#but if this is a ‘they need room bucko’ thing then maybe I’ll just plant them when I have to go dogsit for my parents next week
anipgarden · 7 months
Oh yeah quick question
So my new swamp milkweeds have little brown spots??? Theyve had them since I got them from the store but I feel like the Spot Density is increasing (or I might be crazy) would anyone know what the deal is?
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for-a-flower · 4 years
Chapter 6 (The King and His Son)
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              Two hours passed as Frisk continued a treacherous journey through Hotland.  He ate the hot cat on the way and passed a spider bake sale from which he bought two doughnuts.  Frisk took heavy breaths of air as he climbed several steps.  He stopped at the top completely exhausted from the heat.  He was met by a soft, refreshing breeze.  The air was cooler here.  The human child stood several yards from the entrance of what looked like a hotel.  Standing by the left side of the glass door was Sans.  The skeleton waved with a carefree smile.  Frisk rushed to join him.
            "Hey," said Sans.
            Frisk panted weakly.  "Hi."
            "I heard you're going to the Core."  Frisk nodded.  "How about grabbing some dinner with me first?"
            Frisk smiled.  "Yeah . . . sounds good," he said.
            "Great.  Thanks for treating me."
            "Wait, hu?"
            Sans shrugged.  "Heh, heh.  I'm kidding, buddy.  Over here."  The skeleton started around the left side of the hotel down a dark alley.
            "Another shortcut?" said Frisk.
            "Yup."  Sans walked several feet into the dark.  Frisk followed close behind until he couldn't see anything.  Slowly, a dim, moody light lit up a diner.  Frisk looked around.  There were tables and chairs set up neatly with some potted plants and pictures hanging on the walls.  Each table was decorated with a tablecloth and a lit candle in the center.  Frisk glanced over a shoulder only to see a wall where they had entered.  He shook his head and followed Sans to a table.  Sans offered Frisk a chair and the human sat down on the opposite side of the table.  "Well, here we are.  Wait here.  I'll go order."  Sans casually walked toward a host at a counter by the entrance.  He shook hands with the monster.
            Frisk could hear him chuckling quietly as he waited.  He was curious to know if Sans was going to bring up anything important like he had last time they hung out.  Frisk stared at the candle in front of him.  Its flame flickered softly with a warm glow and pleasant scent.  Frisk took a deep breath, soaking up the cool air inside the room.
           Just a few minutes later, Sans came back with a large sandwich on a plate and two cups of water.  He set the plate in front of Frisk along with both cups of water.  "Here you go, kid," he said.  "Enjoy."
            Frisk was only interested in the water at the moment.  He picked up the first cup and drank the entire thing, while Sans took a seat across from him.  Frisk set down the empty glass and smiled at the skeleton.  "Thanks.  I think I almost de . . . hy . . ."
            "Dehydrated?” said Sans.
           Frisk nodded.  “Yeah.”
           “Eh, I wouldn't have let that happen."  Frisk reached to pick up the sandwich and licked his lips.  "So," said Sans.  "Your journey's almost over, huh?"
           Frisk nodded.  “I hope so.”
           Sans leaned back in the chair, hands in his pockets.  "You must really wanna go home."
            Frisk swallowed a bite to reply.  "Yeah . . . I do.  I gave my family a promise.  I told them I'd come back and . . . I want to keep that promise."
            "Hey.  I know the feeling, buddy.  Though . . . maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you.  Down here you've already got food, drink, friends . . ."  Frisk took another bite of the sandwich.  "Is what you have to do . . . really worth it?" said Sans.
            The child tried not to look surprised at the question.  He started a response with his mouth full.  "It is to me.”  He swallowed and continued.  “I'm sure my parents are worried.  I've been gone for days now.  They might think I'm dead."
            Sans sighed.  "Aw, forget it."  He glanced down at the table for a few seconds before looking up again.  "I'm rootin' for ya, kid."  Frisk smiled and took another bite of the sandwich he held.  "Hey.  Let me tell you a story."  Sans folded his arms.  "So, I'm a sentry in Snowdin Forest, right?"  Frisk nodded.  "I sit out there and watch for humans.  It's kinda boring.  Fortunately, deep in the forest, there's this huge locked door and it's perfect for practicing knock-knock jokes.  So one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual.  I knock on the door and say 'Knock knock.'  And suddenly, from the other side, I hear a woman's voice."  Frisk’s chewing slowed.  He suddenly felt his appetite leaving him.
           Sans continued.  "'Who is there?' she said.  So, naturally, I respond 'dishes'.  'Dishes who?'"  Sans paused to wink at Frisk.  "Dishes a very bad joke."  Frisk forced a smile and set down his half eaten sandwich.  Sans chuckled.  "And then she just howls with laughter . . . like it's the best joke she's heard in a hundred years.  So I keep 'em coming, and she keeps laughing."  Sans glanced away.  "She's the best audience I've ever had."  Frisk looked down at his plate, a lump forming in his throat.
            "Then, after a dozen of 'em, she knocks and says, 'Knock knock.'  I say, 'Who's there?'  'Old lady!'  'Old lady who?'  'Oh, I did not know you could yodel!'  Heh . . . Wow."  Sans seemed to notice something was on Frisk's mind.  He sighed.  "Needless to say, this woman was really good.  We kept telling each other jokes for hours.  Eventually, I had to leave.  Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story.  But she told me to come by again, and so I did.  Then I did again . . . and again.  It's a thing now, telling bad jokes through the door.  It rules."  The skeleton chuckled.
            Frisk’s gaze drifted down.  Sans was the one Toriel had written those jokes for in her diary.  They were friends.  Frisk had ruined everything.  Sans’ voice got the child’s attention again.  "One day, though, I noticed she wasn't laughing very much.  I asked her what was up.  Then she told me something strange.  'If a human ever comes through this door, could you please, please promise something?  Watch over them . . . and protect them . . . will you?'"  Frisk looked down again, trying to keep his composure.  He could feel tears coming to his eyes.  Not now.  He couldn't let Sans find out.
