#the rest of the main gang except Weiss I think all have and most have fought him
averagemrfox · 6 months
Need volume 10 so I can get the Blake and Yang vs Tyrian match up of my dreams
You got Yang, whose semblance relies on her taking the hit. Who’s been shown over and over to use her own body as a shield so that her loved ones don’t get hurt. She’s been able to use it as more than a last resort in more recent volumes but it still requires her to store up the energy by taking the hit while her aura is gradually depleted.
Then you’ve got Tyrian, an incredibly good close quarters fighter like Yang but with an acrobatic ability closer to Blake’s and a semblance that cuts straight through people’s auras leaving them completely vulnerable. Burn is completely irrelevant if Tyrian goes for a lethal hit the first opportunity he gets
Blake on the other hand relies on her semblance to avoid taking the hit. She can create space for herself, put herself in a better position, and if she uses dust trap or hurt enemies with it. We’ve seen Blake avoid hits that would’ve killed her multiple times. If he can’t even hit her Tyrian’s semblance doesn’t mean shit
I want to see Blake just lose it again like she did at Neo for a bit after Yang fell but this time she doesn’t have to worry about Cinder. Let Blake be a little ruthless vs a serial killer. As a treat. I want to see this fight as a set up for Blake and Yang to finally talk about Yang’s self sacrificial tendencies.
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helihi · 4 years
Thoughts on RWBY Vol. 7
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Quarantine day 20: I finally force myself to re watch volume 7 instead of doing my French homework.
Spoilers ahead for RWBY and How I Met Your Mother (yes).
Volume 7: The Story of a Broken Narrative Kingdom
The day has come where I finally sit down and watch the whole season again. Some of you wondered why I didn’t simply do a The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty review on the last episode of the volume like I did with the previous ones. The answer is the same reason why Ozpin’s speech at the end of the volume encapsulates the volume’s theme as a whole: finales affect the way you look at shows, comics, movies, and books. It provides a framing.
Did any of you watch How I Met Your Mother? For those of you who didn’t, it was a often called the show “which could replace Friends”. Something that you may not know is that fans of the show renamed it something among the lines of “How I should date your Aunt Robin” after the last episode aired. You see, the ending of the show changed the way most viewers see the show in the present.
The show had main character Ted Mosby narrate to his children how he met their mother. However, the story doesn’t begin during the day that encountered happen; no, it starts years before, when Ted declares he wants to settle down and find the love of his life. In that very same episode, he meets Robin Scherbatsky. In the end it’s revealed that the mother (the character we spent years speculating about) is dead (which I expected), and Ted asks his children if they give him the blessing to date their Aunt Robin. Originally, the fans could excuse episode 1 centering around Robin because it was the instance where Ted decided he wanted to settle down, but after the veil was lifted; there were no excuses, this whole story was a Ted’s way of convincing their children he should marry Robin, the main woman in his life during the whole show (even if we spend the last season on her wedding with one of Ted’s best friends).
Perhaps the ending of Volume 7 didn’t destroy the character development of 3 main characters, but it drastically changed the way I felt about the volume.
“The Kingdom of Atlas will remain safe, that’s my promise”- James Ironwood, Volume 7, Episode 1.
If you go back in my blog and read my reviews for most of the volume, you will find glowing ratings and stars. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a good politics game in the shows/stories I read, so I was really excited when the writing team started developing that during the first half of the season.
Our gang (RWBY+JNOR+Q+M) reach Atlas after finding out that Oz is a fraud, that Salem cannot be beat (by Oz), and that Cinder almost took another maiden’s power. They quickly realize that Atlas is in a state of chaos and Ironwood is consumed by fear taking authoritarian measures, which keep the kingdom divided.
The stage is set:
 Ironwood, Winter, and the Ace Ops.
Robyn, the Happy Huntresses, and Mantle.
 Watts, Jacques, and Tyrian.
I thought the way everything was set was fantastic, I loved the political drama, and I thought the writers were taking their time properly. Even now I give huge kudos to the Schnee storyline, which is my favorite. The volume showed us how flawed Winter’s coping mechanism is, how Weiss is still susceptible to her father’s gaslighting and manipulation, and how the household isn’t just broken by Jacques (Willow apologists, pls read this).
However, the cracks started showing during the first episodes and I noted that on my reviews. We have characters used for exposition dump: from the Robyn supporter, that explains what we could’ve learned by the normal progression of the story, who gets killed as soon as he returns home, and other characters like Maria talking about Pietro while he’s standing right there.
In contrast to that, we get wonderful montages which show the passage of time. The kids interact with one another and the Ace Ops, they train, they help with Ironwood’s plan. It seems weird to have 2 different tools one after the other.
Also, it it weird for anyone that Qrow and Winter only interact 1 time during episode 2 when in Volume 3 a clear rivalry was established? Winter’s storyline was supposed to follow Penny’s, while Qrow was supposed to grow attached to Clover. Because these 2 characters had to reach a certain point in the story, they are not allowed to deviate from the interactions needed for the plot to advance.
Another thing occurred to me while re-watching the season again... Why is Ironwood so fixated in protecting Atlas when it’s floating in the air away from Grimm? Yes, we know that some Grimm can fly, but by the many times we see Mantle in chaos, you would think Ironwood would repair Mantle’s wall to keep it safe?
That’s the theme, guys, girls and nonbinary folks: a kingdom divided.
Just like the Atlas kingdom falls apart, the narrative of Volume 7 has a specific breaking point that marks the decline in quality (you can see that in my reviews). The moment everything went downhill starts in Episode 8, with the dinner at the Schnee Manor.
We spend much time developing the political tensions of the volume for Jacques to be promptly arrested and taken away from the scene in a second.
While Ironwood, Winter, Penny, and Clover are shown doing plot relevant stuff, team JNOR does that ridiculous gag to get Whitley out of Weiss’s hair.  The rest of the team do jackshit, and we don’t hear anything from them until everything is over. Again, the writers reached the plot point and forgot about everything else.
Also, Ruby looks sadly at Weiss when Whitley mentions that Klein was “let go”, yet Weiss has never talked about him to Ruby on screen. Claiming Weiss could’ve done that off screen strips away the possibilities of Weiss bonding with Ruby the same way she did with Yang when talking about their pain during Volume 5.
Such a large table, and only 4 council members, isn’t that kind of stupid? I mean, if Ironwood had 2 seats, numbers wise it makes sense, but who are those other 2 supposed to represent? Why haven’t we seen them before?
Robyn is told by Yang and Blake that Ironwood doesn't know who to trust. She proceeds to pressure him in front of people he clearly doesn’t trust. This is the first instance of OOC Robyn.
The walls crumbled, and everything became obvious as a viewer. Some other notable flaws:
Tension jojoing. The people in mantle will revolt! Except they aren’t. This happens in Episode 5, 6, and 9. The only real uprising is the last one. The other two were silly cliff hangers that make no sense when you watch the show again. (they didn’t make sense before either  and I complained).
Hey there, Watts! You may have an interesting backstory, except it’s only implied you are pissed off Penny got chosen as a major project instead of whatever yours was. Also, Paladin incident? What? If he is the main villain of the Volume, why not expand on him? I shouldn’t be surprised, Hazel and Tyrian are not that complex. And Cinder? It’s been 5 volumes and we barely know anything about her haha.
Robin! I love how civilized and smart you are when the volume started, choosing to observe and talk instead of acting against the main characters. How awful is it that you forget to keep your calm when a Serial killer is on the loose. It would be a shame if someone were to... die.
I already gave my 2 cents over Clover’s death, and I’m not going to repeat myself. I am sorry to all the Fair Game fans, I’m afraid bury your gays is till alive and well.
The nail on the coffin is the final episode: after making a speech about how Salem wants to divide people and how the only way to go is to remain united, James does the exact opposite thing the moment something doesn’t go according to plan. Don’t get me wrong, his PTSD regarding the queen chess piece was foreshadowed, but the moment team RWBY offer an explanation and identify the person behind it, he’s to far gone. Then, Salem shows up, and goes for Team RWBY when Ruby gets under her skin. This shows that Salem has a weakness and that Team RWBY can be trusted when it comes to defeating her, yet that is promptly ignored.
Also, Ironwood might be hurt about Yang and Blake talking to Robyn, but after everything, they were proven right: Robyn is to be trusted, Ironwood was making a mistake.
The whole setting up a trap to attract Tyrian wasn’t Ironwood going “mad with power” or something. Robyn knew he has lying and allowed Ironwood to catch someone who could hack everything. Not only that, but the camera zoomed in on Ironwood, so nobody could see Robyn’s handy Semblance going red. Or... maybe I’m looking too much into it and the writers expected you to forget.
Sorry, I guess James Ironwood had to take a bunch of stupid pills.
“I wish it didn’t have to end this way.” - Clover Ebi.
“It doesn’t have to, but the writers need that Branwen angst.” - Qrow Branwen.
Volume 7: Part 1 of the Atlas Arc
Have you ever heard of Checov’s gun? It is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play. Let’s play a game called the false promises of the volume that may carry over to volume 8?
Renora: Nora sides with Robin, Ren sides with Ironwood. They do not communicate with one another and the tension builds throughout the volume. They kiss, nothing gets resolved. Ren cries when Neo turns into Nora.
Training: Ren is shown to throw himself into the enemy as a flaw, he repeats the same mistake when fighting with Neo. Oscar’s Semblance is questioned, nothing comes out of it. Ruby’s Semblance is questioned, nothing comes out of it.
Cinder got beef with Atlas? For some reason, Cinder talks about Atlas hoarding power when speaking with Winter. Bitch, where the fuck do you come from? Who are you? Do I know you? Sorry, the writers forgot to write a growth arc for you. My bad.
Nora, daughter of Atlas? Can someone explain to me why she became a SWJ (/s) during this season? We never get a backstory of her previous to Kuroyuri and for some reason Nora is super attached to the people of Mantle. The daughter of Atlas title was thrown around, why?
It’s so nice to see tea FNKI back! Too bad they are there for 5 minutes and never show up again, not even when Mantle is supposed to be defended by all huntsmen. I guess this was fan service.
What’s the purpose of the Happy Huntresses? Isn’t it funny how the only one who got wounded by Tyrian is the only character who could see in the dark, but didn’t tell Robin that Penny wasn’t guilty? Hi Fiona, I don’t know why you exist.
Marrow: the butt of the joke. Since the first episodes, Marrow is shown as the outsider inside the Ace Ops: his teammates don’t take him seriously, Ironwood doesn’t think Marrow is up to the challenge of some missions, and he’s the only Faunus, the only one that seemed to sympathize with Robyn at the end. Too bad he wasn’t allowed to break his mold.
The World Building looks pretty, but it doesn't play the part.
I have to praise the art direction of this season. I was blown away by the aesthetics of Mantle clashing with Atlas, the details in the backgrounds, the world building by back messaging, screens, and posters. My favorite scene of the volume is the penguins in the tundra.
However, you have to walk the walk, and the writing team failed to deliver.
Racism: hey, I know you guys kinda messed up the White Fang’s internal struggles and opportunity to expand on Adam’s power grab and Sienna’s leadership, but maybe don’t skip the racist elements of Atlas? All we get are Faunus mine workers looking angry, that drunk dude who yelled at Blake and Marrow making a simplistic comment about politics. What...? What’s the point of acknowledging u are bad at writing racism and then do nothing about it? Did none of the new writers know how to tackle this?
In-World Continuity: Hey, wasn't the Vytal festival broadcasted to the entire world? When I saw that camera focusing on Yang on episode 1, I thought there would be a call back to what everyone saw her do during the finals, but nope. Let’s not bring that up again. ever. The only important thing about the Vytal Festival is the tower, move on.
Weapons upgrade: We were told that weapons were an extension of each huntsmen; too bad none of our gang actually work on them. Pietro makes all the modifications and repairs. I remember the bumblebee fans eager for a scene of Blake repairing Gambol Shroud, don’t tell me you’re not disappointed.
Atlas ball: not found. Hey! We have Jacques Schnee celebrating his fake victory on the elections! It would be a perfect moment to showcase the disconnect between what’s happening in Mantle and what the people in atlas thing. Too bad we didn’t wanna make extra character models.
Closing thoughts
I wanted to re watch the whole season again to see if the bitterness left on my lips after watching that chaotic finale went away, but it only grew. There are so many character choices that made no sense, so many scenes where characters stood around in the background doing nothing.
