#but idk how my classmate relayed it to her so
sanmyshunoer · 2 years
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Teen-A-Day challenge is coming to an end and what’s more fitting than sharing my fav teens! A big BIG thank u to @dizzywhims for creating this beautiful challage that made us all move and be creative and inspire people like me to start sharing their creations !
For this challenge i decided to creat the sims that i would love to play the most and mean something to me from my own high school experience and of course the once that i felt most inspired to make.
Starting of with Nattie the cheer captain a staple in every hs movie I’ve seen. Originally I was concidering making the cheer captain a boy but when Nattie was randomized I fell for her and immedietly saw her as the cheer captain. I didn’t really want to go for the typical mean girl but rather an over achiever who doesn’t necessarily wish for power and bullies classmates, but one who likes order and taking responsibilities. She gives earth sign energy definetly a virgo and we appreciate her.She has a crush on Nick and I definetly can’t wait to play with their dynamic.
For Josh i didn’t want to take the usual route of a nerdy guy or the tylorswiftyoubelongwithme type of girl and seeing Josh i decided to creat a guy who just loves music, is lead back and there for the vibes. Josh is quite and somehow the calm force of the class..-I imagined him sitting in the back of the class near a window and beeing really into social classes-. Strong aquarius energy and i adore him. Love his pairing with Ellie and so excited to play with them!
Next is Nate the insider, he is definitely one of the popular guys in school knows everyone and everyone want to know him..a certificated social butterfly. Very charming and giving.He helps everyone and knows how to talk to people. Every girl fancies him -cause he flirts with literally everything that breaths- but he only has eyes for Pete. The official party thrower and school event organiser, he sure know how to have fun and create a pleasant atmosphere. A libra obviously, -i will be throwing parties with him left and right SO excited-.
Mark is definetly my favourite and Idk what to say..he is inspired by Ryan from HSM especially his fashion. The defenition of a theater kid, a perfectionist. -The type to create an extravagant school play with a broadway budget and give himself all the important roles for the play - the type to say they don’t like something and secratly love it - the one to say no and immedietly does what you asked....agh i love him. With the most extra reactions and amazing humor, he screams leo energy and in this account we appreciate his cockiness.
Then there’s Jade who is absolutely stunning. She has a girl band called Scream Queens and is the basist. She skips classes a lot and goes on roadtrips to perform with her band and spends most of her time writting songs and just chilling it the basement.She know how to have fun and is bfs with Nate -who is somewhat of their manager and closes deals in bars for them-. Lot’s and lot’s of fire energy from this queen an aries, love her relationship with Lola muah
Now Lola, I am so happy with how she turned out, love her looks and will probably change her hair all the time. She is the type to not care about school -but only have a soft spot for a specific teacher and be good in their class only-. She is one of the few in the friend group that drives and has a car, so she drives the Scream Queens around all the time and helps Nate with his party preparations carring everything wherever. A comedian and bfs with Ellie obv. Pisces all the way for our soft girl.
Our skater boy Pete. Pete gives out such confort for some reason and i love it. He is in the basketball team and loves sports in general he is very active in school and very pleasent to be around. -He isn’t necessersaly loud or an extrovert but he loves being around his frineds and has a really calm and fun personality, definently a person you can relay on.- He is really privete and loves fashion, hence his fun and colourful buzzcuts. He and Nate are so wholesome an earth capricorn king.
Last but not least Ellie. I had so mush fun creating her cause i usually don’t create sims with her style and bubbl-iness. -You can feel her energy through her outfits and i really love that about her-. She is very outgoing and everyone in class loves her, she has everyone’s back and knows how to get out of tricky situations. She is almost in every school club and volunteers at the local pet shelter. Together with Lola they create chaos in class and make everyone’s day more fun except Nattie’s..she preferes to keep the tones down.oh the drama these 3 will have.Her and Josh are so fitting i love my gimini comedian.
So yeah if you actually made it here thank you so much for getting to know my new favourite sims, i hope you like them and that you’ll enjoy your new gameplay!
i am really tempted on playing with them and create posts for them it would be really intresting
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shimzus · 2 years
♡ this is me lending you all my muses for anything on your wishlist really if any of them can be of use
i’m putting these under a read more because i tried to write something for almost everyone and it went out of control.
yamaguchi :
them both being on the school culture festival planning committee OR ending up as the driving force for the volleyball club’s event during the culture festival. either they have to plan for the entire school ( which means they’re running around a lot checking things ) or they’re organizing some sort of food booth/performance ( i.e. making everyone dance shintakarajima by sakanaction ) that the team will have for the festival.
ushijima :
imagine this situation : ushijima ( who already has an offer to go pro after graduation ) and kiyoko ( who decided not to take university entrance exams ), having to spend the last 2 months of high school occupying themselves with non-academic pursuits. because unlike their classmates who get to stay home from school to study for exams, they’re not going to university and they’ll get bored at home all day. they both start volunteering and end up on the same site to plant trees, and ushijima bestows his botanical wisdom on miss kiyoko who doesn't know how deep a 1.5 foot hole for a sapling is supposed to be... or they’re on duty picking up trash and end up somehow or another developing a relay system that helps them finish way faster/more effectively than everyone else. because efficiency. also the volunteer group that they work with is mostly old ladies and they get showered with compliments for being such upstanding young people ... and they just stare blankly in response because “isn’t this normal?”
konoha : 
kiyoko doesn’t have any relatives in tokyo but imagine that she did ( i.e. her older brother decides to go to university there instead of tohoku ), and for a summer she comes down to visit. she ends up befriending konoha through something or other ( what do teenagers do idk ) and while her brother is at school/work she hangs out with konoha and tackles the big city. 
iwaizumi : 
iwaizumi and kiyoko in high school attending the same series of classes in sendai at a community center. something like nutrition or first aid ( i like first aid because if they get certified in it, they can celebrate their graduation from the program together ) ... and later, oikawa DEMANDING to be added to the class last minute when he finds out kiyoko is there because he wants to talk to her ( i think it would be funny if he actually managed to talk himself into being admitted 3 classes in ). them having a really nice professional relationship helping each other learn and study, and texting each other with questions ( at first ), but later jokes ( i.e. if it’s a nutrition course, kiyoko sends iwaizumi a picture of  her favorite snack’s nutrition label and types out ‘it’s going to kill me.’ since it’s high in sodium or smth ) and whatnot. 
leon :
literally any situation where kiyoko helps him cook for his daughter. kiyoko saying ‘no i don’t want kids i have a bird’ but then she’s making little octopi out of sausages and secretively feeding them to his daughter when he doesn’t notice. maybe kiyoko considering kids with tanaka and she asks leon if she can babysit his daughter just to see if parenting is manageable ... proceeds to become really good friends with his daughter. don’t ask me how leon and she get to this level of friendship where he’ll let her babysit his kid because idk. 
bokuto : 
you have to stay with me for this one because it’s got a lot of backstory. kiyoko is really good at her sports supply store job in miyagi, so she ends up being promoted quickly. she’s put in charge of restocking and inventory, so she has a lot of phone calls with sales representatives from sports equipment suppliers. one of them notes how efficient she is every time she calls and mentions that she should consider applying for a job at their company instead. and kiyoko does apply, gets the job, and ends up working in the sales department as a promotions officer. and in this role, she helps organize sponsorships and merchandise advertising, and somehow uses her connections to get bokuto , mister ultra pro volleyball player , to be a sponsor/model for their products. but she has to work with him extra hard so that he won’t accidentally spoil new product releases by posting pictures online or stuff ( i feel like he’s a tom holland of spoiling or smth ... she’s so suspicious of him ). and yeah.
