#but if you've read this far I'd appreciate good vibes that all goes well and if there is something wrong it's easily treated
debbiechanclub · 2 years
I think life is catching up to me
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inimitablereel · 9 months
2023 Fic+Vid recs
A variety of things I liked this year, made this year. Once again, this got long, so fic recs and fandom-specific recs for dmbj are below the cut. But first a few miscellaneous vids
[vid] Cockroach Motherfuckers by eruthros, thingswithwings multifandom Immortal queer characters multi-vid! This is exactly as much fun and hopeful as it sounds. I've seen maybe 2 of the sources so you know, you don't have to have seen them all.
(We) Didn't Just Come Here to Dance [Fanvid] by FairestCat fandom: Newsies I haven't actually seen newsies, but I really liked this vid. Taking the (very dramatic) musical theater dancing and putting it to a Carly Rae Jepsen song works SUPER well, visually very fun time. Also, unions!
[Vid] Oceanographer's Choice by absternr fandom: Heroes (cdrama 2022) Bai Choufei, Su Mengzhen, and Lei Chun's fucked up relationship(s)/falling apart bad times. This vid is deeply upsetting, just a real exploration of sometimes caring a lot about each other makes everything worse. For maximum sad times, this goes well with absternr's other heroes vid, hey, I just met you, which is the meet-cutes that led to this whole mess.
[AMV] The Draw by Lovely Goblin fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena Black Rose Arc! I've watched this vid so many times really good weird and creepy black rose arc vibes really good parallels between all the different duelists
Also blanket rec that if you've seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, consider looking for vids for it. There's a bunch on ao3 (which can be easier to navigate than youtube, though there are definitely more total vids on youtube) and they're pretty much all spectacular? I was going to include one or two in this rec post and couldn't decide
The wild phonemes of 40 Eridani Keid by astronicht Fandom: Star Trek (aos/tos mashup canon) relationship: Spirk ~10k words rated E You know if you'd told me a year ago I'd be reccing a spirk fic in 2023 I would have been a bit surprised. This is not particularly my fandom wheelhouse. But you know, they're always good, and this fic is really great. This is almost an episode-fic except that nothing really happens plot-wise. But instead of a plot we get a lot of musing about geology and diplomacy and clever references to current events as history in that very trek kind of way and Spock being bitchy just for fun.
fuori dal mondo by bladedweaponsandswishycoats fandom: Qi Ye relationship: Beiyuan/Wu Xi, Beiyuan/Zhou Zishu (more plot than ship focused) ~60k words rated E This is a retelling of Qi Ye except Beiyuan is... some kind of eldritch horror, part-time. It pretty much goes beat for beat through canon (which I appreciate, I loved that book and do not like any of the current tls enough to reread) but with the added layer of whatever is going on with this eldritch thing, which is very cool and tied into canon so don't let me spoil it for you.
We're Leaving Our Shadows Behind Us by lady_ragnell fandom: Tortall - Protector of the Small relationship: Kel/Neal/Yuki ~70k words rated T Canon retelling of Squire and Lady Knight but from Neal's POV. This fic really digs into Neal as a character and the details of the worldbuilding of Tortall, especially the chamber of the ordeal. Also somewhere along the way it sold me on this ship, which I wasn't exactly rooting for when I read the books the first time.
The Untamed/MDZS
a harmony between qin and se by Alaceron relationship: Wangxian ~60k words rated E This is a gender-bent (to make it a het romance) no magic historical drama au where Wei Wuxian is a woman who's arranged to marry Lan Wangji. Honestly this is pretty far from the untamed, especially in terms of themes, though some plot elements will be familiar, but mostly it's just a really great compellingly written historical drama, that happens to have main characters with some familiar characteristics.
Like a Game of Chess by countingcr0ws relationship: Wangxian ~40k words rated T Modern au: influencer Wei Wuxian runs into Lan Wangji on a trip to Taiwan and they travel around together. I love all the little details of their trip - it's like getting to see a new place without going anywhere. Also sometimes I forget that wangxian are very cute? They're a good ship brant
The Epic Highs and Lows of High School Zine Production by el_em_en_oh_pee relationship: Jin Ling & Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling & the mdzs juniors ~7k words rated G Modern au: High schooler Jin Ling has big feelings about a lot of things, including zines, gender, and family. One of those juniors-centric fics that makes me say oh they are Teens huh.
