#but i wish this energy would've been there in 2016
talizorah · 2 years
not gonna lie it’s hard to be like “yay artists standing up for themselves” when you see artists fighting against machine learning and artifical intelligence but you’re a translator who has been fighting (and losing) countless battles of artifical intelligence taking over your specific field of work while no one gives a shit
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doom-nerdo-666 · 3 months
( Reposting from r/Doom) Perhaps a big reason why anyone would want a campaign with an ARC soldier
One reason could be just exploring a gameplay formula like Eternal's with new ideas for weapons, enemies, stuff since i even wrote a bunch of ideas i think could work if there's an expansion etc.
But another might be because of Doom's premise and how it changed since 2016.
It went from "UAC soldier that has to clean up the mess they started" to now there being stuff about the Sentinels.
It's why i compare Doom to Planet of the Apes in a sense the setting changed a bit more than most people realize but the new stuff is good while D3/Tim Burton's Apes movie are both seen as "technically closer to the OG premise but not as liked".
Doom as a series can work with changes like these because:
It's a setting that wasn't always taken seriously.
The old games are still getting modded to this day and with lots of good stuff.
The new stuff is good.
But it's also said the Sentinels are inspired by medieval stuff in Army of Darkness, when at the same time, that could've lead to Doomguy go back in time to medieval Europe if things were different.
I have some theories on why the Night Sentinel exist.
Could've been for Quake
Specially since Quake always had knights and the Ranger looks like a barbarian viking.
But there's always cases of Doom and Quake overlapping and how one was always viewed as the other "but in 3D".
A response/overcorrection to the cancelled Doom 4
The cancelled Doom 4 would've been about a "resistance" army on Earth fighting demons and from what you see in concept art and footage, it looks a bit "unexciting" for a supposed heavy metal series.
So maybe the idea of tech knights with energy swords was done to make Doom "more badass" because the alternative seemed boring.
When at the same time, they could've always thought of a buff dude out of the UAC simply being cool and make Earth locations take notes from Build Engine games.
It seems like what people expected out of a modern "Hell on Earth" could be seen in fanart and mods, but that leads to another point
Things that could've been part of Doom as a series are instead part of its "fanon"
You could say Doom fans were already "expanding the Doomverse" specially the classic version when looking at some fanart, some attempts at "remasters" and all those Realm667 assets.
People theorize that id themselves take inspiration from mods but put ideas like a fire themed Baron under a new art style and lore.
Not the same as exploring what could be more of the classic art style or formula (otherwise, maybe Romero could've been allowed to share more stuff).
This means The Dark Ages being Sentinel focused means they won't show stuff like Doomguy having a flashback to beating up his superior like it's mentioned in D1's manual: That would require forgetting what you set up for UAC in 2016 and imagine exactly what could suit the aesthetic of D1. Otherwise, look at the D2 skin and compare it to the D2 box art. Even the QC armor based off classic Doom doesn't seem that different, despite using the box art as a ref instead of Adrian's model.
Again, this can be justified with the notion that "Doom's setting is a mess lol" but it also depends on where it comes from, when the reboot games made by people not involved in the originals are the ones focusing on lore and worldbuilding.
Lots of Doom fan content feels like an alt timeline where the series stayed a bit more consistent and certain wishes or ideas are realized.
Even the D64 official release might owe its existence to fan ports, since the lead dev of a popular fan port worked on the official one.
But it's also not like we'll have any of Andrew Hulshult's remixes of classic Doom songs being owned by id.
The versatility of Doom's premise
I always view Doom's premise as a blank canvas where you can add a lot as long as it's "Doomy enough", hence why i think a lore could limit certain opportunities that could be cool.
In general, 2016 and Eternal introduced ideas that could've been done differently in a new game or something.
It's also why it's cool to look at cut content or concept art: As in, these ideas deserve to be revisited and be used in something.
It's also worth noting how Doom went through different looks, leading to questions like "what if Sentinels or Mayks were in other games but different?".
UAC wasn't always "gray base on orange Mars" since you used to have a "terraformed" Phobos with blue carpets and a weird low tech aesthetic.
And Hell had a variety of looks and themes, somehow they weren't really explored later on.
For a series with a seemingly limited setting, the idea of reinterpretating something seems fun and it's even seen in some fan works like fanmade redesigns.
Sometimes, you even wonder what it'd be if the Sentinels didn't exist: Would you make the Slayer like a UAC super soldier program? Would you just have everything be either weird UAC tech or demonic artifacts? Would Marauders be medieval knights from Earth? Because if any of those happened, i can't imagine someone going "what if there was a world of knights with tech and cool mechs?" due to everyone getting used to UAC and Hell in that scenario.
But this is also why i think it's cool if each setting/theme has their version of an object or item: We even see a Sentinel take on the Plasma Rifle, so imagine their take on medikits.
(also why people didn't like Eternal having glowy videogame pickups, when the life pickup could've been some artifact)
I guess people would like an ARC soldier campaign just to balance things out: If we can pilot a mech dragon, we could've piloted a UAC military helicopter.
But you need to make that seem cool and fun.
Speaking of "reinterpretations", i even think of "alternate lores".
What if the Sentinels existed in Earth's medieval ages and were forgotten by time until UAC archeologists discovered their demons?