Oh, I’ll tell you why: he needed to give a speech about themes to justify the stupidity that happened during the last episodes to get to that cliff hanger.
I am disappointed in volume that seemed to be doing so good at the begging, but hey... at this point we shouldn’t be surprised, should we? Interestingly enough, the people who dreamed about the ball and the scenes of Blake fixing Gambol Shroud grew quiet after the episodes aired... 
Almost as if criticism wasn’t allowed on the RWBY tag.
AN: The titty window isn’t justified Salem, your ex is now a child that’s PEDO—
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homogrimoire · 5 years
Fun, Family, and Fishing
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 3 - Family / Weapons
Read it on AO3 here.
After months of planning, they were finally going on their camping trip, and boy did it take planning. It was a hard time to find a time where five adults were all free for a vacation. Eventually, they all decided to embark on their trip during the summer when Tai was free from his teaching job, and when fishing was in season. Qrow, Clover, Summer, and Raven just decided to use their sick days to get the time off. At first, it was just going to be them and Ruby and Yang, but then they begged their parents to let their friends Weiss and Blake tag along. They gave in quickly. They knew they could handle two more kids, and quickly met with the other kid’s parents to get the okay from them. To all the kids’ delight, they agreed. But then, all four of them ganged up on the adults to convince them to let their other friends, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren, join in on the trip. The kids were around so much they practically were family, but eight kids seemed like too much, so at first, they said no. Then they saw the children’s puppy eyes. Then they fell for the puppy eyes and pleas. Then they went to get permission from all the kids’ guardians. And then they modified their plans to include eight kids instead of four kids, which had first only planned for two kids. It was hectic, to say the least, but it all worked out. They ended up renting two RVs and getting more supplies than they could carry. After a day of driving and trying to keep middle school kids entertained, they reached their reserved campsite nightfall, exhausted and tired. They decided to begin their activities the next day. Tai and Clover were the first to wake, used to an early schedule. 
“Morning Tai.”
“Morning Clover.” They both began unloading the supplies for breakfast, though most of the cooking would be done by Tai. Clover wasn’t allowed to cook after the time he burned soup, which no one ever let him forget. The only thing he could cook well was fish.
“So, how was your night?” 
“Pretty good, all things considered. Team JNPR fell asleep pretty quickly, and Qrow too. He is pretty good with kids after all.”
“Team JNPR?” Tai questioned.
“It’s what Qrow calls Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren’s group.” Clover clarified. “He calls the girls Team RWBY.”
“Hmm, I’m gonna steal that from him. If anyone asks, I thought of it on my own.” 
“My lips are sealed.” Clover said as he motioned his lips shut.
“Anyways, my night was terrible. Try falling asleep while teenage girls giggle until midnight, AND, while Raven snores. I don’t know how Summer even fell asleep in the first place.”
“Damn. Well, at least we’ll have tents to sleep in tonight while the kids sleep in the RV.”
“Yeah, but I can only imagine what that’s going to do to my back.” 
“Oh Tai, you say that like we're old men. We’re only barely fourty.” Clover shook his head at the silly notion.
“I do crossword puzzles on my lunch breaks and you collect vintage fishing tackles.” He deadpanned, looking Clover straight into his eyes. Clover opened his mouth to refute the statement, but realized Tai was right.
“Okay. I see your point.” Clover conceded. There was also the fact that he was starting to gray on his sides. He liked how it looked though, and so did Qrow, whose hair was already colored salt and pepper. As Tai started breakfast, Clover took out the tent equipment. The next to awake were Ren, Nora, and Qrow. 
“Good morning Uncle Clover and Mr. Xiao-Long.” Nora greeted cheerfully. She and the other kids had started calling Qrow Uncle Qrow in elementary school when they started hanging out with Ruby and Yang and their cool uncle. He didn’t particularly like it at first, but soon grew accustomed to it. And when he married Clover, it was only natural that they would call Clover Uncle Clover. Needless to say, Clover felt honored and readily accepted the title, especially since he was an only child and therefore couldn’t have nieces or nephews. Ren, still waking up, had also given a respectful “Good morning as well.”
“Morning, and please tell me someone made coffee.” Qrow asked, his drowsiness evident. The drowsiness certainly wasn’t going to stop him from giving his husband a good morning kiss on the cheek though.
“Lucky for you, Tai did. I’ll get you some.” Clover went and poured him a cup of pure black coffee. 
“Thanks Cloves.” He said as he eyed the cup as if it held the secrets of life. Graciously, he took a sip. “Ahh, that's the stuff.” He smiled as he began to feel the drowsiness fade away. 
“Uncle Clover! Can I have some?” Nora asked with bright eyed innocence. 
“Uhh,” he responded at first. He didn’t really know if he should give her any, but got his answer from Ren who seemed wide awake now. Behind her, he mouthed “no” and fearfully shook his head.  “No.”
“Aww, why not?” she asked, deflated. 
“Because …” she stared at him as he tried to think of a reason.
“It’ll stunt your growth. You want to grow big and strong like your uncles, don’t you? Of course you do.” He quickly said before she could answer. “Here, have some juice.” He tossed her a box of some juice, which she caught.
“Thanks Uncle Qrow!”
“No problem kiddo.” She then moved over to Tai to see what he was cooking. Clover let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks you two.” 
“No need to thank us. We just don’t want Nora to run off in the wilderness and come back with a bear slung over her back.” Qrow told his husband as he took another sip.
“If you think she’s hyper now, you should have seen what happened in fifth grade when she drank an energy drink.” Ren, nursing a box of juice as well, said as he looked into the distance as if reliving a war memory. 
“I’m pretty sure it left poor old Tai traumatized. But hey, he’s still an elementary school teacher, so it obviously wasn’t that bad.” 
“I do not envy Tai’s work.” Clover replied as he sat down next to Qrow to take a break from unpacking. Next to wake up was Raven and Summer.
“Good morning. my wonderful wives.” Tai greeted them each with a kiss as he held a pan of cooking food.
“Too. Energetic.” Summer was obviously not a morning person “Need. Coffee.” She still had her eyes closed Raven guided her to a seat. She poured herself and her wife a cup.
“Morning Raven. You look great.” Qrow teased. She had a serious case of bedhead, which Qrow could not help but make fun of. 
“I will throw you into the river, and I will laugh when your eyeliner gets ruined, little brother.” She glared at him as she took a long sip.
“Jokes on you, I didn't bring any.” He laughed at her, as she could only scowl at him. “Besides, I’d just have my knight in shining armor rescue me.” He gave Clover another kiss, which caused him to blush.
“Aww, look at that. Qrow and Clover sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” teased Summer, who had turned back to her usual self thanks to the coffee. Now Qrow and Clover were both blushing. 
“Ha! Look at them! Nice one!” Raven exclaimed as she high fived her wife. Before anymore could be said or done, Tai announced that breakfast was done, and asked them to wake the rest of the kids. 
“This isn’t over, Summer.” Clover mocked as he motioned that he would be keeping his eyes on her, his cheeks still flushed. 
“Oh, I know.” she said as she smiled, excited for the antics that would follow, and went to wake up Team RWBY. While Clover went to wake up Jaune and Pyrrah, Raven and Qrow only glared at each other, occasionally taking a sip of their coffee. 
With all the kids now up, the real party would begin. After eating and mingling with one another, they changed into their outfits for the main event of the day: a fishing contest. Tai had decided that he would stay behind to watch the stuff. Ren, Nora, Ruby, and Weiss had decided to stay with him, since Nora and Weiss didn’t like getting wet, and Ren and Ruby didn't want to leave their best friend behind. When Tai told them they could help with the tents, Ruby screamed “Yay! Child labor!” which had caused all the adults to laugh, except for Tai, who looked sad and tired already. 
The last ones to change into their fishing outfits were Qrow and Clover. Everyone expected him to look the most prepared because the man had been fishing most of his life, and he did look the most prepared. A fishing vest, with his signature pin tacked on, cargo shorts, and shoes with good grip were all immaculate, despite years of use, save for the shoes that were recently bought. He looked like he was about to enter a fishing contest, save for one particular part of his clothing: his hat. It was a gift from his fathers on his twentieth birthday, much like his prized fishing pole that he lovingly monikered after his favorite bird, “aside from Qrow” he would often clarify, the Kingfisher. Naturally he carried the fishing pole and wore the hat with pride. What made the hat so unaligned with his outfit was the fact that it said “Men want me Fish fear me” on it. Stepping out of the RV with Qrow, Clover saw Raven do a double take. Once she was able to make out the words on the hat, she began to die of laughter, which caused Summer to turn to look at what had made her wife laugh so hard. As a result, she began to laugh as well, calling her husband over in between laughs. Soon, he was dying of laughter as well. Qrow took in a deep breath and exhaled.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know, and it’s all thanks to my good luck charm.” Clover sing-songed as he kissed Qrow on the cheek. He tried to hide a smile, but failed miserably. “Come on Qrow, let's go win our fishing contest.” Raven And Summer began to laugh even harder. 
“You hear that Rav! They think- They think they’re gonna win!” They continued laughing. 
“Laugh all you want now, we’ll see if you’ll be laughing later when you’re eating the fish we caught.” Clover taunted.
“I hope you like the taste of defeat, ladies.” Qrow said cooly, as if he and Clover already won.
“I’m sure they will. Now, let's get going. It’s already noon.” With that, Clover led the way to the river, Qrow by his side, the kids in tow playing around, and Summer and Raven behind the kids, recovering from their laughing fit. Soon, they arrived at a place where the deep river forked, one path remaining deep, the other turning shallow. As the kids played in the shallow area, the adults set up their fishing rods and chairs, one of them periodically going to the nearby shallow area to check in on the kids.
“All set!” exclaimed, the first to finish setting up. He stood back and admired his handiwork, everything neat and orderly. With that, he cast out his line, and waited. Next to finish setting up was Qrow, but only because he had Clover help him. Immediately after was Summer. While she wasn’t nowhere as talented in fishing as Clover, she was still a force to be reckoned with. Lastly was Raven, who was decent at fishing with a pole. And so, they waited, chatting about current events, their jobs, and the kids.
“So thats where Ruby learned about child labor, huh?” asked Qrow.
“Yup.” Confirmed Summer. “Speaking of Ruby, she recently asked when she’s going to have some cousins, and frankly, I wanna know too.” The two men began stumbling over each other’s words, explaining that they talked about it here and there, but never really seriously. 
“Now’s as good a time as any.” Raven spoke. “You’re both about middle aged, have stable jobs with a good retirement plan, and you have us to help you out if you ever need it. After this trip, think about it maybe.”
“Wow Raven, that’s ... actually some good advice. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, Clover. I dragged it out from the kindness I keep in my heart.” Raven joked, putting a hand over her heart.
“You have a heart? I wouldn’t have ever known.” said a smug Qrow.
“Fine then, fuck you. I just wanted to have another person to tell all the embarrassing stories I have about you.” She angrily, almost comically, cast a line back into the water.
“Hey, watch you’re fucking language, there’s kids nearby.” Clover reprimanded, pretending to be serious. They all just laughed. The loud children were too far away to be able to discern their words.
“Eh, but seriously, thanks Rae, we’ll think about it.”
“If it helps, just know that I would make a great auntie.” 
“I’m sure you would, Summer.” Qrow replied, mostly focusing on the fishing rod.
“You know, there is one thing we talked about.” Clover teased, immediately grabbing the attention of the two women. 
“Oh, yeah! Names. We were thinking either Basil, or Bluebird.”
“Those are nice.” Raven replied. 
“They are. I get Bluebird,” Summer stated, “but how did you decide on Basil?”
“Like my namesake, it’s another plant that can bring good luck.” Clover clarified.
“Ahh, I see. Oh! Clover! Look!”  Summer shouted. His pole had hooked onto something, and after a bit of fighting, Clover reeled in a decently sized fish. 
“Think you could top this?” Clover asked Qrow specifically, with a wink and a smirk on his face as he put the fish in a bucket of water. 
“I mean, I have before.” He replied, unphased. It took a moment for the women to catch on to what he said. Once they realized, they made sounds of disgust and made sure it was known.
“Ugh! Gods have mercy on me!” Summer screeched in desperation, covering her ears.
