#everything is terrible ahahah
fleshwizard · 10 months
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The Parakeet King
Based on The Boy and the Heron.
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akascow · 1 year
renfield is comedic genius im literally cry laughing real tears bc i just watched ben schwartz snort a centipede like it was fuckin cocaine
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boyruggeroii · 1 year
I might be a bitch but I don't care how nice and lovely and kind a prof is if they suck at organising their own lectures and objectives and respect their students' time
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finligz · 2 months
Alright, time for my opinion on Solarballs ships
I’d like to start by saying that no matter what fandom I join I tend to only support the official or canon ships. The reasons for that are:
1. I’m not a fan of romantic stuff as a whole, even makes me terribly uncomfortable sometimes
2. I just can’t imagine relationships in my head, so I need something to guide me like a text or better some type of imagery which is usually non-existent or poorly executed when unofficial. So the canon ships are easier for me to understand by default
3. I’m too into friendship or family dynamics, when I see characters who aren’t a couple I already imagine them in those types of settings, so the ships with them don’t make sense to me anymore
But even with all that I can say that I’m not really against most of the ships. Some of them even seem cute and a few of them I even ship myself, tho it’s rare
So today in this post I wanna state my unwanted opinion about the most popular ships in the Solarballs fandom.
Let’s start with the +- canon ones
1. Astrodude x his wife
Literally one the cutest married couples on media that I’ve ever seen. They just support each other all the time no matter what, and you can see how they care about each other. And even when so far away they still keep in touch and love each other
2. Ganymede x Europa
No matter how badly they behave in the story and how awful some of their decisions were, they still seem like they’re made for each other. They seem more like a “long-term relationship” couple to me and I like it a lot, the way they’re not as lovey-dovey and actually accept each other the way they are is very refreshing tbh. I like how Europa doesn’t try to make Ganymede change his beliefs just for the sake of her own and vice-versa, just reminding him sometimes that they’re together ahahah
3. Pluto x Charon
Alright, this one is my favourite in the whole show. They are VERY cute and I like how Charon tries to cheer up Pluto and support him when he feels awful. And even when they don’t understand each other, they stay nice and open minded usually (except when Pluto is ranting about himself and planets). They’re like a couple that grew together and it’s awesome
4. Titan x Titania
I don’t know how I feel about this. They just seem quite too different. And too awkward. Titania probably liked how confident Titan seemed and now has a crush on him in the show, but Titan just doesn’t strike me as a person ready to be in a relationship. He’s too invested in the whole system’s politics rn. I can picture him awkwardly frendzoning anyone who’s gonna confess to him. Maybe in the future this might work in a way like: “we accomplished everything we fought for and now can be together”. Also I think Titan would be too demanding for Titania to feel comfortable, she needs someone more gentle
Now moving on to most popular unofficial ships
Here besides my opinion on the ship I’ll also tell how I personally see interactions between these characters
5. Jupiter x Saturn
This actually seems very nice and cute in a way. Like a married couple maybe? At least when they bicker in the show they kinda give off that vibe. They could work as a couple. Saturn is very sensitive and protective and Jupiter needs support and seems like a patient guy, so they match well!
Personally I picture them more like old friends that rarely gather together anymore but are still close and supportive
6. Callisto x Triton
Maybe that could work? Both of them seem like adults with strong opinions on life and stuff. They might have something in common, but they are too different in my opinion still. Triton strives for freedom and lack of responsibility, while Callisto wants someone to lead her so she won’t have to be responsible. And even if some might say that Callisto changed in the show, I really don’t think so. Also I don’t think they’ll do great with long-distance relationships. For both of them it will be too much unnecessary work to maintain such relationships
I think that Triton sees Callisto as his first friend and that’s why he cares so much. It just doesn’t seem like he knows what to do and how to act. Callisto could also think of Triton as a friend, although maybe just a good acquaintance for now
7. Mars x Earth
It could work? I mean they are best friends and Mars clearly cares about Earth a lot, so he tries to not be too judgemental or put too much pressure on him. Earth also cares about Mars. I’ll just remind you how he made the whole tournament just so Mars will get back to him. So yeah, this seems like a bromance ship in a way, which means it works fine. Friends to lovers shift could happen in this case, although I don’t think they’ll be all lovey-dovey like many people portray them
I see them as best friends just as in the show
8. Earth x Venus
This doesn’t work imo. Venus is too aggressive and communicates poorly. By that I mean that Venus in the show doesn’t seem like a person with a lot of social skills or even experience. The fact that he didn’t know how to play asteroid dodgeball until the tournament tells us about how he didn’t communicate with Earth and Mars a lot. He doesn’t seem like the guy to understand romantic love. Earth on the other hand doesn’t care about Venus much and is too dominant. Even if he confessed to Venus and Venus agrees (not exactly knowing if he actually liked Earth), they would get irritated with each other as they’re both too stubborn and closed off.
I see them as acquaintances at the moment with a lot of actual friendship potential
9. Uranus x Earth
Just no. Even if you’re going to reason that by telling how it’s “canon in mythology”, it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual show. Even if they seem cute enough together, like a shy x confident dynamic and even knowing how similar their current problems are (too afraid to say something wrong/be themselves), it’s just too out of their comfort zones. Uranus is an introvert, maybe even with a sprinkle of sociophobia and he’ll feel very awkward in any relationship. He’ll say some stuff he doesn’t mean and will feel terrible about himself afterwards. Earth in those situations would probably want to push it and sometimes could embarrass Uranus even more. Also I’ll remind you that Earth and Uranus barely know each other. Long distance relationships also would be hard as Earth can’t leave the Goldilocks zone and Uranus probably wouldn’t want to go through 3 other planets’ orbits just to visit Earth.