            "Now, I hate making promises," said Sans.  Frisk forced himself to look at him.  "And this woman, I don't even know her name but . . . someone who sincerely likes bad jokes has an integrity you can't say 'no' to."  Sans paused to stare at Frisk.  "Do you get what I'm sayin’?  That promise I made to her . . . you know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything?  Buddy . . ."  Sans lowered his head for a second and when he lifted it again, his eyes were completely dark.  He spoke with a quiet, disturbing voice, sending chills down Frisk's spine.  "You'd be dead where you stand."  Frisk stared back with wide eyes.  He sniffled, and tears finally came.  The child dropped his head into his hands.
           Sans sighed.  "Hey, lighten up, bucko," he said.  Frisk slowly lifted his head, as tears ran down his face.  Sans' eyes had returned to normal.  He looked concerned.  "I'm . . . just joking with you," he said.  Frisk wiped the tears from his eyes.  "Besides . . . haven't I done a great job protecting you?  I mean, look at yourself.  You haven't died a single time,” Sans said.  Frisk narrowed his eyes at the skeleton.  Sans looked alarmed.  "Hey, what's that look supposed to mean?" he said.  "Am I wrong?"
            "I've died at least five times now," said Frisk.
            Sans stared.  "Heh."  He stood and stepped away from the table.  Frisk had expected him to be more surprised.  "Well, that's all I wanted to say.  But . . . I think I remember you wanting to ask me something.  Now's your chance,” Sans said.
            Frisk sighed and stood up to face Sans.  "I was going to ask why I kept seeing you everywhere.  Why you seemed to be following me.  But you answered that."
            Sans put his hands in the pockets of his coat.  "Anything else, buddy?"
            "Why . . . why would you have killed me?"
            "Well, you're human.  No offense but, we all wanna get out of the underground one day . . . and you're the last one we'd need,” said Sans.
            "So . . . even if I was innocent . . . you'd still kill me?"
            Sans gave Frisk a questioning look.  "Why do you say that?  'Even if you were innocent'."
            Frisk paused.  A part of him cringed when he had said that.  He had to be careful with his reply.  "I was asking because . . . it doesn't seem like you to hurt someone who hasn't done anything wrong," he said.
            "You don't know me very well, kid.  But you will."  Sans winked.  "Trust me."  The skeleton turned to head back toward the wall through which they had entered.  He paused to look back at Frisk.  "Take care of yourself, kid.  Cause someone really cares about you."  He turned and continued to walk.
            Frisk glanced at the sandwich that he didn't want anymore.  When he looked up again, Sans was gone.  The little human sighed.  "Someone did care . . . and I killed her,” he whispered.
            "You did what you thought you had to.  You didn't know it would destroy her,” said a dull voice.
            Frisk scowled.  "Yeah, but you did and you didn't tell me?  What kind of monster are you?"
            "I am not a monster."
            "Only monsters do things like this."
            "And all monsters live here . . . in the underground."
            "And so do you," said Frisk.  He left the table and stomped down the hall to the hotel lobby.  It wasn't fair.  This person . . . whoever was talking to him . . . could influence and tell him anything.  Sometimes Frisk was confused as to which intents were his own.  After eating, the child gathered his money and paid to stay for the night.  The room he was given was huge, so he flopped on the bed and fell asleep in minutes.
            Frisk woke up well rested without interruption this time.  He rolled out of the massive bed and straightened a small wrinkle he had made before going out.  Frisk thanked the monster at the counter for the service and headed to a door at the back.  He opened it and stepped onto a dark bridge.  On the other end was an entrance labeled, ‘Core’.  Cool air swept by the child.  This was the last place between him and the capital.  Alphys had warned that the Core was full of lasers and technology.  She also mentioned that Mettaton had disappeared and she couldn't find him.  Frisk took a deep breath then started across the metal bridge.
            As soon as Frisk entered the Core, Alphys called to update him.  She gave him directions and sent a map to his phone.  Frisk followed the map carefully as he traversed bluish halls and crossed bridges over steamy gaps.  There was a strange chemical smell in the air and it gave Frisk a headache.  For the first thirty minutes or so, he wandered into dead ends and strange monsters that attacked him from behind corners.  There were several creatures patrolling the corridors between laser grids and directional signs.  Alphys seemed confused with the layout and eventually admitted that her map was inaccurate.  She told Frisk to keep looking for an elevator and encouraged him not to give up.
            By now Frisk was frustrated.  Strong monsters kept attacking and injuring him before he could escape.  Their magic was more powerful than any monster he had encountered so far.  He was too weak to fight them.  A part of him seemed to laugh at his pain, telling him over and over that he should have listened.  During his journey through the Core, Frisk took a fatal blow from a large armored knight creature.  It had swung a thick, metal rod at his head.  The child revived at the center of the Core's ridiculous maze of halls.  He pressed on and tried not to think about Toriel or where Flowey had gone.  Maybe the little thing really did decide to leave him alone.
            When Frisk finally found the exit, he was worn out, sore, and covered in bruises.  As soon as he saw the gateway leading out, determination filled him.  His heart pounded with life and his injuries healed in a moment as a yellow light flickered in the doorway.  Frisk paused to look at an object mounted above the entrance.  It was the same symbol he had noticed at various places in the underground.  He wondered what it was for and what it meant.  But this was no time to speculate.  Frisk wanted to get back home more than ever.  He couldn't wait to tell his parents about this place and how he had escaped . . . if he ever would that is.  Frisk stepped through the doorway into a dark room on the other side.
