#plus our lovely lil security guards hehe
cherrysodabear · 7 months
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✨️Fazbear photobooth 1!✨️
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t-lostinworlds · 5 years
Santa Claus? (Shawn Mendes)
*Found You bonus content*
A/N: A lil’ something for Christmas with my favorite boy Angelo and as a sorry gift for not doing a part 2 of Leaked hehe. This was supposed to be a short blurb, 1k words at max but HA guess who got carried away. Again. I can’t seem to write short blurbs for some reason without it turning into a whole long ass fic lmao. Anyhow I hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: You get a much unexpected visit from a big, tall man with a long, white beard. Angelo catches his mom kissing said man. And an even bigger surprise comes your way the next morning.
Warnings: None but Fluff and Typos
Word Count: 5.9k+
Masterlist in Bio
You finally got Angelo to sleep and you were relieved.
It was daunting to hear the 6-year-old ask about where his dad was, his dad who happens to be working even if there were only two days left until Christmas.
It was a last minute show that got added to his schedule, hence why his time away from home got extended. Plus, it's a charity event so you couldn't exactly complain or be mad about it.
Angelo is smart even at his age, so he does understand why his dad is away, but of course, the young boy can't stop himself from getting upset when he wakes up to see that his father is still not around.
Shawn calls every day of course, but that's never the same.
Hell, he wasn't even around when you put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations. It was heartbreaking to see that pout on Angelo's lips when he had that conversation with his dad over FaceTime that he wasn't going to do it with him this year.
You were just so glad that Aaliyah and Karen came over that day to help, uplifting Angelo's mood for sure.
And you miss your man just as much too. It's been too long since the day he was back home, and you want nothing more than the three of you to sit on the couch, all huddled up as you watch whatever Christmas movie with hot chocolates in hand. Then later in the night, you would finally get him all to yourself once Angelo is tucked in bed.
But you'll have to work with whatever you have for now.
You left the door slightly ajar to your's and Shawn's bedroom, that way you can hear Angelo if he ever gets out of bed. After turning the main light off, you slipped underneath the covers and clicked your side lamp on. You got yourself comfortable before you pulled out your book from the drawer and you just indulged.
*     *     *
Time flew pass you quickly that you didn't even notice that it was already 1 am until you stifled out a yawn. Closing the book and placing it on your side table, you reached over to turn the lamp off, but before you could even do so, you heard something fall on the floor outside with a hard thud.
With furrowed brows, you slowly got out of bed, making sure to grab the bat that you left just by the door on the way out. Not that the building wasn't secure but you just had to make sure you have any type of self-defense just in case.
You checked Angelo's room to see that the boy was still in bed, soundly asleep. You took a deep breath as you locked his door before closing it shut. You then slowly creeped your way to the living room, all while making sure that you were silent enough to not alarm whoever was in your house.
Your grip on the bat was tight as your heart hammered against your chest. You could make out the shuffling of feet and the sound of rustling paper as you grew closer the living space.
You were very sure that you've locked the doors but it seems like someone just broke into your home, judging by the soft humming along with the sound of things being moved. Oddly enough, the first thing you saw once you've reached the living room was a man dressed in red and white, hunched over the Christmas tree with a big red bag in hand.
Confusion filled you up but you kept quiet, walking towards them at a safe distance to where you can swing the bat with full force. "Drop the bag or I'm going to split your skull open." You said slowly, voice low but shaky because as much as you can definitely hurt him, you don't know if he was armed or not, making him a treat still.
Maybe you should've just stayed in bed and called the cops.
The man chuckled, hands quick to shot up as he held it in surrender. He turned his head slightly so he can look at you over his shoulder, your eyes catching a glimpse of the long white beard on his face. "There's no need for that honey."
Realization washed over you at the sound of his voice, that extremely familiar voice that you'll always recognize no matter what the occasion.
"Shawn?" He nodded at his name, standing up and turning to face you, grabbing the tip of his fake beard and pulling it down to reveal his face fully, wide smile and all. He was about to say something when you caught him off guard as you swung the bat to hit him right on the bicep, not too hard but just enough for it to sting a little.
"Ow! What was that for?" Shawn yelped, hand coming up to rubbed his arm as he looked at you in pure shock. "You scared the shit out of me you fucking idiot! I thought someone had broken in or something!" You dropped the bat on the floor, a loud clank echoing through the walls as you crossed your arms over your chest in pure annoyance.
"Surprise?" A sheepish grin made its way onto Shawn's lips as he slowly made his way towards you, hands grabbing your wrists to unfold your arms and throwing it over his shoulders. "I'm sorry for scaring you angel, but you do look so hot when you're in fight mode, you brave badass woman." Shawn purred, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to his body, the warmth feeling comforting that you couldn't help but relax in his hold.
"You're very lucky I miss your stupid face so much or you would be sleeping on the couch tonight." You scoffed with a roll of your eyes, earning a soft chuckle from him. He nudged the tip of his nose with yours, his eyes crinkling as he softly whispered, "I missed you too my love, oh so much."
You sighed, fingers getting lost in the curls of the nape of his neck that were slightly hidden under his Christmas hat. The fabric of his outfit felt so soft on your skin, your eyes looking down as you gave him a once over before you shook your head at your man. "How are you home already and why on earth are you dressed as Santa Claus?"
