#but i know a bunch of people who can't even play burning shores for a lack of a ps5
hzdtrees · 1 year
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spinef0ryou · 1 year
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Q and A interview with Will Ramos in Metal Hammer Magazine. Transcript under the cut.
Lorna Shore's growler-in-chief, Will Ramos, answers your questions on goblin screams, dream collabs and singing with a camera down his throat
SINCE WILL RAMOS joined Lorna Shore in 2021, the US deathcore band have been on a mission that's seen them leapfrog to the forefront of their scene. Will's mind-boggling vocal abilities have turbocharged them, and Hammer crowned last year's sprawling symphonic fourth record, Pain Remains, "the most essential deathcore album of the decade". Last summer, Will sang with a camera down his throat so we could all see what the hell was going on in there, but now, in his biggest challenge yet, he takes on your questions...
What's your favourite type of scream to do? - N4turalbornkll, Twitter
"They're called 'tunnel screams, like if you're going through a tunnel. But I like calling them 'goblin screams'. It's like two different tones going on at the same time. It sounds really cool."
What bands got you into metal? - Ben Ryan, Facebook
"Linkin Park was definitely one of them. Meteora... freaking Hybrid Theory! I listen to albums from my childhood all the time - I still love them and they still hold up; Bullet For My Valentine, Lamb Of God, AFI... I had a couple of friends that listened to metal that I used to play videogames with, and one of the bands they played me was AFI. One song, Affliction, was just straight-up screaming the entire song. I was like, This. Is. Crazy?' Then my friend said, 'Dude, here's a bunch of bands that you should check out?' It was Lamb Of God, Whitechapel, Linkin Park."
How long do you think you'll be able to maintain your iconic screaming voice? Ten years? Thirty? Forever - Nettels_, Twitter
"I haven't fallen off yet. I don't know. Hopefully forever, but every day I make a joke, I'm like, This is the one. This is going to be the last one, this is it!"
What other genres do you love? - Jordan Bonvicino, Facebook
"I don't listen to a lot of metal so much anymore. I was looking at my Spotify Wrapped from last year... It was ap, psychedelic rock, indie music, and metal was fourth. I love bands like [Japanese singer-songwriter] Joji. I love Mac Miller. I love Drake. And I love sad music, so stuff like (post-hardcore artist] Bilmuri. They're metal, but they're also very sing-y. And I like that because now that I've been doing so much screaming in my life, I want to get better at something that's not screaming - so, singing. That's the next tier for me right now."
Are Lorna Shore bringing deathcore back? - Ed Burns, email
“I don't know if we're 'bringing it back'. We're doing really good for ourselves, and I love that people are hopping onto the train. That's incredible. Ilove that it's inspiring other people to even do more metal music. I just do what I do and I can't think about what I'm doing. I still can't look at myself in the mirror and be like, 'That's one of the big guys."
Hammer: Who were 'the big guys' to you?
“The ones that inspired me were late Suicide Silence vocalist] Mitch Lucker, Phil Bozeman (Whitechapell and Trevor Strnad (late Black Dahlia Murder vocalist]."
Do you avoid certain foods before singing, and if so, which ones? - Matt Doherty, Facebook
"I'd say eat light foods - if you eat something crazy heavy, you're going to feel very tired. I have maybe a slice of pizza, but you won't see me eating five or six slices. Ilove ramen and ramen is something that I'd have all the time when I'm on tour just because it's spicy, so it clears your nasal passages and it's soup, so it's good for your stomach."
What's your favourite Lorna Shore breakdown? - Undeado8, Twitter
"I think it would be Hollow Sentence off Immortal (2020 album, featuring ex-vocalist C] McCreery]. If we're talking about the newer stuff, Sun//Eater is definitely my favourite breakdown. It's the hardest song in the set. We have a sample of a katana [samurai sword] coming out and slicing something open. This specific sound is the unsheathing of the sword. It's halfway in, where the breakdown gets even heavier, so I just imagine a moshpit of people with inflatable swords killing each other."
Would you ever re-record Immortal? - Corey Hunter, Facebook
"I have, and I'm doing it for myself. I made a Patreon, and I told myself, I'm going to start redoing all of the old Lorna Shore albums."
Hammer: Would the band ever re-release the older albums with you on vocals?
"As a band we wouldn't - we want to have forward momentum. Art is always going to get better as long as you don't go back and start fixing things. We're like, 'What's the next thing? I'll put out Immortal on my own, but that's it."
