#but i started this thing last week just because i wanted to paint something comfe. with comfe colours and idk.
dyrwoodan · 4 years
wip wednesday
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i was tagged by @cheydinhaal​​​ thank u dee,, yes i waited until another wednesday because i had Nothing last week and the tag kind of woke me up like hm. bitch you haven't done shit in like two weeks. it has to be this zoomed out because i promise it looks Very bad otherwise
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Chapter 11
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Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Angst. A few curse words. 
Word Count: 6,113 
A/N: I know nothing about the lives of the Evans family and mean no harm. This is purely fiction and for fun. Reblogs and comments are much appreciated! The tag list is now closed. Each chapter tends to get reblogged from me a few times, so if you’re following me, you can’t miss it.  
*Italics are internal thoughts
Catch up with with Chapter 10
You weren’t trying to be immature about the situation you found yourself in. No, not at all. Taking a minute or several hours for yourself was normal. You needed to think about this from the point of view of someone who knew what she was doing. Was that you? Absolutely not.
Firing off a text to your brother to tell him you’d call him later, you groaned and then plopped yourself face down in your bed.
Sleep is good. I just need more sleep.
Somehow you managed to doze off for a little more than an hour but with that brought no further clarity.
Food. I need to eat. It’ll help.
After grabbing the cartoon of eggs from your refrigerator, you mindlessly found a bowl and a pan without even having to think about it. Your mind was too busy on something else, well, someone else. It was a good thing you weren’t using knives this morning. Afternoon? What time was it anyway? Not that it mattered.
Once the scrambled eggs were cooked just about to your satisfactory, you added shredded cheese. Lots of it.
Why the hell not?
With your stomach full, you cleaned your dishes, showered, and changed into a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt. You applied a layer of moisturizer and decided to let your hair dry naturally. Flicking on the switch for the ceiling fan on the lanai, you made your way out there, sitting on the cushioned couch, curling one leg under you.
You needed to talk to Chris and hear him out. He wanted to explain and you were going to let him, although it was pretty obvious that you weren’t the only one he was seeing. You were just the dummy who didn’t know that.
You clicked on his contact and listened to the ring tone go on and on with no answer. You clicked the end call button rather than leaving a message.
Must be busy.
Deciding to get the phone call with your brother over with, you click on his contact. It’s no surprise to you when he answers on the first ring.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, Heath, I’m fine. It is what it is,” you replied trying to sound as casual as possible.
“I thought you guys were seeing each other.”
You should have kept your mouth shut, but during a long phone call a couple of weeks ago you let it slip that you and Chris had been seeing each other.
“We are, we’re just not exclusive. Apparently,” you added.
“You didn’t know?! Do you want me to kick his ass? I could probably take him.”
You erupt with laughter at his offer. Heath isn’t small, but you’re not so sure he could take on Chris.
“Thank you for the offer,” you said between laughs. “We never had the “what are we?” talk, so it is what it is. Of course, seeing it in print in front of my face isn’t very fun.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. The offer still stands, you just say the word.”
“I appreciate it. But it looks like he’s trying to call me, so I’m going to take it. I love you and will call you next week.”
“Okay, sis, I’ll talk to you later.���
You take a breath and click the answer button.
“Hi.” It comes out softer than you like.
“Hey, I’m sorry I missed your call. It’s been a day.”
“It’s fine.” You’re not giving him anything you decide.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about some pictures that got posted online from last night.”
“Yeah, I saw them,” you interrupt.
You hear him let out a big puff of air before swearing under his breath.
“Sweetheart, listen to me, it’s not what you think,” he said strongly.
“Chris, it’s fine. We aren’t serious. You’re allowed to see other people,” you said with conviction. The truth was you were crumbling inside. Your fingernails dug into your skin as you tried to keep calm.
“Wait, no. That’s not. Y/N, that’s not what was happening,” he tried to reason.
