#it amounted to like. $600 a month with both of those
AITA for refusing to buy peanut butter and honey for everyone when I'm already buying it for myself when I'm in charge of buying groceries?
Names: my name is Nichole 19 f, Jake 20 m, Tams mtf.
A basic run down of the situation, we all live together and we have figured out that because rent is a bit cheeper where we live and I have the most money out of all of us, Jake and Tams split the rent and I cover our groceries which to feed all three of us, is a little over the total cost rent, meaning I am spending the most money out of all us. Rent is about $600 so they are both spending only $300 dollars each.
I have two lists that everyone writes down groceries items on. One list, the priority list is for meals and the secondary list is for wants such as snacks foods. I set a budget of $800 and as long as I can cover all the priority items for the month, I will get what I can on the secondary list.
The reason why I don't buy everyone peanut butter and honey is rather petty sounding, but it is that neither of them ever add those items to either list, and I will buy small jars of both and mix them together to eat by myself because neither Jack or Tams likes the mixture and I only buy enough to last me about 10 days so I don't like to share the unmixed peanut butter and honey since it's all I'll I have of it for the month.
They don't even think about peanut butter or honey until they see my mixture in the back of fridge a day and will then team up to berate me for not getting everyone peanut butter and honey and being selfish and a bad roommate. I always tell them they didn't put it on any of the lists and this is just a treat for myself but they argue back that I should have just gotten it anyways. And this agreement has been going on for a few months now.
But the reason why I am so incessant on the lists, and why I even made them in the first place, is because I use to keep buying myself snacks and then they would ask me to buy everyone snacks and I didn't think about it until I realized I was spending pretty much all my money on food. We had a talk when I realized this, and while they grumbled about it they agreed to the budget and the lists so I wasn't stuck paying an unfair amount of my paycheck on us compared to them.
I know that maybe it's just my anxiety, but I can't help but feel like they are disrespecting this boundary I set with my money every time they insult me for not buying peanut butter and honey for everyone when if they wanted it so badly, and I even tell them this, they write it down right then and there for next months grocery trip or they could even just hand me the cash and have me go pick it up for them rather then expecting me to buy it for them when it wasn't and never is on the lists they agreed to. I also just don't understand why when I tell them to just add it to list for next month or to hand me the money to get it for them they storm off and do neither of those things, but I am rather social stunted from a rather isolated childhood so maybe this behavior has a very easy to see reason I'm just not getting
I know it sounds really petty, I really do, but I just really don't want to relent on this boundary and then for them to later use it as excuse to begin asking for more and more again until I can't afford it. But maybe I'm just being unreasonable and a petty asshole, but maybe I'm not, I honestly have no idea
What are these acronyms?
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you have maybe one of the most interesting jobs i've ever seen... how many people live aboard the ship? what do living quarters look like?
Thank you! It's definitely fun, though it has its fair share of stress and unique challenges.
This year we have ten full time, paid crew. We're contracted out through the end of season, or the end of downrig, whichever was determined at the start. Throughout the season, though, we have a number of unpaid volunteers who come through and stay for anywhere from a week to a month at a time, during which they're fed and given a sleeping space like all other crew- only difference being lack of a paycheck. Lady is different from a lot of east coast boats, in that we don't take completely green (new) deckhands on, even as unpaid volunteers; you need to have knowledge of sailing already to come on with us. It's because we're an education-focused vessel, and need our people to know their stuff.
However, we do have a program and a way for newbies to join our crew! You have to pay (and I don't quite remember how much it is. I wanna say somewhere in the vicinity of $600-800? Don't quote me on that), but what you pay for is two weeks of living on board, being fed, housed, and taught from the ground up how to sail! It's called Two Weeks Before the Mast, and it's how we get most of our return volunteers- because after you've done it, you can come back whenever you want! Most people who do it do end up coming back, or staying past the initial two weeks (schedule permitting). It's definitely an investment, but one I highly recommend if it's something you can do.
Right at this moment, we have two volunteers staying with us, both two-weekers. Last week, we had two return volunteers as well, bringing the total crew count up to fourteen- that's a lot of mouths to feed! They're all great though, and I love them all :)
Now, for your second question: it's all communal, baby! Permanent crew gets better bunks and more storage space, but it's still all a big bunkroom for the most part. On Lady, it's down in the foc's'le (short for forecastle, the compartment towards the front of the boat). Four bunks on each side built into the hull itself, cubbies for storage, the like. In the rear of the boat is a smaller compartment, the aft cabin, where there are two more bunks like in the foc's'le, as well as two actual cabins - gasp - with doors! Those belong to the captain and first mate.
The main hold, the central compartment of the ship - where, historically, merchant vessels stored their merchandise - is where the part timers and volunteers sleep. The bunks there are a touch less comfortable and there's a smaller amount of storage space, and in addition, the main hold is basically the crew's communal hangout space. It's our living room, with the heads (toilets- we've got two of them, but they need pumping out at times if they get too full. Think marine port-a-potties), and the galley- that's my domain!
Someday I might do a video tour, or maybe just take a bunch of pictures. It's surprisingly roomy, but you really get to know the people you live with. Best hope you like them! (And best hope you don't snore; everyone will know)
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german-enthusiast · 1 month
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@strengthisyellow, I absolutely understand your frustration and of course you're right and I'll come back to why later, but first I want to use this as a jumping off point about
⭐German Vowels⭐
⭐Number of German Vowels
German has a LOT of them. Out of 564 languages surveyed by WALS, 93 had 2-4 vowels (16%), 287 had 5-6 vowels (51%) and 184 had 7-14 vowels (33%) German has 8 vowels letters (a, e, i, o, u, ä, ö, ü <- graphemes). Yet we have 16 vowel sounds (phonemes)! (not counting diphthongs here)
The number 16 comes about, because most vowel can be realized long/shortly (gespannt vs. ungespannt). Minimal pairs (two different words that only differ in exactly one sound) are a great way to show this:
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These minimal pairs can also give you an idea of how the phonologial differences are marked in the spelling!