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Talk to Me
You don't have to be a hero to save the world
It doesn't make you a narcissist to love yourself
It feels like nothing is easy it'll never be
That's alright, let it out, talk to me
Tony let out a shaky breath as he slumped against his workbench. He could try his hardest to do good, to be good, but nothing would ever erase his past of destruction and death. He could never forget it, either, the news certainly would never let him forget. He was tired of being crucified for everything. The things he did do and the things he didn’t do, it was always his fault. Today he wasn’t fast enough, an innocent life was lost. Another family, torn apart because he wasn’t good enough. Cap had told him to evacuate the building sooner, but Clint needed evac off the roof of the same building that was half collapsed already and going down faster than he could run. Tony, of course, caught him and dropped him off on the ground safely. He looped back around to get the rest of the civilians out of the top floor. He got all but one. And the headlines read “Ironman left man for dead” and “Tony Stark heartless in the face of destruction”. Instead of going to medical to get his ribs tapped and head checked out, he went straight to the lab to watch the news. It didn’t matter that he saved over 15 people from the building or that he blasted that weeks monster in the face or stayed as long as he could to help pick up the pieces or that he’s giving thousands of dollars towards rebuilding the city and individual funds for people who lost their property or loved ones. Someone was dead because of him.
“Jarvis, find out who it was that was lost in the building and make sure all funeral expenses are covered.”
“Of course, sir.”
The lab doors slid open silently. Tony was aware that someone came in and sat next to him, he just didn’t bother looking at who it was.
“You should go to medical, solnyshko.” Bucky, of course.
“I should have saved him.” Bucky didn’t say anything else, just held him until his voice was raw from screaming and sobbing.
You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique
You don't have to know what to say or what to think
You don't have to be anybody you can never be
That's alright, let it out, talk to me
Tony stumbled, slightly, into the communal kitchen clutching his favorite Star Wars mug after 48 straight hours spent in the lab upgrading the teams equipment and getting back-logged work for SI done. He was the equivalent of a zombie at this point. Eyes blurring slightly, shaky legs and the pounding headache that usually accompany these binges. He went right to the coffee pot to pour himself some sweet, sweet caffeine.
“Stark, are you finished with those stun arrows yet?” Clint dropped down from the top of the fridge effectively scaring Tony so bad that the boiling hot coffee sloshed over his hand.
“Jesus! Clint you’re going to kill me one of these days.” Tony hissed as he wiped his burnt hand on his shirt.
Clint shrugged. “Arrows?” Tony shook his head, he still hasn’t managed to get the voltage correct.
“I thought you were some super genius and you can’t figure out these arrows?”
Did Tony say that out loud? Maybe he isn’t as recovered from that concussion as he thought if he’s speaking without realizing it. He also might need sleep soon. Clint snorted.
“I don’t think you can blame a concussion for you not thinking before you speak. That’s just a Stark thing, no filter.” Tony, for once, had nothing to say. So he just blinked at Clint and then put his mug in the sink. He’ll get coffee somewhere else. He turned to flee the kitchen with a heavy feeling in his chest. But before he could step out completely he stopped and said:
“Don’t worry, Birdbrain, I’ll get your arrows finished.”
He stepped back into the elevator to go back down to the lab.
“Sir, I would recommend that you sleep for at least 10 hours, not go back to the lab.”
“You heard Legolas, arrows, J. To the lab.” Jarvis didn’t respond other than to start the elevator down. Tony let out a sigh, in reality nothing sounded better than face planting into his bed. Who needs sleep when your team needs gear to keep them safe? Not Tony, that's for sure. Howard Stark only cared about himself, a bottle of scotch, and Captain America. Tony cares about a hell of a lot more than that and he'll be damned if he’ll let sleep drag him down. He stood up a little straighter and rolled his shoulders. He could do this, arrows and then sleep. Tony stepped back into the lab and got to work.
Turns out, he cannot do this. He has been shocked and burnt more times in the last hour than he has in the last month alone. With a frustrated growl he swiped the contents off the desk onto the floor. Taking in the state of his red and raw hands, he clenched them into fists. The pain made him focus, clearing the haziness in his mind. He jumped violently when hands connected with his shoulders.
“Shh. I think it’s time you get up to bed.” Tony’s anxiety lessened upon hearing Bucky’s voice and almost completely vanished when he started to rub circles into the hard knots within Tony’s shoulders. He didn’t register that they were walking out of the lab until the doors opened. Tony jerked out of Bucky’s hold.
“Sorry, Bucko, I have work to do.” Tony gave him a forced smile and he couldn’t quite name the emotion that came over Bucky’s face. Almost disappointment, but sadder. That’s okay, Tony knew he was a disappointment.
“Tony, you’ve been up almost 40 hours straight. You need sleep, not to mention medical attention.”
Tony couldn’t meet his gaze, instead looking at the mess in his lab. The blueprints for Clint’s arrows and their failed prototypes littered on the floor.
“Clint needs arrows.” It was said without any malice, just defeat. This shouldn’t be so hard, he was a genius for fucks sake.
“Tony,” Bucky waited until the inventor looked at him, “it’s hard because you need sleep and food. Clint’s arrows can wait until you’ve slept, gotten food, and your hands looked at. And if he says anything about it, I’ll kick his ass. C’mon, solnyshko, let me take care of you.”
Anxiety tossing turning in your sleep
Even if you run away you still see them in your dreams
It's so dark tonight but you'll survive certainly
It's alright, come inside, and talk to me
Tony slept for exactly four hours and 17 minutes. He woke up with a scream dying on his lips and sweat soaking through his shirt. Apparently, even sleep deprived, his mind was still a cruel bastard. His shirt felt like a wet noose slowly making its way up to his neck. He could feel his ridiculously soft sheets beneath him, but his mind was screaming that he was on rocky and hard ground. Tony tumbled out of the bed onto the floor while gasping for breath. He couldn’t hear Jarvis telling him where he was, what time it was or the weather outside. All he could hear were bombs going off and his harsh breathing. Tony clawed off his shirt, not registering that his hands were wrapped and he tapped the arc reactor rapidly as the walls of his room closed in on him.