I don’t see them interacting much.
10. Luna x Titan
This could work. Seems like a pretty serious ship with them both being very thoughtful and pragmatic. Maybe sometimes flirty, but not much. They share some of their opinions. Luna is also very, VERY patient and supportive and Titan needs that as he tries to reach his goals. However, I think right now they have other stuff to worry about. But in the future? I think it will work nicely.
I personally see them as friends
11. Mercury x Sun
Too toxic. It has the vibes of Boss x helpless employee which I’m very uncomfortable with. I don’t think that Sun could seriously love one of his planets romantically and Mercury wouldn’t want to date someone who literally hurts him all the time and demands constant attention. Just no. I don’t understand nor do I want to understand this one.
I see them only as friends. Maybe a bit one-sided with Mercury questioning this friendship
Alright, I think I covered the majority of the popular ships.
Again I’d like you to know that I don’t hold anything against you if you ship anything listed above, cause it wholly depends on people’s tastes.
If you want me to answer any of your questions there’s a button for them in my profile. See ya!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Magic 3 Voice Lines
As part of the 3rd Anniversary new features, there is a new Magic 3 given to each character, available on each SSR card that has been Limit Broken 3 times. These are the possible voice lines they say when they attack with their Magic 3.
Do you think yourself a threat?
Are you ready?
You've managed to anger me!
I'll hand down my sentence.
You underestimated me, didn'tcha?
Here on out it's my one-man show!
It's my shutout win, no cheating needed!
Too bad, but it's game over.
Don't chicken out on me, punk!
I see you lookin' down on me.
Ain't no way I can be lame and run away here!
Let's let our fists do the talking!
Guess I gotta show off just how cool I am ♪
Just don't go too overboard.
Oh, sweet!
Gotta be careful not to get hurt!
That's why I told you already.
Think I went easy enough?
Let's paint all the roses red.
Don't make this harder on me.
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You wanna be hunted down?
I've had enough.
I'll do what I want, how I want.
You shouldn't turn your back on me.
My fangs are sharp.
I won't let you escape!
Feel my power!
Remember my name!
I'ma flip ya!
I'ma turn you into a sandwich.
I'ma pick ya up and throw you away.
Shishishi, this finishes it.
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Put simply, dialogue is futile here.
Say your goodbyes.
I'll accept your payment now.
Come now, what will you do?
And after I so kindly gave you guidance.
No need to be frightened. Fufu.
You need to be taught a lesson.
Dissolve into seafoam and disappear!
C'mon, how's this? Ahahah!
Don't be scaaared.
Cry and beg for help! Ahahah!
I'ma squeeze you to the bone!
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I'll make you dance for me!
Now I'm serious!
It's a party, now dance!
Party's over!
Disappear to the ends of the earth!
This is the difference in our abilities!
Don't ever get up again.
I'll take everything from you.
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This is the end.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Come, show me!
This is my power!
Let everything freeze over.
If you underestimate me, you'll regret it.
Don't judge me by the way I look.
Sleep for eternity!
This is my bow and arrow of love.
I beg you, let me hear your thoughts.
I hope to see you fall to the ground gracefully.
Adieu, Monsieur!
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It's only halftime.
I just want to be left alone...!
Let's go into sudden death!
It's time for the main event.
Eliminating target.
Destroying obstacle.
Magical cannon at maximum output!
Energy cannon, firing all rounds!
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Behold the power of a king!
Bow before me!
You truly thought you could win?
You fool!
I will not make you to suffer.
I will put you to sleep.
There is something I wish to protect.
Sleep deeply.
I'll drag you in.
Do you think you've cornered me?
I am faster than light!
I am stronger than lightning!
You're goofing around too much, kiddo.
I'll have to scold you.
Time for me to put you to sleep.
I won't overlook a single snag!
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You ain’t nothing special!
Bow down before me!
I'ma gonna can ya and eatcha!
Leave everything to me!
You'll be held back at this rate!
This is my Lash of Love!
Tough love is also a kindness!
This is real magic!
You don’t even know how to sit and stay.
Watch and enjoy the show.
It’s time for your punishment.
What terrible taste.
Even if I have to burn down the whole city!
There is nothing to fear, now is there?
This is so you no longer need suffer.
Don’t struggle so uselessly.
Ah, see, just as I expected.
If this goes well...
From now on, everything'll be alright!
An easy mark.
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Requested by @dida-books.
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thechosenanubis · 10 months
I have been thinking about Rufus and Sarah's chosen one & osirian dynamic, and how Victor Sr. said that everything went terribly wrong. And I wonder if their deteriorating friendship was caused by the Chosen One and Osirian bond?
Because from Victor Sr. words to Nina in the Senet cell, he says and i quote: " he [the osirian] will never be far behind." which implies that Rufus and Sarah (as well as Nina and Eddie) don't have any choice in the matter, and that they are connected whether they like it or not.
