#but i want like a name the kurloz would call mituna
serfuzzypushover · 9 months
someone quick gimme ideas on what kurloz would sign mitunas name as
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hannah-the-red-head · 4 years
I Can’t believe I’m doing this.... Pt. 2
Here’s part two... and behold....
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Full Name: Hananoa Esshlee (Pronouced S(The letter)-She-Lee) (Alternian Incarnation of Hannah Elides)
Timeline: Alternate Alpha Timelines (A Timeline where the Beforus Trolls (Kankri and others) took the place of the Alternian Twelve (Karkat and company)
Age: 7.8 sweeps old
Blood Caste: Limeblood
Symbol: Sign of Camini
Strife Specibus: Bladekind (Odachi and Glaive), Wirekind (Garrote Wire)
Mutation: Yes | If Yes, what: Wings
Relationships: Meenah Peixes (Moirail), Meulin Leijion (Moirail), Cronus Ampora (Matesprit), Kurloz Makara (Moirail), Horuss Zahhak (Onesided Red Feelings= Hana had developed flushed feeling for Horuss in the past/Moirail), Damara Megido (Kismesis (Onesided= Damara hates Hananoa for some unknown reason), Porrim Maryam (Motherly Moirallegiance), Kankri Vantas (Brotherly Moirallegiance), Roxy LaLonde (Moirail), Jane Crocker (Moirail)
God-Tier: Slyph of Heart (Passive) (Hananoa can heal and mend the relationships of others around her, at the expense of her own relationships (Cronus however refuses to give up on their Matespritship as he admitted that she was the one to give him his hope back. And her Moirail also refuse to end their Moirallegiances with her, strangely the only one effected was Damara, who ended their Kismesiship after Hana healed her broken heart after Rufioh broke up with her.) she can also heal a target’s broken or severed soul based abilities. For instance, repairing Horuss’ Page God tier powers after he lost them in a fight against Damara.) (In short, Hananoa can fix and heal a person’s bonds with others or themselves, restoring a more healthier version of themselves, and fixing their broken god tier abilities.)
One of the very few Limebloods left in existence in her timeline, Hananoa Esshlee or “Hana” by her Matesprit, Cronus and by her friends, is the thirteenth member of the Beforus trolls that aid Dirk and the other three humans during an alternate Alpha timeline. Aranea explains that much like Rufioh, Hananoa was born with her wings, that and the fact she was a limeblood by birth led to her becoming outcasted by society and left alone in the wilderness until Horuss found her and took her in. 
In the sweeps that followed, Hana developed flushed feeling for Horuss while she helped him build robots, but her feelings weren’t reciprocated when Horuss became Matesprits with Rufioh, and instead she became his Moirail despite wanting to be more with him. (This changes in the current Beta Timeline, where Equius, Horuss’ beta counterpart did accept Hannah’s flushed feelings, Hananoa’s reincarnation.)
Hananoa continued to be a wonderful Moirail for Horuss until he introduced her to the other Trolls... and to Cronus. Both Hananoa and Cronus instantly clicked with on another and decided to become Matesprits after two sweeps of trial based dating, the girl immediately developing red feeling for the Ampora when he called her wings, a part of her she was ashamed of, beautiful.
The day that Hananoa went god tier was a moment that sealed her fate as someone who went against the universe and on her own path.
And what sealed it was that Hana was intended to have a Doom Aspect, much like Mituna, but either from some slip in the universe or the fact that Hananoa worked tirelessly to help others, Hananoa was given the Heart Aspect. Strangely, Aranea theorized that Hananoa’s very outgoing and social life is unlike her later reincarnation Hannah, her happy go lucky and emotionally out there attitude towards life has led to the young troll gaining a loving Matesprit, many healthy Moirailships and, unfortunately one Kismesis’ (which Damara dissolves after Hana used her newfound Slyph of Heart powers to mend her broken heart back to it’s original more confident state, allowing Damara to take a more deep look at her past actions and reinvent herself).
Sadly, her journey came to a tragic end when she was stabbed through the heart by a Grimdark possessed Dirk (who went on to become Ultimate Dirk in that timeline) after she turned him down on the offer of becoming his Matesprit. 
Hananoa then ceased to exist in that failed timeline, unable to join Cronus and the other trolls in Meenah’s created safe haven in the dream bubbles. Her soul and very essence going onto another timeline where she was reborn as current Beta Timeline Hannah Elides (In story current).
Loves: Scarves, flying, Cronus (seriously those two are crazy about each other), human monster movies, Mac and cheese, Feelings Jams, being there for her friends, helping others, healing others, Spending time with Meulin and Kurloz, listening to Cronus’ music, trying out new clothes and ice cream
Hates: Liars, bullies, Kankri’s lectures, the dark, seeing her friends sad, seeing her friends hurt, Doritos (after eating a bad batch), and brain freezes
Things to Know:
1. Hana and Cronus’ Matespritship is actually like the Matespritship between Latula and Mituna, the pair bringing out the best in each other and providing comfort to one another if they needed it. Their favorite pastimes are cuddling and taking midnight walks together.
2. Hananoa had a nervous tick, whenever she became nervous or visibly shaken, her wings would twitch and flutter violently while her hair stood on end (the Studio Ghibli hair thing). Cronus claims that it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen and is an easy way for him to know when to be by her side.
