#but it’s such a juicy match up I’d be sad if it didn’t happen especially since I don’t think they’ve ever even been on screen with Tyrian
averagemrfox · 6 months
Need volume 10 so I can get the Blake and Yang vs Tyrian match up of my dreams
You got Yang, whose semblance relies on her taking the hit. Who’s been shown over and over to use her own body as a shield so that her loved ones don’t get hurt. She’s been able to use it as more than a last resort in more recent volumes but it still requires her to store up the energy by taking the hit while her aura is gradually depleted.
Then you’ve got Tyrian, an incredibly good close quarters fighter like Yang but with an acrobatic ability closer to Blake’s and a semblance that cuts straight through people’s auras leaving them completely vulnerable. Burn is completely irrelevant if Tyrian goes for a lethal hit the first opportunity he gets
Blake on the other hand relies on her semblance to avoid taking the hit. She can create space for herself, put herself in a better position, and if she uses dust trap or hurt enemies with it. We’ve seen Blake avoid hits that would’ve killed her multiple times. If he can’t even hit her Tyrian’s semblance doesn’t mean shit
I want to see Blake just lose it again like she did at Neo for a bit after Yang fell but this time she doesn’t have to worry about Cinder. Let Blake be a little ruthless vs a serial killer. As a treat. I want to see this fight as a set up for Blake and Yang to finally talk about Yang’s self sacrificial tendencies.
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sweetcatastrophex · 5 years
yesterday was weird. whenever i have a particularly overwhelming day i always mean to do two things 1) listen to my calm app meditation session and 2) check my horoscope. idk why, i don’t really care for that stuff but still get curious even tho i know ppl who profit from that stuff want you to feel vulnerable and seek guidance from obscurity. (i didn’t do either yesterday) (my day was nonstop busy and pls spare me the it’s-up-to-u-to-make-time spiel)  i got up early to go to a meeting with the schools superintendent of my coverage area, a woman who has a lot of power and with whom i want to have a positive, ideally symbiotic, relationship. she planned it under the guise of “oh we just typically meet with all new editors” and then as soon as i got in there, went in on me for a story i wrote in january that she thinks made her precious bond proposal look bad. she goes, i showed 15 ppl and they all think it slants against the bond (it doesn’t), and i said, you showed schools people? and she said yes, and community members lol ... (obvs schools ppl are gonna agree with their boss and possibly think it slants.) it’s funny, from my perspective, because i hear it from both sides. the chamber president came to me and said he thought it slanted pro-bond. lmao so u can never win. i was as balanced and fair as possible. when a person challenged the school district, asked a callous question or shared a (very fair) concern, i put the super’s response right under it. i was fair and balanced and objective, bc i’m good at what i do. and yes she was kind of offensive with some of the things she said, and i spit back “we have a good reputation at the herald, we’re not the NY Post.” and etc etc in the end i wasn’t personally offended (her agenda is obvious and i don’t really blame her), but she certainly was! and she said so, explicitly, more than once during the meeting. if the bond doesn’t pass, it’s a permanent mark on her record. i get it. and the schools deserve to be updated and match what’s happening academically (students are excelling). but at the same time, seniors on a fixed income, as well as other residents, can’t afford more tax increases. especially not a 20-year one attached to the AVs of their homes. this area already has some of the highest taxes in the country. anyway... other than the bond talk it went really well, i talked about stories i’d like to do that would highlight how progressive the district is... she told me about upcoming events and it was good and she also said she likes me and my pleasant personality O:))) and i like her a lot too bc we need more strong women and leaders in education who are progressive and who fight for children’s futures. plus she intimidates me and i tend to like women who intimidate me bc there are so many intimidating men, we need more intimidating women. those are my thoughts, at least.  after the meeting i went to the office and called the chamber president, with whom i have an even better relationship, and he goes “oh you millennials always waking up late” and i was like um actually i was at a meeting with the superintendent... hahaha and told him about it a little and in turn he told me about a potential huge development that might happen ooouuu juicy  then i did more stuff at work and was not that productive but i was productive in my personal life, if that makes sense, bc i called my health insurance company and cleared up my auto payment question and called Audible to cancel a subscription i apparently had for 14 months looool assholes and they’re gonna refund me so that’s good. then i went to yet another 2.5 hour meeting about the bond!!!! convenient timing for the meeting with the super, right??? lol i digress. a lot happened at the meeting bc the developers of the potential huge development were there and i talked to them about it... and a bunch of union workers attended the meeting and asked if the district would use union labor, to which the district said they legally couldn’t or something... gotta go over my notes but it was a lot. it was overwhelming. but then i went home to jake’s and cooked chicken and brussels sprouts on my own for the first time!!! and they were good! so that was productive in my personal life. on the way home from the meeting i had a panic attack, started hyperventilating and hysterically crying, bc i saw bernie wasn’t doing well (super tuesday) and kept thinking about my future and how developers at all the meetings i go to keep saying buzz words like “affordable housing” for “millennials” who are leaving NY in droves bc they can’t afford it... affordable, bitch, where? not here, not on LI, not in NYC. baby boomers fucked us out of medical coverage, housing, sustainable wages, and forced us to be in debt for the rest of our lives, and now they’re voting for fucking can’t-form-a-sentence biden? what the actual fuck. i was sick to my stomach. i think about how my own mother sees my struggles and continues to vote against her own daughter’s best interest. our parents, at our ages, had bought their own houses. the minimum wage hasn’t increased in over 10 years, and yet inflation has increased 20%, how does that make sense? how is that fair? we did everything right — graduated HS, got a college degree or two, landed full time jobs... and we’re fucked out of a standard of living. a decent, basic standard of SURVIVING. how is this freedom? best country in the world? laughable.  so anyway i was having a panic attack with all these thoughts swirling through my head, my emotions were a mixture of anger and sadness and couldn’t figure out which to express first, but i pulled over and focused on breathing and calmed down and went home and drank wine and hit the bong and watched black mirror, my favorite and most important show. and jake comforted me. 
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