#yeah its gonna basically be that but with the freddies!~
cherrysodabear · 7 months
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✨️Fazbear photobooth 1!✨️
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you know how John Carpenter said Michael Myers was inspired by when he like visited a mental hospital once for class and he saw a teenage patient just sitting there looking kind of scary because he was spaced out. I kind of think about that alot
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sholangagaga · 2 years
you said the anthology was gonna be super long, how many chapters do you think off hand?
Holy cow uuuuh
Right now I have 65 chapters plotted out. And thats not even ALL of the games I have planned (I think I'm still missing 2 or 3 in the plot outlines)
So really I'd say that it could be around 80-90 chapters. Might remove or add more depending on the need. But the almost guaranteed length is gonna be 65 chapters cause those I have planned already
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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jettemara · 2 months
“whAT ArE You dOiNg? Go to bED ItS oNE IN thE mORninG! fIx Ur SLeEp scHEdUle!! Blah, blah, blah”
Yeah I know it’s one in the morning fuck all the way off I’m thinking about dndads again
Ok so I’m currently re-listening to the third season (have I listened to it like 26 times? Yes. Am I ever gonna stop? Probably not any time soon)
Anyway. Basically from the get-go, Freddie said in a talking dads (I’m pretty sure it was a talking dads) “I think we are harboring a killer!” When talking about Anthony’s character, BEFORE THEY EVEN STARTED PLAYING THE CHARACTERS
And then Kelsey in ep one at 1:02:02 (that’s right, mother fuckers, I have time stamps) said “Francis is hiding a fucking killer instinct”
Any-fucking-who the point is Francis did not become a cold blooded killer over night, (the above examples are shit but I’m too tired to give a rats ass) it’s fate baby
Have a good life and good night
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untowardsthoughts · 6 days
I Believe You Have A Call [dndads brothers au fic]
this is one of the fics that i mentioned in this post; a lil piece of the Glenn and Jodie Brothers AU that's been rollin around my noggin for a few months now. its basically just a rewrite of that one scene where glenn takes the phone call from morgan but brothers au
Excerpt taken from Dungeons & Daddies (Ep 28, The Bridges of Dad and Son County) Anthony: The shortest one walks up to Glenn and produces a cell phone. Shortest Robe: I believe you have a call. … Freddie: Uh… Caller ID? Nothing? Anthony: The caller ID says the name of your late wife, Morgan Freeman.
Standing face to face with the men who kidnapped their sons was bone-chilling, to say the least. Jodie stood there, ears plugged on account of Erin’s warning to their group, unable to hear anything of what was being said from the purple robes in front of them. 
Jodie and Henry watched the muffled back-and-forth between Darryl, Ron and the robed figures, until Paeden turned to the two of them, flicking his ears in a gesture of take out your earplugs. 
The tallest robe steps forward towards the dads, “You are going to answer yes or no to the following question: you will let us raise your children, in exchange we will help you leave the Forgotten Realms today. And not only that…”
The shortest one approaches Jodie, producing a small cellphone from the depths of their robe. Jodie takes a step back, hand inching towards his firearm on his holster. 
“I believe you have a call.”
… A call?
The only people capable of producing phone calls in this dimension were themselves to their wives, and Scam Likely - and seeing how the latter recently met his demise, Jodie doubts either option. 
Jodie gingerly takes the cellphone from the hooded figure and puts it to his ear.
“... Hello?”
“Hey man! How’s it hangin’?”
The phone almost slips from his hand. That can’t be him- he’s dead, he’s been dead- He steadies his breathing as he can feel himself about to choke up. 
“... Glenn? Is that- is that you?”
“Yeah dawg, did you lose my number already? I’ve been gone for, what, a month now? I woulda hoped you’d wait a bit longer than that, at least two.”
“No, no, no, no - I didn’t- What I meant was.. you’ve- I-”
“Relax dude, I was joking. Anyways, I’m calling to tell you that I’m on my way back! Dad and I are gonna be in town for a couple days and I wanted to see if you were down to hang out. I’m thinkin’ McDonalds?”
“.... What year is it?” Jodie can feel himself beginning to hyperventilate. Out of all things, a call from his late brother was the last thing he was expecting to deal with since coming into this realm and losing his kid. The thought crossed his mind when they were faced with the whole Terry Senior situation, but once all the Dads agreed that they were indeed not dead, Jodie tried not to give it any more thought. His brother’s been dead for at least a decade now, he can’t afford to spiral down that theory again. Not now. Not here, not when he was so close to getting his son back. 
“...Dude, are you okay? Don’t tell me you went through my shit, dammit. It’s like 1 in the afternoon! Did you eat anything? If it was the gummies on my desk- ”
“Glenn, answer the question - please.” 
“It's 1996. Joe, listen to me, man. You’re gonna be alright, just hang in there. Put on a movie, sit your ass down on the couch - I’ll be home in about 2 hours. Is mom home?”
“I- uhh…”
“Alright, forget about that. Just relax, you’ll be fine. Try to enjoy it! I’ll see you later.”