A Little Hole in the Wall by MountainRose gen, Liu Sang centric ~8k words rated G Honestly I would rec this fic even to people who know nothing about tomb shows. One thing that really draws me to a book is descriptions of food (I have read multiple food memoirs this year), and this restaurant au has AMAZING food (and food prep) in it. Not too plotty, mostly just descriptions of delicious things and characterization via cooking.
green with an attitude by ilgaksu relationship: heihua ~8k words rated T If you are in the English language dmbj fandom and you care at all about heihua you probably have already checked out ilgaksu's fic, which has basically defined heihua for the English language fandom. My favorite heihua moments are when other people show up and give you that foil to realize how weird they are, and this fic has that both via Xiuxiu and Wu Xie. Also, a fic about dancing!
making anything last, keeping anything safe by A (mumblemutter) relationship: Wu Xie/Xiao Bai (background pingxie) ~8k words rated M Post canon Xiao Bai takes Wu Xie to explore a tomb that should be perfectly safe... (They set off a sex pollen trap.) I don't particularly ship this, but this fic was extremely well done and kind of sold me on the ship. Fun tomb, really fun characterization for everyone involved.
A World Made Over, Fresh and New by Thimblerig gen, iron triangle, Wu Xie & Li Cu ~1k words rated G If you've ever gotten specific dmbj fic recs from me, it's probably included something by Thimblerig, they're amazing at pulling in very specific canon snippets in under 5k words and I'd generally recommend going through their work by tags if you're looking for fic with underloved side characters or fic set during a part of canon that isn't UN or post-canon, which are generally easier to find. That said, this particular fic is in fact the fandom staple of post-reboot let's go look at a tomb and pulling in a big ensemble cast including some reboot folks. But it's a staple because it's a good vibe, and this is a really well done sliver of friendship and relationship building and perhaps even a tomb trap?
[Vid] Still Into You by absternr iron triangle ot3 This vid is a bop! Multi-tomb show iron triangle being in love, through the years! I've got this bookmark tagged as "joyful"
[vid] When He Died by teyla Wu Sanxing-centric This vid really leans into the weird tomb nonsense and conspiracies and builds to something quite odd, meant in the best possible way. A concentrated version of what tomb shows want to be at their best, from a horror/strange spooky things perspective. Mind the tags.
[Vid] Before I Do by absternr Xiuxiu character study A vid all about Xiuxiu being a badass - she's so clever and cunning and she will figure out and surpass her family history.
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You have no idea how fast I dropped everything when I got the notification that you posted 🥹 I'm so obsessed with these series please 😭 (I've just always ADORED the trope of found family - maybe this is also one of the reasons why I love kpop groups lmao, anyway)
THIS WAS SO WKNCOSIDJFJF 🥵 OMG PLEASE. First of all, how do you come up with this. I really really love all the kinds of relationships and types of sex you've explored so far in this, it feels different everytime, especially depending on the couple, and I don't really know how to explain but the dynamics of them reflect so well when they get intimate??? It's just so lovely to read.
Now, Chris in that last one. Wow. It was so so interesting to read his perspective. We all know that he's just so selfless and kind, of course he'd be like that regarding love too. Poor boy deserves all the love he can get. You could really feel how whipped he was from the beginning and how his yearning kept growing more and more 🥹
And oh boy, reading the scene when his rut hits from his perspective. The way he struggled to control his urges, it was so intense. BUT BOY HIS REACTION WHEN HE REALIZES THAT SHE WANTS HIM TOO.
And lastly, the thighs. I really really love all the attention they get in this. Very well deserved in my opinion. And please the way he shyly asked to fuck them lmao eyfkfjsi 🤸🏻‍♀️ I've seen this mentioned before but as someone with thicker thighs this feels so good to read 💖
Lmao this was so long, I'm just really happy you seem to enjoy writing this as much as we enjoy reading it. tysm for sharing your writing, really 🫶🏼
Hope you have a nice day/night, I'm about to catch a flight and daydream about werewolves for three hours lol 😆
- 🍒
aaaaaaaaaaaaa bb this is so detailed, i'm super flattered you took the time to send me this omg
how do i come up with this??? honestly??? i have no clue, i'm just vibing lmao. guess i just have these abstract concept related to each couple in my brain and every time i'm writing for one i just pull from those.