And I wonder if this hunger for power stems from Rufus feeling like he has no choice in the matter, that his life doesn't have any meaning, because the Universe/Fate/Gods had other plans. And it wouldn't suprise me if he started to resent Sarah for that, and he tried to become more powerful ( in his case, becoming immortal) just to feel some resemblance of control over his life, ( and to spite the universe in the process, a big fuck you if u will )
Like I don't think he woke up one day and went: " ahahah i'm evil now!" It was more of a gradual process, yk?
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ssreeder · 6 months
oh my god. oh my goodness fucking gracious me.
so I just have to tell you that I found your fic this morning and I fucking SPEEDED through that shit (even though it was SO long--IM NOT COMPLAINING I LOVE LONG FICS) but oh my god. oh my god
you're so talented??? first of all, like I'm on my knees wondering where all this came from. like you came up with this?? it was in your head?? and you wrote it by yourself? oh my god reSPECT
also it's so beautifully written‼️‼️ I went back and looked at the character development and the everything because good lord it was so well paced. like I was on the edge of my bed seat during every single chapter. good lord
zukka + all of ATLA is my current hyperfixation and your fic has soothed me so completely
jesus christ on a cracker do you understand how talented you are?? do you *grabs you aggressively by the shoulders and stares deeply into your eyes* DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW INCREDIBLE AND SKILLFUL AND GORGEOUS THIS IS??? PLEASE
okay but in all seriousness, here are some of my favorite lines(mostly from the last chapter because jesus fuck I do nOT have time to scroll back through everything your wrote):
"And here he was, all these years later… not used to it. He knew he would never get used to the blood curdling scream a person made when the fire stripped their body clean and their bones were reduced to nothing but a pile of ash and a terrible smell.
No wonder the world referred to them as ash-makers."
Jesus fucking fuck. CHILLS BBY I HAD CHILLS
"Watch out for your little brother" OHOHOHO HEHEEEE
"'Your teacher will be someone who has mastered Neutral Jing. You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking. Do not worry about your old friend Aang, he isn’t buried in the ground yet!' Bumi cackled the way that he had since they were just kids.
'The white lotus Pai Sho piece? I don’t have a set, no one else knows how to play.'"
"I'll go wherever you go." KILLING MYSELF WHY ARE THEY SO SWEET
anyway that's enough from me (I feel like you should know I typed all of this while either rolling around on the floor screaming or sitting very still with a DEEPLY disturbing (so I'm told) and very somber expression on my face).
i hope you have a lovely day you gorgeous beautiful perfect human being
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This is me reading your ask… dude wtf this is so nice!!!!
I AM BEING SHOULDER GRABBED WITH LOVE AND I REALLY LIKE IT AHHHHH!!! its so funny because its been so long since i wrote the first book you sent me those quotes and im like uhhhuhhh ohhh yeah mhmmmm wait i wrote that?? Haha (except the “watch out for your little brother”) cause that was twisted in a way that made me smirk.. haha that sentence meant so much!!! (I do think the bumi quote was directly from canon though so I take zero credit for that just trying to keep it canon haha)
I’m glad you like my writing enough to come scream at me. I love when people scream kind words at me I WANT TO BE SHOULDER GRABBED WITH PRAISE MORE AHHHHH!!!
thanks for this epic ask you’re fucking amazing never change
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Today is such a weirddddd day ahhhh.
I'm going to get a bittttttt personal, but I thought I would share. Besides celebrating Toll today, I wanted to remember Acchan as well, since it's the 10th month since his passing.
Today's really special for me, because it's not only Toll's birthday and Acchan's anniversary, but it's also my mom's birthday. She passed away 4 years ago, so today, when visiting her grave, I thought both about Toll and Atsushi as well. It's so ironic really, it's as if life did this on purpose, that I must face reality, both the good and bad today ahahaha.
Honestly saying, had I not discovered BT, I don't think I could have ever visited her grave with a smile, really.
Sorry really personal, actually bigggggggggg trauma dump lol, reallly long but I just want to let it out, since it is somewhat related to BT and Acchan ahaha. And, this is my diary lol, so I need to be honest with how I feel right haahah. Don't read it if you don't want to hear a pathetic debbie downer yap again ahahaha
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I honestly did not have a great relationship with my mom when she was alive. There were many many issues going on in my family, and my mom couldn't handle the stress, so she often snapped at me and my siblings. She was slowly becoming an alcoholic, because she couldn't handle everything by herself. Back then, I resented her for it a lot. I thought to myself "why would she make her children see her like this" and many other nasty remarks in my head, but I kept quiet since I had no business in adult matters. But, now with an adult head, I feel terribly sorry for not understanding her better. My family was not that poor, but poor enough that my dad was forced to work abroad. He came home around once a month. Honestly saying, looking back at it, my mom must have felt so lonely. It must have been suffocating having to raise 2 kids without your husband you love dearly. I'm sure that's why she turned to alcohol as an escape. I regret so many things. I regret not being there for her, I regret not expressing my love for her, but mostly, I regret not expressing how I was just yearning for a mom. Had she knew how much I just wanted to love her, I'm sure her pain would have been easier to bear. But, instead I was mentally ill and put a whole lot more on her shoulders ajajajaiajsjjaj. I was a kid yes, of course, I just wanted a parental figure to be there for me, but still, I wish things could have happened differently. I wish she could have seen that I have recovered and I am living a great life now ( even though I'm still not a 100% yet ahah). Because despite her not being truly present, I felt her concern. I could see the sadness in her eyes when she looked at her helpless child she did not know how to take care of. Of course, I could be angry. I could be angry, it wasn't my fault. But I'm just sad, that I was born fucked up ahahahah. When my family was together, everything was great. Mom and dad loved each other, they tried to give us everything. But I, I had to become depressed and ruin it all. And finances had to interfere in a possibly healthy family life ahh. I wish I could have cherished those moments of happiness for longer, because now they are not possible to get back ahhhhh.