What is your favourite song on Pain Remains? - Alex Chiczewski, Facebook
"Pain Remains I: Dancing Like Flames. It's the saddest one. I told you, Ilove sad music! You get to a point where you listen to breakdowns so many times, you become a little numb to them. For me, the only thing that holds me onto music after the breakdowns, is how do I feel about it? It's not about the melody or the breakdown. It's hearing the lyrics and I feel what this person is feeling and that it feels real. That's why I love Pain Remains I - it's the most genuine."
What is your best advice for dealing with crippling depression? - Zare Ralf Karadzin, Facebook
"Distract myself. Everyone alwavs sees me as Labradoodle Will. That's great, but I'm just like everybody out there and everybody gets sad sometimes. I dealt with depression a lot when I was a little kid, and if there's anything that's helped me, it was trying to distract myself with things Ilike to do, whether it be screaming or my little RC (remote control] cars, or playing Minecraft. Take everything day by day... conquer this day. Then you know tomorrow is another day, and you beat that day. Eventually you start putting yourself in the cycle where you'll have more good days than you have bad days."
What bands would you like to collab with in the future? - Notabumbleb88, Twitter
"Id love to collaborate with Sleep Token. They're my favourite freaking band right now. They are so incredibly good; Vessel and I have very similar singing ranges, too. Also, I Declare War, because they're just so incredibly heavy... In Flames... and Ilove Oceano - their vocalist Adam Warren is so good."
Hammer: What do you think a Sleep Token/Lorna Shore collab would sound like?
"It’d be insane. I don't know if our fans would love it, but I would. Let's go!"
What does it mean to you to be the Latino/Hispanic representation of deathcore and heavy music in general? - Shaun Fontanez, Facebook
“It's incredibly stressful. I don't speak Spanish, so a lot of Hispanic people will come up to me just like, 'Yo, dude, I'm so happy that you're here; you're Hispanic, I'm Hispanic!' I'm like, 'Thanks, man, appreciate that. I'm going to tell you right now I don't speak Spanish' and see that shock on their face. I do wish to speak more Spanish. I am a bad Puerto Rican... Or maybe I am the perfect Puerto Rican, because if you know anything about Puerto Ricans, half of them also don't speak Spanish. So, shout out to Puerto Rico."
How does it feel to have such a sudden and rapid growth in notoriety? - Christopher Andrew Ryan, Facebook
"It has been very big. Honestly, it's an incredible thing to see. We're very happy that we're all able to live off the art that we're putting out, not a lot of people can sav that. We're so caught up in the race, though, we're focused on what's next so that we can stay up here. If we fall off, you can only get to this point once, and then you lose it. We're trying to ride it for as long as we can."
How difficult was it singing with a camera down your throat? - Andy Pierce, email
"I didn't think it was going to sound good at all because I was so numb and mucus-y. When you’re doing vocals, you don't want mucus because it gets in the way and you can't even feel anything down there. It's almost like if you sang out loud and you just covered your ears, and you couldn't hear what you're putting out. That's what it felt like! Hopefully it'll be better next time (now I know what to expect!)”
