#but i'll be living with my aunty (dad's sister) her husband and my cousins
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littleelephanty · 2 days
Hey! I looooooooved the family story. Another family story pls? Thank you sm!
After her sons moved out, two rooms were free in her mother's sister's house. Janet didn't really know what to do after she finished school, so her parents sent her to her aunt's house by the sea to look for a holiday job. Aunty Marygold was a loving woman, her husband was odd but unremarkable. Janet loved it there and moved into her eldest cousin Noah's room. Noah was working on the other side of the country at the time and living with his girlfriend. Janet had been living there for four weeks, working in a beach bar and living the typical life of a city girl who moves to the seaside for the summer to stay with some distant relative. One night she closed the club at half past three and went home to her aunt. She unlocked the house, slipped off her shoes and scurried straight to the bathroom. She stuffed the dirty clothes into the laundry basket in the bathroom, which she had to herself anyway, as her aunt and uncle had en-suite bathrooms. As everyone was already asleep, she quickly ran naked across the corridor to her room. She didn't switch on the light, as she knew exactly where the bed was and didn't want the brightness to dispel her tiredness. So she slipped into bed and cried out when she realised that someone was already lying there. A hand was immediately pressed over her mouth and she tried to defend herself, but someone whispered in her ear: "It's Noah! Fuck! I completely forgot that Mum told me you were here! Fuck!" She stopped struggling, he switched on the night light and saw her lying completely naked in his bed. "Holy shit Janet!" She hid her body under the covers. "Don't you have any pyjamas here or anything?" "I like sleeping naked!" Janet defended herself. "Didn't you see my toothbrush in the bathroom?" Noah asked. She shook her head. She had been watching another video and hadn't paid any attention to anything else. She never did. Noah sighed. "You better not tell my parents. After all, it's you sitting naked in my bed, not me." He pointed to his pyjamas. Janet stood up, still holding the blanket in front of her body. "I'll go over and see which room has an empty bed. But what are you doing here anyway?’"Noah sighed. The last time they had seen each other was years ago. He had grown older, taller, broader shoulders. He wasn't unattractive and under different circumstances he would have been Janet's type. "My girlfriend and I broke up. Or at least we had a bad, bad argument. We just shouted at each other. I really needed to get out of there. So I got in the car and arrived here about" he glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table "two hours ago. Mum and Dad were already in bed."
Janet sighed. She was so embarrassed by it all. She awkwardly wrapped the blanket around her. "Hey, what should I cover myself with now?’"Noah asked as Janet walked to the door, wrapped in the blanket. She turned round, shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's not my problem now." It was only when she was standing in Zach's empty room, which was sparsely furnished with only the bare essentials, that she realised that all her clothes were in Noah's room and that she would probably have to sleep naked. Her uncle's computer was on Zach's desk, with the printer next to it. There was a desk chair in front of it, the bed was in the room and a wardrobe. Zach had taken everything but the furniture with him when he moved out. Janet sighed, then lay down on the bed, on which lay a simple bedspread, and fell asleep because she was really, really tired after the long shift.
Janet was woken by the light coming on. Her uncle was standing in the room. Janet sat up, the blanket slipped and she accidentally exposed her bare breasts. "Oh!" said her uncle, startled. He didn't move from the spot. Janet quickly got up, again with the blanket wrapped around her body and ran over to Noah's room to finally put some clothes on. Noah was sitting there on his bed. "Well, you night owl!" he greeted her. “Your dad just barged into Zach's room where I was sleeping!” Janet complained. Noah laughed. "Will you please go so I can put some clothes on?" Noah grinned cheekily at her and said, "I saw you completely naked yesterday. Even that cute little landing stripe on your pussy. I just need to make a quick call to my girlfriend and I'm expecting her call in two minutes. I'm not leaving here.” His cell phone rang at that moment. Of course Janet could have taken her clothes with her. But she didn't want to. He didn't deserve it any other way now. Noah answered to settle his differences with his girlfriend, but Janet wasn't going to let him get away with such inconsiderate behavior. She dropped the blanket. Noah stared at her as she began to move sexily before his eyes. He stammered a greeting over the phone. Janet smiled, this was how she wanted it. He was unsettled. She fondled her own breasts. He turned away and talked to his girlfriend, but Janet wasn't done yet, she walked around the bed into his field of vision. He wasn't shocked now though, just a little distracted. Janet had to resort to higher means to upset Noah. So she grabbed the brush from her toiletry bag on the desk, sat down on the desk chair and leaned back. Noah couldn't look away while Janet began to push the dildo inside her. This also had an effect on the phone call. His girlfriend screeched so loudly in frustration at his distracted and short answers that Janet could hear it. That's what he got for his lousy behavior! At that moment, the door opened and Aunt Marygold stood there, her mouth agape with shock. Janet hastily pulled out her brush handle and pulled herself up. “You rotten little bitch!” she exclaimed. “That's not proper! Is this how a decent girl behaves?”
