#but idk it’s just so weirdly disappointing!! like why even bother with a live action ahsoka when she has perfect movement in animation
kirnet · 2 years
This is gonna be rambley but is it just me or are sw action scenes just laughably bad now? I haven’t seen the latest owk ep so I can’t comment but the chase scenes are just… meh. The fight with Vader… meh. The LEADUP to the Vader fight was fantastic and tense but the actual choreography was. Whack. (Which makes sense from obi wans pov he should be bad at it, but Vader should be chopping limbs off)
And it’s not just that but mando season 2 and bobf and the sequel trilogy. Like in my opinion the action scenes in the prequels were really good! Even the action scenes in the og trilogy, while obviously not as polished as what we can do now, hold a lot of emotional weight and entertainment value. But so much of the action in these new series that should be blowing us out of the water with the technology that they have is just. Meh.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
The Ehd-e-wafa post
So I’m watching this drama and it has no community on tumblr so i’m super comfortable sharing my unnecessary thoughts on here!! yay!! anyway, this is basically a bunch of incoherent thought on the characters.
The show centres around 4 high school friends who do not look like highschoolers at all (three of them have perfectly trimmed and grown beards and well made hair and uniforms while they live in a hostel. lol. ya thats totally believable. ispr i freaking trusted you there.) And they have the lamest group name. SSG? Special S Gang????? ISPR I TRUSTED YOU.
There’s Saad, the dude who has mild stalker tendencies and is otherwise largely decent unless brought into a situation packaged with Shazain (aka pls dont do this.) From what I’ve picked on he also probably has mild level daddy issues, and never wants to disappoint the man or his family (a rich military family oh boy). This could explain why he is so drawn to trouble the minute there isn’t a set of eyes on him. The only good set he is a part of so far is with Zoro, the good doggo. They are pure and happy and will die for each other.
Then there is Shazain, the actual piece of shit of the group, is the son of a Punjabi zameendar (land owner) and has faced zero genuine consequences for his actions since forever. this leads him to having more or less no ability to actually calculate or fear the potential risks the group faces. He doesn’t quite understand why anyone else wouldn’t want to do a bad thing (tm) and assumes its because they lack confidence, which is clearly, certainly, not the case. I don’t have any sets for him yet. Will update later.
Next we have Sheheryar, who seems weirdly chill with everything, (oh? the principal is mad? okay. :D). Like, too chill. The first 2 episodes give us little to no context of his potential backgrounds, and he is mostly on sides, supporting Shazain in whatever bullshit they are prepping. But as it turns out, he is the son of a Band master, and judging from his fathers reaction to his expulsion, and their itty bitty talk from the promo, he probably has the most functional and healthy family, even if they’re poor. No sets for him yet, but him and Shariq are basically that one parent trope where one panics over literally everything (Shariq) and the other would rather sleep through the the storm than be bothered (Sheheryar).
Lastly, there’s Shariq (que “~He’s just a poor boy, from a poor family~”  blasting from the radio.) He is exactly that. The first two episodes give us some hints, such as him being the only one who is actually bothered about his studies, and that he is also the only one who panics whenever there is a chance of trouble going too far, but episodes three makes things a tiny bit more clear, and since my urdu hearing skills are like, 3 times worse than my english ones, what i managed to gather is that he’s adopted, his family (adoptive and otherwise) is clearly not well off, and he is going to be having a hard, hard time lol. He is relatively decent, like Saad, but like, minus the money and the stalker tendencies. No sets yet.
I’ll make a post about the ladies next, and maybe, just maybe, do episode reviews so I can look back on them 5 years into the future and still nod fervently at all the salt or be hecking embarrassed lol idk.
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Loki x Reader fluff
Warnings: Talk of emotional abuse.
Word count: again...it was written on the phone so idk (sorry guys)
This was requested by @lazytrashbarbarian after she read the first Loki fic. 😅
(I really hope I was able to do some justice...even a little 🙇)
You can read this fic in continuation with the first if you'd like. No biggie.
(This gif doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner)
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"Isn't that t-"
"Too revealing? Oh God! I knew this dress was too good to be decent."
You walked back into your room and quickly shut the door behind you, taking both Loki and Clint by surprise.
Clint frowned as he looked at Loki for an answer, who himself wore a confused look.
"I was going to say isn't that the dress you wore at the fundraiser last year?"
Clint raised his brows, holding back the smirk as he nodded. "Good memory, yes. The funny thing is it was the same fundraiser where she kicked your ass before Thor told us you'd been our inside guy the whole time."
The confusion was replaced with a death stare. "Well, I let her kick my ass otherwise you brainless twats wouldn't have stopped coming at me till my incessantly positive brother arrived," Loki let a growl of disappointment as he recalled the event.
"You should go talk to her," Clint said reassuringly as he went on his way to train with Peter outside.
