#but in the village. i got the best history classes. the village used to be a booming city after the civil war and well: history.
teaableu · 4 months
Okay SO a LOT is up in the air right now because I'm doing Research as best I can between classes BUT here's what i got so far:
Lord Kogane is from a very powerful family that wants to take full control over Neo Edo. They think he's doing a poor job because the yokai are running free again and he's overall a pretty useless ruler. They step in and force him to enforce some pretty Messed Up Stuff that put all the people in danger (something to do with the Makkine tech probably). Usagi and his friends have a front row seat as to what he's up to and Usagi decides he won't let them get away with it. I haven't worked out the details but the Koganes' plans threaten the people and the yokai. BUT Usagi's not strong enough to take out the Koganes on his own.
My Usagi has a mystic power of sorts, which makes him very sensitive to spirits. All of the visions he gets through the Ki stone in the show, plus his ability to speak with Miyamoto stem from this ability. A simple way of seeing it would be like, he can see the threads of their lives. So he can read souls and connect with them, and sees ghosts when others cannot. I think the Ki stone sort of unlocked and amplified it when he connected with her. I'm still working on the details of his power but basically he can see and talk to ghosts with a little extra stuff sprinkled in
So the Ki stone encourages Usagi to seek help. Turns out the Koganes have a rich history of killing entire villages and armies that oppose them, dating (maybe) all the way back to Miyamoto's time. So he finds a couple of restless ghosts that are still waiting for vengeance and asks for their help. He strikes a deal that was supposed to help him fight Kogane while allowing the ghosts to avenge themselves their loved ones and their clans. I think he would amplify their power while they help him fight. But he doesn't realize who exactly he's making this deal with and ends up tethering his soul to very powerful VERY ANGRY ghosts that are WAY stronger than he is (I've been researching onryo and yurei for reference). They can take possession of his body, amplify his emotions to be in tune with their own, manipulate his power, and generally cause a lot of destruction. Basically, he becomes their puppet. I'm thinking it's a Venom or Little Shop of Horrors type dynamic between them. Also think of any poltergeist type film
He makes the deal and the ghosts possess him. When Usagi wakes up, he's killed Kogane (who really wasn't even the Big Bad behind the whole thing) and has to flee the city before he's caught and put to death for treason and murder. His friends are all imprisoned but he can't risk returning because he has lost control of his power and is unable to control the ghosts that are bound to his soul. The ghosts are starving for power and burning with hundreds of years of fury and anguish, and feed off of destruction (maybe the living?) It's sort of a pandora's box situation. The ghosts are just a whirlwind of chaos and use Usagi as a means to exact their wrath
I called it exile because Usagi can't return to the city without being arrested and killed for his crimes. The gang was the only one standing up to Kogane, and with his friends in prison, he's sort of stuck. He blames himself for everything that went wrong because he ran off without his friends and jumped headfirst into a situation he did not understand. He was reckless and cocky and now everyone is paying for it.
That's where EMD comes in, but the story continues after EMD season 2 as well.
Some extra notes:
- The timeline for srtuc would probably be a bit different so I can have more flexibility with the season one and season two events, since I wasn't sure when it would take place and I want there to be a pretty big time gap between Usagi leaving and returning. I also might use the Makkine invasion in the story
- I’m still working out Usagi’s backstory/past, but have pretty much decided that he has some history with the Kogane family
- I'm planning for Miyamoto to have a pretty big part in the story as well, acting as a guide for Usagi when he goes into hiding. I'm really interested in their relationship so I really want to take the chance to explore it.
- I'm thinking of adding someone as a nod to Tomoe Ame as well (descendant of her apprentice perhaps), since we got a representation of Chizu, Kitsune, and Gen in the tv show but not Tomoe (sad)
I wrote out the sparksnotes version of this here
In addition to the artwork there I have some other concept art
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Blood warning under the cut
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 1 month
Hollyberry Cookie Headcanons
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In game
She knows how to make her own berry juice. Wildberry has tried to restrict her a few too many times so now she just makes her own
She’s really close with all of the dragon cookies. Pitaya introduced her to the rest of the dragon fam and they all kind of view her as part of the family
She babysat Princess Cookie a lot when Princess was younger, and that’s why Princess is so bold and chaotic
After Tiger Lily went missing, Hollyberry spent weeks searching through the kingdom and the surrounding jungle trying to find her granddaughter
She does her best to visit her friends in their other kingdoms, though the only ones she’s able to visit are Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao. She’s got a lot of experience going on high stakes adventures, so as long as she has climbing gear and an extra insulated, extra puffy, full-on “I can’t put my arms down!” Jacket, she’s got no problems
She has a lot of survivors guilt being the only one in her friend group without excessive trauma. Sure, she as a dragon ex who she got to see almost burn a village down and a missing granddaughter, but that’s barely anything compared to all the crazy stuff her friends have been through
Her and Golden Cheese used to go on adventures together as kids. They’re both practically immune to high heat, so it’s no wonder they stuck together
Modern au
Her and Pitaya are exes, but they fake flirt so much that if people didn’t know that they were divorced, they would think that they were dating or married
She teases Wildberry for having a crush on Crunchy Chip. Obviously not enough to make him self conscious, but she can’t help but tease him for how he goes from this deadpan tough guy that’s almost as intimidating as Dark Cacao into a total giggly and smiley mush ball whenever Crunchy Chip is around
Since Golden Cheese is ace-aro, her and Hollyberry fake dated throughout high school to keep bigoted assholes away from Golden Cheese
She hates wine snobs with a burning passion. She’s able to appreciate a good glass of wine, but she appreciates it for the taste, not for the “aromatics” or “how well it can swirl around in a glass”
She’s secretly an art nerd. She took a ton of art classes throughout middle and high school and took an art history class with Pure Vanilla
Her room is full of random plushies and video game figurines. She can barely fit in her own bed from the sheer amount of stuffed animals she has on her bed
She has the biggest house and the biggest family out of her friend group, and she has a lot of dinner parties with her friends and her family. She even has a special place for the kiddos so they don’t have to be stuck with random babysitters
She’s not a very good chef, but she is an amazing baker, and she’s really good at decorating cakes. She makes almost all of the birthday cakes for family birthday parties
She can speak fluent Italian and Spanish
Let me know if you have any other headcanons!
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @trustymikh @tartelongan @cedric-my-beloved @c00kietin
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sheikahwarriork · 3 months
I am sorry you had a bad day my dude, would some Byleth cheer you up?
I think, we all as society should recognize Byleth!~
Byleth does not fight fair. In a support conversation with Felix, Felix mentions that Byleth will randomly throw out punches and kicks along with sword attacks. Byleth's probably a biter. She is going to Mike Tyson her way through entire military campaigns, and I have no idea what happens when you punch a giant lizard creature, but the campaigns give Byleth the opportunity to find out before the time skip ever happens.
