#interactions ( verse one — give mercy. )
clemencetaught · 7 months
round and round || closed starter with @byanyan
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"On the contrary, I find burn marks on my papers to be quite...charming, one might say. Gives the paper a bit a character wouldn't you think, Mx. Byun?" Granted, it does make collecting the papers a tad more stressful for his students around the deadline, but Patrick likes to think he makes up for it in other ways. "As long as the text is legible, I assure you you won't have points deducted from your grade for that."
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howtomuslim · 2 months
Emphasis of Good Character and Manners in Islam
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Islam is not just a set of rituals or beliefs; it is a comprehensive way of life that emphasises the importance of good character and manners. The teachings of Islam, as conveyed through the Quran and Hadith collections, provide invaluable guidance on how to conduct oneself with integrity, kindness, and compassion.
The Prophet Muhammed said: “Nothing is heavier upon the scale of good deeds on the day or judgement than Good character, truly Allah hates the vulgar and the obscene.”
Good character and manners hold a central place in Islam, reflecting the inner beauty of a person’s heart. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasised the significance of good character, stating, 
“The best among you are those who have the best manners and character” (Sahih Bukhari).
Islam encourages its followers to be kind and compassionate towards all beings, whether human or animal. 
There is no Muslim who plants a tree or sows seeds and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats from it except that it is regarded as a charity for him. “ — Sahih Bukhari
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith” (Sahih Muslim). 
This teaching showcases the importance of showing mercy and empathy in all interactions as well as being a good caretaker of our earth we share with other creatures of God. 
Respect for Others
Respect for others, regardless of their background or beliefs, is a fundamental principle in Islam. The Quran instructs Muslims to “speak to people kindly” (Quran 2:83) and to “repel evil with that which is better” (Quran 41:34), promoting an understanding and harmonious society.
“You have your way, and I have my Way.” Quran 109:6
Honesty and Integrity
Honesty and integrity are highly valued virtues in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise” (Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 79). Muslims are encouraged to be truthful in their words and actions, even when faced with challenges or difficulties.
“The honest and trustworthy merchant will be with the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs.” Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1209
Prophet Muhammed (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.” (Narrated by Ibn Majah, 2340)
He also said: “By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, no one of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself of good.”
Patience and Forbearance
Patience and forbearance are qualities that Islam encourages its followers to cultivate. The Quran describes the believers as those who “restrain anger and pardon people” (Quran 3:134) and advises, “Be patient over what befalls you” (Quran 31:17). Through patience, Muslims learn to navigate life’s trials with grace and resilience, having faith and certainty that whatever bad befalls a believer, through patience and perseverence, good will come out of that test.
“We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure..” Quran 2:155
Humility and Modesty
Humility and modesty are characteristics that Islam promotes as essential for spiritual growth. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will elevate him” (Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Hadith 6264). Humility allows individuals to recognise their own shortcomings and seek improvement with sincerity.
The emphasis on good character and manners in Islam, as reflected in the Hadith collections and Quranic verses, serves as a beacon of guidance for Muslims seeking to embody the teachings of their faith and emulating the character of the best man to walk the Earth. By practicing kindness, compassion, respect, honesty, patience, and humility, Muslims strive to fulfil their role as ambassadors of Islam, contributing to a more harmonious and strong community with good family and societal ties.
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malum-af-cth · 11 months
favorites of all time!
way way way back when i set up a spam account so i could send myself things i wanted to read later. essentially turning that chat into my TBR. i have sorted through them & i think the first thing to do with this rebrand is to give you a list of my favorite fics of all time. below you will find a list of my favorite reads with their writers & a smol why for it making the list. these are in no particular order. please enjoy!
*this list is 18+. Minors do not interact!*
list below the cut.
*most of these fics either are smut or contain some through slow burn structure. Please read each author's warnings for them before you engage. *
from the last 7 years, i have chosen 20 fics that i LOVE. here we go.
from @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog we have a story i remember getting me excited about what kind of writing could be on tblr. "the arrangement" a lost love fic. 9 parts of love & angst.
2. @sis-tafics out here with a sweet sweet physical innocence trope with the hottie dean winchester. "our little secret"
3. @hrina wrote such a beautiful H. Styles fic about his character in dunkirk. "Il Ritorno" is the first part of 3 fics. i love the little coming home to a new place & new people plot.
4. @supernatural-jackles is the author of one of the only fics to make me cry. "hey handsome" i remember reading this sobbing because i felt the emotions written into this SO deeply. I reached out to them & let them know how much i loved it. & i still love it so to this day.
5. @winchest09 is adding our first dark fic to this list. the slow burn on this one is so so so so good. i found this one a long long time ago & i would say it is one of the first fics that got me to explore the mafia verse "life for rent"
6. @negans-lucille-tblr is giving us another spoicy series up in here & it even has a sequal!!!!! (look down one) the ultimate D/s winchester series. it's oh so good! "you've got me beggin"
7. & for the sequel "Mercy" this series is so good i have re-read both 2-3 times. it felt like crack the first read on both of these lol.
8. oh oh oh okay! this next. one from @pink1031 is probably one of my absolute favorite stucky series. "our best girl" was the fic that sent me down a rabbit hole of stucky fics. i was addicted after this one.
9. @pink1031 is back at it again with the ONE fic on this list i know i have read a minimum of 6 times. it is THAT good. "dirty little secret" was so scandalous and sexy. a J2 fic that had me coming back for more all the time. my escapism really shined with this one.
10. i remember finding "lemon drop" by @impala-dreamer i love the dynamic written here between Sam Winchester x the reader. the intimacy in this one-shot is beautiful. this is something i wish i could have at the end of my days or when i feel like the world is too heavy. i felt seen through this fic.
11. @tuiccim 's style of writing is something i adore & admire. I fell in love through "almost had me believing it" it is truly a work of art. I was immersed into this undercover mission with my man BUCKY BARNES.
12. oh & another from @tuiccim with "Terrigenisis" this is such a good poly-stucky fic. the way it was written felt like it could have been canon.
13. WOAH now! this next one written by @world-of-aus is ICONIC. the universe that is "starkhub" is just so delectable. i remember when it was being published in the beginning i was like a dog with a bone. i will never get enough. I can't wait to see where else it gets taken.
14. this next one is quite possibly one of my favorite mob fics. I have linked the first installment of these lovely smutty stucky fics. "tell me what you want" is the first step into such a delicious universe. thank you @angrythingstarlight for all you write.
15. an absolute banger from @sagechanoafterdark with "codename: Lazarus". i can't exclaim loud enough how good this one is. it had me on the edge of my seat. so dynamic. the order in which you read the parts for this one changes the perspective. don't worry they have put an excellent order at the bottom of the masterlist. :)
16. @avintagekiss24 i wanna start out by saying that I love the space you have created with your blog. when i found "lay me down in the tall-green grass" i thought i found fanfic heaven. i will cherish it always. i kept coming back to this one-shot to relive it as much as possible.
