#but i have given them all tvd verses for anyone who is interested
sunless-garden · 2 years
Hi! Hope you have a great day/night!
Just wanted to say, I'm obsessed with BTP. Your fic is so well written and amazing. I love your Elena and the way you've written Bonnie and Elijah. I'm freaked out by Klaus and I'm glad because I hate it when some writers write him as a victim who has a kind heart blah blah blah. I guess that's why I love Klena, because in KE fics Klaus always has a terrifying personality and I love it.
I have a question though, what made you ship them, and do you have any idea if you'll continue writing for them after this series is over?
Thank you so much!!! I'm so flattered that you're enjoying Beneath The Pine - you've really made my day!
I'm so glad you like my Elena! She is my favorite character on TVD, and I think she is a fascinating character - particularly because she is absolutely ruthless when it comes to protecting those that she loves. I also find it really interesting that, although she is a supernatural being, she doesn't have any supernatural abilities that she herself can exercise. It means that Elena has to be clever to survive and to protect her loved ones, and she also has a strong need for alliances (e.g., Elijah in season 2).
I find Klaus tricky to write, because I agree he should be terrifying, but I also think he's more than that. I absolutely do not think he has a naturally kind heart, but he is capable of kindness towards certain people, if he feels like he's in control and he's in the proper mood. Also, it is true that Klaus was a victim of abuse: Mikael abused him both physically and emotionally, and Esther didn't protect him from that abuse - and in fact, made it worse by intentionally weakening him and then later binding his werewolf aspect. But although that trauma influences his character, it doesn't excuse all the ways that Klaus has victimized others. Ultimately, I think Klaus's love is a very dangerous thing - look at how he treats his siblings, and Rebekah in particular.
All that said, what made me ship Elena and Klaus?
Well, I will ship Elena with just about anyone. But I find the complexity of Klena just striking. Both Elena and Klaus can love too much, which of course influences how they treat their loved ones. Compare Elena having Jeremy compelled and sending him away for his own safety, to Klaus daggering Rebekah to prevent her from leaving him. Also, I think that Elena can be her most ruthless, dark self with Klaus, and he won't turn away from her. In return, Elena has a seemingly limitless capacity for forgiveness, which Klaus unfortunately needs, given his tendency to get in his own way.
Although the fandom for Klena is small, there are some real gems: I highly recommend fics such as certain dark things by twocankeepasecret, (The Stars Were Brightly Shining) and Fairytale Ending by adlyb (@livlepretre), and Queen of the Highway by sevensistersofsussex (@sevensistersofsussex). There are tons of other great Klena fics, but those in particular really drew me in.
Regarding your second question, will I continuing writing for Klena after my The Trees Are Bare series is complete?
I think so - but we still have quite a while before my TTAB series will be complete. BTP is outlined in detail and will probably take at least another 50k words to finish. I then have the start of an outline for a sequel to BTP, which will probably end up similar in length to TTAB. I also have some ideas for a few one shots in the TTAB verse, including side stories from POVs other than Elena's. All of that will probably take me through the end of the year to complete.
Also, as I noted above, I will ship Elena will just about anyone, and I'd also like to explore some other pairings.
I might make I Ain't Letting Up Until The Day I Die into an Elejah series - one that deals with the implications and consequences of Elena's sire bond with Damon.
I would also like to transform my series of Kolena ficlets in A Million Might Have Beens into one coherent multi-chaptered fic. (Currently I think of this as my Kolena Flower Language verse.)
I also have some other fic ideas brewing, but the above are my most immediate priorities.
Thanks again for this ask!
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
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Klaroline Fic Rec Event 2020- Day 3: Angst! @klaroline-events​
Title: Two Lost Souls (click on title to go to story)
Author: Moultipass1 (Idk if she has a tumblr so I will leave this as a review) 
Summary: Unable to cope with his son's death, Klaus turns off his humanity. Elijah and Rebekah try to make him turn it back on but face failure after failure. Fearing he's lost to them, they decide to enlist Caroline's help in a last desperate attempt. Their plan is put in jeopardy when a surprise awaits Elijah in Mystic Falls.
Status: Complete (38 chapters)
Why you should read: Okay, anyone who has been in the Klaroline fandom long enough probably has read this fic. It is a classic. It is probably one of the first fics I’ve read when I came to the Klaroline fandom. It is really one of those dark fics out there that make you stop, think about things and take a step back. It’s cannon complacent but also it has its own vibe to it. There are parts that will rip you heart to pieces while others give you hope.
Now, I am not the biggest fan of the magic baby trope; but this is one of the few exceptions to that rule. Yes, Klaus and Hayley had a baby (in this verse it was a boy named Liam) and Klaus loved that child….but as you can see by the summary the child dies. Perhaps it is a cop out to put it in the category of stories with the magic baby line because the magic baby literally dies, but with this, the characters are at least on point and well written.