“I wouldn’t waste my breath if I were you. Trust me, I know. You know how many times they didn't show me any mercy in college.” Qrow shuddered at the memories of him accidentally walking in on Raven, Summer, and Tai. They resumed their normal conversations and soon slipped into comfortable silence, each of them catching a fish now and then, except for Qrow. By the time lunch rolled around and the kids had eaten and resumed their playing, Qrow had still caught nothing. Currently in the lead was Raven, though Clover had wondered why the fish weren’t as big as they usually were. He just chalked it up to luck. 
“Fuck it.” Qrow said. He rolled up his pants and waded into the river. Clover watched in curiosity as his husband stood still with laser focus in knee deep water. Soon, his curiosity was replaced with awe as the man shot into the water and resurfaced with a fish that put him in the lead. Clover wouldn’t have said it out loud, but seeing Qrow glistening in the river with a big fish in his hands was kind of hot.
“Qrow where the hell did you learn that!? That was amazing!” After Qrow placed his catch in his bucket, he was met with a kiss on the lips.
“Looks like I better catch more fish if this is my reward, huh?” Qrow asked, knowing the answer to his question. Clover whispered his answer into Qrow’s ear. Apparently, he did not know the answer. His face got visibly redder, and he quickly went back into the river. 
“Don’t think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.” Summer repeated to herself. 
“I think I know how to help with that.” Raven walked over to Summer, gave her a kiss, then walked into the water. Needless to say, it worked. Soon, after Clover and Summer caught another fish, too small to dethrone Qrow, Raven striked, and reemerged with two fish in hand, one big enough to take the lead. “We learned lots of things back when we were a part of that traveling tribe. Some of us learned better than others.” Suavely, she tossed the smaller fish back into the water and replaced the fish in her bucket with the bigger one as Summer cheered her on.
Sibling rivalry mode was in full swing among the pair. Mostly in silence, they continued their contest. Qrow managed to catch a bigger one, but was dethroned by Clover, which he didn't mind. Meanwhile, poor Summer remained in last place. She was starting to lose hope, until something that seemed particularly big got hooked onto her pole. By then, Raven and Summer had left the water and had packed up most of the stuff. She fought with it, slowly but surely making progress. However, as she was fighting the fish standing up, she slipped, sending her into the center of the river, where it was deepest. Summer had lost her rod, but had fortunately felt someone tug her back to the surface. As she broke the surface, she gasped for air.
“Oh Raven, my love, you saved me. That’s what a real knight in shining armor is like Qrow!” Her eyes still closed and cradled in a set of arms, she moved to give her savior a kiss, but felt something that something was off, and stopped. “Wait a minute…” she reached for the chest area and gave a light squeeze. They were thick,  nowhere as  plump as Raven’s, but thicker than Qrow’s. She knew that it could only mean one thing. She rubbed her eyes and opened them to face Clover.
“A real knight in shining armor huh?” he asked smugly. She gave a small scream and squirmed about, falling back into the water.
“None of you saw or heard any of that!” she yelled, pointing a finger at all of them. Her heart dropped when she saw Qrow on shore, holding his phone, the camera light on. “Oh gods no.”
“I did say it wasn’t over, remember? This’ll make for a great video to show everyone.” 
“You monster!” she yelled as she pretended to try to drown the man, though that would be difficult, considering he practically grew up in water. Meanwhile, Clover was laughing and Qrow was laughing as he ran from Raven who was trying to steal his phone so she could protect her wife’s honor by deleting the video. However, their antics were interrupted.
“Mom! Uncle Qrow! Look what Blake caught!” Yang shouted from down the river. In the distance, they could make out what looked to be a large fish.
“Holy fuck...” Qrow stated in awe.
“Don’t tell me...” said Raven, also awestruck. “Hey!” she shouted at Clover and Summer. “Meet us down the river with the kids. You’ll want to see this!” 
“Oh boy...” Clover knew that with this family, it was bound to be something interesting, to say the least. He and Summer swam over, seeing the figure Blake had dragged in becoming clearer and clearer. They could also see Raven checking Blake to make sure she was alright as Qrow untangled the line from the caught fish.
“No. Way. “They both said in unison. Once they reached shallow enough water, They ran to confirm that Blake was alright, and that she had indeed caught the fish that threw Summer into the water. Blake’s shyness was evident as her friends showered her with praise.
“Blake! Where did you learn to do that!? That was amazing!” asked Yang, proud of her best friend. 
“That, its nothing.” she shied away, pushing her wet hair out of her face and turning her head to hide a blush. “I’ve been doing it with my mom since I was young. Really, it’s nothing spectacular.”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short kid, that thing’s half your size. That’s nothing to sneeze at.” said Qrow. He had had low self esteem for a long time, and wasn’t about to let any of the kids put themselves down.
“That is very incredible Blake, but try not to do that again without letting us know. We just don’t want anything bad to happen.” clover explained.
“Yes, of course, I’ll be sure to let one of you know next time.” she stated.
“You do know what this means, right Blake?” asked Summer.
“Uhh, no?”
“It means you won our fishing contests silly! You caught the biggest fish! You Win!” Blake was confused at first when she was picked up by Raven and placed on her shoulder.
“That also means you get to lead the victory parade, little champion.”
“Ooh, mom, pick me up too!” Yang exclaimed. She wasn’t going to refuse. She had seen how close the little champion and her daughter were getting. It brought her comfort to know her daughter would be with such a strong person. Once the equipment and dinner packed and ready for transport, they marched back to their campsite, the children shouting Blake’s name as she was carried in front.
“Damn, what are the Belladonnas feeding her?” Clover wondered. 
“Pure protein, by the looks of it.” Summer replied.
“Well, at least she’s alright.” Qrow said.
“Yeah.” agreed Summer and Clover.
The sun was beginning to set by the time they returned. By then, they were all beginning to feel tired and hungry once more. Tai and Clover made sure to make the fish mouth watering delicious. The served the first piece to Blake, whose mouth was watering at the sight. While the kids ate and Yang retold the story of how her bff caught the beat, the adults chatted some more. After dinner, they all roasted marshmallows and told scary stories. If anyone had asked Clover if he had yelped and grabbed onto his husband’s arm when an ominous howl coincided with the climax of Tai’s scary story, he would say it didn’t happen. Everyone else would beg to differ, especially Qrow. As it got later, the fire died and the kids who wanted to sleep outside retired to a tent, while the kids who wanted to sleep inside retired to the RVs. While there was room for the adults in the RV, they wanted to appreciate the cool air and beautiful night sky. 
“Hey, Clover?”
“Yes, my Lucky Charm?”
“It’s been a nice day with you, and them.” Clover hummed in agreement.
“It has. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” They laid together in comfortable silence for a moment more, taking in the starry sky through their clear-topped tent. 
“Beautiful view, isn’t it?” Qrow asked. Clover turned to face him. His deep crimson eyes shone a unique brilliance that was incomparable to anything else. Qrow had just looked so serene in the light of the moon and stars and the darkness of the night. Clover found himself enamored. 
“Most beautiful sight in the world, if I must say.”
“Clover, I swear, if you’re─” he stopped mid sentence as he turned his head to see Clover staring right at him, obviously caught up in admiring his dark-haired husband. Qrow softly smiled back. Together, they silently admired each other. 
“You know, I do think of you and your family as the best thing to ever happen to me. Never had a big family, and I’m pretty much all I have from my side of the family now. I guess I just appreciate you and your family a lot.”
“Our family, Lucky Charm.”
“Hmm?” Clover said, surprised.
“Our family. You’re as much a part of it as anyone else here, and we all love you just the same too.” Bewildered. Clover couldn’t think of a response. He was so used to the loneliness that he hadn’t really considered he could be a part of a family again. He moved closer to hug Qrow, who readily accepted him. He buried his head into the crook of his shoulders. And Clover wasn’t going to lie. He was crying a little. However, Qrow’s scent helped comfort him, as well as Qrow stroking his hair and the knowledge that he had a family.
“I love you Qrow.” Clover’s voice came out a tad strained, though it was almost undetectable.
“I love you too Clover.” With Qrow humming a song, Clover fell into a peaceful sleep. Soon after, Qrow fell asleep to the calm rise and fall of his husband’s chest. In this sleep, Clover had a dream, though he only remembered an image from it. Tai, Summer, and Raven were in it, as well as all the kids, albeit slightly older. Qrow was standing right beside him, their hands intertwined. In between them were two children who he could not discern. Yet, he felt happy, he felt like he was where he belonged, he felt love.
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nerdsideofthemedia · 5 years
Faunus and the White Fang: The Portrayal of Racism
RWBY has been adored by the progressive community due to the portrayal of 4 strong young women, at least 2 of whom are LGBTQ+. Not to mention the inclusion of other LGBTQ+ minor characters.
Despite this, the show is far from flawless, and it’s time to address what is probably its biggest problem: the portrayal of racism. I suspect this may end up being my most controversial post yet, but, like someone said, “It’s both possible, and even necessary, to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic or pernicious aspects”.
Before I start I think it’s important to clarify that unlike in conversations about being a woman and LGBTQ+, in this one, I come from a place of no experience, since I am a white European. I do not intend to speak over POC, nor do I claim that my knowledge on the subject is flawless (far from it). Hopefully, this is only the start of a conversation and not the entirety of it.
To be clear: I am not a part of RWBY hatedom. While it’s flawed, I like it, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t. I am criticizing this aspect because racism exists in real life, so how the subject is handled is important and I don’t want the edgelords controlling this entire conversation because their stance on racism in real life is: it doesn’t exist.
Lazy worldbuilding
Like Bright and Crash, RWBY, for the most part, frames individuals as the main culprits of racism instead of the systems which favor certain groups over others. We see this with Cardin, Cordovin, V1 Weiss, Roman and the village people (in the Adam short). Yes, those racist individuals exist, sometimes like caricatures however, they are far from being the only or even the most relevant type of prejudice.
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By putting the blame on very specific characters, racism is presented as something easily identifiable and fixable when it’s neither of those things for a significant portion of the population. People often ignore that though laws have changed, biases didn’t magically disappear, segregated neighborhoods didn’t desegregate themselves and the wealth accumulated before wasn’t redistributed. The racist policies of the past created the now and will affect the future unless we try to fix the system.
Keep in mind that the Faunus Rights Revolution happened after the Great War, so… less than 80 years ago. Considering this timeline, it’s just unlikely the Faunus would be equal anywhere, let alone in 2 kingdoms (Vacuo and Vale) and the only thing we see in Mistral is the possibility of discriminating with the ramen shop owner.
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The mere fact this sign exists shows discrimination is possible but that shouldn’t be the only thing shown.
Atlas is the exception. In “Tipping Point”, we can hear a conversation about the Faunus, which mentions economic disparity and lack of opportunity, but it quickly fades into the background.
In terms of race issues, Remnant is wildly unexplored, even the renowned for its racism, Mistral. Maybe the writers just thought digging into politic could make for a boring story or maybe they didn’t want to risk alienating the portion of the audience that listens to edgelords. In either case, it makes no sense to have racism as a major theme.
Justifying racism
“Early men were scared to death of the Faunus, and honestly, it’s not too hard to sympathize with that. Seeing something that looks like you and acts like you walk out of the forest and reveal a pair of fangs, can be a little… upsetting.”
Qrow, World of Remnant about Faunus
This does sound a bit like justifying racism and trying to present as understandable. This is an idea that I see a lot. In a review of a book that had a new species and racism as a theme, one of the complaints was that there was no justification given for the treatment like welfare and gangs. Those aren’t causes of racism – they’re just excuses.  If anything, they have a lot more to do with stereotypes and wealth disparity caused by racism.  
RWBY does make this mistake with Blake’s speech in True Colors, which is reminiscent of when people hold all Muslims accountable for an attack done by one, judging them all for that person’s actions, even though we’d never do that for our own race.
“We’re just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don’t think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us? By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we’re not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves.”
Ghira does the same in the Adam character short, claiming Adam’s violence is the reason why people attack them. If you judge an entire race based on the actions of a few – that’s on you.
Um, actually Antifa is the problem
While the White Fang is not the only group of people fighting for Faunus rights (in the first episode, we learn they interrupted a peaceful protest), they are definitely the ones who are given the spotlight and it’s very unfortunate how they’re portrayed. With the exception of Ilia (and arguably Sienna), they are shown to be so radical that they are not only OK with destroying cities, but also mass murder. They are terrorists and don’t even deserve a face.