What if they were descendents of some of Earth's survivors who colonized a planet similar to Earth and suddenly developed better tech and went with a medieval inspired culture?
What if Doomguy was still a UAC guy but the Doomslayer is a transformation/form he has where his UAC tech/armor is turned into Sentinel stuff and he gets more powerfull even with some limits like time?
Maybe these ideas are less cool but seem like examples to what can make Doom interesting.
I always thought different Doom's could coexist: At some point, have a Slayer type game and a different kind of Doom both being made, even if one is a spin-off.
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liopleurodean · 11 months
Season 11, Episode 13: Love Hurts
Unattached Drifter Christmas
Of course
You'd think that would be an easy choice
Regina George energy
Is that Hellboy?
I'd be watching the space program
Don't make it a doll episode
2016 and they don't have Netflix? What a nightmare
Hey, Rick and Morty isn't bad
Actually, I think that's the first episode
Oh boy
Mm. I do Not like that
What's up with the bear?
It is indeed morning
Is that a hickey???
Okay, Beyonce
Sure thing, Dean
Stacy's mom has got it going on?
That would be an interesting job
Yeah, I bet
Uh huh
The bear?
Poor girl
Cute cover photo
Dude. She's dead. Criminal investigation. No point in hiding it now
You'd be surprised
Huh. Interesting storage type
Definitely his face, but no human could do that
Unfortunately, he does
Man, I wish all coats had inside pockets like that
There's the eye flash!
I think we have a shifter on our hands
That was weird
We still don't know the story
What does that make Teagan?
I don't think it's her
That's not pathetic at all
Silver pen
No leads
Have fun with that
A witch?
Interesting method
So it's definitely her fault, but something else is involved
Uh oh
Definitely not
Oh boy
Summoned shifter gone rogue?
Here's Johnny!
Pepper spray, nice!
Obviously not, otherwise he wouldn't be there
WHO said Dean had a dad bod I-- 😭
It's her
...I think she's the shifter
Or maybe not
Ah. The lipstick
Here we go
Definitely the lipstick
Not your fault
That's an idea
That's not gonna work
Oh, Dean, no...
Let me guess. The monster will shift into Amara
That's not what he's doing
Fake ones
Of course
Well that's a start
Everyone thinks that
Great plan
There it is
Whatever that is
So what's Dean's deepest darkest desire?
So that entire conversation was incomprehensible to me. So I did a little Google search and you're telling me that DAISY DUKE CUTOFF SHORTS are a reference to THE DUKES OF HAZZARD? The tiny little denim booty jorts and a show about two outlaws in a classic car? I'm gonna go insane
Oh my gosh
Sam. That was the stupidest thing you've ever done. What the heck
I'm happy for him
Uh oh
Dude. It has a lock
That's not good
Ugh. Of course
At least he knows
Makes sense
Because Amara is evil? That's why?
That's stupid
Oh boy
This is weird
I forgot about her
She really likes punching things
Witch-killing bullets!
Took him long enough
His voice 💀
Absolutely (not)
What does that mean?
It would've been hysterical if it was Cas
Dean, no.
Power imbalance
That was never in doubt
Thanks, Sam
It's all artificial
You'll figure it out, Dean
It's not your fault
I wonder how much money that is
0 notes
fallen-gravity · 1 year
Judging by how much you love Aladdin and Moana, you must hold Clements and Musker dear.
Thoughts on The Little Mermaid (my beloved), Hercules (Hades my beloved), Treasure Planet, and Princess and the Frog?
So a fun little fact about me is that I didn't see most of the classic Dinsey movies until I was in high school, so I don't have the same childhood biases towards a good chunk of them like most people probably do. I don't think I even realized that Clements and Musker had so many movies until like, three or four years ago when I was watching Aladdin Again that I went "hey wait, I recognize those names!!"
that being said:
The Little Mermaid is really fun and cute, and it's definitely a movie I would've seen myself obsessed with if I'd actually seen it as a kid. I went through a huge mermaid phase and I think this movie would've been even more gas on the fire in the best way possible. Ursula is a fantastic villain and Poor Unfortunate Souls is a fantastic villain number. I do not think the live action version is needed but I won't judge anyone who wants to go see it anyway.
Hercules is similar in that I never saw anything of it besides GIFsets on tumblr until 2016 and I'm sure I'd have even stronger feelings about it if I saw it as a kid, but I genuinely love it so much. Hercules has big himbo energy and I support that for him 100%. Meg is sooooo much fun even outside of the Tough Sassy Girl persona and Susan Egan knocks it out of the park. Modern Disney Villains WISH they could be half the villain Hades was.
I. still haven't seen Treasure Planet.
Princess and the Frog is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. Not quite up there with Aladdin or Moana, but it's so beautiful. The visuals, the music, it's all so *chef's kiss*. It's ironic that it's the last fully 2D movie that Disney ever made, because Princess and the Frog is exactly why I miss their 2D movies so much. The flow and bounce and the colors are immaculate and so beautifully done in a way I haven't seen in a Disney movie since.
Dig a Little Deeper is still underrated as far as the soundtrack goes. It's always been my favorite from the movie.
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goldenbyhs · 5 years
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