#but i knew my family would say something about it
loveluvrs · 16 hours
unfamiliar l lando norris x reader
request/summary – reader getting overwhelmed (in a good way) at all the care and love lando shows her, despite how she's been treated her whole life
author's notes – this is just pure fluff, ive had no motivation lately so please send requests!! 🙏
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Lando and I are at his parents’ house for dinner, and I’m helping his mum wash the dishes and clean up afterwards when I accidentally drop one of the glasses. The glass shatters everywhere, and I immediately panic. I start apologizing profusely since usually my family would get mad if I broke something. Lando froze as the glass dropped onto the floor, and he immediately processed the way I was apologizing out of habit. He wrapped his arms around me to calm me down, speaking to me softly, “hey, hey, hey… its alright, baby… are you okay?”
“Yeah but I dropped the glass and it fell everywhere and now you’re gonna have to clean it up and-“ I begin to ramble on nervously. He squeezed his arms around me lovingly to cut me off. “I know, my love, I know. I heard when you dropped it, but are you alright? Did you get cut anywhere by the broken glass?”
I stopped as I lifted my head up to look at him. “…You’re not mad?” I asked quietly. “No, of course not… it was an accident. The important thing is that you’re okay, and you’re not hurt,” he says softly as his hand rubs my back lovingly in the hug. I frown, my heart aching from the care and consideration he was showing towards me. “I’m alright,” I mumble. 
The frown on your face made Lando’s heart drop for a second. He knew you never had a great relationship with your parents, but it was only at this moment that he realized you weren’t at all used to the love he was giving you. He didn’t like the thought of someone ever getting upset at his girl for a small accident like dropping a glass, and he knew of course that she wouldn’t have said anything back. He sighs. “As long as you’re okay, baby, that’s what matters…” he says softly. 
“I did get just a small cut, though,” I say quietly as I turn over my hand to Lando. He instinctively ran his finger over the cut, figuring out how bad it was. It was a small cut, but he couldn’t help but worry. “Doesn’t look too bad… does it hurt much?” He asks with concern lacing his voice in each word. I shake my head no as I say, “just stings a tiny bit,” trying to downplay the injury. 
Lando brought me upstairs, sitting me down on the bed in his childhood room. He washed off the cut and wrapped a bandage around it, tending to me with extreme care the whole time. 
“How come you’re not mad?” I asked curiously. He smiles softly as he looks up at me, speaking in a soft and gentle tone to not worry me. “I’m not mad because it doesn’t make sense for me being mad. It was an accident. You shouldn’t be yelled at for accidentally dropping a glass. I was just worried if you were hurt or not, that’s the only thing I care about.”
I frown as I feel his words pull at my heartstrings. “I love you, thank you for treating me like this,” I say softly. I look down at him, still kneeling in front of me with my hand in his. “I love you too, baby, and I’m always going to treat you like this. I’d gladly rather take some pain from you, just to make sure you’re safe and happy. It’s really just not worth it getting mad over something like this, especially not getting mad at you,” he says with the utmost gentleness. 
“It’s just so…. different to what I’m used to. I never know how to act when you give me all this love, Lan,” I say as I interlock our fingers. He gives a sympathetic smile. He hates how you were trying to process the amount of love he was giving you. He knew you had always been so used to people giving you a hard time over minor things, so much so that being shown love was so foreign to you. His heart aches as he thinks about how hero desperately wants to change all of that and love you in every way possible. “I know, my love. Just try your best, because I’m going to keep giving you a whole bunch of love,” he teases. 
I sniffled as my eyes became glossy with tears. “I’m- I’m sorry. I just- I love you so much,” I muttered as I tried to hold back my tears. Lando immediately wiped away my tears with the pad of his thumb, his touch gentle and as light as a feather. He lets out a sigh. “I love you too. So much. And don’t ever apologize to me for showing your emotion, hmm?” He says as he brushes a hand through my hair. 
I sniffle once more, the sobs forming at the back of my throat. “I just- you show me how you care about me so much. and I don’t know how to react to these things. I don’t know how to show you I love and care about you just as much,” I say with a frown. 
Lando squeezes my hand. “That’s okay.. Just do whatever you’re comfortable with doing, you hear me? I know you’re not used to all of it, so all I really need is you being comfortable with me. That’s it,” he says softly as he places a kiss on the back of my hand. At his words, I hold my arms wide for a hug, as his hands wrap around my waist, my face burrowing in the crook of his neck. “I’ll help clean up the mess, I promise,” I mutter into his neck. 
Lando pulls back ever so slightly from the hug so he can see my face. “You can if you want to. But baby, why do you feel the need to do all this? I mean, yeah I want the glass cleaned up, but my mum and I can do that ourselves while you can just relax?” He asks in confusion. 
“i just- i dont know. it always feels like i need to compensate with doing work for others so that they don’t get mad at me and they still like me,” I murmur quietly. “Aaaaand see… there is the problem. You feel like you need to compensate and do work for others so that they don’t get mad and stay with you. But you don’t have to compensate for me… or my mum… the two of us would be perfectly happy with you just enjoying your time here and not dealing with the cleanup…” Lando says as he tilts my chin up ever so slightly so I look at him in the eyes. 
“But how are you gonna love me if I don’t do things for you guys?” I ask with a frown. 
“I love you for who you are as a person, baby. It's okay for you to do things for me for the sake of showing that you love me or whatnot... but you don't need to do extra things just to make me or my mom like you, or just to make sure I don't leave you. Does that make sense?” He says softly. I fidget with my fingers nervously at his words. 
“Babe, what's wrong...?” He asks with a small sigh. 
“It’s just all so unfamiliar…” I whisper quietly into his neck. Lando traces circles into the small of my back as he hears this, “mhm, I know it is… I’m just trying to make it less unfamiliar to you. It might take some time, but I’ll be here the whole time so you can get used to it.”
He pulled back from the hug as he held my hand again, still making sure that he was gentle. “I’m just scared it won’t ever be familiar to me,” I confess in a hushed whisper. 
Lando immediately frowned at my words, as he felt his heart ache a little, “hey, don’t be scared of that… because I’m going to take care of you the whole time, yeah? I’m gonna make sure that it eventually will be familiar for you. That it’ll be normal for you.” He rubs his thumb over my hand, looking at me with loving eyes. “You’ll get used to this… to being treated this way… to the love… I promise.”
I nod. “Thank you for taking care of me,” I say every so softly. “No need to thank me, just the bare minimum for my girl, hmm?” He says as he pulls me in for a short kiss. And just for that one moment, he needed me to feel like there was nothing wrong with all the love he was giving me, that there was nothing else I ever deserved in the whole world. 
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silken-moonlight · 11 hours
Adult Entertainment Werewolf BF
A/N: Something I thought about while doing....adult stuff
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You immediately recognized him when he stepped into your workplace. You had consumed the free content of his Page over and over again. Sometimes he added some new stuff and you drank that up. This man was one of the most succesful adult stars. You followed him on every social Media and gods this man was a god in flesh. He was so tall, his shoulders broad, eyes that were as green as pine trees and a jawline that could cut glass.
So having him now standing infront of you, buying a coffee and a Croissant was so....surreal. You quickly realized that you stared at him and blushed deeply.
"That will be 7.85$ today." You said with a kind voice, you almost couldn't meet his eyes. He looked at you, smiled kindly as je handed you the money. You gave him the change. "There you go, have a wonderful day." You said and blushed. You couldn't look at him for long, since you absolutly knew how he looked naked. You tried to get a hold of yourself, this man was not a sex object just because its his job.
"Thank you sweetheart. Hope you have a loveley day too." He said with a silky smooth voice and winked at you.
Fuck, you felt yourself getting wet.
- 2 days later -
Once again, he stepped into your workplace and greeted you when he saw you. You smiled and waved at him. He bought himself an iced coffee and a bagel today. Walking over to you at the register, he asked, "Hi, is that all for today?" You were glad that you could speak to him normally, despite your blush.
"Yes, it is," he said with a smile. "Could it be that you recognize me?" he asks. You look up at him, about to say that you thought about following his page... "It's me, Alex's cousin." You look at him for a second and just then recognize him. You met him a couple of times before at your ex's family gatherings. But that was seven years ago. How did he remember you?
"Oh gosh, we haven't seen each other in such a long time," you said quickly. He nodded. "Yeah, around seven years now. I'm still sorry about how Alek dumped you for Jess. I still believe you were the better choice." You blushed even deeper. Your boyfriend had cheated on you, and you had been ready to forgive him...but he had dumped you anyway. Better that way, you supposed.
"Thank you. But I guess it's for the better. How's Alek?" You ask instead. "He's getting married to Jess this week, that's why I am back in the area." You looked surprised: "Oh really? I thought they annulled the engagement?" He nodded: "They did, three times, but the wedding is planned and set." You listened to him. He suddenly grinned at you: "Can you be my plus one? It would be hilarious and I still don't have somebody to accompany me." You looked absolutely surprised up at him.
"When is the wedding?" you ask, actually amused by the idea. "This weekend. I would pay for a dress," he says, leaning on the counter and taking a sip from his iced coffee. "Oh, you don't have to! And I'm coming with you. Let me get my number," you say, trying to stop your racing heart and ignore yourwet panties. It didn't help that you had a slight crush on him 7 years ago and that he was your favourite porn Star. Fate played with you.
"Cool," he said while getting out his own phone. He typed in his number. "Oh, and by the way, I'm an adult solo film star. I hope you don't mind? My family is all stressed about it." He said it so casually that he sounded like he was talking about the weather. You reminded yourself: it was a normal job, just like any other.
"I know." You said a little too quickly. He raises an eyebrow. "You do? Oh, you're naughty..." he teases and leans over. "And? How do you like my content?" He asks with a wider grin. You blush again. "I...I...its really good..." you say and look away. He chuckled:"Cool, I'm glad you're not disgusted or something like that." He seemed genuine; he was so sweet. "It's absolutely fine for me. I mean, it's a job, like a barista, but with your knot out." You immediately silenced yourself when you said that. He laughed and couldn't contain himself. "I love that! Oh my god, I have to do a roleplay video like that. Can I borrow your barista apron?" He joked and began to laugh again.
You blushed but had to giggle too. "I have a similar video; it was the delivery boy video. Did you see that?" You shake your head. "Um...I only watch your free content." You say, a little shy. He looked at you wide-eyed and grabbed his shirt. "Oh no! My poor heart. I am so hurt...I'll text you later, and you can give me your account name, and I'll give you free access." Your lips parted; you wanted to say something, but nothing came out but, "...thanks."
He had to leave after that and you couldn't wait for the evening.
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Divider credit: @thecutestgrotto
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Aita for making my partner feel bad about sex?
NSFW Warning for this one, tl;dr at bottom. Sent in May 26th, 2024, goat to locate later
I (23FtM) have been with my partner “Jake” (25M) for about seven months now. We met at work, were friends for a while, and decided to start dating after we realized we had feelings for each other
Please let me say that Jake is a good boyfriend. He takes me out, we share big purchases, our families get along, and he’s always been super supportive of me in the ways he can be. I would also like to say that I haven’t medically transitioned yet and very much do NOT pass as a man. Despite this, he’s never misgendered me and he’s always been really good about making me feel masculine.
So not long into our relationship, I disclosed to him that I have vaginismus (or whatever it’s called), and it means that I can’t really be on the receiving end of penetrative sex until I do some muscle therapy for my downstairs. Like it hurts when I try to insert anything into myself, always has since I was younger. No tampons, no fingers, especially no penises. Jake said this was fine and that he had confidence in his ability to make me feel good in other ways
Well… it’s been six months and I’ve never actually finished. He bought me a little rose toy to use, but he never grabs it while we’re intimate and when he does try to use it, he fumbles with it and decides not to use it and that me doing oral on him would just be easier. I can understand that for a quickie, we won’t have time to find what buttons to push that’ll make me finish, but most of the time we’re home alone, my roommates are out, and we’ve got all night.
And before anyone says anything: I have brought this up before. First time was what led him to buying the toy. It’s a good toy, I guess, but it does what my fingers would already do and he never takes the time to learn how to use it properly without hurting me. Second time I brought it up, he got really apologetic and asked me to use the toy while he touched himself next to me. I think that was the first time I finished in proximity to his body in our entire relationship. It didn’t feel good. Several friends pushed me to talk to him again, so I did.
I went to his place, Jake lives with his mom still, and I was trying to find a good place to talk to him, but he kept talking about work or his sisters or would turn on an anime that he knew I liked. The day ended with me giving him oral and then me going home. It almost seemed like he was going to reciprocate, but he hesitated and rolled off me. It really hurt my feelings, but I chickened out of telling him since he looked so happy to spend time with me.
Yesterday, he came over and I was finally able to squeeze in a joke about him being a “pillow princess” and his reaction was to get worked up and initiate sex to “prove” he wasn’t. It went the same as every other time - oral - him receiving, fumbling with toy, and then giving up. But he was smiling like he had done something revolutionary in our relationship and I just. Stared at him. He asked me what was wrong and I said hadn’t finished. He had a sad face now and said that there really wasn’t “much I can do while you’re, you know” while gesturing to my genitals.
I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to be the boyfriend who started crying over every little thing, so I just agreed with him and we cuddled until I drove him home. Before meeting Jake, sex was never a large part of any of my relationships. Half because I’m on the asexual spectrum, half because of my condition, so this would be my first serious sexual relationship. I love Jake, I love him so much, he was there for my when my mom passed away last year, and he was there for my college graduation.
On the drive back, he was really quiet so I asked him if he was alright. He said he was really hurt by my pillow Princess comment and asked me if I could take it back, that it made him feel like a bad boyfriend. I apologized for him feeling bad, but I didn’t outright take back what I said. He got out of my car still sad and I returned home feeling like k was gonna throw up.
So now I’m writing this to see if I fucked up. Maybe I should have been more assertive with my needs, maybe I should be more compromising so that everyone feels good. Idk.