⭐Vowel-amounts in various languages
Here's a comparison of different languages and their vowels (without diphthongs, because those are the combination of two adjacent vowel sounds).
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⭐L1-phoneme inventory
Now what's super interesting about learning a first language, is that shortly after birth, babies can hear and distinguish all possible sounds (across the world, there are around 600 consonant sounds and 200 vowel sounds; in sum, 800 different phones), yet at 10-12 months old, they can only distinguish those sounds present in their first language (aka their language's phonemes)! A japanese child, for example, would hear no difference betwen "radio" and "ladio", because /l/ and /r/ are not phonemes in Japanese.
I get to encounter this first hand with German-learners who struggle to produce, but most importantly even hear the difference between [ˈmʊtɐ ] (Mutter; mother) and [ˈmʏtɐ] (Mütter, mothers). (So far, I've specifically asked beginner/intermediate students with en-US and es-MX as their L1 about this - both US-English and (Mexican) Spanish do not have [ʏ] as a phoneme, so they get generalized and instead perceived as [ʊ].
Put simply, within its first year, a baby builds up a "phoneme inventory" made up of all the sounds that make a difference in its language, and loses the ability to distinguish between the ones that don't because those simply don't matter.
Good news is that you can and likely will train yourself to hear and distinguish sounds outside your current phoneme inventory (depending on your phoneme inventory and your TL's phonemes, this might be harder or easier).
⭐German Vowels and Spoonerisms
Back to the schulkrank-tags: The issue lies not as much in the letters as in the sounds, but OP continues to be right. "kühl" and "kuhl" are NOT the same, because they differ in a phoneme, which (by definition) changes the meaning of the word. What's additionally interesting, is that spoonerisms (switching of sounds or morphemes between two words of a phrase, like "blushing crow" instead of "crushing blow") are much more likely to occur if the words that come out of it are real words again! ("The Lord is a shoving leopard." (instead of "a loving shepherd") is more likely than "The shord is a loving leopard" because "shord" isn't a real word)
The US-American coworker (who probably speaks a little German if he enjoys German spoonerisms) made "schulkrank" out of "Kühlschrank". That is something a native would never do because instead of merely switching sounds, he switched and changed one, thus it's not a real spoonerism anymore. Yet to him it was probably entirely correct because he literally doesn't hear a difference.
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unforgivablenope · 4 months
har har hello
Actually, I have a few questions like how the hell do you clear all those event battles? Does my level really matter? Where can you get more energy and do I have to max out my cards? Which cards should I max out completely to stay strong throughout the events?
Your level doesn't actually matter, but since you're on level 81 you get a sale every level up for 99 dps so save for it! it's the easiest way to save dvs and blossoms lol.
Where can you get more energy?
I usually sometimes spam unlock N & R cards for aps, (for N demkn cards the aps are on lust cards!) sometimes higher cards have easy to unlock aps too, but be aware it isn't a permanent solution😂
You can get about 288 aps from time, 60(120 if Vip) from Beel missions, 40 from to do and 20 from surprise guests. to finish all event pages you need 744 aps. you lack about 336 aps. I usually buy one ap sale if I see I can, and leave the rest to gods 😭 - the event pages usually get enough ap.
do I have to max out my cards?
yes!! unfortunately I don't have a screenshot on hand, but a fully maxxed out card has about 10K more power than a full starred card. hardmode lesson cards are very easy to max out.
Which cards should I max out completely to stay strong throughout the events?
you need about ~ 377K (my own experiences) total power to manage to skip the last battle, but you have to play the additional three extreme battles. you don't need to use any item though, you can still get an S rank if the estimated rank is B.
okay, a bunch of l tips that helped me a lot ! you see if you go to the demon's part in To Do you can see for each 50 battles a demon plays in or each 50 surprise guests you get 50 dps. (the prizes both end at 600)
which means skip time. you don't have to do actual battles to get them, each skips count as a battle played. however the same doesn't apply to surprise guests - you have to interact with them, doesn't matter good or bad.
So try to skip as much battles as you could and do as much surprise guests as you could. you can get to do prizes, easy level up, easy money, easy intimacy, skips are the best thing ever lmao- I usually manage to level up about three cards if they have a high level (50 and up) and even most of the time my level ups cost way less (each level up costs half of the amount of exp needed so in high levels, rip grimms-)
also not to mention by this way you can easily get an intimacy level up each week if your character has a high level (My Barbatos is at 29/5 rn, and like two weeks ago he was at 27. till the end of the week I can easily get him to level 30)
plus my suggestion is skipping a few events and spending time on your cards. I started about 6 months ago and in 2 months I had enough power to fully finish events, and the older events were way harder than these. (you needed more than 400K power to skip the latest page)
don't skip this event though. after it, clean hard mode lessons daily, get those shards, get them to skill 5. focus more on hard mode lesson cards and chapter A/M cards. also, try to summon everyday on Chapter G because they give UR shards too but do NOT summon on chapter A/M. I got lucky enough to get 6 Memory URs from the events, so I suggest you also grind in LDs to get memory cards. newer LDs are kinder, but if an old card is what you want, go ahead lol! BUT don't use anything in LDs, not even ap sales.
incase a long CB happens, try to only summon in one box to get to the memory and get the UR/+ jokers.
also try to level up cards evenly, but focus on a card's skill at a time. do not level up cards that are from the same character and sin! (ex. if you have two Diavolo envies onky focus on one) if you have same sin/character cards see which one is easier to max out and focus on them more.
Easiest || chapter A or hard mode >> URs >> UR+s.
if possible do a ten summon in each new event for the UR/+ jokers to level up the skills of nightmare cards. but don't waste your dps and dvs so much though, for new nightmares or revivals may come. keep a balance.
but if you want to be unhinged like me, a barbatos simp who's main goal is max out all Barb vards regardless of sin... oh well, do it. hell yea-
( ꒪Д꒪)ノ H-Holy..