Shawn shrugged with a smile. "I took the first flight home after the show, couldn't wait till morning to see you two. As for the costume, I was going to call you to come downstairs once I'm done placing the gifts, and I thought it would be cute for you to see me in this outfit as a surprise, but you caught me first so here we are. It was a great plan in my head but now it does seem like I'm a burglar. I'm sorry for scaring you honey." He pouted, giving your body a gentle squeeze as he touches his forehead against yours.
"You're such an idiot you know that right?" You giggled, still in pure disbelief at how corny and stupid he can be at times but nevertheless, you were extremely overjoyed to finally have him home.
"Hmm, but I am your idiot who you love so much." Shawn hummed, head dipping as he finally captured your lips in his after a long time, too long.
Sighs of relief escaped the two of you as you smiled between the kiss, happy to feel the warmth course through your bodies in the cold December night. You can feel his smirk widen a few seconds later as he nibbled on your bottom lip, both hands coming down to rest on top of the swell of your bum, giving it a soft, cheeky squeeze emitting a giggle out of you.
Shawn will never have enough of you and he always makes sure he gets that point across in more ways than one.
But before any of you could go any further—to which Shawn was so keen on moving it to the couch—a small voice interrupted your sweet reunion.
You and Shawn pulled away like two teenagers who just got caught making out in the janitor's closet, both pairs of wide eyes turning to see a little boy standing there, half asleep or half awake, you couldn't tell with the way his eyes were squinted.
Shawn was quick to pull his fake beard up to hide his face as you took a step forward and turned to Angelo who was looking at you with furrowed brows. The little boy's head was titled to the side in an attempt to see more of the person who stood behind you.
"Santa Claus?" Angelo questioned again, confusion laced in his voice as he stood still right in the hallway, small hands coming up to rub his sleepy eyes.
"Uh..." You shot Shawn a look to stop him from speaking. The boy was still too young and you don't want to ruin his belief in Santa just yet. He has to find out the truth on his own terms. Plus, you and Shawn aren't ready to break the news to him especially when it was nearing Christmas, and this is definitely not the way to do it.
You approached Angelo with a sigh, crouching down once you reached him so you were almost his same height. "Angelo sweetheart, why are you out of bed?" You cooed, hands coming up to rub his arms softly.
"I was going for a wee but I heard someone talking. Mommy why is Santa in our living room? It's not Christmas yet." The little boy lifted a finger up to which you assumed was pointed at the tall man standing there with his long white beard. You looked over your shoulder to see Shawn just staying still, half of his face hidden with his hand up in a small wave, and you tried your best to hold back a laugh at his antic.
You turned back to Angelo with a smile. "Well, he wanted to give you an early present with more to come this Christmas since you've been such a good boy." Before the boy could even muster a response, a loud yawn escaped his lips instead once he opened his mouth, the sheer look of tiredness still painted on his cute little face.
"Now, Santa needs to finish putting your gifts and you're not allowed to peek, so let's get you back to bed my love." Angelo muttered a soft 'okay' as you lifted him off the floor, his small arms clinging around your neck while he rests his head on your shoulder, such an endearing sight for Shawn to see.
"Goodnight Santa." The little boy called out sleepily as you carried him back to his room.
Shawn only waved as his heart grew twice its size. Angelo looking so comfortable in your arms and how it looked like it belonged, only goes to prove that it definitely was time.
Once you two were out of sight, Shawn was quick to finish what he started, placing all the gifts under the tree and making sure to place yours with much extra care.
*     *     *
You came back a few minutes later to see him in the kitchen with a glass of milk in one hand and his phone on the other, hat and beard long forgotten on the countertop. His smile only widens as he saw you approach, locking his phone and placing it face down so he can give his queen his full attention.
"Is he asleep?" Shawn asked, hand extended for you to take to which you did, with a sweet smile of your own to match his. He leaned back on the kitchen island as he pulled you closer to stand right between his legs, his hands firm on the small of your back while yours laid flat on his chest.
"Hmm, but if he asks about Santa again tomorrow, it's your turn to explain mister." You raised an eyebrow at him in an accusing manner to which Shawn only nodded with a chuckle; though his soft laugh was quick to dissipate, replaced by this serious look as he stared at you lovingly, hands stroking your back up and down in a comforting way that only made you melt more into his arms.
"I love you so much, you know that right?" Shawn sighed in pure gratitude, brown orbs boring straight into yours that showed nothing but the full truth.
It was so heartwarming to see that he does in fact love you just as much as you love him, if not, even more. Words can never truly give justice to how happy you feel to have found your place in his world, and to have found a family in him and Angelo.
"And I love you, oh so much." You whispered as happy tears started to well up your eyes as all the beautiful memories replayed itself in your mind. A soft coo escaped Shawn's lips as he pulls you in for a warm hug, your emotional state tugging at his heartstrings in the best way possible.
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life Y/N. You make me of so happy my love, you have no idea." He murmured against your hair, as if the moment wasn't emotional enough.
"Oh stop, you're going to make me cry even more." You giggled with a soft sniffle, pulling away slightly so you can fully meet his eyes, and you didn't need to tell Shawn anything for him to see that you do feel the same way about him. A silent communication was enough to let your hearts know how much you mean to one another.
