#but if you dont have the patience or passion for it then maybe youll just end up using like. a few super magic spells
allmightyscroll-swag · 10 months
I'm about to wash my hair but I just got a sick world building thing for one of my oc stories
And I'm writing this down here in the notes cause I'm silly
#so the story is set in a world inhabited by magic#and i treat magic very much like? art in a way? in the sense that#anyone can do art if they want to. but it's not gonna be like#a super big masterpiece.#but if you've been doing art your whole life youre pretty good at it#you can experiment#and magic is versatile in that way#but if you dont have the patience or passion for it then maybe youll just end up using like. a few super magic spells#actually CW FROM AFTER THIS TAG#cw dehumanization#cw gore#cw abuse#cw electrocution#cw experimentation#the main character Benjamim (or C-86 rn) is the result of a series of experiments that attempt to push the limits of magic#in turn being born genetically modified to be a bird dude. he has a pair of wings talons & a feather tail but because the scientists were#literally so new to this stuff#as a side effect he also has clawed hands#two pairs of wings on his face#and a second tail attached to the first one#since the start he had no respect for the scientists or any authority#was uncooperative and extremely difficult#which resulted in the scientist's attempting to subdue him by injecting him with a shit ton of magic via runes#with failed resulting in them having to do something else. that something else was inventing a way to store magic#which was a big revelation overall to the world but its use here was injecting a collar/bracelets with electricity via runes. so that it#could then STORE that electricity. but you need a way to activate the runes so that it works properly so what they did#was attach these cords so that a current could be sent to the runes activating them. it was manual sure but their not advanced enough for#anything else. so everyone with these collars or bracelets looks like some wild animal that needs to be kept on a leash#and that's literally so fucked up. the dehumanization. the pain. the internalized rage of the subjects. could snap at any moment.#and once they do every scientist or higher up in that building will suffer the consequences of their actions. the subjects are not merciful.
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dammitjameskirk · 6 years
well its holiday time!! that means so many families will have more free time and theyll think going to the movies is a great time had by all!! this might be true for anybody actually going, but its definitely not true for anybody WORKING THERE THIS TIME OF YEAR.
so here are a couple notes from somebody who works in the theatre business and i am so gotdamn exhausted by the hundreds of thousands of families i see walk through the doors of my building
everyone makes minimum wage or less (minors dont have to be paid minimum wage, PLUS theres no such thing as overtime or holiday pay in the movie business); youre yelling at literal children almost 100% of the time and quite frankly they have no control over any of it and you throwing a hissy fit will help literally no one, not even yourself
the movies cost mega money if you dont come prepared; eat beforehand if you dont want to spend anything extra. tell your children no if you have to, theres no reason to spend 5$ on m+ms if you cant spare the money. we understand and feel just as badly when we have to tell you the total
if you bring your own snacks, none of us care as long as we dont see it. take it in undetected and you better throw it out afterward as well; if youre not buying any of our concessions then youre not paying for us to clean up after you
(yeah, the concessions cost so much bc thats what pays our paychecks. the theatres do not get any money from ticket sales, save for MAYBE 10%, depends on how long the movie’s been out but most of the time the max amount of money made from ticket sales is about 50 cents. concessions pay for employee paychecks and the building running costs)
BRING YOUR ID IF YOU ARE SEEING AN R-RATED FILM. ALL R-RATED FILM TICKET PURCHASES ARE LIKELY TO BE ID’D AND IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT THEN YOU’RE SHIT OUTTA LUCK. policy for most theatres: you have to be at least 17+ to see an r-rated film WITH A VALID ID (school ids do NOT count), OR be 21+ WITH A VALID ID to take in any more people without an id themselves. no exceptions. this is a firable offense, on the spot, if the cashier or ticket taker is caught allowing underage kids into r-rated films. take this into consideration the next time you want to go see a movie bc there are no exceptions!! fuck you if you dont bring your id but then get mad bc we wont let you in to see the movie!! its your own fault!!!!
understand that there are physically not enough people working in the building to keep the place spotless as hordes of people run around and make a shitty mess everywhere. like, im sorry, but the movie theatre business SUCKS and theres nothing we can do about it other than try and sweep up the popcorn as fast as we can. you complaining to management will not suddenly materialise a new person to come out of the employee breakroom, ready to sweep up whatever it is youre complaining about. patience is KEY bc we quite simply do not have the staff or the staff allowance to provide a perfect atmosphere. it wont happen no matter how much you squall. like, im sorry it sucks, i know it does, im trying to make it run as smoothly as possible but theres just not enough employees allowed for us to do any better. bring your own trash bag and your own napkins if youre that concerned, i promise we wont look at you sideways
ENUNCIATE YOUR ORDER AT THE CONCESSION STAND. the more communicative you are the faster you can be served, i promise, thats EXACTLY how it works and its not taking too long bc the employee is bad its bc youre not speaking up or youre not actually defining what you want. be better, get done faster
try to be more on time when it comes to getting to the theatre. doing everything late makes you angrier and it means we dont have as much time to fix whatever problems you may be having. we cant fix what you need if theres no time because you didnt think youd have to show up to your movie until 20 minutes after it started!!
