#but i’ll be traveling next week so maybe while i’m dealing with the airport and stuff
booskwan · 11 months
honestly as much as i would be excited for skz’s comeback it’s so much nicer to not have the pressure of creating for it
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httphopewrld · 4 years
I Don’t Know What to Call This | (f/m/a)
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Just Friends? Friends with benefits? Dating? Questions swarmed your mind when one of your dear friends, Allie, asked about you and Hoseok’s relationship. The truth was you didn’t know. You and Hoseok were close, knowing each other since elementary school, and considered each other friends. However, as you two grew older, maturing into separate professions—you a well-known fashion designer, and Hoseok a famous musician and dancer—you two had engaged in some intimate activities (sex—lots of it.) After Allie’s simple question, you had to confront your feelings. But were you and Hoseok ready to be more than close friends and f*ck buddies?
Pairing: friend/lover/bfhoseok! x female reader
Genre: slowburn fluff and SMUT
Rating: 18+ because there’s swearing and pretty detailed smut
Warnings: swearing and SMUT (one of the most detailed smuts I've written, and there's more than one sex scene.) Smut includes: switch!reader and switch!hoseok, grinding and thrusting, protective sex (USE CONDOMS, I cannot stress that enough), lots of kissing, ass-grabbing, dirty talk, a wee bit of choking on both sides, squirting, male and female oral, fingering and handjobs, vibrator use, cyber-sex, the reader uses dildo, slight degradation, and just lots of filth—YOU'RE WELCOME FELLOW FILTHY ANIMALS. Oh, and spoilers for the horror movie Hush. It's on Netflix if you haven't watched it yet. It is GOOD.
  Word Count: 16, 465 (wowie)
A/N: Thank you for waiting! It’s rushed, so expect some little mistakes here an there, but I’m happy with how it turned out. I hope y'all enjoy it! Also, Y/L/N means "your last name."
  Taglist: @kirbykook​ @kleritata​ @taestannie​ @jenotation​ @hemmos-obrien​ @zeharilisharaban​ @speed-of-wind​ @kawaisoraya​
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“You can move those over there,” you gestured to the left corner of the windowed room, where a pile of boxes waited. The move was going to take longer than you expected because the movers arrived a week later than your assistant, Rachel said. I really need to talk to her about this. You stressed in your mind, rubbing your temples. “Are you okay?” You looked up, vision resuming its focus on your friend, Allie. Allie, your friend for as long as you could remember, offered to help you move to your new building. She would help you manage everything, including the movers, tracking your company's items, and the layout you gave to her for said things while managing the company. “I’m just irritated at Rachel,” you noticed her confusion, “my new assistant.” She nodded, remembering, “Right. Why is she still employed?” “Because she’s new, and being an assistant is a tough feat. She’ll get it soon.” You reassured, “Rachel is a fast learner, and this is her first mistake. We’re prepared for the next show, though, because Westley's helping me organize it.” “Remind me who Westley is?” Allie asked. You sighed. “West is like my second brain. He helps organize the fashion shows, hire the models, find the venues, and secure the guest list. He has other people help him too, but he’s the brains of that. I create the fashion, and he finds a way to present it.” Allie nodded, “Gotcha.” Your phone rang, and you answered. “Y/N.” “Y/N!” Rachel chimed on the other end. “It’s Rachel. I’m so sorry about the mix-up on dates. It won’t happen again, I—” “I know it won’t, Rachel. You’re new, so I expected to slip up. I’ve gotten it taken care of,” you nudged Allie’s arm, and she smiled. “We’re luckily prepared for the next show in Vancouver, so you don’t have to worry about the mess up. All I need you to do now is make sure that my fabrics are coming in.” “Yes! They’ve arrived at the studio.” Rachel replied. "Fantastic. Thank you. That'll be all for now. Check on West if he needs anything." You ordered. “Will do, Y/N. Talk to you soon.” You hung up. The Vancouver show was in five months, giving you and your team enough time to design the clothes for the production and move to the new building. The show's theme was natural bodies of water and nature, a nod to Canada's landscape. The clothing catalogue would include various icy blue shades to represent waterfalls and warm emerald tones like flora and fauna. These colours would be encapsulated in elegant gowns and suits, worn by different body shapes, genders, and colours. The materials would be made from recycled fabrics from your previous shows and from your fellow artists. You were known for designing elegant attire, so it was best to keep to it. However, it was rare to see different sized, coloured, and gendered models on a runway; because of having to customize clothes to those models. Additionally, making clothes from recycled fabrics would be tough. “Okay,” you began, “I need to talk to my design team and plan out the gowns. Can I leave you here to deal with the movers?” Allie gave you a thumbs up. “Thank you,” you smiled, hugging her, “if you need anything, please call me or Rachel, or both. We’ll be back to help.” Before you left, a thought struck you. You turned around to face Allie. “I should just hire you.” She chuckled, “Why?” You scoffed, "Because you're here all the time!" You walked back to her. "Listen, you're the best manager I know. You can be my third brain. You already are, outside of work, so it would make sense." Allie seemed unsure. “I already have my job at Youth and Hope.” You grasped her hands. “You would be given a great wage, not just because you’re my best friend, but because you’re going to be busy with lots of work. You would be handling the management tasks, like West. You’d be given a good amount of vacation, trips for shows and meetings would be paid for—you could get that loft you always wanted downtown.” You wiggled your eyebrows, and Allie laughed. “Don’t I have to go through an interview process?” You brushed a hand through the air. “I can get someone to interview you and officially hire you. Once that’s done, you’ll start getting paid.” You checked your watch, and a quick rush of panic ran through you. “Shit, I’m going to be late. Consider it, alright! Let me know your availability, and we’ll schedule an interview!” “Okay!” She shouted back as you left. . . The coffee had become bitter. You weren’t sure if it was the roast or the fact that this was your fourth cup of the night. It had been a month since the fabrics arrived. Thanks to Allie, your friend and now employee, your move to the new building was complete; however, your designs weren’t translating as smoothly as you wish. "Fuck," you cursed, resting your head in your hands and rubbing your temples. The sketches waited in front of you—the measurements and ideas raking at your confidence. Your designs are redundant. You’ve done something similar last time.                   ��                                                   Boring. Plain. You turned back to your mannequins, still bare. The theme was in your mind, and your design team reassured you that your sketches were fine, but it all felt fuzzy. “Y/N,” Rachel peered into the studio from the door, “there’s a gentleman here to see you.” “His name?” You asked, still looking at the mannequins. You heard footsteps retreat into the front lobby, then come back to the door. “Jung Hoseok?” You turned around, trying to contain your excitement. “Please send him in.” Rachel nodded, jogging back to the lobby. You heard a muffled “thank you” before heavy footsteps approaching your studio. Hoseok reached the doorway, beaming his signature smile. He wore acid-washed jeans, a baggy white sweater that matched his chunky light sneakers. His dark hair was slightly wavy and parted in the middle. A tote bag was slung over his shoulder. “Y/N!” He cheered, opening his arms wide. “Hoseok!” You replied, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. You couldn’t remember the last time you saw Hoseok—a year or two? “Fuck, how long has it been?” You asked him. He pulled away, thinking. “About six months?” Totally off. “Seriously, it felt longer than that.” You argued. Hoseok pulled out his phone and scrolled through his calenderer and photos. He made a ‘tsk’ sound. “Ah, see here,” he showed you a few photos of you two with his friends, who were also his bandmates, “six months ago, you joined us on tour for a couple days before coming back here. I have it also marked in my calendar.” He showed you the dates, which were marked with ‘💚Y/N’s visit💚.’ “Can Namjoon or Yoongi confirm this?” You crossed your arms. Hoseok mimicked your body language. “I can call them right now,” he challenged. You two stood in competitive tension. You succumbed. “You win this time, Jung Hoseok.” He playfully chuckled. You realized that Hoseok doesn’t live around here. “Wait, why are you in town. Shouldn’t you and the others be in Korea planning another album or something?” You speculated. “Our company gave us a month for vacation because we spent most of the year touring.” Hoseok sighed. “So, I decided to come to visit.” You hugged him again, happy to see someone who wasn’t your employee amidst this chaos of stress. “How long are you staying?” You asked, muffled against his chest. He paused. “Maybe a month?” You pulled away from him, shocked. “A month? Here? That’s all your vacation time.” “Yeah,” he replied, as if that wasn’t a big deal, “I didn’t want to travel to a bunch of places because the group and I have been doing that for almost a year—and it’s pretty chill in this area.” He sighed. “Besides, I don’t think many people would recognize me. The airport wasn’t busy, and I haven’t been swarmed by fans yet.” “Do you have a place to stay?” You asked. He nodded. “Yup! I’m staying at a fancy hotel. I got the suite at the top floor,” he made a gesture with his hand, indicating how high up his suite was. You playfully elbowed his side. "Wow, look at you, Mr. Famous. You can afford a top suite now. Are you sure you don't want to stay with me, though?” Hoseok dismissed your offer with a wave of his hand. “It’s alright, Y/N. Thank you, though.” He peered over your shoulder, “It looks like you’re busy anyway, so I think I’ll just stick to my suite.” He walked past you, over to the bare mannequins. “Are you preparing for that show in Vancouver that you told me about?” You nodded, relaying your theme and ideas to him. He smiled. “That sounds really cool,” he pointed to the mannequins, “but don’t you need some clothes for the show, then?” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at him for being a smart ass. “Yes, I do. I’m brainstorming some ideas right now, but I’m coming up with nothing. I have the design team coming in tomorrow with drafts, but I’d like to bring my own thing to the table, you know? I’m the main brain of this operation, and it’d be embarrassing if I come in with zilch.” You leaned against one of the tables, facing the mannequins. "The tough part is designing gowns that fit the right people, you know. Sure, you can make a collection of clothes, but they won't look good if they don't fit the models." You shook your head. "Maybe it's just tougher to design clothes for different bodies. I should just stick to one type of person and leave it at that." Hoseok walked up beside you, leaning against the same table and facing the figures. “Why don’t you find the models and then design the clothes?” You looked at him, surprised. “But wouldn’t that take a long time?” He crossed his arms, “Well, how many models would you need?” “We’re thinking around seventy. There’s going to be two changes within the show.” Hoseok nodded, and you could see him brainstorming. “Well, you have four months left, right? You and your team can make some drafts, cast the models, and finalize the ideas with said models. Which would take about a couple of months? You could do that while planning the show?” He paused, appearing to notice your hesitant expression. “Think about it. You’ve trained your team well enough to work on its own, right? That’s what you did for your last show, which was a success. You came in every day for a couple hours to make sure everything was in order, then focused on other things.” Hoseok grasped your hands. “You’re great at multitasking, so do it. It’s scary, but you can check on people every day to make sure everything’s alright.” You bit your lip, “I-I don’t know, Hoseok. That sounds like a lot of work—” “You did it last time, and it worked out just fine,” he gently squeezed your hands, “and I’m here for a month. I can help out whenever you need me. I’ll simply clean things up and fetch coffee if that’s what you need.” You laughed, “Like my intern?” “Yeah! I don’t know how to design anything or plan a fashion show, but I’ll do what I can.” He smiled. “You’re so much more than you think, Y/N, and if you need reminders, I’ll be here.” You smiled back at him, so grateful to have him here. “My god, you’re fucking sweet,” you scoffed, taking your hands out of his. Hoseok laughed. You pushed yourself off the table and faced him. “How did we even become friends?” You questioned. He actually gave it a thought. “You joined by dance club in elementary school, when no one else would.” He laughed so hard that he teared up. “I think we actually took club photos, and it was only you and I posing.” You laughed with him, remembering those days spent trying to breakdance to hip hop and presenting dance routines to your parents. “Yeah, that was before you joined that Music Academy in grade four, right?” He nodded, and you sighed, surprised you still remembered. Your mind came back to the present. “So, you’re actually okay with helping out?” You checked. “Why would I ask if I didn’t want to?” Hoseok replied. You tapped your index finger against your temple, “true.” “So, how much do you want?” Hoseok looked offended at your question. You chuckled. “Well, you’re going to work for me, so I need to pay you.” “It’s only just a month, though.” “Yeah, but—” “What about we see how much you have me do before you pay me?” He interrupted. “I might just have to fetch coffee, so you can just give me money on the spot.” You thought about it for a minute. Hoseok yawned. “This work talk is making me tired. Do you want to go out for dinner?” He looked around you, “Unless you have more work to do. I can always wait in the lobby for you to finish.” You brushed your hand through the air, “Nah, it’s okay. I’m pretty brain dead anyway. I need to be energized for tomorrow’s draft review.” Hoseok pushed himself off the table and clapped. “Awesome! Where do you think I’m taking you for dinner?” You bit your lip, trying to guess. “Sushi?” “Sushi it is!” He beamed. You grabbed your things and followed him out of the studio.
Both of you sat towards the back of the sushi restaurant, to Hoseok’s request. The waitress placed you two in a concealed booth, with drapes covering a small entrance.
You two had to take your shoes off before sitting down.
“Why did you say, ‘sushi it is?’” You asked, taking a sip of your water.
Hoseok opened his can of sprite, “What do you mean?”
“You asked where I thought you were taking me, I responded, and you said, ‘sushi it is!’” You reiterated.
He took a sip of his soda before responding, "It's a trick I learned from Instagram." He set his drink down. "You ask someone, 'where do you think I'm taking you for food?' dinner or whatever, and then take them to a place with that food. It's easier than asking 'what do you want to eat?' because people can't decide."
You nodded, making an ‘aaahhh’ sound. “Smart.”
You two caught up while eating your meals. Hoseok chatted about his bandmates and the tour, and you talked about your move to the new building.
Most of it was just adding more details about your lives because you two texted lots during the week and sometimes video chatted. You'd get to see Hoseok and his friends, and he'd get a view of your life on the other side of the world.
To others, it looked like both of you were dating. Both of your friends would tease, singing, "Y/N and Hoseok sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Many of his fans, ARMY, would theorize your friendship, pointing out the matching bracelets you two wore—which was later proved normal because Hoseok went live on Vlive making bracelets for his bandmates.
And you two would continually clarify that you two were strictly long-time friends. Nothing more.
Girls and boys can be friends. Simple as that.
You and Hoseok finished your meals. You two shared a few rolls and a bento box and were full.
“That was really good.” You commented, rubbing your stomach.
Hoseok chuckled, copying you, “I think I’m pregnant.”
You laughed, “Shut up! You’re so fit.”
“You’re right,” he replied, pulling up his sleeves and flexing his arms.
You both laughed as he flexed his muscles, which were significantly more prominent than your remembered. You were slightly jealous of his lean athletic figure.
And were gazing at it for too long.
“I don’t know about you,” Hoseok sighed, appearing to be tired from the food and flexing his muscles, “but I’m in the mood for some Ben and Jerry’s.”
Your eyes lit up. “YES.”
“Cookie dough with chunks?” You both said in unison.
You two erupted in laughter.
"I'll go play," Hoseok said, getting up.
You stopped him, “It’s alright,” you smiled, “my treat.”
Before you left the booth, you turned around and said thoughtfully, "But you're getting the ice cream."
Hoseok's expression conveyed the same seriousness as if a soldier on a mission.
He saluted you. “Copy that, Y/N.”
You saluted him back and left to pay.
The walk to Ben and Jerry’s was quick. Both of you were eager to share the tub of ice cream.
You ended up getting a chocolate chip cookie dough and a cherry Garcia pint, and two spoons to share. You both ate the ice creams with delight while walking back to your apartment building.
When arriving at your building, Hoseok handed you the cookie dough ice cream pint.
“What are you doing?” You asked while he gave you the closed pint.
He tilted his head to the side, confused. “What do you mean? I’m dropping you off at your place.”
You gave a shocked expression. “Dropping me off? We’re not even done our pints!”
“But you have work tomorrow. I don’t want to keep you up.” Hoseok stepped back towards the edge of the sidewalk. “I can catch a cab back to the hotel, don’t worry.”
You balanced the pints in one hand and used your other to grab his arm.
“You’re not going anywhere,” you said, pulling away from the curb and closer to your building.
Hoseok pulled his arm out of your grip. "Y/N, you need to be well-rested—"
“At least help me finish the ice cream.” You interrupted, holding up the pints that were now in both your hands, along with your spoon.
“We haven’t seen each other six months, and it’s only…”
Hoseok pulled out his phone. “Nine.”
“Exactly!” You expressed. “It’s only nine. I don’t need to be in until nine-thirty tomorrow morning. As long as you’re out by eleven, that gives me an hour to get ready for bed at twelve, and I will wake up at eight. Plenty of rest!”
You watched his unsure expression.
"If you don't want to go home at eleven, that's fine by me. Could you leave earlier? Or you can go back to your hotel if you want. I won't take offence; you know me." You held up your arms in surrender, ice cream pints still in your hands. "But if you're leaving because you're worried that I won't get enough sleep, don't. I'm a grown woman. I know how to take care of myself, and I want you to come in.
Hoseok bit his lip, appearing to debate the offer.
He sighed. "Fine, I'll come in. However, I don't want to get a text from you complaining about being tired in the morning."
“I swear,” you promised, pretending to draw an ‘x’ over your heart, “I cross my heart.”
Hoseok chuckled, and you led the two of you into your apartment building and into the elevator. You pressed the twentieth button, and you two waited in comfortable silence.
The elevator doors opened, and you two walked to your apartment.
You opened the door to your studio apartment, locking the door behind you two and hanging up your bag along with your keys.
“Want anything to drink?” You asked, setting down the ice cream pint in your hand and taking off your coat.
Hoseok set down the cookie dough pint on the coffee table. “Anything is alright, thanks,”
You hummed, getting both of you bottles of black cherry soda and bringing over the cherry Garcia pint and your spoon.
"Jesus, do you need help?" Hoseok asked with worry, seeing you holding the bottles by their necks in one hand and the ice cream pint and spoon in the other.
You chuckled, “It’s alright, just sit down.”
You two sat on the couch, twisting off the caps on your sodas and taking a sip.
Hoseok sighed. “That’s really good,” he gestured to the pop before putting it down on the coffee table.
“Yeah! They’re so addictive,” you replied, setting coasters under both of your drinks.
Both of you continued to reminisce about your childhood, especially middle school. The puberty years had been gruesome to you two, speckling your faces with acne.
You pulled out a photo album you kept on one of your bookshelves, which had pictures of your families and your younger selves—even photos when Hoseok was training, before debuting with BTS in 2013.
“Oh my god, look at you!” You gasped, showing him a picture.
In the photo, Hoseok arms were crossed over his chest, his attempt at having swagger. He wore a collared shirt, and his hair was short.
“Oh god, no,” Hoseok cringed, gently pushing the photo away.
You chuckled, "You were so adorable, always dancing and having a good time." You smiled. "You are such a hard worker, practicing so much. I remember you twisting your ankle but still practicing."
You looked at him tenderly. “I wish people could see that.”
Hoseok smiled back at you, softly touching your hand. You grasped his hand, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
He was the first to pull away.
“You remember our sleepovers?” He asked.
You giggled, "Yeah when you could leave that cramped place you shared with the boys."
He swatted your arm, “That apartment was good! It was where everything started.” He pouted. “Anyways, we would always look up deep questions to ask each other—or would you rather.”
You rolled your eyes. “Those questions were overrated.”
“I thought they were nice!” Hoseok defended. “We got to know each other more, like, ‘what is your biggest fear?’ or ‘what is your biggest pet peeve?’”
He must've seen your unimpressed expression because he continued, "You got to admit that you learned a bit more about me because of those questions!"
You sighed. “I did, I guess.”
Hoseok held up his index finger, seeming to signal ‘wait a minute.’
He pulled out his phone. “Let’s try some now, then.”
“Come on,” he interrupted. “If you don’t learn anything new about me from the first four questions we do, then we can stop, alright? I will never bring up these questions ever again.”
You debated his offer.
“Fine.” You agreed, setting down the photo album. “Shoot.”
“Okay, but we both pick two questions and answer all of them. For example, when we ask a question, the other person answers before the picker.” Hoseok said while he scrolled.
You hummed, understanding his instructions.  
“Want to do would you rather?”
"Sexy edition?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. "Unless you're uncomfortable."
You scoffed. “Hobi, we're grown, adults. I can take a few sexual questions."
“Okay,” Hoseok replied, “but if you ever feel uncomfortable, we can choose another question or stop.”
You nodded, and Hoseok appeared to find what he was looking for.
“Alright,” he began, “would you rather bite someone’s ear during sex or bite someone’s lip during sex?”
This is pretty vanilla. You thought.
"Lip, for sure." You emphasized the 'sure' in your sentence, stringing along with the 'er' sound.
“Same,” Hoseok agreed while passing you his phone.
You took his cell and strolled through the website.
What do I choose? Do I just dive in, or go for the vanilla shit?
“Would you rather engage in foreplay or go right into the main course?” You asked.
Hoseok thought about it. “I would say foreplay. You can warm things up—and nothing is more fun than teasing.” He shimmied, making you two laugh.
You agreed, passing the phone to him.
“Oooo, here’s a classic,” he grinned, “top or bottom?”
“I think I’m a switch,” you replied.
He tilted his head.
“It’s like, you’re both, top and bottom. I like to take control sometimes, but I can also sub.” You explained. “You?”
“Top,” he replied, “for sure.”
You laughed, “You sound so against being a bottom.”
He laughed too. “I like pleasuring the person I’m having sex with. Nothing is more satisfying than making someone cum.”
“True,” you admitted.
You found your mind wandering to unholy memories of you and Hoseok. What was odd about your friendship that—to put it blatantly—you two had sex. Not just once, but a few times.
This is why asking these questions was pretty casual and not too surprising.
You two started engaging in sex a couple years ago. You were stressed about your company starting, and Hoseok was in town. He offered to help you relax, and before you knew it, he was drilling into you from behind.
Both of you agreed to stay friends but continued to have sex every now and then. It was great, you had to admit. Probably the best sex you had in your life, and it was good that you two were able to keep your friendship platonic at the same time. Only, it was sex without the romantic feelings.
To be honest, you were craving it again.
He passed you his phone again, and you tried to pick a good last question.
“Would you rather kiss me gently or kiss me aggressively?” You asked.
Hoseok paused before answering. “Depends on the mood.”
“Well, at this moment, then, what is the mood?”
You watched Hoseok’s eyes shift between your lips then your eyes.
You hummed. “Good to know.” You passed him back his phone. “Last question.”
Hoseok chuckled, “You seriously didn’t learn anything new?”
You shrugged. “I guess not.”
He didn't seem bothered, though, when his body shifted closer to yours.
When he looked back up at you, his expression changed. Although his eyes were already an opaque shade of brown, they had darkened.
I know that look.
He smirked. “Would you rather make the first move or receive the first move?”
You bit your lip, gazing up at his body.
Before you could reconnect with his eyes, you heard his phone drop, and his lips were on yours.
Just like his answer, his kisses were aggressive and needy. You could taste the cherry cola and ice cream on his lips and mouth.
You pulled his face closer, wanting more.
Hoseok’s body language opened up, allowing you to get up and straddle his lap. You felt his hands inch up your shirt and tug at the fabric. He helped you take it off, which gave him access to your breasts.
You felt him undo your bra with a quick flick of his fingers, and you tossed it off without a care.
Hoseok let out a chuckle before claiming your lips with his.
His lips were intoxicating, and you wanted more.
“Please touch me,” you begged against his lips.
He hummed, grazing his hands down your back before roughly grabbing your ass. You moaned, and he held you against him, hard enough to feel him grind into you.
“Fuck, stop teasing,” you pulled away, and he laughed.
“Baby, I’m not teasing,” he smirked.
Baby. The term of endearment made your heart swoon.
You weren’t always this infatuated by Hoseok. But the way he came to visit you during his break, had dinner and ice cream with you, and kissed you this good—it made you want more than just a fling.
But you couldn't think that way. It was sex. You two were doing this to get off, not engage in lovemaking.
Hoseok swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, eyeing your figure. “You know what I want.”
You ran your hand up and down his chest. “What are you waiting for?”
Hoseok's hands came underneath your thighs, and he picked you up, walking you to your bedroom. He used your body to close the door, slamming you against it.
He ground himself against your core, causing you to moan louder than you expected.
You covered your mouth in embarrassment.
Hoseok chuckled, “It’s okay,” he pulled away enough to graze his thumb over your cheek, “I love it when you moan.”
You rolled your eyes, kissing him and grabbing his ass, causing him to grind on your core.
"Fuck, I can practically feel that you wet," he groaned, trying his best to hold you up and sturdy you against the door.
“B-bed,” you choked, one of his particular thrusts stroking perfectly against you.  
Hoseok moved you towards your bed and gingerly placed you down. He kissed down your bare chest and slowly took off your pants and underwear.
“Fuck, your perfect,” Hoseok awed, softly running a finger through your wet heat.
His cold finger sent a wave of pleasure through you, making you flinch.
Hoseok hummed. “So wet for me,”
He looked up at you. “May I?”
You nodded, but he only smirked.
“Words, baby,” he put a hand to his ear.
“Please,” you bit down on your lip.
You felt him spread your lips, and you clenched in response. He appeared to savour you, taking his time as he ate you out.
When you moaned, he’d hum, sending vibrations into your heat that brought you closer to your climax.
“Fuck, I’m close—”
He pulled away, licking his lips and gazing down at you.
“You taste better than I remembered,” he commented. “But I want you to cum around me.”
God, I love his dirty talk.
You watched him take off his clothes. He must've been working out because he was more toned than six months ago.
He was about to line himself up with your entrance, but you stopped him with your foot on his chest.
You smirked. “Not yet, baby.”
You stood up. “Sit.”
Hoseok sat on the bed, your roles shifting.
“But I want—”
You interrupted his beg with your hand around his erect cock. He appeared to be speechless as you run your hand up and down his shaft.
“Hm?” You asked, chuckling lightly at how easy it was to make him submit. “What do you want, baby?”
“I-I wanted,” he stuttered, thrusting slightly into your hand, “to cum inside you.”
“Is that so?” You questioned, pulling your hand away.
Despite his vocalized want, he whined when you pulled away.
“I’m only doing what my baby wants,” you shrugged. “Condoms are in the bottom drawer on the right.”
Hoseok dashed over to the bedside table, rummaging for the condoms.
“Those should fit you, right?”
"Yes," he replied, opening the familiar wrapper and unravelling it on his erect member.  
He stood there for a minute, wrapped penis and naked, just fondly looking at your nude figure.
He whispered something under his breath.
“Nothing,” Hoseok blushed. “You still want to fuck?”
“Top or bottom?”
“Top please,” you smiled.
Hoseok laid down on your bed, and you climbed onto his torso.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he cursed as you moved off his abs and onto his cock.
A wet puddle was left on his abdomen, which he wiped away with his fingers, then putting said fingers into his mouth.
“So good,” he groaned.
You hummed in response, slowly sinking onto him.
"Fuck, you feel so good," you said when you bottomed out.
You started moving, swaying your hips back and forth. Each time Hoseok's cock would graze against your g-spot.
His hands were placed on your hips, guiding you on him. You could feel yourself clenching around him and your climax building up.
“I-I’m close,” you stuttered.
Hoseok swallowed, “Me too.”
“Ch-choke me,” you requested as you picked up your pace.
Hoseok grinned. “Only if you choke me back.”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Hoseok gently wrapped his hand around your neck, and you did the same, slowly applying pressure.
You felt your thighs burn from exhaustion. "F-fuck me," you cursed, slowing down.
Both of you let go of each other's neck, and Hoseok flipped you two over, still inside you.
"It's okay," Hoseok assures before resuming the pace.
His thrusts were rough and deep, and he pushed your thighs against your chest.
“Fuck, please keep going,” you begged.
“Can I choke you?” Hoseok asked.
“Please,” you replied, “do you want me to choke you too?”
“Yes,” Hoseok responded.
You felt yourself rhythmically clench around him. Hoseok must’ve realized because he began thrusting faster into you.
The room was filled with unholy noises. You could hear the wet sounds of your entrance and the impact of Hoseok’s hips against your core.
“Fuck don’t stop,” you choked out.
The knot building up in your abdomen unravelled, and pleasure and relaxation spread through your body. Your core gripped onto Hoseok like a vice.
“H-Hoseok,” you stammered, your core overstimulated.
“I-I want you to squirt,” he replied, continuing his firm thrusts.
“Oh,” you moaned.
He pounded deeper into your core, to the point where you could feel his tip ram against your cervix.
“Ah!” You screamed, feeling yourself gush around him.
“Fuck, so good,” Hoseok groaned. “I-I’m cumming.”
You felt the condom fill up inside you, and you felt disappointed that his cum couldn’t coat your walls.
His thrusts slowed down, and he stood still for a few moments.
When he pulled out, you shivered with oversensitivity. You knew that your sheets would be a mess and weren't looking forward to cleaning them when Hoseok left.
You looked up at the ceiling, breathless, while you heard Hoseok walk away from the bed.
“Where do you put your towels?” He asked.
“In the hallway, in the closet beside the dryer and washing machine.” You replied.
You heard him walk into the hallway and the closet door open and close. “Thanks,” he said. “And your bedsheets?”
“The closet in my room.”
You heard him walk back into your room, open your walk-in closet that led into your bathroom, and shuffle around. The tap ran in your bathroom for a couple seconds, then the sound of Hoseok wringing out something.
You began to sit up, but he hushed you to lie back down.
“Just relax,” he soothed, placing the clean bedsheets on your bedside table and walking over to you with a damp cloth.
“You don’t have to—”
He placed a hand on your thigh. “It’s okay,” he reassured.
You two exchanged a quick smile before Hoseok began to clean you up.
“You didn’t even cum on me,” you chuckled as he gently wiped your inner thighs.
“I know,” he replied, “but I still made you messy.”
When your thighs were no longer covered in your cum, you two changed your bedsheets.
“You good sleep in the same bed?” You asked while folding over your duvet.
“Sure,” He smiled.
You walked into your closet. "There should be some clothes that fit you. I usually wear men's clothes at home, anyways. It's crazy how great the quality men's clothes are compared to women's clothes." You picked out a t-shirt and sweatpants and tossed them at Hoseok.
He caught them, “Thanks.”
You two showered separately and spent the time getting ready together dancing to tunes.
If someone were to walk into the room, it wouldn’t look or smell like you two just had sex. You two looked like close friends having a dance party before going to bed.
Again, after you two had sex the first time, you both agreed to stay friends. It was easier said than done.
It was awkward initially, but you both were able to get past that by talking it through. Hoseok would ask how you felt during sex and what could have been better, and you would return the question.
Now, you both were able to have a good time and intimately learn more about each other.
Sure, it was strange, but it was a mutual agreement between consenting adults and fun.
The sex was fun—great, really—and you couldn’t have it any other way.
But you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t feel like something was missing.
“Good morning, everyone,” you greeted your fellow designers, “this is Hoseok. If you don’t know him already, he’s a well-known musician and one of my closest friends.”
Everyone welcomed Hoseok with a warm round of applause.
“Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be here.” Hoseok thanked.
“Hoseok will be helping out here and there while he’s vacationing here for a month,” you explained, “so take it easy on him.”
People shared chuckles at your joke.
"Anyways, let's start looking over the design ideas. You all are very talented artists, and I want you to remember that this is a draft, which means that these ideas are not final. If your idea is rejected, it's okay. We'll continue to work on a collective theme for the show."
The morning was spent listening to everyone's design concepts. To follow your reputation, the designs were contained within suits and gowns. As mentioned before, the theme was Vancouver's nature, where the fashion show would be taking place.
You and your design team used the recycled fabrics—which were separated by colours, textures, and materials—while figuring out your drafts.
You asked your design team to draft some ideas because you couldn't think of anything to present.
You were pleasantly surprised that your whole team had ideas that you approved.
“This a phenomenal,” you awed, “Great job, Erinn.”
“Actually,” you grabbed the attention of the other team members, “you all did a great job. We will be using all these ideas for the show.”
Your team shared cheers.
“Y/N,” Rachel nudged your shoulder, “I’m sorry to ask, but now that we’ve got the designs all in order, what about the models? You wanted to have various body types, right?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered,” you whispered back.
You turned back to your design team. "You all know that this show is tougher than our last one because we are trying to include more body types, genders, races, just different kinds of people. Which means that we will need to cater our clothes to the models, rather than the other way around.” You smiled, “So you all can go home for the next week.”
You heard Rachel choke on her inhale.
"Although you all have the week off, I want you all to try drawing your designs on other body types. Experiment with materials and colours. Remember to take some of the recycled fabrics home with you, and feel free to come in to pick anything up. Just let Rachel and I know in advance, and we'll give notice to the front desk so they can let you in. When we reconvene in a week, which would be next Friday at nine-thirty, I need you all to be ready to translate your designs, colours, and materials to our models." You ordered.
“Any questions?”
Comfortable silence amongst everyone.
You nodded. "Awesome. Good luck, everyone. Contact me if you have any questions."
Your team started packing up.
“Y/N, does that mean we’re spending the next week casting?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, Rachel. Please contact Westly and schedule lunch tomorrow at noon to discuss modelling criteria. It’s probably going to be pretty loose, but we need to contact Westly before sending it out.” You answered. “If he’s not free at that time, try figuring out something later tomorrow. Then book a reservation for three at Romeo’s.”
“Alright, on it,” Rachel replied.
You turned to Hoseok, who seemed shocked.
“What?” You blushed.
He continued his surprised expression. “I haven’t seen you like this before.”
You chuckled. “How else are you supposed to run a company and organize and execute a fashion show in 3 months?”
Rachel tapped you on the shoulder. "Westly can do lunch tomorrow, at noon, at Romeo's. He and his team secured the venue with Vancouver Fashion Week and are currently collaborating with the interior designers to figure out how the place will look. West said he'll debrief you tomorrow, at lunch, about the rest of the progress."
You smiled. “Great! Thank you, Rachel. You can also take the rest of the day off.”
Rachel appeared to be stunned, not responding to your words.
You waved a hand in front of her face. “Rachel? You can take the rest of the day off.”
“Are you sure, Y/N?” She asked.
You chuckled, “I wouldn’t be telling you to if I wasn’t sure, would I?”
She gave it a thought. “I guess not.”
You grinned. “Just meet me at our main building tomorrow, at eleven-thirty, and we’ll go to Romeo’s together.”
Rachel nodded. “Thank you, Y/N,”
“No worries,” you smiled.
You and Hoseok watched her leave, leaving you two alone in the studio.
“I’m sorry, it passed my mind. You’re okay not joining us for lunch tomorrow, right?” You asked Hoseok.
He dismissed your apology by brushing a hand through the air, “It’s all good. You’ve got your shit to do.” He smiled, “It gives me time to tour around a bit, anyways.”
“Good,” you replied. “So, where to?”
You pulled apart the croissant, eating pieces one at a time. The butteriness covered your tongue in a warmth that mixed well with the iced coffee you and Hoseok shared.
The park was surprisingly empty, despite it being a Friday. Usually, it would be tough to find a spot decently away from others, mostly shaded by trees.
The inlet was a few meters away, allowing you two to see sailboats pass by. People also kayaked and canoed, and you could hear their laughter faintly on land.