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guys… hear me out..
new SECURITYWAITER AU… STAY WITH ME NOW THIS IS GONNA BE A LITTLE OFF THE RAILS.. (might write if you guys want me to, idk i dont really write much so dont expect good quality story from me 😞) (also I yap and explain things badly, bear with me)
Ness is an overly enthusiastic PopStar/Singer/Musical Artist (i dont fucking know he sings and he’s all that with forty pounds of ass when he looks back if you want too HE SINGS BITCH) and mike is someone who is annoyed by him for how much joy he has because of how popular he is, his music gets blasted everywhere and Max and Abby LOVE him and I mean like LOVE LOVE him like fangirling but not really like THAT kind of fangirling, but kind of like “ohh my gawwd we lovee nessss” and sing his songs and Mike is like so annoyed with it (bonus points if all he hears is ness’ most popular song, whatever that could be, get creative)
So Then, Max somehow affords tickets (idk how she got them, put something random like babysitting or like drug dealing or something idek) for 3 and ends up dragging Abby and Mike along (Mike is furious because he has to miss his precious peaceful work at freddys for some loud concert, concerts aren’t his thing, yes he works at freddys) and Ness comes on, Mike is annoyed and rolls his eyes and then NESS SEES HIM AND IS LIKE “I need me that man” and its like love at first sight and Mike suddenly notices how pretty he is up close/in person but keeps his mad face, they touch fingers like a crowd high five
throughout the AU its basically like an enemies to lovers thing(??) (the trope where one of them hate the other but the other loves them and slowly the hater warms up and they fall in-love)
and then Ness makes a special event/promotion to pick a random lucky fan to go on a tour with him (ohh la la) and you have to buy these like little tickets you can get by like buying them and stuff or something like that, mike buys one to get abby to shut up, he gets chosen and is shocked; abby is shocked everyone is shocked,
Mike refuses, everyone is shocked and Ness is sad bc the attractive man of his dreams refuses to go on tour with him and basically begs him to go, promising to pay for his stuff for the whole tour he’s there (correction: he paid for all his bills and stuff) and so with no other choice he ends up going with his little pathetic wet sopping cat self next to him and yeah shit happens on their and they fall inlove in the end im too lazy and this is too long ill probably write it because i want to be more active on here
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TLDR; Ness is Popstar, Mike hates him but during a concert Ness falls in-love and Mike sees how pretty he is and Mike is picked for a promotion Ness is doing, ends up going and they fall in-love somewhat enemies to lovers style
20 notes(?) and ill actually write it on here
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crappyyuki · 1 year
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TheFamousFilms! Again! Pre–ITH
First time finishing coloring something in a while lmaoooo
Took me hours. Pose is wack but I focused on the colors instead of the sketch. So. Meh.
More bullet points!
• Molten is basically taking a backseat in the plot but he is still important. Its time to give the others time to shine :)
• Lefty (I miss him) is probably the closest to a protagonist in this story. He's basically pushing the plot forward with his actions. But alas, he's a fucking coward so it's probably gonna focus on the animatronixs and Lefty's fear first before anything else happens.
• You're probably wondering why I said Lefty is the protagonist in this story but the one I posted has Bryan as the protag. Well you see, I planned a prequel and a sequel. With the prequel as Bryan being the MC and Lefty as the MC in sequel. The prequel is basically just me revisting season 1 and rewriting it and just putting Bryan and the animatronics through outlandish situation but less focused on the portal. Like making Bryan learn drifting. The portal is still there of course but it plays a very minor role. Although there are some things I wanted to try with it like making them join MCC XDDDDD. Its just me having fun. There's plot there but not like the sequel has with Lefty as the MC.
• Glitchtrap? He pulled a Springtrap and is in a computer. You know where this is going.
• Valerie? She doesn't die.
• Sun? Moon? Steve? They'll turn up eventually.
• Security Breach Mode? Aha. Ha. He's a security animatronic for a reason. Moon isn't yet he is anyway.
• I'm gonna try to incorporate their special abilities in the canon but that's still a work in progress.
• I wonder how Bryan got Glitchtrap out of Twisted Bonnie? Oh. And his name is Bon now. He's not a Glamrock :)
• Freddy is a bitch. OG Freddie is gone. Oh. He also has a side arc where he helps the daycare kids. Hopefully.
• Is Bryan's parents there? Unimportant. But they have a significant impact on how Bryan makes his decisions.
• Do managers get trained to manage a business? If they don't, they do now.
• Gregory? He's younger that's for sure. Pat and the aninatronics are like older siblings to him. Sam is like his uncle. Adopted uncle. And yes, Gregory adopted Sam. He's Gregory's uncle now whether he likes it or not.
• Oh. And EB? Yeah. He's a mercenary.
• What are Shadow animatronics exactly?
• Jon is desperately trying to make things right. So is Bryan. So why does Jon keep hearing from the others that Bryan's insane?
• Yellow.
And thats about it for now. Feel free to ask questions but don't expect exact answers.
I should probably draw the others too lmao
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Horror House Reacts: To Bubba Hugging Them.
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Warnings: Its crack.
Billy Loomis: *Thinking* 'Holy s h i t. Leatherface is gonna kill me.'
Carrie White: *Nervous* "Ohh, Bubba!... haha... Are you- Are you okay? Um... " *Gives in after a moment, burying her head in Bubba's soft warm chest.* "Thank you Bubba... " // She doesn't care about the smell or the rotten flesh- she is so affection starved!!
Chucky Lee Ray: "... Put me the fuck down or lose your teeth. Its your choice. And also- jesus fucking christ, Bubs, take a shower."