also writing his perspective of the rut scene was soooooo fun !! i remember when i was writing ICO i had like, this idea of what might be going through his head at the time, but actually sitting down and writing it down just gave him so much more personality i feel like...
listen, big thighs are amazing. respectfully??? nom nom nom, love them big thighs, they deserve all the attention in the world. i love how adding this aspect to these stories have made so many people happy tbh. especially bc at the beginning it was something i added just because? i just felt like it so i added it and people liked it and it's nice. if it helps anyone feel better about themselves then it's 100% worth it.
i have SO much fun writing for this AU (and writing in general), and honestly, i'd still do it even if i weren't publishing them online bc i enjoy it that much, but being able to share something that gives me joy with people, and people also getting joy from it is suuuper lovely, it's one of the best things of sharing content within a fandom, so i really appreciate when y'all write to me about these things 💜
hope you have a nice/day too and that your flight goes well bb !!
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donttellpeterparker · 5 years
Summary: Coming into Junior Year things were going to be different. With my handsome and sweet Senior boyfriend on my arm, I could do and be anything I wanted, nothing was going to stop me... except... of course... maybe him.
Requested: Yes, I'm absolutely loving this request! Thank you! x
Word Count: 2.4k
Warning(s)?: A little more angst, sorry (Italics in quotation are lyrics), Written in third and first person which is something different, Yes this is following the script from the show so please no comments about how it's exactly like it because... that's kinda the point :)
Taglist: Open
''You know, I'm actually kinda bummed that we don't have any competition here. It would make getting the leads so much sweeter'' I wanted to slap his arm for saying something like that. So I did, softly.
''Would you stop tempting fate?'' I asked, an amused smile across my lips. My boyfriend just smiles back, winking.
''You know what, you're right. Whatever'' I threw my hands up in the air and smiled to myself in the mirror. EJ, my boyfriend, lent down and kissed my cheek tenderly, sending me a warm smile as well. I enjoyed sweet moments like this with him, and loved that he was able to calm my nerves in stressful situations. Straight after the announcement in gym, all the drama geeks and me where going crazy over the new musical. We were going to recreate High School Musical and honestly, I'm the most excited I've been for a musical ever.
I've always dreamed of landing the lead role, being center staged while I performed with my heart and soul but reality came crashing in. I had stage freight, bad. Not only that, I hate being the center of attention and that was what the lead was all about, in another life, I'd nail it, in this one... I'm not so sure.
A loud knock on the door caused us all to stop chatting, all of us turning our heads to face the opened door.
''Okay, theater people. Let's do this'' Our new Drama teacher claps her hands. I turn to both EJ and my best friend, smiling nervously as I hoped out of the chair, reaching to hold EJ's hand as we walked out of the dressing room and into the theater.
Waiting backstage was even more nerve racking then actually performing. Trying to size up the competition was always the most stressful part of auditions for me.
''She's good'' I sighed to myself, admiring one of the girls dancing with her group. I could hear EJ huff from beside me, his hands reaching for my shoulders to spin me around to face him.
''Don't psych yourself out Y/N, you got this, you always had'' He cheers me up, cupping my chin. I smile up at him, feeling myself grow slightly less nervous. What would I do without him.
''Okay, thank you final group! Now we'll move onto to the solo auditions!'' Mrs Jen, our drama teacher, called out loudly, her voice echoing around. EJ grabs my shoulder in encouragement before stepping out along with the others. I took a moment to gain my composure before walking out as well.
She got us all to stand up and in a line, assigning us roles she thinks we are best suited for. I tried to tune her out as I focused on my breathing, trying not to shake on my spot.
''Chad... definitely'' The teacher says, smiling as she hands the excited Junior his script. She's only two students away...
''Mrs Darbus... you're giving me deceased vibes'' I eyed her curiously, finding her growing a little weird with each passing minute.
''Yep'' Was all the deflated student replied with, taking her script with a sigh. She then stops at the girl beside me, smiling brightly.
''Of course'' The girl beside me beamed with pride, the choreographer behind her going to hand her a script.
''Don't worry, I'm already off-book'' The girl proudly stated earning impressed looks from both the teacher and the student choreographer.
