#but id pick declan LOL
swaggypsyduck · 1 year
i did a small survey at uni today and showed mason mout and declan rice to 2 different groups of women (ages 19-22). both groups are women in stem. anyways my current findings are:
10/20 voted mason mount: of those 8.5/10 were white canadian, 1.5/10 were chinese
8/20 voted declan rice: 8/8 were women of colour; 4 arabs (2 yemeni, 1 syrian, and 1 palestinian), 1 korean, and 2 black women (both from somalia)
2/20 made their own box and voted "girl bffr where is the melanin": 2/2 were black women (1 rawandan and 1 camaroonian)
19/20 were born and raised in canada. 1/20 was born and raised in the uk (the syrian woman)
the photos i used are as followed:
mason mount:
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declan rice:
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
Hi CJ, it's Monday, and I remembered there was something like Meet and Greet Monday back in the day when asks were sent to be answered in-character. Don't worry, I go a different route. lol If I walked a busy place in a big city in your setting, which character of yours am I most likely to meet? How would I meet them, and how would they react?
Good Morning, Jess!
I'm going to answer for each of my WIP's because I'm just in that mood today :) And...I love this idea!!
@theimperiumchronicles -
Most likely Mithos or Thinius since they are head of Abriella's legion. They would be working and making sure that there was order. They know pretty much after so many centuries who belongs and who doesn't, so they might ask if you need help or are enjoying your visit. They would be friendly but professional. Thinius is more friendly than Mithos is.
@bendingthelaws -
You'd probably run into either Karsten, Declan, or Keegan. As cops and a firefighter, they are often found on the streets while doing their jobs. They interact with the public for a variety of reasons. As long as you're not breaking the law, or setting fires, they are all three very friendly and laid back men.
@bombsbodyguardsbroken -
If visiting the great state of Lousisana and visiting a museum you'd be most likely to run into Melania herself. She is on the board or a scholar emeritus at every historical museum in the state. She will often be in one to give a lecture, help curate a collection, or lend advice to a curator regarding an artifact or exhibition. She is very outgoing and friendly, loving to engage the public when they are interested in archaeology or history in general.
@magical-mistakes-vm -
You would most likely run into Vollrath if you were in his territory. He likes to meet visitors personally to ascertain whether they are of any threat to either himself or his Coven. While his interactions with Mahala have been unique in that there is some softness and seeming affection between them already, that is not the normal. A brick wall is how he is often described, and extremely intimidating. You'll probably want to get away from him as quickly as possible. He'll seek you out, although you'll most likely wish he didn't.
@princess-of-thieves-id -
Since both Inara and Diyan are in hiding from their respective parents and kingdoms, Arik is the one you are most likely to meet in a market picking something up for one of the others. While he looks intimidating being, tall, dark, handsome, and deadly, he is quite friendly. As long as you don't mention the Prince or the Princess, you'll be fine. Mention either of those, and you get to visit a real life pirate ship...as a prisoner.
@the-andromeda-effect -
More than likely you won't meet Riona or Caliban on the streets of the city where they live, and for good reason. Riona is "dead" so she cannot be seen around those who might recognize her, and Caliban tends to avoid groups of people who might know him. Instead you would meet his attorney and best friend, Theron. He's all business, but if you catch him in a good mood, the man does have a wicked sense of humor. He's also a gentleman, so he will be holding the door for you.
@tapperhet-em -
Princess Meeri has a price on her head, so she is in hiding, which leaves her knight, Einar. Like Arik, he will most likely be picking up something for her in a shop. He would do anything for Meeri, including purchasing any items she needs, however if those items are of a feminine nature he is going to do so as discreetly and fast as possible. If they are intimate garments, he is not going to want anyone else to see them, he's rather possessive/jealous that way. So, if you bump into him, it doesn't matter what gender you are, he's going to be flustered and try to hide them. Don't laugh, be sweet, and feel a little empathy for the poor man.
@devil-in-the-details-ay -
You will probably run into Yara and Astaroth together. TOGETHER is now their key word and they do a lot that way. After what happens when they go to fulfill Lucifer's contract, Astaroth doesn't leave her alone much when there is a chance her father's employees could show up. He likes to take her out to dinner especially, she is a foodie. So you'd probably run into them waiting to be seated at a restaurant. You will get the best food recommendations from the couple. They will be friendly and Yara will blush a log at Astaroth's attentions, he assumes everyone works for Lucifer so he likes to show that he does not hate Yara the way her father does. It's cute. If you get along with Yara, you may be invited to dine with them and have dinner paid for, along with getting a few extra years added to your life.
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handfulofsighs · 7 years
i was tagged by @tireless-mess and @hippostitches​ (thanks yo) sorry i didn't do this sooner i was busy doing summer things and wasn't on here a lot anyway here’s some facts about me!

rules: answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better
name: cassandra nickname: cassie, cass, anything that starts with c with some people eg. caramelhead, cactus, chamomile zodiac sign: aquarius hogwarts house: gryffindor from potter more but I've always thought id be in ravenclaw height: 5′2, 5′3 idk sexual orientation: not really sure, definitely some level of gay just not sure how gay  ethnicity: pretty white, half brazilian  favorite fruit: plum or fig  favourite season: idk maybe spring but i have pros and cons for each so idk favourite book series: hoooo boy there is no way i can pick an actual fave here it would either be hunger games or harry potter (or lotr or kane chron pjo or tmr) favourite fictional character: ??? i cant just pick a favorite person out of millions of universes but i guess i could say captain jack sparrow  favourite flower: marigolds  favourite scents: coffee but also this really sweet perfume that always makes me think of slow relaxed pretty days when i was traveling in europe favourite colour: dont have a fave color cuz what i like in colors is how they contrast and stuff but i guess id say red rn  favourite animal: my dog favourite artist/band: oh god this is gonna be a fat paragraph.. hiatus kaiyote, the beatles, declan mckenna, hippo campus, spoon, little joy, fleet foxes, tame impala, frank ocean, cage the elephant, chance the rapper, kendrick, the 1975, dr dog, those emo bands (u know them), grizzly bear, half moon run, the strokes, the devil makes three, lorde, los hermanos, seu jorge, david bowie, pink floyd, tom waits, leon bridges, corrine daily rae, arcade fire, mj, king gizzard & the lizard wizard, probably a lot more did i already say arctic monkeys? red hot chili peppers? KEVIN ABSTRACT I FORGOT  coffee, tea or hot chocolate? coffee average # of hours of sleep: 8ish number of blankets: 1 comforter but sometimes none dream trip: all over the entire world sometimes in flats in cities and sometimes backpacking cross country, lots of time in india and belgium and new zealand last thing i googled: alexa chung and pete wentz cuz i was very confused and had mixed up alex turner and pete blog created: i think last summer? maybe last fall? how many blogs do i follow: 487 yeahhh i need to unfollow some shit blogs number of followers:  like 50 pls help me?  what i usually post about: literally anything but theres a fair amount of hippo do i get asks regularly: nope
tags: not gonna tag 20 cuz i have so few followers lol (sorry if i tag u and u’ve already done this, feel free to pass ofc)
@toetedeineidole                 @laurenthemermaid               @hippocampussouth      @sunlight-veins       @opportunisticc        @suicidesaturdaze       @spocampus 
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boyishs · 6 years
tagged by @hipp0campus​ !
status: single
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
last song:  i think it was by declan mckenna
last movie: i’m about to pick out a movie 2 watch now... most likely the ides of march or ingrid goes west..
top 3 shows: parks and rec, stranger things, superstore?(it’s the only one i follow on tv)
ships: i guess all the couples from parks and rec lol
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