Before Janet could answer, her aunt had already grabbed her and dragged her out of the room, while Noah was still trying to calm his girlfriend down and make up with her. Marygold pulled her naked niece into the living room, where she laid her across the table and began spanking her ass with the very brush that had been in Janet's pussy earlier. “You're seducing my son like a horny whore, that's absolutely audacious!” she scolded as she did so. Janet whimpered under the blunt spanks that made her ass warm. It hurt but it was bearable. After about 25 strokes, her aunt stopped beating her with the brush. “Go upstairs and put some decent clothes on!” she ordered and pushed the brush into Janet's hand. Janet quickly straightened up, the imprint of the edge of the table was visible on her stomach. She hurried upstairs. Her odd uncle met her on the stairs: “nana, someone must have a penchant for presenting themselves naked to others!” he commented. She blushed. Although she had enjoyed embarrassing Noah, it was quite different from having your uncle look at you greedily from top to bottom. In Noah's room, where all her things were still, Noah sat on the desk chair where she had been lolling and masturbating only minutes before. He looked dejected, but his face brightened when he saw his naked cousin. Janet closed the door. “Well, did mom punish you well?” he asked her. She gave him a dirty look. Then she turned around and showed him her red ass. “Oh, you were brave, you didn't cry at all. Come here,” Noah said, suddenly sounding gentle. She walked over to him and he pulled her between his legs so that she could lean on the desk. Noah stroked her bare ass. “I'm uncomfortable,” Janet said softly. “No shit! You didn't look like that when you slid your brush handle between your wet, thick labia,” Noah contradicted her. She continued to let her cousin stroke her ass. “You know I can do anything I want to you, because after that performance, mom won't believe anything you say.” Janet nodded. He was right, she had acted like a slut. “It's all good, cousin. I'm here and I'll look after you. You'll come to me tonight, completely naked of course. And then you're going to help me lighten my mood a bit, because believe me, my girlfriend is pretty pissed and I'm pretty tense. So you're going to crawl naked under my blanket and give me a really good, sloppy blowjob. And if you don't, I'm going to tell mom that you're offering yourself naked here again. You know she doesn't believe you." Janet nodded, still half propped up on the desk while her cousin fondled her arse. She straightened up and went to grab her things when he held her down and pinched her left nipple. ‘I didn't understand you. Tell me what you'd love to do tonight and ask me if that's okay with me!’ Janet was startled by her cousin's harsh tone. She knew he had her in the palm of his hand. He could make her aunt call her parents and then she would have to be ashamed of herself for the rest of her life. She would have to give up the summer here, a summer in which she had made lots of new friends, had a great job and felt like she was on holiday all the time. No, she wouldn't give that up. So she said dutifully, her eyes fixed on the wall: "Noah, I would love to come to your bed tonight and give you a blowjob. Please, please let me!" He grinned and reached for his mobile phone, which had been lying on the desk next to her the whole time and had been recording without her noticing. But he secured the recording before she could knock it out of his hand. "Be a good girl and make it a little easier on your dear cousin Noah while he gets over his girlfriend here, will you?" asked Noah in a far too sweet, ironic voice. "Then Noah will make you a nice couple of weeks at his parents' beach house, too."
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fixeddawn · 3 years
Hey! I'm probably going to send in quite a few asks so I'll use the ☀️ emoji so you know who I am if that's okay. So what about Jacob, and the rest of the wolves? How do they fit in?
"Okay so, there are three families, right? All our great grandaddies immigrated from the old country around the same time. The Blacks, the O'Cleary's and the Udy's.
My grampa, Ephraim, had my dad and my aunt Shannon. My dad married my mom, Ellen, she's native, Makah. They had me n' my sister, Rachel, and my Aunt married a Puerto Rican guy and had my cousin Lysandre.
The O'cleary's are a massive family, we got Harry, Sue, Leah and Seth, Sue is Quileute and was raised in La-Push! (Go donate please) Emily, Quinn and Eagan are Leah and Seth's cousins.
With the Udy's we got Sam and his parents. Pauls his cousin.
We all live around Pullman, and my dad owns The Rose and Thorn, a pub downtown, I've been working at it most of my life, and it became a family meeting place. The O'Cleary's own The Farm, I mean, they don't farm it, but it's a massive piece of land and we all hang out over there, we have a ton of parties and family gatherings out there.
When Eddie boy pulled the whole Martyr thing, Bella started coming to the pub more often, and I helped her find a place. It was actually my Auntie's friends old place, and it was near The Farm.
So all the wolves start turnin' and Bella's in on it cause I kinda shifted in front of her. She became part of the Pack. We got our shifting ability from the old world, all our great grandaddies were descendants of the people of Ossory.
We originally wanted the Cullens to fuck off cause you shouldn't mess with the fucking Fair Folk, but when the mama, Esme, started helping sam with organizing protections when we were trying to stop Victoria, we realized they were pretty chill. Leah and Bella became real tight, and so did Bella and I, but she eventually shut me down totally. She tried to tell me no from the start, but I was...young and dumb. ANYWAY we fought off that army or whatever, and Rosalie and her husband like, adopted one of them, and by then we all relaxed with each other. Paul and Emmett are bros now, and Ed's not so bad, a nerd, yea, but he's funny. Jasper is bros with Lysandre.