We can talk here on the floor
On the phone, if you prefer
I'll be here until you're okay
Jarvis must’ve alerted Bucky to Tony’s panic attack because he was suddenly there grabbing his hands gently.
“Tony, hey, it’s alright. Can you try to match my breathing? In and out.” Bucky placed both of Tony’s hands on his chest, exaggerating his breathing in an attempt to calm Tony’s own rapid breathing. It took awhile, but eventually Tony sagged and calmed down. Bucky moved so he could pull Tony into his lap.
“Please don’t leave.”
“Not unless you want me to, doll.”  
Let your words release your pain
You and I will share the weight
Growing stronger day by day
“I’m sorry.” Bucky lowered the book he was reading to peer up at Tony.
“I’m sorry.” Tony repeated with a little exasperation leaking into his voice.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What for, solnyshko?” Tony started tapping the arc reactor casing gently.
“Being a mess.” Bucky arched an eyebrow and reached forward to snag one of Tony’s wrists to pull him down into his lap.
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, doll, but you’re talking to a man who's had his brains scrambled for the last 70 years.” Tony huffed and looked away.
“But you handle it so well.” Bucky snorted
“I don’t, not really. Sometimes I wake up still feeling like the Asset.”
“Sometimes I wake up feeling like I’m still hooked up to a car battery.” Tony leaned on Bucky’s chest and Bucky held him closer.
“Looks like we both have burdens to bare. Not alone, though. Not anymore.”
It's so dark outside tonight
Build a fire warm and bright
And the wind it howls and bites
Bite it back with all your might
Bucky found Tony on the roof. It was the dead of night and slightly chilly and why on earth was Tony even out here?
“I hate it, you know?” Tony’s voice made Bucky’s steps falter. After a moment's hesitation Bucky walked the distance to Tony and sat down next to the man who hadn’t looked at him once.
“I hate that I can never take back all of the things I did. I was an awful person, still might be an awful person. But I try, yeah? I give pieces of myself away in hopes that that will rectify the things I’ve done. But I’ve realized that don’t have anything left, nothing good enough anyways, and I’m just so damn tired.” Bucky took a moment to look at Tony, not that he hadn’t already committed this man to his memory, but he did see how tired he was. Dark circles under his eyes, slumped shoulders, glazed far off stare, and he was so pale. When Bucky spoke he made sure his voice was soft, but firm.
“You’ll never run out of pieces, your body will give them back to you without your consent to keep on giving. Other people will throw them at you, damaged and unclean and then it will be your job to fix them up to give them away again.” Tony’s eyes finally drifted to look at Bucky. “Sometimes, you'll pick up the fallen and forgotten pieces of yourself and place them next to your heart to never forget who and what they were given to and you will never give those pieces away again. There is no such thing as giving away too many pieces of yourself, you’ll still have them, they may be broken and dirty and old but they are still yours and they are still good enough.” Tony’s tears were silent as he nodded.
“You sound so sure.” Bucky looked away, a sad smile dancing on his lips.
“Yeah, I’m still picking up and polishing off my own pieces.” Tony’s hand moved to rest on top of his and they sat in silence.
Anxiety tossing turning in your sleep
Even if you run away you still see them in your dreams
It's so dark tonight
It looks nice, fall asleep
It's alright, come inside, and talk to me
“Tony, come to bed, doll.”
And for once, Tony didn’t worry about any nightmares plaguing him in his sleep. He didn’t worry about all the work he still had to do. He didn’t have to worry about his demons clawing their way up from his personal hell when Bucky was there to help him keep them at bay. Tony shut down his work and got up to follow the love of his life to bed.
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residentanchor · 6 years
A Lesson in Practicality 8
<<Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Summary:  A look back at how Logan tried pulling this all together. Word Count: 4596
In his spare time, the random quiet cafe tucked away in the corners of the city were his favorite. Logan usually went with a book, one he read previously and didn't mind getting distracted from. His life had stagnated a bit but the pattern was one he was comfortable with. A quiet corner and a small snack provided by the cafe gave him an hour or so in peace. He could duck away and hide his face when needed but still observe the area around him. Some people had the same hobby, watching people go about their lives and just quietly observing, he just had a peek into what was hidden just underneath.
Anytime someone came in and piqued his interest in any way, Logan would observe and think of what had gotten them to this very spot at the same time. After years of quietly observing and quickly checking to see if he was right had left the hobby more than dull. Most people thought about the same things, it would get stale and boring from time to time. However, there were moments when someone would stand out and give him a bit of a shock. It rarely happened anymore but it was always interesting nonetheless. Being able to read mannerisms was never Logan's strong point. Someone would carry themselves with confidence then be fighting a battle in their head, he could never quite get it right.
The bell over the door jingled and Logan waited for the person to walk into the cafe before looking up. He quickly looked back down in uninterest, glancing over the words in his book. People could be so easy to read sometimes at a single look was enough.
Laughter caused his eyes to flicker back up over his book. The newest patron had a grin on his face as the cashier let out a laugh. He couldn't quite hear what was being said, but he decided a second look wouldn't hurt.
The man carried himself well, not quite with confidence but seemed to dance in his spot whenever he got a smile or laugh from the cashier. They could be about the same age and they even wore similar glasses, but nothing truly remarkable stuck out. The ones who smiled the most usually carried the most pain or something along those lines from his experience. Though, as time carried on and the man continued to smile, Logan couldn't help but begin to wonder. Was he having a good day or could someone truly be that happy? It had been a boring visit and they were the most interesting person he had seen all day. Logan checked around and held up his book, glancing at the pages more. He reached up and rubbed his eyes, covering his face. Just a quick scan would only take a few moments. He nearly dropped his book.