17. i've been thinking about "stained like georgia clay" by @georgiapeach30513 a lot lately. i remember binge-reading it & soaking up every droplet of goodness i could. ;) & that thunderstorm scene 🥵. i'll leave you with that...
18. here lies the "howling comandos tattoo au" that altered my brain chemistry just a little. @navybrat817 stole my heart long before this one dropped. however, this au had me sitting patiently waiting with my hands folded.... um no i was mentally ON MY KNEES.
19. i can confidently say that @georgiapeach30513 's "you were the one" is my favorite Lloyd hansen series ever. i crave a fics that are this good. it all started from a one-shot & then i found out a prequel was being written to it & i screamed in excitement.
20. A quality fic that i have had actual dreams about in the past. comes from @themhoodgirlz . for my 5sos girlies out there "close" tingles my brain in the right ways. i reminisce about the dynamic these two have. years ago when i was a BIG 5sos stan i lowkey hoped & dreamed for that to be me lol.
alright, alright, alright. that concludes my first rec list. I want to thank all of these amazing, amazing authors who have shared their skills & talents with the world. your works have given me sweet escapes, brightened my days, & expanded my love for all of the characters & ppl you write for. <3 all my love,
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Singlemom!reader ‘verse idea: how are the Reader and Nancy around each other? I like to think there would be some friction at first not only because of Steve but also because they are different paths in life but then they grow to respect each other.
Since I imagine this universe taking place at the same time/ages of everyone as season 4, we’re gonna pretend the Stancy things never happened this season as Steve’s already with the reader. But I imagine the first meeting was probably very awkward giving their history. A little blurb coming your way!
(Also I know this gif is weird with this and looks way more intimate than it should be for this fic but I’m sorry I love chest hair Joe so much lord have MERCY I GOTTA STAY FOCUSED)
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Never in a million years would you have thought that one of the auntie’s to your child would be your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.
Of course, your relationship with Nancy Wheeler hadn’t always been so smooth sailing.
It wasn’t bad, but the relationship hadn’t been necessarily good either.
The first time you’d met her, you were on edge. Things didn’t come out the way they should’ve have due to your nerves and there had been plenty of tension. Perhaps, it was mostly on your part, but you’d felt pretty inferior to the beautiful petite brunette.
In most cases, partners’ exes were out of the picture, but Steve was still really good friends with his ex-girlfriend. It made you self-conscious. Not in a jealous way, though. You trusted Steve. You just felt plain and messy next to the done up Nancy.
You were in sweats and had your hair tied up, bags under your eyes from sleepless nights with a baby. Nancy was always put together, perky and off to college in the fall to pursue her dreams of being a journalist.
So, that being your mindset, you two didn’t exactly hit it off.
Steve had told you about their tumultuous history and quite confusing break up, leading to some unresolved feelings though that was before you’d met him. Still, your confidence in yourself seemed to take a hit around her.
She seemed curt, straight to the point and didn’t bother talking to you much other and instead spent most of the time talking to Steve. Your slight bitterness might’ve shown a bit.
All in all to say, it was awkward and embarrassing. You were very embarrassed to admit how your self esteem had plummeted because of her.
Future interactions were slightly better, but you were exactly the best of friends.
Turns out, all you needed was a little bit of your daughter’s help.
It had been an occasion where everyone decided to hang out at the Wheeler’s house. Kids and teens were spread out everywhere. Some of the boys were playing D&D downstairs, Max, Steve and Robin were playing videos games in the living room, you reading a book while they played. El and Nancy were in the kitchen, Nancy helping her mom bake cookies and El playing with your little girl.
You heard the crying before you heard your name being called.
You were immediately in the kitchen, seeing your little girl in Mrs. Wheeler’s arms.
“I’m afraid she had a little fall when she was toddling around the kitchen. Just a little bump, I think it scared her more than anything. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
You smiled and thanked her, taking the fussing infant into your arms.
“El, would you like to help me deliver these cookies to the boys downstairs?” Mrs. Wheeler asked, picking up two plates of fresh baked cookies, handing one to El.
They both headed down the stairs to the basement and you turned to head back to the living room with your daughter, when Nancy stopped you.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you for a moment?”
You turned back, seeing her twisting her hands in nervousness and found it odd. It’s not exactly like you’d had many conversations with her and none of them long at that.
“Please, sit,” she said, motioning to a chair across the table from where she’d just taken a seat.
You sat down, positioning the baby in your lap so she could still lay her head on her shoulder. She was due for a nap and knew she would be going down at any minute.
“I just wanted to apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable or anything,” Nancy started.
“No, you—” you began to protest.
“No, no. I wasn’t exactly the friendliest when we first met and I’m sorry about that. I can’t imagine how awkward it would be to meet your boyfriend’s ex and realize they’re a permanent part of their life.”
“It was a little…surprising,” you admitted warily.
“Steve and I are just friends though. You have nothing to worry about, okay? We dated a long time ago. But still, that doesn’t give me a right to treat you badly. It’s nothing against you either, I promise. It’s just, Steve means a lot to me.”
“I imagine,” you nodded.
“I’m as protective of him as any friend would be. I just want the best for him and was afraid he’d get hurt,” she shakes her head as if trying to stop her rambling, “I can’t apologize enough, Y/N. Even if we’re not friends, I want us to get along.”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of hurting him. We’re lucky to have him,” you nodded to your now sleeping angel on your shoulder, “But, I agree. I’d like to get along too.”
It was as if a truce was settled that day.
You two never had any ill intentioned feelings towards one another, you were just two very different people on two very different paths in life.
But over time, you did manage to become friends. After all, she did become an honorary auntie.
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babeluda · 20 days
Big post for the new double silt verses episodes!
I thought Paige's void god in the polluted lands was Acantha for a second (I miss Acantha). Because of that I couldn't avoid comparing this one to the cairn maiden for the whole length of the interaction. Void is chatty where the cairn maiden is silent; the cairn maiden follows and waits where the void will trick you into staying, etc
Operation Shrue grows a spine is going to go sideways in so many directions. Can't wait.
Faulkner's council is like a dumb-dumb-messy reflection of all the closed-door-politics we've had so far. I could feel some of the wound tree council meetings when Paige was still drunk in there as well as Carson&co dealing with problems beyond their mastery, except of course the Grand Aquifer has one (1) spin doctor and he's currently feeling very wet, sorry for himself and broody
I'm curious about Val being consumed by the last word. Is this what Paige is avoiding by basically constantly armwrestling what she brought into the world? Val has canceled her need for rest and other human necessities by using her power on herself ; is she consuming what is left of her humanity but as such rendering her existence impossible ? Her attempts at care and mercy keep backfiring due to 'mistakes' ; is this a sign of the god part of her taking over, as we know gods in this world show no uninterested mercy? Val's plan is to ascend to godhood, but the aesthetic for it — the taking over the seat of power, the image of the throne — is very human, and most gods in the silt verses need none of those symbols to prove power. It sort of feels like a desperate (and vain) negotiation of the human part of Val with the ravenous god in her to give it what it wants while maintaining her human presence.