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
This took a long time but a lot of people are working on it and a lot of people were working on it and it's very dangerous. We are getting word back we're hearing it on the radio a little we'll see it's a secret stuff from Mac to his kids and back it's out here there's tons of it it's like obsidian when it's fired but a lot harder and he was right that's what the wall is they must fire it down there somewhere he says they're playing to put up more walls and we have to go see he says it back what's the matter with you you can't figure this s*** out he's doing the stupid study and he wants you to see it and they send it back we heard about it and we tried to go down there and we couldn't get down there now I'm telling people to be motivated properly and don't know why it was too hard he says the back of it and says I see so now they're doing the second phase it's not stupid. Other responses... From DJ to his guy in the field he went out there and he started studying the clay and he formed up a bunch and he's firing it he sent in need mission parameters was sent to you by amateur so he sends back need verification of several things and it was in code and he said back okay he verified 5 out of 10 and then he said the study is part way done and we are being inundated and he requested what to do bja said to leave and try and figure out who they are and they did and it's Max others see them pouring in and top side and our son says well you guys are on crack or trapped they are trapped and they went down and said they are now they're having a meeting they want to know what to do as a big group down there and their arms to the teeth sitting out warnings. They're coming out of the Midwest through the top route down the rivers they're flying ships over the walls and they're going there this is going to be a war and it's over this clay material we can see the pseudo empire moving out and we see the empire ships are turning on foreign chips are turning on and hours we suspect it'll be a standoff and it's happening right now and boy did that take forever you think someone would have figured it out you're so damn dumb even you will bill ,really have some courtesy have some respect for somebody who can figure it out. They're saying that she gets something for him and then they say it's not handed out it's just not handed out with the f*** is it and Michael too got mad and said I did the work and said you didn't do s*** I had Sherry running around firing The burning Man. Is there laughing and said you know what he's in danger and can't move bunch of freaking pricks on him and then back off this is terrible so you're talking about that too and since the empire doesn't want you and I'm just going to keep on fighting him but she is you know what a bunch of f****** hose bags. And also your shoulder the whole weight with poor people and the max are doing it too they're stupid okay I need Jesus Christ he gets it he said it a million times we get it we said it a million times just take some hits with you now there's going to be some hits
Thor Freya
This sucks so bad you Max blow but really are people suck so bad back here get him something stupid something of his social security cuz the max running I know they're running it did not let you do anything you keep saying they're the ones so Terry cheesman says okay but she has to wait for orders from social security they have to wait for orders from the max and it's always say go ahead
Mac daddy
Here's what we say they're not really saying that yet and we know when and why and they want to keep cutting it close I've had enough of these f*** they're going to cut it close on them because their Air supply they don't need it anymore a lot of people know where the Air supply is and they should go after it and this wall stuff is going to make them angry thankfully and her son and daughter say that they might use this to shore up where the Air supply is and use it as walls to keep people out and it said wow that's weird they're wondering about it but no they're going to go look and question people finally Jesus Christ is awful holy s*** this is awful
Thor Freya
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Pinocchio
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews, Where We're Continuing Our Look At Disney...
Where Today We Look At Walt Disney's Second Animated Feature, Pinocchio...
This Film Is About An Old Wood-Carver Named Geppetto Who Carves A Wooden Puppet Named Pinocchio Who Is Brought To Life By A Blue Fairy Who Informs Him That In Order To Become A Real Boy, He Must Prove Himself To Be Brave, Truthful And Unselfish...
Will Pinocchio Succeed In His Quest?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Pinocchio...
We Open With When You Wish Upon A Star As The Credits Roll, Eventually Ending We See Jiminy Cricket Finishing Up The Song As He Sits On A Bookshelf...
And Honestly, Who Doesn't Like This Song?
It's Basically One Of The Top 2 Songs You Immediately Think Of When You Hear The Word "Disney" (With The Other Being A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes From Cinderella)...
However, Lately It's Been Brought Into Question By People Who Believe It Promotes Laziness And A Lying Belief That Everything Will Be Okay If You Believe Hard Enough, But I Honestly Think That People Like That Never Had A Childhood Or Has Never Thought Like A Child In Their Adult Lives...
Also I'd Be Crazy To Not Point Out That As Jiminy Is Singing The Last Words Of When You Wish Upon A Star, You Should Also Notice That The 2 Books Alongside The Pinocchio Book Are Peter Pan And Alice In Wonderland, 2 Other Stories That Would Later Become Disney Animated Movies...
Introducing Himself, Jiminy Acknowledges That Many May Not Believe That A Wish Can Come True, Which Leads Him To Tell Us The Story Of Pinocchio As He Gets Off The Bookshelf To Open The Book...
Saying That One Night, Jiminy's Travels Through A Quaint Little Village Where He Took Up Shelter In The Workshop Of A Wood-Carver Named Geppetto, Who Carved Dozens Of Toys, Clocks, Music Boxes And Puppets...
Hearing Geppetto Enter With His Cat, Figaro, Jiminy Hides As He Works On A Marionette After Greeting His Goldfish, Cleo. Painting A Face On The Marionette, He Names Him Pinocchio And Tests Him Out By Walking Him Around The Workshop While Playing Music...
And While It's Really Not A Song, I Actually Enjoy This Scene And The Marionette's Interactions With Figaro And Cleo Are Pretty Cute...
With The Clocks Indicating It's 9 O'Clock (In A Scene Which Shows Some Of The Elaborate Clocks In The Workshop (Some Interesting, Others Slightly Offensive) Geppetto And Figaro Get Ready For Bed...