Logan hunched in on himself a bit more and tried not looking up. Had he seen that right? The man split himself into two people that morning. Logan hadn't even bothered to take the second to check why or how the thought never occurred to him. He sat up straight and looked over once more, the smile still on the man's face who was completely unaware. Years of this silly habit and somehow Logan had possibly crossed paths with someone just like him in the same city.
He covered his eyes again and did another check. Patton. Seemed to live alone in a small studio apartment and could indeed make multiple copies of himself. He had to know more, or at least dig deeper. Logan's powers never worked on himself, it didn't make logical sense, but he had always wondered if his brain just worked differently then everyone else. An autopsy on his own brain was physically impossible so this was the first chance he got to test his theory.
It took a bit but he did seem to find something but he wasn't sure what. Something metaphorically made this 'Patton' stick out like a red dot on a thermal scan. He blinked away and looked up after hearing a noise, seeing the other leaving the cafe with a small bag and drink in his hand. Logan pretended to be reading as the other left, their eyes never meeting.
He wondered if he could scan the whole city bit by bit now that he knew what he was looking for. Logan closed his book and casually gathered his things before walking out, he had research to do.
It hadn't taken long as he scribbled in a small notepad that fit into his pocket. After knowing what he was looking for, he tried broadening his range and got on a bus that stretched the city. After a few rides, he had scribbled down some notes about the people he could point out. Across the span of two weeks, Logan was certain he had found at least those in the city who could be similar to him, it just took figuring out how to bring it up to them. One stood out from the rest if only slightly, so after deliberation, Logan decided to 'accidentally' run into them and start talking. Maybe some things could be pieced together.
The next thing he knew, he was standing in the middle of a sidewalk, apologizing for bumping into a passerby and walking away confused. He remembered going somewhere to see someone, but couldn't remember who or what. He reached for the notepad in his back pocket and found it missing. He had been writing in it for two weeks and without it, he wasn't sure he'd be able to remember absolutely everything he wrote. The other people, their names, and abilities he at least was able to see where jotted down in that. Logan could only hope someone took it as notes for a novel or story someone could be writing. Most things could be re-written with a little hard work and wasn't worth the stress. The four other people in the city... Three other people. Four? He couldn't quite remember, he thought it was...
Logan decided to rethink his entire plan with a bit more caution.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come in and help, sweetie?"
Patton pulled the last bag out of the truck and turned to the driver. "No thanks, mom. I'll let you know when I'm settled in."
"Take your time, dear. Call me tonight." Patton grinned and closed the door, waving as the truck pulled away. He looked down at his few small boxes and frowned. The trip could be over in a few minutes if he hadn't absolutely promised he would just do it himself and he was far too stubborn to ever break a promise. He picked up a box and a bag and made his way inside.
He was on his third trip when he saw his mother drive by and wave. After she was out of view, Patton shook his head. His parents never did trust him sometimes. He made his way up the stairs and paused at the very top. Third floor and no help, he knew this was going to take a while.
He walked out of the stairway and to the only door at the top leading to the apartment. Shuffling the box onto the floor, he checked where the spare key would have been hidden under the fake plant and found it missing. It was early, he wasn't the first here? He turned and knocked on the door, waiting for any noise. It took only a few seconds before it swung open and he was met with his first roommate.
"Hi, I'm Patton. You my new roommate?" Patton smiled as the man stared back at him inquisitively. "Oh! We have the same glasses!" He pointed happily.
"It appears so. Salutations, I am Logan." He extended his hand and Patton took it happily. "I've already moved into the room in the very back. Do you require assistance with your belongings?"
Patton waved a hand and reached down for his box. "No need, bucko. I'll take care of it!" He perked up and walked in. "Oh, it really is all furnished! Wonderful!" Patton spun around. "So, anyone else here? Kinda thought I was going to be the first."
"You are the first to arrive beside me, feel free to take any room you see fit." Patton walked to the nearest doorway and peeked in. "I'll just take this one then! Thanks a Pat-ton!" He walked in and placed his first box down. "I'll be back with my other belongings!"
It took half an hour of running up and down stairs but Patton had all his belongings in his room before he sat down on the couch for a rest. "It seems you have finally finished moving in. Would you like a beverage? There is only water as I have not had the chance to shop for groceries as of yet."
"You talk funny, I like it!" Patton smiled up. "A water would be great, thanks, Logan!" Logan nodded and entered the room with a glass, handing it to Patton. "Thank you! So, sit! Tell me about you, I want to know more about my new roomies!" Patton took a big gulp of water and sighed in relief.
"Oh, well. I am currently employed at a bookstore and maintain a healthy yet quiet lifestyle I suppose. What about you, Patton?"
Patton put the glass down on a coaster and perked up. "Well, that's not enough! Here, I'll start. I'm Patton! I work at the library as an assistant, it's a lot of organizing and computer work! I'm an only child, and I love cats and dogs! I'm allergic to cats though, it breaks my heart when I see one and I can't pet it! Oh! I also love to cook so I'd love to help out when I can!"
"That is certainly interesting, you said you work at a library? Do you enjoy reading?"
"Ohh, yes! I like to read to the kids that come in all the time! Oh, there was this one book I read about someone's job as a dog catcher, it was so cute and sad!"
"Somehow I'm not surprised." Logan sat up. "I'm sure you have some unpacking to do, so I shall leave you to it."
It was a few short hours of just the two of them, most of the noise being Patton's rummaging and humming as he set up his room. There was a loud thumping and both people had come to investigate.
Logan had just entered the room when the door swung open.