TL;DR: I called my boyfriend a pillow Princess because he’s never made me finish during sex while I’m always serving him. He got upset and said I was calling him a bad boyfriend. Aita?
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princessfbi · 8 hours
bucktommy + “come here”
"Come here."
No matter how many times Tommy did it, Buck didn't think he'd ever get used to the slight thrill that rushed through him when Tommy's fingers tucked under his chin and lifted his head.
He just wished it was under different circumstances. The wide worry in the cobalt blue that Buck could've sworn were one eyelash bat away from sweeping him up like a hurricane turned icy and hard in an instant. Fury rippled through Tommy's expression as his movements turned stilted and uncompromising, shifting Buck's chin further up and to the side so he could get a better view of the bruises. The same bruises he'd been hoping to put off from showing his boyfriend for as long as possible.
But after three months of going slow before becoming official, there wasn't much Buck could hide from his boyfriend these days.
It was usually something he loved. Tommy made him feel seen in a way he didn't know he wanted to be seen until one night in his kitchen during quiet confessions and a similar instance of Tommy's fingers tucked under his chin.
Tommy wasn't kissing him then though. In fact, besides the firm weight of his fingers, he looked almost... devastated. Resigned.
"He did this to you?" It was a question even if Tommy didn't say it like it was. Buck pulled away from the prop of Tommy's fingers and ducked his chin down as he cut his eyes to the floor.
"It's not a big deal." He tried to step back so the lie wouldn't land on Tommy and stain him too. But Tommy's hands, his big beautiful hands, curled over his waist and pulled him back to him.
"Evan!" Tommy's eyes flashed with something Buck couldn't quite catch but that was probably because he was still too busy being starstruck by the way Tommy said his name.
He loved how Tommy said his name. Like it mattered. Like it was important. The only other people who ever managed to handle the weight of his name without the normal strain had been Maddie and Eddie and they had witnessed to all the ways life had added more pressure to the load.
Tommy said his name like it was effortless.
Still, Tommy sounded upset and that was the last thing he wanted to do so he shook his head and met his gaze again.
"It's really nothing. I should've been watching where the hose line was."
Tommy's brow arched and Buck could see he didn't believe him. "The hose line? Seriously?"
Buck leaned into Tommy's hold and settled his hands on his chest, rubbing up and down so Tommy knew that Buck was fine. Really. He was fine.
"I clipped my face on an open compartment door. Hen checked me out. Nothing's broken. I promise that I'm fine. It's just a little bruise. It's nothing I can't handle."
Anger flared in Tommy's expression again as his jaw ticked. "You shouldn't have to."
And no, he shouldn't. Buck should have been coming home from a shift where his muscles were sore but his heart and stomach were full from another shift in the greatest job he'd ever had where Bobby was his captain and they had family dinners that didn't feel like hostage situations.
But everything would get fixed. Bobby would figure how to get back to his team and they would be waiting for him. He had to believe that.
Buck thought about pretending like he didn't see exactly what had taken root in Tommy's worry. But Tommy wasn't the only one who could see things other's couldn't.
"Baby," Buck said as he cupped his cheek. "You got out."
"He's doing this to you because of me." Tommy bit out.
"He's doing this because we aren't scared of him." Buck corrected. "None of us are."
They'd all been practically daring Gerrard to suspend them. Hen had been the first to point out how it wouldn't be so easy to get rid of them now that the chief had made a media frenzy of their crew. Gerrard may have been in charge but they didn't bend like they used to under the sharp oppression of his command. They clashed into a bruising, straining stalemate that didn't have an end date anytime soon.
But the team would hold. It's what Bobby would've wanted.
That didn't mean Gerrard didn't make their life a living hell.
Tommy frowned as he let out a long breath from his nose, his hands coming up to circle Buck's wrists so he could kiss the bolt of his palms.
"Ice," Tommy said decisively. "You need ice so I can kiss you properly."
Buck grinned despite the pain that pulsed along his cheek where he was sure the purpling bruise looked worse than it was.
Gerrard could say or do whatever he wanted to Buck. It wouldn't change the fact that, at the end of the day, Buck had Tommy to come home to and could kiss wherever he wanted. And Buck would do whatever it took to keep Tommy away from the dark cloud that was his former boss. The same boss who made him so afraid to be seen that he'd hid for years.
Buck would take a million bruises to the face before he ever let that happen.
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accio-victuuri · 3 days
May CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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there is bonus content included here that i haven’t talked about separately in this blog so please enjoy!
• same apple headphones 🎧
• 5/6 zsww rumor
• genki forest ad silhouette similarities, and then it was replaced lol and sadly, they had to apologize.
• more examples of brands using the cp tactic ( allegedly lol )
• same city @ beijing 5/12/2024 but didn’t last long cause wyb had to fly to shanghai for the olympic qualifiers.
• jamy wee jeans
• fake story of wyb giving gifts to the ADLAD team and him visiting the crew which led to more people sharing some of their own szd stories that i didn’t add on the main post so i’m adding here instead. i think this started some conversation on what people heard irl about the two & how those who don’t really follow this pairing have encountered them. whether that means they are in a romantic relationship or not, we don’t know. these are all fake!!!! 💀💀💀
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Let me tell you a story. A friend of mine told me that one of her college classmates participated in a hip-hop dance competition (SDC). Although she didn’t get a particularly impressive ranking, she was one of the top 100. Then she saw Xiao Zhan, and everyone knew that they were in a relationship, so they didn’t hesitate to visit him on set. What I said is just a rough estimate. I don’t have a membership so I can’t send pictures. I can swear that what I said is true, not a single word is fake, unless my friend lied to me, but I believe in my friend’s character
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I'd also like to contribute a relatively old story, although many people should know it hahaha, that is, the two of them share resources. Someone around my friend is a staff member, and has read the confidentiality agreement of Zan Studio, which seems to say that there can be no conflict of interest with Bo, and to satisfy Bo to the greatest extent. Because Zan has a studio, resources are more free, and if there is something suitable for Bo, he will contact him directly. ( this was in 2020 )
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Then I will also share my own experience. I participated in a New Year's Eve party. The lady sitting next to me is from the industry. She is not familiar with Bo Xiao, but the artist she knows has a good relationship with Xiao Xiao. The artist told her that Xiao had a boyfriend in the CQL crew. The artist told Xiao not to date him. Xiao Zhan said firmly, "I will not break up with my boyfriend."
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I'll tell you one, my friend's sister is Jixiangkong's assistant, her sister doesn't like xx, um, she's a wyb fan, my friend knows I'm a fan and told me that her sister took a photo with wyb, I asked her indirectly to find out, she said her sister refused to tell, it was around 2019, she suddenly told me that her sister was a little bit abnormal, one day she said for no reason that wyb has turned gay.
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My friend is a director of a certain Spring Festival Gala, and his family also works in this field. He has some connections. He used to think I was a fan of him and told me not to be a fan because he likes men. (To prevent screenshots, I can't say whether he is older or younger)
I'll also contribute one. My friend's dance teacher has been with the CQL crew, and after knowing that my friend likes Xiao Xiao, she told my friend that they were dating in CQL. My friend was almost broken. (She wf) ( wf means weifen = solo fan )
• a more comprehensive post about the airpods max cpn 🎧
• 5/14/24 xz’s selfie candies and i forgot to add another bit here, particularly the view from the window— it’s the backdrop for yibo’s chanel magazine cover. i would imagine it’s a popular scenic view but i’m just putting it out there 📷
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then after the selfies, xzs released a short video of that day when it was taken. people did cpn of course but i’m just adding those here. so what we noticed is the two birds at the start, lovebirds? and then panning to xz who some say hid his phone or was looking at it then took it away because the camera was on him.
then a very galaxy brain one, and a total coincidence — outside the car, a police car passed by and people are like omg fpu ( formed police unit ) lol. but like if you watch that part, it was a perfect shot.
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then some fans noticed similarities with the shots from wyb’s b&w photography 📷
• this next one is not really a cpn but more of me being proud of them and the works they produced. their popularity/traffic is important & definitely has helped them get projects, but we know that they give it their all when it becomes to being actors. the photos below are of the chinese films booth in cannes with both their movies and then the May schedule of their dramas’ reruns in satellite tv networks.
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who would have known, they were once these two newbies who wanted to become actors and here we are — both of them have a solid body of work. 🤍
• clowning related to xz’s legend of zanghai poster
• 5/15 candies that revolves around wyb’s performance for the olympics opening. most especially his green + pink shoes 💕
• evisu x palace shirt that sneakily has their names on it
• 5/16 LRLG post and interpretations and then add-on speculation of relating this to the milan vlog and what some shots could mean
• their tissue endorsements matching so well. 💙♥️ and representing their cql character colors too!
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• 5/20/24 zsww fake rumor - new clothes for jianguo, bickering and eating spicy food
• numbers playing for 520. 9785 and 828
• palace x wedgwood collab 🍓
• cpfs having discussions and comparisons to yy’s scandal to prove that bjyxszd
• 5/23/2024 fake rumor house
• XZ’s look for an endorsement Ad ( Liushen ). the whole fit and even the brand used screams WYB! 😂
• rumor compilation from 给博肖加点小料bot. from the past dates 2/24, 3/3, 3/26, 4/3, 4/29, 5/21 and 5/29.
• xz buying mcdo toys 🍔
• in the li-ning video released 5/31 xz was asked if he plays badminton and what he does during off times and the first thing he said is talk to his friend(s). who is that friend? is this the friend from the crew? 😜 no seriously. then after that he mentioned playing badminton, running and keeping fit. but the fact that he said talking to his friend? wow.
• the pink wedding theme potential from xz’s evelom outfit 💕💕🌸🌸
<<< previous month
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doeeyeseddie · 14 hours
Hello Pia, my darling, as promised here's 4 prompts for you to choose from as little or as many as you want: 1 (constant physical touch to feel safe -yes I am that predictable), 17 (holding hands when sitting next to each other -again, no comment please 😂), 29 (doing something silly to cheer them up) and/or 38 (craving their company after a stressful day).
Love you, mwah 💕
manon my love, thank you!! i tried to fit all four prompts in here, i hope you enjoy it 💕 (sorry i let a hamster die in here for dramatic purposes only)
[read on ao3]
“Come home with me?” Eddie asked, brushing a hand through Buck’s hair where he was sitting slumped on the bench in the locker room. 
Buck nodded under his hand, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes for a moment. “If that’s okay.”
“I asked you, Buck,” Eddie said gently. “I want you there with me.”
Buck blinked up at him, a half smile building on his face. “Okay.”
Eddie drove them home – they could get Buck’s jeep tomorrow, or maybe he’d want to stay at Eddie’s until their next shift, which would be more than fine with Eddie – and kept sneaking looks at Buck.
It had been a stressful shift, call after call with barely any downtime, and Buck had taken one of the calls hard, harder than the rest of them. They’d rescued a family from their burning home, all of them making it out with nothing worse than smoke inhalation – except for the daughter’s hamster.
Later, the mother had explained to them that he’d been old, slow, mostly blind, and probably hadn’t ever noticed that anything was wrong. But in the moment, there had only been a little girl, crying and screaming for her pet, and Buck hadn’t even hesitated to run back inside.
The look on his face when he’d come back out with the motionless rodent cradled in his hand and the little girl's cries had broken Eddie’s heart, and he knew that it had stayed on Buck’s mind for the rest of the shift.
In the grand scheme of things, it was a lot less tragic than many of the other calls they responded to on the daily, but Eddie knew that it wasn’t always that simple.
“You okay?” he asked, pulling to a stop at a red light and nudging Buck’s thigh with his knuckles. “You’re quiet.”
“I keep hearing her cry,” Buck said, a far away look in his eyes. “Maybe if I’d–”
“You did what you could,” Eddie interrupted him. “Buck. There was nothing any of us could have done. It was sad, but we saved that family, they’ll be okay.”
“I know,” Buck mumbled.
The light turned green and Eddie turned his main focus back to the road ahead of them. From the corner of his eye, he could see Buck fidgeting with his hands, pulling on a hangnail, and reached over to take his hand and pull it away. He just kept holding on, slotting their fingers together and driving one-handed. If the way Buck’s shoulders loosened and he stopped fidgeting was anything to go by, he didn’t mind.
“I guess I’m just sad,” Buck said quietly, his head leaning against the headrest but turned towards Eddie. “A– a little bit guilty, too, even though in my head I know that I didn’t do anything wrong. I just really wanted to find that hamster alive.”
“I know you did.” Eddie squeezed his hand. “One of my sister’s friends had, like, five hamsters in a row when we were kids. They never got very old. Not that that makes this okay, just– it’s not the end of the world, even for that little girl. Even if she probably felt like it today.”
Buck sighed. “Yeah. I’m just being dramatic.”
“You’re not being dramatic,” Eddie admonished him gently. “You care, you care really deeply, and I love that about you.”
Buck tightened his grip on his hand, and when Eddie glanced over at him, his eyes were big and shining. “I really love you, you know that?”
“I really love you, too,” Eddie said, trying to tamp down the undoubtedly goofy smile trying to spread across his face. It still thrilled him, hearing it, saying it, even weeks after the first time.
He pulled Buck’s hand towards him to press a kiss to his knuckles, then dropped his hand so he could pull into his street and then his driveway.
Once he’d parked, they both got out of the truck, but Buck waited for him by the hood, hand outstretched. Eddie took it and stepped close enough to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Come on, let’s go in,” he said, tugging Buck gently along with him to the front door. “Do you want to sleep immediately?”
“Soon,” Buck said, and he wasn’t letting go of Eddie’s hand, so Eddie did his best to unlock the door one-handed. “But I don’t think I’m ready to sleep yet.”
Eddie figured, because he could tell that Buck was still feeling a little down, and he knew that Buck preferred going to sleep after some distraction.
