#but if I put off for any longer it’s gonan be a week since you sent this so here’s a bit of info on the boy!!!
krystaldeath · 2 years
Sees your fan kid post: Ooo! Spill the tea! What are they like?
Okay so!!! He’s Spider Queen & Scorpion Demoness’ Son! I’ve been imagining him when he’s still just a little kiddo, but he acts high and mighty bc he’s a prince! He’s a bit spoiled by both his moms and said moms’ servants/friends. A lot like Red Son actually! Which means they don’t get along that much and tend to butt heads (“Red, that’s a child” “Yes, a child I plan to ANNIHILATE with my SUPERIORITY!!!” “Bring it on old guy!” “*long, over-dramatic gasp* I AM N O T THAT OLD!!! ONLY A FEW CENTURIES!!!”)
The queens LOVE their son to bits and Kinda coddle him a little. He acts like he hates it but if they stop he gets all teary eyed and asks “Wh-why did you stoooop???” Which then makes them hug him super tightly.
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || alison & aaron
Discord text thread featuring: aaron & @alison-haynes
When: december 16
Mentions: @quentindelancret​ @ronnieroy @wtf-eden @lemonkiaiyo
Description: aaron spills his guts about quentin to alison and alison asks aaron for advice about lemon 
TW: -
I know you’re spending the night Christmas Eve, so we can do Christmas morning together. Do you want to stay for Christmas dinner? Or are you heading to your moms?
maybe I’ll ask my mom and Ireland to your place?
by the way. Eden and Ronnie are staying with me for a bit. Just so you know who’s here when Des is here. Ronnie’s apartment was broken into and Eden needs some space from her boyfriend
yes, that’s fine with me! I’d love to have them here.
I love Eden and Ronnie. Thanks for letting me know though. Are they both doing okay?
Ronnie is shaken up and Eden is just stressed. I think it’s good for them to be together though lol they’re something else when they’re together
Well they are lucky to have you helping them out
I have another thing to tell you
like get off my chest
don’t judge me plz
oh boy
go for it
so I um
remember when I told you about Quentin and how I wanted him to meet Des and you told me to figure out how I feel about him
it unfortunately hit me up side the head after the holiday party. I know he’s in love with me and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. Thing is...last night I took him out for his birthday at throuple. Some of our friends were there including Roman and I snuck off to get drunk and flirt with Roman AT Q’S BDAY PARTY. And I feel soooo terrible about it
*ugh emoji*
if you’re in love with him, do you want it to turn into something,
hey I told you you couldn’t judge me
I’m not sure.
no I like being single
I’m not judging
How do you love someone and not want to do something about it?
a lot of reasons
I love my freedom and being single
and I don’t want to hurt him. I think it might be better for us to just stay the way we are and not put any restrictive label on it
I don’t know. If I loved someone, i think it’d probably hurt more to not be together.
but it’s a relationship between you guys, you know what’s best for your two
i don’t know. But I haven’t exactly told him how I feel
and at the holiday party...we were getting really intimate. Like. We’ve had sex before obviously but it felt so much more intense this time
and then I pushed him off of me like a dick because I couldn’t handle it
are you going to tell him how you feel?
Yikes...that’s tough. Have you been intimate with him since?
if you count drunk sex as intimacy then yes
and no. i mean...i dont know...if i do things will change with us
I feel like things are going to change either way
with what happened at the holiday party, I feel like that could happen again. If you love him, sex is going to be intense and what if you just can’t have sex with him anymore?  Maybe if your feelings are out there it will make things easier
i cant imagine a world where i can't have sex with him lmao
well it’s happened once before, it could just get more intense
just trying to be honest with you
i know
thats why im coming to you with this
ultimately it’s your decision, I just feel like if your feelings are on the table it might be better.
im afraid of admitting that to him though
are you afraid of it destroying everything? Or afraid of what might come of it?