Here, you and Hoseok would be shielded by looming trees and away from potential fans of Hoseok. It was a rarity to have those two things when spending time with Hoseok: privacy and security—peace and quiet.
“This is what you wanted to do?” You asked, finishing off the croissant.
He nodded, sipping the iced coffee. “Yeah. It’s quiet and nice here.”
You two people watched, enjoying the breeze and serene environment.
“I was thinking,” you cleared your throat, “about last night. Did you enjoy it?”
Hoseok set down the iced coffee. “Yeah. I always like hanging out with you.”
“I mean—the sex.”
He seemed shocked by your question.
“Yeah, that was good too. Why do you ask? You never brought up before.” He pointed out.
Because I am growing feelings for my childhood friend, who I now have sex with for fun. This wasn't a part of the agreement, I know. We agreed to not grow feelings for each other and just have sex for pleasure. But it's inevitable to develop feelings for someone you have sex for, right? Like, there are probably people out there that can distinguish sex from love—and I guess it started out like that—but for us?
Am I crazy?
“No reason,” you sighed. “I just wanted to know if there was anything I could have done better.”
Hoseok turned his body to you, smiling. “It was perfect.”
He gestured with his arms for a hug, and you obliged. His cologne smelt of freshly peeled oranges; it was a pleasant fragrance, and you found yourself snuggling closer.
The past month went by in a busy blur.
The model casting went well. You and Westley found fantastic individuals to present your clothing line, which was in the process of being altered to fit those people.
The venue was secured, and the guest list was being made by You and Westley.
“Maybe invite Hoseok,” Westley suggested.  
You shook your head, “I can’t.”
"Why not?" He retorted. "The worse thing he could say is 'no,' and you can invite the whole band." He giggled. "Maybe I can meet Jimin in person."
You chuckled, “So that’s why you want me to invite Hoseok. Just because you made eye contact with Jimin for more than five seconds, it doesn’t mean that he’s into you. He’s straight.”
“How do you know?” Westley had a hand firmly on his hip.
“W-well, I haven’t asked him personally—”
"Then you can't assume he's straight!" Westley exclaimed. "The baseline isn't being heterosexual."
“True. Anyways, let’s get back to the guest list.” You chewed on your lip. “We have Harry Styles, BLACKPINK, Lizzo…”
Both of you ran down the list of a thousand attendees to the show in Vancouver. It was way smaller than fashion week or any of your previous shows, but it wasn't meant to be a big party.
Y/N [14:00]: Hey! Are you free and the boys on March 1st at 1 pm for about four hours, including an after-party until 10 pm, with food?
Hoseok [14:30]: Hiiiiii!! Sorry for the late text. I was asking the others. Yeah! That’s in 4 months? 🧐
Y/N [14:31]: Yeah, it’s for my fashion show. You can ask your company for that time? We’d provide the plane tickets and accommodation. You’d probably stay 3 days and 2 nights? You’d fly in the first day, sleep the one night, then attend the show the second day, sleep the second night, and fly out the 3rd day. I’ll need to know by the end of the week.
Hoseok [14:32]: Sounds good!!! I’ll ask my managers and let you know 👊
Y/N [14:33]: Awesome! Thanks 💚
Hoseok [14:33]: Np 💚
“So, Hoseok and the boys can come, but he has to confirm with his managers. He’ll let me know soon.” You relayed to Westley.
"Great! As long as we get confirmation from Hoseok at the end of this week, we can send out the invitations. We've checked with everyone's management, and they all seem to be busy. Worse comes to worst; we'll just have to move seats around." Westley advised.
He closed his laptop, and you followed.
“Alright, that seems to be all of the guest list business. I’ll get my team to start organizing plane tickets and accommodation.” He sighed, “shall we head to the studio to check on the design team?”
“Yes,” you replied.
Both of you were driven to the studio to check on the design team.
The studio was filled with models of various shades and shapes. Music played quietly in the background, and your coworkers and models grooved to the tunes. Designers pinned fabrics around people’s figures and sketched down measurements and ideas.
You and Westley went around checking on everyone, making sure gowns and suits were well in progress. A smaller group of people created ideas for shoes and were sending them out to shoemakers.
The rest of the day was spent getting to know the models, fixing measurements, finalizing some ideas, and briefing everyone about the plan for the next two months.
"Please have the gowns, suits, and shoes by the end of this month so we can start having the makeup artists consult all of you; to make sure the makeup correlates with the clothes and the models." You informed. "Thank you, everyone, for your amazing work."
Scattered “thank you”s responded, and our workday was over.
“You want to get some drinks?” Westley nudged.
You nodded, frankly too tired to answer but eager for a drink.
Both of you decided to walk to the high-class bar, which allowed private areas in the back for paying customers. You and Westley sat alone, away from the crowds of people near the entrance of the bar.
“To having a productive three months,” Westley sang, holding up his martini.
You sighed, “Cheers,” you tapped your peach Bellini glass against his, admitting a chime.
"Fuck," Westley cursed at the sip of his drink, "they're always stronger than I remember. "Anyways, the show is pretty much underway. Guestlist is handled, the venue is prepped and ready for us, the clothing is almost done. Oooo, I can’t wait to see it all together.”
You nodded.
“You don’t seem so excited, Y/N.”
“I am,” you replied.
“I am excited.” You affirmed, although not living up to the word
Westley silenced, knowing when not to push your buttons.
He took a careful sip of his martini. “Where’s Hoseok?”
You fidgeted with your glass. "Hoseok went back to Korea. He only had a month of vacay, so," you left the sentence adrift.
“Did you enjoy his company?”
“Can we not talk about him right now? I rather not mix work and personal life.” You stated.
Westley acknowledged with a firm nod, finishing off his martini and asking for another.
“May I ask a question?”
“Sure.” You replied.
He cringed. “But if I ask, promise me you won’t fire me.”
You turned to him. “Depends on your question. You have to ask me first, then I can decide whether or not to fire you. I cannot make promises.”
“Why are you so off all of a sudden?” He genuinely asked.
You took a deep breath. “I’m not going to fire you, not for a long time. You’re my best worker, and I can’t let you go.”
"I feel like there's going to be a 'but' somewhere. Might as well rip off the Band-Aid." Westley sighed.
You nodded, “You’re right. And you’re right about my mood. I’ve been kind of off lately.”
“Because of Hoseok?”
"Yeah, to be honest." You admitted. "I feel like we're really close—more than just friends. We're on the same wavelength, you know? And whenever we're apart for a long time and then meet up again, it's like time has passed."
“And let me guess, you haven’t told him because you’re afraid to ruin your friendship.”
You scoffed. “There’s no need for sarcasm, West.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’m just saying, it’s the oldest narrative in the book. One friend is falling for the other, and that one friend doesn’t want to confess their feelings because they’ve known the other person for years and are afraid of ruining that connection.” He took a sip of his martini. “But in the end, it’s two friends just pining over their feelings of love for each other.”
“But we’re different.” You argued.
"I guess so. The narrative doesn't really specify one friend is a famous fashion designer and the other being a famous musician—"
“I mean,” you interrupted, “we have sex every time we see each other.
Westley's mouth fell open in a silent gasp. His hand was placed on his chest, and his eyes stared into yours.
He tipped back his martini into his mouth, finishing it off. “Well, you didn’t mention the friends with benefits part.”
“I know!” You groaned. “That’s why it’s so complicated.”
"Is it really, though? Wouldn't confessing your feelings after you two have had sex so much make it slightly easier? Because it makes sense to grow feelings for someone you've known for a while and have had sex with on multiple occasions." Westley speculated.
“I didn’t say we had sex on multiple occasions—”
“Honey,” he began, “you said you’ve had sex with him every time you see each other, and you two meet a lot. It doesn’t take a detective to figure it out.”
"Anyways," he digressed, "the sooner you tell him, the better. There's no use debating over it for years, then finding out he's found someone else when he would've picked you anyways."
"Gosh, when you say it like that, it sounds like a romantic movie." You cringed, finishing your peach Bellini.
He shrugged. “Well, it kinda is.”
You chuckled. “Well, thanks for the advice.”
“Thank you for filling me in,” he smiled.
The week went by fast. Your design team was still working on alterations, so you were left brainstorming hair and makeup and contacting specialists in those fields.
You were sitting at home, knee-deep in Pinterest boards when your phone buzzed.
You stopped strolling through your laptop and peered down.
Hoseok [19:30]: We can come to your show!
Y/N [19:30]: Fantastic! I'll let my team know, and we’ll send out the invites.
You texted Westley, informing him that BTS could attend the show.
Westley [19:33]: Great! I'll let the rest of the team know, and we'll send the emails out tomorrow
Y/N [19:34]: Thanks!
Westley [19:35]: Np
You set down your phone and continued to add ideas to your private Pinterest board.
Your phone buzzed again.
Hoseok [19:55]: What are you doing right now?
You were puzzled.
Y/N [19:56]: Nothing much, just brainstorming ideas for the show. You?
Hoseok [19:57]: Just chilling in my room.
Hoseok [20:05]: I miss you
You chuckled at the text, thinking that Hoseok was drunk.
Y/N [20:05]: I miss you too, Hobi.
Hoseok [20:08]: …how much?
Again, you were puzzled by his text.
Y/N [20:10]: Wdym? I miss having you here? Is that what you mean?
Hoseok [20:11]: I mean, do you miss me intimately?
Y/N [20:14]: Like sex-wise?
Hoseok [20:14]: Fuck, I need you, Y/N.
You stared at his words.
Hoseok [20:18]: I miss your body and how perfectly you fit around me.
Your cheeks flushed.
Hoseok [20:21]: Can you video chat? Unless you’re not in the mood.
You panicked.
You were in the mood but weren't presentable. Your hair was messy, and you weren't wearing any makeup, and you were dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants.
Y/N [20:23]: Yeah, I’m in the mood. Just give me 5 mins.
You quickly got out of your seat and ran to your bedroom. You sifted through your closet and found the sexist clothing item you had: a red lingerie set. You quickly undressed and put on the set.
You looked into your full-length mirror and tried not to cringe. Your hair was a mess, and you weren’t wearing any makeup. It definitely looked like Hoseok's text came out of nowhere—and it did, but you somehow expected yourself to be decently presentable.
However, the lingerie set was doing you favours. The set was composed of a crotchless thong and a bralette that exposed your nipples.
Y/N [20:28]: I’m ready.
Your phone rang, and you answered, quickly propping it on your drawers across from your bed.
You were faced with a shirtless Hoseok, his cock already in his hand.
“Fuck, you look amazing.” He complimented breathlessly.
“Wow, you’re ahead of the game—and really? I’m a mess.” You chuckled.
He hissed, flinching in his grip. “Fuck, just take the compliment, Y/N.”
You cleared your throat. “Thank you.”
You sat a pit forward, angling your breasts towards the camera.
“What are you imagining, baby?” You purred.
“Y-You,” he stuttered, moving his hand up and down his cock.
“Mhm,” you moaned, “thinking up my pussy clenching around your cock, making it all wet.”
He nodded.
"You can do something if you want," he suggested. "You said you were in the mood."
Your eyes opened wide. “Wait a minute.”
You brought the phone with you on your journey, going back to your closet and fetching your dildo, lube, and vibrator. You hurried to the bathroom and propped your phone up against the closed door.
You suctioned the bottom of the dildo onto the titled floor. You placed the vibrator on the bathroom counter.
“You want to watch me bounce on this dildo and think of you?” You smirked, rubbing lube onto your hands, onto the toy, and onto your vagina.  
“Fuck, yes,” he replied, stilling his hand around his cock for a moment.
“Did I say you could stop?” You spat.
“I’m waiting for you,” he smiled, making your heart melt.
You paused over the dildo, smiling back at him. “Awww, that’s actually kinda sweet. Thank you.”
You quickly washed your hands and grabbed the vibrator.  
You crouched down and slowly onto the dildo.
“Fuck,” you moaned, tilting your head back at the feeling of being filled up. It didn’t hit the spots Hoseok did, but it was good enough.
You lifted yourself up and sunk back down again, rhythmically repeating the motion.
“Fuck, so good,” you sighed, overlooking the pain in your knees.
“That's right, baby, imagine me filling that pussy up," Hoseok groaned, following your rhythm while pumping his cock.
“Fuck yes,” you replied, “and I’m clenching around you so tight.”
You two exchanged moans at the sound of your pussy squelching around the dildo.
“Use the vibrator, baby,” Hoseok purred.
You hummed, grabbing the rose gold vibrator and turning it on. You place the buzzing toy on your clit, feeling pleasure rippling through your core.
“Fuck,” you hissed, speeding up your pace a bit.
“I-I’m getting close.”
“Yeah, baby?” Hoseok smirked. “You get off at me rubbing my cock? Imagining me buried inside your pussy, making you feel so good?"
You nodded. “But it’s not as you, baby.”
“I know—” He choked, appearing to be on the brink of his climax. “I fucking miss the way your pussy fit so well around me, no matter how many times I fucked you open.”
“Mhm,” you bit your lips, watching him with hooded eyes. “Don’t stop.”
“Who knew you were filthy enough to cum during cybersex?" He observed. "I'm not even there to touch you, but just thinking of me inside has you in ruins.”
“What would you do if I was with you right now?” You asked.
“I would fuck you until you couldn’t walk the next day,” he replied, “I’d fuck you until that pretty pussy is swollen.”
"F-fuck, I'm going to cum," you stuttered, feeling the familiar build-up in your core.
“M-me too,” he stammered.
You watched his head tilt back in pleasure and his cum squirt up from his cock.
“Fuck!” You cursed, feeling your pleasure shoot out of your core and onto the floor
“So hot,” Hoseok sighed.
You chuckled, coming down from high. You pulled yourself up and off the dildo, sitting on the cool tile floor.
“Fuck, did you squirt?” He asked, looking closer.
You nodded, gesturing to the mess on the ground.
“Spread your legs for me, baby,” he commanded and obliged, showing him your battered cunt.
You spread your lips, and he hummed at sight.
“So beautiful.” He awed.
“You happy? I need to wipe this all up, now,” you scoffed.
He chuckled. “It’s not my fault that you cummed.” He angled his phone to the floor, showing splashes of his cum on the floor, "and besides, you also made me make a mess.”
You both chatted while cleaning up your messes, talking about your days as if nothing happened. After finishing your clean-up, you two continued your conversation while showering, as if both of you were doing it together.
Ready to relax for the night, both of you signed off with exchanged ‘thanks’ and ‘good night.’
You turned off your phone with a soft click and stepped out of the steamy bathroom. Your pyjamas were soft on your skin, and you felt ready to go to bed.
Hopping onto your bed, you grabbed your laptop and turned on some Netflix to fall asleep to.
From an outsider’s perspective, masturbating with your best friend and then casually talking with them while showering and getting ready for bed was odd. Repeating the scenario in your mind did make it sound like you two were in a long-distance romantic relationship rather than a platonic one.
But you and Hoseok were different. That was your excuse.
A friend could do this and not catch feelings. You two were the perfect example of that.
Emphasis on were because you were currently spiralling in your growing romantic feelings for Hoseok.
But what would you do in this situation?
You and your childhood friend engage in sex one time and promise each other to not grow feelings. In this manner, you two could have sex without attachment. Fast forward into the future, and you both are still making this arrangement with no negative consequences and feel like you two have gotten to know each other better and have become better friends—until you catch feelings. And you don’t want to risk losing this relationship you two have.
Because he is a worldwide musician who can’t be tied down because it could risk his career, and he might lose fans—and you couldn't be bothered with any romantic commitment with your fast-paced and unpredictable work schedule.
So, you stay in this unnameable mess.
“Time flies by when you’re having fun,” Allie commented from the plush couch.
You looked in the mirror, twisting your back towards it to see the back of the dress. “I guess so.”
“You have to admit, planning a fashion show is pretty fun,” she said. “If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be doing it over and over again.”
“True,” you replied, turning to the stylist.
“May I see the other dress?” You asked, and the stylist nodded, retreating to somewhere in the shop you couldn’t see.
It was the last month until the show. Everything was in order: the show’s venue and its decorations, the clothes, makeup and hair for the models, and the guests’ accommodation. Now, it was your turn to find suitable attire for the occasion.
You tried on the next dress. It was a slim-fitting number, with a leg slit in the front. It was scandalous and stunning, but not right for the show.
“I don’t like any of these dresses,” you sighed, annoyed.
Allie appears to brainstorm some ideas.
“Maybe try a suit?” She proposed.
You kept your eyes on the mirror, twirling your figure and watching the fabric move at your feet.
“Think about it,” she began, “think of all the powerful women who’ve worn suits and killed it. Zendaya, Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Awkwafina. The list goes on. It’s a statement piece, and you’re the big brain behind this operation.”
“I think it’s ‘mastermind behind this operation,’ but I get what you mean.” You corrected.
“You literally bypassed my whole point—”
“I know, I know,” you interrupted. “It’s just—suits for women are so overpriced. And it’s just like the dresses, except a different fit. Same colour palettes, same materials, so on.”
Allie scoffed. "You're a fucking fashion designer, did you forget? Make your own thing. There are leftover fabrics at your studio; you have time to make something." Her face lit up, “And, technically, it’s for free.”
You gave it a thought, but the stylist came back before you could finish it.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Vega, but I’m not finding anything, and I don’t want you walking back and forth and bringing me more dresses.” You gave an apologetic smile. “Thank you very much for your help.”
"No worries, Y/N! Just hang up the dress when you take it off, and I’ll deal with the rest,” she replied.
“Will do,” you said, and she stepped out of the room.
Allie helped you unzip the gown, and you shimmed out of it. You did as you were told and hung up the dress, and you and Allie left the shop.
The walk back to the studio was quick, you two making determined strides through the crowded city.
You and Allie entered the empty studio, turning on the nights.
The studio was organized chaos with dressed mannequins, big boxes of fabrics in the back of the room, and papered patterns on the tables.
“Wow,” Allie awed.
"Yeah," you replied, leading you both to your master station is near the back, "it's crazy what a couple months before a show looks like.”
You looked through the drawers beside your desks and grabbed the tools you'll need to plan out the suit.
“So, just a suit jacket and pants…” You said, grabbing some paper to sketch up your pattern.
You looked up at Allie, “Do you mind helping me out with measurements?”
She nodded, “For sure. What do you need?”
You guided Allie on how to measure your proportions for the suit. She measured your inseams for your pants, the sleeves, the cuts, and so on. In between, you'd write down the dimensions for the patterns.
You two sifted through the fabrics to create a monochrome patchwork outfit. The suit would be shades of cherry red, with different materials making it up. There were no patterns in the patchwork, only various tones of red in several types of wool.
“Fucking hell,” Allie cursed while sifting through the materials, “who would’ve thought there were so many shades of red.”
She held up a piece of recycled fabrics, checking with you that it was the correct tone. You took it and held the portion against the others.
“Nope, too dark,” you shook your head.
"What? It looks exactly the same," she disagreed, walking over to your table. When comparing the fabrics, she made an 'aaah’ sound, letting you know that you were right.
Before sectioning off your pattern, you tried your best to evenly sew all the material together into a quilt-like form.
“Jesus,” you muttered, shaking out your sore hands.
“We don’t have to get this all done today, you know. You do have two months left.” Allie advised.
"I know. I just want to put this all together first," you replied, continuing to push the material through the sewing machine.
“Alright,” she surrendered, bringing one of the seats over to your table.
You sewed in silence for a bit.
“So,” Allie began, “how are you and Hoseok doing?”
You paused. “What do you mean?”
“You know…you two and your arrangement.”
You scoffed, “Our arrangement? You mean us having sex?”
“Yeah, but the other stuff.”
You pulled your hands from the sewing machine, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just spit it out, Al."
“Well, you’ve had mixed feelings with Hoseok, right? Like you’re starting to like him?” She speculated.
Your mouth gaped open. “Have you been talking to West?”
She didn’t respond, not making eye contact.
“You can’t be fucking serious. You two are ganging up on me!” You yelled.
“Y/N, we’re just worried.”
“About what? I have feelings—and?” You fumed.
She sighed. “You shouldn’t be having sex with someone if you’re growing romantic feelings, especially if you two agreed to be platonic.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you stood.
“Y/N!” She exclaimed. "Don't you dare talk to me that way? I am your friend, not your enemy." Allie stood up and sighed. “I get it. You don’t like people in your business. That’s fair. I just feel like you're sacrificing yourself for Hoseok when you could talk about it with him."
“Allie, you don’t know what you’re fucking talking about.” You spat.
“I get it,” she sympathized. “I don’t. I’m not you or Hoseok.”
“So, tell me,” she said. “Educate me on the situation. I am not here to judge. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“It’s okay,” she forgave, “just don’t push me away so fast, okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed.
She sat down, “So?”
You sat down and rehashed your feelings about you and Hoseok to her: the growing romantic feelings for him, not knowing what to do, and wanting something more.
“Well, do you think it’d work out between you two if you dated?” She asked.
You shifted in your seat. "I honestly don't know. It's tough with Hoseok's work because he has a loyal fanbase. I'm afraid he's going to get even more hate if we were to date.”
“But would you two be happy?” She asked.
You gave it a thought. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you go into a relationship regardless of other people. Whether you’re a celebrity or an ordinary person, you date someone for you and that person; no one else. There are going to be people who support and hate your relationship no matter what. What matters is what the two people think in the relationship."
She sighed. “You cannot control what others will think about you. No matter what you do or who you do, you're going to upset someone. So, just do what feels comfortable and safe with you."
You hummed, understanding.
“So, would you be happy if you and Hoseok dated?”
“Yes.” You stated without a thought. “I really like him—love him even.”
"Then that's all that matters," Allie replied.
The week before, the show crept on you faster than you expected. You, your team of designers and event organizers, models, hairstylists and makeup artists flew into Vancouver a week early to prepare on location.
However, the majority of the week would be spent preparing for the show. The first day was spent unloading all of the outfits and equipment for the show into the venue. Everyone was required to show up to organize their stations and to familiarize themselves with the venue.
“Please set up your stations while Westley and I look into the main runway and after part section. We’ll be back in around two hours to check up on everyone. If you have any questions while we're gone, please contact me on my phone." You held up your cellphone and everyone nodded. "Great. Good luck, everyone!"
The venue and interior designers' owners toured you and Westley around the place, showing you the drawn floorplans, running down the prices, and checking that the decorations correlated with your plans.
“These weren’t the chairs we sent over,” Westley pointed to the black folded chairs lining the runways.
“Yes, but these were within the price range and—” One of the interior designers, Queeny, said.
“But did we get an email regarding this change?” You interjected.
Queeny exchanged looks with the other three decorators, and they shook their heads.
Wesley let out an angry sigh. "Well, I guess we’ll have to live with these then.” He sat down on one of the chairs. “At least they’re comfortable. They look cheap, but they’re sturdy.”
“Are there any more changes you made without informing as?” You asked.
They all shook their heads.
"Great." You turned to one of the two-venue owners, named Ruby. "Shall we continue to the after-party part?”
“Yes,” she replied, gesturing to the doorway that led to the front reception area.
From the reception area, where guests would check-in and get a wristband, a double-door way on the right led to a ballroom for the after-party.
The overall theme of the place was classic European designs with off-white luxurious walls and chandeliers. The ceilings were intricately carved, and the floors were a smooth white oak. Just walking around made you feel like you were dirtying the place.
“This place is stunning,” Westley whispered.
“I know,” you replied, “you chose the place.”
“I know,” he smiled, pretending to flip his hair.
You both chuckled, continuing to follow the owners around the venue.
Everything worked out, besides the chairs, so you and Westley checked on the designers, models, hairstylists and makeup artists.
At the end of the workday, everyone was in order and ready for the next three days of dress rehearsals and solving and problems.
You arrived back at your hotel with sore feet and exhaustion.
Your phone rang as you flopped onto your bed.
You answered. “Hobi!”
“Y/N! How was your flight to Vancouver?” He asked.
“It was good. We didn't have a rest day, though. We had to settle into the place and check it over. My feet are so sore.” You groaned.
“Really? I thought you’d at least have a rest day when you guys arrived,” he assumed.
You shook your head. “No. Sadly, this whole week will be walking around and making sure everything is going smoothly.”
He sighed. “Shit. That sucks.” You heard him shift on the other side of the phone. “Do you want to relax?”
You laughed. “Jung Hoseok, did you seriously booty call me from across the world?”
Hoseok gasped, "I did not! I was talking about watching Netflix or something." He chuckled, "You're so dirty-minded."
You both laughed.
“Okay, so what do you want to watch?” He asked on the other end of the call.
You brought out your laptop and scrolled through the movie selection.
“Oooo! Let’s watch Hush. I’ve heard so many good things about it.” You recalled.
You could hear his hesitation.
Hoseok did not like being scared. Whenever you watched anything scary, you were afraid that your neighbours would complain at how loud his screaming was. As you remembered saying "hello" to him once and him screaming in fear and surprise, he was also easily frightened.
“We don’t have to,” you said.
“No, no,” Hoseok reassured, “we’ll watch it. Just send me the Netflix Party link, and I'll ready the Zoom link."
You giggled. “You don’t have to be brave for me, Hobi. I know you don’t like scary movies.”
“You want to watch it, so let’s do it,” he said, “and the ratings are good.”
“Okay,” you digressed. “I’m texting you the link right now.”
“Same,” he replied.
You two hung up and joined the links.
“Hello!” Hoseok beamed, dancing.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled at his burst of energy. “Hello, Hobi.”
You carried your laptop to the bathroom and began getting ready for bed.
“How was your day?” You asked.
Hoseok described him and his bandmates' film day for "Run! BTS," and you groaned at all the work they had to do.
He laughed. “But we got to play games, which was fun. We laughed so much that my abs hurt.” You watched him lift up his shirt and show his toned abdomen.
Your core felt a familiar flutter.
“W-wow, that must be a lot of laughing,” you cleared your throat and took out your toothbrush and toothpaste.
For the moment, the time difference worked for you two because it was almost ten at night for you and nearly three in the afternoon for him.
“Should I turn off my camera?” You asked before undressing to get into the shower.
He shook his head. “I’m okay with you leaving it on. I’ve seen you naked before, so it’s not really different. But if you’re uncomfortable, you can just turn it off.”
You shrugged and began taking off your clothes in full view of the camera and screen.
You noticed Hoseok’s expression.
“Enjoying the show?” You chuckled, finally taking off your undergarments and fully exposing yourself.
Hoseok smirked, “Don’t act like you weren’t just turned on by my abs. I saw how you looked at me.”
You nodded and surrendered. “Fair point.”
You hoped in the shower, and you two continued talking.
“Jesus, we haven’t started the movie yet,” Hoseok commented while you were washing your hair.
“Shit, right,” you laughed, massaging the shampoo into your scalp.
After you hoped out of the shower and dried your body and hair, you both started to watch the movie.
“This is a pretty cool premise. Like, we’ve never seen a deaf person in a horror movie before,” you regarded.
"True, that's a good point—AHHHHHH!" Hoseok screamed at the sudden slam in the movie.
You burst into laughter.
“Holy shit!” He exclaimed, trying to calm himself with controlled breaths.
The movie continued as you finished off your skincare and put on your pyjamas.
The oversized t-shirt was long enough to cover your thighs.
“You’re going to watch this before bed?” Hoseok gasped.
You chuckled. “Yeah. It’s not that scary.” You say as you jump at the sound of breaking glass in the film.
Hoseok laughed at the coincidental timing.
You don’t remember falling asleep, but you woke up to the sound of your alarm.
“Shit,” you grumbled and turned it off.
You heard Hoseok stir awake on the Zoom call.
Both of you had fallen asleep, but Hoseok finished the movie before you could; because you saw the end credits paused in the Netflix Party.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
“It’s okay,” Hoseok mumbled, squinting at the screen.
“I’ll let you sleep,” you smiled, hovering your cursor over the "send" button.
He softly smiled, “thank you.” He snuggled into his pillow, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Hobi,” you replied, ending the call for both of you.
It didn’t hit you until you were halfway through your dress rehearsal, but Hoseok had stayed with you while you slept. He didn't wake you but quietly continued the movie and fell asleep.
Hoseok was usually sweet, so you didn't pay too much attention to it.
But it did make you feel special.
It was the day of the fashion show, and you were fucking nervous.
You had done this before, a show, but this one was different. You had put in so much effort and were proud of how it turned out but were afraid of what other people would think.
“It’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Allie assured through video call,” it’ll be excellent, and everyone won’t stop talking about it.”
“Probably,” you replied, putting on your makeup.
“It will be excellent, Y/N. I am so sure I will bet money.” She stated.
You chuckled, "then I'll take your word for it because I am not bidding money.”
You both laughed.
“Okay, I know I already showed you my outfit, but are you sure it looks good?” She asked, putting on the A-line floor-length dress she’d shown you before. It was a beautiful viridian green with lace shoulder straps that draped over the sides of her biceps.
“You look beautiful,” you complimented, setting your makeup with setting spray and heading to your closet.
You put on the suit you made and looked in the mirror. You looked a bad bitch.
“You look great! Oooo, put on the red bottoms,” Allie squealed.
You put on the signature Louis Vuitton black high heels with the ruby bottoms.
Your phone buzzed.
“I got to go; Westley is here with our ride to the venue. I’ll see you there!”
“See you!” She waved, ending the call.
You did a quick check in the mirror, fixing your hair, grabbed your bags, and headed out the door.
Your driver waited outside the vehicle as you approached, and opened its door, showing you a well-dressed and excited Westley.
"Oh my god, you look great!" He gasped. “When did you make the suit?”
“I finished it a week before we flew out,” you chuckled, “and you look great too! I love the pine on you.”
You took a step back and looked at Westley’s crisp pine-coloured suit with matching brown dress shoes.
“Thank you,” he grinned. “Okay, get in before we become late.”
You hopped into the car, and your driver got in and started the vehicle.
The drive was spent recalling your opening and closing speeches with Westley and the show's agenda.
“So, five pm is when the show ends, and then the guests for the after-party go into the ballroom area. Food is served at six pm, and everything is wrapped up at ten pm.” Westley relayed.
You nodded, “Yup.”
Both of you arrived a couple hours before the start time, which was at 1 pm, to set everything up and warm up the models and crew.
Westley checked the organizers and the models while you went to the runway area to check the lights and sound.
"Let's rerun the lights, please!" You announced as you walked into the runway room. "Can I get a headset, please?" You ask the crew on the ground, who nodded.
“Yup!” You heard the lighting crew respond.
You were given the headset, and you heard the head light technician’s voice.
“Can you hear me?” They checked.
“Yes,” you confirmed.
They ran by the six light settings for the show, and it was all correct.
“It’s perfect, thank you. Can you please check that the sound is alright?” You asked through the headset.
“Yup. You’ll have to hand the headset to another person, though, and we’ll give you a mic.” They added.
You heard their muffled voice as if they covered their mic's headset with their hand. Next, you had someone hand you a mic and take your headset.
“You’ll need to stand on the stage,” The person said.
“Okay,” you replied, going to the runway and standing on the end portion.
All the room’s lights turned on, and you could see the lighting crew’s area in the back and the chair organized around the runway.
“You can speak into the mic!” You heard someone shout.
You started speaking nonsense in the mic, like the type of weather outside, as they adjusted the volume.
“Thank you!” Someone shouted.
“Thanks,” you said into the mic before handing it to one of the crew.
“Is there anything to report? Any problems that arose before I got here?” You asked the crew.
They all shook their heads.
“How is everyone feeling?” You asked.
They all shared nervous laughter, and a few people said “good.”
“Alright, if there’s anything you all need, just come to the modelling area and ask me. It’s in the backroom.”
They all nodded, and you left them to their business.
You arrived in the backroom and saw designers fitting their outfits on the models and makeup artists and hairstylists prepping their stations.
“How is everybody doing?!” You enthusiastically asked.
They cheered with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
"I get it. Everyone is on their toes. You all have an hour left to set things up before people start filing in. Remember, the show starts at 1 pm. The door opens thirty minutes before them.”
They call responded with various forms of understanding, and you went around to check on them individually.
Rachel came and taped your shoulder, with a headset on, “So, the guards are in their posts, and the front is ready to check people in.”
“Is there a line already?” You asked.
Rachel pressed down the headset, asking the crew on the other end.
“Yes, there’s a line of people outside,” she reported, “about twenty people, so far.”
"Shit, yeah, let them in. It's probably cold." You ordered.
“I’ll tell them,” she replied.
“Okay, everyone! We’re starting to let people in. Again, you all have about an hour left, so try to wrap things up and relax. Thank you!” You announced.
Again, sounds of understanding, and you, Westley, and Rachel left the backroom.
“Rachel, Westley and I are going to check that the ballroom area and catering are all handled. Please check in with the front desk to see how they're doing, and then meet us in the ballroom." You told.
“Got it, Y/N,” Rachel answered, walking past the two of you and towards the front area.
Westley appeared impressed. “She's terrific. She's even got the headset and everything."
"I know, right? She's cool." You remarked.
Like clockwork, you and Westley ran over the details and schedule for the catering and the after-party. Everyone had places to sit, with elegantly decorated name cards.
Everything was ready.
"Fantastic, thank you," you thanked the caterers and the staff in the ballroom. "Feel free to come into the runway area during the show if you all would like to watch."
With that, it was about time the show would start. You and Westley hurried backstage, where you both were handed microphones.
The lights dimmed, and classical music played—fitting the theme of elegance and high class.
You and Westley regarded each other, did an excellent handshake, and strutted out on the runway. Both of you were met with applause from the crowd and blinding spotlights.
You two walked to the end of the runway and let out an exhausted sigh.
The music quieted, faintly heard in the background.
“And that’s why I’m not a model,” Westley joked, causing the crowd to giggle.
“Same here,” you chuckled.
“Anyways, welcome to the show, everyone!” You cheered, and the crowd clapped. “As you know, I am Y/N, and this is Westley. Today, we’ll be showing recycled elegant clothes on people. Not just models, but people. All the clothes you'll be seeing here today are made from recycled fabrics and hand-crafted by our design team and me."
"We wanted to represent people, so we got people to present our clothes. Redundant, I know, but the fashion industry rarely shows models that look like people. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all fantastic. However, this show will be different. Enjoy!” Westley waved.
A final round of applause while you and Westley walked off the runway.
The show went smoothly and wonderfully. The changes were fluid, and there were no clothing mishaps. The classical music turned into upbeat music that everyone seemed to groove to. Models danced on the runway while walking, and there were joyful cheers in the crowd.
In the end, you and Westley gave your brief thank you speeches, and months of planning and work were officially completed.
When everyone was backstage, you all collectively cheered.
“Phenomenal job, everyone!” You praised. “I am speechless at how well we all did. Thank you all for being such wonderful people to work with.”
Smiles and cheers were shared as everyone got ready for the after-party.
“Okay, remember that food is being served at six o’clock, and you all will be able to find your names at a table.” You reminded.
You and Westley did a quick check-up on people before heading to the ballroom area to socialize.
“Great job, you two!” Some complimented.
You and Westley thanked the praise and had a small talk with some colleges.
“Hey, Y/N!” You heard a familiar voice say.
You turned and say Hoseok with the rest of the boys, waving.
“Hey!” You smiled, nudging Westley to join you.