“So I don’t cry myself to sleep,” he’d told Eddie years ago, and it had been a joke, but Eddie knew that there was some truth in it.
So he was going to provide the distraction.
Buck was already in the clingy stage of tired, so it was easy to herd him into the kitchen, where Eddie made them both a cup of sleepytime tea, then turned the radio on at a low volume, all while Buck was staying close to him, their shoulders brushing with every movement.
The outro of a song he didn’t know was playing, but he immediately recognized the next song as it started, and smiled to himself.
“Hey,” he murmured, nudging Buck’s hand with his. “Dance with me?”
Buck tilted his head at him, adorably confused. “Now?”
“Yeah, why not?” Eddie asked, wrapping an arm around his middle and pulling him close.
The corner of Buck’s mouth tilted up in a small smile and he placed one hand in Eddie’s, turning Eddie’s hold into a traditional dancing pose. “Sure, I’ll dance with you.”
Eddie grinned and spun them away from the counter slowly, humming along to the song as they started swaying in the low kitchen light.
The song wasn’t a waltz but that was fine, because Eddie wasn’t even sure they could waltz if they wanted to, and he was happy enough to just hold Buck in his arms and turn in slow circles.
“Like a river flows, surely to the sea,” Elvis crooned, “Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be.”
“You are such a sap,” Buck murmured, but his eyes were sparkling.
“Take my hand, take my whole life too,” Eddie sang along in a low voice, “for I can’t help falling in love with you.”
Buck pressed his face into Eddie’s neck and Eddie could feel his smile against the skin there, followed by a soft kiss.
They swayed until the song faded into a new one, and Buck snorted against Eddie’s neck before lifting his head. Earth, Wind & Fire asked them if they remembered the 21st night of September, and Buck and Eddie grinned at each other.
“Which station is this? Is it oldies day?”
Eddie laughed and loosened his hold so he could lead Buck into a spin. Since neither of them had any idea what they were doing, their arms tangled above Buck’s head, and Buck snorted again, letting it turn into a laugh this time.
“Wait, let’s try that again,” Eddie said, dropping his hands and holding them out for Buck to take. “How does this look so easy when other people do it?”
Buck was still giggling and took both of Eddie’s hands this time, lifting them in the air and trying to turn, with the same result as the first time.
“Oh, I give up,” he said, dropping their joined hands. “Maybe Bobby can show us.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said and tugged him closer again. Buck’s entire body had relaxed, and there was still a smile in the corner of his mouth and the crinkles by his eyes. He brushed the tip of his nose against Buck’s. “But for now – tea and then bed?”
Buck slung both of his arms around his neck and stepped close enough his toes met Eddie’s on the kitchen floor. His nose nudged back. “Don’t think I don’t know what you were doing.”
Eddie grinned and pushed one hand under Buck’s shirt at his back. “Did it work?”
“You know it did.” His lips were featherlight against Eddie’s, barely a kiss, curved up in a smile.
“Good,” Eddie said, muffled against his mouth, and pressed even closer.
They could reheat their tea later.
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bloatedandalone04 · 3 days
Chasing Cars
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➪the one where bradley risks his life to prove a point to mav, and you call him out on it as soon as he gets back to base, then later at home.
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, swearing, arguing, mentions of death, mentions of crashing, both you and bradley are aviators, mentions of bradley being willing to crash just to get back at mav, family issues ig
Word Count: 3.4k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | New theme bc I hate looking for pictures that fit
“What the hell was that?” You asked as soon as Bradley walked back to base from the tarmac.
“Nothing,” he muttered as he walked past you, probably wanting to go to the locker room and forget about what he just did. What he just risked.  
But you weren’t having it. “Hey,” you quickly caught up to him and grabbed his arm. “Talk to me.”
Bradley stopped walking abruptly and turned to you. “What?” 
Your brows furrowed and you took a protective step back, not used to hearing him sound so cold and hostile towards you. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you, so the step back wasn’t because of that - it was more so to give him the space he clearly needs right now.
“Huh?” He grunted as he stepped into your personal space again at your lack of response. “What?”
You huff and cross your arms over your flight suit that matched his, not backing down this time like you normally would to keep the peace. He did something reckless, and there was no way you were going to let him think that what he did with Mav in the air was okay. “You could’ve died,” you say, eerily calm as you stared up at him. 
Bradley glared at you, clearly not liking the confrontation he’s found himself stuck in. “Spare me the lecture, baby, alright? I’ve been doing this for years, I know what I’m doing when I’m in the air,” he placed his hands on his hips, his tone still as stubborn as ever. “I know how to handle myself and pull myself back.”
“I know you do, Bradley,” you trailed off, feeling your words beginning to get caught in your throat. Less than ten minutes ago you were holding onto Bob’s shoulder tightly as you heard and watched Bradley and Pete nearly plummet to the ground, and the adrenaline was quickly wearing off and being replaced with fear and anguish. “But flying angry is not the smartest thing you can do.”
You watched as a flicker of realization flashed in his eyes, your use of his real name rather than a cute pet name you usually call him by letting him know that you were completely serious right now. “Not the smartest thing I could do? Is that your nice way of calling me stupid?”
“I’m not calling you stupid,” you correct him, looking at him with a sense of pleading in your eyes. “What you did was stupid.”
Bradley crossed his arms, “Is that supposed to make me less pissed off?”
“I’m not trying to piss you off,” you say tiredly, dropping your arms back to your sides. “I’m worried about you.”
A small scoff leaves his lips as he looks around the tarmac that was clearing out as the minutes went by. “Worried? It’s my job to fly jets,” he muttered. “Things like this can happen every time I go up there.”
You shake your head. “But it’s not your job to pull stunts like the one you did today,”
The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over his stupidly pretty features, and if you weren’t so riled up right now, you would’ve definitely made a comment on it. “It wasn’t a stunt,” he mumbled. “You need to lighten up, I’m fine.”
Your eyes well up with tears and you quickly look down at the concrete of the tarmac. “You nearly crashed,” 
Bradley huffed, looking around as if any of the few aviators left could save him from this situation. “But I landed safely,” 
“But you almost didn’t!” You finally break, looking up at him through blurred vision. You could see his hard gaze soften and his brows drop a bit as he kept his eyes locked on yours. “You almost died.”
He sighed, guilt written all over his face as he moved closer to you. “I know,” he finally admitted, reaching out to place his hand on your hip. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
You press your lips together as you give him a look that told him all he needed to know without you actually saying it. 
Bradley wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against his chest, his rough flight suit against your own making it not the most comfortable embrace you’ve shared with him. “I’m okay,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. Your usually neat bun is messy from the way you tugged on it earlier from the panic you felt, and you were sure Bob’s shoulder will have a bruise on it. “I promise.”
“Are you?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you pressed your face against his chest. 
He paused as if he was trying to find the right words to say that would give you comfort. “I am,” he confirmed, stroking the side of your neck with his thumb. “I just get so pissed off around Mav sometimes. That’s not an excuse, though.”
You shake your head and pull away to look up at him, finding comfort in the way he softly wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Let me ask you something,”
“Okay,” he sounded a bit unsure as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Anything.” 
You brace your hands on his shoulders as you ask, “If I pulled something like you did today...If I almost died because I wanted to prove something, how would that make you feel?”
Bradley’s eyes darkened a bit and his brows furrowed further as he took in your words. “I’d be really fucking mad at you,” he answered and your frown softened as you watched the way he processed your question further. “I’d be pissed that you risked your life for no reason.”
You give him a half shrug and a forced smile. “That’s exactly how you made me feel today,” 
Bradley sighed and his shoulders visibly dropped as guilt spread across his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, stroking your jaw with his thumbs. “I know I need to be more careful, and you’re right. It was stupid to let my ego take over. I’m sorry.”
Your lip trembled a bit and you looked down at his boots, the tears finally spilling over. “You can’t do things like that to me,” your voice broke as you tighten your grasp on his suit. 
He gently lifts your head and looks you right in the eyes, and you could see the adoration and guilt swimming in his. “I know, I’m sorry,” he said again, much quieter this time. “I promise it will never happen again.” Bradley leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and you could feel the way your tears continued to fall on both yours and his face now. 
You kiss him back and practically melt into him, the anger and frustration slipping away as the need to have him close takes over. 
Bradley holds you tight, his hands grabbing hold of your waist as he pressed you impossibly close to him. “I love you so much,” he whispered when he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve never done what I did. It was selfish and reckless, and I promise I’ll do better.” 
You nod and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “You need to…because you scared me today,”
He nods. “I know, and I will, I promise, baby,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “I love you.”
Pulling away slightly, your tears had stopped but your face was still damp. “I love you,” 
Bradley gave you a smile before stepping away and gesturing to his bag. “I’m going to go put this away, then I’m taking you home,” 
“Okay,” You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as you wiped at your eyes. “I’ll be in the parking lot.”
He nodded and took his keys out of his bag, handing them to you. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he promised and you smiled before turning away from him and making your way to the parking lot. 
Words couldn’t describe how angry Bradley was at himself. 
Now that the high of being in the air and going head to head with Mav had worn off, he could clearly see why you were so upset and mad at him. He hadn’t thought about anyone or anything as he forced himself to drop closer and closer to the ground until Maverick was left with no choice but to pull up first. 
Thinking about it now, Bradley was too into his own head at the time, he was sure that there was no way he was going to be the one to do that, and that would’ve ended in his death. He would’ve left his best friend behind, his mutilated body, Mav, you. 
When you asked him how he would feel if you had gone and done something like that, he could physically feel his heart shift in his chest at the thought of losing you in that way. He’d be more than mad at you, he’d be on the verge of never letting you out of his sight again. You are both aviators, you both knew the risks of flying and missions. Why had he put himself in that situation during training? When it really didn’t even matter?
He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and the thought of burning in and leaving you behind was one he hated to think about. The thought of you leaving his life in that way? He was almost prepared to beg you to quit right then and there. 
But you loved your job, like he loved his, and the risks that came with it were high enough as it is. He didn’t need to add to that list. 
He shoved his flight bag and helmet into his locker before leaving the base without saying another word to anyone else. He knew Nat would have her go at him tomorrow when he returned for another day of training, and he would let her. Because he knew he fucked up. He knew he was selfish. 
Bradley walked through the doors and quickened his pace when he saw you leaning against the passenger side door of the Bronco. “Hey,” he greeted, despite seeing you less than five minutes ago. “Why aren’t you in yet?”
You shrugged with your arms crossed, and he knew you were still upset, even if you were trying your best to hide it. “I just needed to be on solid ground for a little longer,”
In the midst of all that happened, he forgot that you were also an option to be picked to fly the upcoming mission. You also had gone up against Mav today, and you took your loss maturely, unlike how Bradley did. You were taking it seriously, because you needed to, and so did he. 
Bradley felt more guilt creep into his body as he reached out and ran his knuckles along your jaw. “I’m sorry,” he said for the sixth time, and he was sure he would keep saying it for as long as he needed to. 
Because you are the one. You’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, in the exact way he had been spending the last three years. 
You give him a small but beautiful smile as you lean into his touch. “I know,” 
Bradley reached around you to open the passenger side door, and your smile grew as you climbed in. He braced his hand on the top of the door as he leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to your cheek, watching as you tried to fight off a grin when he pulled away. “I’ll make it up to you,”
You smiled at him and he closed the door before rounding the front of the Bronco and getting in on the driver’s side, taking the keys from you when you held them out to him. “You don’t have to,” you tell him quietly as he puts the key into the ignition. “I already forgave you.”
Bradley grinned over at you and took your hand in his as he began the drive that would take him back to the house he’s shared with you for the last two years. “You know, I don’t know what I did to ever deserve you. I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he rasped, lacing his fingers with you. “You’re so smart and strong and so fucking gorgeous, every other woman in the world doesn’t stand a chance.”
He glanced over and watched as a blush took over your face and you slumped back in your seat. “Quit trying to make it up to me,” you mumbled and he laughed. “I’m the lucky one. I love everything about you. You’re my entire world….which is why I can’t lose you.”
He knew what you meant; you couldn’t lose him like that - in a way that is so easily preventable. You were well aware of the fact that you could lose each other on missions and deployments, so you both tried to not increase those chances during your work days. 
Bradley gripped your hand tightly as he looked over at you, his expression one of regret at making you so upset today. “You won’t,” he said, though you both knew he couldn’t promise that. Neither of you could. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
You lean against the seat and gaze at him in a way that has him driving a little faster to get home quicker. “I love you,” 
He raises your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “I love you, too,”
When he pulled into the driveway as the sky was getting darker, he kept his hand in yours as he looked over at you. He could tell that you were still shaken up but a lot calmer than before, so he traced random shapes onto the back of your hand as you sat in silence. 
“Do you wanna head inside now?” He asked after a while and you shook your head, lifting your joined hands and pressing the back of his against your cheek. 
“No, I don’t want to let go of you right now,” you answered and he felt his heart swoon in his chest. 
Bradley smiled over at you and unbuckled his seatbelt, shifting so his seat was pushed back a bit. You understood what he was doing without him even telling you as you unbuckled your own seatbelt and crawled over the center console and into his lap. 
His hands settle on your waist as you press your body against his, a content hum slipping past your lips. “Is this better?” He teased, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he held you closer to him. Truthfully, he wasn’t any better than you; he needed to hold you like this as much as you needed to be held. 
“A little,” you hummed, nuzzling your nose against the side of his neck where his scars are. “I just need to be close to you right now.”
Bradley pressed countless kisses to your face and jaw as you settled against him. “I need it, too,” he confessed, his words muffled against your skin. 
He loved holding you like this and having you in his arms. He loved you; how could he possibly risk losing it just to get back at his dad’s best friend?
You wordlessly lift your head and cling onto the front of his flight suit, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you give a slow roll of your hips. 
Bradley bit back a moan as his hold on your waist tightened a bit, his eyes widening. “Baby-”
“How close do you need to be?” You asked in a sultry voice that had him growing hard almost instantly. 