Bella and I are still buds too, even though she reeks, and they all come to the family get togethers now. Once a member of the pack, always a member of the pack, we all love her like a little sister. It's just fun she can keep up now lol."
Quinn: "Oh also Jake never imprinted on a fuckin baby, and neither did I."
Jacob: "Wait, what the fuck?"
Quinn: "Did you ever read the last book?"
Jacob: "Gimme that..."
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cognacdelights · 2 years
What is the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?
Idk if this would also count as a ghost story but anyway, I never met my Granny because she died a year before I was born but at the most random times or sometimes when I'm really stressed (also happened once when I had a panic attack at school) I'll smell her perfume. I'll get a whiff of it and my whole body will just relax, but I never met her and I've never smelled her perfume. But whenever I smell that I just know it's her, the earliest I can remember it happening was when I was three and in the hospital. My mom was in the bathroom and my dad had left to get the two of them some food I smelled her perfume, I was super scared because I feel like shit, I have all these needles stuck in my arm and I'm by myself and I just remember I immedently calmed down. I've told my parents and brother about this and they agree that it's odd but I'm comforted by the thought that she watches over me and can help me whenever no one else can. That also happenes a lot with my papa, he was my best friend and he died when I was 13. I'll smell his colonge a lot and I even have dreams about him. Like a few days after he died I had a dream where he said goodbye and that he loves me. I'm very comforted by that. My mom also had a dream about her sister when she died where she said goodbye and that she loves her.
so the weirdest thing that's happened to me is probably very similar to yours? in the sense of just something happening with a loved one
so my gma's sister never had any kids so she was always "auntie" to me and my cousins. i had such a close relationship with her like she was my favourite person in the entire world. well, i was around 7 when she died and i don't remember much about what happened at the time but i went to sleep one night and had woken up at some point during the night. my room was completely pitch black but i could sort of make out a figure that was just a bit darker than the room and then i felt myself being tucked in and then like something warm on my forehead (like a kiss). now i know for a fact this wasn't my parents bc i could hear them both snoring (and my parents weren't the type to do tucking in or anything like that). then the day after i was told that she'd died.
then, my dad's oldest brother died a while ago but every now and then we all get white feathers on our doorsteps but it happens to all of us on the same day. like my gma will get one, we will get one, all three of my aunts will get one, my uncle, and even my cousin's will get them too. it's not very often like i'd say maybe 3 times since he's died but we all get them in the same day like he's making his rounds of the family and checking in.
then, not to be like "i'm psychic" but i know when bad things are going to happen. like immediately before it happens, i just know. so like obviously earlier this week i got the phonecall about my parents being in a car accident, i woke up like a minute before my phone started ringing with the call. there's so many other instances like this but they're quite personal so i don't really wanna put them on here rn that i just know something is going to happen
also this might not be as weird but my dad's biological dad went missing when my dad was younger and everyone had thought he'd gone back to ireland, or moved to canada, some people said he was in aus too. but we got a phonecall from someone a few years ago saying he had died (and ended up about 30 mins away from us). anyways, i had never met him ever, he went missing long before my mum and dad had met. so i've had people come up to me and shout my name (like my full birth name) and ask about "john" which was his name but at the time i didn't know bc my dad never talked ab him (as far as i was concerned my gma's second husband is like my grandad). so once we got this phonecall and details about him, we had to go clear his stuff out from his flat. it was an assisted living place for the elderly and they kept calling me by my name, saying i look just like him and stuff. so turns out he knew everything about my uncle, my dad and his oldest sister (his kids)... he knew when my parents got married, he knew that they had a kid, he had PHOTOS of me from SCHOOL like the school issued photos, my birth announcement from the paper, he had my uncle's obituary, my aunt's marriage announcement, pictures of my two cousins. the only thing that was even stranger was that he had told people i was his daughter? very weird for me esp when it all kind of falls into place
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linphd · 5 years
⛄️ CHRISTMAS DAY 6 ⛄️ dad!shoto x mom!reader | family dinner
shoto todoroki x reader
female reader
Shoto and (Y/N) celebrate the Christmas Eve with the Todoroki family.
no warning
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(T1/N) is twin's name
(T2/N) is the other twin's name
(D/N) is your daughter's name
''It's auntie ! It's auntie !'' (T1/N) said, excited. ''I think there is grandma too !'' He hopped, smiling at his dad. (T1/N) had inherited Shoto's ice side, and that meant he had white hair and black eyes, and his quirk was ice. It was no surprise when (T2/N) was born with red hair and blue eyes, and his quirk was fire. Shoto thought it amusing ; how much Enji had wanted a child with both quirks, only for that child to have children inheriting only one of them each. However, he had a baby girl now, of only a few months. Her eyes were (e/c) and her hair was (h/c), being the exact replica of her mother. Maybe she would have her quirk.