"I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss~." The man sang and barged into the room. He froze and noticed he wasn't alone, placing down the boxes he had been carrying. "Well, hello there! I see I am not quite early enough."
"Nice to meet ya, my names Patton!" Patton walked up and they shook hands. "You've got one nice set of pipes there, kiddo!"
"Ah, yes! Thank you for noticing. I must admit, it is a bit early and still before noon. I thought I would be the first one to arrive." He looked around at the living area. "My name is Roman, am I the last here?"
Logan approached and reached out his hand. "Greetings, I'm Logan. We should still be expecting one more person."
"I see! Well, which rooms are available? I've got quite a few trips ahead of me."
Discovering one of the bigger rooms was still up for grabs, Roman immediately started moving his belongings with the help from Patton. Logan had announced he would go out and grab essentials so that they at least had some things in the fridge.
Roman didn't sing much after his entrance but did continue to hum to himself. Patton reassured him that at least while it is the two of them, he was okay with singing and started to join in.
The day was overall quiet. Patton helped out and sorted his things while Roman unpacked as much as he could before the day was over. Logan, who had unpacked completely before Patton had even arrived kept to his room as much as possible. Despite buying groceries, Roman announced that moving in day was reserved for take-out and ordered pizza with few complaints.
Everyone had tucked away into their rooms for the night when the last person snuck in. The door hardly made a sound as he shuffled in with a duffle bag and little else. He snuck around quietly before Patton had surprised him.
"Oh! You must be the last roommate!" He was practically dancing in his spot. "We all got here this morning! I'm Patton, did you need help carrying anything? I can show you to your room if you want!"
"Uh, yeah. This is all I have, just point me in the right direction." Patton walked up and waved him down the hall just passed the kitchen.
"This is the last room left so it's all yours!" Patton opened the door and flicked on the light, moving out of the way. "Just let me know if you need anything, kiddo! The bathroom is the next door down."
"Right, thanks." He hugged the duffle bag closer as Patton walked out, eagerly waving.
He dropped the duffle bag to the ground and sat on the bed, humming with content as it bounced back comfortably. He immediately shut off the light and tried to sleep before just scrolling through his phone for the night.
The next morning was a new beginning in Patton's eyes. He ran down to the store bright and early only to arrive back and everyone was still asleep. He started on a big breakfast to celebrate his new roommates. He gave them space yesterday, besides the quiet one who ducked in last night, but he was determined to break them out of their shells.
Patton giggled to himself as he cracked open an egg, laughing at his own joke.
It didn't take long for the smell of breakfast to awaken the others. Logan was first, walking in still quite tired but dressed completely for the day. He blinked at Patton and the array of food spread on the table. "It was nice of you to cook, Patton, but it's highly illogical to cook so much for the three of us."
Patton spun around with a smile. "Nope! The last little guy snuck in last night, I saw him! Figured a good breakfast was a great way to start our new friendships!"
Logan headed for the coffee pot and grabbed a mug, freezing and staring into the closet. "Would you happen to know which one of us brought in that mug?"
Patton walked over and peered inside. A big mug with 'You've cat to be kitten me right meow' was scrawled across it. "Oh, that one is mine, isn't it purrfect?"
Logan lifted a hand up to rub his eyes, fearful a headache would start forming. "I assume it fits your humor quite well then?" He focused back on the pot and muttered to himself. "I'm going to regret all of this by the end of the week."
"What are you talking about over there?"
"How much I'm going to regret all the coffee I will no doubt drink by weeks end." Logan never took his eyes off of the coffee pot.
"Aww, come on! I'm sure we'll get along great!"
"That is still to be seen. We have hardly just met and objectively it has been shown that throwing random strangers into a living space can hold negative effects. There are too many variables to be able to tell so soon."
"I just think it's too early to start doubting us. Besides, it's never a bad time to make friends!" Patton looked over as Roman entered, still in his pajamas as he stretched. "Roman! I made pancakes!"
Roman smiled at the sight. "Ahh, you are too kind, Patton was it? Thank you."
"Thank you! See, Logan? We can be civil."
Patton finished adding the last pancake onto the stack and glanced down the hall. "I'm just gonna check on him, he got in late last night but breakfast is important!"
"Oh, so he did arrive then?" Roman questioned. "Alright, bring him out so I can see if I got stuck with three nerds."
"What constitutes a 'nerd' then? How would you identify one?"
Roman just looked up at Logan and stifled a laugh. "You, for one, are a prime example if I've ever seen one."
Patton trotted down the hall and knocked on the bedroom door. "Hey, you awake?" He waited for a response before knocking once more. After a moment of silence, he bit his lip and debated with himself. Caving, he grabbed the doorknob and quietly pushed it open. "It's getting late, you still asleep?"
Curled up on the bed with his back facing the door, Patton heard a groan cry out from the lump of blankets. "Go away, dad." He pulled the blankets closer to himself. "If it's not noon then leave me alone."
Patton chuckled and started to close the door. "Whatever you say, kiddo."
The door clicked shut and he shot up in bed, looking around. "This isn't my room." He blinked and remembered. He just moved in. "...I called my new roommate dad." he covered his face and ran his hands across it in frustration. "Fantastic, great job, Virgil. Gold star on that one." He grabbed a pillow and buried his face in it.
It wasn't too much longer before he convinced himself to get out of bed and make his way into the kitchen. Patton was humming to himself and cleaning while the few remains of his breakfast were sitting on the table. "You're awake! I left you some breakfast, you just have to heat it up!"
"Uh, thanks." He tugged the sleeves of his shirt down. "Pat, right?"
"Name's Patton, but you can call me dad!" Patton smiled and laughed seeing his new roommate's face flush and glow red. "What's your name? Or do you prefer kiddo?"
"Oh, sorry. It's Virgil." He cleared his throat and looked away. "Sorry again about the whole 'dad' comment thing." He mumbled softly.