"You're probably tired from your flight, let's go get some sleep." You added, about to walk away from his grasp but his hold around you only tightened. His smile was quick to switch, turning into this one smirk he does that only means pure mischief and you couldn't help yourself from feeling a bit excited.
"Well, me getting some sleep is entirely up to you babe." Shawn wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, his voice a low growl that only made your insides churn.
And let's just say after his comment, you two got way lesser sleep than intended, and it was entirely his fault.
*     *     *
It was the next morning and like clockwork, you and Angelo were already in the kitchen making breakfast. The little boy always insists that he helps even if it's just handing you wooden spoons or whatever ingredient he can carry every now and then.
Angelo was stood on this small, movable stairs beside you that enables him to just watch what you're doing without having the trouble of being on his tippy toes, in which it also helps him grab things off the counter with ease.
Shawn, on the other hand, was still asleep and Angelo doesn't have a single clue that his dad was just in the bedroom as you haven't told him yet. You don't want to cut off Shawn's slumber with a 6-year-old jumping on him with no remorse whatsoever. Your man does need some rest after all.
It didn't take long for him to emerge out of bed though. Shawn always seems to know when you're not beside him anymore, such an adorable habit of his.
"Daddy! You're home!" Angelo's face lit up like fairy lights once he saw his dad walk in the kitchen. His small form scrambling down the steps hastily that he almost trips on his own feet. "Oh careful!" You grabbed his arm just in time to keep him upright, his small form in fits of giggles as he ran towards his dad, Shawn scooping him up with ease with a laugh of his own, pure happiness radiating off the two.
"Good morning buddy." Shawn rested the boy on his hip effortlessly, sleepy grin on his face with a bed head of unruly curls to match. It was a pleasing sight to say the least as Shawn wore nothing but his gray sweatpants, chest completely bare, v-line in full view, and muscles all flexed as he tries to balance Angelo in his arms.
Shawn is a very hot dad, definitely no doubt about that.
Once Angelo got his fair share of kisses from his father—giggles, squeals and all—he was placed by Shawn on his high stool across you, the dad rounding the kitchen island until he reached your side, head dipping to give you a loving peck on the lips.
"Good morning beautiful." Shawn smiled, pure adoration coating his beautiful features, a look that will never fail to make your heart flutter. "Good morning to you too handsome." You hummed, giving him another peck before you turned your attention back on the task of dividing the bacon on each plate.
"Daddy! Daddy! I saw Santa last night!" You and Shawn shared a look, your head nudging towards Angelo to say that you've already had a deal that it was his turn whenever Angelo asks about Santa again.
Shawn only nodded with a chuckle as he turned to his son, a fake surprise expression on his face. "You did?" He asked, feigning curiosity that made Angelo only nod with giggles.
Shawn left your side to walk over to the little boy, sitting right beside him and giving him his full attention to show that he was very interested to what his son has to say.
Your heart melted at the sight of pure excitement and joy on Angelo's face as you walked over to their side, placing their plates of home cooked breakfast right in front of them.
"Thank you honey." Shawn flashed you a quick smile before his attention was back to Angelo since the boy was too keen on telling his father his story. "Was his beard really long?" Shawn asked, just feeding the boys excitement with his new found discovery that Santa was real, well, sort of.
You went right back to where you were standing before to eat your own meal, just observing your two boys across from you in silence.
"Yup! It reached his belly! And Mommy was there too! And they were kissing!"
You almost choked with your coffee at Angelo's statement while Shawn tried his hardest to suppress his laugh, replacing his amusement with shock as his mouth turned into a shape of an O.
"They were what?!" The dad gasped in the most overly exaggerated way he could muster, and it took everything in your power to not hurl something at him. Instead, you just roll your eyes, keeping quiet as you let Shawn handle it in whatever way he prefers.
"Mommy and Santa were kissing just by the tree!" You couldn't help but be amused at the boy's memory as he didn't even seem like he was fully awake last night. But here he is, telling his dad that he just saw you kissing 'Santa Claus', which is not even at all surprising since Angelo does tell the both of you everything.
"Now I'm jelly that you got to see Santa Clause." Shawn leaned down to pout at Angelo, the little boy only patting his father's head in the most adorable way with a soft 'it's okay daddy you'll see him soon too' leaving his lips.
"And well, mommy is definitely going to be in big trouble with daddy." Shawn turned to you as he shot you a playful glare, sitting straight up with his arms crossed over his chest to seem mad, although that smug smirk on his lips was a clear indication that his words do have an underlying meaning in them. He even threw in a wink as if you didn't get it the first time. You felt your cheeks heat up, your legs unconsciously pressing together as you broke eye contact with your man.
"Didn't Santa leave you some presents Angelo?" You cleared your throat, quickly changing the subject and diverting the little boy's attention. You did not miss the chuckle from Shawn as he grinned wide, all proud at himself for still having that effect on you no matter what, a blessing and a curse in your part really.
"He did?" Angelo craned his neck to glance at the Christmas tree, his eyes twinkling even more once he saw the number of presents placed underneath it. "Can I open them now? Pretty please can I? I can't wait until Christmas." You couldn't suppress your giggle as Angelo tried his best to sport the cutest puppy eyes that he could. It was already hard to resists the boy anyway so him being all adorable was just the icing on the cake.