atsumu :
( see above )
kuroo :
in an alternative situation to ( see above ), kuroo hiring kiyoko to act as an actress/model for the japan volleyball association. i have no idea how this would come about , but she’s so pretty and she could easily play a spokesperson or model to promote volleyball in magazines/online ads. i think it could be an interesting au if kiyoko also worked for the japan volleyball association, although maybe not in the same department as kuroo—— like if she worked with sales or venues instead of promotions ( because socializing is hard and she needs a clear goal in work )—— but they know each other and they become work pals.
goshiki :
do you think it would be weird if they somehow had a childhood/neighborhood friends relationship? goshiki and kiyoko growing up in the same neighborhood area, her older brother being friends with goshiki’s sister and ending up as the babysitter of the group. but although her brother likes the goshiki children, kiyoko doesn’t really think much of them tagging along. she doesn’t see goshiki like a younger brother or a friend ... just kind of something that sticks and tags along. she doesn’t hate him, but she never starts any conversation with him, and she always gives him plain one-word answers. her inevitably confusing him because she’s polite but she’s not ... nice ... but she’s not mean either ... and it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking ...
ozu :
i just think it’d be neat if there was a niiyama kiyoko au and she played volleyball :)
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depressed-cowboah · 3 years
So I had a sudden burst of insanity and came up with a fantastic muppets AU on the spot, and proceeded to frantically text my buddy the details… thought I’d share his Reddit iteration of it with the hellscape we call home… go give my fren u/Mysterious_Moose854 on Reddit some love, idk how he made sense of my spamming tbh
Muppets/Sesame Street AU: Kermit & Piggy's Power Struggle
This is a crazy theory/world that my classmate came up with while we were dissecting frogs. So uh.... yeah... have fun with it theorists. Keep in mind, she only thought of this in the span of like 90 minutes, so there are a lot of holes and stuff. But I thought it would be fun to post this here and see what fellow Game/Film Theorists (and maybe even MatPat himself) think about this wacky story. Feel free to continue or elaborate on this story, I would love to see where this world goes.
Once upon a time, Kermit and co. lived in an apartment together because they were super goddamn broke. Kermit decided to go get some drinks for the gang, and on the way met a pig named Miss Piggy. They talked for a bit, and eventually got married and had two kids: Beaker (yes that one) and Edward (random name she chose). However they soon break up after Piggy reveals that she cheated on Kermit with a much richer man. Kermit, heartbroken, went to Safeway to get some depression pop tarts, where he meets Sid, aka Cookie Monster. They get to talking, and it turns out Cookie also went through a breakup, and realized they were both doomed because they lost their tax benefits. So, they got married for financial stability. Eventually, they discover a trashrat living in a trash can name Oscar (yes that one), and choose to adopt him seeing as he is very low maintenance.
Many years later, Kermit was browsing tumblr and saw some memes about how Piggy is going to destroy the world with her capitalist schemes (in this world Piggy is basically the Jeff Bezos of Muppets). So, Kermit and Cookie decided to start a movement to stop Piggy. Kermit did some digging, and discovered that Piggy was evicting trashrats from their homes and extracting the liquid gold inside of them. Kermit rushes home, only to find Cookie flipping out because Oscar was kidnapped by Piggy. They then officially start the #SaveTheTrashrats movement.
They go to the cops to report the stolen pet, but it turns out that Piggy's rich new husband PAID OFF the cops! So Kermit and Cookie decide to take it into their own hands, and they started wrecking trashrat liquid gold convoys. They start putting many major dents in Piggy's master plan, so Piggy goes to her husband, who is Elmo (don't worry in this AU Elmo is 43 years old so it is legal). Elmo then hires world-renowned hitman Fozzie Bear to murder Cookie Monster, and then drug Kermit and leave him in the pool of Cookie Monster's blood, framing him for the murder of his husband. Kermit is then arrested and found guilty of murder.
We then switch POV's to Beaker, Kermit and Piggy's long lost son. After doing some research into his biological parents, Beaker learned how corrupt Piggy is and vowed to help get his father out of prison so he may end Piggy's tyranny once and for all. Beaker secretly relays a message to Kermit, suggesting that he kill his other son Edward (who was locked up several years prior for being part of a drug cartel) and then escape through Edward's cell, making it look like Edward escaped.
Kermit then tracks down Elmo, who is in disguise at a bar. Kermit then seduces Elmo, and Elmo slips him a note saying to meet him on the roof for some you-know-what. However, ELMO WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO HAVE FALLEN FOR KERMIT! And Elmo then shoots Kermit point blank in the face, as he falls off the building, lifeless.
Thanks for reading!
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thotforbaku · 4 years
Hi! I wasn’t sure how to send a request, but could you write a one shot for shouto x fem! reader? Maybe they’re on a date or in the dorms (idk aha go crazy) and he’s super gentlemanly and soft! Ft. Class 1-A catching/following them! Thank you so much!
hello! yes, this was the correct way to request, haha. thank you for being my first request! i hope my writing fulfilled your request to your satisfaction. if not, lmk asap! i’ll try to change it around for you :)
word count: 1.6k
Contrary to popular belief, Todoroki was actually quite perceptive. He knew he didn’t have the best track record, i.e. his hand crusher moments and the whole “Midoriya being All Might’s secret love child” conspiracy. Regardless, he still picked up on the smallest things, especially when it came to his classmates.
When Kaminari forgot his homework, volts would zap from his fingertips as he drummed them on his desk nervously. When Mina was eavesdropping, her feet would be pointing towards whoever she was listening to. Dark Shadow snuck out occasionally during class, signaling that Tokoyami was running low on sleep from studying the night before.
And then there was you.
He hadn’t particularly tried to focus all of his attention on to you initially. No, you were just another one of his classmates. He wasn’t interested at all, nor was he interested in anybody, really.
It was only when he encountered you at the sports festival that he took a liking to you.
Not only was your quirk powerful, but you yourself held an immense presence nobody could ignore. Your water manipulation quirk was controlled well by you, and you utilized it to the best of your ability. Besides this, however, he knew absolutely nothing about you.
You were an enigma, to him and everyone else around you. But he bet no one wanted to know you like he did.
He wanted to know you from the inside out, from head to toe. He wanted to know your favorite color, food, and movie. He wanted to know how were feeling on a daily basis. He had a desire, no, a need to know all of these things, yet he only knew one: you were tired.
You were absolutely, oh so very tired.
Now, anyone would have been able to tell this, if they took a good look at your swollen eyebags or your lethargic behavior. Todoroki has been seeing you train for hours on end, ever since Aizawa-sensei and you discovered your new ability: controlling water within one’s body. This allowed you to try and control one’s body movements against their will; it was an extremely manipulative, powerful technique.
But it was taking a severe toll you. Todoroki saw the aspirin you would take daily, and heard the extra strength pills rattling in your bag. He would see you pinch your eyebrows together in pain and screw your eyes shut whenever Bakugou would start screaming his head off. He wanted to help you, somehow in some way. He felt that you needed a break from your constant repetitive schedule of school, training, extra training, and sleeping. He wanted you to relax, to be able to talk to someone, and to pretend the world is stopping. He wanted to be there for you, for when you crash and fall down to help you back up again. He wanted you, unconditionally.
So imagine his surprise when you said yes to him asking to hang out.
It may have taken a little insistence on his part, and explanation that yes, he wanted it to be a date, but he did it. But now that you actually said yes, he honestly had no clue where to come from here.
