#but i only made it thru THREE OF THEM before i hit 10k and i was like... i cant make this any longer KHDFJSF
lunarmoves · 9 months
Oh god I just read the summer camp au and Just sfjskfnsksl IS SO COOL!! rlly rlly interesting characters, Vincent is really funny by far lol, and love the interactions with the boys <3
Anyway, loved the 2 chapters :)
omg!!! that was my baby over the summer LOL thank u for reading it beloved!! i'm glad u like it!! all the interactions were very fun to write and i definitely think i'm the funniest person alive KDFJSDF. havent touched it since the summer ngl but man... ill open up my outline just for u nonnie <3
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jtrbluv · 3 years
tag game !
tagged by the lovely linh @latetaektalk ,, thank u soso much! this was so fun omg
tagging: @allurain @koushiningg @dreamystuffers @jinpanman @dulce-pjm @suhdays @pjmsdior @bangtans-peaceful-piegon @sugacouture
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
um i didn't rly write for any fandoms when i was younger, but i knew my 12yo self was probably conjuring harry potter headcanons in my head D:
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
for now, and for a long time, i've been writing for bts. i've like always been a multi from the moment i got into kpop but i've never actually fleshed out any of the wips i had for any other groups LMFAO. honorable mentions are got7, skz, haikyuu yup
3. how long have you been writing?
a longggg time, i think. i enjoyed writing fiction as a kid a lot. most of it would be like off-brand spy kids/harry potter/hunger games type beat stuff. and it was awful. but i was literally like 9 so cut me some slackLKSDFJSLKDjf
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
primarily tumblr and i only recently made an ao3 acc. the only fic i have on there is a tae drabble that's already posted on here LOL. i think it's 'resolutely, yours.' but i don't even remember bye. i remember i drafted drivers license on there but i literally forgot to post it so it's probably gone HAHA.
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
e2l even though i have no e2l fics on this blog i think
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
i used to never plan my fics, like at all. but then i was so unsatisfied with the flow of things and like idk lack of clarity. drivers license was the first time i actually sat down and planned out an entire fic as i was writing it. it rly does make things easier when u have an idea of what u want. and then just having the idea can help you possibly expand on it and get even better ideas off of it. the events of drivers license and the order it was all written in changed like 20394803 times. but yeah, does that make sense... LMFAO
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
one shots because i can never fucking get myself to finish a series. i love reading them tho
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
no clue. i love long stories and slow burn tho, it's just so satisfying and $wag when it's well-written and the characters are well-written too.
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
the fic i'm about to post is nearing 20k, and it might even surpass that which will end up being the longest story on this blog. insane! drivers license is around 10k i think, and then if u combine the wnrs couple's fics it's like 15k? im too lazy to look tbh SRy
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh drivers license for sure! i don't think i've ever immersed myself and put so much effort into a story before. it was truly an amazing experience, and i just know that i'll probably never be able to write anything like that fic ever again. it's rly one of a kind for me.
11. favourite request you've have written and why (if any?)
most of the requests i had on this blog got taken down bc they were so bad. i'm not sure if the yoongi superhero!au is still up on here, but i'd choose that one since i really had to branch out of my writing style for it. regardless of it being like barely 2k.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
miscommunication, so much banter, i used to see this a lot but i would take it out but... head bonking ??LSKDFJHAHA, my side characters being dumbasses and then my main characters being even bigger dumbasses (oc probably being the biggest dumbass)
13. current number of wips?
during the course of writing the current fic i plan on posting this week, i created like 5 wips and they all hit 5k, and then i straight up abandoned them. and then the endless idea bank google doc. so if i count the wips i for sure want to finish by like this year or summer... like 3 or 4.
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i feel like i repeat stuff a lot throughout all my stories LOL,, it irks me so bad. i think i relate to all my ocs in at least one way or another.