I mean one of the main skills of Enlightened One is brawling.
So yeah. She's a bruiser who punches her way through problems and eats more than anyone else.
And people still say she has no personality...
i mean, in a crit's animation byleth throws a punch before slashing the sword:
and as you said, she got brawling as a skill of her unique class.
i think being raised as a mercenary by mercenaries taught byleth to survive by all means. when she fights, there's no such a thing as a "fair fight", there is just "win = survive".
on a side note, i like to think that when she first teached the blue lions, with all the faerghus "knight honour" mentality etc, she was taken aback. when ingrid did her first lance tournament, byleth was screaming "PUNCH HIM IN THE GUTS, INGRID!!" and dimitri politely said "professor, i'm sorry but this is a lance tournament, not a brawling one. she's not allowed to use her bare hands". byleth looked at him with a "error 404 not found" face and then goes, "do you really think an enemy on the battlefield will care if she's using a lance or her hands? they'll try to kill her anyway, so she- no, you all must learn to fight and survive". and this is why byleth doesnt let her students focus on only one weapon and by the end of the war even the mages have proficiency in brawling. byleth is not going to let her babies die! (okay i love this headcanon i HAVE TO write something about this)
omg i love byleth so much im crying ok. i HATE when people say byleth doesnt have a personality!! just a few days ago i was thinking about the animated cutscene at the beginning of the game, the one when you see all the students. that cutscene begins with byleth reading a book, then the clock bells ring, yk? well, i LOVE that little detail of byleth reading. bc think about it: a 20-something yo mercenary is hired as a professor at the great official academy of garreg mach. byleth knows well she is not competent. but its a job, its her job now, so she must do her best. and so she starts reading all kind of books about magic and history and weapons and tactics. she knows shes not a good professor (yet), but she wants to be one!! so she does everything in her power to be one!!!!
or the fact that the first time we can see byleth smiling is when they give food to a cat/dog? its waaaay before the flayn's rescue, which is the canon "first time" the house leaders see byleth smile.
people often complain about byleth being a silent protagonist. in my opinion, OF COURSE BYLETH is not very talkative. they grow up in a mercenary company, they probably never interacted with someone with their age before the academy! (remember byleth doesnt meet leonie when jeralt goes to her village.) they never had a friend. and now byleth is supposed to be a perfect professor?
but byleth tries. byleth gets better with people. in fact, i think byleth actually gets more lines in the second part of the game (i should check but im pretty sure).
byleth also is more expressive post-timeskip. i'll never forget the "... :( " face byleth does when dimitri says its better to go rescue lady rhea before taking fhirdiad (his feral phase, i dont remember the exact moment but its during a war council in the first part of the post-timeskip). or the fact byleth has an angry face when talking to feral-dimitri during the exploration days (i mean the sundays).
also, apparently byleth has a very bad sense of humor. after the fhirdiad map in azure moon, when byleth and dimitri talks, he says "you taught me something very important" and byleth can say "humor?" and dimitri responds something like "you never let up, do you?", which means its not the first time byleth says a silly (but loved!!) comment.
do i think byleth should have got dubbed lines in three houses? of course i do. but even with the little lines they have we can see their personality.
thank u anon i love talking about my beloved!!
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checkoutmybookshelf · 11 months
Scary Trees and Making Your Own Magic
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This standalone novel is amazing in how it discusses the differences between institutional and individual magic, myth and reality, reclaiming and renewing lands and communities, and at what point wishful thinking becomes a clear and present danger to you and everyone around you. There is also an extremely grumpy mage, the worst prince in the history of ever, the best ride or die BFF ever, and lots of scary trees. Like John Ronald Ruel "Scary Trees are Kind of My Jam" Tolkien took one look at these scary trees and said "Whoa, rein it in there, I RESCUED Merry and Pippin from that." Let's talk Uprooted.
Agnieszka never expected to be chosen from her village by the Dragon; that was supposed to be Kasia, her best friend. But life got weird, and Agnieszka ended up in the Dragon's tower utterly failing to be "ladified" into learning his kind of magic. Until, that is, she finds Yaga's book and learns on her own to do a type of magic that is better suited to her. (She also quite literally brains a dickhead prince who had toruble keeping his hands to himself and hearing "no" and it might be my favorite thing ever.) The theme of finding what works for you a trusting yourself to find your way through the woods at night without a lantern is one of my favorites, and Agnieszka embodies the heck out of it. She learns to own rooms by being herself, and then turns around and goes home to heal her community and the really fucking terrifying creepy forest that has been plaguing them.
We need to talk about the supporting cast for a minute here. First and foremost--and yes, I'd argue that she is more foremost than the Dragon--is Kasia. Agneiszka refuses to write her best friend off when she gets half-eaten by a scary, cursed tree. Kasia then basically gets tree-based superpowers, and ends up as both Agnieszka's ride-or-die BFF and adopted big sister to a little prince and a little princess.
Then we have the Dragon, an unapologetic asshole who is doing his damnedest to keep the cursed forest from eating the entire country and getting crap from literally everyone for it. I'd be an unapologetic asshole too, in his shoes. But he is Agneiszka's conduit to magic, and once the two of them get used to each other's rough edges, they find that they are somewhat complimentary.
What is super creepy and possibly the best antagonist I've seen in a long time is the Wood Queen. She inhabits the body of the country's queen and basically tries to orchestrate a global war. She is also damn-near impossible to kill...which makes life complicated. I won't give spoiers here, because frankly this book is amazing and I highly recommend it.
Naomi Novik has literally never written a bad book in her life, and if anyone understands the magic she uses to pull this off, please share with the rest of the class, because it is DAMN impressive.
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year
Do you have a plan to make a modern au headcanon for Starcrossed Losers?
Kili and Raewyn modern AU! headcanons
Kili X Starcrossed Losers! OC
Fluff, headcanons
Tw: Mentions of miscarriage/dying through childbirth, dogs and cats.
Wait, you don’t know who Raewyn is??? Blasphemy. Check her story out right here!
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-In a modern day setting, I think Fili and Kili would own a busy pub somewhere in a side street. Ironically enough, I believe Raewyn would become either a history or geography teacher. At night, she’ll help in the pub, serving guests or helping in a band performing that night. Because, obviously, she’d take music lessons (see earlier headcanons)
-Due to the vacations of the school, she travels a lot with Kili, visiting big cities in Europe and distant villages in Asia. Her students love to hear tales about the people there, and she loves telling them.