Freddy Krueger: *Thinking, because his face is mushed into Bubba* '... this is how I die. Huh. Suffocated by a FAT GUY'S TITS- '
Jason Voorhees: Jason doesn't really cuddle him back because he is not physically affectionate- but this is his brother and he loves him, so he very calmly gives his back a pat. Like yeah I got you. You alright? Did someone hurt you? Does he need to kill someone?
Jennifer Check: "Oh, god, Bubba- you stink like raw meat left out in the sun marinating in ass sweat all fucking day- let me go!"
Jerry Dandridge: *Sighhh* "Okay buddy bring it in, but ah... a quick one, okay? Because this is cashmere, and I have a dinner date- "
Michael Myers: Oh Bubba you have nerve. He doesn't move, obviously, but um... he is not pleased.
Pamela Voorhees: True class, here. She doesn't even flinch, gives him a pat on the back and a smile, and offers him a cookie. He's a good boy, just like her Jason.
Patrick Bateman: *So so close to flipping out... standing there stiff as a board with Bubba squeezing him... eye twitching... *
Pennywise: *Alarms Bubba by reciprocating and wrapping his arms around... and around... and around and around and around Bubba until he's basically ensnared by elongated clown arms, cackling.*
Stu Macher: Initiates the hug. Chucks his arms out, like, "C'MERE, BUBBA! GIMMIE THAT SNUGGLE." Look, Stu is over the moon to meet his idols XDD I mean, he'd prefer to get a hug outta Michael or Freddy... but that seems unlikely... so he is getting that cuddle outta Bubba XD
Tiffany Valentine: Just thinking 'What would Martha Stuart do, what would Martha Stuart do, what would Martha Stuart do- '
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akalikai · 4 months
CELIA HOLDING ALICE HOLY SHIT MAN THE SAMALICELIA POLYCULE IS GOING SOMEWHERE I also think this might be Celia's instinct to comfort from being a mother maybe??? BUT ALICELIA FEELS. My God their ship name could be a palindrome. Insane.
Tape recorder is gone??? And yeah I suspected that the woman had been dead the whole time. Something was using her as a mouth piece, maybe something relates to ep 11 with the deep??
I think Celia and Sam saying they believe Alice is gonna bring them closer. I know people are sus of Celia so it could be a ploy to get closer to the OIAR employees, but I don't know, with her disliking Lady Mowbray, I'm more inclined to trust her.
The fact that Alice says "paid my horror dues" makes me think she knows more about said horrors and is working at the OIAR specifically to avoid it. Were her parents killed by The Horror?
"I think there's plenty of it go around at the moment" Yeah she's talking about Lady Mowbray. Seriously, I have respect for Celia, she really stood her ground last episode.
Man the fact that we were like "omg what if Alice's phone call ends up being a statement!!" In a serious way meanwhile Alice is like "yeah no Freddie will probably spit out in a few days so nothing to be concerned about". What if. Tho. Gwen ends up hearing the phone call. That would be interesting. Speaking of, where is our corporate girlfailure.
Sam you awkward little bean I love you. I'm sure Celia and Alice just gave him the fondest, "You're such a dumbass" look.
I'm sorry I now understand what Alex meant when he said this episode was social-cringe-horror. The misuse of AAVE is actually so accurate please help my I'm on the floor screaming this should not be this funny-
Damn so does Ink5oul tattoo....pain or something? I don't have a tattoo myself (yet. I'm gonna get one. As soon as I stop being squeamish about needles. Oh. Needles.) But I don't think they're meant to hurt THAT much???
...I genuinely SHOULD NOT like Ink5oul this much. Please. You cannot do this to me I cannot have a Michael Part 2.
Also let me add all the video sound effects are taking me out I LITERALLY cannot do this PLEASE-
"Hell no i ain't gonna call it in" girl by making the video you are basically calling it in what the fuck
So...Does Ink5oul have the ability to make people feel pain through the tattoos they do? It's seeming like that's the case.
"The views are cutting me" HUH???? THATS. LIKE. THE EDGES ARE CUTTING ME??? WHAT IS HAPPENING??? HELLO?????
Okay wait now that Sam has let go of his "be professional" bullshit I'm back on his track SAMALICELIA LETS GOOO
Ohhhh Lena. Oh boy. I can understand her tbh, Gwen has no idea what's happening and she's just doing her own thing. Whether she's evil or not, Lena still knows better what's going on and can avoid unnecessary risks. Especially since Lena does seem to care if other employees get hurt.
Okay so the Externals are like. A Thing here. Kind of like avatars? I'm not saying in the sense of fears, I mean they're beings that are not human anymore and possibly dangerous.
Wait but I understand Gwen though "You can't take this away just because I did something you never bothered to tell me not to do" this happens to me so much Gwen my babygirl you are So Autistic.
I saw someone say that Gwen needs to be dommed. I cannot say I disagree, especially when Lena tells her to sit down. Anyway we're gonna move away from that thought.
I am not joking. I paused a total of 17 times throughout this episode because I started laughing too hard. I think I have a new favorite episode.
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davidthephoneguy · 18 days
Welcome to CD's list of Canceled and Unfinished projects! :D
First we got the canceled ones Part 2
These go from oldest to newest
Gameboy Who Cried Wolf
This was an oc story in which I was attempting to making a non fandom oc comic. The storyline involved two main characters named Daniel who had a GameBoy for a head and Julias who was a werewolf but had to try and hide it from Daniel and everyone else due to werewolves in this world were hunted to extinction. There was a bunch of other monster types existed n stuff like that. Only made a few artworks of it. Canceled due to lack of motivation and I felt like I was forcing myself to do something I didn't really want to. Storyline was also non-existent and yet confusing.