15. a quote you like from a published story
alrighty this is a lil snippet from 'drivers license':
this is from the second letter oc wrote to jk:
"The same delusional daydreamer hopes that one day we can talk and laugh like old pals. Like nothing ever changed between us. I hope you achieve your dreams that you always thought seem too far-fetched, yet in the back of my mind I always knew you could easily grasp. I hope someday you can live a life of lesser worries and insecurities, because you rarely had any to start off with. I always hoped the world for you, because you deserve it. And despite everything, I still believe you do."
this paragraph seems pretty simple but i think it did the best job of like describing oc's emotions and realization of things,, its kinda cliche tew yas love that
16. a quote from an unpublished story
alr this is from the e2l jimin series that is going to take me forever to write bc the outline for it is SO LONG
“Would it kill you to at least show up with a shirt on?“ You sneer, patting your forehead with the back of your hand due to the sweltering sun. The event hasn’t even started yet and you can already feel your hair sticking to the back of your neck.
Crossing his arms, he scoffs, his biceps bulging out as his arms bend. Not like you were staring at them. “Sorry couldn’t hear you, too busy boosting the school’s morale.”
17. space for you to say something to your readers
i feel like i don't show enough appreciation to my readers and mutual on this blog. i have met so many lovely people and have gotten so much support, i hope u all know that it does NOT go unnoticed. i always tend to go back and reread all the comments and asks that i get on my stories bc it rly does make my heart soar. it makes my day!!! thank u all for sticking with me thru all my 3am shitposts and inconsistent writing schedule LOL,, you all have my whole heart and some more <3
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Yo that anon with the Bianca/Dency 👌🏻👌🏻 but like ohhh Dency coupd totally meet a cute Phoenix in her universe tho!! 👀 Or maybe a dark Witchlighter? Idk I think her falling I love with a more “neutral” witch hybrid would be cute!
And like do you think her little agency would work with neutral magical sources like phoenixes to find people? Because like Dency could be like a Penn but for the opposite side? If that makes sense?? Like Penn is bringing all the “light” witches together but Dency is really the figures head for the “dark/neutral” witches like the witch hybrids and the phoenixes���like Dency is kinda like the unintentional beacon of light for that side…just by being herself? Like maybe she doesn’t actively campaign for more acceptance for hybrid witches but her mere existence alone and the good she does is enough to get the ball rolling?
tbh as far as dency love interests go i'm a little bit torn because i have this mortal rashid idk if i've talked bout him before but like. he and dency have a classic rivals to lovers arc going on in college liek they fucking Hated each other blah blah blah she definintely gaslighted him a lil with her powers nothing malicious jsut like. teleportation like ha there's no way she'll beat me 2 the best spot in the library bc i just saw her walking up the steps while i am already inside and then boom he walks over there and she's there how?? the fuck>? teleporation fuck u. the point is thru their quasi spy vs spy antics i think they start to gain a sense of respect for one another than and he goes political journalism did this question even mention love interests idk That's Not The Point rashid does politics while dency's a bit more of a muckraker kinda more on a corporate side fraud and all that so they no longer are competitors and um. like they can finally appreciate the other as they are no longer and opponent as with most dency characters they have hooked up a couple times i shouldn't say that because as far as characters that have been introduced dency has slept with none of them bc they are all her besties u should never sleep w ur besties only ur homies but i think. i've stated this before? for starters dency doesn't do a lot of long term relationships just because you know that level of vulnerabilty and like if u really like someone then it's just leverage thatcan be used agianst u Or if u die then ur gonna break their heart but i think she does casual relationships with literally anyone but witches i. haven't posted the chaapter fuck i'll post it now because i've been sitting on it for so long and like i'm worried i'm gonna back myself in a corner w a it's not a plotline i don't like maybe just a plotpoint but i've like. written half the next chapter anyway. i'm also sitting on about 10k i think not only. 7k? unpublished w&s because it's like ending the narrative is ending i really need it to be coherent Speaking of incoherent. dency. i'm gonna post the chapter. but dency hangs out a lot at p3 which has changed hands piper owns her restaurants the backstory for this is.