be mindful of when the locations you visit actually close; we’re not a 24/7 business, and concessions and ticketing sales usually close before midnight, depending on the time of the last show and that building’s policies. at that point, the only thing youre doing is renting space on our premises. take care of everything you need, money-wise, before that time passes or else youre out of luck, just like any other business
dont.... dont bring babies to the movies please. this is more personal than like, actual tips or tricks about the movies or like backalley knowledge or whatever, this is like, this is from a health and courtesy standpoint. movies are LOUD. movies are SCARY. babies shouldnt... be going through that experience. i cant stand whenever i see newborns being carried around as if their ears arent so sensitive and that theyre likely to cry and be generally uncomfortable bc a movie theatre is NOT A PLACE FOR BABIES. find a sitter, or stay home. thats what you sign up for when you become a parent, taking care of your child to the best of your ability. and if that includes taking them with you to the movies... youre a bad parent and theres nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. (also 6 and under cant see r-rated films past a certain time and i rly dont understand why so many folks dont understand that or think its a new rule?? its not a new rule, every movie chain i have been to has had that rule its not new and not specific to just one place cmon now get out of here)
also if you leave garbage in the theatre under the impression that Somebody Gets Paid To Do That, just know that we know and we also hate you passionately bc youre the worst type of person. if you have family like this, correct them. we get paid very little to do much more than you could possibly expect
happy holidays!!! dont take this as a Dont Come To The Movies post, take this as a Come To The Movies Prepared post instead. just dont be a dick, its the holidays, and these are mostly children youre upset with. like, youre yelling at 15 + 16 yr olds. just be nice. if you have a problem with the business itself, take it to corporate, thats the only way youll get anything changed.
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stimulateyour-mind · 3 years
I really don’t understand this life ,we live in a world where principle is dead ,common courtesy is dead , chivalry is dead, being respectful is dead.
Nothing means anything anymore, family,friends, love you name it.
No one takes time to fully understand you, everyone is so strong minded and careless of what happens nowadays between people.
Relationships don’t mean shit anymore, blood lines are flooded.
I really cant fathom how much I hate being on this earth, i hate knowing the people i once knew and for them to just act different and switch up on you.
its amazing what we allow and what we don’t fight for, we let ourselves say fuck it and don’t even think about what the other person feelings nor do we think or care for our own.
When was the last time you felt someone go so hard for you, go above and beyond, risk all they had for you. unless you feel that or get that from someone, you still alone in this world and all you got is you. The real ones stay for you, the real ones wait for you, the real ones grow patience for you, and wont make you have to pull teeth for it.
I don’t know what it is anymore , maybe the older that we get the more we lose people and jus have to cope and deal with it even if we cant.
Everyday that im giving the chance to wake up , i ask why? because i know theres not much out there for me alive, theres no one out there whos willing to give me a chance at love again, everything thats good happens when im asleep, and im happy for everyone. I just know nothing good is for me ever,
Its so sad that I cant really express my true feelings for relationships or love or for someone i actually care about and love for real.
We really get older and are force to out grow people whether we want to or not, people will look at you different, whether they know the truth about you or not, we really on earth to struggle n live with what we cant change even if we can… how?!
i just wish it was easy to do the things u were passionate about, when i look in the mirror all i see is someone with out a purpose, n to tie that in with being short and skinny and just not where i wanna be in life , youll get over looked all the time no matter what you have to offer if u even have anything to offer. its a dog eat dog world man.. i just dont know how or where im going to be in 5 years even 10. i just wish i had someone by me cause truth be told lifes better for me knowin i have someone i can always come to with anything , someone who believes in me as much as i do them.. it shouldnt be this hard to meet someone and fall in love and jus live the rest of your life on a purposeful path..
i just feel like karma been hittin ever since the 2010s and that i wont ever be an ideal person for someone cause theres definitely better even if i have potential…
this world sucks man
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Why People Who Marry Teachers End Up The Happiest
Dead Poets Society
It comes with daily stresses of 1 vs. 30 kids or young adults, you have to be responsible for. It comes with wanting to give everyone your individual time and attention but knowing theres only one of you and so many of them. Teachers are selfless. Their kids are their number one priority and wanting them to succeed is their goal. Being their role model, their mentor, someone they confide in, it isnt just teaching you are doing.
You are changing their lives through kindness and examples and doing things they dont even say thank you for or realize, yet you do it anyway. It comes with spending more time in the classroom than you do at home. It comes with weekends prepping for the week ahead with lesson plans and parent meetings and if you choose to be even more apart of the school community maybe you coach on the side.
So now along with teaching and mentoring you are coaching too. And you have a team that looks up to you to guide them. Yes, there perks to teaching like summers off. But teaching is a career that is a lifestyle so it really never stops. You never stop thinking about your classroom and the kids at school.
