#but if you want me to change anything lmk!! <3
clemencetaught · 7 months
round and round || closed starter with @byanyan
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"On the contrary, I find burn marks on my papers to be quite...charming, one might say. Gives the paper a bit a character wouldn't you think, Mx. Byun?" Granted, it does make collecting the papers a tad more stressful for his students around the deadline, but Patrick likes to think he makes up for it in other ways. "As long as the text is legible, I assure you you won't have points deducted from your grade for that."
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puppyeared · 1 year
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angusbyrne · 1 month
LOCATION: Woodrow House grounds DATE: Sunday, September 4, 2005 Closed starter for @natcliachen
Angus remembered being told at some point in the last week that the past summer in New York was one of the warmest on record—averaging 4.5 degrees higher than normal. September already seemed geared up to take a similar direction. The day of Richard's funeral was clear and sunny, with a projected high of 78 degrees around noon. Milder than August and balmy, it remained the type of weather you dreamed of when you fantasized about the tail-end of summer while you were caught in the dog days of it. Howbeit, it still made Angus flush around the Piqué collar of his shirt.
He only meant to wander off for a tick. Angus feared a smattering of pink would soon pass across his cheekbones or that he'd quickly become incapable of keeping down the hors d'oeuvres. The afternoon was an endless well of thank you for coming and that's an awfully kind thing for you to say and no, he never told me that story, it sounds extremely amusing and where did you say your son would be interning? I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him. Shaking hands, exchanging business cards, nosey questions, getting pat on the arm—he felt like an exposed nerve, poked and prodded and turned over for examination. He simply needed a break.
As he strode across the lawn—that was what he often did: strode—he caught sight of a familiar outline. Natalia. Neat and pretty as a paper doll, a well-trained eye might've caught the tight creases around her eyes. Tired, maybe. Annoyed by what the man in the dark navy suit said to her, most certainly. He couldn't read the man's lips, but he did judge his choice of light brown shoes. That deemed her worthy of extraction on its own, whether or not she requested one. It would be a quick detour. He approached with no lack of confidence, clapping a hand over the shoulder of the man who seemed to show no signs of reining in his passionate gesticulation.
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Angus recognized his face immediately. "Macpherson," he started warmly, donning the mask of gracious host quite seamlessly, though, in the last few minutes, his tie had been knocked very slightly askew. "I've been sent to wrangle you of my own volition. Roger Milton and Graham Atterbury are engaged in a relentless debate. They're talking personal consumption expenditures, disposal personal incomes, mortgage rates—what have you." With a hand still on the man's shoulder, he gently and covertly began to turn him in the opposite direction. "Neither economists, of course. You'll have to save them with your expertise."
It was an easier task for him, getting rid of an obnoxious man. He exhaled heavily once the unwanted third party was gone, turning back to Natalia with a near-pleasant expression. The exhaustion started to crack him a bit, but he still had enough goodwill to extend her a compliment. "It's a testament to your mental fortitude that you were not just brought to tears of boredom," he said. Honest. "Tell me—how long did he go on for?"
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angelsdvsts · 7 months
↪ closed for @rcseglds | inspo ♡
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lips pouts wide eyes meet the other as she lets out a sigh, "why are you being so mean?"
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malikselfindulgence · 8 months
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TUMBLR DECEMITATED YOUR ASK I CANT FIND IT OR REPLY TO IT ANYMORE BUT @st311ar messy fire hair Xing doodle while I work on the others :33
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wiildroses · 3 months
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The bell chimed as the door opened which caused Sunny to finally turn her attention away from the bowl of rice crackers to the door that flew open with a NEW CUSTOMER, finally! It was a slow day, so she hadn't had many people so far, she had considered closing up early until they arrived. She's quick to get out of her seat and a bright grin spread across her lips, " Welcome! Please take a seat ANYWHERE, I'll get you a menu and some water, if you want any recommendations feel free to ask! I'll always recommend some plain friend chicken and some beer, it's a killer combo!"
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@mostmagicals ; ♡'d
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sideofmischicf · 7 months
CLOSED / for @etched-in-sin ‘s morgan <3
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IT WAS ALL in the subtlety of it, really, jasper having to tread carefully with his next movements. the wedding party was seated around a fire pit out on the beach, the sky having darkened and become dotted with stars already. marshmallows were being toasted, bottles of everything passed around, truly an easy night. it was the perfect opportunity in jasper’s opinion. “morgan, you look cold. i have plenty of blanket to share.” he offered sweetly, an easy smile on his lips. of course he had a plan that he was going to execute. but to anyone on the outside looking in, it simply looked like the brother of the groom being nice to the mother of the bride…not that he wanted to get his hands on her again.