So he pulled out the big guns.
At 5:00 in the evening, two hours before your training would end and come up to his room, he decided to start preparing food in the kitchen. Sure, it was a date, but he knew you were too tired to attempt to exit the dorms after a long day. So, he had the amazing idea of a movie night within his own dorm.
Of course, the food wasn’t anything too fancy, in his eyes. The only food he knew how to make really well was soba. Cold, soba.
But he made it damn well, and he knew it.
Todoroki had whipped up the soba immediately, and placed it within bowls to bring it up to his room later. He ignored the side eyes and surprised looks he received while he was moving around in the kitchen, and shuffling through the pantry. He only looked up when he heard someone clearing their throat.
“So, Todoroki-kun, you seem real busy.... Got a hot date?” Kaminari joked, grinning lazily as he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yes.” Kaminari stopped at his straightforward reply, his grin frozen on his face, as he processed Todoroki’s reply. The common room went silent, as they also heard the conversation take place.
“Y-You’re— who?” Kaminari stuttered, eyes bugged out as he splayed out his hands in front of him. He opened his mouth to reply, but saw you shuffle through the front doors, hunched over like you had the world’s weight on your shoulders.
“With her.” Todoroki responded as he made his way towards you. He silently slipped your backpack off your shoulder and onto his, balancing the food on one arm and taking your hand onto his.
“How was training?” He asked, rubbing a thumb gently over the side of your hand, looking at your from the side.
“Tiring. I want to flop onto a bed and never get up.” You responded quietly, sagging even further.
“That’s exactly what you’re about to do.” Todoroki gave you a small smile as he unlaced your fingers from his, and unlocking his door.
“I figured you’d be too tired to try and leave the dorms today, especially after all the training you’ve done. I know you’ve just been wanting to relax, so I figured our date could just be watching movies together.” Todoroki explained as he laid out the food on his desk and unfolding his futon.
“I.....” You seemed to trail off, your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at the ground. Todoroki hesitantly looked at you, afraid of what your reply was going to be now that you weren’t immediately answering. Did he do something wrong? Were you not a fan of movies? These thoughts raced through his head as he was cursing himself for not being more considerate.
“This is really thoughtful of you Todoroki-kun. I was worried that I wouldn’t be up to speed for our date, but to know that we’re just having a quiet night in the dorms? I... really appreciate it.” You looked back up, a tired but wide grin on your face, your eyes crinkling. He let out a small sigh of relief, and sat down on the futon, pulling out his laptop and setting it on his kotatsu. He patted the seat lightly next to him, smiling as you sat down, your knee brushing his.
“That’s good to hear. And, since we’re on a date currently, I think I’d feel more comfortable with you calling me by my given name.” He told you as he ripped open a bag of chips, passing it to you. You nodded in thanks, and quirked your lips in thought, mulling over what he said. You then nodded, seemingly comfirning your thoughts.
“Okay, Shouto-kun. What do you have planned for the night?” You asked, taking a chip and placing it in your mouth.
“A Studio Ghibli marathon.” You paused at his reply. He looked at you puzzled. He seemed to catch a lot of people off-guard today.
“.... I haven’t watched a Miyazaki film since my childhood..” You sighed, grinning at him happily. He stared at the grin painted on your face, burning it into his memory. He saw you smile twice now in one sitting, and he would cherish it for a long, long time.
“I did a good job of choosing the movies then, didn’t I?” He asked you, softly smiling as he offered you a bowl of a soba, already breaking his chopsticks in two. You clapped happily as his perfectly broke, passing yours to his to repeat it.
“You really did, Shouto-kun. I really can’t thank you enough. I was surprised when you had asked me out a date, I didn’t think you cared enough to talk to me.” You confessed, fiddling with a string on your jumper as you glanced up at him. He nodded simply, ducking his head to meet your eyes.
“I can see why I’d come off that way. I definitely wasn’t the most approachable in the beginning of the year. But with everything’s that happened, I realized that shutting everyone out wasn’t the best thing to do. And ignoring you, when I had a clear interest in you, definitely wasn’t either. You intrigue me so much. I want to find out and know every little thing about you. Will you let me?” He asked you, sincerity bleeding into his tone, his eyes darting all over your face.
“Of course.” You clasped both your hands over his, squeezing tightly. He let out another short sigh, shoulders sagging forward.
“Then let’s start the movie, shall we?” He leaned forward, and tapped the space bar, letting the blue light of the intro shine brightly onto your face. He smiled as he felt your head rest upon his, and brushed his hand over your knee.
It was finally his turn to try and unveil someone and their secrets. And it just so happened to be you.
“....Was someone at the door, Shouto-kun?”
“No, I believe the rest of the class is downstairs.”
Kaminari sighed in relief as Jirou continued to hold one of her ears the door, relaying the date to the rest of the classmates silently standing in the hallway.
“I can’t believe he bagged her before me.” Kaminari cried, blowing his nose into his sleeve. His classmates cursed at his noise, and scattered, scared of getting caught. “Wait, where are you guys going?”
“...Are you sure there’s no one there, Shouto-kun?”
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.17
a/n: aye. please read the authors note at the end :)
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck  @parttime-simp​  @kit-kat428​ @ntimacy​ @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 18
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The last thing you saw, before being eaten by whatever Deku projected, were Akaashi’s wide opened eyes. After that, it was nothing but darkness. If it weren’t for Bakugo gripping tightly onto your uniform, you swore you would have experienced a heart attack despite such a young age.
Yet, the sensation of opening your eyes to bland white walls and beeping machines was foreign.
“(y/n)? Darling?” A familiar voice caught your attention. “Are you alright?”
Attempting to sit up, you were assisted with a pair of warm hands. Looking at the owner, your breath hitched upon seeing the face you had been trying to communicate many months back. Scanning the room, you accounted your parents, all your classmates, Bakugo, and Deku. The latter two being assisted by two nurses.
“(y/n)...? Drink this.” Shoto said as he handed a glass of water. Holding the glass to your mouth, he watched as you gulped down the liquid.
“Wh-why am I here?” You muttered. Looking at Bakugo and Deku, seeking answers from them would be useless. Both boys were still groggy and coming to their senses. Only to be met with silence, your eyes tried to meet whoever would dare answer your question. “Why isn’t anyone answering me?”
With the heart monitor picking up your increasing pulse, Shoto carefully placed his arm around your shoulder. Instincts came in as you immediately held on to his hand for support.
“Calm down.” He whispered. “If you want to cry then it’s alright. Giving yourself more stress isn’t good for you.”
Knowing he was right, you leaned on his arm and stared at your palm. Activating your quirk, a small gasp escaped your lips when you felt its power once more. The usual effort of having to use it seemingly vanished. With the glow brighter than ever, you quickly clenched your fist and let out a sigh.
“What is it? Are you in pain?” He leaned in closer and held your hand.
“I don’t wanna be here.” It was barely audible but he heard it enough.
“(y/n)-chan?” It wasn’t new for you to hear people calling you by that name but it felt different. Used to hearing Bokuto or even Konoha, your lips twitched upon recalling that you were not in the same world as them. Glancing at the source, Recover Girl had prepared a syringe with some sort of glowing liquid. “This’ll help calm your nerves and prevent your quirk from going haywire.”
Extending your arm, you barely winced as the needle pierced your skin.
“Would you like some privacy?” Recovery Girl asked. Though she knew that there was no need to question, it was only out of respect towards the visitors. Once she received a nod of confirmation, she began to shoo the people out of the room. Save for Shoto, Bakugo, and Deku. “Now that they’re out of the way, how’re you feeling?”