So when it comes to relationships when you marry a teacher what you are really marrying into a lifestyle you are choosing to be a part of. Its a school community that youre choosing to be your family. It comes with listening as your spouse might be stressed about a student or a lesson or a bad meeting. It comes with breakdowns they might have held together during the day but when they come home they just need you to be there. It comes with knowing they might be home late or not around on the weekends if theres a game or a convention.
But there are so many perks that come with marrying a teacher.
You are marrying someone who is selfless and caring. Someone who always thinks about others before themselves. You are marrying someone who will never stop believing and motivating you to do more. You are marrying someone who will be your number one cheerleader always. You are marrying someone who youll learn from as much as they will learn from you. You are marrying someone who is programmed to never give up on people. Someone who will give you chances until you prove they are right. You are marrying someone who believes in you more than anyone.
Being a teacher isnt just about teaching a subject and hoping the kids do well on a test, its about teaching these kids and young adults about who they can be, what they can amount to and shape future generations simply by believing in them maybe when others havent.
It’s about sharing whatever the subject is you are passionate about with others.
When it applies to family, teachers will lead in the same example at home as in the classroom. Always giving their best. Always trying to make the right decision. Always trying to find a solution to any problem and putting family first. When you marry a teacher, you are marrying the person who will help you to raise your family and raise your kids to be the best type of people they can be.
You are marrying someone who will help your kids through whatever problems they are going through because they see it.
And in return for choosing to be a part of this lifestyle and supporting them, they will always be loyal to you. They will love you unconditionally. They will teach you about the art of multitasking. You are choosing someone with patience and compassion and who listens to everything you will say even if its in a whisper.
You are choosing someone who can handle stressful situations with a lot of grace.
But every teacher knows its okay to have fun too. Because as much fun as they try to make learning, they also know how to have a good time outside of the classroom.
You marry a teacher and youre marrying the best type of person there is and in return, you too will become your best self-standing beside someone who never stops believing in you and will never give up on you.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qVbCar
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2s3HSLR via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Why People Who Marry Teachers End Up The Happiest
Dead Poets Society
It comes with daily stresses of 1 vs. 30 kids or young adults, you have to be responsible for. It comes with wanting to give everyone your individual time and attention but knowing theres only one of you and so many of them. Teachers are selfless. Their kids are their number one priority and wanting them to succeed is their goal. Being their role model, their mentor, someone they confide in, it isnt just teaching you are doing.
You are changing their lives through kindness and examples and doing things they dont even say thank you for or realize, yet you do it anyway. It comes with spending more time in the classroom than you do at home. It comes with weekends prepping for the week ahead with lesson plans and parent meetings and if you choose to be even more apart of the school community maybe you coach on the side.
So now along with teaching and mentoring you are coaching too. And you have a team that looks up to you to guide them. Yes, there perks to teaching like summers off. But teaching is a career that is a lifestyle so it really never stops. You never stop thinking about your classroom and the kids at school.
So when it comes to relationships when you marry a teacher what you are really marrying into a lifestyle you are choosing to be a part of. Its a school community that youre choosing to be your family. It comes with listening as your spouse might be stressed about a student or a lesson or a bad meeting. It comes with breakdowns they might have held together during the day but when they come home they just need you to be there. It comes with knowing they might be home late or not around on the weekends if theres a game or a convention.
But there are so many perks that come with marrying a teacher.
You are marrying someone who is selfless and caring. Someone who always thinks about others before themselves. You are marrying someone who will never stop believing and motivating you to do more. You are marrying someone who will be your number one cheerleader always. You are marrying someone who youll learn from as much as they will learn from you. You are marrying someone who is programmed to never give up on people. Someone who will give you chances until you prove they are right. You are marrying someone who believes in you more than anyone.
Being a teacher isnt just about teaching a subject and hoping the kids do well on a test, its about teaching these kids and young adults about who they can be, what they can amount to and shape future generations simply by believing in them maybe when others havent.
It’s about sharing whatever the subject is you are passionate about with others.
When it applies to family, teachers will lead in the same example at home as in the classroom. Always giving their best. Always trying to make the right decision. Always trying to find a solution to any problem and putting family first. When you marry a teacher, you are marrying the person who will help you to raise your family and raise your kids to be the best type of people they can be.
You are marrying someone who will help your kids through whatever problems they are going through because they see it.
And in return for choosing to be a part of this lifestyle and supporting them, they will always be loyal to you. They will love you unconditionally. They will teach you about the art of multitasking. You are choosing someone with patience and compassion and who listens to everything you will say even if its in a whisper.
You are choosing someone who can handle stressful situations with a lot of grace.
But every teacher knows its okay to have fun too. Because as much fun as they try to make learning, they also know how to have a good time outside of the classroom.
You marry a teacher and youre marrying the best type of person there is and in return, you too will become your best self-standing beside someone who never stops believing in you and will never give up on you.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2qVbCar
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2s3HSLR via Viral News HQ
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