When Shoto opened the door, the twins quickly jumped to their aunt and grandma's throats, hugging them. ''Don't hurt them.'' Shoto said, before closing the door. They were the first arrived, as (Y/N) and Shoto were still cooking for tonight. ''Oh, I'm gonna help !'' Fuyumi said, directly rushing to the kitchen. ''We brought the dessert.'' Rei said, before putting the said dessert in the fridge (or freezer, depends which dessert you want I guess?).
''Did you see the card ?'' (T1/N) asked. ''Yes, I saw you were all wearing Christmas hats, I put it in my living room.'' Rei said -now that Enji had tried to redeem himself, she was out of the hospital, Fuyumi living right next to her. ''Grandma ! You know what ? Yesterday, yesterday (D/N) yawned and she burped !'' (T2/N) said, giggling while telling his story. ''So you both laughed ?'' Rei asked, the twins nodding.
Then, it was Natsuo's turn to arrive. His wife and his kids were there too, making the twins really happy to see their cousins. ''Sanemi ! Come play with us !'' (T2/N) said, not even letting his cousin take off his coat first. He was 7 while they were 6, and they were really happy to have a cousin around their age. ''(Y/N) ! You don't look like you were even pregnant !'' Natsuo said, seeing her. ''Can you stop looking at my wife, you have yours.'' Shoto only said. ''(D/N) was very very small, I didn't gain that much weight.'' The woman replied, taking the compliment.
''Dad is coming right ?'' Fuyumi asked her brothers. Rei didn't mind that much ; they were ignoring each other, and they would each be sat at an extremity of the table, anyway. ''Yeah. Kinda late. I told him to.'' Shoto said. ''Shoto ! He'll still be here to light a candle to Touya, right ?'' Fuyumi asked, her eyebrows furrowed. ''Yes, of course.'' Her brother replied.
As all the adults were sat, talking -and Fuyumi playing with her niece- the kids were all playing next to them, watching TV. ''Mommyyyy ?'' (T1/N) asked, patting his mom's arm. ''What ?'' She asked, Shoto smiling at the sight ; he really loved to have a healthy family and to see that his lovely wife still loved him. And at 6, kids were actually quite funny. He wasn't fond of changing his baby, but he wasn't going to complain. ''Can we play in the snow ?'' The little boy asked, his brother and their cousins following. ''In the garden, yes.'' The woman said, before the kids cheered.
''But you're all putting on coats. And if you play with your quirks, you're very careful. And you don't hurt your cousins !'' (Y/N) said. Indeed, last time they saw Natsuo's kids, (T1/N) and (T2/N) had decided to have a quirk contest and that ended up in most of them loosing control and hurting themselves.
As Natsuo was busy telling one of his adventures, Shoto put the coats, scarfs and hats of his nephews ; Sanemi, who was 7 and Isogai, who was 4. Natsuo also had a 11 years old daughter, but she was staying at the table, sat next to her mom. ''And you put your gloves on. If you're cold, go hug (T2/N).'' Shoto said, referring to his son who had inherited his fire quirk ; thus, his body temperature was quite high. As the children were going outside, Enji was just entering -his grandchildren had opened him the door.
Everyone greeted him, even though he still felt a bit embarrassed that Rei was there. He sat at the other extremity of the table, where Fuyumi was -she was the one talking to him the most. That's why she offered him, as it was time to start eating, to go fetch the kids outside and tell them to eat. They really liked their grandfather, as their parents weren't telling them how they got raised. They didn't want them to hate him.
While everyone was eating, the kids were laughing. ''I was number 1 hero !'' Enji said, as the kids were laughing with him. ''Now you're number 67.'' One of the twin said, making all the others giggle. ''No, he's not.'' Shoto said. ''He's not even ranked.'' He continued, a smile on his face, making the kids laugh even more. Enji simply rolled his eyes. ''I'm too old.'' He muttered, a bit defeated.
There was a break between two plates, and that was the occasion for Rei and her daughters-in-law to prepare the food together, leaving siblings all together. ''How did you get your scar ?'' Sanemi asked his uncle. ''You ask that everytime you see me.'' Shoto said, actually amused. ''I do that ? Well, I forgot.'' Sanemi looked like his dad physically, but he was also quite the same mentally, which was making Shoto laugh. ''I didn't listen to my parents and I overused my quirk !'' He said, in a threatening tone.
That made (T2/N) gasp. ''Ah ! I won't overuse mine ! Or I'll burn myself too !'' He said. ''If you're careful, it's going to be okay.'' Shoto said. Enji didn't say anything. He thought that one day, the kids will have to know. But right now, they were too young for the truth.
As the dessert was served, (Y/N) asked her sons what they wanted. ''All the tastes.'' (T1/N) said. ''All of them ? How hungry are you ?!'' His mom replied, making the boy giggle. After they all chose one taste only -for the moment- they ate their part. ''So, who's lighting the candle to Touya ?'' Rei asked. ''Well, we're in Shoto's house, so Shoto ?'' Enji asked, unsure, as he turned to his son. He nodded, and went to light a candle to Touya.