This is a lot to read. I had to reread it several times to make sure I understood and man; I'm so thankful for your help because I wasn't sure if I was doing anything right at all while playing this game. Lmao~
Thank you so much for this!
This will definitely help me get better on the game. Especially right now. I never consider maxing out my R's and N's cards to get more ap so I'll give that a try while maxing out my top cards. It will be hard but I'll do my best! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
My power level is at least over 333K so really need to work on that.. (T⌓T)
I already do the daily missions, the free summons, and my cards are leveled pretty evenly so that's on the clear. The only thing I'm iffy on is spending my demon points on the discount stuff. LoL! I'm so greedy that I rather spend it on nightmare summons but if that's what it takes to get the cards I want from the events. I'll definitely do it!
I actually forget about the LD so I'll look into that again once my cards get better.
(╯✧∇✧)╯ Thank you so much for these tips!! Your a life savor!!
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chryza · 3 months
you keep mentioning making money off of games like hsr but how? im dying to know
All right I'll make a proper post about this lmfao. May I present
The Invalid's Guide to Making Money Off Mobile Games
(Please note I'm using my affiliate links, so if you click through and join up I will get rewarded at no cost to you.)
The primary way that I make money is through Swagbucks. (I also use Inbox Dollars, but I tend to use Swagbucks more for different deals. They're both owned by the same parent company.) Swagbucks is a survey website, but they also offer affiliate deals with mobile games. For proof that I'm not grifting, here is my profile.
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Each swagbuck (SB) is a penny, so 100 is a dollar, 1000 is 10 dollars. As you can see as of posting this, I've earned 121, 297 SB or $1,212.97 since I started in January. I play various mobile games for a few hours every day, but I took a break for about a month and a half since I was getting burned out. I cash out to Paypal usually, but you can get a bunch of different gift cards, it's nice to be able to directly get people gift cards for their birthdays through the website.
There are a ton of different offers to choose from, from various sponsors of varying levels of credibility. They'll offer to complete different checkpoints within the game for SB within a certain amount of time.
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When I'm looking for an offer to start, I'm looking for a few things in particular. The amount on offer has to be worth my time. Usually, I'm looking for offers in the $40-$150 range. Anything above that is likely to have a catch, require massive amounts of in-app purchases to complete, or is downright impossible. I always consult the swagbucks reddit to check out offers beforehand, so I don't waste my time. I also consider the time investment I'm putting in. Usually 1000 levels of a puzzle game for $35 is the minimum I'm looking for. For idle games, I'm looking more in the $50 minimum range.
This is one of the offers I'm currently working on. (the game is Klondike, for $110 total offer)
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Typically with an offer in this range, I know I'm going to make a few purchases. I always try to go for stamina boosters on the cheap. I've spent about $5 so far and I'm only a week into this and already about 1/3 of the way done. I log in multiple times a day since I am, as I've stated, disabled, so I have the freedom to do so. If you do not have the ability to be so on top of things, I recommend looking at the second to last goal point, and making that your target.
Other offers are like this
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(This is Ant Legion, a game I've played before). As you can see the amount on offer is significantly higher. $340 to be exact, though keep an eye out for things like "purchase X"--typically those are 1:1 rebates, so you get a boost for free. With these types of games, you're going to be making substantially more in-app purchases. When I try this offer, I'm going to budget about $40-$50 so that I'm still making a profit of about $285. Understand that there is risk involved--if I spend that money and I *don't* make it all the way to 31 in time, I'm SOL.
Swagbucks also offers gambling games. Just stay away from those. I did one and spent about $70 to make a profit of about $150, but none of it was from the app itself. They're predatory and meant to funnel in-app purchases, though again, check the reddit. There might be a couple that are legit.
Typically with Swagbucks, I like to be doing 3 offers at a time--two idle games, and one puzzle game. I'll check my idle games throughout the day to make progress, and sit and binge the puzzle games to get to the level checkpoints (Usually about 1000 levels, which isn't as bad as it sounds.)
Before I get into the next section, this is very important, please listen to me.
If you cash out for more than the minimum threshold for taxation in your country, you will owe taxes on the money you make.
You'll need to do research for your individual situation. For USAmericans, the threshold is $600. I budget about 10% of that to go into taxes, and I have a spreadsheet with receipts for in-app purchases which qualify as business expenses in this case. Here is the SB page for more info.
Next, I've just started using Mistplay after being bombarded with ads about it. generally, I like it. I'm also not saying that it's possible to double-dip SB and Mistplay rewards, because I would not do that because it's against terms and conditions, but it might be possible (though I definitely don't recommend it).
Mistplay works differently in that it offers 'units' for playing games for a certain amount of time. I've earned about 500 units in a day playing mobile games for a few hours, and minimum cash out starts at $5 for 1800 units. Overall it's a nice system that allows me to make money on more "fun" games that I'd otherwise be playing anyway without making money, such as for instance, Honkai: Star Rail which I'm planning on starting tonight. And if you do join Mistplay, this is my recruit link ;).
Overall tips:
be prepared to watch ads. I have my shit set up on multiple devices, I have a phone and a tablet with different games on each and I usually have ads going on on one screen while I'm playing merge what the fuck ever on the other. That's how they're making the money to give to you, pussy up etc.
It does take some dedication to rack up big numbers. I consider myself on a fairly relaxed grind and usually play mobile games for about four hours a day. You can try out your limits and whatnot
RESEARCH. you can download a game and test it outside of the SB tracking to try it out, or check out the subreddit. Mucho helpful information.
IF YOU DO AN OFFER and it DOES NOT TRACK CORRECTLY do not panic. Complete the offer to the best of your ability, take screenshots, and use the SB help center to request your missing SB credit. They usually get back to me within a business day with my shit in pending.
It's a slow crawl to victory. You'll be like "i am not making fucking ANYTHING." and then the next week you'll be like. pending for $100. Be patient.
Check out the other shit on the SB and Inbox Dollars websites. I occasionally do surveys for over a dollar (though I use Forthright for surveys because overall it pays better for my time.)