paige has a charge back in the late aughts she's in a coven the point is her bestie has some traumatic incident happen to her and she wants revenge and it's something that (imo) totally justifies revenge like a killing her rapist type thing and like. it depends how we're going with charmed morality but i've established before i think (?) it's canon that if a witch takes an innocent's life she becomes a warlock like it's possible for witches to defect and become warlock if they take a life Specifically an innocent's life and even tho like that guy would be a mortal he def doesn't get innocent status because he's fucking evil she's allowed to murder him but i think she would murder someone else in the process and then causes her to lose her witch powers and gain a couple warlock powers and the rest of her coven shuns her for it which could have easily sent her down a dark path but paige's charge her bestie like stood by her thru all that like. like it's shit cosmic rules tbh. maybe. for legal reasons: i am not endorsing murder. please for the love of god don't make me admit to a grand jury i have a tumblr that'll be so cringe bro do not murder anyone. but paige's charge stands by her and idk maybe paige gets her a job at p3 all that the point is when piper sells the club to open her restaurant she sells it to paige's charge and her gf the warlock. so p3 kind of becomes a neutral power for magic no vanquishes allowed and it's one of the few places dark magic has on the surface just to vibe u just have to be able to tolerate being served by a witch like she owns the place so that kind of filters it. idk if this is more rambly than it normally is. i promise i'll go back in later and add periods. maybe. i am also a liar. but the point is i think p3 is one of the few places dency can really be hersefl because herself is half demon!! and at magic school she really is suppoed to feel ashamed of that like she hates it or something wishes it gone and Yes. it does scare her. being the source's heir all that. she's always worried about giving in to dark magic but like. she's a demon!!! there's no changing that there's no fighting that pushing it under the rug like. she can't change it she does want to spend her life hating herself like. it's who she is. fuck. so i think she doesn't date witches but like the regulars at p3 some warlocks the occasional like darklighter. dency has had romantic trysts with.
beck to rashid her mortal homies who she has hooked up with who they've always had this rapport they have this thing. bc rashid's smart okay that's why he's at dency's level (respectfully she gets her brains from her father i love phoebe but she's intuitive not intelligent cole on the other hand passed the bar exam (i think) so like.) rashid knows something's up. the point is they each give the other three questions. three questions you ask that the other has to answer fully honestly cards on the table no half truths nothing just the answer. rashid used one of those to find out dency's a witch, but she made him work for it. nothing vague like what are you strange things happen around you why like she's like ask your question but you better be specific about it and he's like fuck it. whatever. magic. that's my answer i think magic happens with you and no i'm not flirting i'm dead serious is magic like. are you magical? and the answer was yes. and rashid like while he was asking while he was like confident enough to admit that out loud to ask that to her face Did not see that coming. of course. there's a difference between like yes i can cast a couple spells and yes i'm the antichrist so. : )! but i think that's like a rapport thing between rashid and dency like whenever they ask hard hitting questions like "is that one of your three questions?" but idk if he's gonna. if he's gonna be it for her. there's also jack dency's childhood bestie so there's the childhood friends to lovers thing but like. i just don't see jack being in love with dency in that way like they're best friends. but not lovers. (but maybe they are??? idk)
But. third potential love interest is if i weren't goign for those two i was actually thinking.