-Kili helps Raewyn prepare lessons for students. He actually has some really good ideas in there and Raewyn loves to tell him how the class responded to ‘his’ teaching.
-Even though the pub is located in the centre of the city, Raewyn and Kili would live in a house surrounded by forests. Those tiny roads leading through woods, sometimes extending towards two or three houses? That’s where they’d likely live. Raewyn loves to spend her nights walking the forest. Kili is just glad to be there.
-The garden offers enough room for Farris, because - naturally - she’d still be there. Knowing Kili, she’d probably be accompanied by three dogs, likely named after characters from famous films, like Gizmo, Luke, and Marty McFly.
-Raewyn would get a cat just to spite Kili’s dogs. They’d get a decent name - likely after someone from ancient history. She’d go with names from gods, like Bastet or Artemis. Because Kili insisted on big dogs, she got a Norwegian Forest cat.
-The cat loves Kili more than Raewyn. Kili hates the cat.
-Likewise, Marty McFly loves Raewyn. He doesn’t like Kili because Kili doesn’t let him swim in lakes.
-Speaking about ‘children’. Raewyn and Kili would adopt two kids rescued from war zones, left without family. Raewyn used to want biological children, but her mother never lived long enough to hold her youngest daughter, and ever since, she’s been terrified of the idea of getting pregnant.
-Thorin and Bilbo are the godparents - naturally.
-Surprisingly, Raewyn is the chill parent. Kili does his absolute best to not teach the kids any swear words or let them watch anything under the age guide on films and series. The oldest said their first swear word just three weeks in Raewyn and Kili’s care. Fili was the culprit. To this day, Kili still believes it was Raewyn. She thinks so too.
-Bilbo often visits the dogs when Raewyn helps Kili in the pub at night. They’re twice as heavy as he is, but they love him. Bilbo used to be scared of them.
-Don’t worry, Raewyn gets therapy sessions.
-Kili is a swiftie. He pulled Raewyn into the fandom. Her favourite album is folklore. Kili is a 1989 stan. Raewyn’s favourite artist would probably be a classic rock band like Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath.
-On the topic of modern media; the two love to watch horror films late at night. Raewyn is the psychopath who can go to bed after the credits roll. Kili needs to watch at least one episode of a comedy show before he can even walk up the stairs.
-Kili loves science fiction most, preferably Star Wars or Back to the Future. Raewyn has a secret love for terrible comedies like the Monty Python works. Horror and fantasy are their middle ground.
-Their home is littered with books. They have a bookcase. But there are books everywhere. At least three in the bathroom. Kili is a binge reader. He finishes series within a week. Raewyn reads twenty books at the same time. None of them place the books back in the bookcase. Bilbo does when he looks after the dogs.
-Gandalf has a spare key to their house. He never enters unannounced (surprisingly), but does enter their garden to entertain the dogs. When Raewyn invites him in, he claims to hate the dogs. He doesn’t. He even has a favourite. But don’t tell Marty McFly and Gizmo.
-The dogs aren’t forced to be outside. They just never want to go inside. Raewyn and Kili have to carry them in at night for their own safety. Luke, the St. Bernard, has to sleep in bed with them every night. So does the cat. Luke is the only dog she accepts. Raewyn and Kili often wake up on the floor.
-Once a week, Raewyn and Kili have a ‘duty-free’ night. They’ll go to a little shed in the forest Raewyn bought while someone takes care of the children and the dogs (the cat takes care of themself). They usually fall asleep there, but every so often they play boardgames or spend the night chatting away under the stars.
-Kili packs Raewyn’s lunch every morning. He leaves little notes in her lunchbox. There is not a day he has forgotten to do so.
-Raewyn and Kili wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters around the holidays.
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nrc-therapist · 2 months
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"how did I even get dragged into this..?"
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name: Midnight "Mid" Katára
age: 17
pronouns: any
gender: next question
height: 1.82m
dorm: ignihyde
class: 2-E
club: dance club
occupation: student/therapist
best subject: alchemy
worst subject: history of magic
unique magic: unfair jinx
"if it can fail, fail it shall. everything lucky, come to a halt...unfair jinx"
an equivalent to Murphys law, everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Mid's unique magic causes things around them to, well, go wrong. after the casting her spell, a sequence of "unlucky" event will follow for a short time, ultimately benefiting them, but it only works for small things
(for instance, his unique magic can't cause a meteor to crash)
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Mid grew up in a small village outside of the Queendom of Roses with her 2 siblings and parents. their whole life they were either extremely lucky or extremely unlucky
from a young age, they had a lot of anxiety due to bad relationships with their family, pressure to be a perfect student and not being able to keep a friend group for more than a year
the only family member they had a good relationship with was her sister eclipse, but eclipse lived with some relatives in the city due to her wanting to attend a fine arts school
in addition, in its village, magic was frowned upon, so they had the added stress of practicing their magic in private
eventually, they became a really closed-off person and isolated themselves, which is how he got good in robotics, coding, and art
slowly but surely it became slightly more social, but unfortunately ended up with a few wrong crowds while in middle school
despite that, their expectations remained high and her anxiety only worsened, bringing him to the brink of an overblot due to their anxiety and excessive use of magic. while it never actually overblotted, she now has small dark spots in their eyes whenever they get anxious again
when she enrolled in nrc, being away from the toxicity of their village, they slowly became less anxious and way more social, especially since they worked as a waitress in mostto lounge for their first year
it never planned on being the therapist, but crowley forced that responsibility on him when the last therapist quit in a hurry and she was just...there to witness it
after that, it met the leader of the recently-found dance club, and well...the rest is history
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fun facts:
their last name means "curse" in greek
she has a septum piercing, a brow piercing and a bridge piercing
it can ride a blastcycle
for their village imagine like, twst equivalent of the balkans
his unique magic being a jinx is ironic, since she is an unlucky person in general
back home, they own a black cat named "nox"
she has 2 siblings shown in this post
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clintnatalias · 1 year
i hope this is okay. ive always wanted to ask. but im lowkey intrigured about elwenn. may i ask where they're from? and just some random facts about them - like appearance, family, story/character tropes, etc. and whatever else you feel comfortable with!
BESTIE I LOVE TALKING ABOUT ELWENN!!! everyone and anyone is always welcome to ask me about her !
she's from my d&d campaign! she's my very first OC so obviously I'm completely obsessed with her. get ready to be completely inundated by facts.
She's a high elf, 125 years old but not yet recognized as an adult by the community elders (because she's stupid and childish). She's five feet tall and has this long wavy silvery hair with blue and golden eyes. She's an only child to Ryul & Illasera Galanodel. Illasera is her mom, a druid, who taught Elwenn about such magic before she ran away.