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Moon Base Freddy's au
Can't say a lot on this one's reason for existing other then it was heavily inspired by the song The Fine Print by Stupendium. I drew a few artworks for it in some privated live streams. Basically the whole au was a space capitalist dystopia in which all the employees were owned by the company, oh yeah also the restaurant was a moon base that they lived in. Canceled due to not really having anything to do with Freddys, it just sorta had a Freddys mask on. Also lack of motivation which tends to kill a lot of my ideas.
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Floral Flurry
Not much to say on this one either, didn't have much to it either. Was another attempt at making a non fandom project that died very quickly. Had help from @/systemfailuretpd for the designs. The storyline was pretty basic being about a parasite plant that learns empathy from its new host and has to go back and fix what it did with its past host. Canceled due to just not really wanting to work on it, was kinda boring and felt too cutesy and simple despite one of the characters previously being basically a genocidal dictator.
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Dr Surus' Experiments
Another oc story, this one was about a Dr Frankienstien type who would bring people (several of my oc's) back to life as basically zombies for fame. The story was mainly about David, Jannette, Stevm and another oc that I can't remember rn. Their whole deal was going to be talking about the ethics of bringing someone back to life and how they can't give consent. It was planned to be my next big thing that I was gonna reveal in the animation I'm still working on. Honestly given my track record I would not have been able to convey the messaging very well. Canceled due to lack of interest and generally loosing motivation to work on it.
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Pet Shoppe Cats
Another oc story comic that was meant to be a non fandom project. It stared two main characters named Felix and Chip, Chip was an immortal parental figure to Felix. Both were half self inserts and sorta didn't do much. They worked at a pet shop together as they were both animal hybrids which was mostly a trans allegory but despite that I didn't really focus on that with the story being a slice of life thing about them just working at the pet store with not much else happening. I made a few panels and character sheets but not much. Canceled for pretty obvious reasons, was boring and lacked focus. Art style was also just not fitting to my style and i was just sorta forcing myself to not draw something cutesy which my style cannot break from without lookin really odd. Basically I was trying to make myself do something I can't do.
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Aaaaaand that is the end of Part 2 my fellows!
A lil shorter then the first one due to me removing a few as upon looking at them again they would be rift content.
The final part will be the unfinished ones on the verge of being canceled so their fate is very up in the air.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Rebel Assault"
Everything goes so very, very wrong.
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Hoo BOY this opening slow pan across the Empire's current gathered forces above Lothal is ah... Very Concerning.
Were there this many ships in the finale? Did Thrawn call for reinforcements just for this one event?
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This was an amazing shot in the trailer but once you put it up against that opening pan...
Yeah this attack was doomed.
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Mart! Hi! It's so good to see you! Sad that Gooti and Jonner couldn't be here but hey. At least you have a couple redshirts flying with you.
Imperial March briefly excepts into the organs that signify that Thrawn's onscreen. Both he and Hera have identified the fuel depot as the primary target, being both the softest and least defended, and also the most important. No fuel, no production line, no output. This is basic War 101.
"24 ships, Grand Admiral." (squints, checks back in the caps) That is not 24 ships, guys. C'mon, nerds will be checking this.
And now the Empire gets to indulge in its favorite strategy:
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Spam TIE Fighters at problem until it goes away. Lol.
No seriously this is going to bug me now, were there that many ships in orbit above Lothal for the finale?! Weeeeeeew lordy, Ezra might have the highest kill count of anyone on the show if that's the case.
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Really liking the deep dusk lightning here on the ground with the others. It's very soft.
Aaaaaaand Duke is clearly just Freddie Prince Junior enjoying his Western Drawl voice again lol.
Ohhhhhhh I know I've heard this cue, they used this before in.... ghfkhfhj I can't remember! I think it was another spacebattle? Maybe?
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Zeb still antagonizing Ezra like a bullish older brother lol.
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Jeez is that pollution or lingering dusk? Hellish red.
The Main Theme kicking in as Hera attempts her heroic X-wing move here.
Thrawn. Thrawn, pal. Buddy. Compadre. That is an ace, you do not just let him get himself stupidly killed. You know full well what Hera is about to do, explain it to Skerris and then he might listen to you. Giving a cursory, "Hey you better obey me." does not suffice, as you well know from Konstantine's defiance back in "Zero Hour".
Maybe if your people skills were better, you wouldn't have people so eager to thumb their nose in your face.
Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Oh you absolute whore, Skerris didn't even need to die, you could literally have just not had your batteries fire! Oh my gosh this is his exact attitude in the finale. "Gee it's too bad about that guy, anyway shoot to kill." SKERRIS COULD STILL HAVE HAD INTACT SHIELDS WHEN HERA MADE HER SURPRISE ATTACK IF YOU HAD JUST NOT FIRED AT BOTH OF THEM, THAT WAS AAAAAAALLLL YOU, THRAWN, YOU ASS.
"How unfortunate." my foot.
Yeah, uh... X-wings can't actually fire like this with the S-foils closed. It's a known technical lore detail. Yeah the husband was pretty pissy about this one. I mean good for Hera but they should have really let her foils open.
Right so that means that this extra collision here is Thrawn's fault because he let Skerris die to prove a point. Stop doing that, you're gonna lose all your troops!