But how does this relate to BT yes well.
So around 5 years ago, my mom developed pancreatic cancer. Due to her lifestyle mostly, but genetics also played a role. I was so caught up in my head that time, I felt like it was a hassle to visit her in the hospital. I felt it was a hassle to call her, I felt it was a hassle to live ahahah. I was way too focused on trying to "better my future". I was obsessively trying to get out of my depression by isolating from everything and everyone and focusing on "being better" . But it became so obsessive I barely lived, I was functioning on autopilot, blocking out every emotion and "problems" from my life. I barely remember anything from this time, honestly. So I also blocked out my mom being sick. I did not, and couldn't acknowledge it. Fast forward, in just a few months she passed away. There was hope, there was despair. I don't fucking recall what was the last thing I said to her and anajajahjahahha I don't rmemeber the last time I spoke to herr ahahahhaha. This was all in the middle of covid so we weren't allowed to visit.
.I. don't. remember. when. was. the. last. time. I. saw. her. Since I never knew it would be the last sjsjwiwkaokwkelowlwlwl. She never called me because even on her death bed!!! she put me fucking first!!!! she didn't want to bother me!!!! cuz she knew I was doing school!!!! and she didn't want me to visit!!!! because she didn't want me to see her so "pathetic"!!!!!! And I just fucking let her do it because Im stupid. Im so sorrryy mom I wish I would have visited I wish I could remember your last words or your face, the last time. You weren't a bother I'm so fucking sorry I made you feel that way. I will never ever ever forgive myself. I was such a fucking brat even when she called me I acted annoyed sjshiauajahaioaiw.
But I could sense. Even then I could sense she wanted to redeem herself. I knew she could feel she was gonna pass and I felt it too. I felt her words kinder and it was so unusual. I felt she finally expressed her love and yet, I couldn't react well. I was a fucking idiot. Even for one last time I should have put my fucking ego aside and should have said I love you. But it was strange, it felt like if I were to do that, I would accept she was going to pass. I was emotionally really shut off, I did not cry once. But deep down, I knew I did not fucking want to let her go. It's selfish of me to say but fucks sake. Everything was terrible, but since she passed, everything got worse.
On that day she died, I did not cry. I remember my dad coming home, bawling his eyes out. Jesus christ. I just hugged him for around half an hour feeling every tear fall down his cheek and. I never want to see him like that again, ever. He was so heartbroken, I felt like looking at a lost little boy. I felt terribly sorry for him oh my god. A lover of 30 years just suddenly gone, that must have been terrible to endure. But still, I couldn't cry. I felt like there was something really wrong with me and even my family thought I was strange. It was like it didn't phase me at all. At around 4am I went to bed and went to school the next day. What a fucking idiot jesus.
And for 4 years, I kept going to school the next day.
Since she passed, I think each day felt even blurrier than before. Eat, sleep, repeat. I could not grieve properly, I could not express how I was feeling. I always struggled to open up to others, I always bottled up everything, until it all exploded ahaha. I think it took me 2 years to first cry about her death. But even then, I wasn't sure what I was feeling. There was regret, sadness, anger, love. They all came out in the form of tears. But it wasn't satisfying, it felt like there was still something heavy weighing down my whole being that I just didn't know how to get rid of.
Well fast forward a lot, until the day I met BT.
Well I did have good moments, bad moments in these 4 years. But I had a ton of emptiness. A lingering sadness that had no root cause, that consumed my every waking moment and made me into a shell of a human being ahaha.
Then sometime last year, I discovered Buck Tick. Honestly, when I heard Atsushi's voice, It was love at first listen ahaha. I did not know what it was, but I felt a presence. I am not spiritual at all. But I felt a really strong presence of someone or something watching me when I listened to their music. It sent shivers down my spine and made me a bit scared ahaha. But it made me all the more intrigued to see what this band was about.
The first live performance of theirs I saw was the Climax Together - Jupiter live. That moment is etched into my brain. When a random school night I went on youtube with an innocent curiousity, wanting to get to know this band, that I didn't know would later change my whole life.
When I saw the performace, the first few seconds, I started bawling my eyes out. It's like something posessed me. When I looked at Acchan, I felt a familiarity, like my mother was looking at me. That feeling, that, is undescribable. It's like I could feel him standing next to me, the presence was so strong. When I looked at the lyrics of jupiter, I immediately knew it was about his mother, and that time, I did not know his mom also passed away. But that song, that night, changed my life. I think the pent up grief left my body that day ahahha. There was an understanding coming from Atsushi's voice, presence, that no other human has ever made me feel. I felt like I was finally seen.
After that, I read more about buck tick, listened to more songs. Grief began to hit me. I started feeling like everything that happened 4 years ago got cut open and decided to belatedly tear me apart ahaha. How does one explain to others that "sorry, I can't go to work, because the grief I've repressed 4 years ago is hitting me now and I'm unable to function.,, ahah.
Thanks to BT's music, I learned how to feel. I learned that it's okay for me to cry too. That I don't have to be the one to bear everyone's stress. I don't have to be the strong one.
And honestly, I don't want to be the strong one.