“I just have to know one thing. Was there really a meeting about a movie or did you really just not want to see me? Maybe better plans came along?”
Well, there went your “I’m strong and you seeing other people is cool” attitude.
“Of course, there was a meeting. I wouldn’t lie to you. Just listen to me, please,” he begged.
“I’m listening.” Your tone was impatient but you honestly were struggling to keep it together.
“I got the part and it starts filming right before Christmas. I called a couple of friends in the city, Scott was there for a bit too, and we all went out to celebrate. Unfortunately, and trust me, I’m regretting it, I drank way too much.”
“You know, it’s funny,” you couldn’t help but interrupt. “You called some friends to celebrate, but you didn’t call me to share the news. I mean, I know you have a lot of friends, but you’ve called me one of your closest friends recently. And we did fuck, but I digress.”
Yep, you have lost it.
“Jesus Y/N. I fucked up, okay? I know I did and I’m sorry. You are one of my closest friends. I knew you were flying home last night and I didn’t want to call you later because I was already plastered. I should’ve sent a text knowing you’d get it when you landed. I’m a dumbass. Ask my mother, she’ll agree.”
You let out a frustrated sigh. He had you on the not calling you when he was drunk thing, but that was beside the point.
“Fine,” you answered.
“Fine, you’re calling my mother?”
“Of course, not,” you said while rolling your eyes. “You are a dumbass. I agree with you on that.”
“And that girl wasn’t anything.”
“Nice of you to appreciate the female species.”
Not that you were a fan of the chick, but “wasn’t anything” was a little harsh.
“That’s not what I mean,” he groaned. “You’re a little frustrating, you know?”
“Me?! Christopher! Maybe we need to have this talk another day,” you snapped.
“No! Please. Please just let me explain. I’m sorry.”
You took a shaky breath. The holding it together was out of the question now as a couple of tears escaped and rolled down your cheeks.
“Explain,” you whispered.
“Baby,” he soothed. “That woman was hanging out with a buddy of mine for most of the night, so she was just with us. At one point she sat on my lap and I didn’t kick her off. I’m an idiot and I was drunk. But nothing happened between us. I swear,” he reassured.
You believed him, but it didn’t matter. Clearly this relationship was going to be too hard to pursue. The distance served you no advantage.
“I believe you,” you said sullenly. “Would you,” you took a breath, and licked at your dry lips. “Would you have told me about her if there weren’t pictures online?”
You weren’t sure if that was a fair question but you wanted to know. He was silent for a long while. You only knew he was still on the line by the sounds of him breathing.
“Probably not,” he replied.
It hurt your heart, fair or not.
“Okay then.”
“Y/N, nothing happened, so I wouldn’t normally tell you. It happens quite a lot, I won’t lie to you about that. Women tend to hang around if they get the chance. Some grab me. It’s not something I want to happen, it just does.”
“It’s fine. I get it. It’s just that I normally don’t date guys that have women throwing themselves at them.” You heard him lightly chuckle. “But, listen.” You took a breath to center yourself again, wiping at the tears quickly. “I don’t think this is going to work out. We’re just better off friends. I think it will be easy to slip back into that again.”
“No. No. No. Listen, sweetheart. I care about you and I want to keep moving forward. Please don’t let this one night get in the way of what we have.”
“It’s more than the one night. This is tough, the distance and not seeing you thing. It’s like we start moving forward but then plans get canceled and we are stuck where we were. You just said you’re going to start filming before Christmas and I’m sure you have other responsibilities before then.”
“I don’t want this. What about what I want?” he asked. “I’m not ready to give us up. Please, let me prove it to you,” he asked.
“Chris, I need time. You’re still my friend, but I need time,” you said softly.
“Okay,” he sighed. “But I’m still going to call you. And text you. I’ll give you time, but I still need you in my life, Y/N.”
“I need you too.” You took another breath. “I’m going to let you go though. Laundry awaits and all that.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll call you later.”