"Well, enjoy the after-party," Westley grinned at the other guests before joining you.
As always, the seven boys were well-dressed in designer suits. Hoseok wore lightly tinted shades paired with a dark suit and floral dress shirt. His hair was wavy.
“That was awesome, Y/N,” Namjoon said.
“Thank you!” You replied.
“Yeah, Y/N, I loved the recycled-fabrics idea. Are anything on sale?” Taehyung asked.
You nodded. "Everything will be on sale next month. I'll send you the dates, so you mark them in your calendar. The clothes go fast," you chuckled.
“Damn,” Taehyung remarked, eyebrows raised.
“Hey, Jimin,” Westley greeted.
“Hey West,” Jimin smiled, “loved your speech today. That suit looks great on you.”
“I know,” Westley smirked, “you look good too.”
"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked, letting Westley and Jimin casually flirt.
You sighed. “Glad that it’s over, to be honest. It was fun, of course, but it's a lot of work to organize."
“Oh my god, is that Charlie Puth?” Jungkook gasped, hiding slightly behind Namjoon.
Everyone laughed.
"You should go and say 'hi,' Kook. You've already met and sung with him before. You two are practically friends." Yoongi expressed.
“True,” you agreed, “and Charlie’s a nice guy.”
“Okay,” Jungkook straightened his posture, “I’ll do it.”
You all watched Jungkook walk over and begin chatting with Charlie Puth.
“God, he’s grown up so much,” Seokjin sighed.
The rest of you caught up and chatted about the show.
Before you knew it, Westley was poking your side to let you know it was five minutes until six.
“Shit,” you cursed. “Sorry to cut this convo short, but Westley and I have to announce dinner. We’ll talk soon!”
You all said your goodbyes, and you and Westley went up to the front to state it was time for food.
You two were seated with Rachel, Allie, and a couple others. Everyone ordered off a menu, which served various kinds of pasta, salads, and a mix of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
It was an excellent way to end off the show.
There was a dancefloor, too, where people could groove to music after eating.
Of course, the seven boys went to the dancefloor, which caused others to join.
You were finishing off your fettuccine alfredo when Hoseok danced over to your table. You chuckled as he held his hand out and quirked a brow.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, taking his hand.
“You love it,” he smirked, pulling you off your chair and leading you to the dancefloor.
You danced together, along with your friends. He held your hands as you two swayed to the slow songs and body-rolled with you during the upbeat songs. Of course, a few BTS songs played, and everyone tried to follow the known choreography. You went back to your table for a drink of water, and Allie came with you. "Look, and you and Hoseok dancing up a storm," she teased. “Shut up,” you chuckled. “The chemistry is there, Y/N,” she commented. You drank your water. "Not now, Al." “Come on! He’s here for, what, the night and then gone tomorrow morning? When will you see him again?” She asked. You paused, honestly unsure when you'd see Hoseok again. “Now or never, Y/N. How much longer can you debate this?” “I know,” you replied. “I’ll do it later tonight.” Around nine-thirty, the party was dying down, with only a few guests scattered around the venue helping to clean up. You made eye contact with Allie, who was tending to the chairs, who nudged towards Hoseok’s direction. Now or never. You said in your head. “Can I speak to you, Hoseok?” You asked, walking up to him. “For sure!” He replied. You led both of you to a secluded part of the venue, away from listeners. “Did you enjoy the show?” You asked. “Yeah! You did a fantastic job, Y/N. I love how everything turned out, the colours, the recycled fabrics were great—and your suit! I can’t believe you made it,” Hoseok complimented, stepping back to look at your attire. “Thank you,” you blushed. You gave a quick look around to make sure no one was around. “Is everything alright, Y/N? You’re looking around as if they’re spies around.” He gasped. “Are there spies around? What secret don’t they know?” “I don’t want to have sex with you anymore.” You abruptly stated. A stretch of silence. Hoseok’s expression was a mixture of surprise and concern. “What?” “I can’t have sex with you anymore.” “You can’t or don’t want to? Is it something I did?” “Yes? No? In a way?” You pondered. You took a few deep breaths. "I like you, Hoseok—possibly even love you.” You ran your hand through your hair. “I know we agreed not to catch feelings, so I think we should stop having sex.” You watched his expression shift from some form of being happy to disappointment. “You know I cannot date with work,” he explained, "with the fans, touring, and whatnot, I cannot date someone. And you have your company to work on." “I know,” you replied. “But do you like me back?” You asked. “I do—” “You do?” You were on the verge of hugging him, but he stepped back. You looked at him, confused. “We can’t—” “Why?” “I literally just told you, Y/N. With work, dating wouldn’t allow it. I already have people—” He choked on his words. “People who wish I was dead, j-just for being me.” “Hoseok—” You reached out to him, but he gently pushed you away. “No,” he objected, “I’m fine. I just don’t want to add you to the mess.” “You can’t decide that for me.” You retorted. “I understand that you don’t want to add me to it, but I’m okay with it. I don't care what other people would say about us. They're not in the relationship, we are—" “But what if I care?” He said, almost too quiet for you to hear. “I’m the happy guy of BTS, who’s dedicated to his work.” “But are you truly happy?” You peered into him. “Yeah,” he replied, avoiding eye contact, “but it gets really hard sometimes.” “So, let me help, Hoseok,” you pleaded. "I don't need to be helped! I'm not another project for you to work on.” He thundered. “You know that’s not what I meant.” You seethed. “Let’s just drop it, okay? We’re not dating, that’s it.” He dictated. “Fine.” You replied. “Have a safe trip back home.” You left without another word, trying your best not to cry. Out of all the ways you thought he'd respond, this took you off guard. Hoseok wasn't one to push you away, but here he was doing so. “Fuck this,” you whimpered, walking up to Allie. “I’m going back to the hotel, sorry,” you said, turning away as soon as possible. “Y/N!”
You washed your face and hoped into the shower—the warm water soothing your sore muscles and emotions. You couldn’t tell if it was the water or your tears streaming down your face.
What else did you expect? Hoseok had a point: with his work, he couldn’t date someone. And it was ridiculous that Hoseok would want to date you.
However, instead of sulking over Hoseok, you decided to have a bath and put on a facemask.
The room’s phone rang while you were starting the bath.
“Hello, is this Y/N Y/L/N?
“Speaking,” you confirmed.
“Great! There’s a man here, named,” a muffled noise, “Hoseok Jung.”
“Tell him I’m busy, please,” you replied.
Another muffled noise. “Hoseok says he's sorry and that he has ice cream—cookie dough. But if he’s dangerous, I can call the police.”
“No, no. God no,” you said.
You bit your lip. "You can send Hoseok up."
“Okay. However, if there’s anything wrong, please try to press the red button on the receiver. I will check back with you in an hour. If there’s no response, I’ll get someone to check on you.” They informed.
“Thank you,” you replied, slightly shocked by their concern.
You hung up.
A few minutes later, you heard a knock on the door. You tightened your robe.
You checked the peephole before cracking the door open.
“Hi,” you greeted.
“Hey," he smiled. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that at the party. It was sudden and insensitive. I should have been more considerate of your feelings rather than shutting you off.”
“I was just—scared. I don’t know what it’s going to be like for us. And I don't want you to fix me—but I like you, a lot—so I brought cookie dough ice cream and two spoons—"
“Do you want to come in?” You interrupted his nervous rambling.
“Yes, thank you,” he chuckled.
Hoseok still wore the suit from the fashion show, but his jacket was folded over his arm, and his dress shirt was unbuttoned lower.
“Oh, you’re running the bath,” he noticed. "We can deal with this later if it's a bad time."
“No, it’s alright. I’ll just turn off the water.” You replied, going to the bathroom to do so.
When you came back, Hoseok was sitting on the edge of your bed.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” You asked, sitting beside him.
He opened the ice cream tub, setting the lid on the desk and handing you one of the spoons.
“I was thinking you could talk more, actually; about how you feel," he replied, giving you the tub and angling himself to face you. "I just want to listen to you this time."
You gave a brief smile before spooning a small piece of ice cream into your mouth.
“Well, I just feel like we’re in this grey area of being really close but having sex. And we both like each other, and we said at the venue, and I just feel like we should just date then.” You set the ice cream and spoon down on the desk. “I get that work complicates things for you. But once we’ve confessed our feelings, I just don’t know what to call this—this friendship?”
Hoseok nodded.
"So, if you don't want to date, that's completely fine. I understand. However, we can't keep having sex like we used to; because I have feelings for you now, and you said you do too, so it's not a good mix."
“That’s fair,” he acknowledged.
“But what do you think? Like, how do you feel about us?” You asked.
He paused and set his spoon on the desk with yours. “I want to date you, Y/N. I just don’t want to get you hurt.” He softly grasped your hands. “The industry can be toxic, and I don’t want to subject you to that.”
“I understand,” you replied, “but I want to date you too, regardless of all the other bullshit. As cheesy as it sounds, all I want is you, Hoseok.”
Hoseok smiled but then pretended to gag.
“Hobi! I was romantic."
“Sorry, but that was so cheesy.” He cringed.
“So, do you want to just start dating, then?” You proposed. “We have the ice cream here; we can pretend to get to know each other more.”
He chuckled. “Sure. Let’s do that.”
Hoseok stood up and held his hand out to you. “Y/N Y/L, will you go on a date with me?”
You laughed but composed yourself. “I would love to, Jung Hoseok.” You took his hand, and he immediately sat back down.
“So, Y/N,” Hoseok began, handing you the partially melted ice cream and your spoon, “what do you like to do on the weekends?”
1 year later.
“I’m thinking of moving to Korea,” you said. Hoseok turned to you, surprised. “Really? But you’re not based here.” “I know,” you acknowledged, “but I can fly in and skype, or whatever. I can have a home base here, too.” You were visiting Hoseok for a couple weeks before you had to go back home for a clothing launch. Both of you were cuddling at his place when you brought up your idea of moving to Korea. “Of course, it wouldn’t be immediate. I would need to sort things out with Westley and Rachel and organize a place to stay here and a work area. The company is sturdy enough to handle the change.” You reasoned. “You could move in with me,” he suggested, turning his body to face you. “Are you sure?” “Yeah, why not. We’ve been dating for a while now, and it makes sense.” He shrugged. “Unless you don’t want to.” You kissed him. “No, I want to.” Both of you discussed what your move would be like and imagined living together. If you were to look back at how your relationship with Hoseok progressed, you would be shocked. In a matter of a few months, you and Hoseok went from friends to romantic partners. Although you had not come out publicly about your relationship, many people had a sense it existed; but that didn’t matter. You and Hoseok were in a secure and healthy relationship. It was long distanced, but you two made it work by visiting each other when you could and calling almost every day. The only thing that didn’t change was the sex—although it had gotten better. Nevertheless, so much has happened over the past year. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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biaswreckingfics · 4 years
To Be Replaced: Part 1
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2.5k
“I’m so sorry, babe… You know I want to be home more than anything, but it’s unfortunately not up to me…” your boyfriend sadly tells you through the phone.
“I know, Baek… It’s okay. It’s just one more week and then you’ll be right back home with me.” You hide the sadness you’re feeling from your voice, so he doesn’t worry about you and feel guilty for the toll his career sometimes takes.
He suddenly whines in your ear. “Why does a week feel so long all of a sudden?”
You listen as your boyfriend of three years continues to pout into the phone. Of course, you were sad that he was going to be gone longer than the two of you had originally planned, but you had learned long ago to be understanding in these types of situations. You’ve grown used to dealing with traveling delays when it came to your boyfriend’s schedule. He was an idol and he was certainly “booked and busy”, and often being pulled in eight different directions. You had learned to just go along for the ride to make it easier on him.
This time it was no different. EXO had just wrapped up another world tour, and SM had found time to schedule more appearances for them before they came home. The only upside you could find in this scenario was more exposure for the boys and more interviews for you to watch online which is exactly what you would be doing in your now open week.
“Oh! Babe, I gotta go. There’s this stylist here who has shown me some really cool design ideas, and I think we’re going to collaborate for Privé! I’ll call you later! Love you!”
Your boyfriend suddenly hangs up and you pull your phone away from your ear to look at it. A small smile finds its way on your face thanks to your boyfriend’s antics. Privé was his baby and he had been eager to find inspiration for a new line for his clothing company. Fortunately, it sounded like he had finally found some.
A week later
You pick up the throw pillow on the couch and fluff it up for the third time while you wait for your boyfriend to arrive home. It was an anxious habit you had somehow developed. Whenever Baekhyun was gone for long periods of time, you wanted him to come home to a neat and tidy apartment. It lowered his stress levels and opened up time for the two of you to be together instead of worrying about a dirty house.
You at least hoped he was coming home today. You had hardly spoken to him in the past week, assumingly because he was busy with schedules and trying to finally catch up on sleep. The last you heard; his plane was arriving at 5pm. Which was 20 minutes ago, you note as you look at the clock on the wall.
Your phone rings and you pull it out of your back pocket and check the caller ID. A smile crosses your features as you glance at the name before answering the phone.
“Hello, Oh Sehun.”
“Hey, we’re just about to leave the airport and I’m already thinking about food. Want to go get dinner?”
“My boyfriend, who I haven’t seen in months, is about to be home. I promise you; dinner is the last thing on my mind right now.”
Sehun makes a disgusted sound in your ear. “I definitely don’t need to hear about you and Baekhyun’s dirty sex life. A ‘no’ would’ve been fine.”
“I wasn’t…” you sigh and glance around the apartment while trying to find patience. “Whatever… No, thank you, Sehun. Please, eat something delicious for me.”
You can almost hear the smirk in his voice when he says, “There’s a joke there… but I’ll let it slide this time. Let’s get together soon, okay?”
“Absolutely, but before you go… Baekhyun is with you, right?” you can’t help but ask.
Sehun pauses at your odd question before slowly asking, “Where else would he be?”
You sink down on the couch once you hear the question he bounces back at you. Obviously, Baekhyun would be with them. “Sorry, dumb question. I just haven’t heard from him in a while, so I wasn’t sure what his schedule was.”
“Why haven’t you heard from him? Did you guys get into a fight or something?”
Your head jerks back in confusion. It was rare for Baekhyun and you to get into an argument, and as your best friend, Sehun knew that.
“No? He was probably just too busy to call.”
Sehun snorts. “I doubt that. We had more free time than any of us expected. Horrible planning on SM’s part, but I won’t bother you with the boring details right now.”
Your brows furrow as even more confusion fills you. What did he mean they had more free time than expected, and if that was the case, why hasn’t Baekhyun called or texted you? You quietly voice your thoughts out loud and Sehun hears you.
“I mean… he was with Maya a lot, but I assume he would’ve talked to you too?”
You lean back into the couch and run the name through your head before coming up empty. “Who’s Maya?”
Rustling from Sehun’s end fills your ears before you hear the sound of a car door shutting. Chanyeol’s deep voice is heard in the background before Sehun responds.
“She’s some designer that was working with one of our stylists. She offered to help Baekhyun design some things for Privé. Didn’t he tell you?”
You hear Chanyeol ask why Sehun is talking about Maya before it must click into place who he is talking to, and he’s suddenly yelling hi to you.
From the sounds of it, the boys knew who she was, so she must be legit. Good. You were happy Baekhyun had someone to help him come up with some new designs. Hopefully, she can help him bring his visions to life, and help him design something really cool.
Sehun and you stay on the phone and talk for a while until you hear keys fumbling against your apartment door. Your heart shoots into your throat and you jump up from the couch in excitement, telling Sehun you have to go and hanging up while waiting for Baekhyun to enter. You hadn’t physically seen your boyfriend in months, and you couldn’t freaking wait to have him back in your arms.
Baekhyun pushes open the door and before he can get all the way inside, you’re running for him and throwing your arms around his neck. He lets out a noise at the impact, but his arms quickly wrap around your waist and he squeezes you tightly.
“I missed you, love.” He mumbles in your ear.
You lean back and find his lips, mumbling a quick “I missed you too” before finally kissing him. The kiss turns more passionate than you intend and Baekhyun blindly closes the apartment door with his foot before turning around and pushing you against it.
“God, I missed the way you taste.”
“Well, I’m right here, Baek, and I’m all yours.”
His eyes darken with lust as a mischievous smirk grows on his face. “Good, because we have a lot of missed time to make up for.”
A few hours later, Baekhyun and you are laying tangled up in your sheets and catching each other up on everything that had taken place the past couple of months. You told him about the boring things that happened with your work and family, and he shared with you the antics his members pulled while on tour.
When he tells you about Maya, you take in his excitement and the way he’s animatedly talking about all the ideas they were able to come up with, with a smile. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen Baekhyun this excited about anything, and it was nice to see that light in his eyes again.
“I’m telling you. She. Is. A genius. I don’t know how she came up with half of her designs, but I’m so happy she offered to help me.”
The way Baekhyun speaks about her makes her seem larger than life, and almost out of this world cool, and the way his heartbeat speeds up because of how excitedly he is talking is nice. Did it bother you that he was talking so eagerly about another woman while the two of you were naked in bed? Maybe the slightest twinge of something was there, but you were more happy for him than anything else.
“I’m happy you got a chance to work together. It sounds like she helped you out a lot.” You smile up at him from where your head was resting on his chest.
“Oh, we’ll have plenty more chances.” When you stare up at him curiously, he continues. “She’s been hired to be one of EXO’s stylists.”
You pause, slightly surprised with the information. “They hired her just like that?”
“I gave her a good recommendation.” Baekhyun shrugs underneath you. “She’s already said she’s willing to keep working with me, so now we’ll have even more time together.”
You stare up at him and take in his beautiful features. When he looks down at you, his glowing face smiles and he kisses your forehead. You can see his excitement at the fact that he gets to continue working with her and you couldn’t be happier that he found someone else he can bounce his ideas off of. He could only ask your opinion so many times before your ideas became stale, and you knew next to nothing about high fashion, so she would be way more helpful than you could ever hope to be.
The next day, you join Baekhyun at a shoot he and the other EXO members had scheduled. You found it hard to believe SM couldn’t give them at least a couple of days off before making them work again, but the selfish part of you was happy because now you could see all the guys at once.
As soon as you walk in, there’s a flurry of movement as directors and lighting men work to get everything set up. You stick close to Baekhyun like usual to stay out of everyone’s way, and quickly spot the guys hanging off to the side on a couple of couches. Baekhyun and you walk hand-in-hand in their direction before a beautiful blonde intercepts you.
“Hey, Baek. I have some more designs for you to look at.” The strange girl flashes a blinding smile at him as her hand comes up to grip his arm. She pulls him in a different direction without so much as a glance at you and he immediately lets go of your hand to follow her.
You stand there stunned as you try to figure out what just happened before looking over at the pair to see them lost in their own world. Judging by the words she spoke, you assume the girl is Maya, but you couldn’t know for sure because Baekhyun didn’t introduce you. It was almost like he forgot you were even there.
You shake it off and continue your trek over to the rest of the guys who all greet you the second you’re within earshot. You see an open spot next to Sehun and immediately drop down into it, catching his attention.
“I see you met Maya.” He dryly comments.
“Did I?” You respond, using as much sarcasm as you can muster. Could you call what just happened a meeting?
Sehun glances over to make sure he was talking about the right person and looks back at you with a roll of his eyes. “They were like that the whole time abroad too. It’s like she’s fucking sticky tape.”
You look back over at Maya and take a better look at her appearance. She was gorgeous with long legs that seemed to go on for miles. She gave off European model vibes like she was putting “I’m too sexy and cool, so don’t talk to me” in the air. You feel a twinge of insecurity and immediately stamp it out. Sure, she is gorgeous, but Baekhyun loves you and you had no doubts about that.
“She looks like a model.” You comment causing Sehun to snort.
“She was a model. I guess she decided designing was more her passion.
You spend the rest of the day hanging out with the guys or playing on your phone. You had hardly seen Baekhyun since you got here. Maybe a quick “hi” once or twice before Maya was pulling him away again, so you were beyond relieved when the crew was wrapping up for the day and Baekhyun suddenly appeared next to you.
“Hey, babe. Sorry I’ve been so busy today. You were probably bored out of your mind.” He says while he leans over the couch and hugs you from behind.
“It’s okay.” You pat his hand before standing up and walking around the couch to him. “The guys kept me plenty entertained… but I’m ready to finally be with you...”
He pulls you into his arms and gives you a tight hug that you want to stay wrapped up in forever. However, you’re pulled out of the moment when you feel someone’s hand graze your arms as they touch Baekhyun’s lower back. A throat clearing has you and Baekhyun looking behind him, and you meet the eyes of none other than Maya.
Baekhyun quickly moves over to your side and wraps an arm around your waist before turning to face the newcomer. “Hey, Maya! There’s someone I want you to meet. This is Y/N.”
Her expression is unreadable as she looks you up and down like she’s appraising you.  “What do you do for the company?”
You blink a couple of times at her indifferent tone while Baekhyun gives her a weird look.
“Y/N’s my girlfriend… I told you about her on tour.”
Her face changes and you see the exact moment a mask slides into place. She gives you a fake smile while she waves away Baekhyun’s words.
“Oh, right. The girlfriend.” She lets out a light giggle that sounds completely out of place. “I guess I just had other things on my mind when you were talking about her.”
You stare at her as her and Baekhyun continue to talk and try to ignore the bad vibes you were getting from the introduction you just had with her. So many thoughts ran through your head, but you take one look at Baekhyun and decide to keep them to yourself. He looked happier and more relaxed than he has in a while, and you didn’t want anything to ruin that.
You couldn’t be happier that he has found someone to share his passion with… but a part of you was incredibly bummed out that it was no longer you.
Tagging: @gyukult @marovekian1 @making-me-blush @softforqiankun​ @sebootyforlife​ @nothingbutadeadesceane​ @cardtak​ @brie02​ @jungkooksworld18​ @insta1010​ @suhappysuho​ @purple-bell​
379 notes · View notes
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here!
A/N: maybe two more parts after this
Commission info for a Love Letter from your favorite HP character here - close 3/10/21!
You sigh as you lean your head back on the arm rest of Draco’s couch
You can see him extending a glass of wine towards you, and you take it gingerly into your hand
“I think I want to quit my job”
He doesn’t say anything, just raises an eyebrow and takes a seat in the arm chair next to the sofa you’re sprawled over like you’re at the therapists office
“Planning to coast along on your good looks?” He finally says, trying to keep his face as stern as possible.
Despite himself a smile arch’s onto the corner of his mouth
“I’m being serious!” You say, sitting up.
Draco openly laughs now, and he doesn’t stop until you throw a pillow at him.
“Well what do you expect when you say somethin’ like that out of nowhere.” He manages to say between bursts of laughter
You both have been dating for a while now, almost a year- you even brought him to a company holiday party
Life has been good
Having to hide his wizardry from you isn’t all that hard, he just had to completely reprogram the way he operates as a human being and now he’s fine
It’s been a little challenging
You sigh, a hand threading through your hair, eyebrows threaded together
Well now he’s a little worried, he figured you were just joking around but-
“Did something happen at work?”
Did someone say something to you- or maybe someone did something to you
Draco’s already running a list of curses in his mind by the time you sigh and shake your head
“Nothing that hasn’t been happening- not really.”
The cruciatus curse seems a little to far, maybe boils? No that’s too obvious
“It’s a nice place to work, I have it really good, it’s just-“ your eyes flicker from your glass of wine to Draco
“I always figured once I had a steady income life would be exciting yknow? And I would travel and be making memories but-“
You should be grateful, you have a good life. A comfortable job, a cozy house and-
Your eyes flicker to him, taking his impeccably handsome face, that ash blonde hair, and vibrant grey eyes
And you’ve got Draco
But even though you have all these things, you can’t help but feel like life is just passing you by, and before you know it you’ll be 80 on your death bed having done nothing at all
Draco’s quiet for a moment, picking up on the unspoken sentiment
Maybe you shouldn’t have unpacked on him like that- he’s got his own problems too after all
“Let’s go on Holiday”
Draco picks up on your confusion and elaborates on his reasoning
“You’re just a little burned out, you need a break.”
It happened to his Dad all the time when he was a kid, he’d get caught up in all of his dark magic council meetings and his board positions and wonder if this is just life was- an endless power struggle
And that’s when his Mum would swoop in with an elegant family trip to some exotic location, and they would all come back like new people.
Right now you need someone to show you the joy in life. That it’s not just going to work for fifty years and dying
There’s a long stretch of silence between the two of you
And Draco starts to wonder if maybe his Mum had it all wrong
Maybe he should have just offered to make you his spouse, he makes enough money for the both of you- you don’t have to work if you don’t want to when you’re his
He’s internally rehearsing his proposal speech, picking out which moments he should highlight
Which is pretty hard because every moment with you feels like a highlight
“Where would we go?”
Your voice is soft, almost hesitant, but Draco doesn’t overlook the twinkle in your eye
He grins
“Anywhere you want”
You find out pretty fast that Draco is a meticulous planner- everything is carefully decided
“Alright we’ll get off the flight, and we’ll get one of those mu- I mean we’ll get a car from there so we don’t have to worry about transportation-“
Literally everything is reserved, the hotel you’re staying in the city at for the first few nights, the car you’ll be using while you’re in France, the bed and breakfast Draco found out about in a small village in the French country side, even all the restaurants you’ll be eating at
Which is totally fine, some structure isn’t a bad thing
It’s just Draco’s never struck you as someone who plans everything out
“Is everything alright darling? Is this a personality trait of yours I’m just going to have to grow to love?”
You wrap your arms around his torso from the back, your chin resting on his shoulder to glance at the travel documents he’s reviewing
“Oh I never do this when I’m traveling alone- I don’t even take a travel bag most of the time, I can just buy whatever I need when I land- one time I didn’t even take my wallet because your phone is a wallet these days.”
You raise an eyebrow, what a little rich boy
You can’t think of all the times your family packed everything they could possibly need when going on vacation so they wouldn’t have to pay for anything when they got there
“So what’s the difference this time?” You ask, has hitting the quarter of life struck him with a lightening bolt that’s transformed him into a dad now?
“Because I’m going with you”
So everything has to be perfect. You’re taking a whole two weeks off of work, he’s got to make sure you don’t regret it, and give you the best time possible
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on proposing”
You’re only joking, but the disgusted look that crosses Draco’s features makes you flinch
You know it’s probably a little early to mention marriage, it’s only been a year after all, but you would be lying if you said that didn’t hurt
“I would never propose in France (Y/N), I have taste”
That whole country is just overhyped, and Paris is way too dirty - like most cities.
But it’s where you want to go- you like art museums and fresh baked bread so here he is
Going to god damn France
But he’ll be hexed before he proposes to you in that god forsaken country
“Oh so there’s going to be a proposal?”
“Of course there is” he says off handedly, verifying that both of your passports are up to date
And then he realizes what he just admitted and feels a ruby red blush creep onto his face from his neck
He turns around to face you, face bright red, only to see you smiling like you’ve just won the lottery
And he should be hopelessly embarrassed,
he’s been trying to play it cool for the last year, to play at your pace in terms of relationship development
Only to let it slip through his fingers in a single moment
But you look so happy to know he see’s a future with you
“Alright, sounds good. Just give me a heads up a few weeks before so I can get a spa appointment to look pretty for all our pictures”
You’re joking.... kind of
You don’t put it past Draco to have a photographer follow you both around and take pictures of the whole engagement thing
Draco’s actually taking your joke quite seriously though, a dopey grin on his mouth
“I’ll give you a hint the weekend before”
That should be enough time to get all your affairs in order
It’ll also give him enough time on how to break to you that he’s a wizard and well- his parents probably hate you
You’re smiling, an embarrassed expression crossing your features as you change the topic to which places you’ll be visiting
But there’s a shadow on Draco’s face
He sighs when you leave, saying you have to go back to your house to pack-
It’s always so lonely when you’re gone
He collapses on his arm chair, twirling his wand so that there’s a glass of fire whisky in his hand
He’s going to have to tell you soon- not just about his wizardry, but also about his family
His Mum’s already got half a guess there’s something going on here - but he bets the worst she believes is that he’s dating someone beneath him, maybe a muggle born at worst
Certainly not an actual muggle
His father’s clueless as always - too busy with his council positions and appearances
His mother will be fine , she would be upset of course, but she would come around eventually
His Father would disown him
He’s fairly confident about that
The second he says he’s in love with a muggle- it’s over for him
His dad might actually curse him when he finds out he’s marrying a muggle- bringing dirty blood into their bloodline
And Draco might curse him back
Because they can say whatever they want about him, but not about you-
Nothing about you is dirty
You’re the purest, kindest, loveliest person he’s ever seen
And he still can’t believe you’re his
You shouldn’t be surprised when you find out Draco booked you both first class seats
Or when you get to the airport and see a Mercedes convertible waiting for you
Or even when you get to the hotel - which turns out to be The Ritz
The tipping point is when you find out the “room” Draco booked is actually the penthouse
“Well that was exhausting, should we take a nap before going to the Louvre?”
You’re sitting on the sofa in the living area, your head in your hands
Draco doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy pouring Perrier into two crystal glasses.
“Draco, love, do you remember before we went on this trip, that I insisted paying my portion- even though you said there was no need?”
Draco looks up from the Perrier. But you’re still staring at the ground
“And then when I asked why my portion was so low- you said you got a really great economy deal from a travel package.”
That was the excuse he used wasn’t it
“Well there was a discount travel package, I just didn’t book it.”
Honestly he’s not sure what his end game was here- honestly he was just hoping you would believe this was all included in the package
Your palms are pressed together, your head resting against them
Draco extends a glass of Perrier towards you
You look at it for several long seconds,
he probably got it out of the mini fridge that charges 10x mark up
“I’m paying for our next trip” you say, accepting the glass with a sigh
Draco only grins
“So there’s going to be a next trip?”
You almost snort laughing
“Are you seriously asking me that after you basically proposed to me last week?”
Ah, you’ve got him there
You smile as you tug his towards you, pressing a kiss to his mouth
“Of course there will be you dork”
He smiles as he holds you close, kissing you again
Being in Paris is really cool
You go on a tour of the catacombs
“Watch your step” Draco says, offering his arm for support
“Thanks” you hold his hand as you make your way through the dark space
And the Louvre
“Am I supposed to be feeling something right now?” He asks
You’re both looking at the Mona Lisa, and you’ve got tears in your eyes, feeling very small
You’re almost humbled being in her presence, the painting that has withstood centuries
“Yes” you sniffle, taking the handkerchief Draco’s extended towards you
“You’re a rich kid, aren’t you supposed to be super invested in art and stuff?”
He gives you a mischievous grin
“I look at you everyday don’t I”
You manage a laugh, lightly smacking him in the arm
Things are going really well, you’re both having a really good time, and then something happens-
It’s your last day in the city before you head out to the french countryside,
you and Draco decided you would spend the morning souvenir shopping before heading there in the afternoon
You’ve put in an order for some macrons for your friends and the people at work
“Do you think they’ll still be good by the time we get back home?”
It will be at least a week until you head back, and longer until you see any of your friends
“I think as long as we freeze them” Draco assures
He’ll put a charm on them for good measure
The second Draco hears that voice he goes rigid
You see, being with you for a year has been utter bliss.
Draco’s had a good year, the best year of his entire life-
The thing is though, he got so caught up in who he was becoming-
that he completely forgot who he used to be-
Until this moment
“Weasley. Granger”
Weasley looks the same as ever, flaming red hair and a splatter of freckles across his nose and spilling onto his face
Still that tall, lean, but muscular build he had when he last saw him.
Granger looks great though, she’s got her curls framing her face, smooth dark skin glistening against a clean cut pant suit
“Lovely to see you both”
Draco seems composed
But on the inside he’s on the verge of having a panic attack
Maybe they’ll just give a wave and be on their way
Yes that’s entirely pos-
Nope. They’re walking over to you two
“Are you going to introduce us?” You ask with a teasing smile
Oh crap, he forgot the social protocols a situation like this calls for in his panic
“R-right, (Y/N) this is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger-“
“Actually we’re both Weasley now” Ron says with a proud grin
“- well she was Granger now she’s Weasley too, we um-“
Were sworn rivals. Mortal enemies. Fought on opposite sides of a great and tragic war.
“Went to school together”
He can honestly say that isn’t a lie.
They all did go to school together
A magic school in the mountains of Scotland, where they rode brooms and befriended magical creatures
Somehow he gets the feeling that’s not the type of experience you’re picturing though
To his surprise things are going pretty well, the conversation is mostly revolving around Paris, you and Granger seem to share a similar love for Mona Lisa
“And when you stand in front of her-“ Granger starts
“It’s like she’s judging you!” You finish
The two of you are only a moment away from embracing
Weasley looks like he couldn’t care less about Mona Lisa
And for once Draco thinks they’re in agreement
Maybe it’s because they’re from pureblood families
Because something surviving 500 years isn’t all that big of a deal to wizards
Not when the average wizard can live a few hundred years, his great grandfather even lived until the ripe old age of 652
“So are you two on Holiday?” You ask and Granger shakes her head
“No, we’re actually here for work on behalf of the Au-“
“On behalf of their museum I’m sure” Draco cuts in quickly
He was so comfortable in the fantasy  where his previously sworn enemies might become causal aquantinces that he completely forgot there were three wizards and one muggle in this conversation
“”They um-“ Draco clears his throat giving a meaningful look to Granger and Weasley before lowering his voice “they actually work for a rival museum. Managed to get an exhibit from right under me”
The lies just seem to stack on one another.
Draco’s not sure what’s worse- that he’s getting better with coming up with these lies-
“Is that why they aren’t invited to your hangouts with Blaise, Theo and Pansy”
Or that you trust him so much you wholeheartedly  believe each and every lie
“That is exactly why they’re not invited”
Some force in the universe must like him, because luckily enough that’s when your order number is called.
“Oh looks like it’s ready, I’ll see you in a bit darling” you press a kiss to his cheek before making your way towards the counter
And Draco’s so caught up in the subtle affection you’ve just shown him he’s completely forgotten all about the situation at hand until Granger clears her throat.
Ah yes, the mountain of lies he’s haphazardly built.
How could he forget
Granger looks like she’s got the gist of the situation,
Weasley on the other hand looks just as dumb as Draco remembers from school
His mouth agape
“Are they a muggle??”
Draco flinches at how loud Weasley says the word Muggle
“Yes, they are could you please keep your voice down”
He looks in your direction
Oh good it looks like you didn’t hear
He turns back to his old enemies
They both look like their mind is broken
“But your family they hate-“
“That’s my parents, that’s not me” Draco snaps quickly
But it was him, wasn’t it
All those times he tormented muggle borns at school, the dark magic artifacts he toyed with-
He looks at Granger
All the times he called her mud blood
He’s not as bad as his parents
-but he’s still not good
“Since I was there I got yours too-“
The second you’re back you can tell something is off
The tension hangs in the air like fog
Draco looks like he’s just seen a ghost, face pale and thin pink lips trembling
“What’s wrong?” You ask
Draco was a monster, that’s what’s wrong
“Nothing,” he puts on his most believable smile “we should get going or it will get dark before we get to the manse”
You nod, taking his hand in yours
It’s trembling
“It was lovely meeting you, maybe we’ll see each other again soon”
Granger who’s been awfully quiet for this whole ordeal smiles
“Yes, I hope we do”
The look Granger gives you is genuine and warm
- like she already considers you a friend
and it makes Draco feel twice as bad
It’s not like anything has really changed as you two drive through the countryside
You’re still joking like you always do,
Draco’s driving and he stops in several places on the way there so you can take polaroids in the French country scenery
But something feels...off
Like he’s just pretending to be happy
You really shouldn’t be surprised when you roll up to a large iron gate,
Draco types in the code into a keypad and they creak as they open revealing a rather impressive winding drive
At the end of which is an absolute unit of a mansion
“This isn’t a bed and breakfast is it?”