I want to cry because I miss my mom!!! I want to tell everyone that I miss my mom!!!! even 4 years later!!!! I want express my love for her that I couldn't in her last moments!!!
And it's all thanks to BT. Their lyrics, their music, their lives. That made me believe it was okay to cry. That even Acchan, then a 20 year old man, can write music about missing his dear mom. And even at 50 he still can!! Then so can I.
Honestly, I strongly, strongly believe BT are my guardian angels. I think Acchan made me feel like I still have a mother. He filled in that role of a parental figure I was yearning for. When I miss my mom, I miss Acchan, when I miss Acchan, I miss my mom. They are one and the same to me. Now, the grief is shared. Since he passed, there are 2 fundamental pieces missing from my heart. But now, I am happy. It is bearable, because I'm able to cry. I can cry and I can love. I can write a 10 page essay about both of them, and why I love them. And because of that, I'll manage. Had I not discovered BT, I would still be stuck in a numb state of mind. But now, I'm sad. And for the first time, I have also felt happiness.
During the recent streams, I felt something really intense. A really intense gratitude. I never cry in front of my family, but that day, I cried to my sister that I am really greatful to have met BT, and that I miss my dear Acchan and mom deeply. Well, I think one could find me weird for this, but she understood me and said she was glad that I met someone like them ahahaha.
I met the people in my life that made me want to live, that made me want to love. That made me want. Anything at all. That made me want to continue, even with an aching heart. Because even an aching heart is a sign that it is alive, that it's beating.
Honestly now, today is a great day. Because I'm able to both remember my mom and Atsushi, with deep love.
Honestly, it's ironic, because when my mom was alive, she always wanted to be in a band, to sing, and to make music. Life was just unfair to her. So since Acchan's passing, and since I started feeling my mom's lingering presence again, I've been learning how to make music. I've been learning how to sing and play the guitar. It's a tough thing, but it's what's keeping me alive right now ahahah.I think Atsushi and my mom will both be kept alive as long as I do music. I do not know how and what this will end up like, but one things for sure, I am passionate. I am passionate to keep the legacy of my mom and Atsushi alive. If I can do that through music, I want to do it. Even as a hobby, but I want to sing for both of them.
One thing I regret is not being able to show BT to her ahaha. Well, by now I'm sure she has heard Atsushi sing ahaah. But nevertheless, I'm sure she would have loved BT. She loved music like their stuff. 🤍
So yes today, there are 2 birthdays and 2 people I remember. But it's a great day,because I remember. 🤍🤍
There’s one more thing I want to mention. So I went to her grave with my dad and sister today. We bought flowers, I bought a rose and some flamboyant flowers, that Acchan likes so much. My dad mentioned how he is feeling like mom is signalling him that it's okay for him to be happy!! That he doesn't have to be consumed by grief, and he can start to live again. He said "mom is angry at me and keeps telling me to leave her some space hahah". And honesty ah. Well I'm just beginning to grieve, but to see my dad slowly gain his spark back is great. Our relationship is pretty distanced since everything that happened, but I still wish him the best.
Well for now, I need Acchan and mom ahaa. I'm sorry I can't let you go yet, I need you.But I hope when I'm able to stand on my own legs without help, and you can sense I'm doing fine alone too, you will both signal me to leave you some space ahahha.
I love both of you, forever. I will write poetry for you and buy flowers. My heart will be filled with warmth when I think of you both. Thanks to you, I was born. And hopefully, I continue to live, with passion and love 🤍🤍🤍
Dear dear Acchan and mommy, I miss you so so much and I'm so happy to have known you both, you will be kept alive by me, as long as you wish to be 🤍🤍🤍
The night I met you
Was the night I was born
We're rapt in dreaming space
In the Milky Way
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delistravaganza · 6 months
can you explain me the Piazza Fontana joke you reblogged? I didn't understand it ahahah
@monstrousgourmandizingcats is currently on the third book of MBF, which is a book that describes many of the social changes of the 60's-70's and also the terrible Years of Lead in Italy. But our narrator Lenù is busy playing How to be Part of the Burgoisie ll, and spends much of her time being annoyed at her empty marriage and watching these changes from afar without really integrating with them. When this bombing happens, I think that Lenù herself is in Milan doing some journalistic errands! But instead of being shocked at the massacre, running to get testimonies or wondering whether the political situation *may* be affecting the lives of people she knows, she keeps on talking about how everything that happens, for her, is only fuel and matter for her articles and writings, and oh! how much she hopes that Nino will be reading her, and also Pasquale and Nadia (hint hint), and also Lila, and how much they'll like what she's doing and they'll finally see how wrong they were with her and me me me me me ME ME ME!!!!
That was my interpretation at least, OP may have another one, but Lenù in book 3 has her head stuck so deep upon her ass and is so lost on petty things that it's laughable.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 1 year
controversial opinions: erwin would prefer modern/contemporary art museums because he'd find the art more interesting to analyze and read about, erwin is a bit of a bastard man, erwin actually has a good sense of humor (bit cheeky even, in a casual and subdued way) + he does appreciate good banter with people he trusts, although he values traditions and customs erwin isn't as traditionalistic as people think, erwin isn't necessarily scholarly by nature, "erwin never cries or gets emotional" ???