Good luck gamers!
And. Please don't like. blow me up about this being a scam or whatever? I see people press x to doubt but the proof is in my bank account. Or well. My medical provider's bank account now because I've been using the money to slowly pay off bills.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
This is Hotarubi/Sho anon or whatever you'd like to call me lol.
Just saw the ask on advice on how to play tdb, one major thing I'd like to specify is - you need to save up to 30k gems at least. This is because of how the wishing well works, you can put that much amount of gems in to get some extra back for free. Apparently by a Redditor who's played Zigza's other game Evertale, they have a similar thing over there that occurs like twice a month? If we're lucky, tdb also gets it and its pretty much the best way for an f2p to keep accruing gems.
So if you've been spending gems willy-nilly without any ssrs (units, not warding cards bc those are useless without someone to match it with) and you're not too attached to your account, then your best bet is to just make a new account and hopefully save up till the next wishing well (new accounts get to use the beginner wishing well for a week too which was 60->600->12000 iirc?). If possible I'd also suggest picking Zenji or Haru as your starter bc they're both tanks and levelling a tank never goes to waste bc at least they can make your SSR survive longer when you eventually get one. That said, nothing wrong with going with your fave if that's what you'd enjoy more.
I say all this but the moment SSR Sho got a rate up, my Sho alt just folded lol. His SSR card came home early surprisingly, but his warding card squeezed my gems out of me. Now I'm down to 8k gems and probably will regret it once limiteds start rolling out (the google play game page shows casual(?) wear Tohma, butler Rui, warden(?) Leo, Taiga on a throne and even Ed....)
I'm just praying I've saved up enough gems before Sho gets a limited card. I'm at least grateful that unlike Obey me, we're allowed to use alts of the same boy in a team. I'm gonna collect an army of Shos to conquer the game.
wasn't too sure if you were the same or different people but yes this is a thing you can do and very smart too! I have just been muscling my way through everything with 0 thought in my head and it's gotten me to case 59 so far.
o7 an army of shos... that is the dream. If a certain someone c: hadn't c: spooked me c:
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So we usually pay certain bills 2x a year, but recently switched to monthly, and in the process the company fucked up and is now demanding the entire six months up front or they cancel our contract.
I can't afford this. I could afford the monthly. I can't afford "suddenly I owe $2000" on the backs of "suddenly I owed $600" and "suddenly I owed $60k" both of those got resolved (thankfully without me spending $60k) but I'm so tired and I can't keep pulling money out of thin air like this or any literal life or death reserves I might have will be non-existent.
So if you like my content and want to see me make more of it, my Venmo is @morbidly-queerious, and Wifey's Paypal is [email protected]. Please only give if you are genuinely comfortably able. We're genuinely grateful for any amount of assistance we receive and are still trying to scrape up cash on our end.
We've got a couple good projects in the works and we're hoping to start releasing podcasts, streams, and other audio work soon, so if you've liked our work in the past, congrats! You may soon see it again. In the meantime please help us stay housed, fed, and adequately medicated because this capitalist hellscape doesn't let up.
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drvitaltips · 6 months
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call-me-medusa · 6 months
So, like, I knew that Stephen King said to write 1,000 words per day for consistency so that your fictional world never runs away from you. And I used to think that level of discipline would never be something for me, especially as someone who has been in school or working or both for a long time.
I have done NaNo multiple times in the past but that always felt like a little too much, and I really do not do well on keeping up the same number of words. Some days I would get 4,000 and sometimes I'd get 600. I won three out my four attempts of NaNo, so I can't say that it doesn't work to having a completed manuscript, but I also have to say that I was successful sometimes because of the amount of planning and preparation I did before November.
But, I started working on the Silena fic™ since February 13th, but I didn't start actively writing 1,000 words per day until about 10 days later on February 23rd. I noticed how much progress I'm able to make writing just 1,000 words a day, even if it is just exactly 1,000 words and stepping away.
Some days I have the energy to write a lot. I wrote 4,755 words on March 9th. Some days I don't have the energy to write a lot, and then I just barely write 1,000 words and I shove my laptop away because I don't want to look at it again. But the most surprising thing I found was on the days that I had the energy to write more, but I wrote 1,000 words then stopped.
On those days, I felt like I wasn't working myself hard enough and that I wasn't doing everything that I could. To be fair, I wasn't. I was doing the bare minimum of what I could do. But, I found that when I had the energy to write an extra, say, 100 words, or 500 words but I didn't, I would think about what's going to happen next in my story and then I would get excited for the next day to write.
Something else I thought of is that during NaNo I usually am like chained to a table with my laptop until I'm finished with the day's word count, but I haven't felt this way at all with the measly goal of 1,000 a day. Like, most of the time if I have a free hour at work I'm able to get them all done, then I feel like I have a completely free afternoon from work. Or I spend an hour or two at the public library after my work day (I work a typical 8-4:30) and I crank out my words. (Not to mention that now I'm a local fixture of the public library which helps me feel more in tune with my community).
I have felt so much pride in my self-discipline in this past month writing at minimum 1,000 words per day. Some days I write more if I want, but some days I want and I hold off. But sometimes I take that writing energy and I use it other places, like when I wrote 1,400 for the Silena fic™, then wrote 4,025 words for About You (the jasico fic).
I think that even after I finish this fic, I'll keep up this 1,000 words a day. I don't know how, but I think that it'll be so beneficial to me. I hate that Stephen King was right.
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maisha-online · 7 months
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hisureshkumar · 7 months
11.19% Navi Finserv NCD Feb-2024 - Details, Interest Rates and Review
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Navi Finserv is coming up with secured NCD bonds now. These bonds would open for subscription on February 26, 2024. Navi Finserv is a non-deposit taking, systemically important NBFC registered with RBI. The interest rates for Navi Finserv NCD are up to 11.19%. These NCDs are offered for 18 months, 27 months and 36 months tenure. Interest is paid either monthly or yearly. Should you invest in Navi Finserv NCD February, 2024? Is Investment in Navi Finserv NCD Safe or risky?