For one there’s not even a parking lot, Draco gives you a fleeting look before taking your bags out of the car.
“This is my family’s manse, we would come up here during the summer for vacation”
He was on the fence about bringing you here, but his Mum always had a rule that all dark magic artifacts would be kept away from their vacation home
His father could have free reign over the manse near London, but not here when they were on vacation
“You grew up here?” You say, taking in the fountain, the thirty windows you see in the front face alone, and the massive rose garden to the side
“Not really, we would just come here to vacation, it was really for my parents. I spent most of my time climbing up trees-“
And playing with the house elves, which his mother would later reprimand him for
It was always worse for them though
At least Father pays them a wage now, however meager it may be
“There’s no servants right now though, so it will be just us”
He says it as he leads you through the manse, passing the drawing room, a rather impressive parlor, up a long pair of winding steps into the east wing into a rather lavish room
“I hope you don’t mind staying in my old room, my parents used to use the master and that just seems... icky”
you laugh And he gives you another smile, and this time you know somethings wrong.
“We can go to the village nearby and grab dinner, or we can stay here but I doubt the pantry has-“
“Draco,” you stop him mid speech about getting dinner “What’s wrong?”
Draco does his best to smile for you
“Nothings wrong-“
“No, something is wrong” you cut him off quickly, taking his hand in both of yours
“You’ve been...sad”
that’s what it is, the emotion he’s been trying to cover up
He thought he was covering up his internal turmoil pretty well
Draco won’t lie, the fact that he’s more transparent then he thinks hurts
“Ever since we saw your old classmates at the bakery”
The way he flinches when you mention it tells you all you need to know
You feel a protective flare swell inside you
“Did something happen? Did they do something to you?“
you’re already thinking about how you need to protect you Draco from them, they work in the same industry so they’re bound to cross paths. Maybe-
“I’m the one who did something to them.”
Draco breaks you away from your thoughts
Draco looks into your puzzled face, and his heart squeezes
He didn’t want you to find out, not like this
Pretty soon you’ll be thrust into his history headfirst-
His hand is held in both of yours,
your eyes are so warm as they look up at him.
And all he can think is that he doesn’t deserve any of this
The truth is he didn’t want you to ever know
“I wasn’t a good person” he croaks
He knows he’s just as much a victim as the others, he’s got the scars and the death eater mark to prove it- both things he didn’t really want
It was coercion, they told him.
He grew up in an environment where he was punished for showing any original thought, his therapist had said
He’s a victim too
But that doesn’t mean it was okay for him to treat people like that- for him to call people that word-
“I was a bully, a monster, I was-”
Draco’s cut off when you pull him into a hug
Draco stumbles back when you throw yourself at him,  wrapping your arms around him
“Stop. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” You say
He doesn’t understand why until he see’s  the tears drop onto your hair
Oh, he’s crying
“Shh, it’s okay” you hum, holding him close as he sobs into your shoulder
And you two stay just like that for a long time
“I just don’t want you to think less of me” Draco murmurs, you’re both on his bed now, you’re both sitting cross legged across from each other
He looks so ashamed, it’s like he’s admitting he killed someone
In all honestly, you figured something like this might be the case.
Draco’s a rich boy, he doesn’t seem like someone who’s experienced financial struggle,
He’s  someone who experienced life with a sense of entitlement
You look at him, rim of his eyes tinged pink and swelling. The almost pitiful sniffle he lets out
But the Draco in front of you isn’t like that, not anymore at least.
His kindness is still a little rough...but it’s there
You know that, you see it every time he picks up on your mood, every time he comforts you when you have a bad day
You’ve seen it during this trip, where he catered everything so you would have a good time
You just have to make him see that now
“All of that, it’s in the past now Draco” you squeeze his hand, and he finally stops looking down and up at you
“You have a past, I do too” you give him a warm smile. “but that’s all behind us now, all that matter is where we’re going from here”
Your reassuring expression and tender words make him feel like he might cry again, but this time for a different reason
“We don’t have to talk about it, not until you’re ready” you tell him
he feels his eyes sting
“I don’t deserve your kindness”
And from another man you would think it’s a plot to earn your sympathy, but looking at Draco you know he means every word
He looks like a broken man
Like he’s haunted, worn down to the bone
So you do the only thing you can think to do, knees pressing into the mattress you hover over him. Your hands cup each side of his face, tilting it up so those brilliant grey eyes are looking at you
“You deserve every part of me my love” you murmur, peppering his face with kisses
Scattering them across his cheeks, his hairline, down his thin nose, and across his jaw
Before finally catching his lips, your mouth gently caressing his
“(Y/N)-“ your name leaves him in a breathless voice- half in want and half concerned
His hand caresses your face, stopping you as you kiss down his neck
He wants to tell you that You don’t have to do any of this just because he’s feeling emotional
But he doesn’t have to say anything, because you understand immediately, giving him a kind smile
“I’m doing it because I want you-“ you take his hand , pressing kisses to the end of his fingertips
“Do you trust me?”
And Draco, who doesn’t trust his voice, can only manage a nod
“I’m going to be good for you” you murmur against his hand, and you feel him shiver underneath you.
Draco’s made love to you countless times, felt your burning skin against his hands so many times he’s lost count.
But it’s never been like this
It’s so....
He looks at you underneath him, your eyes are warm as you look up at him, and full of so much love
This time making love to you is comforting.
Your hand presses against his lower abdomen, right above the place you both are connected, and it earns an involuntary shiver from him
But you don’t stop there, your hand trails up his stomach, across his chest, fingers lightly brushing against the nape of his neck before resting on his face
The action, mixed with that warm look in your eyes, feels so tender
“You’re so pretty” You murmur, your thumb rubbing tenderly across his cheek.
Caressing his face.
“My pretty boy Draco”
And he feels emotion well up within him once more.
A tear slipping down his face as he leans down to kiss you
He doesn’t deserve this, he doesn’t deserve your love
But he’s so grateful that he has it
That he has you
“Being good for him” extends past the bedroom it seems, because the next morning he wakes up to an empty bed, his body littered with kiss marks, a hot bath drawn for him with flower petals scattered across the surface, and a note
‘Took the car to the village, will be back soon. P.S take a bath and relax until I get back, I have your favorite tea in the kettle for when you’re done.’
Draco can’t help the goofy grin that spreads across his face
“I really don’t deserve you”
You come back only fifteen minutes later, while he’s still soaking in the tub.
You walk over to him wordlessly, rubbing his shoulders as you lean against the rim of the tub.
“How are you feeling today darling?” You murmur, kissing his temple.
“Better now that you’re here.” And he means it, he loves what you’ve done for him, but it’s always so lonely when you’re gone
He takes your hand in his, looking up at you with shining grey eyes.
“Will you join me?”
You laugh, your other hand caressing his face
“I have to go get things ready for our picnic- I thought it might be nice, there’s a place the locals told me about- a hill a few kilometers away from here.”
“That can wait can’t it?” He asks, and when you make no move to undress he adds -
He looks like a little boy, and you find yourself relenting, pulling off your sweater with a sigh
The tub is massive, probably half the size of your bedroom, so you give Draco some room, sitting on the other side of the tub
Last night was intense, for you and for him, you don’t want to overwhelm him with too much stimulation
But Draco doesn’t let you stay far away, beckoning you to him. Only satisfied when your back is pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around your chest and stomach
“I’m sorry-“ he starts, but you silence him with a simple squeeze of his hand
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for”
And it’s true. How many times has Draco comforted you- bringing you dinner when you pulled late nights at work, or kissed your tears away?
“It’s nice. Seeing another part of the person I love” you reassure
There’s a moment of silence before Draco opens his mouth again
“When I was in school, I-I -“
“ you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to” you reassure,
the two have the rest of your lives to talk about these things, there’s no rush
But Draco shake his head, and offers you a small smile
“I want to talk about it, I want you to know”
And so Draco tells you as much as he can without giving away his secret
He tells you his family comes from old money, and he internalized certain messages from that
“It’s not an excuse,” he clarifies, “but it’s part of the story too”
He tells you how he was a bully all through this childhood and into adolescence.
Even early adulthood.
How he basically tormented the people he bullied-
“Granger... I was terrible to her.” He admits, you’ve since moved away from the bath tub, and you’re sitting in the garden, drinking tea and eating scones. “I called her terrible things”
He means he called her a mudblood, the greatest insult a person can get
You’re thinking he probably called her a b*tch or a c*nt.
Honestly I’m not sure which version is worse
“Did you have a crush on her?” You ask, and Draco sputters. His cheeks blooming red
He remembers being jealous of Granger, she was always at the top of their class, and he always came in second to her.
He remembers getting lectures for it everytime he came home for the holidays
His Father always fuming how Draco  was so inept that even a ‘mudblood’ could surpass him.
And some of that did transfer to his dislike for the person
He does remember thinking she looked awfully beautiful at the Yule Ball though, in that pink dress
“She’d look better in green” he had thought and then realizing what he just thought blushed and looked towards his date.
“Maybe I did.” He admits to you, almost a decade later.
And you laugh
“I bet you were a cutie” Draco only blushes even more
What you wouldn’t give to see a teenage Draco, you wonder what it would have been like if you met him when you were younger
How different would things be?
You watch Draco flush bright red, trying to cover his embarrassment with a sip of his tea
Well, the way things turned out isn’t so bad either
You spend the rest of the trip at Draco’s family’s manor, in domestic bliss
You stand on your tip toes, trying to reach a pair of mugs on the top shelf
“Here let me get that” Draco says reaching them with ease while standing behind you
You drink tea in the garden
“Draco darling, will you pass me the preserves?”
You’re both dressed like something out a a historical drama, he’s in a suit and you’ve got on a tilted sun hat and white gloves
Playing like you’re nobility vacationing in the Parisian countryside
Which... Draco sort of actually is
.... let’s not think of that
And go on picnics on the nearby hill
“Oh no” you mumble
“What’s wrong?” Draco asks while setting down the picnic blanket
“I forgot to bring glasses for the wine” you sigh
Draco shrugs
“We’ll just drink from the bottle”
You make a face and he laughs
“What does the thought of an indirect kiss make you nervous?”
You lightly shove him with a laugh
And late nights spent in their family library
“Your family sure has a strange book collection” you say holding up a book titled ‘witchcraft in the mid-1800’s’
Draco scrambles towards you
“Y-yeah that’s probably my dad, he’s kind of interested in that occult stuff...for fun, not like, because he’s apart of a cult or anything”
Not anymore at least
“I wasn’t thinking that he was apart of a cult... but I am now” you joke
You’ve moved on, scanning the rest of  their collection, but Draco’s looking at you-
This last week has been like something out of a dream
He can’t imagine how happy he would be to have this everyday
He watches your hand brush against the spine of a book
He extends a hand over your own, stroking your ring finger
“Make sure this finger is empty for me, okay?”
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Chapter 10
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo… a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter - allusions to sex, slow burn and slight angst.
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You hadn't heard Maxwell's faint whisper when he had gotten into the car. You had, however, acknowledged Jeeves brief nod of affirmation when Maxwell sank bank into his seat and clicked his seat belt in place before taking hold of your hand and pressing gentle, comforting kisses along your knuckles. Jeeves had taken the long way back to the penthouse, or so you assumed. There were plenty of detours, and pretty soon you realised he was actually driving you away from the bustling city. Pearly white snow lapped the landscape around you as he drove down the long road, framed by tall bare trees.
"We're leaving the city?" you asked Maxwell, leaning your head into his shoulder. "I thought we were going home."
"We are." Maxwell replied and you furrowed your eyebrows in bewilderment, but opted not to say another word. You didn't need to. You trusted him. The rest of the journey was spent in comfortable silence, you and Max just glad to be in each other's presence once more.
Finally, Jeeves pulled up outside a huge white mansion with pillars bigger than you had ever seen before. It was magnificent, unlike anything you had ever seen before. Your hand not leaving his, Maxwell helped you out of the car and walked you to the front door, reaching into his pants pocket for the keys and unlocking it in one swift movement.
"This is- this is-" you were speechless.
"My home," Maxwell replied with a smile, carefully guiding you into the lobby. You wiped the icy water from your winter boots on the mat before following him down the hallway and into the front room. It was enormous, carpeted. A gorgeous marble fireplace and oil paintings hung up on every corner. Maxwell took a spare key from a fruit bowl and handed it to you. "And, your home. If you'd like."
"Wh- what are you proposing?" you quizzed, your eyes flicking between the silver key and Maxwell.
"I'd feel better knowing that you were here, safe. No one will harass you and you'll be way out of Tristan's reach. Although I'm inclined to believe that he'll be locked away for a very long time. I guess what I'm trying to say is…" Maxwell took a deep, nervous breath. "Move in with me?"
"Here?" your eyes were comically wide in disbelief.
"I understand if you don't like the idea. If you think it's too soon…"
You swung your arms around Maxwell and hugged him tight, burying your face into the warmth of his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you back. "Yes." you mumbled happily, trying your hardest to hold back tears.
Maxwell spent a good hour giving you a grand tour of the house, and you were enamoured with the sight of every single room. Maxwell loved seeing how awestruck you were. This was all completely normal to him, but you helped him recognise how privileged he was to have such luxury. Maxwell took both of your hands when you had reached the final room of the house, his bedroom. "I know I told you I don't share a bed with… with…" you raised an eyebrow. "You know," he shrugged nervously and you nodded your head understandingly. "But I- I just think it might be nice if…"
You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek before scowering around and checking out your beautiful bedroom which you shared with Maxwell Lord.
"I can't wait to get settled in." You admitted, your eyes sparkling.
"There is something I have to tell you…" Maxwell frowned and you looked at him with concern. Was this it? Was he finally going to admit his feelings? You had to say it back.
"Me too." you nodded confidently. "But, you first." You said with a small smile and Maxwell took a deep breath.
"I have a business trip and… I'll be out of town for the week leading up until Christmas. I leave tomorrow." Your heart sank. That was not what you were expecting at all. "But if you want me to stay… I can postpone until January. I mean, it'll be hard but- you've been through a lot and. If there's anything you need…"
"Oh," you couldn't help but reply, your brain desperately fumbling to collect the right words. "No, that's okay. I understand." you smiled weakly. You knew how much Maxwell valued his business, and that was okay. You just thought he was going to at least mention his drunken revelation from the previous night.
"I'm glad," Maxwell responded, and there was a short silence. "Uh- do you have plans for Christmas?" Maxwell asked and you shook your head. "Because, I don't really do anything on Christmas but I wouldn't want you to be alone. So maybe…"
You smiled. "You don't do anything on Christmas?" you asked curiously. Maxwell took your hand and pulled you down onto the bed.
"Uh, no. My dad loved Christmas. When I was a kid we'd do all kinds of cool stuff but after he passed… it just wasn't the same. My mother didn't make an effort. Sometimes she'd even leave me with the nanny while she travelled to New York to be with her friends." Maxwell explained, and you appreciated the fact he had most likely never revealed so much information to anyone before.
"That's awful, I'm so sorry." you whispered, leaning into his lap.
"Part of me doesn't want to leave you," Maxwell admitted. "Tomorrow- I mean… but it's Simon Stagg from Stagg Industries. Shit, if I don't go I could lose investment."
"It's okay," you reassured Max who simply just sighed. "I'll miss you."
You felt nervous. It was the first time you had been with Maxwell in such close proximity since realising your true feelings for him. And Max felt the same.
He placed his big hand on your face and ran his finger over your lower lip. "Well, let's make tonight count." he said, his voice low and husky as he leaned in and pressed a passionate kiss into you.
You were the first to wake up in the morning as the golden sunlight seeped through your curtains and highlighted your body. It didn't take long for you to realise that you were wrapped in Maxwell's arms, your head buried into his chest as you recalled the amazing night you had before. He was still asleep, light snores escaping his lips and you felt comfort in hearing his heartbeat. You felt safe, like you could live in the moment forever. You also realised this was the first time you had shared a bed with Max— slept together. It was a big deal, especially knowing how he had previously felt about such a thing.
There was one thing still praying on your mind. You and Max had yet to discuss what had been said the night of the gala. You had been desperately waiting for him to bring it up and reaffirm it. Tell you that he did in fact love you. But he hadn't. And you didn't know why. You tried to be optimistic, but it was easy to believe that maybe he wasn't bringing it up because he just didn't feel the same way. Maybe he thought he loved you, but his words were just induced by the actions of his mother, and Bruce, and a landslide consumption of alcohol.
You spent a few moments thinking about it, anxiety twisting in your stomach as you shuffled around uncomfortably. You felt like you had to get out of Max's confined grip; you felt like you couldn't breathe. Max mumbled something incoherent as you broke free and rolled out of bed, rubbing your eyes and grabbing Max's robe to cover your naked body.
"Good morning," he mumbled groggily, adjusting his vision to focus on you. You paced around backwards and forwards by the foot of the bed. "Are you okay?" he quizzed, sensing your stress.
You wanted to say it— you wanted to confront him. Your mouth opened but before you could speak, Kenneth came running in. "Sir, your carpool to the airport is waiting outside."
"Airport?" you raised an eyebrow. "Max, where is the business meeting?"
Max sighed, rubbing his head. "Uh, London," he replied quietly and your eyes went comically wide.
"London?!" you repeated, your voice a little too high and a little too loud. When Max said he was going out of town, you thought he meant a different state at furthest… not a different continent!
"I- I will call you from the hotel every night," Max promised, sitting up and pressing his hands together. "I'll be home for Christmas. And you'll be safe here." Max cleared his throat and turned to Kenneth. "Uh, Ken, do you think we could get a little privacy?" Max requested and Kenneth nodded his head before leaving the room.
Max crawled out of bed and sat you down. "I don't have to go. Just say the words and I won't go." he told you quietly.
"I don't want to be the person who gets between you and your work," you replied sadly. "I'll be okay. Just- I'll miss you."
Max nodded understandingly, taking his wallet from the nightstand and pulling out one of the many Black Gold Cooperative business credit cards he owned. He placed it in your hands. "Remember darling, you want for nothing."
You appreciated the gesture, but the feeling of his credit card in your hand made you feel sick to your stomach. It reminded you that you were just his sugar baby. Nothing more. And as you watched Maxwell leave for his last minute business trip, you realised you might never be anything more.
Taglist (let me know if you wish to be added!)
Sugar and Spice: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-wayson @this-cat-is-dea @blonde2bomshell @maiyaaaa0130 @autumnleaves1991-blog @justanotherblonde23 @softly-sad @laaadygisbooornex3 @kaelyn-lobrutto24
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
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softboywriting · 4 years
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back | Nathan Bateman | Ex Machina
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Summary: You and Nathan hit it off at a tech expo. One thing leads to another and the two of you pull a stunt, claiming you’re married. Things get out of hand, and you end up going to stay with Nathan at his home to avoid people trying to harass you about Nathan’s work. The time you spend together will allow for a real relationship to bloom. [Swearing] [Fake Marriage Trope] [Soft!Nathan] [F!ReaderxNathan]
Word Count: 3.3k
|Masterlist In Bio|
One day you realize Kyoko is missing. You're not sure when she stopped appearing, in fact you can't remember the last time you actually saw her. Last week? No. A month ago? Wait,have you been here that long? Time seems to have lapsed here in the facility with Nathan. You worried about this when you arrived. Or maybe when you took the job. Was it really a job? Everything is a little fuzzy in terms of what you are. An assistant one might think, a housekeeper perhaps? No. You took the job as Nathan Bateman's wife. Yes. Job....well...sort of. Let’s go back to the beginning shall we?
Three months ago you met Nathan at the biggest tech expo in Las Vegas. You weren't exactly there for the inventions and hottest tech on the market. You were a handler, an escort of sorts for the creators and investors from companies attending. Your job was simple. Make things as smooth as possible while the people with disgusting amounts of money make big decisions. It was a great gig. It paid incredibly well for being temporary. But Nathan didn't think it suited you.
The second he laid eyes on you it was all over. You had been nervous for days after learning you were assigned to Nathan Bateman for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the expo. The Nathan Bateman, creator of Blue Book and the AI Project. You may not be a tech genius or even understand most of the things on display at the expo, but you would have to be living under a rock not to know who this man is and what he has done. He is illusive, handsome, sought after by many people the world over. Nathan is the definition of a sugar daddy if you ever did see one. Notoriously single, generous with his money, beyond genius intellect. He is the whole package.
One thing lead to another after you met Nathan at the expo and before you knew it he had your collar bones a mess with hickies and you were dressed in his sweater to attempt to cover them up. It hadn’t taken long before he was all over you, hands in your hair, on your butt, lips on your neck. You and Nathan had just sparked the moment you got close and you let that fire burn as hot as it could.
Of course all things in life have consequences, good or bad, and as you were leaving the rest area for creators, where the little hands on session had gone down, some press junkie saw you together. Photos were taken. Nathan had not been seen with anyone privately in years. He was never seen with a woman, let alone a woman wearing his sweater and looking a proper mess. It was a scandal to be had.
By the end of Friday Nathan was introducing you as his wife, a plan he had come up with on the fly. He had even procured a huge diamond ring for you too. Somehow you were playing along with all of this. Nathan offered to pay you, just for the appearance because it would be good for the company that he was seen as a man like any other, nothing more needed to come of your relations. It was fine. You were getting paid more than you could hope to make in your lifetime and getting to hang out with Nathan Bateman who you actually clicked with and liked to be around. Win win. You had it made. In less than 24 hours you were to be done with all of this and have cash in pocket to do whatever you wanted with.
A week after you had your crazy weekend with Nathan you were being followed. People kept showing up at your part time job in the travel agency downtown. They asked questions about Nathan, about his work. You didn't know anything. You were half tempted to tell everyone it was fake, that he never even properly kissed you, but Nathan paid you to be quiet, to play along. You signed his NDA. After a man followed you home from work and watched your apartment for two days, that's when you decided to reach out to Nathan. You could call the police and have the man removed, but there would just be others. This wasn’t a matter for the police, it was a matter for Nathan to handle.
Reaching a man like Nathan wasn't easy. He had left you a business card. A number that went to Blue Book human resources. It wasn't a way of contacting him directly, but it was. On the card was scribbled a word. "REQUIEM" You called the number and listened to the prompts. None reached an operator or customer service line. It seemed that no matter what you did it sent you to an automated system. Eventually you got so annoyed you just said the word requiem as if it were a prompt. Sure enough the phone started ringing, connecting to a line.
"How did you get this number?"
"You gave it to me. At the expo." You tell him that it's you and he sighs heavily in relief. "I need your help."
"My help? With what?"
"I'm being harassed because of the expo." Your voice trembles and you realize how much of a toll this is taking on you. "People have followed me to my home."
"Fuck. Can you get to an airport first thing in the morning?"
"Perfect, give me your email. I'll send you everything you need to get away. Pack your bags for a few months. I'll bring you to my facility as a guest until this blows over or we decide what to do next. It's the least I could do."
And that's how you ended up in his home in the middle of nowhere Alaska for the last month and a half. Your whole world uprooted because you decided that a few hundred thousand dollars was worth playing fake wife to the country's richest and most sought after man for two nights. It was so stupid at hindesight, but here you are actually the happiest you've ever been and connecting with Nathan on a deeper level than you thought possible. The two of you just understand each other, it's as if you're two sides to one coin.
"So, where is Kyoko?"
Nathan looks over from his desk, peering at you over his glasses. You're leaning against the door frame in a nightgown you know he likes. "She's in storage."
"Because I decommissioned her." He turns his attention back to the computer and begins typing.
You step in and he lets out a little warning hum. You know better than to bother him while he's toiling away on code. Being here for this long has been a learning experience with his reclusiveness, but also a lesson on reading his moods. He's not irritated, yet. "Why did you do that?"
"Kitten, you are distracting me."
Kitten. The nickname he picked out day one. Who gives a guest a nickname?
"I'm curious."
"I'm working. You know the rules."
You lean against the desk and he flicks his gaze to you for a moment as your nightgown rides up your thighs. His rules were simple. Don’t bother him while he works, no kissing, no sex. Really you thought the rules were ridiculous. You were meant to be a guest, hiding while the world forgets about your fake relationship. But things don’t go as planned do they? The two of you have been pushing the boundaries of entering a relationship, though it has never been discussed.
"We haven't talked in days."
Nathan sighs irritably. "I am on to something that could be the greatest breakthrough in AI history." He pushes his chair back and pats his lap. "Come sit."
You do as told and plop down onto his lap.
"Now, if I promise to go to bed in two hours will you stop asking questions?" He runs a hand up your back, fingertips dancing against your skin delicately and making you shiver.
"That's a long time. It's already late."
"My patience is wearing thin."
"Alright deal."
"Good girl." He swats your butt gently and you slide off his lap. "Go make that bed nice and warm for me."
You take one last look back and he's already returned to typing. "One more thing."
"Nope. Get out."
"Out, Kitten."
"Nathan, come on."
He stops typing and even in the dim light you can tell he is tense and irritated. This is the time to stop pushing his rules. "Go, or I won't be nice."
You cross the room quickly to kiss his cheek and then hurry from the room. You know he is probably going to do something to get back at you for disrupting him amid a coding session. But that's fine. You like seeing him break his own rules just for you.
Nathan comes to bed some time late in the night. You just recently began sleeping in his room, it’s what really started to blur the lines of what you were to each other. He had invited you to sleep with him after you found that your brain seemed to wander when you were alone in your cold windowless room in the inner workings of the complex and sleep never came easy. Nathan's room is upstairs, with a view out to the forest should you wish to set the windows to day mode. His bed is huge, elevated on a platform, covered in blankets and plush pillows. One may think Nathan's bed would be neat and clean like the rest of the house but no. It's like a nest of comfort, a bog of pillows that you could get lost in.
"Hey, I can tell you're awake."
"Just woke up."
"Everything is okay, you can sleep."
You arch back against him, butt pressed into his legs. "I still wanna know about Kyoko."
"Don't worry about it."
You yawn and he wraps arm arm around your chest. "It's weird. You said she was fine."
"Hush." He kisses your ear. "Sleep."
You fall silent, stewing in your thoughts. What purpose could he have for decommissioning Kyoko? She seemed fine. He said she had been working for years seamlessly. It just didn't make sense.
Morning comes and the bed is empty. Nothing new. You wonder what it would be like to wake up to a sleepy eyed Nathan. Bet he'd look so cute. He's so hot without his glasses on. Well, he is hot with them on too but there is just something different about it you can’t describe.
"You wanna go for a walk?"
You look to the doorway and Nathan has his cargo pants and a jacket on. "I'm not awake yet."
"Suit yourself sweetheart. Call if you need me."
You throw your arm over your face. Your dream is coming back to you. It makes you shiver. You had been riding Nathan, hips rolling down into him desperately, his cock filling you so full. God you couldn't wait to do everything with him, if you ever do. You haven't even kissed yet. Even at the expo, he kept his mouth away froms yours, letting his lips travel elsewhere.
Nathan made his rules very clear at the expo and again when you arrived at the facility. No sex. No kissing. You suppose it has to do with attachments for him. You're just supposed to be staying with him until everything settles down around your fake marriage stunt. It's not supposed to be a real thing, but like you mentioned, everything has become blurry and unclear around your relationship with each other. Of course you both know that you have feelings for each other. Head kisses, throat, shoulder and back kisses are now allowed. Bed sharing is allowed. Cuddling. Snuggling. Talking and sharing memories is allowed. You think it's a matter of time before one of you fucks up and throws caution to the wind. What kind of host shares their bed with their guest? What are you doing here?
You crawl out of bed and grab some sweatpants on the floor along with a hoodie. If you hurry you can catch up with Nathan on the trail. Assuming he took the trail.  
The air is crisp, a typical fall morning for Alaska. It's beautiful, so clean, so easy to breathe. Nothing like back home. You jog along the trail that leads away from the back porch and sure enough you find Nathan walking with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey! Wait up!"
Nathan turns and stops, smiling softly at you. "Thought you were too tired."
"I changed my mind."
"Uh huh." He plucks at your hoodie. "This is mine."
"Yeah I just grabbed something in a hurry." You stuff your hands in the front pocket.
He runs a hand through your hair, fingertips lingering along the ends. "I like it on you."
"Thanks? It's just a hoodie."
Nathan pulls his gloves from his pocket and passes them to you. "Take these. I don't need you to lose a finger to the cold."
"You won't make me a cool robot one if I do?"
He pulls the gloves back teasingly. "Mmm, on second thought let's see if I can actually do that."
"No!" You giggle and he allows you to take them.
The two of you walk along in silence just enjoying the outdoors and everything it has to offer. Eventually you end up at the bottom of a waterfall. It's loud, beautiful, almost icy when you touch the water at the edge where it pools.  
"Do you want to know why I decommissioned Kyoko?" His sudden choice of topic startles you but it’s nothing new. He was always jumping on subjects randomly.
"Because of you."
"What?" You turn away from the water and walk to where he's leaning against a tree. "What did I do?"
"You took her place."
"What? She was your housekeeper and like an assistant or whatever. I'm neither, I'm just a house guest aren't I?"
“Just a house guest...” Nathan chuckles. "Kyoko was everything for me while I was here alone. A friend, a helper, my lover."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "She could fuck?"
"Of course she could fuck." He waves his hand dismissively. "When I say you took her place I mean in my life. I felt that she was unfair to you, that once you moved into my bed she didn't belong anymore. Kyoko is a great distraction but she isn't human, she doesn't think for herself, or feel for me. She doesn't connect like you and I do. It felt wrong to have her keep me company when you are here."
"But when I leave you'll bring her back out."
"No." He purses his lips and looks down. "Actually I wanted to ask you about that."
"Leaving? Have I overstayed my welcome?"
"Quite the opposite actually."
"The opposite? I haven't stayed long enough?"
Nathan pulls his hands from his pockets and gestures for you to come closer. You do as he asks and he cradles your face. "If you're interested, I'd like to actually start a relationship with you."
"Does that mean we can stop dancing around the edges of whatever this is between us? Because I don't think house guests normally sleep in their host's bed, or wear his clothes, or get neck kisses and give shoulder massages."
He smiles and licks his lips. "I wanted to see how far we could go until one of us broke down and drew a line."
"Nathan, I think we probably would have started showering together next if you hadn't said something by now." You laugh softly. "But yeah, I wanna see where this goes."
"So you'll stay with me a little longer?"
"As long as you'll have me."
"Don't say that." He puts his hands on your hips. "I might keep you forever. Might make you my wife for real."
"I'm not doing much for the rest of my life, so why not?"
Nathan laughs and it makes your heart swell. He rarely does so, it's such a treat to hear. "Never thought I'd meet someone I connect with so completely. Really I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone."
"Why not?"
"I'm not exactly social as you can tell by my living situation. But also I didn't think I deserved someone. Like I deserved to be alone, and be the way I am because I was gifted with such talent. I sort of accepted that it was a trade off for my intellect."
You lay your hand on his chest and his heart is pounding. "No one deserves to be alone. No one."
He smiles weakly. "When you called that day, saying you needed help because of the stunt we pulled, I knew it was you. I knew you were my chance at love in this life. There was no way I was going to let you slip through my fingers a second time."
"Second time?"
"I didn't want to leave you at the expo. I wanted to bring you home with me, I wanted to show you everything. But I knew I pushed it already with the wife stunt, and I knew you had a life and I couldn't be so selfish as to take you away from everything while chasing a high I got."
You smile softly and kiss his cheek. "I probably would have gone with you. That was the best weekend of my life and I didn't want it to end."
"I'm glad you let me play with you in that rest area and we got caught. If we hadn't I don't think we would be here right now."
"Don't make it sound so dirty."
"It was a little dirty." He kisses your cheek. "Hot too. You were so ready to just let me do whatever."
"Nathan!" You giggle and he presses his lips to yours. The sensation takes your breath away.
He cradles your face and slides a hand into your hair. He licks into your mouth and you let out a soft whimper. You grip his jacket and he turns you around so your back is against the tree. "Thought this would go a little differently."
"Yeah? How so?"
He presses another kiss to your lips. "Thought we'd be in the house, maybe curled up by the fire or in bed."
"Nathan Bateman a romantic? I'm shocked."
"I live to shock people." He chuckles. "I shocked my investors and my agent with our little marriage announcement."
"You didn't tell anyone it was fake? Not even your agent?"
"Not yet." He grins. "I like to make him sweat a little."
"You're mean."
"Well now we've established that this is happening, why don't we head back to the house? Are you free today?"
Nathan takes your hand in his and steps away from the tree. "I'm free every day."
"No you're not."
"I'm free every day you want me from now on." He threads your fingers together. "I promise."
"That's a big promise to make."
"I'll keep it." He brings your hand up and kisses it. "I'm a man of my word, you know that."
"Yes you are."
"Come on, I'm tired of waiting." He pulls you along the path and you walk quickly to keep his pace. "The last month and half have been torture."
You get ahead of him and pull your hand out of his. He raises an eyebrow. He knows what you're thinking. He knows you're going to run for the house and make him chase you.
"Don't you do it."
"Too late." You take off and he follows in hot pursuit. "You gotta catch me if you wanna keep me!"
His arm encircles your waist the moment you reach the porch and he tumbles you both down onto the sun warmed smooth wood. He rolls you under him and pins you by your arms. "You're mine now."
"I guess I am." You smile big and he captures your lips with his once more. “I wouldn’t be anyone else's.”
End .
Header by delicate-venus
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you read or enjoyed and support content creators like myself - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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coffeecakefanfics · 4 years
Rocky Mountain Skies
So I live in the 719 (CO) and I have been DYING to write about it so here’s this hot ass mess Also it’s my first multipart story on tumblr so bear with me (I’ll do a part two because omg) 
Christmas is a magical time of year where families get together and revisit the political opinions of the past month but turn around and gift each other things. For the (L/N) family it was no different. 
(Y/n) waltzed through the bullpen, coffee in one hand, phone in the other.  
“Yes mom I’ll be home for Christmas,” she set her things down and sat at her desk, “No mom I already requested the two weeks off, I’ll be fine,” her sigh caught a few peoples attentions.
“Mom seriously, I get into Denver Sunday at 11, papa already said he’d come pick me up. . .  yes mom I know how old he is but you don’t have time remember, besides it’ll be nice to see him. . . Mom I gotta go I have a meet- yes mom I’ll let you know when I get to the airport. . . Mom I have to go byeee” She clicked her phone and leaned back, letting out a long groan. 
“Mom troubles?” Derek smirked.
“You have NO idea, I love her but she needs to chill,” she smiled. 
“Well I think it’s sweet,” he toys.
“Of course you do, go to work,” she shook her head teasingly. 
