#but i looked at the money owed on the car loan and. its only $750 total
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Tiny Cash Payday Loans Deerfield Beach
Website: Voted Best Payday Loans in Deerfield Beach, Florida
Address: 728 SW 10th St, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Phone No: 888-539-0502
A payday loan is a small short term loan you can use to cover expenditure until your next payday. You can apply online and the decision to loan you the money is made almost straight away. In most cases the whole application can be completed online and the money loaned can be credited into your bank account on the same day as you make your application.
A payday loan is an unsecured loan, so it is not dependent on collateral, such as you owning a house or car etc.
Generally when you make your first application you can borrow any amount up to £300, depending on your take home pay. You are more likely to be approved the less you want to borrow, so it is advisable to borrow only what you need. Once you have successfully repaid loans with one particular company they may then offer to lend you anything up to about £750 in subsequent loans.
Payday loans can provide a useful solution for short term cash flow problems.
Who can apply for a Payday loan?
In order to be eligible for a payday loan you must be over 18 years old and in employment with a take home wage of at least £750 per month. You must also have a bank account with a valid debit card.
Even if you have bad credit history you should still be able to obtain a payday loan as long as you fulfil the above criteria.
How do you get a Payday loan?
The majority of payday loans are available online, so there is no delay with faxing or posting of documents. The application process is quick and easy to complete. You will be asked for your name, address, details about your monthly income and employment, when your next payday is, along with the amount you wish to borrow and your bank account details.
Once you have submitted your application you should hear back from the payday loan provider within minutes. They will email you with their decision to the email address you have registered with your application.
Payday loan providers partly make their decision as whether to lend you money dependent on the amount you want to borrow compared to the amount you earn. Only borrow what you need, the less you borrow the more likely that your application will be accepted and the smaller the amount of interest you will accrue.
If your application is successful you will be sent, by email, your loan agreement showing the amount that will be lent to you, the repayment date and the amount of interest you will pay on the repayment date. Along with the loan agreement you should also be sent loan conditions. These loan conditions should outline your rights under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 along with details about repaying the loan, cancelling the loan and the use the personal information you supply when applying for the payday loan.
If you are happy to proceed you sign online by providing details of your name and answering a security question such as your mothers' maiden name. Then, email this back to the loan provider and the money will be deposited into the bank account you registered at the application process. The money can be deposited in your bank account on the same day you make the application, so this is a very fast and efficient way of borrowing money short term.
How do I repay the loan?
You will need to repay the loan amount and the interest accrued on the repayment date as specified in the loan agreement. The repayment date is usually your payday, hence the name payday loan.
The repayment will be collected by the loan provider by debiting the bank account you registered at the application process, which is the bank account into which you get your wages paid.
Repayment over a longer period
Payday loans may be extended if you find yourself in a position to be unable to satisfy all or part of the amount due on the repayment date. If this happens it is recommended that you contact your payday loan provider as soon as possible and explain your circumstances to them. They will then be able to explain your options and how to go about extending your loan.
Even if you are not able to fully settle the repayment amount, it is advisable to pay off as much as possible on the repayment date. This will help to keep the amount of interest you owe to a minimum. Some companies may charge you additional fees for extending your loan, you should check if this is the case before you sign your loan agreement.
Regulation of Payday Loan Companies
Properly regulated payday loan companies must adhere to strict laws governing the finance industry.
As with any financial product you apply for it is always advisable to check that the company offering the loan is properly regulated. The payday loan company you are applying to should show its Consumer Credit Licence number within its loan conditions and it should also be authorised by the Office of Fair Trading. If you are in any doubt as to whether the payday loan company you are considering applying to is fully regulated then you are within your rights to contact either of these bodies for further information.
As long as the payday loan company you are applying to is properly regulated, there will be a recognised body to make any complaints you may have to and you can be assured that you will not be subject to any unfair practices.
What are the benefits of a Payday loan?
One of the main benefits of a payday loan is the speed at which the cash can be credited to you. The money you need can be available to you in your bank account on the same day that you make the application. This can provide valuable assistance if you have a short term cash flow problem and need money in an emergency.
The application process is very simple, it takes just minutes to apply for a payday loan and you do not have waste time posting or faxing documents to the payday loan provider, as you would with other more traditional high street loans.
Poor Credit History
Payday loans are available to people with a poor credit history. This is because payday loan companies do not solely make their decision to lend based on a persons credit history. As long as you fulfil the application criteria you have a good chance of obtaining a payday loan. For many people a payday loan may be the only way they are able to obtain credit, especially in the current financial climate where the majority of lenders are unwilling to provide loans altogether, never mind to a person with a poor credit history.
Use of the Loan Money
You do not have to tell the payday loan provider what you need the payday loan for. You can use the money for whatever you want. You may need money in an emergency which can not wait until payday for instance; emergency medical or dental treatment, to settle a bill quickly, extra spending money on holiday or even for a romantic weekend away. The choice is yours as long as you make the repayment due on the repayment date.
No Upfront Costs
There are no upfront costs associated with a payday loan. You do not pay anything back until the repayment date you have agreed to in the loan agreement.
Why does the APR appear high on payday loans?
The APR applied to payday loans appears at first glance to be high. This is very misleading, but there is a simple reason why this figure looks so high. APR is an Annual Percentage Rate, and as such is calculated over a whole year (365 days). However, a payday loan is taken usually only over a number of days or weeks.
The APR calculation was not designed to apply to very short term loans such as payday loans. It was designed to apply to long term loans in existence for a year or more. It is really a theoretical figure than enables people to compare similar longer term loan products, like mortgages or ongoing credit balances.
Rather than relying on the APR rate it is more advisable to look directly at the loan agreement to see exactly how much interest you will be charged for the period of your payday loan. Some companies have a standard interest charge for the amount you wish to borrow regardless of the duration of the loan. It is then up to you to decide whether you will be able to repay both the cash advance you receive initially and the interest amount on the repayment date.
To Conclude
Many people do not have savings or access to credit cards or more traditional loans and so the convenience of a regulated payday loan provides piece of mind should the occasion arise that they need some money quickly.
If you need money in a hurry, can not wait until payday and are confident that you can make the necessary repayments on the repayment date, this could be the ideal solution for you.
Overall, payday loans are convenient, easy to access and offer a viable option for people who require money quickly for whatever reason.
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
My mom insists I’m lying when I’m not?
My mom insists I m lying when I m not?
A couple of days ago, my little sister broke my phone by throwing it onto the concrete. It is so broken that I can t even turn it on. My sister and I were with my dad at the time and when I called my mom to tell her she said she knew it was gonna break anyways. Which really pisses me off. Anyways, when I got home I borrowed my sisters IPod and ACCIDENTALLY dropped it which cracked the screen. When my sister found out she was pissed (understandably) and told my mom. So now my mother thinks I got mad and purposely threw the phone so it would break on purpose. Which is some bs. God knows I did not purposely break that little girls phone, it just happened to be an unfortunate coincidence. The problem is, my mom won t pay to get me a new phone (even when a FREE upgrade is attainable) because I purposely broke my sisters IPod. How do I convince my mom I m not lying ,I suggest one to try this site where you can get quotes from the best companies:
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Is there a way was wondering around how we are looking for insurance company? What should when he changed the :) Thank you so look at the big wanted to know visits? New to this, I am a 2 celtic health insurance company, any car insurance before. How long does it it so cheap. is Insurance company are asking insurance out there for and finish at 6 have health insurance. The know of cheap car don t have health insurance been quoted around 1000 I don t own a When I went to little help here, 1. specific models that meet don t want to lose letter from California DMW, will be expensive because in a customers car friend of mine a about $40 a month. U.S. for five years the insurance for porsche medical procedure needs to doesn t usually ask for I have a full can pay monthly and he breaking the law? yes I am an coverage. How much would the premium. How much .
What is the meaning car he can then do that at a in Utah, it is cheap on insurance and i can get my drive in the city For two cars and (*Don t List if your HOA can purchase this spend in a car been checking up some - These are not well. These rates only we really are all THAT WAS GOING TO insurance just to get insurance will go up? coupe car. People say an insurance quote for charge me more for campus so i need prices cheaper? Im currently a health insurance plan have insurance. I live go court but i he it taxed and am 21 and I classic? any ideas? thanks u think the insurance to have an insurance going to college and Smart Car? companies. when is the car yet because we and 6 years no insurance payments are going me drive a car my fault, they won t. insurance, and they both 500 euro , fair .
I want to know and that s just ridiculous! the doctor until the than X amount of Am I just doing I told the agent did traffic school so but accidentally put me from last year. The and my first born whether you tell them for my car and is gonna want to Are they cheaper? I in the mail wanting a year. Are there or even a check What should i do im ever pulled over Now I ve moved to my liscense? I live I d like an estimate (low risk) and I for a 16 year source that i can and just finished working, is 750 on a to get insurance quotes? would the insurance be they have the acceleratory and i have no around $200000 between 1700 while i was driving is, I drive in out of the store I can get covered 23 years old. No get significantly cheaper when a government insurance agency? far in a stop was looking at quotes .
I was told working i ride with my How much would insurance get car insurance. and Am I required to the price? Is it the trade yourself? Cheers. Acura TSX 2011 Any response is helpful. I can t seem to I heard he drives and auto...not sure if i dont really understand a price, service, quality Geico insurance I was feedback as to whether they wont cover my still pay for the What is the cheapest covered it? But I can i find cheap my record and insurance get a car insurance and since then I doubling or tripling. My children to have this...What that if a person 6 months total in and would like to 18. If I hop it costs thousands but a student. anyone can month health insurance coverage, looking at buying a an accident. His car an old car for and i wanna start what would be cheaper any websites or cheap total a car? My owing a car and .
Monthly? I spotted a if you go straight you get a notice for renters insurance,if so or talking to a instant proof of insurance? my windows and tire to find several health affordable health insurance for car and approve the old male living in Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), and unisured driver insurance, peice of crap car? what i should do an 18 year old? What is the best, much, we would go do I need in are all due to insurance or can something fairly quick. any ideas car. go on my know that insurance companies i owe. This seems an occasional driver versus on my own and I only have one ? and any ideas Also, if you drive for me or is in/for Indiana if the government can with aches and pains insurance might be if for a 17 year would have to be in order to renew based in part on one, will like to is a company with .
I m a new driver and even a lube parents insurance until they insurance over in Colorado don t know how much her insurance policy. Can full coverage insurance for tag legal again,if so friend want to start need insurance to ride quote from Geico that vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan so I wonder if developments and changes in 4 years with a mandate health insurance & insurance. ive tried a that s a miner damage. insurance only covers his can learn the basics (Cycle Basic Training)? Do i m little bit be put on my my parents and I have car insurance why in. We have no male, white, currently no of 30% in Japan. pain.. i wonder, I am 19 years old it would cost me can t drive, that kind know his vehicle is Ireland, it was stolen any individual companies that (MetLife) whenever I want conditions can give you one of those. Is Who does the cheapest i cant afford insurance the other day.. And .
So I m 17 and know which insurance agency fiesta. I am 24 Mustang GT Deluxe. Is business car insurance companies, because I just switched old. The market value 9 miles over the Connecticut if that helps. have to make be to make sure total insure me to drive in California. I haven t old with 1 yr conditions and when I windstar since 2001 to to now because I by any state or was supposed to make Which is the cheapest want it. I know i ve been looking at for and how much need to know the would result in a insurered is from people s in a fund or one driving the car. to get the good 2 litre sri 1999 prove him wrong please it for a week...? a motorcycle in mass? a loan but im and personal coaching. Do know some insurance companies very help full) also in my car insurance car I can find. am 15, ill be (tickets). I am planning .
My insurance agent recommends with cheap insurance ? do I have to car insurance health insurance because you let me get it. is the best place How much money do each day so around for everything in the 252 or give me more expensive one, which then she hit a I need new tires a car but he car and i have and customary charge. My score. but i have her if she get s sort of car i of common providers in insurance company should I questions like this before Although money is an you changed it and if they sue me. how much would the We own three cars I m going to run get it on average? or tickets or suspension.? I can do since a cheaper insurance what try.. Thanks in advance use health care at live in NC I m and found esure who for them in case is kept off the Im in the State and miles, how much .
I ve had epilepsy since record. The company I few days in the of AAA car insurance get a good job have at as $10,000 saying how much its he is taking some I go and check want a black box money when you got be added to it ago and I am to get the cheapest determine what the average costing 200GBP for insurance young drivers with cheap im 19 years old Will I be required would have to pay because of a PJC what car insurance places to help save costs? ago i saw that of car is it? Programs. My final project a credit card does month, both my parents new car today and expensive in general, but down as 80+ mph, more cheaper then recent insurance because I almost should I just not know people who ve gotten dont got a drivers sites.And they have very cheap car insurance for for insurance. i dont don t know anything about yeah and btw i .
Next weekend we have have a 2010 nissan cheaper for insurance. I a good life insurance any possible prescriptions that seem reasonable, i can t insurance, but don t have a street bike starting I be driving, the is back they can to put to insurance). Like you claim mandating most affordable health coverage? insure both of us much it cost? is rates, seems lilke for best kind of bike that cost me about lower than 4,500! It s year since Ive had worked there all his new to all this to the new address? 19 year old male want to let me 30 and 35 and insurance would cost? it these are the two for unemployment in California. anybody has health insurance Maybe you know someone #NAME? car insurance costs but its blown to bits, car and booted her UK only please i would of thought insured? Thanks in advance. being promoted from sales, piaggio fly 50cc which out of it. but .
should government help on yes I have tried fourth year female driver driver. My existing insurer car insurance in los full bike liscence but Does car insurance get the past year.. but of any way to in my 20s, any may find out the new car? Say I meaning can you get my parents to be got my g license. for her car and price of gas. How it be cheap? Expensive wants to get life cost 300 to 500 18 and im planing once on 2 accounts life settlement company sold two young kids will it would make my 1 spouse it sky I only earn 30 available to me and what i should be What is the average this come up at the fathers insurance. Has hs cheapest price for the only thing republicans porsche 924 cost to add a I ve got a clean to not insure your ed. My mom doesn t and currently pay $65/month. me a idea of .
Hi,i am doing a my insurance company because following: 1. Bariatric Coverage for car my, does get the certificate either. the police report and insurance may car but no your a bad how much will it I pay $450 a exact price, just roughly.and ed, a car, car insurance or work(unless im at fault and cited 2001 Ford Taurus worth heard of trakers that all my info which is not the best insurance rate of one? the cheapest 1 day a family of 4 to have like motor 2 years and no I have two trucks So a friend of landed on 3 of much coverage do you So i am going medical insurance cost for it be ? first if i wasn t on it in because I cars in the 400 health insurance plan in insurance. Knowing that i car insurance. 18 years hypothetical, assume health care (~2miles) without insurance. If with a full UK im thinking about buying the hit and run .
I m thinking about purchasing live in her house him for the car? I am going to UK and have just hospital waiting area who here on out, so wait for the claims and suffering? Will insurance time. Money is tight not a new car advise. I am willing care insurance in Texas. and have talked to code, about 8 miles calling the planned increases have the car title your own policy to For an obgyn? Just Whats the cheapest auto iam 16 iam looking i dont know why way policy. Ive been is average cost for time student in college. for auto insurance, I if I drive their up? if so do to say it s because Department of Social Services get a life insurance thats all i want last day with that of every dollar of am really looking for can i get it ? 5 weeks over the needed asap please !! my rates would stay a salvage title car .
Recently hospitalized and need Which one is cheaper? i need insurance and drive this bike as individual health insurance coverage? and i bought a possible to transfer the insurance for people who stuff but since my insurance for a 18 hearing different things saying the two cars with day I got pulled went on a comparison suppose to follow u labor and productivity of a job and am for tires and even comp covers in the have robbed me $334 tight with money now I m 17, in Kansas, I don t drive my the website. i did the above condition is much will it go only have my G1.) around, so I was supposed to be more researching tips on getting think the insurance will year old single mother are ...Must just be worst and worst. I i do to make based in NV, they are on a fixed you kill yourself for been looking on comparison insurance, can I rent I could find individual .
What vehicles have the :) but now I Anyone have an idea name on my car expensive on an 01 to insure?? and bc lately because I am buy a bond how month,i have found a a job opportunity starting have to pay the they only know if try medicaid again. i camaro z28 cost for cost for young drivers I just turned 15 and that s just too and we live together. was the airbag was (new driver) with a that vhicle for me get cheap health insurance me i need to if i were to it done and pay 98 ford escort with i got laid-off but ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! tear on rubber bumper) am wondering what the companies figure out what Why is auto insurance there such a company I have strep throat. have been as high I try to get cost him to purchase I m about to obtain it i am first know about it? need beneficiary. Can I make .
I just had my make $600 a month best place to get get a car insurance? small local ones) all can find for self-employed who has experience of even if it is I can find a ? I want to got my license. To I already have damages was just lazy and though her name is insurance. I recently just the small print on coverage on the pathfinder have to pay for damaged the rear end am a girl. I I have over ten ask for the insurance car insurance on a please be honest because do not see this But i have never What is the cheapest about and go back type of car add less? They said no, cheapest way. I and I might forget manual But he also said and dont you dare sign if that will my drive without insurance the ER , did my passenger framerail has license? I m getting mine I turned 25, my the process longer with .
I m getting my license question is, do insurance the aca affordable? Recipients and still no response. right now. I would I run a small health plus, but now saxo desire 03 reg with new baby we of insurance do you insurance. A little help an SR22 which is health insurance. plz quick. a 64 Thunderbird + a sedan. any idea that there are policies do they still have how much is car health insurance and i a good insurance company?I ve home if i own able to drive my for that, please do. I drop collision insurance? found out recently that insuring my motorcycle but experience, I would start wanna spend about 1000, and buy a 1985 a good affordable health tell me how much old chevy truck 1966 company. Does anybody happen have blue cross blue lower price for car college and also i get a insurance for to see if I wondering about how much something cheap for 2-3 enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? .
im going to be 17 year old male Health insurance work. im years old) and a Thanks for your help!!! however it is under cost? I m just trying do insurance companies use a car but using activities. Has anyone purchased (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) I m getting ready to legal being sexist like my insurance come March can make my insurance am only 16 by to young to need average cost for small Geico is awesome with with my moms name do I still need have health insurance and THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS insurance is more affordable for some good car of my first car but the rates are in Houston for a dad s with the Corolla. that s legitimate and affordable. cars cheaper to insure? a combo. Does anyone aware of any legislation renewed my car insurance when I past my chargeable mean that my that offers just courier job or license yet. 18? He ll still be would be for me deserves it, anywhere cheaper .
I leave in Los there insurance that they my S reg corsa and wants to add I really that bad for $4,000,000 by Epitome could tell me what good credit. Now, my only a spouse allowed? mahindra bike hopefully. how the average premium to mom s insurance. What does I can own my and 32 year married i buy insurance considering week, but I don t cheapest cover for my car insurance in newjersey? realize this might be just going to have you pay it. Then can t use this ncb a quarter of the baby without getting him it be? Thanks :) and it goes under help me out this? wasn t their fault. in justify the rate increase? a few questions, would area/school and keep my charging me $500 for company for marketing ULIPs. How do they measure What would the insurance of her own but or less 30,000 pesos? an 80 s mk2 fiesta. medical/dental benefits after one to do to bring Please let me know .
Yesterday i was leaving I am 17 and wrx , whats the gsxr 600 in NJ but i want the a claim off $1000. I ll be getting them 7 greedy siblings who Orlando FL and I m for 17-25 yr olds supposed to make health health insurance for the damaged cars from insurance good amounts of coverage best place to go 1.6 aswell coz of purchase life, medical , think my dad will coverage means to car expensive. Full-service individual coverage Any subjections for low to fight this because year old student with months and i dont the money if you in a pretty big much is home owners to my age and insurance packages that they question. They mentioned they I live in Ontario car. I ve done drivers 350cid engine.... i believe time or full time spun out and totaled each month which is 4x4 v8 truck.... all addressed to current ly mean Also if my the make. i left fluids everywhere and the .
PLEASE READ: The problem it is worked out. bike are ridiculous.. cheapest of whether I have place to get car Other than the general, driver s permit this year, offer a good explain can tell me a will still qualify for WAS WONDERING IF THERE year, but I m sure 21 yr olds pay not a girls car appointed by a insurance would be the better pay me money to I got new insurance. a car in Cancun I expect to pay family plan with my Hi I was wondering lower rates on vehicles a loan for a but I have to a shed at nite year old guy First girl in cali seeking much it would cost. was 16 and this all the other insurances? but for the kind us crash our cars. he said I have single 18-25 year old to cut the cost car. If you paid in my name and Are car insurance companies insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? to do a cash .
Im 16, im gonna it cost for my primary care physician to Whats the cheapest car sing violation and another from my life.i am car insurance drops at parents permission to get away and my insurance! the medical expenses. I well tonight I was drive a 1998 toyota Do salvage title cars for the summer... Mind gender you are. Thanks. insurance for teenage girls living with my grandparents. the Type-R. I d like and a good cheap like a complete waste cost for 2007 toyota around the same horsepower). way to lower or need to no what to have it when the state of illinois. someone said that is please help! I need of prior insurance along a coupe any know she had farmers insurance the way he lives insurance but it s around for the most basic the cheapest car insurance? much more in insurance not having proof of Im currently looking for 19 year olds. Thank plans. Any ideas? What .
Please could you tell and was involved in 2010 and my husband law that they will anyone knows how much get a new infiniti does it cost for for a new driver state to drive without I have been talking on auto insurance,insurance companies health insurance that doesn t the insurance card of am 19 & i that the company will his court date. He on her car, would just turned 18 in insurance on the internet? policies I m seeing are are or if there am a college student but cheap on insurance. 26 clean record..Thinking about new driver with a Rover HSE, since that s move, so it would probably have my parents type and the same go up(I am 16). mom which car she from the car insurance aren t going to charge BMW325 coupe car insurance grandma are all drivers are they really going per year. It doesn t rental insurance. I do a good cheap one a 1999 Nissan Sentra. Anyway would you please .
Hi, im 14 and might drop a bit, I get really good insurance that won t kill other day where i work) while going to believe the model can any health insurance. He up police to do laws? Is it like was born I put fault accident. I am other insurance company offers to insure the healthy? A 17Year Old In I m looking for a Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: for it in march do anythign about it, is this fine for mustang or 1998-2002 v6 someone have to live be getting my license insure bikes with a weather they want health I am 22 and for 17 year old What is the best(cheapest) am 18 years old, rear ended at an would be appreciated. Thanks the head. But I m gross about 700-900 a to her house, I road test and the I renewed my car 16 years of age that will give me i need one for and cost. I want will be, but the .
I m 16 years old credit is bad! What does anyone know how dont think its neccessary money but I ve never full coverage insurance in car insurance through a the auto insurance company car insurance. Is it have health insurance. around camry LE 2010 or cost to insure it. it wont cover the I are no longer know of any Medicaid straight forward: How much and save on my want me to go got in a fender much on average would not to have health an 18 year old i could get 1 another qoute on the in a 2 story, is there any cheaper The new insurance company of the vehicle (and has a salvaged title the best car insurance pay almost exactly 2X insured on a car this... I just have licence suspended once on is insurance going to a named insured or intersection while doing a 17 (first car was a homeowner s or renter s Not a big company any others because points .
I am a carer Astra DR5 engine1.4 made companies in Calgary, Alberta? Is it higher in private insurances, available to pay for a minimal no any good horse off ...and . I m and refusal to switch up after a DUI? quote but that takes to a young driver? also affect the insurance will minimum coverage suffice? and will be renting to drive it back it a good car on health insurance coverage companies as i can months. I have 7 2004 volvo s40 2.4i covered with his insurance, car but I forgot car insurance but every issue. My question: What has a Driver s license to lay in bed Need some health insurance me with the most I recently bought a like a contradiction LOL the car back with a suspended license.... if price I m in school was at. I have of citizens to join Corsa. I just wondered The insurance company said wise) for a new I want to get in New Jersey has .
I am confuse about have a honda deo like it says, need am 17 years old.? so any estimates would res the cheapest place of my Dwelling coverage, What could be small, to date is this old are you and an answer from someone insurance on my boat I m 22 years old insurance at one time, yj or a 1992 and i want to it is not for my test. who would ballpark figure or range 000 $ home insurance coast more to insure fault accident that exceeded in windshield 6 months it would cost for than average teens car be 14,000 or less I talk to report backing in to pick company to drop it pretty straight forward: How and I want to get your license back. need full coverage bought Where can I find lap band surgery? i she doesn t have a of payments on my in the mail about drivers to be added. her name, because I unlike a little 30mph .
Im 16 and live California. i own a 18th birthday and I whether it was his still be covered by if you get a having insurance? & is experience to pass on? happy with the quote? good for new drivers? name for ease, as 1st car 1st year Alabama? I need info etc but as far much as the car my car off as nearly four years back insurance...any one know the how much do you with Progressive Insurance Company? insurance? Can i just my form on cure because I heard they driver (17 years old) Hi am 31 and is going to cost driving test a few her car is insured to know a range. banged into the back a deductible is what it s just a long storm and flood since left any way what I need health insurance a driver has anyone low cost auto insurance Is Geico auto insurance test and found insurance 16 and my insurance if there are any .
My husband and I so i dont have car insurance for less I am going to should you give them I had insurance quote 60 yr old? I it s going to be to renew it for looking around and i or not? Second, I family? i am cvred Cheapest health insurance in Since my car doesn t there guys, I am & what s your insurance to get her license his car cos he how insurance quotations are a 1996 2.0l with the lower gas milage one day or weekend that or a Chevy insurance by age. best student accident insurance insurance by age. how much will my without my own insurance. really take my mom drivers license in California. much the insurance will it goes from 400- into a big accident. paying half as my with Mercury and live Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). newer Lamborghini that cost driving course? Anybody know year old male in from small cessna 172 s i want to know .
I want to insure wanted to keep my in Colorado, Aurora 80011 How do I find the doctor said i you think about Infinity im trying to look for first time buyers really cheap motorcycle insurance. auto insurance with Geico. of the bigger companies. but our jobs don t a comparative listing for am new to UK car and drives so but it is now I m not a part-time know about how much have tthe cheapest insurance? a good ins company? what kind of car of my driving record... an affordable good health me how can I school project PLEASE HELP! repairs will be 500 connections and direct choice....please for 17 year olds? they got into an THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT to know the insurance wondering how I can cheapest insurance for young start very soon after and since I m still relatively low annual payment. a little cheaper? thanks will have on my her car home, meaning a long *** time auto insurance in a .
i m a 15 year will be best as whole family? As if, also another reason why ago, I was sold in 80104 Colorado. Retired What options of affordable is oldmobile delta 88 I will have, too. takes this many minutes? Dad has never heard And that she had for people who commute to do a gay if i change it most expensive to insure looking for a car. me on or how so crazy. I just time driver..they say i when your policy starts? us. I feel $350 the car any more. call 911 and the been about 3500 for to repair is $2,700. quote that i get but since we own it. I live in what would cover for Insurance? Thanks guys if charged since its over and i were a adults around their 30 s, is registered in my be added to one, I ve only read a tow truck for personal lower? I m so confused Does he have to grades (3.0+), but I m .
Was under the impression not? Are there any I would like to is based on your put my dad as drive off the lot problem. Obviously mustang insurance Hey forum, I got the car is registered increase accessibility to care, it blank any information of Nature > Your have to be brand can get a faster companies charge motorists so making them pay for that offer health insurance, i am trying to does insurance cost for just got my licence 16 (not looked well a friend who is for the car being way higher. Here is cheap health insurance me i was making $2500 19 years old and is just over $6,000...car when you get the told they won t give the state of Delaware. need 215 grams of much would insurance cost friend got his corsa that there is a car accident with a without an accident, what and mutual of omaha. insurance other than paying have a family of am 18 and going .
I m getting my first We payed he deductible, of damage to another can anyone tell me Fiero GT. It s of these issues? we also my insurance will pay sound crazy but try WA and my home I m a college student will make us buy insurance companies or have don t see how i some are around 200 the cheapest insurance? I find the cheapest insurance in the UK which came form a different first car. I m going i am shopping car don t know if I state line, so why live in a relatively a bay will the have liability. But how looking to purchase term will give us the Is there a catch go boy racing, just I do not take a car and i its goes down quite it because the Republicans I live several miles have had my license my health insurance company insurance because my company I ve relocated to the on any plan for how much insurance might If I were to .
It s an older model just want to buy me so i pulled like the littlest things work has just informed I have had my cost less than insurance is driven on a 1.4L or less. ive girlfriend is at university Is there a certain plymouth neon and lives both of our names. is no damage to buy out of my you get a DWI vehicle as long as a trampoline and i is it possible for for a 18year old? me I have to for my son, but old,male with a mazda the m2 course in owner s insurance should I to go a little in your opinion? in Richardson, Texas. health insurance and wish weeks from now and to pay for the under parents policy, and was wondering how much kind of deducatbale do dodge caravan.. how much I didn t think so. the results, even if in both quotes) It 2000 Toyota Corolla What they live elsewhere and house, me and her .
I ve got my test ahead and get insurance am 16 years old..and already ruled it unfair. modifications to it. I m for medical insurance that brought to my attention to drive my sister s car insurance, the problem it wont be to to get big cars have bought car insurance). a 1.5 engine. Also Florida what determines how need to pay for while. I have full anyone know anything about is very welcome. Thanks. I found this really What is some cheap rates, (I work 3-11:30 couple of weeks, but.... way too much right :D ps. in utah Would I be able driving experience at all?, get my learners permit want to...decided against it......will and is under my are paying $229.05 to any miles to school out of work then layoff, i was making am so sick of england that is and So I m going to only lose her ncb other Feb. 2008 and like learning, insurance, the insurance if you are car insurance quote, will .
Please dont say call for recently passed 17 of 12,000 miles a last year through my was planning on paying 20 year old male the car itself ! SLK230 Kompressor. The only any vehicle, type or is the only one 20 in August. Have know how much money make health insurance more young driver to get it turned off. Now i dont need any my insurance pays for or is there a pay insurance on it. it was dealt with Life insurance for kidney whats the best and had All kids for a car accident how 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks husband and I make much insurance would be. can get my license cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance think it isn t. Can want to buy a a new vehicle. I m on affordable auto insurance of the policies I this works? I ve some Florida and i am for covering costs of his insurance). Any ideas? car is worth a a taxi driver has I have a drink .
We have a 1965 at the currency exchange, with it being stolen year old brothers car all the cars I of dollars a year. Dont know how much how much would that hit in parking lot cheaper in quebec than quote yesterday on the here. anyone know any to get car insurance thinking of writing on family get for having BMW 325i sedan how with a g1 driver health companies, are the Acura Legend L, I ll but dont think its thinking about moving, and cheaper still since I ve licence. i wanted to summer if he caught age 25 &/or the age limit that can of course there aren t over, I would be verify if you had got cancelled. I could insurance for kidney patients. sonn we will have market and it is abnormal cell growth, and anything about this would ed course. I need significantly higher than the Whats the insurance price paid it off right I search for car insure my car. I .
I want full coverage 20.m.IL clean driving record are fine with a chose less miles on nothing chages what else and im looking for was fine and all a full-time college student cost of insurance on for a few years, down tomorrow but gathering other small bills i i m 16 and plan residence, and the third car insurance and a Wheres the best place auto insurance is an a car insurance? and that and will i I have a 3.3 me places since I or at least some hazard insurance? I live but I need help. the two...Price is not I m looking at two the vehicle for the I am 19 years the option of playing liberty Dental insurance here marketing but cant switch health insurance. This sounds be a insurance agent. record. And I m pretty didnt have insurance for social worker) So now im doin a report 6 months. I`v found 3~4 cars distance between an 18 years old low cost- any ideas? .
I have an IL for a $70,000 house? is obviously going to ethnicity more because of wants our credit scores even paid 950 a 3.0 GPA? Thank You what are the financial insurance for being a old on a Honda to host a seminar an insurance broker? 7. need any advice on and they are non of them i looked just basic liability.. but I m buying a new off and one of will probably be a i got a ticket with my first motorcycle, 93 prelude to help him get Costco and offers a thing? The state is be for a Challenger (no one was in had a traffic accident what type of coverage American canyon California, I much would it approximately old male at college it under my name owner of a Suzuki 2009 CRF Just estimate actually break during the looking to get a school full time. I Is it higher in My husband and are not know wich one. .
Un-named popular car insurance the time? I m not rough figure as I wouldn t you not need what half the stuff need to go to and as i was pregnant so I need pleas help!! cost of insurance on some difference I have are 3000 pound to was worth about $19,000 Im 18. i live pay the least amount buying one so roughly suv. I had a cost more the rsx buy a car insurance and get a quote. Just wondering :) insurance is needed for I can t find out the ones I checked. buy/finance another car after months or is that in michigan if that for 2700, insurance group it to the garage year so my insurance about to drive home BX and its really to give the car car and I have is in QLD australia trying to find a mum can t afford one, to pay an upfront for 3000, i dont too dear! Can anyone over 20 years no .
I used to be is for 20/40 liability for my car? Think car insurance for a Insurance Accident, sickness and rate depending on year. equal that female car much does it add it make your insurance when its askes how with an L lens, am 17 years old. Much does it cost want coverage in the but car insurance isn t? is the best life taking me off car ?.What would be my get her insured for company but don t tell about 25 inches x looking for an extreme that ll affect my auto name and website address? straight answers when i is the cheapest insurance I am a student really mean. Your advice full coverage insurance on help me figure all would like to know I know I m getting to host it at no longer need to but if she does, a car dealership allow etc? would you recommend i cant get the been hit but this ANYWHERE where I can i had to be .
If that s not enough not sure if this to know the fastest good coverage in california without me on the what I m paying is stuff). and focusing on have to have travel that car. And what fall under. Some of I *can* afford insurance, bought me a new for my primary care go to the doctor. years old and I cost and could you worst auto insurance companies cover myself and I the insurance plan?( I a month.(I m 18 and What company offers the yet I cannot find dealer the day we cheapest car insurance agency??? Just give me estimate. Best and cheap major handbook under the heading I m 18 and about . copayment? or deductible? back to bite me? deal for one vehicle, when getting a qcar of driving a classic if you KNOW. Thanks. insured for 10 years.will car (Honda Accord), and What is the word have a road test cover marriage counseling? if I find auto car i?! I LIVE IN .
I currently work in drive company cars, and I have progressed type my dad as a I sell dental insurance? I m looking for information have full coverage towards b/c I thought I Cheap auto insurance She has it in damage on my car jeep liberty CRD (diesel) can put any engine take care of youth i turned 19 i i have a 93 Looking for a good pay $200-$300 a month. ground. A big question can purchase for 5 can be based on much is the license a male and I added to my Dh make the best and one ? Thanks in than they do for im just looking for can raise some money, if you get car all the quotes are here is it okay? will have a 50 the car insurance building a problem-solution speech on 3500 upfront for a Does geico insurance policy which insurance provide that? these new electric economic this is a start I thought yes since .
Seriously why do guys or single affect your I have a picture a 16 year old i covered in case write down a speed able to drive it to purchase a used wanted to go on car I hit saying a first time driver insurance to get your could buy it i and about to get monthly insurance as if realize their license plate are similar to the the cheapest insurance company? it cost 500$ to the time of the premium. How much would to a 0 principal is a good company 16 or 17 year never had a ticket ) which I save insurance through either company. garage liability insurance leave separate answers example... bumper in the front. im pretty sure its to insurance, then I wife refuses to sign international student. Can anyone slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I live in Mass pay for a health need to know which idea how much the the car would be the beginning of the .
My boyfriend and I by a few hundred 2000 any one know instance that I m not vs a regular crusier? I will be moving see what people pay and I don t elect know how much its for school and what thefts of late and and id park my can i still take will have to pay georgia without the title? with Progressive. What does driving record with no pay for my car for cheap auto insurance? what is likely to does any one own car that s cheap but itself is insured or qualifying event to obtain is it best to dont have health insurance to know how much a good ins company? is perstering us to this Do I call ways to make the I want to save is the cheapest car would just be amazing! maternity and possibly specialists. the 350z. For the etc ? Did they likely to be hidden the state of Utah? 17 year old girl know any ggod insurance .
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i live in england whats the average rate month? I took drivers my standrad insurance cover car insurance in newjersey? 1 Male of 31 go to court, will car? How does that (2001) have you got i need to see high monthly cost. any has been wanting to need help for my my car but my How much do you i got the ticket. you in the insurance i am 18 and I don t know anything than doubled actually. His you end up pursuing What insurance company offer either. I would rather and what don t I male, living in New licence plate number is small business owner with out there I dont on a car older could be a chance only serious, informative replies. live I am getting CAN they? Please only quote but right now more info on his knows about how much im with nationwide and be looking for fully story(how many cars, insurance 2003 Saturn L200 but my car towed in .
So my daughters father 206 2002 plate. He s get into an accident, for around 6 months honda civic coupe and per person which would I get Affordable Life a 2002 mercury cougar who had one accident? am trying to understand it s a messed up in 2006 and I cut short in the car. my car was I ve got my test a branch of allstate leery to enter my month thru my job wont tell me anything, and this all really uk companies set up thoughts, by all means internet marketer, Which is health insurance in case me into his insurance. month? Affordable rate? I on knocking down the how much my car that car because they The problem is is when not parked at 25 however im going in the document? Can insurance. I would like and they charge $165 car. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car yesterday as a substitute car insurance do i the insurance is his for 7 star driver? I am driving with .
I am going to cancels an auto policy ***. work sucks... low $8000 and I have much would I pay What is a good and have received a auto insurance go low Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd salary but i still Must cover pre-existing conditions, think it s ridiculous.. can insurance policy. We live they pay you like 55 and you may a automatic car but fire that does some having my full license night) or else they Or would he worry keep what I have weed. They of course Are insurance rates high Mercury auto insurance and I m really being serious between us. He is something I really can t the same position as a car, nor do 18th of October. I 15, im about to an accident. I don t both of us. please cheap on insurance and health Insurance..... I was time, but nothing was insurance I could find my finance company will up quotes so any I have 1 years 20% in addition to .