I think the most important part of this story is that it deals with something TVD universe kind of lacks really dealing with….and that is death. TVD as a whole does not give death its justice because it is rarely ever final. When they deal with the concept of grief, they use it as a plot point to something else and it is never given the attention it deserves. How the author portrays grief and extreme loss is so well done that I, as someone who has lost enough people in life, completely understands the direction she went.
Neither Klaus nor Caroline handled their grief well. At all. I do believe that this is very much an accurate depiction of what can happen when people refuse to deal with losing someone they love, or in this case, turning off their humanity. It show cases the worst ways to deal with loss all the while throwing in the magic of TVD and TO!. But it also shows the road of what it could be like coming back from that point of rock bottom. Both Klaus and Caroline have to climb out of the humanity off time and they do so together.
Then there is Elijah and Rebekah. They are amazing in this and really do have what they think Klaus’s best interest at heart is. Even if there are some parts where Elijah can seem a bit manipulative (okay, only thinking of one scene but still….) The cast here really took what could have been TO! at its best and made is so much more than that. TO always felt like it was meant to be a more adult version of TVD and Two Lost Souls really did well with that.
Now, this is a fic that I find hard to read unless I really need to cry. It does end like every Klaroline fan would expect it too, but it is the journey getting there that makes this fic worth it; even if it is one that wreaks havoc with you. It is one that I find I have to read in small doses, because while so amazingly good, there are parts that make me bawl my eyes out due to how good and relatable it can be.
But then, a fic about death that doesn’t make you cry; would it be worth reading at all?
This one will make you cry and every tear is worth it.
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laufire · 4 years
For the fandom thing: TVD? (Feel free to stick to the series itself or include the rest of the 'verse, its up to you!)
It’s probably best if I only do TVD, otherwise this could get long xD
the character I least understand: this question is always a rocky start because I do pride myself on understanding characters lmfao, so I often don’t know what to say... I’m going to go with Elena, I think, because although hers is a mentality I understand well and interpret accordingly (I... kind of grew up alongside a few Elenas lmfao), it’s not one I can find myself sharing.
interactions I enjoyed the most: anything Caroline-centric goes first, lbr. But I’ve rewatched a few random episodes and I have to say, I didn’t appreciate Caroline-Elena as much as I should’ve the first time around. I feel that if I did another rewatch now, I think I’d enjoy their relationship a lot more.
the character who scares me the most: Stefan at his peak was TERRIFYING OMFG. That man could manipulate anyone into anything. And then eat them. Not to mention he could compartimentalize like a pro. And there’s the whole “being able to let the love of your life DIE because it was more important to still come across as The Good Brother”. Who fuckign does that!!! COLD, SCARY-ASS PEOPLE, THAT’S WHO.
the character who is mostly like me: although there are key moments and traits I relate a lot to in quite a few characters, I’ve never really felt this with anyone in TVD. I think the closest was Dorian’s tirade to Stefan about how the “poor Stefan” thing was bullshit lmfao. “All your friends keep talking about poor, self-hating Stefan. Like getting to live is the biggest torture of all! You know what’s worse that getting to live with all that guilt? Surviving murder! You know what’s worse than surviving? Being murdered!!” Like. Did I ghost-write that somehow... ?
hottest looks character: Bonnie Bennett, especially in season seven. GODDAMN.
one thing I dislike about my fave character: I mean, I wasn’t a fan of the period of time where Caroline’s go-to was slut-shaming other women but like... I get it given her history (and it always, always pings me the fact that it was over once she fucked Klaus... one day I have to make a post about all that plot regarding Delena vs. Caroline vs. KC because it was supremely interesting).
one thing I like about my hated character: Matt grew to be Caroline’s errand boy AND prioritized honoring Caroline’s mother’s legacy,and I think that’s very, very funny. In a less tongue-in-cheek way, he had some good moments with Bonnie where I could stand him.
a quote or scene that haunts me: I will never, ever be over, “Caroline, it’s not a competition.” “... Yeah, it is”.
a death that left me indifferent: I did tend to care about the deaths of this show, one way or another, except for some red shirt exceptions a la that guy Anna was using in season one lol.
a character I wish died but didn’t: MATT FREAKING DONOVAN.
my ship that never sailed: that’d be Bonnie/Kai, obviously. OTOH I feel compelled to say that I crackshipped Caroline/Klaus back in season TWO so hey, the show wasn’t completely ungenerous to me xDD
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klarolinedrabbles · 6 years
josie made up a lie that hope told everyone that lizzie was "witch bipolar" to cover up her own crush on hope so that lizzie wouldn't go for her. and lizzie's supposed to be the selfish sibling?? okay...
So I actually enjoyed this last episode of legacies and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that instead of having hope at its center and everyone kissing her ass she shares the spotlight with the twins and Kaleb. There was a cute scene where the 3 were griping because they were stuck in the van for a road trip (and like I never wanted the baby plot dammit but also they were supposed to be stepsibs and we were robbed) Pt1
Pt 2 oh and we get an understanding of why lizzie is antagonist to hope and vice verse and apparently it’s because Josie lied and told lizzie that hope was spreading rumors and jokes about Lizzie’s bipolar disorder to the school. And she lied because she had a crush on hope and she didn’t want lizzie to know because lizzie apparently always went after people she liked and won—though I’m thinking it’s more klaus-like and she’s afraid Josie is going to love someone more than her and leave her.
