#but i'd love to be proven wrong
flameswallower · 8 months
I was having a conversation with a friend, and it got me thinking! When you see shadowy, hallucinatory figures (for any reason: drugs or medication, sleep disorder, psychosis, that one time you had a fever of 103), are they:
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squish--squash · 6 months
I haven't seen anyone else do this, so I'm gonna try and see if I can make out what flowers are in the bg of the 5 mtp character cards you get during scene transitions in the anime (and as a bonus, some language behind the flowers based off Hanakotoba)
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William has white lilies (which are also seen in the first opening), which represent purity
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Albert very obviously has red roses, which are well-known to represent love
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I didn't immediately recognize the flowers Louis has, but after a quick search it seems that they're daffodils, which represent respect
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Sherlock has some very lovely blue irises (which I'm quite fond of myself), and they represent loyalty
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Last but certainly not least is John! His was the hardest for me to identify bc I'll be honest, I'm not that knowledgeable in identifying flowers. However, I'm like 95% sure he has crossandras; I couldn't find what they mean in Hanakotoba tho, and upon further research, I couldn't even find if they symbolize anything :( I do know now, however, that they're called "firecracker" flowers for their explosive seed pods tho, so there's smth at least..
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eiramew · 3 months
I know I'm probably gonna love playing Arkane's BLADE but ... deep down I know this will never feel like Dishonored, Prey and Deathloop did. Like sure it's an existing IP and sure there will be new cool characters, maybe even an arkane-esque universe, but I just... Idk. It's like witnessing that weird (in a good way) and unique friend you've known and loved for years, drifting away from you, hanging out with The Cool Kids, as their weirdness is now trendy.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure it will be a great game... But I just don't think it will be the slap in the face prey and dl have been for me
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ectonurites · 1 year
What are your predictions for Batgirls #19? Do you think there's a chance for cannon StephCass?
i think it would be a REALLY funny power move to make stephcass go canon in the final issue of a cancelled book that comes out during pride month, like that WOULD be fucking hilarious. I don't think it's particularly likely, but It'd make me laugh
Idk in general I think it'll just be... that the girls manage to figure out who's behind these shootings and stop 'em, they're respected and beloved heroes in their neighborhood, happy ending blah blah. I truly don't foresee it being uhm... super climactic 🤷‍♂️ i think i'm just... ready for this book to be in the past. I had been so excited going into it but it has rarely managed to keep me engaged.
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mishiami · 11 months
almost bsd s5 day i'm sticking with the guess that the opening arc is gonna be stormbringer
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the-punforgiven · 5 months
Idk where I remember reading it but I remember reading somewhere that black knights were a specific class of knight who'd paint over their armor and coat of arms to signify they no longer served a king or lord and while I cannot find any evidence of that being actually true, I'd be lying if I said that idea didn't kind of fuck tbh
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greenskellyblob · 1 year
So I've been thinking about Nectar that is mentioned in the lore pearls? Apparently it is necessary and considered a Vital Resource alongside water, energy and Void fluid, but what exactly is it?
Food perhaps, since I would presume food would be mentioned on the short list of vital resources for the survival of the city on top of the iterator can. Still, we have a picture that represents the fourth sin, gluttony, and there they eat other, recognizible things like blue fruit and the leg of some kind of creature (?).
So I have some theories:
1.) Nectar is food, processed into the most nutritious form, just a thick soup packed with sugar, fats, vitamins and proteins. Convenient, yet not very tasty, strictly there for survival. Those that eat other foods are not very pious/commit the sin of gluttony.
2.) Nectar is a resource that they feed the tube-like purposed organisms and which they then process into other things: be it food, other materials like fabrics or so on. Basically a very useful 3d printing liquid that makes organic plant or animal-based things.
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evajellion · 9 months
"I-if you play F-Zero 99 it'll encourage Nintendo to make a new game for realsies--"
Nah. That shit will get pulled from NSO in a year and you can just play a rebalanced GX (which has a bigger roster) for free.
Nintendo will put this out, let a small amount of people have fun, and then revert to acting like nothing happened. They did this with Star Fox, they did this with ARMS, and they'll do it again with F-Zero.
Anyway, Direct was good. Lots of wonderful Mario food, hell yeah. Glad to see a TTYD remake!
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titleknown · 7 months
...You know, as an enthusiast of the public domain it will forever annoy me that, as far as enchanted weapons go, there's no real good magic firearms/magic bullets in folklore (Silver/glass bullets don't count) and public domain literature aside from Die Freischutz...
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animecreator3000 · 1 year
Every time I rewatch some episode of Boueibu HK I wonder again how the staff even planned this season. Like. Almost nothing meaningful happens with the characters
TLDR the characters with the most developement in HK are the monsters
Kyoutarou is there as a complete contrast to Yumoto while keeping the battle speeches so his characterization doesn't make much sense. Nanao is mere fujoshi bait. Taiju and Taishi have random bits of dialogue that hint at possible arcs for s2 but not enough to tell us what it really is. Maasa has an unfinished arc in his episode, where supposedly he's putting fatty butter in his cookies to make everyone else overweight because he resents Ichiro not defending him when they were little, but then his friends tell him it's fine and then he can move on??? This would work with Ichiro's theme of not wanting to be immature or dense anymore, except they only ever used this theme as a gag (misunderstanding the meaning of whatever the others have said) or to straight up humilliate him (ep4) and continue treating him like a stupid baby. At the end of the season Maasa and him have made peace somehow and that's it. Ata gets in my opinion the closest thing to a complete arc, even if it's just staring angrily at Kyoutarou for ten episodes, then explaining his problem while fighting him and finally getting his apology and reconcilliation. At least it's something. And poor Ryouma is just there to be the butt of a few jokes about how he lets Nanao and Kyoutarou use him, be in a couple of cute shippy scenes, and also for Ata to completely dismiss him from the flashbacks to the point where if they had first met in high school nothing would've changed.