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enreality · 11 days
“Honey, have you been crying? What is it? What’s wrong?”
it's just past three in the morning and sandy's depression is rearing its ugly head. it's times like this that sandy can't quiet her mind, her thoughts never ending and never offering any hint of reprieve. she knows just what it is—she goes through this every time it gets colder outside and the daylight ends a little earlier, but that doesn't make it any less horrible to experience. it doesn't make it easier to handle or talk about, either. it's that much worse because she can't express exactly why she feels the way she does. it's just that every awful thought she's ever had is running through her mind a mile a minute and she can't seem to get a grip on anything.
she's sitting on her bed with her blanket pulled up to her chest and tucked under her arms like she's willing herself to be swallowed up by it. the half-open laptop on her desk is the only light illuminating the darkness. a mess of newspapers sprawled out haphazardly beside it, with royce's obituary resting at the top. a little morbid, yes, but it's the only picture she has of him.
the tears are flowing freely now, the only outlet for her silent feelings that she can manage, and she's unaware of royce's presence in the room initially. she rarely is until she smells the tell-tale scent of gasoline and that familiar cologne she's grown to love. he always had such silent steps, moving like the dead quite literally. she's unbothered by the suddenness of his appearance and she regards him with nothing but adoration even in this moment of unending sadness.
she doesn't jump or flinch when he makes his way to her, instead, she's hurrying to wipe her eyes as if she doesn't want him to see this part of her. she's torn between telling him to go and begging him to stay.
"no, it's nothing." it's nothing and everything, and she has no idea how to begin to explain. "i just—" she pauses, sniffling, unsure of what exactly she could say. how could she tell him the vulgar tricks her mind was playing on her, the ugly thoughts that seemed to scream at her incessantly? how could she burden him with that, with her pain, after everything he had been through? "i'm okay."
another stray tear falls and she hurries again to wipe it away with a quick swipe of the back of her hand. she gazes up at him with reddened eyes and tear-stained cheeks, taking in the familiar sight of him. the letterman jacket, the road-torn flesh. she finds herself wanting to bask in the easy confidence he always carries with him and will it to become a part of her.
"will you sit with me awhile?"
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mahirayc · 12 days
closed starter @benjiaquino
Mahira froze as she spotted her ex across the casino floor. Without thinking, she quickly grabbed Benji's arm and pulled him close—using him as a shield. "Don't move. See that dude, over there? I dated him in college. The man won't shut up once he gets started," she whispered, her eyes darting around for an escape route. They moved slowly, her heart raced as she tried to blend into the crowd, hoping her ex wouldn't notice her. She kept a firm grip on her friend’s arm—her nails digging into his skin as she dragged him along. "Just act natural, okay? We need to get out of here before he sees us," she hissed under her breath, already plotting their exit strategy.
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lvciddreamt · 26 days
“no, what i don’t understand is why you won’t just — ” she halted mid-sentence at the loud whine of grinding metal. “what was that? what was that sound?” tone was accusing, as if the other was somehow responsible. the engine sputtered, and the car let out another metallic groan before coming to a stop. “oh, god. did you forget to get gas?” 
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sloaneabara · 2 months
who: sloane & @elliot-newman
where: state park
when: earth week (april, 2024)
With her daughter leading the way as they walked through the State Park, Sloane glanced around, taking in the views. She wasn't that big of an outdoors person, but the Scavenger Hunt activity allowed her to spend time with Evelyn, and enjoy nature so she decided to participate. Looking absentmindedly at the list given to see what they checked off and what they needed to be looking for, she glanced up to see Elliot. With a wave, she approached him, a smile on her face. "Hey there! Enjoying your day?" she signed.
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monsieurpadfoot · 4 months
It had been their last hoorah until Prongs' had tied the knot with the woman he had been pining for since they were eleven (11). Their night out consisted of things they would get up to all the time when they were in school, something that he had missed a lot more than he was willing to admit. There was less stress, less things to worry about. None of them were getting married. They were all adults now, with adult things to worry about. An impending war looming above their heads. Joining the Order was an easy choice -- but hearing about the horrors going on, made it rough. Made him angry -- a feeling he didn't particularly enjoy.