''And how about we have you read for... Kelsi'' Mrs Jen flicks through her papers on her clipboard, glancing up to me with a smile afterwards. My smile falters, my fingers playing with each other in nerves. EJ looks at me from further down the line, mouthing at me to 'own it'.
''Um... I was kinda hoping to read for Gabriella''
''Oh, okay'' She said, the student behind her handing me a script for the part. I smiled proudly to myself, glancing down to the script in my hands. The auditions continued on, most of the students going before me or EJ.
My mind began travelling back to all my other auditions, analyzing what techniques to use for this one. I just had my fingers crossed, hoping I would get my dream part. EJ, had his arm around my shoulder, having me lean into him as we stood and waited backstage.
''Hey, I could really use some last-minute tips'' I spoke up to EJ, growing nervous all over again.
''Just do your thing, You went on for the lead this summer with only 20 minutes notice, not missing one beat. Honestly, there's nothing you can't do'' I smiled thankfully up to him, leaning up to peck his lips.
''I can't stop my hands from shaking and my voice keeps going extremely high and-'' EJ grabs my hands, laughing slightly to himself.
''You're being an absolute weirdo, but you're real, that's probably why I'm in love with you'' My smile fell, my mouth widening slightly. Unfortunately, his words just triggered a memory I thought I had long buried. I turned away from him and tried to smile again, hoping I haven't hurt or upset him before being called out onto stage.
As I walked out my head was swirling. EJ and I have only been dating for a month and yet he... said that he loved me. How could he? I was no where near feeling that was towards him yet. Maybe this was how Peter felt when I told him I loved him...
''Okay, whenever you're ready Y/N...'' I took in a deep breath but flinched once a loud thud echoed in the air.
''Am I too late? Am I too late?'' I looked up confused, seeing Peter in the distance. He began running down, his guitar case moving with him.
''We're all set on Troy's but we're low on Chads'' Mrs Jenn calls out to him. I bit my lip and frowned, anger beginning to boil inside me. Why the hell was he here? And of course... he was late to this too...
The lights began flickering around me, most of them shutting off. I glanced out and saw Mrs Jenn fusing around with the controls. Great.
''Okay, let's just wait for the lights to come back on, I don't want this to throw you, sweetie'' Mrs Jenn soothed, still fussing around a little with the controls. I sighed to myself, taking another deep breath.
''I'm not thrown'' I gulped, growing more and more nervous. Yep, I was going to do this...
''Living in my own world, didn't understand... That anything can happen, when you take a chance...'' I stopped once I saw a light shining on me. My gaze followed to see Peter standing not too far away, his phone held up with the light switched on. My eyes fell onto him as I continued.
''I never believed in, What I couldn't see... I never opened my heart...'' There was another light. I turned to face EJ now, a smile growing on my face.
''To all the possibilities, Oh, I know that something had changed... Never felt this way... And right here tonight... This could be the start... Of something new... It feels so right to be here with you... Oh... and now I'm looking in your eyes... I feel in my heart... The start of something new... I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me... Oh, yeah... I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see... Oh... It's that start of something new... it feels so right to be here with you.. Oh... And now I'm looking in your eyes... I feel in my heart... The start of something new'' I stopped on the last note, a ghost of a smile crossing my face.
The lights shortly came back on, both Peter and EJ lowering their phones. I tried not to look at either of them and instead straight ahead towards Mrs Jenn.
''Okay, thank you Y/N, I only needed 32 bars. But I appreciate your commitment'' She said glancing down towards her clipboard.
''You, late boy'' She glanced over towards Peter, him freezing in the process.
''Let's do the Chad sides'' She said, ushering him on stage. I began walking off to the corner where everyone else was, sitting down beside EJ. He wrapped an arm around me again, pulling me closer.
''Hey there, I'm Peter Parker. I'm a Junior. And, uh... here goes'' He looks down at his script.
''I don't get it, Troy. What kinda spell has this elevated IQ temptress-girl cast that suddenly makes you wanna be in a musical?'' He falters slightly. He glances down and scrunches it up in his hand, sighing to himself.