When he was back on his seat, (Y/N) caressed his cheek ; she knew his backstory, she had actually started dating him in high school. He turned and smiled at her, seeing that Fuyumi was giving her back her daughter. ''She can't sleep because she feels everyone's excited.'' (Y/N) explained. ''Oh she woke up ?'' Shoto asked -he didn't even notice.
The woman nodded, and he smiled. ''Well, the kids are going to open their presents, so I think we should wait before putting her to bed again.'' He said, stroking his daughter's hair -she already had kinda a lot even at only a few months old. Suddenly, a little voice could be heard. ''Can we open our presents ?'' (T1/N) asked, unsure. Shoto giggled and nodded.
(T2/N) kissed his sister's temple as if it was thanks to her he could open his presents, and that made everyone that had noticed it around the table smile. ''Mom ! Moooom ! We've made a snowman, you will look at him, right ?'' The other twin asked. ''Sure, after you're done with your presents.'' (Y/N) replied. ''We gave him a scar like you and grandpa, dad !'' One of the twin said, making Shoto raise an eyebrow. ''How did you manage that ?'', ''You'll see !''.
        All the kids were happy with their presents. As (Y/N) and Shoto went outside to see the snowman with the scar, (T2/N) enjoyed this moment to show his grandfather his quirk. ''Look ! My fire is stronger now ! Just like yours !'' He said, showing off. ''You'll need some time to be as strong as me ! But you're a strong little boy !'' He said, ruffling his hair.
           Shoto was just back from his garden when he heard that. He looked at Enji, and smiled a bit that he had congratulated his grandchild. Maybe he was really having a redemption. ''Do you want to carry (D/N) ?'' He asked, and Enji agreed. Seeing the scene in front of her, (Y/N) cupped her husband's cheek. ''It's nice, Shoto.'' She whispered, making the man smile at her. He really couldn't believe he finally had a healthy and loving family.
aaaand this one is my fav Christmas Day so far ! so I’m tagging @mhastories cause she wanted to know 🥰🥰
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iamknicole · 5 years
What's Done In The Dark
Bloodline Family Series
Summer looked around the neighborhood, observing it momentarily before walking up the long driveway. She stood on the porch wiping her hands on her pants a few times before ringing the doorbell.
The door opened and Teddy smiled wide at the woman on his porch. She smiled back and opened the screen door and stepped inside laughing when her cousin hugged her.
"What you doin here, Summer?" He asked smiling.
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"I um had a break from school figured I'd drive over and see you guys. Is um ... are your parents here?" She asked softly.
He nodded a little. "I'll get em. You aight?"
"Yeah, I just need to talk to them."
Teddy nodded and directed her to their living room then tan upstairs to his parents room. When he opened their door he found his father sitting at the foot of their bed watching television and his mother sitting with her back against the headboard.
'Theodore, I didn't hear you knock."
He sucked his teeth, "Summer downstairs. She came to see yall."
Richard smiled and stood up. "Is she? That was nice of her."
"Its rude to just show up at someone's home without calling first."
Richard shook his head at his wife then pulled her up from the bed. She started to protect but gave up because she knew he wouldn't let her stay upstairs. Teddy followed behind them.
"What's going on, Summer?" Richard asked after hugging her.
"Nothing much. Had a break from school and decided to come see you guys. Hey, Queenie."
Queenie hugged her and sat down on the smaller sofa beside her husband. Teddy sat beside Summer on the larger sofa.
"So what's been going on? You're getting ready to graduate aren't you?"
"Yup, I am. In may."
"Isn't that great, Queenie? Medical school after?"
Summer nodded, "Yeah, I've already got acceptance letter."
Queenie gave a small smile.
"So what brought you here? You go to school an hour away Nd we never see you," Richard joked.
Summer played with her fingers for a moment then went into her purse and pulled out a few papers from her purse.
"Umm ... my last project for genetics was to research genetics and DNA companies and compare them to our family tree. We had to write a fifteen page paper on our findings and research and what not."
"I think that's enough, Summer. We were really busy."
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"Chill, Ma. Let her finish," Teddy complained.
Richard put his hand on his wife's knee, "Give her a lil time. Go head, Summer."
Summer unfolded the papers, "Um I did mine on ancestry.com. When I got my results and started to compare them to the family tree and information my mom had give me."
"Auntie Pearl is always on point. She tells the best stories," Teddy added.
Queenie started to fidget uncomfortably and her leg bounced until Richard put his hand back on it to stop her.
Summer nodded, "Yeah, she does but this time it was different, they weren't. When I got to my mom and dad something was wrong."
Queenie shook her head, "Summer it's time to go."
Richard frowned, "Queenie, stop being rude. Go head, Summer."
"Umm, Pearl and Donald aren't my parents according to my results."
Teddy frowned reaching for the papers she held, "What? You was adopted or somethin?"
Teddy focused on the papers in his hands while they continued to talk.