About Navi Finserv Limited
Company is a non-deposit taking, systemically important NBFC registered with RBI and wholly owned subsidiary of NTL. NTL is a technology driven financial products and services company in India focussing on digitally connected young middle-class population in India. Company offer lending products like personal loans, home loans under the Navi brand. It also offer microfinance loans under the brand name "chaitanya" through its subsidiary, CIFCPL
Navi Finserv NCD Feb-2024 issue details
Here are the details of Navi Finserv NCD Feb-2024 issue. Subscription opening Date 26-Feb-24 Subscription closure Date 07-Mar-24 Issuing Security Name Navi Finserv Limited Security Type Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures (Secured NCDs) Issue Size (Base) Rs 300 Crores Issue Size (Option to retain over subscription) Rs 300 Crores Total issue size Rs 600 Crores Issue price Rs 1,000 per bond Face value Rs 1,000 per bond Minimum Lot size 10 bonds and 1 bond there after Tenure 18, 27 and 36 months Interest Payment frequency Monthly and Annually Listing on Within 6 working days on BSE/NSE Lead Manager JM Financial Limited Debenture Trustee/s Catalyst Trusteeship Limited NRI’s cannot apply to this NCD subscription.
Navi Finserv NCD Interest Rates – Feb-2024 Issue
Series I II III IV X Frequency of Interest Payment Monthly Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Tenor (in months) 18 27 27 36 36 Coupon (% per Annum) 10.00% 10.40% 10.90% 10.65% 11.19% Effective Yield (% per Annum) 10.47% 10.91% 10.94% 11.19% 11.19% Amount on Maturity (In Rs.) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
What are the credit ratings for these NCDs?
CRISIL Ratings assigned Navi Finserv NCD rating as CRISIL A/Stable. Instruments with this rating are considered to have adequate degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations. Such instruments carry low credit risk.
How is the company doing in terms of profits?
Here are the restated consolidated profits of the company. - FY2021 – Rs 118.1 Crores - FY2022 – Rs 14.66 Crores (Loss) - FY2023 – Rs 264.1 Crores
Why to invest in these NCDs?
- Navi Finserv NCD’s offer attractive interest rates where investors can get interest up to 11.19%. - It issues secured NCDs. Its secured NCDs are safe compared to unsecured NCDs. In case company gets wind-up/shut down for some reason, secured NCD investors would get preference in repayment of capital along with interest as those backed up by assets of the company. Hence it is safe to invest in such secured NCD options.
Why not to invest in these NCD Bonds?
Here are the risk factors investors should consider before investing in these bonds. - Company has incurred losses for FY22. Investors should always invest in profit making companies so that they can get timely payment of interest and repayment of capital. - Company lending business of and micro finance business operations rely intensively on substantial capital for its lending and microfinance business operations. Any disruption can affect company financial condition and liquidity - Company is affected by volatility in interest rates in both lending and treasury operations which could cause its net interest income to varry and affect its profitability. - Company has significant growth in recent period and may not be able to grow at similar pace in future or manage it effectively. - Customers default in repayment obligations can adversely affect company. - Covid pandemic has affeced its regular business operations and may continue in fuure too. - Refer Navi Finserv Feb-24 NCD prospectus for complete risk factors.
How safe is Navi Finserv NCD Bonds?
These NCD bonds are rated as A/Stable by Crisil Ratings. Such ratings are considered to have adequate safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations with low credit risk. Hence these are safe bonds.
Should you invest in Navi Finserv NCD Feb-2024 issue?
- These NCD Bonds offer high interest rates and yield. Such interest rates are higher than FD rates offered by small finance bank too. It comes with A/Stable credit ratings which are considered to have adequate safety and carry low credit risk. These are secured NCDs too. - On the other side investment in these bonds comes with several risk factors. Company credit ratings can change in future without any advance intimation. Company has incurred losses for FY22, however shown significant improvement both in terms of revenue and margins. Investors who understand all these risk factors can invest in such NCDs. Read the full article
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This article is so misleading!
This article is so misleading! Billions of dollars worth of property damage, dozens killed and hundreds injured / wounded and more than 120 pleading guilty or convicted of serious crimes. AP please compare the 10 BLM rioters who received 5+ years in prison to Enrique Tarrio (who was not even present at  Jan6th) 22 years in prison! According to this article even attempting to compare the two is completely raciest, Jan6th was “largely white” and the 2020 summer of love was “more diverse”.
Remember the longest sentence handed out for January 6th was by a White Judge to a “diverse” male, who was not even present at the event!
Direct Quotes:
An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.
The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.
To be sure, some defendants have received lenient deals.
At least 19 who have been sentenced across the country got no prison time or time served
The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse
In Portland, Oregon — where demonstrations, many turning violent, occurred nightly for months after a white Minneapolis police officer killed Floyd — about 60 of the roughly 100 cases that were brought have been dismissed, court records show.
Most of those defendants received deferred resolution agreements, under which prosecutors promise to drop charges after a certain amount of time if the defendant stays out of trouble and completes things like community service. Some Jan. 6 defendants have complained it’s unfair they aren’t getting the same deals.
Conservatives have sought to equate the attack on the Capitol with the Black Lives Matter protests, accusing Democrats of being hypocrites for not denouncing the violence after Floyd’s death as loudly as the Jan. 6 insurrection. And some Republicans have seized on the handling of the protest cases in Portland to suggest that the Jan. 6 defendants are being politically persecuted.
Only a handful of the nearly 600 people who’ve been charged in the insurrection have received their punishments so far, and just three people have been sentenced to time behind bars. The vast majority of the most serious cases — involving those accused of assaulting police officers or conspiring to block the certification of Biden’s victory — remain unresolved.
The mob of Trump supporters whipped up by the former president’s lies about the election descended on the Capitol and pushed past police barriers, assaulted officers, smashed windows and sent lawmakers running in a stunning attempt to overturn the presidential election.