I think you should think about it. Like truly think about it. Telling him might have a better outcome than you think it will
ugh okay i hear you
doesnt mean im gonan do it though
at least think about it
i hear you, respectfully disagree, but hear you
you were scared to start a relationship with Eden when that started up, and that went well. So just remember, relationships aren’t terrible.
it went well bc we acted more like best friends than lovers
think about it
but you're right it wasn't a terrible relationship
ellie is gonna take Des to piano today btw. am i picking her up or are you
I can pick her up
also can we talk about that weather on Sunday? Did you know it was supposed to snow?
no clue
hope you stayed warm lmfao
I did
I was not expecting to be locked in all day on my birthday though
yeah but im sure you loved an excuse to stay in
im just glad the babysitter was able to keep Des for longer
It was a nice day for sure. Best birthday I’ve had in a while
I thought the same thing about the twins. I was stresssing over the thought of the nanny bringing them home in the storm
im glad they're okay
were you alone....or
no I wasn’t alone
Lemon wanted to walk me home from the party, and when we got back I invited him up for coffee and we just talked.....and talked and talked. Next thing I knew it was morning and we were snowed in together
ya'll had cofffffeeeeeeee after a party at a bar?? lmao
yes yes we did
no judgement Aaron
No judgement
just a questionnnnnn
it was a great cup of coffee
but speaking about lemon, I need your advice on something
hahaha okay hit me!!
1. Do you think I should make a move and ask him to maybe be official? Or should I wait to see if he makes that move?
2. I should keep Christmas gifts for him not too crazy, right? You know I love to spoil people at Christmas
you just met this man like two weeks ago. Less than that. Are you sure you’ve gotten to know him well enough to make it official? What if hes like a murdered or something?
definitely don’t make it crazy. Especially since you’re well off and he’s not. But you could probably buy him some nice things!!
Alison.BOTToday at 3:00 PM
Has it really only been a couple weeks? It feels like it has been longer than that. I can’t explain it Aaron, but something feels right about him. Like, there is something there that I didn’t even feel with the twins father. I know it’s fast, but I just have these feelings that I know I won’t be able to shake anytime soon. Also, he’s too sweet to be a murderer so I’ve ruled that option out. Plus, the world already thinks we’re together, someone shared a photo online of us kissing at the holiday party and paps caught lemon coming into my pent that night
I’m struggling to come up with good ideas for him. I’ve written something for him, and he was telling me about this flower from his native island,  I was thinking about doing research and trying to get him some of those flowers. Is that weird? It’s probably weird.
I don’t want to weird him out
okay well you can't really fairly compare him to the twins' father. he sucks. for like 2345 different reasons. so that not really a great comparison. the pap photos don't surprise me though. have u talked to him about that? like...ngl getting papped for being alison haynes' life takes a lot of getting used to. even for me, and i already had some exposure with rich kids. what did you write for him???? i wanna hear. i think the song and the flower would suffice as a christmas gift, especially considering he might make something for you too ya know?? the flower thing isnt weird, it's really really thoughtful.
but I didn’t think he was a tool when I dated him. I thought he was the person I’d spend my entire life with. We all know the truth behind him now. But there is just something I feel for Lemon that I need to explore. We talked a little bit about it at the holiday party after he kissed me, but I did text him today about all of it. Because we’re trending on Twitter. I told him I’d make a public statement and shut it down if that is what he wants. But I’m waiting to hear back from him. I really hope it doesn’t scare him off, but I do know we need to talk about it because it is a lot. I haven’t recorded it yet, but I’ll play it for you next time I see you. You think so? I just don’t want to seem weird.
i think you need to see how he feels about that honestly...because that could be a big thing for him. especially since he grew up so modestly...hes so not used to that
the flower is probably way more thoughtful of a gift that i would ever think of
I know. Of course I am going to talk to him about it before I do anything crazy. I'm just nervous it's too much, its too much for a lot of people.
it is, yeah. but i really hope it works out
im gonna have to have a stern talking to him though
i do too
oh boy, not the big bad aaron stern talk
tell him to be afraid lmao
i'll warn him
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