You turned to the boy's dad only to catch him looking at you already with an expression you couldn't quite pinpoint. You raised a brow at him to which Shawn only returned with a nervous smile, his sudden change in attitude only making your curiosity grow as to what's going on inside his head.
Shawn looked away first with a faint blush on his cheeks, leaning on the counter as he spared his son his full attention again. "You can open one right now after you finish your breakfast buddy."
Angelo lets out a victorious glee at that, face all bright with a smile to match as he munched his meal, and never has he ever finished his breakfast that quick in his entire existence.
*     *     *
"Go ahead and pick one with your name on it." Shawn chuckled as he ruffled Angelo's hair, the morning sun shining through the windows and illuminating the entire living room.
Shawn sat down beside you on the plush white couch, his arm slinging over your shoulder as he stared at you with a certain look on his face, an almost awestruck expression with a hint of nervousness.
"What's gotten into you?" You giggled, pushing the curl that landed on his forehead back, his smile sweet as a soft sigh came out of him. "Nothing, I just love you so much." The tone in Shawn's voice made you question if it really was nothing, because it truly does seem that there was something on his mind. Plus, being so close to his side, hand laying soft against his bare torso, you felt how his heartbeat picked up the pace all of a sudden.
Before you could even ask him about it some more though, Angelo's voice echoed throughout the whole space. "This one!"
You tore your eyes off of Shawn to see Angelo hurling a present towards the both of you, the little boy sporting an all-knowing smile as he so obviously picked the biggest one to open first. It was an oddly shaped present, the wrapping paper not going in one direction and is all crumpled, a very big sign that Shawn surely wrapped this with his own bare hands. You kind of already have a hunch on what it is, even if Shawn didn't tell you, the length of it was kind of a dead giveaway.
A hearty laugh was heard from Shawn as he shook his head at his son. "Of course you've got the big one, open it up bud and let's see what it is." Angelo tore up the paper with no mercy at all, grin all wide and growing even wider as his gift slowly took form in a shape of a mini guitar in a black case that was smooth and sleek.
"Woah! Santa gave me a guitar!" The little boy exclaimed, his enthusiasm rubbing off of you as you couldn't stop grinning yourself.
Shawn stood from his place to help Angelo open the case, the six-stringed instrument coming into view in all its polished wood glory just seconds later. You could make out the engraved initials A.M. on the corner of the mini guitar and Angelo was more than thrilled when his dad pointed it out.
"I'm going to be like you Daddy!" The look on Shawn's face was the most heartwarming thing that you've had the pleasure of seeing first hand, the pure joy and pride painting his face at the words of his son melting your heart over and over. Shawn could only pull Angelo in for a hug, lips pressing on top of his head, knowing that if he spoke, he'd get all teary-eyed.
"Anyway bud, Auntie Liyah and Grandma are coming over in a few minutes to take you to the mall so let's go get you bundled up." Your brows furrowed in confusion as Shawn spoke. The dad only gave you a quick glance, mouthing a quick 'tell you later' while Angelo shouted in glee, his little body springing up as he ran back to his room, Shawn on his tail with the guitar in hand.
Once they were gone and out of sight, as if on cue, the doorbell rang. You walked to the door to open it, Karen and Aaliyah greeting you with sweet smiles, the two of them all covered in sweaters and coats due to the winter weather.
"They'd be out in a second, Angelo's just gone to change." You said, opening the door wider for them to come inside. Aaliyah was the first to come inside, pulling you in for a warm hug, squeezing you tight before pulling away with an expression you couldn't quite understand. She was a bit emotional and you could only be curious as to why.
"You okay?" You asked, brows furrowed in concern to which Aaliyah only nodded with a giggle. "Never better."
Karen on the other hand was looking at you oddly, her eyes all glossed up as she reached to cup your face with both hands. "Shawn is so lucky to have you." She breathed out, a soft coo escaping your lips as you wrapped your arms around her.
"And I am so lucky to have your son too." You whispered, though more questions only piled itself up in your brain as this wasn't how you normally greet each other. Well, not this emotional at least.
"There's my favorite Mendes!" You and Karen turned to see Angelo jumping in Aaliyah's arms, the little boy all giggles and was now wrapped in his fluffy coat and jumper.
"What about me?" Shawn pouted as he emerged from the hallway, now wearing a white shirt instead of his bare chest from moments ago.
"Hello to you too brother." Aaliyah placed Angelo back on the ground to hug Shawn, the older brother giving her a kiss on the cheek with the loudest smack, making his sister groan as she pushes him away jokingly.
"Hi mum, I've missed you." Shawn approached his mum next with a bear hug. Karen pulled away and did the same thing by cupping Shawn's face, the curly-headed boy chuckling as he pulled his mother back in for a hug, whispering something in her ear that you didn't catch.
"We should get going before the mall gets even more packed." Aaliyah butted in, Angelo's tiny hands already in hers as the aunt gave her mum a knowing nod.
"Yeah we should. You two will just catch us later back at home yeah?"
"Yup. We'll drive down there later and spend the night. We haven't packed Angelo's stuff yet so we'll just bring it with us."
You may have been filthy rich now for the number of times you've grown so lost just by the last hour or so. Shawn didn't tell you any of this at all hence why you have completely no idea as to what this man's plan for today is. Hell, you didn't even know he had one as you only thought you'd spend all day in the house just relaxing and being cozy.