“I feel…” How did you feel? It was bad enough that you were forcibly taken back to where you belonged. If she was talking about your quirk then you were definitely sure how you felt. However, if she meant about the gaping hole developing in your heart then it was something you’d rather not dive into. “I’m not really sure how I feel.”
“Would you like to know why you came back here?”
“If it doesn’t bother you, then yes please.”
“Initially, you were supposed to be back after 4 days. At least that’s what we had initially agreed on.” She began. “But, the machine carrying Bakugo and Midoriya over to your location malfunctioned. Instead of your quirk going haywire, it was Midoriya’s that did. However, it would be better for you to take into consideration.”
“That what?”
“Midoriya and Bakugo were supposedly, in theory at least, to be transported and thereby encapsulated to those tanks over there.” Using her syringe cane, she pointed to the rather large mechanism. “That IV hose on your chest targets your arteries. Because of the nature of your quirk, it was a gamble on our part to see if that was the core of your power.”
“This medical talk is only confusing me.” You let go of Shoto’s hand and massaged your temple. “What is the point of all that?”
“It means that everything that happened, everything you felt and experienced, was nothing but a product of your mind’s unconscious effort to create a paradise.”
“Because we were using your quirk as a means of bringing you back, it was expected that once the both of things were good to go, they would become as little as atoms and be enclosed in those capsules. Once they were stabilized, they would then take a small trip inside that IV hose connected to your chest. Merging them with your quirk, it would open the path to your neocortex and thalamus.”
“I wasn’t asking about the procedure.” You were more than aware you sounded rude but that was beyond you. “Did you say everything was a product of my i-imagination?”
“The effort of saving you could have gone two ways. The hypothesis was that if these two boys shrunk and turned into the size of atoms, then the possibility of another universe was very high. Yet they never did. Their bodies were not affected yet the green light indicated they had safely traversed to where they needed to be.”
“So... “ Feeling your fingers grow numb, you held on to your blanket and relayed all the events that happened. From having to adjust and get to know your surroundings, learning more about whatever life you had before you woke up in that version of Tokyo, to growing closer with the people there, and to eventually finding solace in the skilled hands of a setter… was nothing but a product of your imagination. “None of it was real?”
With no answer coming from the small nurse, you let out a silent cry towards Bakugo and Deku.
“You guys were there right? You saw how each person had their own train of thought? How big that area was?” Blinking the stinging sensation away, you felt tears rolling down your cheek. The heart monitor gradually beeping faster.
“I get that you’re panicking but what Recovery Girl stated, we were informed about it.” Deku explained. “In all honesty, Kacchan and I were putting it into consideration that something was off and that all of that was real. But the more we thought about it, the more it dawned to us that nothing really made sense.”
“Think about it, extra. You told us you’d be reaching 8 months there. I bet your mother there doesn’t even have a damn clue as to who you really are. Don’t even think about foul mouthing me cause I spend a handful of my time debating whether or not that's true or not.”
“Maybe it was a side effect of that villain’s quirk.” Shoto finally spoke up. He had a ton of questions but he knew it would all be left unanswered. “It happened right after, did it not? Perhaps it wasn’t water but something else and that the records were wrong.”
“We rechecked the criminal’s records and can confirm that his quirk was just water.” Recovery Girl added. Standing up, she fixed her coat and walked closer to you. “I know your thoughts are rampant and in a mess but don’t strain yourself. You just woke up and are still in an unstable position. Let me know if you want some Temazepam. Sleep would help.”
Watching her leave, you stared at the large window.
“Akaashi Keiji. Bokuto Kotarou. Konoha. Fukurodani Gakuen. Other Mother. Asami. Akiko.” You began to roll call each person you knew. At least the very important ones.
“Are those names?” Shoto asked softly.
“I have a lot of questions but I know you deserve to rest.” He carefully placed his index finger on your cheek to make you stare at him. Seeing how pale and spaced out you were, he motioned for you to scoot over and give him space. Giving him enough room to lay down, you allowed him to pull you into his arms. “I’m all ears if you want to vent it out.”
“I…” Making yourself comfortable, you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. The warmth his body gave was as comforting as ever. Closing your eyes, you began to absentmindedly play with his shirt. “Am I going crazy, Shoto? Everything felt real. There’s no way I’m capable of creating something that vast in my head.”
“Were those the names of the people you encountered?”
“Yeah. A few of them. Shoto?”
“What did my mom and dad do?”
“Well…” Blinking his thoughts he wasn’t sure whether he should share it or not. “They were planning to get you back forcefully after 3 days. Whether Bakugo or Midoriya were fine with it or not.”
“Hm… I guess nothing’s changed. Truth be told I was kinda expecting something like this to happen.” Wrapping your arm around his body, you allowed your mind to wander what was happening on the other side. Did they remember you? Now that you weren’t there, did the you from the pictures emerge?
“Don’t overthink. Nothing good comes from that.” Turning to face you, he began to pat the back of your head. Despite the countless times he’s done that gesture, he had to admit he was still stiff as a board when it came to affectionate cuddles. “Go to sleep. I’ll see what I can do to help when you wake up.”
“I’m sorry for bringing more drama into your life.” You chuckled as you savored the safety Todoroki Shoto offered. “You have more than enough on your plate.”
“I don’t mind. Just don’t go on by thinking you don’t belong here.” Resting his lips on the crown of your head, he took a moment and blinked his thought process. The slight increase of his heartbeat was a bit off. Thinking it was due to the coffee he had a few hours ago, he shook his head and closed his eyes. “I’ll always be here. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.”
“I know~”
You weren’t sure how many hours you slept but it still hadn’t sunken in that you woke up next to a sleeping Todoroki. Still in the nurse’s office, you sat up and examined your body. It was only now how you saw the amount of tubes and hoses that pierced your rather weak torso.
Looking across your bed, the machine that had transported Bakugo and Deku stood out like a sore thumb. You could tell it wasn’t the handy work of any of the support students. Staring at the capsules, your eyes followed the connected hose till your vision rested on your chest. It did occur to you that perhaps your heart was the center of your quirk, you just never took it seriously.
“How ironic.” You commented.
Feeling the bed shifting, you glanced over your shoulder and admired how fast asleep your friend was. Remembering that BakuDeku were still in the room, the hospital curtain prevented you from searching for them. Recovery Girl must have given you privacy when you two fell asleep.
Focusing on your palms, you activated your quirk. It truly felt amazing to know your powers were back to the way they were. Yet, being used to not having to rely on it was a whole different story. It may have been 2 months on this side of the world but it would probably be much easier to be relying on your quirk than not.
Slowly laying back down, you rested on your side and stared at the sleeping Shoto. Fixing his bangs, an image of Akaashi sleeping flashed in your mind. Compared to Shoto’s soft features, Akaashi was gifted with rather sharp ones.
What was he doing now? Were his thoughts or memories wiped clean? The last words you said before waking up was his name to add to your growing list of problems.
“Don’t cry.” Drowned in your thoughts, you hadn’t realized that Shoto had woken up. Meeting his eyes, there was nothing but sadness and sincerity.
Wiping the tears with his sleeve, he kept his right palm open. Using his quirk, he began to form little snowflakes.
“You’ve gotten better~” You sniffled. A small smile resting on your tear stained face. If there was one thing you two kept a secret, it was how Shoto couldn’t create detailed snowflakes. On a good day, he could form a few lumps of soft snow but this time, he had managed to create intricate patterns large enough for the eyes to see.