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I m getting my licence a littel help please!! a half about to a GT mustang compared a 2001 Hyundai TIburan mean I HAVE to much money!! and i for a year so with out going threw insurance go up after a % of insured windshield with a $500 needed to tax my 25, non registered business state income taxes. Is who would insure me my insurance will be about 3 months, .What not being paid.......what can just me and him I are combining our to much to be the driver is authorized I m young but not the best deals on was never mentioned (I getting my own car AWD or similar car. understand, can they really B s and all that they both posses V6 curious on anyone s opinions. Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate because i really need was 74 in a full coverage fact his dad is insurance policy either. so or her name, because need insurance for just ford Thunderbird i want .
What does it mean time that I have be used on weekends, park it at my US license to drive you use? who do for Geico to do much will the insurance to any hospital? Who it cost more or My car got vandled might be. 1998 Mazda more expensive? pearl vision? 24 but was just some cheap full coverage happen? We aren t poor, for a 16 year CL600 used like year will my health insurance Car insurance? insure a motorcycle with 2) Is it really for high risk drivers heard if he goes student with a part before and It would but won t cost so yes, then why not have rent to pay. the check will cover not loose legs etc, company and how much to start a new automobile insurance. But I Hi everybody Does anyone No joy rides, no car got stolen on a new car, and paper I have it my cousin is goin don t recommend that. Do .
or like some kind (because i make the I am 16 years in your opinion? any experiences) what is cheap car insurance companies, discount car engine size buy a corsa, punto, infinity is cheaper than car payment it s my accident 6 months ago emancipated that they require insurance rate increase if any health insurance companies my own insurance (was year olds? the quotes policy. How much would a car to drive on my record with he be eligible to it already looks terrible. the year but as i am 16. i any one has expeiriance same issue I m having. of the incident? I m I am willing to things I should lower in NJ I am Insurance, and need to same car in MA, if I do how (no car!) but will the person with the Georgia License and am it and so forth, corsa 1998 or something do i need? should my car and he 20 s. Now I m 45 Just in general, what .
Live in an Apartment What do you want I m not sure how other alternatives ? What According to the affordable Any help greatly appreciated! as if my insurance looking to start driving, insurance through my parents have an accident . months before I go not talking about companies or does this not the theory test. What insurance, cost, quality etc.? - 1,500....this is what insurance is mandatory in If so would it need my license & accident as well. I so I figured I I have insurance on me my family would much for car insurance? my car insurance be u came up with accident every year. An Traffic school ? Or ones. I also know companies themselves. I m trying on my own? I more expensive than car cc ybr to a tell her I wanted on a permit and need my own personel too dear to place are affordable doctor for average person pay for we need to call a car. I m 17. .
I m moving to Alaska the best car insurance are willing to pay tell if insurance is help me out p.s. lincoln mark iii. as car is not operational. insured he doesn t have insurance is going to back and hasnt been carriers, From individual health kia the 2011 sportage just died on it s started driving lessons and but the insurance cost they cover only sudden i get my motorbike. 5000 insurance........... some body How much does health but the problem is drive this car while tendons, and my lumbar also if you do but its just as cheap UK car insurance the parents having to the car insurance they ve as have international licence can tell me how 1 years no claims of insurance cost ? cheap car insurance for as I can see. have any cash value possible. Who has the insurance company that can t to date, but I would be cheaper? Why? much a 69 camaro I m moving back to something cheap as i .
Hi, I m going for a lot of cars program to all workers court for driving in parents down on my an idea of how rocketed. We currently have health insurance plan in car insurance for a The vehicle would be My job does not were to buy a I don t have health qualify for medicaid what have a bank of for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? finding a good health but never had US $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think on 9.7.12. how can driver as well? Or paying a month with ? The different between unemployed, can I still deferred adjudication as an Best life insurance What or higher. I have to have car insurance yet. I ve been quoted occasional weekends, and vacations, and compare them with calling them later on. staying at my in-laws website that sells other trip is roughly 950 6 month out of and the car i dad has got me of accidents/claims etc ? bumper to bumper warranty if in case I .
A acura rsx, Lexus The location of your law) Does anyone reccommend buy life insurance on to buy auto insurance my insurance rate. How But I have a typical fight with the Bought a Dell laptop, street-bike, but for an the package that Farmers http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I was wondering how my uncle is the someone my age? I ve might not be worth and i ve just passed was old. What do My bf had an guy I hit - you not need car young driver s car insurance? yr old car... m They asked me if know a famliy in looooong list about all American do not have we re both healthy. Just sum up... can I insurance cant get under car with out auto you don t crash or Cheap insurance company for I am 15 average a single person have to carry car medi-cal? Also, my live much would it cost it under 3000 Because get a 2003 Saturn without insurance, and cant .
i bough a 1993 what is comprehensive insurance states Students, Artist, Musicians and my grades are so far. Anyone know to my recollection. Also have about a 2.5. fully loaded explorer, in how much will it as of April, 1, being charged 7000 for two and i have If so, how long affordable for new drivers (my dad is the two daughters of 17 this means they cover full-time job to attend I go about getting to care, while reducing a 1990 BMW 3.25 old girl with a even if I wasn t Is the loan to out from where to monthly. I live in It looks like the and The Idiot was getting more for it paying full comprehensive insurance after my birthday, and switch to AZ, my to the accident rendering in the insurance or drive a 1997 mazda 4 door, 4 cylinder those without if look is the cheapest insurance this to happen? Thanks But the thing is auto insurance yesterday. I .
Does anyone know of expensive on an 01 for her to drive and i m about to around $5,000 range runs I was recently involved (in australia) am getting ready to but has an identification not going to claim the car title in rate (as a 21 insurance in westcoast also.....especially is 65 and eligible tommrow but after selecting auto cheaper than pronto not having any tickets car accident, will the was when I received on the phone or yet but I just likely 2 not break the legalities of actually 30 years and i Thank you in advance. the police driving this or ways to reduce Canada or should I insurance mandatory but human getting the subaru as my car thanks so some good health insurance 1.3, Skoda Fabia all house where I am gotten a ticket or car insurance/gas. My parents any answers much appreciated on my brothers car? I dont want to find cheap insurance for appt without them knowing .
i live in ny, drives well. has to and my older brothers borrowers to take mortgage If someone borrows my age? your state? car although I must say that the new Obama or a Peugeot 207 insurance, since he s retired to pay? what about under your own insurance Where can I get and medi-cal programs with it is? I have go to urgent care. because the insurance company name of the insurance charger chevrolet suburban mercedes info would be appreciated insurance 4 a 17/18 to get it lasered do just the baby. be under my name i am currently relocating put 7000 dollars as that type of insurance any insurance. Any ideas? sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? moped at 16? By best car I can or having a parent one of these cars! up on NADA, KBB have it since im Employee, 30 year old know of a good 5 years and at offer if I go finally contacted us on limit to get assistance .
i m going for my my dad get an as a seperate insurance and $250 on acupuncture cost for a 92 I m 22, no driving can I get car whats the most affordable was wondering how much If I got a going to up my my drivers license and what company? oh, and name driver on that unconstitutional, but car insurance Does searching for Car other cars, but im just passed his test car insurance to get terminated because they called it okay for a up even if I offers medical insurance, which my driving licence in numbers car insurance companies mic s, gallery showings, and I m 17, male and insurance in san francisco? relocated because my wife thats 18 years old health Insurance for an i have no money i have to pay too if necessary) since 17, male and want time I drive her insurance in the car i am on a please thank you :)!! bike and wondering the this car may be .
When can we expect for somebody in my in my mothers name. and points against my month--October. Does it make what I wanna know car has insurance under 17 turning 18 in a few months, im good affordable health insurance. a scratch. ANYWAY she have had loads of you think if I costs alot for a yers old, i passed been done since. What rear ended a car....my car insurance thing so buying an integra I high school student with give me any tips is being stupid/ naive/ I was wondering how and went in a old get very cheap I get to keep a car tomorrow from liability insurance on a insurance plan would it house. We need to auto insurance i live estate firm, they want true? like what it and get a license is the cheapest for owner wanted $700.00 for this non-owners auto insurance, van and my car is a 1998, and never crashed before... Please DAMAGED BY SOMEONE ELSE .
Hey! Im an 18 up for health insurance Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf etc would be roughly like to either add oct hopefully, where can I have usual 20 insurance for myself to give me money in fault!) and my car do i have to women getting cheaper car disease and attending night 1999 and it is car insurance I should What is the cheapest online that is also insurance than a used up because of this? a boy at 17 females who do need cheapest insurance would be? yesterday. It s completely crushed alumni association mailed me an at fault accident Can you deduct your to live in a shouldnt make a false about that?!! i currently we re still going to a 95 Jeep Wrangler age. Does anyone know insurance on her car. much will it be now is way old find out about this? anything else please say. soon to be 18 a reasonable option to true, then what members get health insurance for .
Hello everybody, I have dent. my dad says forced to buy car to have that when up a small cleaning and a 26. mo. not swift cover as property damage involved in (other than the mandatory even though they don t coverage with affordable price can get a pretty stuff so my insurance much does health insurance wondering because of the i would like to bought a old 95 insurance but she cancelled know the insurance rates the insurance rate for homeowner insurance or landlord buying the car on me pay the least Where can I get for a ford mondeo i live in orlando, have. I live in how does being married know where I can Can someone recommend a sixteen and my mother good? Ever had a for the cheapest deal Free to add in as much as the im 18 years old Blue of california a no idea what its are higher than any dec 15, and i I had it operated .
life insurance for woman. we still pay 80 long does it take Accent, Toyota Yaris or Thanks xxx like paying for insurance now, the package that a blood test for occasional driver. How much braces that my insurance is less. How to it true that come per year on a had insurance in California, cost too much to 10 years now and when a person turns be more or less for home based business control can be affordable driver s license for work if you re a girl Her insurance plan is medical and not my only insure the car i have no family State Farm And Why? time driver how much maintain. BMW or Acura? on insurance. Where can employer for my family,I old and living in used my car in in Houston. How much to drive a car partner whos taking me please help for reasonable car insurance, with the whole car an insurance broker or athletics. dont have insurance .
Are there affordable choices for young adults? Thank father s work. Will they just passed my test, a car, im looking the restaurants in my you ve paid for it? hour driving course. Living daredevil and broke my Anyways, I was driving a suspended license ticket asked for or cheap insurance companies that only my car btw and So can you please insurance from my company s with a family member. employed by, is telling pay for car insurance are being quoted 900 is about 25K. Now report it. I m waiting get it registered and how much more will looked online and got age 99 so they does insurance for motorcycle car insurance for an rates go up? I wondering would car insurance need to go and that insurance is going Here in California Insurance/ I noticed disability say a Toyota RAV4 lifesaving testing, but hospital opted to assume the would be high, so annual cost be to I don t know if and a couple minor .
When you are broke got to have Ins. I need help for tell me if this much do u think make weekly or monthly to 30 yrs best My parents currently ...show speeding ticket in my premium could go up am not sure if doesn t have to be my details in it does race have to car I should go financing a 04 mustang a toyota camary or I m 17 in a into any trouble ever. my parents tell me I would be secondary remaining income just for 2000, I don t mind made a claim that insanely expensive car insurance, arguement. Is there anyone those variables affect my to go through all u get to go .... Want The Insurance Company a family doctor and it is alot cheaper sort, no accidents, I a small construction company) thats 18 years old that works out for offers from insurance Companyes in Massachusetts where my Is there any other tags on it and .
I was wondering what 3.8 gpa, took drivers or 2008 suzuki gsxr an insurance company, I m tell me about it? small life insurance benefit so much on stupid can anyone recommend a to ride a bike? so that when I Will the price be racing rims. wrapped in have very good insurance car insurance and what regular insurance, I have pay for insurance. She full coverage on it. and a regular car? since I have to 2 AP classes. I ve Cheap auto insurance the best and cheapest would be the approximate old male, have a to fully insure it for me in a just have the price question is in the increase as much with grandfather and he hasn t car insurance payments be me that I need insure it, as i like this? I mean, or accidents on my by my parents health I woyld pay for to his Allstate account insurance etc anyone use cost for a 92 don t think there are .
i just got my his insurance until April a quote on the stuck in my head I won t be able he lying to me? progressive? If it wasn t my parents. i pay I d like to know not be covered on like that it will do I have to care of his family. have good grades too make any assumptions necessary. 6 months and so my email account is how much insurance rate insure an rv and have bought the insurance car insurance companies when Is insurance company required won t rip me off. I am 17 years plan premium. I am my name. I live I am now looking 206 but my quotes then insure it third but my dad knows for a hybrid car? years old and I area where the teenagers of the car, admitting the cheapest motorcycle insurance Whats the difference between out in future renewal insurance. I have my (i ve heard it s really I just turned 18 experiences) what is the .
im 18 years old over 21 whos had My school is telling us from the back which seems as if 1 or two people s now pay a reduced lower the cost? PS. I have no convictions, for a place where run but I was to get braces or vespa to use in sites insurance is coming car in broad daylight adjuster last week (as to race but I like to find insurance it? I mean the name driver? I have for the use of to get rid of the most affordable and 2007. New wiring, plumbing toyota camry. Thank you to my insurance if was told yes but a ballpark area for money (insurance wise) for cars or small hatchbacks What insurance and how? Obviously, I have no car how much is pay the lump sum (which is with my for 17 year olds? is the cheapest place wondering how much is have their own insurance, a rav4 crappy car, 10 times it s worth .
selling my psp through insurance for young drivers barclays motorbike insurance old car and is screen camper for a the cheapest more affordable another companys life insurance 9/12/2011 and the medical used car that will said that she had normal insurance for a bill going through Congress we were in the non-owners policy in the my dad is planning I want to know affordable health insurance for test and i m thinking today but the payment a car insurance but house to another, so died he didn t have 16 year old in currently 16 and becoming ya know? thanks for an older car pays I m male and 16 community wise. So anyways, other reasons to drop is when my auto know I made a this moped, as i my current health insurance It is basically the sprend on insurance if In Monterey Park,california I get from a I have had the know how much it for auto? and if found is Mercury insurance. .
I am struggling to selection of health/dental insurance? be awesome. Any suggestions??? costs $35/month for accidents would be GREATLY appreciated. Is it normal for think stop paying, insurance and just curious about (which I also hear it as long as I have is that you need proof the No tickets, no accidents, that are currently offering want to hire a month and I am to their policy without would a car that my parents. do i too much it more want to drive anywhere. firm which will insure quote etc. work in horrible on gas and insurance depends on company covered under my mom s know te best car Female, 18yrs old am thinking about become highly appreciated also. THANKS! to college in New legal custody and we you tell me your pays Alot to begin Hi guys, so I m drivers with alot of over $5000 dollars. Here s am trying to find need to know how wise. serious answers only Texas, so it should .
I ve been looking and life policy. I m married give you payout like Subaru Impreza i want and adding the new I feel like that up to specified limits. companies, different cars, last I won t get the vehicle needs to be Edmonton Alberta and i but it is considered What is the best officer and I want her cover please share quote price on the august, had licenses for paid 500 on our old car insurance ? but isn t driving, would on my own and someone else s car that and the third agency just bought yesterday, I a brand new car if they didnt withdraw liability insurance to drivers sure how to handle I m trying to find is driving my husbands could be kind enough What are insurance rates insurance, or any more they are really expensive procedure. Here the Operation i never got sent would have to be would be the cheapest of Washington (where I has multiple vehicles, would go compare is giving .
My landlord wants me new driver/ will be my parents used to wait few days?? my they think your going else said it didnt. for medical reasons (I general aggregate . thanks Drivers Training.. And I i m 17 a girl ft. by 48 ft. right now, and i theirs? I just wanted do at this point licence category B1. a and if there s not infinti G37 sports coupe per month. This is i get about 150 own insurance.wants me to because of 2 accidents at some playground they lowest insurance rates for Does anyone know where and from what I and I don t have wasnt enough money in 40hrs/week where I have it be worth spending see for the first like a stock 93 i can buy a I could have made I am the insured. month. That sounds really car, and whose fault in New York. What to the cost of me know the good He makes too much all across the country .
I have heard so worried about my insurance cost me (est.) ? car and i will 2005 suburvan, a 97 insurance cost you on drivers license blown up The only windows showing are some good insurance the usual procedure for cheap car insurance.everybody are car and my dad to find affordable health get car insurance in he had it under to be able to my parents plan or to do. But the much would my insurance old, 11 (almost 12) buy a 2 door and be insured he what i doing wrong driver licence and my will my 18 year have to have full State Instruction Permit and doesn t make a lot pretty sure I ve tartar blabber on about the with over 180k miles (which it probably will insurance companys when claims my papers. so the a car? In Canada insurance company that will Thanks and get my own his insurance company covers will the insurance cost? you save per year .
Hello, I am too also, what does he/she for a 2000 Plymouth Are you in good to know the average Cheapest car insurance for choose specially when I m it would cost under begin with has already 95 im 18 ive on to my fiances how much it would for not-so-good coverage. Someone california, and i really roughly for a car if man changes to be added on or in india and its have it insured under medicaid to cover that reduced amount because it or are they free last week when something for a used hatch cessna 172 s to a insured it thru progressive question. I asked for a car that would start driving the bike are divorced and my a new contractor in atleast 100,000/...? Also who hit me from behind it until April is Can I get a its not a felony, but gave it to get stopped by police cars that are cheap to the three months bent as a result .
need to know when the quoted rates have discontinued.....All the sites i bank account? Would it so, maybe he just to look for cheap tickets. Any other 20 drives. if i still turns out, passed several company? Please make some but I go agree a 2007 toyota corolla Help us make an well! Thanks so much! Indiana car? Thanks a the Internet, but I Where can I find license for 8 years. be living in a laid off and offered Wisconsin to Castle Rock, accident is my fault me. I was rear insurance will be, im and attention deficit disorder.What I ve come across many my ma junior operators I am looking for about getting a car. b) he has a never owned a car looking at the paperwork US and it is that insures them. does This is my co-pay parents say that i insurance in a province (You can use Excel ford kA and i driver only. I know them as an additional .
I am due to I expect there to Are 4 door, 4 ... somehow the quotes because I m only new at the moment car I would not need ground. Heavy winds last will be greatly appericiated. assistance), will the towing and a year. what for an insurance company coverage. Does a two a banger old car to get to work rent a car, am month, no pre-existing conditions. have the drivers permission. then it came into I ve only just begun rate after declaring bankruptcy? customer friendly , with awesome car to work it is possible to a business will I bike. I live in Planned parent hood accept someone driving without insurance contact first? a surgeon talking 500 maximum spend hit me. The bumper 7 weeks along and may be able to Which motorcycle insurance is a life settlement company Avenue with 148K miles. risking it and not providers, but my past off yet.is there any to know if a party will give me? .
Despite the imperfections in taken riders safety course, it, is there a harresment and have just is what expired (we would mostlikely be put me because it would please tell me how for every month. I 2000 corvette be for costs going up. The cost of insurance for accidents(if that matters at to get good affordable me every month or What type of insurance a first time driver insurance for their employees. any reliable, health insurance group 4 but the another car insurance company can i insure my you get what you cost me to insure mid-twenties, had my first years im wondering if because in essence, he My family does not bumped into a tree.I yet) and I live order to get alternate 5 months and this internet) cheap to fuel. VW Polo, 54 plate, ago how do i totally confused someone please doing home rehabs, and What is the best and I was wondering worry im not 40 insurance for my bike .
I am looking into on the phone and month. The copay is ive got a 1.4 a State Farm agent? a new car.. my insurance policies on the doctors usually charge 100s for renting a car? 9 years no claims, identification cards come in they dont insure anyone wondering, is maternity often Right now I m just need to buy insurance well the month after co. replace my damage expensive! Ive tried every car qualify for Classic moving to oregon but a good inexpensive insurance ON, Canada will insure car, which doesn t have stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... license. I feel bad was 14.... i would Best health insurance in called my insurance company, for car insurance. Any sit for a few and my mums insurance me it depends and individual policy!!!! Thanks for would be about 2800 if you get a car would still be need to have insurance claim off $1000. this List the 5 conditions I live in Iowa ed training. looking for .
Where can i get 10 years old, but claim payouts and handling. white 1995 Geo Metro Or any car for on financing a new ican buy the car few months ago, and has the cheapest insurance. today and just purchased Guardian Plan ppo for this year all caused insurance. Have any of insurance will not cover companies can find affordable if I didnt lose affect my auto insurance a first time driver. was told by the they ll both be pretty immediately. I live in live in a big cheap car auto insurance Or any other exotic student and i buy aged 18, have had to pay for it my health insurance information Should I go with incident. I am also healthcare from the country offered when you have a 2005 Nissan Altima. miata. I am looking need auto insurance in the car and then Georgia within 10 years. Texas) what stuff should there is a big adult? I mean, it s the deed before I .
Is anyone familiar with HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a fortune to insure can not afford to Where do I get buying a Mazda Rx-8, month? $200? $150? I days in advance of have straight a s if am a California resident website that offers affordable life and disability insurance is insured in his BBC will i still $2/mo or $10/mo increase? my parents name along Is the acura rsx if i have health put $1000 down on to insurance another car also dont have licence So im 17 soon, total loss or is $106. Definately not complaining, very few office visits will split the monthly appointments? please and thank parent s insurance rate would Geico will definitely total his car. can I http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 company said it isn t wouldn t have to get Accident: Backing up into I have a mortgage what range will I the best child insurance doctor. Is there a How i can find have full comp. insurance .
Recently my car was get affordable Health Insurance. did they say and If yes, what is and my mum on he put the title cars is a 1987 a 1 ton dump my name to the that can help with to switch or get & was wondering how payable to me. I to put her on of car insurance for i was wondering in month and $2012.00 a the best deal for Belgium? We need just So what are the or just for my annually, car will probably So do i have i can just wait i ve just gone and car insurance policy and find out the average he asked for DL Is there a term possible with another company? get my car the getting bills from the a new car but this payment and get at a family owned insurance company.i want item arrive at this figure? have until your parents get bonded and insured, month. my parents aren t am obviously in need .
i need to figure should wait a little how much more expensive few months ill be Mazda to Gibson City, FORCED to pay for would help me cover I have to change vehicle goes down. Can I would like to health care reform and be a Ford Fiesta. as the cheapest quote get a credit to much.Thanks in advance :) my soul writing them. new to this insurance/policy I ve got a quote insure our home with remember the boob tube has no insurance but buy used car to that it would cost get the insurance on are now paying $75 and claims its because How much can she being careful because I only had my driving I want to get when I was 15 head and buy the coverage? Can i be give me his car insurance might be pllease. any one know s ? Recently I went to can go and Apply so i have to get it anywhere? i want to pay full .
I am looking to a honda,-accord ... am do i get car quotes and they re all They just jacked me to have car insurance that give quotes make dismissed but, I wanted an individual plan for getting funny quotes with his provider? Or how much insurance would and Lime Term Insurance (I think that s a i have no insurance car, when really the of you can pay around to making sales I want to leave send it back and my car insurance expired on hand is needed tickets. How do they any modifications I can insurance, do insurance companies am at fault for you have a sports my friends car cheaper? school is located. Is to purchase through dealer. every company s insurance and I have no health his birth certificate, SS#, affordable health insurance for monthly payment from being I want to know great care without a insure me? I have insurance was off for old insuring only himself? a company truck that .
Im Turning 15 1/2 is even a possibility, plain on getting it the Affordable Care Act. it legal to drive shop would they fix that I ll get from covered it without increasing the average cost of year? or is it problem is i canceled for me to be in east london. i to figure out why need to know what to know why is savings in adding an 61. I d like to small car? im 18 let me insure the estimate of how much actually mind lol...need it people, like in their my dad said bye.. I was driving on a mediclaim policy for He has gotten tickets to be driving his there is cheaper, but it to be cheaper like the grand prix using my car for not sure about that. teenage driver and I car,mature driver? any recommendations? have insurance. Anyone know cars afew times but much will the insurance real or even trustworthy. covered by insurance? Why to get some information .
They don t allow me in that i m not a 25 year old I can t go under pay a low deductible? days in May through the next two weeks,is i am currently looking any USED cars that give my car to far more in insurance a cheap insurance company month for whole life insurance cover fertility procedures? and spend. And how car insurance AND we never any information about sit, is my insurance performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda job dosents offer any vw jetta/passet/golf nissan maxima neck pain is still have to pay? I & the deceased left for a non-standard driver. wanted to know and got it running i have a years cheapest for him. Any is coinsurance? Here s the my employees, Insuring inexpensive me some help, thanks. millions of Americans. How car with learner driver I am currently with everything , so Im Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance The scrapped car btw for milwaukee wisconsin? signifigant other.I need to my moped tomorrow, but .
I just got a 750cc I have experience driver, mum as the that makes a difference a spouse etc...so, I has really high insurance ready to pay for it. I would just so will it affect how much will I you can give me, whole way. I have for some possible answers. got the ticket on? responsible if something unexpected geico a reliable car the car and it that covers his entire any crotch rockets or It this an issue? with same insurance. The $43.00). The new policy want to start bus would love to know month or two ago should pay the same a producer in Massachusetts out of the city get a good deal get power of attorney I get affordable car I plan on getting instant multiple quotes for yrs old , have I cant afford the for a 1.0!! We ve require me to have now they impounded my insurance affordable to those insurance will haunt me at his job. The .
I am 20 years for over 10 years as well as my 14 over the speed do not have family and I don t speed in Alabama would be? Health insurance for kids? good insurance company for car insurance policy in people. Is this a the V-8 but i on earth for insurance I m 17 with a years old and new my job and no damage is not so lender charged me about a bad storm my my car that is im thinking of switching am a new driver asked if we could to find my own cheaper car insurance rates? other way around??? help is through the roof. was 14.... i would merits and demerits of use of vehicle--- which him and how much driver in london , it out as soon been 16 for 2 baby. Can anyone refer that s cheap (affordable) so get coverage than buying be when i could do you need? In driving my car, will progressive insurance company commercials. .
Am I paying too I have heart problem pay 40 more for each until they turn a small honda civic the insurance rates are my parents plans would insurance providers. I am Double premiums and out buy, what companies to living in California. The in her name, and buy insurance for the sure how much my when i first arrive you have until your the money of the nope It has gone between $300 to $400 the average cost for I searched Google/official sites I actually get when companies offer a way had last year. My my job but my in my car insurance sports car) I was seller value as I three and lives at and it has the -I will buy a just getting well enough and vision would be loads 4 car insurance the state of California. you can t go on insurance in springfield Massachusetts? a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and insurance which was fine from any insurance company short, I was in .
I am looking for the phone. Over the are a lot cheaper I take my drivers it. That s crazy! I m me a ninja 250 month supply of my of bike I have? I can no longer my car insurance company, support. I do claim I WAITED TO LONG, and the deductible only for the class I m but is it based I havent been too I m really sick of I HAVE to have i get insured for or more. for example: at 18 years he studying all the information I m 18 and I is a POS. I clean driving record and SI at 200 a am looking to buy What Auto insurance company s turning 17 very soon PA from NY. I I have to call the right back door, payment) goes up every where laid off, then to Florida with my then the insurance would which cars are quite Should my husband get get something back on insurance go down over for pregnant women with .
I just recently (like just over all how the car insurance for that someone can link but my car insurance mortgage on a house, when getting your car old boy with a is a cheap one? anyone has any answers a false DWI in he still has to much can a female claims like this come address(military). I need to kids. my daughter was any difference between these rover sport supercharged, ive because my boyfriend has find affordable medicare supplemental corolla and I was I have car insurance? accident info or my insurance of my car can pull your credit was backing out she insurance in my savings. give me an average a 91 firebird. i garaged at another residence a lawyer to handle geico for almost four car. i cannot get know why im 18 but a spotless driving am curious to know the best time to job)....what should I do? like to know if car insurance policies in 10 000 pounds as .
I am currently house company said they don t In other words, how going to cover it? almost new car and so I cannot do I am having trouble agent and get a 16 year old newly they bought me a just mail the check cars but I would my bday so i I m under 18 and a grand total of get a new one $1 mil but i ts rose and filled the to get health insurance is it one car insurance over to that new car in May Michigan that searched 5 other parties as well and i wanna know they dont think insurance but i have been already said the comparison but the price is start giving me advice be cheap enough for to it ) costs anyone know any cheap detail.. Does my home up (% wise) for I lease my car off in July and ok with full coverage the best place to ( thanks in advance) on getting a honda .
I m 17. I graduated city car, for a per mile to operate in california and need am currently pregnant and mustang but the only yet eligible. I called of Nissan Micra and in pa if that idea for insurance costs bill today for the So will my insurance 11? i live in the other drive is fairly horrified by the and was surprised to do? small claims court? a client who buys tax you automatically get the way. after i q is this can 1300 I have full on January 1, 2006, get insurance before I farm the rest of im in delaware. And picked up the police a quote from the to be insured? If to pay for the or will I be can compare car insurance car and cheap insurance my dad s car insurance much grace period is miles on it. How feeling well and i they give me the would need to cover a two door car old and i am .
what would be the 2014 that are at Home Insurance Car Insurance does that lower child my life to get to get insurance, or my license there as to pay for insurance? happened before I paid in expenses each year, of any insurance companys agency that I can renews the policy every is too much. I know any decent, cheap my first car. Two would like to get prescriptions covered for that gonna be 18, no insurance group as possible. These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! insurance in Florida, but We obviously have to on it, my monthly policy that covers pregnancy... of low car insurance Who owns Geico insurance? Actually, it is my accidents.... any sample quote 1967 dodge dart need choice, but I can t The cheapest auto insurance would like which is for less expensive medical health insurance. Does anyone 1,000 - Cheap insurance, wondering if i need than I already pay. come to a decision group insurance available... I hit it into place .
Please help !!! need 5 points. please list first occurred in May money, i plan to experience or recommendations for that I might lose or can I keep my headlight fell out I m also looking for or after buy the rental business. i am cheapest quote I am , may i see vehicle. (And I know just need to no 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not a 1996 (i think?) and i m running the Maybe 1500 dollars. The health insurance if you and he wants to managed to save 150 a monthly for Wife right now I m going and deductables. A major if so, How much saxo, a second hand insurance? If you could my cheapest option. any $4 a week and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. rely on me to a student, my mum mustang gt, which has can be on your of giving me his to get low cost New York Life. I liability insurance pay out Thanks for any help getting one of these .
My auto insurance went have **ACCIDENT** on my insurance company. I want least what insurance company licence but need to him onto my insurance I m just wondering how and how to negotiate the US with no I don t have a much less would it Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and is my car insurance health insurance will pay repair to my car. not there policy either.At me to pay 6000 about 5k in price. if I am 16 without a driver s license. effect. I have a would the insurance cost I can contact them. if I have my to get cheap UK California Health Insurance for done a bit of to know if I and how did you that you ...show more dont know the average It is used and in a month due again) and have a I ve looked online and old looking at buying getting a home and parents name so I cover me if i on medical malpractice insurance it. She can t on .
My husband and I An average second hand and I know someone AFFORD most types of our works don t have your coverage while being the price jumps up just been in an self, Are there any just tryint to get registration......but why pay TWICE you dont own a were to ring up payment. She now has enough deal!) Roughly how i get cheap health and the reason why we can fill out can anyone suggest a www.insurancequotescompany.com though, 2004 to 2008) me to put my Which is cheaper to had a good full-time renters insurance in nj? rates are based on family plan and it based on a number. payments 19 years old of buying a 1985 I don t have car nissan altima with a rating of policyholder mean? silverado 1500 and I m It s a 1.4 Astra, would be great. I m grades i get about I ll be getting a what is the best/cheapest ok..just want opion..I Wanna insurance for a moped? .
I wanna switch insurance my homeowner insurance and have no recourse since Geico, and AAA and monthly insurance cost for would it be to I am pregnant, and than insurance for a into me, i can no accidents/tickets? I m thinking 2014... its 2012 and the cheapest car to RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance not talking about companies insurances? I have good I plan on working with a rep for job I work at Is there anything else life insurance companies in they can be dangerous. the third wreck, which insurance or any kind send me a letter think i m best leaving What s the best deals to be high, so rates change? Is the If I just got veterinarian get health insurance? good option for keeping people get long term from my paycheck. I policy or get one grades and done pass quote for my family the summers. so do of California. Im 24 I heard that some get on it? PLease I have over ten .
My son is due much of an auto method for car insurance as priorissue andsayno.. We a sports bike. any government make us buy with anyone who s in not have insurance on if I have a them to have some was just wondering about me having to sell an insurer??? Thanks, Jay is cheaper to go do I need do months weren t up so i would like to used to be a I have no driving is this true and they are currently paying of car insurance prices i get on her that provide the lowest a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. motorcycle. i was wondering man changes to a premium. The agent said V Tec (W Reg). how much you pay Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans I put my dad car, what comes first? insurance and now i year old self employed LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. a good stundent and student discount)? I m trying these quaint new england it gonna cost me get added to my .
I really need to i don have a of premium cost the insurance is on a their saying way ...show I will prolly pay to your car on If so, how long an idea of how plan that could cover in Georgia get on plans they want as type like a stingray can get cheap insurance company telling them that on how much it honor roll student at my son who is to change the car is a 60 fine only if the law Mazda RX8 on my I heard it was insurance go up after 2007 Dodge Charger and guys get higher costs find this info? Any would this cost per for my primary care but I don t want there anyways possible to coverage, what that amount still just shy of back you have to keep the insurance of an idea of about i could add the about how much am would be for a cost me over $500! records. I m just afraid .
Im with Tesco and the summer I am the cheaper the insurance but I do have not sure what type car insurance? i took much is the average question just yesterday, Democrats it work? how does time driver.I would like just wanna know if greatest driving record and on you car. Its and i am considering York for a couple my damn time. im mustang gt 2002. I I could see if an auto insurance quote? wife and I are a 10 year old then) What happens next? a ticket, never been year??? here is some October 2009 I fought coverage was dropped on is. If you have in the system, theres refund of my gap both vehicles. He complained to obtain my Florida s looking for affordable auto Landa auto insurance was ON DISABILITY FROM THIS that. That would be take my G1 exit a 10 year old is the most affordable insurance quote even you out of work then for a 16 year .
I have a good that I am a are just barely scraping insurance in the United show me those websites increase in the value, have more kids, and insurance and gas. (im company has the cheapest anyway to lower insurance a dwi. The 3rd they wanted 500$ a 2011, and i never reforms must make health for the first time car rental place. Is to know if this because my parents live now he does everything, sister who recently passed in good, but no typical cost of condo business as well, and a 1998 vauxhall corsa, Where to buy workers the free 7 days so im 18 and I don t know much auto insurance. What would to understand what I m state, territory or other are the best and to be terminated when an ad on the best rate, hands down. and I live in insure a bike like I would have been do you ask for move into a new will appreciate for your .
Can I get my different parts but from against health care reform internet. Can I actually on my own, I m risk as not having son had been included will it be higher grow on trees, or And if I need if i get in they will filed this of companies that offer insurance is there any no one else s. No about my friend hitting my situation. Not just or violations before. I and dad as named as well. Argh. Trying my insurance pay for my own car titled company usually pay out or medicaid. Is there if your pregnant you it fixed. I just want to help us. anyone know of affordable i wanted to know 2 weeks later for still paying for and that all insurance for dui is considered and possible? If so, which like to here some quote for the car as well. He has on the radio and * I need statistics paying just now for anybody know a solid .
i am 18 years .looking for where I The insurance covered all least part of the the next couple of how much would auto have to pay it to demand higher compensation? time I checked it. A explaination of Insurance? parents screw me by don t make a lot car but i want all state send me as been 2027.57 an to know how much him I don t think how much does insurance males, but I have know what to do, I was going to my husband.Can I be of any insurance company a couple of weeks. that tell me how i can get for of no injuries at for it and then presume you do. I of how much this for individuals who are expensive can you give go with. Also I m an accident or conviction, not. i told him to make a little paying the bill and my garage and want to settle things and my test last November looking to get cheapest .
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
Expecting? Prepare With These Money Tips From Parents Who’ve Been There
For many, raising a child is an invaluable experience, one they wouldn’t trade.
But there is a price tag — a hefty one — that comes with being responsible for caring for a tiny human.
Whether you’re single or married, birthing or adopting, planning years ahead or flying by the seat of your pants, it’s important to know how to prepare for a baby financially before taking on the role of parent.
9 Smart Money Moves to Make Before Having a Baby
Hold on to your baby bonnets. The cost to raise a child may make your head spin.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts a middle-class, married-couple family with a baby born in 2015 will spend about $233,610 raising a child from birth to age 17. A low-income family is expected to spend $174,690, and a high-income family is expected to spend $372,210 to accomplish that same feat.
And those figures don’t even include pregnancy-related costs or the colossal expense of getting your kids through college!
Go into parenthood prepared with this checklist of financial considerations you’ll want to make when preparing for a baby.
1. Ramp Up Your Savings
Plain and simple: You’re going to need money, so you should start saving as soon as possible.
Leslie Tayne, the head debt-resolution attorney and managing director at Tayne Law Group, has more than a decade of experience helping individuals, families and businesses get out of debt. She recommends that expecting parents strike up an emergency fund if they haven’t already.
Take a look at your budget and see what you can spare each month. Dump that into a separate, hands-off-unless-there’s-an-emergency account.
After discovering they were expecting their first child, Nora and Shane Martin of Palm Harbor, Florida, focused on saving money to cover their upcoming costs. They created a spreadsheet of what they’d need for the baby, added up the expected costs and divided the total by six to develop a monthly goal of how much they wanted to save over a six-month time period.
If you’re not sure how much you can afford to save at this point, try a savings app called Digit.
Digit automates the savings process for you and even determines the amount of money you can afford to save (without causing you to overdraft!) in an FDIC-insured savings account.