AH SO IT'S NOW CANON THAT JOSIE HAD A CRUSH ON HOPE. and josie didn't tell lizzie cause she was worried lizzie would be interested in hope as well.
So apparently the reason lizzie hated Hope all these years is because Josie set a fire and spread rumors that her own twin was bi-polar and blamed it on Hope because of some convoluted round about way to hide that Josie had a crush on Hope. Everyone is focusing on Josie admitting she had a crush on Hope and just ignoring the straight up nasty rumors she spread about her sister and that she was responsible for a years long feud. I'm so done with people pretending Lizzie is the selfish twin.
Oh and it looks like Julie is baiting fans because Jodie’s motives for starting a fire that Lizzie thought Hope started and for the Witch Bipolar rumour is because Jodie had a crush on Hope and was trying to burn a love letter. So like this show is basically a cult orgy over Hope and Lizzie is the only sane one (and maybe MG) I don’t know who he is or what his storyline is but he fancies Lizzie and hasn’t got off with Hope. I think he’s like Matt, no storyline and just there.
Lizzie eventually told Hope that she’s always hated her because she heard that Hope called her “witch bipolar.” Hope swore she’d never say that about someone, adding that she understands Lizzie’s issues better than anyone, given everything she experienced (and lost) growing up as a Mikaelson. — They seriously said that Hope can understand because she ‘grew up’ with The Mikaelsons? 1) She was only around them for like 2 weeks/1 month. 2) You can’t compare bipolar to that.
Also it turns out that Hope never called her witch bipolar and Josie started the rumour. Because they can’t have Hope be in the wrong now!
Sometimes I think my distaste for JP can’t ever grow more from where it is, and somehow, she always manages. I went to read the tvline recap so I could answer this better, and like I’m---
Alright so first thing’s first, I very much like that they finally aired the tension out between Hope and Lizzie. It’s something that narratively needed to happen, and it’s great that it did. I’m not gonna touch Hope saying she would never say that about Lizzie as she understands her circumstance because she grew up a Mikaelson. If I even start on that, we gon be here all night. That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in the TVD-verse and I’ve heard it all, so trust me, that’s really saying something. 
Second thing, I just saw a gif set of Hope and Lizzie sitting in the same car row as Josie and wigging out cause she puked, so I’m Upset. I may hate that all three of them exist with all my heart, but they look like siblings there, and they were supposed to be, but aren’t cause JP lacks a soul and I’m mad about it. 
Now, as for Josie and Hope. This particular dynamic aside, because I’m not judging anyone or coming for anyone who does ship them, but they need to maybe dial it back on the LOVEEE for Hope. Like we get it, she’s the main, chill out. As for the ship itself, quite frankly I find that almost futile on Julie’s part??? Because you have this dynamic that seemingly a decent amount of LG fans like, yes? And essentially what she did here, was provide it to a degree, but I would go so far as to say it’s backhanded. Like ‘here you go everyone, Hope/Josie inklings as requested, oh but don’t get too carried away, it was three years ago so it could’ve been, but it wasn’t. Alright goodnight, ya’ll, come back next week.’ 
And like??? That type of thing is peak Julie Plec right there. Giving you something, but also not really. And so my advice that no one asked for, @ the LG fandom, is to hold JP to her shit, and don’t let her feel like she’s FOR THE FAAANS over breadcrumbs that she has no intention of doing anything else with. She’s done it before, and just be cautious. I’m not trying to rain on any parade, be content to your hearts desireeee @ folks who are excited, just don’t let JP walk all over ya’ll, that’s my point. And I say all that with the utmost sincerity. 
As for Josie and Lizzie, those two have quite the serious case of miscommunication, don’t they? I feel like a lot of their issues could be sorted out pretty decently, if they had a chat??? So like Josie flared up Lizzie’s insecurities about herself with that lie, and let it go on for three years, but Lizzie’s the ‘terrible sister’? Mkaaaay. Like I’m sure Lizzie isn’t the easiest sister to have, but can she start vocalizing her shit with her sister, because at the very least it’s worth a shot over everything else she’s been doing.