He lifted his head from where it ended up against your shoulder and looked at you, seeing how your eyes shifted from longing to a more intense emotion. “As close as possible,” he managed to say in a deep voice before pressing his lips to yours. 
You kiss him back immediately, moaning against his lips as you slowly begin grinding against him. “Baby,” you echoed his affectionate pet name as you deepened the kiss. Bradley let out a breathless groan when he pulled away and buried his face against the side of your neck as you rode his lap in the driveway. “Do you like this?” You asked, knowing damn well that he does. He was still reeling from what happened today, so it didn’t take much for him to get hard for you, and it didn’t take much for him to be a whining mess because of you. 
“God, yes,” he groaned, the sound coming from the back of his throat, a deep growl. 
“Do you want me to keep doing this?” You continued with your questions, and he knew exactly where you were taking this. 
But he would always willingly give in to you. “Yes,” he nods, holding your hips tighter as you move on top of him. “Please, don’t stop…please.”
You smiled at the way you had easily made him a begging mess for you, your lips connecting with his in a surprisingly sweet kiss. “Then promise me that you will never be reckless like you were today ever again,” and there it was, the place he knew you were getting to the second you lifted your head and gave him that look. 
Bradley huffed out groans as you leaned in and kissed all up his neck, nipping at certain places as you went. “I promise, I won’t be reckless again,” he said against the skin below your ear, his hands sliding up your back as you shifted on his lap. 
“Good,” you praised and he thrusted up against you without being able to stop himself. 
He was sure his fingers were leaving bruises on the skin of your waist as he helped guide the roll of your hips. “God, you feel so good, baby,” he rasped against the smooth skin of your neck, his breathing picking up with each passing second. 
“Are you close?” You asked, a hint of teasing in your voice, but the desperation and need easily overpowered it. 
Bradley nodded quickly, actually whimpering as you ground your hips against his. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his voice low and deep and desperate for you. “You take such good care of me, baby.”
You smile and kiss him, trailing your hands through his hair and tugging on it. 
He moaned loudly, feeling his body begin to tense up at your touch.  Each roll of your hips was met with a thrust of his as he met you halfway, trying to get as close to you as he could. “Please,” he said against your lips. “Oh, fuck, please.”
You whined into his mouth, pulling away to softly demand, “Come for me, baby,”
Bradley’s head tilted back as his body stilled, his grip on you impossibly tight as he pulled your body close to his. “Fuck,” he grunted as his body shuddered slightly from the feeling of his high ripping through him. 
You tug on his hair before smoothing it out, pressing a loving kiss to his temple afterwards. “Did that feel good?” 
There was another question you knew the answer to already, but he’d never not give you it anyway. “Yeah,” he breathed out, dropping his head to look back at you. “So good.”
You firmly take his chin in your thumb and index finger. “Never scare me like how you did today, or I swear you’ll never see me again,” you said, only half serious as you brush your nose against his. 
Bradley quickly shakes his head, lifting his hands to tuck your messy strands of hair behind your ears. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I promise I won’t,” he rambled, the high he felt from you being better than anything else. “I’m sorry.” He repeats and pulls you into his arms again as he tries to regain control of his breathing. 
“Okay,” you said quietly, kissing him softly. 
“I love you,” he whispered, unable to stop the smile from forming on his lips because, at the end of the day, he had you to keep him grounded - even when he fucked up sometimes. 
You give him a final kiss before returning his smile. “I love you, too,”
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ohbabydollie · 2 days
schlatt dating a trust fund baby without him knowing or atleast the full extent of it and thinking he was the loaded one in the relationship until he meets her family (kinda like crazy rich asians type beat)
love ur stories btw 💕💕
thank you, thank you
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schlatt always assumed he was the loaded one especially with how normal you seemed about talking with your family and growing up, never once bragging about having more or anything.
he assumed his family was probably slightly wealthier, you insisted on meeting his family. when it came to yours, you changed the topic and wanted to avoid bringing it up.
he assumed you had a falling out with them, maybe based on your choice to move away from them to texas or something else.
you never let him buy you expensive gifts, even when you had the same things for years and felt bad about him doing so anyways.
he assumed money held no value to you, which was decently true, just not in the way he thought.
and when it came to him meeting your family, you insisted on him not meeting your family, well not until he said he was ready to take anything they throw at him.
begrudgingly, you sent them a message, asking for a quick family reunion. nothing fancy is what you begged for but knowing your family, they would go all out.
first class tickets paid for by your mom, schlatt thought they just wanted you both to have comfortable traveling. a nice hotel for you two to stay in paid by your grandparents as a little gift when you said you would get a hotel instead of staying at the house. your father sending a chauffeur to pick you both up in one of the nicest cars you’ve seen the day he was going to meet them.
silently you prayed it wouldn’t change anything at all, especially not the way schlatt views you.
now you started to feel guilty for not being completely honest, moving to texas for a change of pace, something simple rather than the big homes you were used to. a job that had you on your feet 24/7 to know what it’s like to actually work for your money instead of having everything served to you on a silver platter.
how you were practically born with a golden spoon in your mouth, not even gold coated, pure gold.
it made you feel bad for telling schlatt that you moved out because they offered you a full ride in college and had a job to be able to pay whenever you went out with your friends.
as you both pulled up to the lavish house he asked, “is that the venue?”
you sighed, “no…that my childhood home” you said dreadfully looking at the house, watching as your family began pouring out of the house, dressed in what they would consider to be casual.
you awkwardly smiled at them and waved, waiting for the car to stop as you first stepped out, schlatt following behind.
they quickly surrounded you, all speaking at once, telling you to go inside, the gifts they had gotten you since they last saw you, etc.
then one of your aunts piped up, “and who’s this bum?”
“um, this is my boyfriend schlatt” you said looking back at your boyfriend.
he waved to them, feeling underdressed and confused seeing at they were wearing obviously lavish and higher quality clothing than him in his shorts and sweater.
“oh my, i hope he’s from old money based on the way he looks”
“what? he looks a little poor, we can fix him up if he can’t afford it” she says walking over to him
letting out a sigh, you immediately knew how long of a weekend visit this was going to be.
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cheeeeseburger · 8 hours
It might be worth it for once
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes! This was inspired by the song Slut!, by miss Taylor Swift! Enjoy!
You had just posted a picture on Instagram of Fernando driving you took when you were in the passenger seat, on your way to date night. You thought your caption was hilarious: “shut up and drive”, quoting the song by Rihanna. An hour later though, as the hate comments poured in, it suddenly wasn’t as funny.
Leaning on the railing of the hotel room you shared with Fernando, you scrolled through endless comments calling you names, criticizing you and your relationship. Of course, the classic “gold digger” was there. Even after four years of being publicly in a relationship with Fernando, people still didn’t get it. Even though you were used to it, it still hurt.
“Mi sol,” Fernando joined you on the balcony, pulling you into a hug from behind. He noticed that you were scrolling through the comments, “Same old, huh?”
“Always. Don’t they get tired of hating me, hating us together? It must be exhausting, after four years.” You replied, sighing.
Fernando took your phone away from you and put it in his pocket. He spun you so you were now facing him, with your back against the railing.
“You cannot let them get to you, mi sol. None of what they said is true. These people don’t know anything about us or our relationship. I love you, and that’s the only thing that matters.”
He tucked a few loose strands of your hair behind your ears, trying to comfort you. He could see that the comments had made more of an impact on you than they usually did.
“I know, baby, and I love you too. It’s just that we’ve been together for a few years now, and I had expected the hate to slow down. So what you’re older? That doesn’t change anything!” You were getting frustrated.
He kissed your cheek, wanting to calm you down.
“You’re right, it doesn’t change anything. We are just a normal couple, doing things the right way. We moved together, we’re gonna get married someday, have our own family, grow old together…” He laughed a little, “Well, I’m gonna get older earlier than you, but who cares?” He shrugged it off, not noticing your eyes were as big as saucers.
“Fernando, did you just say we were going to get married someday?”
He looked confused, and almost hurt.
“What, did you not expect us to get married someday? Or do you not want to?” He asked insecurely.
You were quick to respond: “No, no, I mean, of course, I want to get married to you! I’m just surprised that you would want to marry me!”
“Mi sol, why would I not want to make you my wife? He asked, genuinely surprised.
“Well… It’s just that I expected that you would grow tired of me one day, realize I was too young, not mature enough for you, or something like that…” You replied, looking away.
He forced you to look at him by pulling gently on your chin.
“How can you believe that I will ever get tired of you? Mi sol, I could never have enough of you. I always knew I was going to be proposing to you one day. It has been part of my plan ever since we started dating.”
You were blushing, ashamed of yourself for being so insecure: “Maybe one day you will start to believe the comments on my Instagram posts, and you will leave me because you think that I am a gold digger, or that I’m only using you for fame… Even though none of this will ever be true, of course!”
Fernando took both of your hands in his, then he exclaimed “I could never believe lies like this! Frankly, I am a little disappointed. Do you not have faith in me or our relationship?”
You gasped, realizing you had hurt his feelings: “I’m sorry baby, I did not mean in that way! I know that you love me, and I love you too. I promise, I’ve always imagined us being together for the rest of our lives, I just wasn’t sure if you shared my plan. If you didn’t, baby, I would be crushed to death. In fact, I have so much faith the future of our relationship that I already have a Pinterest board for our wedding as well as a list of potential baby names that suit the last name Alonso!” You admitted desperately, but also sheepishly.
Fernando immediately softened at your words.
“Mi sol, you have a list of names? Which ones are at the top?”
You turned a deep shade of red. “Right now, it’s Santiago for a boy, and Marisol for a girl, because it reminds me of the nickname you have for me.”
“Don't be embarrassed. These are very nice names, all in Spanish too… You’ve really thought about this huh?” He stroked your cheek, then pulled you closer to leave soft kisses on your jawline. He was clearly pleased to learn you had planned ahead.
“Of course. It’s not a simple task, it cannot be rushed.” He could hear your smile in your voice.
“Yeah? I kind of want to put a baby in you right now,” he whispered in you ear. You immediately shivered at his words.
“Me too. God, it would be so hot to walk around the paddock pregnant by a man fifteen years older than me. Everyone would know it was you that knocked me up. Everyone would know how good you treat me.” You were getting turned on by this fantasy and the trail of kisses Fernando left all over your throat. He was getting worked up too, and you could feel it on your thigh.
“I can do all of that, mi sol. Multiple times, even. I would love to see you at the races with a baby or two in your arms, and another one on the way.” He left your throat to give the same treatment to your shoulders, pushing the thin straps of you dress to the side. His hands were working efficiently too, getting access to your thighs by lifting the hem of your dress.
You brought him even closer to you by pulling him by the loops holding his belt in place.
“Baby, go ahead then. We would be the talk of the town. Oh, the scandal it would cause, especially since we’re not married.” The thought was thrilling.
Fernando went back to your neck, one hand lifting your leg and the other one on the side of your boobs.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. I want to make you my wife before I get you pregnant. I want you to have my last name before I give it to the baby.”
You were conflicted, but also pleased. On one hand, you really, really wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible. But being his wife before being the mother of his children was also really tempting. You teased him: “Sounds like you are ready. Pretty please, tell me, do you have the ring already?”
Your boyfriend smiled against your neck. “In the first drawer of my dresser, hidden underneath my socks.”
You shrieked: “No way!” Fernando laughed at your excitement.
You hugged him tightly. He really was serious earlier.
He answered simply: “Yes.” You kissed him, and he kissed you back immediately. The kiss was soft and tender and had a thousand words hidden in it. It was full of I love you, no I love you more. It was the kind of kiss that creates buttefly. It was the type of kiss you remember forever. After a few minutes, or maybe a few hours, the driver pulled away.
“Mi sol, I know I haven’t even proposed to you yet, but what if we went inside and practiced for our wedding night?”
You laughed and followed him inside.
A year later, it was his turn to post on his Instagram. This time, it was a picture of your wedding. Multiple songs by Rihanna could have been fitting for the caption: We Found Love, Only Girl, Love On The Brain, and many more. Ultimately, he chose a simpler one: Mi sol.
And when you welcomed your little girl, his caption was similar: Mi sol y mi Marisol. This time, the comments were pretty nice.
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hookhausenschips · 2 days
Tangled In My Soul {JB22}
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: Y/N struggled with feelings of loneliness and public scrutiny while waiting for Jenson, but during their drive home, he reassured her of his love and commitment. They spent the evening reconnecting emotionally and physically, finding solace and happiness in each other's presence.
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Y/N was sitting in the car park outside of the Sky Studios where Jenson had been working all week when he got out of the building and walked towards the car. He had been gone since Monday morning and they hadn't really spoken much over the weekend, it had been hectic with him traveling up north to see his family and then having to go back down south for work again.
She could feel herself getting more and more angry every day that went past, especially since she knew he would be talking about her on the television. She didn't like hearing other people talk about her behind closed doors let alone millions of people watching her live. She knew it was something he couldn't avoid but it still hurt.
She tried not to take it personally but sometimes it was hard, she wasn't used to this kind of attention. She wasn't even sure if she wanted this kind of attention.
Jenson sat next to her and kissed her cheek before opening the door for her. They both climbed into the car and buckled up before starting their drive home. It was always so quiet during these drives.
“How did it go today?” Y/N asked breaking the silence between them.
“Fine, just another day at the office.” Jenson replied looking over at her. “How have you been?”
“I've been fine thanks. I’ve missed you.” Y/N said giving him a smile and leaning over to kiss his lips softly. He smiled back and placed his hand on top of hers.
They carried on driving in silence for a few minutes until Jenson spoke again. “I know it’s been hard this week and I’m sorry for leaving you alone for so long, we don’t get many chances to spend time together anymore.” He looked over at her again. “And I know it’s difficult to hear everyone talking about you all the time, it must be hard.”