She used to be a # wild child, sneaking out, getting her new dresses dirty, skipping the classes her father taught on history and whatnot. When she was around 110 she was allowed to go to nearby villages with her best friend Erevan and that's where she met Leanna, the daughter of the local bakers. Elwenn fell for her instantly. She would come by to the village and buy ridiculous amounts of bread just to talk to her, gaining a reputation in her community as the girl that randomly came back and gave out bread to everyone.
Leanna drowned in an 'accident' (it was the lich bbeg) that Elwenn thought she provoked by sneaking out with her at night to the river because she was just so impatient and wanted to see her. Rather than face the guilt and the consequences she ran away to a frozen forest for 10 years before joining an adventuring party that was going to help stop a group of slavers nearby. She kind of got stuck with them and she eventually started to care about them and she calls them her friends now.
She's basically still a kid and the trauma made her overly cautious and worrisome and she hates violence. Very very easy to manipulate and extremely susceptible to lovebombs. Elwenn has this desperate need to feel wanted and useful, and it makes her do stupid things for love. She'll forgive basically anything.
@grapecaseschoices thank you so so so much for asking about Elwenn because she's my little baby I could talk your ear off all day. (I just had a thread on my twitter acc where I posted a bunch more facts about her if you're interested.)
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dharlesblog · 4 days
Independent Excursion: Media Reflection
One of the things that I first think of when I think of Japan is the samurai, a strong lone warrior that fights swiftly and with honor for his lord or by his own ideals. One of the most iconic depiction of the samurai in Japanese history is the film Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa. I have already gotten familiar with this film last semester, as I watched it in my Japanese film history class and it was one of my favorite films that we viewed as a class. Seven Samurai’s plot is that there are a group of villagers that are practically defenseless at the start but a group of hired samurai band together and teach the villagers to be able to defend themselves and fight back while also leading them in the ensuing guerrilla warfare. The film Seven Samurai represents Japan because it gives a taste of what lawless lands could have looked like in ancient Japan and how samurai fight for their honor and for the honor of others. Samurai have earned the title as Japan’s quintessential warriors because of the way that they fight and how they are depicted in various forms of media throughout history. Historically, samurai are high up in ancient Japan’s social hierarchy and would serve a lord as their personal strength while also helping out the lord’s citizens. Because of this reputation that samurai have garnered, I wanted to take a class where I got to learn more about samurai and be able to wield their signature weapon, the katana. Therefore, I signed up for a class a few months before we started this trip to get a samurai sword cutting experience where I would be able to cut up a rolled tatami mat that would give me a taste of what it is like to wield a samurai sword.
Initially when I would see samurai swing their swords either at an armed or unarmed opponent, it was depicted with a large amount of force that I assumed would be gained from the strength that you put into the swing. However, I was incorrect in this assumption as katana have their own natural weight that the swordsman must acknowledge and use to their advantage, as I did not have to swing the katana very hard at all to be able to cut through the mat completely. In Seven Samurai, fights between sword fighters would be brief, only lasting for one or two slashes, which gave it a sense of realism compared to long choreographed sword fights that you will often see in Hollywood blockbusters. I can now see that when using a katana the most important aspect is the form that which you use it, as the angle at which I cut and the amount of strength I put into the swing could take an embarrassing misfire into a precise slice that glided through the target. While Seven Samurai does depict accurate skirmishes between swordsman, I think the part that is the most unrealistic is that a few times in the film there would be scenarios where one of the seven samurai would get surrounded by enemies and have to fight their way out, and the unrealistic wild swinging as they all came at the samurai one at a time did lessen the impact for me after seeing how quick and non-flashy a real sword fight would be in that era. On the whole, I believe that Seven Samurai does a really good job at depicting the honor bound warriors the world has come to romanticize, as the sword fights are quick and most often graceful and easy to watch, cementing in my mind why the movie is so iconic and seen as one of the best and most realistic depiction of samurai ever made.
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mygainyear2024 · 2 months
Day 10 Ferragudo - Azulejar (tile making)
Tile painting with Carla at Arti Arte Azulejar in the village of Ferragudo was a fantastic three hour activity for €35. I was joined by a family of French speakers, a couple and one of their mums. Carla did a great job running the class in English and French. We quickly covered the history of tiles and their purpose in Portugal (to share messages and to keep the houses cool) - with the early influence coming from Spain, then China (hence all the blue and white) and then from the Moors. We got to make two tiles, either by creating our own design or using Carla's stencils. I went for the latter as I'm not that arty. Although I did see a tile in the most picturesque street, Rua Doutor Luiz António dos Santos, that I wanted to recreate. Carla said it was one of hers, but it's quite hard!
To create your own design, the design is first drawn with pencil onto parchment paper and then turned over onto styrofoam and the outline is pricked with a pin. The stencil is then placed on the tile and rubbed with pencil dust to reveal the outline. I won't reveal my finished tiles just yet, as they are now being fired at over 1000° and I can collect them after Saturday.
On Carla's recommendation I went to A Ria for lunch and chose the grilled medallions of monkfish and prawns (well one big one) with vinho verde, and it was delicious. The monkfish, this time, had more of the texture of crayfish as mentioned by someone I met last week and tastier than The Chicken Tavern, but it was a tad more expensive, meal, bread and wine €25.80, but so worth it.
I couldn't resist gelato at Gelataria Di Vera - choosing what might be the best pistachio I've ever had (the secret - salt) and dark chocolate.
Today I walked 25,561 steps. It was an interesting offline Maps.me journey across the sand dunes, which I discovered was a popular trail for dirt bikes, as one came hurling towards me. Thankfully I wasn't listening to a podcast and heard it before I saw it!
I can see the village of Ferragudo from where I'm staying on the other side of Arade River.
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moranlink64 · 2 months
5 Myths Americans Believe About Vietnam
The most famous landmark in HoiAn may be the "Japanese Bridge" with its unique Buddhist Pagoda on one side. Tin tong hop Top Thai Binh AZ She waved a US$10 note to the policeman, developed it, returned to his car, and let her go about her concern. On north bank within the Perfume River, is the famed Citadel, built by Emperor Gia Long in 1804. Encompassed by a moat and walls 20 meters thick the Citadel has got the Forbidden Purple City, the location of the Emperor and his court. View More: topthaibinhaz.com - Top Thai Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thai Binh AZ: Trương Tuấn Anh - Truong Tuan Anh At Hanoi you maybe good motorbikes for rent at Mr. Cuong's Motorbike Adventure. This agency could be on Ouven Street, Old Quarters. This place is highly recommended if you would like to hire Russian Minsk Motorbike. Mister. Hung's Vietnam Adventure Tour is another place may refine rent bikes from. May get rent bikes from his town office situated through the Dinh Liet Street, north of Hoan Kiem Lake or from his repair center at Tran Quang Khai Street.