You know what I think Thrawn absolutely wanted to get to spring his second wave of TIEs on the attack squad and that's why he aggravated Skerris's blunder. He does seem to have a penchant for theatricality.
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Again, very on-point lighting.
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The defeat is almost muted in tone. We get only a suggestion of the massacre of the attack force, see them as nothing but streaks of flaming, falling comets of light. There's utter silence at first, and then strings ramping up as the horror descends, along with the ships.
All that effort and heroism, fizzled into nothing. With barely any effort on Thrawn's part.
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The worry in Kanan's voice as he tries to call Hera. :(((((((
Ryder's resigned defeat, contrasted against Ezra's cautious optimism.
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It's not often that it's Ezra comforting Kanan, but it works to pull Kanan out of his head enough to vacate the area with the others.
Ooooh the camerawork in that shot! And the sound design of Chopper's electronic panicked scream!
Seeing Hera hurt is always awful. Fortunately a gaggle of civilians are around to help.
The score flaring up in mournful cello notes as Kanan lets his fear and worry take over, which makes him halt and turn full tilt around to go back.
Ezra lets him go, even though he has to know what a bad idea it is. Better to let him try, I guess, and I know Ezra relates.
Still can't get over how hellish red Capital City looks at night.
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Pryce is still Not Fond of Rukh lol.
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RIP R3-A3. :(((((((
He died protecting Mart too.
Good on Mart, by the way, for being useful in this ambush, immediately grabs a blaster and shoulder-checks one Trooper and shoots another, I love him.
Zachary Gordon's voicing Mart a bit deeper this episode, apparently we hit puberty lol. (Mart, I mean. Zachary was 20 when this aired.)
Hhhnhnhnhhghfhh what was that noise, Rukh, jeez!
His theme coming in as he finds Mart and Hera and Chopper, heralded by that deep woodwind note.
Hera's not a slouch in the combat department, but Ruhk is very quickly on the offensive again, takes Chopper zapping the crap out of him for him to break off.
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The white Loth-wolf meanwhile, is once again just kind of being ~mysterious~ and doing its thing. I have no idea why turning off all the other streetlights were necessary, it's not like Kanan can see it.
Kanan sounding very frustrated. I'm actually reminded of Ezra's behavior in the early part of "Legacy", impatient, impulsive, snapping randomly at the easiest target.
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The Loth-wolf does not take kindly to it. But this gets Kanan to calm down again and clear his head.
Some excellent teamwork here between Hera, Chopper, and Mart.
The "Shenanigans" cue once again being put through an action wringer, notes staggered, off beat.
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Kanan being remarkably chill about all of this after his pep talk with the wolves.
And the wolves leitmotif to close us out, replacing over the ending credits.
Boy this episode is a downer. The attack we've hinged all our hopes on since Season Two fails, Hera is captured, and Lothal seems utterly lost. Now imagine having to wait about oh... six months to see the resolution. Yeah that was fun.
The animation and camerawork is wonderful this episode though, music appropriately somber, and the dark parallels to Season One's finale would continue, to a horribly subversive end. This is all serious from here on out. We have to face the darkest night before we can push through to the dawn.
See y'all next episode. It's uh... gonna be a thing.
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daandyli0n · 2 months
How would you do MXES if you were to rewrite it? Would it still be unable to communicate? Would it be antagonistic, or friendly?
Would it act differently around Cassie or whoever than normal?
(I have a bit of a MXES obsession right now... help... so I'm asking about it in the rewrite. I use it/its because I don't know what the fuck else to use and he/him or she/her seem to gendered.)
(i'm gonna combine this with your other ask about the Mimic if that's fine)
well...the thing is that the Pizzaplex doesn't really exist in the Rewrite. and thus MXES and the Mimic don't really exist either. RUIN instead takes place in the abandoned FNAF 2 location. there's a few plot points to explain here so that this'll make any sense:
- instead of the Pizzaplex, there is a building that is closer in size and layout (kinda) to the FNAF 2 location. it's basically the old Fredbear's Family Diner, but renovated a bit to have a few extra rooms. due to changes to SB in the Rewrite (which is a whole other post), it doesn't get destroyed at the end. hence why RUIN takes place in a different building entirely.
- you wanna know who the current CEOs of the company are? Michael and Sammy. look, after everything was said and done, the company kinda got immediately handed down to them since they were the eldest kids of the founders. they're trying their best to fix everything...including safety and reputation. people kinda trust them to hopefully do better. which, to be fair, they're doing pretty well at!
- before you ask about Mike, no he's not dead. or scooped. it's a long story, but just know things are very different on that front.
- Cassie is actually Sammy's daughter. her full name is Cassia Charlotte Emily.
- Cassie is seven around the time SB/RUIN takes place. "why is she running around a building all by herself" listen. Sammy wishes he knew. she's a curious kid, and Sammy figured out rather quickly that she was not above sneaking out at night, either. she has a smart watch that Sammy can call her from, and also so he knows where she is.
- Charlie and Cassidy (who is both CC and the Vengeful Spirit) are still around at this point. Charlie's around because she's not moving on until Cass does (and so she can protect people from William), and Cassidy is still around for Obvious Reasons.