3. When Dirk, Jane, Jake and Roxy introduced human culture to the trolls, Hana and Cronus both enjoyed watching the Smokey and the Bandit trilogy, Star Wars and the Princess Bride the most. Alone Hananoa enjoyed the Universal Monster movies, and Stephen King’s The Mist.
4. Hananoa’s Lusus was revealed to be a Furred Elephant named Al Pachinko whom she loved to explore newfound areas while living in the wild together. Pachinko was always shown to actually love Hana as his own deeply enough to where he was willing to stomp on other trolls that got too close to his charge. Al Pachinko was the one who gifted her treasured green ribbon that she wears constantly in her hair.
Whew, I am so glad that I got this off my chest, and I feel really proud of it. I hope you do too, I will possibly do so fanart for these two in the distant future so stayed tuned to my art blog @hannah-draws-for-fun!!
Love you guys!
P.s. I also hope you guys understand that I tried to make this as less crazy as it sounds....
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betweengenesisfrogs · 6 years
The City of the Old Emperors: Thoughts on Openbound
DJay’s post reminded me that I have a lot of vague thoughts about Openbound, which I’ve never managed to organize into a coherent essay. In part, I was waiting for DJay to share his idea of Openbound as a kind of katabasis (journey to the underworld), which is central to a lot of my thinking these days. Now that that idea’s arrived, let me talk about some of my own.
Spoilers, as with all the best Homestuck analysis, for the book version of The Neverending Story.
So. I’m very much in agreement with DJay’s big thesis that the shallow, annoying personas the Dancestors hide in are a ruse - a distaction, if you will. The dancestors present themselves as annoying, one-note characters, but they actually have a lot of history and pretty complex psychology if you look a little further - it’s just that at *this* point, after a billion years of living out their memories they’ve retreated into simplistic roles that they can safely play without engaging any more deeply with their past. Terezi and Karkat even acknowledge this, calling them caricatures. I love DJay’s term - “shades.”
I think where this really clicked for me was in in-story Hussie’s comment on Latula. He claims there’s nothing more to her other than being a cool rad gamegrl radgirl coolgirl.
This is obvious bullshit. Talking to her as Porrim reveals that Latula puts on the gamegirl persona as a way of dealing with other people, and she’s actually kind of relieved to be able to drop the act and acknowledge her problems. Relatedly, talking to Kankri as her reveals that she’s dealing with the problem of him awkardly hitting on her, which is one reason she retreats into a Gamegrl persona around him.
This is true for basically all of the characters introduced in Openbound. In-story, Kurloz is dismissed as a ridiculous mime when he’s helping Gamzee orchestrate LE’s rise and suppressing the agency of his friends (oh hey, Gamzee does this too, putting on the persona of “lolrandom incomprehensible prankster”); Cronus is indeed terrible, but terrible in a “what could have been kind of way” where he once had the chance to be a Harry Potter-esque hero; Mituna babbles and insults but only because he burnt his brain out making a great heroic sacrifice, Damara distracts the pretty significant statements she’s making about LE with vulgarity, Rufioh is pretty insecure beneath being Rufioh ...the list goes on.
So Hussie, in his in-story persona, is a god damn liar, and this is key to everything to that comes next.
The funny thing is, you don’t get the real stories from Hussie. You get it from talking to Aranea, which is framed as an act of “indulging” her, and by extension the author...but it’s only this “background” information which gives these characters complex lives and motivations beyond their personas. The effect it has is not of indulgence - the effect is to frame the whole dancestor ballet as a non-indulgence, revealing them as deeper than they seem.
(At this point, though, many readers will already be sick of them, and miss what’s really going on.)
Porrim would seem to be the one exception. In her case, though, I think it’s not so much that the reader doesn’t recognize her complexity as a person, but that her friends don’t. They stereotype her as being all about sex and relationship when her sex positivity is actually part of a larger goal of honestly examining her society. She’s the only one who can see the personas for what they are, since she recognizes it as something put on her from the outside.
The theme of a voyage to the underworld (katabasis) can be analyzed a number of different ways, and all of them fit Homestuck. As an epic, Homestuck of course has an obligation to go to the land of the dead halfway through its story, so that the protagonist can learn something they need to know.
If there’s anything we’re learning these days, though, the protagonist of the epic Homestuck isn’t a character,  it’s the MSPA reader. It’s us who make the journey to Homestuck’s underworld. Meenah plays the role of hero there, with Aranea her guide, but we know that we move through which characters we control, each of them being temporary analogues for our will. We are the ones who descend into its hell.
(And now I think we’re finally figuring out what we’re supposed to learn there.)
Just as DJay says, the fact that these characters are reduced to stereotyped shades is all Lord English’s fault. Literally, they’ve been hollowed-out by millions of years of being trapped in their memories, thanks to his machinations ruining their lives, and now face his threat again in the afterlife. Metafictionally, we’ve been asked *not* to care about them by the narrative, in the same way Caliborn demands that we don’t give a shit about Homestuck. That’s LE’s great power over the narrative: the threat of apathy.