In contrast, the racists both deal with their shortcomings fast (Weiss and Cordovin), they all are worthy of sympathy and redemption (even Cardin and the ramen shop owner). I think the writers were going for “racists are people too”, which is a troublesome stance to take when you frame the ones fighting racism as flat out evil.
I imagine that Atlas is going to be shown to be more unforgivably racist and the Faunus will be more sympathetic, but… even so, it kind of feels like trying to make a case for “both sides”. Yikes!
I’m not entirely sure Menagerie was meant to be a paradise. It looks like it, Sun expresses loving it, but Blake quickly claims it’s overcrowded. I’ll give it that it seems a lot less developed than the other kingdoms judging by its constructions, but that’s about it. I think that if they were not going for a positive perspective on it, we should have been made more aware of Menagerie’s drawbacks.
To be clear, it’s wrong to force someone to live somewhere they don’t want to live, but I think it’s a bit problematic to present it as a paradise when in the real world, white supremacists are increasing and their way of speaking is by defending a white ethnostate, claiming homogenized societies are better.
Due to the lack of good characterization of the rest of Remnant, it makes it harder to believe Faunus really went to Menagerie due to being too jaded to be somewhere else because of racism.
Adam’s scar
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I have written about Adam before and just so we’re clear, I stand by my post – I’m OK with him being there to be Blake’s cruel obsessive ex-boyfriend who wants to harm her and that he basically represents the last obstacle to close Blake and Yang’s arcs of running away and facing abandonment issues, respectively.
This been said, considering the story, the scar was a huge mistake and I have no idea why someone thought it was a good idea. We’re not supposed to feel sorry for him, it doesn’t make us empathize with him – he’s clearly beyond redemption when it’s revealed and it doesn’t tie to his main motivation, his obsession for Blake, which is the cause of him being in the story. The scar would only make sense if he was an anti-villain, someone with a good cause, but evil methods (Black Panther’s Killmonger). That has never been his story though. He’s always put Blake above his cause and ultimately, he meets his end because of his obsession with her, not because she decides to confront him about his methods. Not to mention that if the scar was tied to his motivation, we should have seen it a lot earlier, not 2 minutes before he died.
Giving him a scar that reveals a cruel treatment of Faunus by humans for no other reason than to show racism is going to have a spotlight in the next volume is incredibly cheap and an awful idea, especially when it basically means nothing for Adam himself and doesn’t humanize him at all – he’s literally trying to kill 2 main characters at that point.
“Remnant can’t be racist, because…”
I also want to counter a few bad arguments against the idea there can’t be any systemic racism in Remnant. The examples usually given are Leo being the headmaster of Haven Academy and Neon representing Atlas in the Vytal Festival.
Thanks to Raven, we learned Ozpin chose the headmasters in other academies, therefore it’s possible to infer Leo was Ozpin’s attempt at fixing Mistral’s racism.
Yes, she studies in Atlas, but the headmaster is Ironwood, chosen by Ozpin and probably is also fighting against racism as far as the academy goes.
“They wouldn’t allow a Faunus to represent their kingdom”.
The equivalent of “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend”. Allowing a Faunus to go helps with the “we’re not racists, we even have a Faunus representing us”.
Other than Ironwood, I see no one else who could even have a say in that decision.
“She wouldn’t accept to represent a racist kingdom”
This either reveals an incredibly dishonest take or an almost child-like naivety. I am sorry to burst your bubble, but often people do go against their own interests provided the salesmen know how to sell it (there are Muslims who voted for Trump, women who fought against women’s voting rights, etc.). We can have prejudices against groups we’re part of.
Many will gladly go against their groups’ interests, provided they have something to gain (more than a few people spring to mind).
In this case, her decision doesn’t even hurt Faunus as far as we know – it just advances her fame.
“The townspeople weren’t racist since they were wearing masks and had weapons and we never see what’s inside of the truck”
I cannot believe I have to dignify this with a response… First, the inside of the truck is irrelevant. We had no reason to believe it was anything bad and one certainly can’t start shooting someone else just because they find them “suspicious”. Murders have happened because of racist jackasses who wanted to play hero by attacking a black “suspicious” person. Second, it’s Remnant, a place so full of monsters, teenagers are allowed to have weapons. They are clearly needed to go from one town to another. Sure, they could have dropped their weapons, but that still doesn’t change they weren’t attacking, not even in self-defense. Third, Ghira was still in charge of the White Fang and we know that during this time, the methods of the group were mostly peaceful, even if they were already wearing masks.
“They allowed an army of Faunus to go to Mistral”
OK, this is by far the most difficult one to justify, but not because of race – it’s just the authorities should have handled it all by themselves and I highly doubt they would allow civilians to fight against a terrorist attack. As for the racism point, the Faunus clearly warned the authorities, so I think it’s very unlikely they were bad guys and their weapons were awfully rudimentary. It’s not a great explanation, but I don’t think it’s more of a hit on verisimilitude than letting civilians fight.
I think the problems in the portrayal of race is due to a lack of understanding of racism, insufficient worldbuilding which should have been done before beginning to write RWBY and, probably, trying to avoid alienating any groups in the audience, which is not likely when the subject is racism and should not be the goal. This resulted in a mess where it feels like there is a need to frame racism as wrong, yet understandable (WoR), easy to fix, and too worried about holding the audience to task, hence sticking to cartoonish racism. While all of that is already pretty bad, it’s impossible to deny that it isn’t made worse by the rise of white supremacist groups.
I wish the writers will be more careful during the Atlas arc, but I fear we might be entering a white savior’s narrative as Weiss will probably be the focus of it. I tend to give credit to RWBY for putting the minority character at the center of their struggle, but ultimately Blake was there to fight her own and I suspect they will do the same with Weiss – she will fight her father for the rights of the Faunus (at least partially) and she will be the one who ultimately fixes racism…yeah, we might be heading to a white savior narrative.
I am hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Still, no matter how well the next arc is handled, it cannot fix the past volumes retroactively.
One last note, I think the election of Trump should be more than enough to reveal that racism is alive and well, but if you want to understand systemic racism and the portrayal of racism in media, here are a few links:
7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism Is Real;
Adam Ruins Everything (it’s a video);
NCSC Implicit Bias;
ContraPoints – America: Still Racist (also a video);
Bright: the Apotheosis of Lazy Worldbuilding (video);
Renegade Cut - Green Book - A Symphony of Lies (video).
More RWBY posts:
Filmmaking and Bumbleby
Bumblebee was Always the Plan
Bumblebee was Always the Plan part 2
BB & Renora
Weird Post on Weiss’s Clothes
Foils: Adam and Yang (this one is in wordpress; it was my first one and I didn’t have Tumblr then)
Let’s talk about Adam Taurus (I didn’t post this one on Tumblr because the title and tags could lead Adam fans thinking this was about “his wasted potential” when really it defends the decision of killing him off and explains why it happened)
As usual, the original.
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whitleyschn33 · 5 years
RWBY 7 Trailer Thoughts
So, I said I would share my thoughts on the trailer, so here they are! I’m going to start at the beginning and write down what comes to mind for each little section, but since I have seen the entire trailer a couple times now, I may jump forward to connect whatever I’m addressing to something later in the trailer. This might make things seem a bit erratic, so I apologize in advance if this comes out like a lot of rambling nonsense. That said, let’s begin!
1. We open with Ironwood narrating that these are “uncertain times” over a montage of the Kaiju Grimm attack Argus, then cuts to Ruby saying that she’s trying to do what’s best, but doesn’t know if what’s best is what’s right as we see her use her Silver eyes on the Kaiju.
I’m hoping that this line about Ruby not being sure about what’s best being what’s right implies that we’ll get some kind of fallout for the events of Argus. One of my major gripes with the V6 finale is just how dangerous their plan was for the civilians in Argus, and how the narrative so far hasn’t really acknowledged that. The first step of their plan was cutting communications in Argus – something that would have caused mass panic even if they had succeeded and got away without the military noticing in time to send out forces. That panic can and did draw Grimm, and very easily would have killed dozens to hundreds of people. They’re huntsmen and huntresses – even if what’s “best” may be getting the Relic to Atlas, that doesn’t make what they did to do so (putting the civilians of Argus in unnecessary danger) “right”. Anyway, moving on.
2. Next, we get the gang flying into Atlas, whose airspace is completely full of military airships, with Weiss saying that this isn’t right. It then transitions to a shot of Atlas above Mantle, which seems to be on fire, then to the city, then the streets, where we see Atlesian knights patrolling, and only a handful of civilians walking outside, while Blake says the city just seems awful. We see a man throwing a trashcan at a TV screen (which as far as I can tell was showing the “Atlas Broadcasting(?) Network”) while a voice asks “what can we do?” (Can someone tell me who that is? It doesn’t really sound like Oscar or Jaune, and Qrow’s new VA pulls off a much more convincing performance at the end of the trailer, so I don’t think it’s him). Cut to Ruby saying that they didn’t come this far to fail now.
So, from Weiss’s line, we know that this is not how things usually are. The military is on high alert, showing off how strong their defenses are to match the closed off borders. I would guess that this also means troops roaming the city on patrol isn’t how things used to be either. Now, from what I’ve seen, most people seem to be taking this as a sign of martial law, and that theory certainly seems likely – the man throwing the trashcan and the fires we see are all potential signs of rioting, which could be a cause and/or effect of martial law being enacted. I have to wonder if that’s only part of the story, though. Later in the trailer, we see the gang fighting Grimm on the city streets (so I assume that’s what Ruby’s line is directed at), which we know from the leaked storyboards and their clothes happens immediately after they enter Atlas. The only time we’ve seen Grimm inside kingdom walls is during the Fall, so why are they there? What if this is a recent occurrence – a sudden influx of Grimm making it past the defenses and into the city proper? That’s another explanation (or even just another reason in addition to rioting) for troops to be patrolling, and I could very easily see that becoming a vicious cycle. Grimm get in, people panic, drawing more Grimm to the area and making it more likely for them to get it, causing more attacks and more panic, and making the soldiers seem less like protectors and more like ineffective “peacekeepers”. There’s a lot more I could say about this, but let’s keep going.
3. We go back to Ironwood’s voice overlaying what seem to be two/three different fights – the fight in the city streets against the sabertooth Grimm and two different fights in a mineshaft (and yes, they’re mines, the warning signs on the walls warn of deep mineshafts) against a new type of Grimm that I’ve heard are called Centinels and later an Ice Geist. He says, “Until now, I believed it was impossible to truly turn the tides against Salem. We find ourselves in the position of needing…. A new approach. She will keep returning stronger and stronger –“ cut to the new model for Ironwood “- unless we destroy her.” Cut to Ruby saying “Tell us how we can help.”
So, the main thing of interest to me here is Ironwood. We can see from the shot of his new appearance that he’s no longer taking care of his appearance like he did in the first few volumes – the stubble from V4 has become a full grown beard, and his hair doesn’t look like it’s been combed in weeks. The guilt and paranoia that we saw budding in V4 has fully come into bloom, as evident by his lines here, the heightened defenses we saw around Atlas, and the troops patrolling the city. In V4 E11, Jacques accuses Ironwood of never trusting anyone but himself, to which Ironwood responds to “For good reason,” then immediately says, “If Oz had just listened to me from the start…” Ironwood clearly believes that the Fall of Beacon would not have happened had Oz listened to him – used his strategies. Oz’s strategies “failed”, so this reaffirmed Ironwood in thinking that he’d had the right ideas – that if he had been able to control what was happening in Beacon, he could have stopped it. So, now, he’s not taking any risks with Atlas. He’s doing everything he thinks is right to protect the kingdom, no matter how paranoid or insane it seems – closing the borders, dust embargos, potential martial law, whatever it takes to keep the kingdom “safe”. 
Now, this seems to be extending to Salem herself. If Oz was flawed about Beacon, he may be reasoning, why can’t he be wrong about Salem? Maybe there is a way – maybe the strength of Atlas *can* destroy Salem. Salem always seems to come back, maybe she’s just never been completely destroyed, and that’s what we need to try to do to fully get rid of her. Now, we know that this isn’t true, that Salem can’t be killed, can’t be destroyed, but even if Ironwood knows this (from his “believed it was impossible to turn the tides” line), he’s clearly no longer thinking straight. He no longer trusts Oz for having reasons for not simply going after her with an army, since Oz has been knocked down from his pedestal of “all-wise and powerful” with his “death”, so now he’s going to try to go about things his own way… which, from the state of Mantle? Doesn’t seem to be working amazingly well. More on that when I try to summarize my thoughts into a cohesive TLDR.