Carpenter and Faulkner are thinking of each other with a dash of bitters as always. Aww.
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sabiraa-a · 1 year
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Khushoo’ in Salah
(Part 4)
The means of developing Khushoo’
4. Thinking about the aayaat and adhkaar being recited during the prayer and interacting with them.
The Qur’aan was revealed to be pondered over. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “(This is) a Book (the Quraan) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember.” [Saad 38:29]. No one can ponder over its verses unless he has some knowledge of the meaning of what he is reciting, so that he can think about it and be moved to tears by it.
•Another way of helping oneself to ponder over the meanings is to repeat aayaat, because this will help one to think deeply and look again at the meanings.
•Another way of helping oneself to ponder over the meanings is to memorize Quraan and various adhkaar to be recited during different parts of the prayer, so that one may recite them and think about their meanings.
5. Pausing at the end of each ayah:
This is more helpful in understanding and thinking about the meaning, and it is the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ , as Umm Salamah (رضي اللّٰه عنه ) described how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would recite, “Bismillah il-Rahmaan il-Raheem”, and according to one report, he would pause, then say, “Al-hamdu Lillaahi Rabbi‟l- „Aalameen, al-Rahmaan, al-Raheem.” Then according to one report, he would pause, then say, “Maaliki yawm il-deen,” and he would break up his recitation ayah by ayah. (Reported by Abu Dawood, no. 4001; classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Irwaa‟, where its isnaads are described. 2/60).
•Pausing at the end of each ayah is Sunnah even if the meaning continues into the next ayah.
•Reciting in slow, rhythmic tones (tarteel) and making one’s voice beautiful when reciting. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) “would recite a surah in such slow rhythmic tones that it would be longer than would seem possible.” (Reported by Muslim, no. 733).
•Another way of helping oneself to have khushoo’ is by making one’s voice beautiful when reciting. This is something that was advised by the Prophet ﷺ , as when he said, “Beautify the Qur‟an with your voices, for a fine voice increases the Quraan in beauty.” (Reported by al-Haakim, 1/575; Saheeh al- Jaami‟, no. 3581).
6. Knowing that Allah responds to prayers:
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Allah ﷻ has said: I have divided the prayer between Myself and My slave, into two halves, and My slave shall have what he has asked for.” When the slave says “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds”, Allah says, “My slave has praised Me.” When the slave says, “The Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy,” Allah says, “My slave has extolled me.” When the slave says, “Master of the Day of Judgement,” Allah says, “My slave has glorified me.” When the slave says, “It is You alone we worship and it is You alone we ask for help,” Allah says, “This is between Me and My slave, and My slave shall have what he asked for.” When the slave says, “Guide us to the Straight Path, the path of those whom You have favoured, not the path of those who receive Your anger, nor of those who go astray,” Allah says, “All these are for My slave, and My slave shall have what he asked for.” (Saheeh Muslim).
•This is a great and important hadith. If everyone kept it in mind when he prays, he would attain immense khushoo’ and al-Faatihah would have a great impact on him. How could it be otherwise, when he feels that his Lord is addressing him and giving him what he is asking for?
•This “conversation” with Allah must be respected and accorded its proper value. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When any one of you stands to pray, he is conversing with his Lord, so let him pay attention to how he speaks to Him.” (al-Haakim, al-Mustadrak, 1/236; Saheeh al-Jaami‟, 1538).
Source: 33 Ways of developing Khushoo’ in Salaah by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
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sav1ored · 2 months
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Negan Smith is unlike any other being on earth. He has lived for centuries upon centuries, his existence stretching back to a time beyond memory. He has wandered through the ages, indifferent to the world around him, as life flashes before his eyes. He is a monster, and he can no longer recall if he ever was once mortal, or if he was always this way. It didn't matter to him, for the past had long since lost its relevance.
Negan is the leader of a coven of fellow vampires, and they are known as the ' Saviors. ' People speak of him in whispers, and the mere mention of his name fills them with fear. His followers revere him as a king, for they begged him to turn them into vampires out of desperation. They were either sick, weak, dying, or felt trapped in their life that they no longer wanted to feel such a way. They offered their devotion to Negan and bowed down to him, looking to him as their king and savior.
Negan and his vampires target small communities, preying on their inhabitants for the fun of it. They offer the people a chance to thrive if they follow him and give him everything he and his vampires desire. However, if they deny his peace offering, they end up as his supper. Negan does not care about the worth of their blood. To him, humans are nothing more than a means to an end. If they resist his offer, he snaps their necks without a second thought, leaving their lifeless bodies to rot.
In conclusion, Negan Smith is a creature of the night, a monster who has lived for centuries and whose only goal is to satisfy his own desires. He leads a coven of vampires and is worshipped by his followers as a king and a savior. He is a ruthless predator who preys on unsuspecting humans or those who hold power and need to be taken down. Negan takes what he wants without mercy. His reign of terror continues, and no one knows when it will end.
HEAVILY AFFILIATED WITH : @w1dowed . @twiicetheheart .
NOTE : this verse is open TO ANYONE who wishes to interact with Negan in this verse. So if you wish to be affiliated with vampire!negan is this verse please by all means reach out to me ! Negan in this verse is quite darker than Negan in my main verse, for he is truly a monster and his hatred for humans goes a long way. he also is very territorial of the communities he owns, because those mortals belong to him now, even when it comes against other vampire leaders.
( but yes come tango with vampire!negan if you dare. )
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xynchronicity · 2 months
For those that don't wanna go to my page for Vengeance!Demise stuff. I'll periodically update this post with new stuff as I think of it (if and when this headache goes away).
Vengeance!Demise is my Demise verse but with the Vengeance Mythic skin. Demise is already "Mirrorwatched" but she swaps places with Gabriel/Reaper specifically. So, that still carries here...but less "was in his place and became what he should've" and more so "was working with Moira to some degree". In other words, she - namely Angela instead of Demise - had a moment - whether during a mission or in her or Moira's research - that made her go "my tech is good - great even - but it's not the best it could be".
Demise does take on the mantle of "Vengeance" in this verse. So instead of referring to her as "Demise" I will refer to her as "Vengeance".
Vengeance becomes a powerful member within Talon.
Subject to change when event mode releases:
Ana swaps with Widow (or Moira?)
Tracer takes Reaper's spot (or Widow?)
Sojourn becomes their black ops/spec ops agent (?)
Vengeance swaps with Max or Moira (it's sort of hinted that she leads Talon...like as their leader...so taking DF's spot?)