“How about in a few days?” you asked.
“A few days?” he sighed.
“Yeah, I just. I just need some time for me.”
“I understand, anything you need sweetheart.”
“Bye Chris.”
Ending the call, you went back into your house to cry. No use in having your neighbors hear you bawling your eyes out. Back to your bed you went. Good thinking about not wearing makeup today, it would have been ruined.
You were relieved that he didn’t hookup with the girl from the picture, but it still hurt how easily he accepted her on his lap. Wasn’t like she was a friend of his and he was just being nice. You also didn’t like how low his hand was on her body. Yes, he wasn’t officially yours, but you felt something for him and you know he feels the same about you.
I’m making the right decision.
Life was easier when Chris Evans was no more than your friend. Easier, but it wasn’t better.
You spent Sunday cleaning your house, painting your nails, giving yourself a facial, and digging out clothes from the back of your closet that you hadn’t worn in sometime. It was me day to the fullest, right down to the medium pizza you consumed between lunch and dinner.
It wasn’t any later than six at night when your doorbell rang. People rarely stopped by unannounced, so it was a tad odd. When it rang for a second time, you got up from your comfy spot on the couch to unlock the door. Whoever rang was no longer there, but sitting on your stoop was a box of what appeared to be flowers. Bringing the box into the house, you set it on your kitchen island, grabbed the scissors from the drawer. Inside was a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips. You pulled a clear glass vase from the cupboard above the stove and filled it with water. Arranging the flowers in the vase, you couldn’t help the smile on your lips. You left the flowers on the island as they matched some of the yellow you had in there and you could still see them from your living room. Reaching back into the box, you pulled out the small white envelope, removing the tiny card from it.
I’m not giving up on us.
-        Chris
Back in November, you had mentioned to Chris that your mom always had tulips planted along the walkway up to the house and that they were always your favorite. The trouble was you only visited in winter most years, so you never got to see them anymore. It was a conversation you had regarding Christmas and how you were visiting home. It was such a minor thing to mention in the grand scheme of things of your relationship, but he remembered. For all the flowers Ethan brought you, never once did he ask what your favorite kind was. It’s not that important, but Chris remembering pulled at your heart a bit.
You went back to your spot on your couch, pulling the gray colored throw around your bare legs. The news was on, but you weren’t really paying attention, it was essentially background noise at this point. The thought of thanking Chris for the flowers crossed your mind. It’s the polite thing to do, but you wanted to stick to the me time that you told him you wanted. It had only been a day. Yeah, you were going to wait.
World News Tonight with David Muir started and you were one hundred percent paying attention now. David Muir was your celebrity crush, well, besides he who shall not be named. David was not only handsome, but he was intelligent, seemed sweet, and overall a good person. Landing an interview with him would be a dream come true. In general, you were a news junkie through and through, even if David wasn’t the anchor.
Despite not leaving the house all day, you were tired and decided to go bed early. Well, early for you since it was only ten o’clock. With an old episode of Friends playing on your TV, you dozed off only to be awakened by your cell phone ringing. You hoped it was Scott but worried it was Chris. Hitting the mute button on your remote, you grabbed your phone seeing a goofy selfie of Scott on your screen.
“I was trying to sleep,” you answered.
“This early? Are you ill? Zach’s a doctor, want me to put him on the line?”
“No, he’s not.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But he does watch a lot of doctor dramas,” he replied.
“Funny,” you responded sarcastically. You hadn’t called Scott at all since your phone call with Chris. There was no need to drag him into whatever the hell was going on between you and his brother. It wasn’t right and you would never put him in that position. “So, what’s up?” you asked.
“My brother is a dumbass,” he said flatly.
Guess he’s putting himself in this situation.
“Look, I’m not disagreeing with you, but do you really want to talk about this? I thought you once told me you weren’t going to get involved when it came to him and I.”