Patton waved a hand and shrugged it off. "No need to worry, we can just wash our hands of the situation!"
Virgil looked up at Patton who smiled too brightly as he dried his hands. "Dad jokes, of course, you do." Despite his words, Virgil hid his smirk behind his hand.
Virgil retreated to his room after finishing his breakfast and washing his plate. He decided to face the music, quite literally as it was coming from the living room, and meet his other roommates.
Logan had been absorbed into an old worn book and Roman and Patton were talking over the music that was playing. Roman noticed him enter and jumped in surprise. "Well, it looks like the walking personification of emo from the last decade is our newest roomie." He leaned back on the couch. "So you still post all your angsty poems on Myspace or what?"
"Aww, it's always nice to meet a fan." He walked in and leaned against the wall, keeping his distance. "What are you, a failed Disney prince reject?"
"Excuse you!" Roman stood up and fixed his hair, posing dramatically. "I am an actual prince, thank you very much!"
"Whatever you say, Prince Hans."
Roman scoffed and crossed his arms with a smirk. "Who knew mister tries-to-be-edgy likes the purity and goodness of Disney?"
"We must not be watching the same movies because pure and good are not what I would call them."
"You dare speak badly about my beloved Disney? Have you no shame, man?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I upsetting you?"
Logan slammed his book closed and stood up. "That will be enough out of the two of you. Hardly five minutes and at each other's throats, childish."
Patton stood up and walked over. "Well, it's good to see you both are so passionate about the same thing!"
"I hardly call immediately breaking out into a verbal disagreement talking passionately, Patton." Logan turned to walk out of the room. "Please do not bother me, and keep the noise down."
The sound of music coming from Roman's phone was the only noise in the room before he turned and shut it off, retreating into his own. Patton looked in dismay as they dispersed, eyes meeting Virgil's. "It's okay, Roman and Logan will come around, you'll see!"
The apartment kept quiet that afternoon and the tension could still be felt in the air. Patton walked into the kitchen for a snack to find Logan placing something on the door of the fridge. "Ah, Patton, perfect timing." Logan took a step back. "I have made a 'chore chart' if you will to try and keep things organized and civil around here. I didn't think it necessary but apparently I made the wrong assumption."
"That's fine, Logan! I'm sure we're all just tired and getting used to things. We'll warm up to one another!"
Logan looked at Patton and pulled off his glasses. "How you remain so optimistic is a mystery to me. Not one I am entirely unthankful for, however." He pulled a cloth from his pocket and started wiping the lens.
"Aww, thanks, buddy! See? We're getting along just fine!"
Logan placed his glasses back on and turned to the hall to his room. "I would disagree, we seem to have varying differences but in comparison to the others, yes. We are 'getting along' better than the other two."
Patton frowned as Logan walked out and looked around the kitchen. Having three other roommates still left him feeling all too alone in the new apartment.
The first week was anything but ideal. Patton tried keeping the peace, but Logan refused to leave his room for more than the bare essentials. Virgil was seen even less, only coming out to complain about the noise Roman was making down the hall. Roman would snark back and they would argue before Patton separated them. However, Patton was an optimist and refused to give up too soon.
"Family night?" Roman scoffed and turned away. "We aren't a family."
"I figured we could watch movies or do karaoke, doesn't that sound fun?"
"Appeasing to my nature is a smart move, but you'll never get Jekyll and Hyde to agree to it."
"If I can, would you join us?"
Patton stood determined and stared down the other. Roman sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. If you can convince them then we can give it a shot. I have to agree to the movie, though. I doubt they'll want to sing, I mean. They've heard me, my voice is intimidating."
Patton jumped up and hugged Roman, bouncing with energy. "Oh this is perfect, thank you!" He ran off and Roman couldn't help but smirk back. Patton just had that energy about him.
Patton headed for Virgil's room next. He was quiet but they've managed to be civil the whole week. Any time Patton talked to Logan, he was shot down immediately, and Roman would shrug him off from time to time. He didn't hesitate to knock and crack open the door. "Hey, Virgil. Mind if I come in?"
"Sure." Virgil was on his bed with a bag and a pile of colored paper. "What's up?"
"I'm planning a night for us to hang out, I was thinking maybe watching a movie?" Virgil ripped a piece of paper off and shoved it into the bag. "I think we just need to sit down and enjoy each other's company. We can't keep hiding from one another living like this."
Virgil finally glanced up and ripped the paper once more. "You already pick out a movie?"
"No, but I'm sure there's something we can all enjoy! Roman said he would join us, but he just has to agree on the choice."
Virgil snorted out a laugh and shook his head. "So anything Disney, then? It's most of what he listens to, I swear he blasts it just to annoy me."
"You don't like Disney?"
"I do, but constantly having to hear it can get annoying, even if it's something you like." Virgil looked up timidly. "You talk to Logan yet?"
Patton frowned and shook his head. "I may have some trouble convincing him, we don't really get along. That's why I want us to try, at least once! We'll never know otherwise!" Patton watched Virgil rip the paper into a few more pieces. "What are you doing exactly?"
"I brought home some stuff and I'm making a confetti glitter bomb for the next time Roman gets on my nerves." He looked up with a smirk of pure mischief. "Don't worry, I won't use it tonight. I'll save it for after."
"If that's the best I'll get, then okay. Now, just have to convince Logan!"
"No." Patton was met with the closing of a door and froze in his spot. He stood there silently for a moment before knocking on the door once more and was greeted with Logan's face. "Patton, I am not joining you all on some frivolous attempt to get along. Is there anything else you need?"
"But why not?" Patton put a hand on the door as Logan made an attempt to close it once more. "Just tell me why. Everyone else is willing to attempt to get along, why won't you?"