two options here a cupid who reocgnizes dency as "the demon with the cupid ring? yeah that's gotta be the source's heir". so there's that i like the idea of. yeah. : )
but also. and i came up w this in an ask which i will not evne attempti to find. i'm sorry i can't spell you guys but it;s not happening 2nite beloeveds. but if u'vemade it this far. i do love u w my whole heart. dency. love interests. old ask about a squad a half-grimlock. appeal of being able to see auras see good people. this was originally in the ask. a love interest for billie?? maybe. idk. but just like. for dency someine who's always known htey have this immense dark side like. hmmmmmm okay i just thot of somehting. for lili. whish is phillipa. which is the prandy thirdborn. she's phsycics. however tf u spell that sykick. that's not the point dency who has. the source on her soul. falling with someone who can literally see the good in her. i'm picturing the half grimlock just ot like like a normal albino human. and they run a halfway house for those born of evil. because he or she or they idk>??? maybe neorponounds idk!!> whoever they r they run a halfway house for these kids born from demons warlocks darklighters bc they can see the good in them and that shouldn't. you get so scared gifted with these powers you don't understand they need a place to turn to. and the grimlock grimmy offers that place. def not their name but like. grimmy lmoa. ao. yeah. i think jsut opening i think integating magic schoolesp in a dency timeline what with penn and the elders and their pomp and circumstance i think it'd be a pain in the ass. but at the very least A magic school for kids wihtout light magic like they deserve it. evil shouldn't just be their default option. like they're just kids man they're jsut kids they deserve a shot at not even good man not everyone has to go on to be exceptional cure cancer and save the world just like. a chance to understand themselves not be scared. not be hated, jsut be/ like. do they not deserve that? so if grimmy's not a li for dency at the very least they are homies and they like pull together a magic school for neutral/dark beings.
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rhimorechill · 4 years
1-30 can i just have your opinion on all of them please
KDHSKHFKFB whoever u are anon ur actually my only follower ever
1. are you of the “tom nook is a crook” or “tom nook is an honest businessman” opinion ?
HES AN HONEST BUSINESSMAN !!! ur loans have NO interest and he was handing out 100k interest/month for a good while there !!!!! the only reason it dropped to 10k is b/c i accidentally made a mil while tryna get dreamies ok. the whole "nook inc owns the entire island" thing is KINDA WEIRD but like ! i mean. its still a pretty sweet deal
2. do you play as yourself or a made up character ?
i play as me !! and then everyone tells me my character is cute which ROCKS
3. where is your house located ?
well CURRENTLY. its just at the center of the island. but once i get terraforming (which will be as soon as i get lolly, mitzi, and purrl) it will be on its own little island in the middle of the island
4. who were your first villagers ?
hamlet and renee ! and bea and agent s and broccolo. oh and quillson. theyre all gone now but i moved bea into a friends island so i can visit her later !!
5. preferable method of earning bells ?
turnip runs babey !!! srsly i will pay like 500k tips and make a million in PROFIT (per run !!) its fucking awesome. i never use turnip exchange tho that shit website always stops telling me where i am in the queue
6. what villager personalities do you typically get along best with ?
i love all of them. so much. normal and lazy villagers might take the cake, but ankha was on my island for 2 days and nearly stole my heart, so snooty villagers r up there too. smug villagers ? like i mostly have experience w raymond b/c i fucking HATED quillson and keaton n ed i barely paid attention to (ed gets points tho. he shares my bday) but that goddamn nerd has a war with slugs. we love to see it. peppy villagers rock (i have THREE on my island rn... but ugh i gotta kick out merry sometime..... i love her but i just !! have too many). i CANNOT hate jock villagers those guys just wanna work out !!! and talk abt working out !!!! theyve done nothing wrong in their whole lives. uchi villagers are great too and cranky villagers r trying their best !!! every villager is good is what im saying. even quillson (i guess)
7. who is your current best friend in the game ?
MGHGSHGD felicity or raymond !!! they send me mail all the time and also i really like raymond. b/c hes such a fucking NERD of an accountant. and felicity was the first of my dreamies to move in so im 💚 when it comes to her...... SOMEDAY. lolly will also be my bff. lolly come home
8. is there a villager you want to get rid of ?
MERRY WHITNEY VELMA. PLEASE GO AWAY. U R ALL SWEETIES BUT NONE OF U MADE THE CUT. ONLY ONE OF U IS EVEN A CAT. (if you want whitney or velma pls dm me !!! someone asked for merry already but id love for them to be on islands where ppl love em)
9. do you hoard a lot of items ?