“When it’s slapped in my face by pictures getting posted online, it becomes my problem too. Plus, I was there that night, not the whole night, but I was there when it began. All I’m going to say about it is he’s a dumbass and I am sorry. While women do tend to hang on him, he should have been in control enough to ask her to vacate his lap.” You giggled at his use of vacate. “And least not forget you guys are together and you don’t do that kind of thing when you have a partner.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far. We weren’t together. There was never talk of anything being official. But everything else I agree with,” you said.
“Hold up. You two were very much together. I’m sorry, but my brother does not call a girl daily if they aren’t in a relationship.”
“Scott,” you sighed. “I don’t want to get into this. It doesn’t matter anymore. The distance thing is just too complicated. I’m not in the industry. I’m not from New England. I don’t fit. Friendship is enough.”
“Do you really believe that? I’ll drop it, I swear, but is that really what you want?”
You didn’t know what you really wanted anymore. Okay, that’s a lie. You want it to be easy. You cleared your throat causing Scott to chuckle.
“And just so you know, I told him he’s getting a kick to the ass. If not by me, by my mother.”
“Your mom knows?!”
“Ma knows everything and she’s not happy. I’m pretty sure her words were “I can’t believe he was stupid enough to do that to Sassy” or something similar.”
“Oh boy,” you replied.
“But none of that matters, I really called for another reason. You’re going to meet Zach!”
“What? Really? Don’t tease me,” you exclaimed.
“I’m serious. He’s real and you’re meeting him this weekend. We are flying out Friday. We’re getting a rental, so you don’t need to pick us up, but we’re staying with you. Surprise!”
“Scott,” you sighed. “You don’t need to come out here to make me feel better.”
“Who said it’s to make you feel better. We have a free weekend and Zach wants to go to Magic Kingdom. You’re just a place to stay,” he stated.
“You’re an asshole,” you chuckled.
“You love me.”
“I do,” you groaned. “What time will I see you Friday?”
“I know you work, so we’ll come by after five. We’re treating you to dinner since you’re hosting us.”
“Love that you come up with all these plans without consulting me,” you chuckled.
“And Saturday we’re all going to the park.”
“You do realize it’s still one hundred degrees out, right?”
“We’ll take breaks. It’s fine,” he replied.
He was lucky you loved him, or was it the other way around? You weren’t quite so sure anymore.
“Okay, fine. I’ll do it for Zach. But I’m going to bed, so leave me be.”
“Night Sassy.”
“Night Grumpy.”
You unmuted the TV, set your phone down on the night stand only to pick it right back up.
Before you could change your mind, you sent a text to Chris.
Y/N: Thank you for the beautiful tulips. Have a great Monday.
It was simple enough and it let him know you weren’t planning on calling him tomorrow.
Chris: I meant what I said in the card. Have a good day at work sweetheart.
You scheduled a last-minute dinner with Jana and Brooks late Monday night. It’s not that you felt the need to talk about your relationship with Chris, you just didn’t want either of them to eventually see the pictures or have Scott spill the beans to Brooks. And if your going to break down in public, who better to break down in front of than your friends.
You were honestly fine up until the point Jana frowned and reached across the table to grasp your hand. That’s when the waterworks happened. Most of it was due to embarrassment.
“I just feel so silly thinking that this would have worked out,” you said between tears. “I know I played it cool to you guys, but a really big part of me thought maybe, just maybe it could have been real.”
Like yourself, Jana was an empathetic crier when it came to the ones she loved. Tears breached her eyes as she attempted to blink them away, whiled she held your hand in hers.
“Why can’t it be really?” Brooks asked.
The two of you shot Brooks a dumbfounded look. Instantly he lifted his hands in surrender.
“All I’m saying is this doesn’t mean it can’t eventually work out. Maybe it’s just not the right time. But who’s to say a month from now or six months from now the two of you won’t align,” he said.
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” Jana asked with a shocked expression on her face.