“It’s okay Jens, you can't help it. It’s your job after all. But I do miss spending time with you.” Y/N gave him a little smile.
“I know you do. We should go somewhere nice soon, get away from everything and relax. Maybe we could even try and make some memories.” Jenson smiled back at her and turned his head to look ahead onto the road.
Y/N nodded but didn’t say anything else, she could feel her eyes starting to fill with tears. She didn’t want to cry in front of Jenson but she also felt like she needed to let it out, she was just so upset.
“Hey what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Jenson reached across the seat and placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently.
Y/N sniffed trying to fight back the tears. “I-it’s nothing I’m just a bit sad that’s all.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.
“Don’t cry please, it’ll only make things worse. You can tell me what’s going on, I won’t judge you.” Jenson squeezed her thigh slightly, trying to reassure her.
Y/N wiped the tears away from her face and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. “I’m just tired of people making fun of me all the time, saying things about us because of our age difference and that I'm only here because of who you are. It hurts me, it hurts me so much. I love you and I know you love me too but I just wish people would stop hurting me like this.”
Jenson pulled over to the side of the road and put his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Listen to me Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully.”
“Yes, yes.” Y/N sniffed again and wiped the last remaining tears away.
“I love you more than anything else in this world, you mean everything to me. I would do anything for you. And I know what it feels like to have people say bad things about you all the time, I know how it makes you feel. So trust me when I say that those people don't matter, they are nothing compared to what we have.” Jenson stroked her hair and ran his thumb along the back of her neck. “I know it’s hard but you can't let them get to you, you have to ignore them or else they will win.”
Y/N nodded slowly, taking in everything he said. “But I just want people to like me, I want them to accept me and understand why we are together.”
“That’s not going to happen anytime soon Y/N, no matter what happens or what you do people will always find something to say about us. Even if we were perfect they would still find something.” Jenson kissed the top of her head and rested his chin on top of it. “So please stop worrying about what other people think about us, focus on what matters most; us.”
“But I'm scared of losing you Jens, I don’t want you to leave me.” Y/N buried her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around him.
“Oh darling, you will never lose me. You are the most important thing in my life right now and I wouldn’t ever dream of leaving you, you mean too much to me for that.” Jenson rubbed her back soothingly. “I promise I will never leave you, you are stuck with me forever.” He laughed lightly and kissed her forehead.
Y/N lifted her head off his chest and smiled at him, “I love you Jens.”
“I love you too, my angel.” He smiled back at her and leaned forward to kiss her lips. Their lips moved against each other softly and lovingly as they enjoyed the moment. After a while they broke apart and Jenson started the engine again.
 “We should probably get going, we don’t want to be late for dinner tonight.”
“Yeah, I’m hungry.” Y/N grinned and snuggled up close to him as he started driving again.
They drove back home in silence but it wasn’t awkward this time. There was no tension between them, just pure happiness and contentment.
* * *
When they arrived back at their house they went straight through to the kitchen and started cooking dinner together. Jenson was making spaghetti bolognese while Y/N was making garlic bread. It was one of their favorite meals to cook together, they both loved Italian food and it was easy enough for either of them to make.
They chatted happily as they cooked, sharing stories about their days and laughing together. They both enjoyed spending time together like this, it was rare for them both to have free time at the same time so when they did they made the most of it.
After finishing their meal they cleaned up the dishes and then headed upstairs to their bedroom. They changed into their pajamas and climbed into bed together under the covers. They lay facing each other on opposite sides of the mattress and held hands tightly as they watched TV.
Jenson turns and looks at Y/N, his eyes memorizing every detail about the woman who has held him captivated in every waking moment since they met. Y/N looks up and blushes at the attention. "What are you staring at?" she whispered. 
Jenson smiles and reaches over to run his fingers through her hair. "My beautiful girl," he murmurs. "I am simply admiring my favorite view."
Y/N blushes deeper and leans into his touch. "Are you going to stare at me all night?" she teases.
Jenson laughs and shakes his head. "No, my dear," he replies. "There is something else I intend to do instead."
Y/N arches an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? What might that be?"
Jenson grins mischievously and sits up. He moves over to sit beside her and begins to undress her. "Well," he says, "I want to show you exactly how much you mean to me."
Y/N watches as he removes her clothes, leaving her in nothing but her panties and bra. He runs his hands over her body, caressing her skin and causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. She shivers with pleasure. "You're so beautiful," he whispers.
Y/N smiles and leans into his touch. "Thank you," she breathes. "You're not so bad yourself."
Jenson laughs and pulls her close, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. His tongue dances with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. Y/N moans into his mouth, her body responding to his touch.
Jenson breaks the kiss and looks down at her, smiling. "You're absolutely stunning," he murmurs. "And I'm going to treat you like the queen that you are."
Y/N blushes and looks down, feeling shy. "Thank you," she whispers.
Jenson kisses her forehead before he began his descent below, kneeling between Y/N's spread legs. He leans down and presses his lips against her clit, flicking it with his tongue. Y/N gasps and arches her back, pushing her hips up against his mouth.
Jenson chuckles and continues licking her, using his hands to massage her breasts. Y/N moans louder, her breathing becoming ragged. "Oh god," she pants. "Jensen... fuck!"
Jenson starts sucking harder on her clit and massaging her breasts more forcefully. Y/N cries out and wraps her legs around his head, holding him against her. "I'm gonna cum," she gasps. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum!"
Jensen continues pleasuring her, his tongue working furiously as he brings her to orgasm. Y/N screams as she cums, her juices flowing freely onto his tongue.
He climbs back onto the bed and straddles Y/N, pressing his cock against her entrance. "Ready?" he asks.
Y/N nods and spreads her legs wider, inviting him inside her. Jenson pushes himself into her wet heat, groaning as he fills her completely. "Darling I don't think I'll ever get over this feeling."
Y/N gasps and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder. "Mmm," she moans. "That feels so good."
Jenson smiles, "Yeah?' as he slowly drags his cock in and out of her tight pussy. "You're so fucking beautiful," he grunts. "You feel amazing."
He wanted to take her apart slowly. 
He wanted her to be able to remember this night forever.
He wanted to make sure that she remembered that she was his. That she belonged to him, and only him.
Tonight was about making love. Not fucking.
Jenson pushed himself in and out of Y/N's wetness, moving faster as she began to moan and writhe beneath him. He leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with hers as he continued thrusting into her.
"Fuck," she gasped. "You feel so good."
Jenson smiled against her lips, "Good?" He asked, before kissing her again. "I thought you were going to say something better than that."
"You're being ridiculous." Y/N pouted.
"Am I?" Jenson raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to prove it?" He asked, smirking.
"Prove it? Prove what?" Y/N frowned.
Jensen laughed, "That you're not the only one who can give you orgasms." He leaned down and sucked on her nipple, his hands gripping her hips as he continued pumping into her.
Y/N cried out, her head falling back against the pillow. "Oh god, Jens..."
"Shh," Jenson soothed, kissing her throat as he thrust harder. "Just enjoy it baby."
Y/N moaned and threw her head back, arching her back as she welcomed him inside her. "Harder!" She cried. "Please!"
Jenson complied, pounding into her with renewed vigor. He could feel her walls clenching around his cock, squeezing him tightly. "That's it, baby..." He growled. "Take it all!"
He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. Y/N moaned into his mouth as he began thrusting into her harder and faster. He gripped her hips tightly and pounded into her relentlessly, his balls slapping against her ass.
Y/N cried out as the pressure built inside her, her walls contracting around his shaft. She came hard, screaming his name as her juices flowed out onto his cock. Jenson groaned and continued thrusting into her, drawing out her orgasm. Jenson slowed his pace, allowing her to recover before finally pulling out of her.
Finally, he released her hips and collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. Y/N lay beside him, trembling and covered in sweat. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as they recovered from their intense session.
"Wow," Y/N said, finally able to speak again. "That was incredible."
Jensen chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, "but we're not done yet." He rolled over and pinned her to the bed, looking down at her hungrily.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked, surprised.
Jensen grinned, "I mean that I'm not finished with you yet. I plan on showing you all night just how much I love you." He lowered his head and kissed her collarbone, then trailed his tongue down her stomach. He paused to nip at her navel before continuing further down.
Y/N gasped as his mouth found its way to her core. His tongue flicked over her clit, sending delicious waves of pleasure through her body. She arched her back, pushing herself against his mouth.
Jensen chuckled against her skin and continued eating her out, alternating between licking and sucking her clit. He slid a finger inside her, pumping it in and out slowly as he worked on bringing her to climax.
Y/N moaned and writhed beneath him, her hands gripping the sheets tightly. "Oh god..." She whimpered. "Don't stop... please don't stop!"
Jensen chuckled again, "As if I would ever stop," he murmured against her skin. He added another finger, scissoring them inside her as he licked her clit faster and harder.
Y/N screamed as she came, her walls contracting tightly around his fingers. Jenson groaned and continued pleasuring her, drawing out her orgasm as he brought her to climax once again.
Finally, he removed his fingers and crawled up her body, positioning himself above her. "Now," he said, "let's finish what we started earlier." He leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. Jenson smiled against her lips and began thrusting into her again.
"My darling, you will never be unloved by me. You are too well tangled with my soul." Jenson said as he slowly thrusted in and out  of Y/N, looking down at her with adoration. "You are my sunflower."
Y/N smiled at him, "And you are mine," she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
Jensen smiled against her lips, "Of course I am," he murmured, "I'll always be yours."
They kissed passionately for several minutes before breaking apart to catch their breath. Y/N smiled up at him, "I love you so much, Jens."
Jenson smiled back at her, "And I love you more than anything, my darling." He leaned down and kissed her again, slower this time.
Y/N sighed contentedly, "That was amazing." She murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.
Jenson chuckled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, "but we're not done yet." He leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. Jenson smiled against her lips and began thrusting into her again, picking up where they left off.
They fucked for hours, pausing only to catch their breath before resuming their passionate lovemaking. Finally, they collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but satisfied. Jenson wrapped his arms around Y/N and held her close, kissing her forehead tenderly.
"I love you," he whispered. "More than anything in the world."
Y/N smiled up at him, "And I love you too," she murmured, "more than words can express."
Jenson smiled back at her, "Goodnight, my darling." He whispered. "Sleep tight."
Y/N yawned sleepily and snuggled up against him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. "Goodnight," she murmured. "Sweet dreams."
Jenson chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Sweet dreams indeed," he whispered. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their perfect future together.
* * *
Bonus; Y/N woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She stretched languidly, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight streaming in through the windows.
She glanced over at Jenson, who was still asleep beside her. She smiled and leaned over to kiss him gently on the cheek.
Jenson stirred and opened his eyes, smiling at her. "Good morning," he said sleepily.
Y/N snuggled closer to him, savoring the peaceful moment. "Good morning," she whispered back. "Did you sleep well?"
Jenson nodded, wrapping his arm around her. "Yeah, I did. How about you?"
"Perfectly," she replied, resting her head on his chest. "I love waking up next to you."
He kissed the top of her head. "Me too."
The two of them lay there for a few more minutes, enjoying the tranquility before the day fully began. Eventually, Y/N sighed and sat up, looking down at Jenson with a playful grin. "What do you want for breakfast?"
Jenson chuckled. "Surprise me."
Y/N got out of bed and padded to the kitchen, her mind buzzing with possibilities. She decided to make pancakes, knowing they were one of Jenson's favorites. As she whisked the batter, she hummed softly, feeling a sense of contentment she hadn't felt in a long time.
Jenson joined her a little while later, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Smells amazing," he murmured into her ear.
She turned her head to kiss him on the cheek. "Almost ready. Can you set the table?"
"Of course," he replied, grabbing the plates and cutlery.
They worked together seamlessly, the kitchen filled with the sounds of laughter and the clinking of dishes. As they sat down to eat, Y/N felt a surge of happiness, grateful for the simple yet perfect moments like these.
After breakfast, they decided to take a walk in the park. The fresh air and the vibrant colors of spring invigorated them. They held hands, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.
When they returned home, Jenson pulled Y/N close and looked into her eyes. "I don't know what the future holds," he said softly, "but as long as we're together, I know it'll be amazing."
Y/N's heart swelled with love. "I feel the same way," she said, kissing him deeply. "Here's to many more mornings like this."
JB22 Taglist: @tallrock35, @yourbane, @lightdragonrayne, @evie-119, @asparklysoul, @miarabanana
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery
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rubyuji · 2 days
Happy Pawlidays (Kim Mingyu) 🐾 ೀ⋆🍓。˚
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Synopsis: It was the holidays, so what better way to spend it with your sweet boyfriend than to give him his present?
Note: Another reworked fic, I’m in the process of completing “Fragments” soon, so enjoy this cute fluffy Mingyu drabble. Always remember to like + reblog as a form of support!
WC: 620
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“Gyu?” You called for your boyfriend sweetly, eagerly waiting with his surprise.
Mingyu peeked from the living room as you giggled softly, your boyfriend may be tall but his behavior was similar to that of a puppy’s, which was an adorable contrast.
“Yes, my love?” He replied, trudging over to the kitchen. Mingyu’s hair looked like a bird’s nest, and he looked slightly puffy after waking up. The urge to kiss him was overwhelming, but you knew you had to surprise him first.
It was currently the holiday season, and with only five more days away from Christmas, you decided to surprise your beloved boyfriend with an early present for being so wonderful.
Mingyu sits over at the kitchen island and slightly pouts, watching your every move. Both of you decided to stay in for the day since the party with the members from the night before had been wild, ultimately ending up with you having to aid to a hungover Mingyu and his pounding headache.
“You know how we’ve already been living together for the past year or so? Well I’ve been thinking of something and I kind of wanted to give you a early present for christmas” you smiled, giving Mingyu a peck on the corner of his lips.
Mingyu’s eyes light up, as he watches you walk over to the christmas tree set up in the living room.