YES. i did a purge the other day and laid a fuckton of items out to give away. it did not fit and i had to shove some on the cliffs. i still have a big pile waiting to be taken. meanwhile my storage gets new items added
10. take medicine or save & restart ?
medicine is for chumps.
11. where is your favorite spot in your village ?
HMMMM i rlly like my entrance !!!! its rlly neat and has green AND pink mums + trees..... and fencing and a path. IDK i worked hard on it and think it turned out rlly well !!!! other than that maybe my shopping area ? i dont have terraforming yet so theres a lot i Havent Gotten To wrt my island (like my cliffs are almost entirely undeveloped b/c i havent placed any inclines. so theres no pathing)
12. what achievement do you want to hit the most ? (ex: golden equipment, all fish / bugs, etc)
its not REALLY an achievement but i want all my dreamies real bad. after that i want a 5 star island !! i would like a lily of the valley. or 20.
13. do you know any secret tips ?
HMMM i dont think so ?? i dont really know any secrets. ive been trying out campsite cycling and it has Not been going well tho. if u need tips on tting to move villagers out or smthn i can help w that !! this is such a vague q that im like DO i know smthn ??? that is a secret ?????? i also vaguely know abt *m**b* sp**f*ng but im not allowed to do that soooo. thats a pipe dream. fun fact: its not a secret but gardening is SO fucking complicated theres genetics n shit. its wild. thank god someone straight up gave me blue roses so i dont have to go thru that shit. also do not tt backwards when dealing with turnips. not even 30 mins to save ur 600+ prices frm closing time. They Will Change
14. who are your dreamies ?
THESE CATS (i know major shocker from tumblr user pumakittycat. app is acnh life)
Tumblr media
15. favorite furniture item ?
HMMMM THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. maybe mum cushions ? those r cute as fuck. i love every flower item, honestly, frm garden wagons to flower stands to pansy tables to hycanith lamps to. idk the bonsai shelf ? i have one of those. i also love my sea globe. its great. WAIT DO RUGS AND WALLS/FLOORS COUNT THERES NO QUESTIONS ABT THOSE i love so many FUCKING items. also autumn woods wall, if ur out there,
16. favorite clothing item / outfit ?
my green clover dress !!!! its the best thing EVER. my full outfit also consists of a silver tiara, a cherry blossom pouchette, white fishnets, and green rubbertoed sneakers. and, ofc, clover facepaint. ALSO FOR CONTEXT. my island is named clover bay thats why im like Clover Time. Theyre Important To The Aesthetic. im also an aro bitch who loves overall dresses. b/c they slap
17. favorite museum room ?
I LOVE THE LITTLE BUTTERFLY ROOM do not even TALK to me unless ur the butterfly room in the museum THERES SO MANY AT ALL TIMES ITS SO NICE
18. cedar, fruit, or palm tree ?
FRUIT. i literally chopped down every single hardwood tree on my island and replaced them w orange trees
19. favorite fruit ?
20. favorite fish ?
HM. bitterling has a special place in my heart for being my Only fish model. whale sharks also rock tho. and thats only of the ones ive caught !!! i also love frogs, turtles, and obligatorily catfish. oh and seahorses and bettas
21. favorite bug ?
HM. ladybugs maybe. and both birdwings ! maybe also emperors butterflies. possibly others as well
22. favorite flower breed ?
MUMS !!!!!
23. favorite crossbred rare flower breed + color ?
24. favorite villager personality ?
havent we been over this ? im a dumb bitch who likes all of them way too much
25. favorite time of day to play ?
i uh. play. all the time. i tt a Lot tho so i like setting my time to 1pm ? idk it Feels like a good time
26. favorite special visitor event or reward ? (ex: selecting an art piece from redd, aiding guliver and getting a special item, etc)
SAHARAH. im obsessed w the fucking rugs and the tickets and the lottery. i also love celeste, and gulliver has a spot on the faves list for providing lucky cats sometimes (also a fave item) and for having been to space
27. favorite kk song ?
call me basic, but bubblegum kk plays at all times in my living room
28. favorite animal crossing game ?