Finally someone's not asking for smut LMAO
Erwin would prefer modern/contemporary art museums:
At first, I was like nah I don't think so but when I actually considered it, I think you're right??? This man likes puzzles and he likes putting his brilliant brain to use to let everyone around him know that he's smart af so maybe, just maybe, he does prefer modern art but he's also appreciating the older, classic, renaissance whatever it's called, art.
Erwin is a bit of a bastard:
That he is LMAO especially canon!Erwin. If you think canon!Erwin will ever love you, you are a total idiot LMAOOO this man will only use you if you have something to offer and he WILL be feeling bad about it but he still won't stop cuz you're actually pretty helpful with something (fighting titans or being very brilliant strategically or whatever). This man doesn't know how to do this weird thing called feelings.
I know y'all are deprived of the perfect man and you imagine that Erwin IS the perfect man y'all need, but let's be honest with ourselves, he's anything but perfect. He's a manipulative son of a bitch who's going to use up everything you have to offer and you won't even be mad about it.
Erwin has a good, cheeky sense of humour:
On that, I will disagree, Erwin has a terrible sense of humour when all he's making is dad jokes that only he laughs at AHAHAHA ERWIN HAS BOOMER humour ok? this man has no idea how to have fun, all he's focused on is his work and his duties and whatever boring thing you can think about. He doesn't make jokes, but when he does, only he and Miche laugh istg but he DOES appreciate good banter with people he trusts I AGREE on that.
A joke that Erwin would say: "I have a joke about vegetables... but it's corny."
queue crickets chirping in the background
Athough he values traditions and customs, Erwin isn't as traditionalistic as people think:
It's me, I'm people AHAHAH I do think that Erwin is a traditional man and LET'S BE REAL and consider that all canon events take place in a WWII kind of era, so if we really want to be canon, consider that he's a military commander in the 1940s-1950s. What we call now traditional was modern for them back then lmaooo and because I have a smalllll fixation with those decades (cuz I've been writing an original book with an erwinlike character that takes place in the 50s) a military man in WWII who used to fight nazis for breakfast would be a man that we would totally call traditional today.
Traditional meaning that he'll be the one to provide for you, he'll work day and night, he'll be bringing you flowers and chocolate boxes whenever you're having an anniversary. He's a soft dom (or rough if you ask him to lmao) BASICALLY he's 100% a dom, TO SUM IT UP he is everything your grandpa/great-grandpa was in his prime I guess.
BUT if we're talking about modern AU erwin, then yes, I will agree. Modern!AU Erwin is not as traditionalistic as most would think he is. Such traits and mindsets are vastly dependent on where and when someone was born ofc.
Erwin isn't necessarily scholarly by nature:
If his father wasn't killed by the government when he was just a child, he wouldn't have thrown himself in books and conspiracy theories and historical books. IF Erwin's dad never died and he had grown up normally, he probably wouldn't have joined the army at all???? Im not sure, just saying that his father's death had a huge impact on his life and his decisions.
But I DO think that he's a bookworm??? In every scene we have of him in snk he's in his office surrounded by hundreds of books LMAO if that ain't a nerd right there, idek what is. I BET in modern AU he'd be wearing glasses too.
LET'S BE HONEST a man who reads and studies and is literally buried in books IS HOT. I DON'T WANT MY MAN DUMB and Erwin certainly isn't
Erwin never cries or gets emotional:
NOT in front of others. And even when he does breakdown, it's very, very, VERY rare. He does have the 'im a big strong man and big strong men are not allowed to cry' ego. He IS harsh on himself but most of the time he's trying to ignore all the burdens and guilt and regret that befalls him that eventually pile up and he's breaking down and crying, but EVEN THAT is silent and quiet.
I imagine him TOTALLY ALONE with his back against one of his many bookcases, seated on the floor, messy hair, wrinkly shirt, unshaved face, a total mess, crying silently cuz every time he closes his eyes all he sees are friends that he's the one who's sent them to their deaths.
Listen, canon!Erwin suffers probably more than most characters in snk (actually no everybody suffers in snk but you know what I mean ok?) he does act like the big strong commander with a resolve of steel BUT HE IS HUMAN and he DOES breakdown however silent it is.
There's lots of shit that comes with the position he has. No one could have ever dealt with all of this better than him, but he still breaks in the late hours of the night when no one is there to visit him and see him in a state that he doesn't want anyone to see him in.
And that's why hoes like me write fanfiction uwu
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evie2001 · 6 months
Wow, has my blog recovered???
I didn't expect it to ever work. I was terribly scared, so I even created a new blog, ahahah. Damn, we'll have to move everything here again, and make it archived... but never mind, I'm glad that my blog has been returned. by the way, I already understood why I was blocked, just some problems with the network I was sitting with.
In the meantime, keep the drawing I'm preparing.