The next thing you knew you were already bidding goodbyes to the two women even if you've just said hello not even five minutes ago. Angelo small hand waving at you as they disappeared into the hallway, leaving you alone with a grinning man once you closed the door shut.
You walked over to him with a brow raised. "Why is everyone acting so weird all of a sudden?" Shawn only shrugged as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to his body as his head dipped down to give you a chaste kiss. "Hmm, I don't know what you're talking about."
Shawn didn't give you a chance to let out any more questions as he keeps distracting you with his lips and his soft groans the more he deepens the kiss.
It was when he suddenly pulled away with that same nervous smile from earlier that you thought that he definitely was hiding something.
"I have an early gift for you too my love." He whispered, hot breath brushing against your lips and your heart beat only quickened from there. "Meet me in the music room." He added, letting go of you fully as you walked towards the music room with nothing but so many questions inside your head.
Shawn joined you just seconds later with a box in his hand, his jitters starting to show as he breathing started to get uneven just a little bit. He took your hand and beckoned you over to sit on the piano bench, you not missing how his hand was starting to get clammy.
His nervousness was starting to rub off on you as he handed you the box. Your eyes searching his for answer and he only gave you a shy smile. "Open it love."
You lifted the lid off to see two pieces of paper, pages torn from a notebook side by side inside a frame. You could make out his messy handwriting, so many words scribbled on it, some crossed out, others fully blackened. But what stood out from you the most was the clear tear stains, blotching up some of the ink and blurring some of the words, the state of the pieces of paper the first thing you focused on the you didn't bother and read it yet.
"It's a song I wrote for you." Shawn spoke, voice shaky as let's out a nervous chuckle. You tore your eyes away from the frame to look at him with a small pout on your lips.
Just then it made sense why the pages looked beaten and bruised, because it was the original piece he wrote the song on. He gave you the original draft, all his emotions poured into real, physical writing, the pieces of paper as a first hand witness as to what he went through while writing this song. He was showing you everything instead of just playing you the finished and produced product. In this way, he made it more special because it was all him, all the scribbles and tears, raw and untouched. No filters, no corrections, just pure him, flaws, imperfections and all.
It was tugging at your heart how sweet and thoughtful his gift was, just the sheer thought of him writing something for you was already making you emotional that the water works was just one tap away. "Did you cry writing this song?"
"I may or may not have shed a few tears. But it's all happy tears I promise." Shawn flashed you a reassuring smile, hand coming up to cup your cheek, thumb stroking your skin lovingly.
"Can I hear it?"
Shawn chuckled, hand leaving your face to lift the keylid up to reveal the black and white tiles. "Why'd you think we're sitting here on the piano honey?"
You watched him attentively when his fingers hovered over the keys, his hands shaking as spluttered. "Okay so uhm, I uh—"
"Bub what's wrong?"
"I'm just really nervous. I really hope you'll like it." Shawn confessed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he looks at you shyly. You scooted closer to him as you rested his gift on your lap, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek as you said, "I'm pretty sure I'll love it Shawn."
He took a deep breath as he nodded, closing his eyes momentarily before his fingers started to play. The beautiful melody echoed around the room as you only listened, his beautiful voice following suit right after, his words invading your ears and going straight to your heart.
(a/n - the tune of the songs is this right here the lyrics below are all mine by the way so yeah. i suggest listening to it while continue on reading aha)
Waking up next to you; bodies intertwined; Hearts beating as one, so glad to call you mine; One look in your eyes and I tend to fall more every time;
It may sound cheesy but honey, you make my heart race; I think it's time for me, to pick up the pace; You truly own my heart and I wouldn't want it any other way;
And now I've got a few things to say,
Oh I'm the luckiest man; to ever have live; To have you in my arms makes me feel all the love, bliss and pure happiness; You're the only one I'll make love to; only one that I'll kiss;
Early in the morning, and late at night; You're the most beautiful girl, all your heart and your mind;
You are the one I want to spend rest of my life; Now it's left with me asking; Will you do me the honor of being my wife?
You felt your world stop at his question, more tears blurring your vision as you stared at him in complete and utter surprise. "What?"
Shawn lets out a nervous chuckle, eyes also tearing up as he looks at you with nothing but pure admiration. His fingers brushed with yours as he reached over to hold the box for you. "Take the frame out of the box honey." He whispered ever so gently, your brain still slowly processing what's happening as it feels like you're having an outer body experience.
With trembling hands, you slowly held the edges of the frame, lifting it up and setting it aside to see his hand writing again, but bigger and bolder this time. Four words, fourteen letters just staring right at you, a shiny diamond ring sitting right below it to match.
"Will you marry me?" Shawn repeated the question that was written on the box, your tear-filled eyes snapping back to his face and then back to the ring, and then back up to meet his eyes again.
You only nodded at first as you were full on crying now, soft sobs escaping your lips as the words were unable to form due to the numerous emotions swimming inside you. You took one deep and shaky breath as you tried to pull yourself together to at least form a coherent sentence to answer his burning question. Smiling at your man, you softly said, "Yes Shawn, of course I'll marry you."
