#but i replaced the front of my tshirt so thats great
huangfilms · 6 years
homework who??? don’t know her
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
[Trevante Rhodes x Reader]
Word Count: 1.5k
Inspired by a true story on Twitter
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You gather up the stray napkins cups and plates littered on the classroom desks left behind from today’s Valentines Day party.  The kids got about a week’s worth of sugar in their system today with all of the cupcakes, cookies and candies supplied as a treat, so let the parents deal with that.  You load up the big black trash bag and tie it off before heading for the whiteboard to wipe off the leftover markings from the lesson you taught earlier today.  Since it was Valentines, it seemed like a nice idea to discuss a couple of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, teaching their names and meanings as well as providing activities where the students built their own gods and demonstrated their invented meanings.  All went well until the great pencil stealing debate came to fruition.  
Finishing up the whiteboard cleaning, you hear your student’s voice behind you.
“Good Afternoon, miss.”  
You see seven year old Nemour standing there with his hands in his pockets.  
You look at him positively.  “I’m glad you made it back.  Is your father with you?”
Just as you ask, in walks a man suavely rubbing the top of his child’s head.  
“This your class, little man?”  His voice makes an odd tickling in the back corner of your scalp.  A man has entered the chat.  He looks up at you absentmindedly for less than a second before minutely forming into a warm expression.
“You must be Mr. Rhodes, right?”  You put on your best customer service voice before putting out your hand to shake. 
He leads his son by the shoulder gently with one hand and reaches for yours to shake with the other.  
“Last I knew.  Nice to finally meet you.  My son has so many nice things to say about you and what he learns when he comes home.”
You sputter, a little speechless from the compliment.  His grip still cradles your hand in his: palm hot but not sweaty and soft despite the obvious work he does to achieve that body.  His biceps can’t hide anywhere from his heather grey tshirt, in a permanent flex. 
“I am really happy to have your son in my class actually.  He is beyond bright and helpful even, but let’s sit down before discussing this further.”
“After you.”  He offers as you finally pull your hand from his, walking over with a subtle switch to your desk with two chairs sat beside it.  Everyone takes a seat before you begin again.
“So I do want to start off by thanking you for coming in, on Valentines at that.  I don’t take for granted that this is out of the way so I appreciate you sharing the time.”
He shrugs.  “I don’t have no plans.  I wish I was here though, looks like you all shut it down.”
The room was heavily decorated with hearts and streamers of pink and red colors, and little Cupids adorned each child’s desk.
You smile nervously.  “It’s a fun holiday to celebrate so I manage what I can to show that.”
Nemour adds, “We learned about Eros and Arrodit today!”
Mr. Rhodes looks at his son with wide eyed wonder.  “Oh yeah?  Who’s that?”
Nemour shifts in his seat excitedly.  “Um um Eros and Apostrophe are love gods!  They like love and give it to people!”
“You mean Aphrodite, but awesome Nemour, that’s right!”  You encourage your student.
Trevante smiles brightly at his child offering a high five.   “That’s what I like to hear, my boy learning.”
You admire the father son bond in front of you so much, you can tell you’re absolutely melting into your chair.  You could watch them all day but there is still business to take care of.
“But I do want to address what occurred in class today just so that it doesn’t become a habit or bigger than it already is.  Nemour had been accused of taking someone’s pencil today.”
Mr. Rhodes stares at you in a way that makes you clear your throat to fill the silence.  He doesn’t look upset, if anything he looks amused by this topic, eyes smiling with a little tuck of his lips.
“And…”  He goes on.
“…and it was a pencil we reward students with perfect attendance.  It’s pretty specific and the student requested it back but by the time the party started and the day was done the pencil isn’t accounted for.”
Trevante wiggles his legs back and forth with an arm over the back of his son’s chair.  “Haven’t y’all got a box of these perfect attendance pencils to replace the lost one?”
You dance around the answer.  “The point is that it was taken in the first place.  We keep pencils in a cup at the front of the class-”
“Mixed in with everybody else’s?”
“Yes and-”
“So people can just take any pencil…”  He draws out the statement as a question.
You didn’t expect an argument.  “W-well that is the point.  So a student can’t say they forgot their pencil or don’t have one, they can get one from the cup.  We set them together to sharpen them towards the end of the day.”
“And you think keeping a nice pencil along with the basic ones is the best thing around some bright eyed seven years old?”  He asks, stroking his chin for emphasis. “Sounds like some Reagan level trapping.  Son, do you know who Reagan is?”
“No.”  He says.