I tend to think of Life, in Homestuck’s platonic-narrative symbolic system, as representing positive character growth, and by extension things that readers experience as positive development. It’s interesting, then, that the one who brings these dead souls back to life is Meenah, a Life player. It’s even more interesting in that it’s Meenah who deprived them of their lives in the first place. Thinking to escape a dead session for the afterlife, the Thief of Life robbed them of their literal lives, but she also robbed them of their chance to grow as a people. They are thus echoes and victims of LE’s nature as a being that cannot grow or change, and is doomed because of it. But also, it’s kind of Meenah’s fault. Her frustration with them echoes her own choices.
(Worth noting, though, that Tavros is able to persuade them to take part in the final fight against him! It’s subtle, but a little burst of Life at the last moment.)
Openbound is full of good parallels to katabasis mythology. The dream-bubble afterlife echoes both Greek Hades and Christian hell. Homestuck’s dancestors are a lot like the shades Odysseus and Aeneas encounter: they’re faded ghosts, “shades,” who can’t speak until the hero gives them blood to restore their intelligence for a brief time. In Homestuck, what we - and Meenah - give them is a brief window of attention. But it won’t last, and it won’t restore them to life. But it’s also Dante’s Hell. Dante sees souls undergoing ironic punishments, trapped by their own greed, avarice, and lust. The limitation of their will is what keeps them in hell.
There’s one more descent story which I think is very instructive here, though.
And that would be the City of the Old Emperors from Michael Ende’s The Neverending Story, a tale which has quite a bit of relevance for Homestuck.
The first half of The Neverending Story featured the protagonist Bastian being called into the pages of the book and the world of Fantastica, explicitly stated to be a realm made of humanity’s ideas, to recreate this world anew. In the second half of the book, he does so. Unfortunately, as he becomes more sure of his world-creating power, Bastian loses the memory of his own humanity, and begins to forget that Fantastica is not merely his plaything. Declaring himself Emperor, he tries to pretend he created it all, when really he was only acting through the power of another, The Childlike Empress. Bastian soon undergoes a spectacular fall at the hands of his previous allies and friends.Only then can he wake from his reverie and find the last wish he needs to achieve redemption.
But for that redemption to happen, he needs to go into a kind of underworld himself, to learn what mistake it was that he was making.
After being defeated by his friends, Bastian stumbles into a strange city. His horse disappears under him, and he falls - down, down into a crater, where there is a city of strange buildings, full of people in strange clothes doing bizarre things. Before long, he finds a monkey-like guide named Argax, who calls the place the City of the Old Emperors. These strange figures, Argax informs him, were all people from the human world who declared themselves Emperors as Bastian did, and this is the sad result.
“How did they get here? What are they doing here?”
“Oh, there have always been humans who couldn’t find their way back to their world,” Argax explained. “First they didn’t want to, and now, in a manner of speaking, they can’t.[...]”
“Why can’t they?” he asked.
“They’d have to wish it. And they’ve stopped wishing. They used up their last wish for something else.”
“Their last wish?” said Bastian, going deathly pale. “Can’t a person go on wishing as long as he pleases?”
“[...]No! No!” he chattered. “You can only wish as long as you remember your world. These people here used up all their memories. Without a past you can’t have a future. That’s why they don’t get older. Just look at them. Would you believe that some of them have been here a thousand years and more? But they stay just as they are. Nothing can change for them, because they themselves can’t change anymore.”
- The Neverending Story, Chapter 23, pg 378-379
Bastian learns that all these people used up their wishes, leaving them unable to understand or interact with the world. Imagination eludes them - they can only tell stories by randomly forming words from jumbles of letters. Because they didn’t understand where their wishes were coming from, they were left without the capacity for wishes altogether
Another way of saying this is that they were left without will. They have no will to impact the world, because they turned away from the world altogether, retreating into a false idea of themselves. A persona, and not a person who could grow.
This is exactly the position we find the dancestors in in Homestuck. In both Homestuck and the Neverending Story, the limitations of one’s own will are the limitations of one’s agency to influence reality, and the Beforans have given up their will. Theirs is the same mistake as Bastian’s, as Caliborns, and it leaves them hollowed-out, unpleasant, shallow people.
It is their ideas about their will that failed them.
From his encounter with the Old Emperors, Bastian learns the truth about his wishes, enabling him to make his last few wishes count, and bringing him to where he needs to be to find the Waters of Life and make his final wish a wish for his own capacity to love.
So what do we need to learn from the Beforans?
Like us, Bastian is at once both a reader and the protagonist of the story. Michael Ende uses Bastian’s experience to argue that readers have a responsibility to the stories they read and tell. We must give them dignity by breathing life into them, rather than read them in self-indulgent, shallow ways, and we must be willing to grow as we read them.
Homestuck suggests much the same thing. Just as Bastian needed to descend to the hell of the Old Emperors to understand his mistake, we need to descend to the hell of the Dancestors to understand the final confrontation with Caliborn. Like them, we are offered a choice. We are shown his limited view of the world - a view that reduces Homestuck to shallow jokes. We must decide whether we will become him - or set ourselves free.
And to set them free, from the hell they’ve made for themselves, we must also, difficult as it is, believe that the Dancestors can change, more than they can believe it themselves.
In presenting us with their ballet, Hussie challenges us with his favorite question: are we going to accept the surface level,  that Homestuck is just a bad joke full of meaningless flat characters?