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Tin tức Top Thái Bình AZ Normally profit from time I meet a particular class, Do not do anything with it and go down the rows quickly asking 1 in turn their name and its spelling. They likely understand there are two different modes for taking attendance. I never onsite visit their names and carry the student appear here- that would be a big mistake. Vietnamese names really are hard to pronounce. I put the load on them; being inside a position state their name and spell it clearly is really a valuable talent. Top Thái Bình AZ 247
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View More: topthaibinhaz.com - Top Thai Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thai Binh AZ: Trương Tuấn Anh - Truong Tuan Anh Asia is really a beautiful and diverse place, from rain forests, rice fields, and cultural landmarks, to bustling cities, gridlock motor bike traffic, and relentless marketeers. But the two sides for this intriguing land; Asia can be another place of terrible crime, violence and corruption. Travellers to Asia can take safety precautions and procedures to ensure you are kept safe. Hongkong- Hongkong in particular is 1 the top Asian destinations you can go to. Traveling in this country is not cheap but you'll work on getting your money's worth and your dollar will definitely go Thai Binh City far. You can check-in at Le Meridian hotel a person can get harbor view rooms at $200 per night. What will be the magic about Vietnam? It's beautiful to start with. The range of landscape is from densely forested and green mountains down to wonderful beach locations. Each area has its own charm and for those who have time it's advisable to visit more than simply the big cities. Only visiting Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will surely exclude experiences that really left apart. 5) Boobs: Admittedly breasts themselves have in all probability not changed, but five years ago a Vietnamese woman wearing clothing that revealed cleavage was probably from a questionable line of work. Styles have changed considerably and view a lot more western style clothing, although super short dresses and cheeky shorts are still worn mostly by tourists in wash cities. The fourth of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites can be experienced on the day trip from Hoi An - visit the Cham ruins at My Son. Your My Son visit might be best arranged by an private tour arranged via your hotel a treadmill of several travel agencies in HoiAn. An early start is suggested because with the popularity of the Ruins that's why it is a few 2 hour journey west of HoiAn. My Son was built by the Cham Empire between the 4th and 14th Yrs. It is Vietnam's most important Cham Ruins. The Ruins are fairly extensively recorded so with respect to provide visitors with an enjoyable history belonging to the area. Certain organized tours also arrange a retreat to HoiAn by river boat, visiting various craft villages on approach. Conclude your culinary journey amongst the limestone and blue water beauty of Halong Salty. Have lunch onboard. Swim amongst those blue waters, explore some of the caves or kayak amongst the limestone karsts. Or go to a Vietnamese spring roll cooking demonstration on the sundeck, just relax while you wind over the Bay, the choice is yours.
You can acquire a taste of every lifestyle when you'd like a trip to Southern Vietnam. Fields tinged with miles of rice paddy's, beaches holding big amounts of visitors and crystal clear water, and the fast-paced life of Ho Chi Minh City. South Vietnam travel has emerged as South Asia's premier destination.The commotion of Ho Chi Minh Town is almost the site to behold. If selected Ho Chi Minh Town isn't ringing a bell, food formerly known as Saigon. Most locals still refer on it by its original name rather rrn comparison to the new one implemented by government police officers. Thousands of buildings line every square in. of possible living space. Congestion does not describe the volume of people who are happy to call Ho Chi Minh Town their home. The currency in Vietnam is the dong, might be shops do accept Oughout.S. dollars. However, it is better not to rely in this particular fact and just exchange to obtain the cash when you arrive, especially since the dong is very to exchange outside in this particular country. If you like to organize ahead, then, you will need to send money to Vietnam through a prepaid debit card in order to leave the U.S. Top Thai Binh AZ 24h Fortunately, there a wide range of ATMs will certainly allow you withdraw money, such as banks attached to ANZ or Vietcombank. Therefore, the opportunity to send money to Vietnam is a skilled one products and solutions like to make certain that you may have some type of spendable money when you land. Out previously countryside, diane puttman is hoping true. My wife's family just got electricity at their house a couple of months ago. They still shouldn't have running ocean. But in the cities it's different. I'm typing on the computer my partner and i bought within Ho Chi Minh City, using a broadband connection that is just the same (as far as I can tell) such as America. My university classroom is wired with wifi and a projector; I've to tell my students to close their laptops and you should listen. I've heard there are many schools which have those touchscreen interactive projectors, but I have not used one yet. I'd brag about my modern cell phone but Cannot afford 1. My students can, though, that i'm often envious of their gadgets. Lot electronic gadgets or sale in my neighborhood computer store we can't even identify. But Hue is simply famous Thai Binh City simply because of its vegetarian delicacies. It also has a tradition of proper cuisine across all food types. To your reasonable sum a feast may be had. Whether you eat perched on the tiny stool on the pavement perhaps a restaurant the food will be delicious. How could we finish strong in 2009 and annually? We have to be fit physically, mentally and emotionally. I do believe there are very few failure except in stopping and frequently give up because for this lack of fitness in one of these areas. Since body, soul and spirit are intimately intertwined and performance as one, the associated with fitness 1 area can paralyze and hinder us from ever fulfilling our maximum potential in serving God's recommend. It has a strong Buddhist community much more monasteries than anywhere or else. Besides colourful pagodas along with the nation's most well-known monks, booming of this faith makes certain that vegetarian dish is part from the culture and vegetarian restaurants are plenty, serving essentially the most amazing meals. This can be a short walk from the mausoleum along with the museum of Ho Chi Minh. It's not also one the must-see destinations in Vietnam. Watch out though since the grounds could be crowded by using a lot of holidaymakers at on one occasion. These are every bit some of your best destinations you donrrrt want to miss in your own tour in Vietnam. To be sure an exciting and hassle-free travel example of Vietnam, may benefit from seeking help from a professional tour founder. Good tour operators would to be able to have a hassle-free, worry-free and thrilling travel experience based at your preferred activities, budget, and length of travel. Thailand- Bangkok is for being the shopping haven of Thailand. Also it offers tourists a number of ethnic and exotic rides. Cheap flights are sold in Thailand, anyone can enjoy shopping considerably! If you are a victim that are of a crime ultimately developing Asian countries, inadequate much help provided. In fact, the cops can be just as corrupt becoming criminals. When in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Utilised to be visiting an Australian who lives there permanently. She'd just obtained car and was passing it on a test run. She saw some locals decrease the wrong direction to a one way street and decided to try and do the really. Immediately she was stopped by the law. According to protocol, she would have go on the police station and acquire a US$25 acceptable for breaking the street rules. She waved a US$10 note to the policeman, he took it, returned to his car, and let her go about her companies. The police in Cambodia rely on bribes and corruption deliver food as their families, for the reason that wages they get do not go very far. View More: topthaibinhaz.com - Top Thai Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Thai Binh AZ: Trương Tuấn Anh - Truong Tuan Anh Written By Author in topthaibinhaz.com: Phạm Tiến Duy - Pham Tien Duy Written By Author in topthaibinhaz.com: Đặng Lê Nguyên Vũ - Dang Le Nguyen Vu
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agatha-loyagot · 7 months
A week later...