So tonight, was about fun. Fun with his friends, and celebrating his brother's love and eventual marriage. Even with all of this distraction, there was still an ache in his chest. Knowing that James was getting married was great. He was happy for him, truly. But the ache in his chest was from knowing that was something that was never going to be attainable. Not with the person who held his heart -- and didn't even know it. His goal, for the evening, was to dull that ache and to take someone home to distract from the years of pining that he had been doing.
And he had been successful.
His face wrinkled at the light that came through the window, his head pounding because of the hangover that threatened to make him vomit up the food from the evening before. He inhaled sharply through his nose -- expecting whatever smells to make him rush off to shove his head into the toilet...but was pleasantly surprised. The smell around him seemed to comfort him -- strong hints of chocolate and leather bound books. It reminded him of the way his Amortentia potion had smelt in 6th year when Slughorn had told them about it. No, it was exactly how his potion had smelled. He went to shift so he could easily see who he was next to, but found his arm pinned under the person. Finally, one of his eyes opened and he tipped his head down to see who his companion had been -- expecting to see some stranger that he wouldn't remember the name of. Instead, he found someone he had been extremely familiar with.
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balladetto · 8 months
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mister magic / accepting / @senseofjustice
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"I didn't say I didn't remember. I said it didn't make sense."
     Does it matter? Link's seen lots of things — done lots of things — that really shouldn't make any sort of sense, but do by virtue of happening anyway. No reason to withhold the full story, unless it's been forgotten. Or is a lie. He likes to think the world's a nicer place than that, though.
     Most of the time.
     "Hmm." He raises his brows, unconvinced. Shaking his head, he flips the page in his log over to outline a new message, pencil strokes small and scratchy as he pushes it in one of the only free corners left. When he turns the notebook around so it can be seen, he jabs a finger at the newly drawn image: a tiny portrait of himself, circled, with arrows pointing inwards at it.
     He swivels the same finger over to his companion, then taps at his own chest to clarify. One more time for extra measure, with a beckoning wave of his hand. Tell me anyway.
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stillsolo · 1 month
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@sgterso 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: ❝Is this real?❞
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             𝙴𝙻𝙱𝙾𝚆𝚂 𝙳𝙴𝙴𝙿 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙴𝚇𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙴𝙳 𝙴𝙽𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙰 𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙻𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙶 , solo stole two fleeting glances over his shoulder before registering what exactly jyn held between her fingers. he straightened abruptly — and damned near slammed the back of his head into the hood panel. well, shit. he’d meant to call lando about it, get him to give the thing a once-over before anyone got too excited, but the bastard was out of town, had been for the past three weeks, no doubt still doing business with those no-name hotshots from overseas.
❝dunno,❞ han grunted as he maneuvered himself out from under the tight confines of the workspace he had wedged into. once freed, he weaved past the benches while scrubbing his palms on his chest, which did little more than smear thick black streaks of engine grease all over the already soiled fabric, then plucked the ring from jyn's fingers to inspect it himself. ❝never seen anything like it before.❞
holding the ring up to the dim light hung overhead, han squinted at the sizeable green gemstone nested in a bed of sparkly little diamonds. pretty. though, he couldn't say he had a real eye for this sorta stuff. hell, the only emeralds he had ever laid eyes on were those flickering on a tv screen. but… it looked real. maybe even real enough to earn him a pretty penny.
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shadowedresolve · 6 months
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"Oh, Ryujiiiiii...?~"
Ann sings Ryuji's name with glee, her singsong tone filled to the brim with obvious satisfaction. With a hand on her hip, it's clear that she's very pleased about something - but what could that something be?
Smiling with a deceptive sweetness, Ann's expression suddenly becomes more playful as she looks him straight in the eyes.
"I believe that means that I win the bet. Now, come on - pay up!"
@fatexbound ( starter for ryuji! )
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sideofmischicf · 4 months
CLOSED / for @sirensinxs ‘s alexander watkins
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she managed to get away from the man who’d tried to mug her, her assailant making off with the entirety of her purse and its contents. huffing and out of breath as she ducked into the bathroom of the first bar she came across, she shakily locked a bathroom stall. teddy tried calling various friends . . . with no response. which meant her next call was the person she knew she should’ve called in the first place: alexander. attempting to steady her voice, the blonde asked him to pick her up and only went into vague detail about what happened.
after a few moments, she waited outside, a nervous smile tugging on her lips when alexander finally arrived. “thanks for coming.”
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