“All right, all right,” he laughed and walked off. (Y/n) stayed seated at her desk for a majority of the day, skipping lunch to finish files.  People stopped by to make small talk while she worked, which she happily sat through.  As the day continued on people started packing up their things to head home.  It was quiet, the only people left were (Y/n), Spencer, JJ, and Hotch.  
(Y/n) Stretched, popping her back, before getting up and walking around the desks.  She set her hand on a chair and spun it so the messy haired man was facing her. She smiled at him brightly.
“Hey Spence”
“Hi, uh, is something wrong?”
“No I just wanted to talk to you is all,” she sat on his desk.
“About?” he looked at her curiously.  He watched the way her hair set on her shoulders and framed her face, the way her waist dipped and hips bulged slightly, the way her thighs squished when she sat. He forced his eyes beack up to her and felt his face go a little warm.
“You know in the past three years I’ve been here I don’t think I’ve seen you take a vacation, and it’s none of my business if you save it or whatever but I was curious, why?” her face twisted in thought.  He sat for a second and thought. 
“Well I mean I go “home” occasionally, but I guess I’ve just never had a desire to go anywhere,” he shrugged, “I mean all we do is travel for work so I guess it never really crossed my mind” he smiled at her. 
“Well, I uh, look I have an extra plane ticket back home. My ex was supposed to go with me but we broke things off a few months ago.  So I guess I’m trying to say if you want to, you could come with me.  I mean you totally dont have to and I mean-” 
“To Colorado?” he quirked his eyebrow.
“I mean, yes? but only if you want to, I mean you’re my best friend, and closest one so I figured I’d ask before getting a refund,” she twisted her foot into the ground.
“Do I get a cowboy hat?”
She looked up surprised and laughed, “Duh”
“Then I’ll go”
The two weaved through the airport traffic.  The building was loud and crowded and both were getting antsy.  (Y/n) clutched her bag tight as they maneuvered through the crowds of people.  Finally making it outside, the cold mountain air bit at their skin. A old man stood at the end of a row of cars holding a huge sign 
‘(Y/N) (L/N)’ written in huge letters decorated the sign. 
“Papa!” she cried and dropped her bags, getting swallowed into a hug that itself felt like home.  Spencer stood awkwardly by watching the two.  
“Where are my manners, My Name is Jim (L/N) but you can call me Papa.  You must be Spencer?” The man, Jim introduced himself.  He was only about 5′10″ and was clad in a red and white pearl snap with stained coveralls over top.  His face was covered mostly by a long Beard and Mustache and he had a pair of glasses perched on top of his head. 
“Oh, uh yes sir I’m Spencer,” He smiled at the man who held his hand out.  Spencer shook it gladly. 
“Well we need to get you kids home. Granny is making soup for dinner,” he bent down and picked up (Y/n)’s bag and rolled it to a old pick up truck, may be ten years old Spencer guessed. He stared at the backseat for a second, his stomach turned, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, maybe he shouldn’t have came, I mean I’m being so awkward an- 
“Spence what are you waiting for?, hop in,” (Y/n) called from the back seat.  He blinked a few times at her before jumping in and closing the door. She leaned over to him, “I didn’t want you to be alone back here,” she pulled back and smiled. 
“Thank you,” he breathed a sigh of relief.  As close as they were he had never met her family.  He had spent countless nights sitting on her couch easting Chinese food while they finished files or watched bad movies but he still felt nervous being around her like this. 
“So Spencer, where are you from?”
“I’m from Vegas,” he replied meekly.
“A gambler huh?” The old man grinned at him in the rear view, “you any good?” 
Spencer laughed and shook his head, “I guess we’ll have to see,” he teased back.  Jim laughed and smiled at his granddaughter. 
“i like this one”
“You like him just because you’re bad at Texas Hold em” she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Hey whatever gets the money,” he laughed again.  It was a laugh that filled you with joy.  Spencer finally understood where (Y/n) got hers from.  
“So Spencer, I know a feller like you can’t be single, so do you have a lady back in D.C.?”
“PAPA!” (Y/n) shrieked, “Don’t go running him off already, good god” she shook her head.
“What I’m curious, he’s a handsome man,” Jim grinned. Spencer was full on burning at this point. 
“No sir, I’m single,” He almost mumbled out.
“You know who else is single. (Y/n),” Jim wiggled his eyebrows. (Y/n) glowed the same red that the poor man next to her did.
“Papa oh good god.  Stick to breaking horses not my love life, and besides you’re gonna make him regret coming here before he even sees the ranch,” she rolled her eyes.  Spencer actually laughed.  The two of them were obviously close, it was . . . nice.  It was a nice break from what they deal with every day.  
The rest of the car ride went by semi fast, (Y/n) explained all of her plans for the two of them while they were here.  She was almost glowing with excitement. The wooden fence that stretched along the property line came into view as the truck began up the drive.  A gorgeous two story log cabin came into view behind a row of evergreens.  The wood was a beautiful light brown, and towered over the yard.   A old lady was standing on the porch dressed in a fleece nightgown and brown slippers.  She waved as the truck stopped.  The group jumped out and began grabbing bags. 
“There’s my baby girl,” the woman hugged (Y/n) tightly.  She had her same eyes.  The woman stood maybe 5′2′ and had a pink and white fleeced nightgown on.  Her grey hair fell in neat curls down her back.  Her face was wrinkled and warm, the kind that you know showed so much joy in her younger years. 
“And this must be Spencer, You’re even more handsome in person,” she cood at him. 
“It’s alright. Yes ma’am I’m Spencer,” he smiled at her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” he grinned. 
“Oh where are my manners, lets get you babies inside and warm,” she ushered everyone in.  “(Y/n) baby your room is all set up, but um there’s been a change of plans,” The lady frowned. 
“What Dawn is trying to say is that your mom and your stepdad are staying in the last guest room, and your cousin Rita is in the other”
“WHAT!” (Y/n) yelled. “Mom said her the Stepdouch were staying home for Christmas! I was promised to get you two to myself. And Rita!” she was fuming. Spencer set his hand on her shoulder, trying to bring her back to earth.
“We know baby but she insisted that you wouldn’t go see her if she stayed,”
“Of course not, not after what she did!”
“And Rita is your cousin, at least try to play nice,” Jim begged. 
“No, Not after what they did!” (Y/n) was breathing ragged, anger radiating off of her body. 
“Hey, uh why don’t you help me to my room?” Spencer forced her to look at him.  She sighed and grabbed her bag.
“Okay” she grabbed his hand and began through the living room up the stairs.  Spencer admired the “family” room on the balcony overlooking the living room. (Y/n) led him around the bend and over to the room. She popped the door open and let him inside. She followed and closed the door after her. 
“So since my cousin Rita took the guest room we’ll have to share this one, I’m really sorry. I have an air mattress that I can sleep on and you can have the bed. This isn’t how I wanted this to go, I’m sorry,” she spoke almost in tears.
“Hey you didn’t know and I’m kicking you out of your bed, I’ll sleep on the air mattress, besides we can always still do everything you planned. We’ll be okay,” he smiled and held her face.  She let a tear fall. 
“I know but this was supposed to be a fun trip for you,”
“It will be, what’s more fun than two weeks without work,” he smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear. 
“It’s only like one, so would you show me the property?” he smiled.
“Sure, but we need to get you a new wardrobe,” she laughed. 
“Hey what’s wrong with my clothes?” he spun for her. 
“Well for starters you’re in loafers and there’s snow on the ground, and second I do owe you a cowboy hat,” she grinned. “Come on lets play dress up”
The two of them sat in the attic surrounded by boxes of old clothes.  She held up a nice quilt lined coat, identical to the light brown one she had on. 
“That should fit, he was about your size,” she smiled and handed him the coat. 
“Who?” he asked and examined the inside of the coat when it stared him right in the face. 
‘Merry christmas daddy, (Y/n)’ stitched on the tag.  his heart stopped.
“(Y/n) I can’t accept these, these meant the world to you I-”
“Spencer please, I’d rather you have daddy’s stuff than any of those other brats,” she sneered. “It’s the only other thing I got from him when he passed.  He would’ve liked you,” she smiled and pulled a bunch of pearl snaps out.  Spencer's heart leapt.  We slid the Carhart on, it sat nicely against his body.  She looked up from the boxes. 
“Whoa” she gasped. “Spencer you look, just wow” she grinned. 
“Wait I have one more thing,” she rushed off to the back of the attic.  She returned with a box wrapped in red wrapping paper she smiled and handed it to him.  He pulled the top of the box off.  Inside sat a nice dark brown felt hat with a brown leather strap around it.  It was adorned with a small gun charm on the leather strap. 
“(Y/n) this is, this is way too much,” he looked up at her.
“I bought it for you last year, I remember you saying you wanted to be a cowboy so I figured I’d buy it but I forgot it last time so there,” she beamed at him.
“Well, try it on,” she ushered  He set the hat on his head, a perfect fit.  
“Well?” he spun
“You look like a true cowboy Spence,” 
They walked the property talking for hours.  The air grew cold and bit at their cheeks. 
“Hey do you want to see my favorite spot?” she asked
“Of course,” he grinned.  They walked out into the woods behind the house before coming to a clearing.  The sun was beginning to set.  The mountains had a purple haze but the sky was bright blue.  Golden streaks danced across the clouds.  The clearing was full of dry grass and thistles that would become tumbleweeds when it got windy. 
“(Y/n) this is amazing,” he breathed the fresh mountain air.
“This is my favorite part of being home, the Rocky Mountain Skies.  They seem to dance with color.  I forget how pretty they are when I leave,” she smiled and watched the clouds float by. 
“Why did you leave?” Spencer asked.  He turned to look at the girl next to him.  She looked small in her coat and her hair was messy from the light wind. 
“After my dad died. My mom got with my Stepdouch a month later, the will had been “lost” the will that would have granted my this ranch.  The only reason I got it was Papa and grandma claimed they needed a place to live so I mean it’s theirs.  My mom got mad because she wanted to sell it.  and my cousin Rita wanted all of my dads horses, thousands of dollars worth of horses that she and my mom fought over and split the money on.  That wasn’t dads vision, they never cared about this place. Mom moved us into town, So when I turned 18 I left,” she shrugged. 
“I’m so sorry (Y/n)” he hugged her. 
“It’s okay. So why did you want to be a cowboy?” She teased.
“Well I mean every little boy wants to be a cowboy, I wanted to catch the outlaws, or maybe be them I’m not sure,” he laughed. 
“(Y/N), SPENCER, DINNER!” Dawn yelled to them.  
“Race you there” she smacked his chest and took off.
“No fair!” he called after her. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
4. Making friends 101
Tumblr media
Genre: Yoongi x OC
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.4k
“Have you decided what you’re going to wear to this thing?”
I nearly jump out of my skin as a wild Sebastian wanders into my room. I’m still a little on edge from the stalker a few days ago.
“What thing?” I ask, folding my clothes as I repack my suitcase. We’ll be heading out tomorrow morning bright and early for Hong Kong. It’s quite the trip from Paris, and I wish that we could have scheduled things out a bit better. We’ll be in Asia for the next three weeks before having to turn around and come back to Europe.
From there, we’ll finally head back to the states for the final stages of promotions and the premier. Nobody was too happy about the revised schedule, but neither did they dare pass up extra promotions in Asia thanks to a certain K-pop group.
“You know...this festival we’re invited to.” Sebastian makes himself comfortable on my bed, smirking at my agonizingly organized suitcase. “Don’t tell me you forgot.”
As if I could forget about that. “It’s my most reliable source of anxiety, what would I do without it?” I chuckle sarcastically as I struggle with a thick sweater that refuses to lay flat.
The film festival has been on my mind quite a lot since I first found out that we were invited to it. While now I know what really happened; that it was Kim Seokjin that invited me and not Min Yoongi, I still can’t help but feel a pang of fear every time it’s brought up.
Really, the topic of what I’m going to wear to what may be the most awkward meeting of my entire life is at the bottom of my long list of worries.
“I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to wear.”
I raise my eyebrows at my friend. This is the most he’s hung around me for the past week, and I welcome the promise of banter. Heaven knows I could let off a little steam.
“Oh? Do tell.”
Sebastian stretches like a cat on the bed and I giggle at the sight. His eyes light up when he looks at me, imagining what else he could do to make me laugh.
“Here’s what I’m thinking. People over there are...stylish. Like, they wear edgy cool clothes all the time. So I’ve got to represent, you know? I’m thinking of raiding Saint Laurent or something in preparation for this festival. It sounds like it’s a pretty big deal over there. There’s bound to be lot’s of people.”
It’s not very often Sebastian gets super into fashion, but when he does, it’s a guaranteed laugh for everyone involved.
“Saint Laurent? That’s your whole paycheck, buddy.”
“Hey! Don’t ‘buddy’ me, you little weirdo. If you’re nice to me maybe I’ll take you along.”
I roll my eyes at his offer, however tempting. “No thanks. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, you know? Everyone is already expecting me to be tripping over my feet the second he walks in-”
“He? C’mon, Car. He’s not Voldemort, you can use his name.”
I flush when I realize that I’ve been purposefully avoiding speaking about Yoongi directly.
“Whatever. What I’m saying is that it’s already awkward enough. I don’t want to show up looking like a girl getting ready to go to her first prom.”
“Nonsense,” Sebastian hands me another sweater when I reach for it. “More like your second prom.”
He’s met with a sweater to the face.
“Shut up, you’re not even helping me with anything. Why are you in here?”
Sebastian makes a show of folding my sweater. “I’m in here to make sure you’re getting ready to leave tomorrow and that you aren’t passed out on the floor from anxiety or something.”
I wince from the unspoken words. Like before.
“Yeah, I’m ready. And I’m fine.”
He doesn’t look all that convinced, but lets it slide for now. “You know, things are only going to get more intense in Hong Kong. The closer we get to Seoul, the more intense things will become.”
“Not. Helping.”
I wish Sebastian didn’t have to be right all the time.
The second we get off the plane, it’s a madhouse. Like a literal madhouse. People are shoving, cameras flashing, and the questions are being yelled right into my ears. They’re mainly in English, a few in Cantonese, but there are quite a few in Korean as well. It’s easy enough for me to drown out the latter language, but the ones in English do their job well enough.
“Cara! Cara! Have you been in contact with Suga?”
“Are the two of you attending the festival together? What are you going to wear?”
“Just give us a smile, Cara! Cara!”
We don’t have a lot of security, only about three guys. Soon enough they’re surrounding me, and I am being moved along within a sea of black clothing and mumbled orders. I’m just able to crane my neck to see Sebastian pushing through the mess of reporters, tugging Rhea along behind him. She catches my eye contact and waves me forward.
I fight against the pang of guilt that hits me as I realize that this is all because of me. Never did I think that things would get this bad. I never thought that I would have to be surrounded on all sides by bodyguards.  
By the time we’re shoved into the car waiting for us outside, I’m out of breath and so is everyone else.
Sebastian and Rhea share my car with me. I’m not sure whether I should try to sleep or apologize or resign-
“Cara?” Rhea’s hand grips mine as she gives me a reassuring squeeze. “You ok?”
I give her a shaky nod. “Y-yeah. I think I’m fine. We’re just going to the hotel, right?” I give out a sigh of relief when she confirms. Good. I could use a bed right around now. Especially because we spent a good chunk of our flight going over the promo schedule for Hong Kong and it looks like it’ll be pretty much nonstop starting tomorrow morning.
I hate to ask, but I also know that if there’s another stalker waiting for me in my rooms I won’t be able to sleep at all, no matter how tired I feel.
“Could we...check my room-”
“Already on it,” Rhea says with a sympathetic smile. “I sent a couple of people ahead of us to check all the rooms out. They should be done before we even get there, no worries.”
I relax a little, thanking her for her foresight. We fall into a groggy silence after a bit, the car ride from the airport to the hotel being about thirty minutes. Hong Kong is small, but it’s packed. With it comes traffic and bright shiny buildings that I can’t help but gawk at.
For living in the big city of Seoul for two years, I can’t help but be amazed at big cities like Hong Kong. They never get old.
I’m so distracted by those shiny buildings that I almost don’t notice my phone lighting up with an incoming call. Its vibrations finally pull me from my daze, and I smile as Bong-cha’s photo smiles up at me.
I took the photo for her on her first day of school after she changed programs. She’s grinning like an idiot in front of an intimidating building, holding up a big thumbs-up. Bong-cha has always hated the photo. She says she looks like a kindergartener on her first day of class. I agree, which is why it’s my contact photo for her. Purely just to piss her off.
“Wow the love of my life is calling me again? You must really miss me.”
Bong-cha’s laugh is either a beat too late or a touch too loud, but I notice it immediately. The knots in my stomach that were just beginning to untie themselves suddenly tighten up again.
“Yah, have you landed?”
Oh, right. I was supposed to text her when I landed. “Umm...yes. A little while ago. We’re in the car now.”
“I knew you’d forget to text me. You always do.”
“Hey, that’s not true! And you can’t blame me this time. The airport was a mess. I hardly had enough time to whip my phone out and text you when people were trying to claw their way down my throat.”
Again, she’s a second late in responding. “It was really bad, then? I was worried about that. You have bodyguards, right?”
“Yeah, we do. Just three, though. I felt bad, I had to ditch the rest of the crew to walk between the bodyguards. Everyone else had to fend for themselves.”
Now it’s silent for more than a few seconds, but something that sounds like hushed voices breaks it.
“That sounds hor-”
“Bong-cha, what’s going on over there? Are you at work or something?”
It’s as though I break some sort of spell, because suddenly a laugh tears through the silence, but I know it doesn’t belong to my friend.
Last I checked she doesn’t sound like a windshield-wiper when she laughs.
There’s something about it that has me furrowing my brows in a mixture of confusion and anger. Rhea and Sebastian share a look, not entirely sure what’s going on in my conversation but understanding my expression.
Bong-cha is in the middle of trying to explain. “Well, yeah, I’m at work. We got to talking about you traveling today and the boys wanted me to call you and check in on you and-”
“Am I on speaker phone?” Again, silence. I’m getting real sick of the silence. “Kim Bong-cha, I swear if you put me on speaker without even telling me, I’m going to catch the next flight to Seoul and-”
“Aaand there’s the Cara I know and love!” Bong-cha interrupts, confirming my fears. I’m definitely on speakerphone. “Please, we both know you’re too busy with work to come over here, even if it’s for a good cause like the one I’m sure you were about to explain. Also, the boys say hi.”
The boys. She says it so casually, as if we all went to high school together and are just checking in with each other to see how life has been.
“The boys? Like, all the boys? Also, you only called me because they told you to, and not because you were genuinely concerned for me? I see how it is, Bong-cha. That’s low.”
Before my friend can defend herself I hear a voice that sounds too much like a certain Kim Seokjin.
“You’re right, she is funny!”
I snort, fighting the blush on my cheeks. Am I really on the phone with BTS? What world is this?
“Is that Seokjin?” Even just saying his name makes me feel like a giddy middle schooler.
“Yeah,” Bong-cha responds.
“Well, you’d better watch out Seokjin. Once I’m done beating Bong-cha I’m coming after you.”
“M-me?” Jin has the sensibility to sound a little scared. “Why me?”
A dry laugh sounds, but I can’t tell who it belongs to. Few others have such a distinguishable laugh as Kim Seokjin.
“Bong-cha told me that it was you who started this whole mess with the film festival! Do you know how much anxiety you’ve caused me?!” My anger from this entire mess infuses me with more boldness than I could have mustered in this situation otherwise.
There’s some scuffling noises on the other side of the line, followed by a few grunts. Jin shouts in disdain.
“Yah! I was just trying to help! You’ll be thanking me!” A door slams, blocking out any further shouts from the man. I can’t hide the grin that splits across my face as I imagine what must be going on over there.
“Ok, he’s gone. I’ve banned them all from this room for the duration of this call.” Bong-cha reassures me. “I don’t have a lot of time, but I was calling to ask you something, actually. Don’t feel any pressure, but I think it may help relieve some stress on both sides-”
“What are you getting at, Bong-cha?”
She takes a deep breath. “Is it alright if I give Yoongi your number?”
My jaw falls open. I’m about to freak out when I realize that there’s a small chance that somebody may still overhear me on the phone. Barely composing myself, I respond to my friend, ignoring the obvious shake in my voice.
“Does he actually want it? Because it sounds like all of this has been thrown on him as much as it has me.”
“Er...yeah. He wants it. He was trying to ask about you today, but in that way where he doesn’t want it to look like he’s asking about you, you know? So I finally told him that he should just get your number so he quits bothering me about it. It’s been like this all week. So I figured I’d just give it to him, if you’re alright with it?”
In most situations, I know what to say. I’m usually pretty good at coming up with something to say in order to keep the conversation flowing. Maybe when Graham Norton dropped the bomb on me about Yoongi, I wasn’t the best at it but I at least inserted little comments here or there.
Now, I’m not really sure what to say anymore. It seems that the second I begin to relax and feel like I’m finally getting a handle on this, something happens.
It’s that same fear that I’ve had since I was a child kicking back in. It seems silly, in a time like this. I’m a completely different person since then, in a completely different environment. And yet, that fear that I’ve carried with me all my life comes bubbling back up to the surface.
“Bong-cha…” I struggle to keep a neutral expression as I’m aware that I’m not alone in the car. “I’m not very good at making friends.”
Any other person would be quick to jump in and reassure me. Any other friend would race to recall experiences that would prove my claim wrong.
I guess that’s why Bong-cha is my best friend. She doesn’t do any of those things, instead quietly listening and thinking before she responds.
“You know, Cara…” she begins in a sincere tone. “Maybe that’s not the point. Maybe you’re not meant to be amazing at making friends. But you’re really good at letting people be friends with you. Which, honestly, is a talent. A weird, obscure one, but a talent nonetheless.”
What’s meant to be a laugh comes out more as a sigh of relief. Bong-cha always knows what to say.
“I’m going to do some research on that talent, because I’ve never heard of it before.”
“So...are you alright if I give it to him? I think he wants to just apologize to you more than anything. I swear he won’t be weird with it.”
I chew on the inside of my cheek, mulling it over. Honestly, at this point, what do I have to lose?
“Yeah, go ahead.”
I’ve barely lugged my suitcase inside and collapsed on the bed when the first text comes through. I immediately jump up, senses on high alert. It would be a lie if I said that I haven’t been on edge just waiting for my phone to ding ever since I got off the phone with Bong-cha. Bracing myself for the bite of disappointment when it’s the “Young Rising” group chat, my heart nearly stops when I see it’s an unknown number. 
UNK: Is this Cara? 
UNK: This is Bong-cha’s friend, she gave me your number.
“Ah, he’s smart,” I note as I realize he didn’t give me his name just in case he mixed up the numbers. I quickly save his number in my phone, the action making me feel a little strange. 
ME: Yes, this is Cara. 
I overthink the four-letter message for way too long before I press send. I sound cold, but I don’t know what else to say. It doesn’t take long for three dots to appear on the screen. 
“Oh, no. He’s typing. What do I do if he’s typing?”
 I’m ashamed to admit that I consider chucking my phone out the window for more than thirty seconds. Only the ping of my phone stops me in my train of thought. 
MYG: Have you made it safely to your hotel?
I blink at his message. The fact that I really don’t know this man at all is hitting me like a ton of bricks. He seems kind though...from the twenty or so words he’s typed. That’s all you need to judge someone’s character, right?
ME: Just made it, actually. 
Pausing, I quickly type out a message before he can respond.
 ME: No need to worry
Well, if this isn’t the most dry conversation the earth has ever witnessed. I cringe when I see the three dots pop up again. He’s probably thinking the same thing and is looking for a quick way to end this entire conversation. 
MYG: Good, although I think I may need to worry. It sounds like the airport was out of hand today. 
ME: ...were you eavesdropping on my conversation with Bong-cha?
MYG: Speaker phone doesn’t count as eavesdropping.
ME: It does if the person doesn’t know she’s on speaker!
I have to wait nearly five minutes before he responds again, and the tell-tale ping of my phone has me rushing over to where I left my phone on my nightstand, leaving my toothbrush on the bathroom counter.
MYG: I’ve thought about it, and I think I need to apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation with Bong-cha earlier today.
 ME: That was easy.
MYG: I think I’ve made things difficult enough for you, don’t you think?
Huffing out a laugh, I nod in agreement. 
ME: You have.
When more than ten minutes pass without a reply, I convince myself to take a shower. Then I persuade myself to stand in the shower for more than three minutes, even though I’m itching to see if he’s replied yet.
Fifteen minutes later there’s still no reply. Cozying under the covers I stare at my phone, answering a text from Bong-cha asking if Yoongi has texted me yet.
Even though I’m a fan of the band, I can’t say that I’ve ever really gone out of my way to learn a lot about them. Beyond the music, I know very little.
At least, that’s the excuse I give myself as I watch video after video about Suga: the biggest baddest soft boy in the universe.
It’s nearly two in the morning before I force myself to put my phone down and get some rest. The thought that maybe my text came off more harsh than I intended it to has crossed my mind several times, but it’s too late now to try to take it back.
It’s nearly four in the morning when the sound of my phone vibrating drags me out of my slumber. Groggily, I reach for my phone, hissing as I hit my elbow on the nightstand.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groan, squinting at my phone. “I swear, if it’s Bong-cha at this time of night…”
MYG: I’m sorry.
MYG: I’m trying to fix this, thank you for being so kind and patient. Things will get better.
MYG: You don’t have to come to the festival, just so you know. Let me know, and we can cover for you somehow. Make up an excuse. Don’t feel like you have to come, or even speak to me. I’ll understand.
MYG: Sorry for texting so late! I just realized what time it is. Go to sleep. Sorry if I woke you up.
MYG: Sorry.
I’m caught between feeling choked up about the apology and trying to even wrap my mind around the fact that Min Yoongi is up in the middle of the night typing out an apology text to some girl he’s never met.
“Who even are you? Who does this?”
Hardly trusting myself to write back a proper reply, I squint into the screen as I hesitantly type letter by letter. Writing in Korean at four in the morning is not one of my strong points.
ME: I think I’m more exhausted by the amount of times you just said sorry than with what time it is. Go to sleep, Yoongi.
It takes all of thirty seconds for a reply to come through.
MYG: 😅 I guess good morning, Cara.
ME: Good morning, Yoongi.
I fall asleep watching the three dots on my phone appear and disappear as Min Yoongi ponders what next to say in this unlikely forming friendship.
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hey-there-love · 4 years
Summary: Being the new kid is tough right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately, following the path of the straight and narrow is difficult when you have a first ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was going to be easy. New experiences, new interests, new friends...what could go wrong...right? (It’s all cute at first until the smut shatters it...not right now though ;) )
Chapter 1: Welcome, Y/N
Content warning: adult language, cringy situations
Word Count: 1.6K
You let out a sigh as you stood infront of your new dorm, Heights Alliance. U.A high school was Japan’s best school for up and coming pro hero’s and you were chosen to attend. You never thought you’d see the day where you’d finally walk the halls of the prestigious school.
Being a native from the United States, it had always been your dream to attend U.A ever since you watched a sports festival two years ago, unfortunately you never peaked the interest of anyone with your admissions. That was until an earthquake caused by a villains powerful quirk had changed your life.
Long story short it was a normal day at your respective internship with America’s number 3 pro hero, Hopewing, on patrol. A devastating earthquake began and you single handly rescued civilians from a restaurant that caught on fire with no casualties. The villain was apprehended quickly, but an extensive search and rescue mission was done to recover victims of the earthquake. You didn’t think it was a big deal, you were just doing your job, but news outlets picked up on your heroic act and it spread like wild fire.
Countless offers began to stream in for different agencies and schools all across the country. With multiple letters of recommendation, a distinct offer from your dream school rolled in with a promise to be taught in the central . Even if you hadn’t fantasized about attending U.A, you would have been insane to not take the offer.
So, after finishing out your first year at Elite High School you uprooted, packed up your life, and traveled across the world . Classes started next week and nervous was an understatement. You had anxiety as soon as you touched down in Japan. Things here were different. On top of you being a new student in a foreign country you were living in dorms with your classmates.
You always lived at home with your mother and father , never sharing a space with someone else let alone 20 new people who all shared different quirks and attributes. It was nerve wracking, some were going better than you, who knows what level everyone is on. Your anxiety was making it hard for you to breathe. What if-
“Y/N. Did you hear me?” Mr. Aizawa interjected.
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, I kinda zoned out.” You squeaked. Never in a million years you would have thought that when you were told that your home room teacher was picking you up from the airport and taking you to your dorms that it would be the pro hero Eraser Head. You jaw had hit the floor.
“You know Y/N,” he began, “It’s okay to have anxiety about your situation, but I assure you this is the group of kids to share classes with. They are the best this school has to offer. They can teach you a lot.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded.
“Come on, let’s go. Iida and Yaoyorozu are waiting to help you settle in.” He said grasping, one of your suitcases. You took a deep breath and followed your home room teacher up the front stairs. As you walked into the doors, you were greeted by two people. One was a tall man with black hair, glasses, and crazy huge calves and the other was lean woman with a luscious black ponytail and the sweetest smile.
“Ah! There you two are! Welcome to U.A! My name is Tenya Iida, Class 2-A representative and this is Vice President Momo Yaoyorozu.” The man in the glasses announced, smiling widely. He spoke rigidly and bowed.
He threw you off at tad bit with the formality. He talked like he was a politician running for office. “Hey, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you both.” You extended your hand awkwardly since you were holding your carry on and a box. He gave you a firm handshake.
Yaoyorozu smiled and shook her head, “Iida, our classmate looks like her hands are full. Take her box big guy.”
“Oh, right! Sorry about that!” Iida took the box and your suitcase from Mr. Aizawa. You were grateful because it was getting a little heavy in your arms.
“Well Y/N, you’re in capable hands with these two. I’ll leave you to it.” Mr. Aizawa turned on his heel to leave. “Come to my office 30 minutes before class on Monday and we’ll go through your schedule and get you a map of campus.” He called over his shoulder.
Just like that Aizawa the security blanket was gone and you were left alone with the two. They seemed nice, so hopefully the rest were the same. “Alrighty let’s head on up.” Yaoyorozu suggested. Your trio approached the elevator. “So, this is Class 2-A’s dormitory. There are 5 floors in total. The first floor are where the common rooms are located. Including the kitchen, study area, and the gym. Floors 2, 3, 4, and 5 are dorms. Our bathrooms are communal pertaining to who lives on each floor.” She explained.
Holy crap, this place was huge to say the least. You were excited to explore everything, especially the gym but that would have to wait until the jet lag wore off.
“I’ll tell you ahead of time Y/N, everyone is excited to meet our new classmate. If you ever get overwhelmed then instruct them to give you some space. They all can be quite a lot sometimes.” Iida warned, pushing his glasses up on his face.
“I’m sure I will be okay! I’m just happy to finally be here.”
Yaoyorozu gave you an award winning grin. “I’m happy for you too. Someone as talented as you belongs at U.A.” You felt a blush creeping on to your neck.
“Please stop, you’re being too kind. I’ve actually researched the both of you. You guys are so amazing and your quirks are insane!” You replied.
“Well, we appreciate it. So, we’ll bring your things up to your room, give you some time to freshen up, and then head down stairs to meet the others in an hour?” Iida said as the elevator reached the 4th floor.
You agreed as you stepped out and had a look around. The floor was in the U shaped. Next to the elevators was the bathrooms and the entrance branched out into two hallways.
“For obvious reasons the boys are on the right hall and the girls are on the left hall. Your neighbors on this side are Uraraka and Ashido, while the boys are Shouji, Kirishima, and Bakugo.” Yaoyorozu said and lead you to the third door down. She unlocked your door and handed you the gold key.
Iida opened the door and allowed you two to walk in before him. You were sure the big grin on your face was visible miles away.
“Now, I know it’s not much right now, but I wouldn’t stress about unpacking just yet. I’m sure you’ll recruit some help after dinner.” Iida said and sat down your things.
“Thanks guys, I’m going to go wash off this traveling and I’ll see you then.” You smiled. Iida bowed and Yaoyorzo waved before exiting. You quickly made your way to the bed and plopped down, absolutely beat. You began to take in your new home. The white bed frame was against the right wall, matching colored desk was placed against the left wall. There was a giant window on the back wall facing your door and in the corner was a small closet with low dresser inside
You looked around at all the boxes wondering if all your things would fit in this room. Maybe a little unpacking wouldn’t hurt. You opened your two suit cases and began hanging up clothes, organizing sleep clothes, undergarments, and socks in the drawers. Once that was done you began to search for your travel sizes hygiene products, making a mental note to go out for the essentials tomorrow.
Once that was located, you decided to pick out an outfit to wear. Since you arrived in sweat pants and an old t-shirt of your moms; you wanted to look semi decent when you met the others. You went for a simple pair of black jeans and your previous alma mater’s sweat shirt.
You grabbed your phone planning to text your parents that you’ve settled in and made your way to the bathroom. You began to type out a message as you neared the threshold.
Not paying attention as you rounded the corner you crashed into something hard...someone hard.
“Oi, pay attention!” He yelled as everything you were carrying flew onto the floor around you.
“Oh shoot, I am so sorry!”
You both simultaneously began to reach down to pick up your things and bumped heads.
“Fuck. Are you a clutz or something?” He growled holding his forehead. The impact caused you to see two pairs of red eyes glaring at you.
“Look, that was definitely my mistake. I apologize.” Your vision began to come back together and you started to get your things. He reached for the jeans and handed them to you.
You both stood up and then you realized how handsome he was. Spiked ash hair covered his head like a crown, crimson eyes, full lips, and a strong jaw line.
Wow...they definitely make them different in this country.
“Tch, you got a staring problem or did you knock something loose, dumbass?”
“My name’s Y/N, not dumbass.” You shot back, annoyed. He stood silently, shaking his head, and began to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Um...you’ve got...” was all he said before pulling the black thong with a cherry print from your shoulder and holding it infront of you with one finger.
“Oh my god.” You squealed and ripped it from his hand. He continued to laugh and walked out of the bathroom. You ran straight to the shower and locked the door. You sank to the floor with your hands covering your face.
Great. I’ve been in Japan for an hour and I’ve already embarrassed myself.
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dramatic-squirrel · 4 years
Damianette December Day 4- Flowers
Mishaps and surprise circumstances might keep the two of them apart for a while, but they’ll always find each other in the end. That’s it, the entire synopsis for the story. I saved you the time of actually reading it right there.
Marinette could barely contain her excitement. Finally she was joining to see Damian again. Sometimes, their relationship was too difficult. He had his duties as Robin in Gotham and she had her duties in Paris as Ladybug. But, it was moments like these that made it worth it. She wasn’t sure that absence made the heart grow fonder but she was sure that any chance to spend time with her boyfriend was worth the wait.
Except there was still something stopping them from meeting. The news reached her while she was making her way to the exit. A t.v. screen with a news channel was playing.
“Breaking new. Poison Ivy and Harley are robbing the Gotham United Bank. They appear to have let the women and children go but are keeping all other individuals as hostages.” It wasn’t too long after when Damian called her.