- Malhare (our glitchy boy over here) is significantly weaker, due to only being around 2% of Afton's soul. he can't outright mind control anyone or really possess any robots, but he can use electronics to his advantage (he can appear on screens, talk, use cameras and animatronics for spying, etc.). he basically manipulated Vanessa into trying to commit child murder.
so!! onto RUIN!!
long story short:
- Cassie decides to go exploring in an abandoned Freddy’s location. Charlie decides to keep an eye on her.
- Malhare decides to give Vanny another shot at murder (after their attempt with Greg failed). he'll even make it easy and lure the kid right to her!
- You'll Never Guess Who Starts Speaking To Cassie Through Her Smart Watch
- cue a couple of hours of Malhare luring her further into the building while Charlie tries to get her to leave and go home. for obvious reasons.
- Cassie gets lured into the old Parts And Service room. She Also Gets Stabbed By Vanny.
- Charlie, now Thoroughly panicked, briefly possesses an animatronic (Mangle) to basically scare Vanny and give Cassie a chance to run.
- Cassie makes it outside and calls her dad, telling him where she is. someone who was out jogging finds her and goes Oh Fuck, You Need To Go To The Hospital.
- that's RUIN in a nutshell
so yeah...sorry, there's no Mimic or MXES in the Rewrite 😔 (the way that the plot is different in the Rewrite means that neither would make a whole lot of sense to be here)
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gerandor · 1 year
Yes yes it's only two episodes so far. Tomorrow we will have another one but any thoughts on Nandor's possible arc this season? The babygirl is finally happy but there is something more there?
Ok so its a well-known fact that nandor's gonna have a jealousy arc this season (or at least that's what the reviews were saying --which were for the first 4 episodes only -- and we got a glimpse of sth in the promo for ep 3.)
And yes!! Nandor seems to be happy so far and he even said 'i'm in a good place' (which kinda echoed what Guillermo had said in s4 when he was talking about freddie? Hmm). And we also got that line from kayvan saying 'Guillermo makes nandor happy -' BUT. He added that but now he's making him sad.
Which made me think of Gail. Remember Nandor's reaction to gail basically cheating on him with that werewolf dude? He looked heartbroken and sad and miserable. During s3 i said sth about how nandor doesn't get jealous in the traditional sense, you know, getting angry, getting possessive and idk, vengeful? probably bc he thinks he deserves to be treated like that. Like, he doesn't deserve to be loved so he just gets immensely sad over it. (I just remembered that the whole gail thing was also Guillermo's jealousy arc, and how his jealousy was more of the traditional sense. Oh boy)
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But with Guillermo. Idk if what he feels for Guillermo can be compared to what he felt for gail (as a side note, i read someone say nandor will never be romantic with Guillermo bc the guy doesn't know how. Which is not true?? Remember gail? Hell, even jan? He was also kinda romantic with marwa in the beginning even tho he didn't actually love her. Also Harvey said Nandor's lovely when he's in love which is so true. And how can you think the whole bedtime stories and exchange of gifs and movie watching on rainy nights aren't ramantic? Anyway) so yeah. I think what he feels for Guillermo is way more intense and life-altering than what he felt for any other character we know of. So maybe his jealousy this time will take a new form? But im also betting he's gonna be super sad and heartbroken about it. Even if he tries to hide it under other emotions. Nandor will always think 'i don't think i deserve to be loved.'🥺
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babiebom · 1 year
Im a Bit curious about who your favorite characters are from the fandoms your writing for (also love your taste in kpop)
PS: k-drama recommendation
- Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
- Until we meet again (it's thai but still good)
- The sadness (Korean film)
- How may I help you
- Mouse
- Lovenest
- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
- Style (from 2009)
Ohoohoo~ anon you fell into my trap I love ranting about my faves also thank you(x3) for the recs Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is one of my favorite kdramas and Park Boyoung is like my third favorite actress so I already know your taste is good without having seen anything else also putting my faves below the cut because only god himself can stop me now. (I promise I will try to keep this short and sweet)
Warnings: spoilers for some series, cursing, bit of sus wording and thoughts yknow
Stardew Valley
Sebastian (Sebby/Seb/Loml)
Can you tell that I'm a sucker for grumpy bf x sunshine gf tropes????
Honestly along with the reader insert fic in gonna write(lets hope I finish it) I wanna write maybe a Seb x OC or something idkidk
Of the bachelorettes Penny is my favorite bc shes lowkey me (I sometimes teach kids and I want to have a bunch of them love housewife vibes)
In ridgeside so far Phillip is my favorite mostly bc I don't know the others that well amd im only gifting 6 people at a time and he just so happened to get picked he's so cute I love it when people are passionate about something
In Stardew Valley Extended Victor is the loml like yeah he's a rich guy but he also seems like a huge nerd and I love him
Also Claire(the joja mart girl) my tired queen plus
Also in terms of the kids Yuuma>Jas>Vincent>Trinnie>Keahi
Mystic Messenger
At first I was a Zen girl
Then I was a Yoosung girl
Then I was a Jaehee girl
Then I was a Jumin girl
And now I'm in my final form as a Saeyoung girl
I love him so much my man my man
I played this game for MONTHS like I was at school pulling my phone out to hurry through a chat room so i didn't miss anything
Was waking up in the middle of the night
The chokehold these men had on my PLS
Five Nights At Freddy's
Ok so at first i hated this game bc im a crybaby and it scared me so bad
Also bc I had an intense fear of animatronics and people in the mascot suits as a kid after going to chuck e cheese and being terrified of the things om stage and then getting stuck in a ride its a whole thing omfg
But then security breach came out and I was like oh? Why'd they make the animatronics sexy????? So like the first couple of games I dont have a favorite(except i think Chica is ugly dont hate me) bc like theyre kid souls but since the sb animatronics arent ghost kids indo have a favorite
Which is Monty
I love him he is my gator man<3333 also justice for Foxy I know he would've been cute af.
