#but i keep getting asked at my dayjob about if i have an etsy or not and it slike yes i do
bittybattybunny · 3 years
Your crafts are just so freaking adorable! I’m low key jealous that if you want to be surrounded by cute critters you can JUST MAKE THEM! And they when you need to make something for storage like baskets or bags you just make those too! It’s incredible and your style is just so cute it makes me sequel in delight to see your work! You just MAKE all these colorful and pretty crafts!
I learned to crochet originally to make a cute Pyramid head for a friend of mine (sadly i think the only pic of him lives on my insta i never use) and from there I just wanted to have a bunch of octopus friends (and then people on campus wanted them so I would make them for like 5$ an octo) and then i learned to make cats, pokemon, etc. It was a way to keep busy and i got something cute (before I got into crochet as a way to deal with my severe agoraphobia and anxiety I would fold paper stars and cranes. I have over 7,000 paper stars I’ve folded over the years and I think i have 1500 cranes or something?)
I’ll be honest I’m always so much more nervous posting my craft work just because I feel like I’m overwhelming but I just wanna show it off like i MADE this i can HOLD THIS.
it’s so satisfying
liek today I finished off Strawberta and I’m so happy!! she’s long and fuzzy and baby!!! Finishing Queen Beehemoth yesterday too was just so satisfying and I’m almost done making a new bucket hat!!!
I learned to sew years and years ago (like 17 years ago. I learned when I was 10.) and it’s always been such a huge delight to finish a project off and hold it. IDK why it gives me such a rush and then showing people and them liking it too makes me feel so happy. I just love to make things. not persay to sell them like my dad thinks I should I just love to create.
You can never have enough baskets!!!Honestly I actually make the baskets more to help me sort things as I have issues with finding things due to my ADHD (i have some bad memory issues so I lose things easily) and they make good gifts for friends and family. Fun fact I once made a BUNCH of coworkers beanies as christmas gifts. I don’t make them often or do more complicated projects cuz I can’t focus long.
if it’s not clear I’m really really passionate about my handicrafts and I get this way irl too. Like spud will come with me to get yarn and I have to be careful i don’t talk too long to the nice yarn lady. I also will just ramble about it incoherently as I don’t have many folks to talk to about it ^^;; I have a few discord buds I talk yarn with time to time but I really don’t have any close friends who craft like this (i once tried teaching Nico to crochet and they somehow did it left handed.... we’re both right handed.)
My sister and i like to talk about the main purpose of my making things is just to make happy brain juice of as Spud says “tone those seras.” (like serotonin ya know)
Like from grabbing my crochet hook cases (which also bring me joy. I have two tokidoki milk carton pencil cases I use to hold my favorite hooks. the strawberry holds my bamboo handled ones that I use most often, plain milk holds all my other hooks minus a few ergonomic ones and my massive T hook that doesn’t fit) and watching these creatures form just from STRING its so ahhhhh
it’s the same thing when i’m doing a sewn project and i can see it coming togehter. honestly I wish I could sew more often as I love it but it’s hard to make space for it and with my health i can’t do the set up and take down I need to so I just have to wait for really good health days to sew. this is why I crochet soooo much. I can do that when I’m stuck in bed unable to walk without getting dizzy or shooting pain. I can do it in the car, I can do it at work. it’s portable.
Lately I’ve been considering a “crochet with me” stream where I make a bee or something on stream just to joke around while working, or like doing granny squares and letting people pick colors (tho i wanna sort my yarn better before i do that lol)
sorry i got really rambly just
know I really am happy people seem to love these silly things I make. It makes it all the more enjoyable. Like to know the things making me happy make others happy. I know there’s a jump from posting fanart and fanfic to just random bees and snakes and baskets but It’s just who I am as a person. I’m just a bun who makes things be it illustrations, paintings, writings, plushies, costumes. I love to make. Someday I hope I can leave my day job and just. make full time. but that’s in the future.
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