But Before Going To Sleep, Geppetto Wishes Upon The Wishing Star That Pinocchio Would Become A Real Boy, With The Star Growing Brighter And Closer To The Workshop, It Eventually Arrives And Transforms Into The Blue Fairy, Who Grants Geppetto His Wish And Brings Pinocchio To Life...
However, The Fairy Informs Pinocchio That The Task Of Granting The Rest Of Geppetto's Wish Is On His Hands, Saying That He Must Prove Himself Brave, Truthful And Unselfish In Order To Become A Real Boy And Also Know The Difference Between Right And Wrong...
But Unable To Know It As...
Well, One Of The Complaints People Have In This Movie Is That Pinocchio Is A Little Dumb And Yes, Even I'll Admit He Is A Little Dumb But It's A Naive Type Of Dumb So I'll Let It Go..
Anyway, Unable To Know, Jiminy Tries To Explain To Pinocchio The Idea Of A Conscience Which Leads The Blue Fairy To Ask Jiminy To Become Pinocchio's Conscience. Agreeing To, The Blue Fairy Dubs Him As So, Before Taking Off...
Though Unsuccessful At First, Jiminy Tries To Explain The Concept Of Right And Wrong And Tells Pinocchio That He Wants To Do Right, Which Leads Into Our Next Song, Give A Little Whistle...
But As Pinocchio Joins In, He Wakes Up Geppetto, Figaro And Cleo Who Discover That Pinocchio Is Alive And That If He's Brave, True And Unselfish He'll Be A Real Boy, Which Leads Geppetto To Celebrate With His Music Boxes...
Tell You The Truth, I've Always Wondered What Geppetto's Neighbors Thought About All The Music Boxes Playing At 3Am At Night?
But When Pinocchio Sets Finger On Fire, The Party's Over And They Go To Bed...
The Next Day, The Village Is Alive With Boys And Girls Going To School, With Pinocchio Going With Them..
Seriously, If Can Ask How Did Geppetto Enroll Pinocchio In School After Only Having Him For One Night?...
But As He Goes To School, He "Befriends" A Cat Named Gideon And A Fox Named Honest John Who Tells Him That He Is Just The Type To Become An Actor Which Leads Into Our Next Song...
And I Honestly Like The Tune As It's Very Catchy...
Late On His First Day, Jiminy Tells Pinocchio Not To Listen To Honest John, But Pinocchio Ignores Him And Goes Off With Honest John And Gideon While Jiminy Follows...
Taking Pinocchio To Stromboli's Caravan, He Buys The Puppet Off Of Honest John And Makes Him His Star Attraction That Night As Jiminy Watches From The Audience As Our Next Song Starts...
And What Can I Say About This Song Except That It's A Great Song, In Fact It's So Good Even Ultron Likes It...
Becoming A Smash Hit, Jiminy Realizes That Maybe He Was Wrong And Decides To Let Pinocchio Go On Without Him...
Meanwhile At Geppetto's Shop, He Worries About His Wooden Boy And Goes Off To Look For Him While In Stromboli's Caravan After The Show, He Congratulates Pinocchio On A Successful Show...
But Wanting To Go Home To His Father, Stromboli Throws Pinocchio In A Cage And Declares That He Will Stay In There As They Tour The World And When Pinocchio Gets Too Old He'll Chop Him Into Firewood...
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Calling Out To Jiminy For Help, He Eventually Shows When He Goes To Say Goodbye To Pinocchio. Attempting To Get Him Out Of The Cage Proves Impossible As It's An Old Lock And He Can't Unlock It...
Feeling Sorry For Themselves By Crying, Their Worries Grow Bigger When The Blue Fairy Shows Up...
(End At 1:39)
Freeing Them And Returning Pinocchio's Nose To Normal, They Sneak Out Stromboli's Van Before Heading For Home...
Celebrating At Red Lobster...
May As Well Call It That As It's Called The Red Lobster Inn...
Honest John And Gideon Meet With A Coachman Who Will Give Them A Huge Bag Of Money If They Bring Him Stupid Little Boys For Him To Take To Pleasure Island, Though Honest John Is Worried About Getting Caught At First, He Eventually Accepts...
Running Into Pinocchio, Who Is On His Way Home, Honest John And Gideon Pretend To Be Doctors Who State That He's Allergic...
Allergic To What?!?
They Don't Really Say But Either Way They Say That He Needs A Vacation And Must Go To Pleasure Island To Get Better Which Leads Jiminy To Go After Him...