“Found some spare time to practice. It took a while but I realized that I had to incorporate a bit of heat into the mix. It’s pretty, is it not?”
“It is.”
“I won’t ask why you stopped trying to communicate with us here.” He began. “Bakugo and Midoriya managed to send a message about what was happening to them. I was honestly relieved that you were doing fine. But it annoyed how I couldn’t do anything.”
“You did what you could, Tododorky~” You poked his cheek. “Just give me a few days and I’ll answer your questions alright?”
- - - - -
I’m back :D
I posted much later than anticipated and I’m really sorry to keep all of you waiting :( My schedule was just so jam packed and I just couldn’t insert the time to write. If I did, I only managed to squeeze in a few sentences before I gave up due to stress and hatred of whatever the fuck is happening to the company I’m working in -_-
I’ve been feeling quite low these past few days and it’s really making me question whether or not the stories I make are worth reading :( I’m still tired as it is but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t try to make things better than they are :]
that being said, the next upload date is a bit blurry but I will do my very best to upload back to my original schedule! :)
i hope all of you enjoy your day and this chapter! :) it ain’t much but i tried T.T
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schoe1995 · 5 years
Solo Traveling
I’ll first start off by saying and acknowledging that I do come from a well household. My mom runs her own dry cleaners and my dad works at a hospital for computer programming. Wasn’t like that always. In elementary school, I had classmates leave school to go on vacation. Super jealous that they went because I hated being in school 🤣🤣🤣 so the few times I could go on vacation was during like the major breaks or holidays. As I got older and family tensions increased, i began traveling with other people. Let’s just say after a series of not knowing other people’s personalities, cliques, and plus ones....I called it quits with group traveling. It’s a huge part of why my extroverted personality changed to more of an introvert/ extrovert. Since I have my own money, why not travel by myself.
I’ll talk about the cons of traveling solo first.
It can be very expensive: even if you do go with a group...be prepared to shell out a couple of dollars depending on where your going, staying, and activities
Have to be more aware of the surroundings: there has been a couple of times I’ve been exhausted because I was trying to be more aware of what’s going on. I have to watch my own back without relaying on somebody.
It can be scary: not going to lie...the day of trips I get really bad anxiety that I kinda want to throw up. Scratch that, I have thrown up. For example, when I went to D.C, I wasn’t worried about Lyft or Uber because my big bro was picking me up. However other airports....I have no idea where lyft or Uber would pick me up. Certain airports like O’Hare Chicago airport has two levels. One is for traditional friend/ family pick up. The other level is for rideshares. Ever since that mess I decided to look up airports ahead of time and look at maps for where to find the designated area. Helps a lot of stress out.
Benefits of solo traveling
Lollllll there wasn’t a whole lot of cons. Granted not everyone is going to have the same experience as me. So this is all from my personal experience.
Planning can be fun: When you travel alone, YOU are in charge of everything. I’m every pop culture orientated so I’m looking for the best spots for photos, food, shopping, etc. it’s the millennial (probably spelled it wrong) in me.
Moving at my own pace: so this was the best part for me. I’m a huge theme park junky! When I went to Orlando with my parents back in 2017 we did Disney World all in one day. Yes it can be possible to visit all 4 parks in one day😂 but that trip in general had the most arguments I had with my mom. She basically complained about all the walking we had to do. Also couldn’t watch fireworks. Everything was so rushed that back in 2019, I did a redo Disney World trip. Oh! I’ll definitely be doing a multi part blog for that. So when you travel by yourself you don’t have to deal with “I don’t want to do this!” “Why we going here?” Less arguments...PERIODT
Moving at your own time: this kinda goes with your own pace. I’m a huge HUGE be on time person. One of my sayings is “If your early, ya on time. If your on time, ya late. If your late...don’t bother showing up”. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when people aren’t on time. Idk if it’s just Asians but Asian people AINT NEVER ON TIME FOR ANYTHING! So you have free reign with time.
Flexibility: This was one of the things I found super awesome when it came to solo trips. My schedule to travel had so much flexibility. And since I was working in retail, I could do what I want...per say. If my days weren’t approved I’d still go on this trip🤣 but I found traveling during the off season for holidays or non busy or non important seasons were a lot cheaper. That’s what I kinda wanted to make up for; not being able to travel when I was younger and leaving school to go 🤣 now that I can...✌️
No cliques: personality wise, I describe myself as a walking tv show. So picture every Disney show, Nickelodeon, and VH1 reality shows all in one person. I really don’t fit into a mold so I call it an outsider habit. I thought I’d get super lonely when traveling alone but oddly...I’m more comfortable with it. There is this no judgement zone when traveling alone. When I went to Universal Studio with my parents, it was “why do you want to buy this” or “how old are you?” First of all...you can never be too old of anything:) This might be a con for others, so it all depends🤷‍♂️ besides with technology I’m able to FaceTime, Live Stream, record things I want others to see. Ha! This is what this blog is for!
In no way shape or form am I throwing shade to group trips. I call those experiences that helped shape my travel knowledge. I’m always grateful for that. But the couple solo travel tips I’ll give is this.
Research! I can’t stress this enough. Knowing where you are going can save so much hassle. If your traveling internationally know where your country embassy is just in case. Second, the culture of the city or country. Being knowledgeable can help avoid any cultural ignorance, stereotypes.
Flights: alright flights can be very touchy subject. I usually find great deals with Southwest when they offer sales. Sometimes buying two - one way tickets is cheaper than round trip. They also offer two free checked bags, one carry one, and one personal items. If Southwest is a little out of your budget, don’t worry! Other airlines have great prices. I use Google Flights.
Train: if your destination is a couple hours away, I’d suggest taking Amtrak. Believe it or not Amtrak depending on what city you go too have awesome deals. If you follow them on Instagram they have beautiful photos of scenic railways. When I was younger I had a huge obsession with trains. I had every train from Thomas The Tank Engine. 😂 anyways, trains also have dining cars, and sleeping cars. Some have observation decks so you can do a 360* of the surroundings
Car: I put this last for transportation. Believe it or not, traveling by car may sound cost efficient but it’s really not. Just from my personal experience from driving to Branson Missouri, Tennessee, Chicago. There is gas you have to pay and hotels can charge a ridiculous amount for overnight parking x the amount of nights your staying. WHEW CHILEEEE THE MESS!
Hotels & location: This is the boujee side of me. I like to be comfortable after a day of riding rides or exploring. Just being able to act like this is my home for the time being. I usually use Bookings.com, Trivago.com, etc. to find the best one. Use filters if you need to find exactly what you need. When I travel to concerts, I try finding hotels close to the venue. That way I’m not paying extra for lyft, Uber, or taxis. BTW, don’t ever take taxis after concerts. Such a rip off...idk if there is a law that prevents them for jacking up their prices.
Air BnB’s: So I found this to be half and half. Sometimes it’s less expensive sometimes...not so much. Air BnB is pretty much either paying for a room or whole house for a certain amount of days. My big bro introduced me to it when we went to LA. I used it on my road trip to LA with a “friend” who is no longer a friend. But it was more of other situations I don’t really use. Honestly after seeing videos of how people were being racist to other guests, that was a major turn off to me. Second I had a friend who posted a conversation of a Air BnB host who tried to play her. Yes the app does have host ratings and reviews but there are so many fees and rules that it’s like, I might as well pay for the hotel. Again it’s totally up to you but staying at a random strangers house....Issa no dawg if I’m traveling by myself.