You gave him a watery smile. It was a nice thought to think of, but you weren’t so sure.
By Wednesday, you were missing your daily calls with Chris. Over the last month he had called or Facetimed you every day. Even the days that got away from him, he would call you just to say goodnight. Technically, the three days you had asked for had passed, so you could call him. It was such a strange feeling to be nervous to talk to the person you felt close to, but that’s exactly how you felt.
I’ll just text him. Yep, texting is safe.
Snuggled up in bed, you chewed on your lip and contemplated what to text.
“Hey Chris, how’s it going?”
“Had any ladies on your lap lately?”
Definitely not.
“Do you miss me?”
You couldn’t go there.
You sat up, criss crossing your legs.
Y/N: How are you?
Turning on Nextflix, you queued up Friends, continuing where you left off. The episode where Ross dressed up as the Holiday Armadillo always made you laugh. Unfortunately, nothing could distract you from starring at your phone. You weren’t left in your misery for long as Chris responded only a few minutes later.
Chris: Hi Sweetheart. I’m so glad you texted me.
Chris: I’m doing okay, but I’m really missing you.
“You are going to stay strong. Chris is your friend. Friends miss each other, right? You miss Scott. You use to miss Chris when you were nothing more than friends.”
Y/N: I miss talking to you.
Chris: Do you want to call me?
Of course, you did. But you just couldn’t, at least not yet.
Y/N: Tomorrow?
You didn’t think you could do it tonight. Putting it off until tomorrow felt safer.
Chris: That sounds good. 9 work for you?
Y/N: Yeah, that’s fine. I’m going to watch some Friends and then crash.
Chris: Night sweetheart
Y/N: Night babe.
Tomorrow would be hard, but eventually it would feel like normal or at least you hoped it would.
It’s funny how tomorrow comes a lot sooner than it seems. It never comes quick when you’re really looking forward to something. No, those are the days that drag on forever. But the days that your worried or anxious, those show up in a blink of an eye.
It was nine and you weren’t sure if you were supposed to call him or if he was supposed to call you. You should have clarified. So now you stare blankly at your phone with a cold beer in your other hand. Yes, you had to work tomorrow, but what’s one beer, especially if it helped?
Hitting the home button on your phone again, it was now nine eighteen.
I should just call him.
With your finger hovering over his contact, the phone rang in your hand. Unlike Scott, you didn’t have a picture of Chris. You were too worried that you’d forget your phone somewhere one day and someone find it, they would have Chris’ number. Maybe a far-fetched concern, but it did cross your mind.
“Hi,” he sighed. “I wasn’t sure who was calling who.”
You chuckled lightly. “I actually had the same thought.”
“What are you up to?”
“Just hanging on the lanai. Not so bad out at night,” you said.
“Still pretty hot?”
“Oh yeah. Need to wait until December for it to cool down.”
This was awkward. You felt like you were really trying to make a conversation happen.
“Why does this seem so hard?” you asked honestly.
Chris lightly chuckled and took a deep breath. “Cause this isn’t us and it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
“Chris, it’s fine. It might just take sometime for us to get back to the way were. I’m willing to try if you are.”
“You mean, try to make us work?”
It was your turn to sigh.
“We already talked about that. I just don’t think it’s going to work, Chris,” you replied.
“That’s negotiable,” he said. Before you could disagree, he spoke again. “But I’m willing to table it for now.”
“You’re so stubborn,” you said.
“You are.”
You shook your head.
“Did you know your brother invited himself to stay at my place?”
“That sounds like Scott. He did mention it.”
Damn this is hard.
“It should be fun. But, um, I’m actually going to finish cleaning so I’ll talk to you later,” you said.
“Oh! Okay. Um, can I call you tomorrow?”
“Well, Scott will be here and I just kind of want to concentrate on that. Next week?” It was very noncommittal, but you were being honest about wanting to just hangout with Scott and Zach.