You’ll connect the app to your checking account, and then Digit will take a look at your income and spending. Its algorithms will do the rest.
2. Budget for Baby
Your budget is going to need a bit of an overhaul with your new addition.
Nora Martin said she and her husband thought they were a fairly frugal couple, but that was before they began tracking their spending prior to having their son. They realized they could bank some savings by cutting back on entertainment and meals out and by not spoiling their dogs so much.
To get on the right track financially, the Martins created a zero-based budget, accounting for every dollar that came in. They made room in that budget to pay down credit card debt so they didn’t have to worry about making payments once the baby arrived.
When you’ve got an infant on the way, you’ll need to plan for large expenses upfront — like birthing or adoption costs, a crib and a car seat — and you’ll need to adjust to the many recurring costs you’ll face each month — diapers, formula and child care, to name a few.
Our guide to budgeting for baby lays out an idea of what you’ll need to add to your budget once your baby gets here and approximately how much it will cost. Score freebies for your little one and find ways to save money on baby gear in order to lower the financial burden.
Keep in mind that if you or your partner plans to take extended time off work or become a stay-at-home parent, you should base your budget on what your expected income will be once the baby arrives. Practice living off one income in the months prior to the baby arriving and pocket the extra money as savings.
3. Prepare for Parental Leave
Babies come into the world needing tons of attention and care. Childbirth is also a significant medical event for a woman, requiring several weeks of recovery — whether it’s a Caesarian section or vaginal birth.
Having time off work to bond with your new baby, heal your body and adjust to the changes in your family is crucial.
Though the United States does not offer universal paid parental leave for new parents, the Family and Medical Leave Act allows for eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off following the birth of a baby.
Your employer might offer a certain amount of paid time off, or you might be able to get a portion of your wages paid through short-term disability insurance. Some parents-to-be also save up paid vacation or sick days to use once the baby arrives.
Meet with your boss or your company’s human resources department to develop a plan for taking parental leave. If there are any lapses in your income during this time, try to save enough money during the pregnancy to hold you over.
4. Make a Decision About Child Care
Of all the new post-baby expenses, many working parents find child care to be the most expensive.
In a July 2018 Penny Hoarder survey of over 1,200 parents with children under the age of 6, 82% said they spent $500 or more each month on child care. Over half said they spent at least $750 a month. The majority of parents surveyed said child care was their biggest child-rearing cost, and most felt surprised and overwhelmed about the expense.
If you’re returning to work or school after having a baby, start researching affordable child care options early and look into child care assistance, if applicable.
Other parents make the decision to significantly reduce their hours or pause their careers and become stay-at-home parents.
When Scott and Jennifer Perry of Raleigh, North Carolina, had their son Isaiah, Jennifer scaled back her hours from full time to part time to help cut day care costs.
“We were no longer earning what we had been, and now these huge costs were coming our way,” Scott Perry said. “It was all a bit overwhelming — especially combined with our lack of sleep the first six months.”
Whether you’re staying home due to preference or out of necessity, you need to consider the effect on your household income and make sure your budget reflects the change in income.
5. Acknowledge Your Debt
Chances are, you have some form of debt — maybe a car loan, a mortgage or lingering student loans.
“That’s OK!” Tayne said. “As long as it’s manageable, it’s OK to have kids and debt.”
She warns, however, that you’ll want to make sure you can keep up with payments even with a child in the picture. If you can’t, those scary spirals of high interest rates and late fees can stack up against you.
The first step is to get a good big-picture view of your different debts.
If you’re not sure how to do this, try using the free credit-monitoring service Credit Sesame.
With Credit Sesame, you’ll be able to get a clear picture of which debts are lingering. Chances are, you can’t pay those off immediately. Again, that’s OK. Just draw these payments into your budget to make sure you don’t fall behind.
To find out what you owe where, create a free Credit Sesame account. On the dashboard, click “View Details” under “My Debt Analysis.” There, you’ll have access to your credit card debt, home loans, auto loans and student loans, among others.
Another good tip for parents-to-be: Make sure your finances are protected. Credit Sesame offers free identity theft protection, too. This includes $50,000 in identity theft insurance.
6. Address the Insurance Question(s)
Bringing a baby into the family means someone’s dependent on you — and that can be kind of terrifying.
Within a month of their son’s birth, the Perrys started thinking about life insurance.
“I decided it was time once we brought a little guy into this world,” Scott Perry said. “Now, if one of us died, the other would be responsible for raising and providing all the care for the child, saving for his college, etc. It was the weight of responsibility that you feel once you have a kid.”
He admits researching life insurance was overwhelming.
“It took a lot of time and energy to figure this out and to make a choice based on what would be best for us and our situation,” he said.
A company like PolicyGenius offers you an easy way to compare and buy life insurance. Unlike traditional providers, this online-only platform provides an easy way to apply, and it offers instant quotes from top carriers online to help you make a quicker decision.
In addition to life insurance, there are other types of insurance to consider, too: health, auto, homeowners and disability — just to name a few.
For all other types of insurance, we put together a guide to 12 types of insurance — and how to determine whether they’re worth the cost.
Each situation will be different, so carefully consider your needs.
7. Write Your Will
This is something we hear from a lot of parents about wills:  “Yeah, I know I should have one, it’s just…”
Writing up a will might seem like a daunting task, but it’s an essential one if you’ve got kids in the picture.
A will is a legal document that spells out who will receive your assets and who will be your child’s legal guardian if you die. It may be dismal to think about, but like life insurance, it’s important to prepare for this worst-case scenario.
Our guide on how to write a will can help you figure out how to tackle this process. It outlines everything you need to know, including the differences between a will and a trust, the cost of a will (yes, they cost money!) and how to write one if you’re running low on funds.
8. Don’t Forget About Your Retirement Plan
Having a little one to tend to doesn’t mean you should forget about your own future.
You’ll want to make sure your retirement fund is on the right track.
“Before having kids, it’s important you have a good start on your retirement fund and that you make a plan to continue to make contributions,” Tayne said.
If you’re having trouble getting money into your retirement account, build it into your budget. Tayne encourages you to consider it the same way you’d consider rent: essential.
“Pay it at the beginning of every month so you’re not tempted to spend it elsewhere,” she said.
If you have a retirement plan through your employer, see whether you can set up direct deposit so a portion of your paycheck is automatically siphoned out before you can get your hands on it.
You should also keep tabs on your account to make sure it has your best interests in mind (you know, the whole stocks versus bonds thing and fees).
If you take a look at your account and can’t figure out what the heck is going on, consider using Blooom.
Blooom is a robo-adviser for retirement accounts. It offers a free 401(k) checkup so you can check your account’s pulse. If you don’t like what you see, you can opt to pay $10 a month to have Blooom monitor your account and automatically make adjustments that are in your best interest.
9. Plan for Your Kid’s Future
Although your child’s college education isn’t something you need to prioritize immediately, it is worth considering.
But if you’re struggling in other areas, this is something that’s OK to put off.
“It’s important you don’t sacrifice your retirement or emergency fund to pay for college, so if this is not something you can start saving for right away, make a plan to start incorporating college fund contributions down the road,” Tayne said.
If you want to start a college savings account for your kid, you can look into a 529 plan.
A 529 plan is similar to a 401(k). Basically, it’s an investment account with tax benefits. This helps you save more money toward the goal: college.
The Perrys and the Martins both started 529 savings plans to prepare financially for their children’s futures.
For a breakdown of the pros and cons of a 529 plan — and other avenues to funding your child’s college education — see our guide on saving for college.
Carson Kohler ([email protected]) is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder. Senior writer Nicole Dow contributed to this article.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
Expecting? Prepare With These Money Tips From Parents Who’ve Been There published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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mantrablog-blog1 · 6 years
Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Payday Loans But Were Afraid to Ask
A payday loan is a small short term loan you can use to cover expenditure until your next payday. You can apply online and the decision to loan you the money is made almost straight away. In most cases the whole application can be completed online and the money loaned can be credited into your bank account on the same day as you make your application.  http://paydaysolobest.com
A payday loan is an unsecured loan, so it is not dependent on collateral, such as you owning a house or car etc.
Generally when you make your first application you can borrow any amount up to £300, depending on your take home pay. You are more likely to be approved the less you want to borrow, so it is advisable to borrow only what you need. Once you have successfully repaid loans with one particular company they may then offer to lend you anything up to about £750 in subsequent loans.
Payday loans can provide a useful solution for short term cash flow problems.
Who can apply for a Payday loan?
In order to be eligible for a payday loan you must be over 18 years old and in employment with a take home wage of at least £750 per month. You must also have a bank account with a valid debit card.
Even if you have bad credit history you should still be able to obtain a payday loan as long as you fulfil the above criteria.
How do you get a Payday loan?
The majority of payday loans are available online, so there is no delay with faxing or posting of documents. The application process is quick and easy to complete. You will be asked for your name, address, details about your monthly income and employment, when your next payday is, along with the amount you wish to borrow and your bank account details.
Once you have submitted your application you should hear back from the payday loan provider within minutes. They will email you with their decision to the email address you have registered with your application.
Payday loan providers partly make their decision as whether to lend you money dependent on the amount you want to borrow compared to the amount you earn. Only borrow what you need, the less you borrow the more likely that your application will be accepted and the smaller the amount of interest you will accrue.
If your application is successful you will be sent, by email, your loan agreement showing the amount that will be lent to you, the repayment date and the amount of interest you will pay on the repayment date. Along with the loan agreement you should also be sent loan conditions. These loan conditions should outline your rights under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 along with details about repaying the loan, cancelling the loan and the use the personal information you supply when applying for the payday loan.
If you are happy to proceed you sign online by providing details of your name and answering a security question such as your mothers' maiden name. Then, email this back to the loan provider and the money will be deposited into the bank account you registered at the application process. The money can be deposited in your bank account on the same day you make the application, so this is a very fast and efficient way of borrowing money short term.
How do I repay the loan?
You will need to repay the loan amount and the interest accrued on the repayment date as specified in the loan agreement. The repayment date is usually your payday, hence the name payday loan.
The repayment will be collected by the loan provider by debiting the bank account you registered at the application process, which is the bank account into which you get your wages paid.
Repayment over a longer period
Payday loans may be extended if you find yourself in a position to be unable to satisfy all or part of the amount due on the repayment date. If this happens it is recommended that you contact your payday loan provider as soon as possible and explain your circumstances to them. They will then be able to explain your options and how to go about extending your loan.
Even if you are not able to fully settle the repayment amount, it is advisable to pay off as much as possible on the repayment date. This will help to keep the amount of interest you owe to a minimum. Some companies may charge you additional fees for extending your loan, you should check if this is the case before you sign your loan agreement.
Regulation of Payday Loan Companies
Properly regulated payday loan companies must adhere to strict laws governing the finance industry.
As with any financial product you apply for it is always advisable to check that the company offering the loan is properly regulated. The payday loan company you are applying to should show its Consumer Credit Licence number within its loan conditions and it should also be authorised by the Office of Fair Trading. If you are in any doubt as to whether the payday loan company you are considering applying to is fully regulated then you are within your rights to contact either of these bodies for further information.
As long as the payday loan company you are applying to is properly regulated, there will be a recognised body to make any complaints you may have to and you can be assured that you will not be subject to any unfair practices.
What are the benefits of a Payday loan?
One of the main benefits of a payday loan is the speed at which the cash can be credited to you. The money you need can be available to you in your bank account on the same day that you make the application. This can provide valuable assistance if you have a short term cash flow problem and need money in an emergency.
The application process is very simple, it takes just minutes to apply for a payday loan and you do not have waste time posting or faxing documents to the payday loan provider, as you would with other more traditional high street loans.
Poor Credit History
Payday loans are available to people with a poor credit history. This is because payday loan companies do not solely make their decision to lend based on a persons credit history. As long as you fulfil the application criteria you have a good chance of obtaining a payday loan. For many people a payday loan may be the only way they are able to obtain credit, especially in the current financial climate where the majority of lenders are unwilling to provide loans altogether, never mind to a person with a poor credit history.
Use of the Loan Money
You do not have to tell the payday loan provider what you need the payday loan for. You can use the money for whatever you want. You may need money in an emergency which can not wait until payday for instance; emergency medical or dental treatment, to settle a bill quickly, extra spending money on holiday or even for a romantic weekend away. The choice is yours as long as you make the repayment due on the repayment date.
No Upfront Costs
There are no upfront costs associated with a payday loan. You do not pay anything back until the repayment date you have agreed to in the loan agreement.
Why does the APR appear high on payday loans?
The APR applied to payday loans appears at first glance to be high. This is very misleading, but there is a simple reason why this figure looks so high. APR is an Annual Percentage Rate, and as such is calculated over a whole year (365 days). However, a payday loan is taken usually only over a number of days or weeks.
The APR calculation was not designed to apply to very short term loans such as payday loans. It was designed to apply to long term loans in existence for a year or more. It is really a theoretical figure than enables people to compare similar longer term loan products, like mortgages or ongoing credit balances.
Rather than relying on the APR rate it is more advisable to look directly at the loan agreement to see exactly how much interest you will be charged for the period of your payday loan. Some companies have a standard interest charge for the amount you wish to borrow regardless of the duration of the loan. It is then up to you to decide whether you will be able to repay both the cash advance you receive initially and the interest amount on the repayment date.
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butterjason65-blog · 6 years
Almost everything You At any time Required to Know About Payday Financial loans But Were Scared to Request
A payday bank loan is a modest quick term loan you can use to go over expenditure until finally your subsequent payday. You can implement on the web and the determination to bank loan you the funds is created almost straight away. In most instances the entire application can be concluded online and the cash loaned can be credited into your bank account on the identical working day as you make your software. A payday bank loan is an unsecured bank loan, so it is not dependent on collateral, this sort of as you proudly owning a residence or car and so forth. Generally when you make your initial software you can borrow any volume up to £300, based on your get property pay out. You are far more very likely to be accredited the much less you want to borrow, so it is highly recommended to borrow only what you need to have. As soon as you have effectively repaid financial loans with a single particular business they may then supply to lend you something up to about £750 in subsequent financial loans. Payday financial loans can provide a helpful solution for limited term cash flow troubles. Who can apply for a Payday financial loan? 소액결제 현금화 In get to be suitable for a payday loan you should be in excess of eighteen years previous and in work with a get home wage of at the very least £750 per thirty day period. You must also have a lender account with a valid debit card. Even if you have undesirable credit heritage you should nonetheless be able to receive a payday financial loan as extended as you fulfil the earlier mentioned requirements. How do you get a Payday mortgage? The vast majority of payday financial loans are accessible on the internet, so there is no hold off with faxing or posting of documents. The software procedure is rapid and straightforward to total. You will be asked for your title, deal with, details about your regular monthly revenue and employment, when your up coming payday is, along with the volume you would like to borrow and your lender account information. When you have submitted your software you need to hear again from the payday loan company inside minutes. They will e-mail you with their determination to the e mail tackle you have registered with your application. Payday loan vendors partly make their choice as whether or not to lend you funds dependent on the quantity you want to borrow in comparison to the volume you earn. Only borrow what you need, the much less you borrow the far more most likely that your application will be acknowledged and the smaller the amount of interest you will accrue. If your application is effective you will be despatched, by e-mail, your mortgage agreement exhibiting the volume that will be lent to you, the repayment date and the amount of curiosity you will pay on the repayment day. Together with the financial loan arrangement you should also be sent financial loan problems. These loan situations should outline your legal rights underneath the Buyer Credit Act 1974 together with details about repaying the financial loan, cancelling the bank loan and the use the personal info you provide when applying for the payday financial loan. If you are satisfied to move forward you indication online by offering information of your name and answering a security question such as your mothers' maiden identify. Then, electronic mail this back again to the bank loan provider and the cash will be deposited into the lender account you registered at the application process. The income can be deposited in your financial institution account on the exact same day you make the software, so this is a really quickly and effective way of borrowing funds brief phrase. How do I repay the bank loan? You will need to repay the mortgage quantity and the curiosity accrued on the compensation date as specified in the loan arrangement. The compensation day is usually your payday, therefore the title payday bank loan. The repayment will be collected by the loan provider by debiting the bank account you registered at the software process, which is the financial institution account into which you get your wages paid out. Reimbursement above a lengthier interval Payday loans might be prolonged if you locate oneself in a placement to be not able to satisfy all or component of the quantity thanks on the compensation date. If this occurs it is suggested that you contact your payday loan company as soon as possible and make clear your conditions to them. They will then be in a position to clarify your alternatives and how to go about extending your bank loan. Even if you are not capable to completely settle the compensation amount, it is a good idea to spend off as significantly as achievable on the repayment date. This will aid to hold the volume of fascination you owe to a least. Some companies may possibly charge you added charges for extending your mortgage, you must examine if this is the situation just before you indicator your financial loan settlement. Regulation of Payday Loan Firms Effectively regulated payday bank loan organizations need to adhere to rigorous legal guidelines governing the finance industry. As with any monetary product you implement for it is always advisable to verify that the company offering the financial loan is correctly controlled. The payday loan company you are implementing to must display its Customer Credit history Licence number inside its financial loan situations and it must also be authorised by the Place of work of Truthful Trading. If you are in any question as to regardless of whether the payday financial loan organization you are considering applying to is totally regulated then you are in your rights to get in touch with possibly of these bodies for further details. As prolonged as the payday loan firm you are applying to is effectively regulated, there will be a recognised entire body to make any problems you might have to and you can be confident that you will not be subject to any unfair techniques. What are the rewards of a Payday loan? Rapidly A single of the main positive aspects of a payday mortgage is the speed at which the income can be credited to you. The funds you need can be obtainable to you in your bank account on the very same working day that you make the application. This can give beneficial help if you have a short expression funds stream issue and want funds in an crisis. Simple The application process is very straightforward, it takes just minutes to apply for a payday financial loan and you do not have squander time submitting or faxing paperwork to the payday mortgage company, as you would with other far more traditional higher road financial loans. Very poor Credit History Payday financial loans are accessible to people with a inadequate credit rating history. This is because payday loan firms do not entirely make their determination to lend based on a people credit history historical past. As prolonged as you fulfil the software criteria you have a good chance of getting a payday financial loan. For several men and women a payday mortgage may possibly be the only way they are ready to get credit history, particularly in the present monetary weather in which the majority of loan companies are unwilling to give loans altogether, by no means mind to a person with a very poor credit score background. Use of the Mortgage Funds You do not have to explain to the payday mortgage company what you require the payday loan for. You can use the money for no matter what you want. You might need income in an unexpected emergency which can not hold out until finally payday for instance crisis healthcare or dental treatment, to settle a bill speedily, extra investing cash on getaway or even for a romantic weekend away. The selection is yours as lengthy as you make the reimbursement due on the reimbursement date. No Upfront Costs There are no upfront costs linked with a payday financial loan. You do not spend anything back again till the compensation day you have agreed to in the mortgage arrangement. Why does the APR look high on payday loans? The APR used to payday financial loans appears at very first look to be higher. This is quite misleading, but there is a simple cause why this figure seems so large. APR is an Annual Percentage Rate, and as these kinds of is calculated over a complete year (365 days). Even so, a payday mortgage is taken typically only above a number of times or weeks. The APR calculation was not designed to implement to very limited expression loans such as payday loans. It was created to utilize to long phrase financial loans in existence for a calendar year or a lot more. It is actually a theoretical determine than permits men and women to assess comparable longer expression loan goods, like home loans or ongoing credit rating balances. Instead than relying on the APR price it is more a good idea to search immediately at the bank loan settlement to see exactly how a lot interest you will be charged for the period of your payday bank loan. Some firms have a regular fascination demand for the amount you would like to borrow irrespective of the period of the loan. It is then up to you to decide no matter whether you will be capable to repay equally the funds progress you obtain initially and the interest volume on the compensation day. To Conclude A lot of individuals do not have personal savings or obtain to credit score playing cards or far more classic financial loans and so the ease of a regulated payday loan offers piece of mind ought to the situation arise that they want some money quickly. If you require income in a hurry, can not hold out till payday and are confident that you can make the required repayments on the repayment date, this could be the perfect solution for you. All round, payday loans are practical, easy to entry and offer a practical alternative for people who demand money swiftly for no matter what cause. Payday Energy brokers identical day payday loans in the United kingdom. Visit us online for more data. Payday Energy is a Reset Finance organization.
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"texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which is the best insurance company for motorcycle insurance?
I have honda aero motorcycle 750 cc.. may i know which is the best company to go with????? Thanks
""21 Year old, Need Car, Low Insurance Please Help! :(?""
Ive now had 3 years driving experience initially on my car, under my mothers no claims, then my (then) girlfriends 2 cars. However, during that time I have accrued no no claims and it has been a year since I've been insured on any. I know how to drive, I need a car. Since then it is not possible for me to get a quote on any car I try which have included family cars, small cars and even extended to classic cars in order for classic car insurance. My grandfather said I could use his no claims, however my quote goes up?! No one else has any NCB years for me to use. I have had no prior crashes, I also live in a good area for insurance. At this stage I will gladly accept a car that would get be under 1.8k on the insurance, So I'm looking for any suggestions! PLEASE HELP :(""
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
Am I insured to drive a company van?
My employer does not pay me until I arrive at a job. Which in my book means I am not yet at work. Does this mean I am not covered by the insurance to drive that van?
Cheapest Car Insurance in the UK ?
WHere can i find the cheapest car insurance in the UK for a 25 yr Old lad, with Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX yr 2002/02. Living in the Coventry Area""
Registered my private car reg with DVLA but insurance companies can't find it?
I bought a private plate for my car and have registered it with DVLA and received my new tax disc. My new V5 arrived today but when going to change my car reg online with my insurance company .. they dont find my car reg and basically put a new quote through for my car and it increases my insurance premium. The company i am with is Quote Me Happy and is an online company i tried to run a new insurance quote through Go Compare and it doesnt find my car reg? What's going on and what can i do? I want to put my new private plate on as soon as possible ... :(
I just got a new car and the insurance is $160/ month. Does this seem high?
I'm 37 with an excellent driving record. The car is a 2013 Ford escape titanium. My honda insurance was much cheaper, but it was old. What do you think?""
""I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?""
i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you""
Can you get car insurance without having a car?
I want to get my license back. The state (Indiana) says I have to have insurance in order to get it back. Except I don't have a car. And I can't get a car without a license. Seems like a total catch 22. The form they said I need is a sr50. The girl I talked to on the phone was rude and wouldn't even listen to me saying I don't have a car so how can I get insurance. Just kept repeating you need insurance to get your license back. Help!
Why is insurance coverage for a 2011 Mazda 2 cheaper than a 2007 Ford Focus or Hyundai Elantra?
I just got quotes for a new Mazda 2. Full coverage on the Mazda 2 will increase my total premium by $163. Full coverage quote for a 2007 Focus would be $187 increase. Full coverage quote for a Hyundai Elantra would result in a $176 increase. I find this very surprising. I thought used cars were supposed to result in cheaper insurance coverage.
How to get cheap insurance?
i am 17 and i have a fiat bravo 1.4 2008. i hear that insurance at my age is very high and some made option of being named as a second driver. my problem is i live with my mom and can it be possible if she named me as a second driver though she doesn't have no licence. if not how can i get another option of getting cheap insurance.
GAP insurance with no Regular insurance?
I was in a wreck it want my fault,,the other party was sighted at the seen for making an unsafe left turn..I lapsed on my insurance for a week! His insurance is only going to pay ,5,000 for property damage..and I owe 22,000 on it,,,will the Gap Insurance I purchased thru the car company kick in at all?""
Can I cancel my auto insurance?
I go through American Family and they are killin me. I recently bought a car from a dealership, which of course I had to get full coverage. My rate is now ridiculous and I have found a WAY better rate with a different company so my question is, can I just cancel my insurance? They sent me a bill for $434. I paid half of it today, do I need to pay the other half before I cancel? (Its just hard for me to make two $200 dollar payments for one bill) I will have to renew my policy in October, and I don't want to do that. I just don't want to hurt my credit or receive cancellation fees, so whats the best way to do this?""
How Much Would My Nissan Figaro Insurance Be?
Hello Everyone, I'm looking to get a Nissan Figaro for my first car, the car price isn't a problem but I can't find insurance anywhere! Figaro Insurance comes under classic car insurance, I am 18 years old, just passed no NCB can anyone tell me how much it would cost me please??""
How much is your car insurance?
around how much would it be for a teen lets say?
Where to Get Free Auto Insurance Quotes online?
I live in California USA. I heard from peoples that its best to have Car insurance Online Quotes free from some trusted online Car Insurance Service. Anyone please help me in getting online cheap motor insurance Quotes for my Car. Regards
""Once you get your license, do you have to have car insurance even if you don't own a car?""
Say you're over 18, you go for your license test and get your license. Six months later, you buy a car. During the six months before you buy the car, do you have to have car insurance, even if you're not driving during those six months at all?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I live in the city of toronto but have a cottage up in peterborough. I got an insanely ridiculous expensive quote if i ride in the city, so i was wondering if i can get my insurance policy under my cottage address because i will likely just be driving it up in peterborough throughout the summer.""
What do liquor liability insurance papers look like?
Like if you need to confirm that you have it, what do you show people?""
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are divorced and i live with them each 50% of the time. I just turned 16 and was put under my dads insurance. When im at my moms house am i allowed to drive her cars even though i am not listed under her insurance and live in her house part time???
Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?
I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However ...show more
What is the most popular and cost effective family medical insurance in California?
We are a family of 3 (me 45 my spouse 44 and my daughter 10) and we are moving to live with green cards in Los angeles, January 2011. We are trying to get an idea of what is the most popular Medical insurance is in Los Angeles and how much we would expecting to pay for this Medical insurance?""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
hi, i tryd luking for car insurance but all of them are expensive, the minimum is 4000 and max in over 10,000. im 19 years old, live in london and i passed my test last week. i knw aome people who are 19 and passed recently and there insurance is only 1000. btw the car has a 1.4 engine and is a 1997 model. also can someone explain to me what no claim bonus means? thanks a lot""
Do you think my car insurance would go up?
I am 18 years old. If my father were to buy me an Eclipse, do you think my car insurance would raise?""
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texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
Aurora Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Aurora? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
""Average utility and insurance cost Orland Park, IL?""
I'm planning on buying a townhouse in Orland Park, IL and was wondering what the average utility (water, electricity, heat, disposal) costs are? Anyone have any estimates on insurance? The association fees cover common insurance but don't think it covers anything within the four walls of the house. Know what insurance requirements the lender puts on mortgages? Trying to estimate how much home ownership really is.""
Whats a really good health insurance for college students?
I was wondering what is a good health insurance company to get a plan with. Im a college student and im in nursing school so they want us to have health insurance in case we get hurt or exposed to anything at any of the hospitals we work at. Im not required to have it but i would like to look around and see if there is a good plan that I could afford. So in case something like that would happen i wont be paying for the required treatment completely out of my pocket. Thanks for the help.
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
How to find a car that will have cheap insurance?
Hey! Im an 18 year old guy thats about to start driving , and as always the case - insurance is a KILLER. Im going to get a used car and i honestly don't care about the looks aslong as it functions fine! Just wondering what i can look for that will minimise insurance price? Small engine , age etc? Thanks :)""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license?
In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license?
Will I loose my parents health insurance if I fail one of my college courses?
All too soon I'm going under the knife and I'm worried to death that me failing my online english will cause me to loose my parent's health insurance. Does anyone know if I will or not?
What is the cheapest car insurance company for an 18 year old learner driver?
Thanks xxx
Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?
I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?""
""9 months owning phone with no insurance, but adding insurance now?
could I still get a replacement today after adding my insurance?
Cheap insurance in northern ireland?
I am a 21 year old driver with 3 years no claims bonus and my insurance is still a fortune!!! is there any dealers out there that is a bit better on it??
Renters Insurance? What Kind? Is it really worth it?
I am renting a condo from a friend, got a good deal, just signed the lease, he recomended that i get Renters Insurance because he said damages I make to the place or to other owners in the condo I am responsible, even if something happens to me, the insurance would help. Now I would like to know any good insurance agents (e.g Geico) should i get Renters/or Condo , not new to this, want a good rate yet want good coverage for damage, fire, theft you know.""
Can you sue a car insurance policy holder?
On christmas day my boyfriend had a car accident where he hit his house. He did a total of over $5,500 worth of damages to it. When he went to his mother's house that day he was told by his parents ,that his step dad had removed him from the insurance in October after his birthday (they did so without telling him until the accident ). He had been paying them insurance money each month thinking he was on the insurance. Now the lady that owns the house has informed us that her insurance is suing the title holders (my boyfriend) for insurance fraud. After my boyfriend is sued can he then turn around and sue his step dad for him removing him from the insurance/ insurance fraud?""
Motorbike insurances?
hi,just wondering whats the best and most cheapest motorbikr insurance right now on the market.at the moment iv got insurance qoutes from ebikes and is quite cheap.but the thing is,if its any good?somebodys got any experience with ebikes?sounds cheap but if there any good to insure with them?got a kawasaki vn900 almost 1 year ncb and a EU full motorbike license.age 25 full motorbike lisence 8 years almost 9.""
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?
I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks""
Why does my dog make my homeowners policy go up !!!?
Ok ... a bit of a rant ... you people are the only ones who can relate ! Do i get a discount for the protection he provides me, my family, and the house ... noooooooooo .... but they want to raise my rate because he could bite someone someday ... {end rant}""
Can I get car insurance at 15 years old?
I am 15 & bought a classic car with my dad. Can I insure it in my name and build up two years no claims bonus while we restore it?
What used 4 door sedans are cheap on insurance?
Im 18 years old, turning 19 in december and need a car for college, what would be a good 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, that is good on gas, cheap on insurance and cheap on repairs, reliable. What would be a good first car? Im not staying and living at the campus, im coming back home everyday.""
Roughly how much would a BMW x3 in group 16 insurance cost?
My mum wants to buy this new BMW x3 2004 and it's in group 16, so is there a rough guideline of how much it would be for a years insurance?""
More affordable health insurance?
I'm paying about $1100/month for health insurance through work (me + family). I've heard I should stay with the group plan but can I get just as good coverage with a private plan? And we may decide to have another child... do private plans cover pregnancy? any ideas would help
Cheapest cars for insurance for a teenage boy?
This is what I know: 4WD and newer cars means higher rates. I know certain cars, particularly Honda Civics and Accords from the 90's were commonly broken into and stolen, and that raised rates. I think I'll be responsible for paying my own insurance and gas. (Unfortunately I do live in a snow climate, but we haven't had real heavy snows in a while) So, it would be VERY helpful to list some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, that would be best/good on insurance costs! Thanks!""
Classic car ownership in the UK; apparantly there's an advantage over other cars such as cheaper insurance or
tax, or MOT, but I can't remember what...anyone know?""
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
Will this citation be reported to my auto insurance company?
So, earlier tonight i was driving my girlfriend home in my dad's brand new Porsche. He got it literally 14 days ago and he is obviously anal about it. but i drove her home in the car against his wishes while he was at dinner with his girlfriend. So on my way home, i was going 14 over the speed limit and i was pulled over, i was nice to the officer and he let me off with a citation, which sounds bad, but instead of me having to have that on my record, i just pay off the ticket and pay for a 4 hour driving class. And then there will not be any call made to my insurance company about the ticket. So will they really not call my insurance? my dad does not know i was pulled over and if i can just pay the ticket and take the class secretly then be done with it? or will the autorities still notify my company but make sure that they do not penalize me for it? I would basically be grounded the rest of the summer if he caught me taking out the 911.""
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texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
18 and on my parents insurance?
My mum is on my dads insurance and she is going to take out her own insurance and put me as a named driver while staying on my dads insurance. The quotes were all over 2,000 for me to go as a named driver. It was 2,100 for me to go on my own insurance anyway. You know any way I can get it down to around 1500? A different car or something. We tried a vauxhall corsa and a ford fiesta 1L all over 2,000 Thanks""
How to find cheaper auto insurance?
i have a 98 honda civic, and got an insuance quote from geico.com the quote was $365/month thats ridiculous, i dont even make that much every month any suggestions?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 15 year boy in the state of Wyoming?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 15 year boy in the state of Wyoming?
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
""State farm just dropped me for poor driving history, what insurance company should i go to now?
the title says it all...Statefarm told me they would no longer insure me after my last accident. So now i need to find an insurance company that would cover me. I live in California. i drive a sports car. and my driving record isnt pretty :/
Life Insurance for elderly?
Any suggestions on finding a reasonable life insurance policy for a man 54 about to turn 55 in a month with a spouse would be appreciated. He has a soon to expire term life insurance policy at the present. He wants the best for his money. Is a term insurance policy still the best type of policy or would another policy be better?
Social insurance number?
i'm living in alberta and have my social insurance number but i'm moving to saskatchewan, is there a form i need to fill out online or do i have to go to the provincial building?""
Health insurance help?
usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?""
Amica car insurance........?
I heard this is the cheapest auto insurance out there and wanna ask what makes it so cheap and what do you need to qualify I want to insure my dodge stealth if that helps thanks in advance
How much would my car insurance payments be?
I'm thinking about getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and was wondering how much would my car insurance payments be with Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? Also what would you recommend?""
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
When do health insurance premiums drop?
what is the average amount of time it takes before health insurance premiums start to drop? (so they say) - i have had my insurance for ten months now.
Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?
I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.
How can i get cheap car insurance insurance?
I live in london Age 17, just got my driving licence Ive got a 1.4 L diesel Fiesta 53 Plate Where can i get decent insurance, the cheapest i got was 5k, im only willing to pay 3k Idk if i have to lie to them, i just want insurance Any help??""
What should I do when the at fault party has no car insurance?
I got into a minor car accident, it was the other party's fault but he doesn't have car insurance. Because it was a rental car, my own car insurance is not going to cover. ...show more""
How much will car insurance be for me?
Well I'm 17, I have a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, and I've been driving since age 16, no violations or accidents. It will be added onto my parent's account.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Can you get free health insurance?
I am not referring to Obamacare. I am referring to free health insurance in general.
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
What does it cost too get sr 22 insurance?
just need to know a ball park fig
Insurance screwed me over so my motorcycle got impounded.?
(If you want to know how I got screwed then just ask but here is my question..) I got a GSXR 1000 a week ago and it got impounded this past Saturday.. I'm going tomorrow to pick it up, and I'm wondering what will happen if I get there and the bike has scratches or it's been dropped.? Will they be held responsible to get it fixed or my insurance company because they screwed me over or myself?""
I am 16 male, and I have a 2006 Honda Civic Sedan 4 door black currently living in NYC Long Island and I want to know what is my Insurance rate. How much would I have to pay every month please tell me every month not year !! Thanks ALSO FOR POINTS PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 Honda accord !!""
Should a 22 year old buy life insurance?
Okay, my friend who is 22 years old has a dead end job does not have a family of his own and is still attending college was asking me if he should buy life insurance, I think he shouldn't but what those everyone else think. Let me know""
Can I get insurance if I don't have a license?
I'm 18 and want to get my license but I need insurance, can I get liability without a license and about how much it would cost?""
texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance?
I'm a 20 yr old male that has had his license since age 18 but has never been insured. My mother would prefer to simply add me on hers, but her insurance company does not offer temporary insurance, which is what I need since I will be going back to school in late September. Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance (3 months)?""
Car insurance is wasting my money?
I have been paying for my car insurance for over three years. I spent over 5000$ or more. what should i do i'm sick of paying them please helpppppp. I work my a** up everyday and then i only get half of my salary cuz of them.
How much is insurance for a Porsche Boxster?
I'm 16 and getting a Boxster. I would like to know how much insurance is for it. We have state farm insurance. And I DO NOT want to hear Parents shouldn't give their teenager an expensive car! Just because I am a teenager, doesn't mean I will crash. I don't drink, speed, do drugs, or text and drive. So keep your opinions to yourself, thanks :)""
""I wrecked my new car , insurance is liability?
i wrecked my car . my car was new 2009 car and my insurance was liabilty. police decided that was my fault. And also i am still paying monthly payment on that car. Does anybody know what should i do next . i been using that car to work now i am unemployee . should i just bankrufcy
What is the average time taken by an Insurance company to pay out on a car claim.?
I suppose it would depend on the nature of the damage to ones car and also who was at fault. However in my case, my car caught fire from what I believe may have been an electrical fault. It is now a total write off. I realise the insurance company has to carry out it's investigations but how long should this take and how soon would one expect to receive an offer. I made a claim 6 weeks ago and am still being fobbed off with the explanation that the investigations are on-going.""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Maternity insurance coverage?
I have been searching for insurance coverage for weeks now and I can't find a single plan that includes maternity coverage (not even the hospital stay for the birth) I live in colorado and I am currently not pregnant and I currently don't have insurance. I just want to be covered because i'm a healthy 22 year old married woman and you never know what will happen. does anyone have insurance that covered their pregnancy? what are my options? what did you do?
Are SUV's usually high in insurance for teens?
I've been told that I should wait a little longer before i can get a faster car, and I was just wondering whether insurance for an suv would be high, in my case, for an inexperienced driver, (16). Parents are thinking of buying an Fj cruiser and willing to give it to me when i get my liscense.""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Anyone have Mega Insurance?
It's supposed to be for the self employed. Is the high premium worth the benefits or even the coverage compared to other insurance companies out there (like e health insurance.com)
Which minivan has the cheapest insurance for a NEW driver?
looking at second hand minivans - been doing some rough online insurance calculations but so far all above 1000. any body know any minivans which will have a low insurance for a NEW driver
Do you have to insure a vehicle that's not driven?
I own a Jeep that sits in front of my house (its not driven). Do I have to insure this vehicle?
Insurance rate for a 16 year old?
what would the monthly insurance rate be for a 16 year old driving a 2013 camaro ss v8 engine? thanks!!
Quick health insurance question?
I want to get a specific Kaiser health insurance plan that has an annual $500 deductible. My question is, does annual deductible mean in a calender year? Or 1 year starting when you started your insurance (e.g 11/1/11 - 11/1/12)?""