"Did it tell you who your parents are then? I'm sure there was a good reason she never told you." Richard reasoned.
Summer played with her nails, "Yeah, it told me who my mom is. It told me almost everything. I also did more research just to make sure it was correct and it was."
Queenie stood up, "That's it. Get out, Summer. We do not wanna hear this."
Richard stood along with her, "That is enough. Let this girl talk, damn. I'm so sorry, Summer. You were about to tell is who your mother is."
Teddy stood up, anger written all over his face. He threw the papers at his mama.
"You're her mama! You! Its you! She's my sister not my cousin! My sister!"
"Wait ... wait ... Teddy calm down." Richard stressed. "Summer, is that true?"
"Its true! It's on them damn papers!" Teddy yelled.
Summer stood slowly, her eyes had glossed over. It took a lot to come to their house and she was going to get it all out.
"He's right, the papers are right. Spring Washington formerly Spring King is my mother. Father is unknown," She recited calmly, "You were fifteen when you got pregnant and sixteen when you had me. And as soon as you had me you gave me to our Aunt Pearl and our Uncle Donald. They took me to Mississippi and raised me as their own."
Tears pooled in Queenie's eyes feeling three sets of questioning eyes on her. "That's not true."
"Yes it is!" Summer yelled. "You gave me up. That's why you never wanted to come visit when everyone else did. You didn't want to see me."
Richard stared at his wife and Summer. He was speechless.
"We just all need to sit down and talk. Let's just sit."
Summer shook her head, "No, I just wanted to come and see if you would admit it to me. And you didn't. It's fine, they gave me a better life than you ever could. I'm leaving."
Summer stormed out of the house leaving the family in disarray.
"You act like you so much better than everybody else but you worse than everybody!"
Queenie's lips started to quiver and tears fell. Her world was crumbling around her and she couldn't do anything about it.
"Teddy, that's enough! She's still your mother, have respect."
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"Fuck that! She dog people out for less and this is the shit that she hidin? I dont respect shit she got to say! I'm out man!"
Teddy turned to walk out when his father called out to him making him stop momentarily without turning around.
"Do not leave this house, Teddy. I'm serious."
Teddy scoffed continuing on out of the house. He didn't want to hear anything Queenie had to say or look at her. He pulled out of their driveway and sped out of the neighborhood.
Queenie cried softly staring at her husband, "I'm sorry, Richard. I'm so sorry. I thought no one would find out. I'm sorry."
"Is Summer your daughter? Yes or no?"
"Yes, she is."
"Were you attacked or something? If you were, then baby that's fine. No need to be crying."
Queenie shook her head wiping her eyes, "I wasn't. I was just young and stupid."
"You were fifteen when you got pregnant?" He asked softly.
Queenie knew he was putting things together in his head. She could only nod.
"You and I were together then. And then I remember you went to visit family for a few months. You were pregnant?"
Queenie nodded.
"So you were sleeping around like everybody in school said you were? Who dies Summer belong to? Cause she's not mine," Richard said, "Cause me and you didn't have sex until senior prom."
Queenie shook her head, "I dont know, I dont know."
Richard stared at her for a moment. Before making the same exit his son had. This was too much to take in or him, he needed time. Queenie fell to the floor and let out a scream as tears fell from her eyes.
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I don't feel so alone anymore
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That's why I love Reddit. People say exactly how they feel and what they think. Good and bad. Unfiltered. And there's no real judgement cause you can be anonymous and just speak out.
Honestly if I had the option to grow a dick, I don't think I would want it as like a daytime thing. I would only want it to come out for my partner. And yea maybe sometimes during the day at work when I get horny. But I honestly would not get that phalloplasty surgery, I like my vagina too....except the weird cravings, horny jerks, and stomach sensitivities.
But I feel selfish doing that because I know my mom and dad would definitely disapprove, and how the fuck are you supposed to have kids naturally without disappointing your parents....
I overthink too much. -_-
I dont even know who I'm supposed to marry...guy or a girl.
Plus I would miss my vagina orgasms....so no, I need both.
Maybe just the bigger clit would be better, because once you commit to something like that (and yes I have a hard committing to long term shit, if I don't see me being satisfied in the end after a year or so. I always calculate my heart and my mind if if could cause potential damage to my mental health, anxiety, and self esteem before I do something.)
Its already tight for me to wear skinny jeans and thongs and panties with a large labia, if my shit had a dick too....I would be fucking pissed and just wear skirts, shorts and shit all the time.
I can't cut my pussy off, I need her. And I love my boobies....wish they were smaller sometimes....but I would miss my boobies.
Maybe some things are better for me to imagine living with than to commit to them till I'm like 35 and my husband hates dicks. Im afraid that i'll miss out on love, truth to be told.
Cause I wouldn't feel comfortable if my own mother had a dragon tail....I grew up in a traditional family with generations of gender roles being structured. You stuck to the assigned role that God gave you, and any loopholes you did or thought about doing you kept private amongst yourselves...awaaayyy from family dinners.....and further than planets away from telling your family members about what you truly think or tell.