Or are we going to take up his challenge to look a little deeper, to breathe life into them and believe there’s more going on beneath the surface - even, no, especially when it’s hardest to do so?
The dark hell of Openbound is the other side of the triumph of Calliope’s Rapture. Homestuck’s fractal structure reflects itself many times over, again and again asking us what we make of it, because we can make of it what we will.
But what will we make of it?
Ah, that is our story, and will be told another time.
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all of them
D oh my fucking Gog
John Egbert: the time I was like nine and I hooked the chair out from under my sis when she sat down probably, I suck at pranks
Dave Strider: A car, a torch, a death and march to the sea by TØP and Bastille’s cover of basket case
Rose Lalonde: What’s your MBTI type? I. Don’t remember. 
Jade Harley: What’s your favorite celestial body? PILLARS OF CREATION I LOVE TEM SO MUCH
Jane Crocker: How good do you consider yourself to be at baking? keep me away from the fucking oven
Dirk Strider: What technological advancements are you hoping to be accomplished in the future? can I just learn enough about programming to know why my tumblr looks like it does p l e a s e 
Roxy Lalonde: What’s your favorite retro game? LoZ ocharina of time. Or pacman. Or pole position.
Jake English: What’s the last action movie you saw? uh…..hellboy ? Idk 
Aradia Megido: Name your favorite historical site/sites. The Cahokia mounds in st Louis, they’re so big? You can see for literal miles from the top. 
Tavros Nitram: Do you like collecting? If so, what do you collect? Hahaha….smuppets. Bones. Coins. Everything I can get my grubbly lil hands on, I’m basically a crow. 
Sollux Captor:How sarcastic are you on a daily basis? potato
Karkat Vantas: What’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever witnessed? my friend joy and my other friend adyn when they were still dating
Nepeta Leijon: Do you consider yourself a cat-person? yes but please remember I’m also a dog person
Kanaya Maryam: What’s your ideal look when in comes to fashion? …on me? clothes. 
Terezi Pyrope: What’s the weirdest craving you’ve ever gotten? does the time I ate a full jar of pickled jalapeños when I was like two count
Vriska Serket: Do you believe in luck and fortune? yeah definitely
Equius Zahhak: Do you consider yourself physically and/or mentally stong? I can pick up an 140-pound person but don’t ask me to perform social interactions or get yelled at rip
Gamzee Makara: Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? yes
Eridan Ampora:Magic or science? hahahaha give me a world where there’s both. Like piers Anthony’s incarnations of immortality series. 
Feferi Peixes: Favorite sea creature? MANTIS SHRIMP THEY CAN SEE LIKE TEM EXTRA COLORS AND PUNCH THROUGH GLASS and I’ll probably never see one in person since they break aquariums
Damara Megido: Do you consider yourself a vengeful person? ….uh. Not really but it’d depend. 
Rufioh Nitram: If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? deep blue
Mituna Captor: On a scale of 0-10 how would you rate your skateboarding? oh god I fall but 3 because I keep trying. Although last time someone tried to teach me I fell off, bruised my hip, the skateboard flew off at a tangent amd broke a pipe and I’m just lying on the garage floor laughing hysterically as water slowly floods the area and Brandon tries to shut it off. 
Kankri Vantas: Are you prone to going off in lengthy rants? uh I want to but then I remember that I suck amd I don’t have enough friends to alienate people by ranting so yeah
Meulin Leijon: Approximately how long are you on the internet everyday? too many
Porrim Maryam: Your stance on feminism? …I am a feminist? I think? 
Latula Pyrope: Favorite outdated slang word?  all I can think of is “fuc” because mom’s watching deadwood and that’s literally every third word out of everyone’s mouth but. Groovy? All the old words for gay and lesbian? I don’t know
Aranea Serket: What’s your all-time favorite book? The entire dark tower series by Stephen king, which can new extended to include almost all Stephen king books written. 
Horuss Zahhak: Opinion on horses? they,,, lorge  :2
Kurloz Makara: Would you give up your voice for telepathy? On the one hand my voice sucks but on the other hand telepathy is a vague term I’d need more specifics
Cronus Ampora: Your favorite thing about the 50s? the fact that they’re nothing like happy days depicts them as and also pulp era sci fi
Meenah Peixes: Favorite fish-pun? shell phone
Caliborn: Any old pieces of fanworks you could share? if I get one (1) ask aboutbtjis I’ll GI through my deviantart and post anything presentable here
Calliope: Do you consider yourself to be an optimistic person? its complicated but on good things no amd bad things yes. Like I assume that the thing won’t happen. 
Lord English: How far would you go to achieve your goals? ?? ????? ?????
Lil Cal: Do people consider you creepy or intimidating? probably yeah I’m weird as fucl
The Midnight Crew: Do you prefer brains or brawn? a blend of both fuck you
The Felt: If you could have one ability, what would it be? teleportation of a singular object or person from where it is to where I want it to be. Useful for getting my moirail where they belong. 
Dad Egbert/Crocker: Would you wear a fedora? do u know how long I’ve been trying to get one fuck yeah I would
Bro: Favorite bro pun? Bromeo, bromeo, why the fuck are you bromeo
Mom Lalonde: Do you have any regrets? …yeah…lots.
Davesprite: Have you ever felt inadequate? have I ever in
Lil Hal: Favorite meme? I lik the bred
Davepetasprite^2: Nya? owo what’s this??