"Spider-baby's going to learn what it's like being a spider in an open field where he can't build webs in the corners of a building," he'd told Loki, who was sure he saw a menacing grin on his face and was scared for the human arachnid's safety.
You had changed into your shorts and tank top. Looking at the dress in your hands you thought to yourself how the dress did look great on you.
"But it does look stunning on you."
You jumped as a tiny scream left your body before you turned around and came face to face with Loki.
"Sorry, I didn't see you there," you haphazardly moved around his towering figure planted between you and your closet, burying the dress in a corner before turning back.
This had been the second time Loki was confused by your actions.
"Usually it would be me apologising for sliding into your room without any prior notice and you would be the one throwing punches and powerballs at me." Loki plopped on your bed, next to the side you slept on.
"Oh, why is your bed so hard?" He said as he adjusted his body till he found a comfortable position and eased himself onto your most private furniture, crossing his arms behind his head.
"For my back. It runs in my family. Sorry" You sighed, cursing yourself as you saw his resting bitch face scolding you wordlessly for another 'sorry'.
"I can't help it, okay. And for the record, you caught me off guard otherwise it wouldn't have just been powerballs aimed at you. It would have been the fundraiser fiasco all over again."
Loki laughed, the emotion reaching his eyes as his head was thrown back in utter delight. You hadn't seen him this carefree ever and seeing him laugh because of you made you realise how warm it made you feel on the inside. You were nearly melting with joy.
"What is bothering you love?" The green and blue in Loki's eyes danced like a clear ocean in the sun rays coming in from the window behind you. The word 'love' on his lips was meant just for you and your entire existence still could not get used to the idea that you were together right now.
'Love'- it would send such a tranquil vibration down your entire body that you would feel every ounce of unnecessary stress leave you at the command of his voice. It truly was magical.
You let out a huge sigh, a little tension leaving your shoulders as you planted yourself next to him, resting your hands on your stomach, consciously relaxing all your body parts, just like Strange had taught you during your counseling sessions.
You tried to find the right words, not knowing how to begin, all the while Loki lay there beside you, showing no sign of hurry.
"I really like that dress," you let out softly.
"You should," he replied, his breathing not faltering for even a moment, "you make it look worthy."
"That's not what I've heard from some people," you said under your breath.
You felt him turn his head in your direction. The silence between you was always weirdly comfortable.
"I-uh..." you gulped, taking a moment to form a sentence, "I went through some...stuff with one of my...uh...ex-boyfriends. There were issues of emotional abuse-" you heard you voice crack. Taking a second to clear your throat you continued.
"But it's all in past. And I don't want to sound overdramatic. I mean, I know people who've had it worse."
You could feel the heaviness in your chest build a little. Great, throwing your old baggage in your new potential- as you were taking things slow mostly because of the many concerned people living with you- lovers, you thought.
"First of all," Loki's soft voice broke your train of thought, "when something haunts you so much that it moulds you as a person, it's never in the past."
"Second of all," he turned in your direction , his head now supported by his arm as his biceps waited to be rescued from under his blue T-shirt, "overdramatic would be Thor retelling all the tales of how I 'cheated' during playtime with my magic when I was clearly not as physically fit or extraordinarily energetic as him."
You let out a laugh as Loki used the air-quotes and all he could do was look at you with soft astonished eyes as a smile found its way to his lips.
You met his gaze and the ocean eyes brought every anxious thought to pause for a minute.
"Breathe, love."
You did. You did the best your lungs could before letting all the heaviness flow out.
"I broke up with him on the 'fundraiser fiasco' day."
You could see his brows furrow in confusion.
"Mrs. Stark had bought the dress for me a day before. She said she'd seen it in the store and thought of me and she'd made me promise to wear to the event. Loki, the moment I tried it on for the very first time it felt like I was seeing something glowing in me that I'd never seen before. But the guy who I was with thought otherwise. He...umm...called me disgusting for wearing it and going out with men twice my age, even emotionally blackmailed me into not going to save the kids if I didn't want him to break up with me. I almost didn't make it that night. I almost, didn't," you broke into a soft laughter between the tears, "kick your ass that night had it not been for Bucky and Clint. They'd both shown up at my door at the right time. I bless Clint's instincts till this day to have thought about making Bucky escort me to the venue that night. And...and when I came back home, he..." your voice trailed away for a moment before finishing, "he left me."
You shrugged your shoulders.
Before you could clear your blurry vision, you felt cold arms embrace you. Every shaking muscle was being eased by his touch while every stinking memory was replaced by his enticing smell. You found yourself burying your face in his chest as his lips touched your aching temple, burning away the heaviness bit by bit.
"I reckon this wasn't the first time he'd done this?"
Loki voice never grew up from a soft humm. It often ached your heart to wonder what he must have gone through to know what hurts and what doesn't.
You shook you head. "No, it wasn't."
Loki's embrace got tighter. You could hear his heart beating faster. You wrapped your arms around his torso, waiting patiently as the beats steadied back to a normal pace.
