to my therapist whom I would be terminating with in the next month. 
Went on our second vacation together to D.C. My body image was crap and it kind of sorta ruined the trip cause I was always so self conscious being in public and stuff. In the end it was still nice just being able to get away and spend time alone. It was Andrea’s birthday and I made her a collage of our pictures that said “I like me best when I’m with you”. It was cute. When we got back from our trip I started up EMT classes again. I took the course in 2014 and passed all but one test (the state written) and I let too much time go by so I decided to retake the course. At the end of the month I had to say goodbye to my therapist. Someone I worked with since April of 2016 when I was inpatient. It was so hard to say goodbye because for over a year I saw this woman almost every single week and she helped me thru times when I thought I was going to end up back in the hospital. I also stopped going to my DBT group as well. Stopping with therapy wasn’t my choice, stopping with group was. This also was the month I stopped talking to my ex-best friend whom I was friends with for over 10 years. We didn’t have a big fight or anything we just drifted apart. “You didn’t text me” “But you didn’t text me” so typically but it was bound to happen. People change and there’s nothing wrong with that. I feel like for the most of 2017 I kept trying to prove that I didn’t change like it was some bad thing when in reality it’s okay to change, it’s part of life. 
And to follow along with that last month I also stopped talking to my other ex-friend. I have nothing against them. They were there for me when I was at rock bottom in 2016 and for that I will be forever grateful. In 2017 however things were very rocky. Things felt forced, like I was walking on eggshells afraid to do something wrong. A never-ending rollercoaster that finally came to a stop in the end of October. I’m not going to lie and say that my life has been great ever since. Because it hasn’t. I mean yes it’s been okay and I’ve been happy but I’ve also been so down because of all that’s happened with them, second guessing myself and wondering “what if”. But in the end we all moved on and that’s all that matters because in the end life moves on.
This Thanksgiving me, my uncle and my gm went over to Andrea’s and it was so much fun. After my people went home I stayed and played games with her brothers and sister and their significant others. We listened to Christmas music and just had a blast. Me and Andrea started Christmas shopping and listening to Christmas music and it was the start to a wonderful holiday. In the end of the month I took my class written exam and in some surprising turn of events I passed! Like I was so shocked because I didn’t study at all and went into that exam knowing that I could retake it and thinking that thats what was going to happen. But I didn’t have to because I passed!!
More Christmas shopping and snuggling under fuzzy blankets with my babe. All up until Christmas the only music I listened to was Christmas music! Ever since my Aunt passed away I always hated the holidays. It was so sad and depressing. But this year was different. I was looking forward to spending Christmas with Andrea and her family and starting new traditions. This month I had two practical exams. One for the class and one for the state and I passed them both!! I went to Andrea’s family’s Christmas party on the 23rd and it was so nice and festive. I slept over that night and on Christmas Eve we all woke up and celebrated Christmas morning a day early cause not everyone could be there for Christmas Day. We went over to a friends house for New Years Eve and ordered Chinese food and played Cards Against Humanity. I can’t remember the last time I kissed someone on New Years. But this time I got to ring in the New Year with my babe. 
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hexterah · 7 years
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the year of hexterah’s house of hotties: October 31st Nate (some dude i live with and married, i guess)
SO REMEMBER HOW THIS WHOLE PROJECT WAS SUPPOSED TO COMPLETELY BE POSTED IN THE YEAR 2015 -- ONCE A DAY? This would have been posted on October 31st, 2015, which was our wedding day. And not... our second anniversary. But it’s being posted now instead because I am a procrastinator and the year of hex’s house of hotties became the threeish-yearish ehh hopefully not more than three years of hex’s house of hotties.
Anyways, this is Nate and I say this all the time but I’ve known him for almost nine years and to this day I still don’t know where I’d be without him. I probably would have never gone to the doctor for my mental health issues and I really don’t want to think about where I’d be if I hadn’t done that. He was the one who gently prodded me in the direction of medical help and has always been the most patient person (outside of my super closest fronds) when it came to me being... me.
The first time I met him (after we had been talking on le internet for a while), he apologized that his shirt had cat hair all over it. We talked about cats, Celldweller (and other music, but mostly Celldweller), video games and other things we both happened to love and then he came to my house and played Dead Space for me cause I was too chickenshit to do it alone. 
I never really knew what ~omg love lol~ was because with other significant others I was like, “this person is really cool i guess i will spend the rest of my life with them” then they did something not cool (or really not cool in the case of a specific significant other :|) or I just questioned myself repeatedly and I knew that wasn’t good. I knew there should never be an “i guess” there.
With Nate, I’ve realized what’s it like now to be stupidly head over heels for someone and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Happy 2nd anniversary to Nate and the Halloween Wedding of the Fire Alarm.
(Also, anyone I can do this shit -- and the bottom collage above -- with:
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