#but in my game at least it's part of their lineage of vamps
duskbats · 23 days
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Round 2: Sulani (Winter)
eris is now in sulani! her parents also surprised her with a little campervan to take on her travels~
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fyodorkitkat · 8 months
These are my basically unedited batshit notes about the diabolik lovers bsd AU I might never write but if I do I am so sorry 💀 I've only outlined what is going on with the DoA so far. Absolutely none of this will make sense if you haven't played the games because the anime doesn't explain shit and is basically fanservice. And yeah it is basically overlapping dialovers universe with bsd universe and abilities still exist but at least for the DoA there are some memory issues and willful trickery there because abilities are a convenient cover to hide other supernatural things...
Bram: from Makai. Vamp. Related to Karlheinz but lost his memories and thought he was an ability user. He doesn't turn vamps the normal way like he should he is basically using magic/his powers and not realizing he is doing it. This is also why his vamps are easily controlled by him and also kinda monstrous instead of being normal and in control of themselves. Mfer is using powers not actually putting humans through the awakening (which majority wouldn't survive anyways). The reason the sword is working on him is because he is essentially letting it and not realizing he can actually overcome it if he wanted to and regenerate his body. If the sword is removed though he will likely realize he can do this for himself.
Fyodor: First Blood/Founder. Went kinda off the rails during the Endzeit genocide which is why he has memory issues surrounding his origins and true nature. Like he isn't even for sure. He knows he is functionally immortal and inhuman in some way but he thinks it is connected to his ability. He is the first son of Menae (illegitimate heir sort of? Prior to Menae marrying Burai of the Vibora. Maybe raised as part of the Tsukunami household but as an adoptee? Like he knows his lineage but wasn't recognized as royalty) his frail constitution that acts up sometimes is just residual effects of Endzeit that like Carla he survived. (But maybe he is still dying super slowly too? Unless he learns his origins and goes back to Makai to that one area to be healed by the miasma and become Ghoul instead)
Nikolai: Vamp. Nobility but not royalty. Knows he is vamp. Doesn't care that he is vamp. Like he eschews Makai culture and the chains of obligations being in the upper echelon. Obsessed with Fyodor still but amused by his memory issues. He wouldn't have known everything that happened with the Founders given his position but he does know Fyodor is Founder but doesn't have the heart to tell him. He still makes subtle jokes here and there around it though hoping it might jog his memory so he can figure it out for himself. The overcoat is just a cursed item he bought from a shop in Makai and he is playing it off as an ability. He is hiding the fact that he is vamp from the other DoA and pretending to be an ability user.
Sigma: Adler. We don't know shit about the Adlers from canon material really but that works here because Sigma is Adler and what I say goes then. 1. They don't bite or feed of anyone. No fangs. 2. Can shape-shift into an eagle but retain the coloring of what their hair was in humanesque form. So yes half white half lavender eagle. Can use magic and power basically like Founders but also can just sprout their wings and fly (ofc one white one lavender). Sigma is a younger Adler and isn't very strong so they prefer weapons over using their powers or brute strength but they rarely have to fight. Only recently came to the human world from Makai. Recruited as a spy basically their mission is to keep tabs on various people that Karlheinz might target for his plans. The Adler clan is concerned with being aware of everything going on because they don't trust Karlheinz and want to see it coming if he is going to try to eradicate anyone. Does not have amnesia but is very good with their cover story so they have their "ability" but it is just them using basic ass powers any other clan can use against humans. Or against someone like Fyodor who had forgotten who he actually is.
Fukuchi: Human and thinks he is surrounded by other ability users. Same goals as before. But Fukuchi's plans are influenced by Socrates. Yes Karlheinz is still playing chess with Socrates in the room between time and space in this and Fukuchi is one of Socrates' pieces.
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