4. Cue Team RWBY jumping out of a plane into some kind of complex (my guess would be the mines/refineries at the mine site), interspersed with them fighting either the Sabertooths or the Cenitals, and title card.
So, “final” (I say that, but I’ll probably talk about them again) take on the new outfits. Ruby is still my favorite – it still looks really good, the hair is far tamer than I or anyone else thought it would be and I’m glad (though in some places, particularly the concept art that went around like a week ago, it really looks like Cinder, and I’m not sure how to feel about that), since this just gives her hair a more stylized look.
Blake is sitting at my second favorite – I think it’s a look that comes together pretty well, and the hair looks fine (I’ve seen some people complaining about how flat it looks, and I’m just here like, yeah, that happens a lot when you cut it that short, it can lose the volume it used to have). 
Now Weiss and Yang… are now kinda tied. Yang’s outfit looks better than it did in the original art for me, and I think that’s mainly because the belt breaks up the khaki a bit better in 3D, so it’s not just a great expanse of bleh (still think the jumpsuit itself is ugly as hell, but I’ll take what I can get). 
Weiss’s… is still a case where I like the aesthetic they were going for, but it doesn’t come together right. The big poofy skirt looks okay when she’s on her own (sometimes), but next to the rest of RWBY just looks so out of place and in the way and honestly a bit bland. The top half with the sleeves and gloves look… fine, but again, I wish they didn’t poof out the arms so much. The braid… still gives me really mixed feelings because it’s shorter than the concept art, but it’s still looks so thick and heavy, and adds to this unbalanced feeling I get. If it was in the back completely, instead of the side, I would be perfectly fine with it, but as it is, just throws me off. I can see what they were going for, particularly in the clip where she’s fighting a Cenital since that’s where the outfit as a whole looks best to me, but as a whole, there are too many little details that throw me off for me to really like it. Again, that might change when the first episode hits, but for now… eh. 
The title card is pretty, though.
5. Back in the city streets – Qrow comments that he was expecting things to go a lot rougher, Blake and Yang are walking away when suddenly – captured by bolos! We see Blake, Qrow, then Ruby go down, the Relic falling off on to the pavement. A man approaches, while another standing of to the side, and then picks up the Relic. End trailer.
So, first off, major kudos to the new Qrow VA – his performance is outstanding. I was worried that the transition would be jarring, but if I hadn’t known they’d put someone new in, I honestly wouldn’t have noticed. His mimicry of Qrow’s voice is exceptional.
Second, I’m fairly certain that the people that captured the team are Atlas personnel. While we can’t see much, the man in frame wears white and blue, Atlas colors, and has a fairly militaristic haircut. The other figure is either wearing white boots, has a model that hasn’t been completely rendered yet, or seems to be an android, looking at the odd pattern and shape of his feet. I’ve seen some people throwing out the idea that this is Ironwood trying to take the Relic, or Atlas trying to steal the Relic, since the man picks it up, but – guys. Really? We see Ruby talking to Ironwood earlier in this trailer. They’re still in their old clothes, this is episode one. The more likely explanation is that these guys captured them because RWBY and Co attacked a military base, stole an airship, arrived in said stolen airship, and clearly are not supposed to be here if they just suddenly appeared without the border officials being informed, and so are clearly criminals in the eyes of Atlas. So, yeah, my 5 lien are on them spending, like, 5 minutes in jail before they can get to Ironwood, where he (hopefully) reams them out a bit.
So, yeah, that’s the trailer!  No sign of Whitley, which, disappointed by not surprised. I’m gonna hold out hope for him to be in the intro, like in Volume 4. As for what I think may be happening this volume from the trailers, I expect we’ll have a heavy focus on Ironwood, his paranoia, and his relationship with Oz, and how that extends to how the inner circle has operated for the part 10/20/?? years. I also feel like the first big thing to be tackled will be the Grimm in the city. The fact that Grimm are getting in points to a huge breakdown in the kingdom’s defenses, despite the fact Ironwood seems to have ramped them up to 11. So, the question is, where are they coming from, and how are they getting in? Considering that the Centinals break out from the ground, and RWBY and Co are fighting in a mineshaft, I would say that it’s coming from a subterranean pocket of Grimm, like the ones that people of Mountain Glenn broke in on. Since we know Salem is experimenting more with Grimm, it’s possible that this Grimm outbreak is being caused by her seeing how viable it would be to launch an attack on Atlas from underground, where their defenses are at their weakest, and this is showing most prominently in the mines and the city around them/on the ground. Otherwise, it could be possible the SDC, while mining, broke into a cavern full of them. This doesn’t seem as likely, though, with the dust embargo. If the SDC isn’t able to sell overseas, then mining operations were most likely shut down temporarily. No use wasting money trying to get product that you can’t sell. It could be an old mine, though – one that had been boarded up cause Grimm, but that broke loose due to all the negativity caused by Ironwood’s new measures.
But ultimately, we’ll just have to wait and see! Once again, I’m sorry if this is a bit rambling – I have to leave any minute now, so I haven’t given this a through reread, but I want to get my thoughts out there in a timely manner for once, so I’m going to post anyway. Thank you for reading this far! What’re your thoughts on the trailer, the outfits, the potential plot? Feel free to comment below or send an ask, and I’ll talk to you all soon! Have a good day!
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 6. Argus Limited
This is a re-posting from Oct. 27th, 2018 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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Volume Six is here, folks! I am so very, stupidly excited for this season. Heartfelt thanks go out to my friend who was all, “lol yeah sure” when I begged to use their FIRST account to watch. There are heroes in this world and they’re one of them.
A quick note about recaps from here on out: they will (my productivity willing) be uploaded sometime on Thursday or Friday proceeding the new episode. This is partly so that I’m not scrambling to post immediately afterwards—stress and bad writing all around—and partly so that, you know, we can actually recap stuff before the next episode airs. So yeah, that’s the goal.
Let’s do it!
We open on a gorgeous, snowy scene with ROOSTER TEETH PRESENTS smack dab in the middle. You know that feeling you get when you hear the Harry Potter theme at the beginning of a new film and the whole theater loses their shit? Same with Doctor Who and Star Wars? Whatever your preferred fandom, the point is I get the same chills when RWBY comes back and it’s excellent.
The animation really is gorgeous though and I sigh happily whenever I see it, thinking back to the days when cookies disappeared directly into Ruby’s mouth. There’s nostalgia, sure, but it doesn’t beat this detail.
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We hear the distant sound of a train and then we’re thrown into exactly what we’ve wanted for literal years now: Team RWBY back together again, fighting not creepy adults but just some good, old fashioned grimm. They’re chimeras and… griffins? Ngl I’m not entirely sure, but they’re big, flying, fire-breathing nasties, so that’s really all we need to know. Luckily everyone falls back into old habits, easily supporting one another and executing perfect attacks (a contrast to the residual tension we’ll see in just a bit). Ruby is so busy posing after a successful kill that she misses the grimm coming at her from behind. Weiss saves her ass with a cheeky, “Thank me later!” At the end of the fight we get a reversal wherein a hit nearly sends Weiss tumbling off the side of the train, though Ruby grabs her at the last second with her own, “Thank me later!” It’s a fun little exchange made better when we think back to the Vytal Tournament. Weiss still “had her back” then too, but was more resistant to Ruby’s proclamation that they’re BFFs. Now the teasing is on both ends.
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Notably, Ruby saves Weiss by taking her into her semblance, creating a cloud of rose petals that are half red, half white. Now combined with the old team-ups and some shots in the new opening, this has led a number of fans (myself included) to wonder if a WhiteRose pairing is in our future. Which also means that the ship wars are in full swing. Needless to say I’m not about that nonsense and I’ll only point out here what I said episodes back: if it’s a queer relationship with one of our main girls, and not a random side character who was previously out to murder a whole family? I’m on board.
Back in the fight though. The rest of team RNJR appears with Nora exclaiming, “Why is it always something?” God that’s a mood. Welcome to adulthood, kid. It’s just one crisis after another—except in your case the crises are objectively more dangerous. Sorry about that. We get to see Jaune’s improved reflexes as he fends off all the fireballs with his shield while Ren and Nora team up to knock some of the monsters out.
Honestly, I love this trope in action stories. Where—as Nora does here—a character just shouts out a friend’s name to get their attention and they immediately know what kind of move they’re about to pull off. It’s made more hilarious to me given that RWBY once had attack names and Jaune at least made the attempt with JNPR...but apparently they're not needed anymore. So unrealistic, yet so very cool when used.
So yeah, things are going pretty smoothly… up until Oscar yells out “Tunnel!” Ruby saves Weiss from falling, they manage to get over or between the cars, and in the sudden darkness we transition to what we only realize later is a flashback. At least, I didn’t realize it until later. Totally thought we’d had a time skip and they were just hopping another train…
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My stupidity aside, before we hit the train station we actually see a familiar hallway filled with angry voices discussing the disaster at Haven—one of which is Adam’s. I really enjoyed this technique, wherein we slowly pan across the room as the voices grow more frantic and the sounds of fighting break out, the camera revealing bodies scattered across the floor. By the time we reach the throne—and Adam on it— we realize that the fight occurred prior to this moment, something that Adam is now remembering. He goes all skyward scream on us as he howls menacingly. Okay, dude. Compared to Cinder and Salem you’re really not all that.
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Now we’re at the train station where Qrow is narrating a letter to Ironwood. Hell yes, please bring back the badass, protective Ironwood who defended the students at Beacon and stood up for Weiss. I’d be very pleased if he joins the RWBY gang by the Volume’s end. Qrow’s optimistic about the trip—they’ve plans to reach Ironwood before the letter does, which says either good things about Remnant’s transportation or bad things about its mail—though of course we as the audience know it’s not going to be nearly that simple. We learn that only two weeks have passed since the battle, but people are still reeling from all the implications. Lionheart tragically lost his life defending the school and oh, some students coincidentally were there and did some stuff. Excellent choice in showing us the mindless crowds while we hear this, the naive masses who, yes, would absolutely believe a story like this.
It’s easy to criticize no one supposedly noticing Salem, magic, the finger Ozpin has in every pie, etc. but ultimately people believe what they’re told—especially when it’s much easier to swallow than the truth.
Enough of the doom and gloom though. Ruby is having the time of her life.
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Qrow: “What’s with the running?”
Ruby: “What’s with the standing?!”
I love this girl so very much and it’s wonderful when we get to see her acting like the kid she is. She uses her semblance with abandon because yeah, if I could turn into rose petals I’d be doing that all the time too. Ruby teases Yang with something from the gift shop and I really hope we get to see what that is. Yes, we end the episode with everyone left stranded in the wilderness, but if Yang’s bike can survive then so can Ruby’s souvenirs.
(Seriously though they presumably lost all their luggage that sucks.)
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Everyone else is in top, feel-good form too. Nora daydreams about hitting the beach, complete with a thought bubble of topless Ren and a beachball. Weiss quips about how she spent all last Volume getting out of Atlas, thanks, but Ruby reassures her that at least she’s back with the team now. When two jokers arrive boasting about how they’ll be the ones keeping the train safe from grimm, Ruby and Yang act exactly as nieces should when your cool uncle is telling them off. AKA, making fun of them behind his back.
God they must have been terrors as toddlers. I mean we already know Yang carted Ruby off into the woods one day so yeah, I’m pretty confident in expressing my surprise that Tai doesn’t have a full head of gray hair.
The two Nice Guys go on to specify that they’ll provide extra protection for a “generous tip,” which—while essentially a throwaway line—reminds us how most of the world functions outside of our close-knit cast. Money, and more specifically Schnee money, quite literally dictates who lives and who dies. Not everything about RWBY is fantasy oriented…
We learn that everyone is just waiting on Blake— “as usual”—and we cut to her with Ilia as the two of them say their goodbyes. Ilia will be helping Ghira lead the Faunus in a “new movement” and is supposedly 100% on the straight and narrow now. Cool? I guess? To be honest I’m fine with her taking a back seat for this Volume. There’s a moment where we get a shot of Ilia and Blake’s feet, the former’s angled forward in a classic kiss pose, and I was super glad to see that they were just sharing a hug. I really don’t want the first LGBTQIA kiss on RWBY to be iffy on consent, considering that Ilia knows Blake isn’t interested. Hug though? That was super sweet.