The demonstrations after Floyd’s death were largely peaceful calls to address racial inequality and police brutality that occasionally turned violent. In some cities, protests descended into chaos after dark, with people smashing windows, looting stores, setting fires and assaulting officers.
Just this month, a man was sentenced to four years behind bars and ordered to pay what his attorney said is likely to exceed $1.5 million in restitution after pleading guilty to inciting a riot last spring in Champaign, Illinois.
Shamar Betts, who was 19 at the time, posted a flyer on Facebook on May 31, 2020, that said “RIOT @ MarketPlace Mall” at 3 p.m. and instructed people to bring “friends & family, posters, bricks, bookbags etc.” He participated in the looting, went live on Facebook during the riot and bragged about starting it, authorities said. More than 70 stores were looted, and the riot caused $1.8 million in damage, prosecutors said.
Betts’ lawyer, Elisabeth Pollock, said Betts was frustrated about police brutality across the U.S., had lost his job because of the coronavirus outbreak and never intended to hurt anyone. Prosecutors pushed for the maximum punishment of five years in prison and the maximum restitution amount for Betts, who had no criminal history, she said.
“They took into account not a single mitigating factor: nothing about how he grew up, nothing about about how the George Floyd protests had affected the community, nothing about how the pandemic had affected Shamar personally and the community. There was absolutely no quarter given to him at all,” his attorney said in an interview.
In another case this month, an Illinois man was sentenced to nearly nine years behind bars for lighting a Minneapolis cellphone store on fire in June 2020. A Charleston, South Carolina, man who livestreamed himself looting a store downtown was sentenced to two years in prison.
An Indiana woman who admitted illegally entering the Capitol but didn’t participate in any violence or destruction avoided jail time, and two other misdemeanor defendants got one and two months of home confinement. Two other people who were locked up pretrial were released after pleading guilty to misdemeanors and serving the maximum six-month jail sentence.
Only one defendant convicted of a felony has received his punishment so far. Paul Hodgkins, who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag, was ordered to serve eight months behind bars.
One Portland defendant who recently received a deferred resolution agreement was accused of using a wooden shield and hoses to hit an officer in the head. Another was accused of punching an officer in the side of her face. Other cases were dismissed after defendants agreed to plead guilty to similar charges in state court, records show.
Meanwhile, in Utah this month, a federal judge sentenced 25-year-old Lateesha Richards to nearly two years in prison for tossing a pair of basketball shorts onto an overturned, burning patrol car and hurling a baseball bat toward police officers during a May 2020 protest in Salt Lake City. There’s no evidence that the bat struck anybody.
Richards initially was charged with an arson count that carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison, but she avoided that possibility with a deal under which she pleaded to a charge of civil disorder.
The judge said Richards’ actions were dangerous and put hundreds of peaceful protesters in harm’s way. Richards didn’t start the fire that engulfed the police vehicle, but she did “add fuel to the flames,” he added.
Kelsey Donnel Jackson traveled to downtown Charleston, South Carolina, with a cousin to join a protest over Floyd’s killing. Hours later, as other protesters began flipping tables and taunting police officers, Jackson lighted a shirt on fire and tossed it onto the trunk of a vandalized police car.
Jackson also vandalized businesses and public property, assaulted two people and streamed a video of himself on Facebook Live in which he held a handgun and made threatening statements about police, according to prosecutors.
He was sentenced this summer to two years in prison after pleading guilty to maliciously damaging a police vehicle with fire.
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safethaw · 10 months
What's The Price For A Concrete Driveway?
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Upgrading or installing a new driveway is a significant decision. It impacts both your property's functionality and its curb appeal. If you're considering concrete as your material of choice, you're likely wondering: how much for concrete driveway? To answer this and provide a comprehensive understanding, let's delve deep into the factors affecting the cost, the average concrete driveway cost per square foot, and ways to ensure its longevity. Factors Influencing The Cost Before answering the burning question of how much for concrete driveway, it's essential to understand the components that can make the price vary. Size and Design Complexity: Naturally, the bigger the driveway, the more materials and labor will be required. Moreover, if you're aiming for a design with curves, patterns, or unique finishes, be prepared for a higher price tag. Local Labor Costs: Depending on where you live, labor rates can fluctuate. Regions with a high cost of living or specialized craftsmen can increase the cost. Material Quality: Just as there are different grades of diamonds, there are various grades of concrete. Higher-end mixes will cost more but might be worth the investment in terms of durability. Average Concrete Driveway Cost When you're trying to pin down how much for concrete driveway, the most direct metric is the concrete driveway cost per square foot. On average, homeowners can expect to spend between $4 to $10 per square foot for a basic concrete driveway. However, for driveways with custom finishes, colorings, or stamping, the price can elevate to anywhere between $15 to $30 per square foot. For instance, a 600-square-foot driveway could range from $2,400 to $6,000 for a basic finish. But for premium designs and finishes, you could be looking at a budget between $9,000 to $18,000. Remember, these are average figures, and actual costs can vary based on the earlier mentioned factors. Keeping The Costs Down If you're on a budget and trying to manage the concrete driveway cost per square foot, consider the following: Plan during Off-Peak Season: Just as airlines and hotels have off-peak pricing, contractors might offer discounted rates during slower seasons, like late fall or early winter. Simple is Often Better: A straightforward rectangular or square driveway will often be more affordable than intricate designs. Local Quotes: It's always a good practice to get multiple quotes from local contractors. This not only gives you a better price perspective but also lets you gauge the experience and reliability of your potential hire. Ensuring Longevity: Using Safe Thaw Having spent a fair amount on your driveway, the next step is ensuring its longevity, especially during icy winter months. Regular salts can corrode and damage the concrete, causing cracks and reducing its lifespan. This is where Safe Thaw, a chemical and toxin-free, industrial use ice melt, comes in. It's specifically designed to be gentle on concrete while effectively melting ice. The granular ice melt ensures that your concrete driveway remains impeccable even after many winter seasons, making it an excellent investment for those keen on preserving their driveway's quality. Conclusion Understanding how much for concrete driveway isn't just about the initial cost—it's about long-term value. By investing in a good quality driveway and ensuring its maintenance with products like Safe Thaw, homeowners can enjoy a beautiful, functional driveway for years to come. While the concrete driveway cost per square foot is an essential factor, consider the bigger picture: a well-done driveway boosts your home's appeal and can significantly increase its resale value. Invest wisely, and enjoy the benefits! Read the full article
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boongg-rental · 1 year
Living Expenses in Hyderabad, India
Hyderabad, the vibrant capital of Telangana in southern India, is nestled along the banks of the Musi River on the Deccan Plateau. With a population exceeding 6.8 million, it ranks as India's fourth most populous city and the largest in Andhra Pradesh. The city spans 650 square kilometers and boasts a population density of 10,000 residents per square kilometer. On average, the monthly cost of living in Hyderabad amounts to approximately Rs. 22,500. This figure encompasses various essentials such as food, housing, transportation, and other basic necessities.