Under the scorching sunlight, shouts of good-byes and Toron's emotional cries, Ágatha left her home and village to go to the kingdom, with a smile on her face and water on her feet, which she used to get move
After a little "walk" she arrived at the kingdom, and the school, of course
And just over the horizon, Gaga came, flapping he wings as fast as possible, but soon landed on he owner's shoulder.
"I won, Gaga"
After a cute giggle and an angry parrot, they both entered the school... still not completely agreed
The school had a wooden floor, but the rest was completely stone, large pilasters like windows, stairs leading to the house on one of the three floors, on the right, the classrooms, on the left, the bathrooms, rooms of important people, among others
"Hm.. okay, I live nearby, I won't need a dorm-"
As she turned to the right, she almost collided with the half-orc boy! he almost fell on his own, but he seemed more scared than in a hurry
"Oh sorry..."
"Oh relax, you're the half-orc boy, right? you know, from a week ago!"
"The one my horse told me about?"
"Was that horse yours?"
"Sorry he licked you, that's how he thanks you..."
"Oh it's okay! Are you better after that explosion?"
"I don't like talking about it..."
Silence trapped them both, but Agatha wouldn't give up on making a new friend
"So... my name is Agatha Loyagot, and you?"
"Goio Heleorc.."
The two began to walk down the huge hallway.
"Did you also take the test to get in?"
"You got in because of the test?! You're not a-"
"Don't you dare."
".... sorry..."
"... Do you.. control anything cool? hehehe, I can control the water!"
"I don't have magic."
"I asked my mother to try something magic, I never liked the brutality of orcs, but I'm great at potions!"
"The wizard Barbosa was great at potions too!"
"Hehehe... classes start in a little while... and the first class is potions, I can help you during the class"
"Please, potions master!"
"Don't call me that... heh~"
After some explanations about the place, class time finally arrived.
The room had large windows overlooking the bustling kingdom, each separate table with its cauldron and pots of necessary items, long shelves with books on one side, ready-made potions on the other, a very pleasant environment, and in front of the large windows, there was the teacher, introducing Ágatha to the rest of the class, who didn't dare leave her seat to go in front of the class.
Whispers could be heard from all sides of the room, but soon the teacher began class.
"Bunch of gossiping idiots..."
"They were also saying that... after the explosion... you ran away... and they were saying that you had cursed me..."
"My Gods... how many idiots and stupid people... wait, do you believe this...?"
"No, I'm in perfect condition... but why did you run away...?"
"... I'm... afraid they'll kill me..."
"... I am really sorry..."
"You sily, it's not your fault, I'll take care of my fear later, now,
She takes two glass jars and hits them both hard, like a violent toast between two brutes.
potions master, let's go! teach me!"
"Firstly, don't break anything!"
Two hours later... and another history of magic lesson...
In the small courtyard of the place, with huge trees and mischievous teenagers, near a medium-sized tree, there were our half-orc and human
"Oh, your lunch is so organized, did you make it yourself?"
"My father- I mean, my master who did it, actually"
"... Oh, that is nice.."
"Are you okay?"
"My mother used to make my lunch before I came here, they live far away, so I need a dorm."
"You talk so much about your mother..."
"Of course, she is the best! she deserves all the recognition, as a great mother, as a healer!"
"Wow... it makes me jealous..."
"Oh... so... sorry...?"
"Hehehe, I'm kidding! Relax! but I wanted to have a mother... the master never had a romantic relationship with anyone..."
"... so... sorry anyway... I would never imagine myself without my mother..."
"oh ignore that... and your father...? You didn't tell me anything about him..."
"... I don't like talking about him..."
Goio finally started to eat his snack, asking Agatha doubts, but she didn't want to be insensitive, maybe Goio's father abandoned him? It's better not to ask...
The color of the sky slowly changed to orange, and soon everyone could rest or go home, and during the third, fourth and fifth periods, students enjoyed some time at the clubs they liked, or they went home early, which was not the case with our children, who were in the exploded potions club...
Goio stepped slowly on the ground, the part not broken by the explosion was extremely sensitive, something that was dangerous for our greenie, but after reaching out to pick up something almost burned, he returned to Agatha, who was on the stairs to the third floor
"Shouldn't it be forbidden to go there?"
"And does anyone happen to know that I went in there?"
"Uhhh, the half-orc is not only cute but also a sneaky little mouse, hehehe"
"Hehehe, anyway, I just went to get this..."
When he carefully opened his hand, there it was, a photo, almost completely burned, of Goio's family... he was between his mother and father, his mother unfortunately had her face burned by the explosion, but the father's face, intact
"... Damn it..."
"Wow, so your father didn't abandon you?"
"I mean- oh damn, your mom didn't survive the explosion, heh..."
"... at least... you can cut out your father's share and... leave just you and your mother... you're still your mother, right?"
"... hah... do you have any photos of yourself?"
"Why- .... I understand... hehehe! I'll see if I have!"
With a smile on both their faces, the two went to enjoy the end of the day, with Agatha trying to survive the licks of HopeHope, Goio's horse... and soon after that first day of school, Agatha returned home, Toron had made burnt fish, literally, he's not good at cooking, hehehe
End of chapter one
Thanks for reading ^^
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jjmottt · 9 months
Ladies and gentlemen, Good day! I'm Jeraldine but you can call me jj your blogger for today, I'm an 18yrs old freshman at Eastern Samar State University's main campus an BA Communication Art student. I love playing futsal, eating, watching k-dramas, and singing. I'm from Dolores Samar but now residing at Borongan City Samar,
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To tell you more about myself, I am a mother of an gorgeous cheerful angel named Briella I was 17 yrs old when I had her, she's 1 year old now. Me and my partner are still pursuing our studies to give our child a better life in the future.
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We're are looking forward to reach our dreams to give our daughter the best life that she deserves. Sometimes i find it hard for me to do my studies while taking care of my daughter but thanks to my supportive family and the family of my partner who's always ready to help us when we're struggling to keep up studies and being a parent.