“Close your eyes and sit here,” You couldn’t wait to give Mingyu his christmas present, it was something you both had brought up quite frequently ever since you moved in together.
Your boyfriend walks over, a look of anticipation glossing over his features as he sits down in front of you. He was practically bursting with anticipation.
“No peeking ok? Hold your arms out for me,” Mingyu nods with his eyes closed and you place a small golden retriever puppy in his arms.
“Y/n, no. You’re kidding right?” Mingyu’s eyes shoot open and honey immediately drips from his eyes as he stares at the little puppy.
“Well, we’ve always talked about owning a dog and I wanted to see if you would make a good father in the near future, so I got this little guy,” you boop the retriever’s small heart shaped nose as he squirms in Mingyu’s arms.
Your poor boyfriend was appalled after what you had just said, but that was the least of his worries right now.
“Hey little guy, what should we name him?” He chuckles, but that wasn’t the only surprise you had in store. You hand Mingyu a collar with a name plate, and he stares at you in confusion.
“His name is Gamja, I named him that way because his color reminds me of a potato,” you laugh. The puppy suddenly jumps out of Mingyu’s arms and runs over to you, wriggling around in your lap.
“You named him without me? Y/n~” Mingyu whined, but you could only laugh and focus on the dog in your arms before handing him over to Mingyu.
“Baby, Seokmin and Soonyoung were supposed to take care of him for the past two days while I prepared all his things, and apparently they were so impatient that they ended up giving him a name. Besides, Gamja is cute. Now you two, smile for the camera!” You grin, holding up a polaroid camera.
Mingyu flashes a smile as you take the picture, staring fondly at your little family. “Merry Christmas, Gyu,” you say softly, when all of a sudden, you were tackled in kisses and hugs.
“Thank you Y/n, really. I love you and our little family so much. I would never leave your side, ever,” Mingyu pecks your lips, while you returned the action.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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lyrenminth · 2 days
What we could be
Second part of the request about Joe and you getting divorce
Happy ending, second chance
I'm going to send the kids with my mom on Saturday. Would you like to go out and eat something or we stay at the house?"
Truthful to his word, Joe sent you a text. You didn't know what to answer, going out implied many things and you didn't want to be seen with him (harsh but true) but being surrounded by people made you more confident than being alone at his house. You didn't want to think what would happen if you were alone at his house.
"There's a coffee place we could talk privately. Saturday at noon" you answer back.
When Saturday came, you were so nervous you messed up your eyeliner twice. You remembered his words. "I never wanted a divorce" Was that really true? You never thought Joe was putting any effort into your relationship after Mackenzie was born. Everything was football and winning. You really try to talk to him, you really did and he wouldn't clear a damn space in his agenda for you.
You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror. You remembered the way Joe look at you when Julian mentioned the date.
Would you go back with Joe if he asked?
You didn't know. You loved him, he was the dad of your children but you were so scared. You didn't wanted to get hurt again.
When you arrived at the coffee, Joe was already there. He smiled fondly and stood up to kiss your cheek. Your hands were sweaty when you took your seat. "Should we order something?" He said looking at the menu. "I'm going to order an iced coffee" he stood up before you to set your order on the counter. You watch him interact with the employee, and you felt a pang in your chest. He was lovely, really polite. He would order your coffee like this many times before. Nostalgia hit you like a truck, but you weren't here to remind the sweet times.
When he came back you said a shy thank you and waited for him to sit down. "Well, thanks for coming" he smiled again. "Julian has the same smile at you" you pointed out. His smile grew bigger. "Yeah, the boys told me"
"Well, yes" you gulped, sipping your coffee.
He ran his hands through his hair, one, two, three times. Good to know you weren't the only nervous.
"I mean it. What I said in the house" he said, his eyes big and honest "I'm sorry I've never considered your feelings. I guess being a father made me realize the big responsibility I was carrying, but I completely forgot to be a husband" when you didn't say a word, he continue "I thought that by working more, earning more money would protect my family" he was sad "I never thought it would be the reason of losing it"
"Joe, this is not about the kids. I think you're a great father, and they loved you. This is about us" you sighed, tired of having this conversation "We forgot about ourselves. I tried to arrange dates you didn't show up. We had conversations like this before, I missed my husband and you weren't there so tell me" you voice filled with emotions made you stop for a second "...tell me why I should believe you"
"I-I still love you, Y/N" he confessed, staring at your soul "I want to share a bed, a house or a damn mug with you. No one else. You are the mother of my children and I still care about you "
"You didn't hook up with that reporter a month after our divorce?" you brought up. He pressed his lips and have the decency to look ashamed. "I was hurt, but yeah"
"Well, it was long ago" you realize after the divorce Joe went blank about his personal life. No one knew if he was having dates. It was hard to believe if he didn't.
"I understand if you're afraid, I'm very honest and very clear right now, I want a second chance" he declared, fully confident.
"Joe..." you pleaded, but looking at him felt so familiar. What would happen if you didn't divorce? Your family would be closer, children wouldn't be stressed but maybe you would be miserable, right? You loved him, you still do. Joe had all the respect and admiration on your side, but again you never felt the same support. "I love you, you're a great father but you haven't show me any different"
"Give me a second chance please" his hand looked for yours over the table, and when you felt it so warm and big around yours, your mind was in completely silence. You haven't touch Joe in three years. He was the love of your life, and yet...you were so scared.
At your hesitation, he confessed "I'm sorry to made you feel lonely, I regret it completely. I'm not going to talk about my wishes anymore. And I understand if you say no" he took a deep breath before saying "I'll retire this year"
The new made you flinch in surprise. "What? No? Are you joking?"
"No, I'm not joking. After the divorce I realize many things" he sounded honest.
"But you loved football!"
"Yes, but my body is asking for a rest. And football is not my family, doesn't make me cookies and hug me tight everytime they see me" you were crying at that point. If that's true, things could be so different. "I want you back. You're my wife, I made those vows for you. I love you"
"Do you give me a second chance?" he was grinning full of hope.
"You won't regret it, I promise"
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evpbucks · 2 days
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This whole storyline has been consuming my brain, so im just gonna spew about it because I'm sure someone will enjoy it
I have a couple good theories/ideas, i'll just jot them down in a bulleted list before i start talking
What if Don Callis had been talking to Trent way before he turned, slowly driving him further and further and brainwashing him until her turned.
What if Orange was actually toxic/pushed the others down to get the spotlight, and so Trent finally had enough and turned, like he said, and Chuck knew and understood why Trent turned, but he was too scared to turn against Orange too, and stuttered up. Or, he was too brainwashed to turn with Trent and listen to him. In their garage match, you can see Chuck hugging Trent, and Trent begging him to stop. And then when Kris and Orange came to check on Chuck, Trent kept looking behind him while he walked out, looking almost sad
Ok now, random spew time. Rocky has been very 2 faced in this whole situation, back and forth between Trent and Orange, focusing more on himself and getting himself up, which is good. But it's very confusing to tell what side he's on at all, is he a face, is he a heel, he's kinda really just fighting to prove himself right now so theres not really much info on him so far, as i know of, but then again, I don't check up on him much.
I feel like Chuck is kinda like the glue of the group. Trent was always there because of Chuck, Orange was always there because of Chuck, and they worked together for him. But when he got injured, Orange and Trent slowly started driving apart because Trent was too hyper focused on winning the belts, and Orange didn't have a reason to care enough, given, we've never really seen these two as a solidified tag team. Chuck got injured, came back as a manager for a little at the end, but it was far too late and he couldn't save it now.
I think Trent still expects Chuck to come back like he always does, and that's definitely a great way to show the toxicity of Trent. He knows Chuck, even though he's hurt mentally and physically, will come back. And unfortunately, Chuck isn't putting up with any of it anymore. But for some reason, even after all the no's and beatings, Trent still wears "Chuck" on his wrists, and he just now changed his entrance from the "Bestfriends: Trent & Chuck".
I think it's significant, Trent joining the Don Callis Family, because, and I may be reaching, but he went from the Best Friends to the Don Callis Family. Friends to Family. It would be cool if they did a "Family comes first"/"Family before friends" type storyline with this. He could say they actually believe in him like a family, the help him like a family, blah blah blah. When really, all along, his "family" is Orange and Chuck.
I definitely think Kris and Trent know something about Orange that we don't, and I'm pretty sure it's something bad. I might be a bit biased, given I love Trent, but I feel like this could all turn out with Orange as the bad guy in the end. Right now he's showing he's going back to being a bit more sad, using his old theme, barely any effort, always paranoid for Trent. With Chuck gone and Hook doing whatever tf he's doing, Orange has no one. Orange always had at least someone all of his life, and now he has no one. He has no social skills, and he doesn't put effort into talking to people because he's so used to these people that Trent ripped away from him. It'd be cool to see maybe Orange going a bit too far too get his friends back, but ending up making it worse cause he looses his true sights.
Another small detail, I may be reaching, but on Trent's shirt, its a picture of Orange with green tape over his eyes. Green represents Truth and Growth. Maybe he's saying there's no truth in his eyes, or he's once again showing how he's grown to despise him. He can't stand to look in his eyes
Last thing, it's all about Chuck v Trent garage match. I think Dustin knew that was his last match and he wanted it to be against Greg, just like they started it. If you look at the small details of that match and compare it to the other matches of theirs in that stadium, it's so sentimental. Chuck wore a shirt with their actual names and a picture of them on it, basically showing Trent that he still cared at least a little bit right after he just broke his heart by saying no and turning against him.
I may be insane, no clue. Why is a group thats called The Best Friends causing me so much torture and pain
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topazy · 2 days
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × OC, Rick Grimes × sister OC
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Chapter: 3.10
“Do you think this will work?”
Glenn looks across the room at Beth, whose eyes look full of worry as she rushes to pack the food supplies into boxes. “It’s got to work,” he replies. “It’s our only plan, and if not, we are ready to run.”
“It’s a lasker trap,” you say. “The governor will think he has the upper hand in storming the prisons, but searching for us is just a distraction, and the dead are decoys giving us time to move in.”
Using a thick bush as cover, you watch as the governor rolls up to the prison in an army tank. They destroy one of the watchtowers closest to the entrance of the courtyard first and fire repeatedly at the one across from it, hoping to kill anyone inside it. You grow nervous seeing how many people from Woodbury have joined him in attacking your home. You wonder what lies he told them to make them think you're the villain.
Daryl had arrived back not long after leaving to find his brother and Michonne. Merle had a change of heart and let Michonne go instead of handing her over, and then he decided to attack the governor’s army.
You turn and look toward where Daryl is hiding. Making out the outline of his figure, the pain in his voice when he told you Merle was dead was heartbreaking; he was truly devastated. You weren’t fond of Merle, but he did what he did out of his love and loyalty for Daryl, which was something to be admired. Merle had combat training; he knew the odds were against him and still did it anyway to give his brother a fighting chance.
You repeat the plan quietly to yourself again and again while waiting. The goal wasn’t to kill the people from Woodbury, but to make them think twice about killing your group and your family. The only men you need to take out are the men who tortured you and Glenn, because you knew they would never stop.
Alarms blare in the distance, so you know they made it into the cell block Rick set flares to go off in, which would attract any walker nearby. A few moments later, the majority of the governor's army ran out of the prison. Glenn and Maggie fire at them, while you fire at the bastard who sliced your leg. Unfortunately, he makes it into one of the vehicles they drove in without a scratch.
Within a few minutes, the governor and his men retreat and drive away.
You run fast, as your legs will carry you into the prison to regroup with everyone. Soon as you enter the cell block, you go over to Beth and take Jace from her arms and kiss his chubby cheeks. “Is everyone okay?”
“Yeah,” your brother replies. You were surprised by the haunted look on Rick’s face. You noticed the gun Carl had was now in Rick’s belt, but you didn’t question him about it.
“We ain’t done yet,” Daryl says. “The assholes will just keep coming back.”
Maggie nods in agreement. “We need to take the fight to them.”
“I’ll be back soon, baby, okay?” You cuddle Jace closer to you before handing him back to Beth. Everyone takes a short breath to catch their breath and reload their weapons. When it was time to leave, you were one of the last to leave the cellblock.
Just as you reach the doorway, Daryl stops and looks back at you, looking concerned. “No, no way. Lily, you can’t go to Woodbury. It’s too dangerous.”
“It’s dangerous for everyone.”
Daryl steps closer to you; there is a desperation in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. “It’s not the same; if something happens to us, those kids are going to need you.”
“I’ve just lost my brother; I can’t have you dying too. Just stay, please.”
Rick cleared his throat, making it known he had overheard. “We are going to need someone to stay here and defend this place in case anyone comes back.”
The thought of staying behind while the rest of them risked their lives made you feel guilty, like you were taking the easy way out. You bit down on your bottom lip and said, “Fine.”
“Rick,” Glenn says, walking up the hallway. “Me and Maggie are going to stay behind as well.”
“Three stay, three go.”
“You should go back inside; it’s getting late.”
Beth gives you a look and says, “And leave you out here yourself? What if the governor's men come back?”
A knot twists your stomach. It had been hours, and your brother, Daryl, and Michonne hadn’t returned you. “If they come back, I’ll yell. I don’t want you guys running on fumes; I’ll be fine out here.” You point at a small cluster of walkers and say, “Once I’ve cleared them, I’m going to keep watch so nobody will see me if they do come back.”
Beth surprises you by hugging you before going back inside.
You take your frustration over not knowing what was going on in Woodbury out on the walkers, using a pole to stab them roughly in the head. All the noise from gunfire had attracted a lot of them, and if you left them to gather, the fences would come down. Stepping back, you look up at one of the lookout points, which was on a higher ledge, and see Carl ducking behind one of the crates, who had come out to keep an eye on you from a distance. “Carl, go to bed.”
You sigh; your nephew was just as stubborn as you. “You need to get some sleep.”