And you better not embarrass Momma or Daddy about what your real feelings about them or what you thought a family should be for you. Its like my safest bet at satisfying my LGBT Card and receiving love, care, support, and attention for me and my future baby...is if he, she, or they was a transman....or selfishly so, a bisexual woman who looked like a man but was passing as both.....and then there's the lamest option....dating some guy who doesn't know if he's queer or trans or just bisexual...but I knew it before feelings got involved...and then experimented/dated other people without my parents and not so supportive family members.
Or I could just wait for the right moment to come out to my dad who I am afraid of disobeying and upsetting and disappointing choice because he's the last person I can respect and rely on for moral guidance, and emotionally support. And if he rejected me, I wouldn't feel safe to even exist because that's how much I love my father and even my mother.
Because she's so in power and in structure of the house, if she felt obligated to exclude me, banish me or exile me for the rest of my life.... there goes my dad and I would never forgive them or feel safe enough to reach out because my pride could never take another hit like that, like the way I saw my mother and father after that fight with mom, and then we went right back to normal after I agreed to come home again and squash it.
To forgive her was submission, because I still need my mom too.
They're the only ones who still keep me going and I can't rely on nobody else. It's rough out there and I got hurt too many times to just be homeless inside my heart without a family.
And not just any family. My family.
My family has roots, it has trees, we got history on history inside of our house, my cousins, my aunties, my sisters...I would miss them all.
And all of them worship God, Jesus, Christianity. To walk away from what I grew up on, the people who've guided to keep making the right decisions, the people who believed in me, helped paid for my field trips, took care of me while my mom and dad was out of town and I was far away from home...
I wouldn't know who I am today without family and they all still see me as the little one, the little version of my mom and my dad.
But that's who I am. I'm a mix of both of them. And if nonbinary fits more, I don't want to change my gender. I'm proud to say I'm a woman, and yes I like to wear men's clothes, so I say androgynous or tomboy because when I make love to somebody I care about what they think of me and I want them to love all of me as the beautiful woman that I am, costumes and all. Quirks and bits and pieces.
It would be a big deal to see Christian Kylee, goody two shoes, loyal, responsible, sweet, and kind, big sister to 3 lil sisters who think like their dad and then me, the one who always checks to make sure my sisters are okay if mom and dad step out of line on correcting their children or get so mad at them that they don't care about how bad it hurts to make them feel like they wanna be adopted or get rejected.
The reason why I stay me is for them, cause I would hate for my sisters to see the one they look up to and hang out with when mom and dad isn't around as a gay punk, a sellout, a failure, who can't make enough for themselves, who can't get a decent guy to marry them and have kids with, because that's the tone and the bar my mom set for me.
Make over 40k a year, get a better life, a better job, a better car (s), be able to afford life insurance, buy a huge house for me, and take care of them when they get older.
I have to learn how live for myself, and see who I am without my family. Cause I don't know what God has planned for me. And so far, every single one of my dreams that I've always had since I was little keeps getting crushed and I don't know what I want, but can have and how many no's its gonna have to take for me to catch a grip and understand that: everything is not given to you, no matter how hard you work for it. Everything doesn't matter to everyone, including to your own friends and family. You don't get to choose your husband, your wife, or your kids or even if you'll be allowed to have them. You don't even get to choose to die or how long you'll live for.
Its as if God is opening me out into this dark valley and I don't know if I should go upstairs or not. It seems like the more you work, the dimmer the light gets for so many people. Because now the adult world is saying: forget joy, you have to let go. Pay your bills 1st, your car 1st, your house 1st. You and food, shopping, clothes, and matchmaking....won't even matter towards the end.
People just settle for what they can get at the cheapest price and the fastest time. The greater the quality a company has, an employee has, a person has.....they'll always try to find a way to fix you into their schedule or their life if it means fixing you to be able to afford the life that you want through them.
And right now I see multiple options, multiple choices. I feel like time is the right answer.
I have to wait to meet the right person, wait for the right husband or partner (cause idk if i'll change my mind on dating women and gay people later on in life by the time I hope to be married; 35).
I got 10 years to either ruin my life on drugs, alcohol, hookup culture, and emotionless, abusive love....or I can change who I am now and say fuck the culture. I know who I am and I'm not gonna let the world scare me. People want you to bow down to them and do what they say and do. But because I start to adapt and become like men. I see myself as them.
So you know what, I'm not finna do like men in a warehouse job and not feel pretty, not feel in love, and not be safe when I go home.
Im buying me a taser, some made or something, cause Pontiac look jacked and ready to whack. Im gonna buy me a studio and get me a 2nd job working online, cause hell nah fuck retail. I left BigLots for a good damn reason. And most of they shifts is so damn toxic with people forcing you to smile and say shit you ain't gotta say to please nobody. Especially when customers cut you off anyway, so nope fuck it.