#allaboutme #family
It’s hard to meet people in life who are willing to give everything without the hope of any return. I consider myself lucky because I have someone like that in my life as i got them as my friends . Thanks for making life blissful. Thanks to them they're always there whenever i need them my one call away friends.
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#trusted #onecallaway
DOLORES (EASTERN SAMAR) was born in 1650, when some inhabitants of Bacod (or Bacor) established what eventually became a tiny village nestling about a kilometer from the mouth of Dolores (formerly known as Bacod) river. This village was named Dolores (in English, the Spanish word dolores means sorrows) to signify the sorrows and sufferings Bacodnons experienced on account of their armed participation in the Sumuroy Rebellion in 1649. To be sure, its beginnings is intertwined with the history of three villages: Bacod, Jubasan, and Paric. This calls for a concise explanation.
Bacod and the Origins of Dolores. Located about two kilometers from the mouth of Dolores river, Bacod was a bungto (large village) in existence before the Spaniards came to the area in 1565. The Jesuits stationed in Palapag evangelized it in 1602. In 1649, together with the bungto of Jubasan (see below), the village of Bacod was suppressed and consolidated with that of Tubig (now Taft) as a consequence of Agustin Sumuroy's rebellion that started in Palapag, in which Bacodnons were involved. On account of this suppression, some residents went near the mouth of the river to put up a cluster of houses that eventually became the small village (rancheria) of Dolores. That is how Dolores was born in 1650. Other Bacodnons transferred to the village of Carolina, about a kilometer west of Bacod.
In the Philippine province of Eastern Samar, Dolores officially known as the Municipality of Dolores is a third-class municipality. It has a 44,626 person population as of the 2020 census. In the Philippines' Eastern Visayas area, the Pacific Ocean borders the seaside town of Dolores to the east. (https://easternsamar.gov.ph)
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Dolores is also know for it's beautiful and adventurous natural islands, such as Hilabaan island and Tikling island. My home town of Dolores Samar is a tranquil area in the area of the Philippines that has a particular place in my heart. The beaches thier are clean as well as the islands and have lush forests. Our hometown is well renowned for its natural beauty, The people thier are friendly and nice and of course kind.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 11: A Failed Attempt at a Relaxing Week
This week, we hit the one-month mark until the end of our program! My feelings are a bit all over the place. Slowly, I am hitting a wall with balancing my health, school, and traveling so the end of our program coming up is much needed. I cannot wait to snuggle in the comfort of my own bed with my dog whom I have not seen in months. However, this has been the best 3 months of my life by far. Never in my life did I ever think I would have the opportunity to study my major in Prague and travel to a new country almost every weekend. I have gotten into such a routine with all my IFSA peers and I cannot even fathom what life will be like not seeing and living with them anymore. Thankfully, most of us attend U-M so it won’t be a goodbye forever :) 
On a brighter note, let’s talk about my week! This is another shout-out to my roommate. She brought me flowers to celebrate a month until my birthday, which was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. I welcomed our new plant baby and have been watering it every day since.
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This week continued to be super sunny! So sunny that a cute little gelato truck opened up in the park of our villa and made everyone’s afternoons.
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Before this program, I was anything but an ice cream fanatic. I would choose an iced coffee on a hot summer day over ice cream. However, since being in IFSA, ice cream has turned into a bonding moment and we would get it almost every time we walk by an ice cream shop. This is a new addiction that I will be bringing home with me, being that I now can eat it in almost below-freezing temperatures as long as the company is there. 
I also started running again since my knee injury! My friend and I set out for a 2-mile light run, being that I have not moved that intensely for 4-5 months. However, when I started, I immediately got the runners high and could not stop. It felt so good and free so we ended up running for 5 miles, which is almost my personal best distance.
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I got to explore so much more of Prague! Aside from the first week, the most I have seen of Prague was my walk to and from school. Outside of that trek, I would always be too tired after class to go on adventures in the city. This was like killing two birds with one stone! I was able to see the Jewish quarter and the area around Prague Castle, which has been on my bucket list since day one. 
This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend but it ended up being hectic, as per usual. With my legs feeling like jelly after my run, my friends and I decided to spend a day hiking through the Karlstejn Castle and its neighboring villages.
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The Czech Republic fails to disappoint every time. Just a 40-minute train ride outside of the city can take you to a completely different world! Being in nature is definitely growing on me. We spend the day sweating, tired and dehydrated but I left feeling so accomplished and fulfilled. It was nice detaching from the real world and just immersing ourselves in the present moment. None of us had any service so for most of the day, it was just each other and the markings on the trees guiding us through the hike. 
Then, we did a day trip to Krakow, Poland! I went partly because I wanted to complete my goal of hitting 10 countries this study abroad semester but also because I wanted to see Auschwitz. Throughout our world history classes, I had a grasp of the tragedies faced those 5 years but seeing it in person was a whole other experience. It brought to light the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust and serves as a reminder of the dangers of hate and discrimination. The journey was overwhelming at times but I am glad I went.
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After our Auschwitz tour, we took it as an opportunity to explore the city of Krakow. The city itself was smaller than I expected but it was pretty regardless. We were able to walk through most of it within a few hours and spent the rest watching the Krakow marathon and shopping!
That’s all for this week! Bye :) 
Janice Liu
Computer Science
Tech Career Accelerator in Prague
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fraserwallace55 · 1 year
Week 1
For the first week of Making and Media, once we all got introduced to the course, David and Ezra, and the overall introduction to typography assignment, I began along with everyone else by creating my pepeha. It wasn't the first time I had made one, although the last time was all the way back in Year 8, so I didn't have much of an idea or reference to start from since I had forgotten what I included in it. In class I started off by going down the sheet that got handed out with the mountain, sea and river that were closest to where I grew up in Avondale while I was young. I felt by the end of the lesson that what I had managed to fill in wasn't incredible, so I asked my mum if she could relay back some advice from one of her work colleagues who's leading the introduction and increasing prevalence of Te Reo at the school she teaches. With some resources from him and a change of my pepeha's focus to that of my dad and his mountains and rivers, along with a bit of vague mention to my own history and introduction to the most direct members of my family, I had it finished, at least for now.
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I included rough english translations of each line since I'm far from fluent in Te Reo and wanted to make sure I knew a lot better what I had included in my pepeha. I feel like there could be a lot more for me to add in my pepeha, possibly going more into my personal heritage to where I grew up, either as a part of this pepeha or another version, but that may be something I look at later.
Something else I had to get prepared for next week was a moodboard involving images relating to parts of my pepeha, while also including a typeface that reflects us best.