Dead By Daylight
Killerwise Ghostface is my favorite
And I know its a basic bitch answer but omfg that man could be the cause of my demise and I would say thank you
Also Oni is cool
Also trickster is cute
Womanwise for killer the Artist is my favorite shes so pretty I love her
I hate specifically wesker and the twins I feel like i needed to add this BC I hate them so much also Freddy kreuger but like thats obvious bc its included in my rules
Survivors I love are Leon(again basic bitch answer) Jake Park, Dwight, and theres more but i cant remember r n
For women its Nea(I main her), Meg, Ada, Kate, Elodie, again theres more but I cant remember and my brain is hurting
I do not like feng min or whatsherface the kpop manager lady bc of how people play them
Team Edward or Jacob?
I am an Emmett girl
I am also a Seth girl
They have been the loves of my life since the movies came out
When I read the books I liked Carlisle the most <3
Honestly twilight making a comeback was the best tike for me bc of all the new content people were making
I love the series pls
Also again Womanwise Rosalie is the loml
Also alice
Also Esme
Also Leah
Pls the women are so amazing
Harry Potter
Also lemme preface this by saying I do not agree with jkr or anything she has been saying
But I did get into this fandom a couple years ago when i was in high school because of a friend
And I do still love the series but now I only consume fanmade things
That being said Remis Lupin has my heart
Also Fred and George
And Cedric
And if anyone wanted to know my house I am a Hufflepuff<3
The Outsiders
Through and through I am a Dallas girl
Can yall tell my type yet?
When reading the book I was also a Johnny girl and I literally wanted the best for him and was so mad When he DID NOT GET IT
Now that I'm older that entire situation is bullshit
Like as a 22 year old that still lives with her family the thought of having to take care of myself plus younger siblings with no help and also have the house where everyone hangs out stresses me out
Like I love my little sister but i am so glad my parents have raised us to have and keep jobs even if we hate it bc I know she would help me with everything
Like I know Soda helped as much as he could but GOD bad situation for everyone
Johnny did not deserve the ending he got
The Walking Dead
Okay so lemme just say that I am into dilfs this is a dilf loving safe space idc
Rick can get it and him being lowkey insane is attractive (do not be like me pls)
Love his long hair
Also had a crush on Carl when he was in the show (he is a year older than me im not a creep)
I have not gotten to later seasons so maybe there are still cute people idk i need to re watch
I also hated Lori and Shane with a passion
I still do
I cannot imagine hooking up with my husbands friend of my friends husband or whateverbskkakslal
I will rant on and on about this it genuinely makes me mad
I do however love Maggie and Peggy(is this her name? The sister?) We love country girls
I am a Michonne simp through and through
I am a simple lady
Cool woman with sword? Count me in
Once Upon A Time
Though I hate Regina I find her so attractive its not even funny
When I was younger i had a huge crush on Peter Pan
Now rewatching I am a Captain Hook Simp
Also Mad Hatter
Also Ruby
Also Graham in season 1 if anyone remembers him
Gawd these men
Ruby number 1 IDC IDC
Also Mulan
I have also not gotten super far in this show
I'm gonna just list my favorites bc like I already feel super exposed and im writing all of this in one go bc I am so excited to share but my phone is broken
So number one is Steve im so mad he went back to Peggy but at the same time he deserves happiness
Number two Bucky again im a basic girl and tragic men attract me idk
Peter loml so cute also the only spiderman movies ive seen dont kill me
Wanda love her still have not seen Multiverse of madness last thing i watched is wandavison
Loved pietro
Thor my bb
I cannot think of any more
Doctor Who
I guess this one is going to be different because I have only seen new who and I do not dislike any doctor at all so i guess imma just rank them
9th(watched his season twice once when I was younger and was just getting into the show and then once a couple years ago when I committed to watching the show)
13th(I do not hate her I am just new to her bc I am still on her first season since i procrastinate to make the series last longer)
Then i guess I'll rank the companions bc again I dont really dislike anyone
Martha(best girl i love her so much)
River(literally going to name a kid River bc of how much i like the name)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
I have had a crush on this man since 2005
The first time i saw him I fell in love
No one will compare to my love
Hotch is a close second I do love my dom daddy(I am so sorry for saying this)
Penelope is also my love but in a platonic i would kill someone for her kind of way
Also Emily
White Lotus
Okay so lemme start by saying
Season 2 >season 1
The only people i like im season 1 are Tanya and Belinda
Everyone else are kind of dislikeable
Well the rich guys wife is fine but shes not my favorite
Season 2 however i like like half of the characters
Obviously Tanya is on the list bc she is so funny
But Ethan is my favorite especially later in the season bc again guys like that are my thing
Also Harper but mainly bc of Aubrey
Then Daphne is the loml and she deserves better
And Lucia my bb
And Valentina
And Albie even if he seems like a "nice guy"
Love these characters
Ouran High School Host Club
Takashi Morinozuka has my entire heart love this man
Honey is just me but male
And Haruhi loml pls shes so cute but also she tries to be the best person I love her
Also Kasanoda(and in the manga the girl he ends up with is kinda cool)
This again should also just be a ranking bc i love all the characters but im gonna limit myself
Again imma give a basic bitch answer and say Sebastian
I know hes a demon
I know he would hate me bc duh
But pls sir
Give me one chance
Also the undertaker
Also Agni
Also snake and joker
Grelle would be my platonic soulmate shes so funny
I also would like to protect Ciel(not the twin like not the real ciel or whatever I mean our ciel)
Like I understand that he basically siccs his demon on people and had them killed
But at the same time in my eyes he is literally just a traumatized little boy and i feel so bad for him
I know hes fictional but if i could change what happened to him i would
Finny is baby
I have typed for too long pls
Also thank you for asking this<3 feel free to ask other things and request stuff!!
