#but it reminded me of those photo booths SO series time hehe
cherrysodabear · 7 months
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✨️Fazbear photobooth 1!✨️
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rantingravingliving · 2 years
The Art that is THE Park Jimin
Before I dive into one of my favorite people in the world, have you streamed his OST today? Please continue to do so because he sounds divine, especially when he sings in his low register.  Oh, here’s the song link btw:
So as I was scrolling through Twitter last week, I saw again this Jimin photo that was taken during the PTD concert in LA.  Now, it was taken by a fansite, and from my little corner in Twitter Armyland, I have seen how heated the discussion has been regarding posting/liking/sharing photos from fansites BUT not really going into that today because 1) I just love love this photo and 2) I really love this photo for real.  Also, today’s post is all about me appreciating THE Park Jimin and with that comes this photo and more. 
So, here’s the photo my two readers (hehe):
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Photographed by: myloverjimin 
This is probably my fave Jimin snap in the entire PTD Concert series, and possibly one of my all-time fave photos of him, which can be bewildering really because you can’t see his beautiful face, BUT damn! This immortalized moment is just art.  Whenever I see this photo I cannot help but stare and absorb all the beautiful elements  - Jimin’s posture, his exposed shoulder, his garb, his hand over his open mouth, the wisps of his hair, his chiseled jawline, the Army bombs in the background  -- every component is just flawless.  
And the more I look at this Jimin photo, I cannot help but see some resemblance to this Klimt work:
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From: gustav-klimt.com
From the hues to the pose, heck even the woman’s facial expression, I see some similarities.  But if you can’t see the resemblance, it’s all good, no worries. Art appreciation, after all, is highly subjective. 
Anyway, decided to read more about “The Kiss,” and here’s an explanation about the painting from the Gustav Klimt website: 
“Both figures are fully realized and symbolically blended as they face the golden abyss of perfection. The dominant male force is signified by the powerful coat of masculine black and gray blocks, softened by the feminine organic scrolling, reminiscent of "Tree of Life." In comparison, female energy is shown as spinning circles of bright floral motifs and upward-flowing wavy lines.
Here, Klimt's loosening of naturalism, in favor of a personal symbolic language suggesting the workings of unconscious mind, in particular its erotic urge, reached a climax. Through two figures, depicted not naked, but draped in densely patterned cloths, Klimt succeeded in evoking a moment of intense sensual pleasure, within a sharply stylized and flattened composition.”  (Note: highlights mine) 
Now I understand why that photo of Jimin reminded me so much of “The Kiss” -- it is perfection and yes, it does evoke intense sensual pleasure, a beautiful assault to your senses. You cannot help but be drawn in by Jimin and how he is magnificently captured on camera.  
Don’t get me wrong. The other members photograph well, too, (hello, visual kings Jin and V to start off) but Jimin in stills is more than just his looks; there’s an entire vibe in his poses, even during moments when he is not doing anything. Like this snap taken by JK.
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Or these photo booth prints and how they can inspire you to write the a story about the escapades of this guy setting the cramped space on fire with his smoldering poses. 
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Or this photo from Esquire Magazine’s interview with BTS:
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But if I were to pick photos that make me go, “ these Jimin images need to be displayed in galleries and museums all over the world,” it would definitely those of him captured mid-dance or airborne. Such as:
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Taken by Off The Deep End, said to be the best Jimin fan site | Photo from @ firtslove
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Another one from Off The Deep End 
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Photo by @ PhotobyPINO
And of course, we have THIS:
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Taken by TOPDAILY | Photo from @ Invictus1013
Thus, it comes as no surprise that Jimin serves as muse of several artists or that there are drawings of him in exhibits as Joon remarked during their vLive -- Jimin  after all is a sight to behold. His beauty is multifaceted - you know you’ll get a dazzling photo of Jimin because he is beautiful, but you just don’t know what kind of beautiful Jimin you will get. I don’t know if that makes sense, heck, maybe there’s no need to figure out the beauty of Jimin -- we are just meant to stare and sigh and repeat. 
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Photo from Weverse Magazine’s interview with Jimin
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