''I don't know. Maybe it's the way Gabriella always had your back. And maybe you can't stop beating yourself up for totally blowing it with her. And look, Troy. Even if you never said the L-word to Gabriella, 'cause that's, like, not even a word you've heard your parents say to each other... that doesn't mean that you don't. Maybe it just means you were waiting for the right moment, so that everyone could hear it. No. So that she could'' I bit my lip, hating the effect he was still able to have on me. My eyes were becoming watery and there was nothing I could do about it. I shook my head, wiping my hand across my face before leaning further into EJ, letting his body warmth calm me down a little.
Peter sighed to himself, his eyes never leaving her for a moment. He hated the way she was with her new boyfriend, he wanted to go over and rip his arm off of her but he couldn't.
''Okay, kiddo, time to sing'' Mrs Jenn cuts in, clasping her hands together. Peter reaches down towards his guitar case and pulls the guitar out, strapping the belt around him. He began to strum the chords softly, humming a little.
''Oh, no, he is not doing this'' I frowned once I heard the familiar tune. I turned my head and burrowed it into EJ's shoulder, trying to control my beating heart.
''So much has happened think of what we've done... In the time that the Earth has traveled around the Sun... Winter, Spring, Summer and we're back to Fall... We've been together hand-in-hand through it all...'' EJ's arm loosed around me, soon pulling away altogether. I lent forward and held my head in my hands, growing more and more humiliated by the second.
''It's just three little words, Yeah it's not a big deal... It's not like I can help feeling... All that I feel... Any by now, I'm sure you're thinking it's so obvious... But just in case it's not what I'm saying is this... What I'm saying is this... I think I kinda, you know... I think I kinda, you know... Like the way that we flow... Like the way that we go... And I love... I think I kinda, you know... I think I kinda, you know... You know... You know... You know how we can talk all night... And not run out of things to talk about?... It's rare that something feels this right... it feels so right... I think I kinda, you know... I think I kinda, you know... You know... You know... I think I kinda, you know... I think I kinda, you know... You know... You know... I can't help dreaming of you... Guess I'm saying I don't not love you... You know... You know... You know...'' I wanted to slap and kiss him right then and there. It was unfair the way he could still make me feel, even when I thought I had moved on.
What was he trying to prove? That he could still hurt me?
I hated him, I hated him, I hated him. I hated him so much that I-
''Love him! That was amazing sweetheart!'' Mrs Jenn cheered along with everyone else. I could feel EJ tense beside me, glaring daggers at Peter. I shook of the hurt and other feelings before leaning back into EJ, my hand circling around his with a small squeeze. He squeezed back, holding my hand tightly. But the anger was still boiling up inside...
I waited about 30 seconds after Peter left before racing after him, wanting to give him  piece of my mind.
''Hey!'' I called out once I saw the back of him and Ned. They both stopped, turning to face me. Ned patted Peter's shoulder before walking away.
''What are you doing here?'' I asked, crossing my hands over my chest.
''I'm auditioning''
''You hate Musicals'' I stated.
''That's a little harsh''
''We got kicked out of The Greatest Showman because you kept yelling, 'That's not realistic!' at the screen'' I pointed out.
''That was the old me'' Peter tried, placing his hands up.
''That was 5 months ago'' I countered back.
''Well, the new me thinks that Musicals are... awesome?'' I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
''Okay. Well, let me tell you about the old me. All right? the old me had her heart broken. Okay? and then she went away, and she found herself. And you don't get to show up now, just to try and... confuse things'' I breathed out. I hated how vulnerable I was feeling in front of him, the same as I was 2 months ago.
''You think that's why I'm here? No, no, Y/N. I always believed in you. In us. Even if I sucked at showing it. That's why I'm here'' Peter finished, his eyes softening near the end. I screwed my lips shut, hoping not to let another tear fall because of him.
''Well, it's a little too late'' I harshly wiped my hand across my cheek, removing the lone tear that fell.
''Clear!'' We could hear the sound of multiple footsteps approach us. I turned to look away once my best friend grabbed my arm.
''Carlos is posting the cast list!'' She said excitedly, pulling me away. She gasped once she looked up, beginning to squeal beside him. I could have sworn my heart stopped once I read my name... next to Gabriella Montez.
But it dropped once I read Peter's name next to Troy Bolton.
A/N: Here's part 2! Lemme know what you guys think! Vote and comment and definitely leave suggestions if there's any particular scenes you want me to write! Love you lovelies xx
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