Shawn's whole body visibly relaxed as he lets out a sigh of relief, his trembling fingers grabbing the ring as his other hand took hold of yours. He pulled it up to his lips first, glossy eyes staring back at yours before finally slipping it on, the ring a perfect fit to match an equally beautiful and perfect moment.
You grabbed his face with both hands as you crashed your lips against his, both of you smiling with tears rolling down your cheeks as nothing but pure euphoria engulfed both of you. A kiss so tender and sweet yet so filled with love that could only make you feel complete, content, fulfilled.
Words can never do justice to how happy you feel right now. You just feel so overjoyed to be able to spend this Christmas surrounded by the people you love and the man of your dreams.
Or in another term, your fiancé.
Like & Reblog if you enjoyed and lemme know what you think! x
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tamedol-blog · 5 years
Nightlife (G.D.)
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Summary: Y/N spends a drunken night with Grayson at his fraternity house, which results in slurred words, exposed feelings…..and nearly getting hit by a car.
Word Count: 2.7k+
A/N: I love Frat! Grayson so so much, so I wanted to write my own version of him! Also, this is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy hehe :)
You drank a little too much tonight. Well…...little was most definitely an understatement, considering it took you a good amount of time to form cohesive sentences by the end of the night. It was the weekend after final exams, and you desperately needed to release all of the stress that had been building up inside of you for the past few weeks. Your best friend Grayson was a new member of Phi Beta Sigma and they were hosting a party at their house, so you’d immediately agreed to come with your friends before he could even get the question out.
However, one thing led to another; your friend Meghan had announced five minutes after arriving that she was running off with a guy named Jake (or maybe his name was Blake….you couldn’t hear properly over the deafening music), your other friend Rebecca managed to find the girl she’d been crushing on the whole semester, so of course she made her way over to offer her a drink and tell some corny pickup line, and you were left scanning the crowd for Grayson amongst the drunk teens and strobe lights. He told you to text him when you arrived, but knowing how awful he is at checking his texts and assuming he was busy probably dancing behind some girl, you knew better than to expect a response.
You searched the entire first floor of the house and there was no sign of Grayson, so you officially came to the conclusion that he had already scooped up some girl for the night, and decided to have some fun on your own.
You weaved through the sweaty college students, who were jumping up and down with their red solo cups in front of the DJ station in the large empty area in the center of the house. Once you made it out of the back door you let out a long sigh of relief, finally being able to inhale air that didn’t smell like weed and Bud Light.
Grayson had told you a few weeks prior to the party that he’d bought a bottle of Malibu for you, which he knew was your absolute favorite. He left it in the back room, where all of the frat members keep what they call the “good stuff” — meaning everything else but the cheap beer they provided to the students at their parties. The back room was off-limits to everyone else but the members of the fraternity, but since you were at the house so often with Grayson, most of the members knew who you were and didn’t mind you being back there.
You push open the creaky door, using the flashlight on your phone to scan the pitch black room for your bottle of rum. Your eyes light up once you see the tall white bottle and you immediately run to the shelf, filling a solo cup to the rim and shoving the bottle in your purse. You take a large gulp, instantly feeling better at the feeling of the coconut-flavored drink slipping down your throat.
“Yo, what the fuck are you doing in here?”
You immediately halt your actions when you hear a deep voice boom from behind you. You can physically feel the heat rush to your cheeks. You’re too terrified to turn around, expecting to see a security guard standing at the entrance.
Before you could even respond, you hear the familiar wheezy laugh that you adore. It’s Grayson. You immediately whip around to see him bent over, chuckling loudly at your terrified state. You beamed at the sight of him wearing the jean jacket that you’d bought him over Spring Break (which he actually wasn’t too fond of — but if it meant he got to see your pretty smile, he’d wear it whenever you were around).
“It’s not funny, you fucking jerk. I thought I was about to be arrested or something. How did you even know it was me?,” you question, making your way over to him and pulling him into a one-armed hug.
“I’d recognize this long hair anywhere,” he shrugs, lifting a strand of your straight hair and wiggling it around. “Why didn’t you tell me you were here? You should’ve texted me and I would’ve come to find you.” He takes one last sip of his beer before crushing the can with his hand and throwing it over his shoulder.
You scoff at his remark, taking three large gulps from your drink.
“Gray, I texted you when I got here, dummy. I literally looked everywhere for you, but I figured you were sucking faces with some sorority bitch, so I came to get a drink.”
He furrows his brows, pulling his phone out from his front pocket, eyes bouncing around the bright screen before smiling sheepishly at you.
You roll your eyes and gently shove his shoulder before he wraps an arm around you, leading you out of the dark room.
“So, where were you hiding, Dolan?”
He wanted to tell you that he’d just been up in his room, attempting to clean the jumbled pile of clothing that accumulated after he’d spent almost an hour scavenging for this jean jacket - but he knew that’d come off a little too strong.
“I was dealing with one of my fraternity brothers. Dave got blackout drunk before the fucking party even started,” he lies, walking ahead of you and towards the entrance to the house.
You furrow your brows in confusion; you’d just seen Dave on your way outside, and he seemed perfectly awake and sober, but you let it go.
“Well, you’re with me now, and I’m starting to feel realllyyyy good, so let’s get out onto this dance floor now and show everyone our groovy fucking dance moves,” you exclaim excitedly, taking his hand in yours and running towards the crowd. He laughs loudly, partially because there was no dance floor, but also because he was in awe at how absolutely adorable you were.