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blue-cypress · 11 months
Time to post about my fave vanilla romdram ahahah
Okay so like this season was really nice overall just like wonderfully made a produced it didn't feel rushed (except the random ass FOUR MONTH time skip at the end)
Mel's pregnancy arc came to a sad end that I didn't expect, but in hindsight I probably should have. There were some times where they would say things about the pregnancy and I would go 'the fuck I thought you were only telling your boss his wife and your sister about this, why are you telling this to these random extras we'll never see again??' Brie and Brady made me sad especially cause of the reason she broke up with him. Mike literally had the same secrets as him and she's still choosing to date him, which bugs the shit out of me. Also I still don't trust Mike, I get off vibes from him. Preacher is the man Bo Burnham was talking about in lower your expectations cause this man is everything. He's thoughtful strong attractive will hide a body for you can cook!! And he's dating a woman who lied about her relationship status and wanted to keep things casual even though she didn't say that at the beginning of their relationship. Also her ex is really possessive of her and she keeps telling Preacher "oh its fine, he's harmless" and then two seconds later the ex is like " she's always gonna choose her job over you, and guess what, I'm part of that job". Lizzie and Denny. God they're cute and all but he's in love with her and she loves him. Like they said that to each other with Lizzie specifically saying "love" rather than "in love". Also Dennys grandma was a biiiiiitch. Hated her. "I was doing it cause I loved you!" 'It' being lying about being in love with someone else cause I know you don't want a baby so I'm not gonna tell you I'm having a baby and never speak to you for 50 (30? I don't fucking know man) years. And then telling denny she wanted him to go back to college even though he wants to live the rest of his healthy life with someone he loves?? Bitch behavior. Going back to Mike quickly, whenever brie and Brady had a fight or argument, he would just swoop in and flirt with her, even though he knew she was dating brady, huge red flag to me. Him getting shot did nothing for me, it just gave Brady more trauma. And the fire, it got the BnB, lily's farm, Muriels house, but god forbid the bar burns down. Speaking of the fire, nick was a terrible mayor and jo Ellen shouldn't have told her husband about hopes fender bender. Hope may not be in tip top shape, but she was delegating better than nick could have dreamed. One thing i didnt really like, however, was Mel and Jack planning to buy the land of lily's farm and rebuilding said farm. Like I don't know why but it feels weird to me. I'm not even gonna touch on Cameron or Charmaine cause I am not ready to type out my rants on these two. All in all, amazing how in 5 months half of Virgin River burned down- paiges abusive husband held her hostage, died, got buried on the side of the road that's coming back to bite preacher in the ass- abusive husband's BROTHER came to Virgin river, held Paige hotage, got arrested- Jack got shot by the brother- brie came to town and had a miscarriage- Lilly (a forty ish year old woman) gave birth then died of breast cancer- Hope got into a car accident so bad she was missing for almost an entire season- Mel got pregnant and then also had a miscarriage- Tara's sister Ava came to town and revealed she had mentioned-once-disease-that-i-cant-rememeber-the-name-of AND that she is one of now two lesbians in the show- Charmaine got dumped, pregnant, engaged, was forced to give away her dog, had a high risk/high maintenance pregnacy, then BAM we barely ever saw her or heard about her pregnancy for the entire latest season also Calvin is her baby daddy?? You know what I'm just gonna stop- Jack's cabin was set on fire- hope and doc went from on the verge of divorce to happily married and probably some other things I missed.
Also the only gay people in this are Ava, Hannah (who I'm pretty sure didn't have a name until season 2), and two extras named Johnny and Adrian.
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Lmao your tags reminded me That Blog came back recently to say the auction was mostly a celebration of Freddie and that they knew someone who got Freddie's jumper and they were very happy because it was in the hands of someone who cared about Freddie.... as if that isn't like weird? I'm a massive fan of Freddie but I wouldn't want his jumper? Because I'm aware he was a real person and not a character? And also ignoring how Freddie's friends and family do not agree that it was a celebration 😑
Maybe don't post if you don't want drama ahahah
That loser really acts like they’ll spontaneously combust if they don’t defend everything Mary does and they act like it’s all totally unrelated to their insistence that yes Freddie was gay but it’s “””””””complicated”””””””” and surely he enjoyed sex with women and romantically loved Mary uwu!!1!!
They can’t stand that, as I’ve said many times, literally no one but Mary’s freak army of homophobes are defending this. No one fucking cares their weirdo friend got a jumper, none of that changes that Freddie’s actual loved ones got nothing. I was told they cried paragraphs in Mary’s defense in a discord server after the conversation was over and no one was defending Mary lmao. The dumbest hill to die on of all time. If they don’t want to be lumped in together with all the other homophobic freaks, then they can choose to stop being a homophobic freak for the low price of zero dollars and zero cents. Surprise, surprise, choosing to post terrible opinions means people criticize you. Boo hoo.
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youdidnotseeme · 1 year
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I was a fool and redownloaded Genshin impact for that sweet dopamine hit and had to restart my game but now it’s ten hours later whoops ahahah *melting* starting over is terrible but everything is so much faster now and maybe I’ll get something other than Barbara over and over and over again fucking Barbara
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Finished watching the space kitties movie and I got thoughts.
I hate the story of avatar. It doesn’t make sense! Compels me tho.
I have said this since I watched it the first time. What I liked about the movie was the world. I guess that’s the only thing the narrative did for me. (Think that the world was that captivating)
Anyways, I watched this movie last time when I was like 15? 13? However, don’t be fooled. By then I had already watched it more than 50 times. 50 of those from a terribly recorded pirated movie my parents bought me. So I know the story inside and out, but I was a kid and holy fuck, I would throw that kid off a cliff anytime. I wanna think my critical thinking has improved since then.
The Pocahontas storyline is absolutely true, in the same amount that it is a fantasy for the main character. New world, new body, new people to make an impression on. Kinda isekai ahahah.
The way things fall in the best course of events to have a dramatic twist later is like patchwork for a story full of holes. I mean, the movie has the “i see you” and “open your eyes” motif all throughout it, but what do they mean inside the story itself?