The relationships barely have developement either. Love had anime episodes and manga chapters dedicated to the different close friendships solving their conflicts and becoming closer. There were also many instances of seeing how close the Hakone brothers-defense club and Beppu brothers' relationships were, and even though they didn't have any conflict between themselves, they made them strong sides for the final fight. Yumoto didn't get a character arc but through the entire anime he was revealed to be strong, considerate, forgiving and mature, willing to kindly befriend the Beppu twins for his brother but not let them walk all over him; contrary to how he was presented in the first episodes, like a stereotypical magical girl protagonist. Anyway in HK there's no meaningful conflict between any of them besides Kyoutarou and Ata. Taishi and Ichiro argue constantly but don't show to genuinely like each other after all like IoRyuu or EnAtsu did. Ichiro and Maasa never make any progress to be together again, Maasa hints once at liking Taishi and nothing comes from it, and Nanao and Taiju have the most artificial friendship in the cast that I just do not understand. They just ran an ice cream shop once with again unexplained success and make sassy remarks at each other ever since. And I guess Karurusu and Furanui had a bit of developement thanks to Kyou and Ata in ep12. Idk about the aliens, this time it's like they didn't do it completely well but also not as bad as with the rest of the cast. Maybe bc they didn't appear as much as the humans in most of the episodes
I'm realizing now that a few of these complaints are related to Nanao acting weird
Idk where to put this but I'd like to point out Kinshiro's principles of halting the fight with the Battle Lovers as soon as he finds out that the s1 conflict was set up for a reality show and actively defending them from an attack because they're Binan students, despite still not having received his apology from Atsushi. Ata might've done the same if the HK finale's events had gone in the same order (travelling to Honyalaland to fight Wao, then Kyoutarou apologizing to Ata), but he doesn't feel as a character as deep as Kinshiro in that sense bc they didn't really show him to be in other ways.
Love feels more like an actual group of people while HK feels like they were filling in friendship group roles or something
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I'll be honest, q!Phil's ending is so disappointing, if he keeps it this way of him "sleeping forever." Watching q!Fitmc's ending today made me realize why I've been feeling this way. The eternal sleep thing is a fine ending for the eggs, I think, given the circumstances, but Phil's ending feels different in a worse way. Sure, people are saying he went to Hardcore, and that would be nice. But until Philza himself confirms that, right now, canonically his character is in an eternal sleep, which... look, I've had suicidal tendencies in the past, so this ending just rubbed me in the wrong way akin to how I felt about Dean's death in Supernatural. Yes, they're different enough situations, but I still wish I didn't have to compare QSMP to fucking late season Supernatural. And I really wish we had dismantled the shitty "suicide is fine here cause he's happy and he's with his family" ending and ground it to dust a long time ago. Stories that involve suicide or even end in suicide can be important and should be told, I'm not ostracizing the idea entirely, but jesus god, you've got to make it work. And no, having it where "I can't live without them, I can only be at peace if I never wake up" does not work. So to watch this happen to a character of one of my main streamers for the past several years just... sucks, to put it simply. It certainly doesn't help when people call his ending a "happy ending." Are you kidding me?
cc!Philza, your c!Phil and syndicate ending was a perfect bittersweet ending, it was the shining light in that dumpster fire. So I know you're capable of compelling, good endings that don't resort to this shitty trope. And yes, the admins leaving sucks, I understand why this happened. But man, why did it have to happen like this?
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sage-nebula · 3 months
I'm just going to say it: Mystery Files >>> Ghost Files
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blue-it-up · 2 years
I never thought we'd have to spell it out, but here we are.
Going full "bury your gays" is not the only way to be hurtful to your queer audience and avoiding it is NOT the bare minimum if you decide to represent us at all.
Making your queer character's storyline be one of only pain, and in which he has to expose his feelings but as not his own only to fix his straight friend/crush's relationship is just sickening.
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cipher-fresh · 1 year
I hate to be a doomer but I'm beginning to wonder if Paramount is considering cancelling SNW. The Paramount youtube channel putting the entire first half of SNW s2 on Youtube for free is cool for us, but alarming from a business standpoint. The writer's strike means no writing is getting done for the next season- maybe Paramount is thinking of calling it quits?
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dippyface · 8 months
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busghost · 2 years
Sorry I’ve been absent from answering questions and making lore posts. I’m burnt out on Honkai, specifically the story/writing. It’s generally not been good for a long while and the localization has been atrocious. It's also no secret that I didn't enjoy a lot of Elysian Realm which was the majority of the content for the past year. With only one more story arc left, I don’t have a lot of faith they’ll be able to pull off a satisfying ending, having to wrap up so much in so little time.
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