“Well, back in the 80s-”
You start to feel hot under the collar by his defiance and possible straying into the crack epidemic.  “Nemour, do you mind going to sharpen the cup of pencils while we finish up talking?”  
“Cool!”  Nemour cheers as he walks across to the cup and takes one pencil to begin sharpening.  
“Mr. Rhodes-”
He holds up his palm, bringing it to his heart.  “Please, call me Trevante.”
“Trevante.  I wanted to make sure you understood that my point is Nemour took something that wasn’t his.”
The pencil sharpener drowns out your voice a little, making Trevante lean closer to you.  
“It is just a pencil.”
You raise your voice a little more.  “But it was a special pencil.  He could’ve taken any other pencil but he took the one that is particular to one student.”
Trevante, smiles again.  You don’t understand why but it makes you calm down for a second.
“How long have you been teaching?”
“About two years now.”  You say.
Trevante chuckles, clapping his hands together.  “That explains it!”
“I’m sorry?”  You ask in confusion.
“Being so rule-minded. You this hung up over my son taking a public pencil!  The kid should’ve kept the pencil with them!”
“Rules ensure the world isn’t a crap crowd, first of all. Second, he isn’t getting into trouble over it!  I just want to reiterate that it’s not right to take what’s not yours.”
Trevante shakes his head in disbelief but isn’t tired of the conversation.  “We gettin a little loud Teach, so let’s use inside voices. These kids should learn responsibility for their belongings instead of catering to every possible need, ma’am.  It could take some stress off them shoulders for you.”
You subconsciously adjust the neck of your sweater, flustered over not getting your point across.  “Don’t police my volume, Mr. Rhodes, its the damn sharpener. Well then let me apologize for taking your time.”
“My bad. Like I said, I had no plans and this was the best time waster I have had in a while.  That is a nice sweater by the way.”
You freeze up at the compliment, rewinding that his eyes followed your movement from earlier.  “Thank you.  But next time I’ll just email you, how’s that.”
Trevante smiles genuinely.  “Oh but real life is much more fun, ain’t it? I see what you did there though.  Won’t be a next time, Teach.  I promise.  Right Nemour!”
Nemour stops sharpening.  “Huh Daddy?”
“Don’t take any pencils that ain’t Ticonderoga or #2, K?”
“Yes, sir.”  He says meekly before continuing his sharpening duty.”
Your phone goes off with a text.  “Oh, um.  Well I’ll call this a done meeting right?  Do you have any questions?”
Trevante stares up at the ceiling thoughtfully.  “You got plans this evening? A happy hour perhaps to de-stress?”
You clutch your phone.  “Kind of.  I have a date actually.”
“Ohh, so thats why you aint got a ring...and you wearing that sweater?”
“What is wrong with this sweater??  I thought you liked it!”
He shrugs, looking you over like a runway model coach.  “It’s good for the cute teacher look, but I don’t know about a hot date.”
“Well if I didn’t have this meeting I would have time to change.”
He wags a finger at you.  “Uh uh, don’t blame me.  This coulda been an email, remember?”
You start to stand.  “Yeah, yeah.  Nemour, that’s good enough, thanks!” 
Nemour blows the shavings off his last pencil, returning it to it’s cup and running up to his dad.
“I’ll see you Monday miss!”
“Sure will!  And Mr. Rhodes?”
“Trevante…I hope you have a good Valentine’s Day.”
Trevante holds his hand out again for a shake.  “You do the same.”  
Your hand lands in his, giving him a firm squeeze, recording the amount of pressure given back from his.
“And if there is a next time, feel free to call me.  Usually if people don’t get it the first time, I can convince them the second turn of it.  You want me to take this trash out for you?”
“Oh I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.”  You say humbly.
He swings the bag over his broad shoulder, giving you that 100 watt grin one more time.  “Good thing you didn’t ask.  See you later.”
You sit back at your desk, breathing deeply to calm yourself.  As much as parent conferences tested your nerves, his tested yours in a way you wanted to get right the next time.