You finish your drink before the song even ends, and before you know it, you’re amongst the large crowd, grinding against Grayson to the rap song booming throughout the house. Sober you would never dance against your best friend like this, but that’s the thing — you were so far from sober, and Grayson wasn’t too far behind you on the drunken scale, so he didn’t seem to mind.
You turn around in his grip, lazily wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your toes to put your mouth right by his ear.
“Wanna go upstairs with you,” you yell sloppily, swaying your hips to the beat. Grayson smiles softly and stares at you with hooded eyes, shaking his head slowly.
“We’re not sober, Y/N. Also, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t feel the same way if we were.”
“Yeah I would,” you confess eagerly, biting your lip and leaning in closer to him.
“Mmmm…..don’t think so. Let’s just chill out a lil, alright?,” he yells into your ear.
You feel your heart sink in your chest. Even drunk Grayson didn’t want to give you a chance. You couldn’t believe that you’d just asked Grayson to fuck and he said no. What kind of guy declines sex?
He sees your smile fade and immediately feels guilty for his refusal. It’s not that he didn’t want to sleep with you — he’s wanted that for months, but he would never take advantage of you, and considering you’d downed three-quarters of a bottle of rum in just a couple of minutes, he was almost positive your judgements were clouded.
“How about this,” Grayson begins, lifting your arm and spinning you around so you’re facing away from him before he slowly slides his hand underneath your shirt and letting them rest above your waistband, sending shivers throughout your body.
“If we have this conversation in the morning and your statement still stands, I’ll be more than happy to bring you upstairs whenever you want,” he mumbles into your ear, pressing a soft kiss against your temple and making you giggle.
You continue to dance with Grayson until you feel a familiar feeling of nausea in your stomach. You stop in your tracks and quickly remove his arms from around your waist.
“Gonna puke,” you yell, covering your mouth with your hand before shoving your way through students, not caring about the dirty looks you’re currently receiving. Grayson’s following behind you as close as he can, apologizing to the students you’d previously just harshly bumped into.
Grayson catches up with you as you stumble to the front yard of the house, attempting to bend over, which results in you toppling over into the grass. He tries his hardest not to laugh at the view in front of him — you’re groaning loudly from the fall, sprawled out against the grass with your eyes squeezed close. He strides over to you, scooping you up in his arms bridal-style and beginning to walk down the sidewalk.
“Where are you going? Not done partying yet,” you slur, leaning your head back and letting it hang downward. Grayson chuckles softly.
“You’re done for tonight, Y/N. I’m taking you back to your dorm.”
“Wanna sleep in your bed, Gray….”
“I know you do, but I also don’t wanna get yelled at in the morning if I let you sleep with your makeup on, and I have nothing to take it off with at the house.”
“What a weak excuse,” you snarl, rolling your eyes.
“You’ll thank me in the morning.”
He continues to carry you down the street for about ten minutes until you suddenly begin to wiggle out of his grip, firmly planting your feet on the ground.
“I can walk on my own, I’m not dead,” you mumble lazily, nearly falling into the busy street the second you take a step. Grayson snorts, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist and guiding you down the street.
“Still too stubborn to let me carry you? We’ve got about another five minute walk until we’re there.”
“M’ a grown woman, Grayson. Plus, don’t want your arms getting tired.”
He snorts. “Yeah, you’re a drunk grown woman, and if I can carry Ethan around, I can definitely carry you.”
“I know you have a crush on me, Gray. Just tell me.”
He laughs softly at your sudden switch of topic, tightening his grip as he practically pushes you down the sidewalk. The process would be much easier and less time consuming if you’d just let him carry you, but you were extremely stubborn — even when you were wasted.
“Yeah? How do you know?,” he questions, smiling softly.
“It’s obvious. I’ve known since the first day of classes when you carried all 5 of my textbooks across the campus to my room.”
“You would’ve struggled if I hadn’t helped.”
“What about when you kissed me at the Delta Chi party?”
“We were playing Truth or Dare.”
“You could’ve kissed anyone playing,” you scoff. Grayson remains silent, mentally thankful that his red cheeks couldn’t be seen underneath the dark sky.
“What about when you called me the prettiest girl in the room that one time?,” you interrogate.
“You were complaining about that douchebag that stood you up, it felt like the right thing to say.”
“So you think I’m ugly?” You turn to look at him with a smirk.
“What is this, reverse psychology? You’re not ugly and you know it.”
“What about all those times you waited for me outside of my class with my favorite bagel and an iced latte from Bagel Baker?” you look over at him with raised eyebrows.
“I was just…...being thoughtful.”
“Why won’t you just admit it?,” you exclaim, stopping in your tracks and attempting to shove him off you, which clearly didn’t happen, considering you’re half his size.
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Can we talk about this when neither of us have alcohol in our systems?”
“If we don’t discuss this now, I will run into the street, Grayson.”
“Y/N, you’re being ridiculous. Stop.”
“Yeah, well, I guess I’m feeling a little wild tonight.”
“Freshman year is almost over. Speak now or I’ll go home, find a cute boy to date this summer, and block you on Instagram and Snapchat.”
“You wouldn’t.”
You sigh heavily, lazily throwing your head back.
“You leave me no choice, Dolan.”