DF takes Soldier's spot (based on the name of his skin)
Widow takes Ana's (based on the name of her skin)
Sombra takes...Tracer or Rein's spot (? she gets just an epic skin that's 'agent' not 'cadet' or 'lieutenant')
Vengeance has all of Reaps' abilities listed here and her own.
Vengeance's mastery over life and death is very prevalent here.
She will decide who receives her aid. If you fail her, she'll just bring you back to do it all over again (with the hope of you succeeding this time, of course, but either result will amuse her with your pain).
Vengeance will use you to any and every means necessary. You died on the field but can still provide use to her? She'll do so...if only to throw you to the wolves so she can escape or otherwise distract the enemy. Or if you have information within life but were killed...well, she'll just bring you right on back to give her said information. You will. This is not a negotiation, she can and will resort to torture. I mean, she can just heal you right on back to healthy just to repeat the process...how long can one stand agony?
Vengeance is more ruthless/ruder/power-hungry than her normal counterpart (Angela).
Voice lines:
"I decide who receives my aid."
"We're not done here."
"Begging for attention?"
"I didn't say you could rest."
"I am your remedy."
"Don't underperform now."
"In need of...treatment?"
"Minor setbacks mean nothing."
"I'll teach them the meaning of pain."
"On with it."
"You're looking unwell."
"Don't disappoint me."
"Someone needs a savior."
"Do your worst."
"I need you at peak performance."
"I will not let them stand in my way."
"I could mend you. Though you may have to convince me first."
"In the name of humanity's future, my plans cannot fail."
"For your sake, I hope you're not questioning my abilities."
The new interactions between Mauga and Mercy (the one where he asks if he can call her 'Angela' specifically) would've gone differently for Vengeance. Instead of saying "For you? Doctor Ziegler." she'd instead say "For you? It'll be your demise." (I had to include this bc I find it cute that he sounds like he's flirting with her.)
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clemencetaught · 1 year
mister uta. / @temporalobjects. ➜ continued from here.
“Is that so…?” Something tells Patrick that Mister Uta would fit in just fine with the students. If he exchanged his suit for a more casual set of clothes, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two… although Dr. Ratliff’s lectures do tend to be on the drier side. Patrick has sat in on a few himself and his colleague does an excellent job at making Shake*speare sound dull. And Patrick usually likes reading Shakespeare- Macbeth in particular, but thankfully that wasn’t the play Dr. Ratliff had been talking about that day. “He does have a…rather interesting way of organizing his lectures. But it’s not very polite to not listen, I would think.” Not that Dr. Ratliff would notice either…perhaps this is the reason Mister Uta has managed to stay in his good graces all this time- putting up the pretense of an adoring boyfriend but still managing to entertain himself in the meanwhile. It would take a multitasker, Patrick assumes, to be a suitable partner for Dr. Ratliff.
“Actually…” Should he be correcting Mister Uta here? Well, he’s not wrong in that the tenured positions have become coveted over the years. That being said- “We’re both already tenured, actually. I believe I got mine a year after him.” And that was a while back- he remembers confiding in his dear friend the night before, not only because he couldn’t sleep, but also because Dr. Ratliff was on the hiring committee. The committee had to be unanimous to attain tenure. He lowers his voice though. “It’s not quite as cutthroat as you make it out to be.” He gives the cashier a sympathetic smile- whether it’s obligatory or apologetic for Mister Uta’s rather graphic description is up to Botan to determine. 
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He takes a quick sip of his coffee ( bitter too- he forgot to add the sugar and cream in his rush to not be looking at Mister Uta ). “I can assure you that is not the case.” And if it is, Patrick would prefer not to know for his own peace of mind. “What my students like to do in their free time is their business and I would prefer to keep it that way.” He frowns though- the grant. “I…I wasn’t aware that students had anything to do with the grant; that would be rather inappropriate too, wouldn’t it? Please don’t tell me that’s what Dr. Ratliff has been doing to get the grant.”
Otherwise, Patrick will have to have a talk with a few individuals. “I…I’m assuming this is an open relationship of sorts then?” Not that that’s any of his business, the bounds of the relationship between Mister Uta and Dr. Ratliff. But there is one thing he can ask Mister Uta about- “If you are okay with me asking, but has Dr. Ratliff ever…said anything about me? Perhaps as to why we might not be able to get along well?”
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krit-ikal · 3 months
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[Wichapas Sumettikul | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome KRIT VORACHAI to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an TWENTY SIX/TWENTY SEVEN year old VAMPIRE, who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be CHARMING, but that’s all a façade to cover up their DEADLY nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to THE DEVIL IS A GENTLEMAN BY MERCI RAINES, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
Full name: Krit Vorachai (กฤษณ์ วรชัย) Nickname(s): Gremlin, Kritter, Hydra, Creep Age: 26/27 Species: Witch Vampire Occupation: Pharmacist
Background: TW: murder, abuse, religion, stalking, idk this whole dude is a tw
Born in Thailand
Parents abstained from magic, but a family 'friend' taught Krit dark magic.
One day at school, he practiced the heartbeat control spell on a classmate, resulting in an irreversible death. Getting away with it fuelled his desire for more.
Somehow his parents figured it out, as the family friend 'tattled' on him.
His parents labelled him possessed by demonic energy, even claiming that Mara (a demon in Buddhism) had his soul.
They chained him up and subjected him to verses and scriptures, forcing him to recite them.
After years of this torture, he killed them in revenge and the family friend that tattled.
Among witches, he became branded as a servant of darkness rather than a servant of nature.
He targets churches, monasteries, and other religious sanctuaries for his killings, interpreting his role as a servant of darkness literally. He finds it amusing given his parents wished to free him of his 'sins'.
As he grew older, he had to expand the playing field, so he's killing many types of people, but monks are his favourite.
Obsession with Juri:
Krit met Juri during Juri's monk days, and while he would have slaughtered him too, he received a flower. Although Juri rejected him, their interactions sparked a crazed obsession, and Krit swore he'd make him fall and see the devil eventually.
Since then, Krit has stalked Juri relentlessly, even following him from Thailand to New Orleans, and despite Juri trying to hide, he used locator spells to trace him.
When Juri fled to America, Krit 'befriended' his family, even making a promise that he'd help find and return him to them.
He has this distorted idea that Juri belongs to him, and the flower he received, he keeps locked up in glass as a token of possession.
His obsession goes towards those who want to claim Juri themselves.
He's always watched Asher and Juri from a distance. Eventually, Asher had enough and killed Krit in the name of the OEA.
*1 year time jump*
Was once again killed by Asher Simmons and presumed dead for the past year.
His countermeasure was having vampire blood in his system; therefore, he 'survived' and transitioned into a vampire.
He's kept in the shadows for the past year to give the illusion that he is dead.
Upon his return, he's on his way to claim what, or rather who, he has deemed his forever.
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pastorsperspective · 1 year
Jesus Loves Me
Another Friday is here! That means another blog! If you weren’t with us, Sunday’s sermon was titled, “This I Know!” and the scripture was John 3: 16. You can listen to it here: https://fb.watch/lE87OSPRNE/
I caught up with Pastor Chad via email this week to discuss his sermon.