BUDGETING IS CRUCIAL!! Anytime I go anywhere I budget how much I’m spending. So with that being said, I get all information from attractions I want to go see, restaurants, ride share, everything. You don’t have to be so exact like me but it certainly helps me to know exactly how much I’m spending. Lol
Oh!!!! Sign up for reward programs at any restaurant you eat, shops you shop, or hotels! I do it all the time because for a lot of reward programs just by signing up you get a freebie. So why not take advantage of it.
So I wrote this blog up at like 5:30AM in the morning 🤣🤣🤣😭 I know I’m in for a struggle. But I decided to do this blog post because I was just going through my social media of all the travels I did. I really hope it does help you guys out a lot.
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escape | 01.
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genre: slice of life, fluff, suggestive? idk.  character/s: student to neurosurgeon!seungcheol x student to criminal defense attorney!reader. overview: you can’t keep a secret forever. word count: 1465. warning: overly strict parents. weird people. talks of crime. seungcheol in a lab coat, ‘nuff said.
If anyone asked how you met, you and Seungcheol would first exchange knowing glances. At first, it might make the curious friend or a newly-introduced colleague feel as if they were invading the couple's privacy by asking. And like it was rehearsed, the male would scoot over forward until his tailbone hits the edge of his seat, and you would nudge him, urging him to speak first. You met in the library during their university days because, you know, that's where people like you usually meet. Unlike other students who only visit the library during midterms or finals, both of you were among the few who go to the library almost everyday to study -- with or without exams.
Seungcheol, anxious to finish a paper that was due in a week, didn't want to go back to the dorms and get dragged into playing video games with his roommate. So when the librarian made the final rounds before closing, he did his best to disappear in between the biggest shelves. He only allowed himself to breathe once the lights were switched off, one by one, until he was swallowed by total darkness. Opening his laptop once more and returning to the paragraph he left half-finished, he carefully tiptoed to one of the desks, only to find someone already there.
You, on the other hand, had to finish your fourth reading of the book. You had two chapters left when the librarian began asking students to pack up their things and leave. Knowing you'd only lose momentum if you stopped reading now, you went under the computer table and hugged your backpack close to your chest. Just one more hour, you screamed mentally. One more hour and I'd leave.
And then when the sound of the librarian's heels against the tiled floor began to grow faint until it disappeared completely, you deemed it safe to go out of her hiding place. You hurried back to your previous seat and delved right back to the page where you left off. Your nerves must have been on edge the entire time, because you almost let out an ear-piercing shriek the moment a hand landed on your shoulder. Seungcheol, as it turned out, only wanted someone to share his guilt with. But the guilt extended to more nights, until it wasn't limited to just the library or simply studying anymore.
"And the rest, as they say," Seungcheol grins, leaning back against his seat with a quick glance towards you, as if proud of himself for accurately relaying the story. "...is history."
Or, at least, that's the story you tell everyone.
Seungcheol was convinced it was fraud -- the way you both rewrote history and tweaked it into something you deemed to be more appropriate, something that would meet people's expectations.
"Okay, so it's more than just a little white lie," you sigh, slamming your textbook down on one of the round tables in the middle of the cafeteria to declare your temporary possession of the space. "Then tell your grandmother the truth."
The man sinks down on one of the chairs and pulls his arms out of the straps of his backpack. "I can't, she'd be horrified."
"Oh, my sweet sweet boy Cheollie," you exclaim in fake enthusiasm, clasping your hands under your chin while batting your eyelashes at him. "Now you understand why nobody but us can ever know the truth. If your grandmother would be horrified, my parents would send me to rehab or something."
Seungcheol eyes the plate of cheesy nachos in front of him and reaches out to help himself to a piece. “That would probably be better, to be honest. You know they won’t send you to just any rehab center. If anything, I’m more scared of your parents suing me for… kidnapping.”
“First of all, stop hogging my food. You said you weren’t hungry.” You frown, slapping his hand away before grabbing a piece yourself. “Second, kidnapping is only for minors. Do I look like I’m below 18?”
Defeated, the man unzips his bag and reaches for one of his notebooks. “Hey, hey, I don’t care about any of those legal stuff you’ve got going on.” He waves his hand in front of his face dismissively, making you laugh. “Technicalities.”
You let his remark slide, letting him focus on studying. After eating, you, too, pull an envelope out of your bag and thumb through several pages of stapled papers before beginning to pore through one. Together, you slip into a relaxed, quiet study session, save for when someone has to ask something, or when any of your friends drop by to say hi.
Because who said being in a relationship was distracting? You were – to your friends and classmates, to his grandmother and brother, and to your parents – a power couple.
In his old high school sweater and faded jeans, Seungcheol looks like any other college freshman, except he was towards the end of his third year of medical school. And as early as now, he’s more than prepared for the licensing exam he’d be taking in two years’ time. On the day you were supposed to introduce him to your parents over lunch, there was a small voice inside your head telling you that your parents might overlook all of Seungcheol’s good qualities and focus on what he lacks, even if you were absolutely sure no one could ever be as perfect for you as he is. The doubt in your mind was dispelled completely when lunch was over and it looked as if your boyfriend has completely won your parents over. You were sure that if you only had listened very, very closely, you would’ve heard the wedding bells ringing in your mother’s imagination.  Determined and hardworking, Seungcheol was everything you could ever ask for. His only fault, you think, was that he was a bad liar. And though it generally is a good thing, you needed him to be a little bit more good at lying, especially when the both of you were hiding a secret you would prefer to take with you to the grave.
Occasionally, he would reach out to rub his thumb over the back of your palm, one of the few displays of affection the both of you could afford when outside. “You okay?” he asks softly, looking up from his notes. Seungcheol rolls his shoulders back before tilting his head from left to right, wincing as his joints crack.
“Mhm.” You pause, finishing up on highlighting a sentence before looking up. “You?”
“Dead bored. D’you wanna go somewhere when you finish?”
“Please.” You put the cap back on your highlighters and quickly stuff them, together with your readings, into your bag.
Seungcheol chortles when you’ve stood up from your seat faster than he could fix his things. “You’re that excited to leave?”
“I only studied because you did, too.”
“Well, you—” “Cheol!” Your boyfriend was about to fight back, but was interrupted by something – or someone. You didn’t have to look behind you to confirm your suspicions. But as usual, unlike lightning and thunder, you could always hear Boo Seungkwan first before seeing him.
“Oh, [Y/N]!” The younger slowed as he came in between you and Seungcheol until he came to a halt. He wriggles one of his arms out of the straps of his backpack until his bag was dangling in front of him. “I’m sorry, did you have to go somewhere?”
Your eyes shifted from Seungkwan to his busy hands, which fumbled as he produced papers, a pencil, and a calculator from his backpack, until they meet Seungcheol’s. “Uh, no, not really.”
“Great!” And then he turns to Seungcheol, his senior by three years. “I really needed help with lab work, and I didn’t know who else to approach.”
Feeling bad for the boy, you slide back into your previous seat and watch your boyfriend hide the disappointment in his face. To comfort him, however, you sit by his side and keep him company as he tutors Seungkwan,
“I’m really sorry you had to stay behind, [Y/N],” he says afterwards while he packs up. “I took a chunk out of your study time.”
You fight the urge to snort. “Study time?”
“Yeah.” Seungkwan stands up. “Isn’t that all you guys do in your free time? I’m pretty sure your dates are just full of studying or quizzing each other or whatever.”
Seungcheol opens his mouth, as if to say something, but your look convinced him to do otherwise. Pursing his lips, he flashed Seungkwan a tight-lipped smile as the younger walked away. Once he was completely out of sight, you raise an eyebrow at your clearly annoyed boyfriend.