“I’m so sorry Angel, I need to help with the situation. We’re already short on back up since Cass is in China, Gordon is with Grayson on their vacation and Duke is handling another case with Fox. Where all too busy dealing with this sudden new problem that I don’t think anyone can pick you up from the airport.” She understood, it was a matter of circumstances. So, she wasn’t disappointed, just a bit sad she wouldn’t see him yet. Then a thought occurred to her.
“Do you need any help? I heard Ladybug’s in town.” It would be like killing two birds with one stone, until he brought up a very good point that she had forgotten.
“I would love to have you help us, but we both agreed that Ladybug shouldn’t appear anywhere but in Paris for the time being. Since, if your not in Paris, Hawkmoth might attack while Chat Noir is by himself. I know you said it’s not a problem because you have the horse miraculous but, if you can’t get away while we’re fighting Poison Ivy and Harley then Chat will be all on his own.”
“Yeah…” she couldn’t hold in her sigh of exasperation. “You’re right, I just wish you weren’t.”
“I’ll meet you later at your hotel for dinner. We should be done by then. Alright Angel.”
“Alright, I’ll just grab a taxi. Remember to stay safe Dami.”
“You too Angel.” They hung up and she left to airport into the unusually bright Gotham day. Thankfully she managed to track down a cab in under ten minutes, her ladybug luck always helping her in convenient ways.
While the taxi took her to her hotel, she decided to look up the news on her phone. She knew he’d be alright, he was amazing at what he did still, she worried. 30 minutes later the taxi pulled up by a curb and stopped. “We’re here miss.”
And it was partly her fault, she should have looked more closely to where she was before she paid and got out of the cab but, Marinette had no idea where she had been dropped off. All she knew was that it wasn’t her hotel. Before she could turn around to get back into the taxi, the driver already drove off breaking the speed limit several times over.
It seemed like it was going to be one of those days. One mishap after another. She took out her phone so she could check to see where she was and how to get to her hotel. Marinette managed to get the general direction she needed to walk in before the next mishap happened and her battery died. A long plane ride and obsessively checking your phone was bound to make the battery run out. 
Thankfully she knew where to go at least, and she should have plenty of time before she actually met Damian. “Well, Tikki, it looks like we’re going on an unplanned adventure.”
“That’s right Marinette!” the kwami’s positive attitude was always infectious. “There’s always a bright side to things. Maybe you’ll find treasure on your way.” It was hopeful, practically naïve thinking, but sometimes you just needed that kind of thinking in life. 
Her energy restored, she set off. For the next twenty minutes things went fairly well. She had travelled light since she was only staying in Gotham for about a week and a half, so there was no heavy suitcase to haul around. The driver had at least dropped her off on the safer side of town, so she didn’t encounter any muggers. And the weather held so there wasn’t any sudden rain storms.
As she passed by a food stand she decided to grab a bit to eat for her an Tikki. Just a simple bagel and nothing up to par to what her papa could make but delicious none the less. It wasn’t until she made it all the way to a desert park that she realized she was lost again. She couldn’t remember the route that she had seen on her phone but she knows she would have remembered a park showing up because it would have been a nice place to take a rest stop for her and Tikki.
In the end, the conclusion was that she was lost, in Gotham, without a phone. If she had the precise coordinates to teleport to she would use Kaalki but only Max would remember obscure details like the geographical coordinates of his hotel.
“I guess my luck is starting to run out finally Tikki.”
“It’s not that bad Marinette. Let’s take a rest first and then ask someone for directions. I’m sure they’ll be willing to help.”
“Maybe, but let’s be a bit picky about who we chose so we have to end up fighting some random kidnapper.” Marinette made her way to a park bench and placed her carry on next to her. “There doesn’t seem to be anyone here Tikki, why don’t you come out of the purse for a but.”
It wasn’t hard to see why the park was empty. Most of the foliage was dead still, winter was still on it’s way out especially in a town like Gotham where it was naturally cooler than other cities. As Tikki enjoyed exploring whatever she could find in the desolate park, Marinette let her mind wander from thought to thought. Physically she was fine but mentally she was exhausted. 
So she thought about a lot of things. The newest pastry her parents had made for the bakery, what Alya was probably doing right now, how she was going to solve the tricky part of the next design for Jagged’s outfit that he commissioned. 
She became too invested in her thought that she didn’t notice the person coming up from behind her until it was already to late. 
“Gah!” she fell forwards and subsequently off the bench. Her surprise last only a moment as she soon recognized the voice. “Damian? What’re you doing here? I thought you’d still be dealing with Poison Ivy and Harley?”
He had a sheepish expression on his face. “Turns out they were robbing the bank because the owner was counterfeit money. These situations usually end pretty quickly since they hand themselves in or escape as soon as my father finds the evidence they left out for him. Unfortunately we don’t always know when they’ll do their own brand of vigilant work and when they’re just committing a crime. How did you end up all the way here though? You’re hotel is about 40 minutes from here.”
It was her turn to appear embarrassed. “I must have gone the wrong way at some point while walking to my hotel. You see, my phone died and the taxi dropped me off at the wrong spot and so, I was resting for a few minutes before setting off again. It’s crazy that you managed to find me here of all places those.”
“Crazy or luck? If you aren’t too tired, would you care to join me for a walk through the park?” She was about to suggest they go somewhere with a better view if they were going to go walking when she noticed that they park had changed around her at some point.
Before where it was mostly barren, it had magically grown around her. She could see tulips and daffodils, snowdrops and lily of the valleys, primroses and peonies all throughout the park. “What the- how did the park end up like this all of a sudden?”
“I may have managed to convince Harley to convince Ivy to help me out. It was actually lucky that we managed to find you on the way to your hotel. Apparently this park is between where the robbery took place and where yout hotel is, so when I set off to find you with Harley and Ivy helping me under a “favor for Robin” we didn’t expect to see you so soon. This is just an apology for having to stand you up at the airport.”
She almost started crying. “You don’t need to apologize for that I understood the situation.” 
“Then think of it as a thank you for coming all the way here to see me?”
She pulled him forward and before he knew it she kissed him. It was quick and almost too short but sweet nonetheless. “Deal, as long as next time you come to Paris I get to give you something as amazing as this.”
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kerwritesthings · 4 years
Sunshine Surprise
Summary: Birthdays deserve over the top decadence
Word Count: just a hair over 1k
Warning: stupid soft silly fluffy fluff fluff
Author Notes: Little birthday surprise for @miracleonice87​ - Happy, happy birthday M! :) Something for that other stupid boy of ours who has been dearly missed. I hope you enjoy the day and this little nifty gifty.
Words have been hard, life has been hard - but used this happy day as a little bit of a nudge to at least try. It fell back into lockstep. 
A tiny peek in on Tyler and Clementine not too far after the first, Orange Blossom At The Bottom Of A Shot Glass. I guess three stories actually makes a verse now right? I need to get a hockey masterlist started. Also please to enjoy this photo which just solidified that I picked the right thing to write. 
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“Em. Why did I have to find out from Dicky that your birthday is coming up?” Tyler asks cautiously as his face pops through on FaceTime.  
“Hi, how are you? I’m good. It’s been a busy day,” you tease as he groans.
“You’re just gonna dish the sass today straight out before you even answer me?” he questions.
“Tyler, we’ve been on a grand total of five and a half actual dates, it’s only been like what – just three weeks since we said we’re in on this as a dating thing? And yeah, we were friends before, but I wasn’t sure if we were that good of friends, you know?” you bite your lip. “Also, how the hell does Dicky even know?”
“Half?” he laughs. “When the hell was a half?”
“Lunch with me, you and Dicky does not count at all,” you explain. “Half is me coming to the first game and dinner and drinks with the boys after.”
“Ok yeah, I guess that’s fair. But we have been at least friends for a good clip. Plus, dates and times don’t matter like that with us at least for me, I’m one hundred percent in on this. I’m stuck on you, babygirl,” he starts. “So, back to the task at hand. When’s the big day Emmy? Birthdays are a big deal around here. I think his better half mentioned something about trying to do brunch but didn’t want to interrupt any birthday plans.”
“Beginning of next month, the fifth it’s a Friday. It’s at the very end of the big western swing. Alandra asked about doing brunch while you guys were gone, she found this pop up that was kicking off that weekend. Wasn’t sure what the final travel plans were for you guys,” you reply. “So, we can do something when you get back. We have time to figure things out. You guys need to get out of Chicago and St. Louis with some points and in one piece first.”
The conversation wanders from there, until he had to catch his pre-game nap. His yawn is a perfect time break.
“Go get your rest, Tyler. Play hard tonight, I’ll be watching,” you blow him a kiss.
Tyler runs a hand through the mess of his hair after the call disconnects, he’s got plans to start making once they get through Chicago. He starts a list before he begins to doze off.
It wasn’t so much the flowers that are delivered promptly at 7:45 in the morning on your birthday, as stunning and lovely as they are, it’s the card that’s attached with it. Surprises begin now babygirl, happy happy birthday Will be cashing in on giving you all birthday kisses later Emmy and I can’t wait
“What the hell is he up to?” you murmur as the doorbell rings again.
“Special delivery birthday girl,” Alandra calls out a Cheshire cat-like grin forming before leaning in for a hug. “I am here as special envoy!”
She hands you a small gift bag that just screams pulled together by Tyler, colorful and loud and just a little messy. Inside the gift is a bit of a puzzle: a luggage tag, a tiny squeaky palm tree and a new pair of your favorite Ray-Bans, exactly like the ones you were complaining that you needed to replace.
“What the fuck?” your eyebrows knit down. “He wouldn’t…”
“You better get packing, I’m your ride to the airport,” she exclaims, wrapping you in another hug.
“Airport? What?” you shake your head. “Alandra, are you serious?”
“Go, we’ve got to leave here by 9 to get you to the airport in time. There’s coffee waiting for you in the car,” she pushes you out of the living room.
As you’re digging out your weekender bag from the closet, you yell at Alexa to make a phone call.
“Happy birthday Emmy. I’ll spare you from singing for now, we’ll do that later,” Tyler says, voice bright.
“Are you fucking crazy?” you volley at him, tossing things onto the bed in the direction of your open bag.
“Just about you babygirl,” he sasses back.
“How I just, when and what the hell Tyler,” you sigh as you plop down on the edge of your bed, overwhelmed and surrounded by a flurry of clothes.
“I wasn’t letting you spend your birthday alone. It’s the last game of the trip and it’s LA. We’re doing well enough in this stretch. Well enough that Bones is letting me fly back with you tomorrow night and we’ve got a late skate on Monday. It just made sense to try. So, we’ll have tonight after the game, which is already planned, then we can figure out what we want to do tomorrow but we should hit the beach at the very least. Flight back is just on the border of a redeye, so we have the whole day.”
“Ty. I was thinking dinner when you got back, maybe me finally dragging you to that art gallery I was telling you about. That would have been enough, just time with you. You know I don’t need all this right? That’s not why, it’s not…” you trail off.
“It’s exactly why I’m doing it, Emmy,” you can hear the sincerity in his voice. “Let me do something absolutely ridiculous to celebrate you, ok?
“You’re still crazy but thank you Tyler. Really, this is just beyond,” you exhale.
“Barring any delays, you’ll get here just as we’re getting back from morning skate so I’m stealing you for pregame nap and cuddles,” you can just picture his smile as he says it. “Go pack. Bring something semi fancy for tonight after the game and then maybe anything pretty for me to enjoy, cause it’s your birthday and well you know, you want to thank me for all this.”
“You would Ty, you absolutely would,” you chuckle, thinking of what you could bring for that very reason. “But really, this is amazing. Thank you.”
“I’ll see you in a few hours, birthday girl.”
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httphopewrld · 4 years
I Don’t Know What to Call This | (f/m/a) sneak peek!!!
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Just Friends? Friends with benefits? Dating? Questions swarmed your mind when one of your dear friends, Allie, asked about you and Hoseok’s relationship. The truth was you didn’t know. You and Hoseok were close, knowing each other since elementary school, and considered each other friends. However, as you two grew older, maturing into separate professions—you a well-known fashion designer, and Hoseok a famous musician and dancer—you two had engaged in some intimate activities (sex—lots of it.) After Allie’s simple question, you had to confront your feelings. But were you and Hoseok ready to be more than close friends and fuck buddies?
Pairing: friend/lover/bfhoseok! x female reader
Genre: slow-burn fluff, some angst, and SMUT
Rating: 18+ because there’s swearing and pretty detailed smut
Warnings: swearing and SMUT (one of the most detailed smuts I’ve written, and there’s more than one sex scene.) Smut includes: switch!reader and switch!hoseok, grinding and thrusting, protective sex (USE CONDOMS, I cannot stress that enough), lots of kissing, ass-grabbing, dirty talk, a wee bit of choking on both sides, squirting, male and female oral, fingering and handjobs, vibrator use, cyber-sex, reader uses dildo, slight degradation, and just lots of filth—YOU’RE WELCOME FELLOW FILTHY ANIMALS.
Word Count: more than 10,000 (not finished yet)
A/N: Happy birthday J-Hope! Although the fic won’t be released today, or tomorrow, on his birthday, it will be out next Friday (February 26). Please let me know in the comments if you wanted to be included in the taglist, and what you think!
Taglist: @kirbykook @kleritata @taestannie @jenotation @hemmos-obrien​ @zeharilisharaban @speed-of-wind 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You can move those over there,” you gestured to the left corner of the windowed room, where a pile of boxes waited. The move was going to take longer than you expected because the movers arrived a week later than your assistant, Rachel, said. I really need to talk to her about this. You stressed in your mind, rubbing your temples. “Are you okay?” You looked up, vision resuming its focus on your friend, Allie. Allie, your friend for as long as you could remember, offered to help you move to your new building. She would help you manage everything, including the movers, tracking your company’s items, and the layout you gave to her for said things while you managed the company. “I’m just irritated at Rachel,” you noticed her confusion, “my new assistant.” She nodded, remembering, “Right. Why is she still employed?” “Because she’s new, and being an assistant is a tough feat. She’ll get it soon.” You reassured, “Rachel is a fast learner, and this is her first mistake. We’re prepared for the next show, though, because Westley helping me organize it.” “Remind me who Westley is?” Allie asked. You sighed. “West is like my second brain. He helps organize the fashion shows, hire the models, find the venues, and secure the guest list. He has other people help him too, but he’s the brains of that. I create the fashion, and he finds a way to present it.” Allie nodded, “Gotcha.” Your phone rang, and you answered. “Y/N.” “Y/N!” Rachel chimed on the other end. “It’s Rachel. I’m so sorry about the mix-up on dates. It won’t happen again, I—” “I know it won’t, Rachel. You’re new, so I expected to slip up. I’ve gotten it taken care of,” you nudged Allie’s arm, and she smiled. “We’re luckily prepared for the next show in Vancouver, so you don’t have to worry about the mess up. All I need you to do now is make sure that my fabrics are coming in.” “Yes! They’ve arrived at the studio.” Rachel replied. “Fantastic. Thank you. That’ll be all for now. Please check on West if he needs anything.” You requested. “Will do, Y/N. Talk to you soon.” You hung up. The Vancouver show was in five months, giving you and your team enough time to design the clothes for the production and move to the new building. The show’s theme was natural bodies of water and nature, a nod to Canada’s landscape. The clothing catalogue would include various icy blue shades to represent waterfalls and warm emerald tones like flora and fauna. These colours would be encapsulated in elegant gowns and suits, worn by different shapes, genders, and colours. The materials would be made from recycled fabrics from your previous shows and from your fellow artists. You were known for designing elegant attire, so it was best to keep to it. However, it was rare to see different sized, coloured, and gendered models on a runway; because of having to customize clothes to those models. Additionally, making clothes from recycled fabrics would be tough. “Okay,” you began, “I need to talk to my design team and plan out the gowns. Can I leave you here to deal with the movers?” Allie gave you a thumbs up. “Thank you,” you smiled, hugging her, “if you need anything, please call me or Rachel, or both. We’ll be back to help.” Before you left, a thought struck you. You turned around to face Allie. “I should just hire you.” She chuckled, “Why?” You scoffed, “Because you’re here all the time!” You backed back to her. “Listen, you’re the best manager I know. You can be my third brain. You already are, outside of work, so it would make sense.” Allie seemed unsure. “I already have my job at Youth and Hope.” You grasped her hands. “You would be given a great wage, not just because you’re my best friend, but because you’re going to be busy with lots of work. You would be handling the management tasks, like West. You’d be given a good amount of vacation, trips for shows and meetings would be paid for—you could get that loft you always wanted downtown.” You wiggled your eyebrows, and Allie laughed. “Don’t I have to go through an interview process?” You brushed a hand through the air. “I can get someone to interview you and officially hire you. Once that’s done, you’ll start getting paid.” You checked your watch, and a quick rush of panic ran through you. “Shit, I’m going to be late. Consider it, alright! Let me know your availability, and we’ll schedule an interview!” “Okay!” She shouted back as you left. . . The coffee had become bitter. You weren’t sure if it was the roast or the fact that this was your fourth cup of the night. It had been a month since the fabrics arrived. Thanks to Allie, your friend and now employee, your move to the new building was complete; however, your designs weren’t translating as smoothly as you wish. “Fuck,” you cursed, taking your head in your hands and rubbing your temples. The sketches waited in front of you. The measurements and ideas raking at your confidence. Your designs are redundant. You’ve done something similar last time.                                                                       Boring. Plain. You turned back to your mannequins, still bare. The theme was in your mind, and your design team reassured you that your sketches were fine, but it all felt fuzzy. “Y/N,” Rachel peered into the studio from the door, “there’s a gentleman here to see you.” “His name?” You asked, still looking at the mannequins. You heard footsteps retreat into the front lobby, then come back to the door. “Jung Hoseok?” You turned around, trying to contain your excitement. “Please send him in.” Rachel nodded, jogging back to the lobby. You heard a muffled “thank you” before heavy footsteps approaching your studio. Hoseok reached the doorway, beaming his signature smile. He wore acid-washed jeans, a baggy white sweater that matched his chunky light sneakers. His dark hair was slightly wavy and parted in the middle. A tote bag was slung over his shoulder. “Y/N!” He cheered, opening his arms wide. “Hoseok!” You replied, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. You couldn’t remember the last time you saw Hoseok—a year or two? “Fuck, how long has it been?” You asked him. He pulled away, thinking. “About six months?” Totally off. “Seriously, it felt longer than that.” You argued. Hoseok pulled out his phone and scrolled through his calenderer and photos. He made a ‘tsk’ sound. “Ah, see here,” he showed you a few photos of you two with his friends, who were also his bandmates, “six months ago, you joined us on tour for a couple days before coming back here. I have it also marked in my calendar.” He showed you the dates, which were marked with ‘💚Y/N’s visit💚.’ “Can Namjoon or Yoongi confirm this?” You crossed your arms. Hoseok mimicked your body language. “I can call them right now,” he challenged. You two stood in competitive tension. You succumbed. “You win this time, Jung Hoseok.” He playfully chuckled. You realized that Hoseok doesn’t live around here. “Wait, why are you in town. Shouldn’t you and the others be in Korea planning another album or something?” You speculated. “Our company gave us a month for vacation because we spent most of the year touring.” Hoseok sighed. “So, I decided to come to visit.” You hugged him again, happy to see someone who wasn’t your employee amidst this chaos of stress. “How long are you staying?” You asked, muffled against his chest. He paused. “Maybe a month?” You pulled away from him, shocked. “A month? Here? That’s all your vacation time.” “Yeah,” he replied, as if that wasn’t a big deal, “I didn’t want to travel to a bunch of places because the group and I have been doing that for almost a year—and it’s pretty chill in this area.” He sighed. “Besides, I don’t think many people would recognize me. The airport wasn’t busy, and I haven’t been swarmed by fans yet.” “Do you have a place to stay?” You asked. He nodded. “Yup! I’m staying at a fancy hotel. I got the suite at the top floor,” he made a gesture with his hand, indicating how high up his suite was. You playfully elbowed his side. “Wow look at you, Mr. Famous. You can afford a top suite now. Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me, though?” Hoseok dismissed your offer with a wave of his hand. “It’s alright, Y/N. Thank you, though.” He peered over your shoulder, “It looks like you’re busy anyway, so I think I’ll just stick to my suite.” He walked past you, over to the bare mannequins. “Are you preparing for that show in Vancouver that you told me about?” You nodded, relaying your theme and ideas to him. He smiled. “That sounds really cool,” he pointed to the mannequins, “but don’t you need some clothes for the show, then?” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at him for being a smart ass. “Yes, I do. I’m brainstorming some ideas right now, but I’m coming up with nothing. I have the design team coming in tomorrow with drafts, but I’d like to bring my own thing to the table, you know? I’m the main brain of this operation, and it’d be embarrassing if I come in with zilch.” You leaned against one of the tables, facing the mannequins. “The tough part is designing gowns that fit the right people, you know. Sure, you can make a collection of clothes, but they won’t look good if they don’t fit the models.” You shook your head. “Maybe it’s just tougher to design clothes for different bodies, genders, and colours. I should just stick to one type of person and leave it at that.” Hoseok walked up beside you, leaning against the same table and facing the figures. “Why don’t you find the models and then design the clothes?” You looked at him, surprised. “But wouldn’t that take a long time?” He crossed his arms, “Well, how many models would you need?” “We’re thinking around seventy. There’s going to be two changes within the show.” Hoseok nodded, and you could see him brainstorming. “Well, you have four months left, right? You and your team can make some drafts, cast the models, and then finalize the ideas with said models. Which would take about a couple of months? You could do that while planning the show?” He paused, appearing to notice your hesitant expression. “Think about it. You’ve trained your team well enough to work on its own, right? That’s what you did for your last show, which was a success. You came in every day for a couple hours to make sure everything was in order, then focused on other things.” Hoseok grasped your hands. “You’re great at multitasking, so do it. It’s scary, but you can check on people every day to make sure everything’s alright.” You bit your lip, “I-I don’t know, Hoseok. That sounds like a lot of work—” “You did it last time, and it worked out just fine,” he gently squeezed your hands, “and I’m here for a month. I can help out whenever you need me. I’ll simply clean things up and fetch coffee if that’s what you need.” You laughed, “Like my intern?” “Yeah! I don’t know how to design anything or plan a fashion show, but I’ll do what I can.” He smiled. “You’re so much more than you think, Y/N, and if you need reminders, I’ll be here.” You smiled back at him, so grateful to have him here. “My god, you’re fucking sweet,” you scoffed, taking your hands out of his. Hoseok laughed. You pushed yourself off the table and faced him. “How did we even become friends?” You questioned. He actually gave it a thought. “You joined by dance club in elementary school, when no one else would.” He laughed so hard that he teared up. “I think we actually took club photos, and it was only you and I posing.” You laughed with him, remembering those days spent trying to breakdance to hip hop and presenting dance routines to your parents. “Yeah, that was before you joined that Music Academy in grade four, right?” He nodded, and you sighed, surprised you still remembered. Your mind came back to the present. “So, you’re actually okay with helping out?” You checked. “Why would I ask if I didn’t want to?” Hoseok replied. You tapped your index finger against your temple, “true.” “So, how much do you want?” Hoseok looked offended at your question. You chuckled. “Well, you’re going to work for me, so I need to pay you.” “It’s only just a month, though.” “Yeah, but—” “What about we see how much you have me do before you pay me?” He interrupted. “I might just have to fetch coffee, so you can just give me money on the spot.” You thought about it for a minute. Hoseok yawned. “This work talk is making me tired. Do you want to go out for dinner?” He looked around you, “Unless you have more work to do. I can always wait in the lobby for you to finish.” You brushed your hand through the air, “Nah, it’s okay. I’m pretty brain dead anyway. I need to be energized for tomorrow’s draft review.” Hoseok pushed himself off the table and clapped. “Awesome! Where do you think I’m taking you for dinner?” You bit your lip, trying to guess. “Sushi?” “Sushi it is!” He beamed. You grabbed your things and followed him out of the studio.
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little-igit · 4 years
Crimson Roses
A/N: This is based on a dream I had. No matter how hard we try some things just won't make sense. Feel free to ask questions about me, the dream, or the book. constructive criticism is always welcome as well as tips and ideas!
Here is a little key you might need before you start!
Y/N - Your name
S/N - Little Sisters Name(If you are an only child make one up!)
H/C - Your Hair Color
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Summary: You make a last minute decision to let your sister go alone to a summer camp. After a week of no contact from her you decide to go on a rescue missing and bring your sister home.
Warnings Of The Chapter: Anxiety
Three pale figures: One with green hair, one with blonde, and the last with red and white stand in a darkly lit room talking about something in hushed voices. As if they are afraid that the wind will carry their words somewhere they do not want them to be.
“So she's supposed to be coming, right?” Green curls bounce against each other as a head tilts to the side giving the peppermint haired one a questioning glance, accusing him of a lie he has not yet told.
“Of course you damn nerd!” Spikey blond hair is thrown in front of the green-haired figure and yells.
Emerald eyes roll in their sockets, a sigh soon following, more sassy than angry, “Shut up Kacchan…”
“Stop arguing and don’t worry, she's supposed to arrive at some point this evening.” The one that had kept his silence up until now finally speaks his mind. His voice was smooth and quiet, he doesn’t seem to be a very expressive person.
“Are you absolutely sure? There’s no possible way something could keep her from being here? We need her, you know. If something keeps her from coming we can’t waste time we need her…to live. We might not be able to keep ourselves together if she arrives too late. We would be too hung-” His rant of worries and woes is cut short by someone else.
“Just, shut up already!” Kacchan takes a threatening step towards the greenette with furrowed brows which seems to effectively quiet him.
“What did I just say, Bakugou?” The calmer figure scolded.
“Whatever half and half!” ‘Kacchan’, now known as Bakugou, screamed at him.
The figure with green hair spoke in a monotone voice, “Todoroki, are you positive she's coming?”
“Yes Midoriya, I am as certain as ever,” Todoroki states as if it’s set in stone.
It might as well be with all of the thought and effort they put into this.
H/C hairs wisp around under the gust of the cool air coming from the air conditioning system of the airport. A girl looks out upon a sea of small heads, all of them hugging and saying their goodbyes to their mothers and families. That is if they happen to be lucky enough to have them all there. The pace of her heartbeat quickens as she starts to realize she would be the only one her age going to this camp. The feeling of her heartbeat trying to beat out of her chest isn't new to her. She's felt like that a lot lately, not to mention having anxiety doesn't help either.
Tears spring to her eyes and she turns around to cling to her mother in one last goodbye. Something about this summer camp seems wrong, the whole thing gives her the creeps. She can't tell if she's being rational, though she's never liked being in an unfamiliar place for more than a night or two, this is meant to last all summer. Not to mention that this is Japan that she would be going to. It's not like she could just drive home.
She feels tears spring into her eyes, but before she starts to cry in front of the entire plane she pulls away. She holds onto the sleeve of her mother's arm, and with a quivering voice she speaks, “I don't want to go anymore!” An unstable breath trails behind the words that leave her lips. It feels like a weight has been lifted from her with just a simple sentence.
Her mother simply looks at her for a moment, and for that short time, she is afraid of what her mom will say. She's always been quick to call out her daughter when she's being irrational or dumb, even when she isn't. Though, this time, it seems as though she understands the girl. “But you were so excited. Did something happen?” She was questioning her. Of course, she was questioning her but her voice was softer than it usually would be, maybe she sensed how uncomfortable her child was.
Y/N shakes her head, “No. I don't know what it is. I just don't think I should go.”
Her mother is confused, but at least she's trying to understand. “I won't make you go,” She said,” but what about S/N? Won't she be on her own?” The woman’s eyes flicker over to a small girl, barely eleven, with long brown hair sitting in one of the chairs, waiting for the flight. She had already said her goodbyes.
She feels heavy guilt again for leaving her sister alone. “She'll be alright…She's a little social butterfly compared to me. She'll make friends, I'm sure of that. She has her phone, she'll be able to call us if she needs to. If she doesn't I'll be sure to kick her butt when she gets back.” She softly smiles at her last statement. She had always been very passive-aggressive towards her little sister but would claim to fight anyone who would dare be even half as mean as she was to the girl. She cared about her a lot.
Her mom smiles too, giving a nod. Something still doesn't sit right with her when she thinks about the fact that she's letting her sister go alone. Especially when she suckered her way out of things because she has a bad feeling. Her sister is strong though, she has faith that she'll be alright.
She lets out an emotionally frustrated puff of air, some of her immediate distress and anxiety leaving her. At least it does for the moment. At least she wouldn't be the only eighteen-year-old on the trip anymore. She would have been the oldest going by far.
She looks at her mom again, letting go of her sleeve now, “I'm gonna go let S/N know I won't be joining her…” It takes a second of bracing herself before she walks over to her sister, seating herself in the chair next to her. “Hey…”
S/N looks up at her, “Hey??” She was puzzled, that is obvious enough. Probably because Y/N is speaking to her instead of waiting with their mom until the absolute last minute as she does at any social event. “Is there something wrong?”
She shakes her head, “No, not really…I'm not gonna be able to come with you though…I'm not feeling too great about all this.”
For some reason, whatever it is, S/N doesn't seem surprised at all. “Oh…Alright. Is there a particular reason?”
She shakes her head again, there wasn't, at least not that she could figure out.
Their conversation was cut short by the echoing ding from the speakers above them, “Flight number N571A now ready for boarding.”
The two give brief comforting smiles to each other as S/N stands, grabbing her carry on bag, and walks away into the never to be a straight line of other passengers. Her worries remain ever-present in her mind, she tries to ignore them for now burry them away, and be happy for her sister. She is happy for her, just worried.
She must be sitting there for a while watching the line because the next thing she knows, her mom is placing a hand on her shoulder, and motioning for her to get up. Calming circles are rubbed into her back as her mom seems to sense her nerves still. She knows her mom must feel nervous as well, she's never liked crowds at all.
The two wait until they are sure S/N had to have gotten on the plane safely. Her mom's voice, calm, but not comforting as it was before rings out to break the comfortable silence between the two, “Ready to go?”
Y/N nods before standing, sticking close to her mom as she starts to guide her away. The children had been told that they wouldn't need more than a carry on bag, everything that they couldn't fit would be provided for them. She didn't need to worry about needing to retrieve a suitcase thanks to that. Her mom would have made her go if losing her luggage was a part of backing out. As they walk she starts to notice how unnaturally dark the airport seems to be. She writes off though, it's probably just her imagination.
She exits the building right behind her mom thanks to the automatic doors, they hadn't had to go through security twice thank god. That was a relief at least. She covers her eyes from the burning bright sun of early morning as the pair make their way to the parking garage in which they had parked. The only reason Y/N was even awake at this time was due to the early hour of the flight. She could sleep till noon and beyond if given the chance.
The garage was close and luckily they had been on the lowest floor. No one was really up this early. Neither she nor her mom says a word as they hop in the car. It's a silence they're used to. Y/N plugs her white earbuds into her phone, opening Spotify. Not wanting to listen to anything specific she chooses to listen to her liked songs playlist. She knew full well she was going to try and fall asleep during the drive anyways so what she listened to didn't matter as long as it wasn't screaming in her ear.
She reflects a little as she tries to fall asleep. Her mom letting her come home like this isn't normal. She thought she would have to put up a fight. Especially since travel isn't cheap, though, Y/N has a close friend whose mom was able to get them deals on their tickets. Maybe that's why she didn't complain about the cost.
She hums deciding that was enough overthinking for now.
The week passes by slowly. Much slower what she ever would have imagined. The bad feelings she had stuffed away about the flight grew. They festered inside of her since the very first day.
Two days passed without contact from her sister. She and her mom sat in the living room eating their dinner. Her dad was at work, he worked nights frequently ever since she was little. Thankfully he gets to choose his schedule.
Y/N scrolls through Tiktok on her phone, checking her messages every few minutes. Her mom is watching some dumb movie on the hallmark channel. She's praying she gets a message from S/N soon. It's been two days of silence since she left. That isn't normal, not for S/N.
Maybe she doesn't get service where she's at but there should be wifi. It doesn't make sense for her to just not answer.
Y/N knows her mom is worried by now too, S/N usually messages her first and she hasn't done that either. She hasn't shown any nerves though.
By the third day, Y/N has panicked. She called her friend and asked her to get another deal on tickets. She hadn't seemed too surprised. After she had made sure the tickets were taken care of and that she would have a flight-ready she started to pack. She didn't plan to stay for long so she didn't pack much other than necessities. She stuffed it with anything else that she could.
She was going to bring S/N home with her. That's the plan, she should have made her stay back with her in the first place but she would have felt bad if she did.
One week after the original departure she found herself driving back to the airport. She was alone this time, her mom hadn't been able to take another day off of work and her dad was asleep from his late night. Her phone was connected to the stereo of the car instead of her earbuds, which were tucked away into her carry on bag. She let her liked songs playlist play again, she couldn’t pick and choose now as it would be too risky to do while she's driving. She didn't want to wreck the only car she has, not to mention how angry her parents would be with her.
It takes around an hour for her to get to the airport. She parks at the same garage her mom had parked in one of the upper floors this time. Her flight wasn't as early as it was last time so the bottom-most floors were filled. She disconnected her phone from the car before turning the key and taking it out.
The trunk pops open with the click of a button. She drags the suitcase with her items out of the car, throwing her carry on over her shoulder. She reaches up, pulling the trunk shut. There's a moment of her fumbling around with her keys before she locks the car.
It took an unusually long time to pass security, granted everything was taking unusually long this week. It takes her a good while to find the desk to check in her bags, the process itself was a normal time. She walks and wanders, making sure she knows where her boarding area is beforehand. She was looking through a nearby store when the echoing ding from before rings out again, “Flight N295EV ready to board.”
Next Chapter
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Sending my love to you
For the lovely @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321​ 😍😍😍😍
Hope you’ll love the story!
TW: Smut, swearing (Roman being Roman)
The songs quoted are not mine.
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"No, thank you! For the umpteenth time, I'm not interested!"
"Oh come, doll! Why do you refuse to have some fun with me?"
(Y/N) (L/N) rolled her eyes, exasperated. The thug who was trying to make a move on her was annoying!
"Are you deaf? I already told you that I don't want to be with you! I'm already with someone!"
"And then? I don't care!"
"Oh? Well, maybe you would care if I told you that I'm Roman Sionis's fiancee?" she snapped.
(Y/N) tried to hide her delight when she saw her suitor being terrified at the mention of Roman Sionis, one of the most powerful mobsters in Gotham City. 
Also known as Black Mask, he was notorious for his bad temper and his tendency to murder those who dared piss him off.
The thug stepped back and said with a quivering voice:
"Okay, okay... You win. Please, don't tell Sionis!"
"If I'm in a better mood, perhaps I would act as if nothing happened! Now, get out of my view!"
Once her admirer ran away, she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. 
She could not wait for her future husband to come back from his business travel around Europe. 
(Y/N) smiled while thinking about her fiance: Roman might be terrifying for many people, but when he was with her, the mobster was different.
Indeed, he was the perfect partner for (Y/N): he wasn't only a loving and considerate boyfriend but also a good listener and a supportive companion. After all, he never asked her to give up her career as a fashion designer when they started dating.
But now, all she wanted was to come back home, relaxing on the sofa and waiting for Roman.