This week I think you hit on something really profound and important when you said that we struggle to remember who we are. This happens in a lot of different ways, in various stages of our lives. You, of course, were speaking of when we forget that we are children of God and that He loves us, when we struggle to remember that in hard times. That's very true.  What are some ways, or some strategies, that we can use to keep ourselves centered into who we are when these times come?
I think spiritual practices are the best way. I currently do a morning devotional with my family and it helps tremendously to remind me daily of who I am and whose I am. Prayer, Bible study, and meditation are other great forms. I heard of one person who writes on their bathroom mirror in dry erase a verse or quote for the week to remind them when they get ready each day. I love this! I think also the crosses we wear or jewelry we wear should mean something, we wear them for this very reason. Also having people, you can go to (friends, family, pastors, support groups) to help us during trying times can be very helpful.
Covid changed us. It not only changed the way we do things, but the way we see things, the way we interact with people (and not necessarily for the better). It changed some people psychologically, and it has changed a lot of people spiritually. I, too, have heard very religious people questioning God over Covid. I have witnessed people who always looked to God for everything, suddenly start fearing more than "faithing" in the last few years. It saddens my heart, but I'm not a pastor, or a preacher. What does the average person of faith have to offer to someone who is questioning, who is scoffing, who is simply hurting over the trajectory of the last few years and can no longer bring themselves to sing Jesus loves me with the same conviction that they used to? Even if we recognize it, how can we help?
I think our very testimonies is our greatest strength as Christian people. The stories we have of how God has gotten us through hardships can mean more than we could ever imagine to someone else. The trouble is when we hesitate or refuse to share that with others. Sometimes we feel that our stories aren't deep or powerful enough, or by sharing we turn egotistical or self-centered. That’s just not true. 1) it is God who gives us strength and no story or life event is too small for God to speak through. 2) if we keep the focus on God, it can’t be self-centered or egotistical because it’s about God’s grace and mercy, not ourselves. People need us to share! The world tells us to just keep to ourselves and don't bother anyone, but we sure miss out on glorifying God that way.
That’s hard to navigate sometimes, too, though. When we share our experiences with others we can come off as trying to make things about ourselves, which is rarely the intention. Most people are simply trying to convey the message that you are not alone. I see you. I can empathize with your pain, with what you’re going through. Or at least that’s what I am doing when I share personal experiences with people. It’s difficult to articulate those stories and if I am sharing it with you, it’s because I want you to know that I hear your pain and I want you to know that you don’t have to sit alone with it. I understand it because I feel it, too.
I wholeheartedly subscribe to keeping it simple. In general, I tell people to explain things to me like I'm 5. I don't do this because I think I'm stupid. I do this because I genuinely want to understand what people are telling me. The quickest way to dissent with others is simple miscommunication and I like to avoid that whenever possible simply by communicating as effectively as possible. If that means asking people to please repeat and simplify their requests and expectations so that I can be sure that I'm understanding; well, I'd rather understand and get it right than misunderstand and get it wrong and have someone upset with me. Is there ever a time that you can think of, when keeping it simple has been ineffective for any reason?
I really can’t, to be honest. In seminary we were taught if we could teach it at children's time, we could teach it to anyone. A simple approach can be a powerful approach because it allows everyone to find a grasping point somewhere. The KISS method ensures whoever we are talking with can get something out of it. When Paul preached at the Areopagus, he did so in a way that could be understood addressing their intellect of the unknown God (Acts 17). He wrote to the Corinthians, Philippians, Romans, Colossians, Galatians and more in a way that their people would best understand in a simple way about the love of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. A wise seminary professor once told me, “The point of preaching the gospel isn't to just preach the gospel, it’s to get the gospel heard!” I find that these words hit at the heart of the KISS method. Keep it simple and keep it about God.
That really is just about all we need to do in life; keep it simple and keep it about God. I firmly believe there’s a reason that we first teach our children the song Jesus Loves Me. It contains all the truth they need to know for the rest of their lives. Yes, as they grow that knowledge gets filled in with more adult concepts and bigger knowledge about God, the Bible, the universe, and the world we live in. However, when life gets hard (and it always does), and you strip away all the noise, all you need to hold on to is that, YES, Jesus loves me. This I know. For the Bible tells me so.
Until next week, just do like Dori from finding Nemo and “just keep swimming”!
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anasraza25 · 1 month
Surah Al-Mulk: Lessons on Guidance and Mercy
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Surah Al-Mulk, the 67th chapter of the Quran, holds profound insights into the concepts of guidance and mercy as embodied by Allah. Through its verses, believers are reminded of Allah's boundless mercy and His guidance extended to all of creation. In this article, we will explore the teachings of Surah Al-Mulk regarding guidance and mercy, and their relevance to our lives.
At the heart of Surah Al-Mulk lies the recognition of Allah as the ultimate source of guidance and mercy. The chapter opens with the declaration of Allah's sovereignty over the heavens and the earth, emphasizing His power and authority as the Creator. It is through His mercy that the universe operates in perfect order, and it is His guidance that illuminates the path for mankind.
Surah Al-Mulk underscores the importance of reflection and contemplation on the signs of Allah as a means to attain guidance. The chapter invites believers to ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, and the celestial bodies that navigate the cosmos. Each of these serves as a testament to Allah's wisdom and benevolence, guiding humanity towards the recognition of His existence and the submission to His will.
Moreover, Surah Al-Mulk emphasizes the role of the Quran as a source of guidance and mercy for humanity. It highlights the significance of seeking refuge in Allah from the punishment of Hellfire through the recitation of the Quran, particularly Surah Al-Mulk. This act not only serves as a means of protection but also reflects a profound acknowledgment of Allah's mercy towards His creation.
The chapter further illustrates Allah's mercy by highlighting His forgiveness and compassion towards His servants. Despite the shortcomings of humanity, Allah continues to extend His guidance and mercy, inviting believers to repent and seek His forgiveness. Surah Al-Mulk reassures believers of Allah's willingness to forgive sins and grant salvation to those who turn to Him in sincere repentance.
Additionally, Surah Al-Mulk emphasizes the accountability of individuals for their actions, while also emphasizing Allah's mercy in judgment. The chapter vividly describes the Day of Judgment, where every soul will be recompensed according to its deeds. However, Allah's mercy transcends His justice, as He grants respite to sinners, giving them opportunities to repent and seek His forgiveness until the last moment.
Surah Al-Mulk also serves as a source of consolation and hope for believers, reminding them of Allah's promise of guidance and mercy. In times of adversity and uncertainty, reciting and reflecting upon the verses of Surah Al-Mulk can provide solace and reassurance, reaffirming one's faith in Allah's mercy and providence.