“Ye-Yeah. Whatever works. I’ll talk to you later sweetheart.”
“Okay. Goodnight Chris.”
It would get easier.
You were rushing having left work a little later than you would have liked. Scott had sent you a text at quarter to five saying they were on their way to your house having already stopped at the liquor store because he still didn’t trust your wine selection.
The plan was to be home and have time to freshen up before they got there. At this rate, they may actually beat you to your house.
An unknown SUV pulled into your driveway just as your turned down your street.
Pulling up along side the gray 4x4, you parked and quickly hopped out of your car, running around to the driver’s side. Scott quickly got out of the car, closing the door behind him.
“You’re here!” you cheered, rushing into his arms.
“I’m here! I mean, we’re here!” he corrected, pulling away as Zach walked up to the two of you.
“Sassy, this is Zach. Zach this is my Sassy,” he stated.
You extended your hand to shake his, but he quickly brushed it away, wrapping his arms around you instead.
“No, ma’am. We’re huggers,” Zach said as you hugged him back, not stopping the giggle that escaped your lips when he hugged you tighter.
“Well it’s nice to meet you,” you said when he let go of you. “Hate to say it, but I think Zach gives better hugs.”
Scott rolled his eyes, moving to the rear of the vehicle and pulling out two small rolling suitcases. “I won’t argue with that.”
“Alright, so you two are in my room this weekend,” you said, unlocking your front door.
“I’m sorry, what? We can’t take your room Y/N,” Scott said.
“Well, my second room only has a twin-size mattress since I have that monster of a desk in there and it doesn’t make sense to have one of you on the couch and one in the spare room. I just changed all the bedding this morning so it’s all made up for you both.” Scott gave you pouty lips but you just shook your head. “I insist.”
“Thank you, Y/N, that’s very kind of you,” Zach said.
Scott grabbed Zach’s hand, dragging him into your bedroom to drop their bags.
After dinner that Scott did indeed treat you to, the three of you spread out in your living room. The boys lazily lounged on the couch while your legs hung over the side of the cushioned arm chair. The glass of red in your hand was doing nothing to help energize you.
“What time are we going tomorrow?” you asked.
“Mind if we leave here by nine?” Scott asked.
“That works. Do you have a plan to concur tomorrow?”
“All three mountains?” Zach suggested.
“Doable since we Fastpassed two of them,” you agreed.
“Soooo,” Scott started. “I’m not trying to kill our food coma, but are you really okay?”
You’re not sure how you thought you’d escape talking about Chris with his brother sitting in your living room.
You shrugged your shoulders and took a long drink from your glass to delay the conversation a little further. “I’m okay. It wasn’t great to have our plans change last weekend. And then to see those photos of him out, drunk, and some woman hanging on him also didn’t make me feel great. But I can’t even be mad about that because we weren’t exclusive.” Scott opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “And before you jump in, Chris and I never discussed what exactly we were.”
“Fine. Fine,” Scott said causing Zach to push on his shoulder. “I just don’t understand why your going back to just being friends.”
You gulped down the rest of your wine while sliding your feet back on the floor. “Anybody else?” you asked, pointing at your empty glass. Zach held his up and you nodded. Scott did the same waving his free hand around annoyed with your lack of an answer.
“All I’m saying is that dating anybody in the industry can be difficult. Shit happens and it isn’t fun a lot of the time. But if you care about someone and you feel like it could go the long haul, sometimes the heartache is worth it in the end. I’ll leave it at that.”
You walked back in the room, filling Zach’s glass, then Scott’s. Setting the empty bottle on the coffee table, you dropped one knee on the couch and wrapped your arms around Scott. “Thank you,” you mumbled against his head.
He returned the hug before blowing out a big puff of air. You pulled back and gave him a questioning look. “Your hair was sticking to my face. And you’re welcome.”