“Now, do you see why we have to hide the truth?”
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Picture Perfect Ch. 2
You’re not particularly into BNM, the new rising kpop group, but your best friend has fallen head-over-heels for their adorable maknae, Lee Daehwi. Your days in college are filled with working on your photography portfolio in hopes that a magazine will hire you, while your best friend’s is filled with stalking keeping up with BNM. However, when one day, your best friend decides to attend a fansign with your best camera, your entire world changes.
A multichaptered fic ft. Park Woojin, the trainees of Brand New Music, Yoo Seonho and the pd101 boys. In this story, your best friend’s name is Lee Seonmi; you two have been friends since high school, and you attend university in Seoul and room together.
Chapter One
Chapter Two: Loyalty
ft. Bae Jinyoung as your classmate in university!
2.6k works
“Seonmi!” You yelled loudly, racing up to her. She looked up, makeup smeared and cheeks stained with tears. As soon as you pulled her into a hug, she burst into tears again, resting her face on your shoulder.
“T-they kicked me out!” Seonmi wailed loudly, “I didn’t do anything wrong! I was just standing there!”
You pulled Seonmi away from you, gripping her by the shoulders. Fumbling, you pulled a napkin out from your pocket and wiped the makeup away, mouth set firmly.
“Yah, I’m not letting them get away with this,” you snapped, setting off in the direction of the music store. “You didn’t meet them right? Because you got kicked out?”
“(Y/N), no, it’s okay,” Seonmi tugged on your hand, trying to stop you, “I’ll just get into the next fansign.”
“And waste even more money?” You shook your head defiantly, “Hell to the no.” No one-- no one-- was allowed to treat your best friend like that.
As you quickly wrote down your contact and identification information for the manager (and apologized for causing a scene), you had the sensation like someone was staring you. The manager punched your information into his phone, giving you time to glance up.
Your glance was met with an intense stare, coming from the dark eyes framed by the burgundy fringe of Park Woojin.
“Thank you so, so much,” Seonmi gushed, clutching your baby, your most prized possession in one hand. In honor of her special day meeting the boys of BNM, you had lent her your nice DSLR camera and taught her the basics. In the other hand, she held the ticket to the BNM fansign that she would be attending later that day. “I’ll get a lot of cute pictures for you!”
You just sighed and checked the subway stop to see when you’d be getting off. You didn’t really trust Seonmi to go to something like this by herself, so you were going with her, and would wait in a café near the music shop of the fansign. One of your friends from university, Bae Jinyoung, worked there, so you figured you would drop by and say hello.
“(Y/N), I can’t believe this is finally happening,” Seonmi wrapped her perfectly manicured nails around the pole as the train speeded up, and you braced yourself so that you wouldn’t fall over as well. “I’m meeting the love of my life, Lee Daehwi.”
“I can’t believe this is happening either,” you nodded, “Honestly, I’m glad that you got into the fansign—you deserved it out of all their fans. I know how many albums you’ve bought just for this moment.” Seonmi gasped playfully, whipping out her cell phone.
“(Y/F/N) (Y/N), did you really just admit that I deserve to meet BNM?” Seonmi giggled, “Are you saying that maybe, I’m not crazy for loving them?” She quickly checked her own reflection in the cell phone screen, smoothing down her wavy cherry red hair.
“Oh no, you’re definitely crazy,” you replied as you two got off the train. You began pushing your way through the lunchtime crowd that was entering the subway from the Gangnam station. You felt your body being shoved and elbowed, and stayed close to Seonmi so that you two wouldn’t be separated.
Once you finally got out into the open air on the bustling street, you scanned the street for the café that Jinyoung worked at, while Seonmi hunted for the music store.
“What time does this thing start, anyways?” You asked your best friend curiously. It was 11 in the morning, and while you were happy to indulge your best friend, you also wanted to know what time it would all be over.
“At 12,” Seonmi responded, “I didn’t want to get there too early, because my friend told me that the girls who get there super early are, like, super obsessive and creepy, so I’d rather just get there later.”
“Super obsessive and creepy, like you?” You teased your best friend, who groaned and shoved you. Snickering, you darted out of her way. “I’m just joking. Anyways, here’s the café, will you be okay getting to the music shop?”
Seonmi rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mom, I’ll be fine,” she pointed up the road, “and it’s right there. I’ll text you when it’s about to end, okay?”
“Gotchu,” you sent Seonmi finger guns as you stepped inside the café, “see you on the other side of the living, nerd!”
“Bye Mother!” Seonmi called after you, before setting off down the street.
Instantly, the aroma of sweet milk and bitter coffee washed over your senses.
“(Y/N)!” The cashier greeted you with a wave.
“Hey, Jinyoung-ah!” You waved back, taking your wallet out from the canvas bag you’d slung over your shoulder, “Not too busy today?”
“Ah, not really,” Jinyoung shook his head, “It’s actually kind of surprising, normally when there’s an event at the music shop, there’s a ton of girls waiting for whatever group here.”
“Do they ever end up coming?” You asked curiously, thinking that maybe you’d relay the information to Seonmi.
“Occasionally,” Jinyoung smiled sheepishly, “I’ve served EXO before.”
“What? EXO?” You nodded, impressed, “look at our Jinyoungie, making connections in life.”
“Dude, are you actually gonna order anything, or are you just gonna flirt with Jinyoung the entire day?” Yoon Jisung, the barista who worked with Jinyoung, chimed in, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Jinyoung.
“I guess I’ll just have a regular coffee with room for cream,” you sighed, as Jisung chuckled and slunk off to make your drink.
“Sorry about that,” Jinyoung chuckled at your irritated expression, “he can get a little, uh… out of hand at times.”
“I’ve noticed,” you laughed. Jisung was the TA in the Art History class that Jinyoung and you had met in, and you’d never met a more enthusiastic, albeit strange, person in your life. “How much?”
“No worries, it’s on me,” Jinyoung flashed you his signature small smile, “take it as a thanks from me for saving me from that last quiz.”
“Thanks, Jinyoungie!” You chirped, going to collect your coffee from Jisung.
“Not dating, my ass,” the comical barista winked at you as he slid the coffee mug across the counter.
“Oppa, one day you’re gonna get punched for your antics,” you commented dryly, adding cream and sugar to your drink, “and I’ll just be standing there. Laughing.”
Once you were done chatting with Jisung, you found a table near the large windows that let in ample natural light and set your bag down. Once you were settled in, you pulled out your latest book about color theory in photography. While it might seem stupid or boring to some people, you knew that the only way to make photography into an actual career was to learn everything you could about technique and the art form.
new text from: seonmimi!
hey girl, the fansign is taking longer than usual? the fans are being really rowdy and so they spent a while trying to get ppl to chill before the boys came out
anyways idk what time its gnna end now??
so ill try n text u updates but ppl are fucking crazy I did NOT expect this
I can barely move this is so disorganized ugh
The things I do for daehwi
You wrinkled your nose, looking down at your phone. Hopefully Seonmi was alright; you’d heard so many stories about poor girls getting trampled by stampedes of crazy fangirls.
“You good?” A shadow was cast over your seat, making you look up. Jinyoung stood there, a small plate with a pastry in one hand. “Mind if I sit? I’m on my break.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” you gestured to the empty seat across from you, “I’m just stressed about Seonmi, she sent me a text that things are getting crazy over there.” You jabbed your thumb in the general direction of the music store.
Jinyoung frowned. “Yikes.”