In our daily lives, the teachings of Surah Al-Mulk offer invaluable guidance on how to embody mercy and seek guidance from Allah. Believers are encouraged to emulate Allah's mercy in their interactions with others, showing compassion and forgiveness even in the face of adversity. Likewise, they are reminded to turn to Allah in times of need, seeking His guidance and mercy through prayer and supplication.
In conclusion, Surah Al-Mulk serves as a profound reminder of Allah's guidance and mercy towards His creation. Through its verses, believers are invited to reflect on the signs of Allah, seek refuge in His mercy, and strive to embody His mercy in their lives. As we navigate the challenges of life, may we find solace and guidance in the timeless teachings of Surah Al-Mulk, and may Allah, the Most Merciful, continue to guide and bless us all.
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almaqead · 2 months
"The Mixture." From Surah 10, Surah Yunus, "The Dove."
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Yunus "swampy ground" becomes a Dove, the Messenger of God once the soul comes in proper contact with the Unseen through the study of the Quran. There is no such thing as a silver lining in religion there is just reality inside the self and outside.
One of Muhammad's chief complaints about mankind in the Quran is our tendency to use strange stories as the tent pegs for reality and this has never once prevented a war, put a stop to oppression or relieved poverty. Only the acceptance of these things and the need for their manmade solutions will suffice.
The Quran says it is a taste of mercy that transitions our efforts from destruction to restoration, from harm to help. If we pray to God and read the Quran and ask for mercy, it is a sure sign we recognize our state of wretchedness and hope for something good to happen in spite. This is not supposed to be an exclusive feature how man and God interact in prayer. No one who wants to be punished by God wants to get punished by other men. That is obscene:
10: 21-24:
When We give people a taste of mercy after being afflicted with a hardship, they swiftly devise plots against Our revelations! Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Allah is swifter in devising ˹punishment˺. Surely Our messenger-angels record whatever you devise.”
He is the One Who enables you to travel through land and sea. And it so happens that you are on ships, sailing with a favourable wind, to the passengers’ delight. Suddenly, the ships are overcome by a gale wind and those on board are overwhelmed by waves from every side, and they assume they are doomed. They cry out to Allah ˹alone˺ in sincere devotion, “If You save us from this, we will certainly be grateful.”
But as soon as He rescues them, they transgress in the land unjustly. O  humanity! Your transgression is only against your own souls. ˹There is only˺ brief enjoyment in this worldly life, then to Us is your return, and then We will inform you of what you used to do.
The life of this world is just like rain We send down from the sky, producing a mixture of plants which humans and animals consume. Then just as the earth looks its best, perfectly beautified, and its people think they have full control over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, so We mow it down as if it never flourished yesterday! This is how We make the signs clear for people who reflect.
There is a reference to angels in verse 21 so I calcualted the Number in Gematria to see if Muhammad hid a message for us. The Number is 15049, "J. hafesdat"= תחרד יא לוסט, "Be alarmed of your lust!"
The above states ˹There is only˺ brief enjoyment in this worldly life, then to Us is your return, and then We will inform you of what you used to do."
The Quran says during the Hour, the final moments of life He tells us all about ourselves and tallies up the consequences of our actions. The prior frame says we are measured by the amount of evolution we undergo between the moments we study the Quran and then act out our lives. Now it is warning us, we are spending too much time gratifying our desires not enough tending to the important things.
Allah says "Then just as the earth looks its best, perfectly beautified, and its people think they have full control over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, so We mow it down as if it never flourished yesterday! This is how We make the signs clear for people who reflect."
Study, reflection, acts of mercy and sincere devotion. These are the ways how the spongy ground gets drained.
On that note, the Constitution of Palestine includes a reference to Sharia law. It is not, therefore, a valid document of government:
  Article (7) The principles of Islamic Shari’a are a major source for legislation. Civil and religious matters of the followers of monotheistic religions shall be organized in accordance with their religious teachings and denominations within the framework of law, while preserving the unity and independence of the Palestinian people.   
This renders it invalid according to the Quran which forbids legal conscription for religious practice. It is also not a valid document under international law which forbids the practices of torture allowed by Sharia Law.
Federalizing the West Bank and Gaza City along with proper and professional city and county management practices will insulate all the residents of the jurisdiction from all threats, foreign and domestic put an end at last to the civil war in Israel and bring peace to the Middle East and the rest of the world.
While this might seem like a sudden and shocking idea, it is how the rest of the world metes out success to its citizens and shelters them from harm. Civil society is the greatest gift of mercy one can grant other human beings that there is. As the Surah says, God will bless all efforts to grant it to the people of Israel and Palestine.
Ventures such as this, complete unity in Israel is why Allah published the Quran, so the people of Saudi Arabia and their descendants would have a chance at developing a superior civilization all their own, just as the Semitic people of Mespotomia and the Greeks and Romans that founded the great cities of Europe.
These rose and fall based on their willingness to ask God for mercy and give it in return. Persons who performed in the role of Allah "'as good as God" lived the longest and were the happiest. This is what is in store for Palestine and Israel if they submit to the subtext of the Quran, found in Al Hashr during which Muhammad discusses the return of the Jews to Israel. The Surah states unity among neighbors who share a City is beneficial to the faith and the longevity of the world:
"As for those who had settled in the city and ˹embraced˺ the faith before ˹the arrival of˺ the emigrants, they love whoever immigrates to them, never having a desire in their hearts for whatever ˹of the gains˺ is given to the emigrants. They give ˹the emigrants˺ preference over themselves even though they may be in need. And whoever is saved from the selfishness of their own souls, it is they who are ˹truly˺ successful. And those who come after them will pray, “Our Lord! Forgive us and our fellow believers who preceded us in faith, and do not allow bitterness into our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord! Indeed, You are Ever Gracious, Most Merciful.”
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molsons112000 · 2 months
Why do you think god gave me a girl who was a virgin who was highly religious.... I was never supposed to be in the dating field again... Protecting me from all forms of diseases related to physical interaction during love making.... She would have never, ever cheated on me...... And likewise me to her... But the point of it protecting me from any contagious disease as much as possible..... But promoting the l g b t q to me is making me a great risk...... I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.... I don't want them desecrating people.... It is not about them being my enemy meaning, meet one of them to have a great life.I don't want them hurting other people..... Though people don't understand when they say pray for your enemies.And that really?What jesus is talking about is protecting good people from them.... Hoping they move away from their evil pursuits.... 😈 So people misunderstand the Bible.You're not praying for all kinds of goodness upon them.You're hoping they move away from their evil pursuits.So they don't continue to hurt good people.... So by praying that serial killers repent you are praying for good people to no longer be hurt by them.... So you don't understand I keep on telling you, you have to look through to what would happen if these individuals changed..... 🤔 So this is what it talks about about praying for your enemies....