ACNH lmao. i never really sat down and got Dedicated to city folk, which is the only other game ive played
29. if you’ve played animal crossing before, are there any animals you’re nostalgic for ? if this is your first game, has any animal in particular left some effect on you ?
ROVERRRRR come home :( also harriet.... i Miss Her. and resetti (i REFUSE to use rescue services dont @ me). and also the bus driver guy who took u to the city. If You Were An NPC In City Folk I Miss You Now
30. share a story from your gameplay
SO. i love the little alien easter egg. i set up a photoshoot and made like a little storyline abt the aliens and stuff. i even got a flying saucer and put that down and used it. and every fucking time !!!! i do shit with aliens !!!!!!! gulliver shows up on my beach. i know he went to space in cf n stuff (I GOT FLAVOR TEXT ONE TIME-- DURING NH-- ABT HIM NOT WANTING TO GO BACK EVEN) so i think its fucking hilarious that the aliens show up.... so does he
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prorevenge · 6 years
I’m not the loser .
So I just saw another story posted about tenants. Apologies for slight similarity. Also, I’ll try to keep this as short as possible without losing the story as the events of this happened over a period of 1.5 years. Sorry it turned out longer than I thought.
Some Backstory: my family has a small apartment complex. We aren’t greedy landlords, it just pays the bills, Mortgage, life stuff, and schooling for my siblings (school isn’t cheap). A friend of my moms asked for a favor since she had friends that ended up without a home and the lady (eventual tenant) was going thru cancer treatment. We are nice people and an apartment had just become available. We let them move in ASAP, no deposit, no contract, no background check. Yes, that was stupid. But it was a favor for a family friend that helped us out during very very tough times.
The new tenants move in, mom dad (both in late fifties) & son (mid thirties). They start complaining about minor issues, They wanted to paint the apartment or something. My brother was managing the situation at the time and to get him off his back, agreed to it. Later they billed him for the paint job. Pissed us off that we got billed for something that didn’t needed to be done but we shrugged it off, we didn’t want problems. As time went, the dad kept complaining about things but said he could fix them if we paid him. We caught on and found out that he use to work in apartment maintenance. He said he knew how to take things apart and put them back together and knew how everything inside apartments worked (this is important for later on).
After a few months of them living there they call saying heater isn’t working. They wanted us to give them money to fix it. We tell them we are sending a repair guy. They try to insist they’ll do it. We send repair guy. Repair guy says we need to install a completely new heater and that the tenants blew some of the electrical stuff in the apartment. He made the tenants sign a paper stating they were at fault for the electrical issue and that everything was working after the repair guy fixed everything. We were pissed off at this point as it cost us about $2,000 but couldn’t do anything as we had no contract with them and felt bad for the lady who had cancer.
Fast forward about 8 months and tenants have stopped paying rent. We let one month pass. They promise they’d have money soon. Two months, same thing. Three months, still nothing. At this point my brother can’t deal with them anymore and my mom asks me to evict them. I send a three day notice, hoping they realize we are serious and they have to pay or leave. The dad calls me, yelling and screaming saying he isn’t paying anything and that we owe him money. He goes on to say that he won’t pay or leave until a sheriff shows up at their door and tells them to leave. (This is my first personal interaction with them. My mom and brother complained about them being very unpleasant and extremely rude people with a touch of righteousness about themselves)
They don’t move out. I file lawsuit. They respond with the help of a court appointed lawyer for low income people. I feel shitty about doing this to them but they left us no choice. They ask for a jury trial and claim the apartment was unlivable so they shouldn’t have to pay rent. Talk to some lawyers, find out it’s a tactic to stay longer without paying rent.