Jasprosesprite^2: Favorite color combination? Pfffft blue and olive, black and royal blue, red and grey
Arquiusprite: How helpful do you try and be to others? as much as I possibly can please let me be of some use
Erisolsprite: Are you called moody on a regular basis? ….by. some people. 
Carapacians: Do you play chess? If so, do you usually play with the white or black chess pieces? no one will play with me :0( but I’ll take either
Doc Scratch: Ever ‘predicted’ the future? Okay so. There’s a book called…okay I don’t remember what it’s called. Something about a witch king, it’s by mark Anthony amd is in the harpers series of the forgotten realms series. In the emd they leave a character in the collapsing treasure room. Effectively killing him. I loved this guy okay? I wasn’t about to accept that shit. So I went “fuck you mark Anthony” and mentally composed an arc where he found a magic item and escaped. Turns out there was a second book and that’s literally what he did  
Ancestors: What’s the kind of mark you want to leave behind you. just let me make someone hapoy
Hussie: Your zodiac sign and/or god tier? Virgo/leo and knight of heart. 
goddamnit its done. Its done. D I love you but what the fuck. 
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How about all the characters for the homestuck themed questions bc you always hit me with the super long ones + they seem like interesting questions.
John Egbert: What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?I ate vanilla pudding from a mayonays jar at school Dave Strider: Name your favorite song/songs. I gave so many I don't even know where to start Jane Crocker: How good do you consider yourself to be at baking?I mean, I bake brownies at like, 3 in the morning and then up just eating the batter . so ehRoxy Lalonde: What’s your favorite retro game?Probably dig dug, qbert, or Pac manJake English: What’s the last action movie you saw?Baby driver and it was fucking amazingTavros Nitram: Do you like collecting? If so, what do you collect?I collect sit of random shit. Rocks, faygo cans, Sollux Captor:How sarcastic are you on a daily basis?Me? Scarastic? Never Karkat Vantas: What’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever witnessed?My friend making me a flower crown out of dandelions Nepeta Leijon: Do you consider yourself a cat-person?All animals are great Kanaya Maryam: What’s your ideal look when in comes to fashion?GayVriska Serket: Do you believe in luck and fortune?Not really, but I find a lot of lore about it fascinatingEquius Zahhak: Do you consider yourself physically and/or mentally stong?UhhhhGamzee Makara: Do you prefer comedy or tragedy?Why not both?Eridan Ampora:Magic or science?Both make me happyFeferi Peixes: Favorite sea creature?EelDamara Megido: Do you consider yourself a vengeful person?Not really, I'm a pretty passive person Rufioh Nitram: If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? Red or blue Mituna Captor: On a scale of 0-10 how would you rate your skateboarding?7Kankri Vantas: Are you prone to going off in lengthy rants?Yeah, but then i end up rambling Meulin Leijon: Approximately how long are you on the internet everyday?UHHHHHLatula Pyrope: Favorite outdated slang word?Rad/wickedHoruss Zahhak: Opinion on horses?Giant dogs Kurloz Makara: Would you give up your voice for telepathy?Considering I don't talk much, sure. Why not Cronus Ampora: Your favorite thing about the 50s?The 'greaser' look Caliborn: Any old pieces of fanworks you could share?I have to make another post because I'm on mobile Calliope: Do you consider yourself to be an optimistic person?UhhLord English: How far would you go to achieve your goals?Depends on if I have motivation Lil Cal: Do people consider you creepy or intimidating?I don't think so?The Midnight Crew: Do you prefer brains or brawn?Brains Dad Egbert/Crocker: Would you wear a fedora?Ha. Ha. No Davesprite: Have you ever felt inadequate?A lot of the time Lil Hal: Favorite meme?Lazy town memes Davepetasprite^2: Nya?Neko neko nee~Jasprosesprite^2: Favorite color combination?Blue red / red black Arquiusprite: How helpful do you try and be to others?As much as i can be without being annoyingErisolsprite: Are you called moody on a regular basis?Kinda? IdkCarapacians: Do you play chess? If so, do you usually play with the white or black chess pieces?I fucking love chess. I'm the captain of chess club at school for 2 years now. We actually have like, this Simpson's themed chess board and a lord of the rings one. But if we had a black and white one I'd pick black Doc Scratch: Ever ‘predicted’ the future?Do gut feelings count?Ancestors: What’s the kind of mark you want to leave behind you?That I wasn't person wasn't a shit person Hussie: Your zodiac sign and/or god tier?Gemini, heir of time
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valentine fandom ask meme: homestuck for all the odd ones and rvb for all the even ones
oH GOD okay let's see how this goes***Spoiler Alert*** by the way1. Your favourite non-canon ship? I don't particularly have one, though to be clear Homestuck has a hell of a lot of ships. I like pairing people up with Sollux tho, if only because I support Sollux getting lots of love.2. Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping? Tuckington and Lolix. both are things my friend who got me into RvB ships hardcore, but when I first encountered all the relevant characters I couldn't see them in the pairs. Tuckington I saw once they actually started interacting, in S11 or so; Lolix, after having seen their episodes in S14, although I shipped them as exes before then - like, I watched them and agreed that they'd had something but it fell apart before we met them.3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)? I'm not really a rarepair kind of child but I do like Sollux/Dirk and Sollux/John, because programming and hands, respectively4. Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of. probably Chex I just really strongly believe that moving on is the best damn idea Church ever had5. What is your most fluffy + happy ship? fun question, because a lot of my ships could be fluffy or angst depending on what you look at. short answer: Davekat.6. What is your most angsty ship? FELIX/TUCKER OKAY HOLY SHIT MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR THE CHORUS TRILOGY BUT just picture when they're in Armonia and Wash is presumed dead and Tucker is having to come to terms with losing someone he hadn't realized he loved so much and also coming to terms with his love AND HIS SEXUALITY on top of that and Felix just slides on in because he's a slimy bastard who isn't above getting off on other people's emotional pain and/or just generally being an emotional sadist but also tactically brilliant and fucking Tucker while he's broken and I currently have an in-progress fic that is literally this and entitled "Felix Tucker emotional abuse" on my computer (ABUSE in my binder)7. A non-canon ship that should be canon? again, Homestuck has quite a romantically promiscuous canon. I think most of my really serious ships are canon??? but it's also been a while since I last acquainted myself with HS so I'm not sure. I do like Sollux/Karkat in basically any quadrant tho and I don't think they canonically did any quadrant stuffz or at least not all of them8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time? Grimmons. still ship it. GRIF LITERALLY CONTAINS PARTS OF SIMMONS IF THATS NOT POTENTIAL FOR A ROMANTIC CRISIS FIC THEN IDK WHAT IS9. What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have? Davekat as presented in canon, all soft squishy feels under a shell of crunchy banter and sarcasm; that, or Rosemary, which I read this fic once that mentioned them being a universal constant? like, there wasn't a single timeline where they didn't get together, and that makes me really happy. I also really like how Nepeta and Equius are complete polar opposites and both really fucking weird but don't care10. Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl? Churboose the way most people portray it. Caboose has the mental capacity of a child; I don't know if it's canon or not, but I am firmly of the belief that he is not entirely capable of distinguishing between romantic and platonic love, if at all, and sex isn't even a thing that he acknowledges. I can get behind the idea of Church accidentally and bizarrely and inexplicably falling in love with Caboose in a purely emotional sense, and Caboose loves everyone on all the teams in his own way, except the ones his family (because that's what they are, his family) genuinely hates, and those he does his best to fuck up something fierce. but don't pretend that Caboose and Church having sex would be anything but creepy as fuck and completely out of character. Also, the Director/Tex, because vicarious relationships, and Felix/Tucker but that one's a good skin-crawly one if done right (which it will be when I do it).11. What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship? Calliope I can only see with Roxy, but damn do I ever see it.12. What is your favourite canon ship? if we're going with the cutthroat definition of canon, there aren't any, so going with the practical definition, Grimmons, because I'm not saying the secretly-married jokes are true, but I am saying they're extremely well-founded, even if one or both of them needs to pull his head out of his ass and notice.13. Name a ship that deserved more content. I feel like Vriska/Terezi, especially Game Over timeline Vriska/Terezi, deserved more, but I definitely needed more Terezi/John, because John learning firsthand about kismesissitude is a beautiful image.14. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom? no??? the RvB fandom tends to agree that most of the characters have banged or at least that they could, so I haven't actually seen, like, *any* ship hate.15. What is the first ship you had? Davekat, which I shipped before getting into Homestuck, for which I blame the friend who got me into it in the first place.16. Is there a ship that made you realise something about yourself? uhm. all of them made me realize that I have a thing for temporarily inflicting emotional pain on characters, if that counts???17. Is there a type of ship you always go for? this goes for everything: banter. banter banter banter. example ships outside of these two specified fandoms: Bond/Q (Craig era), Romeo/Mercutio (yes, Romeo and Juliet), Rosencrantz/Guildenstern (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, specifically), Kate/Petruchio (yes I'm Shakespeare trash get over it), Skye/Jeffrey (The Penderwicks), wow I ship a lot of things I hadn't realized I shipped.18. Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you? no. unless you count the emotional abuse that is Ohio shooting Sherry and thereby ruining any chance they could've had, which nearly made me cry19. Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you? not unless you count that tumblr post about Gamzee's relationships all being meticulously calculated and executed to do the most damage ruining my ability to enjoy pale Gamkar due to my new perception of Gamzee20. Have you ever created fan created content for a ship? hell ye. I have an AO3 but refuse to attach it to my tumblr. currently I've only got one RvB work and it's a really minor ship of mine, but I've got like four Tuckington, one Lolix, and that Felix/Tucker emotional abuse on the go.21. Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship? see previous comment re: not sharing my AO3, but my Snowman/Spades Slick WIP makes me really happy and I've got some damn good Davekat22. Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have? nope. not for anything I don't think. I'll even admit to shipping Annie and Teddy from the Magic Tree House books, and Dink and Ruth Rose from the A-Z Mysteries. I have always been a trashbaby and never given half a fuck.23. Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans? see previous comments re: Davekat. there was at least one more but I can't remember right now.24. What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships? meeting in a bar, for the first time or after a long time or whatever. there are so many damn ways a bar meeting could go that it satisfies so many of my ships, and in RvB, all of them.25. Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed? all forms of Stridercest, particularly since I can actually tolerate Dirk/Dave. also Kurloz/Mituna because Kurloz is a confirmed creepy abusive fucker and Mituna is my precious pandamaged child26. Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to. Church/Tex, actually, if you disregard my temporary disappointment at Tex being female. the end of S9 gave them the best possible ending.27. Name a ship that deserved better in the end. Dirk/Jake but I can't complain too much because at least the abusive relationship ended28. Is there a character you have several ships for? Tucker's a slut, so yeah, but also I'm a big believer in breakups being a good and healthy part of life, so I ship relationships in the past tense. example: I support York and Carolina being together, and also thoroughly support Kimball finally getting Carolina to open up and fall in love again.29. What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for? that's not really a thing I do, so. there isn't one.30. Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom? if we mean the fandom stuff for the particular ship, yeah, Churboose and Lolix in particular but I generally hate when people miss the point of what makes characters themselves in order to just make fanfic or whatever of their ship. in more general terms, I read the Maze Runner a while ago in order to be able to watch the movie for the sake of Thomas Brodie-Sangster (which I decided not to actually do because it's a really bad book), and I fucking hated the book, it's a really fucking shitty book, but Newt and Thomas all the fucking way man. (I think it was the nickname that really got me; nobody else calls him Tommy, and Newt doesn't give anyone else a nickname as far as I can remember, and also I'm really pissed that they cut the kiss scene from the movie because I might've suffered through it just for that)HOOOOOO BOY thank you anon that was way more fun than sleeping. also I'm having so much trouble figuring out who you are because most of my people I know are in one fandom or the other but not both, and the other people I can think of I can't imagine sending me an ask like this. aaaaa it's a mystery thank you for the excuse to ramble
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l4t3rzh4t3rz · 8 years
Partially written by Jelly, aka @canterintuitive​
Partially ommitted information for anything not pertinent and/or private info
Artistic Catgirl: Fucky was probably the first person who has ever seen her have an anxiety attack Artistic Catgirl: Feeling like she can't breathe with overwhelming thoughts Artistic Catgirl: Shaking and holding herself Artistic Catgirl: But she forgot she invited Mituna over Artistic Catgirl: And he just sees that Artistic Catgirl: And she doesn't even know he's there Jellyfish: but he reached out--brushed his hand over her cheek--chirping, purring, making all those Soothing Buggy Troll Sounds Jellyfish: but if she needs one, the first thing he does is scoop her up into a hug Artistic Catgirl: She slowly calmed down as he did that, still shaking Artistic Catgirl: Just saying Artistic Catgirl: "I-I'm not the cool girl you thought I was... It's all a lie I'm sorry" Artistic Catgirl: Just apologizing cause she's too frazzled to say much else Jellyfish: he's kinda quiet for a sec--got her head tucked into the crook of his neck, cheek smushed against the top of her head. Snug-ass Hug.
"... Um? Nope?? Still cool. The fuckin' coolest most tubular troll this side of the galaxy."
He's not much of a comforter, but he kinda copies what Kurloz does to calm him down--takes her hands in his--makes those little I promise I'm not gonna let anything hurt you chirping noises again--and helps her stand up when she can
"You're the coolest person I know, LT. Like ... really, really rad."
And he felt in that moment, my friends, the red-quadrant heart-flutterin' sort of amorousness that trolls refer to as 'pity'. Artistic Catgirl: She calms down as he says that, her eyes widening when she realizes he really means it. She realizes that he sees her at her worst and still thinks she's amazing
And in that moment she knows that no matter what, she wants to stay by his side and just holds onto him tightly. his She doesn't want to let go, even if he sees her as weak.
"... Tuna, I can't believe you think that... I..."
Artistic Catgirl: But after they've been in (SGrub) for so long, and start to feel like they'll never escape, they just have a long conversation Artistic Catgirl: Talking about back home and stuff Artistic Catgirl: And one of them asks what their fav thing about being in the game was Artistic Catgirl: And Latula is just like 'okay gurl you can do this' Artistic Catgirl: "It's you." Jellyfish: mituna's soul leaves his goddamn body
Fuck, what's he do. He's not smooth--like, he and kurloz talk about how suave and badass and nook-magnety they are, but holy crap what's he do
"I think you're really fuckin' tubular!'
Nailed it. Artistic Catgirl: She laughs and just slowly moves to put her hand over his. She makes her movements obvious so he knows what she's doing. She knows he doesn't like to be touched out of no where. She's blushing a bit.
"Do you think... Maybe the quadable kind of tubular?" Jellyfish: Without hesitation, he slips his hands into hers and holds it.
Never has the golden-boy looked so yellow in the face--nor grinned so wide.
The apocalypse is a lot less shitty with her in it. Artistic Catgirl: She closes her eyes and just leans forward. Her lips are slightly puckered. She only leans forward oh so much, waiting for him to meet her so that it doesn't seem like she just sprung a kiss on him Jellyfish: He was about to do that yawn-and-reacharound-hold trick, but holy moly, this is way better.
He lifts off his wraparound shades, and leans in to kiss her.
"OHFUCsorry, shit--"
He sparked. Literal fireworks when she kissed him. Artistic Catgirl: She quickly pulls away when she gets zapped, but then just laughs.