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For mine, I included images of all the parts of my pepeha that relate to my dad, like Ragitoto and Lake Pupuke, along with multiple images of the two areas I've properly lived in in my life so far. Some of those images include Point Chevalier beach, the local train station and the Avondale Spider sculpture for the area I was born in, and the main shopping center and pioneer village for the area I live in now. I also included the Wallace family crest since across this side of my family it's displayed in a couple of forms, including a kind of plaque that has been said to be something that'll eventually get hand down to me. The font I chose, Quicksilver, leans more towards the kinds of title style fonts that I prefer, being sans serif and often somewhat bold. Its also what I often tend to find myself creating any time I'm drawing type or what I'm wanting to use for text for any designs I make. I also filled the text with the Wallace tartan texture, which I made in Illustrator in order to give some relating iconography to my surname without using type for it.
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hocusbogus · 1 year
Seoul Blog: Second Day at National Museum of Korea, Gyeongbokgung Palace and Gwangjang Market
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Second day was an ode to my feet, RIP. Why did I even decided to wear Chelsea boots thinking it’d be fine, and it’s not just any Chelsea boots, it’s Dr. Martens’ Chelsea Boots so you know it’s made to torture your feet, at least mine. It completed the look but it totally destroyed my feet. So thankful for Diana, seriously. I was in TOTAL pain because I got my period and my back HURTS, so I was in double pain.
However, it was our first encounter with Fall trees and we were just in awe, pain was forgotten for at least a few minutes. We came from a country that has no 4 seasons and this is my first time to a country with 4 seasons and I am experiencing Fall for the first time, I love experiencing stuff for the first time, how often can a human do that?
Everything was so beautiful beyond words, even the bushes of flowers were absolutely stunning and I was taking it all in. It took us awhile to actually walk into the museum because we were too engrossed in enjoying the landscape outside. It was sunny that day, it was actually sunny everyday when we were in Korea, we were lucky. 
It was fun trying to take our pictures with Diana’s flip phone, a lot of hilarious moments, but we did the best we could. Even if it means we had to do backlight and you can’t see our faces.
Another interesting thing about this location was the fact that BTS shot their Class of 2020 content here and there was a spot where they actually stood. It was fun to fangirl on that. Touching every square inch off the spot.
The exhibitions itself was so long and thorough with Korea’s history in almost chronological order. They do have sections of other Asian countries as well, and a digital exhibition section. There were quite a lot of school trip groups or was it just some random learning groups I was not so sure but there were a lot of it.
They even showcased the clothes they wore in certain dynasty and a lot of inside jokes were born, our keyword for the day was “heat tech”. 
I didn’t get to visit all of the sections because, like I said I was in pain. In a lot of pain, I had to stop a lot because of my back pain and my feet being squeezed by the boots. Thankfully our next destination passed by our hotel so we stopped by to change it to Vans. 
Next stop was Gyeongbokgung Palace and I love the neighbourhood so much, there were a lot of cafes and art museums, I feel like I could spend one whole day there. Maybe next time.The palace was alright, I wished I get to learn more about it, but there were no sections where you can learn it. Perhaps whatever we read during our visit at the National Museum, that was it.
Blue Bottle Cafe was alright, we’ve been having good coffee so far but none was mind blowing. It was one of the “must go” cafes and we tried it, just to chill and get our caffeine dose. The whole trip we didn’t actually do any cafe hopping or hitting the cafe spots, it was literally just shopping and sightseeing and only stopping by a restaurant or a cafe when we’re hungry.
Bukchon Hanok Village was also nice, to be honest I wasn’t really sure whether we visited the correct place? But oh well. We randomly took pictures on an empty street but of course after we took pictures there it weren’t empty anymore people were lining up, it was literally a NORMAL street. I’m guessing when people saw us taking pictures they thought it was an IG spot.
Last stop would be Gwangjang Market for the day. The food we had there was alright, it wasn’t mind blowing, but we love trying food that was only available there like the raw octopus and raw crab. It was a very unique experience and my taste senses were definitely activated that night. Diana and I were like we will only have raw crab again in our next life, maybe not even in the next life. This experience could last 5 lifetimes.
Trying to recall our experiences is getting harder and harder for me, it plays in my head in pieces. So thankful to have vlogged it.
Day 2 Vlog here:https://youtu.be/ZTlQmEawg-o
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jillianwiesler · 2 years
The kimono was first started inn the eighteenth century and changed throughout the mid twentieth century. When it started in the Emo period, 1615-1868, there were many variations of textile pattern, color, styles based on social positions, etc. The modern history of the kimono started in 1868 when there was an influence in manufacturing techniques. Kimonos started to become more affordable when women joined the work force in the twentieth century. To make kimonos, they used form fitting tailoring, haute couture houses were inspired by the kimono’s loose style and rectilinear silhouette. There is minimum cutting involved in the making of kimonos. The members of the ruling military class were the biggest consumers for the kimono in which they all got them custom made. The merchant class used its wealth to receive the materials. The kimono was used for the townspeople to claim their aesthetic. They used a single piece of fabric and “envelopes” the body. Vietnam used kimonos as an inspiration for their statues. The statues mostly all had a kilt looking skirt/cover up that was very loose with designs. It was similar to the kimono based off of the shapes on the skirt and the loose fitting. Vietnam uses their traditional indigo dyes to make their kimonos. The indigo dye can take months to create. The dye comes from the indigo leaf to make a paste. Since blue is the rarest color to find in nature, it makes the process more challenging at times to collect the ingredients/materials to make the dye. Vietnam has their own craft indigo villages that makes it easier to find the indigo paste. Therefore, they do not have to import any/much ingredients to help make their kimonos. Using the indigo dye to create kimonos brings awareness to the Vietnamese culture and the Japanese culture.
Balenciaga uses the kimono as an inspiration. The pink kimono piece shown is made out of silk and was made in 1951. They took the history of the kimono and the techniques and made it more modern with the puffy sleeves and bright pink silk fabric. I loved the pink kimono the best because I love the way Balenciaga had movement throughout the piece. It has the backbones of a kimono but with a twist with the puff, loose sleeves. Instead of the kimono being straight down, they created it with movement by making cross overs in the front that guide your eye down to the entire piece. Alexander McQueen also uses the inspiration of the kimono in their designs. The red and black outfit pictured below was inspired by the kimono because of the loose bell sleeves and the loose “train” hanging off the back side of the body. It reminds me of a kimono with the loose silhouette in the back and the way it hangs off of the body. This piece is more modernized because you do not see many kimonos anymore in todays fashion industry, at least everyday wear. This piece helps carry on the kimono history with the loose “train” on the back of the pants. It makes it more realistic to wear. I liked how they added sparkles to the pants to make the pants stand out, which will make you see the kimono train. I also loved that they added the small ruffle detailing on the sides of the pants on the train to add more detail and movement on the piece.
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