Meanwhile, tenants call to let me know there is a leaky shower faucet. Send a plumber to repair it. He repairs it. Shows them it’s working. Leaves. Next day they call again saying it’s broken again. Call plumber, he is both shocked and embarrassed cant figure out why it broke again, this time I go with him to make it a point that I saw it get fixed. Plumber Fixes it at no charge. Following week get a call from tenants (good tenants-GT) that live underneath bad tenants-BT, saying there is a leak coming from upstairs. Send in the plumber again for an emergency plumbing issue. They refuse to let him in end up causing damage to the GT closet (needed to be remodeled because of this). The BT call their lawyer saying I’m harassing them a few minutes after they deny plumber entrance. Lawyer calls me ready to give me a rip me a new one saying I’m sending strangers(the plumber) to harass them and what not. I get lawyer up date, he apologizes and asks me to get plumber back in.
A couple weeks go by and I get a notice from health department. BT were trying to document things and claimed there was rodents. Inspector included in his report that there wasn’t but that there were holes in the wall and Black stuff on the tub. All of which I found weird, i had just been to apartment and there were no holes or black stuff on Tub. Call health department to explain situation and was told that I had to repair everything even if it hadn’t been there before. A month later get another report complaining about torn carpet, more holes, and a broken heater. Weird considering they were in first report and we had put in a new heater not even a year ago.
It occurs to me that the dad who threatened and said he knew how to do apartment stuff was doing all the damages. Neighbors started complaining about loud banging come from their apartment at night. So they were purposely causing damage to get out of paying rent. A$$$hits right. I called the health department again and they basically stopped reporting BT findings. So BT move on to county code enforcement to try and get back at us. Code enforcement comes and gives us list of things to fix. We explain that things on the list are items that we didn’t put into apartment but that tenants did (ceiling fan and some other stuff I really don’t remember). Guy is cool says he’ll wait to reinspect once the eviction is complete.
So by now I’m pissed and start to investigate these people. Find out none of them actually work but that they live off of lawsuits and fraud. They were also evicted from last place but settled out with landlord. Other Tenants find out about eviction and inform me that the son sells drugs and has flashed the gun he carries around. This where I start trying to think of some pro revenge. The son gets checks from govnt for being a “caregiver” to his parents. I’m thinking getting him caught for drug dealing or reporting him for fraud but police said they can’t go off of hearsay and the tenants were too scared to go on record with a report. Criminals with guns have that effect on people.
So I’m going over lawsuit and responses and noticed that their attorney didn’t actually represent them all even though he kept putting et al. Turns out only the parents would qualify for free attorney since they don’t work but son gets caregiver check thereby not qualifying him for free attorney. They thought I wouldn’t notice this little detail, so I pretended not to notice. I told their lawyer that I agree to their settlement, free rent for the next month and no back rent owed. This dragged on so long that we are talking about almost 9 months of rent(over 10k). Show up to court and just to double check, I ask the lawyer who she represents(firm sent a different lawyer than the original, fresh faced brand new attorney). I was correct, only two of three tenants were represented. Sign the settlement, get my copy, tenants ask their lawyers if they could leave since they had my signature, they leave. So now there are no tenants and only the lawyer that represents two of them.
Go up before judge tell them we reached a settlement. I interrupt and tell him I would like summary judgement against the tenant who didn’t respond. Lawyer is new, looks flustered but says nothing. Judge grants me summary judgment against the one tenant with fees and everything, eviction on his record. Now as far as the lawyer is concerned, she did her part for her defendants and I know they won’t find out about summary judgment until the move out. They move out. Find out about the summary judgment against the son after they moved out.
Now before they found out, they were bragging how they screwed me and f me and how they are so smart and no one messes with them.
After they learned about judgment they realized they are screwed. The son was the only one that could prove income and rent an apartment for them all, now he has an eviction on his record with over 10k owed. The parents won’t work in order to win their lawsuits but last I heard they weren’t going so well. I also heard they were trying to sue me. Don’t know for what but they are going to psychologist because I made them sad or something(insert sarcasm here). I also found out they’ve been kicked out of two different relatives homes.
(source) (story by Nevertofart)
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