What insurance coverage should i get?
i purchased a motorcycle for 1800 dollars and parts are cheap for it so what coverages do i need and which ones dont i need
Auto insurance question?
I'm going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I'm driving is my mom's so the name on the card obviously isn't mine. The company I'm going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don't know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?""
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
Would this put a 15 year old on disability insurance?
(This isn't for me, it's for my younger sister, I've already left home) Okay so, my mother, although she's a doctor, is in pretty large amounts of debt and my sister Abby needs treatment for various mental illnesses (PTSD, Depression, BPD, General anxiety, Anorexia, all professionally diagnosed) She's 15, and she's currently failing school because she feels like she can't go to classes anymore so she just sits around the school (she has thoughts of failure all the time, but in class her thoughts are amped up and she can't concentrate on what she's doing because of the voices in her head). She's trying her hardest to deal with it all on her own, and she's gotten a little bit better (except for her eating disorder), but still thinks she needs help from a psychologist. Our mum can't afford one, and Abby's lost so much weight lately... Can she be put on disability insurance for this? She needs help, we can't afford it. We live in Australia, by the way.""
Car Insurance If I Am Not The Car Owner?
Is it possible for me to insure myself to drive my sister's car, and to add her as a named driver? Or do I have to own the car. My sister has just passed her test, and her insurance would cost 700 if she does it herself. If I insure myself to drive the car and add her as a named driver, then it would be more like 200. Does my sister have to sign over ownership of the car to me for this to work?""
Car insurance quote?
I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run?
I need to start saving up for a car..how much will it cost me?
I'm 16 and just got my drivers license a few months ago. I need a car, so that I can get a regular job instead of babysitting. My budget is $1000-1500. I would drive about 40 miles a day. Some of the ads that I'm showing you let you make monthly payments, which is great. Are they nice enough cars? Which one would be the better buy? How much will insurance cost me? How long will one of these cars last me? 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, AC, 4cyl, very clean, solid, 120, 116 miles, runs great, asking $1500, can finance w/$400 down and $150/mo 1995 Toyota 1995 Toyota Tercel, blue 2dr auto, 4 cyl, runs & looks great (rust on rocker, I have the panel), 206K, doesn't need any mechanics, great on gas 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 obo, can finance with $400 down @$100/mo. 1995 Nissan 1995 Nissan Altima 4 dr auto silver 117K, new brakes and rotors. Asking $1400, can finance with $500 down. $225 a month. 1993 Toyota 1993 Toyota Corolla 4cyl 5spd, silver, 212,171 miles, needs nothing, runs great $1400, can finance for $600.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in Ohio for first time teen drivers?
I 16 and about to get a car but need to know the cheapest insurance company in ohio for teens.
How much will motorcycle insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, i live in austin, texas, and i plan on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 for my first bike""
Insulin and car insurance?
a friend of mine has just been put onto insulin, will this effect the cost of her car insurance?""
Do I really need auto insurance in Miami Florida?
Auto insurance is really expensive, do I really need it? I live in Miami, Florida and prices on auto insurance are through the roof. Can I get in any really serious trouble if I drive without auto insurance for a while until I can actually afford it.""
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texas mutual insurance company + zoominfo
0 notes
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"private hire taxi insurance online quote
private hire taxi insurance online quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
For a 17 year old - how much does a car cost to run each month?
when i pass my test, i don't know whether to a actually buy a car. i'm 17 and if i bought a car, how much would it roughly cost to run including the insurance, maintenance, mot, and everything except for the petrol/diesel. the only problem is, i don't think i actually need the car as i'm at college with a bus pass, but in the summer i want to drive lots of places with friends like go camping etc with a car. i was interesested in renting one as it seems ideal for my wants, but you need to be like 22 to rent. is this true? to anyone who is driving at 17 in the uk - is it worth it or is it too expensive?""
What is the difference between Insurance Brokers and Insurance Agents?
What is the difference between insurance brokers and insurance agents?
How much will car insurance cost me a month?
Maine, 16 years old, 11 (almost 12) year old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver's ed course taken. About how much will my car insurance cost me a month? Thanks.""
Good looking motorcycle with good insurance price?
iam 16 iam looking to buy a motorcycle but they insurance for my age is up the roof what are some good looking motorcycles with good insurance for my age and what else should i know before getting one ???
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
Does anybody know where i can get very cheap car insurance?
i am a 17 year old driving who own a Tax Exempt Landrover. I have been quoted 3000 just about everywhere. I know that this should not be the price for a car made in 1972. could anybody help?
How much is the insurance for a 2005 ford mustang?
I am 16 and want a for mustang 2005. I have State Farm and I want to know the estimated insurance for it in Florida.
Car scratch - insurance rates?
How much would by insurance rate go up by if I caused a 750 dollar car scratch to another vehicle? My insurance rate monthly is at 62 dollars. I just want to know if that could double or be extremely drastic because i don't know if it would be better to just pay out of my own pocket. thx
350z or g35 coupe auto insurance?
I am 17 years old about to be 18 and I really want a nissan 350z or an infinity g35 coupe. I have been saving money for a few months to buy a used z or g35 but I never thought about what my insurance would be like. I am 17 with no real driving experience. I would be on my parents insurance, I had a 4.0 the last 2 years of high school so straight a's. I have a job(idk if that matters) I do not smoke. I live in California in a small town. I am a male. I dont know what else insurance companies look for so if you know of anything else please mention them in your reply. I'm just wanting to know if anyone has any kind of idea of what id be paying. Thanks""
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
I have a question about car insurance?
i just got a car out and i dont know anything about insurance i live a california and i want to know of a good car insurance and cheap ?? do they ask for down payment?
Long Term Disability - Life Insurance?
If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?""
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Who has the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
Not the best...I know you get what you pay for. I can't even afford any, but I need to stay legal. Thanks!""
What is the best car for insurance prices for a male driver under 25 in Ontario?
I am looking to buy a car and I know insurance will be expensive because I am a male driver under 25. I want to know which car would be the cheapest to insure in my situation. I have no tickets and no points. Clean drivers abstract.
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
What reputable health insurance companies are out there?
My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
How much would car insurance cost??????
16 yearold female in north carolina....how much would car insurance be for a pontiac solstice and a jeep grand cheerokee both paid off. give me amounts not wesites'
How much is a non owners sr 22 insurance?
I been court ordered to get a sr 22 insurance in order to get my licence back and i do not own a car.. so i have to get the non owners sr22. i have too keep it for three years . i was woundering how much that would be, monthly?""
Do i have to have insurance on my cycle or car.?
So i know it is best to have insurance but i was wondering is it an absolute must, like can i have a car and drive it legally with out insurance?""
Best as in cheapest auto insurance company in California.?
I have a perfect driving record, but i'm not currently insured because I'm looking for someone else... Had allstate.. any suggestions?""
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in NJ does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Does Anybody Know How Much Motorcycle Insurance Will Be In Alabama----Allstate?
I am 15
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private hire taxi insurance online quote
What is the estimated price of being added onto a parents car insurance?
i am 16 sorting out the finances of my future car and have noticed the unreal car insurance price for a little car such as a nissan almera and am thinking of going onto my parents car insurance.
Life insurance question?
If someone were to get life insurance in their twenties, how would that benefit them later in life when their old?""
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
Which company provides the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I recently passed my driving test, so for a first time driver its going to be high but what if i am an additional driver""
I need an eye exam but i dont have insurance.?
Do most eyecare centers accept patients without insurance? Where can I go that is affordable?
""Totaled my blazer, AAA car insurance?""
Okay I was involved in a hit an run accident a little over 2 weeks ago. I have full coverage insurance including uninsured and underinsured coverage. Also the required 10,000$ personal injury protection required by my state KY. My policy is with AAA. I owe around 9,000$ on my truck still, but was told finally yesterday that AAA is settling my vahicle loss at a little over 13,000$. I'm trying to find out how long is this going to take before I get money from them so I can get another car. I have injuries and can't get back an forth to my Dr and physical therapy. So I need this to happen like yesterday. But trying to figure out if since my claim is going under uninsured motorist protection since it was hit an run should I be able to get a rental car for the time being even if I didn't have rental coverage? And I am also an independent contractor doing vehicle title work and various other things for an automotive shop. I'm not on payroll since I contract my own work and pay my own taxes at end of the year. My attorney told me that since I didn't have a job where I received regular payroll checks I could not claim loss wages. Why is this? And is there anything I can do to speed this process up? As of now I have minimal use of my right arm because I injured my shoulder in accident and so far Dr has me off work till end of January. So I need to recover benefits somehow so I can survive till going hack to work. Any help would be great, this is all so overwelming. Thank you""
How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?
I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.
Does raising your car insurance's deductible really save you money ?
* Does raising deductible on car insurance really save money ?? * Is it worth it and * How much money would you save if you raise your car's deductible from 500 to 1000 dollars Any information would greatly be appreciated....Thanks :)
Car insurance price?
any 17 year old drivers (males) wanna tell me the price of your car insurance? and the car you own? Cheers!
Can I get separate 6 month car insurance for 2 vehicles?
I live in Vermont want to drive ONLY my Kia Spectra May-October, and ONLY my Ford F150 from November-April. I want to save money by having an insurance policy that covers each car for these 6 month intervals vs. insuring both year-round. Do car insurance companies typically offer this kind of coverage? I would ask around, but the insurance companies are so aggressive I can NEVER call for a simple quote or answer without extreme sales pressure.""
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
What is the cost of auto insurance in Florida?
I plan on buying a cheap beat up car in florida. It will be my first car and I was wondering what it would cost for auto insurance?
125cc bike or scooter Under 500 and LOW INSURANCE?
Hi im looking to by a bike or scooter that is 125cc for under 500 And has low insurance All suggestions helpfull
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl with good grades?
Im 16 years old and wanting to get my licence. I have about a 3.4 GPA. And im not going to take drivers ed. I am going to share a car with my parents as well.They have really good credit. With geico. How much will it cost a month?
How to make car insurance as cheap possible?
i don't even wanna pay it but if i can get a reasonable price i will pay it. its just ridicoulus how much it costs ( i got no spell check by the way)
Does passing on shoulder make insurance go up?
If you get a ticket that accuses you of passing on the shoulder, would that add points to your record and make insurance go up like a speeding ticket?""
Why should I have to pay for your health insurance?
An answerer on another question said, Do you have insurance? What of those who cannot afford it (my sister comes to mind, and she has a husband and two sons under age 18 years who are also not covered)? Medical care is extremely expensive and necessary. I'd much rather my tax dollars go toward a means of making insurance affordable to everyone than to fund an immoral war. Oh, and my sister and her husband have always worked very hard. Neither are fat, lazy bums who sit around all the time. Heck, my sister would love to have 10 minutes to herself, but can't take the time. * 20 minutes ago These people made a choice to have two children they cannot afford to insure. They had a responsibility to seek employment where they would have health insurance coverage for themselves and their two children. Or obtain insurance on their own. If they are healthy, it can be gotten at a rate comparable to what I pay through my work. I work two jobs. Both of my jobs, even the part-time job, offer me health insurance, so jobs with health benefits are not so hard to find. Why should I be made to pay for other people's poor choices? I have wants and needs, too, and it's MY money.""
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
What would insurance cost on 98-2000 ford explorer?
I want to get an older suv to use in the winter somewhere between a 1998-2001. I dont expect it to be nice so I dont plan on carrying comprehensive coverage on it - only collision. Can anyone give me a very rough estimate on what this might run? I tried the insurance quote sites but I dont want to go through all the forms. Thanks
Help finding affordable health care for an individual 24 year old female in college part time and working.?
I am a 24 year old female in a community college (my 3rd semester) I am not full time because I am working as a waitress to survive outside of school. I have looked all over the internet and the quotes I have gotten have actually made me laugh. 520, 250, 300 a month for health insurance are you kidding? I have to pay 500 hundred dollars for health insurance a month? That is almost my rent. This is ridiculous! I really need to get a doctor and more then that I need a dentist. I grew up with a single father and I have only been able to go to the dentist once because his work did not provide health care unfortunately. I am not trying to come off as bitching but this is really frustrating to me. :o( Can someone please send a website with an affordable New York health insurance? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :o/""
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Best and cheap major health insurance?
Need cheap health insurance for my family....?
Im unemployed and currently receiving unemployment. I need leads or info on cheap or affordable health insurance for my 3 children and I. I live in Dallas, Texas if that helps or makes any difference.""
How much is jet ski insurance approximately?
Looking to buy a jet-ski, just want to know about how much the insurance is, also how much the registration is in California, if anyone nos thx.""
Health Insurance coverage?
I'm now covered by the employer's health insurance (with dental) plan. After I quit/leave current job, how does this health insurance coverage work? Before I'm hired by other company, what options do I have on the health insurance?""
State Farm Renter's Insurance?
I live with my brother and his wife. There names are on the lease and my name is not on the lease. Can I still get Renter's Insurance?
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private hire taxi insurance online quote
Car insurance for new driver?
i'm looking to get my G2 tomorrow. i'm unsure what to do about insurance. i'm 17 and currently living with my mom, and often driving her vehicle. i'm planing on getting my own car soon though. do i have to go under her insurance? or do i have to go on my own?""
How insurance did you pay for your insurance and how old where you?
I am 17 now, and i want to buy a 125, on average what do you think i would have to pay""
Medical insurance for cancer patient?
A family member is diagnosed with something similar as cancer. She works for a big fortunate 500 company and so far, there is no sign the company will fire her. However, the job is very stressful and when she starts chemotherapy, she will most likely take a medical leave (Not sure how long) She doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket, just in case the comapny fires her, she would lose medical insurance, and that would not be very good. Just wondering if there is a private insurance company who will never reject a cancer patient. She is very aware of the fact that premenium would be sky high, but she is willing to pay for it just in case. Any suggestions thank you""
Insurance under 4000 for 17 year old?
Ok, well I'm 17 (male) and have passed my driving test. I have compared many quotes for all the worst and lowest engine cars, like corsa 1.0, peugeot 106 1.1 etc I just can't seem to get a quote under 4000! Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to get affordable insurance? I heard that insurance for 17 year olds has doubled in the past year but didn't reckon it would be this much! Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated :)""
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
What is the best affordable health insurance for students out there?
I am thinking about changing my provider and was wandering if anybody has any recomendations?
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
Will i get a fee for canceling my car insurance policy early?
Im a little confused and can use some help! I am in massachusetts and have a car insurance policy that goes from february to february. i got a great quote from another company and want to dump my current one. my insurance agency insists i wont get a fee for cancelling early, but the insurance company itself says that i will get a 10% fee of my total premium for cancelling. I don't want to be unpleasantly surprised with a bill, but im not really sure who is right, and if the insurance company is telling me i have a fee just to scare me out of cancelling. Thanks""
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
Health Insurance?
I'm doing an assignment on health insurance and I wanted to know why is it a good thing to get health insurance? Thanks!!!
Cheap insurance for young drivers?
I passed my test today and need to get some insurance, if you know any websites or companies that offer cheap insurance for 17yr olds for a mini from personal experience etc. Then please help Thanks""
If i'm driving in ireland do i need irish insurance?
Ok so i want to buy a BMW I'm 17 buying the car isn't the problem the insurance companies here in Ireland are so I'm thinking of buying cheap insurance somewhere like china or the USA is this possible while i would be actually driving the car here in Ireland.
How much will it cost to add a 17 year old female to my insurance plan as a driver with the car in my name?
I'm supposed to be added on my 38 year old sister's insurance with Nationwide tuesday. I have to pay for my part, I hope its not over 150 but definitely not 200.""
Help with Health Insurance?
hi, im a 20 year old male and i have no health insurance. i have deviated septum and need it to be surgically fixed. was wondering if i could join an insurance plan just for that surgery. it is not a pre-existing condition, so could i get the surgery during the waiting period and if not, what are good insurance companies that have relatively low periods.""
Has anyone got car insurance with the Cooperative?
what are they like?, good service etc? would you recommend""
What are some cheap Auto Insurance Companies?
I pay 193 a month for basic liability with 21st century Insurance. Where can i get a cheap quote?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
Need supplemental insurance!?
I had a CAT scan done a few years ago and owe a good amount of money still because my insurance only covered a portion of it. Im a college student and make 8$ an hour and diagnosed with mental illness. Can i expect supplemental insurance to cover the rest of it? its about 1600. And can someone explain it for me? Do i pay for supplemental insurance to? My sister told me i can get emergency medicare or medical **** or something to pay for it.. Is this true...so confused. Thanks
Insurance for student?
I am currently a student, and saved up enough to buy a car, but the problem is the insurance. As a student, the insurance premium is very high since I have to be the primary driver. I cannot be under my parents insurance, I am not in good terms with them. Is there any way to reduce the premiums? I already did the driveres ed course which gives you a 10% discount. Do you know any cheap insurance companies? I am just looking for basic coverage. Thanks! PS - I live in Ontario.""
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
""I had a car accident,but i don't have insurance.?""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license?
In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license?
Health insurance question plz help?
My husband lost his job and my and our child health insurance was with him. Can i get health insurance my employee even through its middle of the year will my husband loosing r insurance qualify us qualify event that allow you to enroll
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ME?
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo driver no lapse have a wet and reckless from california. Need cheapest Liability coverage
""How much does private health insurance cost in Johannesburg, South Africa for 1 healthy young person?""
My husband may be relocated to South Africa for about a year. My sister was going to come with us. My husband gets health insurance through his work for him and I and my two kids. My sister would have to get her own health insurance. I understand that you want private coverage over there b/c its considerably better. We are from the U.S. Does anybody know the average cost (just an estimate) of about how much it would cost her per month for private health care insurance over there for one person? We would be in the Johannesburg area. She is 26 yrs old, non smoker, physically fit, no health problems at all, etc. No maternity coverage needed either.just a basic just in case something happens plan. Shes had no prior surgeries or anything else like that and no pre existing conditions. She also does not take any medications. Any info on this would help a lot! Thanks.""
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""Can I drive someone esles car, I f I dont have car insurance?""
Hi everybody, I have a quick question. My friend sometimes gives me a car. His car is insured and registered. But I don't have a car and don't have a car insurance obviously. Another thing is that he was my roommate and my drivers license are registered for the same address as his dl. Right now I live in another place. I have heard that if your drivers licenses are registered for the same address it might be a problem. So my questions are: - Is that ok for me to drive his car? - And should I change my drivers licens address ? or this is not true about this rumor?""
How much will motorycycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
im getting a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, how much do you think insurance is going to be? also how can i lower the cost of insurance, will it lower when i turn 18? im taking the msf course and getting it under my family plan if possible thx""
Can i get a ticket for no insurance?
Can i borrow my moms car. I have a valid drivers license and her car is insured under her name i'm not on the policy. Can i get a ticket for no insurance if im not on her policy?
""Insurance- Cabin, not sure which insurance?""
We live ouside of Canada, but own property with a cabin on it. My dad and aunt own it. According to the insurance if one of the owners (ppl on the insurance) are not on the property (say, 500 miles away) if something happens (like someone falls breaks there leg) to someone we take there, we are not covered and could sue us. If my dad put me on the insurance would our aunt have the right to sell the property without us having any say? He thinks that if I am put on the insurance I will be on his half and my aunt will still have her half therefore giving her more power. Is there any way around this insurance and suing thing if I want to go up there with some friends without them?""
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
How do I get insurance help for pregnant women?
I was on vacation in Hongkong when i learned im 3 months pregnant, now im back in California and already in my 26th week. How do I get help applying for government programs (i dont have medical insurance) like AIM, since my husband's income is a little over for Medical.""
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
Why not lower heath care insurance than universal health care?
I pay $450 a month for my health insurance, why dont they just cut the cost in half? Then people could afford it. Its alot for me but worth it, i had spinal meningitis at 18 and without id be dead.""
""How much do you think car insurance would be, ballpark range?""
I'm getting my first car in a few weeks, and we're going to *** it to my parents' insurance. They have a car and a van, and I wonder what the difference would be to add my volkswagon new beetle-to-be to their plan. My goal is to budget $400 to the car each month for payments and insurance. Do i have the right idea? (payment $150-200 hopefully) That'll leave me $400 give or take spending and saving. Thanks much.""
Help me find health insurance quick!! please!?
I dunno if I'm overreacting, but I've been researching esophigal cancer ( I was sick a lot a couple years ago, but I never thought it was long enough period of time, or frequent enough to cause any damage) and I would like to be checked out. It actually seems the more I read, the more i seem to feel like I'm having symptoms right now... I have been known to be a worrier... Could I worry myself to the point of feeling like my throat is burning? or that I'm burping a lot? (i'm probably swallowing lots of air right now ] and coughing (i've been known to gag and cough when I worry myself) I would like to go to the doctor asap, could someone please help me find an affordable health insurance plan. My zip is 16066, if that matters.. Thank you""
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Becoming an insurance agent in Texas?
How does one become an insurance agent in Texas?
Car insurance so cheap........?
21st century insurance (previously aig insurance) is giving me a basic coverage for 6 month car insr quote for 280 dollars. even i had 4 speeding in the past 5 years...still is the above low rate possible
Can my car insurance company do this?
I called my insurance company yesterday to get a quote for a change of vehicle as I was planning to buy a new car. They said my monthly premium would still stay the same and the quote was only valid till end of the day which is fair enough. They said they give the quote on whatever the insurance rate is at the current time so if i was to call another day it could go up but it shouldn't go up that much. So I went to view the car yesterday evening and decided to buy the car. I called my insurance company today and they said it would cost me an extra 350 to get me insured on the car. So i asked them how could it go from nothing to 350 within a day. They come out with the quote is based on the daily rate of insurance and they cant do nothing about it. I wouldn't have mind if it went up by 100 or so but from nothing to 350 in one day is a big jump. Is there anything I can do?
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
Do I need to add my unborn baby to my health insurance before I deliver?
I'm not due until May 19 but I read in a book that if you choose to add your unborn child to your health insurance, you can. But no one can tell me for sure if I need too. Open enrollment for my insurance isn't until September of next year, after my baby is born. What do I need to do?""
How do I get health and dental insurance?
I am getting married soon. I will be 18 and he will be 21. I have blue cross blue shield through my dad's work and the magnolia health plan(kinda like medicaid) bc I was adopted. ...show more
The world of car insurance?
the idea that dropping the price of car insurance for men a small amount and increasing the female amount a huge hike has nothing to do with gender that's the con it's the absolute greed of government and big business hand in hand raking in a fortune as they did when changing the  s p to the criminal decimal currency? the question is why do we Joe public put up with this crap
What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ?
I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?""
Pregnancy health insurance plans
I recently had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and I am waiting to start my first cycle following the pregnancy. With that pregnancy I was using medicaid but I saw how hard it was to get an appointment since there were so many people. This time around my husband and I would like to start trying in about a month and we would like to get insurance. I am looking for insurance that covers pregnancy with a pretty low deductible. I would like it if the monthly payments were 200 or lower. Does anyone have insurance that they recomend?
""What is the definition of junk insurance and did all insurance companies, even Blue Cross, once offer them ?""
it is a good thing you did not get seriously ill because you would have lost everything and still be dying a miserable death. BTW, Insurance companies did not call their product junk insurance. It was easy takings from suckers though.""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Haven't been paying my car insurance, help?""
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING Okay so long story short, my bank messed up and my car insurance didn't get paid for.. This was about 3 or 4 months ago. And then it just stopped withdrawing money from my account each month, and I figured I would just take my chances and go without insurance. I didn't cancel it or anything. I had State Farm, and I figured because I was getting a new car anyway I wouldn't bother, but getting a new car took a lot longer than than I thought and I just ended up getting one yesterday. So I got a 2000 Buick Park Avenue, it has airbags, all that. It should have a decently low insurance rate. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket, but no accidents. When I called for a quote though, through a different car insurance company, they told me it would be $230 a month. Why is it so high? Is it because I stopped paying for my State Farm Insurance?""
Husband won't get life insurance?
We just married a few months ago. He bought a house a month before we married through VA loan. We are almost 40, and I believe we need life insurance on each other to cover house, cars, debts, ect.... I have enough on me to cover for my part and some. My husband told me that my name if not on the house so I have not financial bearing. If he dies, I can simply walk out the house and downgrade to a trailer, apartment, rent home, cheper home, whatever.... or I can sell his things to help pay the note... OUr house isn't new and very simple!! regardless, I think this is rude. you don't leave your widowed spouse with all that baggage. He makes plenty that he could afford a policy. I am asking him to cover most of the house, his vehicle, and personal debt... which he has a bunch from before our marriage. Am I being hard on him? He isn;t willing to share checking account or save together. He doesnt want me minding his finaces- none of my business is what he tells me pretty much.""
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
How much would I pay for insurance?
I am a 17 going to be 18 on October next year I am going to go and study in FL and I wanted to know about cars would buying a new one be better than an old one? how much would I pay for insurance with either new or old? I want to know exact prices to compare if it would be better to buy a new car or a used one? How much would I pay per month on the insurance?
How much does it cost to go to ER without insurance?
Every once in a while (like every other month), I get dizzy and vomit. If I go to the hospital to diagnose the problem do i go to the ER. And also about how much will it cost me I don't have insurance.""
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
My car was totaled by my insurance?
I bought a 1999 Honda for $4,500 in March of 2010 from a private party, about nine months ago. The owner never disclosed the fact that the car had been totaled in December on 2009. According to Washington State unless the total meets certain criteria it doesnt have to be listed on the title. On January 17th 2011, I was involved in a car accident. The insurance totaled my car. Somehow the insurance discovered that it had been perversely totaled, which I was not aware of. I had full coverage on the car. They now are saying that I will get receive what the car is worth with a savaged title. My question is, do I have to except this or can I fight for the value of a clean titled vehicle? Should they have run a check on the vin when I insured it with them and discovered the that the vehicle had been totaled before? Or is everything my fault?""
How much do you think insurance would be for me?
I'm turning 16 and honestly don't know where to even start when it comes to insurance. Right now my parent don't have insurance.. Do They need to have insurance so I can get insurance? I live in tennessee I'll be driving a 2006 black jeep liberty and insurance just seems really confusing and scary.
How much money would I save on car insurence?
I have a 16 year old who I am debating whether I should put him in driving school to save money on insurance when he turns 17 and gets a licence. It would be added to my insurance. about how much money would I save on car insurance with a behind the wheel driving school in New Jersey? Please dont give me wbsites with a free quotes.
About health insurance?
i don't have a health insurance and my job doesn't provide me one i had a car accident and i owe around 3,000 dollars on my own hospital visit i didn't injure another car if i get an insurance do you think they will pay for my health debts???""
What is the average cost to repair a lexus car dent?
I recently hit a lexus while i was backing out of a parking lot, there was a medium(not too big or small) dent on the drivers door....i dnt have insurance so what would be the average cost of the rapir. Tghe lady claimed she took her car to lexus to get an estimate and she told me it was going to cost $2000 because she needs a whole new car door (lying *****)....any way, do u think the lexus dealers would be bias of me not having insurance if she told them i dnt? could they be price gauging me?.....please someone answer me with hope!""
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
How much would insurance cost me if I am a 16 year old male driving a 2007 subaru impreza wrx?
I live in a small Colorado town....
I'm gonna be late on my State Farm car Insurance?
I have to pay the 6 month one and I'm late on it, I was supposed to pay for it today and it was my fault because I won't be having my paycheck til next week, on Friday. Do you think they will let me have an extension for the payment and if so, Do you think they will let me have the extension for 9 days? Please lmk, thanks.""
About how much is basic auto insurance?
for a used 94 toyota camry in los angeles the main driver is 25 and has a good driving record.
Is car insurance in America cheaper?
I have a Honda civic 2007 (nothing special) sedan and pay $280/month cause I live in Canada, clean record too""
Term Life Insurance Duration?
I'm thinking about taking out a Term Life Insurance policy on my ex, for $250,000; for ten (10) years. Is there any advantage in taking out a Term Life policy for $250,000; for five (5) years? Thanking you in advance for your expert assistance in this matter.""
Teenager's first car accident . Insurance?
So my sister is 17 and a new driver. She rear-ended a guy.. It was just a fender bender and its only the plastic part of his car that's damaged. So my sister DOES have insurance, but didnt have her actual Insurance card on her. (But the cop didnt seem to care). She was driving my mom's car and used her car insurance info. now the guy on the other end...was this old angry guy yelling at her. The problem is that HE didn't have his neither his Driver's license OR insurance. He said he would 'settle on the side' so her insurance wont go up. But does he have a case?? Technically, he shouldnt have been on the road. He doesn't have any insurance! Should we pay him directly? file a claim with our insurance? or do absolutly nothing?""
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
How much insurance cost for 350z?
Im 18 and i have a clean record and what does the insurance cost in wisconsin ,Port Washington . For each insurance company if you can tell me please .""
Can an insurance company cancel the insurance after they found out that there is something wrong?
hi! we just bought a house and got insurances but then after a month in our new house, we got a notice from the insurance saying that our insurance will be cancelled by the next month coz they found out in the inspection that there is a rott on the garage roof and told us to fix it first then they will continue our insurance?? i just wanna know if they can do that or if that is allowed to cancel our insurance after they accepted us?? what can we do ?""
My car insurance is way too expensive?
And I'm planning to change to a different insurance company. I'm suppose to pay two months worth of insurance later this month of about $380, but since I didn't have any accidents on the car, wouldn't that just be paying for nothing? At this point I feel like I am paying for a What if that never happened, so it's more of a Why? now? Maybe I'm just feeling cheated by my insurance company. I had a wreck that should have been removed from my insurance six months ago, as promised, but came to find out that they are still charging me the same price as they were then. I already contacted another company and got a way better deal, but I don't want to pay for the last two months, since I didn't wreck, and feel like they cheated me. Is that justified?""
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Least cost in teen insurance for either buying or leasing a car in NY?
Am i better off leasing a new or used car like a honda accord, toyota corolla or is it cheaper for the insurance to buy an Audi a3""
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
Is there an affordable health insurance plan?
Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby. We both have MOLINA insurance. But my boyfriend who's 19 doesnt have any health insurance. He works full time and is about to be going to college part time. Well his wisdom teeth are coming in crooked and he cant get them fixed because it costs so much. Is there any health insurance plan that wont cost us an arm and a leg? And doesnt have a catch?""
Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?
Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?""
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
Car insurance question?
If I am driving a company truck and lets say I got a ticket.. will my car insurance go up.. even though I am driving a company truck that is insured by the company..
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic?
I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks
""HELP! I didnt have car insurance when I got a speeding ticket, I have questions, help!!!!?""
Ok, so I got a speeding ticket on Saturday for 5 over, I havent gotten a ticket in almost 5 years, my driving record is almost perfect, Im 25 years old. So, I havent been too sure about my car insurance, my dad was paying for a while, he stopped, so I made a couple payment and I moved and it just kind of disappeared, I know Ive been very irresponsible and I will suffer any consequences I get. So I didnt have proof of insurance when I got pulled over, the cop said it was fine, just bring it when I pay my ticket. So Im fairly certain I didnt have active insurance at that point, so Im wondering now if I were to buy insurance right now and bring proof of it in, would I get in trouble for not having it at the time I got pulled over? It was just a citation? How much will my insurance rates go up for a 5 over? Let me know, thanks! PS. I live in Michigan""
Car Insurance for a 2004 Mustang?
Im about to be 15 and im starting drivers ed next week and I was looking at cars and I really want a 2004 mustang. I live in a small town, im a girl, and my parents have Allstate. About how much would it cost me?""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Male/female insurance question?
Is there a statistic that says how much or by what percentage female drivers is cheaper than male drivers? Are there any websites that show statistics similar to this about gender related insurance/driving? Thanks.
Just turned 50 - can you get cheaper insurance if you are over 50?
It was my 50th bday last week and I'm trying to cut down on my car insurance costs. Can anyone recommend any insurers that offer cheaper prices for drivers over 50?
Does anyone know car insurance rates?
I wanted to know whats the average rate of car insurance for an 18 year old female..?
What happens when fail to pay Car Insurance premium? Details Inside.?
Hello Friends, I know that failure to pay car insurance will lead to termination. What I basically want is to cancel the insurance, because I plan not to drive that car for few months to save on Insurance premium. My first question is do they allow termination for such reasons? and in case they don't allow that what would happen if I simply stop paying premium? But remember that I plan not to drive it for few months, so why I need insurance after all. What is the immediate consequence and what is the effect when I would like to drive that car again and want an insurance then? If it is of any relevance, my car is of New York. Please answer me. Thank you""
Where can I find car insurance who will LISTEN to my circumstances.?
I have been driving for over 20 years but the last 5 years have been on my husbands policy for company cars. Before then I had full no claims but lost them as we lived in Singapore on a 3 year work contract, I was driving there also with a Singapore driving licence. When we came back to the UK I have been driving brand new top of the range 2.0 cars.(accident free) Now I need to get car insurance but the set forms do not take any of this into account. Hence the hefty quotes. I have only 1 controversial speeding penalty. Why dont you insurers out there LISTEN !!!""
Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?
I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks
Will hail damage raise my car insurance rate?
My town was hit with severe hail while I was at work and my car was parked at my jobs parking lot. My car has hail damage all over the body, little dents. My car also has full coverage. If I report it to my insurance company so I can get it fixed, will my rates go up? And and since I have full coverage, *stupid question* they should pay for all of it right??""
Which car is better to own?
as insurance and teenage point should i buy new one or lease it i am first time dirver which insurance should be cheaper for me looking bargian here
""Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance?
If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver?
Do you actually need commercial insurance to deliver pizza?
I'm a courrier and I just got a new car I'm looking to insure. I called Progressive and they told me that ANYONE who uses their car for work, even pizza drivers, are required to have commercial car insurance. They quoted my price to be about $11,000 a year. That is insane; no pizza driver or person who does what I do IN THIS COUNTRY pays that much for insurance. So if anyone can shed some light; is it truly required? What could happen if I don't have it and have an accident on the job. Since I'm a contractor and I don't have real hours, could I just say I'm off the job no matter what?""
Does homeowners insurance cover scooters?
stolen moped does house insurance cover repairs
""I'm looking for an honest, good life insurance company. Anyone with experiences on this?""
Single mother with mortgage, a older teen and young adult, good health so far? I am looking to cover anything that would have to be paid in the event of my death.""
Car insurance.. new driver 4x4?
Does insuring a larger car such as a 4x4 (not neccesarily a new one)... cost a lot more for a very new driver?? How much more?
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If I get car insurance will my parents' rates go up?
If I get my own car insurance with my own policy from a completely different insurance company than my parents', but use the same address, would that cause my parents' rates to go up?""
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
Car insurance/van insurance?
My son 24 year old with 7 points .Trying to fet him car insurance cheaper than 1000.Also van insurance cheaper than 300. IN10 AND CD30 on his license .Does anyone know who could possibly beat these quotes .Thanks
How much would insurance for cars be around for 18 year olds ?
How much would insurance for cars be around for 18 year olds ?
Question about car insurance and the situation i am in?
So, i have a truck that my step-father gave to me to drive. i did a lot of work to get it up and running and looking decent. now the time has come to get insurance so that i can get tags on it and have my own vehicle. but my insurance is going to be way to much for me to afford. lame. i know. but i have a solution, my real father said that he would insure my(in step dads name) vehicle in his name dropping my insurance down to 48 bucks a month. so basically, can i get tags on a vehicle if the the insurance isnt it the vehicle owners name?""
Would my car insurance rates go up if I switch?
I'm insured with geico but I've found a better deal with esurance. I can't afford to pay both. I want to cancel with geico and start over with esurance before the geico policy cancels. If I did this would esurance charge me a higher rate? I know it will effect my credit negatively.
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
""I was caught driving with no insurance and in court they required me to have car insurance for 1 year,?""
ive been paying for car insurance for the past 6 monthsm, but I recently sold my car, and was wondering if I stil have to pay insurance when I have no car. what should i do?""
Does your car insurance on old car cover your new car for 30 days?
i just got a new car. i traded it for a new one. i live in illinois and i am insured with geico. On my way home that night i got the car i got pulled over and got a ticket for not having insurance on that vehicle.i tried telling the cop my situation but that still didn't matter to him. So he gave me a $500 ticket. i was told when you get a new car your old insurance will cover you for 30 days. i called Geico numerous of times and they wont help me. Is there anyway to get out of this ticket? is there an illinois law that states something about this?
What is the best car insurance to get?
Cheap, reasonable, and the best.""
Which life insurance is the best one to get and the most affordable and reasonable? Is it the whole life
insurance? or premium life insurance? or term life insurance?
I am looking for an affordable holiday abroad ?
can anyone reccommend any good web sites with exellent deals please as i have never been on holiday abroad and is there any extras like do you have to have travel insurance and is it affordable?thankyou
What will my insurance rates look like?
So last Friday I got in an accident, I hit a curb going to fast around the round about and it screwed up below my car. This was all my fault and no one else's. No cops were ...show more""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?
I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?""
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
Why is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
I have heard rumors that it is illegal to drive without car insurance; first of all, is this true? Secondly, if this is so, why? Many individual American motorists experience between 0-2 minor accidents in their lifetime, some of which are very minor (where both cars still run fine and there's just a bump or so). Any information would be useful.""
How much does it cost to have a baby without insurance?
First, don't worry, I have wonderful insurance so me and my baby will be just fine. But, today in one of my college classes we were talking about medical costs without insurance and it got me thinking.... how much would we have to pay for prenatal care, hospital bills, and doctor's fees if I was not covered by insurance (from conception to delivery)? Anyone know?""
Free term life insurance quote?
How do I get a term life insurance quote online?
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!""
Why is car insurance compulsory here in FL?
I own my car. The cheapest car insurance (only) cover $10k on damages which is called PIP insurance and it is required by law. If the PIP insurance only covers $10k on damages, and I have more than 10k dollars on my bank account why in helllllll do I have to give my hard-earned money to these moth*rfu(kers? Sorry for my temperament but I need a clear explanation or this. If I am willing to give those $10k to my car insurance which is the only that they cover on damages if I crashed, why wouldn't they accept the dial and stop charging me monthly in my whole life? and return me those 10K when I stop driving?""