Part 2
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yourjughead · 7 years
Rose tinted glasses
Synopsis: You've hopelessly fallen for Reggie, while your best friend Archie has hopelessly falled for you. Requested. Warnings: Swearing, fluff, cheating A/N: I think I cheated cause I have the reader say one of the numbers requested to Reggie not Archie....sorry dolly! ----------------------------------- 3rd Person Reggie and you. An unlikely couple. Unlikely because you just didn't work. It was forced from both sides, more so from yours. You were madly in love with your hotshot boyfriend, your rose tinted glasses blinded you to the blatantly obvious. Reggie was a tool to you. Reggie stood you up, pushed jokes too far, was constantly objectifying you and just wasn't a decent person. And who saw this clearer than anyone? You're best friend of countless years Archie Andrews. “When are you going to dump Reggie” was becoming quite the catchphrase of his. “Ughhhhhhh Archie give it a reeeeest” you whined closing your locker. “Okay okay but don't come crying to me when it all comes crashing down around you” he strutted off and I ran after him bumping him with my hip laughing. I felt at home with Archie, i feet totally and utterly comfortable in every sense of the word when I was around him “wanna go get pops?” “Sure y/n why not” “Great I'm sure Reggie will be there and..” “Oh nope never mind, I'm going home” he cut in chuckling. “Alright that's enough”. I bump him again. “Can't stand to see the way he treats you” he took a slightly more serious tone with this. “Archie I said give it a rest” I smiled at him as we walked out the front of the school, he didn't return the same. “He's not right for you" “Archie” my turn for the serious tone “I'm not having this fight with you again” “It's because you know I'm right” he sauntered off towards his car leaving you to walk to the bus. Jerk, goofy jerk. Y/N POV *Sms:y/n: Hey babe can't meet up today. practice-5:03 *Sms: ReggieX: I understand- 5.05 Thats weird, why didn't Archie go to practice? Ugh. I don't even care about that right now I need a milkshake...with vodka in it. I was sitting inside pops reading my book when the royal blue of a leatherman jacket caught my eye outside the window. Reggie! He did come! I knew he wouldn't let me….wait a second?! Who is that girl?!. I picked up my bag and came hurdling out the doors of pops just as Reggie broke the kiss he was sharing with some red head. “Hi Reggie, wow that looks like great practice” I bit out. “Y…../N….umm” “Yeah, umm is right” I stormed off as he ran after me. “It's just that we've been slipping and I had a moment of weakness, I'm really sorry Baby don't be mad at me” I hate myself for not being surprised, I couldn't be mad at him. **“It's okay, I'm not mad”** lying to make him feel better, my specialty. “Good babe good!” He kissed me roughly. Reggie's hand slowly moved up my leg before the redhead rounded the corner “Hey hun I thought you said we were going back to mine? Oh...sorry” I stood back from Reggie and looked between the two of them. **“Actually, you can go to hell** I smacked him across the face and then took off in a frantic walk towards Archie's before he could react. It started to lash rain by the time I reached Archie's door. Drenched. He's not going to let me live this down. I rang the doorbell and it wasn't long before Archie game to the door “Hey y/n...wait what happened?! Why are you crying?!” He outstretched his arms and I gladly went between them sobbing into his chest. “I know you said not to come to you crying when it all came crashing down around me but Arch it all came crashing down around me” my breathing was unsteady as Archie rocked me gently. “Shshsh always come to me sweetie” he purred. He pulled me inside and sat me down on the couch, fire blazing. Archie had given me an old shirt off his to replace my soaked through one. He sat right next to me and I was grateful, even if I just wanted to steal his heat. “What did he do y/n?” Archie treaded lightly around the subject even though I knew he was gunning to find out. I told him everything. “Well if you excuse me I have to go do something totally unrelated to that” he stood up and cracked his knuckles. “Okay Conor McGregor calm down” I pulled him by the end of his tshirt. “No! This absolute fucking asshole has rightly fucked you around and I want to get up and go kill him, you should have kicked him in the crotch. I swear I'm going to do more than just slap him! ” I had never seen Archie so angry in my entire life. He went to stand up again but I draped my legs across his lap and cuddled in closer to him preventing him from moving any further. “Think of it this was Arch, if you get up then I'll be cold and then you'll be the one fucking me over” I smiled. That seemed to do the trick as he seemed perfectly content to stay snuggled into me, my head on his shoulder. “Y/N?” “Yeah” I lifted my head to look at him and his lips met mine. I didn't immediately kiss back, shock ran through me. “I'm so sorry y/n! You just went through a rough break up and now i just kissed you and you weren't looking for that kinda thing from me. **”I don't know what I'm feeling but there's a lot of it** and all I really know is that there's been almost too much of it since you and Reggie became...well you and Reggie and..” I cut off his rambles by kissing his lips, hard. I slowly moved myself, not breaking the kiss, so I was sitting on his lap, fully facing him. I broke back from him and bit my lip. “Wow” he said half trying to catch his breath from the whirlwind I had just swept him up in. “Yeah...wow” I smiled at him before he pulled be back into another kiss. Home. ----------------------- Teehee Xx
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