She got up, went to her car, and drove back to the penthouse. 
Once she arrived, she politely saluted the doorman and went upstairs. Then, she turned on the lights and sat on the sofa, reading her mail.
A blue envelope caught her eye, and she smiled in pleasure: it was Roman, without a doubt!
(Y/N) opened the letter and saw a beautiful card with a picture of Venice at night.
She turned the card around and read the message:
My future queen,
I can tell you that my business trip is coming to an end, which is a relief.
I know that you're longing for me, but I'll come back as soon as possible. And you know I'll always keep a promise, only for you, my jewel.
Be a nice girl as always, and wait for me.
You know the song:
Treasure these few words 'til we're together
Keep all my love forever!
P.S. I love you, you, you, you
I'll be coming home again to you, love!
Wait for me, sweetheart.
Your future King.
Roman Beauvais Sionis.
(Y/N) fondly smiled: since the beginning of his travel, her fiance always send her postcards from different countries with lovely messages.
According to Victor Zsasz, Roman "became a helpless romantic" when it came to her. However, he did not say that with harshness: after all, she became the only person he accepted to be close to his boss.
She won't say that she and Victor became friends, but they trusted and respected each other. That was enough for her. As she relaxed against the sofa, the young woman was impatient to hold her boyfriend in her arms. They will be together again, no matter what would happen...
The next day.
"I think we should hire this group for the Special Saturday. What do you say, Miss (L/N)?"
"This is an excellent idea, Sally. I've heard that they are becoming popular in Gotham..."
"Indeed, yes. So, shall I book the Thunder Boys for next Saturday?"
"Okay, let's do it. Can you call the manager for me?"
"Already done, Miss (L/N)," smiled Sally as she picked her phone.
(Y/N) smiled: she appreciated Sally since the kind blonde woman started working at the Black Mask Club as a manager. Her main task was to organize special events at the club, and she excelled in her work. Even Roman praised her choices!
As she walked around the club, checking on what the employees were doing, she asked the waiters:
"Is everything ready for tonight?"
"Yes, Miss (L/N). The drinks are in the cellar since this morning. The digestives are in the fridges, and we are waiting for the pastries. The bakery called us to say they are on their way. They will arrive around 10 minutes!" answered Kyle, the bartender.
"That's perfect! You did a good job!"
"Thank you, Miss."
"You're welcome," she answered before examining the decoration.
Since their engagement, Roman appointed her as the co-owner of his club, and she appreciated the gesture. (Y/N) had many occasions to design and create outfits for the staff on special events, such as holidays or theme parties. The patrons of the club and Gotham's elite always admired her work.
She smirked as she remembered her first meeting with Roman: it was during the Gotham Fashion Week, two years ago. He was a VIP guest, and she was presenting her new collection. 
This week was a success for her, and she caught his eye after a fashion show.
He felt immediately attracted to this lovely and charming young woman and asked for her number, under the pretense of ordering a new suit.
Since then, they always were together, and the media pictured them as the "Power Couple" of Gotham. 
An unofficial title that amused her more than anything. But right now, the young woman longed for her beloved mobster, as soon as possible... 
Meanwhile, at the Gotham airport.
"FINALLY! This fucking business trip is finally over!" exclaimed Roman as he put his suitcase in the car trunk.
"You're right, boss. But at least, we are at home!" stated Victor.
"Indeed. I'm fucking tired of those fucking jackasses. Remind me to never deal with German mobsters again!"
"Noted, boss."
Sionis sighed before smiling:
"But, let's not killing the mood! I would finally be reunited with my queen!"
"And I'm certain she was impatient to see you again!"
"Obviously: it was the first time we've been apart from each other for a long time! It must be so painful for my little Coco Chanel!"
"As it was distasteful for you!" grinned Victor.
"It's an understatement, Vic!"
Both men entered the limo and when they were starting the engine, Roman's phone buzzed.
"Ah, wait a minute!"
He picked up the call.
"Hello, Roman Sionis's speaking!"
**"Hello, darling."**
"My beautiful future wife! How are you?"
**"I'm fine, thank you. But I miss you, handsome!"**"
"Aw, my lovely doll. I miss you too! But don't worry, I'll be back soon!"
Roman and Victor heard a soft sniffing from the other side of the line. They look at each other, upset: was she crying?
"Baby, you're alright?"
**"Yes, of course. I'm just tired, but it's fine. Don't worry about me!"**
"What kind of husband I would be if I do not care about my lovely wife? Now, baby: don't panic, I'll be home soon, 'kay?"
**"Okay. Come back safe and sound, it's all that I ask!"**
"Don't ask me twice, darling! And be sure that I'll spoil you rotten when I'll return!"
**"You don't need to, Roman!"
"Darling, that's my duty as your fiance, and it would be my duty as your husband!"
He heard her soft laugh.
**"You're incredible!"**
"That's why you love me, beautiful. Alright, I must go. See you later, darling!"
**"Okay, see you later. I love you!"**
"Love you too."
He hung up the phone and said:
"Victor... Tell me I did not mess up everything!"
"I don't think so... I guess she is just unhappy to not seeing you right now... If only she knew that you called her from the airport!"
"I wanted to surprise her, not making her sad!"
"Don't worry, boss. I'm sure (Y/N) will forget it when she will see you!"
"I hope so... Now, let's go! I have some business to deal with before coming back home."
"Here we go, boss..."
Timeskip. In the night, at Sionis's penthouse.
(Y/N) was sitting in her armchair, drawing some sketches of new dresses for the waitresses for the Special Saturday. She had many ideas in her mind for this event, and she was confident about the achievement of this happening. Roman would be proud of her... 
Thinking of her fiance made her heart ache, and she stopped drawing.
(Y/N) hoped that he did not hear crying during their call. She knew that it would agitate him until they meet again, and she wished that it would not trouble him for his business.
The silence in the penthouse was oppressive for her, and she tried to fill it by humming a song:
I'm coming home.
I'm coming home.
Tell the world I'm coming home.
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.
I know my kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes.
I'm coming home.
I'm coming home.
Tell the world that I'm coming home.
Unbeknownst to her, Roman was already in the penthouse when he heard her singing. Smiling, he advanced stealthily behind her and softly sang:
As I write this letter, send my love to you.
Remember that I'll always be in love with you.
Treasure these few words till we're together.
Keep all my love forever.
P.S. I love you, you, you, you.
I'll be coming home again to you, love.
And till the day I do love.
P.S. I love you, you, you, you.
Startled, (Y/N) turned around and let out a cry of happiness when she saw Roman standing behind her, a triumphant smile on his lips.
"Hello, princess. I'm home!"
"ROMAN!" she yelled as she jumped on her feet and ran into his arms.
He laughed as he wrapped his arms around his fiancee, holding her tightly.
"Looks like someone missed me!"
"You have no idea. It seemed like an eternity!"
(Y/N) looked at him with a slight frown on her face.
"But I thought you were still in Europe when I called you!"
"I was at the airport when you call me!"
She playfully punched him in the shoulder.
"You jerk!"
"Ouch! Baby, why do you hurt me?" he laughed.
"Because I was sad!" she answered.
"And I'm sorry about that. I wanted to surprise you, not upset you!"
He gently touched her cheek.
"Now, I am here, and I'm not leaving you! 'Kay, pretty woman?"
He grinned.
"Now, my queen, why don't you give your beloved king a well-rewarded kiss?"
"With pleasure, your Majesty!" she laughed before pressing her lips against his.
Roman welcomed this gesture with a moan of pleasure and started to stroke her sides, sliding his hands under her shirt.
She gasped:
"Hey, slow down! Are you that hungry?"
"You have no idea, doll. I missed your touch for too long, and I want to catch up time!"
She saw the lustful sparkle in his eyes and smirked:
"In this case, we are two of us!"
She asked:
"I forgot! Where is Victor?"
"I gave him free time! He deserved it, after all!"
"So, it's just the two of us?"
He scooped her up.
"Roman, I have legs, you know?"
"Yes, but I love carrying you like a princess! Besides, consider it as a rehearsal for our honeymoon!"
"Oh My God! You're kidding!" (Y/N) laughed.
"I'm serious, darling! Now, let's have some fun! We both deserve it!"
On these words of wisdom, he walked to their room with his fiancee in his arms.
Once they arrived in the bedroom, he gently laid her down on the bed before closing the door.
Then, he topped her with a hungry smile.
"I've missed you, (Y/N)"
"I've missed you too, Roman. Kiss me, please!"
"Your wish is my command!" smirked the mobster before kissing her.
She answered the kiss feverishly, slightly moaning as he bit her lower lip.
Without interrupting the kissing, they hurriedly took off each other's clothes, impatient to feel their bare skin under the hands of their beloved one.
Within a few seconds, they were completely naked, admiring each other's beauty.
Roman started kissing her before letting his lips tracing down her body, making (Y/N) shivering with pleasure. 
Chuckling, Sionis continued his little game by peppering kisses on her stomach and thighs before licking her entrance.
Gasping, she clutched his hair, making him groan.
"Hey, hold on, tigress! Do you want to scalp me?" he chuckled.
"S... Sorry!" she moaned.
"Nevermind, it's alright... Where was I? Oh yes!"
And he continued teasing her by kissing her intimate parts, tightly squeezing her sides.
(Y/N) was fogged with pleasure: she knew that Roman was an experimented lover, but Lord! He knew how to take her to cloud nine!
As for Roman, he enjoyed making her scream with pleasure: it turned him on every time. But now, he wanted to take the next step.
Withdrawing, he came back to face her again while adjusting his member near her entrance.
They looked at each other, their eyes filled with love and desire. The only sound they heard was their accelerated heartbeats and their erratic breaths that filled the room.
"You're ready?" he asked in a hushed voice.
"I'm always ready for you, Roman." whispered (Y/N).
"That's my girl!" he chuckled as he kissed her lips before penetrating her.
When she felt him inside her, she panted before rolling her hips against his as he started thrusting.
If it was slow at first, his poundings were faster each time their hips rubbed against each other, making her cry with desire. 
Roman groaned with lust as he heard (Y/N)'s voice moaning his name. Her hands scratching and holding his back made him hard: God, she was so addictive!
Tangled in the sheets, they accelerate their "dance" without stopping their cries of bliss. 
Ultimately, they reached cloud nine in a last outcry of desire. Panting and tired, the lovers held each other with tenderness. (Y/N) puts her hand on Roman's chest while her beloved fiance gently stroked her hair.
The silence stopped when the young woman muttered:
"I'm so happy to have you here."
"I have noticed." chuckled the mobster as he kissed the top of her head.
He added with a soft voice:
"I've missed you too, princess."
"I have noticed, you know," she smirked.
She sighed.
"I tried to be strong, to make you proud of me."
"But babe... You don't have to prove anything to me. You're the only woman I ever dreamt of being mine forever.  You are strong, confident, creative, smart, friendly, and so beautiful. I cannot be more proud of you than I am now. Otherwise, I would never choose to marry you!"
"That's true: you have a reputation for being a womanizer!"
"I used to have this reputation. Now, the only woman I ever laid my eyes on is you!"
(Y/N) raised her head and met his deep blue eyes. Usually, they were icy or fiery when he was with business partners or enemies. But when he was with her, they were soft and loving.
She was the only one who can appease the mobster - and Victor was grateful to (Y/N) for that.
The young woman smiled before kissing her lover:
"I love you, Roman."
"I love you too, (Y/N). Now, let's have some sleep, 'kay? We have a kingdom to rule, my beloved queen!"
"So, sleep well, my dear king!" she muttered before drifting away in her sleep.
"See you tomorrow... my love," he murmured before falling asleep.
As they were slipping in the arms of Morpheus, the two lovers enjoyed the presence of their significant other, finally reunited.
After all, what better place to be than home, when your beloved one is waiting for you?
🎵Songs used:🎵
🎵Coming home - P. Diddy, Skylar Grey, and Dirty Money.
🎵P.S: I love you - The Beatles.
Thank you very much for the reading!
I hope you enjoyed the story, and I’m waiting for your reviews!
Don’t hesitate to send me a request!
Take care and see you soon! 😘😘😘😷😍💖
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Ninety
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: FLUFF!
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were shaking with excitement. Your Nannie was flying up from Florida today, and you’d be getting your nails done with her after work and heading to dinner. You weren’t sure what Saturday would hold, you’d probably cook a bunch with her so everything was good to go for the Jewish New Year on Sunday. You couldn’t wait to make the brisket with her.
“How come you don’t just take a half day?” Niall asks.
“I need to save my vacation time. I took so much this summer, and I wanna save it back up for when the holidays roll back around. I have Monday off anyways.”
“You must be so excited to have alone time with her.”
“I’m ecstatic! Harry just gets it, you know? He’s so good to me. He’s even leaving work early to pick her up at the airport. He’s really my partner.” You swoon.
“You have no idea.” Niall says under his breath.
“Nothin’, I just said that’s great.” He smiles. “So, what are yeh doin’ tonight?”
“Well, Harry’s gonna stay home with Buster, and she and I are gonna get our nails done and then go out for dinner.”
“Nice! That’ll be fun.”
Harry leaves work around 3PM to go pick up Nannie. He pays to park the car and waits inside at the terminal. He sees the baggage claim number for her flight is number three, so he makes his way over there. He was wearing an open short-sleeve button up with a white tank top underneath. The tank top was tucked into a pair of tan slacks. He looked like he had just come from Florida himself.
“Harry!” He’d know her high pitched voice anywhere now.
He turns around and smiles at the short, white haired woman walking towards him. She gives him a hug and kiss and stands at baggage with him.
“Normally I wouldn’t even check a bag for such a short trip, but with all my medication I just didn’t want to risk them throwing anything out.”
“I get it, no big deal.” He smiles. “What’s your bag look like.”
“Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it.”
A multicolored bag with butterflies all over it comes out and she nudges him. He chuckles to himself and grabs it.
“Thanks so much for coming in. I’ll give you the money for the parking.”
“You’re welcome, and no need.” He lets his arm out and she hooks hers through it to help her walk across the street to the parking lot.
“Don’t make me yell at you again.” She says as she gets into his car.
“Don’t make me yell back.” He says as he starts the car. She shakes her head and laughs.
“So…what exactly does she think is happening this weekend?”
“She thinks you’re comin’ to celebrate the New Year, and that you’d be stayin’ with us so she wouldn’t have to share her time with you like she usually does.” She nods. “You’re getting your nails done with her tonight and goin’ to dinner.”
“Right, and that’s when I’ll mention what I’d like to do tomorrow.”
“I’m very excited about all this.” She puts her hand on his shoulder and gives it a squeeze.
“Me too.”
“And what will you do tonight while we’re gone?”
“I’ll be callin’ her dad to let him know what my intentions are. I know I don’t need to, but I just feel like it’s the respectful thing to do.”
“Do you plan to do the same with my daughter?”
“No offense, but I don’t think she’d be able to keep it a secret.” He laughs.
“You know what? You’re right.” She laughs too. “If her father raises his voice to you, you let me know. I have no problem giving him my two cents.”
“You don’t have a problem giving anyone your two cents.”
“Damn straight.”
“Are yeh hungry at all? I can whip somethin’ up for you when we get in.”
“I ate on the plane, honey, thank you though. I’m excited to meet Buster!”
“He’s excited to meet you too. He’ll be home waitin’ for us.”
Harry gets your Nannie inside, and shows her the guest room before showing her the rest of the apartment. He helps her up and down the stairs of the loft, and takes her out to the balcony. Buster couldn’t get enough of her. He sits with her on the sofa while Harry gets her some iced tea to sip on.
“He’s such a love-bug.”
“Isn’t he? We got really lucky, he’s a chill dog.” He sits down next to her.
“That’s such an interesting outfit you’re wearing. You look like one of the grandpas from Miami.” She laughs. “But I mean that in the nicest way.”
“Thanks.” He laughs too. “I wear a lot of…interesting things.”
“So I’ve seen. Y/N sends me a lot of pictures. I like that you’re so expressive. I think it complements Y/N because she wears plainer clothes.”
“Yeah, she’s really into solids, not a lot of patterns.”
“Think she was scarred for life after some of the hand me downs from Bridget. Too eighties.” She scoffs. “She would always fight with her mum when they’d go clothes shopping, but she never fought with me. If she told me she didn’t like something we’d move on and find something else. Why force a kid to wear something, you know?”
“My thoughts exactly.”
You get home as fast as you can. Your two favorite, plus your baby boy were all waiting for you. You key into your apartment, and drop your things at the door. You see Harry and your Nannie chatting on the sofa.
“Nannie!” She turns around and stands up. You race over to her and hug her.
You both start jumping up and down with excitement, making Harry laugh. Buster starts yipping from all the excitement.
“Are you having fun with your Nannie?” You pat his head. “Thank you so much for picking her up.” You give Harry a quick peck. “Are you ready to get our nails done? We need to get there soon.”
“More than ready, just let me pee.” You watch her walk down the hallway. “How is she? She’s good?”
“Yeah, she’s great. She snoozed for a bit this afternoon, tired from the flight.” He smiles. “Had a nice chat with her.”
“Listen, if I give you the list of what we need for tomorrow, could you go to the market tonight? The brisket takes like all day to make and-“
“Say no more, just text it to me.”
“Thank you so much. All of this means so much to me.”
Nannie comes back from the bathroom and out the door you go. Harry gets to the market and buys everything on the list, and puts it all away when he gets in. He sighs and takes his phone out. It was now or never. Your dad picks up on the second ring.
“Hi Mr. Y/L/N.”
“Harry, good to hear from you. How’s the studio?”
“Oh, it’s great! Gettin’ lots of business. Looks like we’ll be plenty busy through the fall.”
“That’s great, so what’s up? Is Y/N alright?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s out gettin’ her nails done actually.” There’s an awkward pause. “I have some plans for us tomorrow that I’d like you to know about…are you busy this evening?” Harry decided last minute this was something he needed to do in person.
“Um…I can make myself available. I’m an Elks member, why don’t I meet you at the lodge in town. Something tells me we’ll need a beer involved if this is what I think it’s for.” Harry chuckles softly to himself.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll see you soon.” He hangs up the phone and looks at Buster. “I need to go see Grandpa for a bit, will you be alright until mummy and Nannie get back?” Buster yips at him. “S’what I thought.”
Harry texts Niall that he’ll need him as an alibi, and Niall happily agrees. He grabs his keys and heads towards the Elks lodge.
You and your Nannie were just getting your feet into the water for your pedicures.
“That’s a really nice orange you’ve picked out.” She says.
“Thanks, thought it would be nice for fall, you know? I see you went with your classic red.” You giggle. “Did you have anything in mind for dinner tonight? I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go.”
“How about we go for some seafood. We could go to the No Name if you felt like driving out that way.”
“Yeah! God, I haven’t been there in years.”
“We can park at the Long Shoreman’s Union building. I’ll just need to go inside and give your Papa’s name.”
“Alright.” You smile at her.
“So, how’s school going?”
“Really good. I had a class over the summer that I finished a couple of weeks ago, and another just started at the beginning of this week. It’ll end in November, and then another will start right after. A lot of the classes are eight weeks. At this rate I’ll easily finish next summer.”
“That’s wonderful honey! I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Nannie.”
“Harry told me about all the work you’ve done for him for the studio. Do you think you’ll ever consult with other businesses and tell them how to market their things?”
“I don’t know…I think that would involve a lot of traveling, and I’m not into that. I really like my job, so I’m not looking to make any major changes at the moment. I think if I ever changed careers I’d wanna teach at a collegiate level. Mold the younger minds, show them how to do what I do.”
“I could see that for you actually. I think you’d be a great teacher. But to be fair, I think you could do anything you set your mind to.” She laughs.
“I will say, I did enjoy building Harry’s website. It was fun to work on a project with him.”
“That’s what he said. He really is such a lovely man. You know he parked his car at the airport and waited for me inside?”
“Really?! He never does that. I’m so glad he did that.”
“Carried my luggage out too. I wanted to pay him for the parking, but he wouldn’t let me. It’s funny, no one ever dares fight with me about that sort of thing, but he does. I like it.”
“We’ve fought a few times about him always paying for stuff. He’s a real stickler for it.”
“He’s a proper gentleman, nothing wrong with that. What colors do you think you’ll get your nails?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. I was thinking maybe dark red? I think that would be another fun fall color.”
“Just one color?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I feel like an accent nail this time.” You look at the colors you currently have. “This is nice, but I wanna change it up.”
“Well you know I love red, so I support you on that.” You both laugh.
Harry walks into the Elks lodge and your dad is already sitting at the bar. He waves him over, and they shake hands. Harry sits down on the stool next to him.
“What’s your drink, Harry?” Your dad asks. “Feel like a beer or something a little stronger?”
“Whatever you’re havin’ is fine with me, sir.”
Your dad orders two scotches on the rocks, and Harry’s a bit surprised but he rolls with it. They clink glasses and both take a small sip.
“So…get on with it.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I know what this is all about, so go ahead, ask me what you wanted to ask me.”
“Well…I’m not necessarily askin’ yeh anything. I’m more so just telling you what my plans are.”
“Alright, so tell me what your plans are.”
“I’m askin’ Y/N to marry me tomorrow night…and even though I don’t need your permission, your blessing would mean a lot to me.”
“Do you have her grandmother’s? I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but my opinion really doesn’t mean much to her.” She rolls her eyes. “But her grandmother’s…my mother in law means everything to her.”
“I have it…she’s actually helpin’ me with it.” Your dad gives Harry a funny look. “I flew her in. She’s getting’ her nails done with her now, actually.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“You flew Nannie in?”
“Yeah.” Your dad laughs and nods, taking another sip of his drink.
“That’s very impressive. You know, before I asked Lynn to marry me, I invited her uncle out for a drink. Her father wasn’t really in her life.”
“Right…Y/N’s Papa wasn’t biologically related, she was Lynn’s stepfather?”
“Technically, but he didn’t have a hand in raising Lynn. He didn’t come into our lives until a year before Bridget was born.” Harry nods. “So Lynn’s uncle was the next best thing at the time, they were close anyways.” He smiles. “I basically asked him what the family thought of me, all the sort of stuff. Wanted to make sure everyone else liked me before becoming part of a family you know?”
“Well, if her Nannie approves of you, you don’t need much more reassurance than that.” He sighs. “But it does mean a lot to me that you wanted to do this in person. You’ve only been together a year…”
“I’m aware.” He smiles and takes a sip of his drink.
“And within all that time, you think you know her well enough that you want to spend the rest of your life with her? Because I swear to god if I ever get a phone call saying that you’re leaving her I will kill you, or her brother would kill you. Actually, I think we’d plan to urder you together if you ever did anything to hurt her.”
“Sir, I promise you, I have nothing but the best intentions with Y/N. I don’t wanna be without her, ever. I love her very much, and I wanna be her husband. I want her to be my wife.”
“And you’re positive she wants to be your wife? She wants all the same things you do? Just because you two got a dog together-“
“She does, I can assure you we’ve talked about all this.”
“Does she have any idea this is happening tomorrow?”
“Why does she think her grandmother is here then?”
“Sunday is the Jewish New Year, isn’t it?” Harry grins.
“So you told her you flew her in so her grandmother could be here for the holidays?” Harry nods yes. “Damn, that’s pretty good. She loves surprising other people, this is really gonna get her.” He smiles.
“So…wait, are you sayin’-“
“You have my blessing, Harry.”
Harry stands up and pulls your dad in for a hug, he hugs him back and pats his back.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Harry laughs and sits back down.
“Sorry, just, thank you so much.”
“Does your mother know about all this?”
“Oh sure. She said she was cool with it months ago. I bought the ring over the summer. Would you like to see a picture?”
“No, I’d rather wait for Y/N to send me a picture when it’s on her finger.” He finishes his drink. “Up for another? I can’t believe my baby girl is going to get married. Erica’s gonna pissed.” He laughs. “Took her fiancé ten years to pop the question you know?”
“Guess everyone does everything in their own time. That’ll be a fun wedding, his family is huge.”
“They haven’t even set a date yet. You two will probably get married before they do.”
You and Nannie head to the seafood place after your nails are all set. She wouldn’t let you pay, but you insisted she let you pay for dinner. She said you could make that decision when the check came.
“Mm, I haven’t had a decent cup of chowder in forever.” She says.
“There’s plenty of seafood where you live, I find that hard to believe.” You giggle.
“There’s just something about clam chowder from New England. So…what were you thinking tomorrow looked like?”
“Well, I sent Harry shopping. I figured we’d cook all day so Sunday we’d have an easier time setting up for everyone. Plus, it’s better to make the brisket the day before, you taught me that.”
“Very true. That’ll be nice, you know I love when we get to cook together. I was thinking for dinner though we could go to Castle Island.” You almost choke on your water. “We could watch the sunset at the beach, and then walk over to Sully’s, wouldn’t that be fun? We could walk over to the park, sit on the swings, and then go back for ice cream just like we used to.”
“Nannie…I would love to do that. I went with Harry and Niall at the beginning of the summer and I’ll be honest, I got a little emotional.”
“It’s hard not to when there’s so many good memories. We’ll be an extra vanilla ice cream for Papa, it’ll be like he’s with us the whole time.”
“That sounds nice. The weather is supposed to be really warm and clear tomorrow, so I think a sunset beach walk is perfect.”
Harry gets back from drinking with your dad before you get back with your Nannie. He brushes his teeth to get the liquor off his breath, and chews some gum. He lets Niall know he’s back as well. He takes Buster out quick, and settles in on the sofa.
You and your Nannie come in, and sit with him on the sofa.
“Have a nice time out, girls?”
“It was great, like my nails?” You stick them in his face.
“They’re beautiful.”
“What about mine?” Your Nannie copies you.
“Absolutely lovely.”
Your Nannie goes to change into a nightgown and robe, and you go put a t-shirt and shorts on.
“Now, it’s Friday night, so I need to watch Beach Hunt Bargain Hunt on the Home Network.” She says to you.
“Of course, Nannie.”
You switch the Hulu Live, and put her show on for her. Harry changes into some pj’s as well, grabs his glasses and book, and comes back to the couch.
“Oh, here’s Mrs. Asshole, it’s a vacation home, you can paint!” He looks up from his book in shock at your grandmother’s language.
“Right?! These people give me a fucking headache.”
“And here’s her husband, Mr. Asshole, who she’s clearly only with for the money, ready to walk away from a perfectly good place because her lazy ass can’t be bother to paint.”
“You both realize this show is completely staged right?” You both whip your heads in Harry’s direction. “They’ve already picked out and paid for the home they want. The the other houses they look at don’t matter. That’s why they come up with stupid excuses not to buy them.”
“Harry, honey, shut the fuck up.” Your Nannie says with a big smile. “Go back to your book.”
He opens his mouth to speak again, but decides against it. You can’t help but giggle. He was right, but half the fun of the show was just going with it.
Around 10PM you all call it a night. Harry says goodnight to your grandmother and heads into the bedroom.
“Night precious girl.”
“Night Nannie.” You both hug and kiss, and you go into the bathroom to do your routine. You snuggle up to Harry.
“So, what are your plans for tomorrow?” He asks as you lay on his chest.
“We’re going to cook for most of the day, and then she asked if I’d take her to Castle Island. Do you wanna come?”
“Oh, that sounds great! But I actually have an engagement shoot tomorrow evening.”
“Will you be gone during the day too? Thought maybe you’d like to cook with us, see how it’s all done.”
“Definitely free in the morning.”
“Good.” You snuggle in closer. “I know I don’t like to share her, but I like the idea of the three of us spending time together.”
“Me too, angel.”
“She likes you a lot Harry. She went on and on about this evening.”
“Aw, well I like her a lot too. I can see where you get a lot of your personality from.”
“She’s been a really good role model, for sure.”
“She told me a lot of your Papa this afternoon…”
“She did?”
“Yeah, she really drove home how you were just his little baby. Brought tears to my eyes.”
“He was the best, plane and simple.”
The next morning, you get up early knowing your grandmother was an early riser. You get some coffee started, and make oatmeal for the three of you.
“Morning, Nannie.” You say sitting down at the island.
“Morning darling girl. Is one of these for me?”
“Yup, oatmeal and I made your coffee how you like it…black with two Splenda.”
“Thank you, honey.” She sits down next to you at the island.
Harry comes in shortly after, only in a pair of boxers, rubbing his eyes.
“Um…Harry?” He hums his response as he grabs the coffee you made him. “A bit under-dressed for company don’t you think?”
He looks down at himself and then to your grandmother who was trying not to laugh.
“I’m so sorry, I forgot, and-“
“So, like, go put some clothes on, dude.” You say laughing, and he turns to go. “Sorry about that, Nannie. He’s always really groggy on the weekends.”
“It’s alright, it’s your home after all. Plus, he’s not bad to look at.” You gasp playfully at her and nudge her shoulder. Harry comes back in with a t-shirt and sweatpants on.
“Oatmeal’s on the counter for you. Put grapes in how you like.”
“Thanks.” He smiles and sits next to your grandmother. She squints as his tattooed left arm. “Yes?”
“Is that a naked woman? How did I not notice this before?” She points to the mermaid on his arm.
“Yeah, she’s naked.” He shrugs and takes a bite of his oatmeal.
“Why not?” He smirks at her. “I have a lot of weird ones, try not to question it, Nan.” He takes another bite. “Some of my bigger ones I’ve had to use to over up other ones. Like these two on my forearms covered up two quotes that I just didn’t like anymore. And then I used to have another quote here.” He points to one of his hips. “So the ferns cover that up. Plus, I just liked how symmetrical it looked with the birds.”
“I think I like the butterfly the best, I love butterflies.” They smile at each other. “Y/N, what’s your favorite tattoo of Harry’s.”
“The sunflower near the mermaid.” He flexes his arm to show your grandmother. “He got it months ago for me…when I got my nose pierced.”
“Oh! That’s stunning. It’s amazing how they can get so much detail in such a small area.”
“You know that rose ring I wear as a necklace?” She nods. “So, I wear Harry’s favorite flower, and now he wears mine.”
“But you also got him that ring.”
“Yup.” You giggle. “Not everyone can see the tattoo so easily.”
You all finish breakfast, and your Nannie cleans up the dishes. You tell her you just need to shower and then you can get to cooking. Harry follows you into the bathroom.
“You’re nuts if-“
He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you. You don’t fight him on it, it felt good to have his lips on yours.
“Don’t worry, I’m not lookin’ for any funny business.” He gives your bum a pat and turns the water on for the shower. “I also need a shower.”
“You’re always looking for funny business.”
“I’m choosin’ to be respectful of our guest.” He steps into the water and so do you. “Embarrassing enough that she got an eye-full this mornin’.”
“Oh, it was fine, she didn’t care.”
You both get out of the shower when you’re done and get dressed. For now you throw your hair up in a bun, and put some sweats on. Harry does the same.
“I’m gonna take Buster out while you both get set up.” He kisses you on the cheek while you go into the kitchen with your grandmother.
“I like that he calls me Nan, that was cute.
“Wasn’t it?”
You preheat the oven and pull out everything you need for the brisket. Nannie gets a pot of water started for the carrots and potatoes. They would need to be partially boiled before going in the oven with the meat. You both get to peeling. Harry comes back with Buster.
“What can I help with?”
“Chop these up after we’ve peeled them.” You say to him and he nods.
A little while later after going through the recipe, you get the brisket in the oven.
“How long does it cook for?”
“That’s getting slow cooked for six hours. Then you drain all of the juices into a pitcher and put it in the fridge overnight. You can get all of the fat out easier that way. And you also cut up all the meat. Then tomorrow you put it all back together and bake it for like an hour to heat it back up. It’s so good. Cuts like butter.” You take out two pans and put a new pit of water onto the stove. “Gotta make the kugels now. Fair warning, the place will smell like meat.”
“I don’t mind, bet it’ll smell really good. So, this is your recipe, Nan?”
“It’s actually my brother’s.” She laughs. “But I made it more often than he did. When I moved to Florida he started making it more often again. I think he makes it the best, but I’d never tell him that.”
“I can’t wait to see him tomorrow. Everyone’s excited to see you.”
“Well, they better be. I came all this way for a reason, didn’t I?”
Harry was getting more nervous by the second. Every hour that passed was another hour closer to the big moment. He would need to head out soon. Luckily, everything he needed was at the studio, including the clothes he’d be wearing.
“All that’s startin’ to smell really good.” He says when he comes out to the living room dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt. “I gotta get goin’, long drive to the shoot.”
“Alright, babe.” You stand up to give him a kiss goodbye. “Have a good time. Will you be late?”
“Probably, don’t wait for me to eat or anything.”
“We’ll be eating at Sully’s.” You say. “I could bring you back something if you want.”
“That’s alright sweetheart, just enjoy the time there.” He kisses you again, and he waves off to your grandmother and gives her a nod. You go to sit with her.
“Brisket should be done soon. Let’s go check on it. I wanna get it cut up and all that before we head out.”
“Good idea.”
You both get everything situated once it’s done. It smells even better than you remember. You refrain from taste testing it. You’d rather just save it for tomorrow.
“That’s good honey, well done.”
You get it all in the fridge.
“I’m gonna go wash up. I might wear a dress, it’s so nice out.”
“That’s a great idea, wear your hair down too, you have such pretty hair.”
You smile at her and go into the bedroom to change. Buster follows you in. You pull out a white dress with buttons down the front. It had thick spaghetti straps, and flowed to just past your knees. You figured she’d approve. You also loved it because it had sunflowers on it. You didn’t really care ofr floral prints, but you liked how large the flowers were and how they were scattered around. You put a little makeup on, and fix your hair so it’s down and wavy. You put on some cute sandals and meet her back out to the living room. She had put on some white slacks and a sweater. You knew it was a little chillier for her.
“Wanna bring Buster too?” She asks.
“Sure! I think he’ll enjoy that.”
You get to the beach around 4PM, well before sunset. You both sit across the street on one of the benches, and watch as people walk and run by. Families with strollers, kids still playing outside. It was a really nice evening.
“It’s funny, not a lot has changed has it?” She asks.
“Not really, but that’s what I like about it. I can come here and it feels like I’ve stepped into a simpler time. Like if I were on the beach itself, I could look back here and see Papa sitting at this bench.”
“He’s with us for sure, baby.” She squeezes your hand.
After an hour or so of walking along the peer, you drive over to Sully’s. You get your chicken nuggets, and your Nannie treats herself to a hot dog, not something she ever really eats, but it was what your Papa really liked to eat. You give Buster some water, and you both stand up to start walking towards the park.
“Not a lot of people here this evening…weird, it’s so nice out.”
“Yeah, that is weird.” Your Nannie looks over to the bathroom. “Honey, I just need to go pee quick. That large water went right through me.” She laughs. “Why don’t you head down to the playground and wait for me there.”
“Okay.” You shrug.
“Can I take Buster with me?”
“You want to take Buster into the bathroom with you?”
“Are you questioning your Nannie?” You look at her for a second and down to Buster. You shrug again and hand her the leash. “Be there in just a second, go on.” She smiles and walks towards the bathrooms.