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Sun and Neptune show up to say their goodbyes too. They’re heading to Vacuo to meet up with the rest of their team because, in Sun’s words, he’s the “worst leader” ever. You kinda are, dude? I loved Sun up until they had him following Blake without her permission and continuing to do so after she asked for space, all in the name of the guy supposedly knowing what the girl really needs. The reminder that Sun abandoned his team to do this just reinforces how much I dislike that plot-line.
Sun gets the kiss—on the cheek—and after leaving Neptune lectures him on “letting [Blake] go.” Except it’s not about you? Blake is off to quite literally save the world and the fact that these guys view that as a threat to any potential relationship is… icky. Ugh. Oh well. They’re presumably gonna be offscreen for a while.
The train finally arrives and everyone piles in. We’re back to bunk beds! And of course Team RWBY is situated exactly as they were in Beacon’s dorms. Weiss gets annoyed with Ruby’s cloak hanging down over the side. Blake has a book in her lap. Ruby challenges Yang to a video game. Cue nostalgia. I fully expect fluffy AU fics where they ride the train all the way to Atlas and treat the trip as one giant, dramatic sleepover. This is non-negotiable.
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Tension seeps back in though when Yang moves to pull her luggage from the rack and Blake immediately hops up to help her. In a super guilty “I know I fucked up and now I’m gonna smother you” way. Really excellent voice acting here. Yang ends up reassuring her. No, things aren’t perfect between them yet… but they’re definitely improving.
While short, for me this scene was perfectly balanced between acknowledging the girls’ complicated relationship without totally undermining the happy mood. Nicely done.
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Then Qrow shows up with a drink. A drink with a slice of orange on the side. I have never enjoyed a moment more and I was so surprised I didn't take a screenshot of it. Clearly I was too distracted and am I too lazy to go back for one now? You betcha. The point is everything is fine, dandy, and filled with alcohol.
So of course RT goes and ruins it for me. Something hits the train and in a split second everyone is on high alert. A quick peek out the window reveals grimm and Blake mutters darkly that it’s “just my luck.”
Qrow: “Not yours.”
Are they gonna leave the safety of the train to those bozos from before? Hell no. Especially when one guy is grabbed right when the fight starts. I mean, poor dude, but he also kinda sucked as a Huntsmen. He wouldn’t have even made it past Beacon’s initiation, let alone graduated.
…I guess he’s kind of like early Jaune? Useless, wannabe hero who acts more confident than he actually is? Aw, now I really do feel bad.
He’s grimm food though. Gotta move on with our lives.
The other dude isn’t doing too well either, though RWBY and NJR + Oscar quickly show up, coming full circle to where we began the episode. Oscar insists that he’s got this fight under control which tells me (hopefully) that in the past two weeks they’ve had serious conversations about if and when Ozpin gets to have control. That’s super great, though I do wish we could have seen it. Flashbacks, maybe?
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As the fight begins Ruby announces that the plan amounts to “don’t let anyone else die.” Uh...Ruby? Buddy. Pal. This is why people die. Because they didn’t have plans! Pyrrha—god rest her reckless soul—went off after a freaking Maiden by herself. Jaune got Amber killed because he didn’t obey the plan of watching the door. Lionheart frantically calls Salem with no real plan for what he’s going to offer her in exchange for his life! Plans are important, Ruby. You’re the team strategist. It was a badass line, I grant you, but please do not.
Luckily, no one (else) dies. That would have been pretty brutal for a premier. +1 point for world building where we see that trains like this have built in defenses to fight off grimm. -2 points for how useless it ends up being. As Qrow quickly points out, the turrets are drawing all the grimm to the front of the train where the passengers are. So, not good. Oscar is charged with telling the surviving goon to knock it off already while Qrow faces off against the super fierce chimera grimm. Not gonna lie though, when its tail first started up I thought Qrow was getting attacked by a dove…
This time when we hit the tunnel everyone makes it back safely inside with the exception of Goon #2 who gets his arm injured in the scramble. He’s literally crying on the ground when, in a pretty harsh move, Qrow drags him up and demands to know what the hell all that was. Civility and benefit of the doubt? Not Qrow’s strong points. It allows Ruby to take control of the situation though. How do you make sure that your cast of kids is continually calling the shots?  A) isolate them and B) when you can’t do that have the adults act like children instead. We see that a fair bit in RWBY.  
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Jaune steps in to heal the guy’s arm, which is an unexpected surprise. I honestly thought we'd get a whole Volume’s worth of him figuring out how to access and control his semblance, though I suppose once it manifests you’ve got the basics down. We’ve seen that semblances can be improved upon—Ruby turning other people she carries into petals; Ren dampening the emotions of a whole train—so presumably Jaune will be able to heal more complex and life-threatening things in the future. We also hear in the ensuing conversation that he can amplify someone else’s aura…to be decided what exactly that means, how it connects to healing, and what the limits of the skill is.
During some theorizing about the attack Ozpin brings up that grimm are attracted to the relic they’re carrying and… oh boy. Here we go. Is it tradition that every recap the fandom goes for Ozpin’s throat while I stand here defending him? Might be. Let’s create a (semi) comprehensive list:
This might have been less of a secret and more of a slip. The guy is thousands of years old and the forces they’re dealing with are stupidly complicated. He can’t info dump every detail of a multi-century war in one sitting. So—
He might have thought this was one of those innocuous things that shouldn’t take precedent right now. Not the sort of thing he needs to worry them with. He claims in the promo that he didn't lie to the group and he quite possibly didn't. There's a big difference between lying and not telling someone every single possible thing that might be pertinent. Especially when—
We know that grimm are already attracted to people/negative emotion and they’re sequestered within a whole train full of presumably stressed travelers. There’s no reason to think the artifact would put them in more danger than they already are and therefore isn't at the top of the list of revelations to dole out. Especially with—
Qrow and his bad luck semblance. He literally just implied that the grimm were there because of him. There’s a reason he didn’t want Ruby near him during the fight with Tyrian and now they’re all stuck together in close quarters. The grimm were coming anyway. Even if we didn't have Qrow's semblance and big crowds we can also assume as much because of—
Those turrets. They weren’t there for a fashion statement. The whole train was crazy armored. They’re clearly very used to getting attacked on this route. It's a normal thing.
All of which is to say that the relic is one of MANY reasons why they might have gotten a buttload of grimm on their tail. Ozpin mentions this as one possibility in a very “Here’s something else to consider” way and everyone (characters and fandom alike) jump on him like he’s solely responsible for this predicament. Besides, what would they have done differently? Not carry the relic? That’s not an option. Be more on guard? They’re already constantly on guard. None of their actions would have changed had they known.
Really though, it’s the keeping of secrets that people are mad about, not necessarily what the secret is. So if we ignore the possibility above that Ozpin legit didn’t think this was worth mentioning/even forgot about it, we have a) he withheld the information because it might have made them wary about traveling with others, but they need to get to Atlas as fast as possible and the train is the best way to do that. So yeah, that’s a possible change, though I agree with Ozpin’s theoretical logic here. It was worth the risk.
b) he didn’t tell them because—again—worry is a negative emotion and that might have just doubled their problem. Awful as it is, knowing you're carrying a thing that might attract more grimm is one of the best ways to make sure that you do, in fact, attract them. Knowing what the relic does is dangerous. 
c) he doesn’t trust them with all the information about these super powerful relics that are going to decide the fate of their world. Which honestly? Kind of fair. Yeah, I know he promised them no more secrets, but this is a centuries old, god-like entity making a promise to a child. It’s not even really a matter of trust anymore. We’ve got a core group of nine here and everyone has someone else they’re close to. Ruby isn’t going to keep secrets from Tai. Blake will probably fill Sun in when she sees him again. Weiss is close to her sister. Etc. In short, as soon as this many people know a secret it isn't a secret anymore. Ozpin is no doubt aware that anything he tells to their now massive group is fair game and he has to carefully consider what he wants to risk going public/landing in Salem's hands. A general doesn't tell every lieutenant the details of every plan. That's a good way to lose the war. Fate of the world vs. a promise made to Yang? C’mon. There are priorities here.
d) finally, we’ve seen evidence—particularly after the iconic food fight—that Ozpin desperately wants his students to be kids as long as they can. He might keep information to himself simply because he doesn’t want to burden them. And given all the reasons listed above for why they'd be dealing with grimm anyway, what's the harm in giving them what little peace he can? It's not perfect reasoning and if this is the case the others have a right to be annoyed, but it's understandable. It certainly doesn't make Ozpin the monster I see countless posts painting him as.
Plus, Yang? I’m not sure you have the right to get indignant about keeping secrets right now. Granted, there’s some ambiguity surrounding whether she’s mentioned Raven as the Spring Maiden, but regardless we haven’t seen any evidence that she’s told the group the details of what happened down in the vault. That’s a pretty big thing to be keeping to yourself.
A lot bigger than, “Oh yeah this relic attracts the thing we’re attracting anyway. My bad.”
Why the relic attracts grimm is another question. Because it’s connected to the original brothers? Just because Salem wants it and she seems to be the grimms’ creator? We’ll have to see.
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Ruby interrupts everyone’s fury to point out that they have bigger issues at the moment and Ozpin’s expression kind of kills me? He looks so shocked to have anyone standing up for him, even if it’s a defense of practicality instead of his actions. I wonder if this Volume is going to have the team starting to lose a little faith in Ruby. Given the clear divide here (angry Ren, Nora, Weiss, Yang, and Blake on one side; Ruby, Oscar, Ozpin on the other) this might be a major theme moving forward. It would make a lot of sense too given Ruby's past relationship with Ozpin. To Yang he's just her headmaster; to Ruby he's the headmaster that let her into her dream school early. To Blake he's someone who wanted information from her before she was ready to give it; to Ruby he's the adult who gave her advice at the dance and was emotionally open with her about committing more mistakes "than any man, woman, or child." No matter how far she's come, they'll always be a part of Weiss that sees Ozpin as the teacher who didn't give her the leadership position she thought she deserved; to Ruby he's the man that has put a staggering amount of trust in her: by letting her into his school, giving her a team, sending her to Mountain Glenn, etc.
Now, it might be time for Ruby to put her trust in Ozpin.
Fight temporarily averted, they decide to separate the teams… which felt a little forced to me. I mean I get it. As said, giant group. It’s hard to write and keep track of that many, so let’s knock three offstage for a while. Jaune, Ren, and Nora will see the people to safety while Ruby and the rest of the gang eventually catch up. We get a glimpse of Maria—the old lady with awesome glasses—clearly plotting something and then everyone heads back to the roof to finish the fight with the grimm.
Blake has a quick vision of Adam; the last time she separated a train car. Excellent touch there. Ruby tells Ren to use his semblance through the scroll, but we also get a glimpse of their signals getting weaker. Another nice touch considering how important we know the scrolls are throughout the RWBY universe: how the team keeps in contact during the Volume Four short, the damage that the fall of the CCT tower has caused, etc.
We get a final, epic showdown with a massive grimm where everyone’s teamwork proves to be some top tier stuff. Blake and Yang capture it using Blake’s ribbon. Weiss freezes off its wings. Then—in a fantastic split screen—Ruby and Qrow both use their scythes to cut the creature in two. I’m here for the power family moves.
Only problem is that a final fireball from the grimm hits the train, derailing their section. Weiss keeps them all from dying an awful death, but now they’re kind of stranded.
I mean, they already were stranded before, but I guess the hope was the back of the train would have carried them farther down the tracks before losing momentum?
In the final scene we have an unexpected voice happily proclaiming that they’re still alive but boy, that was a close one! Maria hobbles out, having clearly planned to be with this group when they went their own way.
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My personal theory? She knows (and to some extent recognizes) Ozpin. I can’t believe he wasn’t involved in a conflict like the Great War. Hell, he was probably at the center of it and Maria looks very old by RWBY standards. We have no concept of how long people in this world can live so I don’t think it’s a stretch to put her in her 90s or well over 100—old enough to have fought in the War and potentially recognize one of the central figures, even in a new reincarnation depending on her instincts, knowledge, and semblance. Her name lends a bit of credence to her age, if nothing else. As far as I know “Maria” doesn’t mean/isn’t evocative of a color… though I’m far from an expert. Could totally be wrong about that.
Regardless, we’ll see. More info arrives next week!