The three of you ran around the park like kids Saturday morning. You lingered in gift shops to soak up the cool air before running back out into the sauna. Dole Whip and ice cream ended up being lunch because the three of you were too hot to eat an actual meal.
On your way out, Scott made a pit stop in a shop on Main Street.
“Go next door. I’m buying you a surprise and I don’t want you to see it until I have it.” Scott said, shooing you away.
You pouted like a child but moved on to the next section of the store to look at pins. The bulletin board in your office was nearly full, but you hadn’t bought a new one in quite a while.
Twenty minutes later, Scott and Zach found you, all three of you with bags in hand.
“Let’s go outside,” Scott said.
“Then, I’ll see my gift?” you perked up.
“Of course, but only if you’re good,” he chuckled.
Once outside the shop, the three of you stood on the sidewalk, against the window to be out of the way of passing crowds. Scott reached in the bag and pulled out the classic Mickey Mouse Club ears and plopped them on his head. He pulled another pair out and handed them to you. You smiled politely at the gift, but thought it was a little odd.
“Thank you, Scott. I have a bunch of the ear headbands, but didn’t have the original hat.”
“Turn it around silly,” he stated blankly, tilting his head to the side.
You turned the hat so that the back was facing you. Scrolled across the back in pink stitched lettering was the name Sassy. Your face split into a huge grin as you rushed him, throwing your arms around his neck with the hat and bag dangling in your hand.
“This is perfect. I love it so much!”
“You haven’t seen the best part,” Scott mumbled into your hair.
Letting your arms fall away you waited for him to continue. Scott turned around showing you the back of his hat. Scrolled across in gold stitch was the name Grumpy.
“Oh, my goodness!” you squealed, Zach laughing at your reaction.
“It’s perfect, right?” Zach asked.
“So perfect.”
“Alright, let’s get a picture of you two,” Zach said, walking out into the middle of Main Street dodging strollers and other adults.
You and Scott followed him, finding a spot facing the castle in the distance. You posed with your arm going around his back and him doing the same to you. Bright smiles on both of your faces. Then the two of you turned around so that your nicknames were on display for the camera. You took a few pictures of Zach and Scott before the three of you headed out of the park. Scott posting the picture of the back of your hats on Instagram as soon as you got to the car.
It was late afternoon and the three of you were lounging in your pool. Zach and you were laying on two floaties while Scott sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. He had been on his phone for the better part of an hour. His face looked a little peeved and if you had to guess, he was angry texting.
Lizzo’s Good as Hell started on your portable speakers, you instantly clapping your hands. “Turn it up, please,” you hollered to Scott, since your phone was lying right next to him.
He did as requested and went right back to his phone, typing at a feverish pace before sighing dramatically and setting his phone next to yours.
“Woo child, tired of the bullshit. Go on dust your shoulders off, keep it moving. Yes Lord, tryna get some new shit. In there, swimwear, going to the pool shit,” you and Zach sang.
“You know what we need? Shots. Be right back,” Scott said abruptly, pulling his legs from the pool and going into the house.
You looked to Zach who shrugged his shoulders and gave you a smile.
“I do my hair toss, check my nails. Baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell. Hair toss, check my nails. Baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell,” you sang.
Both you and Zach were well past tipsy since Scott began feeding you shots four hours ago. In between that time, you had ordered a couple of pizzas and breadsticks which helped soak up some of the alcohol, but carbs could only do so much with all that liquor running through your body.
“Boston! When are you coming?” Scott asked.
“Um, October?” you asked.
“Yes!” Zach said.
“I want to do all the touristy stuff, so you need to tell me where to stay. I don’t know the area, obviously,” you replied.
“Um, no way. You are staying with me. I want you to plus my ma would kill me if I had you staying at a hotel.” Scott shouted a little too loudly.
“Plus, we kind of invited ourselves here this weekend. We’d love to host you.” Zach added.