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brightlighttm · 6 years
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i wasn’t able to make separate posts for each day (being adult sucks, i swear), so i’m gonna go ahead and put some of the days i’ve missed all in one post, but fear not!! everything is going to be under the read more because sometimes i talk a lot and it can get reeeeeeal rambly. 
day 03: favorite portrayals of a minor / underappreciated character in a fandom
@townsheriff — i love liz forbes, that’s not a secret to anyone. i love lia and that’s also not a secret to anyone. so can you imagine how i felt when lia made a liz???? if you can’t, lemme tell ya: i fangirled for, like, 3 hours straight. liz forbes is - as i’m sure a lot of you must’ve noticed - not a character that many people want/like to play, so to say i’m happy to see her on my dash every now and then would be a huge understatement. lia does a wonderful job bring liz to life; you can hear the sheriff’s voice in everything she writes and every action she describes is something that makes me be like ‘oh, liz would totally do that’. so lia, this is my formal thank you to you. thank you for bringing such an important character to life and for giving my caroline her mom. you have no idea how much it means to me to be able to write with such a talented writer as yourself (hint hint: a lot!!!!!!).
day 04: favorite portrayals of an original character
@thickcrskiin​  — i’m pretty sure i’ve followed jynx and jan since i made my first blog, almost a year ago. and ever since then, i was hooked. i smile whenever i see nina’s cute lil face on my dash or when i read jan’s commentary posts because they’re always gold. even though we’ve never interacted (i’m totally up for changing that, btw hihi), know that i admire you and your blog from afar!
@intxrcisus​  — even though we just met, i can say for sure that mj is one of my favorite ocs! the second i finished reading her biography (A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF PEOPLE’S BLOGS, ALRIGHT EVERYONE??? MUST. BE. READ. BEFORE. INTERACTION.), i was like ‘ok i’m sold, when can i start giving mj the love she deserves???’. we have yet to interact, but i want you to know that you’ve got yourself a new stalker, because i’m totally reading all of your threads as soon as possible.
day 05: favorite multimuses
@theperfectstorms @astormofagirl @roseguided @starhaze @staarryniights @theirfate @theirsacrifice @madeofsurvivors @puerdeos @heartsofvalor @myricds @ofgathered @sorrowfought @personatvs
day 06: blogs that promote representation of poc, lgbtqia+, and other minority muses
@hekvvte @blsms​ @lichtwald​ @awesomegaydar​ @cursedempcthy​ @devouredwreckage​ @fiercerebekah​ @sarcasticprince​
day 07: favorite threads / verses / group verses 
@safedrowned / @ofwickedminds  — idek why i’m including you here since we haven’t written in what feels like forever. yeah, i’m being dramatic because that’s who i am, but it’s also true and i’m totally calling you out. STILL, i love each and every one of our threads - and unlike you, i don’t forget about some of them -. you’ve given me more steroline threads than i could possibly ask for and made me ship (NOT CANON) klaroline. you know how hard that is?? speaking of kc, i couldn’t include you here and not mention the brother’s fiancée verse we have. i mean..................... i’m weak for that verse. so much angst and occasional fluff. and we didn’t even get to the fun stuff yet (aka klaus finding out about elle’s paternity hihi), but boy am i looking forward to it. so, thanks for all the threads you’ve given me since we’ve started writing together. it means a lot to know you want to rp with me. not surprising in the slightest, but still means a lot. you’re cool, i guess. i love you, ew.
@badasshybridqueen  — COOOOOOOOOOOORI, you made the impossible happen: you made caroline like hayley enough to be friends with her. or in our case, best friends. more like sisters from another mister. i cannot begin to thank you enough for all the threads we have going on. they make me laugh more often than not, but sometimes they made me sad because they’re angsty af (hint hint: atelophobia verse with kris). whenever i think about our threads, i get happy. because i can see how hayoline’s friendship has developed thorough them and how we, as muns, have grown closer and closer. caroline values hayley’s friendship a lot and i value yours just as much.
@petrovanity — there’s no way in hell i’d make this post and not include you, kat. or the twin verse. or the protagonist au. because i mean......... y’all are my drug, i swear. i was so used to having bickering threads with katherines, but then i stumbled across your blog. and you changed mind by telling me that, yes, caroline and katherine would make good friends. and now they’re besties. now, caroline is *wipes tears* katherine’s first choice, and caroline-mun can’t and won’t ever let go of katherine-mun. because we’re basically a package deal and i’m so okay with that. <3
@lockpup  — it’s the 3847384374th time you’re appearing on my blog, lia. i guess it’s time for me to accept the fact you own my blog more than i do. but i’m surprisingly okay with that. OKAY NOW BACK TO THE PART WHERE I SHOWER YOU AND YOUR TY WITH LOVE. if i’m being honest, i’m super selective when it comes to tyler. i’ve had some pretty bad experiences during my time in tvd groups, so when i made this blog, i was more than a bit hesitant to start writing with tylers. but then i met lia’s tyler. and i was immediately blown away by the talent that just emanated from the words in the replies posted on the tumblr. it took us a long while to start writing together (and that’s all on me and my insecurities lol), BUT WE FINALLY DID AND HOLY SHIT DO I LOVE OUR CURRENT THREAD??? there’s already angst in it and we’ve?? just begun??? i can’t wait where the thread goes and i’m looking forward to having other 38743847384 threads and verses with you!! I LOVE YOU <3
@temperproblem  — like i said above, i’m real selective when it comes to tyler. but you, alie, have managed to break all the selectiveness walls with your talented writing and amazing self. we got along from the moment we started talking to each other, and it didn’t took long before we were plotting what would quickly become a verse that i consider my baby. yup, i’m talking about bad at love. you know i live for angsty stuff, and bad at love is filled with it. i’m so so happy to have such a good verse with you and i can’t wait to see what we’re gonna do next!!