See, praying for those that persecute.You means that you're hoping they change.And that will endure persecution because if they truly repent.And that's what paul was trying teach and prayed for his enemies. And if they came to jesus he is pain and suffering would end..... So in the indirect way he was praying for himself.... Working through god to work through his enemies to change their hearts to make his life ultimately better...... They end up being better off too.Because there's no bottom to hell..... That's why when we execute people we pray for mercy on their soul... Why because we punished them and in turn.We would hope god would give them grace for the punishment we placed upon them.... So we're not telling God to have them.Escape punishment.We're asking God to be less. How do you say punishing less punishment because of our actions. So you're not understanding the bible correctly.... God is always protecting good people always protecting them. And if you step away from God, then you're vulnerable.You become one of them..... And that's the big point of Paul He was actually the worst enemy to gentiles.... Those coming to jesus and most of all his converts were genkyle's very few jews followed him only mostly the disciples..... Most everybody else was a non-jew. That's why he says he opened it up to jews and gentiles alike.... They treated them both fairly.He gave them both the option..... But who embraced it all of rome converted to christianity.....
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt. 5:44). And “Pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:28). This is enormously important in telling us how Jesus thinks about what love is.Jul 27, 2023
https://www.crossway.org › articles
How to Pray for Your Enemies | Crossway Articles
Here are some Bible verses that mention praying for enemies:
Matthew 5:44: "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Luke 6:28: "Pray for those who abuse you"
Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you" 
15 Bible Verses About Loving Your Enemies - ABWE
Aug 25, 2021 — Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Matthew 5:43-45: You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. Ephesians 4:32: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. If you are willing to partner with us in praying for Afghanistan, visit our Afghanistan action page. Editor's Note: All verses are from the ESV translation. Loren Skinker.
How to Pray for Your Enemies | Crossway Articles
Jul 27, 2023 — Jesus gives numerous examples of the kinds of behaviors involved in loving our enemies. The first mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount after the command to love is prayer. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt. 5:44). And “Pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:28). This is enormously important in telling us how Jesus thinks about what love is. First, it tells us that love really wants the good of the enemy. This is confirmed by the supplementary command, “Bless those who curse you” (Luke 6:28). To bless is to desire someone's well-being and turn it into an expressed longing directed to God.
Can you give some examples of Bible verses that talk ... - Quora
Nov 23, 2023 — Matthew 5:44 says, “However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you” Exodus 23: 4, 5 says “If you come upon your enemy's bull or his donkey straying, you must return it to him. If you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has fallen und. You asked, “Can you give some examples of Bible verses that talk about loving your enemies and praying for them?” Matthew 5:44 says, “However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you” Exodus 23: 4, 5 says “If you come upon your enemy's bull or his donkey straying, you must return it to him.
Josephine Bumbe  ·  
LinkedIn · 1y
20 Verses About Praying for Others - LinkedIn
What does the Bible say about praying for others? ... Matthew 5:44, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” ... Ephesians 6:18-20, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. ... Colossians 1: 9-12 “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. ... Ephesians 3:16-17 “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
Faith Forum: How should we deal with our enemies?
Oct 4, 2014 — ' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you ..." (Matthew 5:39 and 5:43-44) Christians are called to love those who despise us and persecute us. To follow in Christ's footsteps is to walk in the way of love. The Apostle Peter made these observations about Jesus.
Why is the greater love not to lay down one's life for one's *enemies
Jun 3, 2015 — Jn 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. Mt 5:44,46-47: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, [..]
According to Crossway, these verses show that Jesus believes love should want the good of the enemy. Luke 6:28 also includes the command to bless those who curse you, which means to desire someone's well-being and express that longing to God. 
Open the Bible says that praying for those who have hurt us is obedience to God's Word, and it's also an opportunity for God to work in our hearts and within other people. 
According to World History Encyclopedia, Roman emperor Constantine I (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) converted to Christianity in 312 CE. Constantine is known as Constantine the Great for his conversion and his subsequent Christianization of the Roman Empire. 
World History Encyclopedia
Constantine’s Conversion to Christianity - World History Encyclopedia
May 10, 2021
According to legend, Constantine experienced a vision at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312. Some sources say that on the evening of October 27, Constantine had a vision of a cross, which led him to fight under the protection of the Christian god. 
Constantine's conversion was a turning point for Christianity. It gave Christianity a solid base in the Mediterranean and caused the political ascent of Christianity. 
Constantine's conversion is almost universally acknowledged among historians, despite some claims that he was baptized only on his deathbed in 337. The real reasons behind his conversion remain unknown and are debated. 
Constantine played an influential role in the proclamation of the Edict of Milan in 313, which declared tolerance for Christianity in the Roman Empire. He also convoked the First Council of Nicaea in 325 which produced the statement of Christian belief known as the Nicene Creed. 
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spiritsoulandbody · 3 months
#DailyDevotion When We're Worn Out From Praying
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#DailyDevotion When We're Worn Out From Praying Psalm 143 7Answer me quickly, O LORD — my spirit wears out with longing. Don't hide Your face from me, or I'll be like those who went down to the grave. 8In the morning let me hear about Your kindness, because I trust You. Teach me the way I should go, because I long for You. 9Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD — I hide in You. 10Teach me to do what you want – You are my God. May Your good Spirit lead me on even ground. 11For Your name's sake, O LORD, give me a new life. You are righteous - get me out of trouble. 12You are kind — silence my enemies, and destroy all who trouble me, because I am Your servant. David continues down the path of the previous verses of the psalm. Don't we all want the LORD to answer our prayers quickly. As David notes, "my spirit wears out with longing." When we are in deep distress and pray continuously as we wait for the answer from the LORD, are not our spirits worn out as well? Jesus in his long nights of praying in desolate places and in the Garden demonstrate His own need as one who shares our human nature for an answer from His Father. He knows what it is like to pray in this manner. Does it seem as if God is hiding His face from you when you pray? David requests the LORD to not hide His face from him lest he be a dead man. We too should desire the LORD to shine His face upon us so we may be strengthened and uplifted by it. We turn our problems and complaints to the LORD in the evening and we wait for the morning to see the answer to our prayers come to fruition. We expect an answer from the LORD because like David, we have put our trust in Him due to His promise to hear and answer our prayers. Verses 10 and 11 have an important theme. We cannot be His people, His children by our own works, thoughts, efforts and will. We need the LORD to teach us what He wants. We learn this as we open His book and read and when we listen to His pastors who teach us. Will we be like rocks to sound just bounces off of or will we allow the Word to have its way with us? We need the LORD to give us a new life for His name's sake. We need Him to create in us a new heart and an upright spirit to learn when He teaches us and to believe and do what He teaches us. He does this through His Word and His Sacraments. We should engage with them as often as possible. God's Word in and God's Word out. David asks to be led on even ground. His immediate context in the battlefield may be actual even ground, but he is probably borrowing from that in the context of his current struggles with his enemies that the LORD would clear the path for His actions as he interacts with them so he doesn't do something to trip himself up. It would do well for us in dealing with others to ask the LORD to clear the way for us as well so we don't take a bad situation and make it worse but rather have us be instruments of His will in bringing true peace to any situation. Finally, David asks the LORD to defeat his enemies. We must realize he is dealing with people who oppose his anointing to be king by actually seeking his life. As Christians I think we pray this so the destruction of our enemies are not necessarily looking for their physical destruction but that the LORD would convert them so they would cease being our enemies and be our friends instead. If they become our friends, won't our enemies be defeated and destroyed? The basis for this petition is he is the LORD's servant. We too, in our baptisms, have become the LORD's servants, slaves of God's righteousness. He has put His name on us. We belong to Him. It is good to remind the LORD of this, not for His sake (He knows) but for our own sake and conscience. Merciful God and Father, teach and lead us in all Your ways, even our paths so we more easily follow Your Son, Jesus Christ in all His ways and finally overcome all that opposes us from being faithful in serving You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. w Read the full article
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ummabdillaahh · 3 months
Day 1: Beginning With The Tawḥīd of Allāh
Reflections on Verse 1-2 of Sūrah al-Furqān.
