#but i was extremely unmotivated
jackassnews · 17 days
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pedro-pascal · 7 months
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some food I had in Korea photo dump
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relicfragment · 3 months
looking at maomao like ah. yes. adhd.
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secondmagic · 4 months
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im never going to finish this wip but i also dont want it to just be left in my folder to rot so im just gonna dump it here lol
(full version here) (full version has🐱🐱🐱 for but also SPOILERS)
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pippipdiddlydoodles · 2 years
multiplication spoilers!
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come on marinette, don't you want a nice little smooch from your good friend adrien?
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fentennyson · 10 months
I have mad social anxiety but one day I'll show you all the BenZak art that's come from my RP group
OMG Please show me whenever you feel comfortable, I'd love to see your BenZak art <33
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nylarac · 4 months
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lemontartyellow · 1 month
Curls up into a little ball and dies
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divixxyy · 1 year
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shopping all day with your partner, now that's fine weather~! ☆
featuring two broke college students, but one is very slightly less broke.
(i'm gonna post a colouring + shading timelapse on my insta later today, look out for that if you'd like)
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charlie-rulerofhell · 2 years
So here I am with yet another rant (what has this show made of me??). And yes, it‘s about Daemon again, although this time it‘s no analysis or admiration for detail. This post is simply about bad writing choices that deal with the topics of evilness and ✨unpredictability✨, as depicted in episode 5.
The bad writing in question stems from two problems: lack of a proper exposition and sheer ridiculousness. It‘s clear what the authors wanted to show with that last episode considering Daemon: he‘s not the good guy and he‘s so unpredictable. However, what Daemon wanted to achieve stays extremely vague because we get no explanation whatsoever — you know the fun thing about unpredictable characters is that while their actions might seem unpredictable to the ones around them, to themselves they make perfect sense. Daemon‘s actions though? Are we just to believe that he was married to Lady Rhea for over a decade, then suddenly decides to murder her to make room for Rhaenyra, and then upon realising that she is already engaged, he‘s like: ah shit nevermind, i‘ll take someone else then. (And then not pay any attention to his feelings for Rhaenyra for 10 more years?) And what even was that scene? If they wanted to paint him as the villain, fine, let him murder Lady Rhea, murdering characters exist in fiction. But the scene was written and executed so poorly, that half the fandom is now like: He absolutely came there to murder her, I can see it in his Darth Vader cloak!, while the other half is like: The only way this was his fault is if he turned a wizard now.
And then there‘s the exposition of it all: We can tell that the authors wanted to go through with their plan of making Daemon the villain. But quite honestly, I don‘t buy it. That‘s not to say that Daemon can‘t do 'bad' / morally questionable things in the future, and judging by the book there might be some 'evil' things to come, but here we can only go by what we‘ve seen so far in the show. And that wasn‘t a villainous character. In fact, Daemon hasn‘t done much else yet than supporting his family and acting petty. The only thing we could possibly chatacterise him as aggressive with was the City Watch scene, which we are told though was necessary as King‘s Landing had a huge problem with criminality and was even welcomed by the smallfolk of the city. Apart from that he has been rather neutral and oftentimes even chivalrous. Took the shame of yielding in the tournament against Ser Cole, other than the other knights we saw before. Never tried to take Rhaenyra‘s claim to the throne, and refused to kill her to make himself heir when given the chance. Told Rhaenyra to support her father at her mother‘s funeral, and told Viserys that he would love to stand by his side to protect him. Beaten a messanger? Honestly, in medieval times the bringer of bad news could consider themselves extremely lucky if they didn‘t end up with a knife through their throat.
Daemon was shown as impulsive, yes, petty and easy to provoke. But he wasn‘t shown as the 'villain'. He was the one who was to his best abilities by Rhaenyra‘s side, and she is portrayed as our main character after all.
Tl;dr: If you wanna make him evil, make him evil. But do so properly please. Because otherwise you‘ll just end up with inconsequent storytelling that will leave your viewers rightfully confused and one of your multifaceted characters a big questionmark of incredibility.
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hit 300 user subs for the new year. thanks y'all
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heartbeetz · 1 year
Sorry for making like. No original posts lately. And also being offline a lot. Idk what's up. Hi.
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theoldaeroplane · 2 years
What's it like to wake up and not have a 73% chance your brain starts craving oblivion? Asking for a friend
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istanbulite · 2 years
i really need to draw and practise so much more instead of fiddling w doodles i did like 2 months ago
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
listen i may be having an icky brain day but i’m gonna rot your teeth with fluff and feelings over the next two days 💜
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
okay. one month of summer left. time to get my ass in gear. tomorrow <3
i’ll start one of the mangas i’ve been putting off; and dedicate some time in my evening to studying my JP textbook. i’m kind of tired of putting it off...
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