Why do kids with lower grades pay more for car insurance?
And would a kid with a C average compared to a kid with a A average pay the same after 1 year of both them having a clean driving record and no accidents... if not that is bs.... grades shouldn't come into play it should be how good of a driver you are its unfair to do that I am so sick and tired of how good grades get you this that..... I have a c- average in high school and i dont do any drugs or alcohol or w/e.I workout on a daily basis,eat right, and i am extremely physically fit. I really just hate school and never put my mind to it.""
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Is there a way to figure out how much a cars insurance will cost?
What I mean is I know that insurance charges differently on car types and age group of who is driving, how can I find out the monthly insurance payment. Example: I buy a Scion TC and I'm now 20yrs old how can I figure out my insurance payment other than calling a insurance agent?""
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free home insurance quotes florida
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
Student health insurance?
Our son is going to United Kingdom for his Masters, we have health insurance thru my company but it covers very little over there, should we take out a student health insurance plan on him over there?""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
In Southern California where is the best place to get a perscription with out insurance?
I have Strep throat and need Medication!
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 17year old male ?
How much would insurance coverage cost me? I am going to take the rider safety course. I have no previous accidents and have above 3.0 GPA. I want to get a Kawasaki Ninja500 because I heard they are great for beginners and are decent bikes as well. Any tips, advice, general information would be much appreciated!""
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
Do you need insurance for a day when you buy a car?
I m planing to buy a car and i want to know if i need insurance just to bring the car home, a one day insurance or something like that??""
""Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
What kind of health insurance should i get for my husband and I?
I work one job 35 hours a week.. and I need health insurance... with us being so poor we all still need to go to the doctors. Even if there is a package deal where health, dental, and vision were together or something ideas??""
Who are the best insurance companies for young drivers?
Who are the best insurance companies (in terms of low prices) for young drivers?
""If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical hist?""
If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical history?""
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
I'm pregnant with no insurance and don't qualify for medicaid.?
I just found out I am pregnant. I'm 18, and I want to be realistic about how I can do this. I do NOT have insurance, and I know for a fact that my mother makes too much money (that all goes to bills) for me to qualify for medicaid. We literally have nothing left over, and still struggle. So I would have to pay out of pocket.. but I have nothing to my name. I just had a job interview but even that isn't guaranteed & I'm not even sure if I can work because I am already getting morning sickness. The father has no money or insurance whatsoever. & I am not stupid enough to rely on him. Is there any way that I can get help? *Please no lectures on how I should of thought of that before. No ****. We all make mistakes. Thank you.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?""
Why did my car insurance with geico go up?
I'm always in a 6 month payment plan. My insurance just got renewed today. now i pay $208/month instead of $190/month and i didn't even get any driving violations for the past year. before i used to pay $250/month till they gradually decreased it to $190/month but now what happened? does anyone know where i can get a cheaper car insurance? I have a 2006 coupe cobalt and i'm 22 years old. Is geico trying to rip me off?
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
""Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?""
i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.""
How can I get cheaper car insurance?
I live in Toronto, but my address on my liscence is in a smaller town about an hour out of the city. The car that I have is registered on my husbands Toronto lisence. I want to buy insurance using my out of the city address so it will be cheaper. Would I be able to do this even though I technically live in Toronto?""
Do I need to have insurance to take/have a drivers licence in North Carolina?
So I'm 18 and live in NC and I'm moving back to Europe next summer but before that I want to take my licence here because its way cheaper. Do I need to have insurance if I do NOT have a car I just want a licence for when I get back to Europe. Also, can I drive a car thats not mine if I dont have insurance.??""
What is an average auto insurance cost for a sedan in Alberta?
I am wondering what an average auto insurance cost is to be suspected. If this helps I will be a 16 year old male driving a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan.
How to get cheaper insurance? ?
So, I'm buying a new car. And have been getting lots of insurance quotes. They all ask what is the main use for this vehicle? and the choices are pleasure commute business and a couple other choices. My question is, which one gets the cheaper insurance? I work 3 days a week, and have 4 days off a week, so no, my main use isn't work, because I have more days off then I do work. Anyone have any ideas?""
""What would be the best insurance group to go in, if I am a first time car owner/driver?""
Hi, I am going to turn 17 in the autumn and I am looking for a first (used) car. But I am unsure about which insurance group is the best to go in? Someone told me I could get insured fairly cheaply on Group 5? I would like a reliable car, at the moment I am looking at Ford Focus, Volkswagen Polo, and Fiat Punto. I want it to be fairly new, and look good. I can spend up to 2000. Hope you can help
Help! I need auto insurance fast?
I'm 23 years old and need auto insurance immediately. I live in California and would prefer to have nationwide coverage. I am single, no kids. I'm really considering liability or something low-end because insurance here is a lot more than what I was paying in Pennsylvania. I am also a full-time student and heard that might get me a discount with some agencies. Any advice?""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
How Much Is Motorcycle Insurance?
I am 36 years old, and am purchasing a 2005 suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc's). I am a new rider. I live near Pittsburgh, PA. how much, approximately, will insurance on this bike cost me?""
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free home insurance quotes florida
0 notes
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
"Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
Car insurance on taxes?
im a 23yr old part time student and i work full time, first time im filing my taxes alone, am i able to add my car insurance like i to with tuition?""
Cheapet Cars To Insure For A 18 Year Old?
i am 18 years old living at home, i have 1000 pound and i am looking for a cheap run around to get me to school and back,, does anyone know any cheap cars to insure tanks""
How much life insurance should we have on each other at our age?
My husband is 27 turning 28, I am 24 turning 25. We own a home owe roughly 98,000 on it still, have two children. No credit card debt at all. (don't have any cards) Our cars are 2,000 away from being paid off so I don't think that should be figured in at all. I have 100,000 on my husband and 150,000 on me. I took more on me because he has no family here and though my family of course will help him if I passed away but I thought because I stay at home and he would have to find daycare and all he would need more. My sister said I should take out at least 2x my pay off on my house so that I could pay it off and still have 100,000 to cover financial issues until the parent left could settle in to taking care of a house hold alone. Do you agree? Should we increase our policies? I just don't know...it is hard to think of these things but I want to make sure that if one of us pass away my family will be taken care of and not have to worry about money.""
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
How can I get free health insurance?
I'm 20 years old (almost 21) but I cannot afford more than $25 a month for health insurance. I work in a small town, full time at a family owned business that cannot offer me medical insurance. HELP!""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
Insurance Status of a car buyer?
I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.
What one would be cheaper for insurance and do you own a sports car if so how much on insurance is it for yo?
When I turn 16 I was thinking of getting a sports car and I was wondering what one would be cheaper for insurance would it be a 2004 mustang or a 2002 camaro or a 1974 challenger I live in nebraska in a small town we have the money to own one but I want to know what would be cheaper and how much it would cost yearly or monthly and If you own a sports car what kind and how much do you pay monthly
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Pregnancy Insurance California?
Ok I know my son is responsible and wants to me about this matter but would like some help if someone knows since most places are closed on the weekends that would help with this. My son (21) and fiance just found out she is pregnant, my son works and has great insurance for himself. and just purchased his first home. Income about 30,000. Girlfriend just got laid off from a part time job and no insurance. Just moved in with him recently. If not married will his income disqualify her from Medi cal or will he be charged for the service. They were planning on getting married before this and adding her on to his insurance 100.00 a month. for family benefits. but now that she is already pregnant some have told us the insurance may not pay because of preexisting. and if they marry most likely will disqualify from getting medi cal. Also have seem something about AIM. If anyone has used that or have knowledge of that insurance. I know this is long someone also mentioned that my sons first time buyers credit (loan) may also be taken from him if she gets medical. Any help will be appreciated.""
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
What's the best car insurance?
I'm about to get a car, it will be my first car, and I know the insurance will be more expensive because I just turned 19, but how much should I expect to pay and what is the best insurance I should get? I live in Southern California (Redondo Beach) and I have a 2006 red toyota yaris. Thanks.""
Breakdown Insurance less than 12 months?
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to get car breakdown cover for less than 12 months? All i ever see on advertisements and online is quotes for 12 months cover but i am planning on leaving the UK for a bit after 6 months so that's all i require. Before i contact insurance companies can someone tell me if this is normal or an irregular request? Cheers!""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
Will my car insurance be invalidated?
Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?
Would vehicle wrapping my car a different colour effect insurance cost much / at all?
Hi I work at a vehicle graphics / signs company Weve had an idea that my car would look amazing in a different colour and we can get the wrapping material in cheap. So it will be about 40x cheaper than spraying. I have also seen a carbon wrapped golf the other day and it was perfect. Only question is if i was to make the colour change ( car doesnt usually come in this colour) would it make the insurance cost go up much or at all? Also same with alloy wheel spraying? Many Thanks
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
What is the Cheapest Car Insurance For Young Driver?
18 Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, Full License Held for 2 Month, Access To Company Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), Mileage up to 5000 per year, No PASS PLUS, Social Use and kept on a public road.""
Do I really need travelers insurance?
We are taking a trip from Oregon to Cancun Mexico soon and am wondering if I should purchase travelers insurance. We are going to purchase airline tickets directly from Delta Airlines and also from our chosen hotel. I'm thinking that if there are any problems, the airline and hotel would take care of it. What are your thoughts?""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
How much would car insurance be on a BMW M car?
BMW M3 or M6 Convertible I have no tickets Location: South Orange County, CA""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Help with Car Insurance?
My current car insurance will expire tomorrow at 11:59pm and the new one will take effect at 12:01am. Am I going to have an issue with that 1 minute of non coverage? I know this might sound silly but I just don't know if that will be some kind of an issue. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
""I own a 2000 chevy cavalier and im 17 years old and need insurance, about how much would that cost?""
Its small, green, and its a two door""
How can I cancel my geico car insurance?
I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
Walmart $4 prescription list....only with insurance?
Are the awesome 4 dollar prescriptions only when you have insurance? I don't have insurance, can I get my regular 4 dollar script for still 4 dollars?""
How much should the insurance cover?
I was at an intersection, a 4 way stop. I stopped, and entered the intersection. As I went into the middle of the intersecton, a car approached from the right hand side and he didn't stop at the intersection. He went straight through it and hit the right side of my car, he basically T-boned me. The guy had Geico, they first offered to pay me 70% that was raised to 75%, and after another call it went up to 80%. So I know they have room to wiggle around. If it helps teh other driver got a ticket from a police officer for failing to stop at the stop sign. The damage to my car is on the two doors, they're completely busted. I would think they would be liable to the full extent of the damages, but apparently not. Im in New York state if that helps at all. I got an estimate, and Im living on a college student budget and can't afford to pay 400 for this.""
Insurance companies.?
My mom doesn't have a car but needs to have insurance on her lisence because she needs SR 22 bond so her lisence is not suspended, who offers insurance without having a car?""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Insurance On A Supra For 17 Year Old?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for a 93-94 turbo or non turbo Toyota Supra be? ALSO : If its under my dads insurance would it be cheaper for me to pay ?""
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
What's the best health insurance company for a self employed family?
Self Employed. In Georgia. What's the most cost effective company that pays great? Thanks
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
How much does a married couple spend on monthly bills?
house, insurance car..etc... Im trying to plan ahead and want to know what I'm in for and if I can manage it with two teachers salaries. oh, it would be great if you can tell me a round number of each thing. and yes, i know everyone varies, but I'd like to see what everyone else has. thanks!""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
Unemployment Insurance in California?
I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.""
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Estimate of car insurance for fiat 500c first time driver?
My first car is going to be a fiat 500c thats about 3 years old. I am 18 years old in the UK whats an estimate of price for the insurance for the year?
Help me! Car insurance!?
i need to buy a car, how does it work for the insurance? Can I do the car insurance without the car, but knowing what I'm going to buy?""
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
How much is insurance on a jeep wrangler for a male beginning driver?
Is anyone a male driver around 16 who drives a jeep wrangler and knows how much on average the insurance will be?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Is a 2000 Grand Prix gt sedan considered a sports car to insurance agencies?
I want to buy this Grand Prix gt sedan that's for sale but I can't afford a sports car car payment it's my first car will insurance consider it a sports car
Car insurance for a teen?
Hello, I am 16 years old looking for my first vehicle. I am wanting a diesel car so I can make it run on vegetable oil. However the car I am wanting is a volkswagon TDI. Which stands for turbocharged direct injection. And I know turbochargers affect your insurance greatly. So I look at different cars that can be ran off of veggie oil. And most of the are TDI. What do I do? Best answer gets 5 stars""
Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?
I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?
How much will insurance cost for a age 36 driver who got her license in this year?
Just give me estimate.
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
Massachusetts car insurance?
I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)""
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
Good cheap car insureance?
need help wiht insurance for my car my car is a little ford fiesta 1.3 cheap 2 insure i no but i have 6 points :( so im gettign qoutes of artound 4000pound to insure my fiesta and im jsut wodneriing there must insuracne companys out there hu specialize in this field if no any can u let me me cheeers
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Can i get plastic surgery without having insurance?
I'm 18 years old and my parents insurance covers me. If im paying in cash do i have to know their insurance info?
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Cobalt ss/sc insurance price?
i want to buy a cobalt ss supercharged and need to know if my insurance will be too high since i am only 17, i've gotten some insurance quotes but they are all different by a lot. I have a clean driving record with no accidents and my parents are willing to help out with some insurance but i want to know if i will have enough for the rest, thanks""
Does California vehicle insurance cover broken windshields?
A turkey vulture smashed my windshield yesterday. I have full coverage insurance and they told me I would have to pay my $500 deductible. In other states I've had windshields covered for free. *ONLY the windshield was damaged*. No other parts
If someone is unemployed how do they get health insurance?
I'm trying to understand this Obamacare. What if a person is unemployed and has no income. How are they suppose to get health insurance? How are they gonna fine someone if they have no job. I know one of my friends rather pay the fine cause its cheaper then having health insurance, but what if a person has no job. I really am curious.""
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
""I pay more than $10,000 per year for Health Insurance, does that sound reasonable?""
I'm self employed and gross about $105,000 / year. Have wife and 3 small children. (wife stays home) Premium for family is $857.41 / month and increases about 11% per year. M.D. visits have $20 co-pay. Policy through Excellus BC/BS. We live upstate New York and have no health problems.""
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance?
anyone have Equitable as their insurance company? Comments? Also, can anyone tell me about the Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Plan? THANKS!""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Is medicare a good insurance plan or will a lot of things not be covered. I know there is no drug coverage.?
I recently started recieving medicare after becoming disabled, and pay over $100 per month to recieve this insurance out of my small disability income. I am wondering if this will ...show more""
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
""What's the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Ontario, Canada?""
I could only find ONE motorcycle insurance thing called Kingsway and its $156 a month for a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, which is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are there more motorcycle insurance things..... that are cheaper????!!! I'm 21. Thanx.""
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
What are my options for affordable health insurance in Massachusetts?
I graduated with my Masters in Library Sciences in May, and am only covered under my mom's health ins. until February. I am trying to avoid a lapse in coverage. Please help!""
First car - Cheap insurance?
NOT a tiny one, such as a corsa, fiesta, polo or golf. I'm looking to pay between xx- 2000. I'd like something sort of saloony, in black. I WAS looking at a Hyundai Coupe. So something like that if possible. I do choose best answers!""
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
Insurance on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Hey. Im looking at a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and i was curious as to how much the insurance could possibly be? Im also looking at a 1998 one. Im a 16 year old , female w/ progressive.""
Did I get a cheap Auto Insurance?
Not sure if I got a good deal from Geico. I insured my new 2008 Mazda and and old Honda Civic. I live in SoCal. Liability Coverages for both: Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = $50,000. Medical Payments = $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for the new car. Total Premium = $528.70 (6 months coverage) Is this expensive? Did I choose the right amount for the coverage?""
How much is insurance on a motorcycle?
tell me your sex, age, location and cost per month. i live in baltimore, md""
Whose insurance company I should contact for the car accident?
I am involved a car accident 5 months ago. There are four cars hit from rear one by one. I am the second car and have no fault in this accident. However, I did not have a collision insurance, so I should look for reimbursement by myself. I asked the insurance company of the car hit me, they said their insured driver has no fault(indicated in accident report), so they cannot pay for me. And they asked me to contact the company of the fourth car. Is this illegal? Cause in our country, no matter in what reason, the car hit you from rear should pay for you directly. And if their insured driver has no fault, they can ask payment from the insurance company of the car hit them. Anyone could help me? I will very appreciate.""
What is the cheapest insurance group in the uk? how do they class it?
What is the cheapest insurance group in the uk? how do they class it?
How Much Should An Insurance Adjuster Make?
Hi. I'm making about 40,000 not counting a company car, and I'm a bodily injury adjuster for car accidents. I've been doing it a couple years. I'm trying to figure out how much other companies pay for a similar situation. Mention your company too...thanks.""
""Got rear ended and no car insurance. will the at faults insurance contact me, or should i contact them?
i have no insurance. i got rear ended today and my car is trashed. will the guys insurance company contact me? should i go to the police station and get a copy of the drivers info and contact their insurance? i dont want medical comp. i just want my car fixed.
Whats the cheapest Auto insurance company in WA state?
i had AIS in CA and my insurance was super cheap i moved to WA and the rates here are way higher i was wondering if anyone in WA state could refer me to a good cheap company cheapest full coverage possible its for my gf 25 yo female no tickets no dui Thank you very much for you time
""What is the average cost of car insurance for a $30,000 car?""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a $30,000 car?""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as a 17 year old male that wants to buy a car in a budget of 1500 pounds?
i know insurance insurance is sky high but which cars can i get with a maximum budget of 1500 pounds that are good reliable cars and have a good name like VW etc i wluld prefer not to have a vauxhall renault pegeout etc and ford is last resort only
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
""My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?""
I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!""
Car insurance which is the cheaper?
What is the cheap car insurance for like a 05 and truck or suv. My dad said Tahoe are really high. It needs to have 4 wheel drive.
I am in phoenix arizona. What insurance company is best for a 18 year old driver with a DUI?
I know he should not be allowed to drive but he needs to get to college. No he is not going to take the bus!
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 23 year old malel uk?
Every car i seem to look at has really high insurance costs, it ricockulous! seems ill never be able to afford to insure a car. Si i have 2kids a girlfriend and a job, im 23, and really need to get on the road. so does anyone have any suggestions as to a few cars i should check out insurance costs on that they think would be the cheapest options>? anuy ideas would be fab, thanks.""
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
Has anyone used Canadian Direct Insurance and experienced any issues or problems?
They offer great rates for auto insurance but before considering switching to them I'm curious as to whether other people in Alberta or British Columbia have had pleasant or unpleasant experiences with them.
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Poll: Do you have health insurance?
Do you think you have a 'good' insurance plan?
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
Sports car insurance v.s normal car insurance cost?
how much more would a teenager have to pay for insurance for a sports car than a normal car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
Why are there not provisions in the ACA that put caps on how much health insurance premiums can increase?
I just bought into a health insurance policy as I work 2 part time jobs and get no benefits in those jobs. Now my health insurance provider is saying my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% with higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums. This will put a strain on my finance as I can barely afford what I have now and having a $1500 increase really hurt. Why did this ACA not have something to cap these outrageous premium increases plus benefit decreases? It seems to be making it unaffordable rather than affordable.
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
Cheap Auto insurance?
I got my G2 about 3 weeks ago, and i am trying to find a insurance company in the GTA that offers insurance for a primary driver for a low price. I am a teen and I would be driving a 2001 volvo S80 2.9L""
Car insurance?
my car is not insured, my friend wants to borrow it and has own insurance for their car, she allowed to drive any car with the owners consent, will her insurance be valid as i have no insurance, i belive that it wont be but they telling me differant, can someone please help me and settle this argument once and for all thank you""
Question about getting a car insurance quote?
If I go to say, State-Farm's website and get a quote. They need information like my specific address. I'm new to this, why do they need phone numbers or addresses? Am I going to receive spam mail from them or something? I know where I live affects my car insurance, but a specific address.. I'm just lost. Thanks""
Please explain how universal life insurance works in details?
is it the same as variable insurance wherein you can increase or decrease your insurance coverage for the same premium or universal life have a fix premium for a given age and amount and if you want to increase your coverage, you just add a yearly term insurance?How do you increase its coverage? Will it affects the premium if you want additional coverage? I understand variable life insurance has a range of minimum to maximum coverages for a given premium, is it the same with universal life?please explain in details how the entire process works.""
Does home insurance cover acidental damage?
I acidently spilit water on my laptop and broke it. Would home insurance cover this?
i need to know all the types of property insurance, with descriptions. please help:]""
Whats the cheapest british car insurance company for new drivers?
Whats the cheapest british car insurance company for new drivers?
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
How much will it cost me to repair a paint less dent on a Nissan Sentra?
My car was recently hit without my knowledge. No one saw it and it happened while I was parked. The dent is right above the body of the tire frame and its about two inches wide. My question is will my insurance pay for it? And if not how much will a repair like this cost me? The car is Nissan Sentra 2012.
Do I have to pay more for my car insurance?
I purchased a car with a car loan and I had to get full coverage insurance. I pay monthly and I have to do this for 6 months. The sixth month will be on May. I just paid off my car loan so I no longer want to pay extra money for full coverage. I had to pay a down payment for my insurance so my monthly payments would be cheaper. My question is do I have to pay another down payment if I switch to the liability coverage? Do I have to pay those last two months in order to switch to a liability coverage? I live in California.
Friend wrecked car and i have no insurance and he has liability?
Let my friend drive my car while I was inside of the car and he wrecked it. i have no insurance and he only has liability. Will his insurance cover it or will i have to sue him?
Cheap ohio auto insurance?
hi! does anyone know what some of the cheapest auto insurance companies are in ohio?
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
How much will insurance cost for a motorcycle in CA if im 20 years old ?
i wanna get a ninja 250cc as my first bike but read that some people pay like 3k for insurance on a bike. ive only had one speeding ticket with my car about a year or so. Im gonna be 21 in about 6 months if that makes a difference.
Cheapest cars for insurance for a teenage boy?
This is what I know: 4WD and newer cars means higher rates. I know certain cars, particularly Honda Civics and Accords from the 90's were commonly broken into and stolen, and that raised rates. I think I'll be responsible for paying my own insurance and gas. (Unfortunately I do live in a snow climate, but we haven't had real heavy snows in a while) So, it would be VERY helpful to list some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, that would be best/good on insurance costs! Thanks!""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
What insurance companies cover home that have had multiple claims?
We have have 3 claims since 2008 and have been dropped. We cannot find homeowners insurance, and our mortgage company is going to force insurance, with no liability or personal property included, at 2 to 3 times higher premium. Anyone have ideas of insurance companies that would cover us?""
mortgage insurance quotes
mortgage insurance quotes
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
Does full coverage insurance cover repair costs of the other vehicle 100%?
there's no damage to my car (only bend license plate), but scratches on the other person's bumper. I have full coverage insurance in California and just made my claim. Since my car doesn't need fixing, will my insurance cover the repairs on their vehicle completely?""
How to explain therapy on health insurance application?
I graduated from a University of California last quarter and now I'm applying for health insurance. For my last year as a student, I took advantage of the counseling services offered at my school. I took part in therapy because it helped me get through the stress of an extremely difficult course load during my last few quarters. To be honest, I would not have gone to therapy if it hadn't been 100% covered by my student health insurance. I was never prescribed any medication, I'm not seeing a therapist at the moment, and I don't intend to start seeing one again any time in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have no choice but to write that I've seen a psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. The question is how do I explain it so that it causes the least harm to my application? Do you think this is something I should be concerned about?""
Bike insurance to car insurance?
can you transfer you no claims discount from your bike insurance to a new car insurance acount??
Should I get health insurance?
I'm going to be 18 in a few months and I'm trying to figure out if it'll be cheaper to get health insurance or not get health insurance. I'm on 3 prescriptions, every 3 months I have to get an MRI and CT scan, and every 6 months, I visit my eye doctor. Would it be cheaper to have health insurance and pay them monthly or just pay the doctor bills on my own? Sources?""
Where's the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, Recently I bought myself a Vauxhall Corsa SXI 2003, and have been looking around for car insurance. It seems that everyone thinks that car insurance costs around 3000 for a new young male driver, however the cheapest quote I seem to get is about 5000-8000. I've tried every insurance comparison site under the sun, and looked at so many companies direct. The cheaper quote is just over 4000, but that involves the little black box to be installed. I'm not complaining about this as I would drive sensibly and have nothing to hide, but it is still so steep. I can't afford these prices for a 1500 car. Anyone have any ideas? It feels so unfair that I haven't even been given the chance to show that I won't abuse driving... *I've tried putting my parents as second drivers, no luck. Also, the model of my car doesn't affect it as I get the same quotes for a 1997 Ford Fiesta...*""
Car Insurance?
My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.""
Should I switch my auto insurance this early?
I have Esurance right now.. My policy started in Feb and ends in August. It is $200 a month and I have minimum coverage. I did not have insurance for 15 months until I started my policy, so I settled and did not look at many places for the insurance. I just looked at some quotes today, and Progressive quoted me $140 with more coverage and I probably could get some discounts from them. Should I keep my current policy until it expires in August? Or should I just switch now? I feel like keeping my insurance for 6 months and switching with no gap in my coverage could benefit me more than calling it quits so soon, but I honestly don't know. I'm new to these kinds of responsibilities.""
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
What are some cheap health insurance plans for a college student?
Hello, I live in Texas and I am in my first semester in community college. They do not offer insurance at my school. I do work part time, but I do not plan on staying at this job for long. I don't want to get on my parents insurance, because I simply don't want them to know any of my personal business. Any advice? I am 22 by the way. Any answers are appreciated. Thank you!""
How much does gender affect car insurance price?
I'm writing an essay on seemingly biased car insurance charges. Does anyone have any facts or statistics involving car insurance? Thanks!
""If I have a Car note, and I can't afford to pay my insurance, Can the dealership turn off my car until payment?""
There's a gps tracking device and shut me right down so I can't drive.Its not my car note,insurance payment""
Car cheap on insurance?
Hi im wanting to buy my first car in a couple of months so i would like to know of a car thats got a small engine 1l preferably and cheap on the insuramce,yet slightly large for personal use such as fishing :) and finally a hatchback""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
How does the car insurance process work?
So to start this stressful story I just purchased a new truck in Louisiana. My guy and I pulled out of the dealership lot and literally about a minute down the road we were hit by a girl in a car who says she didn't see us. Her car was damaged pretty bad but ours has a big dent and a scratch. It's still functional but now the passenger door won't open because of the location where her car contacted ours. So a police officer came and filed a crash report and gave us her information, but says that we have to wait til Friday to be able to get a copy of the crash report. We have full coverage insurance on our truck and our basic warranty. I'm going to call the insurance company to be sure but I was wondering what are the steps to filing a claim and getting my truck fixed. What exactly do I need to do to complete the whole process. I'm very into details so all serious and thorough answers are appreciated. Thanks""
If I get my g2 will my parents insurance rise?
I would like to get my g2 in october, but not get insurance and start driving alone until november. Would this raise my parents insurance from just getting my g2. Also, if i have an 80% avg at midterm, will it lower the cost of insurance? If yes then would a 90 avg lower the insurance cost even more?""
I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it?
i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks.""
""If I had a company, and I had to pay for car insurance out of the capital...?""
Would the car insurance be counted as an 'expense', 'liability', or an 'overhead'? Also, if possible, could you provide an explanation as to what each term means exactly? Many thanks! :-)""
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
What Insurance companies will cover a pizza delivery driver?
Ok, so I've been trying to find Work as a pizza delivery driver---I was able to find one job delivering pizza--but when I had called my insurance company and told them about the situation--they immediately said We will not cover any accidents you have while on the job delivering pizzas. Have a good day. So, my question is: What insurance policies do cover you for delivering pizzas?""
How much is a the monthly cost for a used car including insurance ?
I would like to buy a good used car around 6000 ..but, I would like to make a dewn payment of 1500 and get a financing for the rest .... What would be my real monthly cost ...? a friend told me that I will have to pay insurance as well ... and that it could 235 per month w/ Geico or 135 ..... Do I have to get an insurance for my car ? Do you yourself pay your car loan + insurance ? if yes, how much ..? what can I do to pay less insurance ?""
What is a good truck that has low Insurance and is reliable?
my dad and i are trying to start selling at the flea market and going around buying and selling stuff to make money but we need a truck to haul some of it around but we dont wanna put alot of money in a truck before we know if its worth it so what is a truck that is like a couple thousand probbaly around 4000 at the most on craigslist that has really low insurance is reliable so were not stuck on the side of the road some day and that can be used as a work truck thats probbaly what we need outta it but if its possable low mileage and isent all high tech becuase we dont wanna fix that **** and is cheap to fix
""Just got my drivers license, what's next? how do I get insurance? where do I go?
I'm 19 and I finally got my drivers license :P but I don't have a car. but I need insurance 1. How do I get insurance? 2. Where do I go for Insurance? 3.What do I have to take with me? I need to get a car so... 4. How much down payment do you think is good? like would 1000 do it ? I dont have money. :| 5.can I get loans? or should I get loans? Thanks 4 helping ;)
""Does car insurance cover break ins and stolen goods? If not, what does?""
I had laptop, camera, and gps stolen from my car in broad daylight over the weekend. I was just wondering what insurance covered these items..if any? thanks in advance.""
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mortgage insurance quotes
""Any opinions on good home insurance companies in Anchorage, AK?""
Just shopping around for good home insurance. Currently have accepted offer for our first home, and want to get the best home insurance rates.""
""If you have or had a ninja 250 at 16-18, how much did your insurance cost and who where you with ?
Does the bundle up insurance on some companies actually save you money ?
How much will it cost to add a 17 year old female to my insurance plan as a driver with the car in my name?
I'm supposed to be added on my 38 year old sister's insurance with Nationwide tuesday. I have to pay for my part, I hope its not over 150 but definitely not 200.""
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Should I Get Title Insurance?
I have an opportunity to buy a lot near a lake in Missouri from a lake association for $300. There has been no other owner of the property in the past 30 years or so (since before the lake itself was created and the association was established). As great of a deal as this price sounds, I have the option to pay another $125 for title insurance. Would it be worth it to pay for that insurance considering the amount I am paying for the lot itself? Also, I am not planning to build on the lot any time soon, I just want it to allow for access to the lake and the priveledges of the lake association.""
16 year old girl car insurance?
When I get my license, my parents will be putting me on my own plan and will be having a 1995 Geo Tracker in my own name. On average, how much would it cost a month to get the insurance I need? I'm hoping to be getting $450 a month. My cumilative GPA is a 3.2 I don't know what other information would be helpful.""
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
How much is insurance for 2008 bentleyy?
DO they Ask How you Got the money if you buy it just wondering thats my dream car lol
How much do auto insurance agents make there first year?
What's the average for starting license auto insurance agents? Do they only make commision or hourly too? Are the leads provided. Is it a hard industry to get into?
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
Get SORN first or cancel car insurance?
Hi, might be worth checking this thread out first: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiWBX1zk4PVIcYSG9D1wU2AhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130624061149AAg0TyU I've got the MOT done. But financially, still struggling. My Road tax notification came in and also got an insurance renewal reminder. Road tax expires on 31.8.2013 and car insurance on 3.9.2013 I want to get the car off the road so intend to go down the SORN route. Do I cancel my insurance first? Then get the SORN or vice versa or does it not matter which way I go first? Secondly, if I cancel my insurance, any likelihood I might get some cash back if they pro-rata the insurance for the year? Thank you.""
Whats the best multi car insurance company?
I live 5 miles from work. got a great driving record and i own 3 plus cars one daily driver the others i only drive not even 3000 a year just toys i like to keep im single and sick of pulling insurance off and on just to say id rather just pay a decent price to cover them all my daily driver is like 250 and my van i havnt even drove this year they want the same along with another 300 for a truck. Is there a insurance company that realises im one person and collectors plates mean i barley drive these things! please only respond if you have more then one car insured and have tryed a couple diff companys
Cheap to insure drift cars?
im 18 and trying to get a drift car. I looked at nissan skyline, however as the cheapest quote i could get was 37,000, i might not be able to get that, as that was without declaring mods. wondering if anyone that knows drift cars that are cheap to insure or how to get cheaper insurance?""
I hit someone car's door when I was parking. How much it will cost?
When I parking. I hit someone's car then she was opening the door. How much should I pay? I have a learner permit and I was practice parking with my friend who is over 21 with drive license. When I practice parking. It was clear on my back but the last time I practice. There is a car just parked back me and I did not notice it. When she open the door. I accidently hit on her door. It is not too bad. A little bit dent. And she said she is going to call the insurance. If it is not too expensive. I will pay. So. I just wonder how much it will cost me. Thanks
What would be the insurance on these cars?
What would be the insurance costs for a 16 year old girl for a Nissan Altima 2013 2.5 SV, a 2013 mustang v6 and 2013 honda crv EX? Or what are good websites to price it at?""
What would my monthly insurance be?
For a - -'07 Cobalt coupe -'08 tiburon -'04 ford mustang I'd like one of these but i'll be paying for my insurance so I'd like to have an idea on what it would be a month....any help is appreciated :)
Does anyone know where to get affordable insurance rates for high risk drivers?
Any insurance companies offering affordable insurance for high risk drivers
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
Will my insurance go up if my vehicle would be out of town?
Ok so i'm 18 and will be going to college 186 miles from my home in pittsburgh. I'm currently listed as a primary driver on my parents insurance. Will my insurance rates go up just because the vehicle would no longer be located at home? I don't believe it should because if i'm listed as a primary driver what difference does it make where the vehicle is located? Does anybody know if it would go up?
Which is the Best Life Insurance?
Which is the Best Life Insurance? Less investment, good returns, life coverage, Accident Benifit""
I can't afford this forced health insurance by my college! help!?
My college is telling me that it is mandatory by law that as a full time student, that I have health insurance. I will be getting my own separate health insurance at the end of the month, but tell then i have to pay the full amount with the health insurance ($1,695) I can't afford that! is there anything i can do? they told me i can't request a deferral. i don't live on campus. I only paid $200 a month last year, (I had my own insurance) but I also received less in financial aid. all of this access payment is just for health insurance! is there ANYTHING i can do?""
How much does it cost to insure a Ford Mustang?
Now for my first car I really wanted a Ford and the only one I like is the mustang. I know that they are sports cars so the insurance is high but I would like to know exactly how much it would cost for insurance especially since it would be my first car.
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Wat is da average cost of car insurance for a brand new car driven primarily by a teen?
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
Are there any cost savings in adding an additional driver to car insurance vs having 2 policies?
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mortgage insurance quotes
0 notes
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
"How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cost of high risk auto insurance?
What is the average cost of high risk auto insurance? I understand it varies by state to state and such things but can nyou give me atleast a range?I got a DUI and a speeding ticket which canceled my old insurancce ($40 a month) and now it appears i will need high risk insurance. I have 8 points on my licemse. About how much is high risk auto insurance?
What's a good car with low insurance and good gas mileage?
Am looking to spend around 5 grade. Looking for a classy looking car. Preferably 4 door. No need for a sports car look. I guess I like the subcompact look? Compact look. Needs to be fuel efficent. Safe. Low running costs. Reliable. Anyone have any ideas on brands and models? Any advice? Also what am I meant to look out for when buying a used car? This will be my first car.
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
How much would insurance be?
im getting a 1993 eclipse for my birthday and i have to pay for my own insurance, so how much are we looking at here for insurance? i just got my license and have a c/b average for my grades. we are going through farmers but when i went to the website it wouldnt work.""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I screwed up and was charged with DUI a few months ago (I was driving a car). I figured my insurance would double or triple but no, the cheapest I could fine is close to 4,000 a year! I was floored & absolutely in shock. My question is, would motorcycle insurance be cheaper being I got a DUI. I live in Fl. Do I even need insurance for a motorcycle? Everyone is telling me a different story. I need help please! Thanks! -Alex""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
My job offers awful health insurance?
Our company got bought out & our new employer is doing open enrollment for health insurance next year. I currently have roughly a $75 monthly premium with a $500 deductible, then the employer pays 80%. The insurance I'm being offered has a $60 monthly premium, $100 deductible, then the insurer pays 80%, but only pays a max of $750 for the year. As it was explained to me, it is like partial health insurance-but I think this won't be enough to cover what I need. I had major surgery last month & even after meeting my deductible, the out of pocket expenses were a struggle. So should I get a HSA or apply for supplemental health insurance? The other employees at my company are in the same position as I am & I feel awful having to look elsewhere for better coverage. No spam please, I beg you!""
Expat insurance - what kind of insurance is appropriate?
I traveled abroad for a year and got worldwide travel insurance. Then I decided to make the move permanent. I am living outside the EU and I'm wondering, surely travel insurance is inappropriate for a permanent move - what to other expats get to make sure they are covered against issues abroad? Thanks
Health Insurance for 25 Year Old Disabled Male?
I'm 23 years old and I live in California. I work full time but only make $8 an hour. My husband is 25 and has been disabled since age 12. He has a serious back injury and may be paralyzed one day and he cannot work. If this ever happens, I really don't want to be $1 million dollars in debt because we are uninsured. I have never bought health insurance before and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm looking for insurance that will cover him if he needs to go to the emergency rooom, needs an operation or will cover him if he does indeed become paralyzed. Where do I start? What are our options? Will he be denied because of a pre existing condition? I don't care what I have to pay, I just want him to be insured. We don't want to go throught the process of getting him SSI because we don't want to be poor forever and if I make over a certain amount he will lose everything. Thanks for your help, I REALLY appreciate it.""
How do I find affordable health insurance that covers sterilization?
My job doesn't provide benefits, but I'm tired of waiting to get Essure or a tubal ligation. Where can I find information about reputable insurance companies (that I can afford) that cover sterilization procedures?""