@xhidingintheshadowsx  — lastly, but in no way, shape or form, less important: BARB!!! words cannot begin to describe how happy i was when you said you’d be up for having a SMA verse with lil ol me. because honestly??? i’ve watched you from afar for so long and i never thought i was good enough to have threads - much less a whole verse - with someone as talented as you are, but apparently i am?? and trust me, i’m not about to complain about it because our little verse makes me so happy and excited with each reply!! and do not get me started on the I Fixed Him verse, because honestly............. i’m addicted. that’s the best way to explain it. this verse is my new addiction and i cannot see where it goes!!
day 08: blogs that you think deserve more recognition and appreciation 
 @bourbonandheels @fallenregent @deservesbettcr @thelockwoodxhybrid / @destructivehybrid @knowsnavi @cursedempcthy​ @nerdisums​ @facetiious​ @dissolvedshadows​ @mollisms​
day 09: favorite edit and graphic blogs
@temperproblem  — it’s pretty much impossible to talk about photoshop and pretty graphics and not think about alie. i mean, have you guys seen the stuff she does??? the wonderful graphics and jaw-dropping themes?? i could never do something remotely similar. alie is so talented at everything she does, it’s honestly so amazing to be able to see her talking about theme designs and code stuff because i know it’s something that really interests her. 
day 10: blogs that go above and beyond
@jailbrd @atomiism @wclfgirl @giiilbcrt @donovanlegacy @anditsxsorrows @originallymikaelson @tobeblamed @inherited-vanity @opheliajumped @starkwithsarcasm @fiercerebekah @ladamedemartel @griefbeat @hastodosomething @brokenbrxther @notintime @niiklausx @mcmachine​ @pcrfectdaughter​ @codeconfined
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sarcastic-doodle · 7 years
When the antis for KC come calling...
So, @morleybell got an ask on the above topic, and I wanted to reply to it,but it got too long so I thought I’d make it into its own post. So the question was what to reply to antis who claim Klaroline is abusive.
Here goes :
Not even in the fandom since s5(never in tumblr!tvd fandom like ever) but I do skim the tag every once in a while. Came across your post, loved the general gist of it, but would like to add some and clear up some stuff you passionately stated in bulk😆, if you don’t mind. I’ve been wanting to get this out for a long time.
I think the crux of this whole matter is an element which is called a ‘morally grey character’ ; you know the ones - not entirely a villian but too twisted to be a traditional hero. Obviously there are naysayers who say Klaus doesn’t fit into the mold of someone w/ grey morality, hey haters gonna hate but the jury’s still out on that one apparently even though it’s obvious. Moving On. More on this later.
• agree with the SC part. If one looks at the whole picture from the start, Caroline got shitted upon and shoved to side by the writers and her supposed ‘friends’ right from the start in favour of Elena even by stefan. The afterthought. The girl every new male addition to the cast(not all but close) hooked up with. The secondary character whose romantic plot usually has their fan going “uhmmm not exactly the one I’d choose for her. This is just settling” because hey!one needs to fill up the episode, right? Who cares if she was a second choice?
For me, Klaroline came in at that part of the plot, where I was just about tearing my hair apart because the MF gang were really pissing me off. Caroline was never a priority, everyone was willing to let her be collateral damage in this ever revolving war against elena, she was just supposed to accept that her best friend is dating her assaulter. I mean I get that she is the cornucopia of giving, but thats what friends are for! To make these givers realise that enough is enough, now think about yourself, make yourself a priority. The Caroline I fell in love with initially, the one with the big dreams, the one who wanted to live live to the fullest, explore the entire world because yes embracing vampirism gave her that opportunity….That Girl was entirely diminished by the end. There’s growing up and having responsibilities and then there’s having to grow up because of not-their-doing responsibilities. Klaus had come in a AT THAT CRUCIAL POINT. I remember thinking ‘yesss, she’s a priority for once’ also ‘idc if this relationship works out or not, but this one can be her ticket and reason to move out of that soul-sucking selfish town and friends’
• IT’S A SUPERNATURAL SHOW. This. Funny and irritating why people forget this. The show depicts them as these all encompassing, good in combat and strategy, well versed in lore of the centuries, sensual, blood-drinking vampires…I’m afraid that goes hand in hand with blood and sex and murder and deceit. If you want a century old virgin goody two shoes, I believe you’re in the wrong franchise. For this show, its not about who is good and who is bad, it’s about who is evil and who is more evil, and that too is relative on how you define evil/what you consider evil. Also what’s blatant in this fandom, is the hypocrisy. This is what I wanted to especially expound upon :
So what irritates me about the fans the most is their hypocrisy. Also the puritan fanaticism some have embraced and loudly preached. I wont even include DE and Damon in my arguments, i think they’ve been discussed at length by all (like it deserves to be) this is better explained with Stefan. When people say Klaus is a mass murderer and has killed soooo many people over the years, ergo klaus is evil but stefan is my innocent bae(not verbatim but the intent is obvious)…. conveniently forgetting the fact that stefan killed so many people too, went ripper twice, in his 300(?) yrs…had he lived as long as klaus lived…who know whether the number would have risen or not (hint : it will)Imagine living on and on for so many years, the world around you changing, civilisations changing,people you loved dying, but you’re set in stone. Immortality has been romanticised like all get go, but realistically I can’t imagine someone not going absolute nutters every once in a while whether or not you have a reason to keep living on. The show has shown only the positive sides of Stefan and his dealing with vampirism which in turn makes him appealing, but I can’t imagine someone with Stefan’s characterisation - the broodiness and the guilt - would live a long innocent life. Psychologically, something will always make him crack. I know I’m coming across as someone who hates Stefan which is simply not true. S1-3 Stefan and S1-4 Caroline were my absolute faves. Believe me, I only watched the show until then for these two. But I realised we do excuse his murders w/ - he didn’t want to, he feels guilty, he repented, it’s out of his control. But ultimately clinically speaking(with my inner stefan fan supressed)…There were dead bodies. Families mourned. Lives were taken. Stefan regretted it yes, but it doesn’t give them their life back. None of these vampire’s victims (Salvatore’s, Mikaelsons’,Forbes’) are coming back. Why do we not still hate stefan or any 'good side’ vampires for that, but love to do it to the Mikaelsons?