Other Details of Note
The grimm are at a distance when we first spot them and they actually look a lot like crows. The same motif we’ve seen with Raven and Qrow’s entrances but, you know, bad.
I really liked Qrow’s line to Ironwood about how they’re bringing “more than bad news.” It’s appropriately vague—can’t go admitting that Oz is back with the group—and at the same time quite up-lifting.
I personally take Ozpin’s “I hope they’re not from Beacon” as more of a joke than a true worry. If you’re telling me that this old as balls control freak doesn’t remember every student that’s ever passed through those doors… I don’t believe you.
When Blake is saying goodbye to Ilia and Sun we have lots of animation for her ears, helping to express her emotions. It says a lot about her character development that she hasn’t re-adopted the bow in such a crowded, human packed space.
Neptune is pursuing the “wrong tree” okay lol that was good.
When Neptune and Sun discuss re-uniting the team we briefly hear the soundtrack from their Vytal Festival match. Excellent.
Interestingly, Oscar gives Ozpin control immediately during the conversation about the relic, almost like he already knew what was going to be revealed and understood that it was important… I wonder how much they’re sharing thoughts now, two weeks later.
Here, have a beach Ren and happy birb. Yes, I went back for the screenshots...
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15 notes · View notes
nutslovesdolts · 6 years
Qrowin week submission day 1
Family feast
Winter sat alone in the cold empty Atlas base. She was tasked with keeping it secure during the Non-descript winter holiday while the rest of the troops and supplies were moved back to Atlas.
The base was a relatively small one just south of Vale and not that far from the island of the Xiao Long home, nevertheless it used to be a pretty important stronghold before the fall of beacon, now it was moot point. They had already moved most everything out, Her main objective was to prevent looters and scavengers from taking what was left.
It wasn't that she had anywhere to go anyways, there was no way she would ever go home and risk scrutiny from her father as always. Being in the military they usually held a short gathering where there were festive rations and decorations, nothing like the overly extravagant parties her father would throw.
No, she was alone.
The only sound coming from the small empty halls was the ticking of a clock that was left for some reason down the hall. This was the life she had chosen, and this is how it would be.
She had planned to spend this year with Qrow at the Xiao Long homestead but she knew deep down it was too good to be true.
She was cold
As soon as Qrow’s foot touched the porch of the Xiao Long home he was instantly tackled by Ruby seeming to materialize out of nowhere.
Qrow -Hey easy there kiddo, you hit harder than most Grimm hehe
Ruby -Uncle Qrowwwwww!... hi
Qrow -Heya kid, where’s your dad? Who else is here?
Ruby -Dad is helping Yang in the shed, Weiss, Blake and Jaune are here, Nora and Ren are upstairs getting ready, thats it so far.
Qrow -haha no Winter? It’s not like her to be late…
Ruby -You didn’t see her letter? She has to watch some old Atlas base, she can’t come.
Qrow looked over the note and frowned a little bit, at least if she had some other troops or something there he would have felt a bit better, but alone?
It's not that she couldn’t take care of herself, Boy does he know she can, but being alone… it was something that both he and Winter finally could be without.
They had only finally confessed to each other during a duel which left them both breathless and at a draw. Winter’s cold hard deminer finally broke down as she started to laugh, it wasn't a shrill cockey laugh as he had expected, it was a beautiful warm laugh that seemed to make the world brighten up a little. It put Qrow at ease and the uncontrollable urge to laugh as well washed over him.
Qrow -Hey Ice Queen
Winter still laughing a bit -hmm?
Qrow -how much longer can we keep this up?
Winter -I…
Qrow - we are evenly matched, all we do is fight, your laugh is perfect and I don't think I want to keep fighting a flock of angry mini nevermors every time I see you.
Winter -Oh I definitely had the upper han.. Wait what (a look of curious surprise came over her face and He saw a slight twinkle in her eyes), you think what?
Qrow smirking -I just don’t think that was proper form hehe, you wanna grab a drink or something? (he said reaching out his hand to help her up)
Winter (grabbing his and and pulling him down to her) -I think we’ve earned it haha
Qrow handed the letter back to Ruby
Qrow -thanks pipsqueak (he said with a melancholy smile)
Ruby noticed this and grabbed his arm -come on in its cooollldd
As the two walked inside and was created by the warm house with smells of holiday food and cheer filling the air (*1)
Later Tai and Yang came back in dressed in ugly holiday garb with lights flashing through the santa grimm laden sweaters,  with overszed bells, causing Ruby to fall out of her chair laughing, making Weiss crack her first real smile of the evening.
Qrow seemed distant for the entire event which was unspokenly noticed by the Tai, Yang and Ruby., the three huddled together and hatched a scheme.
Winter had thought of calling Qrow to see how things were but the tower was already taken down by the Atlas soldiers earlier that day.
She sighed, there was just enough rations and her own personal supply of hot coco (*2) to make a nice warm meal to pass the time, she was a terrible cook as She and Qrow had learned the hard way… The thought of him made her a bit sad actually, she hadn't expected it being a hardened soldier, but there was a freedom when he was around, she could be herself and not be reprimanded for it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang that echoed through the empty base followed by the shuffling of feet in one of the halls.
Great, she thought, more scavengers… at least this will keep my mind off things
She rose to her feet and placed the coco on the table next to her. Grabbing her weapon she headed for the door.
It made a loud creak as it was opened, surely heard by the invaders.
Before she took her first step a OOF and a thud were heard through the halls, causing winter to pause in her tracks.
After Blake had tied up the scavenger Qrow snuck up ahead to see Winter standing frozen looking in the opposite direction
Qrow,you know Ice Queen… I get you have an image to uphold but you could always turn on some heat in here jeez
Winter spin around and immediately attack without a second thought charging forward until she saw who was standing there.  She tried to stop but ended up tackle hugging Qrow and pinning him against the wall, her sword clambering down next to her.
Winter- QROW HOW DID YOU, (she turned beat red as she realized she still had him pinned to the wall
Qrow Smirking *3 -you know, I would have waited till the bedroom to pin me to the wall, but this’ll do hehe
The rest of the party tried to hide their giggles but couldn’t contain themselves (except Weiss who was glaring at Qrow menacingly)
Winter quickly got off Qrow and brushed her self of trying to maintain any scrap of professionalism but dropped it with a sigh, she could be herself now, surrounded by friends
After an hour they had set up a nice cozy gathering in the mess hall, tiny lights and food and all,
Qrow looked at Winter laughing with Weiss who was still a bit red in the face from her and Ruby’s Mistletoe mishap (*4)
He had never been so at peace himself, even just in her company he felt warm and welcome, he walked over to where Ruby Yang and Tai were sitting
Qrow -hey… I just wanted to say.. Thanks, you guys really did me a favor tonight
Tai, oh Qrow, she's almost a part of the family already, just don't make ME and uncle too soon alright
This caused Qrow to turn beat red
Winter overhearing this walked over and wrapped her arms around Qrow and placed her head on his shoulder
Winter - no promises mister Xiao Long, wrapping tighter around Qrow making him turn even more red
Over by the Atas fire place (*5) in the corner
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren,
Jaune -huh, I always figured Qrow would be making Her blush
Nora - Oh please you saw her stand on his sword in that one fight, pg euphemisms are CCrRAAZZYY
Jaune -wha..?
Ren -don’t even try
In the closet the scavenger squirmed against his ropes,
Scavenger - mmmmph mph mmph hmhpmh mhh pmhmh (*6)
In the end all gathered around the table and had a great evening, when it was over the family loaded up everything back into Tai’s car (before it was destroyed in that one chibi episode) and headed off
Qrow stayed behind to help clean up a bit more and of course to stay with Winter a bit longer
Winter stopped what she was doing and looked up at Qrow with tears in her left eye
Winter -Qrow…. Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed this
Qrow -It was Tai yang and Ruby’s idea… but I’m just glad to see you Snow angel (he smirked) ((jaune internally screeching in the distance))
Winter -You don’t have to go you know… I mean I am allowed to have guests, if you want to…
Qrow stopped her with a kiss
Qrow looking deep into her eyes -I’m not going anywhere
Winter turned deep red and seemed to melt in his arms
They stayed like that for a bit until Winter snapped up and tightened her grip on him with narrow eyes and a demanding pose
Winter -If you think our last “fight” was tough, you aren't ready for this one she said walking towards what was at the time her room gesturing Qrow with one finger
Qrow now legitimately kinda frightened for his safety -ooooohhh boy hehe
With a swig of his flask and a quick hop to the door, (((I leave this part of the story because tumblr and morals and i'm writing this so I don’t have to study for my AI test)))
Back at the Xiao Long home the gang was unpacking the car
Ruby -I think we really did a good thing for Uncle Qrow
Tai - hehe I haven't seen him that happy or embarrassed over a girl since Beacon
Yang -where is he anyways, I thought he was just saying goodbye
Weiss had the realization set in that not only were her sister and Ruby’s Uncle likely tearing down the atlas base, but that she could be Ruby’s Aunt soon
She immediately dragged Ruby back under the mistletoe
Weiss -No way am I waiting till this is even more weird come here
Back in the closet of the base the bag falls off the “scavengers head”
Oscar -Guys… I just wanted to join you… hello…
Ozpin -I told you we should have brought Fruit cake
Oscar -...
So this train wreck is my first ever fic and yeah hope you like it or not whatever its for Qrowin week so yeah this kind just went on and on sorry about that, i'll get better the more I do have a nice day and yeah
Authors notes? What even
*1, what the heck does “holiday cheer” smell like? Cookies? Eggnog? Idk BLood? Eeh its up to you,
*3 because what else (insert Lenny face)
*4 would literally anyone read that cuz it could be fun
*5 just roll with it
*6 he’s is apparently the pyro from Team Fortress 2
I didn’t re read this or proof it so sorry if its trash
12 notes · View notes
littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
RWBY Musings #42: Could Jaune Arc Become the Next King of Vale?
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@megashadowdragon​ asked “ its funny that you brought up jaune wielding the relic of destruction like excalibur since I made a post on jaunes secondary inspiration being king arthur hhere what are your thoughts 
But what are your thoughts on the theory?
Squiggles Answers:
Whelp, as you already know, I read through your post and of course, liked it. It looks like I’ve made yet another unintentional musing about Jaune Arc to be added to a new segment in my roster of theories.
Anyways, you wanted my thoughts so y’know whatcha gotta do. Keep reading fam.
To be frank, I was more looking at the King of Vale’s origin story being inspired by King Arthur rather than Jaune Arc. However based on the info presented in your theory thoughts, you do present some pretty interesting evidence that could link both the King and Jaune sharing inspirational roots with the story of King Arthur.
As I mentioned in my musing post from yesterday, I’m not really familiar with the full story of King Arthur, but the more I think about it, the more it makes me hope that one day we’ll get a better look into the full origin story of the King of Vale.
I guess this could help add to my little theory about the Relic of Destruction being buried with the King of Vale since @bloomfireprincess brought up the point of there possibly being a decoy relic planted inside the Vault of the Summer Maiden. It would make sense if this is the case. Compared to the other relics, the Relic of Destruction could be deemed as the most powerful of them all or at least the most dangerous thus the greater need to keep it out of enemy’s clutches. I can definitely see a fake relic being used as a diversion in Shade while the real relic is held elsewhere, in the last place someone would expect it to be. Inside a secret hidden tomb in which the remains of its former wielder was laid to rest.
I’d like to believe that the Relic of Destruction somewhat works like the Elder Wand from the Harry Potter series. Not just any mere mortal can wield it and once it’s chosen its recipient, it forms a bond with them that basically binds the weapon and its power to this person so that the only way for another to take it would be in death. And even then, another worthy wielder must be chosen.
The part that I pulled from your thoughts, megashadowdragon, was what you pointed out about Team JNPR.
“....For one, Jaune uses the stereotypical Knight Templar combination of sword and shield he also has blond hair, which is associated with Nobility, similar to a king. Arthur’s early fighting style was similar to Jaune’s clumsy fighting style of swinging around with brute force, though eventually becoming better in combat. They both descend from well-renowned families. What’s also interesting is found in the name of his team, JNPR. It’s spelled using the first letter of their first names, but should the last names (Arc, Valkyrie, Lie, Nikos) be arranged in said order, it would form AVLN, similar to Avalon, the final resting place of King Arthur...”