“We need to watch each other back. It’s what my dad would want.”
Your expression softens slightly. “Okay, but go back inside and get some blankets. It’s getting cold, and I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Okay,” Carl says, getting to his feet. “Aunt Lily?”
“They’re gonna come back. My dad, Daryl and Michonne, I just know they will.”
Not long after the sun comes up, you spot a vehicle approaching. Lightly, you shake Carl awake. He had stayed by your side during the nights, but not long after you wrapped him up in blankets, he fell asleep. “Hey, we’ve got something. They’re a bus heading right for us.”
He goes inside and alerts the others. Using your scope, you zoom in and see Rick jumping out of the bus and running to open the gates. You go down the concrete stairs on still legs; no matter what position you move into during the night, it is impossible to get comfortable. Once the gate was open, he waved for Michonne to come in.
You stick your head in the hallway door and call out, “It’s safe.”
Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, and Hershel come outside. They seem relieved and confused by the bus full of people.
You go over and hug Rick. “What happened out there?”
“The governor killed all those people, then fled. When we went into Woodbury and offered the people a choice, they could stay there or come back with us.”
You smile in amazement watching elderly couples and women with children, including babies, come off the bus. Most of the adults carried supplies of food, clothing, and other useful supplies as they came off the bus. Delighted, Hershel greets them all while Maggie and Glenn start planning which cellblock to move them into.
This was a chance for a fresh start.
You watch as Daryl disappears behind the back of the school bus, and you go down to check on him. “Hey, are you doing okay?”
He shrugs. Although he was staring straight ahead, you could see tears glistening in his green eyes. With things happening so fast, he hadn’t even begun to mourn Merle’s death.
“I’ve never had the chance to say it, but I’m sorry about your brother. I know he meant a lot to you.”
“Before... in the prison...” he finally turns to look at you. “I was afraid. We are like a family, you know? But for you and the little man, it’s different. I don’t know how to describe it; it just is. After me and Merle went rogue, we spotted a family trapped in their car being attacked by walkers. We took the walkers out, then they drove away. They had a baby with them, and it’s crying that attracted the walkers in the first place, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what if that was you and Jace trapped, and I…I left Merle behind to come back. I just want to keep you safe.”
You don’t know what to say; there were very few words you could use at that moment. So instead, you place your hand on the back of Daryl’s neck, pull him close to you, and kiss him.
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Bloodline || Ominis Gaunt x Reader
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Outline: Your family arranged for you to marry Marvolo Gaunt. Fortunately, your best friend Ominis steps up and makes sure to save you from such a fate.
Word count: 4’515
Warnings: English isn’t my first language so possible misspelled or misplaced words, arranged marriage, abusive families (mentioned), first time s*x, friends to lovers and explicit smut.
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The familiar flip-flap of owls entering the great hall through the windows resounded in Ominis’ ears, excited chatter rising from the students sitting at the tables as, one by one, they received their mail. The sound of paper falling on a wooden surface nearby piqued his curiosity, he didn’t receive letters often, nor did you or Sebastian but an envelope had unmistakably landed in front of one of you.
Your clothes rustled as you moved to take the paper in your hand, tearing apart the top of the envelope as your owl took flight again, its wings almost grazing Ominis’s hair on its way back to the owlery.
Despite the noise of other students all around, Ominis distinctly heard you take a sharp inhale of air, your silence as you read the letter addressed to you feeling somewhat tense.
“Is everything alright ?” He asked you, but you didn’t reply right away, too focused on whatever you were reading.
He waited a few more minutes, noticing the way your legs grew restless and your movements became agitated. You were sitting at the opposite side of the table from him and your foot bumped into his a few times as you nervously readjusted your posture.
He was too polite to insist and didn’t want to push you to share something you might want to keep for yourself, so even though he was dying to question you about the mysterious letter you had received and why its content seemed to upset you, he simply cleared his throat to remind you that he was waiting for an answer to his question.
“It’s a letter from my family.” You explained, with a slight tremble in your voice. “They say that they arranged a partnership for me, effective immediately after graduation.”
“A partnership ? You mean some kind of professional training ?” Sebastian asked, before biting into an apple.
“That would be an internship.” Ominis corrected him, shaking his head. “I think she meant something more intimate than that.”
“Like… A relationship ?” Sebastian inquired, still munching on his fruit.
“A marriage.” You stated, defeated.
“I didn’t know you were dating someone.”
“I am not.”
“It’s common for wealthy and powerful families such as hers to arrange weddings, especially if it’s a matter of keeping their bloodline alive and pure.” Ominis explained, a shiver running down his spine. That was something his family did too, they were obsessed with maintaining the quality of their bloodline, suitable matches were carefully chosen, sometimes within their own family members.
“It’s more of a business contract than a marriage.” You added, with a sigh. “And my parents are making it very clear that I don’t have any say in the matter.”
“Do you know who’s the lucky fiancé, though ?” Sebastian asked, seemingly taking such terrible news lightly. Way too lightly. It was a tragedy, really. You deserved better than to be forced into a loveless marriage under the pretense of keeping a bloodline going, securing the pride and superiority of the worst kind of wizards to exist. Maybe Sebastian couldn’t quite grasp the gravity of what you had been asked to do but Ominis knew all too well how you must feel, being robbed of your free will and freedom by a controlling and corrupted family.
“It’s Marvolo Gaunt.” You answered, bluntly, before getting up from your seat on the bench and leaving the great hall in a rush. Although Ominis couldn’t see, he felt the intensity of your gaze piercing right through him, until you were no longer in the room.
His chest tightened and his body tensed at the sound of his older brother’s name. Marvolo probably was the most cruel wizard he knew, aside from their father. Although they shared the same blood, the same family and the same education, Ominis wasn’t afraid to say that his brother was immensely deranged and should have been locked up in Azkaban a long time ago, like the rest of his family actually. The only reason rules didn’t apply to them and they were free to commit the most vile and cruel crimes without facing punishment was because they were Gaunts, descendants of the great Salazar Slytherin and held more power and wealth than any other family of wizards in the country.
And now you were going to be one of them.
He couldn’t imagine you, taking part in the cruel acts his family committed for fun. And if you didn’t, they would find a way to punish you for it, just like they had punished him in the past. The Gaunts were dangerous, and you needed to stay away from them, no matter what.
Ominis stood up, reaching for his wand to guide his steps through the corridors and halls of the castle. He needed to find you and he knew his wand would know exactly where to take him. He was racking his brain, trying to find a solution to save you from such a doomed fate as he followed mindlessly the path his wand indicated. Eventually, he found himself outside, in a narrow courtyard. Wind rustled through the leaves of a nearby tree and caressed his face, sending a cold shiver through his body. He couldn’t feel any rays of sunshine warming his skin, meaning it must be a rather cloudy afternoon. He could hear the sound of water moving in the fountain at the center of the courtyard, birds singing in the sky… And soft muffled sobs. His wand twitched, tugging him in your direction.
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.” Ominis told you, once he was standing in front of you. He could hear the sobs shaking your body as clear as day but still felt compelled to bring his hand to your face, wiping the warm teardrops away from your cheeks with his thumb. “Marvolo really isn’t a suitable match for you.”
“It’s alright, I knew this day would come eventually. I was just hoping my parents wouldn’t force me into this as soon as I was done with school.” You replied, another teardrop falling from your lashes and rolling down your cheek..
“There must be something we can do about it.” Ominis said, instinctively brushing off the fresh tear from your face. “What if you were engaged to someone else ?”
You laughed although you didn’t find anything amusing about the situation.
“During my seven years here, no one ever courted me, no one attempted to ask me on a date, I have no other prospects. And you know as well as I do that my parents shouldn’t risk angering the Gaunts.”
Ominis furrowed his brows. You were right, if your parents broke their promise to marry you off to one of his siblings, they might not make it out alive. If his parents had arranged for you to be wed to Marvolo, it meant they considered your blood pure enough to perpetuate their dignified bloodline. It was a rare occurrence, usually no one was deemed worthy enough so chances were that they’d do everything in their power to ensure that you’d become a Gaunt now that they had approved of you.
If you broke the arrangement to be with someone else, a wizard of lower class and reputation, his father would take it as an offense and you’d have to pay for such a daring act. If you married Marvolo, then surely he would take advantage of you and of your obligation to satisfy your family and his, he’d be cruel and violent, he wouldn’t care about you and would never treat you with the respect you deserved… There was only one option left.
“Marry me.” Ominis stated, determined.
“What ? What are you saying ?” You spoke, dumbstruck by the sudden suggestion.
“My parents want you to ensure the purity of our bloodline, your parents want you to earn the status and power that come with my last name… So marry me instead.”
“Ominis, you don’t have to. I can’t ask you to do that for me, that’s…” You argued, shaking your head.
“It’s a matter of time before my parents arrange a wedding for me too. I think I’d much rather be married to someone I consider a friend than a stranger they would have picked for me. So really, you’d be the one doing me a favor.” Ominis continued, his heart beating faster as he spoke. He knew it was a good idea, it would save you from Marvolo, from his family and, despite being a Gaunt himself, he would do his best to treat you well. He would never hurt you, never mock you, never give you any reason to regret choosing him instead of his brother…
So please, say yes.
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His mother adjusted his tie. She told him that the all black suit she had gotten tailored made for him suited him better than anything he ever wore. She said it brought his blue eyes out, and that everyone would be able to tell that he was one of the heirs of the Gaunt name. Ominis wasn’t sure what was meant to be a compliment and what was meant as a jab, but he simply nodded at everything she said.
By the time he walked down to the garden of the imposing manor, his mother’s arm looped in his, he felt dizzy with anxiety. His heart was pounding in his chest, threatening to burst out at any minute. His ribcage felt so tight around his lungs that he could barely breathe correctly, and the more time went by, the more sweaty his hands became.
He could hear the chatter of the numerous guests his parents had invited as they took place around the lectern that had been placed at the very center of the garden. The familiar smell of roses tickled his nose, meaning the white rose bushes must be in full bloom in this season. He could feel the sunshine on his face and the warm summer air on his skin. It was a beautiful day on the gloomy manor.
His mother let go of his arm, leaving him standing on his own in front of what he imagined was an impressive audience of grumpy wizards. He still couldn’t quite catch his breath and, the moment the ambient chatter died down, his throat instantly felt constricted and his body tensed up.
He heard the whispers among the crowd and the footsteps approaching in his direction. It was unmistakably the way of walking of a man, confident and determined while the lighter steps next to his were more hesitant. In the past seven years, Ominis had memorized the sound of your steps. He also could recognize your smell in a crowd and knew exactly how soft your skin felt under his fingers. He could tell if your hair was up or let down from the way you touched and played with it and he knew that the quiet, almost imperceptible breaths you let out meant that you felt nervous. He knew all of this and more yet, he had no idea what it felt like to kiss your lips or hold you in his arms and that felt awfully wrong, considering what you both were about to do.
The man that had accompanied you walked away, leaving you standing with Ominis in front of prying, curious eyes. You didn’t say anything to each other, too busy trying to not pass out from how anxious you both felt. The contract was written and placed on the pupil in front of you, its tricky clauses oozing with dark magic.
It wasn’t just any contract. It was a cursed one, meant to bind you together forever. The words til death do us part took a different meaning as you signed your name at the bottom of the page, knowing that if you ever tried to leave him, you’d most likely be instantly killed by some kind of dark spell that probably was forbidden to cast. The promises you made by signing this contract were definitive and the consequences if you failed to hold them were deadly. At the very least, you both could feel thankful that you weren’t making such vows to a complete stranger.
Ominis signed the parchment too, the ink dripping from the quill dark red like blood. The contract was sealed with applause and illegal magic, making you his wife. For the rest of your lives.
The dinner that followed the ceremony was dull and mostly boring, a display of Mister Gaunt’s power and a lecture on his narrow views about muggles and mudblood wizards, as the guests listened quietly to his speech, nodding in agreement every once in a while. Eventually, Ominis took his leave, pretending that he was exhausted from the events of the day. You excused yourself too, glad to find him waiting for you in the hallway.
He knew the manor he grew up in in details and could navigate it without the help of his wand. He guided you upstairs, through the dark corridor that led to his bedroom. He opened the door for you, letting you step inside first before following you in and shutting the door behind him. He had never had any guest in his bedroom before and that realization made him feel uneasy. He knew that the servants kept his room neat and tidy - just how he liked it - but he wasn’t sure of what you were going to think about the ancient desk he sat at to write his letters to Sebastian, or the books that lined the shelves of bookcases that reached the ceiling. And what about the four poster bed he slept in, he had always found it large and comfortable but suddenly he worried it might be too small to share with you.
“Once we move into our own home we’ll be able to sleep in separate rooms. But for now, I think it’s better if we share mine.” He said, hoping that you wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable here until then.
To convince his parents to let him marry you instead of his brother, he had pretended he was madly, irredeemably in love with you. At first, they didn’t like it, saying that love made men foolish and pushed them to their demise but, eventually, they came to the realization that him wanting you so badly would serve the purpose of continuing their bloodline. Many heirs could be born from such desires.
Now that you were here, in the intimacy of his bedroom, he couldn’t help but think about it. How amazing it would be to kiss you, touch you, make you his as everybody expected him to. But he wouldn’t do it. Mainly because he was a gentleman and had promised himself that he would never, ever, disrespect you. And also because he was determined to not give his parents the satisfaction of having any heirs from him. The Gaunt bloodline was poison, corrupted with dark practices and immorality. Sooner or later, one of them would cause unforgivable chaos in the world, so he was determined to prevent it from happening anyway he could.
“I’m sorry that you had to do this.” You told him, taking a closer look at the books on his nightstand. You sounded sincere, as if you felt guilty that he now had the privilege of calling you his wife. “You should have been able to marry someone you love.”