Second thing I mentioned was puritanism. Simply put, this goes in the good box ; this goes in the baaaad box. Some people differentiate characters like - this is a good person(can do no wrong) and this is a bad person(be suspicious of this one’s dealings ) from the initial interactions and context of the show. Characters on the 'Good’ side in the start, are reveled for doing 'a thing’ ; but if a potentially grey character from the 'Bad’ side does the same 'thing’ they are jeered upon for doing it. Am I saying don’t point out and jeer evil wrongdoings of evil characters? NO. I’m not trying to be apologist for villains, most deserve what we throw at them. BUT But but, in this case, on this show, is the line differentiating them really that clear? Are these 'good’ and 'bad’ characters exclusively on those sides? Like you mentioned, Kol is killed, Klaus retaliates. Had a sibling from the 'good ’ side been killed by the Mikaelsons, pretty sure they’d have retaliated the same way. We cheer one but jeer the other? Why? The deed is the same, cruel and inhuman on both accounts, yet we celebrate one and mourn other?
What people instantly think when I say this, 'you’re probably a person who excuses abuse in real life too’'you believe this…you must be horrid in real life’….*shrugging* A. There is a clear divide between fiction and reality. one I have to actually live in and the other is entertainment. Damn sure I can differentiate between them. B. There is an actual sense is not automatically trusting the NiceGuy, everyone has flaws if you look hard enough, they’re gonna come out eventually I’d rather not be lulled in a false sense of security. I’m not saying The Mikaelsons are good people and they just need some lurrvvve and understanding. What I’m saying is the Mikaelsons are shitty. But so are the Salvatores. So is Elena. And sometimes so is Caroline. If its just fiction, isn’t it hypocritical thay we only hold few accountable, but excuse the behaviour of the rest?
When people say KC is 'abusive’ I always take in with the idea that it’s because Klaus is heartless mass murderer. Which he is. There’s no going around that. He IS NOT a good guy. That stabbing didn’t really make sense to me…why did he do it? But tyler’s mum yeah…if you can excuse the council for their behaviour, don’t be a hypocrite please when the favor is returned. On a completely different but still related note, this is similar to the bullying topic in HP. When it comes to being bullies for whatever reason, people easily excuse the marauders because ultimately they were on the 'light’ side. But draco is held accountable even though he was technically younger than james. But back on the topic at hand.
But KC? Like you provided the lines and to anyone who watched the show….Caroline was not impressed by him. Attracted to him?Sure. But she never acted on it at all until 5×11. She kept questioning his motives, was suspicious of his moves, never defended his actions, brought up his misdeeds to him when he tried to pretend to be a good guy, tried to sneakily gain favours from him utilising his interest in her, it goes on and on. You never hear a single praise for him from her lips (as far as I can remember) All she did was that she gave him a benefit of doubt. Try to understand his motives rather than just IDENTIFY. EVIL. KILL. Try to understand that someone who has lived this long, what goes on thay ancient head, did he ever want to be human? , how does he justify his misdeeds? But Was it enough? Well canonically, apparatently not.
And I get it. I’m not saying excuse the murders by the Mikaelson’s too. NO. I’m saying hold all of them responsible. Caroline. Stefan. Damon. Klaus. And then critic the characters after that. Don’t claim some sort of moral high ground when there isn’t any.