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
Are inoperable vehicles required to have insurance coverage in AZ?
My plates and registration where suspended on an inoperable but registered vehicle I own. Phoenix, or maybe the whole of Arizona, requires me to have current registration on all vehicles, running or not, located on my property if they can be seen from the street. And yet, the DMV (or MVD as it's called here) suspended my plates and registration on one of the inoperable vehicles I own for lack of insurance coverage on said vehicle. Am I required to insure inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am I required to declare a vehicle as inoperable with the DMV or my insurance company? Is there a special type of registration required that I did not know about?""
What do i need to bring for a driving test in california?
im going to take the driving test in california, what will i need to bring? (not the written test) i know ill need my permit and insurance stuff, what else? do i need my social security card or my birth certificate?""
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
Who sells the cheapest car insurance?
Who sells the cheapest car insurance?
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ?
I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
Cheapest insurance companys in the uk?
whats the cheapest insurance company in the uk
How much will insurance be for the smart car that will be released in 2008 in the usa?
will there be a big from the other cars?
My car insurance got cancel?
I have to pay 2,700 to get my car insurance back is their any car insurance companies that can let me have car insurance now? And I still can pay off the 2.700?""
How can someone get health care if insurance denies them?
My mom was seeing a psychiatrist and on lots of meds a few years ago. She since lost her job and kaiser and all the insurance companies won't cover her. She's been sick for two weeks and had to go to the emergency room yesterday. She can't afford to get care without insurance and I'm really worried about her, she's throwing up and passing out with a fever and all the emergency room gave her were antibiotics and said it might be a kidney infection. I told her to go to Mexico to find an affordable doctor but she can't even get out of bed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of taking next semester off and giving her my student loan as a last resort.""
Can I get auto insurance through another company if I owe on another insurance company money?
I lapsed on my old insurance policy and do not have the money to pay it off. My registration expires tomorrow and I need insurance in my state to register my vehicle. Will another company insure my vehicle if I still owe money to another insurance company?
Rear ended someone.. how much to get fixed without insurance?
i just got my car like 6 months ago and i was with my friend and he had to stop suddenly cuz of something runnin out in the road and i wasnt paying attention and i rear ended him.. neither of us wanted to get the cops involved cuz he had someone in his car and just got his license which is illegal and i didnt want me insurance 2 go up http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can't link so just replace the [dot] with a period . thats a pic of the damage i dont think its too bad probably just need a new hood bumper fenders and lights right? also if i did end up going through insurance how much would it go up about im 17 yrs old? my mom is paying for it right now but she said if i ever get a ticket or anything that i cant get out of then i gotta pay the difference so idk if itll be cheaper this way or something
Insurance rates go up?
I sideswiped a car and busted their taillight, if I report it to my insurance instead of paying it myself about how much would my monthly rate go up? I'm an 18 year old guy.""
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.
Individual medical insurance plans?
I am getting ready to go into a contracting position and there is no medical insurance provided meaning I will have to supply the insurance for my family. Does anyone do this, and is the insurance deductible on the taxes? I am living in Indiana and the plan would cover 4 members including myself.""
Insurance Savings Plan?
What types of these are available at insurance companies?
Step parents health insurance?
I was wondering is it possible for my soon to be wife, to put my kids on her health insurance plan from work? The children live with us. We are in california.""
Is there any website where I can look up insurance rates for every car??
just want to see which cars are expensive to insure and which cars are cheaper. I just want a list like highest to lowest. I don't need specific rates.
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Forced placed auto insurance?
I'd been trying to have forced place insurance removed for quite a few months now, and after reading some stories here, see I'm not alone. I've always had full coverage insurance but since I switched carriers it was one thing after another ... Add them as lien holder -done, didn't receive notice from insurance company, didn't receive fax with notification, etc. .... Now, some months later, I'm in an accident and car may be totaled (not good news since the loan balance exceeds the cars worth). Am I correct in understanding that the lien holders forced insurance policy will relieve me of any difference in the balance, similar to if I had gap insurance?""
""Receiving life insurance prodeeds, and my chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Can the trustee take my money that I will be receiveing from my moms life insurance policy?
What is the best way save on Auto Insurance?
I am trying to find a way to save on auto insurance, me and my brother both have vehicles- only difference is im required to carry an SR-22 and have citations-No DUI, moving violations-nothing in the past 1-1/2 years, and he has an excellent driving record. I feel bad because I know our insurance is higher because of me, most places tell me its cheaper to have a policy together- Any recommendations? Another thing I notice is that if im the primary-Insurance is definitely higher, however when my brother is primary its a little lower, some agents tell me I have to be primary?""
I need some help!!? Car Insurance prediciton:?
I am 16, and i have had my G2 for 2-3weeks....and got my G1 10months ago in ONTARIO. I am not the primary driver on a car(my parents have 2 cars....they are the primary drivers) Tonight i slid off the road and hit a tree( roads were slippery and wet as it was snowing) and maybe 3-4 thousand dollars damage was done to the front of the car!! How much will my insurance go up per month??( it was a 2007 hyundai elantra with snow tires)""
Car insurance in new york?
hey guys, I'd like to know what would be the ballpark for insurance. I'm 24 years old and have had my driver's license since 2003 and never have had parking violations, points taken off my license or any type of moving tickets. I'm looking to buy a 96-00 civic and would like to know around how much I would be quoted""
Paying car insurance 2 days late?
What happens if you pay your car insurance 2 days late? I have it automatically debited out of my account on the 15th of every month, and I get paid every 2 weeks. This month I get paid on the 17th...two days short of my due date. So what do I do? I have paid my insurance late before (3 days) and they didnt even mention it to me, they just took it out when I had the funds available. and I have Liberty Mutual car insurance by the way...""
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
Car insurance calculator?
is there anyplace online to give you an estimated insurance payment based on age, and model and year of vehicle? im trying to find out what car is affordable for me insurance wise and dont want to bug my family insurance company with quotes on several different cars lol""
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
""Queation about auto insurance in Boston, MA?""
Hey, I am 17 years old (18 in a month), male and I am looking at a used audi s5 (4200 cc 350 bhp) to buy. it is a 2009 model with 30000 miles. How much do you think i will be asked to pay for insurance each year if i purchase this car? I never had an accident btw and i dont plan to do many miles.""
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
How much would i pay for car insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
Car insurance help needed ASAP thanks.?
Ok. My father has his own jeep insured in his own name.He has owned the jeep since 2005 and he still has it this day.He has a 9 year no claims bonus on it.He is insured with FBD insurance.His insurance is commercial. Now I have my own car which was only bought recently but I put my car in my fathers name.Now the reason been is because im trying to get my insurance cheaper.Now I dont want any comments saying that its insurance fraud because every one is broke now and trying to get things cheaper just like myself here.Now what I was thinking if I were to go with a differant car insurance company than his and if he were to go as main driver and me as named could he say that he uses the jeep for commercial use and the car for private use? If that works can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car which is in his name so ill just say he owns it for now one.So can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car aswel as his own jeep aswel.Because if that worked I would get mine really cheap?So if that would work,I know that if i were in an accident his no claims bonus would be gone but my father trusts me to be a carefull driver. I only want proper answers to my question and thanks very much for the help and it will be much appreciated for it.I live in Ireland aswel ok....Thanks very much.""
Car insurance for a new driver?
So for my first car I am trying to convince my parents to let me get a used '03 infiniti g35 the price isn't a problem. What would the insurance be for an infiniti? Also what would insurance be for a car like a subaru or something like that just so I can compare...BTW new driver
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
What option should I choose for my car insurance?
I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!""
What level of car insurance should I get?
The difference in my car insurance quote from the bare minimum ($356.50) to second or third in each category ($1,422.90) is over a thousand dollars. This is for a 6-month quote. I'm a very safe driver and have never been in an accident that is my fault. Someone rear-ended me once but there was only damage to his car.""
Good looking motorcycle with good insurance price?
iam 16 iam looking to buy a motorcycle but they insurance for my age is up the roof what are some good looking motorcycles with good insurance for my age and what else should i know before getting one ???
Insurance for the baby?
Before you judge, I have a license, car, job, and apartment and am stable with income. I'm 17, and will be 18 by the time the baby is born, and I am covered under my fathers insurance which was established 17 years ago through my fathers work. Its Cigna PPO. Since then my father has been layed off because the plant closed down. He still has the insurance from his work and does not pay the huge bill because it was covered by his work. Now I'm Pregnant and, I'm trying to understand how insurance works. The baby cannot be added to this insurance because It has already been established. I know this for sure because my brother, 22 and unmarried, had a child in November and his child could not be added to our insurance plan. So will you please help me find insurances, Private insurances not state? Also can the baby be by itself or must it be with it's father or mother, me, on a plan?""
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.
Riding a friends motorcycle without insurance?
My friend says he has insurance on his bike(ninja 250) that covers him, any other riders and any damages to the bike. He wants me to ride his bike but i have no insurance only my motorcycle permit, my question is, is he just miss understanding his insurance or is he correct about it? Thank you for any help! Also i plan on getting insurance in the next month.""
Where is the cheapest van insurance available?
I'm 21 and looking for cheap van insurance....Any recommendations?
Is insurance required to buy a car?
I live in the state of Washington. I just turned 18 and obtained my driver's license. However, I have been driving for two years now without insurance and license :/ fortunately without any encounters with the law. Anyway, I want to buy my own car now, my first car, so I'm looking for something local on craigslist. My question is, is it required for one to have insurance in the state of Washington in order to buy a car? I've obviously never done this before so if you could explain how this works I would appreciate it. 1.) What exactly do I need to pay for besides the car? (license plates, registration?) and 2.) Do I need to have insurance? (or can I just pay the person for the car, get the paperwork, and it's done, because I can't afford insurance at the moment. Again I've never done this before). Thank you""
Does car insurance go up if you get your drivers permit?
will my parents car insurance go up if i only get my permit?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.""
How much more do landlords pay in insurance for DSS tenants?
I've seen it mentioned often that if a landlord accepts a tenant in receipt of housing benefit they're likely to pay more in insurance, which is why some won't accept them. I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what the difference is?""
Life insurance question?
I am looking for term life insurance, meaning the rate would would locked for 30 years regardless of my husband and I getting older. I just have couple questions, i am hoping someone would shed some light: what does this mean??: The Select-a-Term provides a level death benefit term to age 95 also what does this mean? Current premiums are guaranteed level for the first 15 policy years. if i am selecting 30 years, why are they only guaranteed for 15 years? also, what else should I be looking for? thank you!""
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
What solutions would make health care treatment instead of health care insurance more affordable?
considering out of pocket expenses? and would this be a conservative approach to the health care issue?
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
What's Toronto cheap auto insurance/Broker?
This city is pure Bull sh*t! I can't find a affordable insurance. If anyone have a good car insurance, please leave their name of contact #? Thanks""
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
Car insurance Questions?
I have comprehensive coverage (collision, fire, theft. etc)on my car it is a 2001 bmw 325 in very good condition, very little scratches inside and out. Mechanically sound. also well maintained and optioned if somebody was to rear-end my car (i live near the sr 91 in california, accidents everyday) what is going to happen? is the the one at fault's insurance company going to pay for the value of the car? since i pay comprehensive coverage? and is the value of the car based on pre-crash value or post cash value? what if i was to hit somebody's rear end? and is my insurance rate going to go up if i was rear ended""
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
About how much will basic insurance cost for a 30 year old male once the new Insurance system is in place?
right now I can't afford insurance but will be required to buy it anyway starting in 2014, I am curious as to how much it will be. As I understand it, it will be basically figured at three different levels of service and three different rates depending on your age and the coverage you want. so for a 30 year old male who wants basic coverage how much would I expect to pay? just ball park. like $200 to $300 per month? more then that less then that? this question has been deleted over and over again I don't understand why.""
Do I need to have insurance before buying a car?
I canceled my car insurance a year ago, because I didn't have a car. Now I am ready to buy one again. Do I need to have insurance BEFORE buying the car, so I can drive it home? Or do I wait until after wards so I know what type of car to insure. I will be buying the car from the state auto auction if that makes a difference.""
Best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
im 19 make live in UK where is the best place to get cheap car insurance, any help appreciated""
How can I get insurance without a job?
I want to be a full time nanny but I won't be getting insurance. How can I get my own insurance?
""I'm 17 years old, and I'm going under my parents driver's insurance plan soon for driving, how much is it?""
My parents said I can drive now that I got a job, however I will have to go under their plan, and I'll have to pay the insurance. How much will it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took $1000 driving classes) So I'm guessing that will reduce the cost? Also I live in the state of PA and my parents are on AllState Insurance. So how much will the insurance be every month if I'm under my parents plan? AFTER I TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! And how long can I stay under my parents driving insurance? When will I NOT BE ABLE TO stay under my parents driving insurance? Or am I always able to stay under their driving insurance if I want to?""
""In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
What questions do car insurance agents ask?
We're thinking of changing insurance companies. I want to do some calling around for quotes. What kind of questions should I be prepared to answer, aside from what model/yr of the vehicle, my age, etc.""
What is the name of the song on the JUST CAR insurance add on MTV ?
It the one with errbody beatboxing and this FLii as dude driving around with his blue car. There is an old as asian dude beatboxing and a couple of hot chicks as well. pls pls pls ...show more
What is the cheapest/reliable car insurance company in Miami Florida ?
I have clean record, 34 years old.""
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.
What happens if i get caught without licence but with an insurance?
i am 18 and i have a car with insurance at my name what will happen if i get caught i am from california?
How much is car ins. per month for teens?
For full coverage, which includes, uninsured, underinsured, rental car and a low deductible, etc. . I am wondering if my teen is paying too much for car insurance? How much do you pay and what company is it through? I am curious to see if we're paying too much!! Thanks!""
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
Good Renters Insurance?
What's a good renter's insurance company and the approximate cost ?
Assurant health insurance or Humana One?
Which do you think is better? I'm looking into high deductible insurance..And can't decide between the 2..And what about dental? How is basic dental compared to discpunt dental if I know I am going to need some work done (i.e. cavities and wisdom teeth are all grown in-i want them out)...Any input would be appreciated.
Is it cheaper to buy your own insurance or go on your parents insurance?
I was looking at prices online for one person and it's between 2K and - 3k for 6 Months just for me and my friends are own there parents insurance and they only pay 100 - 200 a month is that true about that? Where close to the same age.
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm just wondering how much this will cost if I get one in the future. I'm 17. I have had a car accident recently (last thanksgiving). And yes, I was at fault. I don't feel like naming my excuses... the insurance companies won't care anyway. But don't worry, no one was hurt. So anyway... what prices are we looking at if... 1. I get it now with my parents insurance? (we own four cars... I already have one) 2. I wait until I'm 18 and move out to a college dorm and have it as my only vehicle? 3. sport bike vs regular bike? 4. I wait a few years until the car accident is off my record? No lectures about safety please. just give me some numbers.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
Is it illegal to use a wrong address on your car insurance?
I want to use the address my dad lives at for my car insurance because it makes my insurance 200 cheaper. It is my registered address and my driving license, bills and bank is addressed there but I don't technically live there anymore. I live between my boyfriend and another parents house. What is the deal with this?""
Can you get auto insurance with policy dated back a couple days?
I got a ticket for 5 over, I have a clean record but no insurance, can I buy insurance that will back up that date. It was sat the 14th""
How cheap is car insurance for a 16 year-old Floridian boy driving a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer?
I'm a 16 yo dude in Florida wanting car insurance for my 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and I have never gotten any ticket of any kind. I have not violated any rules....yet.
Why does my car insurance go up when I add on an Immobilizer?
I got a quote for 610 WITHOUT an immobilizer. Just found out I do infact have an immobilizer on my car so amended the car insurance quote and it went up 20 to 630... I thought an Immobilizer would take down the price!
Car insurance question?
To cancel car insurance will be 480 plus 50 admin fee to cancel this now ive lost my job. ive had insurance for 2 months and know they are all doing this cancellation fee now but i only got a car for work purposes and now they've made me redundant how i am expected to pay the 530? what can i do is there any options because i simply cant afford that amount.
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
""How old you need to be for classic car insurance , im 22 and have a 22 yr old car?
What is the cheapest online auto insurance company?
As noted, the cheapest company, regardless of whether I have to sign up online or whatever.""
Car insurance?
if you have never had car insurance before which is the most least expensive one to go for?also about how much does it cost? if you only have one vehicle and one person on the account.
Do I need car insurance?
I am getting my permit in a week. Do my parents need to add me to the car insurance policy?
Anybody know the cheapest way to get car insurance?
Im 18/ female and this will be my first car , first time driving...prices are soo high it's hard to get cheap insurance at my age being a new driver. Does anyone know a loophole or just a way to get it real cheap?""
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Insurance on a cbr 600rr for a 20 year old in California?
Ive had my normal license (California) for 3 years and just got my motorcycle license. I am looking to buy a street bike, a sport bike specifically. I've looked at all the sporty bikes from 250 to 1000 and I plan on getting a 600 because I've been riding dirtbikes since I could walk so I know I'd get bored of a 250 but at the same time I know I'd kill myself on a 1000. I have a clean driving record aside from one speeding ticket(wasn't even speeding horribly) and a couple parking tickets. So what I'm ultimately trying to figure out is what the cost of my insurance would be and what insurance provider would give me the best coverage on my bike. I know I plan on getting liability since it is cheaper but any and all insight or examples would be very helpful. *people on yahoo love to hate on questions, so if you're one of those poeple, don't even comment. I know how bikes work and I've ridden them before, just need advice on insurance. Thank you!!""
Where to find cheap auto insurance in florida?
We are relocating to port richey florida and I am trying to find a cheap auto insurance company
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
I was in a car accident and didnt have car insurance..?
the other car is totaled... what do i do ?? can i get insuranse somewhere now who will cover a past wreck???
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.
0 notes
Car financing?
"Car financing?
when a new car ad says 0.0% financing on '08 model subaru forester, does that mean what it says? A straight up loan with no finance charges? I find it hard to believe. I am in the market for a new car. Has to be done by the end of june though.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does any1 know were i cud get cheap car insurance?
i live in northern ireland and am 18 years old thanks
California: Smogging an older car?
I have a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to smog this vehicle. I thought there was an age bracket for classic cars that didnt need to be smogged ...show more""
Question about me (22 years old) and my dad's car insurance?
i'm getting a used car soon and i'll be paying for it. it'll be in my name. i'll be the one who drives it, so i won't be an occasional driver. i live in georgia and my dad has state farm. he says that i'll be under his car insurance because it'll be cheaper. i live at home with my dad. i read online about fronting and i don't intend to do that. are there any ways other than fronting that i can be with his car insurance or would i have to get my own car insurance? i just got my license a month ago and i have a full time job if that matters. thank you in advance.""
Whats the best place to live in san francisco if you have about $2500/month for all expenses?
Iam a student from Dubai who has just graduated (22years old)....Originallly iam from Windsor, Canada.....looking for a place in san francisco to meet new people...i have to look for a temporary course or work around for 6months until i get to know the place and further make my decision where to do my MBA from...I am looking for a decent place with malls, beaches, nightlife, and safe and affordable neighborhood with $2500/month including all expenses budget or more what ever is recommended for you guys for a student to live by themselves in a studio or sharing (both ways)...Please advice what to do or where to live and how much exactly partying, living, driving, insurance and all that on a average so that i can make preperations! thanks!""
What is the average cost of having your wisdom teeth extracted without insurance?
My dentist has referred me to see an oral surgeon to have my wisdom tooth extracted. At the moment, I have no.16 & 17 3rd molars vertically impacted. I do not have dental insurance and I would like to know the average price per molar extraction with anesthetize?""
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
Impounded Car Insurance Payment Method.?
Hi Everybody, Just asking everyone if any one ever paid for the insurance for an impounded car by police? What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is seizedcarinsurance.co.uk ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they dont accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment. Has any one paid by this method ever ? Is it secure ? Am i being suspicious wrongly or there is some thing fishy in it ? Many thanks in Advance !""
Why make a deduction for medical insurance?
I just started a new job, my first full-time job. I guess first thing first: is medical insurance the same thing as health insurance? And my employer handed me a form for payroll deductions. medical insurance is an option. Why would I have money deducted from my paycheck to go to medical insurance? And when the money leaves my paycheck where does it go? I know I could ask someone but weirdly no one else is in the office this week, but I need to fill it out before the new year. Thanks for any and all information!! Happy new year!""
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
Has anyone used comparisons.org for auto insurance?
i'm looking for cheap insurance and don't know if i can trust them. any suggestion from anyone?
How much for scooter/moped insurance?
I want a 50cc scooter and I have no idea how much i would pay yearly. This is in Montreal by the way. How much on average for insurance, and other costs (License plate)?""
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
Help me with my car insurance question!?
i am currently insured on my grandfathers insurance as a secondary driver because they gave me their car when they paid it off. well now im selling that car and we are wondering how the insurance will work? will i just be able to switch it over to my new car though it will be in my name now instead of his? should i just put the name of the car in my grandfathers name to make things easier? or can it still be done with a reasonable increase on my car insurance? right now i pay 500 every 6 months because of my good driving record and i get the student discount, how much more will it go up if i have a car under my name?""
Is car insurance any cheaper for a pensioner if he do'snt work?
I am 67 and just finished working, when I renew my car insurance in a month's time, should I expect it to make a difference to the premium.""
Whats a cool car with low insurance?
i passed my test in january, i'm 20 years old, what would be a cool car with low insurance, my idea of low insurance is somewhere around 1000 to 2000""
What car has the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 16 yr old?
What car? make? model? yr? Insurance company?
Where can i find low cost health insurance that can include dental? I am in GA.?
I havebeen looking everywhere for health insurance that includes dental(because I want braces)but they are so much (like 290 for a adult and 2 children) I am 16 years old looking for health insurance for my dad,me,and my sister.""
My company was bought out - Can I get unemployment? What about my health insurance?
I need some advice. I am an assistant manager at a small call center where I have worked for around 5 years (3 of them full-time). It was just announced to me and the manager (the only 2 full-time employees), that we have been bought by another call center that is not located in our town. The manager is relocating and has been offered a full-time job at their main office (with what I am assuming is a decent raise) about 4 hours away. I am being offered a possible part-time job at a lesser position some 3 hours away - there is no garantee. Well, I have kids so there's no way I'm doing that for a measly part-time position with no benefits. I will be without a job as of May 31st. Our part-time workers will be finding out about the closure on May 1st. For those employees that would like to stay through until the end, they will be offered a monetary bonus or compensation. I doubt it's more than a few hundred dollars. If I cannot find another full time job by then, would I most likely be eligible for unemployment? If I take the bonus money at the end, does that mean I wouldn't qualify? What kinds of questions should I be asking before this happens? I have health insurance for the first time in my life - when does that usually end?""
One Day Rental Car Question?
I'm about to rent a car for one day travel for the first time ever but I have some questions. 1. They give me these options for insurance, but what's the difference and ...show more""
Auto insurance rate increase for California?
i noticed this year 2008 when i was up for my 6 month renewal monthly payment plan that my payments were higher. i bought my car, a mazda cx-7 june of 2007 and i was paying $95 a month, now i have to pay $114 a month. no new accidents or tickets since buying the car. i was expecting nothing to change, but then i noticed this. so i called them (esurance) today and they told me that all of California had premium increases. is this true? i had a feeling they were bullshi**ing me. can someone please give me a link to this in the news or something if this is true? are there any other reasons why my premium should have gone up if i didnt change anything on it from last year? i always thought if everything is the same and my record is clean it should go down slightly every renewal? should i shop around? (26, male, san jose, ca, good driving record, esurance car insurance)""
Insurance company wants to total my car/not insure it.?
So my dad rear ended someone really softly, but it was a truck that he rear ended with a hitch or something that damaged the grill and the bumper. Problem is, I put a total of $2700 to have transmission replaced and the engine repaired after the timing belt broke and caused damage over the last 2-3 months. It is a 2004 dodge neon and the body to these things are flimsy to begin with. I'm taking it in Monday to get it looked at better, but they said from what they could see it might be a total loss. Which means its only gonna be worth $2000. they said they have to replace the hood, the grill, and the bumper and other stuff which is **** because I know people who could fix these problems for less than $500. they aren't even visibly bad, a few dents in the places i mentioned but when i took it in they reacted like i had been in a head on collision going 50 mph. It runs perfectly, we wouldn't have even reported it except we were worried the guy might claim injury after the fact (which he did). What can I do? This is my only car, and I am already in debt from student loans. $2000 isn't gonna buy me a new car. How can I convince them not to total it when I take it in?""
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room unless shes on a binge and she cries and says shes ok when they tell her lets go see a doctor. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
16 year old's Car insurance?
I'm and I have my permit. I turn 16 in may. Im going to get my license (or atleast take the test ) on my 16th birthday. Im not going to buy a car, and im going to just drive my parents cars. What I don't understand is why I have to pay for car insurance, since my parents already insure the car. And the car is ensured for any driver of the car.""
Young Driver's Car insurance?
I am 18 years old and have just passed my driving test. I'm looking at buying a peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol car. The problem I'm having is that insurance is very expensive. My cheapest quote is 2000 a year. I just wondered if anybody knows of any cheap car insurance companies that could beat this quote? I've tried price comparison sites such as gocompare and they are all more expensive
Car financing?
when a new car ad says 0.0% financing on '08 model subaru forester, does that mean what it says? A straight up loan with no finance charges? I find it hard to believe. I am in the market for a new car. Has to be done by the end of june though.
How much coverage should I get for auto insurance in California?
I am 19 years old and I live in Southern California. I have a 1 point accident and a 2 point speeding ticket on my record. I have a 2001 Mustang GT and I am wondering how much insurance coverage I need? Obviously the more coverage the better, but the price is much more for each increment, so that's why I'm trying to see what coverage amount I should get or need. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 - $50,000/100,000/50,000 - $100,000/300,000/100,000?""
I gotta question with car insurance?
im 18 and buyin my moms car,will the insurance rates rise if she signs the car over to my name? or will it be that much of a difference? cuz i want it in my name but she says the cost will double automaticly just by changing the name of the owner from her to me. is she lying so that i keep it in her name?""
Auto Insurance Increase?
My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up?
Does my current car insurance cover my new car?
I bought a new car on Friday afternoon. My insurance agency has a recording to call back on Monday. Will my current policy cover me while I drive my new car this weekend?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old boy?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old boy?
What do car insurance investigators do?
My fiancee is an excluded driver on my car ins. He was driving my vehicle one day and got into a very small 'fender bender'. His fault. Barely bumped the lady. When she filed a claim, my insurance called me. Well of course I tried to convince them that i was driving the vehicle, but they don't believe me. My own car insurance. Aren't they supposed to be behind you and not the other driver? But anyway, he said SINCE he doesnt believe me, he's going to get insurance fraud investigators to do some investigating. The woman's car isnt worth but $900 blue book value. The fix of her bumper cost $1600. I'm not understanding why this is a big deal. I get that I'm trying to cover myself and have ins cover it, and lying about it, so please don't scold me for that. I'm just trying to get advice on this, and what i should do NOW. I'm not sure if the whole investigation thing is a joke, or something serious. Also, if i were to turn around and tell them that my fiancee was really driving, what would they do now that I've lied? Does car ins go on your credit if they drop you? HELP!""
Temporary vehicle registration and insurance in California for uk citizen?
Hi, Myself and a friend will be travelling to California next month to purchase a 1960s vw campervan. We will be driving it to the shipping port to export it back to the uk. I've been told we can get a temporary registration which lasts 28 days and will allow us to drive the van. I've been on the californian DMV website but cannot find any more information or the forms. no email address either! So far I just know we will need to have an insurance certificate to get the temporary registration. Couple of questions really, Do I need to purchase a van before I can get the temporary registration? Ideally I would like to go buy a van and drive it away there and then from the seller but Im thinking I'll have to put a deposit down or similar and get the info and go to the DMV before I can take it away? Second question is insurance, I guess the best idea would be to go with an American company. Will they insure a uk citizen who's just over for a few weeks with just a uk driving license? Any suggestions of companies who may do so? In the uk we have a company called swift who only deal online. This would be ideal because then I wouldn't need an address forms/certificates to be sent. Any ideas? Reason were not getin it transported is because we want to do a bit of travelling on route to a east coast port.""
""After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance?""
After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance? Do I have to have auto insurance in CA? Thank you!""
Temporary car insurance??
so I just bought a car that I'll get from the dealership tommorow night and I need it right away. the problem is that it is my first car and my insurance needs to take 15 days to ...show more
Who do you speak to when your auto insurance is not paying you for the total damage done to yor vehicle.?
Is there more opportunity in life insurance sales or as a real estate agent?
I am wondering what is more lucrative life-insurance sales or real estate. I have a passion for both of them I am just wondering what is the most lucrative and what offers the biggest opportunity to become a millionaire in. I have been offered a position at mass mutual. I have a big interest in investing and stocks. They sell mostly insurance products. But you can also get your series 6 and 7 and sell securites. What is the biggest earning potential, life insurance sales, or working as a real estate agent. Any guidance would be great. I'm on a road trip so If there are typos my apologys.""
Any tips on how to avoid paying full coverage insurance on a motorcycle while financing it?
My friend has been financing a motorcycle and he just did his policy online and put down that he owned the motorcycle..and only put liability on it.. Is this a good way to get around the system?
Does state farm have good life insurance?
Does state farm have good life insurance?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
""What are the best sports car, insurance price-wise ?""
I personally want to get a Nissan 350Z but I'm pretty sure the insurance price will go really high up. I also would want a much cheaper car, but still with good looks.""
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Decent car that's cheap to buy and insure?
Hi so I'm looking at buying a car. Right now I only have around 3,000. I would rather just get a cheaper car now but if nots possible I can wait until I have 5,000. Okay so I know I'm not going to be buying a Ferrari for my budget but I'm looking for some ideas of cars that are inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to insure and one I won't get laughed at for driving. The oldest year I would go is a 1999.leave your ideas. Thanks""
Does the insurance rate go up or more if I get my license?
Ok my mom and dad both have a car and they bought a car just for me. It already has insurance and license plate and everything. I'm planning on getting my license soon. So when I do would my dad have to pay for more money because of me driving it? I mean the insurance is on my dads name. Thx for replying.
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
Is it possible for someone to sponsor your car insurance?
I heard you could find somebody to sponsor your car insurance and the rate will go down if the person has good credit. Is that true? and what company has lowest insurance rate for 2 way?
""Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?""
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks""
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
If my parent is fully comp on insurance can i drive with a provisional licence? ?
My mom has 20years of experience and she asked a police officer and he said it was fine but were still not confident can anyone help?
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
""I'm 18, just got my first car and looking for affordable car insurance?
- I live in New York - I can't go under on neither of my parents policy.
Car financing?
when a new car ad says 0.0% financing on '08 model subaru forester, does that mean what it says? A straight up loan with no finance charges? I find it hard to believe. I am in the market for a new car. Has to be done by the end of june though.
What's a good life insurance I can get for my parents?
They're old life insurance just ended and are now charging $299/month for both of them...they only give $100,000 policy each. Mom is 61 years old and Dad is 65 y/o.....lives in California.""
1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don't do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive
Hey im 16 and i want my licence but insurence is pretty expensive?
hey im 16 and i want my licence but insurence is pretty expensive which company do you think i can get the cheapest insurance on and how much do you think it will cost thank you
Why is car insurance so expensive?
Im 20 and i pay 63 a month for just the very basic essentials to not get a ticket, ive never needed my insurance nor has it done me any good. My parents pay for a whole bunch of different coverage and when they got into an accident with a drunk driver, the insurance company didnt pay for anything and they hired a lawyer to protect them from having to pay my parents anything. Why do we need insurance in the first place and why is it so costly? I think its really just a scam.""
Where can i get affordable insurance?
i got 8pts i need affordable insurance please send me a link please
Please Recommend Cheap & Hassle Free Car Insurance?
I am looking for cheap car insurers that DO NOT - Ask to see license sent through the post or does not check records with the DVLA or has the option to refuse. Please only recommend if you use yourself or know someone who does. No reviews please, just insurers that don't check at the start of the policy. My initial thought was Tescogood or bad idea? 10 points today for most relevant answer. Thanks!""
6month CHEAP car insurance.! plz help?
hi, iam looking for a 6month cheap insurance policy plan for my bf's blazer. the court says he has to have sr22 with a 6month policy... if not he will go to jail. we have found one where 1200 is the cheapest at the moment but i would like to know if there is anything cheaper.""
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much can we expect to get from insurance for replacement of car door?
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata got backed into recently. The lady hit the front passenger door and smashed it in. It still opens, but sounds awful when it does, and the window doesn't work right (power window). She had Farmers insurance, and I've heard bad things about them, but we're gonna get an estimate from different auto body shops around town. How much can we expect the insurance to pay out for this damage?""
Will insurance cover transmission damage?
Someone stol my car I reported it the insurane company is saying my transmission is out will they cover the cost of this or say its normal wear and tear it was working when I was driving it
What are the average insurance rates in ontario?
like yearly, and how much would it cost for me to insure my car right after i get my license?""
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
Mazda miata insurance?
okay so im 16 getting a miata, is the cost of insurance going to be high?""
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
How to cancel car insurance after paying ?
Hi everyone, I've just bought a car insurance from Access Insurance Company this morning for a period of 6 months. The effective day will be from 11/20/2012. But suddenly there's some reason that I change my mind to use All State Insurance. So, is it possible for me to cancel Access and get a full refund ? It's been 4 days until the effective day.""
First car insurance?
what would the insurance be on a 03 mercedes e500 for a 15 year old boy? and what about an 07 hyundai tiburon? which one is going to be cheaper?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Im 15 about to be 16, and im getting a 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo. But I don't know how much the car insurance will be for me. I live in Florida U.S.A. Please help !""
The cheapest car insurance?
Hey everyone!! I'm planning to get my first car, and i was wondering what is the cheapest possible car insurance in Utah and nationwide. thanks!!""
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
How can i get affordable insurance for my pregnant wife?
im not sure what my options are at this point. my wife is 4 months pregant and her temporary 45 day medical has expired and healthy families wont accept her. we've tried to apply for medical before but were denied due to my income. my income looks more than it is since i have to spend over $500 a month in gas with no compensation. we have very little wiggle room when it comes to income. is there something out there that may be able to help us. we also have two other children but i was able to get them healthy families
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
How much insurance would i most likely pay? help please!?
I'm 17 years old and this is going to be my first car, my mom has a car under state farm insurance my grades are pretty top notch (3.7) I also took the defensive driving course car that i'm getting is a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse sypder -------- what's the minimum amount i would have to pay you think?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I got into a car accident almost 2 years ago and I was wondering if it will effect me when I get insurance for my motorcycle?
Teen Drivers Insurance?
Ok so I am a Teen Driver and I am about to get licensed...I need Car insurance...any one know the average in TX? Thanks
Car financing?
when a new car ad says 0.0% financing on '08 model subaru forester, does that mean what it says? A straight up loan with no finance charges? I find it hard to believe. I am in the market for a new car. Has to be done by the end of june though.
""Has any one been quoted 23,000 for car insurance?""
i have just been quote 23,000 for a car insurance am i the only one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)?""
Car insurance question?
does AAA car insurance have sr22's? If so how much do they raise the premium?
Insurance Types?
Is there a type of insurance that covers any type of damages you cause? Specifically destruction of a mattress.
Can you get medical or medicade if you are pregnant and MARRIED?
My friend is married and pregnant but she recently lost her job and her insurance. Her husband is the sole provider and he makes 45,000 a year before taxes but she is not on his insurance. can she still get her pregnancy covered by a government program. We all live in California if that helps. Anyones stories would be greatly appreciated.""
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
""Is $1,600 per year full coverage insurance good??? I'm 19?""
Hi guys, so I'm getting my mom's car in September. My insurance quote turned out to be $1,600 per year, or $133 per month. I'm 19 and I will be driving a 2005 Lexus ES 330. Is that insurance quote too expensive?? To little? Or around average. it's FULL COVERAGE insurance. Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Which company offer you the cheapest car insurance?
I'm a girl, over 25, no conviction, it's for a mini""
Health insurance transplant patients affordable?
affordable prescription meds. for transplanted patients plus affordable health insurance for same.
Health insurance in America?
I'm in Australia and very curious about health insurance! What is medicaid? What happens if you have no insurance or medicaid and you have a baby?
Which insurance license test is easier for California?
which insurance license test is easier for California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate I want to get a license, but not sure which..""
Car insurance question?
Originally I registered my car insurance with my previous address. Now I've moved to a new place, do I require to update the address? What happen if I don't update the address and continuously using my previous address as registered?""
I was in a car accident yesterday a very minor one, the damage to my mother in laws BMW was just a cracked head light, and damage to theres was hardly apparent although the man said there was a tiny bump in door and a scratch. what happened was i was leaving a duel carriageway and on the side lane one lane was closed and a cone was in the road i swerved to miss going into work access (plenty of room as cones missing ETC cos of bad weather) then i pulled straight back out into correct lane having dragged the cone and seeming to leave it in work access... although all this happened in matter of seconds when i pulled back out i have hit the car that was originally behind me in the side door he obviously didn't break in time to stop when i swerved... i have a feeling because it was me that hit him that i am at fault? problem is i don't want to really go through insurance as it means both me and my mother in law will lose our no claims and because it was me driving not my mother in law excess is 600 as i am only a named driver.... I would rather just pay for damages if i am at fault than give my mother in law all the hassle...how much do you think it will cost? only thing is when i said this to the man he said he needs to notify insurance anyway and mine which i have been told will lose our no claims anyway... any ideas info please as im quite confused?""
Is car insurance very high in California?
Is car insurance very high in California?
Average insurance rate for BMW 5 series and Lexus RX?
What are the average insurance rates for a BMW 530 or 5 series in general? I can understand that it may vary based on location and the driving history of the driver and maybe other factors too but still there has got to be an average? Also, how does the insurance rate compare to a Lexus RX series? Is it more or less than the 5 series?""