Once On Board The Coachman's Coach, Pinocchio Meets A Boy Named Lampwick...
Who I Honestly Love...
Seriously I Love His Character Design So Much I Wanted To Meet Lampwick At The Park And Take A Picture With Him...
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And I Knew He Was In The Parks As For A Time They Had Him And Pinocchio In The Main Street Electrical Parade...
However, Every Time We Went He Was Never Out And Eventually He Became One Of The Characters That Was Taken Out Of The Park And It Made Me Sad As I Knew I Would Never Get That Picture...
And Ever Since It Has Been My One Disneyland Childhood Regret...
But Enough With Childhood Regrets, Let's Move On..
As I Was Saying...
Pinocchio Meets A Boy Named Lampwick, Who That Pleasure Island Is A Swell Joint Where Boys Can Run Without Fear Of Reprimand From Authority Figures And Everything Is Free...
Reaching Pleasure Island By Boat, The Boys Go Off And Enjoy Themselves While The Coachman Orders His Men To Lock The Doors Trapping The Boys In...
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Search The Now Empty Fairground For Pinocchio, Jiminy Eventually Finds Him With Lampwick In The Pool Hall. Telling Pinocchio That He Has To Go Home, Lampwick Hits The Cricket With A Pool Ball That Goes Down With The Other Pool Balls...
Laughing At Jiminy, He Quits Again As Pinocchio's Conscience But When He Discovers That All The Boys That Arrived On The Island Have Transformed Into Donkeys, Jiminy Races Back To The Pool Hall To Save Pinocchio...
(Start At 1:00)
Arriving Just In Time To Get Pinocchio Off The Island, They Swim For The Shore So They Can They Can Return Home. But When They Do Return Home, Geppetto's Workshop Is Empty With Geppetto, Figaro And Cleo Gone...
But Through A Message From The Blue Fairy They Discover That Geppetto Went Looking For Pinocchio Only To Be Swallowed By A Whale Named Monstro. Deciding To Go Save His Father, He Ties His New Tail To A Rock And They Dive Into The Ocean To Go Looking For Monstro...
Well, If You're Looking For Whales I Think I Know A Fish That Can Speak Whale...
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But Dory Aside, They Eventually Find Monstro Who Eats Them Along With A Bunch Of Fish Which Geppetto Tries To Catch From Inside Of Monstro. Managing To Catch Pinocchio Father And Son Are Reunited...
But Despite Being Happy To See His Son, Geppetto Tells Pinocchio That There Is No Way To Get Out Of The Whale But Luckily Pinocchio Comes With An Idea To Gather Everything That's Wood And Burn It So Monstro Will Start Sneezing,..
Doing Just That, They Board A Small Boat That Geppetto Made As Monstro Sneezes Them Out, Furious Over Losing His Food, Monstro Chases After Them And Destroys Their Boat But Grabbing His Father, Pinocchio Paddles For A Hole In The Cliffs, Getting Through As Monstro Crashes Into It...
With Geppetto Coming To, Him And Jiminy Discover Pinocchio Face Down In A Puddle, Dead After Saving His Father...
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Ah! Let's Hold The Darth Vader No's For Now...
Returning To His Workshop, Geppetto, Figaro And Cleo Mourn The Death Of Pinocchio, However, Proving Himself To Be Brave, Truthful, And Unselfish Pinocchio Is Returned To Life And Becomes A Real Boy...
So While Geppetto Celebrates His Wish Coming True, Jiminy Goes Out To The Window Ledge....
And That's Pinocchio And I Honestly Love It...
The Story Is Great, I Love The Characters And While There's No Real Bad Guy (I Guess Since Honest John, Gideon And Stromboli Are In The Parks At Times You Could Classify Them As The Bad Guys But Still) I Absolutely Enjoy It...
However Looking Back At It Now And Watching The Nostalgia Critic's Disneycember Review Of It I Do Have Some Questions Some I Asked During The Review Others But This One I Seriously Agree With The Nostalgia Critic On Is What Happened To The Boys On Pleasure Island Did They Just Stay There Forever? Or Did Pinocchio Rat Out The Coachman's Operation?
Either Way I Feel Something Should Have Happened...
But Still It's A Good Film And I Say See It...
Be Sure To Stop Check Out Duke Reviews Xtra As This Week We Are Back Doing Drew Carey In Geppetto Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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