This show, these writers…when given enough screen time, they could redeem an irredeemable villain of their choosing. Seriously, for real. (Damon gets it but Katherine or Kai(this one would need toooo much work) doesnt) and people lap it up. Basically, it’s on the writers on who they choose to get to be the GoodGuy, which villian gets forgiveness for the misdeeds even though the other villains did the same thing. I don’t watch TO but I’m sure they gave 'reasons’ and 'backstory’ on why Klaus behaves the way he does. I mean if you think in a critical analysis sort of way, that is how a redemption arc works. You get to know the inner workings and history of the protag and what experiences made them the person they are, then it’s upto the audience whether or not they forgive them.
But I digress. What is the main point of this entirely too long rant, is that saying KC is abusive is just absurd. Not on this show, not in this context. If its klaus that is your problem, you better have a problem w/ the rest of the lot too. Also he is the one guy who was the only one who asked Caroline whether she would like the cure instead, didn’t use her solely to get to elena, prioritised her, didn’t think Caroline’s love to plan and shop and everything that does not scream stereotypical intelligent girl as shallow and superficial, gave her plenty opportunities to make something more out of her life if she wanted with or WITHOUT HIM. If she wanted to fly free alone for a decade or even a century or two, go for it as long she came back to him when she’s had her fill. Yeah, that just screams abusive and controlling to me😒
Bottom line anti kcs, I’m sorry you wanted this to be a black and white clear issue so you justify your hate. But it’s simply not. I’m not saying KC IS an angelic done-no-evil ship, but when ships all around are pirates, what’s another one,eh.
Also, might as well reiterate, I haven’t seen the show after 4×22, just kept up w/ the show from a lot of different shipper’s (SE, KC and SC shippers too unfortunately) blogs and my sister who watches the show, so I might be off w/ some of the facts. If any of them are blatantly obvious and it’s because I missed something crucial in the remaining seasons I’m tagging the people I’ve seen answering KC qs or were active in their KC defense so this post is refined @my-ownfairytale @klarolinedrabbles @jonsnowbitch
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laufire · 6 years
Name a ship that most represents your type of ship.
Isabelle and Raphael from Shadowhunters, hands down. (Beware: this turned into a long post that talks at once about all my current -and some not-so-current- otps).
-LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. “Why are you helping me?” “I don’t know.” – Shadowhunters
Half my dash must be tiring of hearing this, but I adore this trope. I love how it moves things along: the character is already in love -automatically, the relationship goes into Intense™ territory, you get swept into its groove, whether you like it or not (another reason why these ships, when they raise hate, the RAISE hate xD). Emori and John in The 100, Matt ~sensing Elektra across the room in Daredevil, Wes seeing Rebecca for the first time in HTGAWM, Derek and Jesse in TSCC (I want to start re-watching that show soon so I have that ship very present *sniffs*), Bruce and Selina in Gotham (and IIRC, every BatCat adaptation worth something has this in some form -it is a MUST).
With Rizzy, like with other ships (Caroline and Klaus in TVD, Bellamy and Raven in The 100), it might not be literally at first sight, but the result is the same: they might know of each other, but it is the first time that they really MEET, that something HUGE happens (Raphael feeding on Isabelle, Klaus offering Caroline his blood, Bellamy and Raven’s first time), when you can feel it. I love these cases too, because it offers the possibility of including a messy history/start/etc. (something that you can see at various points of this list lol), while simultaneously giving me the opportunity of experiencing the LAFS moment on present time, instead of in flashbacks (Elektra and Matt) or references (Harvey and Scottie in Suits).
-UNPLANNED, UNFORESEEN, UNWITTING. “But it doesn’t make any sense, it came out of nowhere!!” – the fandom lol
This is somewhat related to the LAFS point, and a criticism I’ve seen time and again about more than one of those ships, but in this case is multiplied by a hundred xD 
And I wanted to make a separate point for this because, lbr -you rarely see this complaint (or at least not as generalized) when a PILOT ShowTP goes for LAFS. But that is something I love about these ships: it wasn’t in the original plan, there was no “build-up” that could have pointed at it, and it’s likely that the writing team behind it never had an inkling of the effects the ship could have on the writing. Some of my favourite cases are Bellamy and Raven, Caroline and Klaus, Bonnie and Kai, Emori and Murphy… these ships irremediably alter the foundations of their ‘verse, they re-shape the story. I love that something that came “out of nowhere” can have that effect. I love it. 
This meta by @candyumbrella does a great job explaining this (far better than I could, and besides, this post is already getting longer than I expected ^^), and it even does it through Isabelle and Raphael. Her Ted and Tobin’s posts in general have been illuminating wrt how tv writers work, and in relation to this post, I’m more aware now of what makes me ship certain things, why something that on paper should be appealing to me falls flat, etc. I’d recommend them all, but beware because they will take hours of your life XD
-STAR-CROSSED LOVERS. “If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it.” – Hamilton
Was there anyone who did not FREAK THE FUCK OUT with the “at the brink of war” line? Because I don’t believe them.