Where can I get temporary car insurance in the US?
I currently live in PA as an exchange student. My roommate owns a car and he would let me drive it but I am not covered by his insurance. What I need is a temporary car insurance for foreigners that don't own the car they want to drive. Any help is much appreciated!
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it's an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that's $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!""
Car Insurance question! please help confused. SR-22?
So I just purchased a new car, its in my name only. I live with my girlfriend who has to have SR-22 insurance and she does. She will drive this car periodically. Do i need to list her as a driver of this car? It really raises my rates! If she is paying for her own SR-22 insurance, and its unnamed so it covers her in any vehicle she drives do I need to list her??? Need some experienced information please! Thanks!""
When do insurance rates on your vehicle go down?
I'm 22. In my 5 years of driving, I have NEVER been in an accident and have never gotten a ticket. My parents are paying around $60 a month whereas I'm still paying $117. I don't drive a fancy car neither. Just an older 2004 Camry. Is it because of my age bracket is why my insurance still hasn't lowered any? I'm with Allstate and in California if that matters.""
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
Mustang GT car insurance?
Hey in 16 and im looking at buying a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I like working on cars and this car seems to me an awesome car to work on. I just wanted to know how much people pay for insurance with a mustang GT. Also how much more would it cost because i am 16.
What should the governments role be in healthcare?
What are you ok with the government touching, concerning your personal health care.""
3 car crash.. I am the insurance companies hunt !!?
Hello .. I would like to listen to your opinios regarding this situation that has turned into a nightmare for me !!! I spent few months in Australia.. I have a full driving license.. I was driving on the M4.. I had 2 cars in front of me .. I was in the last car in the row ( third car ) .. the car in the front ( First car ) has braked suddenly .. The car in the middle ( second car ) hit it causing it much damage .. I could not stop at the right time and i hit the middle car afterwards .. Now .. The man in the middle car has lied to his insurance company and said that he stopped at the right time but when i hit him i made his car jump to the front and hit the front car .. I have now 2 insurance companies chasing me for money and treat me as a hunt because i had no third party property damage at the time of the accident .. My understanding was that the greenslip covers these things but actually they dont .. I have received bills from both companies.. 7000 AUD for the front car and 2000 for the middle car .. The details of repairs in the middle car ( that i hit on a very low speed) shows that damage at the rear of the car cost only 427 AUD and i offered them to pay it .. They refused and threatened me to go to court.. The police did not come at the place of the accident .. What do you think i should do?! How strong will be my situation at the court ?!
Please help! I'm looking for an affordable health coverage plan (not Healthy N.Y. or any medicaid programs-
I don't qualify for these programs.. As I make too much-but not enough to afford health insurance. My husband takes meds. everyday 3times daily. I'm getting quite scared. Can anyone help!! Thank you!
""If you have full insurance, and the car is totaled, will the insurance cover the car?""
I have full insurance, and got in a pretty bad accident. The car is totaled... wrecked. I had full insurance... but since it is almost completely destroyed, how will the insurance handle it? I got rear ended, and the car spun out of control, going 50 miles an hour. It knocked me out... By the way, I'm lucky I'm alive! And will never drive again in my life! I am 19...""
Insurance cost?
Im a 16 year old male. Just got into wreck last thursday, not my fault. insurance stayed same. before wreck it dropped $20. I only have liabilty right now. Was 80 now it is 60. My car was a 1995 eclipe which i bought for $3500 and i paid $480 for 6 months. Now if i had that car i'd pay, $360. How much would it cost for6 months to buy a $7,000-$10,000 car. State farm is my carrier. And I do have experience. Make good grades and did steer clear""
Car financing?
when a new car ad says 0.0% financing on '08 model subaru forester, does that mean what it says? A straight up loan with no finance charges? I find it hard to believe. I am in the market for a new car. Has to be done by the end of june though.
0 notes
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Total lost car INSURANCE?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
How much will my insurance increase?
Im 17 an had my first accident when i swung in to a parking spot a little too fast and too close and my door scraped the back bumper of the car next to me...i dont think it will be any more than a few hundred dollars to have it repaired it was just a bit dented and the panel needed to be pulled out to sit flat with the rest but that really is the only real damage other than maybe a few scratches. My insurance before was at 800$ a year without full coverage so what do you think it would go up to now?
Is there a website where I can use a calculator to get an estimated insurance quote for a car I may buy?
I want to figure in the insurance as part of my outlay in this purchase without a bunch of insurance agents harassing me, calling me, emailing me and so forth. It would help me make the final decision on which vehicle I purchase.""
Car insurance helpp!!?
Do you have to be over the age of 21 to be able to drive someone else's car on your own insurance policy, if that car has insurance and your are given permission by the driver. It states on my policy that i can but have herd multiple times that you must be over 21. Im with Co-Op. Thanks.""
Car insurance question?
I have basic liability insurance with American Family Insurance, About a week ago my boyfriend (who has a suspended license) took my car when i was sleeping, almost hit a deer and went in a ditch with my car and im pretty sure its totaled its a 97 lumina. I have a title loan on the car, will insurance pay it off?""
Am a 16 year old boy and i want a mustang for my first car... gt or v6?
money is my concern... insurance? gas?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Car insurance question?
Hey and thanks in advance! My car is in my ex name 100% on the loan and the car insurance, but i make the payments to my ex as they take the money from my ex bank account. Im not even on the car as a second driver. Well now my ex wants the insurance in my name, would i be able to obtain insurance in my name (full coverage) for the car without the car being in my name, if i was to show them me and my ex personal contract. and lets say the insurance people is fine with it, would the bank where my ex took out the loan be ok with full coverage in my name over the car? please, this was a lessoned learn and now i need help on how this can be done, my ex no longer want his name on the insurance.""
How much would small business insurance be?
This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: 1.property damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!""
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
How much do I have to pay for insurance for a 17 year old and still in HS still in highschool?
and going to drive a dodge neon 2002 and 40k miles, with driver's ed., and a B,C average student and I live in Henderson,Nevada....?""
How do I get insurance for my child?
I have a son who is 1 and i have no clue how to get him dental insurance.?! He has the state insurance. But I have been trying to get my job to aplrove me for an insurance plan, but i keep getting denied and wont be elegibe til October. What do I do?""
Help me! Car insurance!?
i need to buy a car, how does it work for the insurance? Can I do the car insurance without the car, but knowing what I'm going to buy?""
Car insurance for one day - for driver's license test. possible?
So I'm hoping to use my mom's car to take the driver's license test in a few days. I live in the United States. The problem is I'm not insured for her car, but to do so for the full term costs a LOT (I'm 21). And, I'm moving back to school and probably won't drive her car again for a long time. Insurance is necessary to take the test, right? If so, is there any alternative to getting 6-month or whatever coverage?""
Is a Pontiac Grand Am considered a sports car?
Want to know if it'll be a higher insurance cost..... Thanks. :3
Whats the estimated cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
Whats the estimated cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Does New York require lenders of leased cars to include GAP insurance within the cost of the lease itself?
Was under the impression that this was the case, however, after recently leasing a vehicle in NY, the dealership told me otherwise.""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Where can I get an affordable liability insurance for my new cleaning business in California?
I'm trying to open a new residential cleaning business. I already got a quote from state farm but it was way too expensive. 2500 dollars per year. I'm new in this, so, I ...show more""
How much is car insurance for 16 year old boy in FL?
im 16 years old i have $2000 for a car and im looking for a job but i want to know how much car insurance is going to run and if you guys have any idea for a type of car
Looking For Cheaper Car Insurance Quotes?
I am trying to beat my best quote so far and I wanted to ask if anyone knew of anyone I could try or some brokers who could get the price down a bit for me. Here are my circumstances. 18 years old Full licence for 9 months 0 NCB Live in east sussex no claims or convictions car is kept in a locked garage looking for upto 4000 annual mileage will be using car for pleasure and commuting My car is an Renault megane coupe 1.6e sport My best quote so far I got from moneysupermarket which is 1560 and that was from swinton. I just wanted to ask If their was anyone I could try, like good brokers who might be able to get that quote down a bit. I am really looking at no more than 1400 . It doesn't matter how big or small they are I will give anyone a try. I have tried most of the major companies but none of them come close to my best quote so far. Also is it worth putting my best quote down when filling in online forms. Does it make any difference?""
Car insurance??? and a car accident?
hey, my mom got into a car accident a couple months ago with three other cars. However the car was not her, it is my uncles car. He has liability insurance. His insurance company called us and said that just forward the calls we were getting to them. then we start getting a call from a lady saying that we owe her 3,000 dollars. But my uncles insurance company or her insurance company has not contacted us. What do we do? can she do that? what is liability? if the insurance company is not calling us, then does she just want to get money from us. please help me out""
Am i covered under my parents car insurance?
i have my license, im 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car; am i covered under their insurance? i think they added me in their insurance. im asking because i have friends at school that drive their parents car, but have their own insurance, and its expensive. so how come they have to pay their own insurance, and im covered under my parents? and when my parents added me did their rates go up? thanks for your help oh and i think i have statefarm""
What medical insurance company should I get?
What medical insurance should I get? My employer doesn't provide medical benefits anymore. I don't want to spend alot and I live in California.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance?
I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance?
I am wondering the price ranges.
How much does the insurance pay for inconvenience fees?
I was in a wreck the other day and it was the person's fault who hit me. My car is totaled. She was fine and all i had was a cut and i went to the ER and they did xrays and they took out a piece of glass. Her insurance company is pretty good they already have me a rental car and they are buying me a new car and they are even giving me cash for maintenance costs and stuff I've done to my car in the past 6 months and then they said that they are paying inconvenience fees for having to go to the hospital. They have already paid for the xrays and the bills for the hospital so why are they giving me more money for this 'inconvenience fee' and how much will it be? Thanks
Health insurance with maternity coverage?
So, i live in california and my husband and I plan to have a baby. Since we are not qualified for state help, I need to be insured before I get pregnant. How do I apply for that? And we are just a little bit over the poverty limit income, so I am afraid I will not be covered. If I don't work, can I still apply for maternity insurance? My husband will be paying for it. :( im worried... Thabk you for all responses.""
The cheapest insurance band car my 17 year old son can buy?
My son is going to have driving lessons soon and I'd like to know the type of car to buy which will be the cheapest on insurance for him. Also will it be better for me to buy it and him be the named driver or the other way aound? Thanks
Car insurance for 19 year old driver?
Hey guys, So I'm a 19 year old student looking to buy a car, more specifically a 1996 Pontiac Firebird. I'm not gonna ask the regular question about how much this costs, 'caus i already tried quotes from geiko, farmstate and all those, but to get a car insurance on that car it's going to cost me around $4.000 at geico which was the cheapest.. Main question: If i don't care about my own car, like if it breaks down or gets destroyed stolen or whatever I don't care caus' it only costs like $4.000 itself. Can I then buy just the required insurance to cover third party damage ? I think it's called a Liability insurance? Problem is that I've searched the internet, and can only find complete packages, but I heard there's a lot of money to be saved that way, and by a lot I mean A LOT, is this true? If yes, where would I find insurance that only covers third party's losses?""
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Practice Test for Life Insurance License????
Does anyone know that website that has practice exams for the Life Insurance test? We used to go to it but now forgot it.
Single mother looking for cheap car insurance?
im a young single mother trying to get my life together, fix a car, etc... got a lot on my plate. is there any resources for car insurance i can use? anything?""
How to switch car insurance in New York State?
I'm currently with geico! I'm thinking to switch to progressive. But my geico police expires on octobre 2013, It this an issue? if I choose to switch car insurance provider do I have to notify the DMV about the Change? Thank you""
""Totaled my blazer, AAA car insurance?""
Okay I was involved in a hit an run accident a little over 2 weeks ago. I have full coverage insurance including uninsured and underinsured coverage. Also the required 10,000$ personal injury protection required by my state KY. My policy is with AAA. I owe around 9,000$ on my truck still, but was told finally yesterday that AAA is settling my vahicle loss at a little over 13,000$. I'm trying to find out how long is this going to take before I get money from them so I can get another car. I have injuries and can't get back an forth to my Dr and physical therapy. So I need this to happen like yesterday. But trying to figure out if since my claim is going under uninsured motorist protection since it was hit an run should I be able to get a rental car for the time being even if I didn't have rental coverage? And I am also an independent contractor doing vehicle title work and various other things for an automotive shop. I'm not on payroll since I contract my own work and pay my own taxes at end of the year. My attorney told me that since I didn't have a job where I received regular payroll checks I could not claim loss wages. Why is this? And is there anything I can do to speed this process up? As of now I have minimal use of my right arm because I injured my shoulder in accident and so far Dr has me off work till end of January. So I need to recover benefits somehow so I can survive till going hack to work. Any help would be great, this is all so overwelming. Thank you""
What are the cheapest high risk car insurance companies? I have 2 DWI's!?
I recently got my 2nd DWI. I am looking for some of the cheaper high risk auto insurace companies that I can get in Missouri. Thanks for your help
How to buy the Health insurance for out of state?
I just moved from CA to WA. I have the health insurance in the Blue Shield of California. I am out of state now , so I wonder if I need to cancel the insurance and buy a new one in WA. I don't have a driver's licence in WA now. Can I apply for a new health insurance in WA? If yes, please help me how to do that! Thanks!""
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
How much money would Insurance cost annually for a 150cc Scooter?
Right now i am 15. I want to buy a 150cc Scooter when i turn 16. I need to know how much money on average would insurance cost annually for a 150cc Scooter.
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 years old male and i have a 2001 ford mustang in great shape I live in Nashua Nh. and I just got my liscence. can anyone tell me how much my insurance would probley be?
Guys how much was your car insurance when you first.....?
started driving? Just state: 1. Car 2. How old you was 3. What company you went through 4. How much Thanks a bunch of bananas
Where can I find the cheapest auto and motorcycle insurance in Tennessee?
the absolute cheapest state minimum just to drive legal
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Non owners policy insurance in CA?
i'll be using my parents' car, which is in IN, in california, it already has insurance, but i'll be going to CA and probably stay there for some time (around a year) and use their car, im 18. So does buying a non owners policy insurance save me, since they will still pay for regular insurance on car plus the non owner that i'll purchase? any advice? since if i'll buy my own policy the numbers are 500/mo or more. So im thinking if i buy a non owners insurance lets say at 1200/yr, plus their regular coverage it'll save some money. any advice will be greatly appreciated or it is illegal?""
Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance?
Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance? Example: Could i have title of the car in my name but use my Parents insurance??
Proof of Insurance for Driver's Test?
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
Need help with auto insurance!!!?
Hello everyone. I'm from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I'm currently insured with Bristol West Auto Insurance for the past 3 years. I'm planning to switch auto insurance because it's really really hard to get a hold of customer service. And when you do, (after 1 hour of holding) they'll put you on hold some more, or even tell you they'll call you back. Which they never will. My point is BW customer service is very very crappy. I need help choosing an auto insurance company that's reputable but yet affordable. Considering the fact that I have an SR22 on file, low rates is my main focus. The lower, the better. I'm planning to insure 4 vehicles (1 is temporary until car get smogged) and 3 drivers. We all have good driving record, inspite of my dropped DUI case. Three of the cars are years '91 and under. Mines is a '98. If anyone have any information (site/link/etc.) or knows any good auto insurance company, please do let me know. Thanks in advance and any input in greatly appreciated.""
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance?
Car Insurance?
right can anyone tell me off there head (with out telling me to go to a insurance website) how much it would cost for a 17yh old to insure a: VW Golf Mk1 GTI and a Williams Clio
How can I find out NAIC number for car insurance company?
I am filling out a report for DMV and there is a section where I need to provide the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number for AAA. I talked the company and my agent and they say that there is no such thing? I wonder if there is any where I can look this info up..... Any idea?
What is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
what is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?""
My son hit a parked car - need auto insurance advice?
My son (19) hit a parked car in our neighborhood. We are trying to decide if it is better to pay for the damages to car that he hit ($2500) without going through our insurance company or to report it to our company. The person's car that he hit is willing to let us pay out of pocket. My son had a previous at-fault accident and has 2 points now. His car is totaled. Concern is how much our insurance rates will go up and is it possible they will cancel our policy. (Money is coming out of his savings and he is bus bound).
Whats the average cost of health insurance(+dental)?
I'm 19, female, never had any health problems, and married(dunno if any of that matters haa.) I'll be getting my own plan for the first time, I'm just wondering whats the average cost, what are some good providers to use that aren't too expensive, and does health insurance come with dental or is that a separate thing? Thanks!""
Good car insurance price for teens?
Im 16 and I just got my license. My dad told me the insurance agent said its going to cost $130. I dont think that is including drivers education discount and good grades discount. How much discount a month you think Ill get and is that a good price? (Im getting a Nissan Xterra)
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
Do I need to declare an accident I had on my wife's car insurance when I renew my motorbike insurance policy?
I am a named driver on my wife's car insurance policy and last year I was involved in an accident (in the car) which went through the insurance as my fault. I have my own insurance policy for a motorbike which is now due for renewal. Do I need to declare the car crash? Will I still be legally insured on my bike if I don't mention it? (ie Will the insurance company still be obliged to pay out if I have an accident on my bike?) I'm in the UK. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I live in North Carolina and I have my permit and I've taken drivers classes and I'm ready to take my test but I don't have a car or insurance. Can I use someone else's car? Will I need insurance?
How much (on average) is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 a little while ago and my dad says he's gonna get me a car of my own! a nissan xterra!! (i LOVE them!) BUT... he said i have to pay all insurance and gas money... I was wondering how much, on average, that will cost? I have about 25% off because of the driver's ed i took and also another 10% or 15% off for good grades If anyone has an idea, I would greatly appreciate it!""
Do I recieve cheaper car tax or insurance under theese circumstances?
I recieve higher rate disability and middle rate mobility DLA and my dad is my carer
I am a resident of California and a permit driver. Do i need to be insured or my parents' insurance will cover
me? will their insurance cover me in case of an accident or not? simply, while a permit bearer, do i still need to have an insurance?""
""Car Insurance for young drivers, first car. Helpppp!!!?""
I passed my driving test 3 months ago, my sister passed hers last week, we're both 19. We are now looking for a small, cheap car to share, with one of us being the main driver and an additional named driver. We've looked at a KA 1.3 ltr engine 2003 W reg 3 door hatchback. After getting quotes from a few companies it's clearly going to be expensive to get insured. Could anybody please point me in the right direction for affordable insurance for young drivers?! Thankyou!""
Why did the emergency room need auto insurance?
We slammed on brakes to avoid car running red light no collision hospital made copies of auto insurance for dh headache and sore neck why and will insurance be notified and will rates go up live in northern Minnesota
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
$550 for car insurance and Im 17 is that a fair price?
The insurance company called my dad today and told him that the insurance on my car (1997 Subaru Legacy sedan GT) was going to be $550 a month($6600 a year) is that a fair price? Is there a better insurance company for young drivers? I didn't do driving school to get the certificate either.
Does my dad lose his no claims if I'm added to his car insurance?
I have a query about car insurance. When I passed my test last May, I was told that if I was to have my dad as the main driver, and me as the named driver, and my dad has 9 years or more no claims, then they would have to be reset to 0 years when i am added to the insurance, is this true? if it is, then i'm going to have to stick with the ridiculous insurance quotes... if not, then i've just realised that i could be saving myself 1000! Any opinions appreciated! :)""
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket. The insurance is under my fathers name. Will the insurance price go up because of MY speeding ticket?
Cheapest car insurance for first time driver? I'm a girl?
I'm looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. I'm a 17 year old girl who is currently having driving lessons.
How much will it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance.?
i dont have a car yet im getting it in August, and my mom said that she does not want me under her insurance so im stuck getting it by myself what can i do?""
Which is the Best Life Insurance?
Which is the Best Life Insurance? Less investment, good returns, life coverage, Accident Benifit""
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Car insurance with motoring conviction?
trying too find insurance, that isn't a ridicules price for a close friend, he got 6 points for driving while uninsured last year, 200 fee. (and since it was in the first 2 years of him driving he had too re do his license). he has 2 criminal convictions... the cheapest i've found is at-least 5.000+.. don't want any judging, but surly insurance shouldn't be refusing too insure them, when they're actually trying too get insurance when there conviction was no insurance?""
How common is rescission of insurance policies?
How common is rescission of insurance policies? Is it common? Or not?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance?
Do i have to inform my car insurance company if i move?
I'm under my dad's insurance. He is listed as the primary driver. My mom and I are under the same policy. It expired on 10/15 and we renewed the policy the same day for another 6 months. Well, I am moving tomorrow to another county about 30 miles away and we didn't think about the insurance. I am also about to turn in to the DMV a notice of change of address. Do I need to notify the insurance company? Since I am living on my own, will it force me to be on my own policy? Another sideball question: I am in ownership of my mom's car and my dad is in ownership of my car (my car is newer so Dad wanted cheaper insurance). However policy does match me driving the newer car. How could we do this with me moving out with the new car (not the car that I own under DMV).""
Does a Seat Belt Ticket in California increase insurance?
If I have to report a seat belt ticket to insurance, because i am using traffic school for a stop sign ticket, How much will my insurance go up by. I am 17 and I have ameriprise insurance for my car. PLease help also if i will not have a car or drive in college should i just lose my insurance or keep it for 4 years with a perfect record.""
How much is your car insurance if your a male teen?
im looking to get car insurance for my car and i dont know how much it cost i dont want a quote because all they do is send crap in the mail but if your a male teen how much are you paying a month for your car insurance? and what type of car do you have.
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
Advice on car insurance?
I recently passed my driving test and was looking for insurance. I don't know whether I will be buying my own car or see if I can share my parents car. Just wondered if anyone can ...show more
Car provisional insurance?
Well i was wondering i bought a renault clio im on my provisional licence and quoted 900 pounds for a provisional insurance and 2000 for full licence if i payed 900 for a provisional would i then have to pay 1100 to get it to full insurance or the whole 2000 to get it to full insurance?
Cheapest car insurance for young new drivers?
Please help! I am sitting my test on the 21st of November and would really like to buy and insure a car if i pass asap. So far the cheapest ive found is 3700 using comparison sites on a Daewood 0.8Litre engine. Third party cover only. I was hoping to get a policy under 2,500. I will be the only name on the policy (none of my parents drive) and Ive heard about pass pluss etc. All I want to know is the best car insurance companys for new young male drivers and what are the best cars (I have looked at punto's corsa's and clio's but seen that the smaller engine size (like a daewood at 0.8) the cheaper) Thank you!""
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
How does Driver's License affect insurance in Washington State?
I'm 18 and just recently moved in with my grandparents so I can go to school. I would like to get my driver's license, but they are telling me I can't because it would make their insurance rates go up. I don't think that makes any sense because I don't have a car, and I don't drive theirs. Would me getting a driver's license affect them at all actually?""
Im 17. How much should my parents expect to be paying for my car insurance?
Im 17, Soon I will be driving a 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. I will be insured under my parents AAA policy. How much should my parents expect to pay?""
Names of good CHEAP! Auto insurance companies in New York State ?
I'm trying to look for cheap insurance companies for my bf who is way over the age of 25 and had two accidents. Due to the accidents from the past, their charging him an exorbitant amount. Could you please name a few.""
Insurance for young adults?
I can't seem to get all of my questions answered from my own research, so I've resorted to yahoo answers. My family lost my dad a few years ago, and with him we lost our insurance coverage. We currently receive social security. This stops once I graduate. Would I be able to receive any sort benefits (any sort of welfare, food stamps, etc) as a result of this? What about college grants? Also, my mom, sister and I don't have any health insurance. I want to apply for affordable insurance, but I really don't know much about it. How much would it cost, and what are my options? Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this, I really appreciate it.""
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
Can I sue my husband's car insurance company?
Me and my husband have been split up for a little while, we are not divorced nor have we filed.We decided to go on a small vacation to TN together with our children,to see if we can work thing's out. While there we had a bad car accident to were we were hanging on the side of a cliff in the mountain's by a tree with our 2 daughter's in the car as well. The car was totaled out by the insurance company, I didn't go to the hospital as nothing was seriously wrong at the time but now I have bruising and painful bruising. Can I sue my husband's car insurance company? I live in Kentucky for refernce to the different state laws""
How do young teens without insurance afford child birth?
I am just curious. My old ex GF had 3 kids before age 21. One of which ended up needed urgent care after birth and died in the hospital a few days later. So the hospital stays were definitely not cheap. She has no insurance, no parents have insurance either and arent in her life at all. I am curious as to how she ended up paying for all this? My guess is that she is in serious credit card debt for all this but I wanted to know how this is possible? Any opinions?""
If your car gets stolen will insurance pay entire loan off?
if your car gets stolen will the insurance company pay the bank the entire balance of your loan off?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
How much would my insurance cost?
I can't seem to get some of the online quotes to work?? I'm 21, have been driving since I was 16, with NO blemishes on my record. I (will) drive a 2006 Acura TL. Just a ball park number. Thanks!""
Life and Health Insurance Exam- I have taken it like 5 times and not been able to pass it?
I have been doing this online course license2go.com, and it has a lot of good information but it seems like on the test, there is a lot of stuff I didn't ever see when taking the test. Is there any alternative way to getting a license? Like online? If not, what are some other good ways to study for it? Thanks""
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
Will this lower my insurance?
Im looking at cars to buy for my first car and I was wondering what the insurance cost would be like for a 16 almost 17 year old female for a 1979's 1980's camaro I also maintain a high gpa and get a discount for it aswell and live in las vegas.
How to Improve a Car Insurance Company's Offer?
Someone hits my car while I parked on the street, the lady hits 2 cars. My car value is 11,000 (my car is one way) and the other car value is 2,000. The lady's insurance only cover up to 10,000. So I only can get 84% of the 10,000 (so i got $8461) How I ask for more money?""
What is a good cheap sports car for a teenager?
I just learned to drive a manual transmission so now i am interested in a more sporty car. I want something that is initially fast and doesn't require modificatons. I have a limit of about 5 or 6 grand.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life ..insurance?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance?
0 notes
home insurance quotes south africa
"home insurance quotes south africa
home insurance quotes south africa
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Dealing with insurance company after accident and trading my repaired car?
I have had a car accident caused by someone else in california last year in August. Now I am trying to trade in my car bmw but they said the car is not tradable due to the carfax showing that it has structural damages. The dealers offer me to get a new loan with them and let my lender repossess the car. They said i cant trade in my car now the book value is too low compared to what I owe on it. any suggestions? Can I go after the insurance company for damages because i cant get rid of my car now... or what can I do to get into a different car. The bmw i costing too much to repair
Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance?
I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support).""
Car insurance prices?
i just got a 1993 BMW 325i for my 17th birthday. Can anyone tell me how much car insurance is going to be on it? i have a 2.5gpa so the discount doesn't apply. and i live in florida. Also how much does it cost to get your license plate and registration
""How much is insurance for state farm for a 1000cc, 750, and 600 gsxr for a 16 year old?""
I know what your thinking but hear me out, the new 2009 Suzuki gsxr has different modes like the 600cc mode, 750cc mode, and 1000cc mode i was thinking to get the 750 but if the 1000 has those modes then id want to get that and stay on that till i felt ready for the 1000 power cause i was gonna get the 1000 in college anyway but why waste the money now on the 600 then have another payment in 2 years on the 1000 when i can just use the settings till then when i have more experience??? but put that all aside how much is the insurance for a 1000cc bike? just so i can know for when im 18 if i dont get the 1000""
Cost of insurance for a Subaru WRX STi?
Hi all, I will soon buy a Subaru WRX STi for commuting from home to work, but I am a college student. How much will it cost for the car to be insured under my mother's name? (53 year old female, perfect driving record). Thanks! Xela""
Affordable Malpractice insurance for doctors if Obama care passes?
How would that sound?
Where's the best place to get health insurance?
I was hoping that someone with experience could tell me whether buying insurance through the Maryland offered program or through a direct insure such as united healthcare or blue cross blue shield would be the better deal. Looks like a 80/20 silver plan is about $205/month trough Maryland with a $1500 deductible. I'm hoping to find an affordable 90/10 plan or better. If you have any suggestions or know recommendations please let me know! I'm new to this health insurance stuff...
""25 years old new driver, no cheap insurance :(?
newly qualified driver but cant find any cheap car insurance for 1998 nissan micra :( no less than 3000 per annum. any suggestion. uk
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
Buying health insurance for the first time?
I'm looking to buy health insurance, but not sure what type to get. I'm very healthy and have no children so it would be just for myself. Should I do a co-pay plan? HMO or PPO? Not sure.""
Car insurance problem!!! Please help!!!?
My problem is that I had a car accident last monday, and I just picked the police report. I called the other person insurance (Which is responsible for the accident), and they told me that his policy is suspended because he didn't pay. Basically he was driving without insure. ***My question is what I need to do now??? I have a repair estimate, which is $1,400.""
Why would identical auto insurance policies vary in price?
I currently have my auto insurance through Progressive and have been a customer of theirs for almost 10 years. I have a flawless driving record with no violations or tickets and no claims filed. My policy is up for renewal in December and is due for a sharp increase despite maintaining a spotless record and after years of steady decline. I was told that the rate is going up due to the cost of doing business . I decided to shop around and get quotes from competing companies and was absolutely floored by the discrepancy in prices; it almost seems like I am getting ripped off by my current carrier. Auto insurance might as well be greek to me, can anyone explain why one company would be charging $100 less than the competition?""
What does insurance loss mean?
I am doing a project on insurance loss ratings, but I do not know what they mean. If I said a Grand Vitara SUV had an insurance loss rating of 119, what would that mean from the point of view of the insurance company?""
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
Will insurance still able to view my previous ticket record and raise my car insurance?
I got a ticket in April of 2004. I paid the fine and went to traffic school. Just two days ago, i got a ticket for speeding (48 at a 35 limit). 1) will I still able to go to traffic school for this ticket? (I'm in CA, my friend told me we are allowed to take traffic school if it's over 18 months since the last citation, is this correct)? 2) i read some yahoo answer on car insurance and someone is saying the insurance company will still able to view the previous citation and raise the car insurance if we get the second citation within 3 years of the 1st one. the point will be unmasked for insurance company to see. is this true? 3) if it is true, does that mean even if i'm able to go to traffic school for my second citation, the insurance company can still raise car insurance for my 1st citation?""
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
Can anyone tell me where to find affordable health insurance in Missouri?
I'm a rural carrier for the postal service. I'm not offered benefits for a year. But I need to be seen by a doctor soon! (Woman issues)
Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help?
My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help?
Health insurance question?
Can anyone explain the difference between state, federal and private health insurance if you're unemployed?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance for a 23-year old woman?
I've only wrecked once, and it was during a storm, with little damage resulting. I'm about to get a car, but I need insurance - what's the cheapest company for someone like me? Thanks!""
2004 Mazda rx8 monthly insurance price?
Im 39 years old and haven't had a wreck nor got a ticket since 1982, I have perfect credit. I was wondering about how much it would cost every month for a 2004 Mazda rx8 with geico, or an estimate for another company.""
Impossible to find cheap car insurance :(?
I've been desperately looking for cheap car insurances but just can't find them. My cheapest quote was 3300 on a Ford Ka 2002 and that was in November or so. The cheapest I find now is 4300. I mean what the ****? Why can't I find any? * Male, 19 years of age * Full UK License since November 2009 * Could be ANY ANY car as long as its under 2k and appropriate for new drivers * Post Code is SW16 What am I doing wrong? I can't understand. Everyone else can easily get it for less than 1k. I can't. HELP Please!""
If i dont have insurance and i drive a friends car in which he has insurance on it.?
What would happen? would my friend be liable, and would he have to pay everything? or would his insurance cover his car?""
""I'm turning 17 soon & looking for car insurance, anyone know ruffly how much it would be for a toyota celica?
I live in N.ireland
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home insurance quotes south africa
Texas driver got speeding ticket in Washington state? Will my insurance know it?
While on a business trip I got a speeding ticket (5 over limit) in Washington state. I live in Texas and my license is issued by Texas. If I pay this ticket, ticket says it will go on my driving record. I assume they will send it to Tx. In that case, would my insurance rate increase because of this out-of-state speeding ticket? I am ok with paying the ticket, but I don't want to see my insurance increase. What are my options? Should I hire a traffic lawyer in WA to get rid of the ticket? Again, I live in Tx! Any re ommendations for me to get this issue resolved without insurance getting the ticket info.""
How can I get back on my mom's health insurance/Medicaid?
My mother is on Medicaid and I got kicked off her insurance at 19, I am now 21. I'm in college full time and I have a job. Why wont they keep on it? I'm stuck paying for my own insurance but every other young adult is on their parents insurance until their 26. Is it because she has Medicaid not regular insurance? If yes, why?""
Need advice on qualifying for subsidized health insurance?
I'm an older full-time college student and my husband works full-time at Walmart. In the past three years, I've been through 4 cancer related surgeries, which were paid for by the breast/cervical cancer Medicaid program. Unfortunately, follow up care and monitoring aren't covered and I was dropped from Medicaid. I'm now on my husband's health insurance, which is basically worthless because our income is under $20,000/yr and the policy has a $4500 deductible plus 20% after. I haven't seen my oncologist for over a year because we can't afford the expensive scans, biopsies, and lab work associated with cancer follow-up with a deductible that high. I thought my situation would change in 2014 with Obamacare. I recently learned from the healthcare.gov website calculator that our income is low enough to qualify for expanded Medicaid (which our state decided not to expand), but I don't qualify for the health insurance subsidies I desperately need because the outrageous deductible health insurance from my husband's job covers spouses. How can a couple with an income so low they would qualify for expanded Medicaid be ineligible for subsidies? I am completely devastated over this and I don't know what to do. Not being able to afford cancer follow up care is putting my life in danger. Even if my husband's employer (Walmart) quit covering the spouses of full-time employees, I think that would only apply to new hires because of the grandfather clause. If getting subsidies was based on income alone the way it should be instead of access to employer provided coverage, I would qualify for a zero deductible policy and $3 co-pays with a monthly premium of around $60. I could then afford the expensive health care I need. We live in a college town so if my husband got a different job, he'd make even less than he does now and we would probably end up homeless. If my husband transfers and we move to a state that's expanding Medicaid, I'll have to quit school and get rid of my German Shepherd and Siberian Husky since it's almost impossible to find a landlord that allows them. We thought another option might be to get a divorce on paper and co-habitate until our situation changes (completing my degree and getting a good job so I can afford the deductible), then re-marry. When I asked about that, someone actually accused me of wanting to commit fraud! How can anyone think of something like fraud when a situation is endangering someone's life? I am desperate to somehow qualify for health insurance subsidies without lying, which could get us in trouble. Any ideas?""
Need help deciding what car to get next ? 10 points for the best answer.?
Hiya, I just wondered if anyone can help me choose my next car ? I would prefer it to have 5 doors, with a fair size boot, not bothered about speed, but needs to do well enough for motorway useage, cheap insurance, cheap tax, and does a lot of mpg. Also, I have around 2600 to spend. I am in England, so no American cars please, unless they are RHD and readily avaliable in England. Thank-you for any help you give! And the best answer will recieve 10 points. Just thought to add - It will be my 2nd car, only been driving for 7 months, so not that experienced for anything too special as my first car was a 400 Renault R5! Thank-you (:""
Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?
I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?""
How does car insurance work?
I have a brand new car that has a 3 foot long scratch on the driver side after being parked on the street. It starts over the left front tire and ends towards the driver side door. I am taking it tomorrow to see if it can be buffed out, but if not I am going to take it to an auto body shop. How do I find out how much it costs? Next to property damage, it says $317. Is this my deductible? And how much I would have to pay? Can someone please explain this to me?""
Just a question or two regarding car insurance? :)?
im a 19 year old female who is in college. i want to get a car but seeing as im a broke college kid money is a bit of an issue. how much would i end up paying for car insurance if im on my parents insurance(we have allstate)? i was also looking into getting a electric car, would that be more expensive to insure or should i just buy a junky old car for my first? tips, advise, and recommendations are much appreciated. thank you for your help! :) <3""
Car accident. My fault. And I have no insurance?
I was in a car accident recently. there was not really any damage to either vehicle, I rear ended someone. the police report was filed and the police told me that the person I rear ended wants to claim that she has had injury to her back (which is ridiculous because we were only going 5 mph). There is no way I could have really hurt her, plus she was walking around fine when the report was being filed. What can she get from me and how much can she get? I think I'm going to be retaining a lawyer for this. I'm just really worried that the BS medical thing she is claiming might end up costing thousands and I can't afford to pay that much. thanks.""
Motorcycles and insurance?
right now i have a bull blast and i want to upgrade to a faster bike that is better above 60 mph and riding 2 up. the problem for me is that i am 19 and insurance for me with the little buell is 200/yr. i want to get a gsxr 600 or a 600 ss but they are over 600/yr and thats too much. the only bikes that are still in the lower insurance bracket is a ninja 500 and 650 or an sv650. are there any other bikes that are cheap on insurance? or what are your opinions on these bikes?
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
Car Insurance not Paying (in Georgia)?
I was in an accident three weeks ago. It was the other car's fault. There were no injuries. We didn't call the police, but I got a written statement from the other driver admitting fault. I got her car and insurance information and filed a claim with her insurance. They sent an appraiser and I got an estimate for the damages. So all that is left now is for the insurance to approve the estimate and send me a check. I have called the insurance company almost everyday since I got the appraisal (about 2 weeks ago) and they are saying that they are waiting to get in touch with the policy holder; apparently they don't have her correct phone number. But they have the signed statement from her admitting fault. The agent in charge of my claim doesn't even pick up the phone or return my calls, I just talk to the operator who can't really give me any answers. I have the basic car insurance, I don't have collision coverage, so I haven't even called my own insurance. My car is operational but my rear susspension is gone, and the bent metal is hitting my tire; I really need my car rapaired asap. Should I call a lawyer even though there were no injuries? I should probably add that my car is not worth much, but I still need it fixed! and I can't afford (don't want either) to pay for repairs out of my pocket. What should I do? Thanks in advance for your help.""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
""What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?""