Ominis had never felt anything remotely close to what was described in the books he read for someone, nor did he experience the crushes Sebastian so often had on a random person every once in a while. The only woman that had somehow interested him was you. He cared about you. And maybe it was an acceptable foundation for a marriage.
“You should have been able to do that too.” You sat on his bed, your wedding dress crunching up above your legs. He approached, heart hammering in his chest. “But for what it’s worth, I consider myself lucky to call you my wife.”
You smiled and reached out to take his hand in yours. His palms were sweaty, as per usual when you were around, but you didn’t seem bothered by that, pulling him so that he’d sit on the bed next to you.
“Do you mind if I try something ?” You asked him, a bit hesitantly. He took a sharp inhale of air, his body straightening up with sudden tension. In appearance, he seemed quite uncomfortable to be sitting so close to you, and even more now that you had asked him such a question, but he nodded despite hating being unsure of what to expect.
You moved closer, slowly. Your scent tickled his nose, he knew it by heart, he had fell asleep more than once to the faint perfume you left on the common room’s couch pillows, usually prompting him to dream of you. He felt your soft, warm breath caress his skin, indicating that your face was inching impossibly close towards his. He held his breath as you pressed your delicate lips to his, giving him a chaste kiss to seal your union, far from prying eyes.
He kept his eyes closed when you moved away, conflicted emotions passing on his face. He wasn’t expecting to feel so many tingles in his stomach after such a light and short kiss, yet even now that you had moved away, he still felt millions of butterflies tingling under his skin. He left out the breath he had been holding, taking just enough air to say your name, softly.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to know what it felt like.” You apologized, and he knew from the sound of your voice that you must be blushing.
He had wondered what it would feel like to kiss you too, more than he’d like to admit. A friend shouldn’t be curious about such things, it felt wrong to him, like he was betraying you by having such intimate thoughts about you. He hated how conflicted he felt whenever he woke up with an erection because he had spent the night dreaming of you touching him, and he hated how his primal instinct sometimes took over and he’d end up brushing against your chest or your back under the pretense that he couldn’t see what he was doing. He shouldn’t feel so desperate for his friend to kiss him again, and surely he shouldn’t want to be given permission to explore the body of his friend in details… But perhaps, if such desires weren’t acceptable between friends, they could be considered reasonable ones to have for his wife…
“Don’t apologize, we’re married now after all.” He gulped, feeling the temperature of his body rising. “Kissing is one of the many things that will be expected from us.”
You moved, suddenly growing agitated next to him. He could hear the rustle of the fabric of your wedding dress, the sound of clasps being opened and knots getting untied. He didn’t dare to move, not even breathe, as he carefully listened for a clue as to what you were up to. Then, he felt your hands on his chest, slowly undoing the buttons of his vest, one by one.
“What are you doing ?” He asked, his breath catching in his throat when his hands, resting on his lap, brushed against your bare thighs.
“Another thing that is expected of us.” You simply replied, now dragging his vest down his shoulders, before repeating the same actions to remove his shirt. He heard your surprised, yet quiet, gasp and the way your breathing became labored at the sight of his chest. He felt your fingers tracing the lines of his abs, brushing against the blond hair under his navel and grazing the elastic of his pants.
He said your name in a whisper, wanting it to be a warning but coming out like a desperate plea. You shouldn’t be touching him like this, not because it was what your families required of you. You should only do it because you wanted to. So he knew he had to stop you before it went too far, before he wouldn’t be able to refuse, before his body was set ablaze by his repressed lust for yours otherwise, there would be no way of stopping him anymore. He would consume you. Worship you. Devour you. And his promise to never disrespect you would be just a distant memory already, because none of the things he wanted to do to you were respectable.
But you weren’t making it easy for him to keep his word. Your hand was still tracing the lines of his chest like he was some kind of sculpture you were admiring, taking in every detail like he would. And when you moved to sit on his lap, straddling him and trapping him between you and the bed, he tensed up and groaned.
He brought his hands to your hips, telling himself that he’d gently guide you off of him so that he’d be able to remain a gentleman and not take advantage of the admirable loyalty you had for your family with your determination to complete your marital duties right away, but when he felt nothing but your warm skin under his fingers, when you leaned forward to press your naked chest against his and plant another soft kiss on his lips, the remaining of his will power to resist you dissolved.
“We shouldn’t be doing this, we’re friends.” He said, because that was what he usually told himself whenever he thought about you while rubbing himself in the shower. Except he wasn’t the one gripping on his erection this time. You had easily opened up his pants and now the evidence of his desire for you was held tightly in your hand. Your thumb stroked the tip of his erection, spreading the clear drop of precum that had escaped from it over the sensitive pink skin.
“We’re not friends anymore, Ominis. We’re married.” You corrected him, your words destroying the only argument he had to convince himself to not behave like some kind of wild animal as he couldn’t seem to stop his hands from exploring your naked body. “I wasn’t allowed to organize my wedding, chose my dress or invite my friends… Don’t rob me from having a beautiful wedding night. Please.”
His erection twitched in your hand. You were asking so nicely, so politely, for something so intense and passionate, it made him even harder. He put his arm around your waist, securely holding you as he removed you from his lap and laid you down on his bed with a strength you never expected him to have.
“Are you sure this is what you want ?” He inquired, holding himself above you with his hands gripping the headboard, his pants and underwear down to his knees.
“Absolutely.” You confirmed, with a shudder of excitement.
“Very well.” His voice was low, revealing just how badly he wanted this too. He placed a hand on your knee and followed the path all the way up to your core. He could feel the wetness and warmth coming from your center, begging for his attention. He traced the slit between your legs a few times, making you gasp with anticipation. Then, he pushed a finger passed your entrance, your whimper resounding in his ears. He moved his hand in a back and forth motion, not really aiming to pleasure you this way but trying to memorize a path he couldn’t see.
He took his finger out, bringing his hand back to his impatient cock. He wiped your wetness over his tip, mixing it with the fresh drops of precum that coated his skin. Once most of his hard length was slick and sticky, he brought his tip exactly where his finger had been, rubbing it between your wet folds to gather even more moisture before finally pushing it inside you. He heard you gasp loudly and he did too, the tightness of your cunt taking him by surprise.
He easlily managed to slide even deeper, burying his entire length inside of you with a satisfied sigh. He could hear your panting breaths, your soft cries in reaction to his movements inside you and the way you moaned his name, encouraging him to rock his hips against yours a few times.
It was nothing like he had thought it would be. His hand had never made him feel as good as you did, your warmth, wetness and tightness around him were intoxicating. The most wonderful thing he had ever experienced.
He slowly pulled himself almost all the way out, only to shove himself back in with more force. He could feel his tip hitting deep inside you, pleasure building in his abdomen with each of his quick pushes.
The sounds you made were music to his ears, the way you reacted to each of his thrusts was delightful, better than what he had imagined in his most vivid fantasies. He never expected you to be so loud, perfectly showing him how good he was making you feel. He increased his speed and you moaned even louder, practically crying out his name.
He felt your legs closing around his waist, keeping him close while your nails dug into his back, the whole bed shaking in rythym with his movements. Was he too rough ? How could he not be ? It was impossible to be more gentle when the pleasure he felt with each thrust kept intensifying, he was going to lose his mind, chasing the feeling, building it up until he couldn’t take it anymore.
You cried out one more time and your body tensed up, tightening around him so viciously that he finally reached his climax, instantly filling you up with his release. You kept your legs around him, your body spasming with intense pleasure as he struggled to catch his breath for a moment, his thoughts slowly coming back into order.
He waited until your body stopped twitching to remove himself, feeling your shudder as he pulled his spent erection out of you. You still were softly panting, your chest rising and falling under his hand while the other still clasped tightly the headboard. He leaned over, easily finding your lips from which breathless gasps still escaped. He kissed you, gently, as a way to apologize for losing control of himself and felt relieved when you returned his kiss even more fervently.
He moved to his side, lying down next to you to give you enough space to catch your breath but you inched closer, nuzzling your naked body against his in a cuddle that felt even more intimate than what he had just did to you.
“Thank you.” You said softly, sounding truly happy. Ominis smiled, his fingers absently caressing your back, playing with strands of your now messy hair. “I’m glad to have you as my husband.”
Husband. The word turned in his head, reminding him that you now were officially a couple. Mrs Ominis Gaunt; his best friend, his wife, his lover… His.
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melanieph321 · 1 day
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fix You Part 2/10
Part 3 and 4 are out on my Patreon for Free!
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Summary - Reader is hired as Ruben's assistant nurse after receiving head trauma during a football game. He has fallen into a deep depression on his road to recovery and does not accept much help from Reader as she only reminds him of how incapable he is.
Ruben's family were not joking when they said that if successful, you'd be hired immediately. You still had your flat in London with all of your belongings, however, that would be taken care of for you since Ruben's family were more than willing to set up a room for you in Ruben's apartment. There you received your own private quarters, with a joint bathroom and everything, not to mention your own walk-in closet.
"I kid you not, it's bigger than my old flat." You squealed into your phone.
"Well, what is he like, your employer?" Your friend Donna asked. She was currently in your apartment in London, collecting the immediate essentials that had to be shipped to you right away.
"Well, you know. He's kind of quiet." You said, having only known Ruben for two days. During these two days his physio, Max, had taken care of everything, only asking you to measure the proper proportion for Ruben's daily dose of Heparin, which was injected to prevent blood clots from forming.
"But he's hot, no?"
"Who, Max?"
"No, the guy you're working for, Ruben?"
"I don't know?" You muttered. Although he was tall and fairly built, there was something about not knowing the color of a man's eyes that didn't sit right with you. "It's the mirror to one's soul, you know."
"I'd rather wanna know the size of his...."
"Donna." You hissed. "Really?"
Her laughter buzzed in your ear. "What, it's the canal of life, you know."
"Ha, ha, very fun..."
A knock on the door interrupted you.
"Just a second!" You pressed the phone to your ear as you jumped down from your bed.
"It's Max." 
"Yeah, just a second!"
You said goodbye to Donna and hurried up to close the suitcase that lay open on your floor. You shoved it under the bed along with other scattered items, before making your way over to the bedroom door. Max stood waiting for you in the doorway.
"Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm leaving now."
"Oh, okay,  when will you be back?"
"On Monday?"
"What? But that's in three days."
"Exactly." He nodded. "I work four days and get three days off to see my girls."
"You have a family?" You said, quite disappointed by the fact. Max was really handsome for a forty-two year old.
"Anyway, If you need anything I think Ivan is stopping by tomorrow with some groceries, other than that I wrote down everything that needs to be done during the day, along with some light exercises that you can help Ruben do."
"Me, help Ruben?" You frowned. It took you two days to get comfortable living the easy life. You would've never pursued acting if you had known about being a rich man's nurse.
"Like I said," Max smiled. "If you need anything, call Ivan. He lives twenty minutes away from here."
"Alright, okay. " You nodded, accepting the situation. "Have a good weekend."
"You too."
And just like that a man's life was left in your hands. It was an odd feeling. Not scary, just odd. Nevertheless, you plotted yourself in the living room, just in case Ruben needed you he could call for help and you'd hear him. However, hours passed without a word from him. You weren't concerned at first, considering the fact that Ruben knew how to walk on his own. But after some thought, you decided to knock on his door and see if he needed anything.
"Ruben, It's me."
No answer.
"I thought that maybe I could make you a snack? Would you like that?"
Still no answer.
It hit you, what if he was bleeding out? With the trauma to his brain, perhaps he had developed some internal bleeding and now he was laying in bed, dying on your watch.
"Ruben, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to...." You burst into his room. The first thing that hit you was the breeze from the balcony with its door ajar.
"Oh, no."
Only seeing the traces of Ruben on his bed, you could only assume the worst.
"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead."
You rushed out onto the balcony, leaning over the railing, expecting to see a body laying flat on the ground. However, there was nothing, not a trace of human remains.
"You're worse than the others, you know that right?"
You gasped, hearing his low chuckle. Turning your head, you spotted Ruben, shirtless, laying on his back, arms tucked behind his neck as he bathed in the sun.
"Not dead?" He said, raising a brow behind his bandaged eyes.
"I'm sorry, I thought...."
"That a guy with injuries like mine should consider killing himself?"
"Yes and no." 
"Yes and no?" He frowned, "Care to elaborate?"
"Not should consider." You said. "But I believe some people would consider...doing it."
"Well, unfortunately I'm still alive."
"I can see that." You muttered.
Ruben sat up, and to your surprise removed the blindfold from his eyes by tugging it down to rest around his neck. He then reached for the bottle of sunscreen on a stool nearby, applying a drop of it on his nose.
"If you're planning on laying in the sun all day, you should probably apply sunscreen to your entire body."
He stopped the motion of putting on sunscreen, shifting his head your way. "I'm Portuguese, I'm pretty sure I can handle a dose of English sun."
"But can you handle a dose of skin cancer?"
He chuckled, eyelids flickering as he did. He seemed tempted to open them, his eyes. And for a moment that thought struck fear within you.
"Was there something you wanted?"
"Pardon?" You had been distracted. Your eyes falling onto the sight of his abs. They were visible even though he was sitting down. Something worth remembering for your next call with Donna.
"Was there something you wanted?" Ruben repeated, snatching you out of your daze. "I mean Max already gave me my shot and I don't need your help swallowing my pills."
"Right." You said. "I guess I just wanted to check on you."
"To see if I was still alive?" He grinned.
"Right." What an asshole, you thought. "Now that that's confirmed, I'll get started on dinner."
"Don't bother." He said, pulling the bandage to cover his eyes again.
"Why not?"
"Well, my mom left us food that should last us all year."
"Oh, okay."
"She's afraid that you can't cook, you know."
"Well I can."
"Yeah, but not as good as her."
You left Ruben's room, embarrassed to have entered in the first place. Who does the guy think he is, speaking to you like some kind of servant? You wondered how long you'd be able to put up with it. Not for long you reckoned.
Part 3 and 4 are out on my Patreon for Free!
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