Several factors influence the cost of living in Hyderabad:
1. Economic Health: The city's economic stability significantly impacts living costs.
2. Infrastructure and Facilities: Availability and quality of infrastructure and facilities play a crucial role.
3. Job Opportunities and Salaries: Job availability and salary levels directly affect residents' ability to afford their expenses.
4. Housing Costs: Housing, transportation, and other essentials contribute to the overall cost of living.
Housing costs in Hyderabad vary based on factors like location and apartment size. Rental prices for apartments are as follows:
- 1BHK: Rs. 7,000 - Rs. 18,000
- 2BHK: Rs. 12,000 - Rs. 30,000
- 3BHK: Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 35,000
For those seeking mid-tier locations, here are some examples with rental ranges:
- Begumpet: Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 20,000
- Nallagandla: Rs. 12,000 - Rs. 35,000
- Manikonda: Rs. 12,000 - Rs. 40,000
- Miyapur: Rs. 7,000 - Rs. 20,000
- Kukatpally: Rs. 7,000 - Rs. 30,000
- Kondapur: Rs. 12,000 - Rs. 30,000
Food and grocery expenses vary based on personal habits and family size. A meal at a mid-range restaurant typically costs Rs. 600 to Rs. 800 for two people.
Hyderabad offers affordable transportation options. A monthly pass for the city's bus system costs around Rs. 500, while a metro pass is approximately Rs. 1,000. A taxi ride from the airport to the city center is roughly Rs. 400.
The cost of clothing in Hyderabad is reasonable, with good quality shirts starting at Rs. 500 and decent jeans priced at around Rs. 1,000. While designer labels and high-end brands can be more expensive, overall clothing costs in Hyderabad are quite affordable.
For Couples:
The cost of living for a couple in Hyderabad ranges from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 per month, covering expenses like food, transportation, utilities, and basic necessities. Actual costs may vary based on the couple's lifestyle and spending habits.
For Bachelors:
Single individuals can expect to pay between Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 14,000 per month, depending on accommodation choices and location. Established city neighborhoods may incur higher monthly expenses.
For Families:
Families in Hyderabad have diverse schooling options with fees ranging from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 1 lakh per annum. A family of three may spend around Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month, considering rent, food, transportation, schooling, and miscellaneous expenses. A family of four could incur monthly costs ranging from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 50,000, factoring in education, food, transportation, and other essentials. When you visit Hyderabad, you might need to bike on rent in Hyderabad to easily get around the city; in such case, you can always choose our bike rental services.
In conclusion, Hyderabad stands out as an affordable city to live in, especially when compared to other major Indian metropolitan areas. Its thriving IT and outsourcing industry contribute to its cost-effectiveness, making it an attractive destination for both residents and newcomers.
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freshlymoms-1 · 1 year
Ashwagandha for male fertility: How Much Amount Should You Consume Daily?
Depending on your needs, the recommended dosage for ashwagandha can change, but the majority of study points to a possible benefit from taking 250–500 milligrammes (mg) of it daily for at least a month.
A small woody shrub with yellow flowers that is endemic to India and North Africa is called ashwagandha, also known by its botanical name Withania somnifera.
It is categorised as an adaptogen because it is thought to improve how well your body handles stress.
For more than 3,000 years, the plant's root, in particular, has been used as a natural Ayurveda treatment for a variety of illnesses (1Trusted Source).
Additionally, according to contemporary science, it has health advantages like lowered tension and anxiety levels and enhanced mood, memory, and blood sugar levels.
The ideal dosages that are required to achieve various health benefits are reviewed in this piece.
To reduce stress and anxiety
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The benefits of ashwagandha for reducing tension are best known.
The therapeutic plant appears to assist in reducing cortisol levels, a hormone your adrenal glands produce in reaction to stress.
More precisely, it has been demonstrated that daily doses of 225–600 mg for 1-2 months significantly lower cortisol levels .
Additionally, one study suggested that consuming at least 600 mg of ashwagandha daily for eight weeks could lessen anxiety and enhance sleep in those who suffer from tension or insomnia.
To lower blood sugar levels
Ashwagandha may also lower blood sugar levels, both in individuals with diabetes and those without it.
Ashwagandha reduced fasting blood sugar levels in a 2013 trial of 25 participants three times more than a placebo after 4 weeks.
An ashwagandha supplement taken for 30 days helped reduce fasting blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes just as effectively as oral diabetes medication in another older study.
The doses used in these trials ranged from 250 mg to 3 grammes (g), and they were typically divided into 2-3 equal doses that were distributed evenly throughout the day.
Boost fertility
Ashwagandha, particularly in males, may help increase fertility and support reproductive health.
In a 2010 study, 5 g of ashwagandha taken everyday for three months increased sperm motility and count in 75 males who were infertile .
Five grams of ashwagandha per day also resulted in better sperm quality in an older study involving extremely stressed men. Moreover, 14% of their partners had become pregnant by the conclusion of the three-month study .
To increase strength and muscle development
Ashwagandha supplementation may also result in a rise in strength and muscle mass.