This is so blatant in everything from the way the protagonist gets into the program, the function of everything in the planet, to how the avatars work. To how the protagonist, an alien puppet, becomes a part of their people.
That is the dream of one Jake Sully. His dreams of flying were about fleeing? About being free to do as he pleased? About stopping being “himself” and be something else entirely and yet be seen as who he was?
It’s funny a story that is about connection relies heavily in the question of “who are you really?” And runs with the option “I wanna be the second version of myself that’s completely fake”
No wonder I loved this movie when I was young.
To me, the story is one big beautiful dream that has the potential to become a nightmare.
But if we kinda dig deeper into some things, there was so much wasted potential.
- The avatars are created using dna from humans and the kitties. But there’s really never information that talks about the avatars state when not in use. It’s taking a big ass leap to say “neural connections is what makes a consciousness a person. How that synapses happens is unique to each individual and can be recreated even in another brain”. But running with it…
- Avatars are an incredible project if thinking about permanently switching the brain where the connection happens. Imagine that. A new body to transfer your consciousness to. Forever. Blue kitties is just a form you could have.
- Avatars are incapable of forming their own consciousness? Can they wake up from their dream? The movie shows the death of an avatar controller but doesn’t show what happens to the avatar. Did it die of natural causes a few days later? Or did it die alongside its controller? It’s so creepy to think it’s a biological suit.
- That brings me to another thing. The native kitties knew about the puppets and were disgusted by them, butttt, they don’t really act logically when the protagonist says “I wanna learn” because they go “…we wanna learn from you too. Come! Be part of our tribe! :)” like..??? Where is the hostility??? It pops on and off as the story sees fit and that’s so annoying. (And the trying to upload all of someone into another body? I mean, I would have loved to see the thought process for that)
- It’s kinda awkward to see the “let’s learn from you” phase of the story be written like that after so much whump reading. As if the character was trusted from the beginning, he wasn’t observed. He was literally pulled to learn from them rather than them learn from him. It’s such a big loophole and I think if it had been exploited a bit more, giving time and more thought to the protagonist actions to get their trust, it would have been great. Maybe even showing more than a one second attempt to reach by some random kiddo being intercepted by her parents would have been amazing to show this. (I’m aware that this was supposed to be shown with the other guy, but the lack of solitary moments because the girl was always with him muddled it up)
- People don’t blend in into the culture like that and I hate there was no cultural shock shown in order to keep the escapism motif. Like damn, that’s the best nonverbal way to show someone has to wake up!!!
- Also, the protagonist is supposed to be no much brain only brawn and with a big need to escape his life. So his actions make sense, but in a way, gah, an smarter protagonist would have been cool to see. Our regular guy trope is not so fun when our regular guy is modeled after a mediocre white man.
- No, but the fact that the guy’s personality was a big part of the conflict pisses me off. If you wanna show there’s an amazing world you wanna and should protect that’s ~real~ then why cater to this specific dude’s fantasy? Because he is owed that much? Because he is the protagonist?? His problems got solved too easy to be satisfactory. (Even in the war?!)
Sorry for the word vomiting but if anything this movie has left me with yet another great idea for a puppet whumpee horror story. :D
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
They're both out of the apartment so he's up and he's getting things done and that's the cycle we've seen with regards to practically everything it is a pain in the **** we have to go through it it's a dime shame no we need to get working so our people won't suffer so much. Furthermore we have work to do today in announcements there's a lot coming down the pike.
---= There's a war out there in the rings there's about two billion people fighting almost all the time they think they're gonna get stuff from it and we're trying to figure out who they think they're threatening and they're threatening themselves we hate them and we have to destroy them and we think that it's not fair what they do to our son and it's ver.... what they do to our son and it's very mean and we're gonna make them pay for it and eat all their words and all their stupid reactions and dumb things that they said the whole time. This war is boiling over and it is terrible and it is a lot of people dying everyday and they can't afford it so we want them to know what this is costing them It's costing them a lot they have lost tons of leadership and they're gonna pay for it they're gonna pay for it soon we need to have them paying a lot more for each and every item that they've done and that they're doing we need also to have order here and I'm sick of lack of order and I'm tired of people saying dumb things and I need them to get the hell out of here with all that stupid crap there's far too many idiots online there's too many people doing dumb things and we're sick of it but the war in the rings is intensifying it will intensify throughout the day and the two billion will disappear maybe more than once the leadership is at about 10.8 percent and 16.7% and by tomorrow it might be as low as 8% and 12% they are going to disappear shortly after this event and after the 31st and Tommy F is under extreme duress and these people are a waste of damn time he says and we agree and he's proceeding. we think that the erosion of the S begins prior to the 31st and the movie annihilation begins part of it is filmed in part of it is filmed in the Everglades so let's get going folks we've got to get ready right now
Thor Freya
not about money but he needs it and tons overlook hat fact we dont. we work now on it and day and night not if we get a chacne and weorkon societ too
Nuada arrianna me too lol was Frank castle hardcastle and us
me too
Hera we work together
now too
Thor freya
all of us
Ureil and Goddess Wife
have stuff for you Zues you need it badly and coming soon no not just breakfast good htough. we have your things. back to you soon good great. hope i dont break them lol and good for us ahahah lol true though he doest hat by accident and tons f bikes readying to ship no kiidding here have a glut noope need them. and make them shorlty good and we loved this am need to hear it.
we work together and beat the buell and good wasnt buitt by us at all true too
Posieden and Goddess Wife
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