"I must say I'm jealous. That dress looks so hot on you," Natasha raised her champagne glass as you entered the terrace that twinkling in fairy lights today.
A string of happy birthdays filled the air as everyone raised a glass to toast to you.
"Where's David? Didn't he say he was going to come today?" Steve shouted from the other end of the bar, genuinely concerned.
You froze at the name of your ex-boyfriend, wondering if there was nice way to tell Steve that the S.H.I.E.L.D. operative was not a welcoming site for you in so many ways.
"He had an emergency. He won't make it." Clint shouted from your end, making a Jagerbomb for you, him and Loki-who had disappeared- while he handed a bottle of root beer to Peter.
"Peter, what happened?" You couldn't help but notice a large bruise down his neck towards the shoulder.
He noticed your worried look and tried to hide it, giving you a sheepish grin, telling you not to worry about it.
"Clint, don't tell me it was you."
"It was the concrete, really."
"You worry me Barton. And that's coming from me." Loki chimed in, taking the empty seat next to you and planting his hand on your back.
Peter rested his head on the cold bar top as he smiled like a puppy on seeing you and Loki.
"You two are so adorable I would die for you." Peter's flushed face was really not able to keep the happiness inside.
"Oh God," Clint tiredly looked at the empty bottle beside Peter, "I gave him the wrong beer. Please don't tell Tony."
"Aww! I'd die for you too Peter." You patted his head and looked at his content face.
"I won't let that happen," Loki looked at Peter and then you with great resolve, his eyes never faltering. He drew you close to him, pulling your hair away from your face.
"Now kiss." Peter whispered as he giggled and passed out.
Loki had been the one to call Clint into Bruce's lab after he left Y/N feeling a lot better about herself.
Clint had been right on time with Peter following him on his heels, a sense of relief on his face to have gotten out of the training today.
"Who was Y/N's boyfriend?"
There were no greetings. Loki had gone straight up to the point of concern. Bruce stood at one end of the lab, listening to what exactly was going down.
"Why? Are you planning to duel with him? Mortal combat or-?" Clint was cut mid-sentence.
"Remember the fundraiser? When I had been trying to avoid fighting Y/N that night, I was also making sure to keep her out of the way of the enemy attack. I am quite sure I had ended up bruising one of her arms and neck when I had pulled her away from the line of fire and held her to the ground."
Clint did not take his eyes away from Loki even as he stopped talking.
"Yes, she had to get an ice pack so that it won't develop into a bru-wait a minute. She didn't come to the Facility next day and when I'd gone to visit her, she had a huge one around her jaw."
"That was the first time he felt the need to use physical force on her Barton." Loki said with undoubted assurance.
Suddenly the room grew tense as Loki's hands curled into a fist while Clint's jaws clenched tightly as he let out a 'son of a bitch'.
"Here," Bruce threw, what looked like a taser gun, towards Clint, "it's ten times more damaging. He'd wish he were dead."
"I'm coming too." Peter was as serious as anyone present in this room.
"No one hurts my friend and gets away with it."
No one argued.
"Very well," Clint said before rushing out of the lab with his partners in crime, "let's make that bastard pay a visit to the emergency room."
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hhemeraa-a · 6 years
@hassenmarred / @fluffmiester / @xaallo
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The sex friend. skjdghdsj I think Jax and I try not to talk about smutty things for all of like... 2 hours and then we get right back on that nasty bullshit the moment the opportunity strikes. I have never met a more sexually compatible muse with Myles in my entire life (Sorry Vincent) and it’s both a gift and curse. We have plotted out entire fucking universes, she’s also the reason why I have like... two of the verses I have, and why they’re so well fleshed out, but that’s mainly because we keep finding different ways for them to just bone. We even crossed the forbidden line with one of her muses because she was all “they’re never going to have sex” and I was like hahaha you sure about that. 
Jax has the best imagination, even if I give her shit for being a half furry monster that avoided all her blogs in favor of some dank ass lion game that she’s never gonna leave. We could honestly just replot out the same five things over and over and over again but each time they would turn out different depending on one small action change and that’s really the best. IDK IF I CAN STRESS THIS ENOUGH. PLOTTING WITH HER IS SO MUCH FUN??? She’s so funny and so great and everyone should go bother her on all her blogs because you won’t ever be disappointed by her plots or ideas or just anything. 
She’s also another person I talk to almost every day and because she has a shit sleep schedule and I live in China, she’s practically up for most of the time I’m up lmao, OR when I wake up, she’s left me 30 messages of weirdly shaped dicks, smut, and emotional breakdowns that we’ll talk about until she’s like “wow I can’t believe it’s 5am, I guess I should sleep” and yet still stay up for another 20 minutes because we just got to some good part of our story and she has to come in with some other dank ass idea that we both just go OOOOH BUT IMAGINE-- sdjkhgskd
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