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beegswaz · 1 year
how would you retell fnaf attis i want to know:3
im most likely Going to colour the ideas i Havent cleared with tony, beclaws hes my co-writer and i Want the funny fnaf movie fanscripters help on The story beats
this is AAAALLLL gonna be fnaf redux, or At least how i envision redux? a Lot of this is subject to change etc etc etc
OK ON TO THE FUN STUFF!!! most* of the story is Staying the same, and anything that isnt is Either already discussed or i dont Care enough about it to figure it out Juuuust yet ^_^ so this is really Just locations, Designs, and the Rough timeline!
fnaf 4/fazbears family diner-- YAY FREDBEARS!!!!!!!! this is the Very start of redux, just to Keep it in line with og fnafs timeline. the Story here is basically the Same :)
what ISNT. is the.. un-nightmares...? basically, outside of fredbear And spring bonnie, the main 4 exist (not really, fredbear And spring bonnie fill the role of freddy And bonnie, so only chica and Foxy exist here)! but in A very simple super-late-addition-Thats-meant-to-gauge-interest form! Theyre mostly here so i Can reason easier WHY cc would have nightmares of characters that Dont even exist outside of the cartoon. they Also set up charlies death (a Puppet version is here!!!) and are the Base for the main gang in-universe :D
its Also an idea that there is One (1) springlock suit, beclaws not Only is a real one INCREDIBLY impractical, its also... Stupid expensive. itd Be cheaper for them to have a Stage animatronic and then a Separate mascot suit instead. But also beclaws i Dont think henry would approve of a robot Faulty enough to kill people. WILLIAM DOES HOWEVER!!! so hes The guy that makes a stupid springlock suit for himself!! wow i Hope that has no unintended consequences :D!!!!!
after the deaths Of charlie and cc, william And henry both split the business up (henry remaining As faz ent and william making Afton robotics) WHICH LEADS US TOOOOOOO!!!!
fnaf 2/freddy and friends arcade-- FNAF 2 WOOO!!! AND ITS A FUCKING ARCAAAAADE!!!!! relatively the Exactly same story-wise and Also... kind of design-wise? aside from All of the animatronics here being reused from The fredbears cast, which explains Why theres a spring bonnie suit (iirc As mentioned in the phone calls). not Much changes really :3
fnaf sl/babys circus world-- gods Biggest mistake. without henry to go Hey. Maybe Dont Make The Torment Nexus. william makes The torment nexus. the story is Also the same kinda, partially minus All of the weird lore fuckshit With the fnaf 4 house. Michael doesnt get scooped until Later Later, so this is really just Here to say "While Henry Was Being A Guy, William Accidentally Killed His Daughter!!!!" and then the Basic he-breaks-into-fnaf-2 shit, minus The facial recognition he just Lies beclaws henry Has him blacklisted 😭 fun fact babys was Literally the only place he opened before william went Fuck It. Lets Frame Henry For Murder Maybe. and then he Dies. L
fnaf 1/freddy fazbears pizza-- YEAAAAHH OG FNAF WE WIIIINNNN nothing changes, its just og fnaf yk. michael is The nightguard beclaws he Thinks theres some weird fuckshit etc etc
fnaf 3/fazbears fright roadside horror attraction-- OH YEAH I HAVE SOOOO MANY THOUGHTS. ME AND TONY WENT HAM ON THIS. so basically you Know those like halloween walk-through Attractions that randomly crop up? this is That but in the early 2000s and fazent is Unreasonably stingy so their props Are old shit they Had in storage. the Location premise is a walk-through of each location And they all fuck with you in Weird ways (starting At fredbears, i Dont actually remember what we did for that, then Fnaf 2 which is. iirc we Had it set to be all audio based, so the room Was mostly dark minus the arcade glows but it was Silent As Hell. then fnaf 1 which we Set in the backstage area and the mascot head eyes Would follow you. and then fnaf 3 which is kind of Optical illusion based?)
the Premise of how a Game version would go is you Use the attractions sounds and lights And animatronics to Keep springtrap from Getting out etc etc
the Hallucinations are like. literal Hallucinations (kinda Think popgoes panic function?) me And tony thought it Would be hilarious to negate the Hallucinations by booting up like. Solitaire.
anyways At the end of fnaf 3 the place gets Closed down and, beclaws michael is Working the last week of it being open, he just Kinda. shoves springtrap into A shipping box.
and then Between the end of fnaf 3 And the start of sim, michael investigates babys AND THEEEENNNN he gets scooped
ok id write more But im so sleepy and its 1 am. gn ❤❤❤❤
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