Look, it’s obvious. It’s cliché. I don’t care. I live for this trope. Allison and Scott from Teen Wolf was one my favourite instances of this trope (my bbys ;_;); it was one of the things that interested me of Allison/Derek too, as a crack ship; it was the whole premise of Still Star-Crossed and I’m not even gonna pretend I didn’t shamelessly enjoy every second. It was what instantly made Rosita/Waverly my OTP in Wynonna Earp, aka the most impossible out of all my rareships xD. Priya/Sierra and Tony/Victor in Dollhouse (I never know wtf to call the people on this show istg) had this element too, even if it was in a “us vs the world” sense, more than “we’re on different sides of a conflict way bigger than us and everything is stacked against us fuck” lol. Cassian and Jyn could go there too.
And obviously, Isabelle and Raphael as a ship have this written on its DNA, given how the ‘verse positions Shadowhunters and Downworlders. Outside the 219 scene (*_*), I think 213’s meeting in the alley managed to showcase it really well.
-EX-SOMETHING, EX-MAYBE, EX-ALMOST. “Well never be done with each other.” – Shadowhunters 
I loooooove exes. Actual exes, proto exes, centuries-old exes. Something I love even more is “bitter exes that still have a special connection no one else gets or beats” (Camille and Magnus, Carlos and Kisa on FDTD, Elektra and Matt, Harvey and Scottie -and on the bitterest, most fucked up side, with ships like Katherine and Stefan on TVD or Derek and Kate on Teen Wolf. I even consider Rosita and Waverly could belong here, idc if it was one simple kiss okay xD). Obviously Isabelle and Raphael aren’t bitter, but they might get there, if I’m lucky! A girl can dream! (weird thing to say about an otp? I don’t care xD)
And one thing that is significant of these types of ships, and obviously of Raphabelle, is that, whether they’re together or not (hell, Izzy and Raphael have never really “dated”), narratively speaking, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make any difference. They’re still connected, one simple scene where they merely look at each other across a crowded room can resurrect the ship after years not even speaking to each other. Hell, with Caroline and Klaus it only took one phone call xD 
-CAN’T QUIT EACH OTHER. “I’m just asking for a little taste.” – Shadowhunters
I guess this relates somewhat to the previous point, but I wanted to reference the addiction plot because for me it isn’t a bug, it’s a feature xD I’ve seen people say things like “I know they started out as problematic™ with the addiction, but now that they’re over that, they could be a gr10 ship!!”, and fuck that¸ tbh xD They’re a great ship because of the addiction storyline. It adds this messed up layer of wonder, of doubt, over the ship that I love. And obviously, there’s the appeal of “we’re bad for each other but we can’t stay apart!!” angst. My lizard brain likey. And it’s definitely a huge part of the appeal of Matt and Elektra, BatCat in general…
-SHARING SECRETS. “Nobody knows. Except for you.” – Shadowhunters
Things like Isabelle admitting she doesn’t feel strong, Raphael revealing the story about her sister, Bellamy telling Raven about how he felt about his mother’s death, Harvey confessing about Mike’s fraud to Scottie even if he knows it won’t make any difference, or only being capable of admitting to her voluntarily that he’s seeing a therapist… That kind of thing gives me so much joy :D
And lbr, the “except for YOU” part? HUGE draw, yup. 
-CHARGED INTIMACY. “#they might as well have been alone #were there other people in the scene? who cares. they were all irrelevant. – @magalimoons lol
Any shipper would know what I’m talking about. That moment where Isabelle leaves mid-conversation with Alec and Meliorn in 214 to go to Raphael, or when they talk at the end of 210, or when they talk in 219. Bellamy and Raven in 413, when he’s telling her how much they need her and everyone and everything else disappears of the room (that’s the scene referenced above lol), or when A.L.I.E. posses Raven, and despite everyone else being one room away without even a door separating them, this feeling of intimacy falls over the scene. Caroline and Klaus looking at each other when he appears during the graduation event in 423, Root and Shaw in PoI. Literally everything about Rizzy in 209. 
–BLOODSHARING. “they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It’s like a whole big sucking thing.” – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This has been one of my favourite tropes for-fucking-ever, guys. I think my first experience with it was Blade? Or Angel and Buffy? I’d say Blade. In any case: it changed my fucking life. The fact that Rizzy includes it is the cherry on top of this beautiful ship-cake.
On another note: blood transfusions totally count xD Furiosa and Max come to mind, for example.
There are other things that add to the ship for me: Raphael’s aceness (I project a lot onto him even without it so), the weird catholic/heretic themes xD, how beautiful they look together (I once was accused of “only” liking them because they looked hot together, which. LOL at the only, given this post and every other I’ve written about them, but also. OFC I like that they look hot together. That’s not only a good thing, it’s an IMPORTANT thing, among other reasons, because if the writers like your ship, they will look hot together xD).
And it’s not that if it doesn’t have any of those I won’t like a ship XD; in fact, some of my biggest OTPs lack some or even most of these traits (Gabrielle and Xena, Brigan and Fire in the Seven Kingdoms Trilogy, Clark and Lois in some versions), or that there aren’t other romantic tropes I love that don’t fit Rizzy (the Unholy Matrimony trope is one of my favourites, for example), but well. I know what I’m about xD
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