Explanation of Imām as-Saʿdī رحمه الله
Taught by Shaykh Mūsá Richardson حفظه الله
Link to lesson: https://spreaker.page.link/UUq9mtSo2YTpvVMV8
• Blessed be He Who sent down the criterion (of right and wrong, i.e. this Qur’ān) to His slave (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he may be a warner to the ‘Ālamīn (mankind and jinn).
• He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Who has begotten no son (children or offspring) and for Whom there is no partner in the dominion. He has created everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due measurements.
Points From Tafsīr as-Saʿdī
This is a clarification of His perfect Greatness and His uniqueness in being one from every angle and in the abundant nature of His benevolence and Kindness. Tabāraka means to manifest greatness, His attributes are perfect and complete, and His benevolence is abundant. From the greatest of His benevolence is that He sent down the qur’ān and it is called al Furqān. Furqān means that thing which gives distinction; the difference between what is permissible and what is not permissible, What is guidance and what is deviation, The distinction between the people of eternal bliss and the people of eternal misery. Allāh describes the prophet (ṣallallāhu alayhi wa-sallam) as His worshipful servant, meaning the one who perfected and completed all levels of servitude.
The warning of the qur’ān; the qur’ān warns of the punishment of Allāh and it clarifies all of the things that leads to the pleasure of Allāh and things that leads to His anger. Those who accept the warning are from those kept saved in the worldly life and the hereafter. They are those who shall have eternal happiness and the never ending dominion. There is nothing greater than such blessing.
He alone interacts with the heavens and earth however He chooses. All of the beings that exist within the two realms (heavens and earth) are His property. They are His servants in surrender and submission to His greatness, in compliance with His sovereignty. They are poor, in need of Him and destitute of His mercy. How could it ever be possible that He would have a son or a partner? How could he have a partners when he is the owner of everything and everything else is owned properly He dominates while everything else besides Him is dominated. He is the all self sufficient from every angle of self sufficiency not in need of anyone while all of the created beings are in desperate and dire need of Him. If they are left to themselves then they have nothing. How could there be a partner for Him while the forelocks of all the creation are all in His hands, they don’t move with the slightest movement except with His permission. Exalted be Allāh, lofty above that notion. The one who makes that claim has not understood Allāh as He is to be understood. Such person is deficient and ignorant.
He decreed everything in precise and perfect measure. He gave everything what is appropriate for and what is befitting for it. And all things are in line with His wisdom. No sound intellect can imagine the creation of Allāh in other than the shapes and forms they have now. Each of its creation is in its appropriate place. Perfect is the creation of Allāh.
Reflections/Action Points
• We need to realize the Greatness of Allāh, and how can we transgress the boundaries of Allāh if we realize His Greatness truly? What if He opens up the earth to swallow us in the middle of our oppression ? How can we be insincere if we truly know the Greatness of Allāh!?💧
• We need to realize the abundant nature of His kindness upon us. How can we anger the One that is most kind to us if we truly realize that?
• Allāh did not just commmd us with His obedience and prohibit us from His disobedience, He left us a criterion (the Qur’ān) out of His abundant kindness to us. When we read the verses of the reward of His worshippers, that makes us yearn for it and therefore we strive by doing His commands. The verses of Allāh’s punishment are also from His kindness because that make us fear the punishment to befall us so we stay away from Worshipoiby other than Him and His disobedience. The qur’ān is a mercy from Allāh to mankind.
• How Noble is the Qur’ān that our Lord praises Himself for it. Allāh mentions the Qur’ān as a criterion of truth and falsehood. Whatever the qur’ān decides an affair to be, then that is the reality of such affair. Upon us is to show thanks to Allāh, praise Him for the Qur’ān, also strive to live by what the qur’ān commands and stay away from the prohibitions in it.
• Allāh calls His prophet “ʿabd”, describing Him as His servant, with the description of praise and commendation, as a result of His perfect/complete level of ubūdiyyah to Allāh. This should make us strive to imitate our prophet (ṣallallāhu alayhi wa-sallam) if we want Allāh to be pleased with us.
• If we realize the reality of our need for Allāh, that will make us obedient slaves to Him. How can we disobey the One we are always in need of ? How can we anger the One we cannot do without, despite His greatness and ability to destroy us ? How can we not strive to attain His pleasure ? We cannot do without Allāh even for a second. subḥān-Allāh those that worship other than Allāh and live sinful lives have not tryna grasp the reality of Who Allāh is. This is an encouragement for us to seek knowledge, to seek knowledge of the Names and attributes of Allāh.
A playlist on familiarizing oneself with the Names and attributes of Allāh
• Can you imagine your head to be where your legs are ? Can you imagine to be walking on your head? Can you imagine your eyes to be on your stomach ? subḥān-Allāh we cannot even imagine the creation of ourselves to be other than the way Allāh has placed them, can we now see the perfect wisdom of Allāh? Subḥān-Allāh, Indeed there is no deity worthy of worship except Allāh. Just the way we can’t imagine these then upon us is to have absolute trust in Allāh that all He does are from His wisdom. Allāh is All-Wise in His Actions.
"... and anything else that Allah has mentioned that He has done - are done for a very high, lofty, noble reason, wisdom or goal. Nothing that Allah has done is without a complete and perfect objective. Nothing was done in play or to waste time, Allāh is far removed above such an idea. All of Allāh’s actions contain the highest wisdom and the most noble aims and goals. Allāh has Created for the highest and wisest reason, and it is to establish His Right to be worshipped alone within the actions of the created realm and within the actions of the created beings."
• May Allāh aid us in His worship. Alḥamdulillāh for Allāh as our Rabb. Alḥamdulillāh for the blessings of the qur’ān.
• May Allāh make us sincere in all we do. May Allāh aid us in acting upon these verses.
~ Umm ʿAbdillāh, Zainab
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