Before Grayson can grab you and place you on the other side of the sidewalk, you’re ripping yourself from his grip and quickly stumbling out into the empty road, plopping down onto the street and smiling mischievously. Grayson groans, walking out and attempting to reach for your arms, but you lean back and begin to kick your feet at his grabby hands, giggling like a child.
“Y/N, stop before we both get hit by a car and don’t even live to confess our feelings.”
“Nope,” you shrug, popping the P. “Stop being a little bitch and avoiding the question, how about that?”
Grayson squints his eyes at you, but before he can respond, he sees the headlights he was dreadfully anticipating coming down the road. He’s swiftly putting his arms underneath yours, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder while walking back over to the sidewalk.
You begin to protest and squirm in his arms, but Grayson just smacks your butt gently, making you squeal.
“We can talk about this in the safety of your dorm room, but dying really isn’t on the agenda for tonight.”
“Sit still.”
“I can’t, I’m tired.”
“You’d think that being tired would make you sit still, not make you more antsy,” Grayson mumbles, laughing softly as he slowly rubs the makeup wipe across your puckered lips to get the remaining bit of lipstick off.
“Shut up, I’m delusional and drunk.” You sigh contently, resting your head against the pillow as your eyes flutter shut. Grayson rubs the makeup wipe across your skin once more before tossing them in the trash and placing his hands on the bottom of your shirt. “Arms up.”
“I thought you didn’t wanna have sex?,” you question, lips turning up into a smirk as you wiggle your eyebrows.
“I do, but not now. I’m trying to change you out of this tight shirt.” He shakes his head, grabbing your arms and placing them above your head before peeling off your shirt.
“So you do wanna sleep with me?”
He nods silently, continuing to dig through your drawer until he found a large t-shirt.
“But is that all you want from me? Sex?”
He immediately whips his head towards you, furiously shaking his head. He stands from his squatting position, lifting your arms once more and slipping the shirt over your head.
“I wouldn’t break my back for you every chance I get if all I wanted was sex.” He gives you a large toothy smile and winks, hands moving to your waistband to remove your jeans.
You smile softly, lifting your hips to help him. “Roommate’s not coming back tonight, you can sleep here if you want.” You snuggle under the covers, shutting your eyes.
“There’s definitely not enough room for the both of us in your twin sized bed.”
“I guess you’ll have to cuddle me all night.” You peek one eye open to see Grayson staring at you with a wide smile.
He contemplates it; he wanted nothing more than to slip in bed behind you and cuddle you tightly all night, but he was terrified of you waking up in the morning and regretting all of your decisions from tonight.
“Not tonight. I’ll call you in the morning, alright?” He reaches into your fridge to grab a water bottle to put on your bedside table, but when he turns around after not receiving a whine or a sassy remark from you, he sees you’re already fast asleep.
He lets out a breathy laugh, placing the water on the table and gently running his hand through your hair.
Grayson sits in your desk chair for a moment, watching your chest slowly rise and fall, lips slightly parted and hair sprawled across your pillow. He silently prayed that you weren’t drunk enough to have tonight’s events erased from your memory; he finally admitted that he liked you…...well, kinda. He’d work on the details later.
He couldn’t believe he’d met someone as chaotic as you — but at the same time, you were absolutely perfect in all the right ways to him.
Your eyes peel open to the sight of rays of sunlight beaming through your slightly parted curtains. You let out a soft yawn, attempting to sit up to grab Advil before the throbbing headache kicked in when you felt a restraint around your waist. You quickly turn around to see Grayson laying behind you, lips parted and letting out snores every few seconds. You giggle softly, plugging his nose, which makes his eyes shoot open.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” You smile softly, ruffling his hair. Grayson slowly sits up and winces, tilting his head side to side.
“I think I broke my neck from sleeping without a pillow. You hogged it all night.”
You roll your eyes, slipping from your bed and grabbing the medicine bottle. “Of course I did. It’s my bed.”
“You invited me to sleep here, remember?”
“I remember, but you said you were leaving, which meant no sharing of pillows.”
“I stayed to make sure you didn’t throw up in your sleep or somethin.”
You smirk and raise your brows. “Yeah, that’s why you stayed.”
“So…..you didn’t forget anything from last night?”
“Hmmm, let’s see…..drank a bottle of Malibu, danced with you, tried to fuck you, almost threw up in your front yard, almost got us hit by a car, came back here, you took off my makeup, which I appreciate by the way. Then you stripped me and we said some stuff. I think that’s everything.”
He nods, smiling sheepishly and rubbing his neck.
“So, now that we’re sober, do you still like me?” You pop two pills in your mouth and wash them down with water, staring at him expectantly.
His cheeks turn a light shade of red and he nods slowly. “Yeah, I do, but I didn’t hear you admit any feelings for me all night.”
You hop back into your bed, placing a leg on either side of him and straddling him. He leans back against the pillow, placing his arms above his head and smirking at you. You lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his nose, and then to both of his cheeks, and then his lips.
You pull away, placing your face inches away from his.
“Of course I like you, idiot.” You press another kiss to his lips before moving over to his ear.
“If the offer still stands, I still wanna fuck you.”
You both laugh softly and Grayson begins to slide his hands underneath your shirt, lifting it above your head.
“Of course it does, idiot.”
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