You nodded your head in agreement. “But will you play tourist with me? I want to see everything. Cheers! We have to go to the Cheers bar!”
They both chuckled at your enthusiasm. “We’ll go to Cheers.” Zach agreed.
Before you could make any other plans, your doorbell rang.
“Did we order more food?” you asked the boys. They both shook their heads while Scott hopped to his feet. “We should order more food,” your drunken head stated.
The doorbell rang again reminding you that someone was there waiting for you to answer. You started to walk to the door, Scott hot on your trail.
“I had nothing to do with this and I’m sorry,” Scott spit out.
You gave him a questioning look as you turned the knob on the door.
On the other side stood Chris with a large duffle hanging around his shoulder and a small smile on his face. You turned back to Scott who looked pissed, starring down his brother. You turned back to Chris who dropped his eyes back to you.
“Chris,” you whispered out. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m your pool boy,” he chuckled. “I wanted to see you.”
You stood there with your mouth hanging open.
“Can I come in?” he asked.
“Uh, sure,” you said, opening the door wider for him to pass.
Chris stepped in, walking toward the living room, getting a small shove from Scott as he passed.
“Hey, Zach,” Chris shouted.
“What the fuck?” you asked, still standing at the door.
“I told him not to come. I’m sorry. I kind of hoped he wouldn’t actually go through with it. He sent me a text after he was already at the airport. I swear I didn’t know,” Scott said.
“No,” you shook your head. “No, it’s fine. I’m just going to need more alcohol.”
“On it,” Scott said, walking toward your kitchen.
“You can do this. Chris is your friend…who you just happened to have sex with. Twice. No big deal,” you said to yourself.
Walking into the kitchen, Scott passed you the shot glass which you quickly downed, him doing the same with his own. You held up a finger, silently asking for another which he quickly poured. You downed that one just as quick. Scott put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked.
“I hope so,” you replied.
The two of you walked into the living room, Zach and Chris were in the midst of a conversation, stopping only to look at the two of you.
“Have fun sleeping on the couch,” Scott chucked.
Chris’ mouth dropped open, looking from Scott then to you.
“Sorry,” you said with a shrug.
Chapter 12
Tag List: @tanelle83 @pinknerdpanda @allaboutthebooz @estillion14 @panicfob @patzammit @heartislubbingdubbing @collinsstanharbour @twittytelly @linki-locks11 @mywinterwolf @ab-baybay @rda1989 @impalaimages @jesseswartzwelder @rainbowkisses31 @xostephanie @smoothdogsgirl @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xxloki81xx @thenormreedus @firstangeldragonranch @soitmightgetweird @maeleeme @denisemarieangelina @rvgrsbrns @icanfeelastormbrewing @velvetwonderbucky @kitkat1690 @smilexcaptainx​ @suppu97​ @mustangshelby04​ @bellaireland1981​ @carolina-thiell​ @straightforwardly​ @torntaltos​ @denise1605​ @mcuclintasha​ @southerngracela​ @iam-cj​ @trynnabemultifandom​ @chrisevansforever​ @kelbabyblue​ @broadwayandnetflix​ @kyjey​ @thevelvetseries​ @i-just-feel-like​ @daddieslittlefangirl​ @hista-girl​ @stankface​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @whymalu​ @the-doctors-fallen-angel​ @mariswritingforfun​ @tessabb7​ @chrisevansfanfic​ @lakamaa12​ @thinkxlovexloud​ @deidrashouseofpain​ @nea90sweetie​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @ripvandrinkle​ @bitterstar88​ @andymi3ntus​ @zestygingergirl​ @xstudiousslytherinx @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​ @cocomel0613​ @onceuponathreetwoone​ @supraveng​ @michelehansel​ @fanfictionaffair​ @genesgoingtohamslam​ @agirlcanstilldream @what-is-your-plan-today​ @jessyballet​ @capstopavenger​ @wiczer​ @titty-teetee​
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