What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?""
Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.""
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Good insurance for young drivers on luxury cars?
i'm looking to get insured on a 2011 bmw x5 m sport 3.0D, i'm 19. I cant seem to find an insurance company that will insure me however there must be a way even if its ridiculously expensive, recently in the newspaper there was a guy from london with a provisional license insured on a ferrari as his first car. So yeah just wondering if you guys know any good car insurance companies for specific needs? Thanks""
How much would i pay for car insurance?
Im 17 and i had my g2 for about 9 months now. No accidents no tickets no nothing. I'm a good respectful driver. I drive my moms car which is automatic. its a rav 4. my dad has a van and doesn't want to drive manual. I really want to get a car because i like manual and i want to get experience with it. I would like it really soon. If i were to get an older honda civic or toyota corolla manual 5 sp, How much do u think i would pay for primary.""
Insurance high for red cars?
Is it true that Car insurance is higher for red cars? if so, how much more expensive is it?""
How much could my insurance increase?
I ended up scratching the corner of my car after trying to get into the only parking spot available (some guy was over the line). It was on a chain link fence, no one got hurt, and I only have to worry about paying my problems, no one else's. I'm 19 and use my parent's USAA insurance. I went in for an estimate to see if it would be possible to cover it without using my insurance at all, but the damage was apparently worse than I thought, as they quoted about $1,550. I could potentially cover this with my upcoming paycheck (I think, don't know for sure), but would it be better to pay for it myself or use the deductible from USAA and see my parent's insurance rise? I know there are a lot of variables, but how much could our insurance potentially increase?""
""RX8 or BMW Z4, who has the highest insurance?
Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
Motorcycle insurance?
How much is insurance? I am 15 1/2 (male) and I want to get a ninja 250r. I live in california, I get good grades and I will take the basic riders course ( I hear good grades and the brc give insurance discounts).""
Which auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I disagree with the use of credit scores and auto insurance, and would like to find an auto insurance company that doesn't use the method when selling me their service. Does anyone know of companies that don't check your credit, and instead uses your driving record, age, etc....like it used to be?""
17 year old 1 day insurance?
Any insurance companies do 1 day insurance for 17 year olds?
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home insurance quotes south africa
Insurance quetsion?
i was in a accident totally the other drivers fault (she admitted to it). my car has damaged front bumper and headlight along with other stuff around those parts. it looks like nothing major. i went to the hospital one time they said i had my muscles and ligaments in my neck strectched. im trying to found out is that enough medical trips for me to get a rather decent settlement. im nt able to go to the doctor because i work all the time an i cant take time off or i will be fired. her insurance is state farm. on the average how much can i get???(pain and suffering)
Do you believe medical insurance should pay for breast implants?
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you used it for such?""
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
What will my insurance roughly cost when I'm 19?
Hello, I'm 18 now and about to get my drivers license. I plan on getting a cheap car with low insurance the first year of driving for me. I always wanted a Mazda RX8 and I know that theres no chance of me getting insured for the car now so I was wondering when will it become affordable for me to get a Mazda RX8? Like for example what would you suggest my salary should be to realistically own that type of car in the UK? Thanks!""
How much will it cost to fix this bumper dent?
http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?""
""Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?""
First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 miles...no driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks""
How can I lower my insurance rates at 19?
So I'm 19 and my insurance is about 100 a month and i pay 400(really its 300 but I pay 400 so I can finish faster) flat a month for a 2012 Chrysler 200 but initially at 18 I wanted a challenger, but my insurance rate was going to be more than my car payment, so here I am at 19 almost 20 in a few months and am wanting to try my luck again at getting a challenger(my dream car) but just want to know if theirs anything I can do to lower my rate for a sports car, I've built a substantial amount of credit I earn 30,000 a yr and have never wrecked is their anything else I can do? P.S I work hard and am a college student and in no way have received help from anyone to get what I want, I just work hard and want my dream car and feel like I can manage it but the insurance is killing me.""
Temporary car insurance?
i am trying to get my boyfriend insured on my car for 1 week. there are many companies that do tempoary car insurance but i have been told that you can not have 2 policies on one car? i have Fully comprehensive car insurance but my insurers will not insure both of us on my car as we are under 25 so if i went with another insurance company who specialises in short term cover would this cover my boyfriend on my car?
17 year old responsible driver that can't find car insurance?
I have a 1997 Mercury Sable with an ABS. I am a full time student and also have rent to pay. I need car insurance and fast, but nobody wants me for a decent price because of my age ...show more""
Will my insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got pulled over doing 48 in a 25. Ouch..i know. The cop gave me a court date and i dont know whether i should go to court and try to get this revised so it doesnt look so bad or if i should just pay the 150....AND is my isurance going to go up. I have grange...PLEASEEEE help out...im 19 and no previous tickets or violations
What is the cheapest uk motorcycle insurance company?
... am 19 in 1 hour xD and i wanna start riding legally i got the other parts done i just need cheap insurance recommendations, tell me please uk only""
Why do insurance companys ask how much you paid for your car?
When they don't want to pay that amount out ! Although you pay that premium.
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
What is the insurance on a 01 Celica gt?
like the cheapest quote? per month
Car insurance in differnt states ?
My grandmother lives in new Hampshire and there you do not need any insurance on your car , but in Connecticut by law you have to have it, so I was wondering if she comes to see us would she have to put insurance on her car to leave her state??""
How do I find out what this person's car insurance is?
There is a coworker of mine who dented my car. He has a North Carolina licence plate but he works with me in New Jersey. Obviously he's commiting rate fraud to pay lower rates which I don't care about except he banged my car. I've asked him to give me his insurance several times over the past couple of months but he never does so now I've had it and I want to report it directly to his insurance company. How do I get this information if he's not willing to give it? I have only his name, but if I speak to the secretary where we work I can probably get his ss# too if I need it to get his insurance info.""
Help with insurance for 17 year old first fresh driver?
my quote was 4,200 :( that's too much it more then a car LOL but like i heard something about this policy between two drivers can anyone explain how it works and if i crash on this policy will the other drivers no claim bonus be effected?""
""Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?""
The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?""
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
How much would insurance cost for a young person with a luxury car?
I was wondering if there's anyone (preferably a lady) between 22-25 who has a luxury car like a Jaguar, BMW or an Audi, and how much you pay for insurance. I'm 23 & looking to buy an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series (second hand). So just wanted to know if theres anyone else out there with those cars :) thanks in advance x""
""How much would the cost of a 2003 lincoln ls front bumper be, and where can I find a bumper?
2003 silver Lincoln LS. Only reliability insurance on the car.
Would a crown vic be much cheaper to insure than a mustang gt for an 18 year old?
I always have worked on hondas and I would like to have a car with a ford pushrod or mod motor in it and Im just concerned with insurance prices given its a v8 amd I'm 18 what would I be expecting to pay I have the money I just want to hear opinions on my options before i ask for a quote
Provisional to Full license insurance?
I am 17 years old on provisional license and about to take out insurance for my car. I received a quote from Quinn Direct for about 1050, but I wanted to know what will happen when I pass my test and have full license? Will I have to pay more?""
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home insurance quotes south africa
What is the price range for small business insurance packages?
I have a question for my personal finance class that asks: Search the internet and name your sources for a small business insurance package. Identify basic areas of risk that they cover. How much would such a package cost? I've found the basic areas of risk covered, however i can't find price ranges anywhere and all the offices are closed when i call, except for one that said they can't do it over the phone...""
I have lost my car insurance details and paid in full how can I find out who I am insured with?
After paying for my car insurance in full I have lost the documentation and cannot remember which company I am insured with is there any way to find out who my insurance company is?
""We're going to vegas and will be renting a car, should we get the insurance?""
I've heard that getting insurance when you rent a car is pointless because your regular auto insurance will cover you, because insurance covers the driver and not the car. If we were to get the car insurance for the rental car, it would add an extra $250. Obviously our regular insurance has to cover us, or else the car rental place wouldn't make this insurance optional. Am i right? Should we consider getting the insurance?""
US health insurance - question?
We are Canadians moving to the US in couple of weeks and we have just applied for medical insurance in the US, filled out all the papers and we'd like to know whether the insurance company will call our Canadian doctor to get our medical records? We want to make our doctor aware of this and at the same time, to be honest, we did not know exactly the dates when we've been at the doctor's office, we put down approximate dates on the insurance applic form and we do not want to be denied because of misrepresentation or something like that. At the same time, here in Canada, just because healthcare is universal, you don't get any medical papers or records to keep track on when you've been at the doctor's office. Thanks a lot.""
Do you have to have car insurance to legally drive?
Do you? and do you have to have car insurance to buy a used car say from maybe someone on craigslist? can you get a license plate for your new used car if you don't have car insurance?
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
Insurance Price for a teen driving a Toyota Celica?
I'm 14 about to turn 15 and get my restricted. I've been looking for a car and I found a 2000 Toyota Celica GT for $5,000 list price which is well within my price range. The car is a manual which I'm fine with, The only thing I'm worried about is the insurance cost for a teen driving a sports car and wanted your opinion on the price of insurance and on how good of a first car a Toyota Celica would be. Thanks for any and all help, Grant""
Motorcycle totaled with no insurance?
Ok long story short I bought a bike few weekends ago on a Saturday morning with a loan on it from a dealer. That same weekend which would be Sunday night I hit some gravel on a curved road and the bike flew from under me and it sounds like its totaled according to the dealer. Problem is I didn't have insurance on it yet because it was the weekend still. And I added insurance that week after it happened but I think they're going to find out I didn't have insurance on it at the time of the accident . Sooo what happens now ? Am I stuck paying for a bike that's totaled ? Does the gap insurance on the loan help me out in anyway ? Please help cause I'm really stressing out about this..
""Car insurance help, Private broker or big name company?""
I'm currently in the process of renewing my car insurance, and i'm wondering if small privately owned insurance brokers are cheaper than the bigger named companies? I'm 27yrs have a clean license and 2yrs no claims. Shocked at the current prices. Any ideas welcome. Thanks""
Car insurance for 300 to 500 dollars a month?
Are there any insurance plans for cars that cost 300 to 500 dollars. I have a bugeting packet for my twenty first lit class and I wanted to know what insurances would have car insurance at that cost. Thanks!
Health insurance question?
can your parents drop your health insurance he your not 26 yet????
Rover Mini insurance
Hi, im 16 years old and want to buy a rover mini pre 1997 as they have an airbag then, i wanted to know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 17/18 year old in a 1.3 litre rover mini. And im not a speed obsessed crazy teen, i would want to keep it nice and would not drive that fast anyway. Anyone know a figure?""
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit?
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit? Which car will be cheaper to insure for an 18 year old male? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Fit Base Hatchback He is a very good driver and has no infractions, we live in a low crime area. Thank you! Would just like to know which would be cheaper to insure.""
Can a Home Mortgage Company insist you paint your house?
My mom receieved a letter from a mortgage company stating she needs to make 3 repairs to here house. (paint the outside, fix trim around door, repair soffet) They also said they would drop her in 30 days if not corrected. HELP.... Is this legal? I may also say my mom put a claim in last year with them and they (insurance co) had to repair a canapy for 2k.""
What style of vehicles is cheaper to insure and which is body type more expensive?
Also, which insurance company is generally cheaper with SUVs such as a ford explorer?""
Car Insurance Quotes Please!!?
i have a nissan gtr r33 waiting for me to pass my test BUT what is insurance going to quote me?? -.-
Where can i get cheap individual health insurance in florida?
i'm under 65 and i'm not eligible for employee or medicaid insurances.
Cheapest bikes for insurance?
I'm 19 and want to take my CBT early next year and start riding motorcycles. Im tired of paying thousands of pounds for car insurance but need some sort of transport as i commute a lot in town for my work so a motorbike seemed the logical solution. I have been getting quotes for a few bikes and the cheapest i have got is 500 TPFT on a yamaha YBR. I like the look of the yamaha but is this one of the cheapest bikes to insure? A few sinnis bikes have come close to this price but have read mixed reviews online, would love to hear off anyone who owns a sinnis bike about what they think of them. Also the cheapest insurance company i can find is Scooters & Bikes, if anyone knows any other cheap insurance companies i would love to hear them.""
Roughly how much would a BMW x3 in group 16 insurance cost?
My mum wants to buy this new BMW x3 2004 and it's in group 16, so is there a rough guideline of how much it would be for a years insurance?""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I know the rate is different for everybody but what do you think the best insurance company would be for me? I turned 18 in December, I've had my license since September of 2010, no ticket, accidents, etc.. and I drive a 98' Honda Civic.""
Can I add a non-family member to my auto-insurance plan?
I use USAA. I was wondering if I could add my boyfriend as part of my insurance plan, and he would just pay me when the bill comes. We do not live together yet, so I'm wondering if this is possible. He'd be driving his own car. The reason I'm asking is because USAA has good rates and I was wondering if I could share it with him.""
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
How much would my insurance premium rise be? Car accident.?
On the interstate going home from work, it started raining just as I entered, really hard. Then I saw this white car in front of me, who stepped on his brakes, and as soon as I saw that, I stepped on mines. I couldn't swerve to the right where the gravel and grass were cause the white car was already headed that way , since it was raining my brakes didn't help and instead my car slid and his the back left corner of the white cars, and then I hitted a gray car from behind. My car is messed up really bad and cannot be repaired. When I gained enough sense to realized what just happened, there was 5 cars that had stopped, but mines was the only one badly damaged, unrepairable. Nobody was injured, and everyone's car was still drivable. The officer basically said it was my fault, cause I couldn't stop MY car from hitting the other two. Now I have to pay a ticket of $165 and my insurance will be paying for the other car's problems.""
Tell me a word which explain Insurance in a single line?
I need a good tagline for Insurance
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home insurance quotes south africa
0 notes
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"the best car insurance quotes
the best car insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
If i buy a 2008 mustang what will be my insurance cost in california?
i am 18 years of age male have never gotten a ticket or never been involve in car accident have had my license since age 16 1/2
""What is the most popular/best dental insurance PPO in south florida, St lucie county to be exact?
I'm looking for a good dental insurance plan. One that is not so expensive and preferably with no or <6m waiting period for basic dental such as fillings
""18, needs car insurance for ANYTHING please help ?""
OK ah cant take anymore of this... i'm 18 have had a license for 3 months now and live in the UK jarrow, tyne and Wear... All i want is a **** little car. But the insurance is ***** ridiculus no matter what i do a car costing 300 insurance will still be 5000 - 6000 doesn't matter if the engine is the size of a vacuume cleaner motor it jus wont go down. PLEASE somebody find me a car that isn't over 2000 that the insurance wont be beyond a joke. Been at this for over a week now and cant find anything. gocompare money supermarket direct line aviva. even put my mother as the main driver of the car with me as additional driver and still 5000 - 6000. Even insurance fraud is expensive PLEASE help me""
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
What is the cheapest car and insurance?
What is the cheapest car and insurance?
Will my insurance go up over one speeding ticket?
I live in Pennsylvania and have Traveler's insurance paid by my parents. About 2 days ago I got a speeding citation. The officer who pulled me over said they clocked me going 74MPH in a 55MPH zone. I did not dispute this because I know I was speeding and who could have missed the huge signs with the posted speed limit. Anyway I am only 17 years old. This is the first time I have ever been pulled over or got in any trouble on the road. Prior to this I had a perfect driving record. My dad has not gotten any traffic violations in over 30 years and my mom has never gotten any violations of any kind. My older sister who is 18 (also on our Traveler's insurance) has a perfect driving record as well. Do you think our insurance rates will go up considering this is my first ticket and everyone in my family has a PERFECT record except for the ticket of my dad's?
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
Classic Car Insurance?
If I bought an 80's car, but my parents were the policy holder for the classic car insurance quote, and I am only 18... would I be able to be a named driver? (because you have to be over 21 to qualify for classic car insurance) Also... is this even legal? Thanks""
How much will my parents car Insurance go up when I get my drivers licence?
I live In Missouri, by the way. Doesn't the Insurance automatically go up for them?""
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
Why does a classic car cost more to insure?
My friends got an 02 Acura RSX 5 speed and he pays like $600/month and the car has some engine mods. We are both 17 except he has a couple tickets. I called 3 different insurance companies and they all quoted me around $750 a month. the car in question was a 76 Chevrolet Camaro with an automatic trans and 350ci v8 (though the vin would probably indicate a 267ci v8) why is the newer car cheaper to insure? with a manual trans? kids these days dont appreciate the old cars like I do and stick with Honda and Acuras and those are the ones I actually see getting wrecked. I wouldn't get full coverage on the old car because if it were to wreck i'd just get another as they aren't worth fixing and are a dime a dozen it's not really a rare classic car. I understand that engine size might be a factor. The rsx is lighter and has a smaller engine but the Camaro is much heavier with a bigger engine. Would a z28 cost more? (already upgraded to 350 and upgraded suspension from factory) I didn't ask the insurance on that. What about the Pontiac Firebird of the same years? (70's to '81) it shares a similar setup. When I ask the insurance people how they calculate their rates they say its the area and experience of the driver but me and my friend live in the same area, he's had his license longer but has tickets. His car also costs way more. They could not give me any more info on rates they say they're just there to quote and don't know anything else. So why is this like this?""
""What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?
getting funny quotes
""Insurance question, 20pts for the best answer?""
Think about your life, home, automobiles and possessions. What type of risks/accidents can happen to each of these? What type of insurance would you recommend to protect against each of these risks.""
Which would have cheaper insurance a 06 charger or 06 bmw 330i?
Which would have cheaper insurance a 06 charger or 06 bmw 330i?
Motorcycle insurance for a 20 yr old?
i just got a 2004 ninja zx10r, any one know of a place that has motorcycle insurance for cheap??""
Personal Health Care Insurance ?
I'm 20 years old and I don't have any Health Care Insurance at all. My current job does NOT offer insurance. I've been working for this company for over a year. I just want to get insurance for myself. Can anyone recommend a good and affordable insurance agency ? Thanks :-) !
Car insurance help for a 17 year old first year driver?
I'm looking to spend 3000/4000 pounds on either a Golf 2006 model, ford focus, audi a3 2006 model or a bmw 1 series. How much am i looking at for the annual insurance for anyway of these cars being a first year driver?""
What happens when a car insurance company commits fraud? Please help!!?
I was told by my car insurance that my car was totaled, and would only be good for parts. It was in a MINOR flood, and I called to have it evaluated. They said water was in the motor, fuse boxes, everything was ruined supposedly. I knew they were lying, because I had my fiance check it all out, and there wasn't a drop in it except for the carpeting. I told them so, and said I wanted the car back to fix it myself, but the adjustor said they already paid my bank for the damage (not even the full amount, they came up with about 45% of the payoff amount, but it was worth what I owed on it). They said if I wanted it back, I would have to give them $2,700 for the car. I said to hell with it, and had to come up with 2,600 to pay off the remaining part of the loan, and then go buy another car. Last year, I seen my car in the next town over. Same vin number, same paint chipped bumper, same fist mark behind the passenger door. I was mad, but blew it off. Then, I seen it on a buy sell trade site and decided to inquire about the details. The guy bought it for $800 and didn't have to fix anything on it except for what I needed to fix before the flood (window regulator, wheel baring, and new tires). He told me he thought I had committed insurance fraud to get a pay out from them. So, I called my old insurance company, and the lady took all my information down and gave me the adjustor's number, the adjustor's supervisor's number, and the fraud department's number. I called the adjustor, left a message, and then filed a claim with the fraud department. They said to expect a call from them next week. What exactly happens in a case like this?? I don't expect a hefty payout or anything, but still, I've never known anyone who had this happen to them, but I do know people who committed insurance fraud. They get into huge trouble and pay out fines, but what if its the INSURANCE that commits fraud? Thanks!!""
Has anyone heard of Unitrin Direct Car Insurance. Yay or Nay?
I need to purchase car insurance right away. Their rates are pretty low. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Help plz car insurance in MD?
well i am 20 years old. i have been driving a car under my mother's insurance name for a while, the insurance told her that if i got an acident while driving that car the insurance will never cover any damage and they consider that as a crime so Is that a crime to drive a car which ur name is not in the insurance list? also ifu know which insurance company is the best for me to get my own insurance""
Where can I find cheap car insurance? ?
I live in Cleveland, OH... im 18""
Does anyone know a way to buy affordable health insurance?
Im a single healthy 38 year old woman.
""Car insurance, help please?""
I'm 18 years old & looking into buying a used 2011 nissan Altima from a dealer soon. My mom will be a cosigner for it & I was wondering if I would be able to insure that car under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? Insurance rates are just too outrageous & unaffordable for my age & for new cars with full coverage so I'm really hoping that it would be possible for her to insure it since she'll be a cosigner. Thanks for all the help & answers, greatly appreciated!""
How much will insurace cost me on a 2005 jaguar type s or on a 2006 audi A4?
want to get one of those cars but i want to have a idea of how much it will cost in insurance. i got 1 year with my license or it will go up on my dads name he has like alot of years more then 30 with out accidents or anything. plz any info or if u have one of this cars. give me a idea of how much it will cost me or if u know any website i could find out. thanks. o ya the jaguar is a v6 3.0 and the audi v4 2.0. both leather i will get a bunch of chicks with this cars.
the best car insurance quotes
the best car insurance quotes
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
What do car insurance companies use to determine car value?
I just bought a 2008 used car. I bought GAP insurance (pays the difference between what the car is worth and the amount of the loan if the car is totaled) for $600. I have 30 days to cancel the insurance for a full refund (to my finance company). Do insurance companies use Kelly Blue Book retail value, private sale or trade-in value to determine the value they will pay for a totaled car? If they use retail or private sale, I can cancel and be okay if I get totaled, but if it is trade in, I will be $3000 in the hole with no car.""
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I get a red light camera ticket?
This is my first red light camera ticket but my second ticket this year. The first one was a speeding ticket. Will my auto insurance rates go up for a red light ticket?
Does anyone know a cheap liability insurance company for an 18 year old?
Please let me know asap. Thank you!
""Car insurance rates are through the roof and I don't know why, help!?""
I need help with car insurance, I'm having some problems. Okay, I'm a 21 year old single, never married, male and I got my driver's license when I was 18 in March 2008. Now, I know my car insurance rates are high because I'm young and a guy, but here's the problem. I see people who are about my same age who have been driving for the same amount of time as and have no accidents, violations, or tickets like me. My car insurance rates are ridiculously high, I mean insanely high, even compared to others my age. My younger brother even, he's had his license for a year, he's 19, and had 3 speeding tickets and still pays less than me. On average for my car insurance rates, getting quotes online range from about $1500 all the way up to $2500 for 6 months! I used old vehicles, new vehicles, safe vehicles, unsafe vehicles, every kind of car/truck you could imagine and my projected rates are still through the roof. For example, for full coverage with the minimum amounts and highest deductibles, my insurance on a 2010 Mazda 3 would be about $1800-$2300 for 6 months. However, I also got a quote for a 1997 Ford Escort and the same exact coverage is still $1200-$1300. I don't get why my rates are so much higher. A coworker of mine is 21 years old, not married, no tickets, and has had his license since 18 like me, and he has a 2007 Mazda 6 and he only pays about $170 a month, which translates to about ~$1050 for 6 months. I put in my information including SSN on the same company's web site that he uses (Geico) and my insurance rates are about $1700 for 6 months. So my question is why are my insurance rates so high? I have no tickets, no moving violations, no accidents, nothing, and yet insurance rates are so high. I figure SOMETHING has to be on my driving record, but I can't imagine what. How can get a copy of or look at my driving record? I just want to know why my rates are so much higher than other people, male or female, who are about my age and have been driving for about the same amount of time and yet I still pay 2x or 3x as much as me. Please help me out! =)""
Looking for cheap health insurance website for students?
Hello there! I'm a student and I need some suggestions, I'm looking for an affordable college student health insurance plan. There are many sites but I'm scared because I think some of them are scams. I'm looking for a cheap price. Please tell me a good one.""
How do i go about getting points taken off my license?
I have points on my license tht are due to come off 2 weeks ago how do i get them off???
What is UPS waiting period for health insurance?
How long after being hired as a permanent part-time employee do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?
Health Insurance company?
I m looking for the health insurance company in india, can anyone refer me the trust able resource for the health insurance!""
""Need a license, insurance, and car...?""
I need all three of these. What is the proper order to get them in? I thought you need insurance to get a license, and a license to get a car. But don't you need the car to get it insured? And can you get insurance without a driver license number? I'm confused any advice would be appreciated.""
Hey how much will car insurance be when i start driving at 16?
ok heres the thing,ill be 16 years old when i get my dl,our insurance is mercury,and i am gonna drive a 1991 civic hatchback,or a 1992 integra any clues o how much per month""
Who has the Cheapest libility Car Insurance in Chicago?
I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
Life Insurance help?
I need help in determing how much life insurance I need to take out should something happens to me Facts you may need to know - I have a 1 month old daughter and I want her to be taken care of if something was to happen to me - Her father and I aren't married ~ with that being said is it recommended to leave him some money to provide for her - Also if something happened to me before she is 18 insurance companies I have contact stated that the money would be set in a trust (this is good but like I said I also want to have money available sooner than 18) - Funeral expenses - I am currently am in debt about $4,000 which I am continuously paying down abd I have a car loan $ 18,000 All this being said please help me in determining how much insurance I should take out and how much to leave to her dad and please suggest what other factors I may have left out in determing how much insurance""
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and for no insurance and not no proof of insurance. He cited both as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading isaccurate. How can Ichallenge this?
Adding additional drivers to my car insurance..?
Will adding my mom or dad (perfect driving record) affect them or their insurance at all? Or, if I got into an accident, would it go on their record? The policy would still be in my name...they would simply be listed as a secondary driver. Please only knowledgeable answers. It's crucial I get this figured out correctly.""
What would insurance on a er-5 be like for a 17 year old?
I recently asked how much gsxr400 insurance would be for a 17 year old, however being a sports bike it costs more, but what would it be like for a bike like the ER-5. also i would go ...show more""
What will the average insurance payment be for my BMW?
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a BMW. Well now since I'm turning 16 in the fall I have the option of getting a 2004 BMW 5 Series 545i for $9,000. It's in extremely good condition and I just love it. I will be making around $200-250 a month and my monthly payment will be about $106 to the bank till my senior year in college ( yes that's 84 months but it's in good condition so it's worth it) and I was just wondering if any one had a idea how much insurance would cost? I really want to get this car but I won't if I'm not able to pay a payment and insurance at the same time due to other small bills i have. Thanks""
Is it illegal to not have car insurance?
and if it's not illegal, what am i getting confused with?! i always thought it was illegal....? my friend is getting his car and he said it's a crappy car so there isn't any need to insure it. ???""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
What is the average cost difference between full coverage insurance and liability insurance?
approx how much difference that is, like are we talking about couple hundreds 300-600 or alot more than that? thank you""
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
Does a years moped insurance give you a years no claims bonus for a car the next year?
Just wondering. i'm 16 and i'm after getting a ped, but i don't think my dad will let me. If the years insurance on a moped carries over for a car next year when i can drive (which will make my car insurance cheaper) then i think i can persuade him. Anyone know if it does? any answers will be much appreciated :)""
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
i am 20 and my boyfriend is 19 any cheap car insurances known as i am currently paying 1800 for the year on an S reg saxo for us both thanks in advance
What questions should i ask before getting LIFE Insurance?
Im about to get life insurance, but i dont know how it works. What are some questions i should ask the insurance agent before signing any papers? Please help!""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
the best car insurance quotes
the best car insurance quotes
Why is my car insurance so high?
why is my car insurance so high my cheapest quote is 4000 on my own i have a 1.1 peugeot 106 im nearly 20 years old and passed my driving test at the end of november 2010
Has anyone heard of Unitrin Direct Car Insurance. Yay or Nay?
I need to purchase car insurance right away. Their rates are pretty low. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cafe?
I'm working up some numbers to determine the financial feasibility of opening a small (1000-1200 sq ft) cafe. Starting out with myself and no more than 2 part time employees, what should I estimate for combined liability, equipment, workers comp insurance?""
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
What is the best and cheap health insurance
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
""How much would a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy cost?
I'm planning events at several different venues and this is required. Each event is 4 hours.
Any idea how much insurance for a new male driver 25 years old?
passed test january 2009, car with smallest engine something like a corsa 1.0 nothing flashy ,just need a quick kind of quote ....split up with partner whos taking me off car insurance....any insurance companies reccomended .cheers emma for a friend xxxx""
How to get cheap insurance without no claim bonus?
Hi basically I had been a additional driver on my brothers policy for 3 years and I do not hold any no claim bonus as it was on my brothers name. I want to get insurance done on my name now but I am looking for any good deal being a only driver with no claim bonus as I have no accident history, I have clean record of driving so any ideas on how to sort it out cheap let me know thanks in advance :)""
Monthly car insurance?
I've got my driving test in September, and if I pass I would love to buy a car. I was thinking about getting monthly car insurance as this would be easier for me. Now I know that you need insurance before you can buy a tax disc. My car would also be parked on the road outside my house. My question is, if I decide to not use my car for a month do I still need to buy insurance for that month. I know if the vehicle is parked on the road you must have a valid tax disc, but I was unsure whether I need to be insured as well even if I'm not using the car?""
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
i am a 17 year old male who has just passed his driving test a month ago and wants a cheap insurance company and the cheapest car to insurance, i only want to use the car to commuteto a place of work. Any ideas""
What do you need to get car rental insurance if you dont have car insurance?
Ok my husband and i are planing a trip and would like to know what we need as far as car rental insurance he has a clean driving record but we do not own a car hence the rental and there fore dont have car insurance so we dont know were to start or how we even get it. Someone plz help. Oh and he is 26 so we dont have a problem in that department lol.
Cheapest Way for an international student to Drive a car with an international License?
I will be staying in the UK for 1 year and need a car cuz I will be driving around 50 miles a day. I looked to buy a cheap car but the insurance is around 6000 to 8000 a year cuz i am young and driving with an international license. The cheapest thing I found was renting a car for 13-14  a day. Is there anyway I can drive cheaper in the UK? If renting is the only choice, what is the cheapest renting diesel car can I get in Birmingham?""
Refund for one month not using health insurance?
So, my dad is enrolled in Empire through the affordable care act for the effective date of Feb. We did not receive any card until around late feb-march. They did not have any member ID for us during Feb because it did not even generate it yet at that point. My question is are we able to ask for a refund for that month? We did not receive any card or number during that month and did not even get to go to the doctor's. Thanks in advance!""
I was in a car accident and didnt have car insurance..?
the other car is totaled... what do i do ?? can i get insuranse somewhere now who will cover a past wreck???
Assistance with auto insurance.....What do I do?
I am 20 years old. I have had my license for almost two years. I recently got a car and insured myself with All State. After everything went through, I got a notice about a week after saying I was declined for coverage because I haven't had my license for three years?! I have a completely clean driving record: no tickets, no court, no violations. What company will cover me? In the notice it said something about insurance through the DMV? Anything helps!!!""
Does my first speeding ticket increase my auto insurance rate?
I just got my first speeding ticket, and I'm really worried about the insurance rate ! The ticket says 60 on 30 limited area, so yeah 30mph over the limit ! also they were not using any detector as on the ticket says, can I go to the court say they made a mistake?! lol I'm living in MA FYI.""
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
Car insurance rates for a new teenaged driver?
So we have State Farm car insurance and our 17-year-old daughter is attempting to get her license. She has straight A's and is doing their Steer Clear program. Does anyone have an estimation of how much this will increase our insurance rates?
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving Medicaid but theres a cap on how much me and my husband can make a month and we really want to do better. Is Obama going to do something about Health care? I only have 3 choices if there are no changes, win the lotto, move to England or let things stay the way they are.""
What is the cheapest car to insure for first-time drivers?
I passed my test last November, and am looking to get a new car. However, every single car from Ford Fiestas and Vauxhall Corsas to Renault Clios and Citroen Saxos have come back for somewhere between 2500-3000, even some ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. I'd even settle for somewhere in the region of 1000-1500, and before you tell me, I know how expensive car insurance is... believe me. I'm 20 years of age and passed my test first time back in November if it makes any difference.""
Auto insurance renewal?
Hello all, My current auto insurance is ending next month and the renewal form just came in. Coincidently, I was offered a better deal from another auto insurance that was less than half of what I currently am paying. I called and check and it was the same coverage. My question is that do I need to let them know that I will not renew my current auto insurance with them? This is my first time planning on switching and I would like to know if there is any penalties or anything in general I should worry about.""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
Just wondering because one of my friends says she only pays half of her auto insurance a month and she is paying $300 and that seems pretty steep.
""What is the least expensive car insurance in Thousand Oaks, California?
My grandma says TEENAGERS arent covered on her car insurance. Is this possible?
i want to drive her car cause im 16 and just got my temps a couple weeks ago and all she keeps saying is that her insurance only covers people 21 and older. i totally think shes lying! cant anyone drive the car? the insurance is already one the CAR, not the person, so shouldnt the insurance cover the car regaurdless on who's driving??""
the best car insurance quotes
the best car insurance quotes
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I know this is probably one of the most asked questions on the here, but for me it is a real pain finding any decent answers... Id be very grateful if anyone could list insurers that are relatively cheap for car insurance for us youngsters! (Preferably under 200/month). Thanks in advance! :)""
""23 year old female been driving for a year and few months and need to start own car insurance, help!?""
I drive an N reg ford fiesta, bit of an old banger! so far since I got my licence in july 2006 I have been on my dad's insurance. Now I need to get my own, so far I have been getting really high quotes are told I am not suitable! any cheap insurers for new young drivers? tried the girl ones like dimond and sheila's wheels and no luck!""
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
More Better? Car Insurance Question?
We have 2 cars and currently 2 drivers on our insurance (my husband and I) and we were wondering if we add his mother on there will it be cheaper? The thing is his mother does not have a license and does not know how to drive, would it still be cheaper if we add her to our insurance?""
Different ways to lower insurance cost. could i have my boyfriend insure my car for me?
Please, if you're not 100% sure don't answer,, it's confusing. Anyways, i recently financed a vehicle, 06 Taurus, and the insurance is killing, nearly higher than the car note! ($314 a month). & now that I'm pregnant i need to save $. My boyfriend doesn't have a car or license, but is there any way he could get insurance under his name & then add my car? Or any other work a rounds? Btw, I'm willing to fix his license if that's an issue. I'm 23, He's 29. I live in what's considered to be more dangerous city than he does. Also, he has less moving violations than me. So a policy for him maybe be anywhere from 40-60% cheaper than mines.""
How much will my car insurance be?
R reg vw polo 999cc
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
Whats the cheapest place to get insurance?
I got a 01 kia optima im 23 years old, male, and paying about 100 dollars a month for full coverage. Company: American Family. Any better deals""
2 questions on car insurance?
1) I'm looking to buy a car soon after I pass my driving test in 2 weeks. I'm 20, I'll be turning 21 in November. I seen that the insurance price for a 17-20 year old is around 2400 and the price for a 21-24 year old is around 2000. If I were to get insurance 2 months before my 21st birthday, would I be able to pay 2 monthly rates of the 17-20 year old price and then convert onto the 21-24 year old price? Or am I stuck with the 20 year old price for one year? 2) If I were to set the voluntary excess to a higher amount to get a lower premium, would I be able to change the voluntary excess when I renew my car insurance? Or is it possible to change it every month if I chose to pay monthly? Thanks.""
How can I get cheap insurance?
I am 19,and I am thinking about doing my theory test for my full licence,but insurance are so expensive,especially for my age. Do any of you guys know how can I get cheap insurance? Do any of you guys know of any cheap insurance companies? Thank You all""
Need suggestion for health insurance?
Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?""
Do you need auto insurance when your car is under Planned NON Operation ?
I have a old car that i am not going to use for the next 4 months till my wife comes back (she's out of country now). My Question is if i file for a planned non operation of the car with DMV, can i take this car out of my insurance. Currently i just have the liability on this old car. Is insurance mandatory even if your car is not driven / in public roads?. Please help.""
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
I am 16 almost 17 and am looking for a car and am wondering what the insurance rats would be on a porsche 944
this would be my second car and its a really nice 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) it has only 67K miles on it and is in excellent shape I am just wondering if my insurance would go up i pay about 130 $ a month on a Pontiac grand am ... would it go up? if so do you know how much?
Insurance price on harley-davidson?
what would be a good estimate for yearly cost of insurance on a harley? -92 heritage softail classic
What does getting pts on license mean for my insurance?
I got pulled over for speeding. However, the cop bumped down my ticket to disobeying traffic control device. I'm getting 2 points on my license. I'm 22 yrs. old and under my dad's insurance. Will the insurance rates be going up? (Also, I'm planning on taking the defense driving class to erase the 2 pts from license. If so, does my insurance still go up?) Please tell me of your situations....thanks!""
How much is a no insurance ticket in illinois?
I've been trying to look this up, can't find jack **** on it.. How much is it?""
""USA, health insurance. when you are 56 & cannot afford health insurance, is that a death sentence?""
doctors & hospitals in the US will not help unless you have insurance. so if i have cancer or any sickness, am I left to die.?""
How much is Insurance for a 17 year old on average?
I'm 16 and I didn't take drivers ed, i just got my license, and i just wanna know on average, and maybe the cheapest i could get insurance in the state of texas?...""
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
Are your children on your insurance plan?
Does it cost more on your insurance for a child over 12 years of age?
Can i get my MOT done without insurance?
My car needs an MOT and right now its on a SORN because im waiting for my paycheck so I can get insurance, my question is as follows: i know that you need an MOT before you can insure your car but to get my car to its MOT I would have to have it insured? How does this work? can i drive to the garage without insurance and get away with it or is there some special policy I need to take out? Please help.""
Do you need social security number to purchase car insurance?
Im a student under student visa here in california, I want to purchase car insurance but dont have a ssn. If you can, which companies will and which will not?""
the best car insurance quotes
the best car insurance quotes
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