You notice less and less people around as you walk towards the playground. It was a beautiful sunset, where was everyone? There weren’t even any kids around. When you get closer you notice twinkling lights strung up all around the jungle gyms and other things to play on. You had never seen it look so pretty. You start to hear music, You’ve Made Me So Very Happy by Blood, Sweat & Tears was playing. You look behind you and don’t see your grandmother anywhere, nor do you hear Buster.
“Oh my god.” You say to yourself. You walk a little fast towards the playground and you stop short when you see Harry standing there with a big smile on his face.
He was wearing your favorite pair of green slacks and white, silk shirt with the first few buttons undone. His curls were looking nice and bouncy, and he had his hands behind his back. You walk a little closer to him, but stand a few feet away from him.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi, Harry.”
“Are you surprised?”
“I literally have no idea what’s going on right now…is that our song playing? And what’s with all the lights? And…there’s no one here, how did you-“
“Turns out you can rent this spot out for functions. It’s like I said earlier, I had an engagement shoot to go to.” Your mouth falls open. “Y/N.” He steps closer to you and takes one of your hands in his. His palms were sweaty, and his nerves were shot to hell, but it this was happening now. “I never imagined my life looking the way it does now.” You were hazing up at him. It was like you were the only two people in the world. “I’ve loved every moment with you over the last year, even the less than favorable ones. I feel like we’ve really grown together in so many ways. I feel like…” He takes a deep breath and you give his hand a squeeze. “I feel like we were made for each other, you’re my soulmate, you’re my light, you’re my…everything.” You bite your inner cheek to keep from losing it. “I’ve known what I’ve wanted with you for a while, and I have a pretty good feeling that you want it with me too.” His eyes grow glossy. “I wanted this to happen here because I know how special this playground is for you. I wanted your Nan here…and…I wanted your Papa here too.” Tears start to fall down your cheeks. “I at least wanted it to feel like he was here with you, baby.” He wipes his own tears away and you nod. “There have been a lot of things I’ve been unsure about in my life. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, done a lot of really shitty things. But the one things I’m absolutely certain about is you, Y/N. Everyday with you is an adventure, and I want that adventure forever.” He gets down on one knee, your hand still in his. His other hand was in a fist behind his back. He brings it out front, and reveals the ring, holding it up when with his thumb and forefinger. You gasp when you see it, it was stunning, not that it mattered. You’d wear a piece of string around your finger if it was from Harry. “I love you so much, Y/N. Can we have this adventure forever? Will you marry me?”
a/n: I just want to take a moment to thank you all for the support over the last few months. I started writing this story at the end of January, and I think I tripled my follower count because of it. So many of you kept me motivated to keep going, and I am so grateful. I can’t wait to start writing the sequel so we can see what happens for these two next. 
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dirtykpopsnaps · 4 years
Brought Together by Dance - Jung Hoseok (soulmate au)
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Warnings: None
Contains: Cute soulmates!Hobi and Y/N meeting
Requested: no
Words: 7, 470 (huh...my longest yet and it’s for my bias...this was not intended😂😅)
I smile around at all of the little kids gathered before me. “Alright, guys, you heard Mrs. Melany, you can go,” I laugh lightly. As soon as I say this, all the little children start taking off their soft shoes as putting them away in their dance bags. Before long, Melany and I are alone in the room. Narrowing her eyes, she turns to me and playfully glares.
“Maybe you should teach beginner ballet. They actually listen to you,” she says. I laugh lightly, taking my soft shoes off and changing into my sneakers.
“I guess I just work well with little kids,” I smile. She rolls her eyes lightly at this explanation.
“Well, there’s that but they can also see your attachment when you dance,” she points out. I shrug lightly, nodding my head and smiling at her.
“Yeah...that could also be part of it,” I giggle.
When I’m done pulling my sneakers on, I look down at my ankle. Even through the light pink material of my tights, you can clearly see the outline of my attachment tattoo.
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My soulmate attachment is a small tattoo at my ankle. It’s of a little ballerina dancer and, truthfully, it’s part of the reason that I started doing ballet in the first place. When I was very little, I would ask my mother what it was and one day when I was about four, I asked if I could start ballet. From that moment on, ballet and dance in general have been a very big part of my life. I don’t know where I would be if my soulmate attachment was any different.
From next to me, Melany also pulls on her sneakers after practice. “So, when’s the flight?” She asks calmly. I shoot her an excited smile.
“Early tomorrow morning. Like, *super* early, so I’ll be turning in early tonight,” I tell her.
“I want lots of pictures, okay? Especially if you get to meet that group. You know the kids would love them,” she reminds me. I nod my head lightly and stand up, hoisting my dance bag onto my shoulder.
“I will absolutely send you pictures, especially if I meet them. I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen,” I explain, shrugging my shoulders.
Talking between ourselves, Melany and I leave the ballet studio. We wave goodbye to the receptionist, Annalise, then head out to the parking lot. We climb into the car together, ready to get takeout and talk for a little while. You see, Melany is my best friend. I met her in my first ever ballet class and we just grew closer and closer over the years. When Melany asked me to help co-teach the beginning ballet class at her school, I was so excited! I immediately agreed and I’ve been co-teaching classes with her for about a year.It’s one of my favorite parts of what I do.
Melany and I chat happily all the way to the Italian place that she decided on earlier. “Alright, my place or your’s?” I ask, putting the bags of food in the backseat of her car. Melany takes a moment to think before responding.
“Your’s. You have to go to sleep early tonight, plus I don’t wanna wake up Thomas with our talking,” she explains. See, that’s one difference between Melany and I. Melany’s already met her soulmate, Noah, and she has a 6-month-old baby boy named Thomas with him. I, on the other hand, have yet to meet my soulmate. I nod my head lightly and climb back into the car.
“Good call,” I say quickly.
Calmly, Melany drives the car back to my small apartment. When we get their, I grab the food out of the back and hand her my keys to open the door. Melany pushes the door open and lets me inside the apartment. I immediately walk over to the coffee table and set the takeout on the table. When I turn back around, Melany is sending looking at her phone. She must feel me looking, because she looks up at me again and smiles softly, “Noah was just asking where I was. Told him I’d be home in a couple hours and that we’re just talking,” she explains. I nod my head lightly and we both sit down to start eating our food.
Once we start eating, our conversation dies down a little bit. “Okay, Y/N/N, I know you’ve told me the story already, but *please* tell me again? It’s so cool!” She squeals excitedly. I laugh lightly at her excitement and oblige.
“Okay, so obviously, you know that I’m a professional dancer. I do ballet productions all over the world and stuff like that, you know that. Well, a few months ago, I got this call from this music company is Korea called BigHit. Apparently they’re kind of a big deal, so of course I was like ‘what’s up? What do they want?’. Well, the person who called me said that they wanted a professional ballerina for an upcoming music video for one of their groups called BTS. It’s not a major part, just a few scenes here and there within the video, but it’s apparently a pretty big deal. And, by some *miracle*, when they started looking for professional ballerinas, my name came up. So, voila,” I giggle. Melany sighs, leaning her cheek into her hand.
“You’re literally so lucky,” she sighs happily. I shrug lightly, shooting her a soft smile.
“I guess I am. It’s kind of a big deal and I’m pretty excited about it.” Melany shoots me a look.
“So...have you seen any pictures of the group?” She asks. I give her an odd look and raise an eyebrow.
“If you think I didn’t look them up immediately afterward, you obviously aren’t my best friend.”
Melany squeals excitedly, doing a little dance in her seat. “Show me, show me, show me!” She squeals. I laugh loudly and go into the search engine on my phone, looking up ‘BTS’. Search results start folding my phone, but I just go into the ‘pictures’ tab and find a good picture. “Okay, here’s a kind of recent one,” I say, flipping the phone to show her.
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Melany looks at the picture, then back up at me. “Wow...they’re cute,” she says in surprise. I give her a wide eyed look.
“I know, right?” I respond. A few seconds of silence fall before she looks up at me again.
“What if one of them is your soulmate?!” She gasps. I roll my eyes and scoff at the idea.
“Ha, yeah right! Don’t get my hopes up, Mel,” I laugh.
“Well, they could be! You haven’t met your soulmate yet!” She points out excitedly.
“I mean, technically, yeah, one of them could be. But, I also don’t want to get my hopes up and then have them crushed,”
I tell her. She sighs softly, nodding her head at me.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
For a while, Melany and I just bounce between topics. She makes me promise to take lots of pictures in Korea and I agree without having to be pressured. She tells me a little bit about Thomas and what’s going on with him. We even talk about the class today and how our students are coming along. After about an hour, I look up at the clock. “Mel, I should probably be getting to sleep. I have to be up and at the airport by, like, 6 AM,” I groan. Melany makes a hissing sound through her teeth.
“Oh, yikes, have fun with that. See you in a couple weeks, Y/N/N,” she says, pulling me into a big hug before grabbing her things and heading out the door.
Once Melany’s gone, I throw out my take out container and take a shower. I take a little longer in the shower than usual, singing softly and letting the hot water soothe my aches from teaching dance all day. When I finally feel soothed enough, I turn off the water and grab a towel from the hanger on the wall. I quickly change into pajamas and then brush my hair. I brush my teeth immediately afterward and then climb into bed. I know that going to sleep with wet hair is a *really* bad idea, but that’s morning Y/N’s problem, not mine.
After what feels like only five minutes later, my alarm starts blaring from my phone. I groan loudly, shifting around in bed to turn off the offensive noise. Peeling my eyes open, I stare up at the ceiling. After a few seconds, I groan again and sit up, climbing out of my warm covers. I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror, sighing at myself. As I predicted, going to bed with wet hair was a bed decision. My hair is sticking up at odd angles and looks horrible. Sighing to myself, I pull a brush through it and just throw it up in a bun. I don’t have time to deal with that this morning.
I do my morning bathroom routine and walk back into the bedroom, pulling on the travel clothes that I had picked out yesterday morning. The travel outfit is a fairly simple one and one that I would normally wear if I didn’t have dance that day. It consists of a plain white t-shirt, my favorite dark blue flannel, ripped black jeans, and some black and white sneakers. Once I’m dressed, I check the time again and walk around my small apartment, checking to make sure that I didn’t leave anything I would need. I add my hairbrush and toothbrush to a small travel kit, then place them in the pocket of my carry on. When I’m sure that I have everything, I grab my phone, wallet, keys, and luggage and leave the apartment.
I order a Lyft to the airport and thank the driver when I’m finally dropped off. I grab my luggage and carry on out of the trunk and make my way into the airport. For the most part, my morning at the airport is just a bunch of running around. I need to check in my luggage, go through customs, and wait in *a lot* of long lines, but I finally make it to my terminal. While I wait for my flight, I grab a small breakfast from the little airport café right at my terminal and eat quickly. When I’m ready to just *wait forever* for my plane to start boarding, I sit down in one of the seats at the terminal and wait. I plug my earbuds into my phone and leave one earbud out so that I can hear if they start calling people to board. Calmly, I tap on Spotify and start playing the playlist of BTS songs that’s been recommended to me.
Honestly, ever since I got this job, I’ve been looking into BTS more and more. Now, I haven’t done a major deep dive information search on them, but I know the basics. I’ve learned their names and I know that Namjoon is the leader. I’ve focused a lot on listening to their music. Truthfully, I really do think that their music is pretty cool. A lot of it is really catchy and I won’t deny that I’ve had some of their songs playing through my head for the last few days. I’m actually pretty excited to have the opportunity to work with this group. This is a *really* big opportunity and it’s definitely a way for me to get myself out there a little more. Plus...how many people can say they’ve done something like this before?
Before I know it, I hear the hostess calling out people to board. I stand turn off my music and push my phone back into my carry on, standing up to join the growing line. Slowly, we make our way onto the plane and I search through all the isles, finally finding my seat. I put my carry on in the bag holder overhead and take my seat, settling in. It’s not long after that that the plane is in the air and I’m on my way to Korea.
Suddenly, I feel someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I yawn softly and stretch up, looking at the person next to me. The person is sweet, smiling stewardess. “We’re here, Ms,” she says. I nod my head lightly and thank her, getting up from my seat. My whole body feels exhausted from the flight and I can already feel my least favorite part of traveling setting in...jet lag. Brushing off the tiredness, I grab my bag from the overhead compartment and step off the plane and into the airport. As quickly as possible, I go through everything at the airport again. I check in and make sure that everything is set up correctly before I’m finally able to leave and try to hail a taxi to my hotel.
Thankfully, hailing the taxi does not take a particularly long time. A taxi drives up and I’m able to give him clear (enough) directions to the hotel that I’m staying at. The drive is fairly short and, when we get there, I pull out the chunk of money that I brought for the trip. The driver can obviously tell that I don’t know how much money I’m actually holding, so he just chuckles lightly and takes a couple of the bills. I flash him a thankful smile and grab my luggage and carry on out of the trunk again, heading into the hotel. Finding my room in the hotel goes about the same way as the taxi and I suddenly feel very thankful that everyone I’ve met so far is so kind and helpful. The worker is able to direct me to the correct room and I thank them and wave softly before I head over to the elevator.
By the time I get to my room, I can already see the sunlight creeping up over the buildings and I sigh softly. Again, I’m very thankful that I was able to sleep most of the plane ride here. That doesn’t mean I’m not incredibly exhausted, but at least I won’t be dying of tiredness by the time I come back to the hotel tonight. For a little bit, I look around my little hotel room and nod my head. It’s nice. When I’ve seen everything that I can, I open up my luggage and pull out my squished dance bag. I set it on the bed and start filling it with some of the things I might need, like my pointe shoes, my soft shoes, extra tights, and deodorant.
Once I have my dance bag filled with things, I change out of my travel clothes and into an outfit more fit for dance. I was reassured that the company would have a costume made for me specifically for the music video, so I don’t need to worry about that. Calmly, I walk into the bathroom and fix my hair again, putting it into a nice ballerina bun. After what feels like hundreds of bobby pins and clips, I feel satisfied with my hair and grab my dance bag before heading out of the room.
Before I leave the hotel, I grab out my phone and walk up to the front desk again. “Hi, um, could you give me directions to...this address?” I ask, showing the receptionist the address I was given. She nods her head happily and starts pointing out of the door, doing her best to give me directions that I would understand. When she’s done, I thank her profusely and start walking in the direction that she told me. The directions were fairly straightforward, so I’m able to find the building without much trouble and I’m soon standing right in front of the biggest building on the street.
Slowly, I open up the door and walk into the building. The lobby of the building is large and there are people everywhere. A receptionist behind the desk catches my attention. “How can I help you?” She asks, tilting her head lightly.
“Hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m the ballet dancer that was contacted for BTS’s mv,” I explain. Immediately, realization frowns on her face and she picks up a phone, speaking into the receiver. When she’s done with the conversation, she looks at me again.
“They’ll be down in a moment to take you to the costume department, then you’ll be taken to the stage for the mv,” she says sweetly. I nod my head and thank her, looking around while I wait for whoever is coming to get me.
After a few moments, the elevator door opens up and a woman steps into the lobby. She notices me and waves me over. I hoist my bag up again and walk over to her. I see her eye my bag curiously and I feel a little nervous. “Sorry. I wasn’t sure what to bring, so I packed a dance bag,” I say softly. She chuckles lightly and smiles at me.
“That was smart. Unnecessary, but smart. Thank you for being prepared,” she says. I nod my head at her once, then look away again. She presses the button of the elevator again and we both wait in silence. I look down at the floor, resting my hand lightly against my dance bag.
When the elevator arrives, we both climb inside and she presses a button on the wall. I’m still looking down at the ground and feeling a little awkward when the doors open again. I look up and my jaw drops to the ground. This floor is decorated plainly, but there are rooms that lead off in all directions. Racks of clothes, shoes, and other accessaries are scattered all over the place. Each room has a small sign for what the room contains. The woman pays no attention and steps off the elevator, making her way through the floor and making sure not to touch anything. I follow after her and she leads me into a separate room. The sign on the door simply reads ‘extra costumes’ and I follow her inside the room.
The room inside is filled to the brim with racks of costumes. There are boxes of accessaries stacked on shelves and shoes lining the floor. She shifts through the room and comes back to me with a beautiful white and gold professional ballet costume. In her other hand, she pointe shoes of the same color. I search around the room once before looking back at her. “Sorry if I sound ungrateful, but are there soft shoes, as well?” I ask. The woman nods her head and points towards some shoes on the floor. I pick them up off the floor and nod my head. “Soft shoes are easier to walk in. I’ll switch to the pointe shoes when they ask me to,” I explain. She nods her head and flashes a soft smile before handing me the costume and leaving the room.
As quickly as possible, I change into my tights and the costume. I slip on the soft shoes and check my hair in the mirror. Before I leave the room, I put all my clothes into the dance bag and pick it up again. Once I’m ready, I pick up the pointe shoes and walk into the hall again. The woman smiles when she sees the costume. “You look very pretty,” she compliments. I flash her and soft smile.
“Thank you. This costume is absolutely beautiful,” I respond.
“Thank *you*. I worked very hard on it,” she says. With that, she gestures me to the elevator again and we both wait for it to appear.
When the elevator arrives, she stays on the elevator and gestures me out. This level looks large enough to be a warehouse. There are people hurrying around and fixing things. Some couches are pushed off to the side, far out of view of the camera. Several cameras are focused around different sets with props to make them look a certain way. A person comes hurrying over to me and I suppose he’s the director. He looks me up and down before smiling. “I’m going to guess that you’re Y/N?” He asks. I nod my head quickly. “Good! This way.”
Immediately, the man leads me passed several of the sets. I look at each one as we pass, but I’m only able to catch glimpses. He leads me up to a set that is made to look like a room. It’s intricately made and very detailed and there are people hurrying around to fix small things. I walk back towards the wall and set my dance bag against the wall. Curiously, I look around the whole area and my eyes suddenly are pulled across the room. On a different set of couches at the far wall, I see several men gathered around and talking. It doesn’t take me long to realize who they are. It’s BTS. They’re all gathered around the couches, obviously enjoying a small amount of downtime while something is being adjusted.
As I look at them, I see one of the members look up and point me out the the others. I take deep breaths and look back at the set again. I really *really* don’t want to bother them, no matter how much I want to talk to them. However, I’m not the one who starts the conversation. I’m watching the people ready the set for my part when I suddenly feel someone next to me. I turn my head towards them and my breath catches in my throat as I gasp. Jimin is standing right next to me, watching the set, as well. Slowly, he turns and smiles at me. “Hi, you must be, Y/N. We’ve heard them talking about you,” he says, sticking out his hand for a handshake. Taking a. Deep breath, I shake his hand and force a smile.
“Uh, yeah, I am. And you’re...Jimin,” I say, trying to be as calm as possible. He flashes me another sweet smile.
“I hope you don’t mind if I watch. I’d love to see you dance,” he says. I shake my head lightly.
“No, no, watch if you want to. I mean, it’s your video, anyway,” I say nervously.
Jimin opens his mouth to say something else, but I’m called over to the set. I send him an apologetic smile and hurry over to the man again. He gives me a few instructions, telling me what sort of mood they want from the music video. However, he leaves the dance movements up to me. “I’ve seen you dance before and I want to see what you come up with,” he says kindly. I nod my head and steady my breathing before everyone gets off the set. When I’m ready, I open my eyes and nod towards the men behind the camera. I hear the click of the camera as soon as it starts rolling.
Closing my eyes again, I block out everything around me. I block out the people and all the other sets. I block out all the intrusive and self conscious thoughts. I block out the thought that *Park. Jimin.* is watching me dance. I block everything out and I just let my body move the way that it wants. In my head, the small clip of music that they sent me plays through my mind on repeat. I choose movements that I think portray the feel of the music and then I hear someone yell “cut!”. I open my eyes again and get instructions from the director and cameramen.
For a while, this is how things go. Over and over, I retake the shot and remind myself of the small recommendations that they’re giving me. We eventually switch over to my pointe shoes and I do the same thing, blocking out anything that could bother me. When the cameras finish rolling, I step off the stage and dig down to take off my pointe shoes. Immediately, Jimin kneels down next to me. “That was gorgeous!” He compliments. I smile at him, chuckling lightly.
“Thanks! I’m just hoping it’s good enough for your video,” I tell him.
Suddenly, Jimin goes silent next to me. I look up at him and see that his eyes are trained on my ankle. Through the white tights, you can see the outline of my tattoo. “What’s...that?” He asks, pointing towards my tattoo.
“Oh, it’s my soulmate attachment,” I tell him calmly, pulling the soft shoes back on.
“Is that a ballerina doing a pirouette?” He asks, his voice slightly shaky. I look at him nervously, nodding my head.
“Y-Yeah? Is that important?” I ask nervously. Jimin’s eyes meet mine again and he takes a deep breath.
“Stay here. I need to go get someone,” he tells me. I nod my head and he immediately hurried off, running over to the other members of BTS.
I watch nervously as he has a very quick conversation with them. He keeps looking over his shoulders every few seconds to make sure that I’m still there. He says something and then suddenly several of the members jump off the couch. “You’re kidding!” I hear someone exclaim. My eyes go wide and my mouth goes dry. What is *hell* is going on? Immediately after this exclamation there’s more hurried conversation.
“Yes, I’m sure of it! Just come look!” Jimin defends himself, running off from the group and back to me. Several of the other members go chasing after him seconds later.
Jimin skids next to me and kneels down again, looking at my attachment. “What the hell is going on?!” I ask in shock, my mouth hanging open. Jimin’s bright and hopeful eyes look up at me again.
“I think we found your soulmate,” he says plainly. My breath hitches and I stare at him in shock.
“You’re kidding,” I say plainly, not wanting to believe it. Jimin shakes his head frantically at me and the other members kneel down around me. The other members make room and a member that I recognize as J-Hope sits down next to me.
“Can...Can I see your attachment?” He asks softly. I nod my head softly and shift my leg so that he can see my tattoo better.
For a few seconds he stares at it in shock. Then, very quickly, he yanks up the legs of his pants. On the same ankle as mine, in the exact same spot, is the exact. same. tattoo. I stare at his tattoo for several seconds, my mouth dry as I look at every little detail. Looking at this tattoo, there’s absolutely nothing that distinguishes it from the tattoo that I’ve spent my whole life looking at. Quickly, we both look up at each other break into huge smiles. “We’re soulmates!” I say excitedly, my heart beating wildly inside my chest.
“That’s...I honestly can’t even believe it,” he breathes, searching over my tattoo again.
“And to think...had I not taken this job, I might’ve never met you,” I say. He looks into my eyes again and flashes a bright smile.
“Hey, but you did take the job! And here we are, and we have matching tattoos, and we’re soulmates!” He says excitedly. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N,” I say, not able to force the smile from my face. He laughs lightly.
“Well, my name is Jung Hoseok, but everyone calls me Hobi,” he says.
Suddenly, I hear someone talking from the set in front of us. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s going on here?” The director asks, his eyes flirting over the group of people gathered around Hobi and I.
“We found his soulmate,” Jimin explains. The director looks down at the two of us, his eyes searching everywhere that an attachment could possibly be. Finally, he sees the small tattoo on Hoseok’s ankle. His eyes immediately shift over to my ankle and he can just see the tattoo through my tights. He looks around at everyone else on the set.
“Then I think we should call it a day, we can continue with this tomorrow,” he says.
Calmly, I stand up and walk back over the wall, looking back at them. Is there any place that I can change?” I ask. Immediately, at the members point over to where they were sitting. There is a door just beside the couch and I nod my head, thanking them. I walk over to the door and head inside once I get there. Inside is a dressing room with clothing and makeup chairs scattered around. I set my bag down on the ground and quickly change back into the outfit I came in. When I’m fully changed, I pick up a hanger and hang the costume dress on it. I open the door and step onto the stage again, taking the costume and my bag with me.
When I step out, almost everyone has already left the stage. Everything is fairly quiet and I can’t even see any of the members of BTS around. I pout sadly, wishing Hobi would have stuck around when someone speaks up. “No need to pout, I’m over here,” Hobi says. I jump in surprise and laugh loudly when I see him sitting on the couch, waiting for me.
“God, I didn’t even see you there,” I laugh.
“What? Did you think I was gonna leave while my soulmate was changing? No! It’s taken me 26 years to find you, I’m not leaving you,” he smiles sweetly. My heart flutters at his comment and I giggle, holding out my hand. He chuckles lightly and takes it into his, entwining our fingers.
Calmly, he leads us through the hallways of the BigHig building again. We pass quite a few people on the way, but he ignores them and I do the same. I honestly just want to spend time with him right now. “So, tell me about yourself. Obviously, you’re a professional dancer. What brought you to that?” He asks.
“Well...our attachment, honestly. When I was little, I used to ask my mom about it and I apparently asked for ballet lessons when I was 4. Ever since then, I’ve loved ballet and dance in general. I co-teach a beginner ballet class with my best friend when I don’t have any jobs around the world and I love it,” I say. He laughs lightly.
“Our attachment is what got me into dance, too. Obviously, not ballet, but dance. I thought it was really cool and I always really loved the movements that you would see street dancers doing and I started teaching myself,” he shrugs.
Hobi leads me out of the BigHit building and onto the street. As soon as we leave the building, all eyes are drawn to us. I can feel everyone staring and I slowly start to feel more self conscious. Hobi knits his eyebrows together and looks at me curiously. “Is something wrong?” He asks. I look up into his eyes, then around at the street again.
“Everyone is staring at us,” I say quietly, squeezing his hand lightly. He sighs and nods his head.
“Sadly, it comes with the job. I wish there was something I could do about it,” he sighs. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to calm down and look up at him again.
“It’s alright, I’ll get over it. I’m just excited that I get to spend the day with my soulmate,” I say excitedly. He flashes a bright smile again and starts looking up and down the street.
“So, is there anything you would like to do? We have a whole day,” he says, his eyes landing on me again.
For a second, I think about all the ideas. “Can we...take a picture together? My best friend insisted that I needed to get a picture with you guys and she says I need to send her lots of pictures,” I explain. A huge smile breaks across his face and he nods.
“Absolutely!” He laughs. We walk a little further, looking for a place where we can step aside to take a picture together. Finally, we find a little divot that leads into an alleyway and we stand at the mouth of the alleyway. Hobi takes my phone since he’s the taller of the two of us and we squish together. “Make a silly face!” He says. I immediately pull a silly face and he does the same, snapping the picture.
Giggling, I take my phone back from him and look at the picture. “Oh, that’s beautiful,” I laugh, looking at the goofy faces that we both pulled.
“I like it! Especially this one, she’s such a cutie,” he jokes, pointing to me in the picture. I giggle and click into my messaging app on my phone. I quickly send the photo to Melany and type in a quick message.
To Melany🤞🏻: I found my soulmate!
As soon as the message sends, I turn off my phone and put it in the pocket of my bag. Hobi gives me a confused look and I decide to explain.
“If I don’t put my phone down, Melany won’t leave me alone until I relay *every. detail.* of what happened. I’ll do that later tonight. Right now, I just wanna hang out with my soulmate,” I say. Hobi nods his head lightly, then something seems to catch his eye.
“Have you had lunch yet?” He asks, looking down at me. I shake my head lightly.
“Nope. I got breakfast at the airport earlier, but I haven’t eaten in *hours*,” I say. He scrunches you his nose at the mention of airport food.
“Well, we should get some decent food into your stomach, like, now. There’s a little food cart down the street that has awesome food,” he suggests. I lick my lips at the mention of food.
“Sounds good to me, I’m starving.” Hobi smiles and leads me down the street to the food cart.
When we get there, there’s a short line waiting for food. Since I’ve never been to Korea before, Hobi reads off the menu to me and describes what the food is. I think for a few seconds before deciding what to have. “I think I’ll try some tteokbokki,” I say, looking at the collection of rice cakes on the cart. Hobi nods his head lightly and orders our food. Not thinking anything of it, I start searching through my dance bag for my wallet. As soon as I pull it out, Hobi gives me a look.
“If you think I’m letting you pay, you’re insane,” he dates plainly. I look up at him in shock for a few seconds before slowly pushing my wallet back into my bag. He laughs at lightly at the action and we stand against the wall while we wait for our food.
When our food arrives, Hobi hands it to me and we walk down the street together. As we walk, he’s points out little attractions here and there, telling me what he knows about them. “So, is this your first time in Korea?” He asks, taking another bite of his tteokbokki. I nod my head lightly.
“Mhm, but I’ve been to a lot of other places. I’ve been to Russia a couple times. A few years ago, I was in England. I had a job in Australia when I first started professionally,” I list off a few of the places I’ve traveled to.
“Where’re you from?”
“America,” I say plainly, taking a bite of the food again. At my answer, he sighs softly.
“That’s pretty far away,” he says softly. I sigh, as well, and squeeze his hand.
“Yeah, it is, but we’ll figure it out. My work isn’t really set in one place, so I could easily move here and start teaching a few ballet classes here,” I say nonchalantly. He gives me a surprised look.
“You’d do that?” He asks in shock. I laugh lightly, looking up at him.
“Um, yeah? Absolutely? Your life is here, Hobi, and so is your work. You’re my soulmate and we’re *literally* made for each other, so moving would honestly be nothing,” I shrug. A huge smile flashes across his face and he wraps me in a big hug. I giggle lightly, hugging him back.
As we walk along, he hums softly under his breath. “It’s kinda crazy that we finally met. I honestly never expected to meet my soulmate through work,” he laughs, shaking his head in amazement.
“Well, I guess we just got lucky like that. I definitely didn’t expect to meet my soulmate on this trip either, but here we are,” I giggle, rubbing my thumb lightly over the back of his hand. Silently, I look up at him and just stare at him for a little bit. The sun is playing off of his black hair and he’s looking around for something that the two of us can do together. He has these beautiful brown eyes which just light up when he smiles and I’m in amazement of how someone could be so gorgeous.
Although I’m trying to be subtle about my staring, I don’t seem to be doing a very good job. Hobi laughs, bumping my arms slightly with his shoulder. “What are you thinking about? Why do you keep staring at me?” He laughs, finally looking down at me again. I squeeze his hand lightly before answering.
“I guess I’m just...taking in my soulmate. I never knew someone could be so perfect and then there’s you and I feel completely knocked off my feet,” I smile. He laughs lightly at me.
“I sure hope you mean that in a good way. But, I understand what you mean. I can’t even fully describe it, but there’s just...something about you that is so perfect,” he says.
“Exactly! Like, I don’t know how to say it, but there’s just this feeling of ‘hey. this is your person’,” I giggle.
For a little while longer, Hobi and I walk down the street and just talk. Around 2ish, I decide to ask him something. “Do you just wanna hang out at the hotel I’m staying at? We can just talk and watch movies and order room service tonight,” I suggest. He smiles brightly and nods his head.
“That sounds like a really good idea,” he smiles. Calmly, the two of us turn back around and start heading back towards the hotel I’m staying at. I tell him the name of the hotel and he nods his head, looking up directions so we can find our way there a little easier.
When we reach the hotel again, I take his hand and bring him into the hotel. Hobi ducks his head a little bit so the receptionist can’t see his face, but she doesn’t seem to be paying us much attention anyway. I way softly at her in greeting, but she’s not looking in my direction, so she doesn’t respond at all. I click on the button for the elevator and we wait for a few seconds before the soft ‘ding’ tells us that’s it’s arrived. When we get in, I press the button for my floor and we wait while it slowly makes its way up through the floors. Finally, the elevator reaches the correct floor For a little while longer, Hobi and I walk down the street and just talk. Around 2ish, I decide to ask him something. “Do you just wanna hang out at the hotel I’m staying at? We can just talk and watch movies and order room service tonight,” I suggest. He smiles brightly and nods his head.
“That sounds like a really good idea,” he smiles. Calmly, the two of us turn back around and start heading back towards the hotel I’m staying at. I tell him the name of the hotel and he nods his head, looking up directions so we can find our way there a little easier.
When we reach the hotel again, I take his hand and bring him into the hotel. Hobi ducks his head a little bit so the receptionist can’t see his face, but she doesn’t seem to be paying us much attention anyway. I way softly at her in greeting, but she’s not looking in my direction, so she doesn’t respond at all. I click on the button for the elevator and we wait for a few seconds before the soft ‘ding’ tells us that’s it’s arrived. When we get in, I press the button for my floor and we wait while it slowly makes its way up through the floors. When it reaches the right floor, it stops and gives another little ‘ding’ to alert us.
When the doors slide open, I step out and start searching through my dance bag for my keycard. When I finally find it, I slip the keycard into the slot and give it a few moments for it to process before the ‘clock’ signals that it’s opened. He pushes down the door handle and I step inside, setting my dance bag down on the floor near the bed. Calmly, Hobi and I sit down on the bed together. I smile softly and cuddle up close to him. At my actions, he lets out a snort of laughter and wraps his arm shoulder my shoulder.
Leaning over, I grab the controller off the top of the nightstand on turn on the tv, flipping through some random channels that I can’t even read. “Can you read these to me, Hope? I can’t read them,” I say plainly. For a few seconds, Hobi is silent and I look at him in confusion.
“Did you just call me ‘Hope’?” He asks, tilting his head a little. I stare at him in surprise.
“Did...Did I? I didn’t realize it. If you don’t want me to, I can try and not do that,” I say softly. He shakes his head immediately.
“No, no, I like it, it’s cute. My stage name is J-Hope, so Hope actually fits pretty nicely,” he chuckles. Calmly, he starts reading through the shows that are playing and the description of them. I lean my head on shoulder, listening intently and deciding.
“So, what do you think we should watch? I don’t mind reading subtitles, either,” I say.
“You don’t mind?” He asks curiously. I shake my head lightly.
“Like I said, I’ve been to different places around the world and not all of them spoke English, so I’ve gotten good at reading subtitles,” I explain.
“Then I think we should watch The King of the Mask Singer, it’s a pretty good show,” he says, clicking on the channel. As soon as the show comes on, Hobi turns on the English subtitles so that I can watch, too.
For a while, Hobi and I just cuddle together and watch some shows. It’s mostly reruns, but we don’t really care. When the show gets a bit boring or during commercials, we talk about different things. We even kind of start a game of 20 questions, but we don’t stick to the ‘20 questions’ rule. We’re just sitting and getting to know each other a little better. When one of us wants to know more about the other’s answer, we ask them to elaborate and they do. It’s actually a very nice way to spend time, getting to know him. I couldn’t ask for a better way to get to know my soulmate and I’m truly interested in his answers.
A little ways into the show, I must fall asleep because when I wake up, Hobi’s shaking my shoulder lightly. “We should probably think about ordering food soon, sweetheart,” he tells me. I nod my head and get out the room service menu, asking Hobi to translate again. He chuckles lightly, but does so with ease. Yawning softly, I cover my mouth, then speak up.
“I think I might try seolleongtang,” I hum, curling into his side. Hobi chuckles and picks up the phone to order and tells the receptionist the order for both of us. While we wait, I begin to fall asleep again, but Hobi just keeps chuckling and bouncing his shoulder to wake me up.
When the food comes, we eat in silence and go back to watching tv after we finish. Hobi chuckles lightly and kisses my hair. “Now you can get some sleep, sweetheart. It’s pretty obvious that you’re really tired,” he jokes. I nod my head sleepily.
“Jet lag sucks,” I mumble. Hobi laughs, pulling his fingers through my hair.
“I know exactly what you mean. Get some sleep, baby.” He kisses my head again and that’s how I fall asleep.
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