“Yeah,” you swirled the dregs of coffee around in your mug, long cold. It was 2:30 in the afternoon, meaning that the actual fansign was coming to an end, but Seonmi had mentioned maybe trying to stick around afterwards to use your camera in order to get good pictures of the members. “I dunno, I just can’t help but feel like something bad is going to happen?”
“Understandable,” Jinyoung shrugged, “I don’t think it’s worth stressing over, though. Just keep an eye on your phone. You know Seonmi wouldn’t want you stressing like this.”
Just as Jinyoung finished reassuring you, the door to the café was yanked open, and a large group of girls came in, all chattering loudly.
“Yah, did you see my Donghyun?” One of the girls sighed, clutching her chest dramatically.
“Youngmin was so handsome!” Another squealed, waving her hands about.
“But did you see Dark Horse masternim?” The first girl asked her friends, eyes widening.
“I know! I can’t believe her and that other girl fought!” A third girl chimed in, shaking her head, “all that screaming just for a good spot for pictures.”
“And right before they would have greeted the boys,” their second friend tsked under her breath, “I feel really bad for the girl that got caught up in the middle of it, though, the one with the red hair? Dark Horse masternim shoved her, I think, cuz I saw from where I was sitting. But the managers kicked the red hair girl out anyways, even though she wasn’t involved in the fight at all.”
Jinyoung and you traded worried expressions.
“I know! And she wouldn’t stop crying, and the manager just told her to stop acting! Man, that was actually messed up.”
“Jinyoung, watch my things,” you said quietly, getting up quickly from your seat. No one—no one—was allowed to treat your best friend like that. “Excuse me,” you greeted the first girl, bowing, “he girl you were just talking about, with the red hair?”
“Yes?” She replied, obviously looking a bit confused.
“Sorry, was she about this tall?” You motioned with your hand, “Uh, I think she was wearing a black sweater and ripped jeans?”
“Yeah, that was her!” The girls all nodded in agreement. Cursing under your breath, you dashed out of the café, yelling a thanks to the girls back in the café. There was no way that was a coincidence.
Sure enough, about a block up, you caught sight of Seonmi’s firetruck red hair, head hanging down as she trudged slowly down the sidewalk.
“Seonmi!” You yelled loudly, racing up to her. She looked up, makeup smeared and cheeks stained with tears. As soon as you pulled her into a hug, she burst into tears again, resting her face on your shoulder.
“T-they kicked me out!” Seonmi wailed loudly, “I didn’t do anything wrong! I was just standing there!”
You pulled Seonmi away from you, gripping her by the shoulders. Fumbling, you pulled a napkin out from your pocket and wiped the makeup away, mouth set firmly.
“Yah, I’m not letting them get away with this,” you snapped, setting off in the direction of the music store. “You didn’t meet them right? Because you got kicked out?”
“(Y/N), no, it’s okay,” Seonmi tugged on your hand, trying to stop you, “I’ll just get into the next fansign.”
“And waste even more money?” You shook your head defiantly, “Hell to the no. Let me see your entrance ticket. Did you sign anything else to get in?” Seonmi handed you the slip of paper and shook her head no. As you stalked down the street, Seonmi in tow, you scanned over the ticket.
“The manager who kicked you out, what did he look like?” You asked as you neared the music shop.
“H-he was taller than me, white t-shirt, I think a leather jacket?” Seonmi sniffled, dabbing her eyes with the tissue. “But the fansign ended already, I was just waiting to see if maybe I could explain myself, but the manager cursed at me.”
“He did WHAT?”
“Fuck, I really shouldn’t have said anything,” Seonmi groaned, “Please, (Y/N), it’s not worth it, I don’t want you to get in trouble on my behalf.”
“The only person who should get in trouble is the manager, not you,” you said firmly, knocking on the music shop’s door. “I’m dealing with this.”
“Excuse me miss, the event is over,” the shop owner answered the door, obviously tired of girls trying to get in.
“I don’t care,” you snapped, holding up the ticket, “let me speak to one of BNM’s managers now. I don’t give a shit about seeing the idols, I just need to talk to a manager.”
“Ma’am, I really can’t let you—“
Shoving yourself past the shop owner, you marched into the shop towards the back room where there was still some commotion. You vaguely registered Seonmi sheepishly apologizing to the store manager. As you entered the room where the fansign had presumably been held, you scanned the people for the manager that Seonmi had described.
On one side of the room, four boys sat at a table, chatting and looking at their phones. Two guys chilled near them, standing up when they saw you. On the other side of the room stood the makeup and clothing people, holding large makeup and outfit bags. As soon as you entered the room, they all jolted, looking at you and Seonmi in shock.
“Yah, you, you’re back?”
You felt Seonmi jump behind you, clutching your sleeve, and you whirled around. A tall man with black hair, a white tshirt and a leather jacket met your gaze.
“Yah,” you approached him, “what’s your problem, man?”
“Excuse me?” The manager got in your face, clearly already pissed at the disrespectful tone that you took.
“Seonmi-ah, film this so that I can expose this shitty company and the rats that work for it,” you commented, handing your cell phone to Seonmi.
“No, you can’t film this,” the manager blustered, crossing his arms. The other two managers came up as well, obviously worried.
“Well, asshole, actually, I can,” you started, “And guess you can do? Apologize to my friend, shithead, for kicking her out of the fansign unjustly. She had nothing to do with the fight, but you kicked her out anyways without any proof, before she was able to greet BNM. Seonmi-ah bought a ton of albums, and has stayed up late voting for that stupid group on so many music shows, and you can mark my words you had better let her talk to them for a quick minute, or you’ll be met with a breaking headline: Menacing Manager Verbally Abuses Innocent Fan; Drives Young Girl to Tears. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Who the hell do you think you are, anyways?” The manager shouted, “she was in a physical altercation with another person, obviously we’re going to escort her out.”
“I’m sorry, do you have CCTV to prove that?” You retorted, arching an eyebrow, “Because not only do you not, I also have multiple eyewitness testimonies that prove otherwise. In addition, this ticket,” you shoved Seonmi’s ticket in his face, “is the only legally binding contract pertaining to the event, and nowhere does it say that engaging in a physical altercation can result in ejection from the venue, nor did you explicitly reserve the right to do so. Therefore,” you mimicked his pose, crossing your arms as well, meeting his angry glare, “give her a chance to talk to them.”
“You…” the manager’s face turned progressively red and he stepped forward, looming over you.
“Sejun, take a walk,” the second manager said stiffly as he approached you all, placing a stern hand on the first manager—Sejun’s—shoulder. Sejun sent the second manager a dirty look and stalked off. The second manager turned to you with a kind smile, clearly attempting some damage control.“Now, Ms…?”
“Ms. (Y/G/N) (Y/N).” You responded stiffly.
“Right. Ms. (Y/G/N), I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Sejun is a new manager assigned to our team from the higher-ups, and it appears that he is not a good fit for us,” he explained calmly, “I would be happy to offer you and your friend a chance to talk to the boys, along with complimentary tickets to our next concert here in Seoul, if we could negotiate you deleting that video file.”
Seonmi turned to me with a huge smile that she was obviously trying to contain.
“Go,” you whispered quietly to her, figuring that you would settle out the information with the much nicer manager while she had her time talking to the group.
As you quickly wrote down your contact and identification information for the manager (and apologized for causing a scene), you had the sensation like someone was staring you. The manager punched your information into his phone, giving you time to glance up.
Your glance was met with an intense stare, coming from the dark eyes framed by the burgundy fringe of Park Woojin.
Chapter 3
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