"I ghost guess sparks really do fly when two people kiss! Pretty fucking rad right?" She gives his hand a gentle squeeze. "I pity you so damn much Tuna, ever since that day you saw me at my worst and didn't walk away." Jellyfish: He can't help it--though it's still kinda repressed, he does a lil flap--hands curled into happy, tense claws as he rocked in place--scooted up to smooch her temple again--it make her hair float like she'd just touched a plasma ball.
"Ditto, LT. Ditto."
He's not good with words--he's more an actions guy.
Jellyfish: also, an idea Artistic Catgirl: I love ideas Jellyfish: post-accident Jellyfish: fucky couldn't pronounce her name Jellyfish: 'L4N7L4'
'7LUL0L4' Jellyfish: and finally Jellyfish: '7UL1P' Artistic Catgirl: "Ok4y b4b3 th4t's good."
Jellyfish: latula probably saw the explosion Artistic Catgirl: She's laying in a pool of her own blood after dying by the hands of her denizen Artistic Catgirl: Probably Artistic Catgirl: She cried so damn hard and held onto his body tightly Artistic Catgirl: Refusing to let go until she was pulled off of it Artistic Catgirl: She didn't care what anyone though anymore. Her tunafish was dead Artistic Catgirl: Refusing to believe it
Jellyfish: imagine they meet in the dreambubbles Artistic Catgirl: Another reason why she ended up fighting her denizen Jellyfish: its the ultimate videogame Jellyfish: maybe she promises herself she has to win it for her player two Artistic Catgirl: Exactly Artistic Catgirl: For her tunafish Jellyfish: imagine when they meet in the dreambubbles again Jellyfish: he's probably been there a while--doesn't even know hes dead Artistic Catgirl: She would still be in a pool of her own blood Artistic Catgirl: Not yet waking up Artistic Catgirl: Kind of in that in between stage where she's transitioning from Skaia to the bubbles Artistic Catgirl: And Mituna wanders to where she is and the bubble changes to her land Artistic Catgirl: And he keeps getting closer and closer to where she is. Artistic Catgirl: Until he sees her covered in her own blood Jellyfish: Mituna, of course, can't process it.
He panics--fumbles to find her--shakes her, tries to lift her--screams for help.
All that comes out is garbled babbling. Artistic Catgirl: Her eyes slowly open, still yellow and having that slightly teal tint, on the cusp of adulthood. Artistic Catgirl: "Tuna... Is that you...? How?" Jellyfish: Mituna's hair falls out of his eyes.
One empty black socket, burnt to a crisp, and one ghostly white. A spiderwebbing of scars trail down both cheeks as he cups her face--but his hands are clumsy, and rough, and his voice is strangled when he speaks.
"Lanhtnula!" Artistic Catgirl: He can see the amount of heartbreak in her eyes as she gently cups his cheek in return. She gets a little bit of her blood on his cheek.
"Tuna, your eyes... You're so hurt..." Then it hits her. "... I thought you were dead." She teared up heavily. "I thought I was never gonna see you again!" The tears freely flow. Jellyfish: He fumbles, and smoothes back her hair--tears dribbling down on the side of his intact eye.
"Non--nohnhnhnhnononoyerhhurt, yerhurdt--"
He's calling for help again--lifting her up to his chest, and immediately falling over in a flurry of cursewords. He can't balance both of their weights. Artistic Catgirl: "Tuna I'm fine..." Her eyes widen when she realizes she doesn't actually feel any pain. "Tuna I... I'm not in any pain... But I should be. What happened?" She's so confused and scared. She hasn't had time to come to terms with her own death yet. Jellyfish: He freezes where he is, hair flopped down in front of his eyes--they're not sparking anymore. Hi horns don't fizzle when he panics--everything is flat, and the shock when he touches her is gone. Light static, at most--but barely tangible.
"Y... yaore bleendihn." Artistic Catgirl: "Tuna... Where are we? I don't know what's going on..." She tightly clutches his shirt. Her breath gets shallow as an attack comes on. She starts to stutter. "D-Did did did I-I-I-I-" Jellyfish: He doesn't know either. He doesn't understand what's happening, or where he is, or where his friends are--but Latula is here, and the only thing his brain can think to do as it basically bluescreens is ...
To curl up over her. Drape over her like a shield, tucking her close.
I mean, there's no danger--kind of a silly move--but he held her nonetheless. Artistic Catgirl: She holds onto him tightly, finally getting it out as she started to shake. "A-a-are we d-d-dead?" She starts hyperventilating, her eyes slowly turning white as she began to understand how he was there with her. And she doesn't get how. There's nothing after death. Jellyfish: "Idunno, I danno, Idndnao, I dudnontknwoIdontoknondhgasgggjkfkjglskfdkjfkjghgjfj!"
He finally managed to pull her upright--burying his face in her hair, scratching the bases of her horns--calm, calm, do the calm things.
Except he can't. Every time he tries to purr and trill for her, all that comes out is an awful kazoo-cricket shriek.
He doesn't know what's happening. Artistic Catgirl: She holds onto him tightly as she waits for the attack to pass. After a few minutes she finally calmed down, pulling away. "Tuna, I... I thought when O faced her that that would be it... That I would die but here you are... The saddest most tubular guy in the universe..." She buries her face in his shoulder. "I missed you. I pity you so damn much... I don't wanna loose you again..."
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