I thought this was really, really cool. It helps justify my hunch that maybe the Relic of Destruction was buried with its original wielder: the King of Vale, similar to how Excalibur was buried along with King Arthur. I know this is all just speculation right now but coincidence, I think not. If Jaune was inspired by King Arthur then not only could this be his connection to the King of Vale (as an alternative to the main assumption that Jaune is related to the King) but it also spells a bit of what Jaune’s real destiny could be in the long run of RWBY.
The story could be gearing up to make Jaune the next wielder of the Relic of Destruction. It’d be interesting if Jaune’s eventual love interest turns out to be the descendent of the King of Vale.
Although RWBY has spoken of monarchs ruling over the respective kingdoms, we have yet to meet any of them. We haven’t even gotten to meet the infamous councils that are also said to help govern these kingdoms. The only exception was General James Ironwood who also acts as the Headmaster of Atlas Academy.
I’m just going to toss this idea out there for kicks but...what if...
When the gang go in search of the Relic of Destruction, they are surprised to discover that since the Fall of Beacon, the relic was moved to a different location while a decoy was planted in its place as a failsafe in the event of the antagonists coming after it in the long run.
Their search then takes them back to Vale; not the main part of it that houses Beacon Academy but another area of the continent of Sanus that we have yet to explore. I can see the hero team easily returning back to Vale from Vacuo because, is it just me or did anyone else notice that Vacuo and Vale are practically part of the same continental area except the only thing separating them is a patch of desert?
Forgive me if I am super late in making this realization. I’ve looked at the map of Remnant several times for my musings but I only just now realized that Vale and Vacuo were neighbouring kingdoms sharing the continent of Sanus. Somehow I always pegged that the kingdoms were all divided geographically.
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Anyways, moving along with my hunch. It is upon the group’s return to Vale, where, not only will they reunite with friends and character we haven’t seen since the Beacon Arc (like Glynda, Team CFVY, the rest of Team SSSN, etc) but they will additionally get the opportunity to meet with the Council of Vale who by extension will introduce them to the Royal Family of Vale; the descendants of the original King of Vale including his great-great-granddaughter who Jaune takes an immediate fancy to.
If things don’t work out romantically for Jaune with Weiss (although I’m still a sucker rooting for my White Knight ship; even if it’s just a close friendship), then perhaps another heiress character, this time to the throne of Vale who Jaune can share a connection with because both of their ancestors fought in the Great War.
If Jaune Arc gains the Relic of Destruction, then marries the successor of its original wielder who is next in line to the throne of Vale then...by extension, Jaune could become the next future King of Vale.
Again, this is just me spit-balling here. I know as a character Jaune gets a lot of shit sometimes from the FNDM. For me, from the beginning, I’ve never had any issue with Jaune. As a matter of fact, I like Jaune as a character. He isn’t my favourite. That golden crown goes to Oscar Pine, of course.  
However Jaune is a character that I saw had a lot of potential for some great character growth. While the story of RWBY mainly centres around the four main girls: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long; nevertheless, I do believe the story may be also gearing up to have Jaune play a major role later down in the series. I didn’t know what that role was but, now I think I kinda have a vague idea of what that might be. 
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 It will have something to do with the Great War, particularly the predetermined second Great War that has been foreshadowed since Volume 3’s conclusion.
As a matter of fact, the possibility of another war happening in Remnant has been alluded to since Volume 2.
Great War II
 Oscar Pine refreshed our memories with that possibility too last season when he mentioned to Ruby that, ‘the world was about to go to war all over again.’
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Since the story has been heavily focusing on the attacks on the main four schools, we forgot about the mess that is to come in the form of another possible Great War between the Four Kingdoms.
With all the commotion that has been stirring in the story over the Maidens and the Relics, we forgot that there might be a war on the horizon. Or at least I forgot about it. Don’t know about any other fan or RWBY theorist.
But there is going to be another war in Remnant and I’m not just referring to the one between the forces of good and evil: Salem vs. Ozpin’s fractions. Oh no!
There’s also the war to come between the kingdoms. And I think...the death of Leonardo Lionheart will be the catalyst that will allow the story to reintroduce the whole Great War II aspect into the plot for the series. After all, Leonardo was a member of the Mistral Council.
A man who had a say in the running of the kingdom as the Headmaster of its main huntsman academy. With the death of one of their members now at their feet, I doubt the Mistral Council will remain anonymous and silent anymore so there is a high chance that fans can meet this elusive group for V6 at long last.
A Council of Snakes
I’m not sure how exactly this will play into Great War II. I just have a feeling it will which will also spell an additional problem for our heroes. Up until this point in the story, we’ve only heard of these alleged Councils that help to govern the respective Kingdoms of Remnant in passing. We have yet to meet any of them in the flesh yet.
Perhaps we will for V6 with the conclusion to the Mistral Arc following the aftermath of the Battle of Haven. I know our heroes are all celebrating the success of one-upping the antagonists and acquiring their first Relic, but what’s going to happen once the smoke is cleared and the revelation of the death of Leonardo Lionheart, Faunus and Headmaster of Haven Academy makes headlines around Anima.
Someone is going to be held accountable for Leonardo’s untimely demise once his corpse is found dead in his office in Haven. Someone is going to be held accountable for the attack on Haven Academy. And something tells me that...I don’t think that Lionheart was the only traitor in the mix. A part of me can’t help shake the feeling that somehow, some way, the victory of our heroes safeguarding Haven from the White Fang will be short-lived because someone from their fractions is going to be unlawfully slapped as the perpetrator behind Leo’s murder (and why do I feel like it’s going to be Qrow somehow).  
We may have learnt that Leo was the Judas amongst Ozpin’s inner circle. However, what if...the entire Mistral Council is on Salem’s side too? Think about it. A great number of local huntsmen suddenly go missing from the kingdom after leaving for missions designated by the Mistral Council and no one on said council thought this to be suspicious?
Sure you can pin this all on Leonardo cleverly covering his tracks with the aid of Salem’s more craftier associates (like Arthur Watts for example), but still, how come no other council member brought this to the attention of their fellow peers?
Qrow Branwen made this deduction within a few short minutes of making this discovery yet the Mistral Council has been sitting on this news for, what, months? Documented huntsmen on assigned missions within and outside of the Kingdom citadel never return and nothing was done about it? Nor was any word made of it to the local public.
I’m going to call it now. I think Lionheart wasn’t the only member of the Mistral Council working with Salem. I would even go so far as to say that I think the entire Mistral Council has aligned with Salem and now that Lionheart has been disposed of, the Wicked Witch will be leaning on her remaining puppets to finish the job the Faunus Headmaster failed to finish.
Not sure if this will be the case but...it is a good way to finally introduce a Kingdom Council. We’ve been hearing about these guys for volumes now. It’s about time we meet them. Plus it’s a good way to set up that part of the Atlas Arc since Ironwood has been noted to have two seats on the Atlas Council.
We can’t meet the Atlas Council without being introduced to the Mistral Council first.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Qrow tries to elicit the support of the Mistral Council in getting the group safely to Atlas. Though it was used mainly as a ploy to lure the hero team into a trap, Leo did mention getting the Council to help our heroes with transport which means it is a possibility in the canon. And since it was brought up, we could be meeting the members of the Mistral Council for V6.
But as I said, I don’t think it’ll be a great introduction because while the heroes can garner assistance from the Council, I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the plot for V6 is about the Mistral Council voting to not help the heroes to Atlas because Qrow was somehow framed for Leonardo’s death. So the gang is forced to lay low. Because I believe Leo was the one who provided the group with housing in Mistral so if he’s gone, the Council would probably have them booted from of the citadel with no other place to take up shelter. Except... for outside of Mistral; like on the Pine Family Farm (so we can finally meet Auntie Pine and get some Oscar back-story). From there, they work with Blake’s parents and the Brotherhood of Faunus to clear bird dad’s name as he is trialled by the Mistral Council for crimes against the Kingdom. If Qrow is framed for Leo’s death with even the Attack on Haven Academy being pinned on him, I can definitely see the Belladonna’s proving helpful in that case by providing intel that it was Adam Taurus and the White Fang who staged the attack. Do you know what would be an interesting twist?
If the entire time the gang has been staying in Mistral, preparing for the upcoming Battle of Haven, Leonardo has been feeding the Mistral Council lies about our heroes, particularly Qrow Branwen.
For Leonardo to commit such heinous crimes under the Council’s nose must mean that he had an almost iron grip on the affairs of the Mistral Council.
I’m not sure how much authority the Huntsman Academy Headmasters hold in regards to the other governing seats in a council but it must be a pretty powerful position if Leo was able to get away with so much while his fellow council members remained oblivious to all it. Oblivious unless they were in on it from the get-go.
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The Witchdoctor
And...do you know what would be an even greater twist?
If Dr. Arthur Watts makes his debut as a double agent to infiltrate our hero ranks in the same manner as Cinder, Mercury and Emerald back in V2.
With the exception of Hazel and Tyrian, the group has yet to meet Watts and know of his allegiance to Salem. I know Watts has been described as an Atlesian doctor and engineer. But perhaps Watts is a man of many talents. Apparently he’s Salem’s ambassador since he was sent to rendezvous with Leonardo as well as accompany Cinder to talk with Raven.
So...what if...Watts also has like a law certification under his belt and shows up to represent Qrow in his Trial with the Mistral Council? Then when it’s all done and won, Watts offers to ‘speak further with the Council on Qrow’s behalf’ and organize for them to drop the group off at Atlas with him accompanying them to be their escort?
I know this is all just mostly theory but...imagine how cool this would be if it became canon. I like this idea because if made canon, if could give fans a chance to get to know Watts. Between V4 and V5, his character hasn’t been relevant however the intrigue his disposition brings feeds my curiosity. We all know he’s going to be main WTCH member to forefront the Atlas Arc. So introducing him as an allied double agent for V6 would be a clever way to get to know him and the kind of cunning mastermind he is prior to the arc. Sure, the whole villain playing good guys to fool the heroes has been done before in the previous arcs. However unlike Cinder and her group who were almost glaringly evil, Watts appears rather charismatic.
Among Salem’s ranks, Watts is the least intimidating and the least likely to pose any threat, or so he appears. Watts’ strength seems to stem from his intelligence and the use of his cunning intellect to gain what he wants. This is why I want to see him play the double agent role.
Because as I said, unlike Cinder and her croons who were so obviously nefarious (hence why RWBY Chibi uses it as a gag), Watts appears harmless.
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All the more reason why it’d be more entertaining to watch him charm the pants off of everyone before the eventual reveal of his dastardly side.   
But that’s just my opinion.
So in conclusion....
If there is indeed going to be a second Great War of Remnant, I can see Jaune being one of the major players in deciding this outcome of this new war. Right now, the focus of the main RWBY storyline is directed towards discovering the Relics and their respective Maidens and obtaining them before Salem and her forces get their hands on them. I believe this will be main theme going forward with the storyline.
However once the Relics have been gathered, that’s when the main Great War II storyline will start to take the forefront. Or perhaps more obvious nods to the Great War II arc will be sprinkled throughout the upcoming seasons but will more or less come to full fruition when the group return to Vale. At the end of it all, Vale will be the final battleground.
It was the incident at the Vytal Festival held in Vale that first stirred the populace and ignited the first flares of an impending war. So it would make sense if it all comes to fruition using Vale as the main setting of the conflict. Whether it’s a war against Salem and her Forces of Evil vs. our heroes and their allied forces and/or...a war between Kingdoms.
Either way, it will all culminate in warfare and an epic final battle between the fractions of peace and discord that will decide the future of Remnant for another generation; fate resting on the lingering question of whether or not history will repeat itself or will a new era of chaos and ruin be brought forth in the new world.
Then again, this is all just me jibber jabbering a bunch of assumptions here as always. Only the CRWBY writers know what the final endgame will be.
However one thing’s for certain, Jaune Arc definitely has a part to play in it all. He’s not the same socially awkward love struck goofball comic relief he was originally introduced as. In the span of five seasons, he’s grown to be a very promising warrior and leader with more growth in his path.
Whether he becomes the wielder of ancient power that helped decide Remnant’s fate years ago; following the footsteps of its predecessor to ultimately become a king for the new world is, as I’ll repeat once more, mere fan speculation. Like the very monumental heroes who inspired his character and design, I think Jaune Arc will become a historical figure in Remnant’s history. But we’ll only know if that is true in time. For now, I’ll just stick to my theories.
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  ♦ More RWBY Musings by Squiggles
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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