One research found that resistance training combined with 500 mg of ashwagandha extract over a 12-week span significantly increased upper and lower body strength.
In a different 2015 research, taking 600 mg of ashwagandha daily for eight weeks resulted in 1.5 -- 1.7 times greater gains in muscle strength and 1.6 -- 2.3 times greater gains in muscle mass than receiving a placebo.
Similar results were seen after taking 750-1,250 milligrammes of ashwagandha daily for 30 days.
To reduce irritation and fend off infection
Additionally, ashwagandha may reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system.
Older studies suggest that consuming 12 millilitres (mL) of ashwagandha root extract daily may raise immune cell counts.
Another research discovered that taking 60 mg of ashwagandha extract daily for a month enhanced the body's inborn and acquired immune system, which may aid in infection defence.
Furthermore, a previous research found that consuming 250–500 mg of ashwagandha daily for 60 days could reduce C-reactive protein levels, a sign of inflammation, by up to 30%.
Protection and negative effects
Most people believe ashwagandha to be safe.
However, those who are expecting or nursing, as well as those who have autoimmune illnesses like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, may need to stay away from it.
Additionally, there may be drug interactions with ashwagandha. As a result, before taking ashwagandha supplements, individuals who are taking other medications should talk to their doctor. (22).
Remember that the majority of ashwagandha research were small and of poor quality. Because of this, dosage effectiveness and safety information may not be correct. More study is required.
The bottom line
 Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that may provide a number of health advantages, including a reduction in blood sugar levels, inflammation, mood, memory loss, tension, and anxiety, as well as an increase in muscle mass and fertility.
Depending on your requirements, you should take different doses, but 250–500 mg a day for at least a month seems to work well.
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toastlab · 2 years
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Making The Jump From Side Hustle To full-time DJ: What You Need To Know
Dear readers, at the risk of stating the obvious, the New Year is almost upon us. As 2022 edges closer toward the curtain call, we’re looking ahead to 2023.
For many of you, you’ve perused The Lab’s blog, subscribed to my Newsletter, set up some coaching sessions, and taken my online DJ course. As a result, you’re refining business processes, setting goals, and getting into that motivated mindset for next year.
For some DJs, this may look like an increase in qualified leads, hiring a subcontractor or employee, or raising your prices. 
For other DJs, their goals may look like finally leaving their day jobs and transitioning into DJing full-time – and this is exactly what we’re covering today. I’m going to dish on what you need to know before taking that leap and discuss how my own experience went. 
Let’s dive in:
Get a business bank account
One thing that you should take care of as soon as possible, if you’ve not already, is creating a separate business bank account. Ideally you’ll have a few savings accounts and a checking account so you can allocate funds for income tax, sales tax, and general business income. 
Once you’ve made over $600 dollars from an individual entity, you’ve got to report to the IRS. These are just the bare facts, and this is much easier to do when you’ve got an account solely dedicated to business income. 
Plus, when you’re paying subcontractors, it should come out of a business account – not your personal checking account. 
Identify your ideal monthly income
Set aside some time and really figure out how much money you truly need to make in order to survive and thrive. 
This includes all of your bills: rent, mortgage, utilities, groceries, credit card payments, and more. If the amount totals $3,000 – this should be your first financial goal for when you leave your day job. Ideally, you’ll set aside an emergency fund for 3 to 6 months of personal expenses before handing in your notice. 
Find out what that amount translates to in terms of gigs per month and per year – for most DJs, depending on the cost of living in their region, the bare minimum is 36 events per year. Set goals to book well in advance so you’re not scrambling to find work month after month. 
Planning ahead ensures that you can still survive during the slow months and use that extra time to work on your sales process and marketing efforts.
Know your limits
If you have a full-time day job and your DJ business is growing steadily, there’s going to become a point where you reach critical mass. 
Many individuals decide to do both.  Of course, no matter your lifestyle, you will need to put in the work for a while and that may mean working evenings and weekends, but you’re not a machine. Eventually, you’ll need to make a choice. 
Once you put your full focus into moving your DJ side hustle to full-time, it becomes easier to manage. Your schedule is easier to fill with gigs, and you can start booking in advance so that you’re, again, not scrambling during those slow months to fill income gaps. 
My story:
When I started Toast & Jam In November of 2005, I had 18 weddings booked for the following year. I knew I had the money from those weddings to keep me afloat, and I had a bit of savings as well. 
It was fairly brazen – I just quit my day job at the time and bought an ad in Chicago Brides magazine. This ad really gave me the traction I needed, and it was perfectly timed. See, back in the olden days of the early 2000s, a person who wanted a wedding dress or insights on planning weddings would have to purchase a paper magazine. 
At the time, The Knot was actually only an online forum, and the power of social media, websites, and a powerful online presence wasn’t a thing. I had to invest in marketing myself through this ad. 
I also treated it like a REAL job. A full-time, serious job. I took myself seriously. I even made 100 tiny little jam jars and used a ribbon and hole-punch to attach my business cards. I took them around to all the venues and vendor storefronts and really put my name out there. 
It was a different time for marketing, yes, but it doesn’t mean you can’t get creative today. Anyone can post an ad and be successful, but making an impression in this day and age still requires some creativity. 
Let’s talk!
At the end of the day, it’s about being self-aware. Do you have what it takes to sacrifice weekends and evenings long term? Do you work better with a ‘boss’ or can you assume the responsibility of being boss, marketing team, sales team, accounting team, and employee? 
If you’re unsure about your next steps, let’s chat. I offer 1:1 coaching sessions, and I leverage my near-twenty years of experience to help my clients identify and action their goals. 
If you’re ready to take the plunge and quit your day job, check out The Lab. They’re DJ lessons, all online.
The Lab’s training videos are hilarious, valuable, engaging, and super-well produced. They’re also yours forever once you’ve purchased them. Bonus – our videos include a full transcript, so it’s easy to come back and quickly reference what you’ve learned.  Ready to build that DJ empire? Here’s our sign-up form here.
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