And I gotta start exercising and eating right cause I don't wanna be fat for the rest of my life and I sure aint going down without a fight. Imma learn me some kickboxing or karate. Cause hell nah, I ain't for that date rape shit and I already know how to spot suspects who be moving too fast on you and think you should just people please, get to know them after work, just so they can have you come over and do something to you. Hell yea, I know the type. And y'all crazy asses just met me.
Thats why I dont fuck with men the same way like I used to, can't be nice to everyone cause then trouble come and expect you to say nice things to them no matter what. And I ain't nobody's bitch.
Life is another bitch I need to wrestle with, cause this is some frustrating shit. I need to save up to move the hell out of michigan. It should not be a fucking struggle bus this long to where everybody I know, even at the warehouse has 2 jobs and they can't afford rent or just affording that and their savings accounts is low. And then student loans finna chasing my as pretty soon, especially when I file taxes.
I aint stupid and loyalty and respect is a gift not granted to many because of the way people operate today. They want you to do better than them to respect you, and if you not they lookin at you crazy like why ain't yo shit together?
And then there's corporate, they act like you ain't got shit worth for even a fucking interview if you ain't got exactly all of the qualifications they're looking for and if you don't fit exactly "fit the look" they are looking for, for them to even pass you as office credit worthy.
Its despicable how much office people look down at you just because you got a 401k and ready to retire, and really aint working hard physically, your operating mostly to see if somebody can fit in with the rest of your company and crazy ass, stuckup, judgmental people who obey you, comply to your rules on behavior and don't say a thing about racial discrimination in the workplace or how much your ego gets knocked when you see an educated black man or a younger black woman come to your business asking for just 10 minutes.
I'm smarter enough to know why they ask for linkedin and recommendations. And my fucked up bosses from Biglots and Barnes& Noble (who kept letting people go after she didn't need them no more, then calling them back again for help the next year. She fake af and dont care.)
And my first job ever, their store closed right after graduation. So my success of six years of customer service and side hustle look like it ain't worth shit to nobody but retail. And corporate and college don't wanna talk to you if you haven't been taught corporate and/or office management or positions. And there's age discrimination too.
Its just fucked up how picky these bitches are and I really thought my ass was finna be making salty money in an office right now, just because I had a college degree. I need to move, ASAP Rocky.
Cause if I get let go again, I'm out of a job and where do I go?
I need a city, a life, with multiple options and multiple streams of income so I can start saving to even rebuild a house or build it from the ground up. I got an airbnb tiny home with themed decor that I wanna do. I want to rent a beach house out and a lake cabin. I want to take care of other people's pets on like a daycare or night stay cation for other people's families. And I wanna plan to lose weight so I can start performing. I want to stop sharing my songs on soundcloud and premiere my music videos on youtube. But I gotta go back to school to learn some editing, sound composition, producing, and music mastering so I get nobody fucking up my shit in the studio. Im a fucking perfectionist and I want my shit played the fuck out to where I know what's the tempo, the problem if something goes bad, cause its my voice and I don't want trash.
I don't want nobody's hands, nobody's lyrics, nobody's disrespectful ass shit about women, money, and God on my tracks.
I need to make my own studio, like in a garage, or a warehouse and where I can control who hears it and how it sounds. And even have a performance hall for people to rent and buy their studio session time. Shit even have some performance tracks recorded and played at the same time. I need to know business management.
And therapy. I said I wanted to help other kids learn how to cope with their anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and depression like I did by myself without help from a psychologist the first time I caught it.
I want to teach art and music to other people so they can play for themselves, work for themselves, and even get started on building themselves as artists. But I got to learn how to get over my own issues 1st before I can ever help somebody else with their own problems if I'm too worried about mine.
Im struggling as is with this job, but I know this only till I'm able to afford a car so I can leave and go somewhere else. Cause michigan does not have enough steady income jobs for people. Even my own aunty works factory and she has 3 kids to worry about and my other aunt does office work somewhere but she been hopping too. The only reason my Dad had anything stable was from driving long hours to work at Auto Factory and now he's at another Auto factory. It's auto, transportation, retail, and machine work that makes money in Michigan.
Not the arts, teaching, therapy/counseling, and not even ministry either.
I felt the need to help volunteer at a church as well. Cause i know what it feels like to have nobody and churches up north do not accept if you gay and hiding it makes it worse because they question you the whole time about it, talk shit about you behind your back and treat you funny if they do accept you as a christian woman at a black church who wears men's clothes all the time..If I was to do that there. They watch you like a hawk because you represent them wherever they go and your face is seen at another church. They like voting polls. Some churches I've seen are so bad, they don't really know how to talk to you like a normal person if you're assumed gay or just black...if you went to a white church....like how do I talk to her, hmmm I don't just understand you guys sometimes...Ummmm Hey Tyrone, can you talk to her so she doesn't leave and we can get her hooked up on how to save her life for jesus and stop having pregnant babies?
Like, shut it, I know you guys look us up online and assume black people really don't know how to stop being rude, and ratchet, and not to control their urges for lust so they just keep having babies on babies, but then ask Maury for a free babysitter and DNA test.
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