"Patton, there are an infinitesimal amount of things I'd rather be doing than watching a movie with you three."
Patton looked completely baffled and raised an eyebrow. "So that's a yes? You'll join us?"
"What? No, that is not what I said."
"But..." Patton pointed at Logan. "Infinitesimal means really small. So you said there wasn't really anything else you'd rather do."
Logan jerked back in surprise and pulled out his phone. He quickly typed away and paled after a moment. "I see, it seems I have misused that word. How on Earth did you know what it meant?"
Patton smiled and puffed his chest out proudly. "I know big words too! You'd know more about me if you came out of your room and gave us all a chance..."
Logan scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking back towards his desk. He peered back at Patton and his shoulders fell in surrender. "Fine. I will join you all on this silly quest to 'get along' if that's what it takes to get some peace and quiet around here."
"Yay! You won't regret it, Logan!"
"Perhaps." Logan shut his door closed and smirked to himself. "Perhaps I won't completely regret this. We shall see."
Chapter 9>> Tag list: @cyberpunkjinx @phlying-squirrel  @equipodeleo  
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Chapter Hundred and Twenty Three - Dark Day
Zoisite and Kunzite have found true love, but when some old friends, a vengeful god, and a pair of evil twins are gunning for the Shitennou all at once, life is not going to be easy
[Scene: The Midori residence. Minako has just kicked the door in and is charging at Zoi.]
[She lashes at Zoi with a chain of mystical light, which he dodges]
Zoi: Oh, geez. What now?
Minako: [whipping the chain at him] Don't play dumb with me, Bucko! Like you didn't just try to slaughter a roomful of innocent people!
Zoi: [ducking] I'll have you know that I did no such thing.
Minako: Don't bother lying! I'm not stupid! I should have killed you a long time ago, but Mamoru insisted you deserved a chance to prove yourself! Oh, you proved yourself to him alright! You threw a crystal shard right through Mamoru and nearly killed him!
Zoi: [floraports to behind the couch] Did Mamoru tell you that? Because I think he might want to read an ancient Greek fable called "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". You see a while back he developed a nasty habit of telling stories about me that just aren't true-
Minako: [dismisses the chain and conjures a sword of light] Mamoru didn't tell me jacksquat! He can't! He's in Seattle! In a coma! Fighting for his life!
Zoi: [wideeyed] Oh, my god! Is that true? Why didn't anyone tell me?
Minako: Maybe it's because you're the one who put him there?
[Uses the sword to slice the couch, and kicks half of it out of the way]
Zoi: Hey! My dad loves this sofa!
Minako: Yeah? Well this is about to become a very dark day for your dad on many levels!
[Charges at Zoi, who vanishes in a flurry of petals only to reappear floating behind her with his legs crossed at the knee]
Zoi: I think you are a bit confused.
Minako: Don't you gaslight me, you manwhore!
Zoi: Were you there when Mamoru got hurt?
Minako: No.
Zoi: Then how do you know what happened?
Minako: Because Artie was there! And he saw everything!
Zoi: Who's Artie?
Minako: None of your beeswax who Artie is! All you need to know what he was following the Death Phantom around to keep an eye on him and saw you try to kill about 500 of your closest friends!
[Zoi tries to make sense of that last statement and finds that he can't.]
Minako: They got locked in a room that you'd deliberately set on fire. Everyone would have died if the Evil Heltry Twins hadn't showed up out of nowhere and done some Time Warping mumbo jumbo.
Zoi: The Evil Hell Tree Twins?
Minako: Hey, I'm just as surprised as you are!
Zoi: I doubt that. I don't even know who they are.
[Minako is taken aback]
Zoi: Are they plant people? Because you might want to stock up on some Round Up.
Minako: You don't know who the Heltry twins are?
[Zoi shakes his head]
Minako: Devon and Eleanor Heltry?
[Zoi shakes his head]
Minako: The new transfer students from the Isle of Wight? Who are in actual fact, a pair of evil God-knows-whats?
Zoi: Never heard of them.
Minako: You've ...never heard...of the Heltry Twins? [narrows her eyes] I find that impossible to believe.
Zoi: Why's that?
Minako: Well for one thing they are both smoking hot! For another, he's a total player and she's a total hater, but they still manage to give off that creepy twincest vibe!
Zoi: Doesn't ring any bells.
Minako: Oh come on! You were sitting right there when I literally ran into them and knocked some big blingee out of Scarlet O'Terror's lunchbox!
Zoi: [eyes Minako with concern] I don't think that actually happened.
Minako: [Minako is taken aback by his sincere tone, then shakes her head and growls] Gaslight me one more time and I'll shove this sword so far-
Zoi: You know what? I don't have to take this kind of abuse from you in my own home! If you intend to continue your mindless ranting, I'll be out back!
[Vanishes in a flurry of petal]
Minako: Bitch! Get back here!
[Minako charges through the house into the backyard. Looks around frantically]
Zoi: Youhoo. Up here.
Minako turns, looks up, and sees Zoi sitting crosslegged on the gable of the roof.]
Minako: Come down from there and fight me!
Zoi: [inspects his cuticles] I don't think so. One of us might get hurt.
Minako: [kicks the siding] I will bring this house down, if you don't come down from there and fight like a man!
Zoi: Oh, I don't think you want that. Even if you manage to defeat me, you'll have to deal with Kunzite and Neffy next. [winks] And I don't think either of them are as merciful as I am.
Minako: From what I've heard, you don't know the first thing about mercy!
Zoi: [ponders this and shrugs and giggles] I guess you're right.
Minako: [battlecry] Die bitch!
[Minako puts her fingers together to fire off a beam of light, but finds herself encased in clear dark orb that absorbs the blast.]
[She turns to see Kunzite standing with his arms crossed behind her, floating with his feet a few inches above the ground.]
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